#incredibly pleased that it starts and ends with claudia tbh
raayllum · 1 year
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Let it go
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
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Let's talk about the "Fenian brotherhood" theory !! :D
Firstly, in case you don't know about it, please go read the theory that our!Ciel's birth name might be Fenian/Fionn/Finnian by @azuresins. It is incredibly relevant to what I'm about to explain next !
TBH, I don't really care about discovering our!Ciel's birth name. However, I truly enjoy this theory and I think it makes a lot of sense, because I absolutely agree with the idea of Vincent supporting (secretly or not) Irish independence, turning him into a political enemy of Queen Victoria...
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...which could be very much why he ended up dead.
This theory comes from a private convo with my friend, @dorkshadows and I'll sum up their thoughts (and some of mine) below the cut !
First of all, while we think Claudia, Vincent's predecessor, may have been a personal enemy of Victoria because of whatever happened when Albert died in 1861, Vincent strikes us more as a political enemy precisely because of Brown's comment in ch108.
After all, if our!Ciel, who just managed to thwart their plans of getting the sulin gas, is "more like his father everyday", then it makes sense that Vincent "got in the way" of some of Victoria & JB's war/political plans too. >_>
Now, about the Fenian Cycle book: it was an important symbol for Irish independence and the Fenian Brotherhood that started in the 19th century before it got dissolved in 1880. To quote Wikipedia:
"The Fenian Brotherhood traced their origins back to 1790s, in the rebellion, seeking an end to British rule in Ireland initially for self-government and then the establishment of an Irish Republic. The rebellion was suppressed, but the principles of the United Irishmen were to have a powerful influence on the course of Irish history."
But how would Vincent even get involved with it and why?
In the theory that OC's name is Fenian/Finnian, @azuresins mentioned that maybe it's all related to Cedric K. Ros having Celtic origins. Since we do have one sketch by Yana of one twin bringing the Fenian Cycle book to the Undertaker (the most likely candidate for Cedric K. Ros)...
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...it might indeed be a partial answer.
There is another possibility though, entirely thought by @dorkshadows, which is that Rachel (and Ann) might have been of Irish origins too.
After all, a common stereotype for Irish people in many stories is red hair and it's hard to forget that it was a very distinctive characteristic of Ann, Rachel's sister !
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In fact, one of their first interactions is Vincent telling Ann to be proud of that hair, which we were told she inherited from her dad, the twins' maternal grandfather.
So Vincent might have not just been talking about Ann's hair color in that scene, but more specifically about her taking more pride in her Irish origins. Obviously though, Dalles/Durless aren't very Irish names, but it is possible that their original family name got anglicized into a more traditionally English name.
In any case, Vincent met Rachel and Ann after already knowing their father :
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So it's possible that Vincent was, as the Watchdog, investigating Lord Durless as a nobleman with Irish lineage and possible ally of the Fenian Brotherhood. After all, to quote this article, "the Fenians in England and the British Empire were a major threat to political stability". Then Vincent met and fell in love with Rachel, thus deciding to support the Brotherhood instead.
I'd add that Vincent supporting such a cause simply makes sense, considering that the Phantomhive family, too, might have been burdened by the Watchdog's duty generations ago, because of their "different" lineage (full theory here). On top of that, if you add the possibility that Cedric/UT also was of Celtic origins (many decades or centuries ago) and that Vincent knew Claudia's death was Victoria's fault, it only makes sense that he'd eventually politically antagonize the Queen (both for his parents' sake and for Rachel's).
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@dorkshadows also pointed out that, to this day, we don't know if the twins' maternal grandfather is alive or dead in canon : he was important enough to be mentioned in Red's flashback but has been missing from the narrative ever since. Timeline-wise, he could be dead, especially since we never saw him in the Blue Memory arc (our!Ciel's flasback), but we never know with Yana (look at Claudia being hinted in panels ever since the circus arc and probably being incredibly relevant), so it's worth keeping in mind.
Then, moving on to ch132 we know that, when the twins were born, Rachel is the one who named them.
