#incorrect private recording 1
meevuis · 1 year
Chilled: Did you really think I was dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?
Platy: Well, you were dumb enough to fall for me when I used my stupid moves on you before. Why not now?
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lagfestival · 3 months
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B: Where are you going?
A: To either get ice cream or commit a felony, I'll decide on the way.
I don't know if I did this right but i think it works for the 2.
Original idea by @/allianettemie5 i definetyl didn't forget to add this bit no siree no
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allianettemie5 · 4 months
What about an experimental PR1 Tumblr game?
Hello there!
Here's the idea: 
This is a list of PR1-related streamers (I picked ones that could be more recognizable in the fandom)
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Randomly choose 1-3 names from this list
Come up with a random funny/goofy/serious/meaningful incorrect quote that would suit your choice
Go to your favourite stock image site (or Pinterest) and put together a moodboard for this quote to give a hint for the chosen names. Go off of the pairing/character vibe!
Share what you created with a post, including the incorrect quote you created without the names
Everyone will try and guess the characters in the quote in the comments!
For example (from the incorrect quotes generator):
Person A: I like your new pants!
Person B: Thanks, they were 50% off!
A: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*
B: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.
A: Thats’s… not what I meant.
B: That’s a terrible way to run a business, A.
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Who are the mysterious A and B, in your opinion?
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tak466 · 3 months
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Person A, turning to Person B: Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is the microwave.
Guess who (didn't) say it, PR1 edition. If you're confused:
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saltydumples · 1 year
I'm rewatching AVPM and I just had to make some PR1 incorrect quotes:
(I'm putting it under the keep reading tab because the post ended up being kinda long, oop--)
Junk: *singing* Are you kids ready to fight a dragon?
Junk: Of course you aren't, you're just children! What the hell am I thinking?
Kara: Now, let's leave these big baby childish jerks alone.
Chilled: *entering* Did someone say ChilledChaos?
Ze: Hey, guys, chill. I'm busy.
Ze: *commences epic piano playing*
Kara: *takes his keyboard away*
Everyone else: *immediate panic*
Skadj: Woah. Woah! WOAH!
Shubble: No, no, no, NO--
Platy: Did you just hear something?
Jeremy: No. Only quiet. Maybe...one raindrop...
Skadj: ...and even if we do, Cheesy over there will probably tell on us.
Kara: Cheesy won't tell--
Cheesy: Oh yes I certainly will!
Chilled: I love you all...
Chilled: Except you Tay, I can't fucking stand you.
Shubble: When I rule the world, I'll plants flowers~
Kara: When I rule the world, I'll have SNAKES!
Skadj: No - NO! I'm miserable!
Skadj: *points dramatically at the massive chocolate bar he's eating*
Kara: Drop the attitude ZeRoyalViking!
Kara: You are acting like Garfield on a Monday...
Ze: >:0
Chilled: It's just like the Spiderman movie - haven't you seen that? MJ and Peter Parker can't be together.
Ze: But the whole point of Spiderman 2 was that MJ and Peter Parker could be together in the end.
Chilled: Yeah, I know, but the point of Spiderman 3 is everything sucks and that falls to shit!
Chilled: Ze, what I'm trying to say is...I don't want my life to be like Spiderman 3. I hated that movie.
Skadj: Do you want to kick your own ass or should we do it for you?
Greg: Yeah!
Cheesy: Oh, uh, well I guess if you're giving me the option I'll...I'll kick my own ass.
Chilled: Nobody help me! I've gotta do this by myself.
Courtilly: He doesn't mean that! It's not how he operates. Who are you going to use as a human shield this time?
Ze: *walks foward*
Kara: *pulls him back* Ze.
Ze: Oh.
Platy: Is 'okay' good?
Jeremy: Platy! Okay is wonderful!
*slowmo running and emotional, happy music commences*
Chilled: *crying* You think that killing people might make them like you but it doesn't...
Chilled: It just makes people dead!
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brokensenseofhumor · 4 months
The controversial post that I mentioned on my birthday (aka Tuesday, this post is going up on either Thursday 11pm or Friday asscrack of dawn)
The purpose of this post is to clarify a variety of things just in case I go missing Friday afternoon, but due to certain events on my birthday it turned into an exposé + vent post. Even with such circumstances, I hope you can take away some knowledge about me and other people from this post.
WARNINGS: Private matters that have already been dealt with either a few days or even months ago that I’m needlessly bringing to light, mentions of death threats, and lost of fucked up shit in general.
Saii (@/monochrome-cropcrown) dismissed a really violent meltdown I had the day before my birthday and tried using her visit to the hospital as an excuse for not giving a fuck or even bothering to read not even 1 message from the 1 hour worth of distressed and downright concerning messages I had spammed her with an hour and a half ago. We got into a screaming match and she blocked me, but a few hours later she unblocked me, and started harassing me with messages basically victim blaming me for not being god and being unable to control my emotions, then blocked me again before I even had a chance to respond. Here is evidence:
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That being said, I also have to take accountability for the horrible shit i said during my mental breakdown. I admit I made threats of physical violence against Fukui Takumi, wishing he’d slip down his stairs and bash his head into a wall, and I apologize for that. I was far too wrapped up in my emotions to realize I was saying overall horrible things aimed at someone that doesn’t even know who I am, and I apologize deeply for that. I’ll try to find better coping mechanisms to avoid this type of situation next chapter drop.
