#independent auditors sent to assess
dpdp-consultants · 6 months
4 DPDPA Tools You Need To Get Compliant
4 DPDPA Tools You Need To Get Compliant
The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, highlights the significance of protecting personal data in the digital age and makes substantial modifications to India's data protection laws. With these new regulations come obligations for businesses to ensure compliance and protect the privacy and security of Indian citizens' personal data.
In this blog, we'll explore four essential DPDPA tools that can assist your organisation in achieving compliance:
Consent Management Platform
Grievance Redressal System
Assessments and Audits Tool
DPDP Act Awareness Program
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Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) Compliance Checklist
To ensure that your organisation complies with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, take the following steps:
1. Obtain explicit consent
Prior to processing, collecting, using, or sharing personal information, ensure explicit consent is obtained from data principals.
2. Issue Retroactive Consent Notices
Provide retroactive consent notices for any consents obtained before the enactment of the law to ensure transparency and compliance.
3. Manage Data Principal Requests
Respond promptly to data principals' requests to access, correct, update, or remove their personal data to uphold their rights.
4. Conduct Periodic DPIAs
Conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments regularly to assess and manage risks associated with personal data processing.
5. Create DPDP Training Program For Employees
Establish a comprehensive training program to educate and empower employees about their responsibilities under the Data Protection and Privacy Act (DPDPA), reducing the likelihood of non-compliance.
6. Appoint Independent Auditor & DPOs
Appoint independent auditors and dedicated Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to oversee compliance efforts and ensure accountability within the organisation.
These are the basics of building compliance with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, by doing so, organisations can uphold the data processing hygiene that the DPDPA law mandates.
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Tools to Build Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) Compliance For Companies
With data privacy regulations becoming increasingly stringent, it's essential for businesses to ensure compliance to protect the personal information of individuals. Let's explore four DPDPA tools and how they can help your organisation build compliance:
1. Consent Management Tool
Getting the data principals' explicit consent is required under DPDPA Section 6. It is necessary to take explicit affirmative action in order for this consent to be freely granted, specific, informed, unconditional, and unambiguous. It should be clear about the data used and the purpose for which the individual has granted consent.
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Source: Meity.gov
Notice: A notice must also be sent along with the consent detailing the nature of the personal data, the reason for processing it, the rights of the data principal, and how they may exercise those rights. These notices should be written in plain, easy-to-read language and must include a link to see the notice in any of the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution in addition to English.
Problem: Managing consent requests manually is not only challenging but also prone to manual error leaving gaps in your organisations compliance building efforts.
Solution: An automated Consent Management tool can be used to manage, monitor, and track consent requests.
2. Data Principal Grievance Redressal Platform
Under Section 12 of the DPDPA, data principals have the right to access, update, or delete their personal data. To avoid penalties that go up to INR 250cr, companies need to respond to these requests in a reasonable time frame.
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Problem: To fast-track and resolve these data principal requests in time and also have tangible proof as evidence if needed.
Solution: An automated grievance redressal tool enables data principals to assert their rights via a user-friendly platform, managed by DPOs and stakeholders.
3. Automated Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
Under the DPDP Act, appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO) as the central point of contact for all aspects of the act is essential for your role as a Significant Data Fiduciary. The DPOs must conduct periodic Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) to evaluate and mitigate risks to ensure compliance.
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Source: Freepik
A Data Protection Impact Assessment is a structured process created to assist in systematically analyzing, identifying, and minimizing risks related to data protection.
Problem: Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can benefit from using built-in templates, but bigger organisations and Significant Data Fiduciaries (SDFs) need a more reliable and scalable solution to handle the significant processing and gathering of personal data.
Solution: The Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Tool enables Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to conduct DPIAs, track identified risks, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by providing a user-friendly platform.
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Source: Freepik
4. DPDP Act Employee Training & Awareness
Under the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023, all employees handling personal data on behalf of organisations must understand their responsibilities under the law and also ways to tackle breach in emergencies.
Solution: DPDP Consultants’ Data Protection Awareness Program (DPAP) is a subscription-based DPDPA tool that enables companies to conduct regular and mandatory awareness sessions, followed by assessments.
By fostering a culture of compliance within your organisation, you can minimize the risk of non-compliance and build trust with customers and stakeholders.
Achieving compliance with the Data Privacy and Protection Act (DPDPA) is crucial for businesses operating in today's digital landscape. The four DPDPA tools discussed in this blog offer indispensable support in navigating the complexities of data privacy and protection regulations. These tools empower organisations to handle their data privacy requirements efficiently and automate manual tasks that are prone to error.
By implementing these tools, businesses can streamline their compliance efforts, and foster trust with their customers by demonstrating a commitment to protecting their sensitive information. Investing in robust DPDPA tools is becoming exceedingly necessary as the regulatory environment changes to maintain long-term compliance and protect the integrity of your company's data operations.
Embracing these tools not only helps businesses meet regulatory requirements but also positions them for success in an increasingly data-driven world.
Ready To Automate DPDPA compliance?
Contact DPDP Consultants today to learn more about our innovative tools and services to help secure and make your business DPDP Compliant today.
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apokryphonmuseum · 1 year
Bre-X Minerals
The Bre-X Mineral fraud remains one of the most infamous financial scandals in history, shaking the mining industry to its core. The scandal unfolded in the mid-1990s when Bre-X Minerals Ltd., a Canadian mining company, claimed to have discovered a massive gold deposit in Busang, Indonesia. The news sent shockwaves throughout the investment world, leading to a meteoric rise in the company's stock price and attracting hordes of eager investors.
At its peak, Bre-X was valued at several billion dollars, and its founder, David Walsh, became a billionaire overnight. However, the euphoria was short-lived. In 1997, it was revealed that the gold reserves touted by Bre-X were nothing more than a colossal fraud. Independent audits and investigations unveiled a web of deceit and falsified data, indicating that the gold samples had been tampered with to inflate their value.
The fallout from the Bre-X Mineral Fraud was devastating. Investors lost billions of dollars, and numerous lawsuits were filed against the company, its executives, and auditing firms. David Walsh died shortly after the scandal broke, leaving behind a legacy of deception and shattered dreams. The incident exposed the vulnerabilities of the mining industry and the importance of thorough due diligence and independent verification in assessing the credibility of mining companies and their reported reserves.
The Bre-X scandal had far-reaching implications beyond the financial realm. It eroded trust in the mining sector, leading to increased regulatory oversight and stricter reporting standards. The incident also underscored the risks associated with investing in resource-based industries, highlighting the need for transparency, ethical practices, and thorough analysis of geological data.
Moreover, the Bre-X scandal serves as a stark reminder of the potential for human greed and deception to manipulate markets and exploit investor trust. It exposed the fallibility of due diligence processes and raised questions about the role of auditors and regulatory bodies in safeguarding the integrity of financial markets.
The lessons learned from the Bre-X Mineral Fraud have shaped the mining industry and investment practices to this day. It serves as a cautionary tale for investors, emphasizing the importance of skepticism, independent analysis, and diversification of investment portfolios. The scandal's legacy continues to influence corporate governance and investor protection measures, serving as a constant reminder of the potential risks and pitfalls that can arise in the pursuit of wealth and success.
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primorcoin · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://primorcoin.com/us-senators-demand-answers-from-silvergate-capital-corp-over-ftxs-misuse-of-customer-funds/
US Senators Demand Answers from Silvergate Capital Corp Over FTX's Misuse of Customer Funds
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Source: AdobeStock / Timon
US senators have turned their focus to Silvergate Capital Corp. yet again, saying that the company’s responses to a previous inquiry over its ties to the fallen FTX exchange were “evasive and incomplete.”
According to Bloomberg, senators from both sides of the aisle are demanding to know whether the parent company of crypto-focused Silvergate Bank knew about FTX’s misuse of customer funds. 
The questions were sent in a letter to Silvergate’s Chief Executive Officer Alan Lane on Monday by, among others, Democrat Elizabeth Warren and Republicans Roger Marshall and John Kennedy. The senators argued that, 
“The firm in December had declined to fully answer related questions, citing restrictions on disclosing “confidential supervisory information”,” Bloomberg wrote.
The senators reportedly argued in the letter that,
“This is simply not an acceptable rationale. […] Both Congress and the public need and deserve the information necessary to understand Silvergate’s role in FTX’s fraudulent collapse, particularly given the fact that Silvergate turned to the Federal Home Loan Bank as its lender of last resort in 2022.”
In early January, Silvergate said that it held $4.3 billion in short-term Federal Home Loan Bank advances and that it had some $4.6 billion cash and cash equivalents at the end of 2022 – which were put towards preventing a run on deposits following FTX’s collapse. 
The senators gave Silvergate until February 13 to respond to its inquiries, including: 
answering if it knew that FTX was directing customers to wire funds to Alameda’s account at Silvergate; answering if it flagged any transactions as being suspicious;providing requested details on the firm’s due-diligence practices, the results of reviews conducted by the Federal Reserve and independent auditors,providing details on how it plans to use the proceeds from its Federal Home Loan Bank loan. 
Following the senators’ December letter, the bank claimed that FTX’s parent company Alameda Research opened an account in 2018 prior – before FTX was founded, said Bloomberg, and that it was reviewing transactions involving accounts associated with FTX and Alameda. 
However, the senators stated on Monday that, in its earlier response, the firm failed to include vital information that Congress needed in order to: 
assess the extent to which Silvergate is responsible for the improper transfer of FTX customer funds to Alameda, determine any compliance failures by the bank or auditors that could have enabled the alleged fraud. 
Following this latest letter, a Silvergate representative claimed that the company has “a comprehensive compliance and risk management program” and that it did “significant due diligence” on both FTX and Alameda.
Earlier in January, as reported, US federal authorities confiscated approximately $700 million worth of assets belonging to the FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, including three accounts at Silvergate Bank that held US dollars.
US Prosecutors have charged the former CEO with eight criminal charges including wire fraud and conspiracy by misusing customer funds. Bankman-Fried pleaded not guilty to all charges. 
Learn more: – Is The Federal Home Loans Bank System Carrying Out a Stealth Rescue of the 2 Biggest Crypto Banks?- Silvergate Loses $1 Billion But Stock is Up Because Numbers Show it is Not Going Bust Anytime Soon
– Silvergate Bank Suffers Run on Deposits as $8.1 Billion is Withdrawn – Will it Go Bust?- Silvergate in Trouble: Crypto Bank Cuts Staff by 40% Amid a 68% Decline in Crypto Deposits
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brookeusmithm117290 · 2 years
How to get ISO certification online?
