#in whatever way that might be but i v much want the gay way
coolspacequips · 5 months
I think if all ppl can say about allura is that she's an obstacle to kl or that she's dead to be kl angst or that ppl shipping her w Lance suck then maybe just don't talk about her ever LMAO
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casketears · 11 months
thinking fondly again of my unfinished omori au fic where mari has just died, and aubrey has been so thoroughly ditched by kel and hero, and sunny hasn't left his house in weeks, and aubrey (because naturally it all comes back to aubrey) is just so angry all the time but she doesn't know where to put it, so she tries to distract herself; make things normal again by going over to basil's house at least, but even that doesn't work because the fucking freak has scribbled over all of their shared memories. and she's so angry, and she's so hurt, and basil doesn't even have an explanation- he's just staring at her helplessly, like it's not even his fault when they both know it is, and she's just so fucking angry, and without even knowing it she's reeling her fist back and - yeah. she makes contact. and basil's nose is broken, probably, and there's thick blood pouring out of it, but when he turns his head again to face her it's not to match the stunned horror that she herself feels. it's to let her do it again. and anyway this au is called 'aubrey semi privately uses basil as a punching bag to cope, and he is worryingly okay with it', more at 6
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wishyouloveme · 6 months
mickey milkovich rich bitch headcanons
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song rec for fic:
Warnings:Terry Milkovich
A/N: hii. I kinda might have sort of quit writing? I don't know anymore,but right now I'm not writing anything unless it's requested!
Pairing: Mickey Milkovich x reader, a tiny bit of Mandy Milkovich x reader
requested? By Anonymous,May I please request headcanons for mickey from Shameless about him having a Northside girlfriend? She kinda of ditzy(but smart in her own way) and she's sweet and posting his bail(her parents are rich or she got inheritance or whatever) whenever he's gets arrested for assaulting whoever is flirting with her. Also she's cool with Fiona and always gives her and Debbie her old clothes whenever she goes shopping. Ps she's always invited Fiona and V to go shopping"
Headcannons under the cut
× You and Micky met through Mandy,having met Mandy at school,and bonded through having shitty families.
× Mandy brought you by the house,and unsurprisingly Mickey hated you immedietly. The way your hair was so damn shiny, the way your clothes fit you oh so perfectly,and the way your jewelry fitted your personality so well.
× He only ever figured out your home situation when he heard you late on night,talking with Mandy after a particularly hard fight with your parents,and after that you two were stuck together at the hip
× The first time you agreed to go out with Mickey,you two went for a walk and talked,not very romantic i know,but I feel like Mickey would much rather take a walk with you then be stuck in a stuffy restaurant where he had to dress all fancy.
× When you were walking with him,and a guy comes up to you and flirts,you not realizing,thinking he was just being nice and basic waving off all his advances,so naturally Mickey beats the shit out of him.
× When you posted his bail,you immedietlg scolded him for getting blood on your new skirt,to which he apologized with butterfly kisses and play fights.
× All of the times you went shopping,he always hated going,but would go anyways,because you were going,and he always wanted you near him.
× When youd buy a new perfume,if he hated the smell,you never wore it again,due to him mostly just smelling you 24/7 when you guys cuddled.
× I feel like when he first heard you were giving Debbie your clothes,he'd complain,he'd bitch,he'd be flabbergasted as to why you wanted to give away clothes. He never had that connection with them,so he never understood how you did.
× Then you two were in bed,he never wanted to actually do anything,with you,surprisingly he was okay with waiting,and just spending hours talking.
× Once you guys actually did it,he was so loving afterwards,massaging your legs so you weren't sore,pressing kisses to your sweaty body,and helping you shower when you could barely stand.
× The first time you ever met Terry he mistaked you for his dead wife,and Mickey immedietly dropped in,protecting you and beating the shit out of his father.
× Surprisingly,when Terry wasn't a drunk Jerkoff (so barely ever) you two actually got somewhat along. He reminded you of your dad,which,made you immedietly want to curl up and cry.
× Before you and Mickey got together,you always hung out with Mandy,sharing everything,a lot of people thought you two were gay,to which you immedietly said no,and that you were straight. You and Mandy might have flirted a little,but it was all friendly,and never actually meant.
× Of course that all stopped the minute you got with Mickey
×Mickey dreamed about getting the hell out of Southside, and thankfully,you had the money to help with that.
× You two bought a little house outside of the city.
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jimpagne · 26 days
the worst thing v gets is being called a leech and attention seeker which is what tkkers had been calling jm FOR YEARS. while disliking v because of shippers is petty it’s incredibly interesting how many jikookers had been defending v in the last few weeks while it’s complete silence within tkkers, youll never catch any of them defend jm
That's because a lot of Jikookers don't need to falsify reality in order to represent a certain agenda. Jikookers can be the bigger person if they need to be.
As someone who is truthfully OT7, I don't sit here hoping that hate trains form around someone that I see to be a "threat" to my ship. If I'm being completely honest, I think trying to consume Are You Sure?! from purely a shipping point of view is entirely counterproductive and not a good way to enjoy content. I think it's fun to gush over certain moments, but if you're only parked outside Disney+ or whatever streaming you're allegedly pirating it from just to see your ship in action... you're opening yourself to form biases and bitter feelings toward things that might not be directly encompassed within your ship's boundaries.
This is why I made a call out post whenever certain jikookers resorted to bullying Taehyung whenever they saw that he was going to be a guest on the show. Though I already hear people coming, saying "Oh, but taekookers are bullying Jimin to hell and back, so why can't we?"
Well maybe you shouldn't because it shows that you have the representative IQ of a toad. So let me get this straight, people who are NOT Taehyung bully Jimin... your first course of action is to... bully Taehyung? I think reciprocal hate is incredibly stupid and unwarranted. If I'm going to shit on the behavior of taekookers, guess who I'm gonna take it out on? That's right, I'm going to take it out on taekookers -- not Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung is currently serving in the military, so I doubt he's logging onto Twitter or Tumblr or whatever to say nasty things about his BEST FRIEND. I think people tend to forget that Jimin and Taehyung are tied at the hip and have an entire song where they wax poetry about how much they care about one another...
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A lot of Taekookers live in another facet of reality, so in order to make half of their agenda true, Jungkook has to dislike Jimin, the company has to be forcing their fanservice, Jungkook's mother had to have been sent a script beforehand to ask about Jimin, Taehyung was lying about only seeing the trip details a few days before departure, Jungkook was holding Taehyung's waist in this screenshot (but don't look at the footage where it shows otherwise!), Jungkook only acts "cold" (if being humorously bratty is considered cold) toward him in certain scenes because the producers want Jikook to appear more real, HYBE has some joint contract with the South Korean military to put Jimin and Jungkook together in order to hide the real gay couple that is Taekook--
The more you dive into their rhetoric, the less it makes sense. Taekookers also argue with LITERAL KOREAN PEOPLE about translations in the show. Also it's super funny to see them shift from the narrative that she show is scripted to suddenly saying -- no, it's not scripted, to then saying this part is scripted, to then saying, no the whole thing is scripted again, to then saying, actually at this time stamp they went off the script and--
Fucking crazy.
I think what I noticed the most about a lot of taekooker's rhetoric is that in order for something to be true, they need to create a lie or insult the intelligence of both Taehyung and Jungkook.
