#individual franchise agreement
jo-harrington · 8 months
so teeth? really?
Anon...yeah teeth? I'm weird, I'm here for the weirdos.
I've decided recently that I'm going to be a certain actor who shall only be named in the tags arch nemesis. If there's no one out there talking about his false teeth and his stained nails and his disgusting capitalist tendencies, it means I'm dead.
So in honor of a certain someone who'll only be named in the tags 30th birthday, please enjoy the sequel to this weird RPF.
Pairing: Disgusting 30-year old capitalist B-lister who's lucking out on his career x CorporateBadass!Fem!Reader
TW: RPF, Smut, jealousy, a little angst, a little degradation, and he's gross
Tagging @courtingchaos @deathbecomesthem @dr-aculaaa and @tomtomslongdong @bettyfrommars because you liked my games last time.
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It came in an email.
It always did.
Forwarded from your work email to your personal email, then forwarded onto his with several question marks. No phone numbers, no WhatsApp. An occasional GChat if you had trouble compromising over different time zones. But generally, your interactions were limited to a familiar face in an unfamiliar place; not casual conversation during normal, every day life.
You joked once, in an Uber on the way to the airport as you were fixing your disheveled clothes after a quickie before check-out, that you might as well sync your google calendars and that…seemed pretty appealing to him, if only someone else didn’t handle his calendar for him.
“Must be nice,” you joked. “Big important star with an assistant.”
“It’s one of my manager’s assistant,” he argued. “And you have an assistant too.”
“It’s an admin for the department. And they only book the travel. They don’t manage individual calendars. Sorry I’m a peasant dragging my cadaver up the corporate ladder.”
Regardless, he woke up to your email one morning—some remnant of your personality from a former life—at the top of his inbox with the word “London???” above an itinerary for two weeks of franchise meetings and property tours around the city he called home.
His city. No coincidences, no “accidental” run-ins at LAX or JFK that the two of you bent in your favor. You were coming for to him. During a week that he otherwise had no plans.
He acted on impulse. Perhaps a little desperately. Especially considering how little he knew you.
“If you want, you can just stay here. I have plenty of room. You’ll have your space. Pretend it’s a VRBO for the week.”
Realization hit him once he hit send. Dread.
Invite you to stay at his house, a house that he was just settling in to being a home. Where all of his things were, where he had pictures of family and friends.
His house.
Where he was someone and not no one.
He hoped that you would realize the impropriety—as improper as it could be after he’d stuck his cock in you more times than he could count at this point—and be the more level-headed of the two of you, as you usually were, and decline the offer.
It took 48 hours for you to respond. 
He thought that meant he was in the clear.
Until your reply blipped in his inbox between emails containing sides for self tapes and negotiations for his next potential public appearance.
“Great, thanks. I won’t take up too much space. I’ll barely be there.”
Followed by the airplane emoji and the sleep emoji.
He got irrationally angry for a moment.
How could you do this? How could you cross this boundary? Partial anonymity…that’s what you both agreed on and here you were…suddenly reneging on that agreement. 
Invading his space.
Only you weren’t invading, he invited you in.
Invited you to know Joe a little more than you knew Joseph.
And he could know you too. 
He missed getting to know people; he chose not to know people. He knew enough people.
Now he’d get the chance to get to know you.
You’d be here in a week.
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And suddenly you were.
Not an email away. Just there.
You sent him a WhatsApp from the car—a necessity now that you’d be with him for a prolonged time—double checking his street. Then suddenly you were ringing the bell.
He went over the mental to-do list that he’d made ahead of your arrival—schedule planned so he’d be available if you wanted or needed him anything, the cleaning service came through, groceries were delivered, and he’d even got flowers for your room…just a nice little thing he thought of—and then he opened the door.
It had been awkward, the initial greeting.
It wasn’t like your typical hotel room rendezvous. It wasn’t straight to business. You both just stood there staring.
“Consider me a vampire,” you joked, slightly jet lagged and weary since you had gone to meetings straight away after you’d landed. “I need to be invited to come in.”
“Of course,” he stepped to the side to let you in. “Make yourself at home.”
You let him carry your suitcase and shoulder your backpack as he led you straight to the guest room. Then you touched his cheek fondly, thanked him…and promptly shut the door in his face so you could sleep.
Well…he at least thought he was going to get something more than that.
But he didn’t get much more than that. For almost an entire week.
At first it was fine. You were busy, and so was he.
He made (ordered) breakfast for the two of you for the first morning. You grabbed tea and a biscuit (“when in Rome…yes I know…but this was part of the Roman Empire so…No I thought it was funny Joseph ok see you later then”) and ordered an Uber to make it to your first walkthrough of the day. He had a copy of your schedule in his email, made sure to run his errands, make his appointments, and hang out with friends while you were busy so he could be there when it was time for you to return at the end of the day. Only to get another peck on the cheek and be thoroughly ignored as you trudged off to bed.
He felt a little bad. He knew those days where they just never seemed to end; come back to wherever he’d been put up only to check his phone and pass out. 
Then he’d hear you around midnight, waking up from a dead sleep and tapping away at your keyboard. Sending communication to your boss or your team or whoever else back home. He didn’t know if you knew he was awake, or if you would venture out of the guest room to find him or get a drink…something. But you never did. Didn’t roam around, didn’t even chat him on WhatsApp; you just clicked away until the clicking stopped and you passed out again.
That’s when he got annoyed.
Because he’d been patient enough; he waited. Waited for something for those first few days. Some kind of sign that you were here with him. He’d sit and watch the telly, pick something from netflix or YouTube, read a book waiting for you to say more than hello to him when he opened the door for you. Have a conversation with him. Something! Sure that wasn’t really how the two of you operated, but even when he still had a roommate and they lived a very separate schedule there was at least a “hey mate, how’d the day go” and it gnawed at his insides that you couldn’t even be bothered.
Who were you? Just some no one, playing at possibly having an executive position one day. 
And who was he? He was Joseph Quinn. Eddie fucking Munson, as much as he loathed it. He had people screaming for him, screaming his name. You even screamed his name from time to time. 
Just not now.
Was he even going to get to fuck you at the end of this torture? Probably not. You’d be off to Heathrow to catch your flight back home with a simple peck on the cheek and a pat on the head.
“Good boy Joseph, letting me stay in your guest room, thank you for the red carpet treatment.”
So after three days of radio silence, he stopped playing such a gracious host. You insisted that you weren’t even there? He would act like you weren’t.
He stopped living his life around your schedule, left you a spare key so he wouldn’t have to make a fool of himself and open the door for you. Got dinner with his friends, drinks with some people his manager wanted him to meet, all on his own time. 
He did exactly what did, he ignored you.
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And that’s what got your attention, or so it seemed.
He saw you “in the wild” a bit more. You and your American lean against the bar at the pub he frequented, wine glass in hand as you chatted with someone in a suit; he decided he’d rather get a beer somewhere else that night. Came home late from a friend’s party on Friday to find you in the kitchen, with a sandwich, going over some contract. You waved at him, maybe a hello or to get him to join you, but he just walked away. Woke up late the next morning to find you actually sitting on his couch with coffee in one hand and phone in another. Your eyes brightened a little when you saw him.
“Morning! I have an appointment at 1, but…dinner?” You asked. “I’m getting so sick of cateri—“
“M’busy,” he cut you off. He didn’t like the way you just nodded, just pressed your lips together accepted it. The way his plans meant nothing. Still, you were out here. Instead of in your room…or just gone.
“Maybe tomorrow night?” He offered, a little more gently.
“Sounds good.” He smiled. “I’ll put it on my calendar.” And the smile went away again, and so did he.
You put him on your calendar like another business appointment; he shouldn’t have felt bad about it, it’s what you always did when you met up in one city or another…but he did. Because this wasn’t “make a run-in happen” this was a meal with the person whose house you were living in for two weeks.
