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milafm2002 · 1 month ago
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Happy Music Friday Everyone!
This Week's Songs Are...
Lonely Weather - Of Monsters And Men 2022
Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros 2009
Hearts Like Ours - The Naked And Famous 2013
Amber - Labyrinth Ear 2014
Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!
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justanothersadqueer · 2 years ago
If the postal service doesnt do a 20 year anniversary tour I will cry
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jukbox · 4 years ago
Le Chant des Radars, Bon Voyage Organisation, La course, 2020
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Zeitloser Folktronica: Paulette Wright
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Was macht gutes Songwriting aus? Was macht Musik zu einem Ohrwurm oder gar Lieblingslied? Wie wird ein Lied unsterblich? Die Antwort liegt auf der Hand für diejenigen, die sich treiben lassen - im Strom der Zeit. Wann schafft man es noch? Die Zeit zu vergessen, ohne es zu bemerken. Die Musik wieder und wieder abzuspielen, ohne sich daran sattzuhören. Eine Kunst an sich, ohne Kunst zu schaffen.
Paulette Wright hat dieses gewisse Etwas, das es braucht, um einen zu fesseln und ihr verzaubert zu lauschen, ohne dass man selbst merkt, wie die Zeit verstreicht und schneller und schneller voranschreitet. Ihre Stimme klingt so nahbar, unberechenbar und gefühlvoll, dass ihre Lieder direkt ins Ohr gehen, in die Herzen ihrer Zuhörer*innen vordringen und sich dort niederlassen.
Der Zeitpunkt wirkt im Nachhinein wie ein direkt umgesetzter Jahresvorsatz: Nämlich an Neujahr 2013 veröffentlichte die französisch-britische Singer-Songwriterin ihre ersten beiden Songs “Simple” und “By then” über Bandcamp, vom Klang erinnernd an Größen wie Feist oder This Is the Kit.
Stückweise, mit der Veröffentlichung einzelner Songs über Soundcloud, tastete sich daraufhin die Sängerin, Pianistin, Gitarristin und Cellistin an ihre Debüt-EP heran: Noch bevor ihre erste EP “From One to Another” im Juni 2016 erscheint, publiziert sie einen Monat vorher eigenhändig eine zusätzliche, selbst produzierte EP unter dem Namen “Imperfect HomeDraft recordings”. Auf dieser Platte findet sich auch der später bei ARTE akustisch dargebotene Song “Beyond the Need” wieder. Verzaubernd ehrliches Songwriting trifft auf eine glasklare Stimme, die alle Erinnerungen eines Lebens hervorruft und gleichzeitig Wunden im Nu heilen lässt.
2016 feierte die Französin mit britischen Wurzeln, wie gesagt, ihr Debüt bei ARTE. Zwei Jahre später verstarb Paulette Wright im Alter von 28 Jahren. 
2019, zum einjährigen Todestag von Paulette Wright, veröffentlichte ihre Familie die EP “Ineffable” mit acht ausgewählten Liedern ihrer kurzen Karriere.
Es bricht einem das Herz, so einen Rohdiamanten verloren zu haben und dass die Welt und ihre Familie um so ein Talent trauern muss. Der einzige bleibende Trost: Was unter uns weilt, ist ihr Werk. Ihre Stimme und ihr Gesang. Dieses funkelnde Talent bleibt und strahlt bis auch der oder die Letzte verstanden hat, welches Glück wir Erdlinge hatten und welchen Verlust die Welt erlitten hat.
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lordsintacks · 5 years ago
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Musical Smorgasbord 10/23/2019 Plastic Factory, Imaike Nagoya, Aichi Photos by Matt Chima Review by Travis Finch
Imaike may seem like just another neighborhood to the layman, but after enough nights on the town in Nagoya, one would find that it is actually a thriving district littered with spots for frequent live music and other arts. Plastic Factory is one of these gems that attracts the bold and the weird, artists and fans alike. If you visit more than once, you’re bound to see a recurring face because Plastic Factory is usually a good time that brings people back for more.
Sometimes Plastic Factory is a packed house where you can’t see someone on the other side of the room. This Saturday night had a little more intimate setting however. That’s not at all a polite way of saying no one was there. It was still full of roaring applause and other forms of exclamation. I simply mean this show had more of the atmosphere of a house show or a big group of friends watching each other take turns on instruments in a garage. Human Name and Masattack’s Steven Stringer harped on this sentiment when he opened the night by stating “Welcome to Musical Smorgasbord, where we have more cables on stage than we know what to do with.”
HNAMA is a two-man act that can be described as “very experimental.” Their sound involves a lot of live looping guitar riffs and vocals. Looping would become a running theme in the night. At one point the audience could feel the different layers pulsating over one another in a barrage of  sonic unfamiliarity. I use the word, “unfamiliarity,” because the music began to feel unpredictable. It definitely wasn’t contrived or anything like that. I heard an audience member say at this point, “I feel like I’m on LSD right now.” I hope the duo wouldn’t be offended by my calling their music “weird,” but I feel like that’s what they’re going for anyways. Beck and Captain Beefheart at the weirdest points in their careers would be intrigued.