So you're telling me that two grown men have to lie about who they're with and what they're doing in order to make your ship real? You're telling me that Jungkook and Taehyung are not intelligent enough to negotiate their contracts or what type of "fanservice" they have to engage with on the regular? You're telling me that Jungkook lied about who he saw on his birthday in order to protect Taehyung? You're telling me that after ten years of being in the same group, Jungkook is actually uncomfortable with Jimin but still decided to get a matching tattoo with him and all the other members? You're telling me that the homophobic country of South Korea is willing to hide a gay couple by endorsing a manufactured gay couple? In the military? Where gay people are famously treated well?
That's sarcasm, for anyone who might lack reading comprehension.
Taekookers are the literal embodiment of that one post where the person is like "source(s): trust me bro" because half of what they spit out makes no fucking sense and is actually insulting to Taehyung and Jungkook. Like y'all constantly insult their intelligence and their free will and make it seem like they're trapped behind bars and don't have enough money or power to negotiate what THEY want. I've even seen certain taekookers become Jungkook antis after Are You Sure?! came out because they think he's being mean to or bullying Taehyung.
God, the lights are on but nobody is home.
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anincompletelist · 8 months
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[ vol i | vol ii | vol iii | vol iv | vol v ]
firstprince fic recs: hurt/comfort edition! :D
some of these have more angst than others before the comfort, so please be sure to check the tags! but I tried to choose some of my personal favorites that I always return to when I need something comforting to read <3
as always, please remember to leave kudos and a comment if you enjoyed the fic or show support in other ways, and be kind! mind the tags and if you come across something you dislike, please kindly (and quietly) move on.
talk me down | seafloor | G | 2k
It never gets easier, but with Alex, it’s less exhausting. [Henry gets triggered, and Alex is there for him.]
Mr. Body Pillow | @inexplicablymine | T+ | 21k
Two boys cuddling on a couch right on top of each other because they are in fact very gay™. Inviting over a complete stranger for cuddles because you are touch starved might be the worst idea Henry has ever had, or the best.
the clementine thing | @saintlynomenclature | T+ | 6k
And, really, it doesn’t matter whether or not Alex explains it to Liam and the rest of his friends. They’ve never really discussed it between themselves through the years. Slowly, Alex had gone from asking Would you please peel this for me? to Please? to silently extending the citrus without any comment at all, just a soft smile. It’s one of the things that make them Alex-and-Henry; the silent conversations and the contentment in each other’s company. Now, as Alex starts to flourish through his position on the lacrosse team, his slew of AP classes, and his role in student government, getting him to slow down at all is a feat. The only way that Henry can do it, guaranteed, is by one of those innocuous little fruits. There’s nothing Alex can’t do—surely, he could peel a fucking orange if he felt so inclined—but Henry delights in being able to do this for him. [Five times Henry shares a clementine with Alex, and one time Alex returns the favor]
sea of endless hope | acastle | E | 85k
Henry watches Alex, the man he adores and loves so ardently, and the moment is palpable, delicate, and yet too large for even the sky to contain. He watches Alex, and in that moment, he wants to be his husband, the ache and urge of it almost unbearable. “Daddy!” Nena takes Henry’s hands, and he looks down at her, the angel who had saved him, and he smiles at her, quiet with emotion, letting her lead him into place. He would follow her, follow Alex, anywhere. (Henry, Alex, and their daughter, and the first years of coming home, forever.)
you can see it with the lights out | weathersriley | G | 3k
Alex thinks of the water. Of feeling like he might never reach the surface, might never reach Henry. But Henry is here; Alex remembers falling asleep in the glow of his presence, and beneath his shaking fingers, Henry’s chest is warm and his heart is beating steadily and Henry is here. Alex is afraid, but Henry is here.
I ask you how you're doing (and I let you lie) | @matherines | M | 6k
The first time Henry sees it happen, he knows instantly that it is not the first time it has ever happened. They’re sitting in the living room of the brownstone, the two of them surrounded by their favorite people in the world, a night of board games long abandoned in favor of mocking the eighth season of Game of Thrones. “God, don’t you have an off switch?” June groans, laughing as she chucks a piece of popcorn in Alex’s direction while he rambles passionately about the international legal implications of the Red Wedding. Nora cackles. “Whatever you do to thank Henry for putting up with you, it’s not nearly enough. Jesus, I can’t believe he put a ring on your loud mouth.” [Or: Alex is fine. Really, he’s fine — he just wants Henry to stay, even if Alex is too much. Henry just wants his husband back.]
Aftercare | @whimsymanaged | M | 2k
When Alex has an intense hookup without aftercare, he finds himself on his best friend Henry’s doorstep in desperate need of looking after.
Dream a Little Dream of Me | @affectionatelyrs | T+ | 9k
They’re no longer in the garden. There’s no grass, no flowers, no fireflies. Only stars—hundreds upon hundreds of them in an otherwise vast sea of darkness, dazzling and twinkling and here. “How—” “They came here for you,” Alex says, his voice light. “It’s what you desired. So, I asked them to come and shine. Just for you.” “But won’t the world need them?” Alex shrugs and simply says, “You need them more.” [Or, Five times Alex visits Henry in his dreams during his dark days, and one time he does so in the real world (and stays)]
Burnt Offering | justicefortheJ14magazine | G | 9k
Alex’s hair care routine is elaborate, he struggles to let Henry help him, and he learns some important things about receiving love through service. [A look at FirstPrince’s love through each love language: Acts of Service]
I would stay forever (if you say don't go) | @coffeecatsme | T+ | 6k
The words echo in his head, unbidden. The words from another life, practically another universe, shoved inside the small walls of a gilded cage, hidden in a room in London with shuttered windows and locked doors. A boy’s voice Henry still remembers ten years later, when he doesn’t quite remember what he had for lunch the day before. A boy’s voice on a phone that understood him better than every member of his family, even an ocean, a continent, three thousand miles away. A boy’s voice that told him in no uncertain terms that it was okay if he wasn’t okay, that allowed him to pave a path until he was. To open a new shelter in New York City, Henry needs to interview a host of potential lawyers to hire. He doesn't expect one of them to be the boy that saved his life ten years ago.
Don't Give Up Your Ghost | @nocoastposts | G | 1k
Healing is not linear.   When Henry first heard this phrase, he brushed it off as a cliche. An evergreen proverb for those who didn’t know what else to say. As his anger morphed into crippling sadness, he began to understand the sentiment. Henry never knows when the grief will become all-consuming. A perfectly fine day can shatter instantly, with no preamble or warning given. The most trivial things - a scent, a laugh, a song - can utterly and completely devour him. Learning to accept the ebb and flow was not easy. He knows that the dark days will never cease completely. He also knows that Alex will brave the storm with him, time and time again. Henry is eternally grateful for this. [Or, Henry reflects on some common platitudes of grief - then and now.]
outta luck to spend | potentiallyunloveable | T+ | 9k
“Nora ignorin’ ya?” a voice says from beside him, and Henry startles, turns to his left, is suddenly frozen. The man who’s slid into the seat next to him, silently, without Henry noticing, is quite possibly the most beautiful man Henry’s ever seen in his life. He’s got the widest smile, sweet dimples, soft brown skin and impossibly long eyelashes. He’s wearing a fucking Stetson, and Henry feels like the wind’s been knocked out of him. Or: Henry (lost, hopeless) meets Alex (bright, hopeful), in a bar in Texas.
