#in those three years that zuko has been gone.. she's also lost something
Azula x Female reader series: Part 1
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Reader is Azula's personal maid and has been since childhood. You enjoy your job, not just because you’re in love with the princess but also because you’re very good at it, shown by the fact you’ve worked closely with Azula for years without a scratch or banishment on you. When Azula Zuko Mai and Ty-lee are sent to the Ember Islands Azula brings you too but when boys at a party start flirting with you Azula reacts badly, very badily. You argue and she demands you return home but after a talk with Zuko you realise Azula's actually jealous. When you confront her about it the confident scary princess is replaced with a shy bashful girl.
Part two here
Part three here
Part four here
Part Five here
Part Six here
You felt free here on the Ember Islands. Sure this was work and you had to tag around after Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty lee, but nobody here knew who they were so they couldn't boss you around too much. So here at this party you’d been invited to by some boys at the beach you were literally free, your royal companions all dispersed and none of them called you to follow them so you roamed around happily content. You basked in the feeling of relaxed happy people, everyone here was so friendly. You'd naturally been nervous and suspicious when they'd started talking to you for no reason but they just seemed like nornal teenagers so you talked back and soon found yourself laughing and joking with the people unaware the others were having a worse time than you, Zuko and Mai were arguing and Ty lee's advice riled Azula making her more and more angry as she watched you chatting and smiling with some boy.
You were still talking to the boy who’d invited you when he tensed smile gone as he fixated on something behind you. You turned to see Azula stood there, an expression on her face you knew well, anger. "Y/n i need to speak to you" she told you turning and striding outside before you could reply. You excused yourself and followed her unsure what you’d done. Mai and Ty lee watched you, Mai sending you daggers so you supposed it must be bad. You reached outside and shivered at the cold but Azula didn't seem effected. "what’s wrong princess?" You asked her hesitantly. Azula spun to face you and you knew this wouldn't be good. "Whats wrong?" She laughed "whats wrong? I invite you here and you embarass and humiliate me". You frowned "Azula I'm sorry but how?". "Really? Tell me you’re not naive enough to think those boys just wanted to talk to you?". You blushed and frowned "Azula we were just talking...". "You are my personal maid! Your actions reflect on me y/n". "I know that Azula, im sorry if i disappointed you". "You are a royal maid you should not be consorting with peasants!". You nodded bowing your head "im sorry princess". Azula was made angrier by you using her title, something you’d dropped here on the island and Azula was annoyed she’d come to like it which spurred her on further. "but then you obviously think high of yourself, flirting with my brother, how long have you liked him?". "Zuko?" You asked completely shocked "we weren’t...". "He doesn’t like you" Azula snapped "he argued with Mai and was using you to make her jealous, if you were wondering Mai didn't like you before and certainly doesn't now". You gulped "ill apologise to her, i didn’t mean anything...zuko just came up to me". "Zuko? are you so familiar you forget his title?" Azula snapped, angry you used her title and not his, "like you’re such good friends". "No i...its just a habit I've gotten into here, I'm sorry princess". Azula glared "well it appears i shouldn't have invited you here, you were clearly not ready, it was too much for you to handle, you have disappointed me and will return home immedietly". You were stunned "you're sending me home because of tonight?". "Yes, i think it wise to keep you and my brother seperated". You gasped "but i don’t even like Zuko Azula! He doesn't...i won't speak to him the rest of the trip if that is what you want?". Azula did feel a surge of excitement at your words and was tempted to agree and make you promise never to speak to zuko again, you would just speak to her, but she bit back her desire and stood taller "no that won’t do, you are to leave here, go straight to the villa without speaking to anyone, pack and go to the boat to head back to the fire nation where you will wait for my return, understood?". You went to argue but her glare made you stop and you gave in "if that is what you want Azula". She hated the way you said her name now, it almost made her feel guilty. Azula pushed that thought away and barged past you, not even looking at you.
You walked through the party eyes fixed on the door, ignoring the friendly people who called your name, and walked straight out onto the street. You started in the direction of the house your head swimming at Azula’s mood swings. She’d been fine the whole trip, why was she acting this way now? You hadn’t been concentrating where you were going and paused on a path lost. You saw someone up ahead and walked closer when you saw they were throwing things. You hesitated and went to walk away when you saw it was Zuko. He was clearly angry and you thought it best to leave him alone and started back up the path when he looked up. "Y/n?" He asked spotting you "what are you doing out here?". You swallowed uncomfortable, already breaking a promise to Azula "im lost, i was looking for the villa". Zuko frowned "you’ve gone way past it, what’s wrong?". You looked at him shocked "nothings wrong" you said hastily and "i just need to return there and quickly". Zuko nodded "let me guess Azula’s orders?". You nodded avoiding eye contact "can you tell me how to get there please". Zuko nodded and started walking in that direction but you didn’t follow. "I think it’d be best if you just told me, you do not need to show me". Zuko looked at you confused but shrugged and told you the directions.  "Why do you need to go there so quickly anyway?" Zuko asked "is Azula meeting you there?" He asked carefully. You felt heat rise to your cheeks and shook your head "no she..the princess wants me back at the capital". Zuko frowned "why?". You sighed in frustration, why couldn’t he just let you go? "I angered her at the party" you shrugged and zuko frowned "how? You were friendly and happy..how did that...ah Azula was jealous". You looked at him shocked "what?". "She was jealous, she asked you to come, you were supposed to be here for her and her only, yet you were giving your attention to other people" Zuko’s eyes showed he recognised something and he lowered his head "she was angry you talked to me wasn’t she?". Zuko saw your reaction and nodded "y/n im sorry, i was childish i saw Mai talking to another guy and wanted to make her jealous too but i didn’t know any other girls so i talked to you, it’s my fault Azula snapped at you". You were amazed a royal had apologised to you and stared at Zuko who waited for your response. Finally you coughed and looked at him "it’s not your fault prince Zuko". Zuko frowned but knew you were uncomfortable so nodded "she was just jealous that’s it". "I don’t believe the princess gets jealous" you couldn’t help saying but Zuko shook his head. "she’s only human y/n, just like i got jealous seeing Mai talking to that guy she got jealous seeing you talk to that ched guy". You blushed at what zuko was implying and too late he realised what he insinuated and tried to back track but couldn’t. "Can i please go?" You asked him and Zuko nodded "of course..so you go back along this path for about 3 minutes then.." when someone called his name. Your blood froze as Azula appeared on the path. Her smiled dropped when she saw you were with him. Zuko saw you tense and stepped forwards "Azula...". "I told you to go home did i not?" Azula asked you "you defy me again?". "Azula she didn’t..." Zuko started but Azula cut him off "leave us brother, i have to handle y/n". Zuko stood his ground but you nodded to him "go prince Zuko, i need to speak with the princess". Azula laughed "you give my brother orders?". But Zuko glared "can it Azula, you’re getting what you want aren’t you?". Azula’s eyes flared but she didn’t say anything, watching Zuko until he was out of sight and then the two of you were alone on a dark path.
Azula launched into a verbal attack stating all the ways you’d angered her and you let them wash over you watching her. She was jealous, what zuko said was true! You’d known Azula was a possessive person but didn’t think shed be so possessive over you, that she’d care enough to be..the thought made your stomach flutter and Azula noticed your expression and glared "are you even listening to me?". You frowned and looked up at her "are you jealous?". Azula spluttered her eyes bright with rage "jealous of you! Why on earth...". "Not jealous of me" you said quickly aware you had to tread carefully "of Zuko and that guy at the party". Azula stiffened and glared at you "why would i be jealous of them, because they spoke to you? You certainly hold yourself in high esteem". You shook your head "there would really be no reason to be if you were...i was merely talking to them, nothing else, it wouldn’t even matter if they wanted more because they’re not my type". Azula snorted "why on earth would i care what your type is?". "Just so you know my loyalty to you will never be questioned, especially by a boy Azula, boys...they’re not my type". It took Azula a second to register what you were saying and then recognition showed in her face and she lowered her gaze from you. She actually looked slightly flustered, something you’d never seen and you watched eagerly. Azula nodded "i see that is...good to know, not because...just it’s useful to know that is not an issue, for your loyalty that is!". You nodded softly, still Azula could barely meet your eye and that made you smile. "I still think it’d be a good idea for you to return home however" she said softly "you know i cannot go gack on a punishment". "Of course princess" you bowed and Azula paused "but i will be back soon anyhow, so really you’d just be preparing things for my return, yes?". You nodded "everything will be in place for your eagerly awaited return princess". Azula grew embarassed again and you almost laughed to see you could have this effect on the great and powerful Azula. "Head for the boat now" she told you "you can still make the midnight boat, I will send you your belongings tomorrow". You nodded and bowed "thank you princess" and walked away. You could feel her eyes burning into your back and couldn't help but smirk. Maybe things would be more interesting in the firenation now...
Ngl I loved when we got to see the normal(ish) teenager side of Azula! Not sure if im gonna make this into a series or not but I’ll see.
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jaxsteamblog · 3 years
Day 19: Hurt/Comfort
I’m re-posting my 2019 fic “Making Space.” It’s post-canon and very heavy. There are mentions of past self-harm, a statement of suicide ideation, miscarriage, blood mention, various forms of depression, and implied child neglect. Thinking about this made me sad, writing it made me sad, do not let it make you sad unless you want it to. Click on the title to read on AO3 or continue under the cut. Be aware of trigger warnings! Includes Kat-ang and Ma-ko.
“Tenzin is an Airbender, he needs to know these things.”
“You have never cared about that. You have never made others feel lesser like this!”
“They won’t get it.”
“If you leave. If you leave with just Tenzin, we won’t be here when you get back.”
Sokka and Suki arrived on the earliest airship as soon as they heard. Bumi and Kya, knowing something drastic had happened, couldn’t be separated, so Sokka took them both out to go penguin sledding. Suki stayed with Katara, moving around the hut in silence till Katara inevitably dissolved into tears.
“They’ll hate me.”
“It’s better this way. If they hate you, you’ll be around to love them.”
“I’ve lost my baby.”
“He’ll come back.”
They stayed for a whole season, ignoring all of Katara’s anxious questioning about what they had left behind. At night, since Katara couldn’t sleep, she could often hear her brother’s angry whispers as he summoned all the curses he knew from the ocean depths. His anger lasted longer than her tears, and Katara wrapped herself in her brother’s anger like a thick fur.
Bumi did well under his uncle’s attention, though his comments about his father made Katara wince in pain. Sokka deflected each question and comment easily, refocusing Bumi on some project.
The more Katara watched them, the more she realized she should have reached out to Sokka sooner. Standing between his aunt and uncle, Bumi beamed. These were two great heroes, and both were non-Benders. With the other South Pole children - more non-Benders than Waterbenders - Bumi only stood out by the paleness of his skin. But then, there was Suki: just as bundled up and red-cheeked.
Kya was quieter, often trailing behind the others. When Katara was close by, her daughter would come and sit with her. Their mirrored sadness wove them together, a common blanket that bound mothers and daughters everywhere.
“Daddy isn’t coming.” Kya said.
“It has always been his choice to make.” Katara replied and pulled her daughter to her side. None of this made sense; Aang had always stressed the importance of living in harmony, of being friends with all types of people. As they had grown, Aang had even recognized the patronizing way he would speak of the Air Nomads. When he reminisced, it was never to compare his people to others. He never again acted as if the Air Nomads had been some sort of paragon. Letting go of that pride had allowed him to open to the new occupants of the various Air Temples.
The Air Nomads were gone, but they would never be forgotten. Aang held a pained resignation in his chest and Katara would find him staring off in thought when they stopped at the Temples.
She thought that sadness would fade with time. Aang was more present and tempered, rejoicing in everyone’s growth. The sadness returned when Bumi died, and when other pieces of his past started to slip away. But every time, her husband would return and they would go on a trip where he would kiss her till she felt her body rise into the stars.
Katara never expected that sadness to be running like a river through him, slowly eroding away his insides.
When Bumi was born, Aang cried. At first, Katara thought it was from joy. But she heard him late at night, after she had gotten up to feed the baby and found Aang gone. He wept like an animal was trying to escape his chest and Katara was frightened.
She had shut the door, feeling her heart flutter behind her ribs.
When she got pregnant again, she knew she had a Bender. She was excited when she told Aang and he had seemed like his old self. He stole her breath with kisses and everything seemed lighter.
As the midwife handed Katara the swaddled Kya, Katara squeezed her eyes shut.
Three days after the birth, Katara had woken to the pain of milk in her breasts. Going for the baby and seeing Kya missing, Katara almost fainted from the shock. Rushing about the house, she finally heard the faint lines of a song.
Aang sat in a chair on the balcony, rocking back and forth while singing a song too soft for Katara to make out. Holding her breath, she just watched. Her husband’s face was tight but his eyes were sunken. With one thin finger, he was tracing the curve of Kya’s cheek and drawing small swirls. Then he bent down and kissed her forehead before standing up. Silent, Katara walked over and took her, moving back into the house to feed her. Kya, smelling milk, started to cry, but Katara paused to look back.
Aang was still standing, looking out into the midnight air.
Tenzin’s birth was salvation. Aang had been overjoyed and could barely contain his excitement. For weeks, Katara would snap at him when his mania would wake the other children.
She didn’t notice how Aang’s sole source of happiness became Tenzin. Katara was busy, tending to the older children and continuing the work she was already doing. Aang took over most of the infant care, save for when he needed to be fed. But as soon as Tenzin moved on to more solid food, Katara would often not see her youngest for hours.
Katara thought it would pass.
Then Aang would start leaving, taking Tenzin to important Air Nomad places. That Katara could excuse, though she didn’t see why they all couldn’t go. Bumi had started school and Kya could work on her waterbending at home.
When one trip extended unexpectedly, Katara panicked. As soon as Aang returned, her fear came out as anger and they argued. He had just taken a small detour, to show Tenzin a special place. Cliffs that sang in the evening breeze and glinted like fire crystals at sunrise.
Aang had taken her there and told her that he would love her forever as they laid in the thick grass, listening as the ground below serenaded them.
It was a place they could have gone with all the children.
Katara had left to pick up Bumi and shut the door.
All of those doors being closed had ended up shielding her from what had been happening. The sadness had erased everything she loved about Aang and it was too late for her to fix it. The empty space had been filled with air.
When Sokka and Suki finally did leave, Bumi and Kya cried every night for a week. They became belligerent, fighting with her over everything from their clothes to their food. Already stressed, Katara yelled back and they cried even louder.
At night, Katara’s own sadness continued to heave out of her, like a bilge pump on a sinking ship. She would fall asleep out of exhaustion and when she woke up, Bumi and Kya would be curled around her.
They had woven a wide blanket and it covered them all.
Towards the autumn equinox, as the sun was starting to stay lower on the horizon for longer, Katara received a letter. She felt the rush of hope and the familiar lightness, but it left her as she read it. Toph, with children of her own and a job that allowed for few breaks, had written to check in on her.
Much to Katara’s embarrassment, everyone now knew about what had happened. The chain of events that led to the discovery was both mortifying and oddly satisfying.
Having stayed close, Suki had told Toph about their trip to the South Pole. Immediately after being told, Toph had tracked Aang down and dressed him down, loudly, in public. The argument had been explosive and Toph warned him to not set foot in her city. And she would know if he did.
When Toph returned, Zuko was already in Republic City. He had only recently gotten divorced and was attempting to be more like his uncle to achieve some sort of inner peace. Unfortunately, he wasn’t prepared to deal with Toph’s fury.
Zuko tried his best to defuse the situation, but then Sokka came into Republic City. With his anger still not assuaged, he reported the effect Aang’s decision had on Bumi and Kya. They talked more about what should be done; there were legal penalties for abandoning one’s wife and children, but that would involve a traumatic session of Katara testifying. Divorce was also tenuous, as Katara would have to forfeit all of her children if she won her suit.
Then Aang came to Republic City.
It had been daring, of course, as he could have gone directly to Avatar Island. Instead, he came into Republic City and it only took moments before word reached Toph.
Now with Sokka at her side, she renewed her fight. Sokka stepped in, but only to explain how Aang’s leaving had hurt Bumi and Kya.
All of this was written more like a police report, but Katara could tell from where Toph had bashed down on certain keys of the typewriter that certain sentiments had come up during specific points.
Toward the end of the letter, all Toph reported was that Aang had made an offensive comment, Sokka had lunged, but Zuko got there first.
