#in which Hawke has no clue what she wants
souliebird · 9 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 13]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Words: 5.7k
ao3 link
banner thanks to the wonderful @theradioactivespidergwen
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The base of your skull pounds as you try to keep focus on the things going on around you. It is almost impossible, as you just want to close your eyes and block out everything. 
You had woken up with a stiffness in your neck and shoulders that had quickly spiraled into the beginnings of a migraine. You hadn't had one since you were pregnant and now that you had a toddler, spending the day in bed and hiding under covers was not an option.
The gods seem to have smiled down on you, though. It is Saturday, which means it is Daddy Daughter Date Day and Matt is more than happy to keep Minnie’s attention on him. You don't have to watch her like a hawk. You can just sit and wait until your ibuprofen kicks in. 
If it ever does. 
You know drinking water will probably help, so you shakily reach for your glass.
Beside you, your daughter is none the wiser to your distress. Last night, a new toy arrived in the mail, and she was insistent it must be brought to lunch so she could show her Daddy and play with him. It is a friendship bracelet making kit - the type that has beads of all different shapes and colors - and it is a hit. Minnie and Matt have been making each other bracelets as you wait for your food.
“Can you please find me another ‘O’?” the nearly perfect man across from you asks your sweet toddler. “Like in ‘Octopus’.”
“‘O’ for octopus!” Mouse quickly confirms. She sets down her string of multi-color shapes and pulls the little box of beads closer to her. She picks up the discs that have letters on them, proudly showing off her ability to identify them by stating what each letter is until she finds the one, she's looking for. Once it is found, it is carefully passed across the table. “‘O’ for octopus!”
You have not been paying attention to the letters Matt has been collecting and thus have no clue what he intends to spell, but you're guessing it won't matter much to your daughter. She's going to be thrilled either way. You have a hunch that the feeling is mutual with Matt - whatever Minnie gives him, he'll proudly wear. Right now, the bracelet in her hands is a mixture of pink hearts with purple and yellow plain beads. There isn't a method to the madness beyond that. 
Your table falls back into silence. Mouse is enthralled with her task of threading and Matt is equally quiet. You think he is aware of your headache, as he's been soft spoken since you met up and hasn't been trying to make your little one laugh and squeal with glee. You're incredibly thankful for that. 
You resist the urge to close your eyes and instead find a scratch on the table's surface to stare blankly at and wait for time to pass. Hands pass through your field of vision to collect different beads and you hear farther-daughter talking, but you don't process any of it. All you know is the pain creeping around your skull. You are aware of how your eyes sit in your head and it is a very weird, unsettling feeling that helps nothing. 
You pray this outing has enough stimulation for Minnie, so that when you go home, she'll go down for a nap easily and you can join her.
You don't know how long you sit there, spacing out while the world moves on without you, but eventually Linda drops your plates in front of you. You fall into autopilot, saying, “Thank you, Miss Linda” in chorus with Matt and Minnie. After a quick cooing over how sweet your little family is, the waitress leaves you be, and you turn your focus to your daughter's plate.
It's chicken strips and french fries today and you know she needs her ketchup and mustard. Before you can start to reach for the bottles at the end of the table, Matt is already taking them and addressing Mouse, “You like it with more mustard than ketchup, right?”
“More mustard!” She happily replies as she lays her napkin across her lap. 
You watch with slightly parted lips as he starts squeezing the condiments onto her plate. You aren't used to anyone taking over this responsibility and you don't know how to react - it is nice to have the help and to see he's learned so much about Minnie's habits, but your mind can't help but chastise you for letting him do this menial task. You know he's her father, but it feels like something you should be doing.
Of course, you are the only one having conflicting feelings. They are having a good time - Matt makes two piles of sauces and Minnie instantly starts swirling them together with her food, a big grin on her face. You try to offer a smile back, but you don't know how sincere it is. Your head hurts so much, and your anxiety is spiking.
You are shaken from your daze when Matt says your name. You look up to see his head tilted just slightly, the slightest frown on his face. Guilt courses through you.
“You sure you don't want any coffee? The caffeine should help with,” he motions to his head, and it just confirms for you that he is always hyper aware of everything, and that Minnie must be too. 
You need to get your act together. You can't just zone out because you don't feel well - you're a parent and you are out in public. You can't just dump all your responsibilities onto Matt because he is here now. 
You shake your head, even if it makes you dizzy, “No, I'll be okay.” 
The truth is the idea of coffee makes your stomach turn. You don't want anything that tastes too strongly, which is why you have opted for a Cobb salad for lunch. 
The man across from you gives you a doubtful look. To keep him from worrying over you, you stab a piece of tomato and eat it. It tastes like nothing and that is fine for you. This earns a frown, but the gods smile on you again and your daughter causes a distraction by starting to play with her food. 
Mouse picks up a chicken strip and begins to make it hop around the plate before dunking it into her now orange mixture. “Oh no, you're all messy now,” she says to herself, “I gotta clean you.” She then proceeds to lick the sauce away with exaggerated sounds. Matt makes a face of pure disgust. 
“Sweetie, what are you doing?”
“I'm a kitty!” is her proud response before repeating the process. 
You know this game well but it's the first time he has experienced it. He knows you allow her to play with her food as long as she's not messy and actually eats it, but you can tell he wants to ask her not to. You are open to him making suggestions and asking Minnie to do things, and he knows that, and you wonder what direction he will take. You can see the wheels turning in his head. 
“I thought you were a mouse,” is what he goes with. 
That stops Minnie dead in her tracks. She considers this statement, a pout forming, before bringing her chicken strip to her mouth and beginning to nibble at it - like a mouse with a piece of cheese.  
The rest of the meal is subdued. You manage to eat a third of your salad through sheer force of will - having an empty stomach will only make things worse - and Mouse only needs her face wiped a handful of times. It feels like the minutes crawl by before Linda is back at your table to take away plates and hand over the check.
Packing up is quick and easy. There are no loose beads on the table, so you just need to snap the case shut and store it into your bag, along with anything else that was brought out for Minnie’s needs. As you do this, Matt finishes off both bracelets by tying the ends together and once he is done, you stop what you're doing to watch the exchange.
He returns the bracelet Minnie made for him to her and she hugs it to her chest.
“Daddy, yous gotta put out your hand. I have something for you,” she says like it is any sort of surprise. 
But of course, Matt plays along. He does as he is told, holding out the hand not holding the bracelet he made, “You got something for me?” 
Very delicately, like it's going to break, Mouse places the bracelet into his palm. Only when she is fully sitting in her seat again does he begin to run his thumb over the beads, feeling what she made for him. His lips twitch up into a smile before he starts to bite his lip. You've learned this means he's trying to not get overly emotional, and you completely understand. 
Having Minnie’s love is the only thing keeping you going some days and you've cried multiple times when she's given you something she's made for you. 
“I love it,” he whispers, his voice breaking a tiny bit. “Thank you so much, sweetheart.”
You and Minnie watch as he slips the bracelet on, and it settles next to his watch. The bright colors stand out against his muted palette, but you doubt he cares about that. Your daughter absolutely beams when he holds up his wrist to show off his new piece of jewelry.
“You're welcome, Daddy! Do you have a present for me?” Mouse asks, jutting her hands out, palms up.
You can't help but huff in amusement, even if your headache is making you feel cold and detached. You know she isn't being greedy or rude, she's simply an eager toddler. You can't fault her for that. 
Oh, so carefully, Matt sets the bracelet into her waiting hands and once you finally realize what he wrote out on it, your heart clenches at the sweetness. The bracelet is mostly made up of lettered beads, with the words separated by different colored hearts. Minnie quickly brings it right up to her face to inspect it and instantly starts trying to figure out the mystery in front of her.
“D-A-D-D-Y,” she spells out loud, “L-O-V-E-S. Y.O.U.” Her little brow wrinkles up at the words and you wait to see if she needs help figuring them out. They aren't unknown to her, but it's usually a flip of a coin if she can connect the dots. The only word you are confident she recognizes is her name. 
She spells it again, then tries her best to sound it out, “Duh..Ahh duh duh…why. Duh-ah-du- Daddy! It says Daddy!”
You rub her back, silently trying to communicate how proud of her you are, “That's right, it says Daddy. Do you know the other words?” 
While she considers her answer, you look at Matt. 
He hasn't shaved in a few days. It emphasizes his good looks, and you can see the hints of red - and grey - in his grown-out scruff. His charming and sweet appearance is only enhanced by his heart - you didn't know someone could be so full of love. He radiates it when he's around Minnie and it's like he can't help but pour all of his affection into her and he can't believe how much of it is returned.
You wonder if you were put on Earth to give him Minnie - and you wouldn't mind if you were. It would give you some sort of purpose. 
“Mommy,” your precious angel says, thrusting the bracelet into your face, “you read it.”
You feel your face heat up - and throb - at the way Matt turns to you. Your insides pang and you can't help but feel like you're ruining this moment for him. You clear your throat, and tell Minnie, “It says ‘Daddy loves you.’”
Her eyes go wide, and she gasps like it is breaking news, “Daddy loves me?” 
“Daddy loves you,” Matt instantly confirms, “always and forever. And you'll have this to remind you.”
The sentiment stirs so much in you, and you let your headache push it all away and instead of getting emotional, you help Mouse put on her new bracelet. She rips her arm away from you as soon as she can to mimic her Daddy and holds up her wrist to show off her bracelet. 
“I love Daddy, too!” 
The little anxiety and self-doubt demon stirs in your chest. You love to see them bond, but you can't help but yearn for your daughter to shout she loves you, too, and you want your own bracelet. You know, you know, you are going to be overflowing with bracelets soon enough, but these ones are special. They have meaning and memories and -
And you remind yourself you can't do this in public, especially not around Minnie. You can't ruin their good time - if you haven't already. 
Instead, you gently pat her back and ask, “What do you say to Daddy for the gift?”
“Thank you, Daddy!”
“You're very welcome, Mouse.”
Your daughter looks at her new piece of jewelry in amazement, turning her wrist so she can see all angles. With her distracted, you move to finish packing up by going to get the stroller, and by the time you have it popped open and your bag secured in the under pocket, Matt and Minnie are joining you by the doorway. Your little one needs no help buckling herself in and you can tell how happy she is by the way she kicks her feet. 
As you get in position to start pushing the stroller, Matt steps to stand beside you so you can guide him as you walk. He waits until you leave the diner to address you.
“We don't need to go to the park,” he says in a soft voice. 
You are shaking your head before he even finishes his sentence, “It’s fine, Matt. It's just a headache.” It isn't just a headache - your medicine hasn't kicked in and your head is just pulsing, but you will survive.
He very gently squeezes your elbow, saying your name, “you know I can tell that isn't true. You should be -”
Minnie’s excited scream drowns out whatever he was going to push for. 
On the corner ahead of you, waiting at the crosswalk are Foggy and Karen. They look like they are on a shopping trip - both carrying bags from different boutiques. They turn in unison towards you and Foggy breaks into the biggest smile once he spies your little group.
“Well, if it isn't my favorite little buddy! And her charming and beautiful parents. Wait,” he looks to Karen and gasps, eyes getting comically big, “is this the famous Saturday brunch?” He whirls around dramatically and points to Matt, like he is accusing him, “You're going to the park.”
“We're going to the park,” he confirms, his own grin starting to form at the antics and at the same time, Minnie exclaims, “we're gonna watch the duckies!”
“They are going to watch the duckies, Karen. Do you know what that does to my heart?” Foggy asks as he puts his hand on his chest. Karen shakes her head fondly and completely ignores him to address you.
“We've heard so many stories about the ducks. He gloats every Monday.”
Matt actually pouts at the statement, and you are reminded of a chastised puppy, “I don't gloat.”
“You gloat,” his friends say at the same time.
Minnie, of course, picks up quickly on the new word and kicks her feet as she giggles, “Daddy goats!”
A thought barely crosses your mind before the words are leaving your lips, “You should come with us.”
You can practically feel Matt's initial disapproval of the offer - not from selfishness but from you refusing to acknowledge your headache - but with how both Minnie and Foggy light up, you don't think he'll voice it. And you are right - he gives your arm a light squeeze as he agrees without any disdain, “The more the merrier.”
“I don't think this is an offer we can refuse,” Karen says, nudging Foggy with her elbow. “How can we say no to that face?”
You can't see Minnie’s face from behind her stroller, but you can picture her pleading little face. She has all of you wrapped around her little finger and you suspect she might start crying if they say no. 
“To the park we go!” Foggy declares, “and with perfect timing because the light just turned green.”
You let yourself tune out as you start to walk again. Foggy is animatedly telling Matt and Minnie about his quest to find his girlfriend the perfect birthday gift. Apparently, her preferred brand of hand lotion has been discontinued and nothing else is good enough. It is sweet to hear him being so concerned about her needs and wants. He's the type of partner you used to dream about - before you realized that would never be in the cards for you - someone who listens to what you say and doesn't treat you like a glorified maid. 
You only had two ‘serious’ relationships in your twenties and both had left you feeling worthless and unloved. You spent most of your time commuting to them and taking care of their needs only to be tossed aside when someone worth their time came along. 
You were the type to stay at home and do the laundry, raise the children - be out of sight and out of mind. You didn't get taken out on fancy dates. No one tried to woo you. 
No one went out of their way to buy you a gift. 
In fact, you don't remember the last time you even celebrated your birthday. Some of your coworkers sent you Happy Birthday emails last year - only because the first one is sent out company wide and you are pretty sure it's automated. 
You are fine with it, though. It's not like you celebrated such things as a kid, so you have nothing to miss. You are happy Foggy has someone he so clearly adores, and you hope, when Minnie grows up, she'll find someone like him. 
Soon enough, you're at the park and making your way to your designated spot. Despite it being a warm and sunny day, things are relatively empty, and you are thankful there are no older children shouting or causing a ruckus. You just want to sit down. 
You can hear Minnie unbuckling herself before you roll to a stop and there is a whirl of motion as you park. She's on the grass before you know it, scurrying like her namesake to get the picnic blanket out of its pocket and spread out. As you wait for her to finish setting up and Karen admires what a nice area you’ve picked, you realize Matt not only still has his hand on your bicep, but his thumb has been gently rubbing in a small circle. 
Your heart stutters in your chest and you don't know why he's doing such a thing and now that you're aware of it, it's all you can focus on. Your entire body feels like it is on fire - from his touch, from the situation, from your headache - and you fear making a complete idiot of yourself. Foggy and Karen are here, and you don't want to embarrass Matt. 
“Mommy, I need my sunnies!” Your perfect little distraction says from the other side of the stroller and it's the excuse you need to pull away from Matt. You kneel and rummage in your bag until you find the pink Barbie glasses and hand them over to your daughter, then take the time to pull yours out as well. 
By the time you get them on and lock the stroller, everyone else is on the blanket. You situate yourself beside Minnie and tell yourself you need to pay attention as she enthusiastically begins to point out ducks to Foggy and Karen. 
“That's Moose, he's mean!” She describes to her new friends, while grabbing Matt's hand so she can turn him in the right direction. You aren't sure if he really needs it - you haven't sat down and spoken about his needs since the revelation about his and Minnie’s senses. You make note to do that.
You listen to the back and forth about your daughter's favorite duck characters and story lines, trying to desperately be in the moment. The warm sun feels good on your skin, and you yearn to just flop over and close your eyes. The tension and pain seem to only be increasing. This may turn into a full-blown migraine. 
As you start to mentally debate taking more ibuprofen, Minnie cuts herself off from describing how Moose is a food thief and whips her head towards the street, eyes going big. It very much reminds you of a dog that has caught the scent of a prey animal. 
Foggy snorts with laughter at your daughter's expression, “Oh my God, she's just like Matt. What do you hear, girl? Is Timmy in a well?”