thunderstruck | @wordsofhoneydew | T+ | 2k
“Alex, slow down.” Henry pulls away softly from Alex’s taut grasp. “Are you feeling alright now?” “Y-yeah, I think I’m okay.” Alex smiles back meekly at Henry’s heedful gaze. Alex feels like he has gotten way ahead of himself. “I'm just a huge astraphobic, ever since I was little. I guess I never grew out of it.” [or, Alex has a fear of thunder so Henry comforts him]
fell apart (in the usual way) | @hypnostheory | E | 12k
By the time they’ve reached the landing, Henry is shaking his arm out of Alex’s grip. “The picture of grace under fire,” he says, the words snapping from his mouth. Alex blinks at him, before his face smooths into its professional mask. “You can’t pick a fight with the Queen’s equerry, no matter how averse you are to the concept of the monarchy.” Alex looks Henry up at down, his mouth forming a tight line. “I don’t pick fights, Your Majesty,” he says, adjusting his grip on Henry’s suitcase. Henry can’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement. “Shaan called me a few weeks ago to go over every single thing that made you miserable about the holidays. It was a very long phone call.” Henry doesn’t doubt that. “I’m going to help you avoid as many of those items as possible.” [Henry is a mess around the holidays, and he's expecting to have a tremendously horrid time without Shaan. Fortunately, Alex has plans to make his Christmas both merry and bright.]
ocean waves | seafloor | E | 10k
Henry Fox wakes up with a toothache one morning, and has a lot of feelings about certain things for days afterwards.
I'd hold you as the water rushes in | @saintlynomenclature | M | 11k
“—lex. Alex.” Fuck. Where had his mind gone? Alex snaps his eyes to Henry’s, forcing his attention back from where it had drifted. “I’m listening, I’m listening. What were you saying?” Anyone else would probably be offended, or would just laugh at the clearly conflicting statements that had flown thoughtlessly out of his mouth. Instead, Henry’s brow crinkles, lips downturning as he scans Alex’s face. “Are you alright? You’ve been acting strange all night.” Those blue eyes are much easier to deal with through FaceTime. Alex has to look away from them, less he caves and spills everything to Henry. He pastes a smile on, “Fantastic, Your Highness. All this bubbly is going to my head, the sugar’ll get me in the morning.” [Or, Alex drops on New Year's Eve]
never be so polite (you forget your power) | Standinginmoonlight | M | 6k
The one where Arthur Fox leaves letters for his children.
while you were sleeping (I fell in love) | @kill8a | M | 3k
As their relationship progresses, Alex notices that Henry’s sleeping habits start to progress as well. Notably, more naps, less insomnia, and a knack for falling asleep at any hour of the day.
that's all for now!
hurt/comfort is one of my all time favorite tropes, so feel free to rec me some if they aren't on this list, or to reach out with ideas for other rec lists in the future! <3
-- sarah / anincompletelist xx
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candycryptids · 2 months
Smash or Pass (OC) Tangy Tangeroos
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Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc). Tagged by @selnyam and @cindernet-explorer I tag @archaiclumina @becquerelnoir @hazelkjt and uh! @sjofn-lofnsdottr [But only if you want to! There's no pressure ^v^ also if you see this and wanna do it and I didn't tag you... take it as an excuse to do it and tag me anyways ;P]
Quick Facts: height: 199cm/6'5 age: 20 Gender: Woman+ (identifies as Cis, but through external shenanigans has technically physically transitioned. Twice. OOC, What’s in her pants NOW is a Schrödinger situation.) Sexuality: for simplicities sake, Queer, Pansexual Pronouns: She/Her/Dude/Sir
Won’t judge you for your clutter or mess, she’s the same way!
Easy to please with the little things! You picked her dandelions on the way to see her? She’s delighted!
Not a picky eater! She’ll eat anywhere and anything.
Willing to try anything at least twice!
Not afraid to stand up for you/your friend if someone is outwardly rude. She’s very protective!
Will bring you gifts “just because” (she saw it and thought of you)
Knows Revenant’s Toll like the back of her paw and will show you the coolest views
Stubborn; if she decides she can’t do/learn something, it’s very difficult to change her mind on it.
Won’t dress up for fancy dates unless someone else dresses her
Really bad at ‘monogamy’ and closed relationships in general; sees sex as something to feel good and bond with friends/loved ones, not necessarily an exclusive action.
Constantly nearly-broke, so she can’t pay for your dates, even if she WANTS to.
Isn’t always self-aware of her size/weight and will squish you by laying against/on you
Her protective nature makes her reckless and she will act without considering your own abilities to protect yourself. See Also; Separation anxiety
Sheds orange fur on your furniture/clothes
Has both Dyscalculia+Dyslexia, and reads out loud. Struggles heavily with math more advanced than basic addition and subtraction. Small print is the devil.
Loves the Moonfire Faire, when they set up the parkour course!
Doesn’t seem to get sick, and doesn’t scar at all. Strangely durable. Can’t get drunk, but all doesn’t drink alcohol (or enjoy it).
Purrs audibly, and often. Loves being around people uwu
Is a total cuddler/generally physically affectionate cat with anyone deemed even just a friend.
Doesn’t like food waste, and will either eat what’s left on your plate if it can’t be saved for later in some way. (Or feed it to Meatball, if it’s salad! He’s a growing Buffalo!)
A bit clumsy, but prioritizes the integrity/safety of whatever she’s holding over her own self (I.e; if holding phone and fell into a river, will fall worse to make sure the phone is held upwards and out of the water entirely. Or; if holding boxes of pizza, will fall with more damage to self to hold them steady and not drop them/spill them)
Romantically; The line between “friendship” and “romantic” is an extremely blurry line that might as well not be there for her. She’s also not looking for a romantic relationship, and is rather happy continuing like that. Affection/Love is freely given and communicated without expectation of reciprocation, and certainly not commitment.
Sexually; Wants a partner to feel good in the way they like. Eager to please, does well as a Service Top, doesn’t participate much in BDSM. The exception to willing to try anything twice; does not want to hurt her partner in bed, even if they’d like it.
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
I really appreciate you making the buddie meta post for 7x4, taking that many hours of your time just to write it and sharing it with us. I'm really grateful, I was literally giggling and kicking my feet while reading your post 💕
What a wonderful episode, it still feels like an out of body experience and I'm so happy Buck is finally free (I'm still in disbelief they gave us bi Buck in such a beautiful way).
I really wonder how they will give us the Eddie coming out arc. ¿Do you have any theories at the moment? Also why does it feels like Marisol will be kicking rocks sooner than expected? 👀
Thank you again ❤️
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Thank you so much!! I mean I always have so many thoughts going round and round in my head about this show at all times so at least this gives me a place to put em.
I was beyond happy with everything we got in this episode. 10/10 no notes. I'm getting the feeling next episode is gonna be similar but is also gonna have some plot twists as well. The possibility of a double date has me V~I~B~R~A~T~I~N~G especially if Eddie doesn't realize the entire time that BuckTommy are on a date. Eddie and his queer blinders runs so deep and I want to see the way his face changes when he realizes.
