#in which i verbally abuse charlie
campbell-rose · 7 months
V's Redesign - 3/3
Ugh Idk why Valentino took me so long but here he is, worst boy! I can't decide which color looks better so I made three versions.
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His teeth should be gold in all pics, but I straight up forgot to go back and fix it, didn't realize until rn lol
I hate his accent in this show, like it's so inconsistent if i had my way his VA would be able to do a good italian accent.
Anyway, I've changed his demeanor. He's supposed to be a serious threat that abuses and assaults Angel Dust and in his first scene he's throwing a temper tantrum and being coddled like a toddler. In my rewrite he's more collected on the surface, but his temper does flare. But it will be more like when he's telling Angel to get Charlie out of his studio and beating him - that scene was well done (haven't watched Hazbin in a bit, might need to rewatch it, so it was good from what i can remember). He's like that when he's angry.
He's actually charming when he's being flirty
And i have nothing more to say. Which is odd, seeing as he's a major antagonist and I had a lot more to say about Velvette
Probably because with Velvette I was working with next to nothing.
Speaking of Velvette, and Vox by proxy, I think all three of the Vs need to be on the same level of god awful. Valentino sticks out compared to the other two. So, my changes for that - Velvette is a manipulative and verbally abusive person who puts down her models constantly and demands they hurt themselves to attain the perfect figure. Vox is like if Dr. Phil and Jeremy Kyle had a trash tv host hellspawn baby, he exploits those in need, lies about and abuses them for entertainment, and feels no remorse when his guests inevitably do something drastic. I want all three of them to be horrible people that thrive in how awful they are and enjoy hurting others.
Anyway, bye bye <3
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zzypher · 3 months
A Comprehensive Analysis of "NoseGate" - An Essay by Ivy Lynnwood
Workplace harassment - it is just one of the many rampant, yet little discussed issues that plague the American workplace. According to the article, "Workplace Harassment Statistics in 2023," "20% of American workers have been victims of workplace bullying (up from 14% in 2022)." Workplace harassment can come in a variety of forms including, "...verbal abuse, offensive conduct or behaviors, work sabotage, undermining work performance, and inappropriate use of power or authority (Setyan, 2023)." With workplace harassment being such a taboo topic, one would typically be hard-pressed to find examples of it in media... that is until stumbling upon the 2022 Adult Swim animated comedy, Smiling Friends. Season Two's eighth episode, "The Magical Red Jewel AKA Tyler Gets Fired," is a masterful depiction of workplace harassment, and it's various effects. Within the episode, protagonists Charlie Dompler and Allan Red hash out a past incident that had been haunting Charlie for a number of months. The following essay is not for the purpose of stating who is in the wrong, but rather to lay out what canonically happened in order for the reader to come to their own conclusions.
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Where it All Began
In Season Two's episode, "The Magical Red Jewel AKA Tyler Gets Fired," Allan and Charlie are tasked with the important job of babysitting Mr. Boss' 18 year old son, Jason. Later on, while watching Jason in Mr. Boss' office, Allan remarks, "You know, it's weird we don't really hang out one-on-one much, do we?" to which Charlie replies, "Yeah, yeah, it's definitely been awhile uhm... I don't know if you remember this or not, but the last time we hung out, like, you and I, you actually sucked on my nose, so..." Charlie's statement references a scene from the series' pilot episode, "Desmond's Big Day Out," in which Allan does, in fact, suck on Charlie's nose. However, is Charlie's framing of the incident truly accurate to what happened? A full analysis of the scene is needed in order to fully understand each character's actions and motivations.
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The above image is from a scene from the ending of, "Desmond's Big Day Out." This takes place after Allan remarks, "Yes, and I got my cheese back...nom," to which Charlie replies, "Aw, come here Allan, you crazy character," after pulling Allan into a friendly embrace and tracing his hand with his finger.
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Allan then proceeds to commit the very act that has haunted Charlie throughout Season One and Most of Season Two: nose sucking.
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Afterwards, Charlie can be seen pushing Allan away. The two then laugh together.
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Allan then tries to suck on Charlie's nose a second time, to which Charlie backs away.
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Charlie and Allan laugh it off a second time. Then Allan exclaims, "Nom," again, however this time, he does not try to lean in and suck Charlie's nose. It can be inferred that Allan had learned by that point that his actions were making Charlie uncomfortable, which is why he chose to stop.
It is important to note that Charlie was the one who placed his hands on the other first. We do not know if whether or not Allan was uncomfortable with Charlie touching him, as he does not say anything or make any gestures that can be interpreted as discomfort. Regardless, this could already be counted as misconduct, as it can be argued that he should not have touched Allan to begin with, especially within their workplace. Allan's act of sucking Charlie's nose in response will come off as confusing to most audiences. It could be seen as a form of Allan playfully reciprocating Charlie's initial gesture, as Allan is often depicted as an individual with many quirks. However, it is also important to consider that we do not know the full extent of critter culture and social customs. While Allan's nose sucking can be seen as friendly and playful, it could very well have been Allan expressing his distaste towards Charlie's actions, or some other unknown emotion. Overall, Allan's true intentions behind sucking Charlie's nose are unknown, however it is obvious that Charlie was uncomfortable with that, but this should not disqualify the fact that Charlie touched Allan first.
Present Day
Nearly two entire seasons later in, "The Magical Red Jewel AKA Tyler Gets Fired," the aforementioned event of Allan sucking Charlie's nose is brought up again. Charlie claims that it was necessary to, "...hash it out..." so they, "...can hang out more..."
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Allan, upon being confronted by Charlie for his actions, replies in a shocked tone, "What? I don't remember doing that." Whether or not Allan was telling the truth in this statement is unknown, however, evidence suggests that this may very well be the truth. In "Desmond's Big Day Out," before the encounter between the two, Allan was attacked and crucified by an army of bliblies, which had infested the Smiling Friends office.
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According to an article by Harbor Psychiatry and Mental Health, "Traumatic experiences can have a profound effect on memory function, often leading to memory loss as a coping mechanism...This impairment can stem from physical or emotional trauma, with memory loss serving as the brain's way of processing and managing the experience (Harbor Mental Health, 2023)." The physical and emotional damage that Allan suffered from that day was certainly enough to result in memory loss, especially in terms of a short-lived interaction that took place not too long after the main event. For Charlie, that day was rather normal, considering that he mainly spent his day out of the office doing his job, so he is much more likely to remember such an interaction.
Despite Allan's lack of memory of the initial interaction, he is clearly distraught by what he had done in the past.
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It is clear in his facial expressions (see above image), body language, and tone of voice that he clearly regrets his actions and the distress that he has caused Charlie. After Charlie explains what had happened, that fateful day, Allan responds with, "Sure, I- I honestly don't remember doing that but- well, yeah, if I did, I'm sorry. I just don't remember doing that but it sounded like it really bothered you." An interesting thing to note is how, during Allan's attempt at an apology, Charlie interrupts him to remark that the incident had happened "recently," however, the event had taken place before both Halloween episodes, suggesting that well over a year had passed in-universe. Whether or not this is a case of Charlie misremembering the incident, or just being so distraught by it that it felt more recent that it truly was is up to interpretation.
So Charlie finally admits his feelings about the incident and Allan gives a decent apology in return. The logical next step would be to just move on and allow time to heal any remaining wounds, right? Unless...
