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jemalaaus · 1 year
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Are you looking for the best quality high-quality silk fabric? Look no further than Jemala. Our premium-grade silk fabric is made with unmatched attention to detail, offering you a luxurious look and feel every time. With a wide range of colours and textures, we ensure you get the perfect silk fabric for your wardrobe. Simply put, our silk fabric is the best quality you can find. We take pride in our products and want to ensure that they meet your expectations every time. From shopping to shipping, we provide everything that runs so you can easily shop. If a problem arises, do not hesitate to contact us for mopre details about high quality silk fabric online; we will do our best to resolve it quickly and effectively.
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redfashionmarketing · 7 years
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Melbourne Such a different vibe to Sydney. Not to mention great Coffee. #melbourne #blockarcade #style #meetings #selling #indigenous #australian #australia #aboriginal #aboriginalandtorresstraitislander #scarves #scarf #australianmadefashion #indigenousentrepreneurs (at Block Arcade, Melbourne)
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allthingslinguistic · 6 years
All Things Linguistic - 2018 Highlights
In 2018, I finished writing my book about internet language, which now has an official title (BECAUSE INTERNET) and publication date (July 23, 2019). You can preorder it here now and it will arrive as a delightful present from yourself halfway through the year! 
I also started writing a column for Wired about internet language and went to Australia to do two Lingthusiasm liveshows. 
My book about internet language officially has a title and publication date! Look for BECAUSE INTERNET: UNDERSTANDING THE NEW RULES OF LANGUAGE in July 2019, and you can also put your email address here to make sure you don’t miss when it’s out on social media. 
I also began a column about internet language for Wired. My first two articles: 
Voldemorting, birdsite, The Cheeto, and other ways of hiding words in plain sight online.
Why do some mid-sized languages, like Swedish, have extensive internet resources, while others with the same or larger speaker populations do not?
Lingthusiasm Podcast 
For Lingthusiasm, my podcast with Lauren Gawne, we did our long-anticipated liveshows in Sydney and Melbourne! We also released new Lingthusiasm merch, including tree diagram scarves, rainbow IPA scarves, Space Baby art, and IPA ties. 
We released 12 main episodes and 12 bonus episodes: 
16. Learning parts of words -  Morphemes and the wug test 17. Vowel Gymnastics 18. Translating the untranslatable 19. Sentences with baggage - Presuppositions 20. Speaking Canadian and Australian English in a British-American binary 21. What words sound spiky across languages? Interview with Suzy Styles 22. This, that and the other thing - determiners 23. When Nothing Means Something 24. Making books and tools speak Chatino - Interview with Hilaria Cruz 25. Every word is a real word 26.  Why C and G come in hard and soft versions, and more about palatal sounds 27. Words for family relationships: kinship terms
Bonus episodes: 
11. We are all linguistic geniuses - Interview with Daniel Midgley 12. Creating languages for fun and learning 13. The grammar of swearing 14. The poetry of memes 15. Linguistics grad school advice 16. Forensic Linguistics 17. Homophones, homonyms, and homographs 18. Emoji, Gesture and The International Congress of Linguists 19. Hyperforeignisms 20. Bringing up bilingual babies 21. What’s it really like at academic conferences? 22. Q&A (with bonus video!) about the shape of your ears, very old words, and more
A few select media articles: 
Multiple exclamation marks in internet speak!!! (Atlantic) Video on NBC about teen slang (NBC)
Dictionary.com’s decision to add entries for emoji (TIME)
Emoji in the courtroom (CBC The Current)
On the origins of “doggo” (Wired)
An interview about Lingthusiasm with Lauren Gawne (Babel Magazine Meet the Professionals series)
Lingthusiasm was featured on Dictionary.com’s list of best podcasts about language.
I also started a personal/professional instagram account, and started updating the accounts for All Things Linguistic and Lingthusiasm more frequently: go check those out if your instagram feed needs more linguistics in it. 
You can also follow All Things Linguistic on Mastodon for a daily linguistics post there.
Talks and conferences 
I gave a talk about emoji as gesture at EmojiCon in Brooklyn and about emoji sequences as beat gestures at Emoji2018 at Stanford. 
I went to a broad range of interesting conferences this year: XOXO, PatreCon, LangFest, Scintillation, Automatic Speech Recognition for Endangered Languages (ASREL retreat), McGill Symposium on Indigenous Languages, and the annual meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). 