And the Fire Lord knocked the Avatar out cold.
During all of this, Tenzin had been in the care of an Air Acolyte. At this point, the Acolyte stepped in, getting Aang up and making sure they flew to Avatar Island as soon as possible. A day later, Appa flew away again to destinations unknown.
Toph promised to visit soon, but urged Katara to return to the United Republic. There were plenty of cities far enough away from Republic City, but she would be close enough for everyone to visit.
Katara folded the letter and hid it in a small cupboard where she kept her unguents and pill casings.
At the dawn of the first twilight day, the sign that winter was fast approaching, an airship arrived. Regular shipments came into the South Pole to replenish famine rations that they were supposed to have stopped using five years ago. But the reconstruction took longer than expected, and the signs were suggesting that this would be a harder winter.
Katara brought Bumi and Kya to the dock as a reward for having a not-so-terrible day. They went shrieking like wild animals with the other children as the hydraulic ramp slowly lowered with a leviathan groan.
The flash of red the airshipmen wore at first made Katara think of Republic City and she suddenly couldn't breathe. But as the ramp hit the ground and the people began to move, she saw the Fire Nation symbol and relaxed.
Then the guards came and Katara felt lightheaded as she was suddenly pushed back thirty years.
Zuko looked so different, it scared her. Her fingers froze with electrified terror and Katara felt like she was going to cry. As he started to look around, she prayed he wouldn’t see her, but as the thought became wisps in her mind, his eyes met hers.
Then Bumi went barreling up the ramp and directly into Zuko’s stomach.
Once again embarrassed, and still on the verge of tears, Katara rushed forward toward the crowd. Her voice was thin and reedy as she pleaded and pardoned her way past people. And then, she was in front of Zuko.
Bumi was thrown over his one shoulder like a laughing sack of potatoes. Izumi and Kya stood together behind him, whispering and admiring a bracelet Kya had made.
“You didn’t have to come.”
“I know.”
“We’re doing fine.”
“No you’re not.”
Katara’s breath came in a shudder and her chest felt hot. Zuko set Bumi down and handed him a crowbar, telling him that he hid a prize in one of the crates. Kya cupped her hand around Izumi’s ear and then both girls were suddenly giggling before darting away.
“I’m fine Zuko.”
“His sadness changed him and you didn’t get to say goodbye to the man you loved. You’re not fine.”
“And how do you think that could possibly be it?”
“Because I never got to say goodbye to the Mai I married.”
Before she started to cry, Zuko put his arm around her shoulders and turned her away from the gathered people. No one was paying attention to them, as they were either unloading or going through the supplies. Still, Zuko steered her away and back toward her house.
Taking no prompting, Zuko sat her down on the couch and brought over a blanket while she was weeping. Katara curled into it, laying down on the couch and sobbing while the core of her soul ached. When he returned, Katara felt his warm hand on her back, slowly rubbing the tight muscles that seized with every arrhythmic breath.
“This is all my fault.”
“Not all of it. And you can’t be blamed for not fixing something you didn’t know was broken.”
“Why did he do this?”
“Because a sadness that deep can erase the greatest of joys.”
He gave her tea and he told her about Mai. The promises he made and how now, finally, everything would be as they wanted it. She had enjoyed it at first, the power and privilege that came with being married to the Fire Lord.
Then they started to get pregnant.
She usually lost them in the first trimester. Nothing to show of a pregnancy except the amount of blood. One pregnancy had been promising, and the doctor had ordered strict bedrest. Sages, not the Fire Sages but a new group to rise from their ashes, had said that if the spark caught, the baby would be a strong Firebender.
They had lost him during the seventh month.
Something had broken in Mai then, and Zuko insisted they stop trying. Mai needed the rest and to recover, so they traveled to various healing springs. The doctors had told him in very strong words that he must not even so much as sleep in the same bed as her, so that her body could heal. He did. She pulled away from him, receding more into herself. Maids and other noble ladies assured him that this was normal, and Mai would be fine. So Zuko had left her alone.
He had left her all alone.
During a new moon, when it was the darkest Zuko had ever experienced, he had been woken up as someone entered his room.
Mai had come to him and draped over him like a sheet. Zuko could still remember how he had traced his hands over her body and felt her ribs. And the thick scars on her legs.
She said nothing and the only sound was of their breathing.
When it was done, Mai got up and walked out of the room.
When they returned to the palace, she moved out of their shared room. And nine months later, Izumi was born.
Mai took care of all the motherly duties, but quickly handed Izumi to whatever nurse happened to be nearby. As those duties lessened, Zuko tried to reach out to her. Every time, she turned him away.
When Izumi turned five and they found out for certain she wasn’t a Firebender, Mai threw a glass into the dining room wall.
“I failed. The thing nearly killed me and I failed.”
“You didn’t fail. Please, Mai, if I ever made you think that-”
“It’s not you Zuko, it’s them. It’s this place. It’s me.”
“Zuko, if I stay here one more night, I will die.”
Zuko let her go.
The divorce had been hard. Mai looked dead as she signed the papers, forfeiting her parental rights to Izumi. As her father’s only heir, there couldn’t be a chance that Mai would take her. As per the usual agreement, Mai was not permitted to remarry for one full year and any pregnancy had to be reported immediately to the palace. Just in case the baby was Zuko’s.
There was no ironic laugh. Mai only scratched out the character of her name and looked at the magistrate.
“She wasn’t even the same woman at that point. I hadn’t even been seeing her.”
“Why couldn’t they just tell us?”
“That sadness was theirs. Either they thought we wouldn’t understand or they didn’t want to drown us.”
“I love him so much.”
“Aang’s gone. Mai’s gone. And it is a terrible thing.”
“What do I do with my own sadness now?”
“Let love in.”
Zuko said he was staying until the solstice, claiming that he had never had the opportunity to spend a good one with her. Having him around, Katara tried to work on letting love in. She saw how sometimes Zuko’s sadness would seep in and he would begin to pace. He moved till he found Izumi and then pestered her, throwing handfuls of snow over her and the others while they ran about shrieking. By the time he needed a break, he was smiling and his eyes were brighter.
Katara took a chance. When her sadness lapped up her spine, she sought out her children. She taught them how to scrape furs and when Bumi started to roll over them, instead of yelling at him, she wrapped him up in one. As he struggled and laughed, Katara and Kya continued to roll him, using their bending to ultimately send him bounding down a hill. They would roll after him and end up on their backs, laughing and crying at the same time as their breath became clouds in the air.
Love began to take up too much room and the sadness had no place to linger. Zuko warned her that it wouldn’t always feel like that, and it would be difficult to push back the sadness for good. While he was prone to melancholy, it was still taking him time to recover.
At the solstice festival, she understood what he meant. Zuko had gone to help light the fireworks and the children were gone somewhere doing spirits knew what. A woman came by with a tray of sweets and Katara took two small plates. As the woman left, Katara turned.
Aang wasn’t there to take the other one.
He had been absent all this time, but her muscle memory still expected him to be there. When she washed dishes, the first she usually held out, waiting for Aang to dry. When she tucked in the children, she had to stop herself from saying their father would be in shortly to say goodnight. When she thought about the meals, she first thought about what dish could be made with and without meat.
But now, during a happy festival, she grabbed a dessert for her husband who had left her. Who had been gone for longer than she cared to admit.
“He’s not coming back.”
“I thought he loved me.”
“Katara, he’s not the same inside. There was too much of the pain.”
“It hurts, so m-much.”
Zuko held her while the fireworks boomed overhead. She pressed her face into his chest and crawled as close to him as she could. He took in slow breaths and his body warmed. Zuko wrapped himself around her and she cried.
“You have to let the pain out.”
Her breath was hot and wet, and it curled against her flushed face. Her nose was congested but her eyes dripped.
“I haven’t figured that part out yet.”
Katara turned her head and Zuko went stiff. His sleeve had been pulled up as he held her awkwardly. There was a mark like a thumbprint burned into his skin. The skin was cracked and dry, with the flesh beneath looking dead. It had been burned repeatedly.
Her sadness and pain left her in a rush. Katara felt weak and wrung out. She sagged in Zuko’s arms and he sighed.
“I have to keep going. Even when I don’t want to, I have to.”
“It can’t be like this forever.”
“But we have to survive the waiting.”
Katara decided that staying in the dark for weeks and weeks wouldn’t help anything. An army of people packed up her house and loaded it onto the airship. Bumi and Kya were excited about the trip, hoping out loud and without subtlety that they would be able to stay at the palace for just a little bit before heading on to the United Republic.
Iroh greeted them when they landed, hugging Katara with such genuine warmth that she suddenly felt like she was drowning. She had resolved to stop crying so much, knowing that it was causing some sort of imbalance in the waters of her soul. Zuko told her it was only her body pushing out some of the pain to let in a little more love. Katara had told him that Iroh had been corny, not sappy so he had missed a lesson somewhere.
Now being outnumbered by Benders, Bumi started to act out. Iroh took every boast and bluster seriously, giving Bumi the attention he needed. When his anxiety waned, Izumi reminded him that she was a non-Bender and was going to become the next Fire Lord. She asserted that just being a Bender didn’t make anyone amazing because just look at her grandfather and great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather, and then Iroh interrupted her to tell them that there were red bean buns in the kitchen.
Then Kya broke Katara’s heart as she took Iroh’s hand and asked if being a Waterbender was special enough. Iroh smiled at her and replied that he knew of one very special Waterbender who was also one of the women he most admired. Kya glanced back at Katara as she and Iroh went after the others, and Katara smiled.
That night, Katara made Zuko show her all of his scars. Working from his right arm, Katara glanced at his abdomen. Zuko put a hand over it.
“Not that one.”
“It’s just another scar you didn’t deserve.”
“It’s one I earned.”
“By throwing your life away.”
“To protect you.”
Katara found all the small burns and smoothed them away. The water around her hands stayed cool and glowed faintly, concentrating in spots as they found the damaged skin. The threadlike scars from very sharp blades were also erased.
“And here?”
“I earned that one too.”
“Don’t say that.”
“What else would you have me say of it?”
“You have earned kinder things.”
He sat up and pulled on his robe but left it open. Katara could hear the rush of blood and her limbs felt heavy. He faced her and took a loose strand of her hair. He watched his hand as she watched his face. Zuko tucked the strand behind her ear.
“I earned your friendship.”
“That hasn’t always been kind.”
Her fingers felt cold, or else it was that his skin was hot. Katara touched the place where Azula’s lightning had hit him and he smiled.
“I would take this type of kindness over your indifference any day.”
“I’m not indifferent.”
“I don’t mean to presume.”
“You have earned kinder things than my attention.”
Zuko’s hand returned to her face and he cupped her cheek. A small affection, but one so intimate that her body shuddered. This was not the touch of a brother or a comforting friend. It was a touch she had not known for a very long time.
“Then let me have your words, because you have my full attention.”
“Take them.”
And he kissed her.
As Zuko shifted to hold her, Katara cried out softly. There was nothing desperate or lustful, but her body still felt charged. Zuko only hugged her, kissing her gently, and cradling the back of her head with his fingers in her hair.
As Katara’s head started to spin, Zuko picked her up and moved her to his bed. He regarded her with a pained look.
“This isn’t how I want us to begin.”
“But I am ready for an ending.”
They spent the night together, and Katara got her first restful sleep in months.
It took two years.
Katara bought a house in Luodai, a promising city that wasn’t too far from Republic City. She met with Aang half a dozen times in various attempts to reconcile, or at least come to some sort of agreement.
Then came the proposal of a new law.
Katara had not been permitted to sit as the South Pole representative on the council as she was married to Aang, who also had a seat. Sokka had taken it instead, and had done a remarkably good job. It was because of how seriously he took his position that the proposal took as long as it did.
Called the Mothers’ Right Law, it outlined the new rules for any divorce occurring outside of any marriage where a legitimate heir was required to maintain the stability of a government. Women were now allowed to initiate a divorce on their own and did not have to forfeit their parental rights. Instead, custody must be shared between the parents in equal measure for all children. If the mother is unemployed or becomes unemployed before remarrying, the former husband must pay her an allowance.
Sokka presented it at a council meeting and as Aang rose from the table, Toph stepped forward. The other representatives all stared at the Avatar and ultimately the law was signed.
Aang signed it again, in another version, one month later.
For the spring and summer, Aang had all three children. Katara had them for the fall and winter.
And during the next winter solstice, Katara and Zuko decided they wanted a new beginning.
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tiredcath · 4 years
Zukka Fic Recs
after atla came back into pop culture i found myself falling back in love with zukka which resulted in me reading (almost) every zukka fic on ao3 and here are my favorites
Transference by The_Quatermasters (146k)
In a modern AU, Zuko has to deal with settling in a new school after expulsion, dealing with an angry ex and an abusive father. Maybe his new found friendships and growing closeness with Sokka will help him make it through. 
Borderlines by The_Quatermasters (73k)
Three years after the war, the work still isn't quite done and the Gaang is scattered across the continents in their efforts to help the world recover. When Aang and Katara pay visit to the Fire Nation where Zuko is Fire Lord and Sokka acts as Ambassador for the Water Tribe, sparks fly between the siblings over Sokka's life choices.
Ashes Inside When You Finish Your Song by Muncaster (47k)
Sokka writes lyrics for his sister’s band. Zuko plays piano and is unnecessarily nice. Fellas, is it gay to write love songs about your friend and his golden eyes?
(AKA, a modern band AU featuring The Gaang, crappy software equipment, homoerotic lyrics, and the realization that maybe, if you think about a guy every night before you sleep, you just might be in love with him.)
sirens & sleepless nights by Satirrian (54k)
Life can be pretty hard living in a city under a totalitarian regime. Between adhering to the ridiculous curfew, keeping himself from being gunned down by a passing patrolman, and paying his unnecessary tolls to the state for, say, breathing, Sokka has his hands full just getting to work. Add aiding a resistance group on top of that, and Sokka should really be getting paid for this.
Then, one night, Sokka finds an injured patrolman collapsed in the street, who tells him with blood on his lips, “If the patrol finds me, I’m dead.”
 Real Slow by surveycorpsjean (21k)
“I see.” Zuko closes the scroll. “Is the Water Tribe sending a replacement?”
“Uh yeah,” Sokka gestures to himself dramatically. “You’re looking at him.”
 First by HoneyBadgerMole (20k)
Zuko has been nurturing a crush on the jock in his AP Psych class but he has been too scared to talk to him until they get paired up for a project.
the benefits of getting a flat tire by LesbeanLatte (64k)
Zuko makes an impromptu decision to run away from home after a disturbing conversation with Azula. Unfortunately, some plans are better when they're actually, well, planned. Zuko isn't counting on getting a flat tire almost as soon as he's far enough away from the city to really be in the middle of nowhere.
Sokka is immediately taken with the stranger he and his friends find stranded on the side of the road during an afternoon joy ride. However, he has no idea what he's getting involved with and a kind attempt to help a fellow teen in need turns into a massive coverup for a missing person who just so happens to be the son of the mayor of Ba Sing Se.
Azula was just trying to help her big brother - in her own way - by telling him things she thought he deserved to know. Now the situation has gotten wildly out of control. Did she enjoy seeing Zuko upset and afraid? Of course. Had she intended to endanger his life? Not necessarily, but of course, her idiot brother overreacted to everything and that's what happened and now she doesn't know how to stop the chain of events she's indirectly put in place like dominoes.
Operation Leverage by snowandfire (50k)
Sokka's instincts are onto something great. Zuko just wants to serve tea and brood in peace. Ironically, Toph is the only one who can see what's really going on.
 The Stingray by Smediterranea (24k)
“You’re not carrying me.”
“I don’t mind,” the lifeguard says easily.
“I can just hop over.”
“On sand?”
Zuko will never admit it, but being carried feels pretty nice. The lifeguard sets him down and eyes him warily.
“Are you really all by yourself?” he asks in a worried tone. “No friends in town you can call to check on you?”
“No,” Zuko confirms. Tears are forming again with alarming speed; his foot throbs painfully with every passing second.
“What kind of burrito do you want?”
“You don’t have to —“ Zuko repeats.
“I’m getting al pastor. You like al pastor?”