That has you wondering how often Matt gets his attention drawn away by something only he can sense and how many times Foggy has made that joke to him. 
You don't get a chance to ask, because Mouse is turning her big begging eyes on you now, “Mommy, it's the ice cream man! Can we get ice cream? Please, please, please, please?” She is practically vibrating with desire, and you are not going to deny her anything. 
“You can get a small ice cream,” you tell her, like it's a compromise. “You don't want your tummy to hurt later.”
She lets out a shriek of joy and scrambles up. To everyone's amusement, she starts digging through your bag for your wallet, and once she finds it, runs it back to you, held over her head like it's a prize. She practically crashes into you, the biggest smile on her face, and you do a scoop and turn maneuver to sit her in your lap. 
“Would you like any ice cream?” you ask the three friends sitting with you, not wanting anyone to feel excluded.
Foggy pushes himself up into standing before you finish getting the words out of your mouth, “Of course we want ice cream, what kind of question is that? Do I look like I say no to ice cream?”
“Oh, a cone does sound really good,” Karen muses beside you. 
“Then ice cream it is,” Matt declares, getting up as well. “My treat,” he adds much to your dismay. You don't get to protest, as he barrels on, holding his free hand out to Minnie, “Want to lead the way, sweetheart?”
Your daughter practically leaps up to grab onto her Daddy, demanding, “Carry me!”
“Minnie!” You quickly chastise, shame running through you. She knows better than to jump and climb on people, but you are beginning to fear Matt may become her new jungle gym. No one else shares this worry, least of all Matt, who simply gives into his daughter's will and swings her up onto his hip with a laugh. She clings to his neck and shoulder, and because she is sweet as pie, plants a big kiss on his cheek. 
Everything happens so fast that you are still sitting on the blanket with Karen, and you don't even think of standing before Foggy is looking down at you and Karen, “What flavor do you want?”
“I'm feeling chocolate,” the strawberry blonde hums, tapping her index finger on her chin. 
The shame and anxiety demon is growing in your throat at the implication you and Karen will stay while the men and your daughter fetch dessert. You want to say that you can pay and that you can go get it - that they should spend the time relaxing - but the darkness in your mind screams that if you say anything other than ‘vanilla’, you're going to ruin everything. Minnie's fun will stop, and Matt's friends are going to judge you, and thus him, and you can't do that. 
So, you croak out your preference and hope Matt's super senses are too focused on his daughter to notice you are two steps away from a breakdown.
“One chocolate, one vanilla, coming right up,” Foggy says so cheerfully and you wonder if he is always like this, or if it is an act for Minnie. You honestly can't tell, especially when he turns his attention to your little one, “Okay, Lassie, where's the ice cream truck?”
Matt and Karen laugh at the reference, and you force a smile because it is a cute joke. Minnie points over her Daddy's shoulder towards the road and directs, “That way!”
Matt, managing to keep a straight face, purposely turns to face the river and takes a step towards it, “this way?”
“No, Daddy! Other way!”
“Ah,” he pivots to his left, so he is facing the bushes that border the edge of the park, “This way.” 
Mouse dissolves into giggles, hiding her face against his neck and Matt gets the sweetest, dopiest smile on his face - like this is the best moment of his life. It makes your heart sing to see them play and tease and you wish so desperately you weren't in agony so you could actually enjoy it. 
Your daughter must say something to Matt, as he lets out a loud barking laugh before kissing the top of her head, “Okay, okay, we won't miss the ice cream. Fog, would you be so kind?” He motions to the sidewalk with the hand holding his cane and there must be an understanding, as the blonde man holds out his arm for Matt to take. The cane is expertly folded up and the two men and your daughter start walking towards the road. It doesn't take more than a few steps for all of them to start laughing again. 
You and Karen watch as they disappear down the sidewalk. The woman beside you is smiling softly, clearly enjoying the show that is Matt with Minnie. You hope you are smiling as well and not looking like some sort of summer Grinch. 
“You know,” Karen says a few moments after they turn around a corner and go out of sight, “I don't remember the last time I saw him smile so much.” 
You turn your attention to her, ducking your head just slightly, “she adores him.”
“And he adores her,” she quickly confirms. “And you.” You doubt that but know better than to try to argue. It doesn't matter, anyways, because she doesn't give you room to, continuing on, “He's been through a lot - not just his childhood but recently, too. I was really scared for him. We thought…we thought we lost him.” Your heart clenches tightly at the conversation. Karen switches from a soft smile to biting her lips and looking like she might start crying at the memories she's bringing up inside herself. “He's a good man but, truth be told, he's an idiot sometimes. He thought he was alone. That he had to be alone.”
You are lucky you are wearing your glasses because you can't bring yourself to look at Karen. It hurts to hear her talk about Matt in that way. You haven't had this sort of conversation with him - everything has been so surface level or about Minnie. You clear your throat and ask, “What about you and Foggy? You all seem very close.”
Karen laughs a little sadly, then tucks some hair behind her ear, “He and Foggy weren't talking. It was all…complicated. But it's better now. We're all good. Or we are working in it.” She takes a breath, and you see her look up, and you think she's smiling at you, “The point is he's…I don't worry anymore. You came into his life, and it is like you knocked some sense into him. He was never good at taking care of himself and now, he puts in the effort. He doesn't want to disappoint you. He wants to be a good dad.”
Her words confuse you - Matt seems very put together - he's a lawyer with amazing accomplishments under his belt. She must be talking about his personal life and fear trickles into your system. Was he an alcoholic or a drug user? As long as it was all behind him, you can't judge him for it. You know people have spotty pasts and even good people have rough times - and that doesn't make them any less of a good person. You'd be a hypocrite if you did think less of him because you've had your own share of troubles. 
You want Karen to know that. You start to pick at the hem of your jeans, so you have something to do with your hands while your mind free-fall. “He's a good dad,” you start slowly. “He's amazing with Minnie. He's so attentive and understanding and I love watching them play. I'm still getting used to the whole…” you lower your voice, just in case, “super-senses thing, but he's been helpful in explaining things. I’m just glad he wants to be in her life.”
“Are hers as good as his?” She asks and you can feel her leaning towards you. You don't know the answer to that, as Matt hasn't exactly explained in detail what he is able to do, but you do know Minnie has abilities you didn't know were possible. 
You shrug in response, “I'm not sure, but…I don't hear or see an ice cream truck, so.”
She laughs at that, then you fall back into a silence. You can tell she wants to ask more, but you aren't sure why she hesitates. You are grateful for it, though, and behind your glasses, you close your eyes. The back of your skull is throbbing and part of it has curled around to your left ear. You resist the urge to try to massage it away and instead try to stretch, letting your chin touch your collar bone. You focus on breathing through your nose, hoping it will magically make things more tolerable. 
Your mind feels like sludge, and you start wondering how long it will take until Minnie is worn out. You usually end up spending about an hour and a half at the park, enjoying the sun and ducks, and you've only just gotten here. You have no idea if it will go quicker or slower with more people for Mouse to interact with. Usually, she stays in your lap, hiding away from people, but she very obliviously loves Foggy. You think it is because he's good with children - Matt told you he has a big extended family. She had opened up to him very quickly once she realized he is Matt's best friend. Best friend is an important word to a toddler, apparently.
“It isn't just Minnie,” Karen says suddenly, bringing you back to reality. You frown at her, not understanding what she's talking about. Had you missed part of the conversation?
“It isn't just Minnie,” she repeats, “it's you, too.”
You feel like a lost lamb. Your brain hasn't caught up with what is going on and all you can do is gawk at the woman beside you.
“Me…?” You question and she nods. 
“You make him happy, too.”
You don't understand why she's telling you that or what it has to do with anything. You get you've made Matt happy by bringing Minnie into his life. The only response you can think to give is a simple, “I'm glad.” 
You can feel Karen examining you, but you refuse to meet her gaze. You don't think that was the right thing to say, but it is all you have. You are glad bringing Minnie into Matt's life has made him happy and seemingly changed things for the better for him. You want him to have a good life. 
In the corner of your eye, you see Karen reach out and you brace yourself as she puts her hand on your shoulder. She says your name, then gently questions, “Are you doing alright? You look pale.”
You force yourself to smile and give a dismissive shake of your head, “Just a little headache. I took some ibuprofen; it just hasn't kicked in yet.”
She quickly drops her hand, humming in sympathy, “I get that. I have some Motrin in my purse, if you need something stronger.” 
“Oh, no, I'll be okay,” you promise. 
You'll have to be okay. Minnie and Matt will be back from getting ice cream any minute and you will need to go into Mom-mode to make sure your daughter doesn't make an absolute mess of herself. Then, you'll need to keep an eye on her while you remain at the park for however long, because you will never forgive yourself if you give any indication to Matt's friends that you're not a suitable parent. 
You just need to take a deep breath and make sure you don't space out again. 
You'll be fine.
After all, it is just a headache.
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
 @petrovafire39 @allllium
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
@murc0ckmurc0ck @groovycass @sumo-b98 @just3rowsing @tongueofcat @zoom1374
@theclassicvinyldragon @aoi-targaryen @lunaticgurly @nikitawolfxo @shireentapestry @snakevyro @yondiii @echos-muses @honeybug-victoria @the-bisaster @ristare 
@mrs-bellingham @eugene-emt-roe @cometenthusiast @stevenknightmarc @hunnybelha @
Specialagentjackbauer @yarrystyleeza @ofmusesandsecrets 
@mayp11-blog @danzer8705 @thinking-at-dusk @remuslupinwifee @akila-twt  @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @dil3mma @allllium 
two-unbeatable-beaters @kiwwia-wiwwia @1988-fiend @xblueriddlex @loves0phelia @ninacotte @lovelyygirl8 @littlenosoul @ednaaa-04  @ astridstark13
 @lovingkryptonitehideout @moongirlgodness @soocore @bluestuesday
@starry-night-20 @rebeccapineapple @writtenbyred @cherrypie5 @capswife @silvercharacterchaos
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junipers-archive · 1 year
hey idk how your requests for fics/oneshots work but i thought of this idea! could you do a reader who gets injured a lot(bruises, scratches, burns) and doesnt seem to notice why shes in pain and spencer is always super worried, or points them out and asks if their ok and they are just genuinely like "huh??" like no clue they were actually hurt. i love protective spence. (this is totally self indulgent i spent 3 hours reading in the sun and didnt realize i was burnt until someone noticed ngl)
"Ow!" Suprisingly its not you who screeches, but Spencer who has been watching you like a hawk the entire case.
He had just witnessed you trying to retrace the steps of the serial killer you were tracking and cut yourself on the nearby wire fencing. Walking over to you, you notice his expression, eyebrows scrunched and mouth downturned.
"How does that not hurt?! It hurts me just to look at it!"
You're about to ask what he's talking about but you notice his pointed stare and follow his gaze to the slash down your upper right forearm. Its bleeding, which you would've realized if you hadn't been busy staring at him.
He looks over to hotch and gets a nod of understanding. And you realize you've done it again.
"oh. oops." Its all you can say, all you can come up with because it doesn't hurt, and also he's standing really close to you, too close, you can smell his cologne, which is clean but sweet and perfect and-
"How-how does this even happen to you?" He snaps you out of your daze, now guiding you to the car, popping the trunk to get the med kit out. He supposedly started it 'for the safety of the team members should something happen'.
Though everyone knows the only team member who needed it was you. You're 99% sure the only reason Hotch agreed to the carry on was because he was tired of having to ask for band aids at every police station you had to cooporate with.
Once you take a seat in the trunk he begins cleaning you up, which to your embarrassment, happens almost every case. But it was hardly ever your fault, your body just rarely experienced the sensation of pain.
Even when it meant you walked around with paper cuts on your fingers all day and only noticed the blood while doing paperwork.
"Sorry..." You mumble, lips twisting into a grimace at your childishness, you can't even take care of yourself, your coworker has to keep an eye on you. "You should be focused on the case, not worried about if I'll break my arm and not feel it.."
You cringe at his slight smile, expecting to be made fun of. "I-Its fine, Y/n I like taking care of you."
Rolling your eyes at his sweetness you tilt your head, "You really like having to keep your eyes on me 24/7, making sure I haven't gone and cut off a finger or fell and broken a bone, you want to keep your eyes on me?"
"Yes, I quite like it actually." And he's grinning Spencer Reid is grinning up at you like he's won the lottery, like looking after you is some prize he's won.
"What-Whatdoyoumean-" you begin quickly but he interrupts you,
"All done!" And he's walking away, he's really just walking away like he just didn't do what he just did.
"Spence! Spencer you come back here right now!" And now you have everyone looking at you like a lunatic. But by god you will find out exactly what he meant.
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sensei-venus · 9 months
imagine Hawk or demetri realizing their gf isn't wearing a bra while hanging out with their friends at the mall or park or something
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Demetri would have no clue what to do with himself. The minute he notices the fact she's not wearing a bra, he can't help but look. He's super awkward about it too. He gets all big eyes and won't stop staring at her boobs. Which may cause other people to question what he's looking at and then look.
This sends him over the edge when he sees someone else look at her tit.
Like no don't look at those! Those where his to look at- his girlfriends, don't look at her nipples which may or may not be getting hard under her shirt!
Of course, this leads to him making a scene. He steps in front of her when other people try and look at her chest. He makes up some lame excuse, but his voice is really the big teller of the situation.
“Oh well, you know uh… maybe me and Reader should go check out some hoodies or something! I heard that there is a place here that has a really good discount on them, come on Reader let's go!” and he practically drags her off. Away from any of the people they were talking to.
Reader ends up getting him to confess what his deal was. He's all red in the face when he has to admit his feelings over the whole thing. He stammers out “Your shirt okay! It's just- babe you're not wearing a bra and people can see your boobs!” he puts his head down as he finishes with “Babe your nipples are hard and I could see them through your shirt which means everyone else can too…” he’s a bit fidgety. He hardly look her in the eyes about it either. His eyes are to buzzy on the ground her looking directly at her tits. 
Reader loves this, she didn’t mean for this to happen but, it seemed like it was worth it.
She simply didn’t want to wear a bra out today.
Now she was stuck with a flushed boyfriend who was about to blow a gasket. All thanks to having no bra on in front of him in the middle of the mall. Giggling a little she smiles saying in a hushed tone “Are you really this flustered over me not wearing a bra out, In front of our friends?” Demetri stops all of his movement within seconds. Slowly his gaze meets hers, for once during this whole situation he can meet her eyes.
“I guess so…”
“Thats kinda hot.”
“You think so, for real?”
Reader presses her full body up against his front. Wrapping her arms around his lanky body in a hug.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about much about it okay? They’re all yours anyway, you are the only one who gets to touch them, feel them up….” Her voice goes into a harsh whisper as she looks up at him though thick lashes “ the only one who gets to see them bear in all their glory, the only one who gets to lick and suck on them.” She laughs. His face goes very red but he hugs her back. Resting his chin on her head.
“Well when you put it that way I guess it’s not all that big of a deal…”
“Thats what I thought big boy. Now let’s get back to our friends before they wonder off to far.”
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roseghoul26 · 5 months
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Javier Escuella x gn!Reader
Synopsis: For the last few nights, Javier’s guitar has been disappearing at night, returning back to its spot in the morning. No one in camp seems to know where it's going, and he’s getting real tired of his belongings getting taken. Tags: Not Beta Read, I Wrote This In Like Two Hours, Developing Relationship, Crushes, Fluff, You Steal Javier’s Guitar, Turns Out I Can Write Something Short(er), Arthur Morgan is a Nosy Bastard, But We Love Him Author's Note: i wanted to try writing from a different pov, and i needed a break from writing smut so here’s this little drabble <3
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For the life of him, Javier could not figure out where his guitar was disappearing to each night. 
