#independent sebastian vael
wywardprince · 2 years
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“Be happy while you’re living,                                  for you’re a long time deid”                                                                         – Old Scots proverb
indie rp blog | para | selective                                                   .| promo by @dalathin |.
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Why do you think Varric made the Inquisitor a Comte? Wouldn’t that make them outrank him? Dumar seemed pretty powerless and I always thought that Varric got shoved in the rule to make him in charge of the recovery of Kirkwall but not actually of Kirkwall?
Sweet gentle anon, I know it was not your intention but you have stumbled into one of my favorite conversational topics and I hope you are ready for the fall out.
Welcome, children, to Fereldone talks about Thedas' Geo/Theopolitical bullshit!
(tl:dr at the bottom)
So, very important things to know going in: Kirkwall's political history is weird. Founded by the Tevinter Imperium in -620 Ancient (which is DA equivalent of BC/BCE, or the time before the ages ascribed to history by the chantry), it was a mining city. After a slave tried to kill the Archon the Magisterium decided they needed to start importing- and presumably breaking the will of- slaves farther from the heart of the imperium and thus the City of Chains gained purpose.
I could throw a lot of facts and names at you, but here's the basics-- it housed millions of slaves over hundreds of years, at the end of the ancient age they rebelled and overthrew it. Kirk means black in Alamarri, the stone they mined there was jet black, and so Kirkwall (black walls) becomes a Free city. It suffered during the fourth blight in the Exalted Age (fifth age, for those keeping score at home), was conquered by the Qunari in the Storm Age (seventh age) and was then conquered by the Orlesians. Orlais was on a roll with the whole 'we own everything whoops killed your ancestral leaders', but in the Blessed age (eighth age) the people retaliate and overthrow the empire to regain independence.
For reasons I can only assume are laziness and a desire not to change all the paperwork, the leader of Kirkwall is still referred to by the Orlesian word Viscount/Viscomte. Bear with me, this is important later.
We are now in the early dragon age (9th age, and when Inquisition happens). The first two rulers of free Kirkwall sucked. Basically they blockaded their own port and made people pay a fortune to get in and trade. This didn't sit well with the Chantry, who would much rather do that themselves, and in 9:14 Divine Beatrix II (later saved by Cassandra!) tells the Templars to strong arm him into submission talk some sense into the viscount.
The knight commander is killed in the exchange, and so his second command Meredith Stannard steps up to try her hand at negotiations. It goes poorly, so she arrests and jails the Viscount and essentially takes control of the city with full Chantry approval. Now the Templars are essentially in control of the city, and so they appoint a puppet leader (Dumar) to play act in control. But Meredith is actually in charge, and everyone knows it.
Including Elthina, who named her Knight Commander. This is why the Chantry never actually does anything about templar abuses.
So! If you are still with me, this is where Viscount becomes important. There are some wibbly bits about how you treat Sebastian Vael in DA2, but essentially Kirkwall decides that it's time to be an actual city state and not a poorly run Theocracy. As the only man with a plan (and the money and influence to do it), Varric steps in to help his home town. Ecstatic at not being responsible for that, the nobles (comtes) band together and put him in charge.
So while yes, in Orlais Viscount be beneath comte, Kirkwall has been so broken up and conquered and messed with over the years that names and titles are meaningless. In my personal opinion, Varric ennobles the inquisitor so that they will always have a staunch ally amongst the backbiting Kirkwaller nobles. It's also a nice and generous a decent thing to do, of course, but Varric is very good at making something do a lot of things for him all at once.
(Also, Varric knows exactly what that key does. He just ensured that someone smart enough and invested enough in peace will always be able to either open or close the harbor--making sure that the people who depend on him will be safe no matter what.)
Personally, the Trespasser epilouge is useless. It's the result of not having a head writer to review things, and the sweet but misguided attempt to give us closure if DA4 never happened. Hawke doesn't come back to Kirkwall. They are in Weisshaupt (if not in the Fade), and that plotIine will likely be in the final game. The Inquisition in whatever form it still has will be heading north, possibly with Kirkwall as an operating base, and this way the Inquisitor (who is confirmed to not be playabe in DA4) will have a reason to be there and not in Tevinter.
