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reemalaa99 · 1 month ago
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boxmag · 5 months ago
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saaraainfospottamil · 1 year ago
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portlandflag · 8 years ago
#Repost @spoters (@get_repost) ・・・ Ternyata banyak bendera bendera di dunia yang hampir sama atau mirip, selain Indonesia dengan Monaco dan Polandia. . Follow @spoters jangan ragu! Infonya di jamin keren keren! . #infospoters #spoters #fakta #mitos #misteri #sejarah #viral #infia #indozone #kamuharustahu #info #wowfakta #indozone #pengetahuan #indonesia #monaco #singapore #polandia #bendera #flag #negara #flags
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nanangsugiksblog · 6 years ago
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PEMBATASAN AKSES MEDIA SOSIAL OLEH KOMINFO Menjelang sidang Mahkamah Konstitusi terkait sengketa hasil pemilu presiden pada Jumat (14/6), Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi (Kominfo) akan kembali membatasi akses internet. . Pembatasan akses internet untuk fitur gambar dan video saja ini tidak akan diberitahukan sebelumnya. Pembatasan langsung diberlakukan ketika sebaran hoaks atau berita bohong mencapai 600-700 konten per menit. . Banyak pihak memang memuji langkah cepat membatasi akses dan penyebaran media sosial Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp dan Line, ketika terjadi demonstrasi yang berujung kerusuhan pertengahan Mei lalu, sebagai upaya tepat meredam berita bohong atau hoaks yang meresahkan. . Tetapi tidak sedikit pula yang mengkritisinya, antara lain Institute Criminal Justice Reform ICJR dan (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI). . Beberapa jam setelah merebaknya aksi demonstrasi memprotes pengumuman rekapitulasi suara nasional KPU Selasa dini hari (21/5) yang berbuntut kerusuhan di beberapa lokasi di Jakarta, otorita berwenang membatasi sementara akses dan penyebaran media sosial di seluruh Indonesia. . source : voaindonesia . Follow @spoters . . #infospoters #spoters #spotersmedia #fakta #mitos #misteri #sejarah #viral #bawaslu #hoax #provokator #makar #pemilu #indonesia #jokowi #prabowo #medsos #polri #tni #pasuruan #pasuruanslow #pasuruanapik #amazingpasuruan #pasuruanhits #pojokpasuruan #sudutpasuruan #yoikipasuruan #medsos (di Pasuruan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BypohYfH4-7/?igshid=3q7r68p2716c
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spotersmedia · 8 years ago
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imlaunchesreview · 4 years ago
Does MyVirtualTours Really Works & Worth Your Cash? Be Sure To Check “My Virtual Tours Review + Huge $79K Bonus + My Virtual Tours OTO” Offer BEFORE You Buy! https://imlaunchesreview.com/my-virtual-tours-review/
My Virtual Tours is an interactive 360º Virtual Tours Builder That helps you to Quickly Create High-Value “Interactive Virtual Experiences” For your clients. With Covid19 EVERY Business wants to be online BUT prospects and customers are not comfortable right now to go anywhere in person. This is a HUGE problem for gyms, realtors, spas, AirBnB, Vacation Rentals, restaurants and the list goes on. My Virtual Tours Gives EVERYONE the ability to EASILY showcase a 360 degree Tours of your business/product with interactive elements like InfoSpot, UrlSpot, FileSpot, VideoSpot and much more.. Video Live Chat Is ALSO integrated, allowing users to chat with their prospect/client live while doing the Virtual Tour!