@/huntersmoon1 traumadumped on me multiple times despite me clarifying that I’m a neurodivergent and seriously mentally ill teenager just as many times, and she’s a grown woman in her late 20’s/early 30s that should be getting a therapist instead of telling some mentally unstable minor on the internet about her family’s problems. She also infodumped to me about useless things, even after I have told her I am not intrested in the slightest about anything she’s telling me about. She blocked me after I complained about another one of these needless infodumps, unblocked me after Mina’s exposure, we both mutually apologized for our mistakes, and she proceeded to block me again.
Shortly after Mina’s exposure as a groomer, @/praisethesuuun made a post saying that I shouldn’t be on the internet just because I have BPD symptoms and I’m also a minor.
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My mom neglects me and verbally abuses me and my dad is a creep that always disrespects my boundaries, has tried to SA me when I was around 7-9, and this week he stole the conditioner my mom bought for me (after refusing to buy me a new one for the past 3 weeks).
The verbal abuse from my mom started when I was around 5-6 years old.
My mom also held off on buying me toothpaste for 4 weeks, and I was stuck using probably expired toothpaste for over a month.
My school feels more like a North Korean labor camp rather than a school. My homeroom teacher is a bitch, as of the time im writing this post she has threatened to smell each and every student’s ARMPITS (With the most psychotic smile on her face, too) MULTIPLE TIMES. The school’s practices are no better either. Oh what’s that? You didn’t do this easily forgettable and completely useless and unnecessary homework? Oh I’m so sorry, your exam score is an automatic 0 now. Most teachers are so strict that I almost developed a crush one the one teacher that was actually cool.
Tags: @aresarmyblog @rukia-writes @amphitriteswife @micah-drew @mizz-sea-nymph @miyahsart @cherry-froese @riseofamoonycake @incorrect-record-of-ragnarok @itz-hellenz @swallowtail-lotus @the-gentlemen-jack @sibchatactics @onecantsimply
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codenamesazanka · 1 year
The Himura clan
did some research! lots of research, actually, all about what being 'village headmen' entailed, what it meant to be wealthy post-land reforms, and I've even come up with a theory/explanation about why they had numerous branch families. let me share what I've found:
(but first, please go read @stillness-in-green’s wonderful review of chapter 387 that contains a great explanation on clan intermarriage and how the situation at the Himura’s must have looked!
The 庄屋 - Shouya - "Village Leaders"
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Shouya translates to village headmen, village leader - which is correct, but I don’t think that tells the whole story. So I’ll tell it to everyone:
The 'village headman' (and his lineage) was part of a specific, special rank of 'titled' peasants during the Tokugawa period (1603 - 1867). Basically, they were the elite of the peasant elites. When the shogunate came into power, it created a new system of village offices of headman and council to better collect taxes - and this new status granted prestige and the power to collect and deliver tribute, keep records and maintain the population register, and generally presiding over all public affairs. Headmen were still peasants, but they would be allowed things that would normally be only entitled to the warrior/samurai class, like the usage of surnames, the wearing of silk, and even carrying one (1) small sword.
(Source: Tokugawa Village Practice, by Herman Ooms)
With these culminated privileges and means, then, it was easy for village headmen to get cultivate lots of land, get rich, establish lineages and cadet branches, cultivate more land, get richer, etc. This being feudalism, all land belonged to the central state, so they weren't exactly landowners, but they essentially functioned as wealthy landlords (and became exactly that when the Meiji era (1868 - 1912) established the right to private land ownership.)
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This is what the Himura(?) marriage broker meant when they talked about how the family was once "considered prestigious, with a long and storied history", and when Geten spoke of the Himura having wealth and pride. This is a family who could trace their history and genealogy back to samurai times, a lineage with inherited land and fortune that has been continuous for over 500 years by the time the story in HeroAca takes place.
The 農地改革 - Nouchikaikaku - Land Reforms
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idk what exactly Official Viz Translator Caleb Cook was thinking when he decides to translate nouchikaikaku - agrarian reforms - as ‘agricultural revolution’ which (to me) brings to mind ‘the era when cavemen starts farming’. It’s not incorrect, exactly, but there are much better options that have more accurate connotations. Nouchikaikaku can be referring to land reforms in general, but here, it is almost certainly talking about the post-WWII land reforms of 1947.
Some background: When poor farmers fall into debt - due to crop failures, due to the chaotic economic times, due to random things like "a fall in the price of rice coinciding with the expense of a wedding or funeral where social custom would permit of no stinting", just having one bad day, etc. - they usually were forced to sell their land... then stay and become tenant farmers on that same land, except now they were paying rent that could be as high as half their income. Thus a system of landlords and tenants came to be, and the gap between their economic statuses would widen.
By 1941, 46% of cultivated land in Japan were tenanted; and only 30% of peasants owned all the land they tilled. (In other words, landlords owned nearly half of all farmland, and 70% of farming households were tenants of some kind.)
(Source: Land Reform in Japan, by Ronald Dore)
This is where land reforms come in, in order to correct this inequality.
After the war, all absentee landowners and landlords who own too many acres were required to sell their land to the government, who then sold it to the people who actually worked the land. In this way, large landlords was practically eliminated, tenant farming was no more, and every farming family became proper small property owners, and Japan's land reform is considered today to be one of the most successful in history.
The whole purpose of the land reforms was to reduce the wealth and power of rich landlords... So how is it that the Himura clan somehow found a way to keep all that?
This is, I think, where the key words of "by creating branch families" come into play.
Quick jump back to the agrarian reforms: Under the land reform laws, owning and selling land became a very regulated affair - Corporations and non-farmers cannot own farmland; there was a maximum limit to how much land a person/family could have; only limited local landlording was allowed, and even then, tenants rights were favored.