Present Day Part Two: The (Temporary) Death of Jason
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During Charlie and Allan's confrontation, Jason suddenly screams, then dies immediately afterwards.
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Charlie begins to search Mr. Boss' desk for anything that might help, then momentarily gets distracted by Mr. Boss' manifesto. Allan tries to calm Charlie down and says, "Charlie, there is nothing we can do." Charlie, undeterred, attempts to perform CPR on Jason (in an incorrect fashion). Charlie accepts defeat, and Allan replies, "Yeah, I already told you that."
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Later on, Charlie and Allan try to get Glep to pretend to be Jason for the rest of his life in order to avoid the inevitable consequences. Glep eventually becomes fed up with the situation and leaves. Allan says, sarcastically, "Great idea, Charlie," to which Charlie responds, "At least I'm trying to think of stuff, man!"
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Allan argues, "Well, maybe if you weren't talking my damn ear off we would have noticed something was wrong with him in the first place!"
Allan's argument begs an important question: would they have even noticed something was wrong with Jason had they not been arguing previously? Mr. Boss states at the beginning of that episode that Jason is "super low maintenance," and that if he were to need something, he would let them know. In the scenes following up to his death, Jason doesn't give any sort of major signal that something was wrong. He simply sat there, as he typically does. Jason dies immediately after screaming, so there was no time for Charlie and Allan to help him. It could be argued that Charlie did technically try to help Jason, however this was after he died. Allan recognized that Jason was dead and did nothing because there is simply nothing that could have been done.
Back to the argument, Charlie exclaims, "Woah, woah, this is not my fault, dude. You were the one that was on the phone the whole time and you were not paying any attention at any point!"
While Allan was on his phone previously, he was technically paying at least some attention to Jason, as he says early on, "Is it supposed to be doing that?" in response to Jason breathing noisily. Charlie responds to this with, "Yeah, that's like his whole shtick." It should be noted that Jason does not make this heavy breathing sound in any of his other appearances, which means that this could very well have been a sign, albeit a very subtle one, that something was wrong. Allan was the one to question this behavior, and Charlie thought nothing of it. It should also be noted that Charlie shifts all of the blame onto Allan, suggesting that Jason died because he wasn't paying any attention. But what was Charlie doing at that time? Wasn't he also not paying attention? Why doesn't he take any responsibility, considering that he agreed to help watch Jason?
Allan goes on to argue, "Fuck you, I was checking work emails, you yellow son of a bitch!" with this insult implying racism. This is not the first time Allan has engaged in such behavior, as is shown in the episode, "A Allan Adventure," in which he calls Armzo, a critter with several arms, "spider." Whether or not Allan truly feels this way about other critters is unknown, as he very well could have just been frustrated. However, one could argue that in these modern times, there really is no good reason to insult someone based on race or appearance, and that Allan's insults were just terribly "low hanging fruit."
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Onto the physical portions of the altercation! Allan and Charlie begin arguing back and forth over who killed Jason. Allan is the first to make things physical, by slapping Charlie's hand. Charlie understandingly responds by slapping him back in a similar fashion.
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After various kicks and punches from both sides, Allan once again reaches for low hanging fruit and punches Charlie in the nose, a spot that he had previously established as a place he would rather not have touched.
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Charlie responds to this by attempting to choke Allan. While Charlie seemingly won the (physical) fight in the end, it can be argued that his win was not a fair one. While Allan did punch Charlie's nose, he did not try to full on kill him. However, it is also unclear if Charlie's true intent was to ultimately choke Allan to death, or to simply give him the illusion that he was going to do so.
The Verdict
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Allan and Charlie would ultimately end up confessing that Jason died while in their care, and then embrace each other once he was revived by the magical red jewel. At this point, it is safe to say that they have put aside their differences for the common good of Jason, and perhaps have even made up (though it remains unclear if there was any forgiveness on either side). However, there is a fairly good chance that none of these events would have had to happen had Charlie and Allan been educated on proper workplace conduct. It is truly horrifying how such a small gesture can ultimately progress into such catastrophic, and even fatal, events. The story of Charlie and Allan proves that workplace harassment is no laughing matter, and that we as a society need to improve upon how we conduct ourselves in public environments, as well as work towards establishing rules that can help to keep ourselves and others safe. So next time you find yourself thinking about sucking your coworker's nose, remember Charlie and Allan, and think twice about your potential actions.
Setyan Law - Workplace Harassment Statistics in 2023
Harbor Mental Health - Does Trauma Cause Memory Loss?
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the-great-fusilli · 4 months
Courage the Cowardly Dog
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“Dogs are EVIL”
I will never shut up about how Courage the cowardly dog gave the kids a full episode of a “Bisexual x Man-hating Lesbian” trope.
We meet Kitty at the start of the episode when she beats the living hell out of Courage saying “Dogs are evil.” Her “best friend” Bunny, is in an abusive relationship with a dog. Which is why Kitty beats courage. She says the dog Bunny is dating “treats her like a slave.” The entire morning Kitty is trying to get her lick back at Courage because of what she witnessed happen to Bunny.
Kitty wears a mask, and makes Ustace and Muriel uncomfortable because she can’t eat the food or drinks they give her. After they ask why she wears it, she says it’s because she “simply doesn’t wish to face reality.” When Muriel and Ustace tell Kitty she HAS to face reality, she exposes them for the realities they refuse to face. She does this to show everyone is “hiding” a part of themselves, and no one should be able to criticize her for what she’s choosing to hide. This reminds me of the whole topic of “coming out.” Why is it that queer people have to tell the entire world what they like or who they are just so everyone else will be more comfortable? I’d Imagine this is exactly how Kitty felt during that conversation.
Courage takes a stuffed mouse that Kitty has with her while she’s asleep in the attic, locks her in, locks Muriel and Ustace in their room, and drives away to a dinner. When he gets there he realized the mouse says “To Kitty, From Bunny.” He then meets a rat working at the dinner named Charlie. Charlie tells him that “Bunny’s in a bad way without Kitty,” he goes on to say that Kitty and Bunny were the sweetest girls he knew, but Bunny’s boyfriend “Mad Dog” thought they were too “friendly like.”
We later see Mad Dog verbally abusing Bunny saying Bunny is acting as if she doesn’t love him anymore, and that it must be because she’s thinking about Kitty. He talks to Bunny as if he made her everythings he is and even makes her cry after saying “If I even smell Kitty I’ll burry the two of you.” While crying in his arms Bunny takes opportunity to connect his collar to a light hanging on the wall so she can run away. She grabs her bag, but gets caught at the door by other dogs.
Courage is outside of a window watching all of this go down. His sole reason for even being there is because he’s afraid of Kitty. He thinks if he doesn’t return with her mouse, that Bunny gave her AND Bunny herself that Kitty is going to kill him, Ustace and Muriel.
Eventually Kitty jumps out the window, after going crazy from being locked in the attic without the only thing she has left of Bunny (which she realized Courage has stolen.) While this is happening Bunny finally escapes with Courage. While running away Mad Dog finds the two of them, there is a chase scene, and Courage ends up driving Mad Dog’s car into a moving train (with Mad Dog still inside.) Bunny thanks him for saving her life, and coincidentally Kitty is on that same train that just hit Mad Dog. Bunny hears her and Jumps aboard telling Kitty “THAT DOG HE SAVED MY LIFE !” to which Kitty replies “I was wrong, not all dogs are bad.” She thanks courage from the train and hugs Bunny while saying “Now we can be best friends forever.”
