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love marriage & success line in #palmistryinhindi | हस्तरेखा शास्त्र में प्रेम विवाह और सफलता रेखा
Marriage and prosperity in life are two key components of human life. There are some lines that, according to palmistry, can portend a successful marriage and a happy life. In this essay, we'll look at the concept of love marriage and the success line in palmistry.
Relationships in the Palmistry
If two people fall in love and decide to spend the rest of their lives together, they are said to have married. The love marriage line is a vertical line placed on the mount of Mercury in palmistry. Mercury's mount, which is situated at the base of the little finger, is linked to business, intelligence, and communication.
Although the love marriage line does not appear on everyone's palm, it does indicate a high likelihood of a love marriage if it does. The love marriage line is frequently strong and distinct, and it is thought that the deeper the line, the greater the likelihood of a love marriage.
Line of Success in Palmistry
Success in life is crucial to human existence. The success line is a vertical line placed on the Sun's mount in palmistry. Sun's mount lies at the base of the ring finger and is associated with leadership, success, and riches.
Although the success line does not appear on everyone's palm, it does signify a high likelihood of success in life if it does. The success line is frequently long and distinct, and it is thought that the longer the line, the greater the likelihood of success.
Marriage, Love, and Success
The success line and the love marriage line are unrelated, but the appearance of both on the palm signifies a person who is likely to have both a successful job and a successful love marriage.
The combination of the love marriage line and the success line on the palm is regarded as auspicious, and such a person is thought to live a happy and fulfilled life.
Other Love-Marriage-Indicating Palm Lines
In addition to the love marriage line, there are additional palm lines that suggest the likelihood of a love union. These consist of:
The Fate Line 1.
The fate line is a vertical line that runs down the middle of the palm and is connected to career and destiny. If the fate line terminates at Mercury's mount, a love marriage may occur.
The Heart Line 2.
The heart line is a horizontal line on the palm that represents emotions and relationships. If the heart line is long and curves upwards towards Jupiter's mount, it implies the likelihood of a love marriage.
Other Success-Indicating Palm Lines
In addition to the success line, there are other palm lines that suggest success may be possible. These consist of:
The Fate Line 1.
The fate line is also related to success. If the fate line is deep and clear, it implies a high likelihood of success in life.
The Sun Line 2.
The sun line is a vertical line that runs across the Sun's mount. A strong likelihood of success in your work and business is indicated if the sun line is deep and clear.
विवाह और जीवन में समृद्धि मानव जीवन के दो प्रमुख घटक हैं। हस्तरेखा शास्त्र के अनुसार कुछ रेखाएं ऐसी होती हैं, जो एक सफल विवाह और सुखी जीवन का पूर्वाभास करा सकती हैं। इस निबंध में, हम प्रेम विवाह की अवधारणा और हस्तरेखा विज्��ान में सफलता रेखा को देखेंगे।
हस्तरेखा शास्त्र में संबंध
अगर दो लोग प्यार में पड़ जाते हैं और अपना शेष जीवन एक साथ बिताने का फैसला करते हैं, तो यह कहा जाता है कि उन्होंने शादी कर ली है। प्रेम विवाह रेखा हस्तरेखा शास्त्र में बुध पर्वत पर स्थित एक खड़ी रेखा है। छोटी उंगली के नीचे स्थित बुध पर्वत व्यवसाय, बुद्धि और संचार से जुड़ा होता है।
हालाँकि प्रेम विवाह रेखा हर किसी की हथेली पर नहीं दिखाई देती है, लेकिन अगर ऐसा होता है तो यह प्रेम विवाह की उच्च संभावना का संकेत देती है। प्रेम विवाह रेखा अक्सर मजबूत और विशिष्ट होती है, और यह माना जाता है कि रेखा जितनी गहरी होगी, प्रेम विवाह की संभावना उतनी ही अधिक होगी।
हस्तरेखा विज्ञान में सफलता की रेखा
जीवन में सफलता मानव अस्तित्व के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। हस्तरेखा शास्त्र में सफलता रेखा सूर्य पर्वत पर स्थित एक खड़ी रेखा होती है। सूर्य पर्वत अनामिका के आधार पर स्थित होता है और नेतृत्व, सफलता और धन से जुड़ा होता है।
हालाँकि सफलता रेखा हर किसी की हथेली पर नहीं दिखाई देती है, लेकिन अगर ऐसा होता है तो यह जीवन में सफलता की उच्च संभावना का संकेत देती है। सफलता रेखा अक्सर लंबी और विशिष्ट होती है, और यह माना जाता है कि रेखा जितनी लंबी होगी, सफलता की संभावना उतनी ही अधिक होगी।
शादी, प्यार और सफलता
सफलता रेखा और प्रेम विवाह रेखा असंबंधित हैं, लेकिन हथेली पर दोनों की उपस्थिति एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को दर्शाती है जिसके पास एक सफल नौकरी और एक सफल प्रेम विवाह दोनों होने की संभावना है।
हथेली पर प्रेम विवाह रेखा और सफलता रेखा का संयोग शुभ माना जाता है और ऐसा व्यक्ति सुखी और पूर्ण जीवन जीने वाला माना जाता है।
अन्य प्रेम-विवाह-हस्तरेखा का संकेत देने वाली रेखाएँ
प्रेम विवाह रेखा के अलावा, अतिरिक्त हस्त रेखाएँ भी हैं जो प्रेम मिलन की संभावना का सुझाव देती हैं। इनमें शामिल हैं:
भाग्य रेखा 1.