Essentially, the “only way an individual could acquire farmland was by joining a farm family through birth, adoption, or marriage, then co-residing with the preceding generation until inheriting the parents' land, and eventually passing the same land to a household heir to repeat the cycle.”
So, my theory:
The Himura, as wealthy ancestral landlords, were bound to lose land (and their fortune) when the land reforms came. To avoid doing so - or, rather, to gain back land they had to sell - they could've started marrying local neighboring families, bringing them into the Himura clan. Each non-eldest, non-inheriting son who married out would already be creating a branch, and have access to his wife's family's land; with the Himura's influence and status, it wouldn't be strange if their daughters' husbands take the Himura name instead of the other way around.
Heck, they also could've just adopted people - one traditional method was indeed this: "families often adopted as “branch families” people who were not related by blood. This kind of branch family was often in an economically subordinate position: perhaps a family of farm workers who depended on the stem “family” for land and tools. The fictive familiar relationship added extra depth and strength to the economic relationship."
Thus, on paper, a tract of land is owned by a individual couple or family... but that couple or family is now Himura, and therefore the Himura clan have increased in branch families, and maintained/maybe even increased their wealth (land), exactly as Geten says.
Which is why when the Advent came, "Heteromorph blood" became so abhorrent?
To be sure, they were likely just bigots who discriminated against Heteromorphs for being different.
However, if their whole operation had been to bring people into the clan, this hatred would mean a loss of marriage and adoption candidates. Anyone who had heteromorphic quirks were out; anyone who came from a family that had even one (1) individual with a heteromorphic quirk was out, since that trait could be inherited. As @stillness-in-green points out in her post, "Given that the characters in-universe still don’t know the origin of quirks, there’s no way to completely guarantee desirable quirks, or even to perfectly guard against the dreaded heteromorphic quirks," outsiders had the potential to bring surprise heteromorph blood, which would've been horrifying for them.
Official Viz Translator Caleb Cook translated this part as 'They [the Himura] didn't want to dilute their blood', but the more accurate translation, I feel, would be 'they hated the mixing of blood'.
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'Dilute' gives off the sense that they wanted to keep their 'Himura essence' or whatever pure, which is true to a point; but in the context that Mr. Compress gives us - heteromorph discrimination - and how it's only after the Advent that the result of clan endogamy came to be, I think it's more accurate to say that, yeah, the Himura specifically did not want to associate or mingle with 'unknown qualities', so to speak. They hated the idea of that ‘mixing'; so the Himura had to turn inwards to be certain that no heteromorph lineage could be mixed into the clan.
In doing so, the Himura would've lost their traditional method of growth. No more increasing branch families; instead, the branches would combine and decrease. No more obtaining, inheriting, and accumulation of land to the Himura name. The family shrink and wane, and eventually lost everything altogether.
(and the final delicious irony of all this is that their last ditch effort to marry off Rei would be consistent with their earlier methods, trying to save themselves and obtain wealth...
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except this time it would be too little, too late.)
Thanks for reading!
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cuddlebugfelix · 2 years
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2022 © cuddlebugfelix
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delululand · 10 months
have u seen the latest issue? everyone cant believe that soobin’s first scandal would be his middle toe LOL
i even don’t understand wtf goes on😭 like okay seungchan was joking around soobin and soobin show him a middle toe so what??
1. i was more surprised that they’re friends
2. i don't know where this video originally came from but that video shows only 4 viewers of a live and if these are their private accounts, then probably all the people there are their friends, and the fact that one of them recorded and posted it on the internet seems so 🥴
3. as i understand it, some people are outraged due to the initial incorrect translation about eunchae? but they have already posted a bunch of videos with a refutation… why people still try to do scandal…
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royal-premier-pac · 18 days
Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Audit Firm in Singapore
In today's dynamic business environment, auditing plays a pivotal role in maintaining financial transparency, accuracy, and regulatory compliance. Companies in Singapore, a leading global financial hub, are required to adhere to strict financial standards. Hence, choosing the right audit firm is crucial for the long-term success of any business. This blog will explore the importance of auditing, what to look for in an audit firm, and how audit firms in Singapore, such as Royal Premier PAC, ensure that companies meet all their regulatory obligations.
Importance of Auditing in Singapore
Auditing ensures that a company's financial statements are fair, accurate, and compliant with the regulatory framework. Here’s why auditing is indispensable:
1. Financial Transparency
Audits help verify the accuracy of financial reports, providing stakeholders with confidence in the company’s financial health. Investors, lenders, and shareholders rely on audited financial statements to make informed decisions.
2. Regulatory Compliance
Singapore has stringent laws regarding corporate governance and financial reporting. The Companies Act mandates that companies meet specific auditing requirements based on their size and structure. Regular audits ensure adherence to these regulations, helping businesses avoid legal penalties.
3. Fraud Prevention
An external audit is an essential mechanism to detect and prevent financial mismanagement and fraud. By identifying discrepancies, audit firms help businesses protect their assets and maintain credibility.
4. Tax Reporting
A thorough audit ensures that businesses comply with tax regulations, reducing the risk of inaccurate tax reporting or underpayment. This also helps identify any potential tax-saving opportunities.
Types of Audits Conducted by Firms in Singapore
There are different types of audits that a company might require, depending on its industry and size. Here are the most common ones:
1. Statutory Audits
A statutory audit is legally required for most companies registered in Singapore. This audit involves examining financial statements to ensure they provide a fair and accurate view of the company’s financial standing. Small exempt private companies (EPCs) may be exempt from statutory audits if their annual revenue is below SGD 5 million.