While in Australia, I gave workshops on LingComm at the annual meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society and at the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language summer school, in addition to a sold-out public lecture on internet linguistics at the summer school. I also gave talks about emoji as gesture at four universities: Sydney, Melbourne, Monash, and La Trobe. 
At the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, I organized a panel called Language in the Public Ear: Linguistics Outreach via Podcasts and Radio, for which my cohost Lauren Gawne represented Lingthusiasm. I also organized the linguistics Wikipedia editathon with Lauren Collister, and stepped in at the last minute to co-host the Five Minute Linguist competition with Lane Greene of the Economist, in addition to our previously scheduled judging, due to weather issues. 
Selected blog posts
I hit my 6-year blogiversary! Here are a few of my favourite posts from 2018: 
Roundup posts
A very long list of linguistics YouTube channels and other free online videos about linguistics
How to explain linguistics to your friends and family this holiday season  (updated)
Linguistics Gift Guide 2018
So, your linguistics department has a recruitment challenge
Linguistic approaches to language learning (updated)
How to teach yourself linguistics online for free (updated)
28 tips for doing better in your intro linguistics course  (updated)
Long list of pop linguistics books and lingfic  (updated)
Language and Linguistics podcasts (updated)
An extensive playlist of songs about linguistics
Linguistics jobs interviews
Linguistics + X career advice post (updated)
Freelance editor and writer
Webinar on working in tech 
Webinar on how to get into linguistics grad school
Language creator
Standards engineer
Working in tech
Accent coach
Communications professionals
Museum curator
Think tank researcher
Data science skills
University course coordinator
Memes and other linguist humour
Punctuation takes on the distracted boyfriend meme
lana del rey, translated
grendel grendel / yes mama
Linguistics Sign Bunny
Look, Simba. Everything the light touches on that chart is pronounceable.
Linguistics takes on the “Is this a pigeon?” meme
May the 4th Be With You: Syntax Wars
Is your child texting about linguistics?
Linguistics takes on the “Hallelujah” meme
This is the best meme poem and I will brook no arguments
Half of the students transcribed ‘marriage’ with a final [tʃ]; so I guess it’s true that 50% of marriages end in devoice
why would you do this / it just seems right?
Wallet but pronounced like ballet, laughter but pronounced like daughter, and more
A Maximal Onset Principle joke
The English “th” sound takes on the Distracted Boyfriend meme
Things about languages
Pro-Tactile American Sign Language
Folks, there’s nothing left from the linguistics division. (On the Brazil National Museum fire)
New Zealand government pushes for Maori in all primary schools by 2025
Indigenous sign languages
“I’ve never met anyone who regretted being bilingual”
Generation poems for names in Korean and Chinese
Indigenous languages spoken by people at the U.S.-Mexico border
Plains Sign Language
Learning Javanese is like learning 3 languages
“We see value in speaking two languages, but we don’t see value in speaking two dialects. Maybe it’s time we did.
”This Egyptian bird has declared himself “your evil son”
Proto-Algonquian Dictionary now online
A free online course about the linguistics of signed languages
Latin roots in English words that ultimately go back to the same Proto-Indo-European roots as native Germanic English words
Using punctuation marks to help learn tones
The injustice of the baby sign trend
On learning Aboriginal languages as a non-Aboriginal person
You’re never too old to become fluent in a foreign language
Why Hanukah/Chanukkah/etc is spelled so many different ways
Example sentences 
Pragmatic ambiguity: have you seen my cat?
Retronym: call-phone
Reduplication: moonmoon
Semantic ambiguity: let this be the hour that we draw swords together
Cheeseburger stabbing ambiguity
Structural ambiguity: “Fake degree claims dog prominent Spanish politicians.” and “Nicole, who never saw a dog and didn’t smile” (diagrammed)
Linguistics handmade things 
A christmasyntax tree
Schwa cookies
Wug cookies and a 3D-printed wug cookie cutter  
Colourful IPA cookies
How to crochet your own wug
Internet linguistics 
A study of tagging on tumblr
A thread on meme semiotics
A masters thesis about tumblr orthography
A paper about tagging practices on tumblr
Icelandic language battles threat of “digital extinction”
Robot mind meld, a word net game
Keysmashing “wrong”
Are emoji sequences as informative as text?