In this digital world, there are so many exciting facilities that have developed for communication. Regardless of the place there are in, people can communicate easily with each other with today’s improvements in information technology.
Digitalization is creating major changes in our society and as well as in day-to-day human activities. This also developed a great impact in our business process that is the way we are communicating with our clients. Nowadays, most of the business meetings are happening online and the companies also mostly prefer to conduct in this innovative format!
Achieving ISO certification also becomes an effortless task with this latest technology. This topic covers how can an organization obtain ISO certification online, the certification process, and as well as the benefits and drawbacks in acquiring  ISO Certification 
Introduction to ISO certification
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental organization that stands strong with the membership of 164 national standard bodies.
With experts’ knowledge and guidance, ISO develops international standards to support the growth of the organizations. ISO does not provide certifications! ISO develops and publishes ISO standards but it does not involve in the conformity assessment or in the certification process.
ISO Certified companies are globally recognized companies that conform to ISO standards and have a strong impression among consumers and shareholders.
This ISO Certification ensures the manufacturing process, services, documentation procedure as well as the management system has all the requirements for standardization and quality assurance.
ISO Certification is not a legal requirement for most organizations. But, for some companies, ISO certification may be required by law or contractually.
Whatever the case, obtaining ISO certification will surely bring lots of benefits to your organization. This certification helps you have the products, processes, services, and systems with standardized improvements.
What is a remote audit?
Remote audit - an amazing hand-in-solution to get certified to ISO!
Sometimes, for some reason, the certification audit could not be conducted in person. Remote audit is a perfect replacement for these kinds of situations.
Remote audit is a virtual audit which is performed online through video conference by using digital platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, etc. Through this remote audit, a certification body evaluates the organization process, system and collects the audit evidence remotely. This type of audit helps especially the organizations which are located in isolated areas.
During this Covid-19 pandemic period, Remote audit is the preferable choice for most of the organizations across the globe. Also, it creates an incredible opportunity of obtaining the IOS certification from the place you are. It avoids the need of travelling from one place to another.
ISO Certification process online
Here are the simple steps of IAS to get ISO certification online
Contact IAS:
Visit our website! Fill out the ISO certification application form specific to your organization’s management system and email it to us. Also, attach the required documents mentioned in that application form. You can also drop a mail if you’re not sure of which ISO certification helps represents the effective improvement of your organization. Our management team will help you get detailed information. Or you can contact us and have a free discussion about the certification and auditing process.
Remote audit by IAS:
After receiving the application form, IAS will initiate the procedure for conducting the remote audit. While conducting a remote audit, make sure there will be no interruptions in the internet connection. Proper communication helps the auditors to perform the audit with the flow. Also, it reduces audit duration and saves time.
Issue of certification:
The audit report will be sent to the registered mail address. If there are any deviations, our auditing team will send the audit report with a deviation report. The organizations need to implement the requirements within the specified time given by IAS.
After the effective implementation, our auditing will again conduct another remote audit to make sure your organizations meet the required ISO criteria specific to the scope you’re applied for. Finally, IAS will issue the certification. The soft copy of the certificate will be sent to your mail address. 
Certification validity:
The initial certification provided by IAS is valid for 3 years. IAS also conducts surveillance audits in the gap of every 12 months. It ensures the continual improvement in your organization’s process, services, and system.
What are the advantages of certifying to ISO?
By achieving the ISO Certification, the organization can gain the following benefits.
Global recognition
Improved reputation
New business opportunities
Better internal management
Enhanced customer confidence
Better relationship with stakeholders
Increased productivity as well as profitability
How to choose the best certification body?
It is also important to choose the right ISO certification body. Before you contact them, make sure they are providing the certification for the standard you have implemented. Verify whether they are an accredited platform and trustable organization. Some of the facts you need to check before you select the right ISO certification body are:
Accreditation – this tells the certification body is certified to provide the standardized certifications.
Reputation and credibility – this helps you gain the confidence of stakeholders/clients
Experience – look for the certification body’s experience in providing the services in the specific ISO standard
Professional auditors - Ensure the auditors have versatile knowledge about your organization’s process and system
Language – it may be the last point, but it’s also important to choose the certification body that speaks your language. This helps you communicate with the auditors comfortably.
Advantages of obtaining ISO certification online
Time and cost-effective method
By acquiring the ISO certification online, you can reduce the time required for conducting the audit.
No travel or accommodation fee
In on-site audit, sometimes the organization needs to take care of the auditors travel and accommodation expenses. This is eliminated in remote audits.
High-level performance
Remote audit is a convenient method for both the auditors and auditee. It helps auditors to conduct the audit at the comfort of their office and perform the audit more effectively.
No interruptions, happy employees 
In the on-site audit, there may be chances to make changes in the employees' daily work schedule. But in remote audit, the auditors will interact with the respective person and collect the required evidence.
Obstacles in getting ISO certification online:
Obtaining the ISO certification online also has certain obstacles. 
Lack of internet facility
While performing the remote audit, there may be chances for a slow internet connection. This disturbs the commutation between the auditors and auditee.
Duplicate evidence
The audit evidence can’t be evaluated physically. So, there may be chances of mismatching in the documents and organization’s process.
Poor interaction
Sometimes, the auditors have poor knowledge about the remote audits. So he/she may fail to collect the required audit evidence.
Be aware of fake ISO certification
There are so many spam websites available online. So, make sure you have chosen the right ISO certification body to guide you in the implementation process for the achievement of ISO certification.
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cyphershield2022 · 2 years
Importance of Smart Contract Security Audit
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A weak smart contract is the result of more than just poor programming. The reputation of the developer could be damaged, and projects that took months or years to build could be in danger. Programmers now incorporate smart contract audits into the creation process for each new project.
A smart contract security audit looks at and makes comments on the smart contract code for a project. These contracts are often created using GitHub and written in the programming language Solidity. Decentralized finance projects that anticipate processing millions of dollars' worth of Blockchain transactions or a sizable number of investors will benefit significantly from security assessments.
The process offers the following amazing benefits:
Improved protection against hackers.
Prevents costly smart contract mistakes.
Safer decentralized financial products.
Boost industry-wide and project-specific confidence.
Increased credibility in an increasingly competitive industry.
Through smart contract audits, it is feasible for developers to do better, more enduring work that results in more secure products and applications. Additionally, investors and customers may rely on the audit report as the independent expert's stamp of approval for a new venture.
Smart Contract Security Audit Process
The process for auditing smart contracts is comparatively uniform among audit service providers. Although every reference may adopt a slightly different strategy, the accepted practice is as follows:
1. Determine the scope of the review
The project (and intended application), the general smart contract architecture, and the individual standards are all defined. The audit team can understand the project's goals when creating and running the code because of the specification.
The smart contract specification and other related materials provide a detailed description of the project architecture, development process, and design decisions. The project's README file frequently contains descriptions of the specs.
Audits of smart contracts are not just concerned with the chain's security on the Blockchain. Additionally, you consider efficacy and advancement. Some contracts carry out a complicated set of operations to fulfil their specified purpose. Effective contracts can significantly reduce transaction costs because processing expenses on networks like Ethereum are rather high.
2. Unit Test
In this circumstance, it is the developer's responsibility to design unit test cases. The validator tests the smart contract's functionality while the unit tests are executing. At this step, smart contract auditors make sure unit tests cover all pertinent risks by using testing tools and an audit network.
The tests also provide smart contract auditors access to unofficial documents that provide further information about the project's intended functionality.
3. Manual Check
The most important part of the review process. Each line of code is examined by the checker for mistakes.
4. Automatic Check
The validator follows up hand proofreading with a thorough code review utilising tools for proofreading including Slither, Scribble, Mythril, and MythX. Based on discovered flaws and code optimization, the auditor advises doing a smart contract audit.
A large portion of an audit's duties include checking contracts for security gaps. While some problems are plain to see, many financial abuses employ complex techniques. For instance, flash lending assaults can be launched using market manipulation and weak smart contracts. The validator starts the process of interrupt testing and modelling malicious attacks on smart contracts to discover these problems.
5. Preparation of Initial Reports
An initial draught of the report, along with any problems discovered, is prepared by the auditor before being sent to the project development team for feedback and any necessary corrections.
6. Final Report
The final stage in the smart contract audit process is writing the audit report. The auditor must complete all manual and automated tests and analysis before providing an in-depth audit report. The team's efforts to address the concerns mentioned are taken into consideration before publishing the final report.