That's my read, anyway.
tl;dr Kirkwall has weird history that led to odd ways of organizing their nobility, Varric wants friends in places almost as high as him, shit's going down in the north and I think the inquisitor will be in Kirkwall so the writers needed a reason to put them there.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Mod Fereldone
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mistresstrevelyan · 6 years
♥ & ☮️ for your DA ladies
♥ - family headcanon
For Rhiannon I want to mention a family headcanon NOT tied to Highever but to the family she has after the Fifth Blight. Her daughter Teleri Esclarmonda was very much a lucky and unexpected blessing. Rhia had worked with Avernus to undo the Joining prior to the Calling after having reclaimed her identity as Lady Cousland. The infertility was one of the first things that came undone. She conceived and miscarried several times, Teleri however she carried to term and gave birth to at Skyhold. This is her all grown up, a candidate to Ferelden’s crown: (Anora & Eluned prepped her and her Cousland & Mac Tir heritage only adds further to her claim. The Theirins are no longer what people think of when they think of Ferelden’s sovereign) 
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Her mother’s hair, her father’s endless love of animals as well as his patience for them and the sweetest smile in all of Skyhold.
Desideria actually makes an effort to Friend Carver because after losing both her father and Bethany she clings to her family as tightly as she can. Even moreso after Leandra’s death. Legacy really helped them to grow closer and she is insanely proud of him being a Grey Warden under the Heroine of Ferelden’s command. Other than that, she has often used her Amell connections to her advantage. (Desideria is extremely ambitious and has no shame in that regard) She even pulled a Thorn Birds with Sebastian (Except that she married him) Her first child with Sebastian is Madeleine “Maddie” Vael, Princess of Starkhaven. 
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Drusilla Trevelyan was taken in by her sister Aurelia Ridolfi nee Trevelyan after having been declared anathema and a heretic by the Chantry (With a very public humiliating defrocking by her mentor) and it was this that led to a great quarrel in the family because their father, Bann Antonio Trevelyan, had disinherited Drusilla and didn’t want to lose Aurelia as well. The eldest of the three sisters, Calliope Trevelyan, often played peacemaker but it wasn’t until the Inquisition made it to Skyhold that the Trevelyans OFFICIALLY supported it and Drusilla as her Lady’s Herald. It’s a messy situation that I’d like to explore further during the DA4 timeline. (Whenever that game comes!)
☮️cooking/food headcanon
Rhia is a miserable cook. If Alistair provides charred rabbit, her pottage isn’t much better because she cooks it for too long (Her mind always wanders). Morrigan nearly set her on fire once for ruining a batch of olives they’d found in an abandoned garden. (She used them to spice up her pheasant stew) She tries to get better at it but after several failed attempts the party relieve her of cooking duty and have her on guarding duty instead. (Her being an insomniac played right into that)
Desideria on the other hand loves being cooked for and to cook for people. First thing she did after buying the mansion was hiring a cook. From Orlais. That caused quite the ruckus. But ofc everyone and their Mom wants to borrow the cook for their festivities after being invited to one of the Champion’s banquets. She usually agrees with it and the fee goes 100% to Jurian, the cook. Orana joins the household as Jurian’s apprentice and his kindness in addition to Desideria’s affection really helps her blossom past Hadriana’s abuse and cruelties. Orana eventually becomes an independent master cook, some of her pupils cook at Halamshiral for Empress Celene. (And work with Briala)
Drusilla is mainly indifferent when it comes to cooking except for Grandmother Floria Trevelyan’s Satinalia treats made of cinnamon and nutmeg. Floria supports Drusilla through ALL her hardships, in utter defiance to the Chantry as well as her own son. But the matriarch’s word goes further than that. Floria visited Skyhold once, in her eighty-second year, and baked treats for her favourite granddaughter one last time. She gently passed a week later and had her pyre in Skyhold’s rose garden, as she had requested in her recently altered will. Drusilla inherited the recipe and keeps it as a treasure.
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sabineelectricheart · 3 years
Desperately Hopeless [Pt. 1]
Summary: The rumour that doomed her.
Rating: M - Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Explicit depiction of violence and domestic abuse. Reader discretion is highly advised.
