#information you didn't ask for
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 years ago
here are some cute portuguese words if you guys want to know
or maybe use as names
Água - water
Amante - lover
Amor - love
Amora - blackberry
Azul - blue
Bolo - cake
Bosque - a smaller forest, basically
Breu - true darkness
Castelo - castle
Celeste - related to the sky; also can be translated as "heavenly", since "Heaven" in portuguese would be sky (another option is "celestial" which is literally "heavenly")
Céu - sky, or maybe Heaven, depending on the context
Chá - tea
Coração - heart
Doce - sweet, or a candy
Dourado - golden
Erva - herb
Estrela - star
Fé - faith
Folha - leaf
Fogo - fire
Força - strenght
Fruta-do-bosque - berry, but literal translation? forest fruit
Hora - hour, or sometimes, time (like, que horas são?/what time it is?)
Joia - jewel
Lapis - pencil
Laranja - orange (both the fruit and the color)
Lindo (masculine) / Linda (feminine) / Linde (neutral) - beautiful
Lobo (masculine) / Loba (feminine) / Lobe (neutral) - wolf
Lua - moon
Luz - light
Mar - sea
Maravilha - wonder (like wonderful)
Marrom - brown
Mel - honey
Menina - girl
Menine - neutral equivalent for boy and girl
Menino - boy
Mirtilo - blueberry
Morango - strawberry
Negro (m) / Negra (f) / Negre (n) - dark
Ouro - gold
Palavra - word
Pão - bread
Praia - beach
Prata - silver
Primavera - spring
Preto - black
Raio - lightning
Rio - river
Rosa - pink (but also stands for rose)
Selva - jungle
Sol - sun
Sopro - breath
Suave - smooth/soft
Selvagem - wild
Terra - earth
Trovão - thunder
Uva - grape
Vento - wind
Verão - summer
Verde - green
Vermelho - red
Viajante - traveler
Viagem - travel
Vida - life
Inseto - bug
(below, there are some observations about my language and its gendered words, which we have a lot. feel free to ignore if it's not of your interest)
As you can see, most adjectives are gendered; like "brava" (femimine) and "bravo" (masculine) -- both meaning "angry/pissed off". Mostly, the letters "o" and "a" are used to define if a word is masculine or feminine, respectively, and there aren't neutral alternatives for them (few exeptions are adjectives like "inteligente [smart]" and "estudante [student]" or "forte [strong]" which are completely neutral, like the english ones). Then we have the official gendered pronouns of portuguese language, "ele (he)" and "ela (she)". Lately, though, people are agreeing on the inclusion of neutral alternatives, using the letter "e" in these gendered words, instead of "a" or "o"
Ex: Brave (neutral alternative for brava/bravo) - angry
Cuidadose (neutral alternative for cuidadoso/cuidadosa) - careful
Esperte (neutral alternative for esperto/esperta) - another word for "smart"
And as some masculine words use "e" instead of "o", (like "ele"), the neutral equivalent would use "u" (becoming "elu", the neutral pronoun in portuguese language, like the singular they in english).
Fun fact: The word "the" also is gendered in portuguese, being divided in "o" (masculine) and "a" (feminine): [a mulher era inteligente - the woman was smart] or [o homem era lindo - the man was beautiful]. The neutral equivalent of it would be "ê" (ê menine era divertido - the enby was funny).
Another fun fact: There is a thing in portuguese which we call "nominal concordance" (concordância nominal), which is basically that every word in the sentence has to agree in number and gender with the noun. In english, most of the words are naturally neutral, but not in portuguese. Basically, nominal concordance means that you can't put a masculine adjective to describe a feminine noun. And I don't mean just "woman", "girl" and words like that. Many things in portuguese, like normal objects, also are put like fem or masc, since we don't have the pronoun "it". "Door" would be a feminine noun. Just as "mug", "shirt" or "window". So we use feminine adjectives when refering to such objects. Ex: A porta estava aberta. (The door was open - pink are the feminine words. Door is already feminine.) - O portão estava aberto. (The gate was open - blue are the masculine words. Gate is already masculine.)