“Utterly linguisted”
Other linguistics 
A mollusc that matches the tree diagram scarves
What dogs understand when we speak to them
Star Trek takes on the Gavagai problem
The impact of climate change on language loss
Why teaching phonics is an important part of learning to read
Singular ‘They’ is 700 Years Old
Crows with a human accent
Debunking the idea that apes might have learned a sign language
Repairing the World: a sci fi short story featuring linguists
IPA Twister
What’s something that seems obvious within your profession, but the general public seems to misunderstand?
Yesterday’s syntax is tomorrow’s morphology
Repetition can make sounds into music
This young girl uses “los,” “las” and the gender-neutral “les” — watch her explain why.
Communicating colours using black and white (a language evolution game)
Yanny or Laurel (two threads, origins)
A colour-coded diagram of the English IPA with the part of the mouth you use to make each sound
The logic behind childhood spelling “errors”
A lexicographer’s guide to real words
Heaven’s Vault: a videogame that’s “like Guitar Hero for linguistics”
IPA chart Battleship
xkcd and the linguist meteorologist
Why drawings aren’t universal communication
Deflecting “how are you” and “how many languages do you know” with Gricean Maxims
An anti-linguistic discrimination limerick for Grammar Day
Linguistic accommodation
Babies notice the difference between signed languages and gestures
Pointing with the index finger isn’t as universal as you might think
How to visualize consonants by painting charcoal on various parts of your mouth
The story of “sic”
When most people tell you they think words are so fascinating, they have in mind items like “canoodle” and “serendipity.” When linguists say it, they have in mind, like, “the.”
Why do cartoon villains speak in foreign accents?
Ursula K LeGuin on singular “they”
The 300-year history of using “literally” figuratively
Missed out on previous years? Here are the summary posts from 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. If you’d like to get a much shorter monthly highlights newsletter via email, you can sign up for that on my website.
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Tw suicide. I don't know when or how but I know when I die it'll be by my own hand. And at the rate it's going it'll probably be sooner than later.
Look mate, you are an anonymous person on the internet so I literally have no information about your circumstances or situation, and therefore it’s a tad difficult to know what you need to do in order to move out of this state. 
From what you have said, it sounds like you do not have a plan of action at current, but are interested in seeking assistance/support, just not sure how to obtain it. 
First and foremost, please seek immediate support.
Are you safe, is someone with you?Please go and find the nearest person you trust, or feel you can talk to, (even by phone or chat if you must), and tell them, “I need you to listen to me, right now, things are not alright and I am afraid that I might hurt myself in some manner.”Or to simplify it, “I need help, I want to die, and I feel I might act on it. Please take me to the hospital.”
Yes, you will need to be assessed. 
If you do not have someone to contact, and feel you may be compelled to harm yourself at current, please call your country’s emergency number, (eg. Australia’s is 000, America’s is 911). Tell them the above, tell them you don’t think you are safe to be alone. 
Or go straight to the hospital. Because you will be surrounded by people there, and sometimes the impulse to do something will fade, but you will still have the chance to speak with a physician over this. Be honest. They can only help if you tell the situation, as you experience it, so they can understand.[If you feel speaking will be too hard, write it down, write down your thoughts, your fears, that you are experiencing strong suicidal ideation and need help, anything that’s changed recently -e.g. loss of job or appetite, etc.]
If you have strong feelings about self harm or suicide, but do not feel it is an immediate threat, (still find someone), there are several options including seeing your doctor, and/or speaking with a support service. As listed below.
These are Australian, but as I don’t have the country you are from, I had to approximate:
>Lifeline  - Ph: 13 11 14
They have a Crisis Online Chat, a 24hr phoneline, and specific resources for men, women, young people, indigenous persons, poc, parents and the elderly. They also have additional resources for your specific needs under their Resources tab.
>United Synergies the main website has links to various other help organisations that specialise in mental health, youth, homelessness, suicide prevention, homelessness, and other topics.>>United Synergies: Standby Suicide Callback Service - Ph: 1300 659 467Suicide Prevention & Support Service.  Online Text & Video Chat counselling services available. For people who have experienced suicidal ideation, attempts, suicide in their social circle; for information, advice, assistance and counselling, and resource provision. They can plan to make contact regularly, if you need it. 