Words: 1483
Notes: I think I’d get less hate if this was an apology to the sort of thing that happened in Germany on the 1930′s. Oh, well, if I wanted to be popular, I wouldn’t be writing fanfiction.
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Pain. Pain and heartbreak are all Marian has known the past few months.
She feels like a fallen woman. It has become absolutely impossible for her to remember how many times she has been hit, pushed and called names, or for whatever bullshit reason it was provided to her.
The Marchen girl had always known fortitude, and she knew how to maintain her pride and posture under duress, but she has been so thoroughly drained that she could only lay down and take beating after beating in silence, without any hope of rescue. Her body and mind became used to the harshness by now.
Is it not curious how her life was so promising not too long ago and now it is in ruins? Shattered and broken with no way of saving it?
Marian had a future, a happy future, ahead of her. She had a match, the prospects of keeping her freedom and serving her city, and then, as if it was all build in unstable sand, it came crashing down in the first storm. All it took was one misconception, one wrong move by an insane man to ruin her life completely.
Just a piece of misplaced gossip, just some Elven maid that rolled her tongue when she should not have, and it was enough to destroy everything that she hoped to have achieved in her life.
It all turned upside down so quickly that the Viscount’s daughter barely had a chance to defend herself publicly before it blew up, and that was merely about the judgement of the masses. She held in greater esteem the opinion of a single man, and he has not allowed her to utter a word before taking drastic action.
Sebastian has always had a flare for the dramatic, he always acted too much with his heart and sense of right and wrong than with his intellect and reason. His mind was quickly set on her summary condemnation and nothing she could have said would change that.
In any regard, it does seem like a tall order to have her fiancé listen to her with a cool mind in such a situation. Nobody, not even the most reasonable of men, would have cared about what Marian had to say about the whole situation. The entire city had turned against her, the nobility throughout the Free Marches chanted her demise with a distasteful sense of hypocrisy. She has been labelled as a whore, cheater, witch and much more she cannot hope to remember at this point.
Well, it is not as if it mattered anymore. Her mind became numb to the insults and hits thrown her way.
Sebastian Vael, her fiancé, the man with a past, the firm believer in the boundless forgiveness of the Maker, the one person who should have trusted her, even if only circumstantially, did not deign himself to.
Perhaps he wanted to be free of her. It is not as if he had proposed to her because he wanted to. He had been given a choice: marriage or Chantry, and he picked the former. The oldest daughter of Viscount Leandra, the ugly duckling with unrefined manners and an inconvenient streak of independent thinking, came with the most advantages.
Yes, she is a mage, and yes, she kept unsavoury company, but Sebastian was the third son of a philoprogenitive family. There was little chance of the crown ever landing on his head, and even if it came to, there had numerous cousins to be appointed instead. The commercial and military advantages were too numerous to overlook.
Faced with the humiliation, the suspicion and the effort to keep a situation he did not care to be in, Sebastian refused to listen to his fiancée. He broke off the engagement with her, alerting his parents that he would rather be imprisoned at the Chantry until the Maker came to step on this earth than go through with this marriage.
Marian begged the man to listen to her. She pleaded with him but he scoffed at her and paid no mind.
Over the season he spent in Kirkwall, over the time they spent together, she had come to care deeply for her intended, and she had hoped that he would feel the same, but it was to no avail. Hurtful words flew out of his mouth, like daggers being shot against her spirit. She cried in front of him, begged him not to consider the terrible accusations being levelled against her, but it was to no avail.
The noble daughter remembers how Sebastian had just looked her up and down with a sneer on his face. He pushed her away, back hitting the shelf in the Chantry audience chamber, where he had been staying for the duration of his visit, in the interests of propriety, making her wince in pain as he walked away. Eyes welling up with more tears as pain bloomed inside of her.
Malcolm had been disappointed, Leandra had been slighted, but Carver had been absolutely enraged. He blamed his sister, of course, as he is prone to do, as he perceives that this whole affair had humiliated the family and, by extension, hurt his social prospects.
Her family had braced itself for having their eldest daughter be left an old maid, but Marian knew better. She knew who would be coming, and come he did, in what certainly felt as a salvation to them. It had all been planned, after all: Bran, Lord Cavin had ruined her life all because of his little obsession with her.