The reason i typed out the plot of this episode was because: 1. HAPPY PRIDE, and because 2. the symbolism in the show in my personal opinion was done so well. I didn’t get it as a kid, even though I was happy to see Bunny and Kitty go away together, but now that episode means so much to me.
The “man-hating lesbian” stereotype only exists because so many women have been wronged tremendously, countless times by men. Whether it be before or after discovering their sexuality. The problem is never that women love other women, it’s that most men do not respect women. Not only did this episode show why so many women (lesbian or not) hate men, but it also showed that there are brave men out there with the courage to stand up to the shitty ones abusing women. By the end of the episode Kitty is no longer wearing her mask, but she never made a huge announcement to anyone that she would be taking it off she just did before running away to go find Bunny. What i loved THE MOST was that upon having that “not all dogs are bad” realization, Kitty and Bunny still ended up together because they were always meant to.
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jebs-outerspace · 24 days
The Devils Lapdogs Intro Post
(Hi! This blog is dedicated to my Oc project, The devils lapdogs, which you can read here. This is an RP blog, an ask blog, and also a blog to post content about said Oc project. This is my first time making a blog like this but it’s for fun so I’m not too worried about "messing up")
🎤- GREETINGS FELLOW SINNERS! I hope we’re all having such a lovely night, day, noon, dawn, dusk, and evening. I know I am. Well anyway, before I divulge into this whole shabang let’s lay some ground rules, shall we?
-A Proshipper/Darkshipper
-You are less than 16 years of age
-You are Xenophobic, Transphobic, Homophobic, Racist, Antisemetic, or Ableist
If we discover that you are interacting with this blog you will be hard blocked. It’s a matter of safety and comfort, not just for us but for you as well!
Well now that that is over with let’s work on the next part, the most important part ^_^!
This story contains many heavy and dark topics that readers may find disturbing and triggering. I am warning you now of this, I am no longer responsible for your reactions to these topics once I list these off. Below is a list of content warnings and triggers, READ THESE CAREFULLY AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Though I don’t intend for this blog to be nearly as serious as the story and it’s mainly for a laugh, I do want people to know what they’re getting into story wise.
This concludes the forewarnings, thank you for reading ^_^
🎤-Wow, what a mouthful. Anyways, hope you did your reading! Shall we get into introductions? Or perhaps the plot! Oohoo I have always been known to be very indecisive!!
Ahhh, well, I suppose I’ll just show off the gang all at once!
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The cast’s dialogue marks!
🎤-The Devil
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
Hey guys today I am writing a better scene than Vivziepop!
This is for a sort of rewrite thing I’m doing so a little bit of context, this is set mid-season after episode 4 (which I have also changed) and for the stuff with Angel’s leg at the start, he sprained it a few weeks ago and is still dealing with that. There was also all this as a bit of a prologue to this writing so read if you’d like. Warning for more threats and verbal abuse
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This writing is a scene that includes abuse from Valentino in a way that doesn’t fetishize his actions with a weird music video or write him off to be funny when he’s off doing something else. I want to write him threatening, manipulative, and aggressive. So again warnings for verbal and physical abuse as well as manipulation and a bit of gore. I also wanted to tackle how Charlie behaves because in the show she is terrible at helping for some reason.
Hopefully this is a not awful read, but I’ve been wanting to get some of my rewrite stuff out really bad. Also I love getting feedback please lmk if you have anything to say about my stuff
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luckycloverforducks · 6 months
Tell me more about velvette and baggies relationship in the swap au
I wanna see all the different and toxicity in it, and how charlie would react to it and all that
*Not sure eif I sent a similar ask to this or not- if I did sorry)
And dw you did not my ask box is. Empty
Their relationship is vaguely similar to I think, Mammon and Fizz?? Somewhat, I mean I've never watched Helluva but I've seen people talk about it, Vaggie feels indebted to Velvette for getting her to where she is right now yk with being a popular star, and Velvette is. Interesting
Velvette often switches back and forth between treating Vaggie like a bestie and just another demon working under her, and previously before Charlie came into the picture, sometimes like a girlfriend, which leaves Vaggie constantly confused
Velvette often overworks Vaggie to hell and back, but honestly she kinda? means well? A teensy bit, she doesn't want Vaggie to fall from popularity if she leaves the public eye for too long, and Vaggie does like performing/singing and the praise she often gets from it (even if she gets overwhelmed sometimes) so in a way she's trying to help her maintain the fame and praise that Vaggie often seemed to preen over, so in a fucked up way, in her eyes, she's trying to keep her happy and to keep up everything they both have worked hard for (Vaggie's career). She's also like, really into Vaggie but she gave up on that pursuit a bit ago, doesn't stop her from being petty and toxic about it tho
Vaggie is tired and confused, to say the least. She doesn't really know what Velvette actually thinks of her, if she values her in any way, or even care at all about her. Velvette tends to demean and sometimes verbally abuse Vaggie but the next day she tends to sort of make up for it, like she feels bad. In the early days, they were much closer, and Vaggie genuinely liked Velvette, and maybe had a little crush on her.
When Vaggie does good, Velvette showers her with praise, affection, and affirmation but is she slips up, she gets cold and mean, even a little shouty at times, and "honestly are you trying to embarrass me at this point?!" And Vaggie just stands there confused, ashamed, and a little pissed. Does she even see her as anything other than another asset for her brand? She can't tell. Sometimes it feels like she does, sometimes it doesn't. Vaggie is just so confused.
Velvette pushes her so much because she knows she can do better, but she constantly fails to take account Vaggie's limits, boundaries, and feelings, especially since Vaggie tends to mask her true feelings alot, keeping them all inside until they burst under the smallest addition of pressure, which makes her lash out at Velvette when Velvette didn't really deserve it at the moment, which makes Velvette think she's being unfair.
Vaggie feels that Vel is capable of being a better person, she just doesn't see that she's not one already, or that she needs to (or maybe she's just not worth it in her eyes?)
But neither hate the other, not really. Vaggie would like to, but she can't quite get there, while Velvette wouldn't even dream of genuinely hating Vaggie.
It's complicated, they're both fond of each other but also have a certain animosity between each other, esp Vaggie (rightfully so)
They are honestly both flaming messes, Velvette being the worst one of the two and also a part of the reason why Vaggie is a flaming mess aswell-
In short :Vel is a bad boss and a conflicting 'friend', and Vaggie is struggling through it
And Abt what Charlie thinks? She sincerely hopes Velvette explodes, she would do it herself but Vaggie still has an attachment to her (which Charlie sincerely hopes she'd lose, Vel isn't good for her, or much of anyone) so for now she just lets her be, but they always argue w/ each other (Vaggie just sigh tiredly in the background)
Hope this satisfies you, I have alot of thoughts Abt them :3
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hisui555 · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel Thoughts : Alcohol, Part 2 !
Part 1 here (Hazbin Crew)
Part 3 here (Heaven's side)
Masterpost here
So, just for your information. Last post has the record of gathering the quickest notes in the least time. Now that the Vees and other Overlords (but mainly the Vees, let's not kid ourselves) are on this one, wonder how it will fare. I think I already know the answer. Now let's jump to it.
The Vees
While they're all seen having a drink in the conference room, they haven't been seen nor mentioned getting inebriated, so it's mostly speculation from there.