I loved how they handled Buck having this discovery and I'm beyond happy they're not going the "gay for you" route with Buck (and I hope not with Eddie either). I'm glad Buck can exist in the world as a bisexual man outside of his relationships, but also in conjunction with them. They're all a part of him and he deserves to finally be settled in that aspect of who he is.
I do get the feeling that Buck's gonna be so swept up in the euphoria of figuring out his sexuality that he's likely going to be attributing a lot of those feelings to Tommy where he actually isn't wholly the cause. Don't get me wrong, I do think Buck is genuinely interested and attracted to Tommy, and I'm excited to see where that goes, but we're already getting some hints about potential issues with their relationship and I'm very intrigued about where that will go.
My prediction for Buck is that he's going to dive headfirst into whatever he has with Tommy and start seeking out the feelings/connection he has with Eddie, but in Tommy. I think the date will have some hints at Buck and Tommy trying to connect in certain ways and Buck in the back of his head finding *something* missing.
As for Eddie....HOO boy. I think that he's gonna be in for an interesting time. There's a chance he might break up with Marisol in 7x05, or I was also seeing spec about breaking up in 7x07, etc. IDK ANYMORE!! As much as I PERSONALLY would like to see them break up next episode, I think it would also be interesting to extend that relationship out a bit more just to show Eddie's sexual struggles and have her as a foil.
I'll give you what I would LIKE to see instead of what I speculate might happen because at this point the information we do know is confusing.
I would like to see Eddie feeling visibly weird about Buck dating Tommy. The reasons for him feeling that way can be nebulous at the start. I want this to cause some issues with Marisol, but I want his primary issues with Marisol explored separately from BuckTommy as well.
I would love to see more of his incompatibility with Marisol explored, whether that's in terms of how they act on a date, how they talk to each other, maybe even sexually (?). I want Eddie to genuinely start questioning why once again he's not feeling anything in a relationship with a woman. Like Ana could've been a fluke, but now Marisol too? I want him to think about why he just forces these relationships into something full-blown when most people would be able to recognize they're not attracted/into someone after the first few dates and end it.
I would love to see him possibly being dissatisfied with sex (if they go the demi route) and being really confused about if it's the sex itself, or the woman he's having sex with. I want some definitive building blocks for Eddie being like "I don't understand why I don't feel attraction to her" leading to an eventual "I don't feel attraction to women" realization. I think that Eddie's queer realization arc deserves more nuance and time put into it and a slow unveiling. I think it can still overlap with BuckTommy, with his feelings regarding them confusing him even more.
Buck getting kissed once by a man, understanding and accepting his sexuality right away, and being excited about it makes sense for his character. Eddie on the other hand I think is gonna struggle with it a lot more. I would like to see those struggles highlighted. Bring in more of his family (parents, sisters, etc) and show him struggling with heteronormativity around them. Show Eddie struggling to act "normal" in his interaction with BuckTommy when they're around him as a pair.
I would love it if a surprise kiss in the heat of the moment came in somewhere. Whether Buck is/isn't with Tommy and Eddie is/isn't with Marisol, would provide different ramifications. But I don't want the kiss to immediately lead to them getting together. I want them to have to sit with it, and maybe Eddie can then deconstruct his feelings about men, his sexuality, and his feelings for Buck at the same time. I wouldn't mind this struggle continuing over the hiatus and into the season 8 opener, or having this be a season 8 storyline altogether.
Either way, I do firmly believe Eddie's queer arc is coming down the line, and what we're seeing now is going to be the foundation for him to work up to it. As we know, Eddie doesn't really have sudden realizations. He kind of lets things build and build until it explodes and he is forced to sit down and think about it.
Also I don't believe Tim Minear about his "spur of the moment idea to have them kiss". What a liar. They were filming the scene with Buck, Tommy, and Eddie at the helicopter hangar back in January. That was a whole 3 months ago. Oliver literally said it was his first day back on set. You can't tell me you filmed that without knowing how the episode was gonna end, Tim. What a lying liar who lies. I do believe him that bringing Tommy in to replace Lucy probably meant they could streamline the queer Buck storyline faster in the season, but I firmly believe he knew they were planning to get to it at some point. There's no way Tim could've gotten the green light for it from ABC that fast without major lengthy discussions, both with TPTB and the writer's room. People take a long fucking time to respond to emails, Tim. Get better at lying.
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heyyy lovely!!! so i was casually stalking your account and i saw you mentioned a pandalily cannibalxdetective fic called “these lips that left some scars” and it sounds insane in a way only the best things are. i was just wondering, with no intention of pressure, if you could give a little bit of a sneak peak of what more the fic could entail in the future?
p.s i am obsessed with the way you’ve set up your profile
hii hello!<3
first of all, thank you so much that’s so sweet of you!! :,
so, funny thing is,, this was actually planned as a oneshot for part of a series i had in mind. the series being sapphic ships in all sorts of different scenarios where one might die and get eaten (other examples being siren x pirate, or vampire x human) buuut, it kinda ran away from me, ideas wise and so i’d like it to have more chapters. still won’t be anything big i think, i’m just gonna throw out estimated less than 25k words because i suck at planning/outlining fic and coming up with plot lol (but we’re all here to improve so who knows *shrugs*)
basically the babes constantly cross paths (because pandora arranges for it to happen, aka continuing her silly little murder spree and letting herself get caught, but with no evidence) and lily is a little deranged and falls prey to pandora’s charm and they end up indulging their fucked up fantasies together in the most romantic way<3 or maybe pandora does end up eating lily. i really dont know yet i’m only the writer, they do shit of their own accords,,,,
as for sneak peaks >:))
Oh, and the pain. The noises they make in pain.
Every other sound that’s coming out of Lily’s larynx is already irritatingly beautiful and exhaustingly enticing. Pandora isn’t sure she wouldn’t come undone in the presence of Lily groaning and panting in pain. Oh, maybe she’s a whimperer.
Oh, but Lily.
Lily is different though. From the other detectives and uniformed officers. Lily looks.
The first time Lily came onto one of Pandora’s crime scenes she’s pretty sure she fell in love with her.
She hadn’t realized immediately, the glint in Lily’s eyes and not in person, of course, but Xeno has their ways of hacking into security cameras and getting their hands onto whatever footage or information they want—alas Pandora having sent rather explicit death threats, graphic in both the death threat as well as the things she’s going to do to Lily right next to their corpse, to Lily’s bumble matches only a few weeks prior.
i’ve already posted about them some time where Pandora was getting felt up homoerotically pat down for weapons professionally but that’s probably lost somewhere on my blog since i didn’t tag it siigghh
i’m v busy at the moment but this made me really want to write them again, i will fight tooth and nail (my family) to get away for a few hours tonight and pick this back up!!
**also Xeno is Pandora’s aroace nonbinary partner in gay crime, they are very much platonic with each other and live in a symbiotic (no one gets hurt if Pandora gets what she wants in the next 5 seconds) relationship :))
****also im very sorry for taking so long to respond, there are demons (my toddler brothers) dragging me around all day in their fierce clutches keeping me from the vital ways of life (blogging on tumblr) <3
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
okay, part two for @elaine2895 with my top 5 fave animanga moments!! sorry this took so long LMAAAO. fair warning for everyone else giving it a read , this WILL contain spoilers for each series mentioned but uhh let's go!!