He probably should have asked someone if he was overreacting—probably should have asked you to be honest—but who could he ask? His friends didn’t know about you; they gave him enough shit about his current situation as it was, let alone some American airport fling. Couldn’t exactly tell his manager, they’d have you in to sign an NDA or something; all of the times he planned his travel around “running into you,” he just said it was meeting up with a friend.
So let the feeling stew in his head all day. He came home late again Saturday night to avoid you, and stayed out the entire day Sunday, missing the time you’d made for him on your calendar. Good riddance.
Until he rolled in at 1am, well on his way back to sober after a night out, to find you sitting on his couch, some YouTube chef on the telly, Diet Coke in hand, and his takeaway box of leftovers from dinner the night before on the coffee table.
“That was mine,” he accused. No greeting, just fire as he walked over and looked at the remnants of his gnocchi carbonara.
“It was really tasty,” you nodded.
“I know, because it was mine.” He scoffed and crossed his arm over his chest. “You know if you were really hungry, there’s plenty of other food in the kitchen. Or you could’ve gotten a sausage roll or something. Ever heard of Uber Eats?”
“No I ate your pasta because you told me once that you don’t eat leftovers but you always felt bad that they’d just go in the garbage at the restaurant,” you explained calmly. A little too calmly. “Instead they’d just go in the garbage here. So I enjoyed your scraps, cold, like a peasant, oh King Joseph, most conceited and decadent of all. Because you forgot we had plans for dinner.”
“S’that what we had? Plans?”
“Yeah, I blocked off time for you and everything.”
“Talk about most conceited,” he grabbed the takeaway box and started walking towards the kitchen to dispose of it and this conversation, but you were hot on his heels.
“Excuse me what was that?”
“You heard me, conceited,” he threw the box in the bin and then turned back towards you. “Lemme pencil you in on my calendar, Joe. Dinner, Sunday, 8 o’clock does that work?” He mimed holding a notebook and jotting down the appointment. 
“Have you lost your mind? That’s what I need to do if I want ten minutes to myself, let alone a whole dinner. You know I didn’t even put sleep on my calendar for this trip?”
“Lemme not even say good morning because I have a call I need to get on Joe, thanks for the biscuits.”
“Did you miss the entire point of me being in London when I sent you my itinerary? Or did you think this was just me coming to fuck you for two weeks?”
“Maybe not the whole two weeks,” he sneered at you. “But even a how was your day would have been nicer than being treated like the hotel manager.”
“At least the hotel staff cleans shit up,” you scoffed at him. “You know I went out for drinks the other night, went to that pub you told me about, because we finally figured out a contract and I spilled wine on myself. Came back here to throw it in the wash only to find the machine full of dirty clothes. That was really fun to see your stained and faded tighty whiteys at the top of the load. Were you just waiting for the maid service to come back to start the wash for you? You’re so famous now that can’t even hit the damn button yourself?”
The next scathing remark stopped dead on his tongue at that, and then he felt the shame build up.
But only for a moment, because before he knew it, you were crossing the distance and smashing your mouth to his. It was a quick play for control as usual, neither of you caring that you’d just butt heads because the real winner would be whoever could succeed at your little game first; he was in such a mood, such a state, that he actually tried to put up a fight, wanting to get you to cry out for him like he’d been wanting all week. Wanting to be wanted, needed.
He pulled away to remove the bridge from his mouth, mindful of the complaint you’d made about kissing him last time you’d met up, and you did something unexpectedly delicious.
“You rich rat,” you growled at him as you tugged his shirt free of his waistband with one hand and started working his belt loose with the other. “You better be wearing clean underwear right now so help me god.”
And damn if he didn’t get hard just from your words alone. 
The aggressive snap of his belt hitting the tile floor also helped.
“They should be,” he grinned cheekily and pulled your sleep shirt over your head. “Agnetha did a load before you got here.”
“You’re pathetic.” You worked the buttons of his shirt as quickly as you could. “How much is this shirt? ’S it dry-clean only? Does she take your dry cleaning in too? Bring it back and make sure it’s folded nicely only for you to shove everything in the drawer anyway. Like the useless boy you are.”
Yeah that was doing it for him.
“She washes the sheets too.” He dropped to his knees before you now as you leant against the counter, fully intent on pleasing you right here in the kitchen. “Changed them right before you got here. Shouldn’t be any more questionable stains.”
“Useless,” you hissed at him but ran a hand softly through his curls as he kissed along your abdomen and peeled your leggings down your legs. “Utterly useless.”
The thing about you though was your self-restraint, your discipline. You didn’t like to lose; you’d deprive yourself of things to get some advantage over your adversaries—usually corporate adversaries—and come out on top. And you made that very well known in the bedroom too when this little game got started. You’d gotten him to cum easily the first time you slept together and then used him to chase your own pleasure, commanding his mouth and tongue here and fingers there. 
Just like you were doing now. No moans, just little hitches in your breathing as you steered his head and used the leg you’d thrown over his shoulder to bring him deeper into your center. 
When you got close to completion, you used the upper hand again to push him away and you both descended together. His trousers and pants shoved down to his knees with his shirt bunched up under his head so he wouldn’t be sore from smacking it against the tile when you sunk down onto him. And when he felt the delicious squeeze of your cunt, he couldn’t help himself from throwing his head back; good for you to have the foresight. 
He had the foresight too though. He knew your moves, they made him see the light of God, seductress that you were. You told him your secret once as you basked in the afterglow when you’d rendered him particularly speechless.
“Spell the word coconut.”
“No, I spell the word coconut. As I’m on top. Read it in a magazine or something during my last layover.”
And he could feel it now, predict it. Feel the motion of your hips, around and around and up and down and squeeze.
He couldn’t tell just by looking at your face, he had to feel it; close his eyes and feel the tempestuous slide of you over him, bringing him higher.
Maybe he would win the game tonight?
He wasn’t one to lose either; he could be competitive just like you. In fact, he was excellent at manipulating a situation in his favor. School, money, life. And with you he’d won enough times to know it could be done. You’d made him feel so…meaningless over the past week—even if he’d misunderstood and overreacted—that a win would be even better than the pleasure itself.
You pried one of his hands off your hip where it was clinging for dear life and directed him to play with your clit so you didn’t have to. For a moment, he lifted his head and watched his own nicotine-stained nails and your prettily manicured ones mingle against the engorged and glistening junction of your sex, and where any other time it would have him groaning at the sight, he couldn’t help but notice how disgusting his hands looked in comparison to your own. For a moment the confidence faltered.
When had he last washed them? Maybe you were right, he was gross and pathetic��
But then you moaned, and from his point of view It looked like it even surprised you even. You stuttered in your pace and your eyes went a little wide. 
He felt all the doubt leave him. 
He would win tonight…
He took advantage, used his leverage, to turn the tables. To sit upright and guide you to take his spot; you couldn’t even protest before he pistoned into you, before his fingered took an unrelenting pace on your clit.
He could spell coconut too, and he did. He would tell you all about it after his victory. Boast over using your own tricks against you.
You watched him with unblinking eyes as your nails dug into his bicep and shoulder, as you bit your lip so hard he was sure you’d bite right through it, and you kept the little whine that emanated from your throat as soft as you possibly could. Still, he could hear it through the desperate, wet sounds of your fucking.
He closed his eyes and focused on the finish line, focused on keeping the tension of his mounting pleasure back as he could feel you grip tighter and begin to spasm around him. He needed to win, it would be glorious.
“Joe,” you moaned, and he thought it was over. But there, underneath the neediness, lay the condescension, the obvious upper hand. “Can you hurry up? I have a call at 7am”
He came, seconds before you did. Collapsed against you and spilled inside of you before you found your own release.