Yet another fun fact: When we are talking of a plural, and in that plural we have both masculine and feminine members, the masculine stands out (This is actually because the language is mysoginist but forget that for a minute). In english, you have "they", right? In portuguese, not. We have gendered plurals! The most dumbest thing in the word, actually. Eles - plural of "he". If you're talking about a bunch of man, instead of saying, "they", you say "eles". Elas - plural of "she". Talking about a bunch of woman, "elas". So, when we put a woman and a men (pronoun conforming) in a group and talk about them, we don't say, he and she, as we miss the "they". We say "eles", the masculine plural. Because the masculine stands out. That's the rule: if in a plural there's at least one masculine noun, no matter if there are 99 fems, the nominal concordance might be masculine.
One more fun fact: While the word "person" (pessoa) is technically feminine in portuguese, you can use it to refer to people of any gender/pronouns, since it's pretty neutral, after all. Even if you got to use feminine words with it because of nominal concordance.
One more: most colors, even when used as adjectives, don't have gendered variations. Like blue - azul. You can say that a man or a woman are blue (don't ask why) without having to change the word. Some exeptions are red (vermelho/vermelha) and purple (roxo/roxa).
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it-one-line-at-a-time · 8 months ago
[Stan] "...And if you find someone worth holding on to... never, ever, let them go. Follow your own path.
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"Think of this letter as a promise."
[Eddie] "A promise I'm asking you to make."
[Mike] "To me."
[Ben] "To each other."
[Bev] "An oath."
[Stanley] "See, the thing about being a Loser is... you don't have anything to lose. So..."
[Young Richie] "Be true."
[Young Eddie] "Be brave."
[Young Mike] "Stand."
[Young Bev] "Believe."
[Young Bill] "And don't ever forget..."
[Young Stan] "We're Losers... and we always will be."
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the-magpie-archives · 2 years ago
I wish real life academia was more like The Magnus Archives because I'd much rather face otherworldly evils than have my research blocked by INFINITE PAYWALLS. Jonathan Sims might've suffered immensely and nearly ended the world but at least he didn't have to cite inaccessible sources.
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graciousdragon · 1 year ago
I WAS TALKING WITH THE CASHIER ABOUT THEM BECAUSE HE WAS ALSO A FAN AND HE FUCKING SAYS "you wanna know a fun fact? this is the hot topic the lead singer used to work at! :D"
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whetstonefires · 16 hours ago
#4 please !
Now see this could be tricky, because generally if I don't get some key elements written down very quickly the idea flows away again and the 'yet' disappears, even if I remember generally what it was about, but I have one this time! I am still just enough plagued by this vision that it's not out of the question I'll go for the capture, but so far nada.
Idea was basically a Jiang family character study by way of modern au. (So tw canonical abuse.) I started from the reflection, in a modern au very high chance the Jiangs are divorced, because being a divorcee wouldn't necessarily ruin Yu Ziyuan in the modern world, as long as she was allowed to control the narrative enough that she didn’t look at fault, so it might be on the table.
Especially because modern views on child abuse are such that while she'd hold back more than she already does in terms of physical chastisement, Jiang Fengmian would also be under less societal pressure to not interfere in her disciplinary system too much, and both these factors mean he’s more likely to put his foot down.
So, concept: Jiang Fengmian, when his son is eight and his daughter thirteen, forces the issue of taking in his best friends' abused orphan child whom he’s just managed to track down in a nightmarish group home, probably leveraging the fact that wherever their money comes from it's mostly his, something he usually doesn't do, but she has always known he could, and been fucked up about it (reasonable) and hated him a little (less so) and hates him so much more now (understandable but still fucked up).
They were obviously still both pressured into this marriage by their families, because I literally cannot imagine them choosing one another of their own free will, and if they did that would be an au in an even more dramatic way than being modern, and no longer work as a character or relationship study as far as I'm concerned. I mean or it’s a cql-based au, but that’s not the version of this toxic marriage I find compelling.