The next act was another two-man band referred to as “Futsū No Banana.” If your Japanese is no good, it means “Ordinary Banana.” They were the only instrumental band of the night and this set had a real garage rock vibe to it. I could actually imagine it going over well in a park *cough cough.* The riffs and drums were solid, but the in between banter was also a plus. By request, they finished the set with the early 90’s Power Rangers theme song, but couldn’t quite finish the tune, gave up towards the end, and laughed it off as good sports. It was a funny moment for everyone.
The two male pair acts were then followed by two solo female artists. The first of which was the dazzling Aichi queen of cabaret, May Chu Chu メイチュチュ. She is a multi-talented artist who can be seen belting out tunes with her rockabilly band or hosting a wide range of respectable events with a sharp edge of wit and humor. Tonight she was flying solo on the mic with only the help of a phone hooked up to the PA. Her acts always involve crowd participation and one memorable moment of the night consisted of May Chu Chu assigning different factions of the crowd to each sing a single word of the chorus in Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now.”
The following female artist was truly a unique and creative individual named Rishao who composes the most interesting atmospheric songs with a keyboard, sampler, and other surprising instruments that she would loop live on the spot. As it was my second time seeing her perform, an audience member asked me what Rishao’s sound is like while she was setting up. I started by saying, “it’s electronic,” and the other person asked “Like EDM?” “No, not quite.” I tried to find comparisons but couldn’t. “Have you heard of Crystal Castles? Wait, it’s not like that. You know Portishead? No, nevermind. It’s like Bjork. Actually, not really. Com Truise….what am I saying?” The truth is Rishao’s sound doesn’t give the impression that it’s influenced by anything. It seems like a pure artistic representation of one’s self. I can’t describe it any better than that. Rishao is Rishao and you have to experience it yourself to get what I’m talking about.
Minus Rishao, the other acts all followed with second sets. Futsū no Banana delivered a much more satisfying second set filled with post-rock guitar grooves, building tension on the drums, and overall a more complete sense of songwriting. There was even a metal track aptly titled, “Heavy.” Not to take anything away from the songs in the first set, this is just the time that they really shined. May Chu Chu took the stage again and performed a hilarious music bit teaching colors of the rainbow with a medley of iconic pop culture numbers involving lyrics that the use red, yellow, etc. I won’t spoil the act if you haven’t seen it, but I was thrilled for an excuse to chant a certain gothic metal band from the 90’s. Human Name and Masattack closed out the night by hypnotizing the crowd with more sounds from another realm and overall this show was a very enjoyable evening between friends and musicians.
Special thank you to Heinz Senn for keeping open such a wonderful space for artists and fans alike to frequent.
Head over to Human Name and Masattack's Facebook page for music and upcoming shows: https://www.facebook.com/humanname/?hc_location=ufi
You can catch Futsū no Banana on their free park tour at Sakae Plaza, Shimozono Park, Shirakawa Park, Tsurumai Park, and Meijo Park on December 7th. Don't miss May Chu Chu as well as some other local acts on December 20th at Bemondsey Arms. Make sure to listen to Rishao’s otherworldly music on Spotify at: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5TBc2GgVHNTiYKwBJ1LDmV
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lizalvarado123 · 3 years ago
Y si cuando busque mi centro al fin Y no me cambie nada más nada que el disfraz No pienso salir de aquí Se marchitan las flores que deje atrás
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wearenotdjs · 6 years ago
#Repost @fiis.es ・・・ 💣 La bomba sónica de @wearenotdjs inaugurará nuestro escenario mañana a las 13hs. Asegurado= música, innovación y no parar de bailar 🎧💥🎶 🎫Gratis hasta completar aforo. #fiiSMálaga #festival #música #indie #indiemusic #indielectronic #indielectronica #innovacion #málaga (en Málaga, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwreGoQDPEZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r30togvopah9
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invalidam · 7 years ago
(vía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCoAho3pfZg)
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getmeinsidecom-blog · 7 years ago