Coincidentally (read: it's probably not a coincidence xD), ch132 had the cover with Vincent reading the Fenian Cycle book to the twins and it's also the chapter in which Vicar Rathbone casually says that one twin/both twins (it's deliberately ambiguous in Japanese) have a name that is "rare for England" :
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Many fans, myself included, thought that "Ciel" was the name being discussed there, but maybe they were actually talking about our!Ciel's celtic birth name ! To quote @azuresins, in that case that'd basically mean that, in that scene above, "Vincent said to an ENGLISH PRIEST [...] that people of Celtic origin deserved freedom, and to be treated better and that it probably was soon to come".
No wonder that Vicar Rathbone would immediately change the topic lmao ! xD
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Vicar Rathbone be like
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It is also very meaningful that Rachel decided to give the "Fionn/Fenian/Finnian" name to our!Ciel ("the spare"), as if to emphasize that he was free to make his own path in life, as the second son, unburdened by earldom. Choosing such a meaningful name might even be a parallel to Vincent's own situation with Frances as his spare, since both also have names with a meaning relating to victory and freedom.
Another important detail, as @azuresins already explained here, is that Fenian Cycle is also a tale of revenge and that our!Ciel parallels Fionn big deal, making it all even more relevant. And maybe Yana left other hints in her artworks too...
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Finally, historically the Fenian Brotherhood officially got dissolved around 1880 (the twins were 5 years old), but it's always possible that, in Kuroverse, Vincent managed to make it thrive secretly as the Watchdog. The Fenian Brotherhood caused several incidents, including after 1880 (they assassinated a British Chief Secretary in 1882), so it wouldn't be impossible that the Queen eventually found out that Vincent didn't properly take care of them, because he was supporting them.
And when she found out? Well, she branded Vincent a political enemy and we know the rest (the household was massacred in 1885 and the killer most likely received help from real!Ciel, more details in the real!Ciel mastermind theory hehe).
The idea that Vincent ultimately became a political enemy of Victoria because he fell in love with Rachel makes their death...
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...even more emotional to me, since Rachel probably died trying to protect Vincent. T_T
TL;DR that's the Fenian Brotherhood theory: because they supported an Irish rebellious group that wanted freedom, Vincent & Rachel were branded political enemies of Victoria and she & JB plotted their deaths, which led in happenstance to the RCMT.
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(friendly reminder that the twins are 7, when Vincent asked Dee to look after them should he die)
I hope it was clear ! Thanks for reading. :))
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hollywoodhangar · 4 years
5 things!
Tagged by: @silvcrreaper! thank you, dear! :’D this is a really cute meme! I’ll probably use it again in the future bc of that tbh. I’d like to do a lotta characters. Tagging: @mettatoniic / @corviudex, @wcrldlyadventures​, @tcthinecwnself, @scwewywcbbit, @wabbitseezun, @couragelinked​, @contractualsarcasm​, @heedingcalls, @bloominghands, @fairestfall, @blackstardiopside​ / @hellhogged​, & you!
doing this for red’s hardcore over-a-year fixation seriously this woman owns my ass at this point hhggh this thing got way too long!!
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Her mother's broken pearl necklace. It's very near and dear to her, she's held onto it like a security blanket as well as a trinket for luck & protection ever since Lord Phantomhive whisked her away to the estate. She keeps them safely tucked away in one of her hidden skirt pockets! Those of supernatural origin that are able to detect magical objects can sense there is a Divine blessing on it; it’ll never be lost to Claudia, and those who mean her ill-intent will have their hands burn when they grab at it - almost like they stuck their hand in flames. It’s a precious thing that Máire [ her mother ] has long since used in her prayers specifically to Brigid ever since she was twelve, so it’s instilled with her blessing! 
Her axe. Even when she’s retired, the Countess keeps her silver axe on her person just the same; tucked away in its renewed sheathe that’s hidden under a flap on the back of her dress [ fun headcanon: while undertaker takes his sotoba up from the top of his collar, she pulls her axe down from below ]. Divine magic also touches this weapon; a blessing from the Morrígan in which the blade is kept heinously sharp so long as she gets some sip her blood tribute, absorbing the splatter and gore through the axe’s silver surface and leaving it pristine. Should too long go by without it having a taste of blood it will begin to dull rapidly for the amount of years its gone untouched, but fortunately the Phantomhives never seem to run short of assassins, hitmen and abductors. Her Divine continues to be pleased.