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indiarightnow · 3 years
Foxconn's Sriperumbudur facility has been placed "on probation", says Apple
Foxconn’s Sriperumbudur facility has been placed “on probation”, says Apple
Foxconn, Apple say worker dorms for India iPhone plant don’t meet required standards Foxconn’s Sriperumbudur facility has been placed “on probation” and Apple will ensure its strict standards are met before the facility reopens, the spokesperson for the U.S. company said, adding that it holds suppliers accountable to the highest standards in the industry and regularly conducts assessments to…
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- Court Filings Sidney Powell’s Michigan Lawsuit Michigan Document 26/11/2020 11:35 AM Sidney Powell’s Georgia Lawsuit Georgia Document 26/11/2020 11:22 AM 1 - Voting Legislation 4 PA court rules against post-election vote curing Pennsylvania Court Ruling 12/11/2020 07:30 PM 4 2 Voting machine vendors are without regulation or security standards Nationwide Court Ruling 14/11/2020 04:51 PM 1 1 45 day after election, federal official assess if foreign governments had any effect Nationwide Document 16/11/2020 06:46 PM 4 2 - Illegal Votes 4! 2,689 fraudulent addresses used in GA and PA Wisconsin Material 24/11/2020 11:07 PM 4 4! 1093% more Indefinitely Confined granted (Covid not a qualification) than 2016 Wisconsin Material 24/11/2020 11:01 PM 4 4! 138,444 swing state votes were cast from voters with residence in another state Nationwide Material 24/11/2020 10:59 PM 4 4! 23.2% of absentee ballots returned by voters, were not received in swing states Nationwide Statistical 24/11/2020 10:56 PM 4 4! 27.4% of absentee ballots were likely fraudently requested in AZ, GA, MI, PA, WI Nationwide Statistical 24/11/2020 10:55 PM 4 4! 40,000 mail-in ballots were cast in the names of deceased voters in PA Pennsylvania Material 22/11/2020 07:59 AM 4 4 61% of signatures were found invalid after State Senator Obama initiated challenge Illinois Historical Context 23/11/2020 10:15 PM 4 4 Determining the legality of a ballot is "optional" for absentee counting boards Michigan Document 21/11/2020 12:54 PM 4 4 40,875+ ballots were cast in the name of another voter without their consent Pennsylvania Statistical 20/11/2020 04:09 AM 4 4 40 of CO's 64 counties have more voter registrations than voting-age citizens Colorado Material 19/11/2020 10:01 AM 4 4 353 counties in 29 states have more voter registrations than voting-age citizens Nationwide Material 19/11/2020 09:53 AM 4 4 834 counts of mail-in voter fraud prosecuted by OAG since 2004 Texas Court Ruling 19/11/2020 12:40 AM 4 4 9,500 dead people returned mail-in ballots Michigan Material 18/11/2020 10:17 PM 4 4 2,000 ballots found in single sweep, despite numerous prior sweeps Pennsylvania Material 18/11/2020 10:03 PM 4 4 Mail-in ballots were "returned" for counting before they were mailed Pennsylvania Material 18/11/2020 09:02 PM 4 4 223,000 intractable mail-in ballots sent to wrong addresses Nevada Material 18/11/2020 07:23 PM 4 4 8,000 voter application submitted by couple on behalf of homeless and the dead California Material 18/11/2020 06:33 PM 3 4 9,626 vote error discovered by recount monitor Georgia Witness 18/11/2020 03:29 PM 4 4 15,000 Nevada voters suspected to have also voted outside state Nevada Material 18/11/2020 11:36 AM 3 4 32.6% of 1706 sample received absentee ballots without their request Pennsylvania Material 17/11/2020 08:07 PM 3 4 6,000 illegal votes in NV, according to NV District Attorney Nevada Material 17/11/2020 05:11 AM 4 4 1,600+ voters born 1800 and 1900 voted by mail in NC North Carolina Document 17/11/2020 12:07 AM 4 4 Claim that Maiden name was used to vote in election Nationwide Witness 16/11/2020 11:21 PM 1 4 "X" used for signatures for in fraudulent voter registrations Pennsylvania Witness 16/11/2020 06:29 PM 3 4 132,000 "Change of Address" flags in single GA county Georgia Material 16/11/2020 02:03 PM 4 4 PA DoS removed signature verification from all mail-in ballots Pennsylvania Court Ruling 16/11/2020 01:49 PM 4 4 18,000 mail-in ballots didn't have a "Mailed Date" only a return date after Nov 3rd Pennsylvania Material 16/11/2020 12:40 PM 4 4 3,000 instances of alleged voter fraud filed with AG by Nevada GOP Nevada Witness 16/11/2020 11:14 AM 4 4 66% of dead registered voters, born between 1800 and 1899, voted Pennsylvania Material 15/11/2020 01:38 PM 4 4 Rejected absentee ballots: 3.5% in 2018 to 0.3% in 2020 despite 500% more votes Georgia Statistical 14/11/2020 07:08 PM 4 3 Upwards of 45% of Indefinitely Confined voters shown to not qualify Wisconsin Statistical 24/11/2020 11:05 PM 4 3 1.2% of newly moved voters had votes cast in their name without consent Nationwide Statistical 24/11/2020 10:58 PM 4 3 1.3% of newly registered voters had votes cast in their name without consent Nationwide Statistical 24/11/2020 10:57 PM 4 3 32,000 Michigan residents sign request for independed audit Michigan Document 23/11/2020 10:11 PM 4 3 149,772 vote batch is 96% for single canidate Michigan Statistical 23/11/2020 10:10 PM 4 3 143,379 vote dump at 3:42am had a 93% leaning towards single candidate Wisconsin Statistical 18/11/2020 11:44 PM 4 3 500 absentee ballots missing, never delivered by postal service Minnesota Document 17/11/2020 05:56 PM 4 3 1,298 proven instances of voter fraud with 1,121 criminal convictions Nationwide Historical Context 16/11/2020 12:11 PM 4 3 Jill Stein contested the results in 3 states 2016 for similar irregularities Nationwide Historical Context 16/11/2020 12:09 PM 4 3 95% registered voter turnout in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Statistical 15/11/2020 11:51 AM 4 3 1994: Judge rules Democrat stole State Senate election in Philadelphia scheme Pennsylvania Historical Context 14/11/2020 04:42 PM 4 2 Benford Analysis shows irregular Nationwide Statistical 19/11/2020 07:50 PM 2 2 139 unexplainable discrepancies in Clark County Commission race Georgia Material 19/11/2020 12:55 AM 3 2 Lowest recorded mail-in ballot rejection rate in swing states Nationwide Statistical 19/11/2020 12:50 AM 3 2 95% of Bellwether counties break voting pattern, creating statistical anomaly Nationwide Statistical 18/11/2020 11:56 PM 2 2 Statistical anomalies in multiple states have a time correlation Nationwide Statistical 16/11/2020 06:36 PM 2 2 Biden's Mail-in votes dramatically fail Benford Test Atlanta, all others pass. Georgia Statistical 16/11/2020 11:00 AM 2 2 782 more votes than than registered voters in Detroit from 2016 election Michigan Historical Context 14/11/2020 04:32 PM 4 2 NYT FLASHBACK: Error and fraud at issue as absentee voting rises (2012) Nationwide Historical Context 13/11/2020 08:31 AM 3 2 PA Auditors Warned of Dead People, Duplicates on State Voter Rolls Pennsylvania Historical Context 12/11/2020 10:34 PM 3 2 US decried Ukraine election due to expelled observers, mail-in ballots and 90% turnout Nationwide Historical Context 12/11/2020 10:14 PM 4 1 Former Texas ivoting official certified fictitious ballot for Lyndon Johnson Texas Historical Context 23/11/2020 11:18 PM 1 1 Campaign offical ask for volenteers to track down ballot in PA Wisconsin Photo/Audio/Video 20/11/2020 10:47 AM 2 1 GA Secretary of State withholds ballot image from public viewing Georgia Document 19/11/2020 12:02 AM 1 1 Double mail-in ballots received by serval dozen voters Virginia Document 16/11/2020 09:20 PM 3 1 Double mail-in ballot received by around 1000 voters Virginia Document 16/11/2020 09:18 PM 3 1 19,888 counterfeit U.S. driver's licenses from China seized by authorities Illinois Document 16/11/2020 02:14 PM 1 1 Joe Biden states he put together the most "extensive... voter fraud organization" Nationwide Photo/Audio/Video 16/11/2020 11:57 AM 1 1 FL precinct reports more than 100% voter turnout due to UCF Florida Material 12/11/2020 10:47 PM 1 3 - Polling Place Irregularities 4 9 witness videos from Precinct 13: Congressman, Senator, Dominion employee Michigan Photo/Audio/Video 24/11/2020 04:46 PM 4 4 Recount monitors unable to track multiple tables with constant recount errors Georgia Witness 19/11/2020 01:08 AM 3 4 Poll Challengers were kick out for challenging suspect ballots Michigan Photo/Audio/Video 18/11/2020 10:27 PM 3 4 Observers forced to stand 30 feet away from ballot counting, despite state laws Pennsylvania Witness 18/11/2020 09:42 PM 3 4 Polling place illegally handed out handed out gift cards for absentee ballots Nevada Photo/Audio/Video 18/11/2020 07:50 PM 3 4 200,000 mail-in ballots cast with the unverifyable "indefinitely confined" status Wisconsin Material 18/11/2020 06:48 PM 4 4 2,600 new votes found in county's recount Georgia Material 18/11/2020 04:43 PM 4 4 Recount protocol breached by workers silently passing on ballots Georgia Witness 18/11/2020 03:27 PM 4 4 39% of 1137 Republican ballots never arrived for counting, despite being mailed. Pennsylvania Material 17/11/2020 08:11 PM 3 4 72% of Detroit's absentee ballot counts were off, Canvassers discovers Michigan Digital (aka Glitch) 17/11/2020 07:44 PM 4 4 70% of Detroit's 134 absentee counting boards had unexplained counting errors Michigan Digital (aka Glitch) 17/11/2020 07:43 PM 4 4 Poll observers forced to use binoculars to watch voting process, despite court order Pennsylvania Photo/Audio/Video 16/11/2020 06:45 PM 3 4 Pre-canvassing ballots in some counties weeks early, violating election laws Pennsylvania Witness 14/11/2020 05:19 PM 4 4 234 pages of sworn affidavits for election irregularities from single county Michigan Witness 12/11/2020 10:26 PM 4 4 500 sworn affidavits and 11,000 reports of irregularities Nationwide Witness 12/11/2020 12:47 PM 4 3 GOP Reps certified election on as an attempted to protecting their families Michigan Witness 19/11/2020 09:38 AM 4 3 6 recount monitors witness batches of ballots appearing to be marked by machines Georgia Witness 18/11/2020 11:09 PM 4 3 9,000 ballot counting error caught by recount moderators Georgia Material 18/11/2020 10:53 PM 4 3 List of poll watchers being denied entry Pennsylvania Photo/Audio/Video 16/11/2020 10:56 PM 2 3 Dominion IT worker submits affidavit describing poll workers signing ballots Michigan Expert Witness 16/11/2020 11:15 AM 4 3 Dems receive new election after affidavits show an absentee ballot scheme North Carolina Historical Context 15/11/2020 01:06 PM 4 3 89% failure rate with verifying signatures in Clark county Nevada Statistical 14/11/2020 05:11 PM 3 3 NV whistleblower describes Biden van vote factory Nevada Witness 12/11/2020 10:03 PM 4 3 State and Election Officials acted against ballot curing Court Order Pennsylvania Witness 12/11/2020 09:32 PM 4 2 Clerk signals that non-party workers may be in party worker slots Michigan Photo/Audio/Video 23/11/2020 08:11 PM 4 2 200,000 ballots counted without human verification Nevada Witness 18/11/2020 07:56 PM 2 2 Email from Election Official Stressing Issues with Voters Using Sharpies Arizona Document 18/11/2020 02:44 PM 4 2 2,349 