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badiajordi · 1 year ago
Protestar amb xinxetes i oli
La Vuelta va acabar ahir el seu pas per Catalunya. N’ha deixat, en el pla esportiu, dues etapes que van ser un fiasco i dues etapes gairebé excel·lents. Els dos fiascos són les dues etapes que van transcórrer per Barcelona i la que hi va arribar. No només pel temps que hi va fer, sobretot perquè l’organització va ser impròpia i perillosa. Ja sé que no hi ha res a fer i que les ciutats seguiran…
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theartofdyingtogether · 4 months ago
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The Odeon #3, Rai Escalé, 2022
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basilepessoart · 6 months ago
El projecte que he definit en espanyol fa mes o menys una setmana per redirigir Aliança Catalana cap a la amistat catalana-"castellana" i la absència de perill i castigo violents des de les institucions en particular espanyols és sens dubte la bona solució per a tothom, i si, he digit tothom, el que inclou...els independentistes, tret que vulguin la violència, inclous contra...ells mateixos. Si el meu projecte està bé entès, poc a poc la gent menys odiós entendrà que es la bona direcció, i que, per cert, la cultura catalana, el que inclou el idioma no perdran res - treballarem a la seva extenció, sense odi - ho sé, el odi es un motor del independentisme. Teniu la possibilitat de continuar com des de dècades, en la violència i la xenofòbia, o escoltar-me, però qui soc ? "Un francès", que deu tornar-se al seu país. Ho sé tan bé, i us agraeixo de tot aquest odi increïble, aquest boicot contra mi i Anne. Per cert no es global. Però extremadament estesa, i tenim que acabar amb aquesta pura merda. Basile Pesso, Land of Somewhere, 25 de juliol de 2 024
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whatifsandspheres · 1 year ago
Revolutionary Catalonia
Revolutionary Catalonia[1] (21 July 1936 – 8 May 1937) was the part of Catalonia (autonomous region in northeast Spain) controlled by various anarchist, communist, and socialist trade unions, parties, and militias of the Spanish Civil War period. Although the Generalitat of Catalonia was nominally in power, the trade unions were de facto in command of most of the economy and military forces, which includes the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, National Confederation of Labor) which was the dominant labor union at the time and the closely associated Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI, Iberian Anarchist Federation). The Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT, General Worker's Union), the POUM (Workers' Party of Marxist Unification) and the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC, which included the Communist Party of Catalonia) were also prominent.
Socialist rule of the region began with the Spanish Revolution of 1936, resulting in workers' control of businesses and factories, collective farming in the countryside, and attacks against Spanish nationalists and the Catholic clergy. The growing influence of the Communist Party of Spain's (PCE) Popular Front government and their desire to nationalize revolutionary committees and militias brought it into conflict with the CNT and POUM, resulting in the May Days and the eventual replacement of the CNT by the PSUC as the major political force in Catalonia until their defeat to the Nationalist forces in 1939.
The governance of Catalonia was deeply rooted in the ideas of anarcho-syndicalism and anarcho-communism, making Catalonia the largest territory in history to have been so governed[citation needed]. Both of these ideologies draw heavily on the ideas of Peter Kropotkin and his book The Conquest of Bread, which lays out a future where the workers form trade unions and take over the management of industry so that companies and businesses are directly controlled by the workers.
The Catalan Civil War, also called the Catalonian Civil War or the War against John II, was a civil war in the Principality of Catalonia, then part of the Crown of Aragon, between 1462 and 1472. The two factions, the royalists who supported John II of Aragon and the Catalan constitutionalists (Catalanists, pactists, and foralists), disputed the extent of royal rights in Catalonia. The French entered the war at times on the side on John II and at times with the Catalans. The Catalans, who at first rallied around John's son Charles of Viana, set up several pretenders in opposition to John during the course of the conflict. Barcelona remained their stronghold to the end: with its surrender the war came to a close. John, victorious, re-established the status quo ante bellum.
For the royalist side, the "rebels" were for having betrayed the fidelity they had sworn to their king; while the anti-royalists considered the royalists "traitors" for not being faithful to the laws of the "land", for being "enemies of public affairs" or simply for being "bad Catalans". Thus, the anti-royalist side developed a new conception of political society in which, according to Catalan historians Santiago Sobrequés and Jaume Sobrequés, "solidarity among the men of a country was produced by having common laws and inhabiting the same land, not as, until then, by the fact of being vassals of the same sovereign». Thus, the modern concept of homeland had emerged that went beyond mere territorial ascription to take on a legal character, so the Catalan rebellion would be, as the French historian Joseph Calmette described, "the first of modern revolutions', hundred years before the Dutch Revolt.
The Catalan independence movement (Catalan: independentisme català;[a] Spanish: independentismo catalán) is a social and political movement (with roots in Catalan nationalism) which seeks the independence of Catalonia from Spain.