Situation subsequently deteriorates to the point that when the boys are around twelve some outside party observes and is repulsed or otherwise upset by Yu Ziyuan's treatment of Wei Wuxian specifically--she's emotionally abusive to everyone in the family, canonically, and it harms Jiang Cheng significantly more than Wei Wuxian, which I think is also pretty explicit on the page, but she's more openly antagonistic about going after wwx because he's basically a proxy for her husband, whom she doesn't consider to be someone she's capable of harming.
And ofc in a modern family scenario, being abusive to your foster kid is more plainly personal misconduct than being unfair in how you discipline one of your husband's many students, even if it is his favorite. Which means she's very unlikely to chase him around with a whip, but whatever she does do will sting that much more emotionally.
Anyway the outside judgement provokes a more explicit confrontation than the last four years of maneuver and attempting to balance all the competing needs according to two very different standards. And the upshot is that by the time wwx is 13, the Jiangs are divorced. To avoid making a humiliating spectacle of themselves they present a weirdly united front in court and have a very smooth uncontested proceding, although the closed meetings with their respective lawyers involved a lot of vitriol.
Yu Ziyuan, despite having a smallish trust fund and probably a job of some kind, though one that's more prestigious than profitable like uh. Olympic fencing coach. Idk what they make but it's probably not enormous. She and Cangse Sanren probably competed in the same events back in the day.
Anyway she gets a solid chunk of alimony, the house, and primary custody of both her children, although Jiang Yanli is almost 18 at this point so mostly she just gets Jiang Cheng. Everyone thinks Jiang Cheng wants it that way, including sort of Jiang Cheng; he has this idea that if he has his mom to himself they'll finally have a good relationship, even though he's also terrified of being left all alone with her. He's complicated. Families are complicated.
Also she would never have forgiven him if he hadn't concurred that he wanted to stay with his mother because she was the only one On His Side.
Jiang Yanli ofc does not move out right away when she comes of age, in part because her brother needs her, but she probably does go to college, so she's only around part-time.
Jiang Fengmian, meanwhile, keeps most of his financial assets and Wei Wuxian, and gets his kids on the weekends.
So that's all setup for how you have this situation where Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng are entering high school--probably the same school, together, but no longer sharing the commute except maybe Monday mornings--and Wei Wuxian's primary residence is Jiang Cheng's dad's apartment.
It’s really chill. They get a cleaning service in once a week and eat a lot of delivery food, but they do cook at least once a week. The canonical thing where they largely agree about what’s funny and what’s right-or-wrong, and so forth, on the one hand really pops when there’s mostly no external conflict disrupting it, but also probably gains more complexity now that it’s not a thread of positivity fighting for its life against a background of drama. They get to know each other better than they ever had a chance to in canon.
Some of that isn't all that positive, because now they have the space to discover the places where they do actually have the capacity for friction, but both of them are very good at dispersing tension (I do tend to suspect jfm's dad was abusive he sure acts like it), and on the whole it's a good thing.
Jiang Cheng is going to have such a mental health crisis, and Jiang Fengmian is going to handle it so badly. Because of course when his son starts replicating his ex-wife's toxic attitudes and behaviors more now that she has primary custody, he’s going to feel guilty and like it’s His Fault, but he’s going to feel like it’s his fault that Jiang Cheng is growing up to be a shitty abusive person.
And even if he’d never say that the subtext would come through, in the assumptions he made when framing communications and so forth, as in canon, so the thing where Jiang Cheng’s father loves Wei Wuxian more than him, or at any rate likes him better and thinks he’s a better person and prefers his company, would wind up feeding into a self-reinforcing loop.
(Jin Zixuan's nasty public remark about Jiang Fengmian treating Wei Wuxian better than his own children hits Jiang Cheng significantly harder in this scenario, where he's being Tormented by the feeling that all his peers know his dad walked out on him for another son. Wei Wuxian's punch is therefore even more clearly primarily for Jiang Cheng's sake, although Jiang Cheng is probably more inclined to see it as being for his dad's. Jin Zixuan is about halfway between the Jiang kids' ages here, so he's a senior saying this shit to a sophomore.)
