#in which d is schlatt; john is antvenom; dave is cooper; and davesprite is travis
incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
D: you know how restaurants will like, ban unruly clients from ever coming again
John: sure, but then they’ll- then they’ll be trending on twitter the next day, but sure.
D: i banned obama
John: oh- oho no.
D: for- for ruining- for ruining the united states of america, i banned him
John: what did obama ever do to you?
D: he ruined it. he ruined the country
John: wh- what did- what did he ever do that affected you?
D: think about how bad this country used to be, and think about how awesome it is now
John: i dunno about that, i’m calling shenanigans. i’ve yet to hear- i’ve yet to hear-
D: look at this guy hes sideways now
D: hes sideways whaddya say about that
D: sideways obama? you want that man to be-
John: um, obamas upside-
D: upside down obama?
D: forty-fourth president of the united states-?
John: nah, nah, he’s right side up,
D: yeah, exactly
John: cause he’s brobama.
D: no hes not “bro"bama
John: he is.
Dave: (obama is my world)
Dave: (obama is my king)
D: what, do you like obama?
John: what’s wrong with obama? you gotta tell me what’s wrong with obama, why do you dislike obama?
D: because he ruined the united states
John: i would like to know how he ruined the united states.
D: think about how bad the country was, and now think about how good it is
John: i think the country was pretty great- you know, i would actually say that america was already great.
D: *deep breath*
D: what are you, a liberal?
John: d- eehehehhe-
D: ahahah
D: look, all im saying john, is that obama is banned from the kfc dome
Dave: (haha- the crushing blow)
John: okay, you know what i’m gonna say? so long as obama is banned from the kfc dome, you enjoy dick and balls. that’s all i’m gonna say-
John: it’s almost like-
John: there’s a correlation between the two! 
D: oh my god,
D: im sorry obama. im sorry, youre not banned any-
D: i unbanned him john, come back
John: i’m outta here.
D: i unbanned ob- oh my god
John: i hereby rest my case.
D: you cant do this to me on pride month!
D: you cant do this to me on pride month, john, come on man!
John: it’s been done. it’s done. 
D: oh
D: my
D: goodness gracious mamma mia i hate obama
Davesprite: who put a peepee on the sign!!!
D: i- wh- theres a peepee on the sign, where?!
Davesprite: the big one in the sky!
Davesprite: noooooo
D: im gonna be honest, i put that dick and balls there
Davesprite, at absolutely ear-piercing volume: WHAT
D: ahahahahahaheheh-!
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