He prided himself on being a very observant man, someone with eyes on the back of his head, as the saying went. He was quick to notice when someone was attempting to swindle him, pickpocket him, deceive him in any way. It’s how he’d survived so many years on his own, and how he excelled in the gang. 
Even when it came to his belongings in camp, he kept a close eye on them. If he saw someone approaching his tent, even if he trusted them, he’d always keep an eye on their hands, not too keen on having someone steal his hard-earned belongings. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his campmates, but he lived with a group of professional thieves; he could never be too cautious.  
When it came to his guitar, his most treasured belonging, he watched it like a hawk whenever he was lingering around camp. If it wasn’t in his hands currently being played, then it was propped up on a barrel or stool, always in line of sight. So you’d think he’d notice when someone took it, right?
You’d think so, but the currently empty spot where it should be said otherwise. Every night for the last couple days, without fail, it had been snatched, only to be returned an hour later. The first time it happened, he nearly lost his mind, practically tearing apart the camp to find it. His relief was immeasurable when he saw it returned an hour later, with not a single scratch on it. He had then chalked it up to having too many drinks that night and forgetting where he had set it.
When the second night came around and it disappeared again, he was less worried than before, but he still began to ask around camp, keeping an eye out for the wooden instrument. Charles had just shrugged when he asked where it was, but even in the dim light he could see a slight grin on his face. He refused to elaborate further when Javier asked, and after a few moments of getting only silence to his question, he moved on to the next person.
Arthur was even less of a help, saying he saw someone take it, but didn’t say who or to where. He had cursed at Arthur then, and the other man just laughed in response. 
Hosea hadn’t seen anything, apparently, and Sean was too drunk to even make out the whiskey bottle in his hand. Pearson was too preoccupied with making the camp dinner, and Mary-Beth claimed she was too busy reading to see anything, but the lack of a book near her made her lie very clear. 
It was like the whole camp was conspiring against him, making him look like a fool. Every person he asked either feigned ignorance, or just straight up refused to tell him. It was when he asked Tilly that he got any sort of clue. She had pointed him in your direction, saying that he should ask you if you’d seen it. 
Javier wasn’t sure what to make of you. The newcomer of the Van Der Linde gang, you’d been with them for about a month, and Javier had had very little opportunities to speak to you, always on different jobs for the camp. When he did speak to you, it was quick conversations, or around the campfire with the others. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk to you; it was quite the opposite. There was something intriguing about you, something that he couldn’t quite put a label on. You were talented, that was undeniable, and he’d heard nothing but praise about you from Dutch, which made you good his book. 
But as he glanced over to where Tilly was pointing, any plan of speaking to you went right out the window. He quite literally stumbled over his words as he talked to Tilly, a small chuckle leaving her that he missed as he continued to watch you. You were sitting around the fire, in the middle of talking with Bill, Hosea, and Dutch. The light from the fire illuminated your face, and you felt his heart begin to race as he watched a beautiful smile appear on your face.
Another thing that Javier prided himself on was his confidence. He was suave, a charmer, and could talk his way out of anything. Yet as he watched you, all that confidence seemed to be sucked away, and the thought of talking to you became a daunting, impossible task; it was almost pathetic.
So, instead of following Tilly’s suggestions, he had just wished her a good night, heading back to his tent. He had to do a double take when he saw his guitar propped up in his usual spot, still in the same condition as it was prior. He felt like he was going insane. 
Instead of playing like he normally did, he just went straight to bed, much to everyone’s confusion. He was confused, and not just about his guitar. He was confused on why he had reacted the way he did when he saw you. He’d never really thought of you in that way before, but now that he did, he couldn’t stop. Has he always found you that… beautiful? Was the reason why he didn’t talk to you not because of conflicting schedules, but because of his cowardice?
He didn’t sleep well that night.
He expected the next night to be the same thing, but was almost disappointed to find his guitar untouched the entire day. He even made a point not to play it, but there were no takers, and he went to bed even more confused.
It disappeared that night, and he somehow managed to not see who did it. It was like they were a phantom, invisible only to him. He practically stared holes into the empty spot as he awaited for the person to return to it, but when an hour passed and no one showed up, he got up, legs aching from sitting still for so long. A disbelieving sigh, followed by a string of curses in Spanish spilled from his mouth when there, behind him at one of the other campfires, the guitar sat. Arthur just smiled at him when Javier raised a brow in question, and it took every ounce of willpower in his body to not throttle the other man.
The rest of the week went like that. No matter how hard he tried, or how many “traps” he set up, he couldn’t catch the little thief. It was almost funny, the entire situation, but he was far too frustrated to find any amusement with it. 
He had tried multiple times during that week to approach you, but it was like the universe hated him. One time, he nearly tripped over his own feet while making his way towards you, and you luckily didn’t see. When he successfully was able to walk, you were called away by Dutch, an apologetic look on your face as you walked away. 
But most days, he just couldn’t bring himself to approach you. The others, Charles and Arthur especially, had picked up on his predicament, one of the kind enough to not tease him for it. The other, more specifically Arthur, found great pleasure in tormenting him about it. Charles had to stop him from attacking the other man, and that’s how he currently found himself alone in the woods, calming himself down with a cigarette. Normally, he would use his guitar as an outlet, but to his not-surprise, it was missing. 
It had been a while since he was this far away from camp as Horseshoe Overlook at night. It was almost eerily peaceful, the sound of crickets and nocturnal animals the only thing he could hear. It was even colder, and he was grateful that he had slipped on a jacket earlier in the night. 
Grass and branches crunched beneath his feet as he walked further into the woods, no intent behind his motions except for exploring. That was until he heard something in the distance, so light that he thought he was imagining it for a moment. It was music, a lone guitar, to be exact. Tales of hearing music in the woods from his childhood flooded his mind, yet he didn’t feel scared. Weirdly enough, he felt at ease, and he found himself walking closer to the sound. 
It got louder as he went down the hill, and as he got closer he heard a voice accompanying the guitar. It was soft, uncertain almost, yet it was quite beautiful. It pulled at him, almost like a siren’s song, and he continued to make his way toward it, an excited energy buzzing in his body. 
To say he was shocked to see you sitting against a rock, guitar in hand, singing those stunning melodies, would be an understatement. You had your back to him, and you doubt you could hear him approaching, and he glanced at the guitar in your hands. His new suspicions were confirmed when he was the familiar faded oak instrument in your hand; you were the one taking his guitar each night. If it were any other person, he would be pissed off. Yet he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset at you. Instead, he was amused, the hilarity of the situation finally revealing itself to him, and for once he didn't feel the need to run the other way instead of talking to you.
He stomped out the cigarette, still going unnoticed by you. Not wanting to startle you too badly, he cleared his throat, jumping himself a bit when you immediately stopped. There was now a gun in your hand, aimed directly at him, and he held his hands up. When you were able to make out it was just him in the darkness, you relaxed, holstering your gun. “Javier,” you breathed out, and he felt his heart jump at the way you said his name. “I’m so sorry…”
He waved it off. “I startled you. No need to apologize. I’d be a bit more concerned if you hadn’t done that.”
You huffed out a laugh. “So it’s good to be jumpy, then. Noted.”
“Being ‘jumpy’ keeps you alive. Heard way too many stories of people being a little too slow on the draw, and end up dead because of it.” 
You just hummed thoughtfully, before a look of concern crept on your face. “I wasn’t disturbing you, was I?” You gestured to the guitar. “I thought I was far enough away from camp, but if you need me to move…”
“You’re fine,” he reassured. “And besides, even if I could hear you all the way from camp, you wouldn’t have disturbed me. You play wonderfully, and your voice is, well, beautiful.”
He swore you blushed at the praise, ducking your head in embarrassment. He watched as your fingers danced over the frets, almost like you were doing it out of nervous habit. “You’re too kind, Javier.”
“How long have you been playing?” He asked, taking a few steps toward you.
“Since I was a child.” You let out a breath, your head resting against the rock behind you. “Here,” you patted the ground beside you, “come sit.”
Praying that he wouldn’t make a fool of himself, he complied, your shoulders brushing as he sat. You didn’t seem to mind, not pulling away. In fact, you almost seemed to relax even more, but he quickly banished that train of thought. He was reading too much into it. 
You continued. “I’m admittedly a bit rusty; I stopped playin’ a few years back. But then I saw the guitar in camp, and Arthur said it didn’t belong to anyone and I, dunno, just got the urge to start playin’ again.” 
He had to bite back the laughter and the threat towards Arthur’s wellbeing that almost spilled from him. Of course Arthur was behind all this, the nosy bastard. He couldn’t tell if he was grateful or not, though. 
“You should start playing in camp. They’re probably tired of hearing me play all the time.”
He couldn’t help the small smile that grew on his lips at the excited look on your face. “You play too?”
He nodded. “I do. I realize now you probably haven’t heard me yet.” And so you don’t realize who’s guitar that actually is.
You shook your head, the motion causing your arms to continuously brush against him. “Well, then how long have you played?” You shot his question back at him.
“Only during the past couple of years. Picked it up because I needed something to occupy my time, and I found I rather enjoyed it. Let’s just say, though, you’re much better than me.”
“Well, I don’t know ‘bout that,” you laughed. “I haven’t even heard you play yet.” You tried to hand him the guitar, but he just held his hand up, shaking his head lightly. It was adorable, the way you almost pouted. 
“I promise, you’ll hear me soon enough. For now that guitar’s better off in your hands.” 
You sighed, barely conceding. “Fine. But don’t get annoyed if I nag you ‘bout it.”
“You couldn’t annoy me if you tried,” Javier admitted, almost a bit too honestly. He wasn’t sure where this was coming from; it was like the filter on his mouth just shut off, scared off by your proximity. You cocked your head, confused, and Javier elaborated a bit further. “If it was any other person that was taking my guitar each night, then we’d have issues. But I don’t mind if it’s you.”
Shock then mortification washed over your face, and Javier regretted telling you for a moment, missing that soft smile. “This… this is yours?” You asked, voice rising in volume as you gestured to the instrument. You groaned when he nodded, head slumping against the rock, defeated. “And I’ve just been takin’ it each night. Javier, I am so sorry-”
Javier chuckled a bit. “Like I said, I don’t mind. You’ve treated it well, which is more than I can say for the others when it comes to my stuff.”
His words seemed to just go in one ear and straight out the other. Your cheeks had darkened from embarrassment, and he would’ve found it cute if you weren’t so upset. “But it’s not alright! I should’ve asked, I… I should’ve known Arthur was lyin’ when he said it didn’t belong to anyone. Oh, I’m gonna kill him,” you snarled, getting up quickly, not before gently setting the guitar in Javier’s lap.
He didn’t let you get too far, his hand instinctively reaching up to grab your wrist, halting you immediately. You were both equally shocked, both pairs of eyes glancing to where he was currently touching you. His heart hammered in his chest, but he didn’t let go, gently pulling you back towards him. “Stay. Please.”
You continued to stare at him, moth agape, and for a moment Javier thought he misread everything. But his worries about disgusting or upsetting you were quickly discarded when a bright grin adorned your face, a pleasant light in the darkness of night. With a gentle tug, Javier brought you back down to where you had just been sitting, his hand never leaving your wrist. It was weird, how quickly his body had missed the heat of you, and he unconsciously felt himself pressing close to your side. 
Or maybe you were the one pressing into him. He couldn’t tell. 
“I’m sorry.” He heard you apologize yet again, and he let out a lighthearted scoff.
“How many times do I have to say that it’s alright? I’m not lying, I swear!”
“And that’s what Arthur said, but here we are.” Even though your words were accusatory, he still heard a slight laugh behind them. “He was ‘bout to face my anger if he had just ruined anythin’ with you.”
“What do you mean?” He tried to not sound too hopeful.
“Well, I’ve been wantin’ to talk to you, to get to know you,” you admitted, no longer looking him in the eye. “But I thought by doin’ all this,” you pointed at the guitar in his lap,” that I ruined any chance of creatin’ any sort of… friendship with you.”
“Only a friendship, cariño?” There was that confidence he was known for, back now that he realized that his desire to know you wasn’t so one-sided. 
Your head snapped to him when he said that, eyes going wide. “I… well…” you were extremely flustered, and Javier found great joy in the fact that he had done that to you. “We’ll just have to see, won’t we?”
“Yes, we will.” He murmured. He finally let go of your wrist, smiling a bit at the way you seemed to sadden, but his touch wasn’t gone for long. Running his fingers across the back of your hands, he then interlocked them, resting them on your thighs. 
Another beautiful smile from you dazzled him, and he sighed in contentment when you tentatively rested your head on his shoulder. In no world did he imagine that this was how his night would end, but he was certainly not complaining, especially when you moved impossibly closer to him. 
When the two of you returned back to camp hours later, hand in hand, guitar in your own, laughter making you breathless, he barely noticed the looks from the others, too caught up in you to even bother to look elsewhere. Something new flickered in his chest, something he hadn’t felt in a while, and it took until he tried to fall asleep to put a name to it. 
For a moment, he thought it was just love, but even it was overshadowed by the other thing he was feeling: hope. For the first time in a long time, Javier Escuella went to bed with hope for the next day, and he had you to thank.
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
their secret weapon pt. 8
a/n: finn receives a visit from an old friend to help him realize his wrongs, and y/n opens up to rhea. 
mentions: mostly SFW, brief mentions of violence during wrestling matches, appearance from a demon, fluff at the end, fem!reader, polu!judgement day, taking a shower but nothing NSFW happening in said shower
taglist: @babybatlover @ripleyswhore @auburnwrites​ @odessa-is-my-queen​ @theworldofotps​​
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Finn stood alone after his partners all left the dressing room, and he started to think long and hard about the disaster he’d created. As wrong as it was...he wasn’t sure of what exactly he did wrong. Was pushing Y/N to be the best she could be such a bad thing? Was having that conversation with his partners not okay? Finn didn’t get it, and he knew that was worse than recognizing what he’d even done being wrong.  
As he sat on the couch with his eyes closed and his fingers digging into his temples, he’d decided the best thing to do was just relax and try to sleep some of this off for a few minutes. Maybe he’d come up with some ideas of where to go from here while he did so. It didn’t take long for Finn to doze off as he laid on the couch, but as he did, Finn could feel a presence of someone - no, something - with him. He had no clue who it was, but he tried to ignore it. 
Try as hard as he wanted...but Finn would never be able to ignore his demons. 
He took a deep breath and tried to push away everything that he was feeling; oddly enough, the darkness surrounding him was comforting. It gave him the space to feel what he needed to feel without anyone else there telling him what to do. However, as his light slumber took over his body he noticed that presence finally showing their true identity. 
“Christ, haven’t seen you in awhile.” Finn mumbled in slight annoyance, looking straight at the red and black Demon in front of him. Bálor stood in front of him in all his glory, smiling and swaying on all fours as he finally made his grand entrance. 
“It’s been way too long, friend!” Bálor said in excitement. “I needed to come see you after the mess you’ve made.” Nothing about the Demon King was a good sign, and Finn knew that. He was the last person Finn wanted to see at the moment. 
Finn rolled his eyes at Bálor’s words and shook his head. “Don’t even start.” He said, clearly agitated and wanting nothing to do with this conversation. “If you’re here to tell me I fucked up and they’re upset with me, don’t waste your time. Everyone else has already made it pretty clear.”
Bálor couldn’t help but laugh a bit, moving closer to Finn and standing in front of him. Just the sight alone made Finn’s skin crawl, but he’d also learned a long time ago to embrace his demons rather than pushing them away; that only made it worse. Bálor quickly caught onto that as well and used it to his advantage whenever he wanted to make his presence known. “I’m not going to repeat much of what’s already been said, friend. Especially because they’re all right.” The Demon stated matter of factly. 