undated ballots counted after Board of Elections voted 2-1 against Elections Code Pennsylvania Material 17/11/2020 08:33 AM 4 2 Poll worker instructed to adjust the mailing date of absentee ballot packages Michigan Witness 16/11/2020 06:35 PM 4 2 Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in corruption case Michigan Material 14/11/2020 06:40 PM 2 2 1 monitor for 10 tables of counters in recount Georgia Document 14/11/2020 05:07 PM 2 2 Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines, stolen from warehouse Pennsylvania Witness 14/11/2020 04:54 PM 4 2 MI state senators request a full audit of the election Michigan Expert Witness 12/11/2020 09:56 PM 4 2 FEC chair believes there may be fraud since observers banned Nationwide Expert Witness 12/11/2020 09:02 PM 2 4 - Discarded or Destroyed Ballots 2 Ballot envelopes visibly identify the voter's party affiliation Florida Material 19/11/2020 09:39 PM 2 1 1,314 pieces of mail discard in wood by USPS working New York Material 19/11/2020 09:33 PM 1 1 18 mail-in ballots stolen from mailboxes Arizona Material 16/11/2020 09:01 PM 3 1 Found Navy ballot envelopes in the dumpster. Georgia Material 11/11/2020 10:20 PM 1 1 Discarded Mail-in Ballots Found Outside ATM California Material 11/11/2020 10:16 PM 1 5 - Voting Machine Irregularities 4 2,755 ballots found on memory card by recount auditors Georgia Digital (aka Glitch) 18/11/2020 11:30 PM 4 4 Scanning results incorrect and officials unsure if it was hardware or software Georgia Digital (aka Glitch) 18/11/2020 10:08 PM 4 4 15,000 ballots found on flash drive after first being rejection by software filters Virginia Digital (aka Glitch) 16/11/2020 08:51 PM 4 4 ES&S misrepresented their machines as EAC Certified to US officials Nationwide Document 16/11/2020 11:10 AM 4 4 CISA only did a critical product evaluation (CPE) on some vendor supplied systems Nationwide Document 16/11/2020 10:55 AM 2 4 Electronic voting unprotected, has little accountability and not transparent Nationwide Expert Witness 14/11/2020 07:33 PM 1 4 Electronic voting systems rely on abandoned operating systems in PA counties Pennsylvania Digital (aka Glitch) 14/11/2020 07:00 PM 4 4 Computer scientist proves voting systems can be hacked to steal votes Nationwide Expert Witness 14/11/2020 06:35 PM 4 4 Dominion manual states high risk vulnerabilities, remedy is invalidate election Nationwide Document 14/11/2020 06:22 PM 4 3 Voting machine "glitches" in Toronto election in Canada Nationwide Historical Context 16/11/2020 11:08 AM 3 3 Litigation Smartmatic “glitches” alleges impacted in two Philippine elections Nationwide Historical Context 14/11/2020 06:56 PM 4 3 CIA expert explains how most electronic voting isn't secure Nationwide Expert Witness 14/11/2020 06:42 PM 3 3 TX Officials rejected Dominion due to security concerns Texas Expert Witness 12/11/2020 09:37 PM 4 3 6,000 unofficial votes incorrectly show as votes for other candidate Michigan Witness 11/11/2020 10:10 PM 3 2 Vulnerabilities give access to change the "Official" Databases Nationwide Expert Witness 18/11/2020 09:28 PM 2 2 Votes erased from memory card and story withheld from press Maryland Historical Context 18/11/2020 08:19 PM 3 2 Dominion and Smartmatic have had contracts outside of public knowledge Nationwide Historical Context 17/11/2020 12:14 PM 3 2 Dominion licenses it's software to Smartmatic Nationwide Photo/Audio/Video 17/11/2020 12:08 PM 4 2 1,127 ballots wrongly labeled through technical glitch Michigan Digital (aka Glitch) 16/11/2020 10:15 PM 2 2 93% of errors go unnoticed by users of ballot marking devices security Nationwide Statistical 16/11/2020 06:03 PM 2 2 Dominion Security Chief states he "made sure" Trump would not win Nationwide Witness 16/11/2020 11:47 AM 2 2 Confidential: Smartmatic is web of holding companies, suspected of fraud Nationwide Document 16/11/2020 10:27 AM 4 2 Voting machine firm states Venezuela election rigged "without any doubt" Nationwide Historical Context 14/11/2020 06:48 PM 3 2 PA DoS requested a function from Dominion to re-mark and re-scan ballots Pennsylvania Document 12/11/2020 10:20 PM 3 1 Chicago Election Board approved remote work for nonessenial employees Illinois Photo/Audio/Video 21/11/2020 05:16 PM 4 6 - General 4 30 times lower rejection rate for mail-in ballots than in 2016 Pennsylvania Statistical 16/11/2020 06:49 PM 2 3 MN disabled public verification of ballot status, despite official instructions Michigan Material 22/11/2020 03:32 PM 4 2 84,108 mail-in ballots were not counted or invalidated New York Material 18/11/2020 07:35 PM 2 2 Dem Rep intimidates GOP Rep by insinuating his kids will become a public target Michigan Photo/Audio/Video 18/11/2020 04:30 PM 3 2 20 seniors voted for a canidate under pressure from a care giver Wisconsin Witness 16/11/2020 09:23 PM 3 1 Zuckerberg-Funded ‘Safe Elections’ Project gave $18m to PA districts Pennsylvania Material 22/11/2020 11:10 AM 2 1 Google searches for ‘election fraud punishment,’ increased ahead of election Nationwide Statistical 16/11/2020 10:33 PM 1 1 2016: GA had evidence that DoHS IP address tried to hack voter database Georgia Historical Context 14/11/2020 06:12 PM 1 7 - Unverified (new submissions) Pollpad Wifi Available at Eaton Eletrical in Smyrna GA Georgia Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 08:14 PM 139 unexplained discrepancies in Clark County Commission race Georgia Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 05:41 PM Disavowed Smartmatic relationship with Dominion Voting systems is challenged California Historical Context 29/11/2020 05:31 PM Dominion employee (worked for Kamala Harris) worked at polls? Georgia Document 29/11/2020 05:16 PM PA Poll Worker Admits to Throwing All Donald Trump Ballots in Garbage Pennsylvania Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 04:43 PM Voting machine found dumped in the woods in Fulton County, GA. Georgia Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 04:35 PM I was kicked out of a polling station that wouldnt allow me to observe the count Georgia Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 04:33 PM Real Time Vote Data shows Deduction from Trump and Addition to Biden in Florida Florida Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 04:26 PM Macron has stolen the french election by using fraudulent voting systems Nationwide Digital (aka Glitch) 29/11/2020 04:22 PM Benny Smith expert on voting software fraud Michigan Expert Witness 29/11/2020 04:15 PM Software changing names, over 30+, no one voted as Rashad Texas Expert Witness 29/11/2020 03:55 PM Vote By Mail Fraud On Tape Texas Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 03:42 PM NH Govornor Chris Sununu wins overwhelming majority but same votes go to Biden!? New Hampshire Statistical 29/11/2020 03:30 PM Roughly Same Rep votes for Vermont Phill scott went to Biden Vermont Statistical 29/11/2020 03:24 PM Software Changing Voters - Dallas, TX Texas Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 03:16 PM Biden Campaign Operative, Texas State Senator Accused of Mail-in Ballot Fraud Texas Witness 29/11/2020 02:54 PM Service dog registered as human mail-in voter voted in election Nationwide Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 02:36 PM WeChat Video of Chinese printing premade fraud ballots to ship to the US Nationwide Photo/Audio/Video 29/11/2020 02:30 PM Sequoia website w/hack videos & see Manufacturers Profile at bottom Arizona Historical Context 29/11/2020 02:24 PM X'S MARK 48 THEFT > 4% WORTH 5754 VOTES in Wayne County MI. SEE PNG,CSV,LOG. Michigan Statistical 29/11/2020 02:15 PM Nebraska Dist 2 Omaha "glitch" of 29,737 votes at 11-07 00:47:23Z per NYT Edison Nebraska Digital (aka Glitch) 29/11/2020 01:58 PM Michigan votes statistically suspect Michigan Statistical 29/11/2020 01:10 PM Host Steven Crowder registered in TWO DIFFERENT states. Someone else got ballot Nationwide Witness 29/11/2020 12:30 PM Detroit poll workers taught how to thwart poll watchers Michigan Witness 29/11/2020 11:41 AM Rigorous Statistical Analysis Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County Pennsylvania Statistical 29/11/2020 11:29 AM CA couple had ballots cast in their name California Document 29/11/2020 11:17 AM Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effect on Election 2020 Michigan
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
South African Banking Regulator: ‘De-risking’ Crypto Firms Potentially Creates ‘Opacity in Financial Conduct’
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According to the latest guidance note issued by the South African banking sector regulator, Prudential Authority, risk assessment does not mean financial institutions should avoid or eliminate risks via the wholesale termination of client relationships with entities such as crypto asset service providers. Instead, the regulator wants financial institutions to only consider “de-risking” when the “risk posed is too great to manage successfully.”
A Threat to Financial Integrity
South Africa’s main banking industry regulator, the Prudential Authority, has said some banks’ decisions to terminate relationships with crypto entities “may pose a threat to financial integrity in general.” In addition, the regulator suggested that avoiding cryptocurrency entities completely could potentially weaken banks’ risk management processes. According to a guidance note sent to financial institutions by Fundi Tshazibana, the CEO of Prudential Authority, the removal of crypto entities such as exchanges from the banking system “can potentially create opacity in the affected persons or entities’ financial conduct.” The same also eliminates the possibility of treating risks such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing, the eight-page guidance note added. The remarks by Tshazibana come more than six months after reports emerged that certain South African financial institutions had sent out account termination notices to clients that offered automated cryptocurrency arbitrage services. As previously reported by Bitcoin.com News in late 2021, one of the banks, Standard Bank, insisted at the time that the termination of services to crypto entities was meant to ensure the financial institution’s compliance with regulations. However, in the guidance note, which must also be sent to the respective institutions’ independent auditors, the CEO instead urges banks to perform the relevant risk assessment for each crypto asset (CA) or crypto asset service provider (CASP). Tshazibana explains: It is thus prudent for banks to be able to risk categorise CA/CASP-related clients through conducting a risk assessment which will assist banks in determining the appropriate level of risk management measures necessary, as opposed to total avoidance, in line with the application of a risk-based approach. The CEO argued that the decision to de-risk or terminate service should only be made after the “risk posed by a particular business or customer is too great to manage successfully.”