On his kitchen floor, spent, laughing together, basking in the ridiculous pleasure found in the presence of one another, another game came to an end.
And he might have lost, but in the end, did he really lose?
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Happy Birthday asshole. I'm following you into 30 in 10 months with a vengeance.
No love lost, The better Jo(e) </3
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the-gone-ton · 1 year
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Pictured: former Maryland Fried Chicken restaurant in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (now a cigarette store) in 2023; and a then-operational Maryland Fried Chicken in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in 1969.
Maryland Fried Chicken was an early competitor to KFC that ironically was founded in Florida by Al Constantine, a native of Delaware. Constantine, after noting the success of KFC franchises, experimented with his own fried chicken recipe and handed out samples at the diner he owned in Orlando until he had, as he once said, "the best fried chicken in the world."
Al opened the first "Maryland Fried Chicken" restaurant in Fern Park, Florida, in October of 1961. With help from his parents and two of his brothers, Al oversaw the chain's expansion across Florida as dozens of new MFCs opened under franchise agreements. A deal in 1967 with Georgia businessman J.R. Miller helped take MFC to about 20 US states in the south, midwest, and northeast. The company claimed to be the 3rd-largest and fastest-growing fried chicken take-out chain in the US in 1969. Its first (and likely only) international locations opened in Nassau, Bahamas, in 1970. By the start of 1971, 160 locations were operational.
But both personal and economic struggles began to pressure the company in the 70s. Al's relationship with his brothers began to strain, and his marriage ended in divorce in 1971. Before that year was out, Al resigned as President of Maryland Fried Chicken, Inc., dissatisfied with the direction of the company he had started. The company reported a financial loss for the year 1971 and began a bloodbath of store closures, especially in the south. The company quickly went extinct in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Tennessee even as it was making a new push into New York, New England, and the midwest. Reduced to just 102 stores by the end of 1972, the new President of the company then announced that it had returned to profitability.
But the economy only got worse from there, as the 1973 recession set in. Of particular concern was the skyrocketing price of chicken and rising interest rates. It didn't help that the company in 1974 became largely owned by shady investor James Mairs, a disgraced former lawyer who was bisbarred due to a credible accusation that he funneled $500,000 from a client's trust fund into his own pockets. The company was now on a downward spiral with no turning back, and by the late 70s it was bankrupt and out of business.
But that was never the end of the story. Although Maryland Fried Chicken, Inc. no longer existed, the individual franchises remained. Many of them threw in the towel, retired, or started new restaurants. But some decided to try and keep things going like nothing had ever happened. By the time I entered the picture, I was living in a bubble where it was as Al's dream had been realized: the local MFC had outlasted Popeyes and competed favorably with KFC across the street. But of course, this was not how most towns looked in the 2000s. My local MFC franchise of 2 restaurants in Bethlehem and Easton, Pennsylvania, was the last one in the northeast. I hardly imagine any of the patrons knew that MFC ever existed outside the Lehigh Valley.
My local location was opened by Tom Workman in 1968, and he owned it until 2008, when he sold it to longtime employee Paul Matula, who Workman considered to be like a son. Workman passed away in 2011, and shortly thereafter a kitchen fire forced the Bethlehem unit's closure. The smaller branch in Easton, lacking a drive-thru, stuck around until 2014. Though my locations have closed, I'd like to go to a remaining store again someday. They still exist in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and one lone unit in Michigan. For a more comprehensive history with lots of pictures, check out my blogger post.
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dianoetikon · 5 months
Negative fandom stuff under the cut, just continuously baffled really, nothing important :)
Aside from individuals who enjoy debates/arguments, which is valid unless it's deliberately made uncomfortable for everonye involved, I think most people talk to others to get positive reactions, confirmation, agreement.. right? So while I do know why some people like to publicly hate on charactes, ships or entire franchises online (not that I think it's a great thing to do), I've never understood the desire to do so at people who most certainly will disagree. Why direct this hate at people who genuinely enjoy the character, ship or franchise in question? It's like walking up to someone who's eating a pizza just to tell them that you think pizza is the worst dish in existence and it makes you feel nauseous.
Are they just into picking fights? Are they trying to troll? Do they deliberately create a hostile environment so they can feel less self-conscious and more morally superior if they then lash out into disproportionate verbal abuse over the thing they dislike (because "you attack them for speaking their mind")? Instead of coming across as the unhinged person who gets unnecessarily riled up over other people's creations that they, frankly, present themselves to be?
By all means, hate whatever you hate and post on your social media whatever you see fit. But where's the desire coming from to specifically inform those about it who are on the other side of your argument? Personally, I find arguing exhausting, even more so when it's about something that doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things - such as a fictional character. The last person I want to talk to about something I hate is someone who loves it, out of respect for them and myself.
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natasha-in-space · 8 months
Hey i saw you reblogging a sailor moon post and i was thinking which sailor moon characters would mysme characters would be
The only ones i am 100% assured off are Usagi (Sailor moon) is none other than yoosung. Sailor Venus is Zen, Sailor Mercury is jaehee.
What is your take on this
Ohhh, honestly, it's been a while since I actually dabbled into the Sailor Moon universe, so I'm pretty rusty, all things considered! But I did talk about a similar topic with a friend once. More precisely, who the mm gang would choose as their favorite character. This turned into a kind of mix-up between who I think their favorite would be, and who I actively associate with them. So, these are just my silly thoughts! Some are more deep than others.
Yoosung - Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino
I have to agree with you there: Usagi and Yoosung are definitely a very good match. I actually headcanon Yoosung as a huge fan of Sailor Moon franchise in mm universe! Particularly because he relates to Usagi so much, with her being the main character. He may or may not have had a fictional crush on her... but that's a secret (Seven definitely knows). These two are both cheery and bright spirits with big dreams. Their individual journeys involve self-improvement and maturity. He definitely cried more than once at her romance with Tuxedo Mask... The start of his romantic nature.
Zen - Sailor Mars/Rei Hino
You'll be surprised who I put Sailor Venus with! But, as for Zen, I love putting him up with more fiery and fierce characters. I always associate him with fire, honestly. Zen and Rei are both self-sufficient and resourceful in their own ways. And while Zen is definitely not as spunky or sassy as Rei, he more than compensates for it when you put him in a chatroom with Jumin. They both share a very strong sense of justice as well. Zen will not hesitate to say it how it is, or voice his frustrations in the face of unfair wrongdoings. They are also fiercely protective of their loved ones, which is definitely a very important quirk of Zen's. Overall, they share similar vibes, and I think they would appreciate each other for their individual strengths.
Jaehee - Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno
And yes! I am in agreement that Jaehee and Ami are a perfect match. Personally, Ami was my favorite 'cause I share so many similarities to her in terms of how I behave with other people, so I love that girl to bits and pieces. The obvious 'logical smart friend' parallels aside, there is also a similarity to their personal growth throughout their journeys. Learning to believe in themselves, be confident in their personal strengths, and finding internal growth through meaningful relationships with people who truly care about you is something they both learn. I think that's really sweet.
Jumin - Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaioh
Now, it is kind of funny how I put the more creative Michiru next to Jumin, and not Jihyun. But, hear me out. Michiru is frequently depicted as a figure of elegance and sophistication. Kind of similar to how Jumin is always followed by an aura of refined and luxurious charm. I also always picture Jumin as a very elegant and attractive man when it comes to meeting him in person. I'd say, he is actually right next to Zen when it comes to stealing your breath away with just looks alone. His alluring way of holding himself is what really draws you in to him. Jumin is also much more sensitive than people give him credit for. I just can't help but put Michiru's water powers next to his deep care for those he holds dear to his heart. They are both stoic, but loving souls. Stern but righteous. When faced with conflict, they will do the right thing.