2. Internal Audits
Internal audits focus on a company’s internal controls and governance procedures. These audits are often commissioned by management to assess the company’s operations, risk management processes, and compliance with internal policies. The goal is to improve operational efficiency and reduce risks.
3. Tax Audits
Tax audits help businesses ensure their tax returns are accurate and comply with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) regulations. It identifies potential areas where companies can improve their tax strategy and avoid penalties for incorrect filings.
4. Forensic Audits
Forensic audits are conducted when there’s suspicion of fraud or financial misconduct. This type of audit requires specialized skills to investigate financial irregularities and support legal proceedings if necessary.
5. Compliance Audits
Compliance audits assess whether a company is adhering to regulatory standards in areas such as labor laws, environmental regulations, and industry-specific guidelines. This is essential for companies in highly regulated sectors such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Audit Firm in Singapore
Selecting the right audit firm can be a complex decision. Here are essential factors to consider:
1. Reputation and Experience
The audit firm’s reputation in the market is crucial. Look for firms with a proven track record and strong experience in your industry. Well-established firms, such as Royal Premier PAC, offer expertise across various sectors and can handle complex auditing needs efficiently.
2. Qualification and Licensing
Ensure the audit firm is licensed and registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore. ACRA monitors auditors' performance and ensures they comply with professional standards. Only licensed firms are authorized to conduct statutory audits.
3. Industry Specialization
Every industry has unique auditing requirements. Choosing an audit firm with experience in your specific sector ensures they understand the nuances of your business. For instance, companies in the tech, manufacturing, or financial sectors will benefit from audit firms that specialize in those industries.
4. Range of Services
A comprehensive audit firm should offer more than just statutory audits. Look for firms that provide internal audits, tax audits, forensic audits, and risk management services. This allows you to work with a single firm for all your auditing needs, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
5. Use of Technology
Modern auditing requires the use of advanced technology and tools to analyze large data sets efficiently. Audit firms that invest in data analytics, automation, and cloud-based solutions provide faster, more accurate results. Technology also helps in detecting potential fraud or risks earlier in the audit process.
6. Fee Structure
Cost is always a consideration, but it’s essential not to compromise quality for price. While some audit firms may offer lower fees, they may not provide the level of detail and expertise your company needs. It’s crucial to find a firm that balances cost with quality services.
7. Communication and Client Service
Effective communication is key to a successful audit. The audit firm should maintain transparency and keep you informed throughout the process. They should be accessible, approachable, and able to explain complex financial concepts clearly. High-quality client service ensures that your concerns and questions are addressed promptly.
8. Global Reach
If your company operates internationally, you may need an audit firm with a global network. Firms with international affiliations can offer advice on cross-border regulations and ensure your business complies with foreign financial laws.
Why Businesses in Singapore Choose Royal Premier PAC
Royal Premier PAC is one of the leading audit firms in Singapore, trusted by businesses across industries. Here’s why they are a top choice for auditing services:
1. Extensive Experience
Royal Premier PAC has years of experience working with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large multinational corporations. Their auditors are skilled in providing accurate and detailed audits, ensuring financial transparency.
2. Industry Expertise
Royal Premier PAC specializes in various industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology. This means they understand the specific challenges and regulations relevant to your business.
3. Comprehensive Services
In addition to statutory audits, Royal Premier PAC offers internal audits, risk management, tax audits, and compliance services. Their wide range of services allows businesses to consolidate their auditing needs under one roof, saving time and resources.
4. Innovative Technology
Royal Premier PAC utilizes the latest auditing software and data analytics tools. This technology enables them to conduct audits more efficiently, with higher accuracy and faster turnaround times.
5. Commitment to Compliance
Royal Premier PAC ensures that every audit is conducted in strict accordance with Singapore’s regulatory framework. Their team of auditors stays updated on the latest legal requirements, ensuring your business remains compliant with all relevant laws.
6. Competitive Pricing
While providing top-tier auditing services, Royal Premier PAC offers competitive pricing packages. They understand that businesses have budgets to manage, and they work to provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality.
Benefits of Partnering with a Reliable Audit Firm in Singapore
Partnering with a reputable audit firm like Royal Premier PAC offers numerous benefits:
1. Improved Financial Accuracy
By working with skilled auditors, businesses can improve the accuracy of their financial reports, which builds trust with investors and stakeholders.
2. Risk Mitigation
Audits help identify potential risks, including operational inefficiencies and compliance gaps. Addressing these risks early on prevents them from escalating into larger issues.
3. Enhanced Corporate Governance
Regular audits encourage companies to maintain strong internal controls and governance practices, promoting accountability and transparency.
4. Better Decision Making
Audited financial statements provide reliable data, enabling management to make informed decisions on financial strategy, expansion, and risk management.
5. Long-Term Sustainability
A commitment to regular audits demonstrates a company’s dedication to sustainability, ethical practices, and regulatory compliance, ensuring long-term success.
Choosing the right audit firm in Singapore is critical for maintaining financial integrity and compliance with the law. With a firm like Royal Premier PAC, businesses can trust they are receiving accurate, reliable, and comprehensive auditing services tailored to their specific needs. From statutory audits to complex forensic investigations, a reputable audit firm ensures your business remains compliant and positioned for long-term success.