The Irishman was even more agitated. “Fuck this, I’m not having this conversation-”
“Oh, yes we are!” Bálor interrupted. “And you’re going to listen, which is something you haven’t been very good at.” The Demon began pacing around on all fours, watching Finn like a hawk as he began talking. “It’s no secret you love the humans, all four of them. Whether you’ve been acting like it, it a different story.” He smirked at how furious those words made Finn, who almost interrupted. But the Demon held up his finger as if to remind Finn to keep quiet. “You don’t show love by hurting others. And you’ve especially hurt the small one.” Bálor said, speaking specifically of Y/N. “She injured herself for you, and it still wasn’t enough?”
Finn listened carefully, seeing where Bálor was going with this but still not understanding why he was in the wrong. “I never said it wasn’t enough.” He answered softly. “I just...I want to make her the best she can be. Sure I’m harsh but how is that such a bad thing?”
Bálor tsked softly, showing his fangs as he watched Finn squirm due to the lack of comfort. “She shouldn’t have to hurt herself to prove to you she’s loyal.” The Demon said slowly and carefully. “Not only that, but she has already sacrificed enough. Leaving behind someone she loved, causes more pain than anything physical.” He reminded Finn softly. “Think of what happened when you met the humans...you did the same, didn’t you?”
He thought carefully about Bálor’s words. The Demon was right; not only did Finn have this same period of loss and grieving of previous relationships before joining The Judgement Day, but everyone else did as well. Hell, Dominik was still grieving and coming to terms with his own situation after all this time. Bálor was right - Finn wasn’t seeing the progress Y/N had been making. He looked up at the Demon before letting his posture relax. “Yeah...yeah, I did.” He answered softly. “I don’t know how to fix it though. I want to...I just don’t know how.” 
A soft smirk crawled onto the lips of the Demon King himself, his fangs once again making an appearance. “You show each of them how much you love them, and you stop treating them this way.” Bálor said softly. “Your actions will speak much louder than your words.” 
The Irishman gave another small nod as he thought through his conversation with Bálor. “I can do that.” He said softly, watching as the Demon smiled in satisfaction. 
“Who would’ve thought I’d be the one teaching you to be human.” Bálor noted, a hint of sarcasm and pride in his voice. “You should work on that before I get too soft for you silly people.” That was when Bálor began to make his exit towards the darkness once again, hoping that his old friend would learn his lesson after this. 
Finn came to and opened his eyes, back in the dressing room on the couch where he’d dozed off to think through what had happened. Oddly enough, Bálor was right and had taught him what it means to be human; how backwards that was. 
All he knew, was that he had work to do. And that work began the next morning, knowing that none of his partners wanted anything to do with him for the rest of the night. 
--- ---
The remainder of The Judgement Day had gotten back to their hotel long after finally leaving the venue. None of them were thrilled with the circumstances, but they needed to have faith that Finn was putting the work in to think through what he’d done and how he was going to fix it. 
While Damian and Dominik crawled into bed, Rhea took Y/N into the shower so she could take some time for herself. She also wanted to hear what Y/N was thinking, as she hadn’t said much since leaving the arena earlier in the night. Rhea turned the water on and turned to where Y/N was sat on the bathroom counter, gently moving the ice pack away from her jaw and sighing at the sight of the bruise. “How are you feeling?” She asked softly. 
Y/N gave a small shrug and took off the t-shirt she was wearing (courtesy of Damian) and revealed some more forming bruises on her back from the table spot. “I could be better. I’m just tired I think.” She noted quietly. Who wouldn’t be tired after getting kicked in the face and falling through a table? She thought to herself. 
Rhea nodded and took a makeup wipe to start removing left behind eyeliner and mascara on Y/N’s cheeks. “I promise we can go to bed soon.” She gently stood Y/N up afterwards and helped her discard of her shorts, both of them stepping under the hot water and letting the steam relax their sore muscles. Y/N sighed in content, a small smile on her face for the first time almost all night. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more grateful for a shower.” Y/N said softly, making Rhea chuckle. She leaned in to kiss her smaller partner’s forehead and grabbed some shampoo. “Is Finn coming back tonight?” She hated to admit it, but part of her missed the idiot. Yes he pissed Y/N off, but she still hoped he would come back that night and try to make things better. 
The Aussie gave a small sigh and started to wash Y/N’s hair, gently getting at her scalp with her nails. “I don’t think so, bug.” She said quietly. “It’s probably for the better. He just...he needs the night.” Up to this point, Rhea had no clue Y/N heard anything Finn had said regarding her loyalty. She and the boys were living in ignorant bliss because of it; but Y/N knew she needed to tell Rhea. 
So Y/N leaned her head back under the water as the shampoo was rinsed from her hair before looking up at Rhea. “I know what he thinks of me.” She said, Rhea furrowing her brows in confusion. “I heard you guys talking about...about whether I was loyal or not. I heard his doubts.” The sadness was written all over Y/N’s face, and Rhea knew she couldn’t change what had been said.
Rhea frowned and kissed Y/N’s forehead again. “I’m so sorry,” she said before giving Y/N a kiss on the lips. “He...I know it’s not good. He just has such high expectations of people. And we wanted him to think through what he said but he just gets so in the moment when he cares.” 
Y/N shook her head and stood on her toes to give Rhea one more kiss. “I know, I heard you guys sticking up for me.” She said quietly. “I just wish I knew when...when I’d be good enough.”
With one more kiss, Rhea held Y/N’s cheeks and made eye contact with her. “You are.” She whispered. “You’re all we could ask for. And he’s going to come to his senses soon.” That was more to convince herself than Y/N. 
The two spent the rest of the shower in silence, helping each other clean up and exchanging slow kisses with one another. Eventually they finished and got changed before heading out to bed, and they maneuvered their way into the mess of limbs that Dominik and Damian already created; Rhea took the easy way and laid on the outside next to Dominik, and Y/N shimmied between the two boys to take her rightful spot with Damian. 
Damian’s arms easily wrapped around Y/N on instinct and she snuggled into his chest, the sound of the large man’s heartbeat lulling her to sleep. But as she laid there, alone with her thoughts, she couldn’t stop thinking of their missing Irishman who she wanted nothing more than to just admit he was wrong and fix everything. 
The question was, would be even admit it?
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YN Bakugo: Big Sister
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Bakugo featuring Class 1-A and various cameos x female! Yn Bakugo (she/her pronouns)
Warnings:light swearing, 99% fluff with mild angst, Bakugo being soft 🥹
AN: This is an anon request!
Ahh good ole UA high
A wonderful place for training up the future hero’s of the world
It also happens to be the home to our resident boom boom boi, Katsuki Bakugo 🥰
Ahh how we adore this little fire ball
Katsuki might be rough around the edges, but deep down inside we all know he has a soft side
And you know who knows that better than anyone?
That’s right, his lovely sister, YN Bakugo
Now, looking at you, one would never guess that you were related to Katsuki
Why you might ask? 👀
It’s definitely because you look and act just like your father, Masaru Bakugo
Your calm, cool and collected
While your brother and your mom, Mitsuki Bakugo, are more outgoing and loud
You prefer to keep a level head, especially in high pressure situations
You got along well with your parents, unlike your brother who was more arrogant and self-centered
“Katsuki you should act more like Yn! She’s an amazing hero!” Your mother would say
“The queen of the nerds? I will absolutely NOT be like YN!” Katsuki would argue back
You and your dad simply ignored them at this point
You quirk and calm ability helped you in everyday life
Which is perfect because like Katsuki, you followed down the path of becoming a hero
While you were a few years older than Katsuki, you still made a name for yourself
However Katsuki did his part to distance himself from you
“Bakugo, how is Yn doing?” Aizawa would ask after class
“No clue who you’re referring too,” he’d say, walking out
You were essentially the nerdiest of the nerds
And while Bakugō did love you, in his own Bakugo way
He also didn’t talk about you
He liked that his family life was separate than his school life
However that was all about to change 🙃
Now Katsuki knew Sibling Day was coming up but he simply chose to ignore it
He managed to intercept all of the flyers that were going to be sent to your parents home
He made sure that there was absolutely NO WAY you could find out
The last thing he wanted was for you to show up
Thank god a certain noisy someone would never tell you 😅
“Hey YN, did you hear about the sibling even at U.A. this weekend?” Hawks asked you on one of your nightly patrols
“No, I had no idea! Katsuki didn’t mention it,” you said, figuring your brother probably didn’t want you to go
“You should definitely go YN! It would be cool for all the kiddos to see your quirk and stuff. I’m going to be there because it’s open to all pros,” Hawks said as you nodded
The night came and everyone was dressed and ready to mingle
A bunch of Bakugo’s classmates siblings showed up
Some of them were hero’s, others weren’t
It was really a great opportunity to get to know everyone
“Hey Kacchan!” Midoriya said : D
“What do you want nerd!” Bakugo responded
“I figured since neither of us have siblings, we could hang out!” Midoriya : D
“Like I’d ever hang out with you Deku!” Bakugo scoffed as he turned, stopping in his tracks when he saw you
Bakugo 👉🏻😠😐😳
You 👉🏻😁👋🏻
Bakugo 👉🏻😐😠😡
You 👉🏻😌🥰
“YN what the hell are you doing here?!?” Katsuki growled as you went in to hug him 🫂
“Suki it’s so good to see you! I missed you!” You said hugging your brother as he stood there, stiff as a pole
Everyone around you started murmuring
“Hey that’s Yn! She’s a huge pro!” Mina gushed
“She’s gorgeous and super popular,” Denki added
“Is anyone wondering why she’s hugging Bakubro?” Kirishima asked
Everyone 👉🏻😐🤨
“Ahh YN! It’s good to see you again!” Aizawa came up, giving you a small hug
“Erased, great to see you! I’m so glad I get to be here!” You say 😊
“I’m surprised your here Yn, I was sure Katsuki would have tried to stop you,” Aizawa said
“Oh I’m sure he did but hawks told me!” You said
Bakugo looking at Hawks rn 👇🏻
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“Well I’m glad you could come!” He says as Bakugo stands there, glaring at you
“Did you ever think maybe there was a reason I didn’t want you to come?” Katsuki says as you stare at home
You 👉🏻 Nope : D
“Bakugobro whats up?” Kirishima says and him, Denki, Sero, Mina and Midoriya approach
Bakugo rn 👉🏻😐🤦🏼 why me
“Omg hi!! You must be Katsuki’s friends! I’m Yn Bakugo, his big sister!” You smile
“His… SISTER?!?!?” They all shout as you just smile and wave
Sero looks at you both, so confused, “umm I don’t get it. You two look and act nothing alike.”
“I know right? But it’s true, we are brother and sister,” you say, hugging Katsuki who is totally stiff as a board
You 👉🏻🥰🥰🥰
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄
“I gotta say, this is super weird,” Denki commented
“Try being related to her,” Bakugo adds
“Awe Katsuki, you know you love your big sister! Now come on, say it!” You sing
“Absolutely not,” he says
“Come on,” you say : D
“No,” Katsuki 😐
Suddenly, you hear an explosion happen right outside
The entire hall rocks with the aftermath of the loud boom
“Shit!” Katsuki yelled as everyone tried to get their footing
“YN let’s go!” Hawks yelled
“Katsuki, stay here and protect everyone! Leave it to your big sister to handle this!” You said, taking off before he even got to respond
“Alright nerds! Everyone stay put!” He screamed
“Uhh Kacchan, I don’t think calling everyone a ‘nerd’ is super reassuring,” Midoriya adds
“Well it got everyone to shut up didn’t it?” Katsuki shouted back
Midoriya 👉🏻 noted 📝
Meanwhile, you were outside, fighting off the criminals who caused the explosion
“YN look out!” Hawks shouted as suddenly your works went black
“Holy crow YN got hurt!” Someone shouted as Katsuki turned and ran towards the window
“What happened?” Mina asked
“She was fighting when someone threw a car at her!” Someone answered
Katsuki’s blood ran cold, he had to get to his sister
“Move nerds! Kirishima, make sure nobody leaves and protect everyone!” He shouted as he took off towards you
When he entered the steer, he saw you weren’t moving
He needed to get to you
“Bakugo no! We don’t need you to get hurt too!” Aizawa said as Katsuki watched hero’s race in to help
Someon grabbed you, quickly whisking you to an ambulance and taking you to the hospital
“Get out of my way!” Katsuki said before blasting off into the air and heading towards the hospital
Your parents were there, waiting when he arrived
“YN’s ok right?” He shouted
“Katsuki this is a hospital! Will you keep it down?” Your mother whisper yelled
“They are looking her over now Katsuki, but the hero that brought her in said she was conscious,” your dad said as Katsuku let out a breathe he didn’t know he was holding
Later, your parents went in to see you
You were pretty battered up but thankfully, you were able to protect yourself from any major damage
Katsuki stood by the doorway as your mother fawned over you
“Katsuki! I’m so sorry I ruined your night with your friends!” You cried
“Yeah whatever nerd, im just glade your ok,” he scoffed
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Katsuki got here as fast as he could Yn! Aizawa said he tried to get to you while uou were still knocked out!” Your mom said
“Mom will you be quiet!” Katsuki growled
You 👉🏻😐🥹
“Get over here and give me a hug?” You shouted as Katsuki looked at you like you had two heads
“I don’t do hugs nerd!” He said as you wiggled your fingers
“Come on, bring it in!” You said, still extending your arms
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄 fine!
He came over, giving you the worst most lack luster hug ever
But it didn’t matter, you knew your brother loved you ♥️
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makutaservaela · 16 days
Random Bionicle Headcanons and Running Gags
Involving canon characters
Somehow, Helryx always knows exactly where in the room Jerbraz is in and looks him dead in the eye when she speaks to him. Masks that can reveal him don't generally reveal details, so she is the only person who ever looks him in the eye. He has no clue how she does it and it scares him shitless. (Mazeka suspects she can hear his breathing and/or footsteps, uses that to calculate whereabouts to look, and then listens for his surprised breath-hitch when her gaze meets his eyes).
Mutran hates heights
Teridax was generally considered annoying by most other Makuta. Even those who respected his plan generally considered him annoying on a personal level.
Although Skakdi need to work with another Skakdi to activate their elemental powers, the assistance can either be physical or neurological. In other words, they can either be in close-proximity and activate at the same time, or on can just grab the other's arm and then he can use his powers. He doesn't need the other Skakdi's consent to use his powers that way.
Upon returning to Toa status, Vakama is really fucking tall for some reason, towering over the other Toa Metru.
Onua Nuva in his adaptive armour is also really fucking tall for some reason.
Air elementals are usually quite short.
Miserix sounds like Morgan Freeman.
Vican sounds kinda like Eminem.
Skakdi speak with some accent I can't quite identify, but it is rather UKish. I've always imagined it that way even though I have no clue what the accent is. For example, they pronounce Rs "wr". I likely based that on the fact they rarely close their lips all the way (they can, they just don't do it often).
Skakdi move faster on four legs than two, but prefer two legs so they can hold things and to look more civilised.
Avak smokes cigars (despite the aforementioned lip-closing thing)
Lewa is really good at figuring out people's secrets by incorrectly assuming what the secret is, cracking a joke about what he thinks the secret is, and then the person misunderstands the joke into thinking he knows the *actual* secret, and they confess.
There are some implants installed into all Dark Hunters upon initiation. One is the implantation of metal fangs as a backup weapon. Because of this, some people have taken to calling Dark Hunters/Ex-Dark-Hunters "Metal-Mouths".
Mutran can't spell "Kraahkan". In general, he is not good at spelling.
