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evanhuang14777 · 1 year ago
1700 - dark side of domination
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<warning by Juan Ruiz>
The drunken monkeys grow old, they
do not walk in their color, they dry out and turn gray,
they do many vile things, everyone hates them;
They miss God a lot and they fail the world.
When wine is stronger than brains,
the drunks are gnawed like pigs and rooks;
therefore come deaths, strife and shuffles;
Source of Taxation: Wine was an important source of taxation for the royal and municipal coffers of Madrid and Castile in the 17th century, especially in times of war, when it became an important source of economic support for war expenditures.
Social reaction: High taxes on wine led to anti-tax riots and disturbances by both bar owners and ordinary consumers.
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kdlanguishing · 1 year ago
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ojo-rojo · 5 years ago
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Carmen Pinart: “Perfil”.
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ornxkxnwkf · 6 years ago
대구타투잘하는곳 - 석
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대구에서 타투잘하는곳 이레즈미 전문으로 하는 대구의 타투추천사이트
타투잘하는곳바로가기 http://tattoo114.kr/index0.html
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sertwork-blog · 3 years ago
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Other than a bizarre detour to talk about his love for Pepa Pig world... Boris Johnson has made an exciting announcement at the recent CBI conference.
EV Charger points are mandatory for all new builds from 2022!
Are there enough qualified installers to make this happen? 
If you would like to find out more about this announcement and why SERT are so excited then please follow the link below to our blog.
If you are a #electrician looking for new opportunities or a #business wondering how you will meet this surplus demand... GET IN TOUCH TODAY!
We can provide the workforce solutions needed to make an impact, inspire the next generation of green engineers and support the transition of the current talent pool. 
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kichisaburo3 · 5 years ago
About Hozan No 9 From Livedoor Blog dated on 05 JULY 2008
HOZAN Sake Sendai Miyagi Japan No 9 As Of DEC 2019
in Japanese Language
宮城県仙台市の 鳳山 ほうざん 日本酒 に関しての 9 回目 Tumblr !!
以下はネット上 Google 検索でのもの。
About Hozan Block-Quote From LivedoorBlog dated 05 JULY 2008 " 酒仙の会 ブログ " より
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平福百穂(ひらふくヒヤクスイ)の歌集『寒竹』( 古今書院 昭和 2 年刊 )に「 酒蔵十四首 」があります。
明治 10 年( 1877 )生まれの百穂の本業は日本画家。丹波篠山の西山酒造場( 銘酒「 小鼓 」)に身を寄せた時期の作品と言われています。
昭和 7 年( 1932 )没。享年 57 歳。
醸造家にして歌人である同氏が百穂の居る酒蔵にわれわれを案内してくれます。今年 ( 2008 年 ? ? ) 85 歳になる同氏の御許可を得ましたので左に転載します。
〈大門 千 記〉
著者は大正 11 年( 1922 )高木清兵衛の二男として仙台に生れ、早大理工学部卒の後、東北大農芸化学科微生物研究生として 3 年間、植村定次郎教授及び東大農学部名誉教授(文化勲章受賞)の指導下に研桟鑽を積みました。
昭和 27 年御父上の事業を扶け鳳山酒造に入社、取締及び醸造部長として四十余年に亘り酒造りに精励し平成四年退職。今年 ( 2008 年?? ) 、 85 歳にてご健在。
銘酒「鳳山」(ほうざん)は昭和 50 ~ 55 年 ( 1975 年 ~ 1980 年 ) に 4 回全国清酒鑑評会で最優秀銘柄として入賞。
「平福 ‥ ・」の一編は同氏著『わが酒屋うた』(日曜随筆社 平成6年刊)所収。
同書は「酒つくりよもやま」「杜氏のうた」「酒蔵漫筆」「『酒蔵の歌』評釈評釈」等から構成され、その一部は http://www8.ocn.ne.jp/~archinet/index0.htm で読むことができます。
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以下は、その Screen Shot
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TAG Of HOZAN 鳳山 ほうざん 日本酒 https://kichisaburo3.tumblr.com/tagged/hohzan
宮城県仙台市の “ 鳳山 ほうざん 日本酒 ” に関しては引き続き、まだまだ Tumblr 予定
20 DEC 2019 Friday
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animezuki · 5 years ago
Source: 伊藤かな恵オフィシャルブログ
View On WordPress
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evanhuang14777 · 1 year ago
1600 Renaissance period - Make people brave
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&lt;La Galatea> by Cervantes
Who is that powerful one who is known and famous from the East to the West ? Sometimes strong and brave, Other times weak and fearful; He removes and restores health, Shows and covers virtue in many, more than once, He is stronger in old age Than in joyful youth. […] without weapons he defeats the armed one and it is inevitable that he defeats him and the one who has treated him the most, showing shame, is the most shameless. and it is a thing of wonder That, in the field and in the town, A captain of such a test, Any man dares Even if he loses in the fight.
