kakowanai-blog · 5 years
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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hey so... ill make a cut and maybe explain why i disappeared for so long...!
first of all, hello everyone! im so so sorry for suddenly ceasing to exist, if i worried any of you i apologize!!! things came up, things happened, ya know.
it started with just me and my ex-friend(we’ll get to this) getting into other things, and the weird note of drama i left here LMAO. we just kinda shifted focus onto things like full metal alchemist and dont starve.
that went for a little while, but me and her had a huge falling out. its a long story, but we aren’t friends anymore, and she kind of cut contact and blocked me on every platform possible. which is sucks, since i miss her, but its her choice. i dont really care what she does or if she even reads this anymore. i dont wanna delve too far into it, since im trying to move past it and grow from an unhealthy friendship where we were both shitty to each other.
anyway! yeah! that, plus work picking up from the summer season was why i was gone. im coming back around to naruto, my ex-friends influence won’t keep me from enjoying the things i love anymore, so!
i hope you can all forgive me for vanishing, and maybe even get back to rp!
- nana
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
oh it has been so long
   Little one ~    
YES IT IS ME..... I RETURN..... maybe, im popping in to see if yall still wanna rp with my old ass
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
Get up… Fight… Get up… Fight… Get up… Fight… 
Who said you could stop? Who said you could rest? 
Get up…. And fight…. 
You were  m a d e   for this You’re worthless without it 
Don’t stop… Get up… Fight… Get up…. Or die…
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
―‖ memory ‖―            has a way
                             of making us                           ↤―f o r g e t⌤
                                                      the things we’d rather                                                   ↶  R E M E M B E R  ↷
                  ⌥―r e m e m b e r―↦                       the things we’d rather
                                                               ╲       ╱                                                          F O R ╳ G E T                                                                ╱       ╲
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
You never really had a childhood.
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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聲の形 , 2016
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
*feels myself dissociating and staring off into space*
*shifts my eyes to try and snap out of it*
*starts staring off into space in the new direction*
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
*Switches languages in mid-sentence while talking to myself*
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
I am permanently horny and sleepy
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
“You smell like a flower that is neither alive nor dead, because no one has changed its water for weeks. You have a sleepy smell, like when you wake up in the morning and you’ve been dreaming too long.”
— Legături bolnăvicioase (Love Sick)
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kakowanai-blog · 6 years
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