#including St. Dymphna and St Thomas More and St. Damian of Molokai
hi Monica my darling, happiest of Sundays to you!!! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– so my question is-- did you have any saints when you were growing up that you were like lowkey obsessed with?? favorite saints to me are like a person's chosen family so I LOVE hearing about them!!
Eden!!! First let me give you all the hearts wrapped up in this one heart: ๐Ÿ’œ
Second: I love this question! The short answer is very many :) see my family had collected tons of saint books, and there was one MASSIVE book called Secular Saints and I read that so many times over...
Anyway, particular favorite saints from my childhood include:
1. St. Rita, because yes I read a book about her, and I was fascinated by the miraculous thorn wound in her head and all the stories and miracles associated with it (also she was the Saint of the Impossible and I figured, hey that sounds like a good saint to pray to for anything hard)
2. St. John the Apostle, because i was struck by the idea of him as the Beloved Disciple, and how he laid his head on Jesus at the Last Supper, and how tho he ran away at first he did come back and then stood supporting Mary at the foot of the Cross, and received her as Mother for all our sakes. Also he was the only one who did not die early because of martyrdom, which struck a sad chord in my heart. I was mildly disappointed when my youngest brother was named for John the Baptist and not John the Apostle, but I got over that :)
3. I have always always always loved the angels, but particularly my guardian angel and St. Michael (and as I got older St. Raphael). St. Michael as the first being to plant his banner on God's side and to loudly proclaim his allegiance was inspirational and thrilling to me! I still try to pray the St. Michael prayer frequently, especially since two of my brothers are police officers and need protection and guidance from their patron.
4. St. Monica naturally :) the one who wept and prayed unceasingly until her beloved son found his way home, to God...I mean unite her with Saint Rita and you have two saints who will storm heaven for you and with you. One time a friend brought me her holy card from Italy and it made my life!
5. St. Kateri. She was blessed when I first knew her, but I was drawn to her and I tried to take her name for confirmation, but the priest said I needed to choose a canonized saint. Fast forward some 10 years and, without knowing or thinking about this, my brother and sister-in-law named their first daughter Kateri, and I am her godmother :)
6. St. Cecilia--remember how I said I loved angels? Well Cecilia could see her angel, and I just thought that was so special and I may have wanted that for myself <3 also Cecilia was amazing, a patroness of music, singing through an execution attempt and then living tHREE days after being partially decapitated. Also she converted her husband and his brother (I did tend to love saints who brought their loved ones to God, I see that now) (a secret: Cecilia is my actual confirmation saint :)
There are other saints but I shall stop now! Please come and talk to me about saints whenever you want!
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