 AU: Zuko falls for Sokka, the super hot lifeguard who helps him after an unfortunate encounter with a stingray.
 it's the illusion of separation by argentoswan (110k)
Sokka takes a job washing dishes at the new tea shop in town. It's a great gig, until he finds out his only coworker is his old high school bully. Sokka really should quit, but he also really needs to afford rent.
Also, Zuko is kind of hot now.
 People like to think war means something by trying_to_spell_both_our_names_at_once (21k)
Sokka was the first to leave.
Somehow that hurt the most. . . . Not long after Zuko becomes Firelord, forces gather in the South and next thing he knows he's thrown into a civil war with almost no one by his side. Maybe healing is longer and more complicated than it needs to be, but with the right people by your side it is always possible.
 a way that will destroy you by anothermistakemade (14k)
In the wake of Ozai's death, Zuko begins to fall apart. Sokka will do everything in his power to make sure that doesn't happen.
or, zuko might be losing his mind, but he also might just be really sad & traumatized
 Those Who Favor Fire by CSHfic, VSfic (30k)
After a failed attempt on his life, Sokka fakes his death, dons a disguise, and infiltrates the would-be assassin's ranks in an attempt to bring them down from the inside.
Zuko learns of his husband's tragic death, mourns, and vows revenge.
 Words Mean More at Night by DaisytheDoodleDog (28k)
Even ten years after the end of the war, rebellions rise and risk the balance of the nations. Sokka was willing to do anything to protect his people, which is perhaps why he's leading an army against the rebellion, attacking only as a last result. But Sokka's unwinding, it's taking a toll on him, and the only thing keeping him grounded are the letter Zuko and him exchange late in the night when no one can see the messenger hawks. But as they say, nothing's fair in love and war.
another word for wanting by eurydicees (23k)
Sokka begins to dream of his soulmate when he's eleven years old, and it just gets harder from there. Or, 125 moments soulmates share, and none of them come easy.
(In which your dreams are your soulmate's memories, and Sokka dreams of an all-consuming fire, growing and eating at his soulmate until it burns up the connection between their souls. In which they find love anyways.)
 It Has Only Just Begun by Kirazalea (39k)
There is a bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring
Zuko had now chosen the path his uncle had been trying so hard to show him; he had someone who believed in him, who maybe loved him; he was travelling with the Avatar and they apparently had a plan to end the war. By all accounts, Zuko should be smiling.
But Uncle was gone (captured by Azula, and Zuko didn't think she would kill him, but he didn’t, couldn’t, know for sure). The Avatar was barely breathing (he could still die at any second and there was nothing any of them could do about it). Azula had conquered the last Earth Kingdom stronghold (all those innocent people who were now at her mercy). It seemed like, for every step Zuko took forward, the world sent him back three more.
But he was determined to push forward anyways. He needed to make his uncle proud, even if it was the last thing he ever did.
aka: zuko joins the gaang at the end of season 2
 Nightmares and Reveries by HisMomoness (20k)
Zuko doesn't sleep because when he does, he's haunted by nightmares. Sokka worms his way into a job and makes it his mission to get Zuko to relax. Lots of head pets and one vacation to the South Pole later, Zuko might just be getting the hang of it.
Cue pining, some fluff, and eventual romance.
 The One Who Stopped Time by ohhihoney (66k)
All hope was lost to Zuko until one day, his uncle asked a random person at the Jasmine Dragon to tutor his nephew. Gritting his teeth and embarrassed beyond the point of no return, Zuko gave the blue eyed boy his number.
Little did Zuko know how much Sokka would change his world.
 Rubbed Off Stars by ohhihoney (2k)
Sokka wasn't going to just sit and watch the boy at the back of the bus cry while trying to rub off pride flags off his cheeks.
Ozymandias, King of Kings by Think_of_a_Wonderful_Thought (168k)
After that fateful Agni Kai, Ozai makes a different call. Branded as a traitor and banished to a prison camp, Zuko learns how cruel the Fire Nation can be to its citizens. Three years, a water tribe raid, and an unexpected meeting with a gang of over-enthusiastic idealistic children puts Zuko back in the spotlight. The revolution is coming and it wants another poster boy, but Zuko is not willing to lend his face to the cause.
 Another Brother by AvocadoLove (312k)
It was a mission of revenge. There weren't supposed to be any survivors, but Chief Hakoda couldn't bring himself to kill the Fire Nation boy. Against his better judgment, he brought him home. A Zuko joins the Water Tribe story.
BONUS : zuko x jet
Something to Hold Onto by Wildgoosery (122k)
Since the day the walls of Ba Sing Se fell, the Freedom Fighters have struggled to protect what remains of the city and its people. Jet and his second command, a mysterious boy named Li, have spent the summer piecing together an army, hoping for a chance to take the city back for good. But Li is also Zuko, and the time for that secret is quickly running out. Soon, he'll have to decide exactly who he is, what cause he's going to fight for, and where his heart lies.
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Scarred Spirit - Zuko x fem!reader (pt.4)
SUMMARY: *queue beebo* ladies and gents this is the moment you’ve waited for  
WARNINGS: swearing, australian spelling (not a warning just letting you know)
OTHER PARTS IN THE SERIES:  pt1   /   pt2   /   pt3   /   pt4   /  pt5   /   pt6
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As the Cherry Blossom trees were in full bloom, Iroh was basking in the peace he hadn’t felt in weeks. Zuko on the other hand, sat next to the entryway sulking. Of course, Iroh, being the caring uncle he was, wished to relieve him of all the angst within him on this beautiful day and approached him with a solemn expression on his face. “I see, it’s the anniversary isn’t it.”
Beneath his straw hat, Zuko scowled agitated his uncle brought it up, as if it wasn’t the first thing he thought about when he woke up this morning. “Three years ago today, I was banished. I lost it all. I want it back. I want the avatar. I want my honour. My throne. I want my father, not to think I’m worthless.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t! Why would he banish you if he didn’t care?”
Wordlessly Zuko rose and walked away from his uncle, frustrated and terrified of what else his uncle might say. Finding a cherry blossom tree far, far, away from Iroh, he sat down beneath it angrily. He hated this day. He hated what it did to his life. He hated how the memories of you consumed his mind more prominently today than any other day of the year.
He never said it out loud, but he wanted you just as much as he wanted his honour. He wanted to see you alive. Breathing right in front of him. And he’d be damned if he admitted it to his uncle. Why, he wanted you? He wasn’t sure. You have always lingered in the back of his mind, not constantly, but every once in a while, it always seemed to come back to you. Or at least what was left of you in his mind.
This annoyed him endlessly. How could someone, who he barely spoke a word to, stay in his mind for so long? He didn’t even know what you looked like! He let out a groan of frustration. He wished he could remember what your voice sounded like. Then, at least he would have something to hold onto. He tried desperately to cling onto the memory of you. The way your baby hair stuck out of your top knot, your posture as you shielded him the best you could, the feeling of your robes on his fingertips. But it was no use. There was no point in it all. None of it would lead him to you. For all he knew, you were probably dead.
That prospect terrifies him so much that he refuses to utter a word about you into existence.
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After countless days of following the giant fire nation ship from a considerable distance behind, you were grateful when they finally docked. You were beyond starved, stupidly underestimating how long Azula would be at sea. It seems you got a little too cocky in your abilities over the years. Shaking your head, you put yourself into a more focused mindset, now more than ever, you couldn’t afford to be sloppy. Tying your small boat to a dock which situated behind some rocky mountains and far away from any view from where their ship was, you began your search for robes to blend in.
Swiftly moving about in the shadows to avoid any interaction with people off Azula’s boat, you manage to ascend the stairs leading up to an Earth Kingdom village. Upon seeing the first clothesline with clothes that look like you could fit into, you grab the pink robes. Grabbing some extra cloth, you make a makeshift mask to shield your face and neck, and wind small pieces around your hands completely. Finally, and most importantly, you double checked to ensure that all of your weapons were strapped securely underneath.
Satisfied with your disguise, you decide to head near the dock to check if Azula’s made any advancements in her plan to get her brother and uncle back. However, you faltered, hearing a small argument break out a few huts away. Initially, you dismiss it, although just as you were about to journey back down the mountain, you felt something… like a crack of lighting waiting to go off.
You follow the sounds of the argument and Azula’s inner fire. Hiding within a bush near an open window; you listen in on whatever was going on inside.
“What are you doing here?!”
“In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions. Have you become uncivilised so soon, Zuzu?”
“Don’t call me that!”
Eyes widening at the realisation, wait… that’s Zuko?
“To what do we owe this honour?” You quickly assume that’s their uncle.
“Hmm, must be a family trait. Both of you so quick to get to the point.” Azula’s voice is harsh, almost as if she’s ready to strike.
Must she be so dramatic?
“I’ve come with a message from home. Fathers changed his mind, family is suddenly very important to him. He’s heard rumours of plans to overthrow him—treacherous plots. Family are the only ones you can really trust. Father regrets your banishment; he wants you home.”
At Zuko’s lack of response, you grew worried. No Zuko don’t-
“Did you hear me?! You should be happy. Excited. Grateful! I just gave you great news.”
You felt Zuko come closer to the window. He felt more muted… less angry.
“I’m sure your brother simply needs a moment…”
Azula snapped at Iroh. “Don’t interrupt uncle! I still haven’t heard my thank you. I’m not a messenger. I didn’t have to come all this way.”
“Father regrets? He… wants me back?”
Fuck! Don’t listen to her you coal brain!
“I can see you need time to take this in. I’ll come to call on you tomorrow. Good evening.”
As Azula left back to the ship, you cursed under your breath. Yes, you knew your job. And yes, you knew what would happen to Zuko and Iroh if they foolishly believed the princess. You needed a plan.
Maybe if I could just… steer him in another direction, help bring light to the situation. Maybe they’ll listen. Quietly retreating away from the hut, you walked into the town, looking for a way to talk to them without being obvious.
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A few hours later, the best you could come up with was to deliver them some food for the evening, pretending you worked for the owner of all the huts. It wasn’t your best plan, but most people openly welcome free food, so it was good enough. But for the first time in your life, you felt nerves, unlike any other. Sure, you were nervous when you jumped to save Zuko, but this was different. Then, your nerves activated your fight responses, but today? These were the kind of nerves that made you want to run away because you’ve already gone over the multitude of possibilities that might occur. But of course, you dismissed the thoughts of running away, because once again, you were on a mission to save his life despite the threats Ozai made you.
Did he forget about me as I told him to, all those years ago? Hopefully, he did. After all, he is alive.
Just as you were about to enter, you heard his voice inside. “We’re going home! After three long years. It’s unbelievable!” Your eyes widened at the excitement in his tone. That wasn’t a good sign considering what you were about to do.
“It is unbelievable. I have never known my brother to regret anything.”
“Did you listen to Azula? Fathers realised how important family is to him. He cares about me!” Now you began to seriously contemplate on walking in there right now, and beating him until he came to his senses.
It seemed Iroh wasn’t having it either. “I care about you! And if Ozai wants you back well, I think it may not be for the reasons you imagine.”
“You don’t know how my father feels about me. You don’t know anything!”
“Zuko, I only meant that in our family things are not always what they seem.”
“I think you’re exactly what you seem. A lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who’s always been jealous of his brother!”
Okay, I’ve heard enough coal brain.
You let out a deep, shaky breath. It seems no matter how hard you try to keep your cool, you’ll never be entirely ready for what you’re about to throw yourself into. Balancing the tray of food in your left arm, you round the corner to the front of the hut, emitting a firm knock onto the side of the entryway.
Zuko whips around at the sound. “Who are you? What do you want!”
As he looks at you with his harsh and angry glare, you feel like you’ve been smacked in the face multiple times. Ironically, you also knew it had been precisely three years since you jumped to save him, and now you finally get to witness the full extent of your failure. Heart tightening at the severe contrast to how he sounded all those years ago, you take in his pain. His anger.
Feeling the intense fire burning inside of him from his anger and rage, it almost takes you back. It seems that the years he spent away from his old home has damaged the afraid, innocent boy you once knew. As you wear your stolen robes and mask shielding your neck, a nasty feeling forms in your gut. You have always been able to cover your extensive scars with clothing, but him? His scar is almost too much of a visual representation for you to bear.
I should have moved to the left a bit more; then he wouldn’t have it. If I just aimed better when I jumped, he wouldn’t have to live like this. Maybe if I succeeded, he wouldn’t be so bitter.
Not letting how frustrated you feel towards yourself show, you bow to him and his uncle.
“My apologies, I did not mean to disturb you this evening. I am only here to deliver you some food, it’s on the house.”
This only fuels his anger, irritated that you weren’t anyone of great significance. “Fine. Just place it over there and leave us!”
Iroh sighs, walking towards you. “Zuko, that is no way to treat a young lady. My apologies for my nephew’s behaviour Miss, he has recently received some unexpected news today. Thank you for your services.”
You give a light smile, even though he can’t see it. “No, it’s alright. I understand how hard it may be to truly know what is the right choice when brought with unexpected circumstances.”
“I’m sorry who are you? Who do you think you are?! You know nothing, not even anything remotely similar to the situation I’m in. So don’t go around assuming you understand anything! You have no right coming in here and thinking you can help me in any way.”
His hostility begins to feel normal; you knew you should have expected him to be like this. “Of course my apologies sir, how could I be so senseless. I don’t mean to overstep. I only wish you relieve you of some of your stress. I meant no disrespect.”
At that moment, you almost slapped yourself. Idiot, why did I say that?
Zuko faltered, overwhelmed with the words you just slapped him with. And you said them on today of all days?
“What did you just say?”
Iroh who was intently watching you throughout the interaction snapped his attention towards his nephew, “Zuko, please, she only-“
“I’m sorry I meant no disrespect sir I-“
“Get out.”
Understanding that he wasn’t ready to take any guidance or advice from you, you silently bowed, turning to leave.
Just as you were about to walk out completely, you glanced back at him looking him in his golden, raged filled eyes, “pain doesn’t leave you forever Prince Zuko. It lingers. You should take the past and let it guide your future journey, not let it control you.”
As you stepped out into the unforgiving cold air, Zuko was frozen, gaping at the doorway where you once stood. How you knew of his true identity was beyond him, yet there was something hidden, masked beneath your final statement that didn’t sit right with him. The hair on his skin is standing at the entire interaction that just occurred. Of course, he had no idea who you were, so why did it feel like you knew more than you let on? Did you know anything about his past? Shaking it off, he continued to pack in silence. Even Iroh didn’t say a word.
Descending the mountain back towards your ship, words that you had memorised and locked away for years, suddenly resurfaced.
Maybe Azula was right after all.
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Early the next morning, you rose with the sun. Soon after eating some breakfast made out of the fish you hunted last night, you decided to make your way near the massive ship. As per Ozai’s orders, you hid behind some greenery into a position that left you unseen to everyone.
Eventually, they showed up to the docks, and honestly, you were upset that Iroh was unable to get through to his nephew. But there was nothing you could do about it right now.
Due to the distance, you weren’t able to make out what they were saying, leaving you to have to read Azula’s lips, as she was the only one you could clearly see. Yet that didn’t seem to matter because soon enough, a fight broke out.
That’s not looking too good.
Knowing better than to expose yourself right away, you waited. Telling yourself that if they needed help, then and only then, would you help them.
After a few minutes, you watched lighting make impact with one of the rocky cliffs, sending rocks all around. With Zuko and Iroh running off the ship to escape, you knew it was time to run after them. Help them find a way to get away from Azula for good. Although, as you stood, you suddenly felt lightheaded and your vision got blurry, sending you straight to the ground.
What the heck?
Struggling to gain any body strength, you tried to get up again, but it was useless. The hair across your body stood up, but you weren’t cold, you were sweating. Looking down, you saw that your hands were alit in fire.
W-what?! What’s happening to me! Stop it y/n. Stop. Turn it off.
Panicking you tried to shake it away, but nothing was working, and your breath began to quicken.
What’s happening?! No. Stop. No!
Suddenly, you lost all sight of what was in front of you, and a blinding white light encompassed your mind. You closed your eyes, but it didn’t go away. When you reopened your eyes, you were faced with scenery you had never seen before. In the distance, high above you, there was an older man in what appeared to be old Fire Nation robes, and a young boy dressed as an Air Nomad on a dragon.
Is that the Avatar?
Due to the distance, you couldn’t make out what they were saying, and they seemed so engrossed in their conversation, they didn’t see you. This prompted you to do the only logical thing anyone could do; you screamed.