‘A Great Step Forward for Crypto’
Reacting to the Prudential Authority’s latest guidance note, Farzam Ehsani, CEO of a South African crypto exchange platform called Valr, said in a tweet that the arguments put forward by the regulator indicate it now understands the benefits of monitoring crypto transactions. Ehsani also gave his thoughts on what the guidance note means for the crypto industry. He said: “In my view, this is a great step forward for crypto, for South Africa and for the banks themselves. It’s particularly helpful for companies in the crypto space that are responsibly trying to build products to serve people. Risks and bad actors obviously remain in crypto (as they do elsewhere) and banks won’t immediately start banking all crypto companies.” The Valr boss also argued that the latest guidance note will likely steer South Africa “in the right direction of allowing new technologies and innovation to flourish in the country.” Register your email here to get a weekly update on African news sent to your inbox: What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Read the full article
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jobinwason · 3 years
How to get ISO certification online?
In this digital world, there are so many exciting facilities that have developed for communication. Regardless of the place there are in, people can communicate easily with each other with today’s improvements in information technology.
Digitalization is creating major changes in our society and as well as in day-to-day human activities. This also developed a great impact in our business process that is the way we are communicating with our clients. Nowadays, most of the business meetings are happening online and the companies also mostly prefer to conduct in this innovative format!
Achieving ISO certification also becomes an effortless task with this latest technology. This topic covers how can an organization obtain ISO certification online, the certification process, and as well as the benefits and drawbacks in acquiring ISO certification online.
Introduction to ISO certification
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental organization that stands strong with the membership of 164 national standard bodies. With experts’ knowledge and guidance, ISO develops international standards to support the growth of the organizations. ISO does not provide certifications! ISO develops and publishes ISO standards but it does not involve in the conformity assessment or in the certification process.
· ISO Certified companies are globally recognized companies that conform to ISO standards and have a strong impression among consumers and shareholders.
· This ISO Certification ensures the manufacturing process, services, documentation procedure as well as the management system has all the requirements for standardization and quality assurance.
· ISO Certification is not a legal requirement for most organizations. But, for some companies, ISO certification may be required by law or contractually.
· Whatever the case, obtaining ISO certification will surely bring lots of benefits to your organization. This certification helps you have the products, processes, services, and systems with standardized improvements.
What is a remote audit?
Remote audit - an amazing hand-in-solution to get certified to ISO!
Sometimes, for some reason, the certification audit could not be conducted in person. Remote audit is a perfect replacement for these kinds of situations.
Remote audit is a virtual audit which is performed online through video conference by using digital platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, etc. Through this remote audit, a certification body evaluates the organization process, system and collects the audit evidence remotely. This type of audit helps especially the organizations which are located in isolated areas.
During this Covid-19 pandemic period, Remote audit is the preferable choice for most of the organizations across the globe. Also, it creates an incredible opportunity of obtaining the IOS certification from the place you are. It avoids the need of travelling from one place to another.
ISO Certification process online
Here are the simple steps of IAS to get ISO certification online
Contact IAS:
Visit our website! Fill out the ISO certification application form specific to your organization’s management system and email it to us. Also, attach the required documents mentioned in that application form. You can also drop a mail if you’re not sure of which ISO certification helps represents the effective improvement of your organization. Our management team will help you get detailed information. Or you can contact us and have a free discussion about the certification and auditing process.
Remote audit by IAS:
After receiving the application form, IAS will initiate the procedure for conducting the remote audit. While conducting a remote audit, make sure there will be no interruptions in the internet connection. Proper communication helps the auditors to perform the audit with the flow. Also, it reduces audit duration and saves time.
Issue of certification:
The audit report will be sent to the registered mail address. If there are any deviations, our auditing team will send the audit report with a deviation report. The organizations need to implement the requirements within the specified time given by IAS.
After the effective implementation, our auditing will again conduct another remote audit to make sure your organizations meet the required ISO criteria specific to the scope you’re applied for. Finally, IAS will issue the certification. The soft copy of the certificate will be sent to your mail address. 
Certification validity:
The initial certification provided by IAS is valid for 3 years. IAS also conducts surveillance audits in the gap of every 12 months. It ensures the continual improvement in your organization’s process, services, and system.
What are the advantages of certifying to ISO?
By achieving the ISO Certification, the organization can gain the following benefits.
· Global recognition
· Improved reputation
· New business opportunities
· Better internal management
· Enhanced customer confidence
· Better relationship with stakeholders
· Increased productivity as well as profitability
How to choose the best certification body?
It is also important to choose the right ISO certification body. Before you contact them, make sure they are providing the certification for the standard you have implemented. Verify whether they are an accredited platform and trustable organization. Some of the facts you need to check before you select the right ISO certification body are:
· Accreditation – this tells the certification body is certified to provide the standardized certifications.
· Reputation and credibility – this helps you gain the confidence of stakeholders/clients
· Experience – look for the certification body’s experience in providing the services in the specific ISO standard
· Professional auditors - Ensure the auditors have versatile knowledge about your organization’s process and system
· Language – it may be the last point, but it’s also important to choose the certification body that speaks your language. This helps you communicate with the auditors comfortably.
Advantages of obtaining ISO certification online
· Time and cost-effective method
By acquiring the ISO certification online, you can reduce the time required for conducting the audit.
· No travel or accommodation fee
In on-site audit, sometimes the organization needs to take care of the auditors travel and accommodation expenses. This is eliminated in remote audits.
· High-level performance
Remote audit is a convenient method for both the auditors and auditee. It helps auditors to conduct the audit at the comfort of their office and perform the audit more effectively.
· No interruptions, happy employees
In the on-site audit, there may be chances to make changes in the employees' daily work schedule. But in remote audit, the auditors will interact with the respective person and collect the required evidence.
Obstacles in getting ISO certification online:
Obtaining the ISO certification online also has certain obstacles. 
· Lack of internet facility
While performing the remote audit, there may be chances for a slow internet connection. This disturbs the commutation between the auditors and auditee.
· Duplicate evidence
The audit evidence can’t be evaluated physically. So, there may be chances of mismatching in the documents and organization’s process.
· Poor interaction
Sometimes, the auditors have poor knowledge about the remote audits. So he/she may fail to collect the required audit evidence.
· Be aware of fake ISO certification
There are so many spam websites available online. So, make sure you have chosen the right ISO certification body to guide you in the implementation process for the achievement of ISO certification.
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dpdp-consultants · 7 months
4 DPDPA Tools You Need To Get Compliant
The Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, highlights the significance of protecting personal data in the digital age and makes substantial modifications to India's data protection laws. With these new regulations come obligations for businesses to ensure compliance and protect the privacy and security of Indian citizens' personal data.
In this blog, we'll explore four essential DPDPA tools that can assist your organisation in achieving compliance:
Consent Management PlatformGrievance Redressal System
Assessments and Audits Tool
DPDP Act Awareness Program
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Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) Compliance Checklist
To ensure that your organisation complies with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023, take the following steps:
1. Obtain explicit consent
Prior to processing, collecting, using, or sharing personal information, ensure explicit consent is obtained from data principals.
2. Issue Retroactive Consent Notices
Provide retroactive consent notices for any consents obtained before the enactment of the law to ensure transparency and compliance.
3. Manage Data Principal Requests
Respond promptly to data principals' requests to access, correct, update, or remove their personal data to uphold their rights.
4. Conduct Periodic DPIAs
Conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments regularly to assess and manage risks associated with personal data processing.
5. Create DPDP Training Program For Employees
Establish a comprehensive training program to educate and empower employees about their responsibilities under the Data Protection and Privacy Act (DPDPA), reducing the likelihood of non-compliance.
6. Appoint Independent Auditor & DPOs
Appoint independent auditors and dedicated Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to oversee compliance efforts and ensure accountability within the organisation.
These are the basics of building compliance with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, by doing so, organisations can uphold the data processing hygiene that the DPDPA law mandates.
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Tools to Build Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) Compliance For Companies
With data privacy regulations becoming increasingly stringent, it's essential for businesses to ensure compliance to protect the personal information of individuals. Let's explore four DPDPA tools and how they can help your organisation build compliance:
1. Consent Management Tool
Getting the data principals' explicit consent is required under DPDPA Section 6. It is necessary to take explicit affirmative action in order for this consent to be freely granted, specific, informed, unconditional, and unambiguous. It should be clear about the data used and the purpose for which the individual has granted consent.
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Notice: A notice must also be sent along with the consent detailing the nature of the personal data, the reason for processing it, the rights of the data principal, and how they may exercise those rights. These notices should be written in plain, easy-to-read language and must include a link to see the notice in any of the languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution in addition to English.
Problem: Managing consent requests manually is not only challenging but also prone to manual error leaving gaps in your organisations compliance building efforts.
Solution: An automated Consent Management tool can be used to manage, monitor, and track consent requests.
2. Data Principal Grievance Redressal Platform
Under Section 12 of the DPDPA, data principals have the right to access, update, or delete their personal data. To avoid penalties that go up to INR 250cr, companies need to respond to these requests in a reasonable time frame.
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Problem: To fast-track and resolve these data principal requests in time and also have tangible proof as evidence if needed.
Solution: An automated grievance redressal tool enables data principals to assert their rights via a user-friendly platform, managed by DPOs and stakeholders.
3. Automated Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
Under the DPDP Act, appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO) as the central point of contact for all aspects of the act is essential for your role as a Significant Data Fiduciary. The DPOs must conduct periodic Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) to evaluate and mitigate risks to ensure compliance.
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A Data Protection Impact Assessment is a structured process created to assist in systematically analyzing, identifying, and minimizing risks related to data protection.
Problem: Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) can benefit from using built-in templates, but bigger organisations and Significant Data Fiduciaries (SDFs) need a more reliable and scalable solution to handle the significant processing and gathering of personal data.
Solution: The Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Tool enables Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to conduct DPIAs, track identified risks, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by providing a user-friendly platform.