>Kids Helpline (Youth & Young Adult 13-25yrs) - Ph: 1800 55 180024hr phoneline, online crisis chat & email counselling is available. Trained counselors can listen and provide you with resources, and/or support.
>BeyondBlue - Ph: 1300 22 4636Online Chat & Email Counselling available, as well as 24hr confidential phoneline. Specialise in providing counseling for depression, anxiety and suicide related issues, concerns, and sufferers. 
>1800RESPECT - (Ph: 1800 737 732)National Sexual Assault & Domestic Family Violence  Counselling Service [24hr information, counselling & support phoneline]Information for Victims/Those who are or have experienced sexual assault or familial violence, Family & Friends, and Professionals who support persons and families affected.Can help with safety planning, planning to leave, and provide counselling or additional resource as necessary for the individual.
[[Has 24hr phoneline, ONLINE COUNSELLING, Interpretor Service & Auslan video about services for victims, families and friends affected]]
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-> some clarification questions, self-reflective, to help you (and your support person and/or physician) understand the situation better. In no particular order…
a) Is this consistent/a daily occurrence, a feeling that seems to linger?OR, has this been triggered by something (it can be an event, a situation, etc)?
[If you have a mental or physical illness, have experienced grief/loss, have had trauma (recent or past), have changed medications, have started/stopped something, are in an unhealthy environment, have missed a self-imposed ‘goal’, etc… any of these factors can be involved. And sometimes, it’s something else, that happens too.] 
+If so, does it happen at certain times, what does it feel like?e.g. you feel heavy and sick, but usually only in the afternoons, and that’s when the thoughts occur. [Where can be an interesting indicator of circumstance, as well. For example, some people clench their jaws unconsciously, making them feel unwell and gain a tension headache, which in many cases, lowers resistance to certain negative thought processes.]b) Can you put into words why you don’t want to be here anymore?Is it that you cannot see a way out of a current situation/problem, a fear of the future, an inability to picture a future, will it make someone leave you alone, is it something from the past that is impacting, etc.?
What, specifically, will suicide ‘accomplish’ in this situation, from your perspective. Put into words your fears, write down the main problems, the ‘reasons’, anything that is different now.
e.g. I cannot picture a future with me in it, it seems like a grey blur, and it seems easier to just make things stop now. I can’t sleep enough, and I’m never hungry, so I’m always tired. OR, e.g. I can’t think of any other way to escape this situation, I have no other options… I wanted to write them down, to talk about, but my hands never stop shaking, these days.In both cases, the sentence or two gives a lot of insight into the reality and perception of the writer.
c) Make a plan to seek help. Find your person, take them as support to the doctor if you need it, but have someone you trust involved. They can help motivate to seek assistance.
If you have a ‘plan’ to hurt yourself, tell them, tell the doctors, tell someone. e.g. it is as simple as saying, “Can you please take the (chemical cleaner) from beneath the sink, I have thought about using it to hurt myself before” or hand over sharp things, or scarves or anything you feel you can hurt yourself with. Heck, call someone you hella trust and give over your carkeys, if you have had situations where your mind has said, “Hey, drive into that tree…” because it happens to a lot of people.
Especially those with mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety.
>Do you have an alternative coping strategy you have learned, e.g. holding ice to simulate damage/pain, over using something sharp. Snapping a rubber band, drawing on your skin with red pen, beating the tar out of a pillow, fiddling with playdoh, using a fidget spinner or equivalent… hell, even mindfulness helps some people. Whatever works to settle emotions, and give you enough room to decide how to seek assistance. 
d) Do you have a current diagnosis for something?If so, has there been an alteration to your treatment plan (usually medication in combination with counselling/therapy), a different dosage, stopping a medication, stopping visits with counsellor, something personal you have experienced that is severely impacting? 
If you have a doctor or counsellor to speak with, who know the situation, call them immediately and try to have a conversation on the phone because they will have more intimate knowledge of the circumstances and therefore a better perception of what to do next.
e) If you have noticed a change in your thought patterns recently, try and work out where this has stemmed from.
Wellbeing is made up of different areas of life.
Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Environmental, Social, Familial, Cultural, Occupational, Spiritual, Political, etc. Each has a domino-like effect, if something starts to go wrong in one area (e.g. overstressed at work can impact on physical/mental/emotional health, on ability to socialise or connect with others, etc.)
It could be a little thing, that is simply branching out and causing issues with everything else. 
