tak466 · 8 hours
current fan creation landscape is kinda like if you went to a party with a homemade cake and everyone takes a slice and silently thumbs up at you with no attempt to start a conversation except for occasionally some guy sits in the corner with a tape recorder critiquing the cake as though he was a restaurant critic and another guy is handing the cake to an uber driver like "yeah i need you to find a restaurant that makes cake like this so i can have more of it" and the only person that's talked to you in 30 minutes is a very sweet little guy who was like "hey i liked your cake" and then ran away apologizing for bothering you the moment you said thank you.
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tak466 · 2 days
Ze: So, it’s Tuesday… 5:30
Ze: What are you wearing?
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tak466 · 4 days
Part 2 of 2 of the ZeLarryChaos workplace affair saga - fanfic writers, get your keyboards ready!
Ze: Can you please shut up? I’m trying to work over here!
Chilled: Okay….
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tak466 · 4 days
2 genres of fanfiction:
1) put that guy into situations
2) take that guy OUT of situations for the love of GOD let them REST 
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tak466 · 5 days
Okay, so, with your particular problem, I think the answer involves writing up to that point and rereading what you've written. Sometimes the way forward can be found in what you've already done, if you know what you're looking for. Sometimes it's a line that you've written that doesn't gel with the rest of the fic that makes you think about it.
For example, I'm writing a bit of a side story to Lovin' With Larry that focuses on Speedy, and I kept getting stuck on what to do with Sidearms. I looked back at my writing and found that I kept mentioning him being skittish about going to Shub's for some reason, and that led my brain to go, "Okay, why are we doing this? He has no reason for it." And that led to a scene in my brain that's now going to be the basis for his arc in the story, as well as a huge way forward for the story in general.
Sometimes your best friend is going back over your work and saying, "Okay, this is sticking out a lot. What's going on there?"
Is there anyone that I can ask questions about/bounce ideas off for fan fiction writing? My brain has so many ideas but they all sort of stop at a part and I need some help (baby’s first fic I guess)
Or do you guys have any general tips for writing fics? Anything is helpful!
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tak466 · 6 days
What in the fanfiction - Chilled admits to having an affair with Larry, thus cheating on his decade long relationship with Ze.
Cris’ note: This is part 1 of 2, because this is a story let me tell you :O
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tak466 · 7 days
Women can write m/m. Men can write f/f. Asexuals can write filthy smut. Lesbians and gay men can write m/f. It's all arbitrary anyway. Who give a shit.
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tak466 · 7 days
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tak466 · 8 days
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funny man betrays friends in space. more at 10.
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tak466 · 8 days
Been loving all the “Hey PR2!” questions lately, so I guess I’ll throw my hat in the ring:
Hey PR2, which member of PR1 do you feel you are most like, personality-wise?
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tak466 · 9 days
Hey, PR2, I'm curious. Have you ever had a dream involving any of the PR1 people?
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tak466 · 11 days
Got a couple suggestions based on nothing but vibes.
Chilled - hamster
Ze - wolf
Jeremy - bull
Kat - cat
Junk - rhino
Side - octopus
Speedy - ostrich
Kara - bird
Tay - dog
Cheesy - mouse
Matt - frog
Tom - duck
Idk These are the ones I think about based on the general shape of the villagers (if that makes sense).
PR2, what animal crossing animals would PR1 members be?
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tak466 · 11 days
Posted now.
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I sometimes like to make fun of myself as I'm writing. It helps with the process.
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tak466 · 12 days
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I sometimes like to make fun of myself as I'm writing. It helps with the process.
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tak466 · 13 days
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Idk this was funnier in my head
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tak466 · 14 days
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Doodles of the youtuber Chilled Chaos
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tak466 · 15 days
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Surely not twice… right?
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