Saeyoung - Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenoh
Listen. They may not share much in terms of their behavior: with Haruka being on a more cool and mature side, while Saeyoung is notorious for his love for mischief, but... First of all, they both share a love for cars. Specifically, race cars. It's likely that they would find a common ground on that. Especially with how nerdy Saeyoung is with his interests. Not many share his love for speed and his lovely babies! On a deeper level, they do also share a similar undying loyalty to their loved ones. Saeyoung with Saeran, and Haruka with Sailor Neptune. Plus, Saeyoung is more than capable of remaining cool and determined in the face of danger. There is also the whole 'protecting the world from evil' aspect, and Saeyoung wanting to be seen as a defender of justice, but I digress.
Jihyun - Sailor Star Healer/Yaten Kou
Honestly, the reason behind this is mostly Taiki's love for classical music and her talent as a pianist. I also really like putting her thoughtfulness and reservedness next to Jihyun's more emotional and reckless nature. I just feel like they'd make a very interesting pair with a relatively balanced dynamic. Jihyun needs someone who will tell him upfront when he's getting lost in his mind or acting foolishly. Taiki is a character who is both loyal and selfless, and she is willing to put herself in danger to protect her friends. That's a sentiment they definitely share.
Saeran - Sailor Pluto/Setsuna Meioh
There's just something about mysterious characters with tragic backstories, isn't there? This choice is biased because Setsuna is my second favorite, honestly. She doesn't get much screen time, but she left a huge impact on me regardless. There is a tragic sense of duty to her, that I can't help but link to Saeran's invisible chains of responsibility to his Savior and Magenta. The circumstances are very different, no doubt. But the weight of their duties is weighing heavily on their shoulders in a similar way. The willingness Setsuna has to sacrifice herself is a trait that I can also trace back to Saeran. If we hadn't stopped him, he would have sacrificed himself for us with a sad and reserved smile on his face. And that thought always hurts me to think about.
Rika - Sailor Venus/Minako Aino
This is honestly more of a biased choice, but I'll try to explain it somewhat logically, hehe. They do share a similar sense of mystery around themselves, until we get to properly see them as a thorough and rounded character. Minako and Rika are both very cheerful and bubbly people on the outside. A sort of 'sunshine' of the group. But, much like Rika, Minako has so much more than just her bubbly smiles and happy-go-lucky attitude. They both have rather ambiguous dreams, with Minako wanting to become an idol, and Rika aspiring to help as many people as she can. They both have a profound sense of responsibility in some way or another. If we're talking about Rika before the whole Mint Eye nightmare, I'd like to think that she and Minako would become great friends.
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know-the-way · 2 years
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Like… here’s the thing, I get it. Covid came and fucked everything up - any momentum that any franchise might’ve had got the emergency stop button pushed on it and it sucked for everybody. So maybe hoping for another film or series is asking too much - shooting for the moon, pipe dream, etc. I’m (reluctantly) willing to accept that.
But… ya know… there’s a few things I feel could perhaps be accomplished within the realm of greater possibility. Of which I have created a short list.
*clears throat* *turns on powerpoint*
For your consideration:
1. A Reunion Special - just a chill, cozy little hour or two with the whole gang to reminisce and reflect (and maybe clarify some of the gaps and misunderstandings for Crypt of Tears… please? 😀).
Worst case scenario - it’s the last sentence of the final chapter; a goodbye and good luck.
Best case scenario - reignites interest & maybe entices some funding out of the woodwork (*wink wink, nudge nudge eh?*).
2. Spare Gag Reel? - You’re telling me these idiots spent like 80% of the time cracking up and ruining and takes and you nEVER WANTED TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS?
No, I know there’s weird rules and agreements that have to be made and actors have to individually consent to it being shown (at least in the states, maybe Australia’s different), but like… please tell me someone kept some of it. Please tell me it wasn’t trashed in haste… ‘cause then you will have wasted what could’ve been a giant serotonin boost for so many young, neurodivergent queer women/nb folks, a few lads, and some lovely senior citizens. And just sayin’… I would pay cinema ticket prices to see that.
So. Just food for thought.
3. The Alternate Takes/Deleted Scenes - Those rumors can’t have come from nowhere. Don’t be shy.
The X-Files did it, too. You get caught up in not wanting to jump the shark that you nosedive right under it instead (i.e. that kiss could’ve happened and it would’ve been just fine). So it’s okay, really. No one’s gonna be mad (I think)… we just wanna see it.
I’m even down for stuff that never got filmed, but was in the og script. I will eat every bite of what you put on my plate, I promise.
4. A Combination of All Three - ✌️😚😎
In conclusion - @ Every Cloud/ABC/AcornTV/Whoever Else… please. And thank you.
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oliviasmith-21 · 4 months
What are the requirements for an LLC in California USA: Guide by TRUIC
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Starting a business as an LLC in California is an exciting venture that offers numerous benefits such as limited liability protection, tax advantages, and enhanced credibility. However, understanding the specific requirements and navigating the formation process can be daunting. This comprehensive guide by TRUIC will walk you through everything you need to know about forming an LLC in California, while also touching on the requirements for LLCs in Pennsylvania and New York.
Forming an LLC, or Limited Liability Company, is a popular choice for entrepreneurs due to its flexible structure and liability protection. In this guide, we’ll focus on the requirements for establishing an LLC in California and provide insights into the LLC formation processes in Pennsylvania and New York. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, TRUIC is here to provide the guidance and resources you need to make your business venture a success.
Why Choose an LLC in California?
California is known for its dynamic economy and diverse business environment. Forming an LLC in California can offer several advantages:
Limited Liability Protection: Personal assets are generally protected from business debts and liabilities.
Tax Flexibility: LLCs can choose how they are taxed, potentially reducing the overall tax burden.
Enhanced Credibility: Operating as an LLC can boost your business’s credibility with customers and suppliers.
Now, let’s dive into the specific requirements for forming an LLC in California.
Requirements for Forming an LLC in California
Choose a Unique Business Name
Your LLC’s name must be distinguishable from other businesses registered in California.
The name should include “Limited Liability Company” or abbreviations such as “LLC” or “L.L.C.”
TRUIC’s Business Name Generator can help you brainstorm and check the availability of your desired name.
2. Appoint a Registered Agent
A registered agent is responsible for receiving legal documents and official correspondence on behalf of your LLC.
The agent can be an individual resident of California or a business entity authorized to do business in the state.
TRUIC offers registered agent services to ensure you never miss important notifications.
3. File Articles of Organization
The Articles of Organization (Form LLC-1) must be filed with the California Secretary of State.
This document includes essential details such as the LLC’s name, address, registered agent information, and management structure.
Filing can be done online, by mail, or in person.
4. Create an Operating Agreement
Although not required by law, an Operating Agreement is highly recommended.
This document outlines the management structure, ownership, and operating procedures of your LLC.
It helps prevent disputes and ensures all members are on the same page regarding their roles and responsibilities.
5. Obtain an EIN (Employer Identification Number
An EIN is issued by the IRS and is necessary for tax purposes, opening a business bank account, and hiring employees.
You can apply for an EIN online through the IRS website at no cost.
6. File a Statement of Information
Within 90 days of filing your Articles of Organization, you must file a Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) with the California Secretary of State.
This document provides updated information about your LLC, including addresses and member details.
It must be filed biennially (every two years) thereafter.
7. Comply with Tax and Regulatory Requirements
LLCs in California are subject to an annual minimum franchise tax.
Depending on your business activities, you may need additional licenses or permits at the local, state, or federal level.
TRUIC’s Business License Search Tool can help you identify the necessary permits for your specific business.
8. Annual Reporting and Fees
LLCs must file an annual report with the state and pay the required fees.
Staying compliant with these ongoing requirements is crucial to maintain your LLC’s good standing.