भाग्य रेखा एक खड़ी रेखा है जो हथेली के बीच से नीचे की ओर जाती है और करियर और भाग्य से जुड़ी होती है। यदि भाग्य रेखा बुध पर्वत पर समाप्त हो जाए तो प्रेम विवाह हो सकता है।
ह्रदय रेखा 2.
ह्रदय रेखा हथेली पर एक क्षैतिज रेखा है जो भावनाओं और रिश्तों को दर्शाती है। यदि हृदय रेखा लंबी है और गुरु पर्वत की ओर ऊपर की ओर झुकी हुई है, तो यह प्रेम विवाह की संभावना को दर्शाता है।
अन्य सफलता-संकेत देने वाली हस्त रेखाएँ
सफलता रेखा के अलावा, अन्य हस्त रेखाएँ भी हैं जो बताती हैं कि सफलता संभव हो सकती है। इनमें शामिल हैं:
भाग्य रेखा 1.
भाग्य रेखा का संबंध सफलता से भी होता है। यदि भाग्य रेखा गहरी और स्पष्ट है, तो यह जीवन में सफलता की उच्च संभावना को दर्शाती है।
सूर्य रेखा 2.
सूर्य रेखा एक खड़ी रेखा है जो सूर्य पर्वत को पार करती है। यदि सूर्य रेखा गहरी और स्पष्ट हो तो आपके कार्य और व्यवसाय में सफलता की प्रबल संभावना का संकेत मिलता है।
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#i think i cut out too many tinies in a short time#both my thumb any indexfinger is kinda numb at the tip#so now i have two hands hands with fucked up nerves#😂
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I'm just going to name and shame. Since she steals poses and 'adjusts' them.
Please reconsider using poses from Simsulani, since she steals hardworking creators their poses and adjusts them just a little and even asks money for them. But you can see, mostly in the hands that this pose is definitely mine. (I really see it's my crooked posed hand! Or the bend indexfinger from Akira she still kept in... hahaha seeing flaws from my own poses and everything!)
DO NOT STEAL and claim your own.
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You sit in the waiting room of the doctors office, nervously fidgeting your hands. It’s time for the annual health check up. You sure had a good year, the trousers digging into your belly are proof of that.
A nurse calls your name. Are you imagining things, or did she she do a double take when she saw you, her eyes lingering slightly over your pudgy mid section? She offers you a polite, professional smile though, and lead you into the office.
The doctor, a graying fit man man in his late fifties, sits behind his desk, endorsed in paper work.
”Welcome mr/ms Y/N” he murmurs. He glances at you over his spectacles, his eyes sweeping over your red, round cheeks, budding double chin and protrouding belly. ”Well you certainly look… healthy. Shall we get started?” He gestures towards an old fashioned manual steele scale. You step on it with a loud *clonk*. The doctor raises an eyebrow and adjusts the metal weight until the scale is in balance. He looks in his notes and scoffs, almost sounding amused.
”Well well… you were close to underweight last time we weighed you. Now however… you seem to have fattened up quite nicely.”
You swallow, feeling very self concious.
”H-how much have I gained?”
”It seems to be… almost sixteen kilos”
”Sixteen kilos?” That was more than you had expected.
”Sixteen kilos” the doctor confirms ”Thats… quite much in just a years time.”
”Well there obviously must me something wrong with your scale” you say with an akward laugh. The doctor smirks. ”The scale is perfectly fine, I asssure you. Any… changes of habits recently?”