The beginnings of separatism in Catalonia can be traced back to regionalist and nationalist movements of the mid–19th century, influenced by romantic ideas widespread in Europe at the time. The first organised Catalan independence party was Estat Català (Catalan State), founded in 1922 by Francesc Macià. In 1931, Estat Català and other parties formed Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (Republican Left of Catalonia, ERC). Macià proclaimed a Catalan Republic within Spain in 1931, subsequently accepting autonomy within the Spanish state after negotiations with the leaders of the Second Spanish Republic. During the Spanish Civil War, General Francisco Franco abolished Catalan autonomy in 1938. Following Franco's death in 1975, Catalan political parties concentrated on autonomy rather than independence.
The contemporary independence movement began around 2009 after a series of events, including the financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Partido Popular (People's Party) challenging the 2006 Statute of Autonomy in the Constitutional Court of Spain; Catalan municipalities held symbolic referendums on independence between 2009 and 2011. The 2010 ruling of the court that parts of the statute were unconstitutional sparked huge protests, and a snap election in 2012 led to the first pro-independence majority ever in the Catalan parliament. The new government held a "non-binding" self-determination referendum in 2014, which yielded a large majority in favour of independence, but with a low turnout due to boycotting by anti-independence voters. A further election in 2015 was followed by the calling of a new, binding referendum. This was however considered illegal by the Spanish government and the Constitutional Court, as the Catalan government lacks legal jurisdiction to organize referendums. The referendum was nonetheless held in 2017 amidst great political and social controversy, including police violence aimed at stopping it both before and during the voting. Amidst large protests from both the pro and anti-independence camps, the Catalan parliament approved a motion with the aim to proclaim an independent republic, at the same time that the Spanish senate voted to take control of the Catalan institutions until new regional elections. The regional government leaders were arrested in the subsequent weeks, with some fleeing abroad, including then president Carles Puigdemont. In 2019, the new Spanish government agreed to hold a 'table of negotiations' with the government of Catalonia, though refusing beforehand to consider independence or self-determination. In 2020, the Spanish government began processing a request for the pardon of the arrested leaders, which was effective in June 2021.
In the Parliament of Catalonia, parties explicitly supporting independence are Together for Catalonia (JxCat) (which includes Partit Demòcrata Europeu Català (PDeCAT), heir of the former Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (CDC)); Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), and Candidatura d'Unitat Popular (CUP). Parties opposed to the regional independence are Ciutadans (Citizens), People's Party (PP), the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC) and, since 2021, Vox. En Comú Podem supports federalism and a legal and agreed referendum.
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. Magazine - worldurbanplanning.com Location | Plaza de Tetuán, Barcelona, Spain .
The now famous, but at that time radical, urban planner Ildefons Cerdà designed the grid pattern in Barcelona named Eixample. The design has long straight streets, wide avenues, and octagonal square blocks with rounded corners placed in a strict grid pattern. This has given better visibility, air and is the grand hallmark of Barcelona.
Today however, pollution and noise has increased and the city is trying to reduce traffic by 21% and free up almost 60% of streets currently used by cars. The plan is to make 9 of todays blocks into one superblock for biking and walking (“citizens space”) and move the traffic between these superblocks, making fewer big roads and more space for citizens.
Is your city taking some similar measures?
#plaza #plaça #barcelona #spain #españa #espana #worldurbanplanning #architecture #cityplanning #urbanplanning #landscapearchitecture #city #urban #pattern #buildings #architecturelovers #aerial #aerialview #cityplan #urbanplan #block #eixample #planning #도시계획 #바르셀로나 #urbandesign #density #geometry #drone #드론스타그램 (at Plaça de Tetuan, Barcelona)
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ferranhumor · 4 years ago
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miquisteps · 2 years ago
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🐦 Gallifantes #twitter #piulades #twitterquotes #twitterposts #twitter #tuitfixat #algúhohaviadedir #ERC #esquerra #independentisme #Catalunya 🔗twitter.com/gallifantes/status/1566012791584063488 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmCM6e7tPgx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quatregats · 2 years ago
Jo, posant-me a llegir la història dels Països Catalans de Borja de Riquer: Va, diversifiquem una mica les nostres fonts d'infomació sobre el segle XIX
Borja de Riquer:
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teleoleo · 6 years ago
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"Durante las más de dos horas que ha durado el interrogatorio, Junqueras ha repetido una y otra vez que trabajar pacíficamente por la independencia no puede ser considerado delito. «No es delito trabajar pacíficamente por la independencia, nunca hemos aceptado la violencia para la obtención de nuestros objetivos políticos, para nosotros no hay objetivo que justifique el uso de la violencia»". Este jueves Oriol Junqueras ha declarado su amor a España durante su comparecencia ante el Tribunal Supremo en el marco del juicio contra el independentismo. El exconseller de Interior, Joaquim Forn, también declaró, ambos negaron las acusaciones de violencia y malversación. Mi blog en teleoLeo.com. Para leer ve a mi página principal y da click al enlace de teleoLeo.com #catalunya #macrojuicio #independentisme #independentismecatalà #erc #orioljunqueras #joaquimforn #20setembre2017 #1o #catalunyalluire #cdr #paispetit #viscalaterra #viscalaterralliure #sompaïsoscatalans https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt4eXy0BE2U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15i9njzdye5gj
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silentambassadors · 6 years ago
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Catalonia, one of Spain’s autonomous communities, and in fact styled as a nationality within Spain, has long looked toward independence from Spain - thus far culminating in a referendum (deemed unlawful by the Spanish government, natch) in 2017, asking the Catalan people whether they would wish for independence from Spain.  Of course, attempting to secede from Spain has led to calls of sedition, snap elections, imprisonments, the whole nine yards.  We shall see whether the independence movement proves successful or not...for now, the future of Catalan independence is unclear...