An emerald poison ring. Silver, classy and adorned with the head of a wolf opening its maw to hold a shiny emerald. No one'd expect such a beautiful big gem hides such a heinous poison beneath! It looks pretty neat when she pops it open and the poison pours out of the wolf’s mouth.
[ Enchanted ] Skeleton key. A simple-looking golden key with hidden runes that activate when inserted into magical locks its made for, but it functions like a normal key as well. This key will open absolutely any door in the Phantomhive manor [ unless Sebastian’s room has the same thing going on! ] as well as the invisible locks she has guarding her forest altar. This is also the only thing that will open all doors leading into her bedroom [ the hallway and the balcony ] as those locks are spellbound to react to only the key itself. Vincent’s always tried to pick his way in but could never quite achieve it! I like to think he inherited his mother’s mischievously nosy curiosity. 
Her black choker with a deep green brooch embedded in its middle. It hides the scar paved along her throat from the attempted assassination. Don’t want anyone seeing that, especially not family. v_v
Her bed, of course! Mahogany framed. It’s enormous, as to be expected for a Countess. It’s extremely soft, easy to sink into and piled with many lace-ended pillows. Heavy, wool-knitted beige blankets lay over the very top, plush to the touch and covering the white and green sheets beneath it. Deep green curtains with leaf embroidery are tied to the bed posts with dark brown rope, and close all around the bed when Claudia turns in for the night -- except for the curtains at the foot. Those stay partially open to absorb the heat from the fireplace. As for the back of the bed, she built it herself! It has an enormous, full-length mirror installed into its wooden frame and a long, smooth surface below for convenience. It has two lamps at both ends that are within reach. 
Lovely mannequins. Rested next to the balcony are two simple manniquens. One is the bearer of her Brigid cloak, the hood pulled up and draped over to obsfuscate the face. Its arms are stretched forwards, hands splayed up with the ceremonial cloth and ropes used for Claudia’s handfasting ceremony; the pearls that were wrapped around all that hanging from its neck. Opposite of that is the other manniquen. Covered with a deep, dark duster, a peasant blouse, tight black pants and thigh-high boots give off a familiar visage of the Countess during her Watchdog days. Around its waist hangs a very intricate rich brown leather belt with lots of slots in it, weaponized chatelaines and satchels with golden clasps - and a golden wolf head as the buckle in front center.
Secret compartments. Many secret locked compartments in the walls she installed herself [ ^ that can only be opened by aforementioned skeleton key, or a very determined and powerful supernatural force ], hidden behind landscape portraits and animal print wall tapestries. She keeps various things in them: Tonics & Poisons. These are very rare breeds of both, being highly efficient in what they’re made for specifically. There’s vials of strange-looking gnarled roots and various colored liquids stored in here as well, along with herbs (??) hanging from the top. Inheritance. The late Lord Phantomhive left Claudia a fortune, most of which she sent to charity, but kept her own sum for emergencies sake. But that is not all he left her; there’s a small pile of letters, some opened, some remaining closed with different seals. There’s also an envelope in here for Claudia specifically, opened and re-sealed. What’s inside is information concerning safe passage to a number of locations and a list of names. Near the very end, the Lord gave Claudia a way out if she ever felt the need to flee from the Phantomhive title; she’s the only blood left. He would not hold it against her to forfeit the Watchdog title, he’d be dead - he has no reason to care for anything at that point. It’s a very bittersweet gift Claudia’s gone back and forth more than once and plans to hand down to the Undertaker “if I go before he does”. She trusts him to hold onto it and give to any Phantomhive who starts feeling pushed to the brink. Altars. A small altar for each of her Goddesses exists in the walls, in twin compartments side-by-side, their doors marked with the carvings of an anvil and a raven. Brigid’s altar is warm, decorated with handmade trinkets and rolled up drawings. The Morrígan’s is dark, positively dark and dimly lit with this very small icy blue lantern that hangs from the top, and the rest of it is decorated with fans fastened from raven feathers and odd white-crimson candles -- that contain her own blood.  Memonto Mori. Death has been embraced around Claudia for so much of her life, so she’s dedicated her own reminder of that in a “.. yet I survived” way.  Mementos from the Famine in the form of mothbitten fabric from the nightgown she wore that entire time and a lock of hair that had fallen out, from the first attempt on her life by a kidnapper in the form of the rusting gun he had and the bottled flesh & muscle she tore from his throat that earned her the title “Wolf of Winchester” among the Aristocrats of Evil, from the nigh successful assassination in the form of the bloodied gown fabric and pressed white roses that wear dried crimson on their petals. There is nothing for the Phantomhive Fire. This rebuilt manor is a jarring memento mori of its own now. 