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learn-blesshaygaming · 7 years ago
Multiple Keys Mapped for the Same Action
Should work in GameMaker:Studio 2 (all versions).
This tutorial is written for GameMaker:Studio 2.
Oftentimes we want to be able to check multiple optional keys to perform an action. This might be to control a character both with WASD and with the arrow keys, or maybe to allow pausing on both the P key and the Pause key. I see a lot of people handling it like this:
if (keyboard_check(vk_left) || keyboard_check(ord("A"))) { // Do something }
This is of course fine in many cases, but it can turn into some very long conditionals sometimes. Also, if we want to change the controls at some point (or want to allow the player to do so), it becomes quite an inconvenience.
In GameMaker:Studio 2 you can define arrays like this:
var _array = ["index0", "index2", "etc."];
It is an easy way to pack multiple values into a variable. This does of course not help us directly, as keyboard_check(); does not accept arrays as their argument, but what if we make our own script? A keyboard_check_ext(); script? This would allow us to do something like this instead:
var _left = [vk_left, ord("A")]; if (keyboard_check_ext(_left)) { // Do something } // OR if (keyboard_check_ext([vk_left, ord("A")])) { // Do something }
Would that not be nice? We can even use a global or instance level variable to hold the mapped keys, changing them whenever we want to. But how would such script look?
First and foremost, we want to be able to use the script with singular input as well, so we start off the script by checking if our argument is an array, and if it is not, then we simple do a regular keyboard_check();.
var _array = argument0; if (!is_array(_array)) { return keyboard_check(_array); }
This also allows us to do a Ctrl + Shift + F in our project, and replace all uses of keyboard_check(); with our new script, without anything breaking.
Next we get the length of the array and loop though it. For each element in the array we do a keyboard_check();, and if it returns true, then the loop ends there due to our return. After the loop we make sure to return 0, to let the user know that none of the keys are being pressed. A full script would look something like this:
/// keyboard_check_ext(array_with_keys); /// @desc Is one of multiple keys held down? /// @arg array_with_keys var _array = argument0; if (!is_array(_array)) { return keyboard_check(_array); } var _length = array_length_1d(_array); for(var i=0; i<_length; i++){ if (keyboard_check(_array[i])) { return 1; } } return 0;
Of course the exact same thing can be used for keyboard_check_pressed();, keyboard_check_released();, keyboard_check_direct();, mouse_check_button_pressed();, etc., simply by replacing the function used in the script.
I hope this script and tutorial helped you making even more awesome games, and please share it, if you know someone who could learn something from it.
Kind regards, Simon
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ur-mom-gae-blog · 7 years ago
This Morning
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wayback-exe · 7 years ago
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DOT Dictionary of Occupational Titles Index0 Jun 1997 view on oldweb.today
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bluedrivingschool · 8 years ago
Get in touch if you wish to pass your driving test in a short period of time
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evanhuang14777 · 1 year ago
In 1100 - Doctor
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&lt;El Lazarillo de Tormes> by Lázaro de Tormes
[The blind man] washed the breaks he had made with the pieces of the jar with wine, and, smiling, said: / –What do you think of Lazarus? What made you sick heals you and gives you health – and other gifts that were not to my taste.
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evanhuang14777 · 1 year ago
&lt;Cantar del Mío Cid>
My Cid Rodrigo Díaz you will hear what he said to him: Eat, count, of this bread; drink, count, of this wine, / for if you do what I say, you will no longer be a captive.
&lt;El Lazarillo de Tormes> by Lázaro de Tormes
[The blind man] washed the breaks he had made with the pieces of the jar with wine, and, smiling, said: / –What do you think of Lazarus? What made you sick heals you and gives you health – and other gifts that were not to my taste.
&lt;La Galatea> by Cervantes
Who is that powerful one who is known and famous from the East to the West ? Sometimes strong and brave, Other times weak and fearful; He removes and restores health, Shows and covers virtue in many, more than once, He is stronger in old age Than in joyful youth. [...] without weapons he defeats the armed one and it is inevitable that he defeats him and the one who has treated him the most, showing shame, is the most shameless. and it is a thing of wonder That, in the field and in the town, A captain of such a test, Any man dares Even if he loses in the fight.
<warning by Juan Ruiz>
«You can smell the fire, which is a very bad smell,
your mouth smells very bad, there is nothing that is worth it,
it burns the assaduras, the leg burns;
If you want to love, owner, the wine does not bother you.