#MyVirtualTours, #MyVirtualToursReview, #MyVirtualToursOTO, #MyVirtualToursReviews, #MyVirtualToursOTOs, #My_Virtual_Tours, #My_Virtual_Tours_Review, #My_Virtual_Tours_OTO, #My_Virtual_Tours_Reviews, #My_Virtual_Tours_OTOs,
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reemalaa99 · 2 months ago
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awsexchage · 6 years ago
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Three.jsとPanolensで360パノラマの作成方法 https://ift.tt/2ZyKZrW
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こんにちは streampack チームのメディです。 https://cloudpack.jp/service/option/streampack.html
Copyrights・ コピーライト
Copyleft picture https://pixabay.com/photos/winter-panorama-mountains-snow-2383930/
Learning how to create a 360 panorama with info markers. ツールチップ付きの360パノラマの簡単な例を学ぶこと。
Implementation ・ 実装
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; margin: 0; } #container { width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/105/three.js"></script> <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/build/panolens.min.js"></script> <div id="container"></div> <script> var panorama, viewer, container, infospot, infospot2; container = document.querySelector('#container'); panorama = new PANOLENS.ImagePanorama('https://i.imgur.com/wTCPouq.jpg'); infospot = new PANOLENS.Infospot(); infospot.position.set( 1000, 100, -2000 ); infospot.addHoverText( '千葉県' ); infospot2 = new PANOLENS.Infospot(); infospot2.position.set( 1000, 100, 2000 ); infospot2.addHoverText( '神奈川県' ); panorama.add(infospot , infospot2); viewer = new PANOLENS.Viewer({ container: container }); viewer.add(panorama); </script> </body> </html>
demo ・ デモ
https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/ https://pchen66.github.io/Panolens/
August 27, 2019 at 02:00PM
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nanangsugiksblog · 5 years ago
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Mohon lebih berhati-hati buat pegowes_TRAGIS..!!_ Buat yang sedang hobby Gowes alias bersepeda mohon lebih berhati-hati kalau bawa sepeda yang di cantol dibelakang mobil.. Teman saya sekeluarga mudik ke Bandung, bawa 3 (tiga) unit sepeda digantung di belakang mobil. Waktu ngaso di rest area, dia isi BBM, kmdn dia periksa ikatan sepedanya, & dia pastikan ikatan masih kuat/kencang. Sepanjang jalan dia selalu mengawasi sepedanya lewat kaca spion. Begitu sampai di Bandung.. dia baru sadar isterinya ketinggalan di rest area..!! Sejak itu dia dilarang gowes oleh isterinya, karena dianggap lebih perhatian ke sepedanya dari pada kepada isterinya.. _Sungguh tragis sekali..!!_ Seloow luur...ojo spaneng mocoe😁😁😁 🚴‍♀..💨 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ====================== Beli motor TIDAK HARUS KE DELER.kami bisa melayani pembelian motor honda secara cash kredit bisa melalui media whatsapp. PROSES MUDAH dan CEPAT @mpm_motor_pasuruan @welovehondaindonesia @nanang_sugik_mpm ===================== follow medsos kami FANPAGE https://www.facebook.com/hondampmdistributor INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/nanang_sugik_mpm YOUTUBE CHANEL https://www.youtube.com/nanangsugikmpm Blog : https://www.nanangsugik.blogspot.com CONTACT PERSON https://nanang-sugik-honda-mpm.business.site #gowes #MotorKekinian #motor #mpmmotorpasuruan #ahassmpmmotor #pasuruankotabhakti #pasuruanhit #pasuruanku #pasuruanmodif #pasuruanasik #PasuruanKota #amazingcomment #amazingpasuruan #EventPasuruan #weekend #gowessantai #piknik #rilakkuma #relaksasi #berlibur #akhirpekan #amazingcomment #amazingpasuruan #amazing #infolowker #infospoters #infoterbaru #infomasyarakatpasuruan #info_pasuruan #info #infomotor #infohot (di Pasuruan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDivfpjVQl/?igshid=1o26r0qnrhfz8
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fuckyeahanarchistposters · 8 years ago
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Stop the Eviction of COSA Squat in Setúbal, Portugal
Gathering on May 27, 2017 in Setúbal, Portugal.
We apologize to all who wondered about what was happening due to our lack of communication.
Starting from the point we left on our last communiqué, the judicial process which aims to evict C.O.S.A. [Casa Ocupada de Setúbal Autogestionada], and to which we decided to present our defence, had a Court pre-hearing last April the 28th.
Fully surprising all of those present in the room, the judge came with an already made decision, and considered that after previously analysing the case there was a justification for an immediate eviction order. Due to some procedural errors from the judge, our lawyer successfully managed to block this impulse , and reset a new court hearing, bearing in mind also that, for the first time, both owners and squatters declared the possibility of coming to an agreement. For this agreement we are now waiting a first proposal from their part, what obviously raises among us several doubts and debates on several points of view. Among all the possibilities discussed collectively, and which are still open, the only we refuse is that of accepting a compensation for moving out quickly and quietly.
We still feel that C.O.S.A. is ours. And the consequence of that feeling was the last months that have been lived in the squat. Between the 13th and 17th of February we organized some working days in the Social Centre. During 5 days, friends worked and ate restlessly and managed to achieve even more than had been projected , remaining with a great feeling of happiness for those 5 days of familiarity and fun.