He had wanted she ever since she was young, as he had always been close to her family, ever since he came to Kirkwall from less-than-stellar origins in Ansburg and higher education in Antiva. Since he climbed to the position of seneschal, he had always told her in that slithering manner of his, whenever they happened to meet, how she would be his when she grew up, even when she had not had debuted yet, making her loathe at every corner she would see him in.
It got worse as the Amell daughter grew up and matured into a beautiful and talented woman, as he evolved from some garden variety of a creep to a downright disturbing rapist. He would often make sexual comments about her that she would ignore. Not that ignoring ever did anything of help for her, as it only served to make him madder and not make him stop. She would have murdered him, as she did other men, but she feared repercussion to her mother and her often fraught position at the helm of the city.
In that regard, her engagement had been a source of security as well: Bran knew he had little chance to become her husband, as he was not of noble birth and she cared very little for him. The presence of the son of a Prince as Marian’s intended made this possibility even more remote, but, alas, he insisted. The seneschal would accost her unexpectedly, especially when she was accompanied by her fiancé and pulls her away to ‘talk’ to her.
On the beginning, it passed off as city affairs, but soon this explanation grew thinner and thinner. All those instances made Sebastian suspicious and angry, and it set the stage for the scandal to come.
That day, that fateful day, had Marian in a state of reflection after a particularly nasty quandary between the already unsteady couple. Sebastian’s anger burst out the night before because Lord Cavin had touched her face while making one of his disgustingly lewd suggestions. She had not moved away quickly enough for Lord Vael’s liking, which caused the aforementioned discussion of theirs.
The prince’s son had also decided to keep his distance during the day, in hopes to calm his own rage. She seized the opportunity to get some work done and swift through the jobs on the advertising board and lending a hand to the city guard in various affairs.
As night fell and the mage returns to the Keep, tired and battered, Bran waits for her with a trap. He cornered her and forced himself onto her at just the perfect time that someone could bear witness of it. She had still been a strong woman then and managed to push him away before he went any further than a kiss, but the deed was done.
A maid had seen her lady frazzled and, supposedly, in the woes of passion with the Lord Seneschal, and it did not take much to have her spread the story amongst the help, the merchants and, eventually, the nobles. She would tell anyone that asked that their hair was a mess and their clothes were halfway off, in such a dramatic moment of forbidden love that it would not be out of place in the theatre.
With that, her fate was sealed.
Desperately Hopeless Masterlist
Dragon Age II Masterlist
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Free Marches
The Free Marches encompass a group of city-states situated in eastern Thedas (south of Antiva and the Tevinter Imperium, east of Nevarra, and north of Ferelden). The three real cities with any semblance of power in the Marches are Kirkwall, Starkhaven and Tantervale, each led by a titled official with the special right to name their city’s Champion.
The “Marchers” are independent-minded descendants of tough barbarians. Their cities have formed a loose confederation that rarely unites on any matter. In the event of aggression from larger neighbors, however, the Marchers can assemble a joint military front that even the greatest powers cannot dismiss.
During the Fifth Blight, many Fereldan refugees fled to the Free Marches.
Ansburg - located in the eastern Free Marches, alongside the Minanter River. Though it’s a bustling center of agricultural trade, Ansburg is frequently called a “backwater”.
Hasmal - its position on the edge of the Silent Plains means a regular influx of Tevinter refugees (usually escaped slaves).
Hambleton - located near Markham
Hercinia - a palatial city-state on the Amaranthine coast. Known for its taxes and frequent raider activity.
Kirkwall - as the gate for nautical trade moving into and out of the heart of the continent, Kirkwall is the major trade hub of the Free Marches.
Markham - Ansburg’s more cultured sister city, located in the southern Free Marches, not far from the Vinmark Mountains. Markham is a center for agricultural research and home to one of the largest universities in Thedas.
Ostwick - its position on the mouth of the Waking Sea made it the Qunari’s first landing point in the Free Marches. Famous for its double walls.
Starkhaven - largest city in the Free Marches. Located alongside the Minanter River.
Tantervale - located in the western Free Marches along the banks of the Minanter River. One of the three most influential cities in the Free Marches. Chantry law is all but absolute, and the city guard is obsessed with enforcement.
