#incorrect holostars quotes
incorrectholostars · 6 months
Jurard: Do you wanna see how hardcore I am?
Jurard: *Punches the wall*
Jurard: Take me to a hospital
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 2 months
Bettel: Lesbian rights? I will say that. You see, uh, back in high school when I didn't have a huge ego, a lesbian referred to me as "actually pretty funny."
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
Vesper, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?!
Baelz, standing in front of Vesper: [bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen]
Vesper, crying: Please...stop...
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helshollowhalls · 2 years
Yagoo: So how are all of you doin-
Holotempus: *all crammed into room 2 with a bunk bed, a coffin and a dog kennel*
Yagoo: What the- Why are you all in room 2? There are like 3 other rooms completely empty!
Magni: Room 4 is haunted
Vesper: I actually spend most of my time under the floorboards in the hallway and only come in here to sleep occasionally
Regis: Axel is usually passed out in his dog bed in the living room
Yagoo: Okay... *slowly walks out of the house backwards, closes the door and never returns*
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 4 months
Bettel: Everybody out of the goddamn way! I've got a hat full of bomb, a fist full of penis and a head full of empty!
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 9 months
Bettel: Th- this is art here. I'm doing it right now. This is performance art. You guys don't understand? This - this is a living painting that you're seeing.
Bettel: Michelangelo, Leonardo, da Vinci, they're all dead. I REMAIN! You understand? I remain, as a performance artist!
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 10 months
Axel: Four-leaf clover! Make a wish.
Selen: Wish you weren't so fuckin' awkward, bud.
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 3 months
Bettel: Oh my god, Axel? Can you come here for a minute?
Axel: Oh no, Axelotl, what did you do to your gills?
Axelotl: (with a few gills missing) I found scissors!
Axel: Give me those! (takes scissors) These are NOT toys!
Bettel: Axelotl, where's your buddy?
(door opens to reveal a smaller Axelotl with several limbs cut off, all smiles)
Bettel: Oh my god...
Axel: It's fine, it's just his arms! And a leg. They'll grow back!
Bettel: But we're taking pictures tomorrow!
Axel: No problem! We'll just... uhh... (cuts off remaining leg) There. Now they're evened off.
(Bettel facepalms as the first Axelotl applauds)
Axelotl: Mazel tov!
Axel: That's his foot, big guy.
(Source: Natural Habitat Shorts)
(Fun fact: Axolotls are able to regrow their limbs, tail, gills, brain, and heart in just a few weeks!)
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[Scene: A half-asleep Altare stumbles into the guild hall kitchen to get a glass of water and sees Vesper and Magni huddled over a phone, watching something and intensely whispering to each other. He moves closer to listen.]
Magni, hissing: Are you crazy? They have a single female servicing a large group of males. That implies an egg-laying species!
Vesper, arguing back: How stupid can you get? I’ve told you that they’re mammals!
Magni, no longer whispering and on the verge of yelling: Then how the fuck do they have such a large number of individuals? They’re clearly reptiles!
Vesper, actively yelling: For God’s sake, Dezmond! Papa Smurf has a beard! Of course they’re mammals!
Altare: *immediately swivels on his heel to go back to bed*
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
Hakka: Uh… Bettel, what are you doing?
Bettel: gonna challenge Polka-senpai to a duel. gonna call it clown on clown violence.
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
Vesper, near tears: Please, Baelz-senpai, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
Vesper, DM-ing a game of Dungeons & Dragons: The tension is palpable.
Magni: I palp the tension.
Vesper: Fuck you.
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
Axel: (playing the sims)
Noir: Are you having fun?
Regis: Yeah, did you make us? That would be so cute!
Axel: (turns laptop to show a house on fire and several sims trapped in a pool)
Magni: …so you’re definitely having fun, then.
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
Magni: Listen, smile, agree.
Magni: And then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.
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[Scenario: Team Snakebite playing Apex Legends]
Altare: You know, I could’ve taken that guy out if I’d hit him just a few more times.
Selen: A few more times? How about one time?!
Altare: Well, I think I landed at least two or three shots.
Selen: Yeah, right.
Altare: You didn’t hit anything but the wall.
Axel: How would you know? You were running straight backwards.
Altare: This is a long-range weapon, okay? I need distance to use it effectively.
Axel: Where were you planning on shooting him from, the moon? If you’d have backed up any further you’d have had to mail him the bullets!
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
Ollie: I wish I had the ability to make boys really nervous
Anya: Holding a really sharp knife to their neck usually does the trick for me
Astel: As a boy, I can confirm this makes me really nervous.
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