Requirements for Forming an LLC in Pennsylvania and New York
While the focus is on California, understanding the LLC formation requirements in other states like Pennsylvania and New York can be beneficial, especially if you plan to expand your business.
LLC in Pennsylvania
Choose a Business Name
Ensure your LLC’s name is unique and distinguishable from other registered businesses.
The name must include “Limited Liability Company,” “LLC,” or “L.L.C.”
2. Appoint a Registered Agent
Your LLC must have a registered agent with a physical address in Pennsylvania.
3. File a Certificate of Organization
Submit the Certificate of Organization with the Pennsylvania Department of State.
This document includes the LLC’s name, address, registered agent information, and other pertinent details.
4. Create an Operating Agreement
While not legally required, an Operating Agreement is advisable to outline the management and operational structure of your LLC.
5. Obtain an EIN
An EIN is required for tax purposes and can be obtained from the IRS.
6. Comply with Tax and Regulatory Requirements
Depending on your business activities, you may need to obtain additional licenses or permits.
Pennsylvania LLCs are also subject to state taxes and must file periodic reports.
LLC in New York
Choose a Business Name
Your LLC’s name must be unique and include “Limited Liability Company,” “LLC,” or “L.L.C.”
2. Appoint a Registered Agent
Designate a registered agent who will accept legal documents on behalf of your LLC.
3. File Articles of Organization
Submit the Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State.
4. Create an Operating Agreement
New York requires LLCs to adopt a written Operating Agreement within 90 days of filing the Articles of Organization.
5. Publication Requirement
New York has a unique publication requirement. You must publish a notice of LLC formation in two newspapers for six consecutive weeks and submit an Affidavit of Publication to the state.
6. Obtain an EIN
An EIN is necessary for tax purposes and can be obtained from the IRS.
7. Comply with Tax and Regulatory Requirements
Ensure you meet all tax obligations and obtain necessary licenses and permits.
File biennial reports with the New York Department of State.
Is It Worth Forming an LLC in California?
Despite the higher costs and stringent regulations, forming an LLC in California offers several advantages. The state’s robust economy, diverse market opportunities, and entrepreneurial ecosystem make it a prime location for businesses. Additionally, the liability protection and tax benefits provided by an LLC structure can be highly advantageous.
Forming an LLC in California, Pennsylvania, or New York involves several key steps and compliance requirements. By understanding these processes and utilizing the resources and guidance provided by TRUIC, you can navigate the complexities of LLC formation with confidence and ease. Whether you’re starting a new venture or expanding an existing business, TRUIC is here to support you every step of the way.
Ready to Form Your LLC?
If you’re ready to take the next step and form your LLC in California, Pennsylvania, or New York, TRUIC is here to help. Visit our website today to access our comprehensive resources and expert guidance. Let’s make your business dreams a reality together!
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iturbide · 1 year
just someone following the discussion here, i wanna say i do love that the FE series has 100% improved with the colorism. engage featuring actual playable sincerely black characters who aren't ashen and aren't evil and are just Part Of The Good Guys at least shows the writers have learned something since engage. Having actual POC in the cast also makes Sombron being Purple a less worse design choice than whatever gangrel has going on. It's easy to harp on the ten year old game, and boy knows i criticize it myself (out of love) but it is heartening to see improvement from three houses to engage.
It really is easy to harp on Awakening for its failings and the stereotypes it perpetuates, but I think part of why we do it is because we love it so much and we can see how much better it could have been. We can see the damaging messages it inadvertently says and we want more from something that we love so much.
But at the same time, the series has come so far since then with its representation. Claude von Riegan, one of our main Lords in Three Houses, has mixed Fodlani and Almyran heritage, and he's open about the struggles he's faced because of it -- while still being one of the kindest and most thoughtful people in the series, despite his reputation as an untrustworthy schemer. He cares about his friends and allies and goes out of his way to avoid conflict and death wherever he can. He's incredible. Petra, Dedue, and Cyril may have some flaws in their individual writing, but overall they're wonderful, heartfelt characters with their own stories, personalities, and flaws that make them wonderfully human and engaging.
And then Engage absolutely shot for the stars with Solm: Timerra, Fogado, and their mother are legitimately some of the highlights of the game for me, with Fogado in particular ranking up there with Alcryst in terms of my favorite characters from the game (me and my archer lords, I can't help it). I was really worried that Fogado would stray into the 'shameless flirt' archetype that I hate, but instead he is so genuine and such a wonderful guy who cares about everyone and I love him so much. I'm honestly not sure where Zelkov falls because his skintone is on the odd side but also he is endlessly exploring hobbies and crafts and I love him, too, he has the exact creative spirit I want to cultivate.
I really am overjoyed to see how the franchise has progressed in terms of its representation over the years. I think it's still fair to criticize the older games (again, out of love -- it's definitely out of love), but I'm always delighted to acknowledge when they make strides to improve.
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the-blue-fairie · 2 years
Recently, I criticized Youtubers whose takes on Frozen boil down to taking cheap shots at the character of Elsa, so I wanted to recommend this excellent video essay by Youtuber hoots that came out recently. It's a nuanced take on Frozen 2's strengths and weaknesses, and I think watching it might be beneficial for the fandom. People in the fandom sometimes act like all critical analysis is bad, treating any kind of criticism of the franchise as just "negativity," while still others use the term "criticism" not to refer to genuine critical analysis but belligerence.
This is is a very good video essay. Of particular note to me was this quotation by Sámi choreographer Marit Shirin Carolasdotter, regarding the terms of the Saami Council and Sámi Parliament's agreement with WDAS:
What I initially reacted upon the contract is this; “It is the position of the Sámi that their collective and individual culture, including aesthetic elements, music, language, stories, histories, and other traditional cultural expressions are property that belong to the Sámi.” First of all, why use the word property? What do we really mean by owning a culture, isn’t it rather, re-utilise, take back authorship of the performance of culture that is at stake here? …. Right to resources, resources is also, to me, a term that is used in a capitalist market system we have all been forced into. I would propose to start seriously realizing the performativity of words.
If you're scared to watch it because you think it will be too negative, rest assured, hoots makes many positive points as well, but critique is not a sin, especially when the approach is in good faith.
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actowizsolutions · 2 years
How to Use Web Scraping for MAP Monitoring Automation?
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As the market of e-commerce is ever-growing, we can utilize that online markets are increasing with more branded products getting sold by resellers or retailers worldwide. Some brands might not notice that some resellers and sellers sell branded products with lower pricing to get find customers, result in negative impact on a brand itself.
For a brand reputation maintenance, you can utilize MAP policy like an agreement for retailers or resellers.
MAP – The Concept
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Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP) is a pre-confirmed minimum price for definite products that authorized resellers and retailers confirm not to advertise or sell or below.
If a shoe brand set MAP for A product at $100, then all the approved resellers or retailers, either at online markets or in brick-&-mortar stores become grateful to pricing not under $100. Otherwise, retailers and resellers will get penalized according to the MAP signed agreement.
Normally, any MAP Policy might benefit in provided aspects:
Guaranteed fair prices and competition in resellers or retailers
Maintaining value and brand awareness
Preventing underpricing and pricing war, protecting profit limits
Why is Making the MAP Policy Tough for Brands?
1. Franchise stores
A franchise store is among the most common ways to resell products of definite brands. To organize monitoring of MAP Violation of the front store retailers, we could just utilize financial systems to monitor transactions in an efficient way.
Yet, a brand still can’t ensure that all sold products submitted by franchise stores are 100% genuine. It might require additional manual work to make that work perfectly.2. Online Market Resellers
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If we look at research of the Web Retailers, we can have a basic idea about world’s finest online marketplaces. With over 150 main all- category markets across the globe, countless niche ones are available.Online retailers which might be selling products in various online marketplaces
Certainly, most online retailers might choose multiple marketplaces to sell products which can bring more traffic with benefits.Indefinite resellers without any approval
Despite those that sell products using approval, some individual resellers deal in copycat products that a brand might not be aware of.