Wycome - located on the Amaranthine coast, near the mouth of the Minanter river. Widely regarded as the most free of the Free Marches and the revelry capital of Thedas. Notable for being the second-greatest importer of Antivan wine after Orlais depite having less than a third the population of Val Royeaux.
The Bone Pit
Green Dales
Minanter River
Planasene Forest
The Wounded Coast
Vimmark Mountains, including the Sundermount
Culture and Society
Marchers were once known for raiding the northern seaboard of Ferelden. Nevarra started out as a member of the Free Marches, but has expanded in size and power far beyond its former peers.
The Marches were once part of the Tevinter Imperium, evidence of which is found in the architecture of cities - high buildings built almost all in white stone.
The Free Marches are known as the breadbasket of Thedas; its farms along the banks of the Minanter River are the source of much of the continent’s food. Starkhaven, the largest of the cities in the Free Marches, is situated on this waterway.
The central location of the Marches relative to the other lands of Thedas makes the population very culturally diverse. The movement of goods and trade brings people from across the continent, and many native-born Marchers are born of parents from elsewhere. That being said, the region is not completely welcoming to newcomers. Many Marcher-born citizens resent the presence of foreigners and see the influence of outside nations and cultures as a threat to their way of life. In the wake of the Fifth Blight, Kirkwallin particular suffered from an outgrowth of nativist sentiment, as the presence of so many Fereldan refugees and a force of marooned Qunari led to a backlash from Marchers angry at what they saw as a takeover of the city by foreign powers.
Despite the cosmopolitan tendencies of the area, rivalries between Marcher cities usually take precedence over the common bond of “being a Marcher”.
The Grand Tourney
One of the Free Marches’ most celebrated events is the Grand Tourney. Participants from all over Thedas converge on this festival of martial skill and valor in a competition to crown a champion of the games. The victor is awarded a coronet of sage leaves and a trophy blade known as the Celebrant, which is inscribed with the names of every champion since the first Tourney. A letter by a Free Marcher reads: “The most important thing to know about the Free Marches is that we’re free. We determine our own destiny, and thatpleases us. Beyond that, the only other time we coalesce is when Grand Tourney comes to town. Then we boldly express our pride to any foreigner who’ll listen. We’ll kiss freedom on the lips and even lock arms with a proud Starkhavener! Alas, it lasts only a day, but there’s no harm in that, right?” The tradition of the Grand Tourney is considered one of few common bonds that every Marcher shares happily, and is a notoriously jubilant phenomenon despite its brevity.
The most recent Grand Tourney was held in the Nevarran city of Cumberland and was sponsored by Rainier Aehernthal, a merchant of impressive means.
The Free Marches have no central government, no king and no capital, making the whole region difficult to protect and its economy disparate. Each city is self-governing and wary of intrusions by its neighbours, frequently leading to tensions between them as they jocky and vie for power. The government of each state also varies, the seaport of Kirkwall, for example, is officially governed by a singular ruler in the form of the Viscount, but real political authority rests in the heads of the local chapter of the Templar Order.
During times of crisis, the most powerful merchants, generals and rulers of the Free Marches can convene to deal with the issue, similar to the Landsmeet of Ferelden.
Duke — the ruler of Wycome. Known Dukes include:
          - Antoine - the Duke of Wycome in 9:41. A corrupt ruler who sought to purge  Wycome of its elves using red lyrium. 
Lord Chancellor — the ruler of Tantervale. Known Lord Chancellors include:
          - Joffrey Orrick - Lord Chancellor in 9:29.
Margrave — the ruler of Ansburg. Known Margraves includes:
          - Thalia Aurum - a Margravine ruling in 8:93 Blessed during the Fereldan Rebellion and maternal aunt to Eamon Guerrin and Teagan Guerrin.
Prince — the ruler of Starkhaven has been ruled by a number of overlords seeking extravagant titles, the latest being King Ironfist. After Ironfist’s rule was peacefully ended, the city’s people begged the noble who led the successful protest - Vael - to be their new king. Feeling no one was worthy of such a title and that it would encourage corruption as it had with previous rulers, Vael refused, declaring Prince to be Starkhaven’s supreme title. Known Princes include:
          - Lord Vael - the first Prince of Starkhaven.
          - Artesian Vael - a Prince who ruled during the Exalted Age.
