Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Göteborg på väg att bli Gautampuri?
Göteborg på väg att bli Gautampuri? Indier har blivit en av de största invandrargrupperna i Göteborg. 2006 gavs boken Tandooriälgen ut. Den ör en deckare som utspelar sig i en framtid där majoritetsbefolkningen i Göteborg blivit indisk. Staden har följaktligen ocks bytt namn. Till Gautampuri. I verkligheten har situationen ockå blivit sådan att den största invandrargruppen i många stadsdelar i…
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open to: any!
plot: joanne and your character have an on and off again affair
"Your wife found out last time, are you really willing to risk that again?" Joanne asked between heated kisses, pulling away just enough to meet the other's eyes, a glint of playfulness resting there. "Ya never know, she might actually leave you this time."
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¡Actualización del concierto de JMSN en el Foro Indie Rocks! ¡Nueva sede!
Por Antonio Carlos

Ya desde octubre del año pasado les había anunciado del concierto que el talentoso artista multiinstrumentalista, compositor y productor norteamericano JMSN tendrá en el Foro Indie Rocks! el próximo 15 de febrero del 2025.
Hace un par de días notificaron a través del Instagram del Foro Indie Rocks! que, frente a la demanda alta del evento, el concierto tendrá lugar en la Sala A del icónico foro de la colonia Roma y que todo boleto previamente adquirido será válido en la sala nueva.
Es por ello que hay boletos disponibles de nueva cuenta a través de la plataforma Passline, en donde podrán conseguir entradas para este músico que no deben perderse en vivo.
El precio de los boletos será de 575 pesos en General; 784 pesos en Balcón lateral; y 850 pesos en Balcón central.

¿Y ustedes qué canciones quieren escuchar en vivo de este icónico artista?
Aquí pueden escuchar su EP Soft Spot (Deluxe Edition) lanzado en diciembre del año pasado, en el que revisita y trae mixes nuevos de su corte "Soft Spot" del álbum homónimo del 2023:
¡Sígueme en mis redes sociales!
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#conciertos y festivales#noticias#jmsn#cdmx#ciudad de méxico#foro indier rocks#foro indie rocks!#soul#r&b artist#r&b music#electro#gospel#Spotify
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sometimes im looking at new rpgs to join bc i kinda miss the vibes, but then theres like one or two things on the pages of a lot of them where im just hmmm abt
#raiiot#the ramblings of a bitch that hasnt slept yet#im trying but now its 7 in the morning#id make my own but like.. all my frirnds are indiers lol#and i love indie but i also like group settings bc i like what happens mattering yknow#i like stories im a storyteller#a sleepy storyteller#tbd#probably#if i remember
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Lite gott och blandat denna månad. Mest blandat, men en del gott värt att se om.
Batman & Robin (1997) [👍🔁] Har alltid varit förtjust i den här filmen, fånig och underhållande och redigt duktiga skådespelare rakt igenom.
Behind the Mask of Zorro / El Zorro cabalga otra vez (1964) [🆓] Zorro-film som bjuder på väldigt lite nytt, väldigt röriga actionscener och där dubben faktiskt är bättre än filmen.
DOA: Dead or Alive (2006) [👍🔁] Faller nog in i samma kategori favoritfilmer som Batman & Robin: småfåniga plotter med duktiga skådespelare. Röjjigt underhållande rakt igenom.
En Djävul till Granne / The 'Burbs (1989) [__] Jisses. Blir aldrig bra. Knäppa karaktärer som tar knäppa beslut.
Fasornas slott / Black Castle, the (1952) [🆓] Bra story med vibbar av Mänskligt villebråd, Romeo och Julia och en god portion maktfullkomliga sadister som styr en avkrok med järnhand. Inte genial, men sevärd.
Gorilla lös! / Gorilla at Large (1954) [🆓] Rätt harmlöst karaktärsdrivet drama som utspelar sig på ett nöjesfält kallat ”Ondskans Trädgård” där en man hittas död inne i en gorillabur. Inte genial, men sevärd.