”Well…” you are tempted to lie, but the doctor looks at you sternly.
”Well what?”
”Uhm I guess I… relaxed a bit recently” you admit ”I-I moved in with my partner… They’ve been cooking a lot for me… And I haven’t gone to the gym as… frequently as I used to” your voice trails off.
”Uhuh. That explains alot, doesnt it? Well, last time I saw you, you were a scrawny little thing and you sure needed to put on a few. Sixteen kilos though… That’s overdoing it. You need to get rid of that gut” the doctor pats your tummy condencendingly.
”Yes doc” you say and and clench your jaws. How could you have let yourself go like this? Why didn’t anybody tell you you were getting so big?
”We should measure your body fat to, dear. Pull up your shirt for me, will you?”
You reluctantly pull up your shirt and reveal a pale, squishy midsection. The doctor takes a metal clisp and take a firm grip on your belly roll between his thumb and indexfinger. You feel the cold metal against your skin, and winces as the clisp pinches you.
”Godness me…” he murmurs. You swallow. ”Well you certainly haven’t been starving” the doctor chuckles as he scribbles down some notes in his papers. ”So… tell your partner to cut down on the butter and cream in their cooking. It really isnt doing you any favours. Maybe go on some brisk walks together. By next year, I want to see you trimmed down. Okay?”
You nod and manage a polite smile.
After the meeting, your partner meets you up outside the doctors office. They give you brief kiss on the lips and squeeze your sides.
”How was the doctors appointment love?”
”You look upset, is everything alright?”
You sigh.
”Well the doctor told me I had gained too much weight” you murmur.
”Oh love…”
”Yeah… god it was so humiliating” you press your palms against your eyes, feeling tears burn under your eyelids. Your partner pulls you into an embrace.
”My poor baby… Hey hey…. Shh… Its okay, its okay... We’ve had a good year, haven’t we? Its been so nice to see you eat whatever you want, to your hearts content. I would hate him to ruin that for you love”
You nod, sniveling. Your partner strokes your belly in calming circles.
”Screw him. Tell you what love” your partner lowers their voice to a whisper ”I just made your favourite eclairs. The ones with chocolate cream. Why dont we go home and have some?”
You can’t help but light up.
”Oh yes those are my favourite” you murmur longingly with a moan, feeling your mouth water.
”Hey I knew that would put a smile on your face” you partner chuckles and pinches your chubby cheek lovingly ”Lets go home dear, let me take care of you”
#dom feeder#feedee belly#feederism kink#feederism writing#queer feedee#soft feedism#trans feedee#feedee perspective#Feederismwriting#humiliationkink#doctor kink#myfeedismwriting
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16/ noon |18+|
contains: being exhausted & tired but horny, slow cuddle fuck, emotions
*daily 2 hour stream break
Chris closed the door and fell onto the bed, where Lea was already lying on her back, unable to move from how tired she was.
"need'a sleep." he murmured and moved closer to her. "Me too." she whispered without opening her eyes fully.
They were so exhausted that it became impossible to continue talking and it was actually too hot to cuddle properly - yet the desire for each other's bodies was as great as if they had never touched before.
Chris made soft, longing noises as his hands kept seeking contact with her. Lea strained to turn onto her side so that he could spoon her from behind.
They were squirming and shifting to get more comfortable - and even more - because the friction between their bodies felt so incredibly good.
Lea took Chris hand that lay lose around her waist and guided it under her shirt to her stomach.
His fingers wandered aimless over her upper body and a muffled moan escaped his lips.
Still half asleep their movements started to get more restless.
The breathing became faster.
Their bodies were grinding against each other.
They couldn't hold back their desperate moans anymore.
Feeling him getting harder against her ass drove her insane and she slightly circled her hips to feel him as intense as possible.
Lea took his hand and guided it down in her slip.
Chris felt the soft, warm skin between her wilingly opening legs and shivered from lust.
"Chris..." she sighed quietly and pressed her crotch longingly against his hand so that his fingers slid over her throbbing pussy.
"My fucking god." he moaned at the amazing feeling of her wetness and fumbled greedily on her slip.
Impatient Lea pulled it to the side and freed his hard cock from his boxers.
"Open your legs for me." Chris instructed with a husky, deep voice and she was more than ready to do so. "F'ck y're so hot."
He placed the tip on her entrance, evaded her attempt to push back. "Be patient, babe." And he started rubbing her clit with his indexfinger.