As you evaluate audit firms, consider their experience, reputation, and range of services to ensure you partner with a firm that aligns with your business goals. Whether you’re a small business or a multinational corporation, the right audit firm will play a pivotal role in your financial well-being.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
2.7 billion records leaked in massive US data breach
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/2-7-billion-records-leaked-in-massive-us-data-breach/
2.7 billion records leaked in massive US data breach
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A massive database containing over 2.7 billion records has reportedly ended up on a criminal forum. These records belong to individuals in the U.S. and were allegedly stolen from National Public Data (NPD). While the accuracy of the leaked data could not be verified, the hackers reportedly obtained sensitive information such as names, mailing addresses and Social Security numbers. The scale of this breach is so vast that if you live in the U.S., it’s likely that some of your data is included.GET SECURITY ALERTS, EXPERT TIPS – SIGN UP FOR KURT’S NEWSLETTER – THE CYBERGUY REPORT HEREBleeping Computer reported that the database was posted on the criminal forum Breachforums, where threat actors often post such leaks. What’s interesting is that the stolen database was up for free download. The user who posted it credited a hacker named “SXUL,” saying, “There’s a new player in town.” Usually, hackers sell leaked databases like this one for huge sums.The database has been stolen from NPD, which collects data from public sources to compile individual user profiles for people in the U.S. and other countries. NPD then sells this private data to all kinds of organizations, such as background check websites, investigators, app developers and data resellers.While the database has 2.7 billion records, it’s important to note that this doesn’t necessarily mean 2.7 billion people were impacted. Many of these records are repetitive, and some are incorrect. Still, the breach affects a significant number of people in the States.This isn’t the first time NPD data has ended up on criminal forums. Bleeping Computer noted that back in April, a hacker known as USDoD claimed to be selling 2.9 billion records with personal data from people in the U.S., U.K. and Canada, which was also stolen from NPD.WORLD’S LARGEST STOLEN PASSWORD DATABASE UPLOADED TO CRIMINAL FORUMNPD, owned by Jerico Pictures, is facing multiple lawsuits for not protecting people’s data. One lawsuit, filed by California resident Christopher Hofmann, says NPD was negligent and breached its fiduciary duties and a third-party contract.The plaintiff wants the court to order NPD to delete all the personal info it has collected and start encrypting data from now on. They’re also asking for more than just money, like having NPD set up data segmentation, run regular database scans, put in place a threat-management program and get a third party to check its cybersecurity every year for the next 10 years.We reached out to NPD for a comment but did not hear back before our deadline.MASSIVE DATA BREACH EXPOSES OVER 3 MILLION AMERICANS’ PERSONAL INFORMATION TO CYBERCRIMINALSHofmann learned about the data breach through his identity theft protection service, which detected his data in the leaked database. The service notified Hofmann, prompting him to take action and file a lawsuit. Data breaches happen every day, and most never make the headlines, but with an identity theft protection service, you’ll be notified if and when you are affected. See my tips and best picks on how to protect yourself from identity theft.In addition to opting for an identity theft protection service, you can follow these tips to protect yourself from data breaches.1) Remove your personal information from the internet: While no service can guarantee the complete removal of your data from the internet, a data removal service is really a smart choice. They aren’t cheap and neither is your privacy. These services do all the work for you by actively monitoring and systematically erasing your personal information from hundreds of websites. It’s what gives me peace of mind and has proven to be the most effective way to erase your personal data from the internet. By limiting the information available, you reduce the risk of scammers cross-referencing data from breaches with information they might find on the dark web, making it harder for them to target you. Check out my top picks for data removal services here.2) Be wary of mailbox communications: Bad actors may also try to scam you through snail mail. The data leak gives them access to your address. They may impersonate people or brands you know and use themes that require urgent attention, such as missed deliveries, account suspensions and security alerts.3) Be cautious of phishing attempts: Be vigilant about emails, phone calls or messages from unknown sources asking for personal information. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or providing sensitive details unless you can verify the legitimacy of the request.The best way to protect yourself from clicking malicious links that install malware is to have strong antivirus protection installed on all your devices. Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.4) Monitor your accounts: Breaches of this magnitude will make it a necessity for you to start routinely reviewing your bank accounts, credit card statements and other financial accounts for any unauthorized activity. If you notice any suspicious transactions, report them immediately to your bank or credit card company.HERE’S WHAT RUTHLESS HACKERS STOLE FROM 110 MILLION AT&T CUSTOMERSIf the database leak is legit, this is a big security fail on NPD’s part. Since their whole business is based on collecting and selling data, they should have strong encryption and security in place, especially if this isn’t the first time hackers have targeted them. If they’re putting people at risk, they should be held responsible and cover any financial losses people face because of the leak.How do you feel about companies that collect and sell data? Do you think they should be held accountable for breaches? … .
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allianettemie5 · 5 hours
Chilled: It took forever for the Hat to sort you... Is your head that big that it got lost in it?
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amymedbiller · 2 months
Opening the Secrets of Medical Billing Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Professionals
Unlocking the Secrets of Medical Billing Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Professionals
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is ​medical billing compliance. Ensuring compliance in⁤ medical billing is not​ only essential for maintaining a smooth ‍operation within a healthcare facility but also for avoiding costly penalties and legal‍ consequences. By understanding the intricacies of medical billing compliance, healthcare professionals can navigate⁢ this⁤ complex terrain with ⁣confidence and efficiency.
## Introduction to Medical Billing Compliance
Medical billing compliance refers to the adherence to​ rules, regulations, and guidelines set ⁣forth by government agencies, such as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act‍ (HIPAA), as well as private insurance companies. These regulations govern the submission of claims for healthcare services provided to patients and ⁣determine how healthcare providers are reimbursed for their services.
## ⁣Why Medical Billing Compliance Is Important
Ensuring compliance in⁢ medical billing is crucial for several reasons:
– Avoiding penalties⁢ and legal ‍consequences: Non-compliance with medical billing regulations can result in hefty fines, legal actions, and even exclusion from participating in federal healthcare ‌programs. – Protecting patient data: Compliance with HIPAA⁣ regulations ⁢ensures the protection of patients’ sensitive health information. – Ensuring accurate reimbursement: Proper adherence ​to medical ⁢billing​ guidelines ensures ​that healthcare providers receive timely ⁢and accurate payments for the services they provide.