Most Bionicle are somewhat ambidextrous. They do tend to have a dominant hand, although the difference between dominant and non-dominant is way smaller than with humans.
Mutran is left-handed (which can be seen in a recent Bio-Parenting).
Krika is naturally heterochromatic- one gold eye, one red. When disguised as a male Makuta, part of his disguise involved hiding his heterochromia. Now that she is restored to life, she displays her natural eye colour.
Vamprah tends to self-groom via licking when he is embarrassed.
Miserix tends to self-groom via licking as a show of disrespect (ie, if someone is talking to him and he wants to communicate "I no longer give a shit about your opinion, go away", he will just start grooming and act very, very interested in his grooming. He used to do this non-stop to the Shadowed One).
Since their revival, Makuta have regained The Call: Makuta have an instinct to give a bird-like shriek when they feel there are no other Makuta around, and if a Makuta hears a Call, they feel a strong urge to respond. It's a method of locating and keeping track of each other. They had it long ago, but lost it when they originally became essence in armour. They can pinpoint the distance and direction of another Makuta's Call if they hear it.
The Call is affected by mask: Shelek wearers give one similar to the stereotypical "eagle" call (which is actually a hawk call). Avsa wearers give one more similar to an actual eagle call. Jutlins are short, rapid shrills, Felnas sounds like a mountain lion scream, both the Kraahkan and Miserix make a crocodile-like growl that vibrates everything in its vicinity, and I haven't decided the other masks yet.
A smallish canid species on Bota Magna was named "Vahki" and are kept as pets. The name is due to their similarish appearance and how they are often kept as livestock guard dogs.
Spikits can be farmed for their milk, but it tastes awful and needs to be heavily processed.
Helryx has developed narcolepsy due to how worn-out she is. The other Order Members politely ignore her random faints, although they will usually make some attempt to catch her.
I have no clue where tf Umbra went in my HC.
I am incapable of reading Irnakk's name without automatically pronouncing it "EE-nak". I... have no clue why. I think someone erroneously put that in the Wikipedia once and it just settled in my head.
For some reason as a kid I screwed up Matau's name and, until I watched the movies, thought his name was "Matua" (Mah-Too-uh)
Involving OCs
The Toa Metru are god-awful at coming up with original names for things (hence the naming conventions of the island of Mata Nui). This is why Nokama named most of her kids after Rahi: Muaka, Oohnora, Usall, and Goku.
In canon, when Pohatu learns a new thing, he always asks "What is XYZ?" And usually immediately finds said thing. This trait is genetic, and despite him not having raised his son, his son Pohanu, grandson Mikaua, and granddaughter Lonya all picked up this trait independently.
All four of Matau's kids have independently developed some thing that makes them more likely to bond with Nuju: Irunak was, due to a birth defect, born an ice-elemental, Oohnora was the middle of 9 kids and struggled to get attention, so the ever-distant Nuju was the only one who noticed her, and Kekek and Usall taught themselves the language of the flyers to use as a code-language without knowing that Nuju could also speak it fluently.
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
Okay but y'know who would've been the perfect character to use as a secondary foil to Dabi in addition to Shouto being the first instead of Bird Bitch?Momo.Their upbringings are significantly different but not entierly-Momo was abused by her parents with adultification and verbally abused by them in a way that's so normalized that she has no clue of either of those things even happened to her,Dabi was abused by Endeavor in the classic way with constant verbal degragation and physical assaults.And they both had the same motivation and justification behind them:They wanted them to be the perfect child.Momo's abusers in the sense of her becoming the ideal proper 'mature' woman,Dabi's abuser in the sense of the most powerful hero.They parallel eachother in a contrasting way and so do their trauma responses by extension and their dynamic has so much untapped potential that i genuinely think it's one of Horikoshi's dropping the ball moment's that he never had them share a bond or at least pointed out their different similarities
It's shown that despite his lack of care for strangers generally,Dabi looks out for his own.He treats Toga like his little sister because she had a rough childhood due to her quirk too and his best friendship with Jin is so tender and strong that it borderlines on romantic and we all saw what he did and said to Hawks for his ableism motivated murder of him and it's not a coincidence that he's even more brotherly to Toga and unhinged after that event specifically.In addition to their shared history of parental abuse,Momo herself also has a bunch of disorders which unlike with Jin were not intentional-Let's be honest,if Horikoshi had made her autistic,adhd,anxiety and ocd intentionally,i don't even wanna think about how horrifically she would've been treated by both other characters and the narrative-but are too intertwined with her story to remove them and still have her be in-character so it's fun and interesting to think of Momo and Dabi having to interact with eachother due to her being a heroine in training and him a villain who's team's main enemies are friends and mentors
Both of them have also not fully escaped the treatment they got growing up-Momo was given a costume that was blatantly meant to sexualize her and gets put in charge of leading her classmates into war as literal child soldiers,Dabi still dosen't get believed as a victim of his father because he's 'too mean' to count as one.I would love to see stories of them slowly accidentally befriending eachother right after the Bakugou rescue arc and Dabi helping Momo see hero society isn't fair or kind to her either and Momo realizing just how often it is that situations like Dabi's happen-Hell,she helped rescue someone who's the same as Endeavor,only on a smaller scale.I don't think she'd instantly go villain nor that Dabi would force her to but the prelude to the war arc has her getting kicked out by her parents for standing up to them and because they found out she's been doing vigilanteism so she joins him because she knows he's right and because he's treated her better than almost every other adult in her life and in turn,she's made him realize that not every hero is thrown into it willingly and are just hurt kids like he used to be and that they're the real ones.'Creati' becomes 'Destruct' but before this all unfolds,we get Shouto and Momo being closer than ever as the series progresses due to the differences in Momo's plot and Dabi's involvement in it pulling Shouto into their orbits and Todomomo goes from a subtle but potent romance to a constant and in your face 'They're soulmates by choice' type of beat in the best and healthiest way possible
Momo gets to be written as a multidimensional teen girl character with no demonization for being an anti-heroine and not be erased as the second real first friend Shouto made in favor of a lifelong bully who told his number one victim to kill himself and Dabi gets to redeem himself by being the good older brother he never got to be as Touya and entering rehibilitation after the war ends because he refuses to die after getting to save Jin from Hawks so they can live out the rest of their lives together.Breaking the cycle of abuse is a much better story than shonen fuckery bullshit disguised as superhero homages when in reality it's disrespecting the history behind and core of comics
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering what you'd think the octo-agents would do if you got sick. Blorbo thoughts go burr
Natquik my beloved. He has at least 20+ years of Polar Scout first aid knowledge, and roughly 30 years of "pure adrenaline/spite-fueled survival in Antarctica" instincts; so you're either gonna get a nasal strip and a raw ginger root to chew on... or a surprise shove into an ice bath, followed by a cup of hot cocoa. You don't get to pick which one.
Pirates have their own unique "medical practices," if you can dare to call them that. So... Calico Jack WILL cure you of whatever's ailing ye, but you're in for one HELL of a ride. Have fun! :D
Tracker has over 20 years of Polar Scout first aid knowledge, so he's basically Natquik but without the 50/50 chance of being forcibly thrown into Arctic waters when you least expect it. He will make it his temporary life purpose to make you feel better. He will not sleep, eat, drink, or work until you are Fixed™. He will make himself sick in the process, this is inevitable.
Ranger Marsh has father instincts + who knows how many years of experience taking care of the Everglades critters when they're hurt or sick, so he's basically a certified medic. He might LITERALLY be certified. Either way, he's also kinda like Natquik in the sense that he definitely has a normal first aid kit/medicine cabinet,, but he's going to force you to take weird swamp cures anyway.
Pearl has mother instincts but they're still relatively new, so she might treat you like a baby with a fever: tell you to take a lukewarm bath, make sure you get snuggled up in a cozy bed to rest, and watch you like a hawk while you guzzle down 7346389 liters of fluids.
Paani will straight up sit there and stare at you. You can't tell me this guy takes care of himself properly when he feels sick, so he has no clue how to help you. Realistically he'd pass you on to someone else, but let's say he doesn't do that—instead I can see him trying to tell you that you can "speed up" getting better by going out and getting dirty, running around, eating spicy food, etc., and at the end of the day you'll either end up actually feeling a lot better, or 1000x worse–
Ryla is actually the same. She's gonna drag you out into some random cave whether you want to go or not, and tell you to eat those weird-smelling berries she found because they're "good for your immune system." Unlike with Paani though I feel like somehow this would 100% work. It's basic cave diving stuff, page 574 of her book, don't question it.
Min is the only normal person. She'll make you some tea, insist you take a nap, and tell the Octonauts to make sure that you really do (instead of saying you will, but then "forgetting"). She doesn't want to get herself sick, so you can expect most of her check-ins to be through video calls. She won't seem very worried about you, but that's only because she knows you're tough enough to get through this.
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sterlingarcher23 · 6 months
Pac-Man pellets...& chess
The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance., Thomas Henry Huxley
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Another thing that also points to Max being the "Pac-Man" is that we see her taking pills throughout Season 4. - Brenners words and this subtle but obvious clue through the board game "Can't stop" are connecting "One", "gaming" and Max.
Showing her taking the pills to underline her depression is one thing - however, rarely do things have just a single meaning in Stranger Things.
Lucas putting his hand on her mouth while there's the Pac-Man arcade machine behind her is quite clearly pointing to her too be a power user being able to absorb. If the Pac-Man would be (just) Vecna, why give Max some stupid lines, blabbering about what Lucas just told her in the public, so that Lucas panics and covers her mouth, stopping her from further opening it with each word? With the Pac-Man arcade directly behind her head.
Pac-Man: Paku paku taberu - to gobble something. To consume.
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Like Max gobbling a red Skittle mid air in Season 3? Note the use of the Coke vending machine, a repeated pattern and the brand can be seen on Max's shelf too and there's a drawing by Will showing the boys in front of/meeting a Coke vending machine ( besides the "Can't stop" game that connects Brenner’s "If you want to stop One..." dialog with gaming.).
Taking her pills is like eating your way through the stage in Pac-Man: The Player who is Pac-Man has to eat all the pellets or Pac-Dots in order to clear the stage. (and by gaining points he may get an extra life).
Someone made an interesting observation, that in the mind lair, the red mist kind of behaves and I quote: "like in a video game".
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That's called a "fog of war", the further you move the more is revealed - once again showing us that Max isn't just a piece on the board but quite clearly the gamer:
The Immortal Game
Bear with me, it may sound complicated, and it may help to watch the scene muted only focusing on the chess moves.
There are two invisible players when El and Henry play chess. Vecna and the Zoomer. The gamer who plays white isn't Henry but obviously a hidden person: Vecna/Edward(?) (so Henry either collaborates or is forced to do his bidding).
Huxley refers to a hidden player but it's logical that this player isn't just on one side but on either side of the board. Two players, hidden from us. And the patent, waiting to make their move. Which means that the hidden player on the other side is not El playing, its someone else. The Zoomer even though no one is aware of him....her.
Note that El is very vocal even though barely able to speak in S1 - as if they share certain abilities or the memories of El and the Zoomer are mixed. Or the Zoomer says something (in mind) and El repeated that like they showed us in several ElMax moments:
The appearance of the zooming effect (alongside other obvious and less obvious clues) leads to the conclusion that there's indeed another person in the room. (If there's darkness, then there's light. Funny enough it's quite clearly hinted at in the show in dialog. ). Remember how Henry says that One moves people like pieces on this board. Well...which One?
There are three Ones. In 00I and in 0II. And since Owens low-key referred to El as One, there's another One in 0II. Everything points to the Zoomer - Max.
And the Zoomer is the hidden player: she uses the hawk like bait, similar to what happened in the Season 4 finale - the Immortal Game was won through high losses. - Max offered herself as bait for Vecna. Same way the player who is playing black sacrificed the hawk/knight. It's heavily implied by connecting this move with the events by the end of S4, the zooming effect, Max calling herself a Zoomer, that she's the player. - She then indirectly called for El by trying to shut out Vecna, the Coke bottle points to El and El appears.
Max = Zoomer personality.
And keep in mind: It's a metaphor. These chess moves are only over simplifying the actual events in Season 4.
But let's take a look at it:
Behind El is a sign saying Pawn in Season 2 right next to a Coke vending machine. So, she's the pawn that takes the owl/bishop.
It's even obvious when you know that Wi-nteko-wa is a proto word for Wendigo, and it means Owl (even though Vecna isn't the only Wendigo): Vecna = Owl/bishop.
Which means Max is the knight/hawk as we see her in the memories from a scene in Season 3 next to the bird prey (falcon or hawk) poster in El's room.
And the "captured" hawk stays on Elevens side, exactly on the dividing line. Brilliantly implying that Max was not absorbed (there are to many elements that debunk that absorption theory) because she stays on her side. Like in a shot of El approaching Vecna, we can see Max in the background on her side of the frame that is split in half, that Max is only taking out of the game. A taken piece can be brought back into the game via a pawn promotion. Eleven then btw removes the owl completely.
Simply put:
Hawk/Knight = Max
Owl/Bishop = Vecna
Wren/Pawn = El
Hawk is moved and sacrificed, Owl takes Hawk, Wren takes Owl.
Max is moved and sacrificed, Vecna takes Max, El takes Vecna.
Max made herself the bait, this way Vecna could be "beaten" by El - but the game isn't over just by taking the Owl/bishop. And even though it doesn't look like it, this move on the board that was shown in the Piggyback was commented through El's dialog "No. You have [lost]." - Then the UD team does the rest by setting Vecna on fire.
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By the end we see El walking into the grey part of the field, its the half white, half black field in the DnD game. So, the pawn moves on the other side of the board - "This is Max" would then in chess terminology be a pawn promotion, changing El as the pawn into a piece of her choice (which can be a previously taken pieces): the hawk/knight. Meaning that El becomes Max.
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This way you bring back a piece into a chess game. Usually you'd go for a Queen but depending on the strategy a Knight is also good. And knight's usually are shown as horses.
Metaphorically she would then remove the hood of the hawk. As they foreshadow it in this scene. - It looks as if he's blinding El but he didn't. It was Max. Another clue, like the differences in memories scenes, that in connection with the zooming effect point more to different points of view (even though I wouldn't rule out that they want to allude to different timelines too)
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The game figures are from Blade Runner and in the film it's a nod to what is called the "Immortal Game" - the black pawns in this version are wrens.
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The unicorn may not only refer to One and the horse in Will's painting (as I mentioned earlier) but also be a reference towards Blade Runner too. The meaning of the unicorn in Blade Runner has been talked and speculated about a lot. My guess is that all interpretations are true to a degree. One interpretation is that since Deckard dreams of a Unicorn, it means that he is a Replicant himself and his memories are actually implanted.
And I wouldn't dismiss the idea of that being the case in Stranger Things. Actually, I'm convinced that this is the case. Mkultra as a mind control project was...about that. And this could explain what El's and Max's secret is since the Unicorn is in the scene directly where Max does the Karate-chop hand gesture, like splitting something in half (like what happened in the lab): the memories of their lifes were implanted, altered, don't add up. Why else use the zooming effect? Why does Max calls herself a Zoomer if this isn't exactly that. A personality taking over or at least zoom in to take the wheel. And they might not be the only ones. I suspect Hopper's memories are also faked. About Sara. His ghost.
There's also a spinning top/Inception reference next to a chess board. Remember how ElMax is connected to spinning.
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Gamers game:
That's how the show introduced us to Max, something we might have lost our focus on, a gamer:
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Besides the fact that she's wearing red (that jacket reappears in one of the Vecna hallucinations in 4),she's in first place... 1st. As in One.