Instead of hearing you, your surroundings began to change. First, there was a lady dressed in Kyoshi attire. Then suddenly, you were in the middle of the ocean with a man from the Water Tribe about to send a massive wave towards you.
Holy shit.
Before you could react, your surroundings changed once again, and you were in the middle of a field with a female Airbender, soon switching to a Firebender erupting volcanoes around him.
Okay, what in Spirits name is happening to me.
You tried to scream again, but it was no use. It was like an awful dream, unable to move and watching events happen before you. No matter how much you screamed or flailed your arms around, neither person on the dragon seemed to be able to notice you. Letting out a final scream of desperation, you were ready to give up.
Where the hell am I? Is this a dream? Am I trapped here? WHAT EVEN IS HERE?!
Nothing made any sense anymore; you were almost ready to admit defeat. But then you saw it. It happened so fast, and you nearly missed it. Yet as your body became frigid in shock, you knew it happened.
The dragon looked at you.
Is… is that dragon fucking smirking?! Ohmyspirits it’s going to eat me. Who would have known, death by spirit dragon.
Enough with your blabbering y/n. I apologise, but it’s not time yet. You were taken aback, shocked that you received a response from the dragon.
How did you get in my head?! And time? Time for what! For you to eat me?!
Completely disregarding your concerns, the dragon’s eyes turned to stare back at you. Almost as if it were peering into your soul. The people upon him didn’t even notice the dragon’s current focus. Look at what they’ve done to you… if only they knew. We will meet again y/n, when it’s time.
The white light re-entered your mind, blinding you once again. Only this time, you were met with darkness.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!! What did you think of the lil reunion??
GAHAHAHA we lowkey on some kdrama energy out here but anywaysss! please don’t be shy,, let me know what you think or send a message! i feel like this series is going downhill a lot faster than i expected :// idk anyway! even if its not related to my fics,, homie gets a lil lonely so id love to chat 😊
@slythergirlimagines​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @whiskeywinter89​​​ @kaylove12​​ @simplyfandomish​​ @khaleesi-of-assassins​ @callums-keith​ @ilovespideyyy​ @calciumcow​ @blackhood5sos​ @nnon-it-up​ @lozzybowe​
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kawaiichibiart · 4 years
After seeing the idea of Sun!Spirit/Prince Zuko, I've been wanting a Tangled AU. Zuko is Rapunzel, Ozai is Gothel, Iroh, Ursa and Azula are the King and Queen, the Gaang are Flynn/Eugene but Sokka is the one who ends up with Zuko. Mai and Ty Lee are the Stabington brothers but with the twist of not being criminals and the Kiyoshi warriors are the thugs from the Ugly Duckling.
Zuko is blessed by Agni the day of his birth, he has beautiful, golden, hair and he just...Glows. Ursa is happy with her child. Iroh and Lu Ten are happy with the new addition to their family.
But we need a bad guy in this. And who else but Ozai? Ala Gothel, he puts on a cloak, and a mask to cover up his face, and kidnaps Zuko and takes him away.
He planned for this. He said he had important meetings to attend to with certain people, like Zhao. Those people play alibi. So, when he returns to his distraught wife, brother and nephew, he acts distraught as well. His son was "taken" from him.
No one would ever know Zuko was hidden away, somewhere far away from the Fire Nation, locked away, because as Agni's chosen one, he needed the "protection." Zuko is special. People will want to kill him. Listen to your father, Zuko. Your father loves you, Zuko. Your father knows best, Zuko. You can't leave this place, Zuko. You don't know anything about the world, Zuko. Men are animals and women are either weak or don't care about you, Zuko. I mean, where is your mother, Zuko? She's not here, she doesn't care about you, Zuko. There was a war around them, Zuko. You can't take care of yourself, Zuko.
And we know Gothel was manipulative. We know she toyed with Rapunzel's emotions. Ozai would be the same, but we know he'd also be worse. The day he burned Zuko? He'd go off saying he's sorry. How it wasn't really his fault. Zuko was pushing him and he snapped. Zuko, how can you blame your poor father? So, of course Zuko thinks it was deserved. Of course he blames himself. He provoked his own father, the man who was "protecting" him from the dangers of the world.
Ozai would call Zuko his "Sun" much like Gothel referred to Rapunzel as her "Flower."
Zuko has a turtleduck as his only friend/pet. Not sure on names, but something ironic would be fun. Like, he doesn't know the name of his relatives, he doesn't even know he has a sister now. But he names the turtleduck Ursa, or Iroh, maybe even Lu or Lala (one of the nicknames for Azula). Ozai doesn't know about them. He doesn't know someone in his family shares a name with a turtleduck.
And who is the one who finds Zuko? Who gets knocked unconscious, is shoved into a wardrobe, gets tied up and made to take Zuko to see something he's always wanted to see? Sokka.
He's traveling with the rest of the Gaang. Will they be like Flynn/Eugene? Kinda. Toph and Sokka the prime criminals. Aang sometimes helps them, and Katara is just there to make sure they don't hurt themselves and to yell at them for being stupid and making her worry. They need a mom, so she stepped up.
What lead them to Zuko was that they learned of the Lost Prince, Prince Zuko, who was kidnapped as a baby.
In Tangled, we know the object that Flynn steals is Rapunzel's crown. I was thinking something else for Zuko. The crown would be a nice connection, but I think something else would be better. Something that connects him to either Ursa or to Iroh. If we go Ursa, they take the Blue Spirit mask. If we go Iroh, perhaps a Pai Sho tile that was turned into a necklace or a ring. We could even have both.
Sokka and Toph don't really get why these things matter. Like, it's not a crown or a nice blade. One is just wood and the other is part of a game. What's so special about them?
So, when Zuko puts on the mask, it feels oddly right, but also familiar. Before he was taken, Ursa would show him her masks. He was scared at first, but then curiosity won out and he would always reach out for the Blue Spirit mask. And Ursa was going to give it to him as soon as he was old enough to have it. When he holds the Pai Sho tile in his hand, it feels warm. Iroh, when he was around, would take care of Zuko and would often play Pai Sho while he did. Zuko would always reach for the white lotus piece. So, Iroh decided it would be his. But Zuko was only ever interested in that one tile. Never the game. So, he turned it into something he would and could wear.
Let's get back to the Gaang. Sokka hasn't reappeared. He hasn't called. He didn't come back to tell them that it was safe. So, one by one, they enter the tower (because I had to keep that element) and they just see Sokka, tied up, two blades against his neck and a boy who is glowing holding them.
The boy is looking at them wearily. He was told this place was safe. That he couldn't protect himself, but he caught a man, held him captive. But he was still yelled at. He didn't reveal his prisoner. His father had left, with the promise of bringing him some new inks and a play scroll for the celebration of the Solstice. But now he had three more people to fight. Three more people who would try to kill him. But they don't? They don't know who he is? Why he's special? Didn't they want to kill Agni's chosen one?
Cue to an awkward moment of the Gaang trying to convince a boy who was touched by the sun to let one of their members go and to join them. That they promised to not let anything happen to him. And he agrees, eventually.
And the journey plays out just like it did in Tangled. Zuko is conflicted. On the one hand, he's seeing the world. Yes, there's a war going on, but he's actually seeing it for the first time in his life. The world is so big and he's so curious about everything. His turtleduck quacks replies to his questions. It's kinda cute, kinda sad, and overall something the Gaang think should have been taken care of long ago. On the other hand, Zuko is paranoid. He's afraid. He's worried that his father would find out and be disappointed. That he really is a horrible son and human being. He can go from happy and curious about one thing to upset and stressed about the next.
And eventually, Sokka decides that maybe they should move on. He would take Mr. Sunshine back to his house. He'd get their stolen goods back. They'd depart as friends and be happy. But no, Mr. Sunshine wasn't backing down. He wanted this. He wanted to see the world and he was going to. Sokka is frustrated the most outta the Gaang. Toph enjoys Zuko's company, Aang gets along well with him and Katara has no real opinion of him. But Sokka? Yeah, he'd rather have Zuko go back so they can move on.
I want the Ugly Duckling to be the Jasmine Dragon. Iroh isn't in the day they arrive. But you know who is? Some of the Kyoshi warriors. Suki is amongst them. In this AU, she and her warriors weren't caught by Azula. When she learns that Zuko is living his dream, she reluctantly lets them go by. She brings up the war, and he knows, but he has so much to see, and if he can help people along the way, why would he turn his back?
Things start to look up, but then, Azula strikes with Mai and Ty Lee. She was told by her father of the boy with the golden hair. He was Agni's chosen one. He was more powerful than her. He would be a great addition to her court. So, she wanted to capture him. She didn't know he was her older brother (and yes, I'm aiming for this to have an Azula redemption).
Ozai stops them, knocking them all unconscious and takes a distraught Zuko away. And Zuko lets him. the Gaang abandoned him. They let the enemy take him. They let him think they cared.
He didn't know they were being held back. He didn't know that they tried to get to him. He didn't know that they were ambushed. That they had to retreat. Mai and Ty Lee are arrested earlier for attacking the Crown Princess. Azula wants to feel betrayed but can't. She's sure they didn't attack her, Ozai says she only believes that because they lied so well about being her friends. She takes his words to heart. Her friends lied to her and she let them.
Zuko eventually finds out EVERYTHING. He's the Lost Prince. Agni's chosen was the Fire Nation's Lost Prince. And he's seen what the war started by his own people a hundred years ago. He's met the avatar. He's made friends. He met people who actually care about him. He's done with his father. But Ozai wasn't letting him go. He leaves Zuko bound in the tower in order to fight the Avatar.
Who fights Azula? Mai, Ty Lee, who were broken out of prison by Iroh, and Katara. They weren't in the Boiling Rock. They don't have to fully defeat Azula, they just need to distract her enough for her to be caught. And some miracle, the trio succeed with little injury to either party.
Aang defeats Ozai and he, Sokka, Suki and Toph take Ozai to the palace where he would be taken away. But first, Sokka demands that Azula tell him where she took Zuko. She doesn't know. She never met her brother. So, when he tells her that the boy she was trying to capture was Zuko, she turns to her father in surprise.
The man who told her this boy who was their God's chosen one but never told her he was also her older brother. That he likely left out that detail to ensure she would capture him, bring him home now that Ursa was gone, so he could keep a better eye on him. It was never about making Azula a better court. It was never about giving her a powerful ally. It was just his want to ensure Agni's chosen was his and that he held him in a tight leash. He didn't care about either of them, and when she first met her older brother, she made sure he was afraid of her. That he knew she was above him. That he would know her word was final. Ozai made sure that she would. He told her that that was how she would succeed.
Ozai admits to it. How he was so sure he'd win. How they could ask, beg, torture him as much as they wanted, he would never tell them where Zuko was or if he was okay. So, he's taken away. And the Gaang begin a new search. Azula demands to go with them. She's messed up. She heard her mother grieve for her brother. Maybe, just maybe, bringing him home would make her come home someday.
They travel back to the tower and find Zuko. He's worn out from trying to get out of the chains Ozai put on him. There are burns on his wrists and hands. But the thing that surprises them the most, is the fact that his golden hair was now a deep black, but his eyes were brighter, more golden. His glow had died. Agni's chosen got hurt, he stood out and was hurt. So he was made to look relatively normal. Only those who looked for it, would see the signs that Zuko was his chosen child.
He and Azula have a strained relationship for a while, but they eventually bond and the day one is crowned Fire Lord, the other stands proudly by them.
Iroh returns from Ba Sing Se. His brother is in prison. His niece is okay. The war was over. But the day he returns, he goes to see Azula, to tell her he would help her run things until she could take care of everything herself, and he sees her with a boy. Something about him is familiar. The boy sits by her, fussing over her. The girl's mental and emotional health is a primary thing being seen to. And when Azula sees Iroh, she motions to the boy and asks if he knew Zuko.
Iroh looked at the boy and saw the White Lotus Pai Sho tile necklace around his neck. His hair is no longer its golden hue. His glow died down. But his eyes shouted Agni. This was his Zuko. And Iroh ran over and hugged him. His nephew was home. His nephew was safe. His family would get better.
Zuko is surprised that this old man hugged him. But, it felt nice. It felt right. But most of all, it felt familiar.
All of the Nations celebrate not only the end of the war, but the return of the Fire Nation Prince who was missing for 16, nearly 17, years. The Prince, who few knew as Agni's chosen. The Prince, who had told a few of the people he met when he traveled with the Gaang to call him Li. The Prince, Zuko, who was polite and curious and willing to learn. Zuko, who they hoped would take the throne, but who they were happy to have to ensure his sister didn't bring the war back.
One day, he and Azula would reunite with their Mother and her new family. One day they would meet their new sister, Kiyi. Kiyi, who would hear stories of her older brother, who her mother lost, of her older sister, who her mother had to leave behind.
Her older sister, who was jealous of her. Who struggled to see her mother didn't replace her. Her sister, who after a while, was so protective of her and did love her.
Her older brother, who got hurt for being who he was. Her older brother, who was taken by his own father. Her older brother, who was so kind to her, who played with her and answered her questions.
Ursa would see her children. Both raised by their father but not together. She would never forgive Ozai. For taking her son. For lying to her daughter. For hurting both.
She and Azula struggled to rebuild their relationship. But they do, eventually. The bond isn't as strong as it should have been, but it's there. And it's a start. And that's enough for her.
Zuko, on the other hand, is still in the process of learning everything Ozai told him was a lie. He thought for so long that Ursa didn't want him. That she left him. Abandoned him. So, when he encountered with the woman who was his mother, he didn't know what to think. With Iroh, well, he never knew about Iroh. He never knew he had a family besides his father, who lied and hurt him, and his mother, who supposedly abandoned him and didn't care about him. He never knew he had a sister until the day he was rescued. He never knew he had an uncle until he showed up and hugged him, saying how he was sorry he didn't look for him, that he should have looked harder, not given up. If he could forgive an old man. He never knew his cousin, who died in battle, who wanted to teach him everything he knew. And Ursa understands. She's sad about it, but she knows this is something she has to fix. She has to prove Ozai lied. That she cared about her son. That everyday he wasn't with her, she missed him. That, for as strong as he was, he still got hurt and she should have been there to help him. She sees the burns. The scars. And promises to never leave him again.
It takes time, but their family heals. And Ursa gets to do what she always wanted. She takes her family to see plays. She gives them play scrolls to read and they discuss them once a week. She and Azula talk over tea. They're civil. It's the most they can do at the moment. But both are happy with it. She and Zuko feed the turtleducks. His friend now lives among them.
If we go with he named them Ursa, she cries when she finds out. If we go the Iroh or Lu route, Iroh has tears in his eyes and he laughs with joy. If we go with La, Azula appears indifferent but she gives La a bit more food.
And we all know how it ends:
Sokka: And after years of asking and asking and asking...
Sokka: I finally said "yes."
Zuko: Sokka.
Sokka: Okay, okay, I asked him.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
The Truth (Zuko x Reader)
Characters: Zuko, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Tags: Reader Insert, Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Spoilers about Book 3 and Zuko’s backstory
Word Count: 2,1k words
Summary: Suspicious about Zuko’s intentions, the group comes up with a plan in which Y/N finds out the truth about his reasons. They just didn’t know it would also means to learn the truth about his scar.
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Zuko x Gender Neutral Reader
“I’m not so sure about this...” You muttered once again, staring at Zuko calmly sitting by the fire. Alone. In silence. Distant from you.
“We need to know if he has an evil plan against us” Sokka replied, but upon noticing your frown, he insisted. “Do you want Aang dead, Y/N?! Is that it, do you want Zuko to kill him?” 
“No!” You replied to defend yourself. “But Toph said he wasn’t lying, maybe he was being genuine”
“Appa seemed to like him...” Aang sided with you, shrugging a little in an attempt to talk him out of his plan. “And he hasn’t tried anything yet”
“I’m with Twinkle Toes” Toph agreed, crossing her arms over her chest. “He doesn’t seem to mean us any harm” 
“Well, I’m not so sure about that” Katara was with her brother, however. She averted her gaze, wary about the situation. “He did try to trick us before”
“I don’t know, guys...” You vehemently shook your head.
“There’s no harm in trying” Sokka pushed you a little. “Go talk to him!”
You struggled against his attempts, trying to remain hidden by the big pillar you  were all gathered behind. 