          - Goran Vael - a cousin of the main Vael family who was placed on the throne as a puppet by Lady Johane Harimann, who had the previous Prince and most of his immediate heirs assassinated in 9:31.
Teyrn — the ruler of Ostwick.
Viscount — the title given to the rulers of Kirkwall and Kaiten; it originates from when the lands of the Marches were part of the Orlesian Empire. Known Viscounts include:
Viscounts of Kaiten:
           - Khedra - a venerated ruler who was possessed by a Pride demon.
           - Ravi - overthrew the corrupt Khedra and became the next Viscount of Kaiten.
Viscounts of Kirkwall:
            - Ser Michel Lafaille - the first Viscount of Kirkwall. An Orlesian who led an army of chevaliers against the Qunari occupying Kirkwall, he was appointed Viscount by the Emperor in 7:60.
            - Chivalry Threnhold - became Viscount at the beginning of the Dragon Age. The father of Perrin Threnhold.
            - Perrin Threnhold - assumed the title in 9:14, notorious for attempting to expel the Templar Order from Kirkwall in 9:21. He was ousted and imprisoned until his death by poison two years later.
           - Marlowe Dumar - the Viscount of Kirkwall from 9:21 until his execution by the Arishok in 9:34.
          - Bran - Provisional Viscount of Kirkwall by 9:41.
- Varric Tethras - Voted Viscount c. 9:43.
For everybody else, Serah and Messere are common, gender-neutral forms of address within the Free Marches. Serah is used when addressing someone of equal or lesser status, while Messere is for a person of greater status.
This title is bestowed, only by a city ruler, on an individual who has proven her/his dedication to the city in blood, sweat, and leadership. The title is not necessarily a sign of honor, for a Champion can utilize methods that evoke love or fear. There have been Champions of Starkhaven, Tantervale and Kirkwall.
Known Champions Include:
Unnamed Champion of Starkhaven who fought during the Fourth Blight, including at the Battle of Ayesleigh.
Cade Arvale - originally from Rivain, named Champion of Tantervale in 8:82 Blessed for stopping Nevarra’s expansion into the Free Marches.
Areida Hawke - first Champion of Kirkwall. Named in 9:34 Dragon for repelling the Qunari during the First Battle of Kirkwall.
Notable People with Free Marcher Origins
Charade Amell
Donnic Hendyr
Gamlen Amell
Inquisitor Rosabelle Trevelyan
Leandra Amell
Marlowe Dumar
Meredith Stannard
Saemus Dumar
Sebastian Vael
Varric Tethras
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tsukishima-tadashi · 7 years
a list of characters from dragon age i will defend until i die:
Goldanna (oh no! she doesn’t trust/instantly love a stranger who shows up claiming to be her brother!! how will poor alibaby survive? how drae she be bitter after being kicked out following her mothers death and forced to survive on her own as a child!! boohoo)
Queen Anora the One True Monarch of Ferelden (god, how dare a competent ruler who knows what shes doing want to maintain her throne! what a bitch! and what, what a backstabber, lying about being kidnapped after we tell loghain’s men shes with us when she just got done telling us she was in disguise because she doesnt want loghain’s men to find her. ugh! my poor listening skills are totally her fault)
Isolde (I’d need to explain why I hate Eamon to say why I like Isolde but while I dont forgive her for how she treated Alistair I sympathize with her and think the situation in Redcliffe is actually Eamons fault ngl)
Branka (heavily implied she went insane because of how becoming a paragon made her more of an icon instead of a person and that when she says “I am your paragon” its her giving into the role of someone who only lives for the dwarven people - again I dont forgive her actions but I want to acknowledge how she was affected by being put on a pedestal)
Loghain (a man abandoned a doomed military operation and a king who refused to attend tactical meetings in favor of pestering the wardens for stories because he was more concerned with glory than making sure his men had the best chance? the nerve. and now he doesnt want to accept help from the imperialistic nation that raped his mother in front of him (after threatening to kill him, a little boy, to get her to comply) and then bashed her skull in (again, in front of him), saw beat unarmed farmers to death,. etc etc, that he risked life and limb to gain independence from, watching friends die for the same cause? the nation that he knows “helped” nevarra during the 2nd blight only to take it over rigth after? how obtuse.)