So, monitoring pricing a few some products with ample online markets at similar time could be very difficult for a brand.
How to Find MAP Violations and Defend Your Brand in Online Markets?
For outdated physical retail, a brand require a business system to record data to attain MAP monitoring. With online market resellers, we would like to introduce an extensively used however ignored tech data scraping which can efficiently help them in MAP monitoring.
Consequently, how do brands utilize data scraping for detecting if all resellers violate an MAP policy?
Let’s assume that one online reseller is selling products on different 10 online websites like Amazon, Target, JD, Taobao, eBay, Rakuten, Walmart,Tmall, Flipkart, and Tokopedia.
Step 1: Identify which data you need?
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Frankly speaking, for MAP monitoring, all the data needed include product information and pricing.
Step 2: Choose a suitable technique to make data scrapers.
We need to do 10 data scrapers to collect data from corresponding markets and scraping data in a definite frequency.
A programmer need to write 10 scripts to achieve web scraping. Though, the inadequacies are:
Trouble in maintaining web scrapers if a website layout is changed.
Difficulty to cope with IP rotations as well as CAPTCHA and RECAPTCHA.
A supernumerary selection is the use of a data scraping tool made by Actowiz Solutions. For coders or non-coders, this can provide ample web scraping.
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2. Automatic crawler: Also, the latest Actowiz Solutions’ scrapers enable auto data detection and creates a crawler within minutes.
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Step 3: Running scrapers to collect data on 10 online markets. To get MAP monitoring, we need to scrape data at definite frequencies. So, whenever you prepare a scraper utilizing computer languages, you might have to start scrapers manually each day. Or, you could run the script with an extraction frequency function written with it. Though if you are using a web scraping tool like Actowiz Solutions, we could set the scraping time consequently.
Step 4: Subsequently after having data, whatever you should do is just go through the required data. Once you recognize any violating behaviors, you can react to it immediately.
For brands, MAP is very important. It helps in protecting the brand reputation and stop pricing war amongst resellers or retailers and offer more alternatives to do marketing. To deal with MAP desecrations, some ideas are there and you can search thousands of ideas online within seconds. Using MAP monitoring, it’s easy to take benefits from web extraction, the most profitable way of tracking pricing across various online markets, Actowiz Solutions is particularly helpful.
For more information, contact Actowiz Solutions now! You can also reach us for all your mobile app scraping and web scraping services requirements
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vampiremeerkat · 2 years
Why do you think Disney recasted Andy Dick as Nuka for The Lion Guard, despite the numerous controversies behind that disgusting bastard?
Also, would it be fair to separate the VA from the character in this specific scenario?
I don't know what this is about. I've only ever watched 2D Disney movies in my own language, so I don't care much for the English voice cast. And The Lion Guard felt like My Little Pony with lions; Flash animation for small audiences. It was also hard to stick around because of the chronologically wrong inclusion of the Outlanders, insertion of magic with the whole Skyrim dragon shouting guardian plot line, and the never-mentioned-before existence of Kion himself. It was annoying me a bit. I don't like this man with his head mane, cutie mark tattoo, and ten million scars over his eye. He gives me "ORIGNAL CHARARTER DO NUT STEEL!!!"-vibes. The series should've been about young Kovu and Kiara, or their children. ..Kiara's also a snooty stick-in-the-mud from the scenes I've seen. Completely unrecognizable. But enough rambling. I can answer the general question if we could or should separate the real person from the fictional series or character. We could, but the should lies in the severity of the controversy. Everyone has their own tolerance level and we'll never reach one global agreement on the matter, but will say this level has become alarmingly low over the years. Though, really, thin-skinnedness has always been a thing, the far past had to deal with pearl-clutchers every time a new idea arose, so it's more likely the issue lies in the creators, who now take any offence uttered by approved and important groups very seriously. People are willing to destroy an entire franchise whenever someone as insignificant as a background character does something politically incorrect. To let everyone and everything else suffer is unfair, especially when it concerns a project that's already out. And has been, for many, many years. We can't burn down every building or invention whose existence we have rapists, murderers, sexists, etc. to thank for, because you'd be surprised; we'd end up back in the damn Prehistoric Age. Even further than that, in fact, because let's not pretend our cave-dwelling ancestors were respectful, well-behaved individuals. But yes, sometimes organizations choose to stick with familiarity over controversy, especially when it involves one that hasn't been solved inside a courtroom. Accusations with no police report leave room for people to say "then it probably didn't happen". Are there more people who will be happy to hear Nuka's real voice than people who even know there's a controversy to begin with? Perhaps that's the question Disney asked themselves. I personally wouldn't have gone through the trouble for this series I refuse to consider canon.
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officebanglore · 2 years
Educational on growing a big chain do you want to rent your industrial constructing?
If you have questions like, "why do humans spend money on commercial actual estate?" or "what's commercial actual property?" or "how can i lease my store to a franchise?" then this text is for you. These inquiries, and more, will be very well addressed. You may also research on business office area for rent in bangalore to a first-rate franchise, making sure a regular move of apartment income for the foreseeable destiny.
  In what ways would possibly one take advantage of making an investment in industrial real property's many subsets?
 You should first decide where you need to invest after which determine what kind of enterprise property you need to put money into if you're thinking about buying industrial actual property. Office for startups in Bangalore You may even aspect within the commercial real estate you're interested in purchasing as you remember capability locations. There are a few unique options to discover earlier than deciding on a industrial place to rent.
What follows is a rundown of the steps required to relaxed a commercial hire:
 evidence of criminal possession:
 make certain you know the whole thing there is to know approximately the property's ownership. Which means that you need to have get right of entry to to the title report for you to confirm the rent or even use a business belongings that is for rent. Verify that the assets does no longer have any sub-rents or other styles of rent related to it before signing a hire settlement with the landlord.
The electricity to make decisions on a person else's behalf and permitted guides of movement:
 rental houses which are nevertheless under production should have a tenant thoroughly overview both the name deed and the commencement certificates given by way of the appropriate authorities.  Top Office in banglore Affirm the validity of the career certificates before renting out any commercial area in a constructed building.
It's miles, consequently, of the maximum importance to research and make crystal clean whether or not or now not there's any kind of electricity of legal professional at play inside the case of oblique lease.
 The right apartment agreement:
 earlier than making any legally binding agreements with the landlord, make sure the condo association is assigned based on the operations. Whether or not you are moving into an settlement of industrial office areas in banglore or a co-running workplace space association, it's miles vital to be as clean as possible approximately the nature of the rent.
  Earnings tax returns and loan payments ought to be confirmed within the following approaches:
 whether or not you are stepping into a commercial lease with a landlord, it is sensible to analyze the landlord's income tax returns to see if there are any contemporary disputes or felony actions. The improvement manipulate guidelines are a subset of the earnings tax act of 1961, and this can let you know whether the property is classed as commercial or residential for tax purposes. If it isn't clear how this class must be applied to you, you may be problem to a tds in the future.
  Individual reference take a look at for actual estate agent:
 getting to know a potential actual property agent's records is a need to before hiring them. We can not overstate the importance of doing heritage assessments. Preceding leasing agreements and word of mouth may offer facts approximately the brokers. Insist that the agent proportion information about their preceding clients, and give examples if they withstand. If they're hesitant to achieve this, that could be a signal that they've dedicated fraud within the past.
Traders regularly sense greater comfy putting their cash into residential real property because of its decrease perceived hazard and extra accessibility. Investors who know what they need, do their homework, and placed their cash into commercial real property stand a far better hazard of making a substantial income in comparison to those who placed their money into residential actual estate. Maintain in mind, though, that the preliminary funding is appreciably higher than it would be for a home.