So that cycle builds to the point where Jiang Cheng would eventually have one of those rare moments where he resorts to actual violence, because his poisoned feelings are choking him so bad his rationality deserts him.
He’s not going to be nearly as close to actually murdering Wei Wuxian as he was in canon the night the Jiang Sect was massacred, because it’s a less extreme situation, but he still goes for the neck. So Jiang Fengmian is in his home office one Saturday about a year and a half into this new normal, and realizes the boys are fighting. He hears through the wall the accusation you stole my dad. He says to himself, well that’s terrible but interjecting myself into this situation would definitely make it worse.
Then he hears sounds of violence, and then an ominous abrupt silence, and updates that analysis.
And when he opens the door to the boys’ room, Wei Wuxian is being strangled. He’s not really resisting, which is because he’s made the call that that’s way more likely to get Jiang Cheng to snap out of it, and thinks it might make Jiang Cheng feel better to get it out of his system (because he does sort of feel like what Jiang Cheng is going through is all his fault, or at any rate is much worse as a result of decisions made for his sake) and is severely underestimating the dangers of choking, but looks to a third party like he’s already passed out and Jiang Cheng is still at it. Which is to say, it looks like a serious murder attempt on the brink of success.
So that sure made that situation worse!
So yeah that's my idea that I probably won't write but it sure has its teeth in me.
#answers#snarglepop-content#ask#ask game#mdzs#meta#modern au#family drama#character study#i'm really sorry to the person who sent me that madam yu ask i worked on it for SO long but i CANNOT find it in my drafts#i'm hoping i posted it and forgot????#anyway this fic is drawn from conclusions i reached trying to articulate for that ask my thoughts on modern yu ziyuan#and how hard she is to work#because yzy's characterization is pretty exquisitely responsive to her context#in such a way that if you change the context she will either behave differently or become ooc#so she's a major failure point in modern aus because she tends to have her characterization adjusted to fit the needs of the story#its desired beats or themes or whump quota#and if you do this carelessly then either wwx and jc also become ooc#or the story ceases to have consistent internal logic#mdzs is a pretty well-balanced machine!#despite how many elements come across sort of slapdash because mxtx literally did not care about that part#i.e. scale or logistics or history-as-such rather than just some of its societal features#but she didn't care *intentionally* so it's generally insulated from undermining the important beats which is such a good trick ak;kjlsdf#ANYWAY#i'm overly invested in how hard it is to depict this family as shown in the novel#because there's so little information and it's so tempting to disregard some of it to get a simpler narrative#so easy to take madam yu's word about things because she's the only one talking#so easy to punch up the melodrama in the wrong spots or iron out the actual ugly bits#to get something easier to grasp at but less realistic#concept up for adoption if anyone wants btw
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gaywarcriminals · 24 days ago
WIP folder game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs. People can send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet/preview or tell them something about it!
Thanks to @greeniegaes for tagging me!  Welcome to Fish's hell of sad neglected wips (I did break the rules to cut out a few but 26 is PLENTY).