## Key Components of Medical​ Billing Compliance
To⁣ achieve⁣ and maintain compliance in medical billing, healthcare professionals must pay close‍ attention to⁢ the following key‍ components:
1. ⁣Documentation: Accurate and detailed documentation⁤ of patient encounters is essential for⁣ submitting correct claims and justifying the medical necessity of services. 2. Coding:​ Proper coding of diagnoses and procedures is crucial‍ for accurate claim submissions and reimbursement. 3. Charging:⁤ Ensuring ⁤that charges are accurately captured and billed for all services provided to patients. 4.‍ Claims Submission: Timely submission ⁢of claims to payers according to their specific requirements. 5. Compliance Programs: Implementing⁢ compliance​ programs within healthcare facilities⁤ to monitor and ensure adherence to medical billing regulations.
## Benefits⁤ of Medical ‍Billing Compliance
Compliance with medical billing regulations‍ offers several benefits for⁤ healthcare professionals and organizations:
– Reduced risk of audits and penalties – Increased revenue through accurate reimbursement – ⁢Enhanced reputation and trust among patients and payers – Improved efficiency and workflow within healthcare facilities
## ⁣Practical Tips for ‌Ensuring Medical ⁤Billing Compliance
Here are⁤ some practical tips for healthcare professionals to enhance medical billing compliance:
– Stay updated on regulations: Regularly review updates from CMS, HIPAA, and other regulatory agencies to stay informed ⁤of changes. -⁢ Train staff: Provide ongoing training to staff members on proper documentation, coding, and billing practices. – Conduct audits: Regularly audit claims, coding ⁤practices, and documentation to identify and address potential compliance issues. – Implement technology: Utilize electronic health record (EHR) systems and practice management software to streamline billing processes ⁢and ensure accuracy.
## Case Study: The Impact of Non-Compliance
Consider the case of a healthcare‌ facility that failed to properly document and code patient encounters, resulting in multiple billing errors‍ and incorrect claims submissions. As a ‌result,⁢ the facility faced a ⁤CMS audit, hefty fines, and a tarnished ​reputation among patients and⁢ payers. By neglecting medical billing compliance, ‍the facility experienced significant financial and operational challenges that could have been avoided with proper adherence to regulations.
## Unlocking the Secrets of Medical Billing Compliance
medical billing‍ compliance is⁤ a critical ⁣aspect of healthcare operations that must not be underestimated. By understanding the key components of compliance, implementing best practices, and staying informed of regulatory changes, healthcare professionals can‌ unlock the​ secrets of medical billing⁤ compliance and safeguard their facilities against costly errors and penalties. Prioritizing compliance not only ensures accurate reimbursement and efficient operations but also upholds the highest standards of patient care and confidentiality.
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gnsaccountacy · 2 months
Risks of Non-Compliance -Payroll Laws and Regulations Impact
Maintaining payroll compliance can be challenging, especially with changing regulations across different states. Employers who fail to comply with payroll laws risk severe financial penalties, lost employee trust, and reputational damage. Here’s a closer look at the potential risks of non-compliance and how payroll experts like us can help you navigate these challenges.
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1. Misclassification of Workers
Proper classification is crucial to determine whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor. Misclassification can lead to underpayment of taxes, potential legal action, and penalties:
Example: In California, truck drivers who are paid per mile might not receive overtime or accurate wage statements if they are misclassified as contractors instead of employees.
Solution: Our payroll experts can guide you in applying the correct criteria for worker classification across different states, such as California, New York, New Jersey, and Indiana.
2. Inadequate Wage Statements
Wage statements missing critical information can result in significant penalties:
Example: In California, wage statements must include gross/net wages earned, total hours worked, and other information. Missing or indecipherable details can lead to Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims.
Solution: We help review and refine wage statements to ensure all legally required details are included, reducing your risk of PAGA claims or penalties.
3. Paid Leave Policies
Failing to provide accurate paid leave (e.g., sick days) is a significant compliance issue:
Example: California requires employers to provide five days or 40 hours of paid sick leave in 2024. New York and New Jersey have specific paid sick leave laws, while Indiana has unique rules around unpaid leave.
Solution: Our team monitors changes in paid leave laws and helps you implement appropriate policies, whether through frontloading or accrual methods.
4. Incorrect Tax Withholding
Changing federal and state tax withholding rates can result in incorrect withholdings and underpaid taxes:
Example: Federal withholding tables are updated annually, and states like New York and California have different requirements. New Jersey requires withholding adjustments for varying wage levels.
Solution: We use advanced payroll software to ensure accurate tax withholding based on the latest IRS and state regulations. We also offer consultations to refine your payroll setup.
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5. Overtime Miscalculations
Overtime rules vary across industries and states, making compliance tricky:
Example: In California, non-exempt employees working over eight hours a day or 40 hours a week must receive overtime pay. However, Indiana and New Jersey each have unique overtime laws.
Solution: Our experts evaluate your payroll processes to ensure that overtime is calculated correctly for all employees, regardless of state.
6. Record-Keeping Requirements
Failing to keep comprehensive payroll records can lead to compliance issues during audits:
Example: Employers in California must keep wage statements and deductions for three years, while Indiana requires maintaining pay stubs that detail hours worked and deductions.
Solution: We can help you create a robust record-keeping system that meets federal and state guidelines, ensuring you can easily navigate audits or employee claims.
