#indigenous ally
On Friday, a group of protestors walked on Highway 89 in Cameron, Ariz., protesting Pinyon Plain Mine owner Energy Fuels trucking uranium ore through the Navajo Nation to Utah. Uranium has a long history of impacts on the Navajo Nation and its people since the 1940s. "We've seen the effects of these things in the past on our land, the spills into our rivers, into our communities, the residual effects on our on our health, of our children, our elders," Cameron resident Adair Klopfenstein said. "It's awful, and we don't want it to happen again." The Pinyon Plain Mine, formerly known as Canyon Mine, began mining uranium ore in December and is expected to be actively mining for at least five years. The company had told 12News at the end of June it would start transporting the uranium ore to a mill in southeast Utah in July or August. That hauling appears to have started before the pause was put in place. "I call it illegal smuggling across our border and then through the Navajo Nation," Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said.
And from June:
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writingwithcolor · 2 years
Thanksgiving/Day of Mourning
Last year, I made a very quick, basic post about thanksgiving: Indigenous Day of Mourning aka Thanksgiving. if you want the sources for what I’m about to say, check there.
This post will be about why you cannot just go “fuck the pilgrims, we deserve a harvest festival no matter the origin” or anything else that tries to sanitize the holiday.
You Are Still On Stolen Land
As a result, you are still actively profiting off the genocide the pilgrims committed.
I don’t care how educated about racial issues you profess you are. I don’t care how you behave the other 364 days of the year. If you try to distance yourself from the origins of Thanksgiving simply because it makes you uncomfortable to see the blood under the tablecloth, you’re not practised in sitting with actually being anti-racist. You know what to say, but you don’t practice what you preach.
You Are Eating Our Food
Pumpkins/squash, beans, turkey, cranberries, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, pecans, maple syrup?
Those are all Native American foods that we taught you how to grow and harvest.
You wouldn’t have any of your traditional Thanksgiving foods without us. The ideal meal of Thanksgiving is ripped right from Indigenous practices and cannot be separated from it.
The fact that these foods have been taken out of Indigenous hands and appropriated by colonizers as the bounties they somehow deserve for landing here is a tragedy, and people need to remember where their food comes from and who had been growing it for thousands of years.
You Had So Much Because Of Massacre
Thanksgiving became an annual tradition after 700 Pequot men, women, children, and elders were killed, freeing up acres of land that colonizers promptly took over. The sheer amount of extra acreage that colonizers had because of their genocide contributed to the excess of food experienced during Thanksgiving. That land had been structured to support more people originally.
Colonizers had never, ever, deserved that much food. They were taking more than they needed, not leaving much behind for the animals that depended on a balance to be held with humans. They took far more than was needed, throwing the balance off in nature.
Maybe I’m reaching. But I think that if you suddenly had 700 less people in the area, after all of the growing and planting for the total population had been done, you’d have excess food? Or even before the growing, you’d have land set up to support 700, that I’d assume you’d still use, when you were a much smaller population?
Sit With Your Own Grief
If this makes you feel bad and that you shouldn’t celebrate Thanksgiving? Sit with that.
I’m not telling you that you have to give up Thanksgiving traditions. I’m telling you that you cannot divorce them from Indigenous people.
You are giving thanks for our massacre. You are giving thanks for stealing so much from us that you had this excess.
Yes, you can need a break; yes, you can need time with family and friends. None of this is inherently bad.
It’s not even bad to eat local food from Turtle Island! Part of having a sustainable diet is eating locally, in time with the seasons.
But remember, it is Indigenous people who first gave this to you—and then you stole far more than you ever needed from us, killing us to get what you felt you deserved.
Do not divorce Thanksgiving from Indigenous people for your own comfort.
We are still here. We must live with the aftermath of colonizers stealing from us every single day.
If you feel this way hearing about our history, imagine what we feel like living it.
Donate to a local org/Indigenous person this Thanksgiving
I (again) don’t have the spoons to compile a list of vetted charities, but look for local tribe language revival programs, COVID relief funds, and activism around the Indian Child Welfare Act currently in front of the Supreme Court.
Pay reparations for what you have taken, and remember. It is also Indigenous Day of Mourning.
Indigenous people, drop your links below.
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lilies-of-the-fields · 6 months
Stand in solidarity with the Miccosukee:
Big Cypress Preserve is part of the Everglades, one of the largest remaining tracts of wetlands on Turtle Island (North America).
The Miccosukee Tribe have lived there since time immemorial and their care for their home has shaped it into the beautiful swamp we know today.
The National Parks Service is trying to rush a change in Big Cypress' designation from a Preserve to a Wilderness area. [plain text: The National Parks Service is trying to rush a change in Big Cypress' designation from a Preserve to a Wilderness area.]