yueyuan body worship prompt fill
jiuyuan monster fucking prompt fill
Qijiu omegaverse genderfuck 
2 dilfs sequel
Shizun AU
Qijiu week 2022 day 4: beauty
aroace SJ (both parts)
Qijiu surreal cannibalism dreamscape
Qijiu Hitchhiker reincarnation 
SVSSS graceling AU
Qijiu reverse breeding
Jiuyuan mind meld maze
omega4omega qijiu
Qijiuyuan atticwife SY
YQY is a sword
Jealous SJ yuri
YQY weekend 2024
Bottom YQY makes SJ feral
Qijiu mermaid drowning
YQY erectile dysfunction 
SY touch adverse/cPTSD fic
Qijiu cat curse
Let 👏 qijiu 👏 have 👏 bad 👏 sex 👏
Jiuyuan shizun fucker SJ
Yueliu sex pollen mommy YQY
Lonely YQY gets a dom 
I don't think I have 26 active writer mutuals to tag here but I'll give it my best shot 😂. Open invitation to anyone else who wants to do it! @danmeichael, @levia-kun, @shual-roesh, @boxxed-juice, @10thmusemoon, @pockypuck, @lbhslefttiddie, @stardust-falling @touchmycoat, @localizationed
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meloneta · 1 year ago
i'm tired i'm too tired to keep approaching people individually and i'm kinda done. i'm just gonna say this publicly once, please read this. the situation over here rn isn't about palestinians fighting for their human rights and freedom, if it were i would support it. the attacks on israel are by a terrorist organization named Hamas and you're more than welcome to look them up-their ideology is: number one that they see the muslim people as entitled to the land of israel/palestine (which i am not going to argue about, i don't agree nor disagree on that i quite literally don't care about that conversation), and number two that they need to kill jews. i'm not paraphrasing that's in their literal "covenant"- again, look it up- that they strive to kill all jewish people and see it as their obligation to do so. i hate this country and its government with every fiber of my being and the things israel has done (and still does) to palestinians are absolutely horrible and condemnable. with that said, the attacks rn aren't about that. they're not by palestinian citizens, they're by the terrorist group known as hamas. they do things that could not ever be done in the name of fighting for human rights or self-preservation. i am critical of israel but 1,100 innocent israeli civilians are dead since saturday. some are people i know and care about. so many were kidnapped and tortured. this IS complicated and you SHOULD educate yourself proparly on the matter before speaking and yes before reblogging random posts too. your opinion is your own but you must have the proper information before preaching it.
reblog this, don't reblog this, i don't really care anymore. but i had to say something.
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hauntingblue · 3 months ago
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Usopp's outfit is so funny for reals
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He got the whole squad laughing
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Luffy enablers at it again.... (Robin.... I know.....)
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The humor panels so far have been so good!!! God this arc is so funny
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They look like birds 😭😭
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It's just too good... luffy taking cerberus and zombies what can't he do
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It's just banger after banger what can I say
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Franky feeling for other people because of his guilt complex and sanji lying through his teeth and pulling out the women excuse to seem unaffected... yeah
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Look at them.... look how they ate
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Omg joyboy reference?? (No)
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Sanji is rubbing off on usopp.... also chopper noticing that is sogeking's weapon akdhaksjak
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Their priorities: I'm not strong enough, there isn't enough food, and nami isn't here
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Franky going from wanting to kill brook for his jokes to making a joke like his after he hears his backstory... exactly (Robin was already enabling him before the backstory even fdagjsfha)
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Sanji is altering his body and actually being on fire to communicate to us how fucking mad he is..... I need more of him going insane I do I do
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My god what is he doing ALDJALAJALA
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AHSAHAHQHAH THEY ARE THE SAME!!! naaah sanji wouldn't force a woman to be his wife
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You cant see me but I am nodding my head in agreement over and over
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You don't understand he altered his body to communicate to us how mad he is. He inploded himself and then reconstituted again. Those germa 66 genes are insane
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You tell em usopp!!!! The first of many girls you've scared into defeat!!! Akdjqknql
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Zoro zombie regressed to not trusting robin akdjaks he's still in there
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Super frapper gong.... he is doing combo shots with frobin... omg.... parents....
