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#clashroyale #infernotower #electrodragon
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hey welcome back guys general tourney here your host and welcome back my friends to a brand new episode of clash of onhax so of course we have got thebrand new clang games inside of the gameright now and what I want you all to dostraight off the bat let me know downbelow in that comment section guys whatare your honest opinions on the clangames I'm gonna be doing a full updatereview in a couple of hours time and itmight surprise a lot of you what I'mgonna be saying guys my honest opinionon the clan games make sure you staytuned that's gonna be coming out in acouple of hours time and just so you allknow our clan general elite has alreadycompleted the entire challenge and Ionly got 40 out of 500 points so Ididn't really even take part in the clangames but uh we're gonna talk about thatin a couple of hours so make sure youstay tuned for that but for now myfriends what we are gonna be doing it istime to upgrade the heroes and send themto max a level so we got a level 45barbarian King and we've got a level 45Archer Queen a hundred and sixty-threethousand dark elixir currently inside ofmy storage and we need a hundred andeighty-five thousand to send the Kingfrom level 45 to level 46 so can I dothat inside of this episode right now. getn clash of clans free gems.guys I'm not too sure but we are gonnagive it my best show if you think I canupgrade the King before the end of thevideo then smash that like button downbelow make sure you subscribe to thechannel guys join the family almost at2.2 million subscribers absolutelyinsane so what we're doing we've gotourselves a new strategy inside of ourarmy camps we're gonna be incorporatingthe miners with some healers and someHill spells this is basically gonnadestroy the inferno towers after theupdate was released the Inferno towersno longer actually us you know prettymuch stuff the healing spells and thehealers from working so this is gonna bereally interesting all the minershealers and he'll spells going to be themost powerful strategy inside of thegame let's find out okay so check it outguys first town who eleven we've landedon no I'm gonna take on this base and weare gonna go for a three starthis is a new strategy I am going to beusing we've got ourselves 30 - maxed outof course we've got 3 healers a babydragon war frankerz balloons in the CCthree heroes king queen ground waterthree heal spells to rage and an extrarage inside of our CC and we're gonnasee if this new strategy the new - slashhealers and you know the hill spells canactually destroy sound who eleven basesnow the infinite towers no longerblocked a feeling power so let's findout is there's gonna be the mostpowerful strategy in the meta so we'regonna start off by using a queen walkguys I'm gonna use a baby dragon downthis side over here just to create somesort of a funnel and make sure the Queengoes to the out through the left-handside so it's starting off pretty well Idon't really want to waste my ragespells guys so we're gonna see if we canhold them back for a little while let'sjust see so we're gonna be dropping onedown shortly there we go and that'sgonna make sure my queen stays alive asshe takes out the defending barbarianking now this is gonna be interesting isthe queen gonna go left yes she is okaythe next that's actually not too much ofa problem guys that's cool okay so whatwe're gonna do we're gonna use a clancastle over there just to take out thoseballoons and I'm gonna start now with arampaging army we're gonna see if we canget the rest of the troops to go intothe center and destroy this dude's baseguys so here we go we're gonna use arage spell really early gonna use a hillspell shortly not just yet guys it lookslike their balloons our other mine isgonna go into the center yes they arehere we go directly into the core ofthis base guys there goes the crapwarden's ability keeping these minersall up and alive and this is actuallylooking pretty damn sweet already sothere goes a Queen's ability here we go- going off to the right-hand side Hillsfive drops down keeping those minersalive because I'm going to the leftwe're gonna use a heal spell over thereas well not really sure if I should havedone that guys but I'm we're gonna findout whether it worked or not so we gotto heal us on the hill smell sorry onthe miners over on the left hand sidetaking down the wizard tower it'slooking pretty good so we've got 70percent total damage so far so manyminers are left alive on the right handside haven't got any more heal spellsguys but I think we've got too muchfirepower for this base to actually stopme so 75% total damagecan we get ourselves a triple first liveattack of the episode using this new -strategy guys is it gonna work let's seeso so many miners in front of the groundwater and we've also got about another10 - next to the barbarian king + thegrand warden and the king are stillalive this is almost looking unstoppable85% it's still climbing guys thesebuildings are getting dropped prettydamn quickly there goes a Tesla towerwhere they there's a wizard tower theregoes a cannon and there goes the airdefense93% the grab water that's being takenout but it is definitely gonna be atriple star what a way to start theepisode guys so the question stillremains is this - oh P is this new -strategy - overpowered for town whoeleven one thing you've got to rememberguys I was using balloons I don't havemax level heroes and also I don't evenhave max level army camps I've only gotarmy camps at level what is it leveleight and they now go to level ninemeaning I can technically bring you knowanother 20 housing spaces worth oftroops so this this strategy is onlygonna get stronger so it's definitelygonna be