March the 30th we inaugurated “O Covil” (“The Lair”), an infospot where you can also find a Squatting Support Office and since then we have been maintaining the Social Centre open every thursday, which allowed new affinities and the renewing of old ones.
We are still open to proposals and full of ideas for the future, which may be uncertain, but has to be magnificent!
Saúde e Anarquia! (Health and Anarchy!)
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spotersmedia · 8 years ago
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imlaunchesreview · 4 years ago
Does MyVirtualTours Really Works & Worth Your Cash? Be Sure To Check “My Virtual Tours Review + Huge $79K Bonus + My Virtual Tours OTO” Offer BEFORE You Buy! https://imlaunchesreview.com/my-virtual-tours-review/
My Virtual Tours is an interactive 360º Virtual Tours Builder That helps you to Quickly Create High-Value “Interactive Virtual Experiences” For your clients. With Covid19 EVERY Business wants to be online BUT prospects and customers are not comfortable right now to go anywhere in person. This is a HUGE problem for gyms, realtors, spas, AirBnB, Vacation Rentals, restaurants and the list goes on. My Virtual Tours Gives EVERYONE the ability to EASILY showcase a 360 degree Tours of your business/product with interactive elements like InfoSpot, UrlSpot, FileSpot, VideoSpot and much more.. Video Live Chat Is ALSO integrated, allowing users to chat with their prospect/client live while doing the Virtual Tour!
#MyVirtualTours, #MyVirtualToursReview, #MyVirtualToursOTO, #MyVirtualToursReviews, #MyVirtualToursOTOs, #My_Virtual_Tours, #My_Virtual_Tours_Review, #My_Virtual_Tours_OTO, #My_Virtual_Tours_Reviews, #My_Virtual_Tours_OTOs,
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bracaza · 5 years ago
Twitch gamers to get improved search and discovery tools
Twitch.tv, the live-streaming platform for gamers, is on its way to getting improved search and discovery capabilities after the Amazon-owned platform acquired IGDB, a video game database that gathers all relevant information about games and places them in one platform, which the startup dubs as a “one-stop-infospot.” According to its website, IGDB also gathers a community of gamers and key players from the game industry and let them communicate with each other. The platform was established in 2014. In a blog post announcing Twitch’s acquisition of IGDB, the startup’s design, product and marketing head, Jerome Richer De Forges, said the deal “takes IGDB to a whole new level, giving us the opportunity to be an even bigger part of your gaming life.” De Forges did not disclose the amount of Twitch’s investment, but said the transfer to Twitch would allow IGDB to use the bigger company’s experience, resources, and skills to help IGDB ramp up its acceleration plans and to help the team realize their goals for the company. For users of the Twitch platform, this would mean that they will get better recommendations and searches for games as IGDB lists the most popular games at a particular period, the recently reviewed ones and even the game’s ratings without having to click on a certain tile. On its website, IGDB also has a list of the recently released games, titles that are coming soon, as well as the most anticipated games, including the date that they are arriving. Following Twitch’s acquisition of IGDB, Twitch users can expect to see the same features on the Twitch platform. De Forges said IGDB's API will remain as the startup merges its premium and free tiers into a single new free tier. The integration comes as Twitch gained an average of 15 million viewers each day, according to Investopedia. That figure was gathered in May, so there’s a huge possibility that the figure has blown up to this day. According to data from Investopedia, Twitch is now valued at about $3.79 billion. The streaming platform was acquired by Amazon in 2014, beating rival Google, which also bid for the business. With Twitch, gamers can watch, chat, subscribe and even cheer with other gamers who are watching a certain livestream gaming event. Currently, Twitch is a free streaming service. But for those who want to get more benefits such as exclusive channel-specific subscriber perks, access to select games, in-game contents, exclusive emoticons and a unique chat badge, they can sign up to Twitch Prime at $4.99 a month. Those with Amazon Prime memberships can subscribe to Twitch Prime for free. http://dlvr.it/RDLTsy
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spotersmedia · 8 years ago
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spotersmedia · 8 years ago
Spoters Media
Bukan Sebatas Informasi, yang berisi tentang Fakta, Mitos, Misteri, Sejarah dan Viral yang unik jarang kamu ketahui di Indonesia maupun Dunia
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