This would give the area stronger protections for water quality, but would significantly limit the Tribe's access to their homelands and completely ignores how their stewardship of the lands and waters was and is crucial in maintaining the health of ecosystems.
There hasn't been a good faith effort to include the Miccosukee in a meaningful way (ie free informed prior consent & input!!!) on this change to their sovereign territory.
If you want to practice allyship, here's a chance. Sign the petition to show your support / solidarity with the Miccosukee. [plain text: Sign the petition to show your support / solidarity with the Miccosukee.]
Personalize it even just a little, even if it's just adding your own name or hometown. If you're able, print it out sign it and mail it. The Tribe and organizers working on this have a goal of getting 500 letters to the NPS/Secretary of the Interior. The online petition is almost at its goal! Just over 2,000 signatures left (as of Mar.16th 2024 21:30EST).
Please please share! I have it on good word that the NPS is trying to push this through before folks really have a chance to hear about what they're doing or make a fuss. So make a fuss we must.
The mailing addresses are below the cut for anyone who can send a physical letter!
Mail to:
Charles F. "Chuck" Sams III, Director
National Park Service 1849 C Street NW Washington, DC 20240
Secretary Deb Haaland
Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, N.W. Washington DC 20240
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omg-whathaveidone · 1 year
Gather is an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political and cultural identities through food sovereignty, while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide.
Gather follows Nephi Craig, a chef from the White Mountain Apache Nation (Arizona), opening an indigenous café as a nutritional recovery clinic; Elsie Dubray, a young scientist from the Cheyenne River Sioux Nation (South Dakota), conducting landmark studies on bison; and the Ancestral Guard, a group of environmental activists from the Yurok Nation (Northern California), trying to save the Klamath river.
Please share!!
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witchofthesouls · 3 months
I'm surprised there wasn't a language barrier between Cybertron and the Lost Colonies! I mean, there should have been some differences or a linguistic drift, especially since the Titans left Cybertron before the Quintesson occupation and the rise of Functionism?
Like, what if the Lost Colonies were time capsules of extinct or dead Cybertronian languages? As in modern Neocybex of Cybertron was their version of modern English? Sure, each region has its own dialect, but it's all English...
And then, Windblade and Chromia rocks up to the planet, and they're straight up speaking Latin/Ancient Greek.
The closest Cybertron equivalent to said living time capsules are Primal Vernacular speakers, and those are ridiculously few in the factions, and that's not even a straight shot because of the regional influences that happened.
I think we need a fic where there's a Giant Big Bad that united everyone to the point that the Council of Worlds was started far earlier, but now it's Decepticon Justice Division being interpretors since Vos is the only fluent Primal Vernacular speaker and the other D.J.D. members are stuck in the new role playing charades with the Colonists' delegates because they figured out how to parse out a few phrases.
Their translation work isn't as shoddy or inaccurate as expected, much to everyone else's worries considering what's being said...
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merlinspointyhat · 2 years
I’m so fucking angry over what is happening in the US right now and also so hopeless and powerless. In the past week my feed has been flooded with news of proposed bills threatening trans youth, same sex marriage, interracial marriage, education, Native American families, abortion, women’s rights, and it feels like so so much more. These are the pressing issues. Not the children being murdered in schools. Not the impending war with Russia, China, or North Korea. Not the climate crisis. Not the overwhelming amount of people living in poverty. Instead they attack basic human rights. The “Land of the Free” does not fucking exist.
It is 2023, people should be allowed to simply exist without being afraid. The people asking “what have I done to make people hate me this much?” DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER. People who are afraid of losing their rights or their lives because of these hate fueled politicians DESERVE SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER.
EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. Deserves to be who they are and live their lives without fear.
I’m angry and you should be too.
“Hate is always foolish and love is always wise” -12th Doctor
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kaamosnoita · 3 months
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Yearly Reminder the Hammer&Sickle / Russian army symbols don't belong in Pride
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nyiibat2 · 8 months
I will truly never have any earthly understanding on why it takes white people so long to listen and believe the issues and horrors brown people and our communities go through on the daily at the hands of colonization. It’s not until another white person tells them to care that suddenly they’re on board.
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If you want to separate yourself from whiteness then you first need to define yourself outside of it. This means asking yourself what you believe in, who you are, and what you believe is right or wrong without relying on the law or the bible or your friends or your political party or queer infographics to tell you the answer.
It means asking yourself honestly if you would still choose to support genocide or Kamala or Trump or capitalism or Tswift or war or the death penalty or laws or borders or traffic cops or oil based energy or putting most of our planets resources into killing people or asking if you Actually ever would've married your beard and asking if you'd still be transphobic....