interesting so what we're gonnado we're gonna do it againwe're gonna gem up the heroes we'regonna see if we can find a powerful TownHall 11 base this time we're not gonnabe using any clan castle let's see whatactually happens guys so let's gem upthe archer Queen grand warden Kingalready locked and loaded let's unleashhell upon another town hall 11 so what Iwant you to do let me know your thoughtsif you've made it this far into theepisode guys what are your opinions onthis update what do you think aboutclient games what do you think about thebalance changes what do you think aboutthe fact that inferno towers no longerblock Hill spells or healers that isprobably the biggest change in thematter for years and I'm kind of a fanI'm not gonna lie I think it's prettycool so here we go once again we'velanded on another Town Hall level 11 -Morty target inferno tells in the centerthey are level 4 max level Eagleartillery rest of the defenses aredecent levelslet's take it on and see what kind ofdestruction we can do so the plan ofattack I'm gonna be at second from theEagle artillery side I want to try andtake that down as quickly as I can sowhat we are gonna do I am going to usethe archer Queen I'm going to drop theQueen in right thereand we're gonna use we're gonna use ababy dragon over here just to take outall these buildings guys and that'shopefully gonna stop my miners fromgoing too far around the outside so Idon't think we're gonna need to use arage spell for my queen just yet lookslike she's gonna actually go to the airto go to the right hand side that'ssweet and we're gonna jump into wallbreakers there we go nicely in and we'regonna go with the king Graham warden andall those - guys so here we go most ofthe miners I do want to go to the lefthand side there goes the Queen's abilityto rage spell sorry Rach bow and a hillsmoke going down trying to keep thesetroops up and alive and a poison spellon the defending heroes in the center ofthe base guys so we're gonna be usingthe ground waters ability nice and earlymaking sure those giant big bombs don'treally do too much damage they gosupport bearing kings of elite Hillspell and a Rach fell down into thecenter let's find out can we getourselves another triple star againstthis dude's pace so we're gonna useanother heal spell guys not just yetnot just yet here we go we're gonna dropit down in the center now right onto theInferno tower trying to take the Infernotower down got plenty of miners in thereguys they're currently taking down theInferno tower and the expo at the sametime hopefully they can grab both ofthem there goes the expo can we grab theinferno towel there he goes just aboutbefore IV oh we lost those miners and itlooks like we are not really gonna begetting a triple star this time guys butyou've got to look at the facts here wedon't have max level army camps don'thave max level heroes don't even have anattacking clan castle and we have easilypicked up over 70% damage on this dude'sface without using really any strategywhatsoever and it's gonna be reallyinteresting inside of the next war Iwill be using this strategy guys I willbe you know taking time to try andfigure out what kind of attack strategyI'm gonna be using and I'm gonna see ifI can get a six pack flag warfirst time since the update has beenlaunched taking on to Town Hall level 11so this is a huge update definitely somebig changes guys check it out a two-starlook at the loot we just made there 79%total damage 100% loot bonus and thattakes us to a hundred and seventy fourthousand dark elixir so let's makeanother army we're gonna keep using thisminer army I mean to be honest with youI don't really see why not it's it'spretty damn sweet it's definitelyworking so what we want to do 8 milliongold let's do some little upgrades Ithink we can operate too so let's do onethere one there we're gonna click theEdit layout button and we're gonna seehow many walls we've got done so we'vedone a hundred and eight already we'reonly allowed a max of a hundred and 25guys so we've only got another what isthat 17 walls to upgrade and then autowolves will be max level then all weneed to do is upgrade the heroes and thearmy camps and I think that's prettymuch it let's just check if I click thenews button and I actually let's loadmore hey guyswasn't there a little tab which showedus what the changes well it's let's readabout the magic items yeah so they'rejust the magic items guys but there wego no let's click this one here we gothe update is here yes it is so we'vegot level 50 heroes we've got new levelarmy camps we've got miner housingspaces being increased from 5 to 6inferno towers changes the walls andthat's pretty much it so there reallyisn't too much in terms of content guysthat's the that's the sad thing aboutthis update but as I said there will bea video in a few hours explaining mythoughts and opinions on this update itis gonna be quite shocking guys and someof you may love it some of you mighthate it so stay tuned for thatI'll see you surely have a great daypeace out
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Female inferno tower
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Call 1-800-clashless and prevent base neglect today! #clashofclans #clash #freegems #infernotower #xbow #townhall #supercell #apple #samsung #android #ios #app
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This is why I haven't been postin' as much lol. Games got me hooked. If u play we roll deep and our clans 3-3-0 #COC #ClashOfTheClans #MyVillage #Village #MyClan #330 #clash #of #the #clans #wutangclan #ohio #dragons #archers #archertower #infernotower #witches #golem #giants #ipad #barbarians #hiddentesla samuelljackson #samjackson #hogriders #elixir #thestruggleisreal (at $ PAC-LAND $)
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