"Chris, please! I want you-" Lea whimpered and tried to slide his cock inside her again.
"No, wait." he moaned, barely resisting the urge to just let it happen. "w'nna enjoy..."
Her moans became louder as he added sloppy kisses on her neck and she felt so overstimulated that she was almost mad at him. "Don't tease... I want you s'bad!"
He slowly slid his cock inside her and almost bit her neck because of how amazing it felt.
"Oh my god yes..." she moaned and pushed her ass back. Chris started to move slowly and panted in her ear. "Y'feel so good... your pussy is perfect..."
Lea tilted her head and pulled his mouth on hers. His movements slowed down to focus on the kiss, but Lea was way too impatient.
It just felt too good to wait any longer.
"Need you t' fuck me..." she begged desperately. "Please Chris, I need you..." and he clearly couldn't resist anymore.
"I don't want this to be the last time..." Chris whispered sleepy on her neck afterwards.
"Definitely not the last time..." Lea murmured and turned around to take him into her arms.
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#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#sturniolo#christopher owen sturniolo#sturniolo fanfic#fanfiction#sturniolo smut#enjoy#slow burn
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Just a little scene I had in my head and wanted to write down (first "FF" 😱)
Xaden crouched at his backpack fumbling on the flap. The tension in the air was palpable.
I observed Xaden's actions, while Dain persistently tried to convince me to stay.
As he made a step closer to me lifting his hands, I stiffened. In response, my hands instinctively tightened around the hilts of my knife, the familiar weight providing a small sense of reassurance.
Xaden rushed over with big strides halting only a few inches before Dain. His indexfinger nearly touching Dains face.
"You have no right to come near Violet. If you ever speak to her or lay a hand on her again, I will not hesitate to end you," Xaden declared, his voice carrying a lethal undertone.
Despite Xaden's threat, Dain stood his ground defiantly. He met Xaden's intense gaze with a challenging stare of his own and growled, "You don't own her either. So, she should have the freedom to decide for herself."
The tension in the air thickened, leaving the outcome hanging in the balance.
#fourth wing fanfic#short fanfic#fourth wing#xaden riorson#violet sorrengail#dain aetos#iron flame#violet x xaden#violet x dain
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I heard about this study that said that homosexual women have typically shorter indexfingers than straight women whose index- and ringfinger are normally about the same size.
Naturally I had to see it for myself and asked my straight sisters (older and younger than me) to send me photos of their left hands.
And yes you can see which one of us is the lesbian.
#lesbian#study about fingersize is not something that I would have thought could tell me something about my sexuality#lgbtq
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I also do archery and I know the answer! This glove goes on the other hand, the one that hold the bow. Its for bows that do not have a place to put the arrow on, so archers the put the arrow on their hand, sort of on the knuckle of the indexfinger. The glove is to protect that part of your hand. I found this picture, this guy isnt wearing a glove, but you can see better what it is meant for ( and includes a picture of the other form of archery glove)
archers gloves vs digital artist gloves being opposite of one another
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Nephew mapepe:-#rhythm a storyfor #nephew's interest with #indexfinger, hides #stigma for others -opportunity for rhythm forgotten, question alive and well- possible that, but more important is what everyone thinks, so just wait for an answer #Monkssnap https://on.soundcloud.com/JJh5hZUYuVFMcp7g9
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"I'm fine, just a scratch."
Only a Flesh Wound Starters! Senritsu opned the door to her motelroom before Chris could even knock and she promptly reached up, grabbing the mans big had in her smaller one and tapping her indexfinger against the back of his hand. The vibration rushing through his body, into his flesh, his skin, his muscles and bones and blood, was enough to give the keenly listening woman a proper overview of the mans health. Gently she pulled the man into her motelroom- even this far into the night the noises in the motel were too loud for Senritsu so sleep well so her bed was untouched and the warm light of the lamps dyed the room into a comfortable hue as if the cheap furniture was made of gold. "Mhmmmmm, and your heartbeat fluttering in pure stress caused by adrenaline pumping through your veins is just me imagining to hear things, is it?", the woman tilted her head to the side with a gentle smile, but the worried line cutting into her forehead between her big eyes deeplike a scar, showed that she was far from joking. "Do not lie to me, Chris." The womans melodic voice was not scolding, but just deeply disappointed as she slowly shaked her head and pointed to the motelrooms couch. She did not asked what or who had injured Chris- Senritsu had worked long enough in the Mafia to know that asking questions before injuries were treated could mean a much too early death: "Sit down, let me clean your injury and then play a song for you to make it at least scab over. [ @bewitchingbaker ]
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as I munch on the last bite of my Schoko-Lebkuchen, I can't help but think of you. Honestly, I can never help but to think of you. You cling onto the walls of my brain as if it's the only thing that can keep you breathing. Right now, though, I think of the flavor that accompanies this melting sensation in my mouth. I think of how it tasted with you next to me. The heart-shaped one you gave to me as our limbs were intertwined. Did it not taste better than this one? Did resting my eyes on the beauty and preciousness of your dimples make it taste so good? Is the taste I crave even the Lebkuchen? I don't think so.