Hannibal: Erövraren / Annibale (1959) [🆓] Allt för tråkig för sitt eget bästa.
Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart (1995) [👍🆓] Helt klart kul att återse gamla "Par i Hjärter", får mig att sukta efter mer.
Kingdom of the Dinosaurs (2022) [👎🆓] Skådespelarna känns kompetenta, men regin att få liv i dialogen och piska i gång nerven för storyn finns inte där. Osebart sömnpiller.
Mark of Zorro, the (1974) [👍🆓] Klart sevärd Zorrofilm som både bjuder på de klassiska momenten och en egen spinn på dem.
Mord och inga visor. Den Keltiska Gåtan / Murder, She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle (2003) [👍🔁] Kunde inte låta bli att tänka på Arvspelen medan jag såg den -- klart bra och en av de bästa av filmerna som avslutade serien.
Mord, lilla vän (1955) [👎🆓] Oj vad bra den här hade varit med en mer sympatisk karaktär som huvudroll. Nu blir fick den bara en irriterat halsstarrig journalist som kastar anklagelser runt sig.
Next Stop Murder (2010) [🆓] Modern take på Strangers on a Train, här med en egen spinn. Det funkar men kan kanske inte kallas genialt.
Oh, vilket party! / Party, the (1968) [👎] Vilken överskattad film. Långt ifrån rolig. Var det lämpligt ens 1968 med en sminkad ENGELSMAN som spelade fumlig indier?
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) [🔁] Bättre än jag mindes den. Ser fram emot kommande Wicked.
Zorro Kommer Tillbaka / Bold Caballero, the (1936) [🆓] Känd för tre saker: första Zorro filmen i färg, första Zorro-filmen med tal och den enda Zorro-filmen som (likt den litterära förlagan) visar Zorro i helmask. Bra story, och kändes på det hela taget påkostad.
Jag ljög. Bara blandat! den här månaden är kanske Zorro-filmerna det vettiga man kan plocka upp. Om man inte känner för att se om 90-tals klassiker då (och då menar jag B&R inte EDtG).
#senast sedda film#månadens filmer#film#Batman & Robin#Behind the Mask of Zorro#El Zorro cabalga otra vez#DOA: Dead or Alive#En Djävul till Granne#The 'Burbs#Fasornas slott#the Black Castle#Gorilla lös!#Gorilla at Large#Hannibal: Erövraren#Annibale#Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart#Kingdom of the Dinosaurs#the Mark of Zorro#Mord lilla vän#Mord och inga visor: Den Keltiska Gåtan#Murder She Wrote: The Celtic Riddle#Next Stop Murder#Oh#vilket party!#the Party#Oz the Great and Powerful#Zorro Kommer Tillbaka#the Bold Caballero#senast sedda filmer
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I was watching The Nun 2 yesterday, and for some reason Taissa Farmiga (she’s also at AHS) reminds me of you. Like, she’s the richer and posher version of you, but you’re also the cooler and indier version of her.