Vox, from his personality, could cycle between "emotional", "nostalgic", and "pathetic", ranging from a hyper, super-excited guy that tries to one-up everyone to a sobbing mess because Alastor left meeeee...! and embarrass himself - well, not much of a change from his sober self, in retrospect. He would hold it relatively well though, have a bit of resilience until the watergates open, but the more Vox drinks, the closer he gets to the "emotional" side of it. On a darker side, he could also be the "violent" and "angry" type of drunk, especially around the middle of the slippery slope : not outright trying to get into fights but sure not stopping once it has started until he has gouged something out of someone, or someone out of something. But I can also see him being the "denying" type, trying to make people believe he's way less drunk than he actually is - he'll hide it well (having practice as a multimedia CEO and colleague babysitter)... for a while. The more he drinks the more cracks in the façade appear, at which point everyone can see he's sloshed even through a blindfold but won't peep a word unless they want to provoke the wrath of the TV man. The next mornings are spent deliberately avoiding eye-contact with him and editing everything out of feed themselves as to not tip him off either, and pretending collective amnesia (or even better : "Oh I wouldn't know, Mr Vox, I was too drunk !"). Blissful ignorance.
Vox would be somewhat around a normal weight, though he could outlast Charlie by a few glasses, but like Alastor if he downs a whole bottle he's done for. The only difference between them is that they would have their hints of tipsyness inverted : Vox would be physically clumsy but able to perfectly rant like Robin Williams with almost perfect pronounciation, while Alastor can keep up no problem on the dancefloor but have his words tying in knots and stumbling upon themselves like the screwiest pretzel. Well, that, and having their gazes slightly out of focus, a looser 100-watts grin and still talking to that poor coatrack in the corner that didn't asked for it - though Vox might be able to better differenciate things from living things, he's just unaware he's asking the wrong person about his pitch sale of demonic baby powder with abestos inside.
Velvette would be the "competitive" drunk, and the "cranky" one. On normal she already thinks everything and everyone is pants-on-head retarded, so a drunk Velvette might be able to dish out so much piling up verbal abuse you'd need wings to stay above it. She'd also be the "susceptible" type : breathe one word wrong and she's at your throat, whether it's someone way more powerful than her or not. Kinda the embodiment of yeah keep your eyes on Napoleon there, she's gonna start something we're gonna finish (absolutely not my 5' arse even when sober with my 6'4" friends in gatherings. Nope. Nnnnnope.) she'll promise to destroy you on every social media platform she mans or owns, and by the time she's right as rain again only remembers half of it. But she WILL want to know what went down, to turn it to her advantage and erase every instance of recorded poor decisions on her part. What's worse with her is that, like Lucifer, you can't really tell she's boozed up : it looks so much like her everyday attitude, only worse (congrats on that) that the only evidence will be the multiplying number of empty glasses and the diminishing levels of whatever's inside the bottles. The only metric you could go by is how fast she snaps when angry - if it's something in the milliseconds instead of the centiseconds, yep, she has a few glasses in her already. She'll still be coherent and girlbossing through it like a champ, busting out moves that would lead an Olympic pro skater into the Paralympics instead, and have astounishing eye for details despite her plastered state, as if it accrued her already good sense of picking up small things (only, again, to remember half of it once the rush goes down).
She'll probably hold better than what her weight and stature suggests, possibly outdrinking Vox, though not to the point of Angel, or Husk. She'll start feeling something around the 15th glass possibly, and by 20-22 is assuredly smashed, but hiding it rather well (undeliberately, it just doesn't really show on her) but I wouldn't want to be around her for the morning after, boy.
Valentino, hoooo sweet mother of god and all her wacky nephews, now he'll be something. As a pimp who regularly uses drugs and his various aphrodisiac/narcotic powers, smoke included, he'll be rather resistant, because he built said resistance overtime, and his lifestyle very much helps with that. He'll hold his own fairly well, but when he reaches the point of being three sheets to the wind, he goes down HARD. A slurry, half-coherent mess that just lets his body do its thing on its own, with bouts of sudden energy before crumbling down in a heap again. Don't ask him to dance unless you want yourself, and everyone else around, ending up in a hospital : him and a drunk Vox could take out everyone in a 10 meter radius during a slow waltz. Given his temperament, Val would hop from "angry" and "violent" type (unlike Vox, he will seek out the fights and shoot at the slightest provocation) to "seducing" and "happy with everything", but the surprising part, methinks, would be that he'd be also a "nostalgic" and "contemplative" type of drunk, and NOBODY expected that one. He'll wax philosophical while downing his 20th glass and musing about life, one elbow on the counter, nursing the drink in his hand, before snapping back to shooting the fucking pianist dead because the tune irritates him. It's really a ping-pong game of states and you better fucking hope he doesn't get to serve, because that curveball is hard to dodge. He also loves the feeling of being fuzzed out of his mind (fuzzed. FUZZED. Two Z, gutterbrains) and riding the wave while it lasts, but he hates having to depart from it and will prolong it as much as he can. Not that his mornings are particularly bad, unlike Velvette above, but because he likes just giving into the impulse and not having to care about pesky things like thinking and managing a business.
He'll need a bottle and a half or two to get completely tanked, and will range from impossible to reason with and be let loose, to semi-casual during his contemplative episodes. Basically, he's like a tornado : you point him in a certain direction opposite to you and when shit stops flying, you hope you're in a better shape than whoever poor schmucks were around at that time. He will 100% confuse people with things, and, as the meme goes in this fandom, try to make out with a lamppost or two, then become angry that it ain't listening to get in the car for more "fun". Hey, I had to say it, it would have been a missed opportunity otherwise.
Other Overlords
Rosie isn't against a few glasses of fine wine (it goes well with liver, as we all know), and very much knows how to keep her composure, but also lets herself get loose a bit. She's the "giggling" type, finding everything charming and funny, but again, don't be fooled, that makes her no less dangerous, just jollier and sillier. Might also say hello to every bird and dog that passes and curtsy to the local squirrel if quite inebriated, but otherwise she can tank it like a boss : expect at least two bottles down, and she'll give Husk a run for his money. Careful with the chop-chop-happy attitude, though. She could also bust out cutting sarcasm that would normally be hidden behind the sober filter, a bit like Treasure Planet's Captain Amelia.
Zestial... doesn't know what getting smashed looks like. He'll stick to his tea, thank you very much, but on the occasion, does enjoy a very fine wine. He'll be the only guy still standing after everyone else is shaking the white sheet, shrug, and go on his way. This ancient and powerful being is above the turpitude of youngsters and their funny, slurry-worded games.
Carmilla, while reasonable, would be a "tired" drunk - if she ever drank herself to this point to begin with. Everything's too loud, she can't find what's so funny about the curtains' motif or the wallpaper, and just watch, trying to blink away her daze, as others make fools of themselves. She's in no mood for fancy acrobatics but might casually pop one move or two in a complete blasé way to avoid that stumbling drunkard. The main difference is that she's slower, a wee bit sloppier, but no less graceful - it's like a different type of grace, one that's more languid, applied, tai-chi like. She might also become something of a terse talker, giving out a few words at a time, expect monosyllables and vague non-committing hums from her. If launched on a topic of interest, blurts out very technical and analytic paragraphs, only to switch back to one word every five minutes once it's done. Wouldn't be very sociable either, and avoid contact on reflex : it's just not her thing.
Next part, Heaven's side !
Again, Masterpost here.