Cherry wood bookcases. It is stacked with books of worldwide mythology, folklore, natural remedies, strange leatherbacks, and lots of journals Claudia’s written personally over the years. There’s pictures of loved ones wrapped in oval-shaped, polished wooden frames, a lot of old wooden toys she made for her progeny that they’ve grown out of, a black onyx hand with all fingers lined with rings she made herself and holding an ornate athame. Currently, “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus” sits with a long brown & white feather serving as a bookmarker. 
Urns. Three very precious porcelain urns that are specifically customized to fit the lives they belonged to: Vincent, Rachel, and Claudia’s seven hounds. While she drew the designs for Vincent and her hounds, she let Rachel’s parents decide how they wanted their daughter’s urn handled. She passed the drawings to the Undertaker and he made them to perfection. They rest on the previously mentioned bookshelf, side-by-side in a very gorgeous center display, with fresh white roses, rosemary, gladiolus & lilies from the garden surrounding them and small lanterns constantly providing a low, gentle golden light. There’s candles that have been melted to their hilts and others that are brand new.
Mythology. Mythology and folklore have always been incredibly fascinating to her! They can easily eat hours away as she delves herself into learning more and more about them and re-reading the ones she already knows.
Family. I've said it once, I've said it twice, Claudia's a woman who adores to be surrounded by family. Her attempts to convince the Midfords to join with the Phantomhive household have gone shot down by both her grandson and her daughter. One day she’ll prevail. One day. She won’t but she can dream of having a full house again, let her dream.
The countryside. Honestly, the fact they live here instead of in the city was something of an immense comfort to Claudia because it’s a little reminscent of Donegal. She regularly takes Gelert for a walk and finds a nice green pasture to just sit in for a while and enjoy the wind. It brings such a huge wash of calm and relief and what she turns to when feeling absolutely stressed, anxious or angry. Her natural dopamine hit!
Sweets. The Countess has a bad sweet tooth like her grandson and loves to eat sweet things, including things of her own baking and creating! Wave any delectable sugary sweet before her face and you have her attention - not her compliance, but her attention. [ 1v1 phantomhive discourse is continuously stealing the other’s treats. she doesn’t even recall who started it but it is an on-going War. ] 
Infinite woodworking! She has several projects going on at the moment, one being a boat and another being a marionette bitter rabbit she’s eventually going to get around to painting. Both gifts!
Foraging. Sure she can easily send the servants to buy this stuff from the market, but she likes to retrieve them herself. There’s a lot of berries and edible/medicinal plants in season right now and she’s pretty happy about that. :) Mulberries galore.
Reading. Very good exercise for her brain as she’s getting a little more forgetful in her old age, so keeping it busy with things like this strengthens her mentally. At the moment she’s not only reading Frankenstein, but she’s also reading about Japan mythology! That, and about strange monsters & creatures encountered at sea, actual accounts taken down by the author of the book who interviewed many-a sailor. 
Hunting. Not only does it give her a grand excuse to get out of the manor, but she needs to keep her archery sharp and Gelert in shape. 
Summer Games. Speaking of which, she has a title to defend! Sporting events are beginning to ramp up and the Phantomhive name continues to hold first place in the Archery branch, much to the chagrin of many who try their aim & speed against the Countess And Lose. Also, the events are always a bunch of fun to take part in - she’s dragging along anyone available.