❤️💕💗💖 this made my whole damn week I love her so much 🥹🥹🥹
Also you’re like the third person to tell me I look like her which is reaffirming and convinces me you’re not just tooting my horn
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Wanted to say I hope your post does not break containment as I feel it may be one of those swinging at the hornet's nest / 'how dare you say we piss on the poor' as I think your point is very true! I also wanted to genuinely compliment you as this is one of the first times I've seen a post about exploring 'nicher art' where said person is actively pursuing less known media AND adjacent mediums (illustration, western comics, animation) while not degrading ones that are more popular. People gotta start engaging with more 6/10s and series with 10 readers on MAL lol (1/2)
Like you said on the post, series that hit the wide media appeal don't (or rarely) hit the sweet spot of your individual self because by nature they are more universal. I emphasize the '6/10' rating especially though because sometimes they're rated that low BECAUSE they're misunderstood or highly specific. Idk, something I've noticed from time to time. Thank you for your service OP hope this doesn't come off as weird or anything. (2/2)
Ayyye, you're welcome! That's a really sweet message :) I'm not too worried about it breaking containement given that I can just lock reblogs. I'm not online enough to be aware of nerds vagueing me because they're mad at my blog posts and I haven't done anything wrong except be a widdle pretentious which I am happily self aware of. (takes long drag of my black and white cigarette)
Truth is - I don't think there's "bad art" because its so subjective. Fighting people over taste is a losing battle in the first place because that's their problem not yours and it's not something you can change! What I /do/ notice a lot online in the fandoms I breeze past is that a lot of people seek weirder stuff but don't put the effort behind, and that's how you end up with people getting really damn invested about something like say, MP100, and praising its visuals by calling it experimental. North american pop culture especially is dominated by corporate giants in a way that might make it harder to find indie stuff, and north americans tend to not go look for stuff that's alien to them in the first place. It's why platforms like Tumblr rule - it's relatively easy to find new stuff when your dashboard is full of people posting about their own tastes. And that's why I submit myself to the mortifying ideal of yapping about the shit that has those 10 MAL readers and posting pictures of it!
There's no bad art and that includes popular commercial stuff. It'd be hypocritical of me to shit on that given one of my fav movies ever is a Mad Max and i've defended the Beatles' music as good online :p Popular stuff is popular for a reason
But damn if you are seeking some thrills through media I still am dead convinced finding some amateurish and/or weird ass and/or gruesome and/or experimental will give you the high no hollywood production can reach... And that if you only stick to the same sort of mass appeal media you'll be left with a lot of pent up invisible frustration made up of all the stuff they cut out for optimised dollars
Also, there's always gonna be indier than you. I might appear versed in obscure shit but in truth I am only one of thousands of a specific type of nerd who somehow wandered onto this platform instead of infighting about Meaning on ageing french book forums. It doesn't matter very much and I am happy to be surrounded by all types of nerds and share each other's beloved little things :) ~
#its the same thing in music and it pisses me off - alt dudes shitting on pop and vice versa#if my fuckass spotify playlist can demonstrate smth its that you can like bothhh#opening your mind to all types of art is cool even if its stuff you end up hating#ask
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the 4 reason to dislike media
it's too popular and 12yr olds love it
it's too popular and not like my better even indier game that i love ('my better game' is actually mediocre)
it's too popular and someone who i dislike now dmed me about it way way way too much like excessively so i just associated them with it and now just seeing it makes me upset and annoyed
i was a 12yr in fandom once... i remember my sins...
#this is partially a joke but. partially for real serious..#Also this isn't about any one specific game lol
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My second Nocturnal After-Hours Pride Weekend is now up online -my first DJ mix posted to SoundCloud after nearly NINE years. Yes, I’m dusting off the old account, but after it sat untouched for so long, it won’t show up on many feeds. If you want your next hour to pass more quickly, load this up, turn it up, and throw me a heart or a comment there while you’re at it!
#DJ#house music#dark disco#bionic beat#vancouver#Taffi Louis#Truckerdisco#roboteria#techno#electroclash#nu disco
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"But what selfhood was to be determined in the Indies? What were its common ties, and where did its boundaries lie?