AGH I have so many fave moments from Haikyuu!! so this one was kind of tricky, but my ultimate fave would def be those parallelism panels during the Karasuno v Nekoma nationals match — where the ball goes up in the air and everyone is watching and waiting for it to drop, and we shift from being at Nationals to just a regular old practice match. It's an absolutely gorgeous scene, and I love love LOVE what it represents. The idea that Karasuno and Nekoma understand and know each other so well, that their bond is so strong playing against each other feels like home . . . doesn't feel like a competition at ALL . . . just the two of them having fun and connecting and using everything they learned because they DREAMED about meeting each other there . . .
like. i might go and make a separate post to rant about this but there is something absolutely beautiful about how, like, karasuno has played SO many giants, SO many acknowledged powerhouse teams, teams that had the attention of everyone else and were counted on to win Nationals, but it was their match with Nekoma - both from the concrete, both hidden in shadows, both scavenging for scraps of whatever they could take and turning it into their own strengths - that electrified everyone. i think that's what makes it my favorite match overall - every other team they played was a lesson learned, what they could have done better, how to overcome obstacles, but Nekoma wasn't any of that. It was just two teams working towards the goal of meeting each other when nobody else thought they could do it!!!!!! BUT THEY BELIEVED IN EACH OTHER!!!!!!
case in point i'm super excited for how nekoma v karasuno is going to play out in animation
Okay this is probs kind of cheesy but there's a moment in the climax where Mikado saves Hiyakawa and repeats to him a line that Hiyakawa had told him from back when they first met: "If you're with me, you won't be scared anymore."
Remember, Mikado spent his entire life running. He didn't want to see scary things. He didn't want to deal with anything that could disturb his life. But he couldn't avoid it forever. When Hiyakawa chose him as his partner, Hiyakawa promised him that exactly, that Mikado wouldn't be scared. And it sure didn't seem that way at first; they still dealt with murder and curses and spirits with ill intent, and Mikado was scared for a lot of it, but there came a point when he got tired of running. He faced his fears. Hiyakawa had been right, in the end. Mikado wasn't scared anymore because being with Hiyakawa helped him realize that the only way he could be brave was by using his own power.
And Hiyakawa? Well . . . everyone has things that they're running from. And Hiyakawa spent a longer time than Mikado running. He didn't have anyone. He didn't know he had the choice of being able to confront his fears. What I love about the series climax is that it's all about Mikado returning everything that Hiyakawa had done for him, through his own abilities. It's such a beautiful, heart-shattering moment, and it made me very much not okay and left me in a crisis for HOURS.
Okay so this series didn't make the original list, but there was a scene in this one that had my heart cracking in two and I could not stop thinking about it for WEEKS on end. To give a short summary, Koimonogatari is kind of like a coming-of-age, contemplative series of introspection and friendship. We have two main characters: Yuiji, who starts out as ignorant, wary, and uncomfortable with queer people; and Yamato, who is gay and has a looooooot of inner conflict about it (and also starts with having a crush on Yuiji's friend). They become friends, and Yuiji's thinking shifts and opens up the more he comes to understand and care about Yamato.
Yamato, though . . . he's dealing with a LOT. There's a scene where he's kind of breaking down and Yuiji hugs him and tells him that he loves him (not to mislead anyone, this is as a friend - which they both understand, and I also think that it really is important to show that this is something friends can do for each other) and that he hopes Yamato can love himself as well, and Yamato replied with the single most heartbreaking line I had ever read in a while: "Come to think of it, the thought of loving myself never even crossed my mind."
Like, wow. Holy shit. I was a MESS after that scene. It's something that I know a lot of people can relate to, and it was beautifully done.
(I'd also like to add that Koimonogatari has other complexities to it that could make it a hit or miss for some people, regardless of how much I love this specific scene. This is a series I do suggest you approach with a critical mind, but it's still a fun read!)
This is another one that didn't make the original list, but I love it dearly. For some background info: the main character, Heisuke, is a lazy, insincere, and somewhat self-absorbed teenager. He's not great with studying or doing housework, and a lot of the times he does things for his own interest. (And I don't mean this in a "His mental health impacts his actions, he wants to change but can't, he hates himself for being such a way" kind of thing - it's not like that at all.) He changes, ever so slowly, when he starts bonding with and looking after his little cousin Aki, who is much more responsible than any child should be. It's really sweet and I loved seeing Heisuke grow, and I do recommend it if you get the chance!
There's this one scene that I think about a LOT since having read this series, where Heisuke has to write an essay about his future goals/career/dreams and isn't really sure what to put down, and when he tells his aunt she goes, "Ah, you did that a couple years ago too! You didn't know what to write back then, either. Guess you haven't changed that much."
And this sends Heisuke into an existential crisis, because . . . his aunt is kind of right, he thinks. He even sees Aki changing in different ways as the days go by. But if Heisuke hasn't changed at all — if he's always going to be this lazy, selfish, inconsiderate person — then what does that mean for him?
And just a bit later, while Heisuke is baking a roll cake (because his hobby is making sweets!), his best friend Suzuki recalls watching him endlessly practice trying to get the roll perfect in middle school, all smooth and no cracks, and says, "I remember you could never get it right . . . I wonder when you managed to get it perfect?"
And, oh my god. It was SUCH a simple thing to say, but it was also something very true! Heisuke HAD changed! He wasn't the same person he was two years ago! He could bake a roll cake perfectly without a second thought! Even if it wasn't something big, even if it wasn't something that other people wanted to change about him, it was still a change Heisuke made within himself, and I think that was a BRILLIANT lesson to teach. It definitely made me feel better about my own shortcomings, and I hope it does the same for many people moving forward.
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realasslesbian · 2 years
so you've stated before you think non-gold stars can be lesbians. how can a female thats slept with males be a lesbian ?
Well, you see, living in Australia means I'm pretty much surrounded by countries that still criminalise homosexuality. A lot of the lesbians I've met over the years have fled these countries. I've heard stories about arranged marriages and conversion therapy and corrective rape and other assorted horrors that, as a westerner, I could barely imagine otherwise. Hearing these stories is actually what made me pursue international gay and lesbian rights for my legal honours thesis, and it's a topic I've remained interested in ever since.
I think us first-world gays have a very insular and protected view of the world. Sure, we might have experienced some homophobia and probably still do. I've been stalked by cops and fired from a job for being a lesbian. But that's a very different, and comparatively privileged, experience to the very real and immediate fear for your life that most gays and lesbians around the world still live with, every second of their lives.
I think the idea that ONLY gold star lesbians are real lesbians is a very first-world perspective that ignores the experience of the majority of gays and lesbians around the world. I don't think a lesbian choosing to sleep with a man when the other option is being forcibly drugged, sterilised, mutilated, correctively raped, tortured and/or murdered, really says anything about whether she's a 'real lesbian' or not. Sure, a lot of lesbians in these situations still do endure the violence or even die before trying men, but I think it's more a case of 'would you prefer to jump out a burning building or die in the fire'. In any case, these are the kind of choices that most lesbians globally have to make, and stating that any woman who has chosen to sleep with men isn't really a lesbian I think at best is ignorant, and at worst is actually harmful to statistics about lesbian hate crimes.