What I crave to taste right now, is the air you breath. I want to feel the air being graciously moved by your voice as you whisper something sweet. I want to sense the way your skin feels underneath my lips. The sensation that shoots through my whole body as your lips kiss the sensitive skin of my neck. Even if you just drank coffee, I'd still indulge into the way your lips taste against my own.
I can't tell you how I feel. Those three words are stuck inside of my lungs, screaming and begging to get out. They claw away on my insides, though unable to come out. They push and push, but aren't allowed to rise and enter into the light of day. The more they are surpressed, the more power they gain and the harder they claw. They make me crave. Crave to express. So I write. My brain is overflowing with things I want to say, things I want to express and put into words before my thoughts turn into history, soon to be forgotten. I want to surrender and let them take over the keyboard, but it's all so chaotic that all the thoughts flow over eachother.
I wish I was with you. I wish I could stroke my indexfinger across your arm as it is wrapped around me. I wish I could hear your soft breathing. Man, how badly I want to lay against your chest right now, feeling the vibration of your voice echo through your ribs against my ear. The vibrations remind me that you are alive. Your breathing reminds me that everything is good. Your heartbeat reminds me how incredible the world and everything in it is. Thank God, your body has kept you alive until this point.
You haven't texted me yet that you safely arrived yet. You did safely arrive, right? My body is in a calm state, which is a sign you did. ... Right? I can't stand the thought of never getting to feel your warm touch again. Nope , that's not where we are going.
Nope. Nope. N o p e .
You are a very safe driver. You aren't done here on earth. I am not done with you.
So, I will see you again in 2 weeks and a day. It feels so far. Yet, when I arrived back home, I had to wait for 3 weeks. So, I already made it through one. I always say that I can live without you, and trust me, I can. If you were to betray me and make me leave, I'd pick my pieces off of the ground eventually and carry on. I always do. But baby please, I just need to express my emotions. I WANT to feel everything deeply. I don't want to hear anything about me being codependent or too clingy. I love you. I . Fucking . Love . You .
I know this isn't your stuff, but love is up there on the vibrational frequencies. Please, let me write about you as if you fill my world with flowers that form gardens. Life can be just that, life. But please, let me romanticize it until it shines brighter than one could block with sunglasses. I want to be dramatically deep in love with you. I want to feel as if I could peacefully drown inside of your embrace. Fuck.. I miss your embrace.
I know I can live without you. I know I don't need you. But please let me rest into the safety of you. Let me embrace you as my safe space. Sure, loving you puts me at risks of so much pain. I still remember how the ache of losing you made me scream my lungs out till I couldn't help but gag, and bawl my eyes out until everything hurt, but not nearly as much as my heart was hurting. Baby, I want to put myself in that risky place for you.
There are so many words. They all just about hit the spot. Fuck. There are too little words, there are too many. Can I write a book about you? About the way your eyes light up and your dimples form on the sides of your face? About the way your hand fits so well in mine, or how I'd like to feel your soft skin against mine until we can't tell where my body ends and yours starts? How looking at you is like ... I don't even know. Some books might talk about fireworks and chaos inside of every cell of the body. I don't feel that, though. Well, sometimes. On moments where I crave you, I can feel the stars shoot through my lower belly and the lust fill up behind my eyes. I just ... baby I don't know. There aren't enough words. I doubt that you'd even want to hear them. I could write you poems to annoy you; they would be too sappy for you. Making you cringe or tickling yoh makes the sides of my mouth reach up towards my ears, accompanied by loud laughter. I fucking fucking fucking love you. I miss you. You have safely arrived. Right? You can't be reading this with me right now as a ghost. Nope. You are still here. You. Are. Safe.
I love you. I can't wait to see you again soon, baby. I'm happy that u arrived safely (imma assume u did. U don't have a choice.)