“Agh...” Sokka groaned from the effort, not giving up. “Come on, Y/N!” 
“Why me?” You complained, sinking your heels in the ground not to be shoved any further. “Why couldn’t anyone else do it?” 
“Because out of all of us, he seems to like you more” Katara replied, tapping her chin in a thoughtful gesture. “I don’t know why”
Sokka desisted from his efforts. You threw him a glare before glancing at Katara to respond to her.
“Maybe because I’m the only one that hasn’t openly said I hate him?”
“Toph hasn’t either, she defended him...”
“And he burned her feet!”
“I sneaked up on him, it was an accident!”
“What if it wasn’t?”
“Fine!” You exclaimed to break up the argument, then lowering your tone and hoping Zuko didn’t hear you. “I’ll do it” 
Sokka smirked in satisfaction, gesturing for you to get moving. Katara frowned in determination as well, only Toph and Aang seemed to feel a bit guilty about the whole plan just like yourself. You didn’t like lying and deceiving.
But you did have to find out the truth. Why had he changed his mind all of a sudden? What happened to make him want to stop trying to capture the Avatar? Especially since he had been tirelessly chasing him for years. You had to admit it didn’t make any sense. It was a little suspicious.
Those thoughts and questions floated in your head as you approached Zuko.
The distance that separated you was quite large to ensure your previous conversation with the group was confidential. While you slowly walked over to him, your footsteps gave your presence away.
“Hey” He looked up at you. “Have you seen everyone else?”
“N-No” You stuttered, resisting the urge to look at them over your shoulder. “I don’t know where they are” 
“That’s strange...” Zuko’s ambers eyes followed you as you completely closed the distance that separated you. “They all dissapeared at the same time”
“They probably all went to do different things” You shrugged to try and appear nonchalant. “You know, Aang with his glider, Sokka to fish or something...”
“I suppose” He shrugged himself, lowering his gaze to the fire burning before him. “It’s just getting late”
You stared at him, smiling a little. He seemed to notice, but looked up to the dark starry sky instead of into your eyes.
“Are you worried about them, Zuko?” 
“I didn’t say that”
Still smiling, you went to sit down across from him. Zuko cautiously looked up at you now. He seemed to sense you were meaning to say something.
“Hey, uh... Now that the others are gone...” You took a deep breath, preparing for what was to come. “I wanted to ask you something”
“What is it?” His tone was soft and gentle, welcoming almost.
You gulped, feeling a pang of guilt in your chest, knowing that you weren’t alone as he thought. From a safe distance, the whole group was listening to your conversation. Damn Sokka and his plans...
“Why are you here all of a sudden?” You made a great effort to hold his gaze. “Why do you want to help the Avatar now?”
Zuko grew quiet for a moment. Given his silence, you thought that the plan had failed already. He wouldn’t talk, he was going to refuse to, he...
“Why are you asking me this?” To your surprise, when he spoke his tone remained gentle. It didn’t hold any anger or resentment.
“Because...” Unable to hold his gaze any longer, you looked away. “I want to trust you”
“You’re the only one that seems so open...” Now he sounded almost sad, but not resentful. “Everyone else...”
“That’s why I wanted to talk to you now” You insisted, locking gazes once more.
He paused. After several seconds in which you felt your heart racing in anticipation, so much so that Toph could probably sense it, Zuko spoke up.
“It’s because of my father” 
“Your father?” 
“Yes. He wanted me to capture the Avatar, that way he would restore my honor”
“I don’t get it, why did your honor need restoring?” 
“Because my father banished me, I was only trying to do what he wanted”
“You were banished from the Fire Nation? Then why would you join us now, if you wanted to please your father?” 
“I realized it was useless. I’ve been looking for the Avatar for five years... for nothing”
“But Sokka and Katara found Aang only three years ago... Was your father so sure that he would come back?” 
Zuko showed you a bitter grin. His eyes were full of sorrow as he looked at you. Suddenly you were even more against the plan. Toph would confirm it, but you were almost convinced that he was pouring his heart out to you.
“He probably didn’t think I would ever find him” Zuko shook his head, causing his long dark bangs to fall against his eyes. You thought that he seemed to be talking more to himself than to you at the moment. “He never meant to take me back after he banished me”
“I’m sorry, but...” You politely interrupted him. “I’m completely lost”
“Then I should explain to you how I got my scar” He replied with determination, reaching out to press his fingers against his burned cheek. 
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. He was pouring his heart out, he was telling you all this in confidence and you were betraying his trust.
“Z-Zuko... You don’t have to do that” Shaking your hands in front of you, you quickly tried to silence him. It wasn’t fair for him...
“You said you wanted to trust me” He nodded in determination. “I want to tell you”
“And... have you told the others?”
“No, but... If it helps them trust me... I suppose you can tell them”
You could barely speak, feeling a tight knot forming in your throat. Zuko didn’t seem to notice, although he did stare at you for a moment. His expression, however, was absent even after directing his gaze towards the fire.
“Do you know what an Agni Kai is?” He began after several more seconds of silence.
“N-No...” You admitted, fearing what he was about to confess to you.
“It’s a firebending duel” Zuko’s hands were shaking a little as he mindlessly held a small flame in the palm of his hand. “He challenged me to one when I was thirteen”
“Thirteen?!” You couldn’t help but to exclaim. “Why would he do that?” 
“For talking out of turn” He clenched his jaw, harshly extinguishing the flame. “For saying it was wrong to use his new recruits as bait and let them die. Those people had a life of their own, they had families... but he didn’t care” 
“Is that... Is that how you got your scar?” You dared to ask, almost fearing his answer. “Was it an accident during the duel?”
“Not exactly... I refused to fight my father, but he wanted me to learn my lesson” His brow furrowed, his face holding many expressions at once. None positive. “He said suffering would be my teacher and... he...” 
You gasped, shaking your head and hoping he understood the gesture. Even if you had been rendered speechless, you had heard enough. Luckily, Zuko respected it and stopped talking. You could imagine the rest. Shivers crawled up your spine just imagining how harrowing it must have been for him. For a thirteen year old boy to be deliberately burned by his own father. It was cruel and wrong. You stared at him in shock. Tears gathered in your eyes seeing the pain in his. 
“I knew Firelord Ozai was ruthless but...” You could barely form words, and you stuttered until you managed to finish your sentence. “But do to that to his own son... especially for being kind...”
Zuko shook his head, agreeing with you. What you didn’t know was that Ozai didn’t think of that moment as kindness. For him, it was weakness. For him, it was like his son was only another subject trying to antagonize him. Daring to defy him.
Instead of replying to that, he continued speaking like you never did. It was easier that way, it was easier trying to ignore what you said. 
“I realized I would never regain my honor that way. Even if I was back, he would never accept me for who I was”
“So... it was never you... you never wanted to harm Aang” Your voice broke when a sob shook in your throat. “You were only doing it because of your father”
Zuko nodded, confirming your words. Confirming that all the sorrow you were feeling now after hearing his story, he had felt before. Times ten.
“That’s why I wanted to join you” Even though his eyes were shining under the firelight, there were no tears in them. “I wanted to make it up to all of you and teach the Avatar firebending”
Zuko’s voice shook, and he refused to look up at you again. 
“I’m so sorry...” You said in response to his story. To his past, to that tragic moment that literally scarred him for life. 
Still, you didn’t realize you were also sorry for something else until a voice broke the heavy silence that established.
“He’s telling the truth” Toph came out from behind the pillar, reminding you of everything. You had completely forgotten about them and about the plan.
The other three joined her, anouncing their presence as they went to stand beside her. They all had similar regretful expressions in their faces.
“What?” Zuko recovered from his apathetic state, his voice now leaving that low tone behind. “You were here the whole time?” 
“I said your plan was stupid, Sokka!” You exclaimed with tears still in your eyes.
“It wasn’t stupid, it worked!” He contradicted you, then sheepishly rubbing his nape. “But... I will admit, it was a dirty trick”
“I didn’t mean...” You mumbled, too ashamed to meet Zuko’s amber eyes. “I didn’t know you would...”
“It’s okay” He slowly stood up, facing the four people who had listened to his every word. “Now you know...”
“I knew that guy was a jerk” Sokka said, trying to fix it by talking against Ozai.
“We had no idea, Zuko...” Katara told him as well, apparently forgiving all his sins. She had told the group about her encounter with him in the crystal cave. All that had been true as well.
“Does that mean...” The aforesaid timidly asked. “That you trust me now?” 
Aang took a step forward, closer to Zuko. He held his hand out for him to take, complimenting it with a friendly smile. Zuko squeezed Aang’s hand, and at that moment you felt all the tension that floated in the air dissapear.
“Welcome aboard” Aang smiled as they shook hands. 
Moved by an urge after the not so intimate moment you and Zuko shared, you stepped up as soon as they let go of their peacemaking gesture. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
Zuko gasped in surprise, but after a brief moment of awkwardness he chuckled a bit. His arms sweetly wrapped around you, accepting your affection.
“Thanks for trusting me” You whispered in his ear, still holding on to him.
“You too...” Was his response, letting you linger as long as you wanted.
When you finally broke away, you exchanged a quick smile with him. Then Toph butted in, wanting to have a little exchange with him as well.
“See?” Toph ran to him, clinging on to his arm, much to Zuko’s embarrassment. “I knew I liked him!”
Everyone laughed at how tightly she was hugging him, especially so when he blushed a little by all this attention and fondness. You sighed in content as Zuko clumsily tried to say something. You knew from now on, things would be different. For the best.
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @lotsoffandomrecs​​ / @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ / @undercanonthots​ / @bubblebars / @coldlilheart / @inkai-ghost / @xionroxas / @emmacata​// If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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punkinroses · 4 years
Alright gang I got two rounds of next gen kids done, let's move onto the ones who names I struggled the most with. The previous two posts can be found here and here, showing Zuko and Kataras family, and Sokka and Sukis families, respectively. So, here's the next family on the list:
Taang Kids
Jai Bei Fong is the eldest child of Avatar Aang and Toph Bei Fong. An Earthbender trained in the art of Metalbending by his mother, he has been requested numerous times to take over her school by others. He has simply refuted numrrous times that those running it now are more than capable and prefers to keep to a more minor teaching role in coaching. He has become a Pro Bender instead and has become a part of a very famous team -- and boy does he love to showboat, even if just a little. He does coach minor league and junior teams. He uses a lot of his jovial cockiness for the purpose of getting people to underestimate him and his skills, and to aggravate his opponents to cause them to mess up so he can strike at the perfect time. He has, however, been dealing with a lot of frustration in his own personal life with relationships that never seem to lead anywhere, the struggles of a single father and feeling a responsibility to try and help his family more with his own father gone and them all being...not really about it. Jai is considered the most handsome between him and his brother, with styled black (greying) hair, green eyes and fair skin with his fair share of scarring from fighting. He chooses to wear a lot of darker greens and silvers to match his metal, always wearing a metal cuff with him presented to him from his wife.
Jai lost his wife Reilah a mere few years sgo but it has felt like an eternity without her. She was his biggest supporter in his matches...and a bit of a rival for him, as they had been Pro Benders on separate teams. They always made playful bets on what would happen if one lost -- and one of those times he used to propose to her. He still lost that fight, but she told him that she wouls have said yes regardless. She was mischievous and free spirited, and a little hotheaded. But she was a very formidable Firebender who picked up some tips to better her bending from her in laws. Her career, however, would be cut after she fell ill. Her illness spread slowly and try as they might, there was no permanent solution to heal her and she eventually succumbed to it, breaking his and their daughters hearts. She had short dark brown hair, piercing golden eyes and tanned skin and had an intricate tattoo sleeve that included Jais name and their daughters name.
He has tried to find love again after her, as that was something she was very poignant on. "Don't you dare try and shut your heart off. Don't swear off finding someone who can make you happy. Or I'm coming back and lighting a fire under your ass." But, so far, all of those attempts have failed, either because of a lack of chemistry between the two and from rifts between his daughter and some of his potential girlfriends.
Their only child is named Anzu. She is a rough and tumble, bright eyed Earthbender who has her Dad wrapped around her finger, especially after the loss of her mother. She struggles connecting her extended family, however, as it feels like they all grew apart way back when, but she idolizes her Grandma and Toph is rather close to her as well. She's been struggling to learn Metalbending, but she's stubborn and does not want to give it up. She's also very adventurous, loving every "life changing field trip" she and her Dad go on, and has a collection of various souvenirs on a shelf in her room. She's on her own Pro Bender team that she's currently struggling to whip into shape and has been dealing with that stress on top of trying to be happy for her dad finding love again...but with the ones he brings home constantly trying to replace her Mom. Anzu has shoulder length black hair that she keeps in a messy ponytail, gold-green hazel eyes, and tan skin.
Nyima Bei Fong is the second born child of Aang and Toph. A skilled Earthbender who found herself drawn to the art of Sandbending as well as Metalbending, she has pushed herself to make her own lot in life. She has opened her own resorts across the Earth Kingdom, and one that'll be opening on Ember Island soon. She has wanted to open one close to one of the Air Temples as a way to find a reconnection with her Dad, but her sisters are absolutely against it. She's a very business savy woman who also wants to expand into other new horizons. She's also a complete smartass and doesn't take anyone's nonsense. In her youth, she, like her sisters, was very vocal in reformation to make better changes across all four nations and Republic City, and she was always the most ready to go full out for a cause, even if it stressed both of her parents out. She's claimed she's held herself to a higher standard in recent years and wants to find success while creating a relaxing environment for everyone. Though, if you press the right buttons, her old streak may come out. She's got short, curled black hair, grey eyes and fair skin, and wears muted colors that's topped off with a colorful, stylish scarf.
She has been in an on/off relationship with her childhood romance, Bo. The two have been almost married on four separate occasions, but things have always put a stop to it -- usually things started by Nyima and what people have suggested could be a fear of commitment. Bo is a good humored, free spirited boy raised in the Air Acolytes by his father Teo and has always had a passion for romance and making a positive change in the world. And he's always been able to pull her old spirit out of her when she needs it. He has medium length brown hair with some pulled back in a ponytail, grey-brown eyes and fair skin.
Their eldest child is their daughter Jesa. She is a happy go lucky girl who is very close to her Dad and trying to develop a closer relationship with her Mom, but sometimes feels like she can be too busy and lost a sense of herself, especially when finding old pictures of how her Mom used to be. The two have gotten a bit of a closer bond upon the discovery that she is an Airbender, like her Grandfather before her, though it's lead to even more tension between her parents and aunts who have polar oppositr ideas as to what Jesas' furure should be. She wants to define her own future, like her Mother did for herself and how her Grandmother did. Her best friend in the world is Lian, who she's always felt a big connection to. And after she finds out she's the Avatar...it leads to a whole new world of adventure. She has long dark brown hair, grey-green eyes and fair skin and she wears bright colors, namely golds and greens to honor both her heritages and and she wears a headband similar to her Grandmothers.
Their youngest child is their toddler son Bisang. He's a rambunctious little boy who loves wandering around the resorts and getting to be strapped up in a baby sling while his Dad air glides through the air. He knows no fear and loves to be unabashedly himself. He also is a bit of Mamas boy and clings to her and has been showing promising signs of being an Earthbender.
Tophs final pregnancy shockingly resulted in the birth of triplets. The eldest of three being Hien Bei Fong. A gifted Airbender, she was the first to get her Airbending tattoos after mastering the 37 levels of the practice and it's something she holds in great reverence. She has since gone on to become a leader amongst the reborn nation of Air Nomads and sits among the council, residing on Air Temple Island in Republic City. She works with the newest wave of Airbenders to teach them the old ways and do what she can to revitalize the culture her father almost lost. She was once far more free spirited as a teenager and even though she was a very loud advocate for change, she could find when she could relax and enjoy life. Now her top priority is the politics to keep the balance and to preserve history in the name of her Father -- something that has put a strain between her and Toph, who reminds her that Aang wanted her to be her own person and to have fun. She keeps her bangs shaved off to show her arrows, and the rest of her black hair pulled into a side braid, and has piercing grey eyes, and many remark her glare reminds them of an owl.
Hien has no spouse and prefers not to find someone to be married to. She actually used to date a lot in her youth, but as the years have gone by, she does not want to settle down with someone, feeling they'd never be able to selflessly love all of her and her responsibilities, nor could she do the same.
She does, however, have two children of her own from very brief, unknown relationships.