But most importantly, write down the problems, the issues, the ‘barriers’ to you continuing forwards with life. What makes you feel like suicide is the only option.
Not only does it clarify the base/core thoughts behind these ideations for YOu, but it gives professionals a good starting point to discuss the topic. 
e.g. +“The situation is hopeless, death is the only way out; I’ve tried everything from running away to playing along, and nothing works.”+‘In the multiple attempts to leave you have already told me of, did you ever make the choice to leave impulsively, or did you plan to leave?’+“Oh, I just WENT, it was kinda just my brain screaming ‘GET OUT’, you know?”+‘So what you have said is that a main barrier to your feeling able to leave, to go on with the future, is that your current situation and environment is too difficult/dangerous to continue living in... and because of that, you tend to make flight-or-fight decisions, in the moment, when trying to get away?’+”...yeah.”+ ‘If you had had the time to calmly plan where you would go, what kind of plan would you make?’+ “Uh... I could call my Aunt? She’s two towns over, and would take me in for a bit...”You get the gist, it’s all about narrowing down the feelings, the thoughts behind them, and then tearing those thoughts to shreds so you can see the full extent of the problem and a potential solution...
This might have seemed slightly skewed, off-track even, but realistically the most important thing is to seek assistance about these thoughts immediately, and then examine the motivations/fears/reasons behind this impulsive desire.
If you are worried, and you clearly are, then now is the time to act preemptively; pour the metaphorical ash on the embers of this negative idea, before they burst into flame again (so to speak). Seek a professional, but you can bolster your courage by speaking anonymously with one of the above services (via phone, online chat counselling and email counselling).
In short, never feel that hope is gone and that death is inevitable, there is a solution and we will find it. But the fact you reached out for help is a good sign, a positive step. The next step is up to you, but you have support, you need not do this alone anonling.
Now please go and find someone, it is never a good idea to be alone with such thoughts for too long.
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marisoupial · 7 years
Growing up Salvadoreña
I feel like I've spent most of my life on a threshold: never quite here nor there. I was born in and spent my childhood ‘en la capital’ of El Salvador harbouring what I can solely describe as internalized racism, though it's only in hindsight that I came to recognize it.
I resented it when my family would endearingly call me 'negrita,' and can still recall an 8-year-old me saying that I preferred it whenever my hair was wet because it would restrain my natural curls. I was otherwise a generally carefree child; I was crafty, ingenious, sharp-witted, self-aware, and observant, though introverted, soft-spoken, painfully shy, and highly anxious—qualities that I've learned to expertly navigate in order to adapt to my abruptly evolving environment. I sometimes blame that adaptability for suppressing my perceived struggle.
My young parents recognized early on that the closest guarantee of a fruitful future for me was not in the violence-riddled El Salvador we had experienced, and they naively set out to establish new roots in Australia, where my civil-war-refugee aunt and her nuclear family were the only people we knew. But before heading over, my parents and I went to live with a different maternal aunt who graciously hosted us in California. We journeyed out there for the first time as tourists in the year 2000. None of us knew English. We slept in the living room of my aunt's one-bedroom apartment while my parents worked with her as housekeepers. To this day, that's still their primary source of income. I was enrolled in a regular English-speaking 4th grade class after spending some two odd weeks teaching myself the language by leisurely watching Nickelodeon cartoons whose scripts I had already memorized in Spanish long before. My only struggle was concerning social acclimation. I was completely unfazed by our living situation, I didn't have a hard time learning the language, and my main focus remained in academics. Our little family couldn't handle the pressure of adjusting, however, and before we set out to Australia, my dad went back to El Salvador alone.
My mami and I moved forward with the original plan and made it to Australia, where we lived in a suburb outside of Sydney. I was skipped ahead a grade for the second time since moving around, and perfected my English in a newly adopted Australian accent. When I started class, I introduced myself to my new teacher by my middle name, Beatriz, in a continued attempt to assimilate, but thankfully she made the effort to introduce me to the class by my first name, Marisela, even if at the time I repeatedly apologized for its verbosity and made excuses for anyone who butchered it. I was an anomaly for knowing Spanish and tried hard to suppress it. I was ashamed of my heritage for its perceived insignificance. But I adjusted, and continued to lead a relatively normal, sedentary childhood.