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[ preview ] in which fem!reader is helping out oscar's puppy love on his teammate lando without realising the consequences
[ tw ] swear words 🗝 . . previous part & next
lando was an incredible impatient man when it came to private goals to archive, especially when it was you, little beautiful smart y/n, being the centre of his growing irritation — you, who started to talk about stupid dates with even stupider men, whom you met through strange dating apps or the paddock, and those dates, that all ended after a meeting or two, because like he mentioned they were stupid. he didn't understood how you still find the desire to meet up at restaurants and cinemas, not when he and osc were right in front of you, getting bolder with their not so friendly gifts, touches and comments, but you just winked all away?
someone please explain the woman to him (no wonder he was in a stable relationship with a man for months), he couldn't find an explanation of the mess you build.
"think this bracelet would fit her pretty wrist, babes?", lando showed his boyfriend a photo of a costume made handbraclet, that held small trinkets of their shared memories and a ln4 and op81 charm too, to claim slight ownership over the woman — that just how he was, minimal possessive about the people he got romantic feeling about, see oscar; the aussie wore a golden promise necklace and in its middle was a small ruby stone, in which on the golden backside was a ln4 craved. in turn, the brits matching ring read inside an op81, letting osc have an equal claim about him too. "or should we do a matching necklace to yours? love when i feel the necklace around your strong neck when choking you", the curly haired man said, voice heavily laced in lust. his partner still wore the testament on his neck, proudly yet already just light blush and no deep hues of pinks and purples.
shaking his head in agreement after he scanned the design, osc's kiss swollen lips brighten up. "i love it, my treasure. you might aswell bring out a jewellery collection at this point, your creativity for craft never creases to amaze me."
a tint coated lan's cheekbones, finding himself in a state of deciding to be either humble or slash out his inner gemlin. "i'd need the best models for this", he stated, "and my brain—" "ah you do use it, 'm glad after alex and george hit you over and over again with the padel ball, lan—" lando grumbled. "yes, yes, i survived, full function is activated, oscar", he vocalised, right indexfinger pointing against his temple. "anyways, before you rudly interrupted me, i wanted to say a small ode of love but now I might aswell keep it to myself."
furrowing his eyebrows, the younger man, waited patiently for his partner to break (lando couldn't shut his mouth to safe his life) and some short minutes seconds, he heard a low groan, admitting defeat. "i've never ever designed jewellery for anyone else but you, my mum and y/n. it's just something, i want to share with you lot and not the crazy world out there; like a promise to whomever wears a piece of my creativity also carries a fracture of my love in some way, y'know?"
"oh lan, you big ole romantic", osc smiled softly. "that's such an honour you give is and 'm happy to wear this" - he pressed a kiss to his necklace - "wherever, whenever."
not wasting time, the man leaned in, capturing the soft lips of his boyfriend in a kiss, tongues running against each other as they closed their eyes and just felt; every ridge and bump, taste lando's minty fresh gum and the aussie's vanilla stuffed protein bun, and the scents of their perfumes, which harmonised beautifully.
the ringing of one of their phones brought them apart, foreheads touching as they slowly breathed in and out.
"you wanna look, treasure?"
"someone has to, no? and by the cozy look you have going on, it's not going to be", he teased while standing up to where they had put their phones away last night after a good night out with some monaco resistancal drivers like charles and alex. hearing a shuffled "you're the best, lan", the mclaren veteran chuckled. "I know."
if the aussie had been more awake, he'd for sure commented the playful arrogance but at the moment the bedsheets were still warm and had the smell of his partner all over it, making him purr like a happy kitten — he was a simple man.
a while later, he couldn't really tell, the brit came back into the room, a scheming expression etched on his handsome facial features. "guess what, babe?, he sung, rolling in the awaiting arms of his sleepy lover. he didn't let him guess tho, tongue burning to share the news. "we're invited to a gala, mark sent you a reminder, that smart man. its the ideal way to swipe y/n off her feet, don't you think?" his brown eyes twinkled in the sunlight, tunking him in a soft glow. if the topic wasn't that important, he'd fuck him then and there and lan would let him. "ow, don't look at me like that, later, maybe with an addition, alright, you horndog?"
his lover tsked him, however his lips were closed, wordlessly forming a pact with him — tonight was the night.
per oscar's request you wore a dress, which fell down to your ankles in flowy skirt and the top was simply designed, making you look like some sort of greek goddess or a princess — between the valley of your breasts hung the gifted necklace deep, daring eyes of strangers teasingly.