Her eldest child is probably the eldest out of all of the next generation, her daughter Dema. Dema has struck out on her own, away from her mother's strict thumb and rigid traditionalist nature. She ran with a circus for a time after first running away, before finding herself starring in the new and upcoming phenomenon of Movers. Her actress life has landed her a cushy life in Republic City, which has lead to awkward encounters with her mother, but she stands her ground on the decisions she has made for herself. And Toph always tells her "I think you looked amazing in your new film!" And she always laughs along. Currently, Dema is engaged to one of her more frequent costars, a nonbender named Raiden. She has long black hair, with long bangs, dark blue-grey eyes and and olive skin.
Her youngest is her teenaged son Tenki. Tenki is an Airbender wise beyond his years and is an avid bookworm. He's also the most relaxed member of the family and is very go with the flow, and wants to simply travel around, experience the world with his nothing but his books, and maybe rediscover Wan Shi Tongs library. He has a shaved head, having just gotten his arrows and dresses in typical Air Nomad clothes, with a prayer bead necklace on him at all times.
The second born of the triplets is Hayato Bei Fong. Nobody really knows why Hayato always had a chip on his shoulder. Born with the same airbending abilities as his sisters, he found himself struggling with it and his spiritual side, having more of a stubborn, hardheaded side to him. He rejected getting his tattoos and took to heart the idea of going out on your own and making a name for yourself, though it broke Aangs heart when he left after a fight and never fully reconciled with him. A fact that hit harder following Aangs untimely death. Hayato has since gone off to work in his mothers home town of Gaoling to help bring in industry and has been working on his own company to produce automobiles and motorcycles, rathering to focus on making waves towards the future than tapping into the past and to the spiritual side. Now if he could just get his mother to stop trying to drive one of his automobiles... Hayato has shoulder length black hair, usually pulled back into a bun, dark grey eyes and a small scar going through his left brow. He's discarded any bright Air Nomad colorings for blacks, greys, silvers, and dark greens.
Hayato has a husband named Kazu. He's a nonbender, and an author out to publish his own books and also writes news reports as a gig to bring home money. He has a taste for the darker fashion style of his husband and writing about the struggles and triumphs of mankind in a post war world. He has layered black hair, hazel eyes and pale skin.
The two are looking to adopt in the near future!
For now though, they are quite happy with their Crococat, Boots.
Born the last amongst the triplets and the subsequent youngest child, Huuro Bei Fong is her own terror twister of an Airbender. She was the wild child of her siblings, always getting into her own antics and probably the protestor that almost got her and her sisters arrested numerous times in their youth. She gained her tattoos after the creation of her own move. She has since moved to the restored Southern Air Temple and is always causing trouble for the new elders to show the newest generation how to have fun. She's also been known to be quite skilled on the Sungi Horn, much to somes delight...and others dismay. Huuro wants to help the Air Nomads to find fun, lively and searching for new purpose, to establish new traditions and celebrations while acclimating to the modern world. She keeps her black hair long, flowing and down, and her grey eyes always are full of life.
Huuro is here and looking for love around every corner! She wants to find someone who loves life as much as her and wants a life full of new experiences.
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lykegenia · 5 years
The Things We Hide - Epilogue
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Early morning sunlight streamed through the open hallways of the royal palace of the Fire Nation, the soft breeze bringing with it the rich scent of fire lilies and the trill of birdsong. Katara liked these times best; the worst of the rains had passed, leaving the hillsides verdant and rich with life. She had been three years in the palace now, first as the Water Tribe ambassador’s chief aide and then as the ambassador herself once Bato had mustered the courage to confess himself to Ursa. She missed the South Pole from time to time, but not even the remote blue beauty of the vast and empty icefields could compare to the jewel-bright comfort of her adopted home. Her clothes these days were all Fire Nation silk, dyed in Southern blue but tailored with inspiration from both nations, beading made from glass instead of bone, and in her hair, a string of Kyoshi Island pearls braided in place of the sea-wolf teeth she had passed along to Linara.
She paused briefly to watch a fledgling jadebird beg food from its parent. The turtleducks would be hatching soon, completing the tableau of new life that inhabited the Fire Lord’s garden, and Zuko himself would be at the feeders, refilling them with seed and fruit and honey so he could watch the flit of finches and hummingbees from his office window. Often, she watched with him. They shared tea as they pored over trade agreements or read the latest letter from Azula at the monastery. In those moments, their relationship didn’t have to bow to the strictures of Fire Nation nobility, and every day she looked forward to being able reach out and touch him, or lay her head on his shoulder, without the dark mutterings of the sages who all thought the Fire Lord too smitten for his own good. There was less bite to the grumbles than there had been, but for the sake of politics, she and Zuko tried hard to keep their affairs private.
The birds hopped away and Katara heard the tread of a guard headed in her direction. She nodded politely to him when he stopped in his tracks and bowed to her.
“Master Katara, I was asked to fetch you. His Majesty awaits you in his study.”
“Thank you, Jeran,” she answered, smiling at the faint blush that stained the guard’s cheeks. Even after three years, some of them were still surprised that she bothered to learn their names.
Curious about what Zuko could have to say to her so early, she turned and followed the familiar path to the Fire Lord’s rooms. Now that his mother had retired permanently to Ember Island, he lived in the royal wing all by himself. He often complained about the isolation, and used it almost every day as an excuse to get away from his duties and join her in the ambassadorial suite, or tempt her out to the market – whatever the other changes he had been trying to enact to end the war, he was making an effort to actually talk to his people, and it made her proud to see.
Somebody was already in the room with him. She knocked on the doorframe and waited for the invitation to come in. When he saw her, his face warmed like sunrise, but her gaze slid to the other person in the room, a man who had only arrived in the capital the day before, a full two weeks ahead of the ceremony that would mark the third anniversary of the peace accords.
Hakoda rose from the tatami and wrapped his daughter in a bear-dog hug. “I don’t think I’ve ever known you be awake so early, Snowball.”
“What are you up to?” she asked with narrowed eyes.
“Me? I’m not up to anything. You should ask your Fire Lord over there.”
She frowned. “Zuko?”
“I’ll see myself out.”
“Uh, yes… thank you, Chief Hakoda,” Zuko replied, falling back on his manners when his initiative deserted him. Did he look… guilty? Nervous, certainly, Katara decided, as she glanced between the two of them.
“Let me know how it goes.” The Southern Water Tribe chief grinned, and turned to his daughter with one hand still on the door. “See you at lunch?”
Once he was gone, taking his smug expression with him, Katara folded her arms and rounded a glare on Zuko. The Fire Lord had the decency to shift his weight on his feet, but the rapidly growing scarlet in his face made her too suspicious. Soon, the end of his sleeve would start smoking.
“And what was that about?” she asked, when it became obvious the conversation wouldn’t start with him.
With an uneasy rub of his neck, Zuko crossed to the cabinet at the edge of the room where he kept all his most important possessions. “I asked for his advice on a… culturally sensitive matter,” he said. “He was happy to help.”
“‘Culturally sensitive’?” she repeated, hurt creasing between her eyes. “Why didn’t you come to me? I am the ambassador for my people.”
“Because it concerns you.” He returned to his desk and laid a small object on the smooth surface. It was wrapped in embroidered red silk and fit into the palm of his hand. Curious, Katara seated herself across from him, her gaze darting between his face and his hands. The past three years had aged him well. His shoulders had broadened beneath his robes and the angles of his cheeks were sharper, but it was the quiet self-assurance in his movements that made his people love him. After the first reprisals against his profiteering ministers, even his political enemies had settled under his rule as the nation’s industries turned towards creation rather than destruction, and if he still feared those who wished to supplant him, Ozai’s death had left them a distant worry.  
“This is for you,” Zuko said. “If you want it.
Her fingers brushed his as she took the wrapped object. The quilted silk rubbed softly against her skin, the corners of the fabric falling open easily to reveal a glint of gold nestled within. She didn’t dare believe what she saw, not until the last fold had been smoothed away and the gift lay fully revealed before her. The first object was a delicate triple string of alternating carnelian and blue lapis beads, bound and linked with filigreed gold. The three chains attached in the middle to a flat golden disc bordered by two embossed dragons that twined around the edge, also made of gold, carved with such fine detail she could make out every individual scale on the creatures’ snarling mouths. She had received many gifts since taking up her official position, from people trying to bribe or woo or impress, but few had struck such a balance between elegance and intricacy.
Considering Zuko’s gifts tended more towards the personal, she might have wondered about the reason he decided to give it to her, except she recognised the other item sitting in the parcel. The gold-pronged headpiece of the Fire Lady glinted at her, like it was waiting for something.
Yours, if you want it.
“The pendant has a clasp,” Zuko explained nervously. “I didn’t want to replace your mother’s necklace, so I thought I could… give it a new setting. The medallion should fit, but I can get it resized if it doesn’t – and I realise the tradition in the Water Tribes is to carve the, uh, betrothal gift yourself but –”
“The ministers would never approve of the Fire Lady wearing something that crude, and you deserve better than that anyway so I designed it and took it to the smiths. They’re really the ones who –”
“I love it.” She smiled. “And I love you.”
He blushed again. “You – you do?”
“It’s not the first time I’ve said it,” she teased.
“Well no,” he agreed slowly. “But… if you do like it, does that mean you’ll… uh…”
“Does it mean I’ll what?”
“Lady Katara.”  He let out a curse and shoved his hand back through his hair, so his carefully placed topknot fell awry. “Would you honour me by taking my hand as…” Another huff as he tried to get the words out, and a twinge of pity lodged itself like a splinter beneath her amusement. “Katara., I…”
“Will you marry me?”
She had expected the words, known what she would say as soon as she saw the crown laid out on his desk. Knowing, however, did nothing to still the flutter of the entire herd of sky bison that seemed to have settled in her stomach. He actually looked afraid, desperate, so much like a lost moose-lion cub that she had to stifle a laugh. Smiling, she picked her way around the edge of his desk, focussed entirely on those same golden eyes that had first captivated her a lifetime ago, and reached to take his hands in hers.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
A Flame For A Cabbage (Part 13)
Azula pushes her stall down the vacant streets. She is the only one outside, she is the only one with the sense not to panic buy toilet paper. What she does not know is that the toilet paper has served its purpose. The streets are vacant because the void has taken its annual sacrifices and those who had not been possessed and driven to leaping into its swirling depths are not yet awake because it is 3:15 in the morning. This is when Azula starts her day. It is not when normal people start their day. No less, Azula finds that she is more productive when she rises at 3:15. Her mother had once said that it is another sign that she is ‘literally Satan but with a top knot and cute clothes.’  
She finds herself what she believes is an optimal place to set up her stall. It is a shady spot nestled between a cafe and an inn with a lovely maple tree. She picks out a cabbage and smiles. Today will be different, she will have her sales.
She spies her first customer and holds out a cabbage. “Has your toilet paper saved you?” She begins.
The man shakes his head.
“I didn’t think so.” She replies. “See, I tried to tell you, but you did not listen. Luckily for you, I am a generous person. I am still going to allow you to buy a medicinal cabbage.”
The man seems to recoil but he reaches for his pocket. She thinks that he is going to draw out a few copper pieces. Instead he draws a single square of toilet paper and wipes his nose. “No thanks.”
“Good morning.” Azula greets a woman. She thinks that it is the soldier who had abolished her cabbage stand the morning before so abruptly drops her sales pitch. She is not usually one to run, but she is also not one to carelessly put herself into a losing situation. She hustles to pack away her stall. She thinks that she will have better success elsewhere anyhow.
“Halt!” The soldier shouts. “Merchant! Get back here!” The woman is waving something at her. She picks up her pace.
“Father, I have important news.” Sie begins.
“Sie, I am trying to organize my rock garden, you know that I always organize my rock garden at exactly 5:30 in the morning.” He picks up a plastic flamingo, this one is electric blue in color. He strokes it lovingly, the shade reminds him of something important to him. Something that he has lost long ago. Tenderly, he sits it by the rest of the blue flamingos. He moves onto the next one, a standard pink lawn flamingo. This one he puts at the center, for it is the flamingo of the day. This is how he organizes his rock garden. There are no rocks in his rock garden. There is no war in Ba Sing Se. There is no God in the Fire Nation.
There are only flamingos in Ozai’s rock garden. There is only the false illusion of safety in Ba Sing Se. There is only Iroh’s unwavering wrath in the Fire Nation.
As Ozai picks up a flamboyant green flamingo with sunglasses, the Pterodactyl of the West screeches in his cell.
Sie does not get to inform his father of the news.
With her stall once again erect in a new, slightly less comfortable location, Azula decides that she is going to have to take a more direct approach. She looks at the charred body next to her and recalls that this is not normal for the Fire Nation. She also notes that it is, in fact, bad for business to have a body laying around so she quickly pushes her cabbage stall over it.
That ought to fix it. If you push it under the bed or shove it in to the closet then you cannot see it. And if you cannot see it then the mess is gone. No one can see the corpse. So the corpse is not there. It can fade from existence as though it had never been a part of it all. Such is the nature of things. Object permanence is meaningless. It is like time which is also meaningless. Time is not only meaningless, but also a social construct which is why Azula does not have a problem being awake at 3:15 in the morning, because it is actually 5:30 (which is still questionable early). But not for Azula, because Azula believes that it is 3:15 and therefor it is 3:15. Now if you were to ask Ozai, he would say that it is 5:30. And if you asked Zuko, he might say that it is 1:00 in the morning and ask you why you are waking him so early. If you asked Iroh what time it is, he would tell you that he is in a jail cell so time is twice as meaningless as it was before and so he does not know what time it is. So you are best not asking the time at all because, really, how are you to know who is correct? Just who has decided what time to go with anyways?
While the unimportance of time as it pertains to a person was being discussed, several customers have came and went. Each of them hilariously rejecting the socially inept cabbage merchant’s offers.
Azula grows increasingly frustrated. “You are going to buy a cabbage.” She informs the first person she sees. “It is not debatable. You are going to…” the man walks away from her as though she is nothing and no one at all. She is left to ball her fist and wave it at him in a silent display of frustration.
Jet’s words echo in her mind. And maybe he is right, maybe her business will crumble...   It could be that the height of her luck had been on the wall all of those days ago. Azula wanders back to her stall, picks out her favorite cabbage of the day, and hugs it to her chest.
She isn’t feeling so well. It is not the illness that plagues the Fire Nation streets. Nor is it the virus that is currently making a mess of a different dimension entirely. It isn’t the black plague either. It could be seasonal allergies--yes, she thinks that it is seasonal allergies. But it is also something else. Something… Emotional.
She is feeling sad. The merchant isn’t sure that she has ever felt sad before. Has she ever felt anything save for pride and determination, and more recently, angry and frustration?
Azula pulls her keens up to her chest and hugs the cabbage closer. A single tear escapes and slips down her cheek. The wind stirs up her hair and rustles the leaves of her cabbages. She can practically hear them whispering, “it’s going to be okay, Azula.”
She is skeptical. But there might be hope yet. She takes a deep breath, she has never done this before. Never.
She puts a, ‘out for lunch, back in 15’ sign on her cabbage stall and heads for the Fire Nation prison.
“Father, I still have news.” Sie tries again. This time Mai and TyLee are standing behind him because they need some screen time. But they aren’t going to do anything particularly important.  
“Not now.” Ozai says. “I have important things to do.” Such important business consists of inspecting his toothbrush, bristle by bristle. This is something he routinely does after he organizes his rock garden.
“But father, this is important.” Sie speaks. He can wait, for Ozai is on the last three bristles. But upon that task’s completion he sits upon his throne and seems to stare directly into the flames around it. Sie knows not to interrupt Ozai when he is peering into the flames, seeking out divine wisdom. Mostly the fire simply crackles and shrieks incoherently like a thousand voices from the ninth ring of hell as fires tend to do. But occasionally the fire will crackle and tell Ozai that his beard is pretty. This makes Ozai blush but in a very manly way.
Mai, growing impatient ages up a year. And then one more after that.
Sokka remains the same age though. As do June, Toph, Aang, Katara, Zhao, Haru, Azula, Jet, Ozai, Zuko, and Lo. But Li. Li is not exactly 83 while her sister is only 82. Teo, in his wheelchair also ages a year. And Earth Kingdom Azula is suddenly 8 years old again and her adoptive mother weeps in despair. We cannot be sure of TyLee’s age. Even TyLee doesn’t know TyLee’s age.