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washingtonnews12 · 22 hours
Why These 3 Business Models Never Fail – Start Yours Today!
In an ever-changing economic landscape, entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners seek the elusive secret to long-term success. The ultimate question on everyone's mind is, "What are the business models that never fail?" In 2024, the key to launching a business that stands the test of time lies in understanding the frameworks that have consistently outperformed others. This article dives deep into three proven business models that never fail, ensuring your venture thrives in any economy.
1. Subscription-Based Businesses: Guaranteed Revenue Streams
Subscription-based businesses have been skyrocketing in popularity over the last decade, and for good reason. This business model never fails because it ensures a steady, predictable revenue stream month after month. Whether it’s software-as-a-service (SaaS), digital media subscriptions, or physical products delivered to your door, subscription services lock customers into recurring payments.
Why Subscription Models Never Fail
Consistent Cash Flow: With subscribers committing to monthly or yearly payments, your business enjoys financial predictability. This cushion helps weather economic downturns and plan for future investments.
Customer Retention: Subscription models emphasize long-term relationships. By focusing on customer experience, businesses ensure that clients remain loyal, increasing lifetime customer value.
Scalability: Once the infrastructure is in place, scaling becomes easier. The more customers you onboard, the more you can grow without significant increases in operational costs.
The success of companies like Netflix, Spotify, and Dollar Shave Club proves that subscription businesses rarely fail. In fact, they offer a sense of financial security rarely found in other business models.
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How to Start a Subscription-Based Business That Never Fails
Choose a Niche: Identify a market need that can be addressed through recurring products or services.
Offer Flexibility: Create tiered pricing options to cater to various customer segments, ensuring broader market reach.
Invest in Customer Retention: Develop a stellar customer service system and regularly offer value-added benefits to keep subscribers engaged.
2. Franchise Model: Proven Blueprints for Success
The franchise model has consistently been one of the top business models that never fail, especially for entrepreneurs seeking a low-risk entry into business ownership. This model leverages the proven success of established brands while offering new business owners the guidance and support they need to succeed.
Why Franchises Never Fail
Established Brand Recognition: Franchises offer a pre-built brand with a loyal customer base, reducing the marketing burden on new business owners.
Proven Business Model: Franchisees benefit from a tested operational system, which significantly lowers the risk of failure.
Training and Support: Franchise owners receive extensive training and ongoing support from the franchisor, giving them the tools to effectively manage their business.
Economies of Scale: Franchises enjoy the benefits of bulk purchasing, reducing overall costs and increasing profit margins.
Franchising is an ideal option for individuals who want to own a business that never fails without reinventing the wheel. Notable franchise examples include McDonald's, Subway, and 7-Eleven, all of which have expanded their global reach while offering franchisees immense growth potential.
How to Start a Franchise Business That Never Fails
Research the Industry: Focus on industries with stable growth. Food, fitness, and service-oriented businesses tend to offer the most reliable franchise opportunities.
Evaluate the Franchise Agreement: Ensure you fully understand the terms, fees, and obligations before signing.
Leverage the Franchisor’s Resources: Take advantage of marketing support, training programs, and operational guidelines to streamline success.
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3. E-Commerce: The Ever-Expanding Digital Frontier
E-commerce is a business that never fails to generate immense profits in the digital age. With the rise of online shopping, businesses with an e-commerce platform have the advantage of reaching global markets without the overhead of traditional brick-and-mortar stores. In fact, e-commerce sales are projected to reach $7.5 trillion by 2026, further cementing this model as a key player in modern business.
Why E-Commerce Businesses Never Fail
Low Operating Costs: Compared to traditional retail, e-commerce businesses operate with lower overhead, such as no physical storefronts or expensive utility bills.
Scalability: With digital platforms, the potential to scale is virtually unlimited. As your business grows, you can easily expand product lines and reach new markets without significant infrastructure investments.
Data-Driven Decision Making: E-commerce platforms provide real-time customer data, allowing businesses to quickly adjust strategies, optimize marketing campaigns, and enhance customer experience.
24/7 Availability: Your e-commerce store is always open, allowing you to generate revenue even while you sleep.
Successful e-commerce businesses include giants like Amazon and Shopify, which have revolutionized the way consumers shop online. However, even small entrepreneurs can carve out a profitable niche by offering specialized products or unique services.
How to Start an E-Commerce Business That Never Fails
Find a Niche: Focus on a specific market with a clear need. Whether it’s eco-friendly products or handcrafted goods, finding a unique value proposition is key to standing out.
Invest in SEO and Digital Marketing: To drive traffic and sales, ensure your website is SEO optimized and use digital marketing tools like social media ads and email campaigns.
Prioritize Customer Experience: Provide an easy-to-navigate website, excellent customer service, and fast shipping to keep customers satisfied and coming back.
Key Takeaways: The Common Threads of Businesses That Never Fail
Across subscription services, franchises, and e-commerce, several factors contribute to the ongoing success of these business models that never fail:
Scalability: All three models offer significant opportunities to scale without proportionally increasing costs.
Customer-Centric Focus: These businesses prioritize long-term relationships with their customers, ensuring repeat business and loyalty.
Predictable Revenue: Whether through subscriptions, franchise fees, or online sales, each model generates consistent and reliable income streams.
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Final Thoughts: Building a Business That Never Fails
Starting a business that never fails begins with choosing the right model. Whether you opt for a subscription-based service, a franchise, or an e-commerce venture, the key to long-term success lies in leveraging established systems and focusing on customer satisfaction.
In 2024, the opportunities are endless for entrepreneurs ready to dive into one of these proven business models. By following best practices and continuously evolving with market trends, you can build a business that not only survives but thrives in any economic climate.
So, why wait? Start your business that never fails today and join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs who have unlocked the secrets of these unbeatable business models.
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Mastering Franchise Success: Key Factors Revealed
Opting to become a franchisee is a significant decision that encompasses a range of responsibilities and opportunities. It's crucial to grasp the essential factors before committing to such an investment. In this post, we'll outline the major considerations categorized under Franchise Operations, Franchise Management, and Franchise Compliance.
Franchise Operations
Financial Preparedness
Evaluating your financial preparedness is the initial step. You'll need to assess your starting capital and ongoing expenses. The initial investment could vary from $25,000 to $100,000 or even higher, based on the franchise. Make sure you have sufficient financial resources to cover these expenses.
Monitoring your cash flow is crucial for maintaining financial stability, especially since it can take approximately two years for a new franchise to become profitable. Effective cash flow management provides a safety net against lower-than-anticipated revenues.
A substantial portion of your resources should be devoted to marketing, training, and hiring support staff. Some franchisors collect funds from franchisees for advertising purposes, which can boost your marketing efforts.
Market Analysis
Conducting market analysis is essential to determine whether your franchise concept has a viable market in your chosen location. You need to identify if there's a sufficient audience for your products or services and if these align with local preferences and cultural elements.
Don't disregard the competition. Thoroughly investigate the competitive landscape to understand potential challenges. This preemptive measure can significantly mitigate the risk of failure.
Franchise Management
Personal Commitment and Capability
Your management capabilities and experience will be pivotal to your franchise's success. It's crucial to possess the leadership skills necessary to keep your team focused, especially during periods of early dissatisfaction.
Aligning your professional strengths with the franchise you choose can significantly impact how you handle future obstacles. A franchise that leverages your existing skills and expertise will likely be more manageable and successful.
Franchisor Reputation and Support
As a franchisee, you'll depend on the franchisor for guidance and support. Ensure the franchisor offers comprehensive training programs and continuous assistance. This support system is crucial for overcoming initial barriers and achieving long-term success.
Understanding the franchisor's legal and operational framework is equally important. A well-crafted operations manual ensures consistent quality and brand integrity across all franchise locations.