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4. DPDP Act Employee Training & Awareness
Under the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023, all employees handling personal data on behalf of organisations must understand their responsibilities under the law and also ways to tackle breach in emergencies.
Solution: DPDP Consultants’ Data Protection Awareness Program (DPAP) is a subscription-based DPDPA tool that enables companies to conduct regular and mandatory awareness sessions, followed by assessments.
By fostering a culture of compliance within your organisation, you can minimize the risk of non-compliance and build trust with customers and stakeholders.
Achieving compliance with the Data Privacy and Protection Act (DPDPA) is crucial for businesses operating in today's digital landscape. The four DPDPA tools discussed in this blog offer indispensable support in navigating the complexities of data privacy and protection regulations. These tools empower organisations to handle their data privacy requirements efficiently and automate manual tasks that are prone to error.
By implementing these tools, businesses can streamline their compliance efforts, and foster trust with their customers by demonstrating a commitment to protecting their sensitive information. Investing in robust DPDPA tools is becoming exceedingly necessary as the regulatory environment changes to maintain long-term compliance and protect the integrity of your company's data operations.
Embracing these tools not only helps businesses meet regulatory requirements but also positions them for success in an increasingly data-driven world.
Ready To Automate DPDPA compliance?
Contact DPDP Consultants today to learn more about our innovative tools and services to help secure and make your business DPDP Compliant today. 
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siya123sharma · 3 years
GST Audit and Checklist for GST Audit
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Goods and Service Tax (“GST”) is the major source of revenue for both center and state governments and any non-compliance on part of the taxpayer may result in huge losses to the government. Government keeps various checks to ensure that taxpayers are complying with the provisions and all transactions are genuinely entered such as Reconciliation ITC appearing in GSTR-2A with ITC availed in GSTR-3B, Assessment by departmental officer, Audit by specified professional etc.
Audit is defined under Section 2(13) of CGST Act as  “examination of records, returns and other documents maintained or furnished by the registered person under this Act or the rules made thereunder or under any other law for the time being in force to verify the correctness of turnover declared, taxes paid, refund claimed and input tax credit availed, and to assess his compliance with the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder”. Therefore, audit is a verification exercise conducted by an independent professional to ensure that all provisions of GST law have been complied with.
In the financially growing world where everyone wants to earn big in a short period of time some of them manipulate their books of accounts to evade tax and adopt various kinds of malpractices such as wrong data in the books, bogus purchase or supply inward transaction without any underlying movement of goods or not filing the proper returns as per the CGST act 2017, thus in this scenario government need to take the steps to stop these activities to ensure the good practices in the tax system.
1. Who is required to get GST audit
1.1 GST Audit by Taxpayer
As per Section 35(5) of CGST Act, if aggregate turnover of a person exceeds INR 2 Crores* during a year then such person shall get his accounts audited by a Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant.
Further, as per Section 44(2) of CGST Act, If aggregate turnover of a person exceeds INR 2 Crores * then he shall file following documents:
Annual Return
Copy of Audited Financial Statement
A Reconciliation statement reconciling values declared in Annual return and value appearing in Audited Books of Accounts. Reconciliation statements should be submitted in Form GSTR-9C.
* For FY 2018-19, the threshold of INR 2 Crores has been increased to INR 5 Crores.
2. Audit by Departmental Officer
2.1 General Audit under GST
Taxpayers whose turnover is within the threshold limit of INR 2 crores are waived off from being audited. However, no threshold limit is prescribed for Audit by Departmental Officer.
As per Section 65(1), commissioner or any other officer authorised by him may undertake audit of any registered person for any financial year or part of financial year or multiple parts of Financial year. Audit must be completed within a period of 3 months from date of commencement or such extended period as may be prescribed.
2.2 Special Audit under GST
During any audit, investigation or assessment, if Assistant commissioner or officer above his rank is of the opinion that value is not correctly declared by the taxable person or credit availed is not correct and then considering the interest of revenue, he may direct such registered person to get his accounts audited by Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant nominated by the commissioner.Prior approval of commissioner is required for this purpose.
3. Objective of GST Audit
Efficiently manage the taxation- the most important objective is to manage the tax system of the country more efficiently. GST has narrowed down all the indirect taxes to one tax which made the task easy for taxpayers as well as the tax departments.
Compliance of the taxpayer – It is not possible for the department officer to scrutinise books of accounts of each and every taxpayer. Therefore, the concept of GST Audit was envisaged. GST audit main objective is to measure the compliance of the taxpayer with respect to GST Law. CGST act 2017 and rules stated in the act.
GST audit checks whether all the tax has been followed by the Taxpayer– Audit of GST not only checks the accuracy of the accounts but also the credibility of the taxpayers and his business. Audit actions discover the taxpayer’s under declare and manipulative liability also stopped them to do further.
Eliminate the manipulative trading-  WIth introduction of GST, practise of issuance of fake invoices, invoice issuance without underlying supply of goods or services, has increased significantly to pass on fake ITC..Audit helps in prevention of such practises and makes the owner stop to enter into false transactions and trading
4. Due date of filing of GST Audit Report
GST Audit report is to be filed alongwith Reconciliation statement in form GSTR-9C. It should be filed by the 31 December of year following the relevant year.
However, considering the fact that GST was a newly introduced tax, therefore, due date of filing of GSTR-9C was extended till 31st January, 2020 for FY 2017-18. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic, the central board of indirect taxes and customs have postponed the reconciliation of FY 2018-19 till 31st December 2020.
5. Areas to be covered under GST Audit
Each and every transaction related to the GST has to be analysed thoroughly by the Auditor keeping in mind provisions of GST Law.
Following are the certain key areas to be analyzed by an auditor to make the audit report authentic.
5.1 Correctness of Effective GST Rates:
First and the basic point to be checked is whether the rate of GST for different products or services have been correctly plotted, i.e., GST rates are correctly allocated to goods or services in the category to which they belong (i.e. 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%).
Whether any changes in the rate during the financial year have been given effect or not?
Any exemption or abatement claimed, if any, is post satisfying all the underlying conditions given for the purpose of claiming such exemption or abatement. E.g., GST is payable on restaurant service at a reduced rate of 5% subject to the condition that no ITC is claimed related to such service.
5.2 Comparison of Data as per Books of Accounts and GST Returns
For outward supply, Auditors need to carry out the comparison between sales and output liability recorded in books of accounts and data furnished in GSTR-3B and GSTR-1. Any difference should be properly reconciled.
For inward supply, comparison should be made between the ITC Claimed in Books of Account, ITC claimed in GSTR-3B and ITC auto-populating in GSTR-2A. Any variation in the same should be properly reconciled in order to prevent the taxpayer from claiming any excess input tax credit. As per amendment in CGST Rules, No ITC is admissible for invoices not appearing in GSTR-2A. Therefore, ITC against invoices not appearing in GSTR-2A should be reversed or necessary amendments should be made by suppliers in his GSTR-1.
Auditor should check that ITC must be claimed within the due date given under Section 16 of CGST Act, i.e., due date of filing of GST return of September Month of the following year or date of filing of annual return of concerned year, whichever is earlier.
5.3 Compliance of provisions related to Job-Work
If a person is obtaining services of a job-worker then the auditor should check whether the principle has generated challan and E-way bill for movement of goods from its location to the location of the job-worker.
Whether all inputs or capital goods, sent to the job-worker, have been received back within 1 year or 3 years respectively from date of removal. In case of non-compliance, whether applicable GST has been paid on or not with applicable interest.
Whether the principal has filed ITC-04-”Details of goods/capital goods sent to the job worker and received back” within due dates.
In case of direct supply of goods from a job-workers location, whether GST has been paid on such supply or not?
5.4 Reversal of ITC in case of default in payment beyond 180 days
If the assessee has failed to make payment of consideration for inward supply alongwith applicable GST within 180 days from date of Invoice then whether ITC corresponding to such amount has been reversed or not in accordance with Section 16 of CGST Act read with Rule 137 of CGST Rules.
Further, whether ITC has been reclaimed or not once such payment is made?
5.6 E-waybill
Whether, E-way bill has been generated for all movement of goods of value exceeding INR 50,000 in case of inter-state supply or threshold limit applicable for intra-state movement.
Necessary reconciliation should be made between e-way bill data with the sales invoices to check if there was any bogus entry to evade the tax.
5.7 Reversal of ITC on Exempt Supply
In case of exempted supply, the auditor should make sure that Input Tax Credit related to inward supplies directly related to such exempted supply has not been taken.
In case of use of inward supply partially toward exempted supply and partially toward taxable supply then whether proportional ITC has been reversed in accordance with Section 17 of CGST Act. For example Mr. A is using rented property for his two businesses namely shirt stitching and flour trading. Supply of shirt is taxable under GST. However, supply of flour is an exempted supply. Therefore, proportionate ITC attributable toward exempted supply should be reversed.
5.8 Reversal of Ineligible ITC
Auditors should check that no ITC is available on inward supply on which ITC is restricted under Section 17(5) of CGST Act such as inward supply of motor vehicle, rent-a-cab service, Life insurance, work contract service for construction of an immovable property etc.
5.9 Tax Invoicing under GST
Whether Tax invoice or Bill of supply or any other document has been prepared in accordance with Chapter VII of CGST Act, 2017 read with Chapter VI of CGST Rules, 2017. Further, whether the invoice contains all information as mentioned in CGST Rules or not?
Whether Invoice is issued within the time limit given under CGST Rules.
Whether self invoice is raised for inward supply received from unregistered persons on which recipient is liable to pay GST under Reverse Charge Mechanism.
Whether all applicable invoices or vouchers are being prepared or not such as refund voucher, receipt voucher etc.
5.10 Export of Goods or Services
In case of export of goods, whether all the underlying conditions have been duly complied with or not?
In case of export of service, whether all underlying conditions are satisfied such as place of supply of service falls outside India, payment for such service is received in convertible foreign exchange etc.?
5.11 Other
Whether GST has been charged on all supplies between distinct persons, i.e., stock transfers between units of the same person have different GST registrations.
Whether the place of supply is correctly determined or not?
Value of supply has been determined in accordance with Section 15 of CGST Act or not?