That said, when another white first-world woman like myself proclaims she 'tried men, or even had a husband and five kids, but that doesn't make her any less of a lesbian and fuck them snotty gold stars who tell me otherwise', well, I'm probably gonna keep telling her otherwise lmao
Most of these females have led obviously simple lives, enjoying the benefits of a heterosexual relationship, and not experiencing any major hardship irt their sexuality. Certainly not the sort of 24/7, visceral, fear for your life, type of hardship most other lesbians in the world do. I think these first-world women trying to cry 'comphet' or whatever is actually kind of insulting to the lesbians around the world who have experienced actual violent compulsory heterosexuality. Folding to peer pressure is not anywhere in the same ballpark, and it actually makes me pretty fucking mad having to listen to that type of privileged bullshit.
Like, if we want to be controversial, I can maybe understand a female who tried men once, was disinterested, and has stuck to women ever since. I can't relate, because men gross me tf out so I would never be in that situation. But on the face of it, being a lesbian is just about exclusive attraction to women. You don't necessarily have to feel any type of way about men, other than just not being attracted to them. A female fucks a man once and says 'yeah nah that was boring as shit', I could probably accept her calling herself a lesbian. But if you've had three kids to five different baby daddies and a whole ass heterosexual marriage then lol sorry, but it's a no from me.
But again, that whole discourse is very first-world and I think the significance of it pales in comparison to what the majority of lesbian women in the world have to go through. To me the 'gold star lesbian' label is a bit of fun, and at its most serious reveals the face of heteronormativity which is increasingly permeating the first-world lesbian sphere. But imo, there's bigger fish to fry and I'm very hesitant with making any sort of sweeping generalisations about lesbians that doesn't sit well with what I know to be the reality for most lesbians around the world.
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
alright operablr might hate me for this one but i...was not wild about don carlo, tbh. i think it's kind of a mess. before i elaborate i want to stress that a lot of my opinions are taste based and i am not saying that the opera or anyone who likes it are Bad or Wrong, i just don't think it's quite For Me. adding a cut so you can ignore all this if you want
anyway after having seen both nabucco and don carlo within a week of each other (thereby doubling my previous experience with verdi of traviata and otello), i'm starting to feel like, stylistically, early/mid verdi is much more my speed than late verdi. i remember coming away from otello thinking "that was alright" whereas with nabucco and traviata i was thinking "wow that was great!"...after finishing don carlo last night i was just...confused. i feel like i'm missing something.
actually, i definitely am; i've seen people posting about recurring motifs and beautiful arias etc in the music and i definitely missed those. again, late verdi (along with a lot of late romantic music tbh) just Is Not My Thing, i think. and considering how late don carlo is in verdi's output i'm not surprised (very much a post-wagner composition, don carlo is. same with otello). i'm planning on writing a separate post about this so i won't go into much detail here but the music really lacked a lasting memorable-ness for me; what was there was nice, yes, but it didn't feel like anything stood out much. i mean, numbers like the brindisi and amami alfredo in traviata, va pensiero in nabucco, and la donna e mobile in rigoletto -- these all Stand Out, even after only a single listen, but i am not even 12 hours off watching don carlo and i don't think i could hum for you one of its melodies. again, this has a lot to do with personal taste; in general i tend to prefer 18th and early 19th century music styles, and i plan on going into more detail about memorable music in theater in a different post.
and man, the plot is a mess. also, not to apply too modern a lens of story criticism here, but the pacing is all over the place: act ii is, like, twice the length of act i, and act iv is no quick jaunt either, then v is pretty short again. (and really who am i to complain about a 3.5 hour runtime, as a giulio cesare fan, an opera which bumps up against 4? well, at least giulio cesare has a consistent if slow pace...)
it is all over the place. one moment it's a typical operatic romance, then a political intrigue, another it's a gay psychodrama, and then it's about the catholic church. i think this is a feature rather than a bug for some people but it really did not work for me. like it's all well and good watching rodrigo and carlo swearing their loyalty for one another in the most totally heterosexual way possible or making plans to save flanders or deal with carlo's embarrassing crush on his stepmom or whatever, but when the very next scene (with no real warning) is a public parade of heretics for shaming and burning...bit of a tonal whiplash there, i think!
again, taste is a factor here. known sexy oklahoma enjoyer sasha supercantaloupe is no stranger or opponent of tonal whiplash in theater, but when it comes to "no one expects the spanish inquisition!" i think there's a difference between guys with silly outfits and silly accents popping out from behind a corner and a crowd of people dressed in friar habits carrying crosses and torches around onstage...especially to a jewish viewer like me. the plot very much feels like something someone who doesn't like opera would make up to belittle the art form imo: it's like four different things at once all thrown together in a very long, kind of jumbled mess. (i mean, what does eboli even do other than show up, make things Even More Complicated, and then disappear within two acts?)
and...i get the sense that verdi/contemporary audiences might've thought this, too. obviously the fact that it got so many productions that it HAS so many different versions at all shows that people liked it enough to keep performing it -- but there being so many different versions of the opera (disregarding translations), four acts versus five, cut or revised arias, etc, i think also indicates that something about the opera was not working quite right that they kept trying to fix. now i've only seen one version (granted it came highly recommended to me by mutuals, but only one nonetheless) and can't comment on other versions of the opera; maybe another version works better for me, idk. on its own i actually think it's really interesting that there are so many different revisions out there to study -- a real lucky glimpse into the dramaturgical process that you don't normally get to see from shows of the era or earlier. (ask me about hadestown if you want to know more of my thoughts on changes made over the course of a show's development being for better or worse.) but the finished version of the opera (at least the version i saw) is a bit of a mess imo. i definitely think it has its high moments, but i don't think they completely overshadow its lows. comparing it again to otello, which was a much more consistent product in tone and pacing etc. to me, although a bit less interesting overall too.
i feel like i might be disappointing some people by saying all this lol but i have to be honest. don carlo was just not my thing. suffice to say that i think late verdi has absorbed too much wagnerism for my taste, musically and dramatically. maybe i'll rewatch it at some point -- i'd be curious to check it out in french this time -- but i don't expect to be doing that anytime soon, unless a friend or something is watching and really wants me to join (and i can spare four hours...). i can see why y'all like it (well, some of why y'all like it) and i do admit there's some good stuff in there to like. namely the carlo & rodrigo shit. i understand now lol. the opera definitely feels like it's ripe for shitpost/meme content and i am here for that. but i can't say this one is going at the top of my fave shows list. sorry everybody!
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caps-clever-girl · 2 years
i found this post by @jamiewintons and wanted to give it a go for Artemis!!
Artemis Woods
What era does your character originate from? Uk Interwar (between WW1&2)
How old was your character at their time of death? 42 :) he does not look it. Julian HATES it.
How did your character die? Is there any visual indication of their cause of death? There is no visual indication, as such, but when he gets too excited/exerts too much he wheezes and can start coughing from pneumonia. He can also wheeze in his sleep a bit in the wrong position.
Which of their fellow ghosts is your character closest to? R O B I N. They are best friends. (After)Life Partners. Cap, but we'll get to him in a bit. He becomes very good friends with both Pat and Mary, and good friends with Humph. He and Julian automatically have to be friends by proxy because of Robin, but while it takes a bit, they do become genuine good friends.