Finish the on-going "Misfortune's Way" Funtom board game with Ciel. [ Ciel: 9. Claudia: 9. Neck-to-neck. Who Will Win? ]
Continue work on the boat she's created for the Midfords. She needs to finish carving their family crest into the right side of it and hollow out the rest of the bow. So much work to be done! But four months of blood, sweat and tears are going to pay off. :)
Fix that TERRIBLY painful floorboard her foot keeps hitting. It's been on this list for about a week now. She keeps forgetting or gets sidetracked! She’s getting a bruise. :( [ have tanaka do it? no no, she lets that poor man rest now. have sebastian do it? not a chance. "Are ya daft!? I ain't about to have that damned vulture creepin' about my own private quarters." ]
Pack up Tanaka, cook some food [ avoid bard. he always offers, she always declines after he set a strawberry cobbler she requested on fire right before her own eyes, and then proceeded to catch a portion of the kitchen on fire. she was so stunned she didn’t even notice Sebastian come in and bat out the flames LMAO. ], make some tea and head out with Gelert to her favorite spot to chill in the countryside and soak up the rays of Summer. She’s been so much colder than normal lately and needs to a b s o r b s u n. It’s Summer! She shouldn’t be freezing this much! [ although it is funny to put her hand on the back of people’s necks when they complain about the heat and watch them flip ]
Commune with the Goddesses at her forest altar. Bring the landscape painting she’s done for Brigid, bring the bloodied clothes of a fallen enemy for The Morrígan.
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onyour-right · 5 years
I just finished with season 2 of The Dragon Prince and lemme tell you, I was not expecting half the shit that happened.
- Ezran. My sweet baby boy. My strong, caring baby King. I love him, he’s utterly precious and I’m so proud of the person he’s becoming. He’s just such a gift and it was nice to see his interaction with the older characters, it just reinstated how much of a lovable character he is that everybody can’t help but to adore him. His close bond with Zym is the sweetest thing ever, and at the end when he decided to go back my heart was actually breaking at Zym’s reaction. But I’m just so glad that even though they’re not physically with each other they both still have that mental connection. I think it’ll be incredibly useful in the future if a war does start. Also, I know we only saw a little bit of Ezran with Corvus but their dynamic already kills me and I can’t wait to see where it goes next season. I love Corvus so much. Ok.
- Callum. I really enjoyed the journey that he went on this season; how he knew deep in his heart that magic was what he was called to do and so never gave up from that. I also found it so touching how he recited the words King Harrow had used when his mother had died, to try and explain it to Ezran :’) It was the sweetest. I also enjoyed his scenes with Claudia and how loyal he was to her friendship, but not blindly loyal that he wasn’t at least partly listening to what Rayla was saying. I’m excited to see where he goes from here.
- Rayla. My little sarcastic warrior daughter. I love her? How protective she is of BOTH boys even though it’s quite clear she’s crushing on Callum. I thought it was really sweet how even though she didn’t agree with the fact that Callum had used dark magic, she was still right there making sure he was okay and trying to reassure him. (Kinda reminded me of king Harrow and Queen Sarai - WINK WINK). I can’t wait to see her journey next season.
- Claudia and Soren. Listen. I was really conflicted with these two during this season, I didn’t know whether I could fully trust them not to carry out their mission. Soren also really annoyed me with his whole “act first, think later” motto, which ended up fucking him over. However I did enjoy seeing their struggle with it, because it’s clear they both genuinely are fond of the princes and don’t want any harm to come to them, but at the same time they want to impress their dad. Even after Soren reveals what his dad told him to do Claudia still doesn’t quite believe it, which I think is very interesting considering that her father was the one who basically told her to prioritise the egg over her own brother’s life. They both failed in their mission. It’s complicated. I’m still rooting for them to break away from the evilness that is their father. I’m also wondering whether Soren is completely healed now or if it’ll have some effects they didn’t think about? Or will Claudia have to keep on killing? If so, will she?
- Zym! My good boy, my precious boy. I’ve only had him for a few hours but if anything ever happened to him I’d kill everyone and then myself. He is such a sweetheart. Him listening to Ezran and trying to block out the sun, whew, I loved to see it. I just... I just want one. My reaction to him is legit the same as Claudia’s when she first saw him. He’s just too adorable. I’m interested in seeing what will happen now that he’s going to be reunited with his mother. Will it be a good reunion or nah?