Leaders voiced very different ‘nations of intent’. The rallying cry of Ernest Douwes Dekker before the war, of the Indies for the Indier, suddenly lost force. The word ‘Indies’ too closely evoked both British India and the Dutch state, as did its variant, Insulinde . Some preferred the term Nusantara, literally the ‘islands within’ or ‘between’. It broke with the linguistic inheritance of Dutch; it was archipelagic in compass. But its origins lay in a chronicle of the world-conqueror from fourteenth-century Majapahit, Gajah Mada, and this made it too Java-centric for nationalists from the outer islands. The term ‘Indonesia’ had been used by early British ethnographers and then by some Dutch scholars at Leiden University to designate a wider cultural region of island Southeast Asia. Suddenly it began to acquire imaginative force. In late 1917 the exile Soewardi and others established an ‘Indonesian Association of Students’ at Leiden. Some of its members were Dutch, such as the Semarang-born H. J. van Mook, who had attended the same Surabaya high school as Sukarno, where his father taught. Men like van Mook expected to participate in and to lead an ‘Indonesia’, but they did not yet see it as a nation. Others saw ‘Indonesia’ as a common destiny of the island peoples, in the struggle for which Europeans, Eurasians, Chinese and Arabs might be allies but not full members. But there was also a claim for a more equal belonging, where, in Soewardi’s phrase, ‘whoever is a citizen of the Indonesian state is also an Indonesian’. The question of the new nation’s ethnic and cultural foundations remained unresolved and untested in the Indies itself."
Underground Asia, Tim Harper.
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Wir sind bis jetzt 1300km gefahren. Wir geben das Auto in Maskat in der Villa Lana wieder ab, wir bekommen das Geld für die „Notreparatur“ zurück und uns wird ein Taxi für die Fahrt zum Flughafen bestellt. Die Organisation funktioniert hier hervorragend. Nach 5min ist das Taxi da und die Villa- Angestellte sagt uns gleich den Preis 2,3 Rial, das sind 5,75€. Gepäck aufgeben, Sicherheitskontrolle….. das Übliche. Der kleine Flieger von Salam Air befördert 4 Touristen und alles andere sind Einheimische oder Indier oder Pakistani…. Keiner i��t oder trinkt etwas während des Fluges. Wir landen nach 1 1/2h.

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Ananda Marga-mordet 1981
Ananda Marga-mordet. Den 30:e april 1981 landade Bisvanath Singh (känd som Tantracharya Nityananda som var hans religiösa namn) på Arlanda. Singh var en 38-årig indier som då bott i Boulder, Colorado, USA i 7 år. Han var ledare för Moksha Foundation, som var en utbrytargrupp från den hinduiska tantrasekten Ananda Marga. Vid denna tid hade Moksha Foundation 50 medlemmar i Boulder. Vid tiden för…
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imperfection is beautiful. embrace yours. 🎭 #royceaustin #goroyceaustin #independentartist #conscioushiphop #chh #alternativehiphop #indierapper #indiehiphop #independenthiphop #independentrapper #christianhiphop #positiverap #positivemusic https://t.co/R66KcRtQdO https://t.co/vbcXH9exX9 imperfection is beautiful. embrace yours. 🎭 #royceaustin #goroyceaustin #independentartist #conscioushiphop #chh #alternativehiphop #indierapper #indiehiphop #independenthiphop #independentrapper #christianhiphop #positiverap #positivemusic https://t.co/R66KcRtQdO https://t.co/vbcXH9exX9 — Royce Austin (@goroyceaustin) Jun 14, 2024