Everything is so fun I'm having such a good time reading.... and then zosan angst like damn I am being fed well here
#in the anime the guys didn't say they wanted to die aldjlajala for the kids luffy just wants to turn into a clam#thriller bark is so funny.... 'worst arc' my ass.... it's funny as hell and then we get zosan angst. best thing ever#same with skypiea but there we got really nice relationships betwen characters and nolan x calgara homoeroticism for the ages#and LORE for the ages. not like the kuma incident won't be talked about in the history books but yeah#everyone calling absalom perv salom... yeah#sanji in that fucking penguin never gets old.... also HELLO LOLA#moira fought against kaido and lost akdjsksnks is that why he became a warlord? just like whitebeard defeated crocodile?? out of spite??#also what is the land of ice where moira got oars? he also mentioned it before too... i thot he was referring to ryuma so it was wano but n#the legend of the continent puller who built a nation of villains.... okay okay oars....#oars was killed 500 years ago.... ✍️✍️ this somehow feels important bc of its closeness to the void century etc#zombie luffy oars wanting sanjis food.... 🚬🚬🚬 of course.....#oars luffy maintaining his dream... yeah yeah. also namis outfits for this arc are so sickening.... i miss them already#the zombie generals being at absalom's wedding... thats so funny..#luffy oars is so funny aldjslsn just making himself a hat and steering his giant ship... of course#you guys think they are going to make sanji mad about the clear clear fruit in the opla or completely ignore it bc his reasoning is bad#like it makes sense with the wci backstory it does but that would be spoilers lmao. so its either he wants to peep on women or nothing#i love the greek chorus of the two zombies telling the audience how they are both as bad in that regard. amazing#did ryuma use french for his attack.... there is zosan everywhere for tho-[GUNSHOTS]#zombie ryuma's design is also cool as hell.... his blood is literally fire.... come on now....#also zoro says he wants to act like this fight didnt happen... is that why he says fuck all in wano to hiyori? damn. he said i put shame#in you and your country but i will keep it quiet bc you gave me a cool sword and fight and i am actually so honorable. thats him yeah...#zombie zoro and sanji remaining tfait being that they hate (love fighting) each other... there is zosa-[GUNSHOT GUNSHOT GUNSHOT]#i forgot how much oars destroyed them... after enies lobby they seem untouchable but without their captain there... the gears are turning..#also btw i cannot believe im gonna get an answer about why the skypieans and the shandians have wings. thats insane#i am enjoying luffy oars so much it is so fun. trying to enjoy it bc i know i won't be laughing anymore once sabaody kicks in.... fuck me..#usopp and franky wanting to wait for luffy to beat oars down but zoro and sanji know... and they will KNOW soon enough....#i forgor kuma asked about ace to nami... what is going on. kuma coming from the warlord meeting too.... did he want to warn him??#he wanted to inform moria about balckbeard becoming a warlord omg here we go.... also moria being racist towards kuma hello???#and he strictly follows the government.... until here bc he lets luffy go.... christ.... he asks about ace bc he knew what blackbeard did..#reading one piece
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princescar · 4 months ago
I 1000% prefer this over how she got mikan to fall for despair in Dr3 (honestly it feels like this was what was supposed to be how it went)
(Extra context: it's Junko's (and by extension Mukuro's, which is why she has an option in the first pic) birthday.)
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cdroloisms · 3 months ago
Oh I was just haunted by jmah!Dream’s deteriorating mental state
and it's awful, too, because it's not like Dream is in a particularly good state of mind when the prison starts in the first place. and he's in here because he's terrified (and he's in here as punishment) and he's in here because even though Sam hates him--and he's ensured that Sam hates him, and he's planning to do more to make sure of that fact as well (in canon, c!Dream is talking to c!Sam 'all about exile' in those first few days)--Sam will do his job. he trusts him to do his job. he knows Sam, the man that he's worked with for the last month on this project, on making sure this prison is as secure as it can possibly be, one of the final few people to work with him before the events of the green festival, doomsday, staged finale etc. made sure he'd stand alone, just where he was supposed to. this is a Dream that's already been swimming in the lava before Sam travels back in time.
unlike Sam's betrayal in canon, there's nothing slow about what happens in JMAH. there's no ability for him to cope and go yeah, Sam's being kind of serious, but it's no big deal, yeah, this place kind of sucks, but it's survivable, yeah, there's some mistreatment, but I expected that. in an instant, Sam goes from a predictable cog in the machine meant to keep him alive into a stranger hellbent on torturing the fuck out of him, and he has no idea why. Sam is nowhere near as straightforward as Quackity in explaining what the hell he wants out of Dream--he asks for the book, sure, but also for information, also for complete obedience, also for explanations for things he shouldn't know and punishments for things he never did. there is no promise that the revive book will end anything, for this Dream, and no one to give him anything at all but the Warden.