Are there any ghosts that your character doesn’t get along with? If so, who, and why do they not get along? Artemis and Fanny do not get along. She did not treat him well prior to her death, and cast out his mentor. Although she has been wierdly nice to him since he died.... Other than that, I'd say Tom is the one he gets along with least. They get along fine most of the time but Art doesn't approve of his behaviour towards Alison, and lets fave it Thomas can be uh... quite the tool sometimes and that gets on his nerves. It doesn't help things that Tom is a bit jealous of his relationship with Alison -
What is your character’s relationship with Alison like? They r besties. Honestly the more I write them the more I think Art will come to be like a brother to Alison perhaps? Something like that. He is very involved in the housework, despite being A) a ghost, and B) having no clue about diy or housework. He's just a nice mix of logical and creative. Because Alison and he interract so well, and Alison has made jokes about Art being her 'favourite ghost' (bc he wins her some money) Thomas is Very Jealous and a bit snippy. I think Art is gonna tell him whats what at some point tho. He is gay. Nothing is happening with Alison lmao.
Does your character have a romantic interest in anyone? If so, who? Is there any chance that a relationship will blossom between them? ohhhhhh yeah baby!!!! Mr Captain man. This is a Cap/OC story I won't disguise it. But there are other pairings too... <3
If it was your character’s turn to pick for Film Club, what film would they choose and why? Depends if he manages to resist Robin trying to convince him to watch what he wants lol. He loves a comedy more than anything, and stuff with sexy men in. Pretty much any Colin Firth/Hugh Grant film to be honest. He, Pat and Humphrey LOVE Monty Python, and Julian is also a v big fan. He also enjoys an older film.
What kind of television shows does your character enjoy? Would any of the other ghosts want to watch with them? Art loves a britcom. 100%. Stuff like Vicar of Dibley, Blackadder, Dads Army, Allo Allo, Keeping Up Appearances, Fawlty Towers, Miranda, and Derry Girls (this is a group hit tbh), as is Gavin and Stacey. He is particularly fond of green wing, which is probably the show that has the least interest from the others, though Julian quite likes it. Pat and Cap I feel are both fans of these so he usually has company in one of them (And Robin, tho thats more the company than whatever Art is watching.) Julian loves certain ones as well, he might turn up.
Does your character try to interact with Mike, despite knowing that he cannot see or hear them? Art treats Mike pretty much the same as he does Alison, even though Mike can't see or hear him. Technically he could find a way of communicating similar to Julian... as long as theres some taxidermy about.
What kind of books would Alison buy for your character? Honestly Art isn't a big reader. Not for fiction anyway. Alison would get him books on animals, plants and nature. And probably some on pre-history, tho Robin has dibs on those.
Does your character have a special power? If yes, is there any meaning to why your character has this particular power? (for example, is it related to how they died, or indicative of their personality?): Artemis can touch animals! If you were to look, you could see their fur move like they're being touched. Or just see a fuckin mouse float through the air hdjsjsjkdk. It's probs the most Mary Sue aspect of him but I couldnt give a shit lol, it's pretty useless anyway. I'd say it's mainly because of his personality and love of animals, but... also because in certain times, the animals were really his main source of comfort and he felt the only times he was seen was by the wildlife on the grounds.
How do they act on their death day? Do they become withdrawn, upset, or does it simply not bother them anymore? It still very much bothers him. He tries to keep it out of his mind. It's far from a pleasant menory. If anything, he'll celebrate the day after - the day he met Robin. Tbf, he sleeps through it most years anyway.
How did they react to realising that they were dead and had become a ghost?: I've touched on that here. But that day before he met Robin was... not plesant at all, to say the least.
What was your character’s relationship with their family/friends like when they were alive? Art has no family (as far as I've worked out so far lmao) He was friends with some of the staff in the early years, but once Fanny and George had died and their son inherited the estate, things went downhill and Artemis was quite isolated. A lot of the staff quit. Some days he thinks he should have quit too and gotten out of there alive. But... he wouldn't have Robin if he did that.
If your character saw Humphrey’s head left stranded on the floor, what would they do? Pick him up!!!!!!!!! (After checking he wants to be picked up first.) Either way they'll probs have a chat :)
What kind of music would your character enjoy? Would they be willing to get up and perform for Music Club? Absolutely not Arty cannot sing for shit. not with any volume anyway. however, he would duet with robin if there was a party. I haven't quite pinned down his music taste yet, but... I'd say a very eclectic mix. He's just happy to hear most things really. He likes stuff from his era of course (which I need to do more research on). Loves ABBA and was indoctrinated to Mamma Mia by Pat and Kitty ASAP.
What kind of activities does your character wish they could participate in, but cannot due to being dead? (Especially things that weren’t around when they were still alive): He'd love to go to the cinema again. Honestly its less the activity and more the place. He'd love to go to a museum with Cap or Robin, and an observatory with Robin. Mostly he just wants to go... somewhere. If he was allowed to go to a national trust park he'd probably nut.
What would your character wear if they could today? His outfit was ok to die in. Bit grubby in places, but pretty comfy. He'd just like some more normal clothes tbh. Maybe a nice jumper. I tell you what he does want, he's seen Alison's elasticated hair bobbles. He'd kill for one of those. (This is a man who would love a fluffy onesie.)
Did your character witness the deaths of any of the ghosts that died after them? Nope! Not one. He was asleep every time.
How does your character feel about the plague ghosts? He likes the plague ghosts! Even Jemima doesn't spook him that much. He pops down every now and then to say hi :)
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audaciousanonj · 1 year
9 people you would like to know better
@itischeese tagged me twice, as in both me and @ajhasmademistakes (also me), so here ya go. Of the twenty asks you answered thirteen are from me. of whatever asks you haven't answered a lot of them are from me as well. i can get such super specific numbers by going into the archives, filtering asks only, then subtracting any you reblogged to get a total number of asks and counting up the ones i know i sent. this is probably completely normal behavior.
Three Ships
KakaObi (Kakashi and Obito from Naruto), IruKaka (Iruka and Kakashi from Naruto), and. hmm. ok those two are obvious, to me, but I actually don't know what to put down for the third. Well it just says three ships, doesn't say they have to be your top three ships, so I will put down MadaGai (Madara and Gai from Naruto) just because it's a crackship i think would work.
First ship
Rocketshipping (Jesse and James from PokeAni (pokemon anime)).
Last song I listened to
According to my ipod it is in fact "Get Back" by the Beatles, because I was at work and just put on whatever albums/artists are easy listening for me. Playlist also includes any song on my ipod by The Killers, Muse, or They Might Be Giants, the entire Undertale the Musical by Man on the Internet including Pacifist and Genocide runs, FALLEN: An Undertale Tribute album by the Materia Collective which has since gone the way of its name and fallen from the internet, Hamilton Album, Into the Woods album, Les Mis album, Best of Queen, all the Weather from the first three years of WTNV plus the first four of year four, and so on. the last song i listened to on my computer was Bastille's "The Draw"
Last movie I watched:
oh man this was months ago, it was the Mario Movie. excellent soundtrack. but yeah i don't watch movies or tvshows much.
Last series:
probably steven universe. back when it was airing. i don't watch many shows. and not the new therapy series, the original. oh god, this was before covid happened. i haven't watched a series since covid.
yeah i don't watch tv much. kinda actually hate it in fact. who needs tv when fanfic exists? trust me you don't even need to watch the show to read the fanfic, i've seen one (1) episode of naruto and it's kakashi v obito. I know what I'm about.
Currently reading:
Fanfic. Actually I've been binging llamallamaduck's works, they've got some weird (positive) shit. I also enjoy literally every naruto work by @itischeese.