you haven't heard anything from lando, but you did expect him to be there, right at his lover's side, looking handsome too.
the venue, to no one's surprise was incredibly gorgeous, a château with meter high cellings, golden framed oil-paintings and even older looking wooden floors, that shone brightly in the light. a few people stood out in their service clothing, also sharing the expense vibe of the large ballroom, presenting guests with trays of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, little snacks and small cloths to clean of crumbles, the food would eventually rest against the skin.
walking further into the room, you mingled with possible new ad partners for oscar till you catched said man staring at your chest rather obvious, teeth sunken in his bottom lip — you gave him a cheeky grin before turning around, scanning the room for the other one.
and where one of them was, the other wasn't far way off.
lando already sat down in his dark purple suit (you wondered were the matching shirt went, when seeing his bronzen muscle shimmer underneath the suit's jacket), head laying on his left hand, whilst the other was streched over osc's empty seat.
signing lightly under your breath, you charmingly said goodbye to an older woman, a monaco resident owing a shit tone of money from her luxurious clothing brand, you've neither seen nor heard about and you visited the country more than you could count on your hands but instead of falling deeper for the lore, a warm hand smoothly found its home in between your shoulder blades, resulting in your train of thoughts to be broken off and focus on the presence standing next to you.
pretty osc pressed you forward without a warning, no word creeping over his thin lips. "ah hello, lovely to see you too, how was your day?", you sarcastically muttered, smiling at the people around the pair of you on the way to the table. oscar muffled a cough (hiding a snicker from you to not erange or ruin the plan). "sweets, you look breathtakingly stunning", he whispered, doe eyes closing as you arrived in front of the table and you were stood body to body, getting him to take in the sweet perfume you liked to use.
"little y/n, osc is so right", the other mclaren driver shared, getting up to plant a kiss on both cheeks. "lets sit down and get over with this, yes? then we can go back to the flat and just enjoy the good company we have going on, yes?"
you didn't think too much about his comment at first, appreciating the invite for a cozy night in after to stuff your faces with some cheep take out food but then you felt both men, who were to your left and right, getting touchy in your lap, holding hands and rubbing your lightweight dress fabric above your juicy tights, causing you to choke back a groan as lando's middle finger plunged inside the high split. "i — if you'll excuse me", you murmured, abruptly shooing their hands out of your lap to escape to the toilets.
a breather or two, or more would relax you.
"treasure, remember what we said just half an hour ago, hm? don't make rushed moves, she's gonna freak out."
"sorry babe", lan rushed out an apology. "should we go after her?"
"to take matters worse? no let's wait and see if she going home with us, chill out. i'm eighty percent sure, all three of us are landing in bed tonight", oscar whispered hotly against his lover's ear as he caressed the brit's knee.
wanna be tagged in the next part of helping hand? comment below :)
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#landoscar#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#oscar piastri imagine#oscar piastri x reader#lando norris imagine#lando norris x reader#f1#f1 fanfic
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Its the end of winterbreak. We lie in your bed, you spooning me. You pull up my flanell pyjama shirt and stroke my round belly. ”Hm… What’s this pup? This wasn’t here before the holidays was it?”
”No I… suppose I put on a few,” I murmur sleepily into the pillow. You cup my belly and lift it up slightly, as if to test its weight.
”Getting tubby on me, are you dear?” you chuckle. ”Well… I suppose that was bound to happen, given the amount of cookie dough you’ve been gobbling up for the last couple of weeks”. You give my newly grown muffin top a pinch to emphasize your point.
”Mhm my pyjama pants are getting a little snug of a late,” I admit sheepily.
”Now isn’t that a shame… I just got you that pyjama pup, and you already ate yourself out of it… Well, I suppose you have to wish for a size up next christmas, won’t you tubs”
”Mhm” I lean into the touch as you knead my love handles.
”Gosh, so swollen… There’s so much of you now,” you coo. My breathing quickens. You raise an eyebrow. ”Oh my… You’re not getting worked up by me bringing up your gain, are you?”
”N-no,” I say, biting my tounge to get a hold on myself. You smack your lips dissaprovingly.
”Tsk tsk tsk… What are we gonna do about that hm?” Your hand travels down to my meaty thigh and gives it a firm squeeze. I swallow.
”Maybe… maybe you could go down on me?” I murmur, feeling my cheeks heat.
”Oh dear, we have a particularly bold pup this morning, don’t we dear,” you muse. ”Would you like that pup? If I… went down on you? If I did that thing with my mouth I know you enjoy? Hm?”