Read for more - https://vjmglobal.com/gst/page/4/
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Payment Aggregator License in India
Service providers through which e-commerce merchants can process their payment transactions are known as payment aggregators, they are also known as merchant aggregators. Aggregators allow merchants to accept credit cards and bank transfers without having to set up a merchant account with a bank.
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As per the RBI guidelines Payment Aggregators are entities that facilitate e-commerce sites and merchants to accept various payment instruments from the customers for completion of their payment obligations without the need for merchants to create a separate payment integration system of their own. PAs facilitate merchants to connect with acquirers. In the process, they receive payments from customers, pool and transfer them on to the merchants after a time period.
RBI Guidelines also define the following in reference to obtainment of Payment Aggregator License:
1. Overall Procedure for Application of Payment Wallet License and Payment Aggregator License;
2. Prerequisites for Payment Aggregator License;
3. Fees and other Charges for Payment Aggregator License;
4. Net Worth and Capital Requirements for Payment Aggregator Licence and Payment Gateway;
5. Guidelines for Governance of Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways;
6. Standards to be Followed against Money Laundering (KYC / AML / CFT) Provisions;
7. Merchant Onboarding Guidelines
8. Guidelines for Settlement and Escrow Account Management
9. Customer Grievance Redressal and Dispute Management Framework
10. Security, Fraud Prevention and Risk Management Framework
11. Security Related Recomendations t Aggregators and Payment Gateways
12. Meaning and definition of Payment Aggregator;
13. Periodic reports to be submitted by Authorised Payment Aggregators
Issued guideline is applicable on all payment aggregators and aggregators shall also adopt technology-related recommendation as follow:
Security-related recommendation:
a. Information Security Governance: In order to recognize risk exposures with remedial steps and residual risks, the entities shall carry out a comprehensive security risk assessment of their people, IT, business process environment, etc. This may be an internal security audit or an external security audit carried out by an independent security auditor or an impaneled auditor of CERT.
b. Data security standards: Data security standards and best practices, like PCI-DSS, PA-DSS, latest encryption standards, protection of transport channels, etc.
c. Reporting of security incidents: The entities shall report to RBI security incidents/cardholder data breaches within the specified timeframe. Monthly records of information security incidents shall be sent to RBI with root cause analysis and preventive measures undertaken.
d. Merchant Onboarding: The agencies conduct a thorough safety review during the merchant onboarding process to ensure that the merchants conform to these minimum baseline security controls.
e. Cyber Security Audit and Reports: The entities shall carry out and submit to the IT Committee quarterly internal and annual external audit reports; bi-annual Vulnerability Assessment / Penetration Test (VAPT) reports; PCI-DSS including Attestation of Compliance (AOC) and Report of Compliance (ROC) compliance report with observations noted if any including corrective/preventive actions planned with action closure date; inventory of applications which store or process or transmit customer sensitive data; PA-DSS compliance status of payment applications which stores or processes cardholder data.
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Others provided in annexure 2 of guidelines
Other recommendations
a. The credentials of the customer card shall not be kept in the merchant's database or server.
b. No choice shall be given for ATM PIN as an authentication factor for card transactions that are not present.
c. Instructions concerning the handling of payment system data shall apply as applicable to PSOs.
d. All refunds shall be made to the original payment system unless the consumer has expressly agreed to reimburse an alternate mode.
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mirsdrone · 3 years
A more effective, cost-effective and secure review prepare that gives way better, closely observing and control, whereas you proceed with your trade operations as usual.
Drones minimize the obvious threats and wellbeing dangers.
As well as being unsafe for reviewers, the method requires apparatus to be closed down, coming about in noteworthy financial suggestions. our's energetic ramble arrangement offers auditors a proficient apparatus for seeing difficult-to-access zones, giving them a more secure, more cost-efficient way of picking up more noteworthy understanding into operation-critical forms.
By making a programmed stage the drone is independently sent and landed, with pre-defined missions and applications, to gather airborne information which the framework analyzes, giving a clear picture of difficult-to-access apparatus by uav inspection.
Adaptability to suit a larger part of inspections
Drones have the capacity of tall or low elevation reviews and come in different sizes, giving a wide determination to suit an assortment of assessment needs. In expansion, the adaptability and ease of customizing with a different assortment of devices permit them to be prepared with perpetual applications.
Usually exceptionally valuable for building engineers and housetop reviews. Rambles can take photographs, capture video, take warm pictures, transmit data, and other capacities that empower them to gather and share data that would take days utilizing routine means.
Ability to inspect difficult to reach and hazardous areas.
-Drones are making it conceivable for experts to effortlessly collect airborne information in places where it would be coherently inconceivable. It is less hazardous and more secure to utilize rambles in antagonistic situations for applications, such as radiation checking, assessing high-voltage lines, and other establishments that can cause wounds or wellbeing issues. Since most of these applications must be assessed whereas still in operation, a manual preparation would require more costly gear and security adapt.
Little to zero downtime for equipment and systems
Most manual assessments require closing down hardware or frameworks to dodge harm or wounds to the review workforce. Be that as it may, drones can securely assess complex frameworks, such as wind turbines, radars, communication towers and another framework, whereas they are working. This implies that assessment does not meddle with administrations or generation.
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howardghedia123 · 4 years
SMSF Auditing is very helpful for those businesses that want to improve their quality assurance activities
SMSF Auditing in Australia is a service offered by the non-profit SMSF Board of Standards. This is one of the independent auditing organizations in Australia that assure quality of services. SMSF has set quality standards of audits and assurance programs for its members. If you are an auditor, a member of this organization, and want to start SMSF audit in Australia, then you need to check the requirements of joining this SMSF community. After joining, you will get all the necessary help and assistance that you can get. You can also share your ideas and thoughts with other SMSF members.
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SMSF auditing in Australia is very helpful for those businesses that want to improve their quality assurance activities. Auditors from this organization closely monitor and report on these audits. They record all relevant information about the process, the performance of the business, risks, etc. These records are essential for a company's future development. If a company can successfully manage its audits and inspections, then it can improve its market position and its sales performance.
Auditors conduct SMSF assessments and audits to determine the effectiveness of the processes, systems and procedures that are vital for the proper functioning of a company. These assessments provide a clear picture of the problems that exist and how they can be handled. In addition, these audits identify and solve the problems. The aim of an SMSF audit is to provide accurate, objective, reliable, unbiased and transparent information to the management.
SMSF is now helping many companies around the world. There is a huge demand for SMSF auditing in Australia because of the high level of growth and development that the country has experienced over the past few years. Now, SMSF is among the leading industry players and can continue to develop itself in different ways. This is why many companies have already started using SMSF for SMSF auditing in Australia.
This SMSF process helps companies achieve cost savings, productivity gains, efficiency improvements, better customer relations and more. It also enhances customer loyalty and enhances company reputation. Apart from all this, SMSF can help businesses get quality services and products at competitive prices. SMSF can help businesses in Australia to:
There are several processes that need to be followed for SMSF audit. First of all, the managers or the senior management of the company needs to sign up for a SMSF account. Once you have registered for a SMSF account, you can start SMSF auditing. You can search the entire process on the Internet. As per your requirements you can customize the audit process as per your requirements.
Nowadays a lot of tools and technologies are being used for SMSF audits. Some of these tools are web-based and some are manual. Web-based tools help the auditees to save their data in the computer system. On the other hand, they can easily retrieve and share their data with other auditees or with the stakeholders. Manual audits are performed by using softwares that collect the information, analyse and save them in text files. These softwares can be installed on the computers of the organization or can remotely accessed over the Internet.
SMSF can help to ensure that your business is in proper working condition. It can help you to detect any flaws and deficiencies in the working of the organization and in its overall functioning. SMSF audits can help you save a lot of money and time and can even improve the quality and the efficiency of the business.
In SMSF, you will have to make sure that you have a team of professionals who can carry out the SMSF auditing process. The SMSF team should consist of highly skilled professionals who will ensure that the audit process is done in the apt manner. Apart from making sure that the audit process is done correctly, the team can also make sure that it is performed in a cost-effective manner. They can even provide relevant and useful reports on the basis of which the management can take remedial measures.
Another advantage of SMSFs is that it helps you to reduce the overall cost involved in auditing. The whole process requires only a data capture system, trained personnel and accurate reporting tools. You do not need to spend a large amount of money for collecting the data or for hiring the personnel. The costs can be shared by all the stakeholders, if you make use of the best SMSF solutions.
SMSF solutions are also used for tracking all the communications that are part of the business. This way, you can easily track the productivity and performance of every single business unit. Audits can also be sent to any employee of the organization if necessary. You can get to know about the progress of the audit more comprehensively than before if you make use of a SMSF system.
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jobinwason · 3 years
How to get ISO certification online?
In this digital world, there are so many exciting facilities that have developed for communication. Regardless of the place there are in, people can communicate easily with each other with today’s improvements in information technology.
Digitalization is creating major changes in our society and as well as in day-to-day human activities. This also developed a great impact in our business process that is the way we are communicating with our clients. Nowadays, most of the business meetings are happening online and the companies also mostly prefer to conduct in this innovative format!
Achieving ISO certification also becomes an effortless task with this latest technology. This topic covers how can an organization obtain ISO certification online, the certification process, and as well as the benefits and drawbacks in acquiring ISO certification online.
Introduction to ISO certification
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental organization that stands strong with the membership of 164 national standard bodies. With experts’ knowledge and guidance, ISO develops international standards to support the growth of the organizations. ISO does not provide certifications! ISO develops and publishes ISO standards but it does not involve in the conformity assessment or in the certification process.
· ISO Certified companies are globally recognized companies that conform to ISO standards and have a strong impression among consumers and shareholders.
· This ISO Certification ensures the manufacturing process, services, documentation procedure as well as the management system has all the requirements for standardization and quality assurance.
· ISO Certification is not a legal requirement for most organizations. But, for some companies, ISO certification may be required by law or contractually.
· Whatever the case, obtaining ISO certification will surely bring lots of benefits to your organization. This certification helps you have the products, processes, services, and systems with standardized improvements.
What is a remote audit?
Remote audit - an amazing hand-in-solution to get certified to ISO!
Sometimes, for some reason, the certification audit could not be conducted in person. Remote audit is a perfect replacement for these kinds of situations.
Remote audit is a virtual audit which is performed online through video conference by using digital platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, etc. Through this remote audit, a certification body evaluates the organization process, system and collects the audit evidence remotely. This type of audit helps especially the organizations which are located in isolated areas.