It is not very subtle. Especially in regards to games being played in this show. Like chess. And there's a whole lot of checkerboard patterns near or connected to Max too. (And I'd argue that there are more.)
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Above Max in S3 in the ElMax shopping scene (which holds a lot of clues), Lumax holding hands, the shield Lucas is holding, on the magazine cover that El is reading (next to the term "Kaleidoskop" like in "a brilliant kaleidoscope of colors" aka rainbow which Max is wearing in the scene - kinda wearing the whole LGBTQ flag - and there are some sort of fans on it too? Not sure)
And Will? He's also a gamer. - I bet if you dive into his character having games in mind, you'll find what his role in this is too. I mean, I talked about the parallels and mirrors that Will and Max have, including the "crowbar incident" and I have some vague ideas but I leave it up to others. After all: it's these two the plot of 5 will be about. (Although there's something I DO want to talk about in regards to Dr Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde.)
Werewolves & vampires
This is connected to the rabies, werewolves/vampires and the Wendigo/Ravenous elements in the show. And how cannibalism is many times used as a metaphor for queerness and queer love. And I'll talk over that separately. A bit about "The Quarry" (even though it's not an inspo as it released in '22 but to showcase that writers have similar ideas), Van Helsing and Underworld.
PS: I actually just wanted to point out that Max takes her pills like Pac-Man eats the pellets...😁
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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I can't believe it. I think I'm still in shock. I'm in the past. The ancients' world. The world unsundered.
(accidentally left this picture in the last post when I cut it in half. Pretend I didn't do that please, XD)
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Getting some fridge logic that modern peoples probably have the Ascians to thank for Aetherytes. Yes, we reverse-engineered the technology from the Allagans, but the ancients clearly have the same structures. Seems to me the logical middle step is that the Ascians assisted the Allagans in developing the technology.
...Anyway, that's not important right now...
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Argos! And...
Venat? It must be. That's the only person I can think she could be. And it makes sense. She looks to have the same appearance as the form Hydaelyn took on the boat. Oh boy. I am filled with nervousness at the prospect of meeting her...
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And finally, you must be Hermes. And... I don't have the slightest clue who the little bird person is.
I do not spy any likely candidates for Elidibus in this zone's preview, despite knowing I must meet him at some point. Hmmm...
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You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
I don't even know if I want to tell you. I don't even know if I can.
How do I explain what you became? That I killed you? How do I tell you that you will soon lose everything dear to you in the entire world, spend over twelve thousand years fighting to restore a fraction of it, and ultimately fail?
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Hythlodaus made me a robe out of butterflies! I am never taking this off. Aaaaa!
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Hythlodaeus also advises that, if anyone asks, I tell them I'm Azem's familiar. What, uh, what exactly has ancient me been up to to earn this sort of reputation?
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Yes, please, assume I have no common sense. I wish to know ALL the worldbuilding details.
We are searching for Hermes by appearance, which is a novelty! He apparently has short, dark hair. I see I was correct in assuming that's who he was in the preview.
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Found him!
Hermes is working by some pools, with creatures that appear to be axolotls?
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Oh! Um, hi?
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You're adorable. Okay. I'll be your friend. You talk a bit funny, are you intended to be neurodivergent?
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Oh neat! You can talk in my mind? That--
Wait. Hang on. I see that "Hear, Feel, Think" in there.
Suddenly you are ominous.
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Hythlodaeus and Emet-Selch catch up with me, and the former makes introductions. Hythlodaeus already has a working relationship with Hermes through their jobs, though it has been some time since they have seen each other in person.
Hermes seems... apprehensive upon being introduced to a member of the Convocation.
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Meteion's avid interest in me saves me from having to make my own introduction, and to explain why I'm here. I get to learn about her instead! She is a personal project of Hermes' that he hasn't submitted for approval yet. Her aether is really thin. Her name means "shooting star". All very important pieces of information, I am sure. I am watching this blue bird girl like a hawk. Ain't no way she's dropping the "hear, feel, think" line without being Significant.
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The lads are here to have a Serious Business meeting with Hermes, but first he must put the ambystomas away. Unfortunately, one is missing.
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Hythlodaeus may have found it... up a tree??
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I must concur with Emet-Selch's bafflement. These things can climb?
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Oh, my mistake, they can fly.
But, just because they can get up does not mean they can get down. Hermes runs off to rescue the creature, followed by Meteion. Followed by me. Hythlodaeus and Emet-Selch stay behind to watch the rest of the ambystomas, which Hermes seems to have forgotten in his haste.
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...Hermes, are you okay?
Heh. Hehehe... I didn't. I certainly didn't expect the Fandaniel I know, but... I... This is so wholesome!
Ah... Elpis makes me happy.
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Hermes falls out of the tree, but he's okay, and the ambystoma is rescued, so all's well that ends well!
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Aww, thank you. I will!
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Oh, that's nice.
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I... Have a bad feeling about this.
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carnalapples · 8 months
for whatever pairing of your choice, 'Kisses all over the face'?
Hi and thank you!! This brought Hawke and Isabela to mind for @dadrunkwriting:
They’re quiet the whole way to the estate. Hawke’s got her eye on every corner and gap between buildings, expecting some Qunari soldier to slip out and catch her off-guard. The adrenaline’s still high in her body, some cocktail of nerves and exhaustion propelling her home. The other half of it is Isabela’s hand in hers, and all that comes along with it.
“Messere! I’m glad to see you’re safe. It’s been chaos out there, though the boy and Orana and I shut ourselves up in here. Took a few people in through the night, but—“
“We’re going to talk, Bodahn. I just need a minute,” she breathes, before she bites her lip. “Are the three of you all right?”
“Well enough. None of us were injured, and the others will go home soon, once things are clear.”
“They’re welcome to stay,” she says brusquely. “I’ll see you soon.” Isabela follows her up the stairs and into the bedroom, the heavy door closing behind them and shutting out the sound of their guests.
“Hawke, you don’t want me here,” she starts quietly, which should be her first clue. Isabela’s most dangerous to her when she’s quiet.
“What would make you think that,” she laughs bitterly. She kicks off her boots. She should have done it at the front door, but there are a lot of things she should have done. And now she’s here anyway. Nothing can be changed. Off comes the chest plate, the greaves.
“Go on.” Isabela crosses her arms and leans back against the foot of the bed. “Tell me exactly what I’ve done.”
“You know what you’ve done! You—“ She exhales, sharp in the quiet between them. “I keep thinking what you should have done differently, and I don’t… I don’t have anything. Because we might not be here, but you’d be dead. Or you’d be dead and Kirkwall would still be here, all these fucking what-ifs.” Hawke never did do well with what-ifs, all the branching possibilities she could have changed with one small thing. She shakes them out of her head and comes over to the woman’s side.
“So you’ll forgive me?” she asks lightly, but there’s a strain to it. Something dark in the lilt of her voice.
“No,” Hawke says on instinct. Because she’s clumsy like that. Because she can’t resist a good mistake. And she knows it’s a mistake right away, from the glimmer of hurt in the woman’s eyes. “I didn’t mean... I could, Bela. I probably will. You know me.”
She presses a kiss to her cheek. “Fucking stupid, Bela,” she groans, trying to shift the blame off of herself once more. One over her eye. “Don’t know what you were thinking.” Then the other, lashes tickling her lips. “But you came back,” and it sounds so broken that she wants to slap herself.
Isabela pulls away suddenly, just when Hawke’s mouth brushes against hers, the loss of it hollowing. “I’m not—“ she sighs. “You know me, Hawke. You know exactly who I am.”
She has the unbearable sense that she’s losing her grip on this. “I can’t lose you,” she stammers out.
“Okay,” Isabela says quietly, her lips pursed.
“You’re all I’ve got. You and Bethany.” She knows it’s too much, that she’ll only drive Isabela away, but she can’t stop herself from ruining it. “You can go if you want,” she says softly, slowly turning to lie on the bed.
“I’ll stay if you’ll let me.” There’s something off about it, but Hawke can’t place it as she glances toward Isabela, everything slightly wrong in her exhaustion, like the colors of a painting running together.
“I will.”
“The nerve of him. Thinking I’d give you up.” Her voice is shaking as Isabela comes to lie next to her, but she doesn’t care. The woman is quiet. She doesn’t know if it’s enough, but maybe it will be. That she’d keep her by her side, even despite it all, if she wanted to stay. And if Isabela wanted to leave, she wouldn’t dare deny her that hard-won freedom. She can’t bear to voice this, as if even planting the idea of her leaving will set it into motion, so she just tucks her body next to hers and breathes deep.
When she wakes, for a moment she thinks she’s still there, her coarse hair caught between her lips. And then she opens her eyes.
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enhas-bestie · 2 years
Idol Crush! [40]
► FORTY: jealousy, jealousy. (3.2k words)
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KQ ENTERTAINMENT Co., Ltd. Seoul. Floor 4. Friday. 12:13 PM
The soft buzzing of the air conditioner hums throughout the 4th floor as you, Daiyu, Jia, Ami and Riyah trail after your manager. You all come to a halt when she stops in front of one of the rooms, looking at all of you reassuringly - her eyes again pausing on you the longest - before knocking on the door lightly and then opening it.
When you all walk in, you see Sunwoo sitting alone at the large table in the centre of the room. She looks bored as she scrolls through her phone, but the sound of knocking and then the appearance of all of you makes her look up. It’s almost comical - the way about a dozen different emotions flicker over her face in the span of five seconds. 
Sunwoo says nothing as she watches the rest of you sit down, but her eyes follow everybody’s moves like a hawk. She’s seated at the head of the table and you boldly take a seat at the other end so you can have a clear and direct view of her. 
As you watch her closely, you can tell that she’s struggling to decide on which persona she wants all of you to see. And especially with Daiyu here, she has no clue on how to play the situation. She was the one in the dark here. She had no clue if the rest of you were on Daiyu’s side or not. And she didn’t know how much you all knew about her involvement in this whole situation either.
Sunwoo turns to your manager with a stiff smile, “I thought it would only be the two of us here today.”
“Uhm, no.” Your manager responds somewhat uneasily - she could feel the tension in the room shift, “We’re actually here to discuss something quite serious Sunwoo.”
 A short pause of silence.
“Yeah, I know. We’re here to talk about what Daiyu did.”
“What I did?” Daiyu hisses, “Are you serious?”
“Yes.” she she replies  - a warning tone colouring her voice -  and you resist the urge to scoff. Did she really think she was still in control of the situation here? She was a resilient liar, you’d give her that.
Jia opens her mouth to speak, but you’re faster and more determined to get down to the bottom of everything, “Let’s skip the part where you try to bullshit us Sunwoo, we already know everything - so you can stop lying now.”
Her dark eyes snap to meet yours and you level her with a stare of your own. Finally, you ask the question that has been bothering you since you found out that she was behind all of this,  “Why did you do it?”
She doesn’t budge, “Do what?”
“Sunwoo please,” Ms Kim pleads, “Stop being difficult. Daiyu already sent us evidence. There’s no use trying to drag this out for any longer.”
Your eyebrows raise at this news. Evidence? Daiyu hadn’t mentioned anything about “evidence” earlier.
“Did you know, Sunwoo,” Daiyu remarked, “that Hanlim has security cameras all around the school?” 
Sunwoo pauses, seemingly unsure of where Daiyu is steering the conversation, ”So?”
“So, maybe next time don’t hand over flash drives to Dispatch reporters without checking that there are cameras around,” she sneered, “It took me a while, but I managed to get a copy of the footage. You were the one who ran your mouth to the fucking tabloids - own up to it!”
Your manager takes this as an opportunity to open her iPad and display a video to all of you. The room is eerily silent as you all watch the surveillance footage. It’s pixelated, but there’s no doubt that it’s Sunwoo in her school uniform, handing over something to an older woman who looked like she definitely had no business being around the school. When your manager zooms in on the clip, you’re able to see the lanyard around the woman’s neck - and it’s inscribed with the blue, white and yellow logo that everyone associates with Dispatch. You turn to Sunwoo. There really was no denying it now.
“Why did you do it?” You repeat again, more forcefully this time.
Sunwoo sighs - she fucking sighs - like having this entire conversation is above her and she’d rather be anywhere but here right now, coming clean and explaining why she thought it would be such a great idea to rat you out to the press.
“I’m not really sure what you want to hear from me Y/N,” she says, almost disinterestedly, “but I simply do not like you.”
“Excuse me?” you say incredulously as you shake your head in disbelief. She doesn’t like you? You could hear the other members raise their voice in protest, but Jia quiets them down so that you could speak, “You don’t like me? What the hell are you talking about? What did I even do to you?”
“You’re just fucking annoying!” Sunwoo snaps. Her personality does a complete 180 as she looks at you with uncontrollable anger, “Everybody’s always trying to accommodate you because you keep whining all the damn time.”
“I- What?” you reply back, baffled. Because you whined all the time?
“And to even think that Jungwon could like someone like you? God, it pisses me off just thinking about it!” Sunwoo growls, “What do you have that I don’t?”
“I don’t know, maybe some sense?” you fire back, “Are you seriously fucking telling me you tried to ruin my name and our group’s reputation just because you don’t like me and you have a crush on Jungwon??” 
She had to be joking. She just had to be. You met dozens of people that you just never gelled with, but not once did you go out of your way to make them miserable. There’s absolutely no way she wanted to ruin your life because of something so fucking petty.
Sunwoo leans back into her chair, facing you with a hostile glare, “I assure you Y/N, me not liking you is reason enough to do what I did. And if you want me to be really honest, I never liked any of you.” 
She crosses her arms over her chest defensively as she takes a look at the rest of your groupmates, “All you do is humour Y/N and entertain her bullshit. Ami never takes anything seriously. Riyah and Daiyu are never able to keep up with us during dance practice. And Jia just pretends to be the best leader in the world when all she does is speak out of her ass. This is supposed to be an idol group, so tell me why I feel like I'm part of a fucking babysitters club - constantly watching over all of you and taking the lead during practice to make sure none of you fuck up.”
“Okay, you are way out of line.” Jia finally retaliates, “And you know what- you’re a part of this group -  a friend - so I wanted to hear you out even when I knew you were guilty. But it just sounds to me like you have a fucking jealousy problem. Regardless of the way you felt, you should’ve never taken it this far!”
For a second Sunwoo falters, but then her walls are back up again - like they never cracked in the first place, “Shut up! I was never the one who outright told those people on twitter to leave their silly little comments under Y/N’s posts.”
You’re at a point where you felt almost speechless. “Silly…Silly little comments? Do you know the shit they were saying about me? The names they were calling me!?”
Sunwoo only shrugs, “I can’t control other people Y/N. Don’t put their words in my mouth. ”
“Oh, but you were fine with trying to control me?” Daiyu interjects, “Telling me what? That you’ll find some shit on me to leak to Dispatch too if I didn’t keep my mouth shut?”
You head whips from Daiyu to Sunwoo in shock, “You threatened to do what? Sunwoo, you’re literally insane.”
Sunwoo bristles at your comment, her dark eyes blown out in anger, “No, Y/N. Not insane - just fucking fed up. You have everything. Everybody always praises your skills, talking about how good of a rapper and dancer you are-”
“They literally praise you too-”
“You have everyone wrapped around your little finger!” she continues, voice angry as she struggles to keep her temper at bay, “Even Jungwon. Doesn’t he see that he’s too good for you!”
“And the funny this is,” she laughs humourlessly, “It was never even my intention to do any of this or develop feelings for him in the first place!”
“Then why did you do it?”
 “I... was just - I was just so annoyed. You don’t understand! I told you already - I don’t like you. So when I found out that Jungwon rejected you but you were still pathetically fawning over him; it was like fucking comedic gold!... And then it just hit me: How hilarious would it be to watch you scramble as you saw Jungwon in a relationship with your own groupmate.”