Last consumed:
Roast beef, Pasta, Broccoli, Oreos, Mints. Dinner.
Currently craving:
sleep? sleep. maybe also fanfics. also even more content of kakaobi as boys, being boys about it.
Oh Yeah the Tagging people thing
uh yeah you don't have to if you don't want, standard disclaimer, but also @miniongrin, @microrockets, @captainkirkk, @chucktaylorupset, @virtualcarrot, @mynameisdoofthelizardandamlesbi, @wafflelate, @insanelyadd, and uh @animetrashmuffin
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false-anachronism · 1 year
tagged by @intertexts :3 !!!! hi ros ty ty
tag whatever many people you would like to know better
last song: rich by cosmo sheldrake!!! been on a cosmo sheldrake kick lately i fuckin love this guy. he's got vibes
currently watching: um. lots of qsmp. also i want to rewatch steven universe very soon but that might have to wait until the end of this qsmp arc bc MAN things r getting intense and i have no room in my brain for anything else rn
currently reading: well. lots of fanfiction. still trying to get thru worm as well but its a v sporadic process!!! and there's another book i got halfway thru called “the beginning of everything: everyone gets a tragedy” and i stopped reading when the main character got a boner while watching his crush swing on a swingset. like a playground swingset. i wanna finish reading it at some point but the main character is v full of himself and his crush is very much “not like other girls” so it’s kind of painful
current obsession: QSMP. SOOOO QSMP-BRAINED ALL THE TIME ALWAYS. but also can i say dreamstuck??? my own fanfic is consuming my every waking second that is not currently occupied by qsmp. either way i guess my current obsession is minecraft roleplay but one of them is a homestuck au. it's a problem <3 does anyone wanna talk about qcellbit/qpactw??? i wanna talk about celltw. fucked up gay cannibal prison romance that was never endgame but fuck it was weird. or dreamstuck in general does anyone wanna hear about dreamstuck i can talk about dstuck
hmmmmm who to tag...... i am always so nervous scared when tagging people BUT @keptoabysmal @khimkito @nekrotiize @kozzax u don't have 2 do this but i am curious!!! what are you guys watching and reading and listening to!!!! i wanna know!!!!
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Crowley and the song “Tightrope” From “The Greatest Showman”: An Analysis
I’m a musical nerd and a Good Omens nerd, and I’m upset and distraught, so here are some of my thoughts on Crowley with one of my fave songs from that movie!
. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S-CVJuNQo6w
I put the scene from the movie just cause I like picturing Crowley in the part where her shadow is dancing with her husbands shadow
ANYWAY my sad gay people lets get into it
The beginning lyrics:
Some people long for a life, that is simple and planned, tied with a ribbon
He watched Newt (simple) and Anathema (planned) fall in love
Some people won’t sail the sea, cause they’re safer on land, to follow what’s written
Maggie and Nina, Nina being afraid to start a new relationship because she was so used to her old toxic one, Maggie being nervous to talk to her
Then of course:
But I’d follow you to the great unknown, off to a world we’d call our own
It has been shown time and time again in the show that where Aziraphale goes, Crowley follows (France, the church w the Nazis, etc)
Crowley also very frequently talks about running off with Aziraphale, being together just the two of them, their own side, or, their own world
Hand in my hand and you promised, to never let go, we’re walking a tightrope, high in the sky we can see the whole world down below
Aziraphale, in a way, did promise something to Crowley, in the Arrangement
Because they could never outright say it, the Arrangement was the next best thing, a way to promise company, promise help, promise care, under the guise of thwarting each other
However, it was a very tedious line, a very very risky arrangement (MUCH LIKE A TIGHTROPE DO YOU SEE WHAT IM GETTING AT HERE)
Never sure, never know how far we could fall
This is unprecedented territory, they are the first angel and demon, as far as we know, to have done what they do, to have any sort of companionship, or God forbid, love (before Gabriel and Beelzebub). They wouldn’t have known what the consequences could be, how severe their respective sides would punish them
But it’s all an adventure that comes with a breath-taking view, walking a tightrope, with you
But Crowley, for lack of a better term, is a simp, he’s willing to risk it because he loves Aziraphale so much
Mountains and valleys and all that will come in between, desert and ocean
You pull me in and together we’re lost in a dream, always in motion
This I just feel like is a good representation of how Crowley probably felt when being with Aziraphale, it was a constant dance between the two of them, but they kept holding onto each other throughout the whole thing
So I’d risk it all, just to be with you, and I’d risk it all, for this life we choose
This is the main crux of his character. While Aziraphale was always still nervous about the repercussions, the punishments for whatever he had with Crowley, Crowley was ready to risk it for them, for Aziraphale. He didn’t want Aziraphale in trouble, so he was willing to reign it for Aziraphale, but for himself? He didn’t care
Then the chorus plays again, but there’s a different line at the end:
Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall
Despite the trust he has in Aziraphale and what they have, especially after seaosn 2, Crowley is probably always or was for a while, nervous that Aziraphale was going to switch up on him one day, go back to Heaven and abandon him, leave him struggling for balance on his own
When it came down to it, there was probably always a doubt or insecurity that Aziraphale was going to pick Heaven over him
But then he goes back to:
But it’s all adventure that comes with a breathtaking view, walking a tightrope, with you
Crowley knows part of his personal risk in the Arrangement is that Aziraphale might not love him like that, but he doesn’t care just so he can be around him and watch him
ANYWAY thank you for reading this if you did I just have a lot of thoughts
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thelasttime · 1 year
Crush anon <3: word vomit it is ! Tee hee. Basically I've know her for like soo long and I think I might have honestly had a crush on her for close to as long as I've known her, but I didn't even realise I was gay until like 2 years into our friendship and then it's taken me another 2 and a half years after that (1 1/2 years ago) to start facing that I might have a crush on her. I'm literally like v content with just being friends and the way we are right now but sometimes I picture myself with her romantically and I luv it sm too. Like I'd just love to spend every day with her. She's one of my closest friends and I trust her sm and really feel like I can be vulnerable with her which I don't feel with a ton ton of people. This last year and a half or so we've also just been talking tons about our futures and plans and like how we would want to decorate our houses or live or careers or whatever when we meet up too. It like drives me wild. Some of our ideas are compatible and some not but just hypothetically talking about our seperate relationships/ futures makes me want to be like BUT WITH YOU !! I've never actually dated anyone before and she's dated only like 2 ppl but I don't think they were good relationships or v long ones. She's mentioned within the last year or so that she was like I'd like to try out the dating thing again that itn would be nice but I don't think she's actually dated anyone yet and in response I was kinda like haha. Yeah me too. If we did end up dating, id just be nervous that i somehow felt like i was "holding her bqck" from experincing more. But Sometimes I feel like she might be dropping hints but others I'm just lost and like maybe this is just us being close and sharing stuff and talking about things close to us but not nessiciarly saying it's for eachother 😭. We're both about to go back to college so I won't be seeing her for like 3/4 ish months probs </3 but yeah. I'm sure I could literally say so much more haha but that's some of what's been on my mind
She's also like literally gotten me some of the most thoughtful presents and I always try to do the same for her and we've written eachother letters over the years and stuff 😭
Also bonus is that she isn't really a swifite but she does listen to me ramble about ts from time to time <3
me reading this:
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