If you didn't feel like you had to do any of that to fit in anymore.
If you didn't have to do that to keep your privileged status...would you?
Without whiteness there to use shame to control every aspect of who you are... Who are you? What do you believe? Would you still want to be white?
Or would you claim to be something else? Something new maybe?
Whiteness as a race is tied to whiteness as a concept. You can't destroy one without the other.
Would you choose to belong to the land you live on and build a home and community there or would you still insist the land belongs to you and try to subjugate everyone?
Is the violence that's inseparable from whiteness also inseparable from you?
If we as a society are ever going to move forward and fight fascism it will be by making the supporters of all it's branches (such as white supremacy) come face to face with the reality that they have a choice in what kind of person they want to be and it is Their choice that determines how they are treated.
Someone who's grown up being fed propaganda from the belly of fascism would have no concept of that choice. The ability to choose whether to support the ideology of white supremacy was never a question posed. Instead the state asks it's targets which branch of the state they support most. Or the state asks them how realistic other options are.
Existing outside the systems built by white supremacy isn't something that's Ever presented as possible and in fact it's quite actively and aggressively kept from ever being taken seriously in conscious thought.
So this is me.
Bringing it to your conscious thought.
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insane-control-room · 6 months
Today I learned it’s ok to steal someone’s land and bomb a far smaller power as long as you hide behind the fact you’re Jewish
today i learned its land back except for jews! thanks :)
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quietanarchy · 1 year
pretty funny that when any drama at all happens yall are liking, reblogging, highlighting it to the moon but the minute some anti-Native business happens (and outright colonial violence tbh) yall are reaaaaaaaal quiet. just saying ! xx
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songsofbloodandwater · 2 months
The Three Principles we must follow when making medicine in the Quechua Andean Tradition are:
Allin Yachay : Good Thoughts & Good Knowledge. Heeding always to Ancestral Wisdom. Knowing what is Right. In modern times this includes all forms of our cultural, traditional knowledge aswell as integrating new western-scientific knowledge.
Allin Munay : keeping a Good Heart, wanting the Right Thing, acting out of kindness, out of love, holding appreciation for our medicinal allies, and in loving remembrance of the Ancestors (human and non-human) who've taught us the medicine we're making. It also includes keeping Right Relation with all our Spirit allies, ancestral, herbal and other kinds, through maintaining proper Reciprocity (Ayni).
Allin Ruray : Good Work. Putting your hands to work on the Right Thing, based on what you know and how you feel. Your Actions must reflect the best out of both Mind and Heart, and be the Right choice, the right action, for both healer and patient. This also requires the supervision of Ancestral Spirits who must approve and allow for the healing process. If there's disapproval from the Spirits, for example, due to a lack of knowledge, a lack of clarity, being the wrong person or simply not being the right time for it, the healing will not occur and the patient must be turned away or redirected elsewhere, where they may find their right path.
These Three Principles represent how the Mind, Heart and Actions of the Healer must be in internal harmony for the act of Healing to happen, aswell as the harmony that must exist externally between Healer and the Natural-Spiritual environment in order to lead the patient back to their own internal and external harmony.
No wrong thought should cloud the mind, no grievances should cloud the heart, and our actions mustn't be unqualified nor uncalled for, to allow the patient to be led back to Good Health, Allin Kay, and Right Living, Allin Kawsay.
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graycious-tea · 2 years
As a white Canadian I acknowledge my privilege and will be spending Truth and Reconciliation day listening and learning from our indigenous people. As an ally I will use my platform to enhance the voices of our indigenous people by reblogging posts and stories from indigenous creators and spreading awareness. As a country we have a lot of work to do still to repent for all the pain and suffering we have caused our indigenous communities and listening is something I encourage all of you to do and to donate to indigenous communities if you can
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bbds-bnha · 5 months
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He was born in Brazil and lived there until he was 9 years old.
Your Quirk: Sun
Allows the user that he can create a Sunbeam with his hands, It can also heat up your entire body
Jade lived her entire childhood in the Caingangues Indigenous Village, living with his family and friends. Inspired by a French Heroine, decided to become one, Thus managing to enter U.A.
she quickly becomes friends with everyone in Class 1-A. even from a certain Bomb Boy. The only problem is your Innocence, especially near Mineta. But the girls and boys are always saving from the little Pervert
I even think Bakugou blew up Mineta's face when he tried to see her changing in the Locker Room
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ancient-healer · 1 year
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ivygorgon · 1 year
The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of Eartha Kitt - Kaz Rowe
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