"But then…” you think you see Sunwoo’s expression almost soften, “When I started to observe him and find out more about him, I realised that he and I had some serious potential...Obviously there was no way I could ever let someone like you have him."
You look at her incredulously. Was she serious right now? All of this really was because of Jungwon and a bad case of jealousy?
"Let me have him? Sunwoo, he is not an object! And he doesn’t even know you!"
Your words seem to have rekindled her anger, “I know,” she hissed, “I’ve been in the same class as him since the beginning of the year and still nothing! He didn’t even look at me when we interacted on IDOLZZZ. Do you know how pissed off I was? He was just focused on you the entire time!” she huffed, “I needed to get you out of the picture somehow - So I thought that if I got Dispatch to release those articles, the two of you would be encouraged to stay away from each other - but you didn’t.”
Sunwoo makes a show of slamming her clenched fist onto the desk and she reminds you of a child throwing a tantrum because she couldn't get what she wanted , “And after everything, you still wouldn’t take then hint and let him go - even after you saw everybody saying you were no good for him!”
"Girl, you are deranged." Ami fires back, interrupting you before you can open your mouth, "Y/N and Jungwon knew each other before they even knew you existed! Why are you making it sound like Y/N is ruining your chances with him?"
"Oh, shut the fuck up Ami." Sunwoo retaliates, "You're so fucking irritating, always putting your mouth in everything that doesn't concern you!"
"Are you fucking crazy? Don't talk to her like that!" you finally snap, "Sunwoo, I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but you need to get a grip on reality. You're borderline obsessive over a boy. This is not healthy behaviour!" And you feel like Sunwoo knows it too - she just doesn’t want to admit it..
"Shut up!”
“No.” you reply back sharply, “You need to take some accountability and realise that what you did was fucked up. If you didn’t like me, then fine - tell me what you don’t like and I would’ve tried to work on it. But you had no right going behind my back and making my life a living hell! You watched me be depressed and cry over this shit for weeks and not once did you feel enough remorse to come clean! And in the end, all of this for what? You still don’t like me and Jungwon still isn’t giving you the time of day!”
The silence rings loudly in the room after you stop speaking and you try your best to calm yourself down. You feel incredibly hot - you’re sure your cheeks are flushed from anger- and all you want to do is grab a hold of Sunwoo and shake her until she realises how dumb all of this is.
“Sunwoo…” you try your best to look calm, and not like you’re about to lose your mind, just so she can see how serious you are, “You never had a chance with Jungwon. I never had a chance with him. He’s literally with Wonyoung.”
And it’s like your words flip a switch in Sunwoo’s head. Wonyoung. Fucking Wonyoung.
“I- I can get her out of the picture. It’s fine. Everything will be fine.”
You pause.
"What the hell do you mean by that?” you throw you hands up, almost in defeat. It like she just wouldn’t listen, “Sunwoo, you have officially lost the plot."
"Oh, come on!" Sunwoo rolls her eyes, but you think there’s a hint of desperation in her that you haven’t seen until now, "You can't be happy about this either. Hey, look! I'll even be doing us both a favour by getting her out of the way! After that, Jungwon will be fair game for the two of us!...Besides, Wonyoung's somebody who's even easier to take down than you were. You think the backlash you got was bad? Just you wait and see!"
You look around frantically to the rest of your group mates, only to find them with their jaws dropped. Great. At least now you knew you weren’t the only one thinking that Sunwoo was absolutely mental. 
“Sunwoo…” your manager finally steps in with a look of horror on her face - was this really the girl she’s been taking care of for the past two years?, “Sunwoo, are you hearing yourself right now?”
The girl herself looks deep in thought, like her mind is elsewhere. Honestly, she knew she was in the wrong, she did. Everything sounded so trivial to her now that everything was being aired out in the open - but it’s not like she could go back in time to stop herself from running to Dispatch. No. She had to make sure that everything she did would at least be worth something. And she wanted Jungwon.
" Sunwoo, " Jia’s voice rings sternly," I hope you realise that the bullshit coming out of your mouth has consequences. Follow through with whatever the hell your plans are, and I promise you Starship Entertainment will be on your ass in seconds."
Sunwoo only shakes her head, "Oh please, without solid evidence they can’t pin anything on me... Besides, you know these companies - they don't do shit. Pretty fucked up of them if we're being honest, but I'm not complaining if it’ll work in my favour."
"Leave her alone," you grit out, "Seriously Sunwoo, Wonyoung’s done absolutely nothing to you. Leave her and Jungwon alone."
"You see Y/N, that's where we differ, you and I," the youngest member of your group looks you up and down, scrutinizing you, "You whine and complain about something you can't have. But me? If I want something, I'll fucking take it."
"Jungwon is not something - he's a person! And he'll be with whoever he wants to because it's his decision. Get over it!"
"He doesn't know the potential that me and him could have damnit! I have to make him see! I have to open his eyes! This couldn’t have all been for nothing!"
And there it is, you think. This all couldn’t have been for nothing. 
A part of you thinks that maybe this isn’t truly about Jungwon at all. Maybe it was at first, but ultimately, she just couldn't stand to see her plans go up in flames. As cunning and manipulative as she thought she was, not even she could predict how askew her plans would go.
The bottom line was this: Sunwoo let her emotions get the best of her, made a calculated and damaging decision that put all of your careers in danger, and now it was all blowing up in her face. And it seemed like she couldn’t handle taking responsibility for her actions either.
"Sunwoo seriously, you need to go to therapy or something. You need to learn how to deal with your feelings instead getting lost in them and blowing them completely out of proportion. Please."
Sunwoo doesn't get the chance to respond because the sound of the door swinging open interrupts her. Everyone’s eyes dart to the two intruders : Jungwon and his manager. And they both have their eyes opened wide and filled with disbelief. 
They had been sitting in the room several door away from the one you were in, but even so, they had heard all of the commotion. Jungwon decided that he couldn’t wait anymore, and concerned, he had decided to just barge into the room you were in - his manager trailing shortly behind. 
Safes to say, when they had gotten closer, they were shocked to hear the things that they did.
"Choi Sunwoo, expect an email from our lawyers in the next week. It seems that legal action needs to be taken to ensure Jungwon’s safety." Manager Kim announces roughly, his eyes trained on the wide-eyed girl in question, "And as a courtesy, although you do not deserve it, I'll tell you to begin searching for a new school because you will not be allowed within the same vicinity as him." 
"What?" Sunwoo whispers, her eyes trained on Jungwon. What was he doing here?  "Jungwon, please, this is all a misunderstanding!" 
Sunwoo's pleas elicit no sympathy from Jungwon, who looks at her with a serious glint in his narrowed eyes. Not once in your life have you ever seen Jungwon so pissed off before. Who knew he could look so intimidating?
"Stay away from me." he says, an edge of finality sharpening his tone, "I'm serious. If I see you anywhere close to me or anyone I know, I will contact the authorities." 
"You don't mean that!" You watch closely as Sunwoo struggles to keep a friendly smile on her face, her cheeks twitching uncontrollably. You were actually starting to feel a bit worried for her.
"You know me! I'm... I'm your secret admirer..." she admits shyly, urgently, as if this piece of information would turn the situation around for her. Jungwon freezes. 
"That was you?" he looks every bit as confused as you feel. Secret admirer?
Sunwoo's features light up, "Yes! I was the one leaving those chocolates and presents on you desk. I've been wanting to tell you for so long but-" 
"Stop." Jungwon says sternly, "You need to stop."
 "W-What?" she still has that frozen smile on her face. 
 "Look," Jungwon's eyes soften a bit, "I'm sure you know this, but I have a girlfriend. We're happy? Okay?" 
"Yeah…But I thought-" 
"Sunwoo, just stop talking," Jia walks towards her, "Please." 
Sunwoo doesn’t take kindly to Jia’s tone while they lock in a verbal battle, your manager turns to look at Jungwon and his manager frantically, "I am so, so sorry for all of this!" she apologises furiously ,"I didn't expect...this." 
And you didn't either.
You don't think any of you expected Sunwoo to act the way she did...So out of touch with reality and her own emotions. 
In the end, you didn’t even feel an inkling of the closure you thought you’d feel when the meeting was over. Yes, you knew the truth now - but ultimately…things were still a mess.
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Idol Crush!💞 masterlist
SYNOPSIS: Y/N knew that once she and her group, IKONIC, finally debuted, there'd be a chance that she'd run into YANG JUNGWON: The leader of the global rookie group ENHYPEN. But JUNGWON isn't just the leader of a famous 4th gen boy group... he's also the boy that she confessed to three years ago and got rejected by. The last thing Y/N needs to do is fall back in like with him, because even something as simple as an idol crush! could bring about some unwanted drama and Dispatch worthy headlines.
[TAGLIST #1]: @acciomylove @mitsukifilms @ncityy04 @ja4hyvn @navsnct @hwalllllllelujah @shit-idek-meself-at-this-point @lullabyinparis @masterofdoom @enhacolor @mochisnlix @hiqhkey @vlykai @pshwyfie @hyuka-luvbot @yvesismywife @one16core @en-boyz @moon-lys  @liliansun ​ @jungwoniie @spicynlong @ramenais @bigtoewinwin @catbitchh111 @c9tnoos @missmadwoman @haoreo @doodlewon @enhaswab @alyselenai @moasworld @yyunari @chirokookie @yjwfav @kyutekyuala @giyyuzz @andromedawillburryyou @tlnyjoong @sarahxy537 @darlinluvsu @fairycheol @love-4-keum @ohmy-fandoms @yyunari @centheodd @mavlogist @jungwonnieee @emoworu
[CAN'T TAG #1]: @shit-idek-meself-at-this-point @vlykai @pshwyfie @jungwoniie @spicynlong @itboyjungwon @enhaswab @kyutekyuala @darlinluvsu
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@theluckoftheclaws said: How do you determine the right animal [for a character's dæmon] (genuine question)
You have unleashed levels of autism the likes of which the world has never seen, jsyk!
Dæmons are not really "this character is sarcastic and lithe and finnicky so they'd be symbolized with a cat". Dæmons are largely determined by their role and symbolism in *art*, and what art it's drawn from depends on where in the story Lyra is. It also depends on their role in the story as a character somebody invented for a purpose. They say that dæmons are your soul that reveals your inner nature, but that's in-universe conjecture. One widely accepted as fact, but one that the narrator never fully claims is true. It's important to remember that characters are tools in a story, and dæmons are signifiers of that role, much in the same way that medieval paintings depicted animal companions alongside humans, to evoke a cultural, spiritual and historical context. To quote Pullman himself: don't make a metaphor do the work of a fact.
For example, in the medieval Oxford, the dæmons all take the form of animals that would have been known to medieval scholars, and their implications carry their symbolic meanings of the time. Jordan college is full of ravens, moths ermines, cats, hawks, setters, and serpents-- and also there are a few creatures, such as basilisks and small dragons-- that would have been imaginary to us but very real to medieval scholars. The only dæmon not of European origin is Lord Asriel's dæmon Stelmaria, who is in the form of a snow leopard,  evoking Asriel's infatuation with the North and giving us a subtle clue about the fact that he fits poorly in Jordan society. It's not until Lyra meets Mrs. Coulter and goes to London that the variety of dæmons expands, and when it does it expands into the art of the rennaissance and Flemish art. Pugs, parrots, monkeys, and butterflies are found in London. When Lyra travels north, she meets people with wolf and snow goose and snowshoe hare dæmons.
Ermines represent young girls born into nobility and their spiritual purity, so Lyra, who is innocent and nobleborn, often has Pantalaimon in the shape of an ermine. The fact that weasels are considered sneaky liars (as Lyra is) comes secondary to me, in my personal opinion. The servants in The Golden Compass are described as all having dog dæmons, because Lyra's world operates on a strict hierarchy of class, and the Butler and Chamberlain are all servants of a story, not really fully-fleshed characters in their own right. Conversely the characters like Asriel and Coulter have very "noble" animals associated with high class and exoticism: the aforementioned snow leopard and golden monkey. Dæmons are also amoral-- they don't indicate heroism or villainy. If Pullman made every bad guy's dæmon an animal that we have negative association with, loaded them with snakes and bugs, then everyone in the world could immediate clock who a "bad person" is just by the shape of their dæmon, and life just does not work like that.
If you want to choose a dæmon for a character, you have to take into account the genre you're working in. Poetry (The creator of the Dæmorphing series) utilizes a more scientific approach, matching characters' dæmons to observed animal behavior and biology. This works very well for Animorphs fanfiction, which has a huge emphasis on zoology and the natural talents and traits of animals... and very little to do with art and history and fantasy. But if your work is more on the historical or fantasy side, I'd suggest looking into the symbolic meanings of animals in specific cultures and periods of time to inform your choices. This historical and cultural context is why I'd find it ludicrously difficult to make dæmons for, say, the Star Wars cast, because all the animals in that universe are Imaginary, and even the ones based on real-life animals lack the social+historical+cultural context of dæmons. So I could give them earth animals, but is that immersion breaking? Probably. Same goes for Pokémon.
This level of involvement and research and intertext is usually too complicated for your average ao3 chud though, so you open a fic and you're more than likely to see dæmons pulled from a pool of the same 15 or so animals. So many wolves.... so many big cats........
If it's a series and character i'm familiar with, i'm more than willing to offer suggestions for potential forms! I literally possess several bestiaries and books on animal symbolism.
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theluckywizard · 1 year
HAPPY FRIDAY LUCKY Okay but consider: "Writing them little sticky notes and putting them in random places." from the intimacy prompts... for either Rose/Cullen or Rose/Hawke, whichever you think fits best (I couldn't decide akjfnkjrengjk). Happy writing!!
This is ALSO for @ar-lath-ma-cully who asked for:
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As is tradition, I wrote most of this for @dadrunkwriting last Friday and passed out before finishing 😴 The nice part is that I got to do some sfw art for it today before posting 😳 Rating/CW: Explicit, sex
WC: 2212
Summary: Inquisitor Rose Trevelyan is away clearing rifts along Sulcher's pass but she leaves plenty of reminders behind for Cullen to find while she's gone! (Fluff smut)
Cullen shuffles to his trunk by the inadequate light that spills in through the splintered roof and reaches in for fresh smalls and a shirt, the motion a reflex at this point. A scrap of paper flutters to the floor that he almost misses, but he steps on it and curious, picks it up, squinting in the darkness to read it.
Miss me yet?
A laugh bubbles up and snuffs through his nose, and his whole chest warms up. He presses the note to his smiling lips. Rose has been gone less than twenty four hours and he does, in fact, miss her already.
Late into the evening after briefing his scouts and sending them off, after stacking his paperwork into their designated piles, Cullen climbs to his loft heavily. The distractions of work are put away for the night. The distractions of Rose somewhere along Sulcher’s pass where she’s closing rifts to secure the route. He mounts all his armor on its stand and strips to his smalls and settles into the sumptuously comfortable bed she’d insisted he have. As his head hits the blessed pillow a rustling and crumpling accosts his senses. He wrestles his way into the pillowcase and withdraws the note, reading it by the fidgeting candlelight.
I’m actually impressed you found this one. Gold star, my love!
He fails to restrain his chuckle, grinning stupidly as he rubs his hands over his eyes. Even away from Skyhold she finds ways to play with him, reminding him of the first half of his life before trauma and responsibilities muscled out that impulse.
The next day he finds one in his ledger, drifting down onto his desk.
Eat something, handsome.
He stifles his grin, shakes his head and wanders down to the Skyhold kitchen to beg and scrounge.
Cullen goes to shave, opening the Order-issued wooden box that houses his kit.
I’ve often wondered how you’d look with a beard. Think about it?