”Uhuh.” I can feel myself soaking through my boxers.
”Use your words like a big boy, pup”
”I-I would… love that.” My voice is shaking slightly. I can barely contain myself.
“Oh but i think you forgot the magic word. You gotta beg for it like a good pup”
I groan im frustration.
”Puppy wants now” I squirm. You chuckle condencendingly.
“Oh dear…. I know… I know puppy wants now… So so very badly…. Such an impatient little thing”
”I heard you the first time pups. But you know… I need my little fatty to beg for it like a good little boy…” My knuckles whiten as i dig my fingers into the pillow, and a low growl rises from my throat. Your eyes narrow. ”Did puppy just growl at me? That wasnt very polite now was it?” I grind my teeth in exasperation and grind your leg. ”Now now… none of that pups,” you push me off your leg. ”I suggest you fix that attitude of yours in an instant, bratty pups get no nice rewards do they?” I growl defiantly once more. You give me an unimpressed look. ”I said do they?” Your voice turns dangerously low. You pinch my chubby cheeks between your indexfinger and thumb. I make an attempt to bite your hand, but you quickly snatch it away from me. ”Okay thats it pup,” you push yourself up from the bed.
”No no no…! ”My voice breaks, I tug on your arm, trying to drag you back down.
”Oh but I really do must get on with my day dear, I have more pressing matters to tend to than taming bratty pups you see”. You put on a shirt and take your sweet time to choose a blue tie from the wardrobe. You contemplate your reflection in the mirror with a blank expression while you tie it with eased practice, ignoring me whimpering in the bed.
”Pup will be good, pup will be on their best behaviour-”
“Oh will they indeed?” You tighten the knot. ”But you see, I think pup has forgotten all of their manners lately”
”No no… pup remembers… puppy can beg alright…”
”Oh can they now?” You drawl. I take a deep breath, bracing myself as I swallow down my down my pride.
”Please” My voice is barely above a whisper.
”Please what pups? Surely you can speak in coherent sentences can’t you? Hm?”
I close my eyes, holding back an impulse to answer something bratty.
”… Please…please go down on me” I hear how whiny and pathetic my voice sounds. I meet your gaze in the mirror, an amused smirk dancing on your lips.
”Now…” You purr ”that’s more like it boy…” You pull down the bottom of my lip with your thumb as you sit yourself back down on the bed.
#feederism kink#soft feedism#feedee belly#queer feedee#dom feeder#trans feedee#feedee perspective#ftm feedee#gaining weight#gaining weight on purpose#feedism text#my content#myfeedismwriting
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How to Yoga Mudra works!
You consider, the human body an electric circuit in which current (energy) is flowing through the Vein called (Nadis of the body).
These Vein (Nadis) connect different parts of the electrical circuit (body parts). There are five main terminals (5 elements mentioned our prevois Posts) of this circuit that either begin or end in the hands or feet.
When you hold or press a particular finger in a yoga pose, it stimulates the corresponding energy center or gland in the brain. In this way, the brain gets the signal to change the energy pattern within the body and does this by regulating vital energy flow.
most common hand posture used in yoga practice. You can use these mudras during meditation and pranayama practice to concentrate the mind.
#RegularYoga #OnlineYoga
#yogamudra #yogamudrasana #mudra #yogalove #yoga #yogaworld #YogaWorld #hastmudra #AkashMudra #middlefinger #skyelement #airelement #indexfinger #vayumudra #agni #fireelement #thumb #littlefinger #jal #waterelement #prithvi #ringfinger #earthelement #5elements #fiveelements
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ガシッと☝️🏻 . #猫 #ネコ #ねこ #にゃんこ #黒猫 #指 #帽子 #麦わら帽子 #ねこすたぐらむ #ふわもこ部 #保護猫 #にゃんだふるらいふ #もふもふ #猫モフー #cat #cats #blackcat #blackcats #hat #indexfinger #finger #ilovecats #instacat #catsofinstagram #catstagram #petstagram #instacat #meow https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dUoaEgRvY/?igshid=5fdb5wdzjn3h
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Index Finger ---- Art Prompt: Index ---- #art #artist #artwork #biro #pen #pendrawing #pensketch #ink #inkdrawing #illustration #sketchaday #dailyart #dailysketch #dailydrawing #dailypainting #artchallenge #artprompts #referenceused #index #indexfinger #finger #hands (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl9s1UcK-ag/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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