“Father?” Sie coughs.
The man only narrows his eyes and concentrates harder on the fire as a good Fire Lord does. Sie shakes his head sadly. Things have been weird between he and his father these days. Ever since he got home. He thinks that his father resents him for some reason but that does not make sense for he has been the perfect daughter. “Father the Earth Kingdom is planning an invasion.”
“Hmmm…” Ozai says taking a sip of his coffee. “Nope.”
“Wh-what do you mean, nope?”
Ozai turns away from the fire but only for a moment. “Nope, there will be no invasion.”
“But there is going to be an eclipse.”
Ozai shakes his head.
“Yes.” Sie inists. “The Earth King…”
Ozai plugs his ears and says, “la la la la, I can’t hear you.”
“There won’t be an invasion because I forbid it.”
“Father,” TyLee starts.
“He’s my father, not yours.”
“Ooohhh, I thought that his name was father.”
Sie shakes his head.
“Sie’s father, TyLee begins again, “we were told that…”
The Fire Lord raises a silencing hand. “If you speak without permission even once more, I will teach you the same lesson that I taught my son.”
Sie shudders violently, not a day goes by where Zuko doesn’t talk about the horrors of calculus derivatives and trigonometry. His face still bears the scar given to him with The Math itself punished him for his wrong answer. Not that Ozai hadn’t summoned The Math in the first place.
“Please no.” TyLee squeaks.
“But father, we should be making preparations…”
“Preparations for what?”
“The invasion.”
“What invasion!” Ozai roars, and with his rage the fire flares. “There is no invasion. I already said ‘la la la’.”
Sie, fearing punishment and The Math, backs down. He clenches his teeth and hopes that he is wrong about the eclipse. “Come on, TyLee. Mai.” He beckons for them to follow. Boredom satisfied, Mai ages down a year again. The others do not.
“Ozai!” Greets a chipper and cheerful high-pitched voice. “Did you trim your beard!? It looks hella fine!”
Ozai smiles. It is the only time that is black and vile soul sees even a faint pin-prick of light and goodness.
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teaandcrowns · 6 years
chapter one | chapter two
chapter three
Setting up a camp in the middle of nowhere was almost like it used to be, Katara, Aang, Sokka, and Toph all fell into old rhythms, practiced as ever.
For a few stretches of time Katara could forget that they’d had to leave without her father again, that they’d had to run from attacks from Fire Nation airships—from Azula—again. She could forget, briefly, that now Zuko was part of their group, who was once in the place his sister now occupied: hunting them down across the entire world.
Except once she had that thought, she couldn’t ignore it. He was just so undeniably Fire Nation it got her angry just to think of him. The bright of his golden eyes, the deeper, true black of his hair compared to that of other nations—even the cool, tawny paleness of his skin reminded her of new morning sunlight. Frustrated at her own distraction and a minor distaste still lingering from the dream, she took out her irritation on the blanket in her hands, snapping it in the air with a sharp flick of her wrists and gaining a small sense of satisfaction from the audible noise it made.
“You okay?”
Suki’s voice came from over her shoulder and startled her, and Katara gathered the blanket against her chest, feeling a faint heat in her cheeks.
She’d forgotten, too, that Suki was now with them—something that was a little embarrassing, considering that she genuinely really liked the Kyoshi warrior.
The smile that Katara gave her wasn’t entirely put on. “I’m fine, thanks. Just… getting all the dust out of our blankets.”
The look Suki gave her had her wondering if all denizens of the Earth Kingdom could sense lies regardless of bending abilities, but to her relief the other girl smiled back. “Can I help with anything? You guys are all in sync with one another and I feel a bit useless.”
Katara’s mouth curved into a sincere smile. Exasperation at feeling useless was something she could certainly relate to. “Sure. Why don’t you unpack some bowls for dinner while I finish up with the blankets? And after that we can make a fire.”
It felt good to share some of her old chores with another girl, and soon Katara was joking and laughing more easily than she felt she had in a while. They didn’t take long with either of their tasks, but when Katara turned to start a fire pit, she saw Zuko crouched near it, setting up an armful of sticks into a teepee formation. He was engrossed with the simple task, it seemed, and didn’t notice her staring down at him, at the way his hands moved while he worked.
A desperate, shouted warning echoes from somewhere to her left as she stares up at the crumbling ceiling—but then an arm wraps tightly around her waist and drags her along with its owner. A second arm is also suddenly around her, grasping onto the first and holding her firmly against a solid, impossibly warm torso. She doesn’t have time enough to think as she is snatched, tumbling, out of the way, cushioned by this mass from hitting the floor. It is only when they roll to a stop several feet away that her mind registers that it is Zuko who saved her, that his chest is still pressed against her back, his arms still framing her against the stone floor. Her heart pounds in her chest and the proximity of his heat and the rush of his heartbeat in her ears nearly drowns out her own.
“What are you doing?”
The quiet snap in her voice made him look up, startled. “Uh—” he began, then tried again. “I’m a firebender?”
When he stopped there, Katara tilted her head at him. “Yes,” she said, as if to a child, “you are a firebender. I’m glad you finally figured that out for sure.”
His mouth turned down beneath the red rising against his cheekbones. Suki covered a laugh beside her. “I mean it makes sense that I’d set up the fire, is all. Since I can make it whenever.”
Katara’s smile turned sharper and she folded her arms across her front. “So if we run out of firewood does that mean I can just make you hold the cooking pot for meals?”
The flush of heat faded from his face. “If you want help, you could also just ask me—”
Her sharpness diminished into something sour. “Don’t worry,” she interrupted. “I won’t.”
Turning back to Suki, she continued. “Looks like Zuko has this managed,” she said not bothering to keep the venom from her tone, though it lessened as she went on. “I’ll go wash up. Thanks for your help earlier.”
Not waiting for any kind of reply or reaction from either of them, Katara left them behind to seek out the quiet rush of a creek not too far away. Being around Zuko made her blood boil, made her lungs feel tight, and she wanted to be by water to ease calm back into herself.
The creek ran cool around her calves as she stood in it. She hadn’t intended to get into the water before she arrived, but upon seeing the steady flow, she knew that she needed to be in her element. Perhaps if she were a different person, she could sit and meditate by it, but that wasn’t her—she needed to do something.
She opened her senses up to feel the course of the water flow through her and began to move through katas, without bending. Katara let out a breath and tried to push all thought from her mind. She just needed to focus on the current, on the push and pull. Katara closed her eyes and breathed with intention along with each one of her movements.
She’d come so far since the beginning of the year, barely knowing how to bend. All Katara had known then was the feel of the tides beneath her skin, and the notion that she needed to know how to do—be—more one day. That had been with her for years, since she was very small. Her mother had always tried to help her in whatever way she could, but without a proper waterbender left to teach her, there wasn’t much she could do.
Katara’s hands fell for a moment as she sifted through memories of her mother, stirred and agitated from the morning’s dream she’d had, of the events she never got to have with her mother as she passed from child to woman. Her mother had been the leader of what was left of their village, and while she couldn’t teach Katara waterbending, Kya had taught her so much.
Here, in the middle of the war, just come from an almost extinct culture’s temple, in the heat of the nation that was doing their damnedest to bring the entire world to heel, that had nearly eradicated and subjugated her entire people, Katara was suddenly drowning in the rush of her mother’s teachings. The ritual to wrap knives in sealskin after one of the elusive and massive arvik was killed by a group of hunters and towed back to the village, how to play the morin khuur, and the first techniques for proper khoomei singing, which mimics the way water swirls around the ice flow. How to gut and skin and carve; how to sew and mend and weave.
Still as stone in the middle of the creek, Katara’s throat tightened. Waterbending was an integral part of who she was, but so unending was her quest to learn that part of her heritage that she’d diminished the rest somewhere along the way. So much had been lost, beyond just waterbending, and Kya had passed on everything she could to her young, eager daughter. After her mother died, her grandmother could only add onto her Southern heritage so much, having been born and raised in the North—though Katara had never known that until recently. And the other women in the village always seemed to be in a strange sort of state of both sympathy and deference; she was the daughter of the village’s chief, after all, and so most felt uncomfortable placing themselves as her teacher.
But Katara had watched and listened and learned. Her fingers lifted to touch the necklace around her throat. She’d felt so naked all those months ago, so incomplete, when it’d been missing.
When Zuko had it.
Heat prickled at the corners of her eyes and she swallowed the sadness down into her chest again where it settled, familiar and cold. It brought her back to the present and she scowled in the direction of the group camp. The Fire Nation had taken everything from her, from her people—carving away at them as if they were broken shards of polar bear bone—and their crown prince was no different, whether exiled or defected or not.
No matter how warm the cadence of his pulse in her thumb.
Katara did not return to the camp until the sun drew the evening’s shadows out long and dark. It was much later than she thought it had been, and even while part of her was glad the others had let her have her time alone without searching for her—Like Aang, her mind immediately supplied before she could push the thought away—Katara could not stop the pang of guilt she felt, even so.
Zuko’s fire was bright against the growing darkness of the evening, standing out like a small beacon to guide her back to the rest of the group. As she neared, she heard the chatter of conversation and smelled food cooking. Guilt bubbled within her again—she hadn’t been there to start dinner, even though now the sun was below the horizon and she normally would be serving it out by this time.
The sight that greeted her was surprising. She’d expected Suki or even Sokka to be keeping watch over the little clay cooking pot and serving out food, but it was Zuko who was portioning out bowls when she stepped into the camp proper.
He looked up at her and his mouth opened as if to speak, but Aang beat him to any words he might have said.
“You’re back!” the airbender exclaimed. “I was starting to get worried; you were gone for so long, and especially with Azula chasing after us again.” The grey of his eyes dimmed as he glanced away from her. “I wanted to go looking for you, but Suki said you were fine.”
Katara looked over at the older girl, and felt her face soften. A brief exchange passed between them: silent understanding from Suki and wordless thanks from Katara. She joined the circle around the fire, across from Suki and between her brother and Toph.
“I was fine,” she confirmed, and Aang let out an audible breath. A twinge of anger tugged at her mouth, at the space between her eyebrows. Sokka nudged her with his elbow, gaining her attention and she accepted a bowl of rice and vegetables from him, as well as a cup of tea. Part of her wanted to explain herself, but she bit down on the words. Katara knew she should be glad that Aang was so concerned for her, but all she felt was irritated. She was a master waterbender—the one who taught him, taught the Avatar! Surely he didn’t think she’d be in any danger by herself for a single afternoon.
But she also knew that she couldn’t say any of that to him, and so swallowed the forming words down with a mouthful of food. Her eyebrows went up for a moment, startled to discover it was rather good, despite the plainness of the fare itself.
Raising her gaze to Zuko, who’d settled between Toph and Aang, she said, with no little amount of disbelief, “You cooked this?”
For an instant, his reaction mirrored hers, his remaining dark eyebrow lifting, then furrowing back down again as he watched her. “I did,” he replied, guarded and unsure how to take what she said. “I know it’s not fancy, but the supplies are limited.”
“I think it’s actually pretty tasty,” Sokka interjected, gesticulating with his chopsticks before taking another bite to emphasize his point.
“I guess that means you don’t have to do all the cooking anymore, Katara,” Aang supplied, brightly. Zuko’s face softened.
She knew he was being helpful, being a peacemaker, being a mediator, but it just stoked the anger in her brighter, and her hands tightened around the bowl she was holding. She wasn’t a child any longer that needed protection or coddling—hadn’t been one for years, before she even met the Avatar—but all at once his concern pressed down on her like exactly those things. “I guess I’m just glad to see that Zuko is finally contributing something to the group.” Her words tasted acerbic on her tongue, felt like they should have cut parchment-thin lesions at the corners of her mouth; they sounded nothing at all like a compliment.
In an instant, any softening in his face hardened, and Zuko leveled his gaze at hers, the firelight between them reflecting like a living thing in the gold of his eyes. She felt his heart rate quicken, felt the rest of the small group’s echoing responses in their chests. She knew she should stop, that there was no real reason for her to keep needling, but there was hurt and anger boiling over in her between the dream and reminiscing and missing her mother and the sting that Aang felt like he couldn’t trust her, that she had to be protected.
And so she continued, against her better judgement. “I’m honestly surprised it’s edible at all. Who would have thought that a pampered prince could cook.”
The scowl that she had always seen on his face half a year ago returned in full force against the caltrops she intentionally threw his way. “Tea shop assistants can cook,” he said, firm and scraping and irritated as sand against her skin. “And if refugees don’t learn to cook, they die from hunger.” The hurt in his voice did not go beyond her notice, either, though he tried to cover it up all the same.
He’d been all those things after being a prince, this she knew empirically. Personally. She’d seen the way his long green changshan had hung off shoulders not quite as full as they’d once been when he’d been in armor; she’d noticed the way his cheekbones had been more prominent in the soft light of the catacomb crystals than she remembered before, remembered how defined his face had felt beneath her fingertips. Even now, even after feeling the way his muscles moved against her back when he’d rolled them away from the crumbling ceiling of the Western Air Temple that morning, she knew that he still wouldn’t fill out his old armor they way he used to.
Katara was the first to break eye contact with him, in the end, a cord of shame twisting deep in her stomach. She bit her lip, but didn’t say anything. Heartbeats echoed tensely around her, but then the silence was shattered by four simultaneous pairs of chopsticks clattering against clay bowls. She stared down at her own, sitting on the ground before her.
After several more long moments, Aang broke the silence again. “Wow… camping. It really seems like old times again, doesn’t it?” There was actual levity in his voice, and to his credit it did lighten the mood of the circle.
Zuko picked up a several days’ old mantou bun and broke it in half. “If you really want it to feel like old times, I could—ah—chase you around awhile and try to capture you.” His tone indicated he’d latched onto Aang’s levity and ran with it—and also succeeded in doing so; his smile was sly and looked practically comfortable on his face.
The laughter of the rest of the group flickered around Katara like the flames of the fire, something she saw and heard but couldn’t quite feel either really touch her. She heard a quiet, sarcastic ha, ha leave her mouth, but it sounded distant to her own ears. Zuko’s words were louder in her head—they die from hunger—and she kept remembering the hollows on his face and the darkness beneath his eyes when his uncle had been hurt in the abandoned town of Tu Zin. It was in such sharp contrast to the arrogant, armored Fire Nation Prince that hunted them down for so many months on end, who’d stolen her mother’s necklace and used her for bait, who’d attacked Suki’s home without thought, and it wrenched something within her chest.
On her right, Sokka made a toast to Zuko that was drowned out by a rushing sound in her ears. How dare Zuko make her feel ashamed in her own thoughts when he’d done so many horrible things to them. A scowl threatened to drag the line of her mouth downward. Being a refugee and a lowly teashop assistant served him right after all he’d done in his pursuit of Aang—and it hadn’t even humbled him; after all, he’d turned on them again in the catacombs, and while she spent exhausting days bringing Aang back from the edge of death, he went home as a celebrated hero. All Katara seemed to do was lose and lose—her mother, her people, her heritage, her father, nearly the Avatar himself—and all Zuko seemed to do was win and win, despite it all. All the Fire Nation did was win and win and take and destroy. Her jaw started to hurt, and Katara realized she was clenching her teeth together tight as a vice.
His voice cut through the rush in her ears like a blade. “I’m touched. I don’t deserve this.” She could almost hear his face fall, that self-deprecation she’d seen in him bubbling up again.
Something in her snapped. “Yeah,” Katara said, gaze shifting sharp from her bowl to him. “No kidding.”
She couldn’t stand to be here anymore, her heart thudding painfully in her chest, the light from the fire he’d made casting shadows about her, his golden gaze wondering at her and searching her face, his pulse insistent in the pad of her thumb. Like she had walked away from him teaching bending to Aang back at the temple, now too she rose in fluid anger and stalked off into the night.
The camp was a decent ways behind her when she heard the roll of waves with her own ears. She’d felt it pulling her, especially with the moon so close to full, and followed it until she reached the edge of a grassy cliff and perched on a rock there. It calmed her a little, the salt and the sea and the moon, allowed her space to breathe away from the smoke and heat and steady pulse that was Zuko.
He was infuriating.