During this Covid-19 pandemic period, Remote audit is the preferable choice for most of the organizations across the globe. Also, it creates an incredible opportunity of obtaining the IOS certification from the place you are. It avoids the need of travelling from one place to another.
ISO Certification process online
Here are the simple steps of IAS to get ISO certification online
Contact IAS:
Visit our website! Fill out the ISO certification application form specific to your organization’s management system and email it to us. Also, attach the required documents mentioned in that application form. You can also drop a mail if you’re not sure of which ISO certification helps represents the effective improvement of your organization. Our management team will help you get detailed information. Or you can contact us and have a free discussion about the certification and auditing process.
Remote audit by IAS:
After receiving the application form, IAS will initiate the procedure for conducting the remote audit. While conducting a remote audit, make sure there will be no interruptions in the internet connection. Proper communication helps the auditors to perform the audit with the flow. Also, it reduces audit duration and saves time.
Issue of certification:
The audit report will be sent to the registered mail address. If there are any deviations, our auditing team will send the audit report with a deviation report. The organizations need to implement the requirements within the specified time given by IAS.
After the effective implementation, our auditing will again conduct another remote audit to make sure your organizations meet the required ISO criteria specific to the scope you’re applied for. Finally, IAS will issue the certification. The soft copy of the certificate will be sent to your mail address. 
Certification validity:
The initial certification provided by IAS is valid for 3 years. IAS also conducts surveillance audits in the gap of every 12 months. It ensures the continual improvement in your organization’s process, services, and system.
What are the advantages of certifying to ISO?
By achieving the ISO Certification, the organization can gain the following benefits.
· Global recognition
· Improved reputation
· New business opportunities
· Better internal management
· Enhanced customer confidence
· Better relationship with stakeholders
· Increased productivity as well as profitability
How to choose the best certification body?
It is also important to choose the right ISO certification body. Before you contact them, make sure they are providing the certification for the standard you have implemented. Verify whether they are an accredited platform and trustable organization. Some of the facts you need to check before you select the right ISO certification body are:
· Accreditation – this tells the certification body is certified to provide the standardized certifications.
· Reputation and credibility – this helps you gain the confidence of stakeholders/clients
· Experience – look for the certification body’s experience in providing the services in the specific ISO standard
· Professional auditors - Ensure the auditors have versatile knowledge about your organization’s process and system
· Language – it may be the last point, but it’s also important to choose the certification body that speaks your language. This helps you communicate with the auditors comfortably.
Advantages of obtaining ISO certification online
· Time and cost-effective method
By acquiring the ISO certification online, you can reduce the time required for conducting the audit.
· No travel or accommodation fee
In on-site audit, sometimes the organization needs to take care of the auditors travel and accommodation expenses. This is eliminated in remote audits.
· High-level performance
Remote audit is a convenient method for both the auditors and auditee. It helps auditors to conduct the audit at the comfort of their office and perform the audit more effectively.
· No interruptions, happy employees
In the on-site audit, there may be chances to make changes in the employees' daily work schedule. But in remote audit, the auditors will interact with the respective person and collect the required evidence.
Obstacles in getting ISO certification online:
Obtaining the ISO certification online also has certain obstacles. 
· Lack of internet facility
While performing the remote audit, there may be chances for a slow internet connection. This disturbs the commutation between the auditors and auditee.
· Duplicate evidence
The audit evidence can’t be evaluated physically. So, there may be chances of mismatching in the documents and organization’s process.
· Poor interaction
Sometimes, the auditors have poor knowledge about the remote audits. So he/she may fail to collect the required audit evidence.
· Be aware of fake ISO certification
There are so many spam websites available online. So, make sure you have chosen the right ISO certification body to guide you in the implementation process for the achievement of ISO certification.
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UNDERSTANDING YOUR IRS TAX DEBT NOTICE The IRS has automated notice streams that provide a series of notices that are used in most of the major compliance enforcement activities.  These notices provide for the sequence and timing of enforcement actions.  Some notices provide appeal rights that may be critical to resolving the tax issue. IRS BACK TAX AUDITS Audit notice stream:  it begins with a notification to the taxpayer of an audit and concludes with the tax being assessed (if any).  The notice stream provides for critical appeal rights when the IRS auditor proposes an adjustment to the return (called a 30-day letter).  Here is the normal notice stream for audits: Audit notification letter – Letter 566/566-S or Notice CP 75 (mail audits), Letter 2205/3253 (office/field audits):  this letter notifies the taxpayer of the years and forms under audit and the audit issues.30-day letter – Letter 525:  this letter provides the taxpayer 30-days to appeal the determination with the IRS Independent Office of Appeals.90-day letter (Statutory Notice of Deficiency) – 
Letter 3219:  this letter starts the taxpayer’s 90-day deadline to appeal the determination with the US Tax Court.Tax assessment notice – Letter CP22E:  this letter notifies the taxpayer that the tax, penalties, and interest have been assessed. No change letter – Letter 590:  if the audit concludes with the IRS accepting the return as filed, the taxpayer will receive a no-change letter indicating the conclusion of the audit.CP2000 Underreporter notice stream:  underreporter inquiries often begin with the CP2000 notice. However, in certain circumstances, this notice stream can begin with a CP2501 (for example, high underreporting from substantial stock sales or income from a partnership/S corporation).  Here is the normal notice stream for underreporter inquiries:
Underreporter inquiry and proposed adjustment notice  – Letter CP2000:  this notice provides the analysis of the IRS matching of information returns (Forms W-2, 1099, etc.) with your return and shows the omitted items.  The notice proposes additional taxes (and potentially penalties) and provides the taxpayer 30-days to respond. If the taxpayer does not respond, this letter serves as the taxpayer’s 30-day letter.
Letter considering taxpayer’s response – Letter CP2000 (recomputed) or Letter 2625/2626/2627/1802C:  recomputes tax and/or penalties based on the taxpayer’s response to the original CP2000 notice.  Taxpayer has 30-days to respond.  This letter also serves as a 30-day letter (i.e. 30-days to request an appeal).90-day letter (Statutory Notice of Deficiency) – Letter CP 3219:  this letter starts the taxpayer’s 90-day deadline to appeal the determination with the US Tax Court.
No change letter – Letter CP 2005:  if the audit concludes with the IRS accepting the return as filed, the taxpayer will receive a no-change letter indicating the conclusion of the underreporter inquiry. IRS COLLECTIONS Collection notice stream:  the collection notice stream starts with the assessment of the tax (CP 14 for a filed return with a balance owed) and concludes with a Final Notice of Intent to Levy (usually IRS notice LT11 or L1058).  The collection notice stream is usually 5 IRS notices, but the IRS can omit the 2nd and 3rd notice if the taxpayer has other issues (i.e. owes for other years, has unfiled returns).  
The full 5 notice collection notice stream for a balance due filer who does not pay: Balance due notice – Letter CP 14:  notifies the taxpayer that the tax has been assessed and the balance owed. Balance due – 1st reminder notice – Letter CP 501:  payment has not been received and the taxpayer is requested to pay.Balance due – 2nd reminder notice – Letter CP 503:  payment has not been received and the taxpayer is again requested to pay.Intent to levy notice – Letter CP 504:   payment has not been received and the taxpayer is again requested to pay. Final notice of intent to levy – Letter LT11 or L1058:  the taxpayer is notified that the IRS will garnish wages or levy other sources of income/assets if the taxpayer does not pay or enter into a collection alternative.  This is usually the last notice before a levy is issued.  It also provides the taxpayer an opportunity for a Collection Due Process hearing to appeal any collection alternative disagreement or to contest the tax and/or penalties assessed. Notice of Federal Tax Lien (Letter 3172) and Passport Restrictions (CP 508):  IRS tax lien filings usually occur if the taxpayer does not respond during the collection notice stream.  Also, if the taxpayer does not enter into an agreement to get in good standing and owes more than $53,000 (adjusted annually), the IRS can start passport restrictions by certifying the amount owed as “seriously delinquent tax debt.”  This certification notifies the State Department who can restrict the use of the taxpayer’s passport for travel. UNFILED TAX RETURNS Delinquent return notice stream:  if a taxpayer does not file a required return, the IRS may request the taxpayer to file.  IF the taxpayer does not file, the IRS can proceed with a delinquent return investigation and ultimately file a return for the taxpayer if the taxpayer refuses to file (called a substitute for return).   The typical delinquent return notice stream: Request for return – Letter CP 59:  after the return due date has passed, the IRS may send a request to file.  If you do not file or respond with a reason that you are not required to file (or have filed already), the IRS may proceed to the next letter and a delinquent return investigation. Request for return – 2nd reminder notice (optional) – Letter CP 516:  this optional letter may be sent as another reminder to file. Request for return – Final notice – Letter CP 518:  this is a final warning before the IRS proceeds to file a return for you (called a substitute for return). Substitute for return proposed assessment – Letter 2566:   this letter proposes additional taxes and penalties owed as a result of the IRS filing a return for the taxpayer.  The taxpayer can appeal the decision within 30 days. 90-day letter (Statutory Notice of Deficiency) – Letter CP 3219:  this letter is your final letter to appeal the substitute for return filing before the tax is assessed.  Taxpayers must appeal to the US Tax Court to contest the return filing. Tax assessed – Letter CP 22:  the IRS has assessed the tax, penalties, and interest due from the SFR. Taxpayers can file an original return at any time during this process and the delinquent return investigation notices will terminate. GET TAX RELIEF HELP TODAY If you think that you may need help filing your 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020 Form 1040 tax returns or past due tax returns, you may want to partner with a reputable tax relief company that can help you get the max refund and reduce your chances for an IRS AUDIT. 
Advance Tax Relief is headquartered in Houston, TX with a branch office in Los Angeles, CA. We help many individuals just like you solve a wide variety of IRS and State tax issues, including penalty waivers, wage garnishments, bank levy, tax audit representation, back tax return preparation, small business form 941 tax issues, the IRS Fresh Start Initiative, Offer In Compromise and much more. Our Top Tax Attorneys, Accountants and Tax Experts are standing by ready to help you resolve or settle your IRS back tax problems.
Advance Tax Relief is rated as one of the best tax relief companies nationwide.
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