Payroll compliance is complicated, but it’s essential to avoid costly penalties and legal disputes. Our firm specializes in providing tailored payroll solutions that keep you compliant with federal and state regulations across California, New York, New Jersey, Indiana, and beyond. We proactively monitor payroll accounts, inform you of changes, and refine payroll practices to safeguard your business in 2024 and beyond.
If you have any questions related to any of the issues we discussed above, contact us for a consultation.
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darkxmartcom · 8 months
Business Software
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Wellcome friends in this article I am covering The Best Business Software these three are the following of them 1. Bitrix, 2. Trello, 3. Proofhub then feel free to read this article and don't forget to press the follow button.
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for HR the board, online business, deals investigation, and other organizations' necessities.
We should examine a portion of our free elements. As a matter of some importance, Bitrix24 has a liberal free arrangement with thoroughly free CRM. You can have a limitless client base, naturally topping off from every single approaching contact. Interface Contact Center and get leads from different correspondence channels. Move your leads through all phases of the adjustable arrangement process. Utilize free email showcasing, and reach them using informal communities or communication. You might in fact fabricate a free site in Bitrix24 with web shapes and live visits. It'll have free facilitating and its own space name. After your client makes an arrangement with you, you can utilize coordinated installment frameworks, receipt, and statement them. What's more, they will remain in your client base for future promoting efforts and repeating bargains.
That is now a great deal, and we just momentarily made sense of what our business programming can do 'bleeding edge'. However, every business has behind the stage as well, where all enchantment occurs - inside correspondences, business processes, endorsements, projects, what should be done... Bitrix24 helps here as well. There are many apparatuses for inward coordinated effort, including visits, calls, and videoconferences, both private and gathering. Undertaking and venture the executives help actually watch cutoff times and finish things. In addition, your workers can take part. You can add outside clients with restricted admittance as well, similar to accomplices, consultants, and clients.
There are likewise record-the-board devices, online capacity (5 GB for nothing), representative administration, HR, time following, newsfeed with posts and surveys, and numerous different things you can investigate all alone. Bitrix24 offers a free preliminary for a cloud rendition with a 14-day preliminary of every exceptional element. An on-premise variant of our business programming accompanies open-source code access.
Essential highlights
Free limitless CRMIn-constructed Contact PlaceFree 25 HR devicesFree sellingFree email promotingFree charging programmingInternet business areaWeb designerSite gadgets, live visits, and web structuresIntranetFree portable and work area applicationsCloud or self-facilitatedProgramming interface and open-source code
Free deals programming
Client the boardLimitless client data set sizeEmail advertisingLimitless adjustable statements and solicitations.Adaptable access privilegesContact FocusOnline storeItem inventoryDeals announcing
Worker the board
Task time followingParticipation followingLeave endorsements of any kindNonappearance scheduleWorker indexOrganization OutlineWork reportsExecution assessment
Record and document the board
Free 5 GB online capacityDisconnected and online drivePrivate and shared archive drivesPrivate and shared report accessAdaptable access freedomsRealtime multiuser alteringHistory of changesReuse receptacle (reestablish erased records)
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An efficiency force to be reckoned with
Basic, adaptable, and strong. Everything necessary is sheets, records, and cards to get an unmistakable perspective on who's doing what and the main priority.
Trello sheets keep assignments coordinated and work pushing ahead. In a look, see everything from "What should be done" to "Aww no doubt, we did it!"
The various phases of an undertaking. Begin as basic as To Do, Doing or Done — or fabricate a work process exceptionally fit to your group's requirements. There's no incorrect way to Trello.
Cards address errands and thoughts and hold all the data to take care of business. As you gain ground, get cards across records to show their status.
HIT Cutoff times Without fail
From week-by-week runs to yearly preparation, the Timetable view keeps all assignments on target. Immediately get a brief look at what's descending the pipeline and distinguish any holes that could obstruct your group's advancement.
Keep steady over Errands
Begin every day with next to no curve balls. Whether booking a publication schedule or keeping steady over tasks, the Schedule view resembles a precious stone ball providing you with an unmistakable vision of what work lies ahead.
Trello's natural elements empower any group to set up and modify work processes for pretty much anything rapidly.
Interface the applications your group now utilizes into your Trello work process or add an Enhancer to calibrate your particular necessities.
Steward Mechanization
No-code mechanization is incorporated into each Trello board. Center around the work that makes the biggest difference and let the robots wrap up.
Trello Undertaking
The efficiency apparatus groups love, matched with the highlights and security required for scale.
Proof Hub
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ProofHub is an across-the-board business that executives program that assists organizations with overseeing work such that everything can be kept coordinated in one spot. A focal stage permits groups to figure out the messiness and envision their regular undertakings consistently.
The product depends on incorporating all of your venture necessities for basic access. ProofHub kills the requirement for a few applications to share refreshes, team up, or oversee tasks; all should be possible in one spot.
You can allocate errands to your colleagues, keep tabs on their development as they do them, and ping them for refreshes at whatever point you really want them. You can undoubtedly design out the remainder of the week and make meeting notes. It permits you to convey wishes to everybody by allowing you to make extensive declarations. Colleagues might associate with one another in a split second utilizing individual or gathering visits.
In the wake of supporting the last changes by the expectations, chiefs and their subordinates can undoubtedly check exercises from "doing" to "done." ProofHub likewise permits you to oversee and share documents. You could ping the client with an advancement report, guaranteeing that your work is all finished on time and in one spot.
ProofHub offers an assortment of efficiency elements to assist organizations of all sizes with further developing undertaking results.