- Queen Sarai. Goddamn. It’s criminal that we can’t see more of her, but in all the scenes we did see of her I just fell so completely in love. She’s badass, brave, soft, so caring, such a great mother! Ughhh, her death was so heartbreaking. I loved seeing the relationship she had with King Harrow (when they were fighting and the guards were placing bets - I just loved it. It spoke so much of their relationship and the type of atmosphere they created.)
- Mage Lujanne. What I really love about this show is that it portrays women of all ages as strong, powerful women and it doesn’t at all feel forced. Lujanne had me CACKLING. That line about her 3 husbands. Yo. Amazing. A woman after my own heart tbh. When she was giving Rayla advice but was so bad at it, I just had to laugh. She’s goofy but she’s not one to be played around with and I respect her for it. I hope we see more of her next season as well.
- Queen Aanya. YAAAAAS. That wit. The strength of her character. She reminds me so much of Lyanna Mormont because she doesn’t take any shit from anyone. She can damn right hold her own so if people are gonna come at her they better come correct and with FACTS @ Viren. What was it she said? “I’m a crown without an adult, and you’re an adult without a crown” LISTEENNNNNN. You better tell him Aanya, he ain’t shit!!!
- Aaravos.... Heh. HOW DARE HIS VOICE BE THAT DEEP AND THAT RICH. HOW DARE HE BE SO GOOD LOOKING AND SO MYSTERIOUS. HOW DARE HE LOOK SO DELICIOUS. “How may I serve you?” How about you [redacted] in my [redacted] and [redacted] [redacted]. The thing is I know he’s shady and he most likely will fuck everything up, but I really just enjoy watching him so much. He plays with us the audience and draws us into him and I just.... whew.
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- Lord Viren. He can be offed now please. I’m tired of him. No wonder his “best friend” dumped him, his wife left him, people don’t wanna listen to him. Does he have good intentions? Hard to tell. He’s going about everything the wrong way. Queen Sarai gave her life to save him, and he honours both her and King Harrow by trying to have their sons killed??? Really??? I ain’t with it.
Anyways. Season 2 was dope. I loved TDP even more if that’s possible? I’m excited for season 3. I hope we get Runaan back because I really miss my husband. Also, more Captain Amaya because the lack of her was just sad. I also just wanna add, because I can’t not add my other good boy, but Bait is also the purest thing and I’ll defend him until the end <3 that is all.
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princeyitz · 7 years
who are your favorite simblrs and why? love ur stuff xx
oh man this is a huge question!!!! i follow a lOT of people so uhh idk if i don’t include you im really sorry!!! i’m mostly going to put people i’ve been following for awhile in this - or at least simblrs i’m caught up on idk this is maybe a follow forever idk man!!!
also this is in no way organized lmao im really tired
another also i realized i put a lot of people on here and i gushed a bit so i’m putting this under a read more to save u all ok bye
my fave stories/legacies/etc!!!
@a-kind-red​ not only is red super sweet but he also has an aMAZING story and i’m still trying to get caught up but whOOOO boy if you’re wanting to really get into a story pleeeease give them a follow!!!
@musicalpixls i really love amy’s nsb it’s really awesome and her writing is really great also i love lyte a lot
if you’re not following @qwertysims​ please fix it asAP raven is fuckin’ awesome and makes really unique and beautiful sims i’m a Big Raven Stan
@teanmoon​ inga is sO so sweet?? and i’m really diggin’ her ariadne challenge. you can tell she really puts a lot of research and time and love into it and i really admire it/her!!!!