«The drunken monkeys grow old, they
do not walk in their color, they dry out and turn gray,
they do many vile things, everyone hates them;
They miss God a lot and they fail the world.
«When wine is stronger than brains,
the drunks are gnawed like pigs and rooks;
therefore come deaths, strife and shuffles;
Much wine is good in vats and jars.
«Wine is very good in its very nature,
it has many benefits if taken in moderation;
He who drinks too much of it, take away his sanity,
all the evil in the world becomes all madness.
&lt;Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea>
“Settle down, my children, there is plenty of room for everyone, thank God. They gave us so much of paradise when we go there. Put yourselves in order, each one has his own place; I, who am alone, will fit this jug and cup, which is no more my life than what I speak of.
After I got older, I don't know a better job at the table than pouring, because whoever tries honey always gets stuck with it. Well, at night, in winter, there is no such bed heater. With two jugs of these that I drink, when I want to go to bed, I don't feel cold all night. I cover all my clothes with this when Christmas comes; This warms my blood; This sustains me continuously in a being; This makes me always happy; This keeps me cool; I see plenty of this at home, that I will never fear the bad year, that a crust of mousy bread is enough for three days. This removes sadness from the heart more than gold or coral; This gives effort to the young man and strength to the old man; puts color to the colorless; courage to the coward; to the lazy diligence; comforts the brains; takes the cold out of the stomach; removes the stench of longing; it makes the cold powerful; makes one suffer the toils of farming; He makes the tired reapers sweat all bad water; heals the redness and the molars; sustains without stink in the sea, which water does not do.
I would tell you more properties about it that you all have hair. So I don't know who doesn't enjoy mentioning it. It has only one blemish, that what is good is worth a lot and what is bad is harmful. So, what heals the liver, makes the stock market sick. But even with my fatigue I look for the best for the little I drink, only a dozen times at each meal. "They won't let me go from there unless I'm invited like now."
&lt;Don Quixote>Cervantes
Wine is mentioned up to 43 times in Don Quixote (1615), the most universal work of our literature. There are few characters more enthusiastic about wine in all of universal literature than the famous squire Sancho Panza, whom Miguel de Cervantes profiled not only as a great fan of wine but also as the possessor of a complete gift in the knowledge of it. “Won't it be good, Mr. Squire, if I have such a great and natural instinct when it comes to knowing wines that, when I try to smell any of them, I guess the country, the lineage, the flavor, and the hardness and twists it has to take.” , with all the circumstances that affect the wine”, Sancho comes to consider.
Another example, when Don Quixote charges against the windmills while Sancho walked "very slowly on his donkey, and from time to time he raised his boot with such pleasure that the most gifted still life artist in Malaga could envy him."
<coplero Alonso de Toro>
In Villalar and Pedrosa,
Bozales and San Román,
wine is no longer worth anything,
they give it almost for nothing;
Well, in Toro, where you were born,
I found, in the buns of the milestone,
a blessed red wine,
which in your life you dress like this.
In the city of Zamora,
on Valvorraz Street,
Blessed Our Lady,
there are so many taverns!
In Casaseca de Chanas
and Casaseca de Campián,
they give us so much wine
that we sing more than frogs.
In Corrales and Perdigón,
and in Fuen del Carnero,
even if the poor man carries a hide,
he will fill it without delay;
In Venialbo and at Fuente
Cantalapiedra and Cantalpino,
the people are very happy
because they drank a lot of wine.
Villarino and La Ribera
and the town of Fermosel,
a lot of wine, in a great way,
and softer than honey.
&lt;'Anna Karenina'> by Leo Tolstoy
Kitty, observes Anna Karenina's first meeting with the man who would later become her lover. Tolstoy relates what the Russian princess Kitty saw at that meeting: He could see that Anna was intoxicated with the wine of ecstasy that she inspired. She knew that feeling, she knew its signs, and she saw them all in Anna—she saw the trembling, bright light in her eyes, the smile of happiness and excitement that involuntarily forms her lips, and the unmistakable elegance, security, and softness of her movements— .
&lt;'Paris was a Party'> by Ernest Hemingway
The novel includes several memoirs by the author of the time he spent in Paris with other well-known American writers who lived there, where they met in cafes and bars to chat. At that time in Europe we considered wine something as normal and healthy as food, as well as a drink capable of bringing you happiness, well-being and pleasure. Drinking wine was not snobbery or a sign of sophistication or culture; It was something as natural as feeding and, for me, as necessary as that. It wouldn't have occurred to me to sit down to eat something without drinking, be it wine, cider or beer. I loved all wines, except sweet wines or those that were very heavy.
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