ENTRADA GRATIS (SOLO SI RESERVAS HOY JUEVES) para ti y tus acompañantes, pulsando en este enlace: http://independanceclub.com/vierneslista.php COPA GRATIS 200 primeros en RESERVAR Mañana Viernes 06 de Octubre, abrimos de 23.30h a 06h, celebramos nuestra Gran Fiesta Fluorescente. Prepárate para ser Fluorescente por una noche y para vivir nuestro espectacular apagón. No te lo pierdas y Participa. Os regalaremos a los 300 primeros en llegar, unas fantásticas gafas de luz fluorescente, pulseras, barritas y novedosos artilugios neón para que los utiliceís durante el apagón y podamos llenar la sala de luz y color. A las 03h apagaremos todas las luces y dejaremos nuestra sala a oscuras durante un largo intervalo de tiempo. Pero no solo eso: Tendremos en nuestra entrada varias personas que te pintarán la cara, la ropa o lo que quieras con pintura neón. Traete camiseta blanca o de color clarito y conviértete en un adolescente fluorescente. En el plano musical: nuestros Djs te haran bailar con un potente set cargado de los mejores Hits de Indie, Pop, Rock, Indielectronica y grandes Clásicos perfectamente mezclados para que lo des todo en la pista de baile. No te pierdas la potente sesión que ha preparado Oskar Destroy Dj y Dani Less Dj, con auténticos temazos y mezclas imposibles. Ya sabes abandona todo y vente a formar parte de nuestro gran apagón. Esta edición será inolvidable. Avisado estás. No te pierdas, esta gran Noche LINE UP: OSKAR DESTROY DANI LESS Reserva Entrada Gratis pulsando Aqui: http://independanceclub.com/vierneslista.php Precio Entrada - 10 e. (incluye copa) Dirección: Sala 0 (Antigua Sala Bash) - Edificio Palacio de la Prensa (Plaza de Callao. Madrid) Estacion de Metro más cercana: Callao
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thruoutin · 9 years ago
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5月14日 8:30pm 独立电子演出
时间:5月14日(周六)8:30pm live:thruoutin \\ Nocturnes \\ wenliang 地点:fRUITYSPACE 北京市东城区美术馆东街十七号(三联书店对面) 票价:40RMB
主页:www.fruityshop.cn 实体店: fRUITYSHOP   : 北京市东城区东四头条十七号(侯宝林故居旁) fRUITYSPACE : 北京市东城区美术馆东街十三号(三联书店对面)
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totallytaffy · 9 years ago
There’s something about you
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entangled-quantum-poet · 10 years ago
Navigate, it's only for you
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lordsintacks · 10 years ago
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iheartmoosiq · 11 years ago
London artist Khushi continues to melt me with some of the most breathtaking, airy music of late. Just listen to today's new track In The Sun, a wispy delight with abundance buoyant hop. It's a folksy electronic pop tune that at times reminds me greatly of Sufjan Stevens, but more alt pop leaning. Khushi just released his debut EP Phantoms on Laissez Faire Club. Revisit his amazing video and song Magpie below, which first brought him to my attention last year.
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minoredinmusic · 11 years ago
L: Joywave - "Tongues (feat. KOPPS)"
Bad. Ass. Joywave warps vocal samples and turns them into percussive gold in "Tongues". Upon first listen, you've got no idea where the song is heading during the crescendo-ing, expanding intro. Suddenly, the verse drops in unhindered by the growing percussive backdrop. As it develops, you get a chance to familiarize yourself with Joywave's pop vocals before it's a complete PARTY of sounds during the chorus.
Trust me - you'll want to listen to this with everything else off for a moment... the "nowhere for them to run" lyric at 2:28 leads into a surprise I won't ruin... so dramatic it's practically cinematic. Get Joywave's EP, How Do You Feel? on iTunes here.
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getmeinsidecom-blog · 7 years ago
ENTRADA GRATIS (SOLO SI RESERVAS HOY JUEVES) para ti y tus acompañantes, pulsando en este enlace: http://independanceclub.com/vierneslista.php COPA GRATIS 200 primeros en RESERVAR Mañana Viernes 08 Septiembre, abrimos de 23.30h a 06h, celebramos nuestra Gran Fiesta Fluorescente. Prepárate para ser Fluorescente por una noche y para vivir nuestro espectacular apagón. No te lo pierdas y Participa. Os regalaremos a los 300 primeros en llegar, unas fantásticas gafas de luz fluorescente, pulseras, barritas y novedosos artilugios neón para que los utiliceís durante el apagón y podamos llenar la sala de luz y color. A las 03h apagaremos todas las luces y dejaremos nuestra sala a oscuras durante un largo intervalo de tiempo. Pero no solo eso: Tendremos en nuestra entrada varias personas que te pintarán la cara, la ropa o lo que quieras con pintura neón. Traete camiseta blanca o de color clarito y conviértete en un adolescente fluorescente. En el plano musical: nuestros Djs te haran bailar con un potente set cargado de los mejores Hits de Indie, Pop, Rock, Indielectronica y grandes Clásicos perfectamente mezclados para que lo des todo en la pista de baile. No te pierdas la potente sesión que ha preparado Oskar Destroy Dj y Dani Less Dj, con auténticos temazos y mezclas imposibles. Ya sabes abandona todo y vente a formar parte de nuestro gran apagón. Esta edición será inolvidable. Avisado estás. No te pierdas, esta gran Noche LINE UP: OSKAR DESTROY DANI LESS ALEX CREATURE ANTONIO CHARLESTON Reserva Entrada Gratis pulsando Aqui: http://independanceclub.com/vierneslista.php Precio Entrada sin reserva - 10 e. (incluye copa) Dirección: Sala 0 (Antigua Sala Bash) - Edificio Palacio de la Prensa (Plaza de Callao. Madrid) Estacion de Metro más cercana: Callao
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