Bhelen (he honestly loves Rica to the point where he felt safe crying in front of her after his dad died, when asked about fathers death he says “father just couldn’t live without you, implying jealousy re: the fact that bhelen is canonically the unfavorite of Endrin’s children, he forces Orzammar to give up the traditions that are strangling it, and in the Descent DLC (if you played an Aeducan) we find out that he hasnt given up on searching for the warden (whereas harrowmont does) after they go to find a cure for the calling, and (if the warden was a dwarf) spared no expense on the wardens paragon statue (whereas harrowmont cuts corners with the costs and is probably jealous)
Velanna (obv not NT and she Gets Better and her resolution to create new culture for the dalish is admirable)
Merrill (she’s not dumb. she knows what shes doing. nothing wouldve gone wrong if it wasnt for the fact that Marethari refused to leave her be. everything is maretharis fault. the eluvian isnt evil, its a tool. an object. morrigan fixed an eluvian and no one calls her an idiot.)
Fenris (hes a survivor of slavery, abuse, and rape. i think hes entitled to a little bitterness and distrust even if i disagree with what he says)
Gamlen (this is like. the one im least passionate about but. he had  no obligation to leandra. she ran way. he had no reason to think she was coming back. and hes right to be bitter that his parents only cared about leandra when he was taking care of them until the day they died. and when he asks leandra to clean hes right to say she can help out a little. she isnt a noblewoman anymore. theyre in poverty. if she wanted to have the kind of life where she didnt have to lift a finger she shouldnt have ran off with malcolm.)
Sebastian Vael (hes literally the least preachy chantry faithful character ever?? he suggest dalish beliefs and chantry beliefs arent neccesarily incompatible. he doesnt shame isabela or try to get her to repent. he offers fenris a job despite his being an elf. he acknowledges that “preaching seldom works”. he tells tallis that he knows the chantry has failed the elves. hes very wise and open minded. he just isnt willing to tolerate a terrorist)
Carver (he has an inferiority complex due to his father’s (neccesary) neglect. cut him slack.)
Sera (she has a right to resent people who treat her like crap - the dalish can be nasty to city elves. she says in trespasser that they made her feel “broken”. and she matures a lot in trespasser so shut up.)
Vivienne (she cares a lot about mages. thats why she hates the rebel mages. theyve killed people. theyve killed other mages. theyve made the common man afraid of them, made them hate them. as divine she gives mages both freedom and responsibility and keeps the templars on a tight leash. shes passionate about this issue because she believes in the circles. shes also one of people who goes out of her way to make sure the inquisitor is feeling okay after stressful events. she is very compassionate. and nasty to people who are nasty to her. thats her right.)
Solas (too long for this post)
Blackwall (hes trying)
Celene (long drawn out sigh)
Calpernia (do i really need to)
Clarel (let me BE)
Mayor Gregory Dedrick
Mistress Poulin
Characters I will berate until I die:
Alistair (I dont HATE him I just thinks hes a little selfish and needs to get over Ostagar and start taking responsibility and thinking more about others)
Eamon (UGH. UGH!! Sexist traditionalist asshole. Wants to use Alistair as a puppet. Married a girl years younger than him. Probably knew Connor was a mage and did nothing because hes so concerned with blood! what the fuck)
Harrowmont (he isnt nice. hes a conservative. those things arent nice. he level dust town if you give him golems. he refuses outside support for orzammar that he desperately needs)
Anders (UGH. its not even just the terrorist bit! hes an asshole to EVERYONE. he tries to “educate” merrill on chantry beliefs. implies shes stupid for not accepting what the circle spoonfed him. and then expects her and other dalish mages to care abotu circle mages. he calls isabela a “side dish”. he compares fenris, a former slave that has survived rape and abuse, to an animal and constantly antagonizes him, going as far to ask why he didnt kill himself. he calls aveline an idiot on multiple occasions. he tells a city elf warden that “you dont get locked up for who you are” when. hello. alienages?? aight. doesnt give a damn about elf oppression, just mages. hes an asshole. the terrorism is just icing on the shit flavored cake.)
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wywardprince · 3 years
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“Be happy while you’re living,                                   for you’re a long time deid”                                                                          – Old Scots proverb
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