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sugarywishes · 1 month
Apologies for the flood of questions all of a sudden, I promise this is the last for now. XD I am curious though, given what you have mentioned before, but what do you think would have happened if the Afton Kids has lived? You did mention that Elizabeth was turning against Evan for his preferential treatment, so I'm curious as to how far it would go, and if you have any other headcannons for the future in that case.
Also, no worries! I love answering questions people have about my characters or AUs, it gets my creative juices flowing! Answers below as usual.
I assume by your question you could be talking about a universe where the bite *didn't* occur (as for an AU where the bite did happen and Evan lived, it's a WIP AU idea I might develop soon but I'm not too sure yet.)
Evan already dealt with enough bullying from his old school and from his brother but also getting hated by his own twin? He was already depressed in his life but this would've made him even more miserable. It's not like his mom would comfort him at all. So of course he would fully submit to the one person in his life who was nice to him, William 😔 (I mean, more so than he did before)
And because he only interacts positively with William, it makes Lizzie and Mike more spiteful towards him, which increases their animosity towards him too. (I guess he should be thankful he doesn't attend school anymore, Lizzie would've probably joined his bullies in tormenting him too ☹️☹️) (Elizabeth, your father does not care about you girl! Don't take it out on your brother you deserve better 😭😭)
I feel like since Mike already does enough in the 'scaring/traumatizing my brother' category (who knows if he physically harms Evan too, I don't think he beats him up or anything lmao but pushes or shoves are more in his line of bullying), Lizzie would be generally cruel to him in a typical girl way
(I know that sounds kinda off putting, but I know for a fact that boys and girls tend to bully differently than each other, boys usually are physically aggressive while girls usually do verbal abuse or subtle physical harm i guess idk) So think more in lines of insults, social exclusion (so he can't interact with Charlie, who has a neutral relationship with him and is the only other person who at least treats him respectfully besides Henry who also doesn't interact w/ him), and at worse like push him around or pinch him or something. I'm slightly basing this off my own childhood but we're not here for that we're here for FNAF!
I think she (like Mike) would also disrespect his things, so as I said in the Lizzie post where she breaks her dolls and toys, she'd probably break into his room and destroy his stuff too. (This is why therapy for children is helpful !! Dear lord !!)
So as for when time goes by, I have two alternate ways this could go. Either William divorces Clara later on and takes Evan with him, disappear from the public eye and basically hides him away for his 'safety and comfort' (wow, now he truly will be like Rapunzel and Quasi!) OR the family stays together, and Evan is subjected to further abuse until Mike runs away from home at 18. To which then Evan will also run away at 18 after dealing with Elizabeth's abuse, William's *subtle* abuse and Clara's neglect for *years*. Lizzie still stays at home, and basically the entire family never talks to eachother ever again. Uh, depressing I know. I'm still working out ideas though so who knows!
(Uh, also reminder that most of the FNAF characters in my interpretation are not good people at the start. They have things happen to them that eventually start their paths to redemption, so I guess it functions like A Christmas Carol logic??)
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Random thoughts about Hawaii Five-0 rewatch: part 1/?
So, as someone of my mutuals already knows, I'm currently undergoing the exhausting task of checking all the fucking 61 DVDs from the H50 box set before the 30-days guarantee expires, because it's physically impossible to watch them all completely in that time, even if I took 1 month leave. So I'm simply skipping back and forth and leaving the regular rewatch for when my life will be less of a living hell...so, supposedly around 2038...
I have one complaint, which is the subtitles are not completely matching all dialogues, but since my brain only needs them until it's switched to English-mode and I can start understanding it again, I guess it's alright. Second complaint: they're fucking HUGE and OVERLAPPING THE SCENES SO RANDOMLY IT HURTS.
Anyway, I've by now processed only s1-s5, and dude....some things I caught in the deleted scenes (which I've watched entirely) AND in some parts of the commentaries I specifically sought because curiosity won, and which I've never seen giffed or captioned....man, I was so angry and disappointed at times. So I thought I'd be randomly processing them here, no pics sorry, only thoughts.
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Thought #1: Alex and Scott goofing around.
Trust me. The gag reels are so much better than you'd expect. At times I was genuinely laughing to tears and god knows how rare it is.
What I loved most was to watch that scene where Alex and Scott start cussing in Italian, and I bet no one who's not Italian could understand a fuck about what they're yelling. Best part, though, were the subtitles, captioning ALEX AND SCOTT: SWEARING IN ITALIAN 😂 Just to make sure what language exactly they were using.
Thought #2: missed chance to make Amber's character less of a plastic doll, or: Why did you fucking cut those 57 seconds?!?!
While watching s5 deleted scenes, I stumbled upon two real jewels from the 24th episode. I'm still trying to understand why they couldn't include them in the canon episode, since both of them combined are less than a minute and surely there were other moments that could've been cut. My only explanation, sadly, is that it would've painted Amber in quite a different light, making her a stronger, rounder character, and giving her an agency we rarely saw in her, except when confronting her ex husband. They could've followed that route, but we cannot have a beautiful woman who's also her own person, a self-confident person, and not just a plastic Barbie doll, right?! God forbid a woman can have agency and call out men on their bullshit, it would threat masculine privilege too much....
So, what exactly happened that bothered me so deeply? (Be aware I'm quoting by heart and not literally, as I didn't take screenshots and anyway I can't make gifs. Also, the following meta is just my interpretation of the implications running through subtext).
The first scene is very short, just six or seven seconds long, but it's a jewel in subtext and non-verbal communication. It takes place presumably after or around the moment Rachel tells Danny about Charlie: we see them from afar, clearly in a street-taken point of view, from an external observer. They are agitated and distressed, Rachel more than Danny, who's tensely spread on the bench with his arms looped behind the backrest, angling far from Rachel's compact and almost self-hugging frame.
They're distressed, not happy, not even remotely connecting to each other, so it's clear it's not a scene which could be envisioned as romantic. It's only a couple of seconds long, and then we see whose this external point of view belongs to: Amber. Amber who's not an idiotic, mellow, shallow doll. Amber who's been so clearly upset by Danny's lie about the texts, that she decided to follow him to the place Rachel had indicated. Amber who's been manipulated and controlled and abused long enough to become suspicious and self-preserving when someone she loves, and who knows her vulnerability, tries to play her around. Amber who looks at them, and clearly isn't angry nor jealous, because those few moments the actress uses to convey all of Amber's inner distress, are some of her best ones (giving that the actress, alas, is not very expressive to begin with), and we understand that she doesn't see any romance in the air. She's disappointed. She's hurt. Betrayed. Again.
Amber's face, in a handful of seconds, perfectly displays the devastating feeling of someone who finally felt safe and respected and secure, only to discover that it's yet another kind of control and manipulation, less cruel, less brutal, but not less humiliating and even worrying.
This is something she's learnt at her expense, and now that she knows the red flags, she cannot trust a man who can't be honest with her, not with this kind of problems, not with something which is clearly affecting his life to a deep level. He wants Amber to be a part of his life, but only if he can control the terms, limits, boundaries and times of their relationship. And Amber has been through it all before, and can't trust that history won’t repeat itself.
She then drives away, hurt and disappointment written all over her face.
The second deleted scene is even more important plotwise, because it explains Amber's absence as Danny’s plus one at Kono's wedding, after all the talk he did in the car about bringing some Amber's friend as Steve's date, and it casts a new light over Danny's reaction to Steve's resolve to ask Cath to marry him, or his tension about Lynn, or Amber's condistent absence for the whole first part of s6, or even Danny's and Amber's fight during their Valentine's dinner.