Stamp details: Issued in: 1906 From: Barcelona, Catalonia MC #N/A
Recognized as a sovereign state by the UN: No Claimed by: Kingdom of Spain Member of the Universal Postal Union: No
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valorimaginari-blog · 8 years ago
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Llibres ja imaginats nº2. La Catalunya del seny. Una crítica al discurs nacionalista de CiU (2010-2015), Caliu Editorial.
L’anàlisi que ací presentem tracta d’explicar l’aparent canvi ideològic d’una de les formacions que conforma el pol independentista, Convergència i Unió. Perquè CiU ha decidit apostar per la independència si mai s’hi havia mostrat partidari? Com ha evolucionat el discurs de CiU des que va començar el procés? quins mecanismes discursius utilitza Mas per tal de convèncer l’electorat? Aquestes són algunes de les preguntes que es tracten de respondre en el llibre, per, per tal d’anar més enllà del conflicte territorial Espanya-Catalunya i de la idea motor ‘Espanya ens roba’. Aquestes línies pretenen analitzar el procés des de la perspectiva de la lluita de classes i de quina manera influeix el nacionalisme, siga del color que siga, en aquest conflicte.
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badiajordi · 1 year ago
La Vuelta i la imatge de Barcelona
Barcelona havia fet una aposta forta per acollir la sortida de la Vuelta amb una contrarellotge per equips pels carrers de la ciutat i l’arribada de la segona. No li ha anat bé. La imatge que n’ha deixat és la de no saber organitzar un esdeveniment esportiu d’envergadura. És una sorpresa, perquè des dels Jocs Olímpics de 1992, totes les grans competicions que s’hi han fet han anat bé. I és una…
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septictankie · 7 years ago
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basilepessoart · 6 months ago
Molt bé, realment, molt bé, Sílvia. Això és estrictament, i exactament, la bona direcció, sense cap, dic bé sens cap, menció del independentisme i de la "nació catalana". La altra gesta és que X Catalunya és un diari generalista sense direcció política especial, i veure aquest article sense cap debilita contra tu també és una gesta real. Podrás ver que lo que he preconizado puede funcionar - he puesto tiempo pero aquí es el principio de los resultados... Puedes ver también que mecanicamente, mi interés y mi respecto para el catalán vienen...del respecto de los "Castellanos". Basile Pesso, Land of Somewhere, 23 de julio de 2 024 Artículo de X Catalunya : "Aliança Catalana es consolida com a alternativa"
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miquisteps · 4 years ago
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🎓 Causes judicials contra l’independentisme al món municipal 🔗ja.cat/TwnyJ #Catalunya #repressió #independentisme #1O #1Oct #lawfare #demofòbia #1octubre #España #Spain #Espanya #marcaespaña #thisistherealspain (at Catalunya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIIr1tZho1h/?igshid=439kspeooegg
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marccolomerflores · 7 years ago
#Repost @agenciaacn L'#independentisme suma majoria absoluta amb 70 diputats i Ciutadans s'erigeix com a primera força en vots i escons. @ciutadanscs aconsegueix 37 diputats, seguit de @juntspercat (34), @esquerrarepublicana (32), el #PSC (17), @catencomu_podem (8), la @cupnacional (4) i el @ppcatala (3) #ACNinforma #21D #eleccions21D
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kpopchangedme · 6 years ago
💙 Bonne Fête Nationale du Québec ! 💙
Today is Québec National Day. Every year we celebrate our history, diversity and culture. Be proud of what makes you different and stand tall!
(side note: Justin Trudeau can shove that f*cking pipeline up his sell-out ass 🙃 #NotMyCanada)
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I have a special thought every St-Jean-Baptiste for the hundreds of territories across the world who are currently going, or have gone through the harshness of an independence referendum process... 😔
💙💙 Scots unthirldom, Neo-eisimeileachd na h-Alba, independentisme català... 💙💙 Nouvelle- Calédonie, restez fiers 💙💙
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