In 2001, there was an earthquake in El Salvador, which caused my parents to reconnect again. My dad was set out to rejoin us in Australia on 9/11, but given the events that took place on that infamous day, his journey was delayed by a week. But we finally became a unit again, coexisting with my aunt's family under their roof. It was tough, but they helped us get back on our feet before we found a new home of our own. My parents held down the fort with odd jobs until my dad was able to find a position in his field of clinical pathology at a local hospital. It seemed like we were headed in a prosperous direction, just as we had planned, but when my aunt lost her battle to cancer a few years down the line, we found ourselves virtually alone in a country completely isolated from everything familiar to us. My parents made the difficult decision of surrendering potential Australian citizenship to a fresh start in the US, in an attempt to be closer to our Salvadoran family.  
We ended up relocating to Northern New Jersey to be with my dad’s siblings. After having been a self sufficient family, we returned to the life of single room occupancy.  What was supposed to be another transitional period in this place turned into nearly a decade. The only thing I liked about it was the stability that came with not moving around so frequently. After attending 7 different schools growing up, it felt good to attend the same high school all 4 years. It was the first time I could ever trace the evolution of a single place, and say I knew people from back when.
Hudson County, NJ is essentially the 6th borough across the river from Manhattan—urban, predominantly Hispanic—it was the most familiar thing to me since leaving El Salvador, and still, I arrogantly sought to disassociate myself from it as I aspired to higher pursuits.  After 6 months of living in the US, there was no trace of my former Australian accent. My inherent adaptability made me resentful towards my own mother for making me constantly act as her translator.  As an only child in a new space, I had no one to resort to for advice on how to navigate this environment.  If I had any Salvadoran peers at all, they were usually first gens with families from the rural ‘oriente’ and had as much in common with me as nearly any other kid I associated with. But New Jersey is where I did most of my growing up, and could possibly be the closest thing I can formally call home.
My parents and I have spent the vast majority of our time in the US as undocumented citizens, since our tourist visas expired shortly after our move here.  We were able to continue progressing in spite of it, and were eventually given an opportunity to gain legal residency. The process was bittersweet in essence, but very much a blessing. I spent the previous years attending community college part time, before eventually graduating with the ability to further my education at a reputable architecture school in central New York.  I felt like I would finally find grounding there, as everything I had been subjected to growing up made me believe.  Despite growing up brown and struggling, I feared being defined by it. My whole life I aspired to blend in, lie low.  I never quite fit the mold of feisty, unapologetic, tough Latina, nor identified with typical conventions of Latinidad.  I was neither here, nor there. I took solace in underground music, while sporting indigenous teeth jewelry and head scarves that earned me nicknames like ‘Aunt Jemima’ and ‘Harriet Tubman’.  I was referred to as the nerd girl from Australia, even when I threw around Spanglish in an East Coast accent.
I did eventually find my grounding in a private college setting, and furthermore in my newly adopted town, which in itself came with a world of exposure.  But it was only after that additional drastic, socioeconomic, demographic, emotional, and existential uprooting that I was forced to reflect on, embrace, and validate my experience. My parents have gifted me with relentless focus, tireless dedication, insurmountable strength, and virtuous patience that can only be attributed to our ancestral roots, not to mention undying support that has been crucial to my survival. While my identity continues to suffer from generations of colonial toxicity, and my character is still in development, I am a proud, thick-skinned Salvadoreña.
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countryculture · 7 years
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Designer Scarves - Country Culture Works with Australian Companies to Create The Perfect Staff Identifier For Any Corporate Event!
Most companies expect their staff to present in a professional and stylish way. The best way to ensure this happens successfully is to have some input into the uniform or staff identifier worn during important events. Staff identifiers can be anything from scarves, ties, pocket squares, jewellery, name tags and of course uniforms. Wearing such items is particularly important if the event has scale and your guests or delegates need direction, assistance and looking after. Put simply,  if your staff are easily recognised, the event will run more smoothly.
This level of professionalism occurs at Tourism Australia. We were approached to collaborate with them to produce a bespoke identifier solution. We were also styling a corporate event in Melbourne for them, so this aspect came under the same umbrella. Using our network of trusted Australian designers and makers across Australia, we found the perfect partner for this collaboration. We worked with the team to overlay a designer print on the vibrant, colourful silk chiffon scarf. The bold mix of colours meant that this scarf would sit nicely alongside a wide range of coloured clothing. 