The scene is longer, about fifty seconds, and it supposedly takes place right at the end of the episode, after Danny pulls up at the hospital's parking lot, after Steve's affectionate text. He takes his phone out of his pocket again because he's received a voice-mail message.
A message from Amber (sorry, I noticed just now I'm still going with Amber instead of Melissa).
She says she's sorry to be doing this by voice-mail because she'd prefer to do it in person, but given their situation it's probably for the best if she spares them both the trouble to be forced to find shallow excuses. She says he's an amazing man, and that she likes what they have and that she thinks it might be real, and that she hopes he feels the same. She's understanding that his job comes first and it's terribly demanding, as she's also aware of how hard his life and his backstory is, with Grace and Rachel. This all considered, she thinks it's best if they stop and take a pause, so that he can reflect and decide if he wants to keep this thing going, but as for now, she can't keep seeing him on these terms.
Amber decided to stop seeing Danny until he decided what to do with their relationship and be honest with her, and started thinking seriously if he was just using her, as she probably felt.
Why?? Why did they cut this whole plotline? It's pivotal for Danny's arc, for his strained and angry attitude towards everyone, for his constant distress, for his even worsening negativity, for the way he's overcompensating with excessive euphoria to Steve's announcement about Cath, for how he meddles with them and confronts Cath about being honest, for how he's not thrilled about Lynn's insertion inside Steve's life.
Because he's alone, at that time. Call it temporary breakup or period of reflection or a break, but he was single and thinking, again, about everything he was doing wrong with his life and his relationships, and falling again into his old black hole of depression and self-sabotage, and seeing Steve going on with his life even at the cost of pretending he was happy with this woman he had supposedly no trouble cheating on, during their "couple retreat", making him wonder if either what he had with Lynn wasn't serious, or if his obvious charade about his threesome with Alyssa and her friend had a second meaning.
Also, they were probably both single again, or at least testing the waters, when they were at the retreat. And Danny definitely was when Cath left Steve once again abandoned, betrayed, and never-chosen in face of anything else.
Quite a lot of subtext to think about, for just 57 seconds which were, prudently, cut.
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seresinsbabe · 2 years
A Prick and A Half
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x fem!reader
Synopsis: Your roommate returns from deployment and meets your new boyfriend in a not so pleasant way.
Warnings: Discussions of weight, weight gain/loss, inflammatory language, mild verbal/mental abuse, cursing, gets a little steamy, allusions to smut.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I kind of hate this, but I wanted it done with. Maybe you guys will like it better.
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Six months. That’s how long your roommate had been gone. It was the longest deployment Brad had been on since you guys became roommates. You never expected it to be as hard on you as it was. Of course you and Bradley were close. When your friend Phoenix told you that he was looking for a roommate you’d been hesitant. You had met him once or twice at the Hard Deck, but you didn’t know him that well. Turned out that he was a much better roommate than you’d hoped for. He cleaned, he was incredibly handy around the house, he couldn’t cook but he was always more than thankful for you taking care of him on that front. The only real issue was that his presence had seemed to be a dark cloud hovering over your love life.
It wasn’t that he was intentionally messing it up. Brad had never gotten in the way of your relationships, not unless he felt something was seriously off. It was more just his presence in general. Bradley was attractive as hell with his big brown eyes and his goofy, lopsided grin. Not only that he was massive, both in height and muscle mass. None of your love interests had ever compared to his size, which was the first intimidation factor. His looks only seemed to be part of the issue. Each and everyone always seemed jealous of the friendship you and Bradley had. All of them swearing up and down that he was in love with you. 
The first time one of them had brought it up you almost peed yourself you laughed so hard. There was no way Bradley could be in love with you. He was way out of your league. Bradley was nothing more than your friend. Yeah, sure, he knew just about everything that made you tick. How you liked your coffee, about how you hated thunderstorms because as a little girl your family had gotten into a pretty bad car wreck during one. That you loved the smell of fresh cut hay because it reminded you of summers on your grandparents farm back home. Just because he knew all those miniscule things about you didn’t mean he was in love with you or anywhere close to it.
So, as much as you missed him, part of you was thankful for his absence because it meant six months for you to attempt to establish a relationship.
Halfway through you met Charlie. He wasn’t the best looking, but he was kind at least for the most part and he had a good job. He’d made some comments here and there about Bradley, when he first came over and spotted a picture of him and then drizzled in here or there. Nothing that seemed to raise any alarms in your mind. 
It wasn’t until you were cleaning around the house and preparing Bradley’s favorite foods (your famous fried chicken being one of them) that you noticed a bit of venom in his voice.
“Are you seriously doing all of this for your roommate?” Charlie scoffed, arms folded over his chest as he stared at everything you’d done. His tone sounded as if he was insinuating that there was more behind this than just being nice for someone you cared deeply for. 
You just cocked an eyebrow, shook your head and went back to rolling out the crust for the apple pie. “He’s been stuck on a carrier in the middle of the ocean for six months. Would you want to come home to some good food if that was you?” Charlie didn’t do anything but grumble some sort of response under his breath, grab a fresh beer and go plop on the couch. 
How much time had passed since he’d spoken to you last you weren’t sure, but you’d nearly forgotten about him until you felt him staring at you. “I really hope you don’t plan on eating much of this food, if any of it. You’ve been looking a little pudgy around the middle.”
Your eyes screwed shut for a few long seconds as you tried to push back just how much that comment hurt. Charlie had made comments like this before. Making backhanded comments if you chose to dress comfortably instead of dolled up or if you indulged in some sweets or an extra slice of pizza. The comments had started far and few between, but as time went on they became more frequent. Comments that you knew if Rooster, or any of the dagger squad really, ever heard him say Charlie’s ass would be six feet under.
“I was planning on having some of it. I can’t starve myself Charlie.” You gave him an irritated look before going back to the roux you had going for the mac and cheese. 
“No one said starve yourself, but a salad might make you look a little more like you care about yourself.” You let out a pained huff, trying not to let the comments get to you. “I mean, I started dating you because you’re hot. And let’s be honest babe, you’re not exactly as thin as you were on day one.” Your hand dropped to your stomach as you fought back tears that pricked in the corners of your eyes. You were determined not to let him know the things he said got to you.
Before you could even think of a response a familiar voice filled the air. The sound of it had an instantly calming effect. When he’d walked in you weren’t sure, but you were glad that he was finally home. For more reasons than one right now.
“Get the fuck out of my house.” Your head snapped over so far you nearly gave yourself whiplash. Standing there in his service khakis, looking both tired and pissed, was Bradley. His eyes were narrowed at Charlie. You’d told him about him on one of the few video calls the two of you’d had, but you hadn’t mentioned the comments. “Who the fuck taught you it was okay to talk to a woman like that?”
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Charlie puff up, as if that little action would bring him anywhere close to Bradley’s size. 
“What? You can’t honestly be mad at me for telling her the truth. If I don’t say something now she’ll let herself go and I’m not going to be with her if that happens.” You squeezed your eyes shut again. You might have gained a little weight, but you didn’t think it was that noticeable. Not enough for Charlie to really be making you feel this bad over it. Most of your life you’d actually been on the underweight side, so a little weight gain didn’t seem like the worst thing in your eyes.
Bradley’s eyes flickered over to you, seeing the tinge of pain flash across your beautiful features. If this guy kept going Bradley was liable to break his jaw. 