Here are all of the remarkable ProofHub highlights you might want to find in your business the board application.
Task The board
The errand board part of ProofHub is liable for the creation, the executives, and the following of undertakings in a venture. Undertakings for the whole group can be arranged and promptly set down in a visual-accommodating Kanban design and Gantt outlines.
The Table view in ProofHub coordinates each of your errands like a dynamic Succeed bookkeeping sheet. It's very valuable for somebody who has gone through their whole working time on earth working with tables since it's jam-loaded with section capabilities. You can likewise alter the undertaking view according to your special requirements utilizing custom fields. The schedule view lets you see the assignments you've been all apportioned consistently, so you're generally mindful of when you want to circle back to significant tasks.
ProofHub has an assortment of another valuable errands on the executive's devices as well, similar to an undertaking cutoff time, moment task notices (in-application and by email), and assignment work processes, which make work for the board more straightforward.
Coordinated effort
Whether on-reason or remote, ProofHub unites your group with dynamic coordinated effort highlights. The conversations in ProofHub assist you in constantly conversing with your colleagues and isolating them based on specific subjects.
You can likewise associate with your colleagues rapidly utilizing ProofHub's inbuilt talk include (both individual and gathering).
The notes segment in ProofHub permits you to rapidly write down significant data in a single spot, partition your notes into various segments called 'scratch pad' and offer them to your colleagues.
With the utilization of markup devices and explained in-record remarks, the sealing apparatus permits you to give definite criticism. Your partners can see each other's remarks, make changes depending on the situation, and submit new adaptations for endorsement.
Using time effectively
ProofHub monitors your group's time-spending designs, which assists you with staying on top of your timetable. By utilizing time logging, checking, and revealing innovations, you might lay out time responsibility.
ProofHub's clock is a mechanized time-logging apparatus that monitors how long you spend on every movement. You can undoubtedly begin the Clock when you start the undertaking and stop it when you're finished.
Timesheets in ProofHub are like accounting sheets for showing the time logged by your group. You can see clean reports on how your group is investing energy, what errands are investing the most time, and the number of billable hours they have consumed.
Document the board
ProofHub is a fantastic document stockpiling arrangement that keenly oversees record duplicates, forming, and arranging in one helpful area. It has a well-organized record framework and 100 GB (expandable) of document extra room for all of your undertaking documents.
ProofHub permits you to transfer all of your undertaking records and classify them into explicit envelopes. You can likewise append records to correspondence modules like group Visit, Conversations, and Errands, and your connections will be all advantageously available in the Documents area.
You can likewise make various variants of similar records under the segment of the document, each with its own rendition history. Transfer new forms, return to a more established adaptation, and offer the last word with no sweat.
Progress Following
Entrepreneurs need to understand what their group is doing consistently without obsessively fussing over or intruding. ProofHub permits you to flawlessly monitor your group's regular exercises and progress.
Project reports in ProofHub assist you with getting a nitty gritty perspective on how your undertaking is advancing. You'll be aware if a colleague needs a little push or on the other hand.
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leftluminarytragedy · 8 months
How to Start Writing a Diary in 10 Steps
You can express your emotions, write down dreams or ideas, and reflect on your daily life in a secure, private setting by keeping a journal. There is no one set method for keeping a diary, but there are certain simple techniques you may use to make the most of your writing. Using starters like motivational quotations can help you start fresh entries if you’re stuck for ideas. Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions about anything—from job to school and everything in between, can be kept private in a diary.
1- Start Diary Writing by Following 10 Steps
How to start writing a diary? What are the things to write in a diary? There is no correct or incorrect approach or things to write in a diary. Everything comes down to personal liking and what works for you. However, I hope the following advice and tips on How to start writing a diary will help you get started.
2- Choose the type of diary that you desire.
A good diary will motivate you to write every day, so it is important to choose it wisely. You don’t have to limit yourself to maintaining a diary on paper; there are many different solutions available. You can utilize a private, password-protected website or blog in addition to keeping a traditional paper diary. You may also just use a computer document.
Paper notebooks allow you complete control and privacy, but without making copies, you won’t have a backup alternative. Remember that anything you keep online can be hacked, so even if your online journal is password-protected or secret, there’s still a chance someone could access it.
3-Ask yourself- WHY?
Before finding the answer to ‘How to start writing a diary?’, you must be clear with ‘why.’ Why do you want to keep a diary, you could ask yourself? – The importance of diary writing. Understanding why you want to keep a journal is the first step at the beginning of writing one. Maybe you want to start a new task, or maybe you just need a way to put your ideas down on paper. In either case, knowing why you want to keep a diary will help you choose the kind that’s best for you.
4- Things to write in a diary-
A regular diary- about routine tasks that you do
A food diary – about various food items (if you are foody)
A business idea diary – if you get business ideas and love to gather them somewhere
A creative writing diary- if you want to write your poems, articles, etc
A Travel diary – if you like to keep a record of places you travel.
It’s critical to keep in mind that journals are designed to be personal and private. This is a fantastic way to keep track of your daily thoughts and experiences. Journals can also be used to keep track of past objectives or goals that you have made. Blogging is a fantastic additional alternative to journaling. Through their own personal blogs, people from all over the world may communicate with one another and share thoughts and experiences.
Establish a schedule.
Set aside a particular time each day to write if you want to be sure you do it. Perhaps you prefer to write about the previous day first thing in the morning, or perhaps keeping a diary helps you decompress. It is more crucial to write every day than it is to write when. You can use your smartphone or your watch to set a reminder to write every day at the same time to ensure that you keep to your writing schedule.
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