Country Culture took care of all aspects including: the attention to detail with the artwork, overlay on the pattern, quality control of the print, silk and rolled edges, not to mention presentation and delivery. We had very happy clients whose staff were able to wear this scarf for various events. In fact, many delegates came to ask if they could purchase a scarf themselves!
We have also been fortunate to work with a range of other companies providing Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane cityscapes and overlaying them on the colours which suit their uniform. We have also delivered indigenous patterned scarves for events, uniquely designed by Australian indigenous artists. The scarf then becomes personal and is a great talking point for your guests.
I have a handful of tips when it comes to choosing staff identifiers or uniforms for events.
- Choose clothing items such as quality scarves, ties, pocket squares or jewellery as a staff identifier so that your event runs smoothly.
-Make sure the identifier is unique and pertinent to the city you’re hosting the event in.
-Leave your logos off.
- Bespoke scarves, pocket squares or ties can also be also presented as a sophisticated business gift as a reminder of the event.
-Don’t risk leaving one staff member to choose. Make sure your marketing team are included and the identifier fits with the quality and values of your brand. 
- Work with Country Culture and their network of designers to create the perfect uniform for your event. You won’t be sorry with the result!
Contact us: [email protected] for a bespoke solution for your next event. Or visit us at https://www.countryculture.com.au/corporate.html
Image courtesy of Tourism Australia.
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers #imaginationiseverything #followyourdreams💫 #innovation💡 #entrepreneurship 👨‍💼👩‍💼👨🏾‍⚕️ (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByXY325AGKV/?igshid=1vjp25f96g65f
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-wzDBAp7L/?igshid=1d03ud4anr70a
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere Scarves - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. It’s cold somewhere! The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #manifest #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #shopifydropshipping #shopifystore #squarespace #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers #certified🧣 (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0jbLmgJNn/?igshid=ggv1ub7rlixk
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere Scarves - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. It’s cold somewhere! The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #manifest #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #shopifydropshipping #shopifystore #squarespace #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers #certified🧣 (at Bondi, New South Wales, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxo4XYeg1hD/?igshid=1trqihy7l07so
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere Scarves - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. It’s cold somewhere! The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #manifest #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #shopifydropshipping #shopifystore #squarespace #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers #certified🧣 (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxiXTWdAE9v/?igshid=1atpelh8v3qhb
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere Scarves - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. It’s cold somewhere! The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers #certified🧣 (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxgAkMaA-ap/?igshid=1q2gb77j78rda
0 notes
redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere Scarves - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. It’s cold somewhere! The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers #certified🧣 (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxdS42Yg6BH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=115fya7kzxm6e
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere Beret - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. It’s cold somewhere! The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/redfashionmarketingglobal/p/BxajfZ8Aq-O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zhvchbu60ebn
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redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere Beret - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/redfashionmarketingglobal/p/BxYSyg5A8Lh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ksffxddesyvm
0 notes
redfashionmarketing · 5 years
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Cashmere - Sourced from the most famous Cashmere Area - Mongolia. This Cashmere is the real thing. Certification available. Wholesale now available - Factory Direct. Amazing Fashion Colours - 2 weights - All 100% Cashmere. Stock is available now - so if you have a Shortfall in your Winter Accessory buy then Contact us. Enquire about having your brand placed on the scarves. Shipping Worldwide. The high price is due to the strict guidelines for what constitutes cashmere: The fiber must come from the undercoat of the cashmere goat, indigenous to a tiny portion of northern Asia, as well as be very, very fine—with a diameter one-fifth the size of a human hair. But what’s marketed as cashmere today is often not the real thing, and it’s not uncommon for Chinese herders to crossbreed cashmere goats with bigger species of the animal in hopes of yielding more hair. The result is, predictably, a less fine fiber. www.redfashionmarketing.com #customised #leather #cashmere #100%cashmere #privatelabel #yourbrandhere #factorydirect #bettermargin #profit #uniqueproducts #trust #partnership #ethical #amazonfashion #amazonsellers #etsy🌎 #etsysellers🌎 #emergingentrepreneurs #shippingworldwide✈️🌎 #dreambig💰 #tunedintappedinturnedon #onlineretailers (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/redfashionmarketingglobal/p/BxVvGuBAE2D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pc9j8p7txma6
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