“Doll?” It was Bradley’s voice, his tone much more comforting than the one he’d used with Charlie. 
Finally you let out a deep breath and opened your eyes back up. “Charlie get out.”
He started to protest but Bradley cut him off again.
“You heard the lady, get out or I’ll take great pleasure in forcefully removing you.” Brad flexed his muscles, the tan fabric of his shirt straining with the movement. Charlie stood there in quiet contemplation for a few moments before it seemed he finally decided he wasn’t going to tussle with the large man that stood before him. 
As soon as the door slammed shut you let out a shaky breath. It wasn’t until now that you realized just how much Charlie’s words had affected you. 
“How longs’ he been talking to you like that, doll?” Instantly your cheeks burned at Bradley’s question. You felt so embarrassed that you’d let him talk to you like that. That you’d let him belittle you and done nothing about it but try to ignore it.
You stayed quiet as you turned back to the task you’d been doing before Bradley had gotten home. Bradley watched you continue to mix up the cheese sauce. Your silence told him all he needed to know and he had half a mind to go follow the ass, but he wasn’t worth it. 
Brad waited until you put the mac and cheese in the oven to bake for a bit to start speaking again. He moved closer, pulling you in his arms and squeezing you tightly. 
“He was a fucking prick and a half.” He murmured into your hair after pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Missed you, doll.” He squeezed you tightly again. It was almost as if all your worries faded away with one good hug from him. There was just something so comforting about Rooster. You’d never been able to put your finger on it, and you didn’t really care. Just as long as you got to enjoy the comfort from him. 
“Missed you too, Roo,” you hummed in response before pulling back just enough to look up at him. “You know, he was the only one who didn’t think you were in love with me, but maybe that was because you weren’t around.” You laughed, not thinking much of what you’d said. 
Bradley didn’t laugh with you. Instead he just studied your face, a look swimming in his eyes as if he was trying to figure out how to tell you something. A knot formed in your stomach, afraid that this return home was only going to get worse. Like he was going to tell you he was moving out because his duty station was getting changed or something of the sort.
“You ever think the others were right?” 
It took you a moment to process exactly what he said. Brad watched as your eyes grew wide with realization. 
“You? Love me?” The words came out slow as your mind continued to process something you never thought would have happened. “You’re way out of my league, Roo, Didn’t you just hear what Char-” your words were cut off by Bradley’s lips against yours. He pulled away much too soon, just as you had started to kiss him back really. His forehead came to rest against yours.
“Don’t. He was just an insecure asshole.”
“You really love me?”
Brad chuckled, thankful for the subject change. He didn’t want Charlie ruining this moment more than he’d already ruined the return home. “Since ‘bout a month after you moved in. Didn’t have the guts to tell you, not ‘til now at least.” He grinned bashfully at you. “When I found you crying over videos of dogs and their owners getting reunited.” You groaned at what was an embarrassing memory for you, but clearly a favorite of Roosters. There was just something about animal videos that tugged hard at your heartstrings every time.
This time it was you who initiated the kiss and it quickly grew in intensity. Brad’s large hands moved down, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. Your eyes rolled back into your head when he started nipping at your neck, drawing soft moans from you. If you weren’t being held up by him you were sure your knees would have buckled by now. His hands squeezed your ass and you groaned, grinding your hips into his. As much as you wanted this right now, you’d worked hard on the food and didn’t want it to go to waste.
“Roo th-Roo the food!” You tried to remind him, your palms hesitantly pushing against his chest in effort to get him to stop. He only let up when he heard the oven timer go off.
Bradley nipped up your neck until he reached your ear. “Fine, fine. M’sure you’d taste sweeter though.”
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krowblud · 2 months
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Hello friends I posted this on instagram awhile ago but I’ve been meaning to put it here as well. Information about my situation will be below the cut but before then if you can’t get a commission it’d mean the world to me if you shared or reblogged.
I’m Quentin or Charlie whichever you prefer and I’m 24 and trans and mentally/emotionally disabled. I have extreme anxiety, depression, and hallucinations that make it hard for me to work very social jobs, which means im limited often. Currently I’m still saving to move out of my abusive home to move in with my best friend. It’s gotten to a point where im a danger to myself from the constant neglect and yelling and gaslighting ive dealt with for almost 20 years. I’ve been abused by partners, foster families and my parents, and im desperate to escape the abuse for good. I currently have a job and work but as many of you know, one income is not enough to save for a down payment on an apartment and buy necessary things like moving vans and such. Before I get advice:
-no I cannot call the police. It isn’t physical abuse, it’s emotional and verbal abuse
-abuse is not one size only. I can manage my own bank account and move, it’s just that the abuse I deal with makes me miserable and I need out.
Thank you.
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Weirdly enough I think I disagree with Charlie and the hotel crew's choice to return Vox to Velvette and Valentino. Morally it's the right thing to keep Vox away from his abuser and return him to his friends. But I just don't think him going back to the tower is going to help with his recovery since he'll just be placed back into isolation. Especially if Alastor is chased out of the hotel, then there's really no reason why Vox shouldn't stay at the hotel full time and visit the Vees when he wishes to. He shouldn't have to lose either friend group but it just seems like Charlie is too guilty to keep Vox in her custody and Velvette and Valentino are too selfish to not have Vox solely in their custody.
@voxaholic likes to say that this is a story with no unambiguously good options, and yeah, that’s kinda true. Thankfully, this particular situation ends up working out, though.
After the battle with Heaven, the fact that Vox is alive leaks to the press, which leads to Charlie and Vaggie learning the truth and prompts the start of the third act. After Alastor is either killed or disappears again and the Vees get Vox back, they no longer see a point in keeping Vox in isolation; all of Hell already knows he’s alive, plus he’s no longer a danger to himself and others, so why bother? And, thankfully, after [whatever happens with Alastor], the mental block Vox has on retaining any information about Val and Vel lifts. He goes home to an environment where he actually has some freedom of mobility (he can’t leave the tower unaccompanied, but that was also the case at the hotel, and he’s no longer confined to the same handful of rooms) and can build new relationships with the other Vees.
Things actually go pretty well for a few years— Charlie’s even able to negotiate for her, Niffty, and possibly Vaggie to visit every once in a while. They only goes off the rails when Valentino dies in a fight with Angel, Husk, and Cherri. His death causes Vox to backslide and Velvette to shut down all contact with the hotel. The only reason Velvette doesn’t start trying to blow the hotel off the map is because of how it helped Vox. She never puts Vox back in isolation, but his regression is dramatic. She tries her best to help him recover, but as the years go on, he gradually shuts down, losing more and more of himself to the white noise in his mind until he becomes completely passive and non-verbal. Velvette knows that there’s a chance that taking him back to the hotel might help (he’s not aware that some of the residents were responsible for Val’s death), but her anger wins out, and she keeps Vox solely in her care until everything comes crashing down and they’re forced to flee there.
In the end, it probably would’ve been better if Vox had stayed at the hotel, but it’s one of those situations where you can’t really blame everyone for acting the way they do.
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Percy Jackson Thoughts
Spoilers under the cut!!
i LOVE that Sally does not "silently endure" Gabe's abuse (mostly verbal, and honestly kind of comedic, which i appreciate bc the show is for kids and it opens up the idea of abuse without having to show women and children be hurt)
like. No?? She yells right back at him and kinda lays down the law??? but they also do a good job in the scene where he's picking on Percy of reminding you that this dude is not sympathetic.