gotta talk about my girl @xuni​!!! her sims are so cute??? i die honestly
you wanna cry at beautiful edits and giggle at fun and cute gameplay? check out keek @whiisker​
my girl breezy @simblrbreezycakes​!!! sUPER sweet and writing a beautiful story. seriously i love when i can hear characters’ voices in my head as i’m reading and breezy nails this 
@keysims​ has an amazing story??? i love damien i don’t even cARE. also editing is fuckin’ top notch and you can tell how much effort goes in
@wooldawn​ meshelle’s sims are so unique and beautiful she inspires me a lot?? i’ve been following for awhile and i just. i love everything she posts
this wouldn’t be complete if i didn’t include @takemizzu​ and gush about her. bree has such a fresh and different simblr but its not forced at all??? like i fuckin’ stan so hard. all of her monsters are amazing and she puts so much into them and i love seeing when she posts. if you love gore, horror, monsters and fun check her outttt!!! (also ps give ricky a smooch 4 me)
@ratboysims​ prrrrobably one of the first simblrs i followed?? i read emmett’s legacy from the beginning and cried. do u remember jonathan and darius bc i do. i love finch, i love birdie my name twin, i feel for sam, i miss dove and leo, roxie is a babe i miss her. he has cute rats, he makes beautiful art and you should follow him forever
@smallcowplant​ follow sam!!! follow her on all your accounts!!!! she’s so sweet and has this beautiful way with words i just??? you like history? she’s got that. you like ladies who murder husbands?? got that too. you like romance and cute boys competing for a total babe’s heart?? GUESS WHAT SHE GOT THAT TOO.  her edits are super cute as well and i stan her dog to the end of the world
i’m pretty sure everyone is already following @okyio​ because christy is literally a ball of light but in case you aren’t pleeease get on it. she constantly brightens my day no matter what she posts and she is one of the few people out there who is GENUINE in care and kindness. she makes beautiful edits, draws super cute art and just wants everyone to take care of themselves and just. ball of light. i’m serious
@bratsims​ is hilarious and you gotta read the woods from the beginning bc. just do it. i’m still sad about arthur and also i think sunny should be make another appearance somehow. also??? wylie?? im love him and he should just have 10 partners okay and i wanna give mei a big hug
follow @eefahsims​ purely for elliot please i’m begging u make that boy happy i love him. also her bio is “raw power of roadhog mindset of torbjorn” so that should b an instant follow tbh
@tea-sims​ super sweet, has beautiful gameplay??? want 2 give her a hug tbh
@blarffy​ here’s another simblr i’ve followed since i started mine. read her greene legacy from the beginning it does not disappoint. makes beautiful sims, is beautiful, super nice and always willing to help. top notch person in general 
@peonypyxels v nice, has cute sims, has beautiful screenshots, i can’t wait for the next update on her story its so!!! ahhh!!!!
here’s another simblr i’m pretty sure everyone is also already following but i’m putting her here anyway: @ridgeport makes amazing cc, has a hilarious and fun gameplay, beautiful edits? check. also very sweet and i stan her sims’ noses, it’s a Thing.
i follow claudia @plumbee-bob here and on yt, pretty much one of the few that i do watch. she has beautiful, unique sims, and i love how colorful her gameplay always is. she’s so sweet and has a very relaxing voice
really awesome cc/builder simblrs!!!
pretty sure i’ve downloaded liTERALLY everything @pyxiidis​ releases. honestly a Queen. becoming a patron was the best decision i’ve ever made. her cc is Pure Quality and so unique and i use it on every sim i make
i’m pretty sure i download everything @cakenoodles​ makes too. james is super talented
if you love plants you’ll love @magnoliidae​ seriously like how do u do these things??? pretty sure mal is actually magic
@viiavi​ is honestly cc royalty in my eyes like hoooo man i swoon everytime she posts something
@plasmafruit-tree​ i’m obsessed with their makeup cc like it’s so good??? has amazing cc in general also i love the cake’s a LOT
male cc is always lacking but guess who isn’t slacking? @wyattssims​ i’m so sorry for that rhyme but not sorry for promo’ing you bc you deserve it. everything wyatt makes is Quality and he’s also got this really cool ensom project going on and i’m confused but into it
@valhallansim​ another one i’ve followed since the start of my simblr. i loooove all their cc and they make really unique and fun stuff???
a sweetheart: @cubersims makes beautiful recolors and is always a light of sunshine??? 
everything @nolan-sims makes is stunning. she’s incredibly sweet and i love talking to her. she also has beautiful art. if you want to follow someone who not only releases flawless cc, but is also a sweetheart, she’s your gal
UM I THINK THAT’S IT FOR NOW??? again pls don’t take it the wrong way if i didn’t include you i love you all tbh oki im super tired bye
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