just ,, the lengths to which this Sam is willing to go, the intensity of his obsession, the way he'd be left reeling with no choice other than to endure and wonder why breaks my heart. Dream has no fucking clue to what end this is all for, and i think he struggles a lot with that. worse than just the torture, perhaps, is the familiarity, the sparks of something that is almost fondness, the satisfaction in Sam's voice when he's gotten something and Dream isn't even sure what he's just given away--and maybe it'd be easier to understand if what Sam wanted from him were any more straightforward, if the desire could pan out as something as simple as sadistic pleasure at hurting him or deriving some kind of gratification from making him submit or wanting power or to eliminate a threat or anything, but all that is clear is that Sam wants something from him and will stop at nothing to get it.
c!Dream and identity is already a finicky thing as well as his whole complex about himself and evil--c!Dream thinks he's a person that does evil things to achieve good ends, but he struggles pretty heavily, honestly, with himself-as-evil and being viewed as evil-and-just-evil and actually being the tyrant-villain-monster-snake-that-just-bites, etc, which means that there is a level of vulnerability here when it comes to how he sees himself and builds his identity and the constant, relentless onslaught of . pain and torture combined with Sam justifying it all by Who He Is Innately and monologuing about how he deserves it all, because c!Dream isn't a person that doesn't think that punishment as a concept is wrong and doesn't necessarily disagree that he's evil either. and again. torture self harm box of mental illness. and part of the problem with a Sam that's fresh from Daedalus and then thrust into kind of the worst possible position of reflecting on those conversations by being in a place where he's able to fall hard on old habits to copium his way out of dealing with anything he personally might have done (because obviously he can just Fix It Now) while also having the additional cope of i-am-godsent-to-make-everything-better BY keeping dream in a box, you kind of get a situation where both Dream and Sam are psychologically in pretty vulnerable places and then you're taking a torture machine hammer to those stress points. so it's fun.
i have no clue if that last paragraph made any kind of sense btw.
but ... yeah. even for any character in any kind of state the insane torture contraption of torture efficiency would be. erm. extremely damaging to one's mental health, to say the least. the only good thing for dream i guess is that sam still has his head too far up his own ass to actually git gud at conditioning anyone deliberately and is therefore still largely skating by By Accident, because otherwise his head would've been even more blendered than it already gets.
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esteemed-excellency · 7 months ago
what is the old man woods in winter? (I don’t mind lore spoilers btw)
the old man woods in winter is the reason why i'm So Normal about fallen london
(lore spoilers under the cut)
The Old Man in Vienna is a spymaster who works against the revolutionaries and the Liberation of Night. From Sunless Sea we know he knows about the Judgements and the most common theory is that he either works for the White or he's a sort of avatar/parallel of it (like the Beleaguered King in Parabola). His real identity is unknown and he's one of the most elite players of the Great Game on the surface.
The Woods in Winter is.. well, we don't really know for sure. The location is often described in cold and dim winter light, and a lot of information about it is only implied.
The Lady in Lilac and the Waltzing Duke (from the ES The Waltz that Moved the World), both elite players of the Great Game, went through it at one point in their lives. The Old Man did too:
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The Great Game is connected to the Tales from the Vienna Woods waltz. Vienna is connected to the Old Man (the Waltzing Duke is talking about him in the second snippet). The Old Man is working for/with/as the Judgements (or at least the White). Everything is also connected to Parabola.
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These reddit snippets are from five years ago, and we still don't know what exactly happens in the woods, or where it is. The real Vienna Woods are on the surface, but the WiW could be in Parabola, or Somewhere Else entirely.