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I think a big part of the reason I never liked hoizer is that his vocal style always consciously really reminded me of Active Child who i use to like a lot but hoizer's instrumentation wasn't as lush or interesting and I had always for some reason considered the vocals to be like, a weaker part of active child compared to the music? That's not really an opinion I hold anymore, I've since opened my mind, but the first time I listened to active child I was probably still in my indie=bad phase and nowadays I think a good way to describe active child's vocals is "indier gay hoizer". So weird that this 12yr old music autism opinion hangs around my brain in the form of my bias against hoizer. Anyway whats good what are we smoking tonight girls
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ztinmehC-tknupztütS-ennoS-enedloG-eemrA-nenoigeL-rätiliM-GA-nhaB-tdatS-hcoL-itnoC -- Conti Loch - Stadt Bahn AG Militär Legionen Armee Goldene Sonne Stützpunkt Chemnitz
Da oben das Conti-Loch, da war der Vorläufer der Stadtwerke. Auf den alten Stadtplänen steht zu lesen: Elektrizitätswerk der Bahn AG. Alles was in der Stadt existiert, ist von den römischen Legionen Armee Militär, dann in Bewegliche Geräte wie Kutschen Reittiere Bahn mit den Unterkategorien der Welt-Bahn-Ag die Autokonzerne gehören zum Bahn-Imperium, usw. angelegt worden zu Kriegszwecken. Das ganze Gelände sind Bahn-refugien. Auch der Goldene Anker war Bahn-Refugium. Oben das Westbahn in Sonnenstr. 1 Ecke Dresdner und das vorangelegte Goldene Sonne der Kontroll- und Abzock-und Wegezoll und Auspress -die Krämer und Händler und jeden nach Woher und Wohin des Weg's ausfragen. Nebst Kaiser-Königswald-Areale. Wald ist integriert mit Wall. Wall von Bäumen. Das wird nirgendwo veröffentlicht. Alles militärische wird Geheimgehalten. Das Militär besitzt alle historischen Pläne und Skizzen Beschreibungen und Umgangsweisen mit den Völkern Ureinwohnern und der Bevölkerung. das sind Riesenskandale und wenn das bekannt würde. Die Leute müssen Ahnenforschung betreiben und bezahlen Geld für falsche und ins Nirwana leitende Auskünfte aus sogenannte Experten-Teams. Die Bürgermeister und Einflußreichen Leute und Reagierung in Chemnitz kann mangetrost ignorieren. Das sind Hüpfer für die Konzerne Staat'schef's Kirchen. tsenrE -- Die dortige Wasserwirtschaft Behörde ist ein Witz. Genau dort kommt kein Wasser mehr von den Sonnenbergbächen, die mal waren in alle Richtungen und das Grundwasser wurde Trockengelegt in den Werken und Bahnhof Chemnitz. Überall wo Schwellen und Schienen gebaut werden und Bahnhöfe werden die Gebiete ausgetrocknet. Die ist der größte und schlimmste Umweltvernichter! In Chemnitz seit dem Jahre Anno 0. Mit dem Überfall der Italienisch Portugiesischen Spanischen Egypt Bünde auf Nordeuropa. Und vorher schon. Die sogenannt angebliche Völkerwanderung vor 40.000 Jahren ist Volksverdummung und Ablenkungsmanöver: (Die Indier heute sind ausgewanderte aus dem Suez, die orientalische Kirche hat die Länder besetzt. Alle Leute hier in Chemnitz Nordeuropa sind aus Aussiedlern gezeugt, die über die Schweiz mit 40 Kindern je Familie und 20 Kinder weiter Nordwärts und Ostwärts zum besetzen und Ausrotten und blockieren die Gesundheit-Natur und täglich neu zerstören mit Giften und ständig neuen Kriegsansinnen. Auch die Wikinger waren aus dem Ital-Portg-Spani-Egypt-Bund zum plündern ausrotten und besetzen und die Ureinwohner umbringen, und alles zu Kolonien, zu Städten und Dörfern herrichten: nach Norden geschickt worden. Stadt bedeutet "MARKT" Markt bedeutet Verkauf Handel und Einnahmen aus Abgaben Steuern Zöllen Verboten Bußgeldern Wegnahmen Enteignungen, täglich werden Leute in der BRD enteignet usw.. 70 Prozent der Arbeuth und Lebenskraft der Bevölkerung werden vereinnahmt und die Chef's Leben ins Saus und Braus. Das ist der Weltplan weiterhin. --- das alles heißt Conti-Loch!!!! tsenrE -- -- Conti Loch - Stadt Bahn AG Militär Legionen Armee Goldene Sonne Stützpunkt Chemnitz
caD ztaD ikswodaS iksodaS tsenrE .ddsse
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oh yeah. our new single will be played on lots of cool free radio stations across europe. sweet!
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