Also, Sally lowk slipped a New York accent in while she was yelling at him and im about that.
"Like Jesus?" I WAS CACKLING.
Episode Two I was sick and obsessed. I really like that the show feels in line with the pacing of the books, because it always felt like everything was moving very fast plot-wise.
I'm obsessed with Clarisse. Please, PLEASE let young pretty girls of color be mean. It is my only wish in life. The YA television scene owes us for how you people treated Katara having even a single emotion (no I haven't let that go).
Clarisse really inspires fear in the show without ever feeling unnatural, and even in the first two episodes we can see her turmoil and how that will manifest throughout the series.
Annabeth with the one-word "yes. no. yes." is so adorable and I get the feeling that's going to be a reoccurring thing as we watch her grow up.
On the same note, her calling Percy sunshine, adjusting his armor, and openly admitting to stalking him. Ooh girl we're in for the long haul.
Grover is precious. Enough said.
I really, REALLY liked Charlie's portrayal of Luke. It really sold why Percy (and the readers) had COMPLETE faith in him in the book, and why we were shocked at the betrayal.
I also loved seeing Chris Rodriguez, which I was not expecting??? For me, Chris felt like he just appeared in Titans Curse so seeing him speak and feel alive was really enjoyable. I was always very anti Chris and Clarisse because it felt like they were shunting her off to a corner with a random name we'd never heard of, so giving Chris a more interesting role while still keeping him as a minor character (he has lines!!) was really fun to me. If they do decide to go the chris and clarisse route in the show (they might not, of course) i would probably be more onboard.
I'm SO glad they state, early on, as soon as possible, that Annabeth is Luke's SISTER. Trust me, I was in the discourse trenches with Lukabeth shippers, and I fought that last "i love you" tooth and nail. Honestly, based on what we've seen, the sibling thing seems reciprocal. Thank god. War is over.
My last thing is that if you guys are talking about the show, please stop calling Annabeth Leah or Leahbeth. I understand making the distinction for art or fanfic but the more yall separate her from the character in all its forms, the less it feels like you respect her. I only say this because I haven't seen it happening with Aryan or Walker really and it's kind of weirding me out.
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I read both chapters of Cracks part two, and I was wondering the extent of Elias's abuse. Does it end at verbal and physical abuse and manipulation, or does Elias sexually abuse Charlie as well?
Discussions of abuse under the cut, if you feel like I got some things wrong please feel free to let me know
Elias doesn't really abuse Charlie sexually, the stuff between is consensual (up until breaking point which is only kissing) He does manipulate Charlie to believe that his friends don't care about him and that he's the only person who does understand Charlie. He's extremely possessive of Charlie and doesn't trust anyone being near Charlie.
Also he does call Charlie many awful stuff during arguments and scream at him, knowing full well Charlie doesn't respond well to yelling. After that, he'd apologise but always gaslight Charlie to believe it was his fault with phrases like "I just get angry when you act like that" or "You just do stuff like that and I just feel like you don't wanna listen to me"
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legion1227 · 3 days
Katy Perry: 143 Album Review
Wow, what a load of garbage!
Katy Perry first made it big when she released "I Kissed a Girl" in 2008. The lead single reached number one on the Hot 100 and stayed at the top for several weeks. Katy capitalized on this success with numerous hits to finish off the 2000s and dominate the first few years of the 2010s pop scene. "Hot n Cold, California Gurls, Teenage Dream, Firework, E.T., Last Friday Night, Wide Awake, Roar, Dark Horse…." At one point, she harbored the recipe for smashing big hits.
She has since lost that recipe.
Perry proceeded to languish as an artist for the rest of the 2010s. None of her singles hit as much as the previously mentioned. I found her 2017 singles, "Bon Appetit" and " Swish Swish," moderately enjoyable but lacking any sweet charm of her earlier hits. And now, in the big year 2024, Perry attempts once more to make herself a tour deforce with her latest album, "143." Does she succeed?
Nope. Not even a little.
Teaming up with producer Dr. Luke, a man that Kesha alleged to have drugged her as well as abused her physically, verbally, sexually, and emotionally, the dynamic duo crafted one of the worst albums of 2024. In the span of 33 minutes, Katy Perry attacks the pop genre with generic, forgettable, poorly-written slop. "143" comes with four skilled features in 21 Savage, Kim Petras, J.I.D., and Doechii. Each artist is immensely talented in their own projects, but they bring less than their best on each of their respective songs. I mean, on "Gimme Gimme," the song featuring 21 Savage, he says, "Take my card and go shopping for weeks/No limit, you shoppin' for free/I'm in Paris, I'm shopping for we…" The play on words we and oui is perhaps the smartest bit of writing or wordplay on this album, which isn't saying a lot.
Lyrically, instrumentally, and vocally, Katy Perry is lacking in every department on this latest project. This album is not worth the time for pop fans. You're better off either re-listening to her better hits or listening to better pop albums from this year like Sabrina Carpenter's "Short N' Sweet" or Charli XCX's "Brat," to name a few.
Rating: 1.5/5 At least it's short.
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Ooooo okkk
I have the number- but I can’t really figure out which of your ocs would fit it- so I’ll see what you do with it.
15. :)
Did they turned into that one thing/person they despised the most? If not, are they afraid that they will?
Anya feared turning out to be an overbearing and controlling person, so she was standoffish at first when raising her daughters. Tony helped her with her with this
Tony feared being just like his parents, emotionally neglectful. He overcompensated for this by being a bit overbearing and overly worried for his daughters at first, Anya helped him with this
Gabe didn't have that much freedom as a kid so he fears that he will do what his parents did with him with his own daughters. He lets them go where they please so long as they have their phones with them as a way to give his girls the freedom he never had while also making sure they can contact him if they need
She has the fear that she will be a cold, uncaring person and mother. She tries to mitigate this by being nice even when she shouldn't and coddling her daughter as she grew up
Arthur has the same fears as Rosemary and does the same as Rosemary to try and not be that person
Lucy fears that she will be the same as her parents, alcoholics who don't care for their child. She often breaks down because of her alcoholism and calls herself a bad mother whenever she comes home drunk. Sophie reassures her that she is a good mom and usually puts her to bed while she's in this drunken state
Hannah fears that she will leave her friends and family when they need her most without a trace, like her mother did with her father and sister. She doesn't do anything about this fear, she just pushes it to the back of her mind
Lizzie fears that she will turn out like her mom, cold and classist. She's learning about the struggles of the less fortunate to try and not become like her mother
Charlie fears the same thing as Lizzie and does the same thing as her to stop this fear
Sam fears the same thing as Hannah and also ignores the fear
Sally fears she will be an unsympathetic person when she grows up because of her sheltered upbringing. She's leaving about the negativity in the world so she doesn't become that person
Sophie fears that she will be like the bad people of the world. She is overly kind as a responce to this fear
Luna fears that she will turn out t be an angry and spiteful person due to her trauma. She often suppresses her anger when she feels it's unjustified and unintentionally takes out her pent up frustration on Roy whenever they get into a fight, be it physical or verbal
Gabby fears of becoming like her disowned uncle, a manipulator and an abuser. She often doesn't express herself and her emotions out of fear that she's just going to manipulate the people around her like how her uncle manipulated her
Bonus Circe: Circe fears and knows she's a bad person but she does nothing to change herself since she views herself as unable to be saved
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