This is the newest bit of information on woods, winter and daylight that we recently got from Firmament, and given the evident recurring themes I'm considering it part of the WiW puzzle:
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I don't know enough about Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies, but the lore puzzle keeps going:
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months ago
Wait I almost completely forgot I had a dream the other night that I got an Anon Hate message that claimed to be Koro-Sensei saying he would never love me due to the Proshipping thing and I just remember replying with a 20 bullet point list of How to Spot a Fake Koro-Sensei, as reviewed by Koro-Sensei.
Was a little sad to wake up and find the ask wasn't real.
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stephofromcabin12 · 11 days ago
WHY YES OF COURSE! I am always terrified of accidentally being insensitive (ocd tendencies who? where?) so I have kept NOTES from all the NC peeps sending me the lore bc I want to make it believable.
Trust that if you send me NC facts, I will keep them stashed away with my story notes bc I like to learn and also not write about stuff I don't know at all lol.
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sboochi · 1 year ago
okay but Arthur and Merlin canonically existed in the GO universe! we know this! in the S1 historical montage, during the medieval vignette, Aziraphale describes himself as "Sir Aziraphale of the Table Round". they hung out!
There's gonna be a flashback in part 4, so things will make *a bit* more sense!
Aziraphale remembers Arthur ofc, he asks Crowley if it's really him because he's so shocked!
Arthur, on the other hand, is having the weirdest day of his life and isn't used to Aziraphale in modern clothes! Give him a minute and he'll recognize him too lol
(And!! Canonically Crowley was the Black Knight, who did appear in Merlin, so that's another thing to unpack soon!)
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face-breaker · 1 month ago
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me making settrigh more honey badger than wolverine + giving him an addiction to sugar & sweets + reading about how honey badgers actually do have a sweet tooth, hence their name
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random2908 · 3 months ago
Frustrating when a VC-funded company gets credit for being the "first" and the "leader," when they had a sub-component demo the same week we had a full-system demo. Like, we are easily 5-10 years ahead of them, it's ridiculous; their approach isn't even yet proven to work. But they get science youtubers talking about them.
Because they're VC-funded, they have a marketing/press department.
And because we're an employee-owned company working off of government contracts, well, most government contracts get slapped with an ITAR label (an old Cold-War-era law saying basically sharing scientific information counts as illegally selling arms/munitions). So if you want to publicize your work, including your company's products, you have to appeal that label. (Universities have specifically negotiated a blanket exemption, so if you spend your whole life in academic science you might never even know about this.)
(My previous employer filed those appeals several times a year in order to do press releases and publish journal articles and apply for patents. I think every single information-release appeal they filed went through, because there's no reason any of this stuff should be labeled as arms--it's literally the same stuff universities are doing. My current employer is afraid to, which I think is wrong-headed; at worst they'll just say no, and anyway, our non-restricted competitors are giving fucking lab tours to youtubers.)
#these restrictions mean you also can't have employees on visas working on these projects#my previous employer tried to appeal that too and failed--they were only able to appeal the dissemination of information part#so we had locked labs that my international coworkers weren't allowed in#(one got a green card and was allowed in eventually)#ironically the VC-funded company is doing it the same way I did it in my PhD thesis#two other people at the company did this stuff in their post-docs#all of us are over 40 (one guy is over 50 I'm pretty sure) so this is not a new technique--I got two MINOR papers on it 16 years ago#the MAJOR papers are like 25 years old#and we're all convinced it's NOT the right approach#granted the technique we are using is about 30 years old#in my literal thesis defense one of my committee members asked why I was using the technique the VC companies are now using#and if I had done the math to prove it was superior to the older technique#and I was like--everyone knows the new technique is superior that's why it's trendy#and my advisor (who was a genius) said the same thing and that it wasn't a fair question#but the guy who asked it was an ancient theorist who REALLY knew what he was talking about#and in retrospect he was completely right--I should have done the math comparing the techniques and the older technique IS better#a few weeks into my job here I did the math and found that if you use the BEST version of the new technique--one that only one group#has demonstrated can even be done and they didn't get all the way to the point of demonstrating an application like this#and you assume some generous efficiency numbers#it breaks even with the old technique#that's not what this VC group is doing so... not a chance lol
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