Franchise Compliance
Legal Considerations
Ensuring compliance with federal and state laws is essential. Each region may have distinct franchising regulations, including the mandatory issuance of a Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). Adhering to these regulations helps in maintaining legal and operational integrity.
Regional legal requirements might include additional permits, leases, and licenses. Being knowledgeable about these mandates can prevent legal issues later on.
Contractual Obligations
The franchise agreement details the terms and conditions you'll need to follow, including fees and royalties. It's essential to understand these costs and ensure they reflect the value and support the franchisor provides.
Regularly updating your operations manual to include new policies, procedures, and industry best practices keeps your franchise compliant and current.
In summary, conducting detailed research, assessing your skills and resources, consulting professional advice, and engaging with current franchisees can lay the foundation for a successful franchising experience.
As a practical example, consider a successful Subway franchisee. This individual obtained a commercial loan to cover the initial investment, identified a market with strong demand through thorough research, possessed the necessary management experience, utilized the extensive training provided by Subway, and ensured compliance with all relevant legal standards.
By considering these factors, you can significantly enhance your chances of establishing a successful franchise business.
#FranchiseTips #FranchiseSuccess #BusinessAdvice #Franchising #Entrepreneurship
``` Preparing to become a franchisee? Get personalized guidance at https://thefranchiseadvisor.com now!
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What Are the Hidden Costs to Consider When Setting Up a Franchise in Australia?
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Franchises in Australia may at first glance seem to be very easy to start. You invest into an existing franchise, adopt their practices and open your business. However, there are some certain costs which are often left unconsidered. This blog explores some of the hidden costs while setting up a franchise in Australia.
Initial Franchise Fees
The first expense that you are going to incur is the amount of money you are going to pay for the franchise license fee. This is an expense that goes to the franchisor. It enables you to leverage their logo and strategy. You should want to know what exactly it covers; you should seek for substantiation of what it covers. Franchise ‘fees’ may also vary where some franchise companies levy training or support fees.
Fit-Out Costs
Every franchise has a laid-down style and blueprint for the appearance of the store that is to be franchised. This is done with the intention of improving the internal environment and this is referred to as the fit-out. Other costs are the fit-out costs which includes the furniture, fixture, and equipment that would be required in the facility. These costs depend on the location of the business and the type of business that is being conducted.
Legal and Accounting Fees
Franchise means forming a business through filing of legal documents. You will also need a lawyer to do a review on some of the contracts made or to be entered into. Legal advice helps an individual to know his/her legal right and the legal responsibilities he/she has towards others. Also, you will require an accountant to help you manage your business’ finances.
Marketing Contributions
Another category of fees that can be levied by franchisors include ongoing marketing fees. It is an addition to the extent of national or regional promotion. It also has a duty of initiating and supporting the spreading of the brand. Still, it may also be necessary to invest in local marketing. Local marketing comprises fliers, web advertisements and special offers. Remember to set money apart for both kinds of marketing.
Staff Training Costs
Staff training is one of the aspects that any franchise cannot afford to ignore if he is to have a successful franchise. Most franchisors offer prospect training, it’s either an extensive training course or facts about the consumer’s trade. But you may need training for new employees or system’s update.
Ongoing Royalty Fees
Every franchise agreement normally has provisions for royalty charges. These are paid on a regular basis to the franchisor. The nature of it, makes you pay them, even if the business is making insignificant or no profits at all. It is important that you have some knowledge about royalties. In layman terms, they can potentially influence your company’s profits in a positive or negative way.
Unexpected Maintenance Costs
Last but not the least there are hidden costs such as maintenance costs involved. Machinery and tools will become old and will require maintenance. In the event that your franchise requires certain pieces of equipment, expenses incurred in repair could be rather high. Remember to allocate funds for this kind of cost.
Final Words
Setting up a franchise in Australia requires more than the initial investment to be made in order to get to the operational stage. There are always hidden costs which are detrimental to its viability and one should always be prepared to cater for these costs. That will help you to be ready for future difficulties to come in the way of your further effectiveness.
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champstorymedia · 7 days
The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Franchising: Tips for Starting Your Own Business
Section 1: Understanding Franchising Franchising is a popular business model that allows individuals to start their own business using an established brand and system. In a franchise agreement, the franchisee pays the franchisor for the right to operate under their brand name and follow their proven business model. This can be an attractive option for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to hit the…
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dolvisbio · 9 days
Best PCD Pharma Company in India
Want to start your very own pharmaceutical business? 
When you are on the journey of starting a new pharmaceutical business, you find it difficult to understand where to start from or whom to ask for help. This is because you are not familiar with the market competition, the investment requirements, and consumer demand. You can get help from the best PCD pharma company in India. 
But do you know what a PCD pharma company is? 
Let us guide you through the process of PCD Pharma Model 
In a PCD pharma franchise model, there are two parties - one who is a business particularly small business, individual, or healthcare entrepreneur and the second is the pharmaceutical company. Under this model, the pharmaceutical company grants the rights of marketing its products to the franchise partner. This also includes the access to the company’s pharmaceutical infrastructure and product portfolio. 
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There are numerous benefits of partnering with a PCD pharma company. 
Benefits of partnering with a PCD pharma company:
No investment tensions - While starting your business, a major concern for individuals or small businesses is to collect funds for setting up the infrastructure of the business. This however takes a lot of time and also increases the initial overhead cost, but if you are partnering with a PCD pharma company then you get the benefit of starting your own pharma business without budget issues. Since, you get both infrastructure and inventory support from them. 
Certified and quality products - By entering into a franchise agreement with a pharmaceutical company, you get access to certified and quality pharmaceutical products, which are safe for your consumers’ consumption. The certification includes GMP, WHO, and others. Further this helps to save your time of getting approval from regulatory bodies for new pharma products. 
Industry connections - When you are venturing into a pharmaceutical business you require access to distributors, suppliers, and even the regions where you can sell your pharma products. However, this is  difficult for a small business as they are new to the industry. Hence, when you partner with a pharmaceutical company you get access to their connections in the industry, which helps to increase your market visibility and consumer reach.
You can also avail these benefits by partnering with the best PCD pharma company in India - Dolvis Biopharma. With them, you can not only start a pharmaceutical business in India but also are contributing towards the health care development and well being of the nation. 
Let us understand about the features of Dolvis Biopharma’s PCD model
Monopoly rights - When you are partnering with Dolvis Biopharma for franchisee, you get the exclusive freedom to run your own business without any interference and financial disputes. Dolvis Biopharma grants exclusive monopoly rights to their franchise partners so that partners get to distribute products without much market competition in India.
Minimal expenses - Once you partner with Dolvis Biopharma, you stress less about the financial operations of running a pharmaceutical business. Dolvis Biopharma will take care of your business right from giving access to their infrastructure such as production, manufacturing, and inventory to access to our distribution network. 
Quality and ethical product portfolio - Dolvis Biopharma takes pride in producing and distributing GMP certified pharmaceutical products such as injectables, tablets, capsules, creams, soft gels, and others. Their team of quality experts follow stringent quality standards at every stage of the production process, so that you deliver the safest and high efficacy products to your customers.
Comprehensive product offerings - If you are interested in starting a pharma business but worry about creating and getting approval of pharma products, then your worries end here at Dolvis Biopharma. As, you get a diverse range of products, which includes injections, capsules, tablets, syrups, dermacare products such as oil and lotion, soft gels, and others help you cater to different types of needs of your consumer. 
Affordable pricing options -  With Dolvis Bio Pharma you get the best products at affordable services that will help you maintain consumer and brand value, and build better relationships with them.
Transparency, strong support, and guidance in pharma business strategies, and access to quality products are pillars of Dolvis Bio Pharma family. So if you want to start a pharmaceutical business with limited budget and high earning expectations you can become a part of Dolvis Bio Pharma family.
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