He laughs and shaves his face anyway. 
Bodner’s Siege Tactics, second edition, which usually hangs around his desk in want of referencing, holds a note inside.
I miss your kisses. 
Cullen sighs, feeling the longing smart in his chest like it might gnaw him to pieces. He’s lucky he didn’t loan that one to Lieutenant Taryn the other day.
The next morning he takes a peek into his mended lyrium box to perform his daily ritual: lay his eyes on the one luminous bottle he keeps around and roundly reject it. There’s a note inside of course.
Don’t even think about it.
He covers his eyes with a hand but the smile sneaks out. She’s always been a brazen one. 
He hasn’t the faintest clue how many there are and where they’ll jump out of next, but it sustains him. And when the bell rings twice to signal her party’s approach after a week away, he’s startled to see her leaning against the inside of the southern door frame.
“Maker’s breath!” he chokes, clutching at his chest as he recovers himself. “How did you beat the bell?”
“Witchcraft, of course,” says the Inquisitor with a pert little smile so smug he has a mind to kiss it clean. He submits to her pull, striding toward her, hunger flooding his groin.
“I got your notes. Breaking into my office again?”
“Notes? I don’t have the faintest idea what you're on about,” she says, but her cheeks give her away. She’s never been a convincing seductress, too busy tripping over her own wicked little plots to pull it off completely, but it’s better in every dimension. And Cullen dearly needs a laugh.
“You don’t know anything about a note in my lyrium box?” he says, as he nudges her against the wall with his hips.
“Who would do such an outrageously inappropriate thing?” she asks, and he eradicates her mischievous grin with a sweep of his open mouth. He curls a hand around the back of her neck the way he always does to draw her into his kiss. Her gauzy blue calico scarf crunches and rustles slightly under his hand and he draws back, shaking his head because he already knows. Rose’s blush is fierce but she wrestles her expression into something resembling mild amusement as Cullen feels around under the folds of her scarf for the note. He makes a show of unfolding it with a stern look up at her, tugs it open with a snap, clears his throat and reads it out loud before he has any conception of what it says. 
“Fuck me.” He’d never have said it if he'd read it beforehand, flushing onto the tips of his ears and beyond, his shock and mortification nearly derailing the very thing she desires.
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Rose’s eyes are expectant upon him, bold and penetrating even over her equally pink cheeks. Cullen’s breath deepens and his armor feels impossibly hot all of a sudden, the high pile of the fur of his mantle an utter absurdity. He claws it away from his neck, pushing it over his pauldrons onto the floor where he promptly forgets about it.
Rose is patient, reclining against the rough stones of the tower wall and he rewards her by drawing her hand up above her head and pinning it there as he drops his hips slightly to press his erection between her legs. He tugs her knee up alongside him to deepen the contact, nearly a week of separation charging his arousal like it’s a latent hum of electricity inside him, teasing moans of relief from her parted lips.
With only one hand, Cullen makes expert work of the clasps on her traveling leathers, familiar as they are and when it falls open, he reaches to feel the yield of her breast under his fingers, the fullness of it against his palm, the–
There’s a crisp rumple under his hand.
Rose strangles a laugh into a snort.
Cullen leans heavily against the wall over her, casting a look of playful consternation as he fishes the note from the folds of her breast band.
“Not here. Upstairs,” he reads. “Maker’s breath, Rose.”
He pockets the notes to save in his drawer of her letters and reaches a hand to swipe between her legs, reacquainting himself with the contours of her most intimate parts through the kidskin leather. She gasps, covering his hand with hers, begging for more by pressing his fingers into her harder.
“Just checking for other notes,” he grumbles softly from a breath away. “Go on. I’ll lock up.” 
While she disappears nimbly up the ladder, Cullen turns the key in each tower door, exhaling sharply as he adjusts his cock inside the now too small space of his breeches. He ascends eagerly, hoping to see her stretched fair across his bed but she waits with crossed arms.
“I think I’ve undressed myself enough for one week,” she declares, welcoming him into her arms, arousing in him suspicion that borders on certainty. He bares her with deft hands, waiting for another note to come out of the folds of something or other but it never does and they both work at the remainder of his armor, punctuating their efforts with joyful kisses. When he’s down to his breeches she wanders over and flops naked across his bed, her eyes slipping closed as she sighs away the exhaustion of the road. He kicks off his breeches beside the bed and climbs onto it in just his smalls. With her laid out bare before him, not a scrap of clothing or reasonable hiding place to be found he can’t help his next comment.
“I’m a little worried about where I’ll find your next note,” he says, his juvenile grin sneaking out momentarily before he penetrates her with a provocative gaze from under his brow.
“You’re more than welcome to search me wherever you suspect I’ve tucked it away,” she says, delighting in the spring of his cock with an appreciative look when he shucks off his smalls. 
A note flutters out of them.
“How in the Maker’s name–” he cuts himself off. Her look of triumph must be punished, but first, the note. He sits back on his heels and reads it. “What are you waiting for?”
Cullen throws the note over his shoulder with a grin and crawls forward to claim her, lowering himself between her legs and sucking on the pink peak of her right breast with joyful abandon. He tempers the need that devours him from inside, tamping down the feral response as the hairs of his chest engage the velvet of her skin, as the heat of her most intimate parts warms his stomach.
“Do I want to know how you did that?” he asks, kissing his way to her other side.
“Oh probably not. I know how you feel about blood magic.”
Her teasing once unnerved him, forcing unexpected blushes into his cheeks when he was desperately trying to look like the general of an army, but it didn’t take long for it to feel like sparks inside him, little flashes of hope to remind him of something other than his past. She gave him permission first to smile and then to laugh, reconnecting him with a lost part of himself. Now she allows him to desire and possess her.
On an elbow, Cullen reaches down to stroke his cock along the slippery warmth between her thighs, kissing her chin when her head falls back against his pillow. When she grips his rear in a plea, he drives into her, the friction of it knocking loose a sharp gasp. He thrusts twice and then connects completely and holds there, propped up on his arms so as not to squash her.
“I missed you,” she whispers, her earlier attempts at sauciness giving way to genuine vulnerability, her fingers tender on his cheek.
“I missed you too,” he says with shining, smiling eyes, determined to demonstrate just how much. “I loved your notes.” “Even the dirty ones?”
“Especially the dirty ones,” he murmurs, leaning down for an indulgent kiss and they softly, hungrily twine their tongues as they roll their hips into a rhythm.
“I thought they would remind you to laugh when I’m gone,” she manages between breathy little moans.
“Well you succeeded in that regard,” he says, wrapping his hand halfway around her breast and squeezing firmly. 
“Oh fuck yes,” she breathes. He bites her lower lip in a scold though he relishes the way he bucks the curses right out of her. Her legs looped around his waist, he spreads his knees wide to get deeper, and yields to the insistence of her look, that stunning indigo gaze. 
The new bed is much more cooperative than his last, straining only slightly under the force of their activities. He glances up at the substantial, sturdy looking headboard even as he ruts deeply into her and she follows his eyes, her brow popping as the same idea manifests inside her.
“Turn me around,” she breathes, releasing him from her legs so he can withdraw. Cullen guides her up to face the headboard, her knees tucked between his and then eases into her again, moderating his thrusts until they coordinate their movements properly. He gathers up her bouncing breasts with his forearm and hand, catching her nipple with his thumb and forefinger while he curls his right hand around to stroke her to what he hopes is a concurrent climax. He’s already teetering on the edge and reins it back to prolong his enjoyment. Rose grips the wooden edge of the headboard, bouncing back against him, the provocative sounds of his flesh slapping against hers working against every effort he makes to restrain his orgasm.
Cullen hopes his fingers bring her just as close and if her rhythmic cries are any indication, she’ll be melting back against him soon. Her voice gains pitch and intensity and he drives harder to exact her release, surprising himself as breathy groans actually  escape him. He’s usually more carefully managed, but the situation perhaps calls for it. He bites down on her shoulder, her clenching depths unleashing wildness within him and then tilts his head down to watch her plunge onto his length with each cry. 
Rose collapses forward against the headboard as her climax overtakes her, curses streaming through those pink lips of hers, and he hauls her back against his chest, grunting her name against her damp neck as he finally allows himself to come deep within her, convulsing with each surge. They laze against one another up on their knees, his arms wrapped tightly around her as they gasp for breath until their heart rates slow.
Craning her head to cast a lively look at him, she reaches over the top of the headboard and hands him a final note she must have fixed back there a week ago. The Herald of Andraste she may be, but these notes of hers are the machinations of some trickster god or other. He sets his chin on her shoulder and unfolds it.
I love you, Cullen.
He sighs through his euphoric grin, setting the note carefully on her pillow so as not to lose it and tilts his head to accept her kiss.
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lildashofheaven1 · 2 months
“Love me Instead”
Jamie Campbell Bower x female y/n
Jamie confesses his love for y/n on the ‘happiest day of her life’
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Todays the day, im marrying mathew.
We met while i was working on sweeney todd where i played Johanna. Recently im part of the stranger things season 4 cast where i get to work with one of my best friends, Jamie Campbell bower.
Its not secret that we have a past together, we dated during filming of Sweeney Todd then we broke up after two years. We’ve kept in touch as friends however I’ve always had a thing for him.
“Knock knockkk” i heard from the other side of my hotel room door, everyone invited to the wedding has been staying at the venue which is also a hotel.
I open the door to see my bridesmaids, Maya Hawke, Millie Bobby Brown, and two childhood friends called emma and grace, as the girls walked in i saw joseph quinn and joe keery also walk in with jamie trailing behind similar to how a toddler acts when not given a toy.
“You excited?” Millie beemed up at me, throughout filming season 4 we have all become so close and i see millie as a little sister at this point.
“Yeah mathews great, i cant wait” i smiled at her as i resumed getting my and make up done.
“Never heard more bullshit” jamie scoffed to which he was met with all of us to look at him.
“Im just gonna go” jamie mumbled and left the room, why is he being so pissy?!
“Ignore him y/n, we have no clue whats up with him” joseph said smiling at me.
For a second i pondered the idea of Jamie being jealous of me and mathew, sureley not right? We broke up two years ago.
After i had gotten ready my bridesmaids left to get ready for the wedding, before the others left i said
“Joseph, would mind if i had a word?” He smiled at me and nodded while everyone else left
“Whats up?” He smiled and sat on the bed.
“Weve known each other for a while right” i said to which he nodded
“And you know how my dad isnt here today?”
“I was wondering, if you would walk me down the aisle?” I said nervously looking down at my hands
He stood up next to me and hugged me
“I would honoured to y/n, you ready for this?” He asked
“Yeah, i think, am i doing the right thing? I mean jamie always says that mathews gonna disappear as soon as he looses interest, and that hes using me and i.. i just” i cut myself off with a sigh.
“Y/n, dont let jamie decide for you, this is entirely your decision, you want me to tell you your beautiful then shove you down the aisle? Your beautiful now start walking or else, you want me to phone someone just to yell? Im your guy, you wanna freak out and call it off and run away? I have my car keys ready, this is a big decision y/n whatever you want to do, ill back you 100%” i smiled at me.
“Im ready” i said confidently and got ready to go to the ceremony
Meanwhile-Jamies pov
“ Im just gonna go” i muttered and left the room.
I walked along the hallyways until i saw my dad walking out of his room, seeing as me and y/n were so close, she grew close with my family.
“You okay son?” He asked me
I wasnt facing him,
“I love her” i blurted out, tears in my eyes
Dad just sighed,knowing the pain
“Why didnt i let her love me? I kept my gaurd up and she never felt like i heard or saw her, if she could just give me another chance, i can show her that shes my biggest priority and that i will never put work before her ever again” i ranted as he put his hand on my shoulder.
“I love her dad, please tell me its not too late” i said as he hugged me.
“You love someone, you tell them, doesnt matter if you think its going to make things 100% worse and like itll make the world explode, you love them you tell them” dad said to me as i sat and thought about what i can do.
I caught a glimpse of my watch and said “shit it starts in 2 minutes” we near enough ran to the ceremony.
Me and my dad searched to find where mum and sam were sat, we sat down with them.
“Yalright mate?” Sam asked me as i sat next to him.
I just nod, im not letting this happen.
Y/ns pov
All of the bridesmaid and groomsmen had been down the aisle and now its me and joseph turns to me
“Your ready?” I nod back as he held hands and began to walk down the aisle.
As i walked in, everyone stood up and looked towards me as i walked down in my long white dress, it was the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen, lace and sweetheart neckline with sparkles dotted through the skirt. I walked calmly while smiling, i turned slightly and saw Jamie on the seat closest to the aisle, his eyes held so much pain and hurt, and almost longing.
I looked forward and saw mathew stood looking almost bored?
I looked at jamie one more time as i got to the altar, i tried to show him that i was happy but that man knew me like the back of his hand, he could see through my charade.
“Take care of her yeah? She means so much to so many of us” joseph said sternly at Matthew, i gave him a hug as he went to sit on front row.
“If anyone has any rightful excuse as to why y/n m/n l/n and Mathew Jean Robinson shouldnt me united in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your piece” as the preacher said this jamie stood up.
Everyone looked at him and he obviously had moved before his brain caught up.
“Sit down you bastard, were happy thats all that matters!” Mathew snapped at him, as he said this i smelt the alcohol on his breathe, i looked at jamie, unable to read him.
As jamie sat back down the preacher repeated himself. “Or for ever hold your pie-“.
“I love you, y/n”
Jamie stood again and was met with everyone staring at him and gasps where heard
“I love you, i love everything about you
Even the things i dont necesarily like, i love
And i want you to be with me” his eyes watered and his voice broke slightly
“I love you since the day i met you and i will love you for for ever more”
“I love you for all the reasons that you dont love yourself. When i think of you marrying him, it breaks my heart. Lifes too short not to say that you are with the person you love”
“ i promise you, i swear to you, my love for you will never falter”
“I love you and i think that you love me?” He added
Everyone started looking at me.
I looked down but looked back up at him when he said
“Do you? Do you love me?” He said looking me in the eye, tears began falling on both of our sides.
I felt an unsteady hand shove me aside as mathew walks towards jamie saying
“Your that selfish you cant let people be in love, me and y/n are meant to be so why dont you take yourself and g-“
“ I love you Jamie!!” I yelled over mathews arguing.
Mathew swayed about next to jamie, how had no one noticed how drunk he was?!
“I love you! I love you!” I said again to jamie as he ran towards me and picked me up.
After i was in his arms he span us around while kissing.
“You bitch!! I was that close! Just marry you, divorce and i would be minted!!” Mathew yelled having an actual tantrum. Joseph looked disgusted as he and Joe Keery went to Mathew and dragged him out of the ceremony, they were later followed by Mathews family and friends.
I looked up to see Jamie’s piercing blue eyes full of love.
“Ive loved you since we were 17” i whispered to him.
“And i will love you forever more” he whispered back to me.
We kissed at the altar and Jamies dad and brother stood up cheering first.
“Shall we?” Jamie asked, nodding to the door at the back of the room.
“We shall” i smiled at him as he held his hand out for me.
We both ran out the ceremony laughing and smiling.
I texted the wedding group chat saying the after part was still on, i was getting into my second outfit, a shorter one meant for the party.
I was stood looking in the mirror when Jamie came behind me, still in his white shirt and black trousers with his black tie from earlier, and wrapped his arms snaked around me and he smiled and whispered into my neck.
“Cant wait to plan out wedding my love, thank you so much for giving me another chance”.
I looked up and said “what convinced you to speak up”.
“You love someone, you tell them, doesnt matter if you think its going to make things 100% worse and like itll make the world explode, you love them you tell them”.
We walked hand in hand to the after party, ready to spend the rest of our loves together.
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