It wasn’t that she even thought he was still trying to capture the Avatar; at this point, Katara was more than willing to concede she’d been wrong about that, after the way he’d fought against his sister earlier. He’d helped Sokka find and bring back their father with nothing to gain and virtually everything to lose if they’d been successfully stopped in doing so. And he’d stepped in, in her absence, and tended to dinner and made sure everyone had something to eat.
Despite chasing them relentlessly for so long, despite stealing her mother’s necklace and trying to use her as bait, despite hiring a bounty hunter to find them, despite playing his part in Aang’s near-death, despite setting a mercenary who could shoot fire from his mind after them, despite burning Toph, now he was with them. Now he was helping train Aang to face his own father, fighting his own sister to protect them, reuniting her family—now he was cooking for them, and unknowingly helping with her usual camp duties, and joking with them, and smiling so disarmingly—
Heat rose unbidden in Katara’s cheeks and she glared out across the ocean. She was furious with him, and it made her even angrier that she wasn’t quite sure why. She told herself over and over it was because she didn’t want to get to know him better, she didn’t want to let him get closer—not again—but still she found herself drawn to him, to watching him, to wanting to submerge herself in the cadence of his pulse and feel just how warm it could be.
The desire to do that was even stronger with the waxing of the moon, only a few nights away from being at its fullest, and Katara worried her lip in thought over it.
So lost was she in thought, so strong and close the push and pull of the moon and the ocean tides, she didn’t sense Zuko approaching her until he was nearly upon her. His presence stoked the directionless, confused anger in her and she scowled, rising from her rock and stalking further out along the cliff’s edge.
“This isn’t fair.” His voice rang out, rough against the salt air. “Everyone else seems to trust me now—what is it with you?”
The sincerity of his words slithered into the cracks she thought she’d sealed up, and the hurt in them shook something that was pulled taut in her stomach.
It made her even angrier.
Furious, she turned to face him. “Oh—everyone trusts you now?” A hand came up and pressed hard into her chest, over her hammering heart. “I was the first person to trust you, remember? Back in Ba Sing Se?” Katara jabbed a finger out across the endless ocean. “And you turned around and betrayed me. Betrayed all of us!”
Her anger felt good, felt strong. It felt like a layer of ice she was constructing around her, between them, that not even his impossible heat could breach. A desperate part of her hoped the words she flung at him stung and opened up fractures inside him. Zuko closed his eyes against her onslaught, mouth twisting in a grimace.
To her surprise, though, he lifted his eyes to meet hers again, his gaze determined and focused.
“What can I do to make it up to you?”
“You really want to know?” A thousand things ran through her mind in an instant, and she spat out the first ones that formed as she neared him again. “Hmm, maybe you could reconquer Ba Sing Se in the name of the Earth King.” No, that wasn’t enough, a vicious voice whispered in her mind. Her heart thudded against her ribcage like a trapped beast and she was close enough now to felt the heat emanating off of him. Her thumbs throbbed and ached, but she ignored them, her face mere inches away from his.
“Or, I know! You could bring my mother back!” She barely even noticed the slightly feverish tone upon which her voice hitched.
Katara didn’t know why she said it—of course no one could bring her mother back; but it seemed so fitting, to thrust such an impossible task upon Zuko. In the sparse seconds after her demand, she felt giddy and lightheaded, the ocean pulling at her bones at her back, the boy before her pulling at her blood. Caught between the two of them, Zuko’s eyes searched hers, fleetingly, their normally vibrant gold leeched pale as platinum in the moonlight.
Not giving him any kind of chance to respond to her, Katara shouldered past him, the echoes of her heartbeat filling up her entire chest and throat until there was no space left at all, and left him alone on the cliffside.
She blatantly ignored the others when she got back to the camp, not even bothering to say goodnight to any of them before vanishing inside her tent. Everything was seething inside her—the memories of her mother, dredged up and raw still after so much time; fury toward the Nation that had torn her life to shreds, that had torn so many lives to shreds; frustration and confusion and she wasn’t sure what all else at Zuko; the pounding of her blood in her ears, in time with the pounding of the waves upon the rocky surf.
The ground was hard beneath her thin bedroll, and she lay awake for some time, staring up into the loosely woven darkness of her tent, feeling the pull of the moon and the ocean and willing the rhythm of them to lull her to sleep.
She was starting to descend into the waiting fog of dreams, finally, when she felt a warmth spread through her hands, and distantly heard a quiet sigh outside her tent. Zuko, she thought, dimly, the recognition lazily adrift as flotsam floating away from the shores of waking. His name seemed to summon forth to her senses the cadence of his heartbeat just beyond the cloth boundary of the tent walls, and it was that steadiness that finally soothed her to sleep.
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zutarawasrobbed · 6 years
Accidental Exchange (Zutara Week 2018 Day 2: Letters) Full Mature Version
Rating: M/E  ff.net AO3
Summary: writing letters seems to be the only thing that Katara can do to pass the time while her husband is away. Feeling stuck and more lonely than ever, Katara finds herself writing more and more letters to a certain fire lord. There is just one problem. She never sends them…save for one day when Aang sees a letter Addressed to Zuko and sends it. when Katara receives a letter back, it is nothing like she expects… For either of them.
There are days when life seems hopeless and meaningless. For Katara those days have become more and more frequent with little room for happiness. After she got married she assumed her life would be filled with more meaning and a new mission in life. How wrong she was. Three years into her marriage to Aang, she feels lost and as if a piece of herself is missing. 
It’s not as if she doesn't try to convey her feelings to her husband. It’s just that when he is around, time is mostly spent on discussing his troubles and what struggles he’s facing, rather than hers. so many times has she tried to tell him that she craves the life of when they were teenagers, the days when they would fly anywhere they wanted at any time. How she longs to feel a sense of importance once again. However, she never tells him of these feelings, especially the ones of her slowly shattering heart, for deep down she knows that if she were to lose him, she would lose the last bit of importance she has left.
  So, instead of keeping it all inside, she decides that it would be therapeutic to write it down. At first the writings are short and barely take up a page. But, as time goes on, she finds that one page, turns to pages, and pages turn to scrolls. By the end of the first scroll her writings become almost automatic like a routine. By the time she finishes the second scroll, she finds herself mindlessly writing whatever she can think of at the moment and doesn't take a second look. However, it’s when she reaches the 3rd scroll of complaints that she knows something’s wrong. 
It should’ve been obvious, the last time they were intimate was 4 months ago, and he was around for 2 of those 4 months. Once she reviews the content of her writings, she realizes that over time, the complains have become those of sexual frustration rather than just the communication aspect of her relationship. But, once, she reads her second scroll she realizes she started to address each complaint to a different person from their old Gang.
The first letter she finds she wrote to her brother Sokka sating
Dear Sokka,
I know it has been some time since we last spoke and I would be lying if I said I have been simply too busy to respond or dictate a message to you, but that would be a lie. In fact that could never be further from the truth. If I were to tell you just how many responsibilities I have been gifted with. It would only be that of looking after the home when Aang is away to attend his meetings. 
In all honesty, I have grown tired and sad. I long for the days you and I would spend penguin sledding back in the south pole. I long for a sense of pride, a sense of freedom. Truth be told I no longer see myself as who I used to be and I wish to feel that way again. I pray that one day I will come back to myself.
Until then, 
Upon reading the final paragraph of the letters, she finds her eyes blurring, and realizes that she is crying. The person who wrote this certainly, couldn't have been her. There is no way she is that unhappy. Right? Then again… No 23 year old should feeling unhappy at all, let alone have marriage problems.
Days past until she finds enough courage to look to her second scroll again. She looks at the second letter, it’s addressed to Toph.
Dear Toph, 
I know you must be wondering why I bother to write to you, knowing fully well that you are unable to read. However, I feel that you are the only person I can ever tell this to. I feel weak. I find myself slowly losing my will to continue pretending. I no longer look in the mirror and see the brave water bender I used to be. She feels so far gone, it is as if she is a distant memory. 
Reading, or hearing in your case, this I know you must be rolling your eyes. But it’s true I no longer bother even trying to attempt training. And Aang says it’s probably for the best. For once we start having children I won’t have enough time to focus on bending anyhow. However when he brings up the idea of children he only ever talks about the prospect of air bending children. What if I cant give him what he wants? what if I become a failure in that regard as well?
Much love,
Katara reading over the words cause her face to fall along with her tears. How could she not have realized these feelings within her? How has she been able to live like this for so long? Ho-
Her thoughts are interrupted upon seeing a letter addressed to Zuko…
Dearest, Zuko,
I hear a congratulations are in order. You are a married man now and I hope that your marriage brings you much happiness as opposed to the one I currently reside in. In all honesty I’m not sure why I am even writing this letter, but I feel that there are few who can understand what I am going through, and while you may not be experiencing what I am, I know you will do your best to understand. 
Zuko, I’m lonely. Day in and day out, I find myself realizing that the prospect of children is something becoming more and more prevalent in my relationship and, I can't help but realize that, I don't want children… Not with him. there are many things that lead me to come to a decision on the matter. So I will tell you in hopes that you can give me some advice on the matter. 
For starters, I feel as though bringing a child into this world, his child would only lead me further down this road of sadness. Secondly, I have come to realize that I have already been a mother, just not to children, but to my husband. And if I am to raise a child, I wish it to be with a partner, not a responsibility. And lastly, for one to create a child, sex must be involved, and given that he hasn't touched me in weeks, it is safe to say that creating a child would not be possible.
My final reason brings me to my final point of sadness. Am I not good enough? Do I no longer appeal to him as a woman? What have I done wrong to make him so repulsed that he won't dare touch me? Am I a failure of a woman?
Your dear friend,
Shocked beyond belief of the contents of this particular letter, Katara drops the scroll with a gasp. How could she? Could she really be so desperate for contact that she asked her dear friend whether or not she was fuckable? She knows she’s no longer the cute petite woman she used to be. But was she so insecure she had to ask a man who hasn't seen her since his coronation as Fire Lord if she looked good? Not to mention this letter was written almost three months ago, what other things has she written to her dear friends? What else has she written to Zuko. 
Upon asking herself about the fire lord in particular, She feels the familiar tingling feeling within her stomach and lets out an involuntary moan. Did she really just moan to the thought of her close friend? 
She, wont lie, it’s not like she hasn’t thought about Zuko in more than friendly terms before. But never before has her body reacted this way. Is she really that needy? It isn’t until she feels a strange wetness coming from her lower bindings that she realizes that question was being answered for her. Instinctively, she heads to her room.
The room is  all but empty save for two compartments for their clothing on the left a bed in the center lit by the window to the right of the bed. feeling the familiar sensation arise once again she brings herself to the edge of the bed she shares with her husband, she She knows this is wrong, but she has been waiting for four months, four months, for some kind of release. If this is the only way she can find any, so be it. 
Another two months go by, and she finds that pleasuring herself to thoughts of her fire bending friend has become a normal part of her life. Like her letters (she knows scrolls wouldn't be the appropriate term to call them anymore), losing herself to fantasies of being taken by the fire bender becomes a common occurrence. However, the fantasies are not the only thing that becomes new in her life. 
After her first experience of self pleasure featuring the fire lord, she find herself continuing to write letters to him, but there is one time in which she writes a letter to him that is not as innocent as the ones before… Definitely not as innocent as before. This particular letter never makes it to a scroll, but in an envelope addressed to him. She knows that she will never send it. But the thrill of knowing that it is possible to do so, makes her feel empowered.
Its been four months since he has been home, longer than any other time before. But Aang knows he’s lucky to have someone loyal like Katara to wait for him. Yet he also knows he’s guilty. He enters their home and notices that his wife is preparing dinner for homecoming tonight, and decides to settle down in their bedroom. 
Upon entering his room, he notices an envelope on her dresser and sees that is it addressed to Zuko. Realizing that she must have forgotten to send it, he walks outside of their home to their carrier bird and sends it off the the fire nation. Aang is certain his wife will thank him later once she gets a response from their dear friend.
Days are boring in the fire nation. Not only does Zuko have to attend meetings after meetings, day in and day out. But once he is ready to retire to his chambers, Mai is waiting to complain about any little thing that she thinks to bring up. Agni forgive he ever have a hard day.  For Agni’s sake the most she has been asked to do it sit on the throne. It’s not like he hasn't asked former help, but after the first three times he asks to help him make a decision, she says it’s his job not hers to make important decisions. It’s gotten to the point that she no longer even tries to sleep in the same room as him anymore, and at this point, he doesn't even care enough to say anything about it. 
He enters his next meeting with his counsel but before sitting he sees a letter is waiting on his seat at the edge of the table. That’s strange, I haven't been given a letter in over a year from anyone in particular. He thinks to himself. 
But upon inspecting the handwriting, he recognizes it immediately and tears it open with haste. Taking a sip of tea he beings to read. But after reading the first sentence he almost chokes on his tea.
My lovely, Zuko,
Night after night I find myself thinking of you in a not so innocent light. I miss being touched. And when I do find time to please myself, I find my thoughts wandering to you. This very moment I can imagine you grabbing me by my shoulders and nipping the skin underneath my ear. All the while whispering how you are going to make me feel pleasure that no one has ever known. All the while you are pressing your arousal deliciously against me.
I can imagine you ripping off my lower wrappings and then taking me from behind on my dresser all the while you pull my hair and kiss along my spine. I can feel you driving into me with such a blinding force. Relentlessly, thrusting yourself into me. All the while I beg for you to give me my release. And while I do, I can hear myself screaming your name like all those times I have been brought to brink pleasuring myself.
Your lovely,
Zuko sits shocked- no shocked would be the understatement of the decade, to explain how he was feeling. For one, he is hard, (painfully so). In fact, if not for the fact that he was in a room full of old men, he probably would have cum right then and there. But that was besides the point. How could innocent Katara (who he had to admit drove his little teenage mind wild from time to time) write this? It has to be a mistake right? Then again, how could it be? She literally said his name- screamed it in her writing… Fuck!
Zuko decided to cut his meeting short, much to the confusion of the counsel members,  and run to his chambers. His room was a vibrant red walls covered in gold decorations and paintings from his coronation to one of his recent wedding. The room was large to say the least. the bed itself was made to fit 7 people, at least. His bed was draped with red sheer curtains and decorated with red and gold pillows along with a burgundy comforter and a red pillow with gold swirls in in the middle for the finishing touch. his drawers sat beside each other on each side of his bed. all the while a path of red drapes would lead him to his closet. which was another room in itself, if he was honest. The closet would then have a secret trap door where his armor and former blue spirit costume lay hidden from public view. The bathroom would lie in the left corner of his bed which held a luxury bath big enough for two and two sinks ready for what was supposed to be for him and his “wife” to share. 
Entering the room Zuko quickly locked his front door and proceeded to strip himself of his clothing, as it was much too hot for clothes at this point, and began stroking his length furiously with all the images from Katara’s letter in his mind. He could see her blue eyes looking up at him while she suck her mouth onto him. He could feel the slickness of her wet folds enveloping his cock as she sank on top of his. He could hear her scream his name over and over as he grabbed her hip and started thrusting into her at a violent pace. But once he remembered the way she wrote beg, that’s what did it. He let out a loud growl and felt his seed spill onto his awaiting hand. 
Huffing, panting, trying to catch his breath from what was arguably the best orgasm he has ever felt in his life, the reality of the situation dawned on him. He, Fire Lord Zuko, just got off of the words Katara sent to him. Katara, the waterbender who would always have something to say. Katara, the same girl who he chased for months before realizing he was on the wrong side. Katara, the woman who saw good in him when no one else did. Katara, The same woman who he let touch his scar for the first time since his banishment. Katara, the first person he ever thought getting struck by lightening was worth it, if it meant she got to live another day. Katara, the first person he ever truly loved. How could he have just tarnished her honor like that? But… then again…
Before thinking about it too quickly, he grabs a quill and begins writing…
It’s been two weeks since Aang has come home, and if Katara thought things were going to finally settle down, boy was she wrong. Her husband found out that he had to go on another meeting that would last at least another month. Deciding not to hold her breath, she prepared his things quicker than she had the time before and saw him off. She didn't even feel sorrowful over the fact that he still hadn't touched her in the time he was here. Not that she was a lack for trying. Every time he kissed her good morning, she would try to deepen the kiss only to be asked when she was going to get started on breakfast. After the fourth time she gave up and came to the conclusion that she was no longer what he desired bed partner. A wife? yes. A mother? of course!  But a lover? Not anymore. 
Her sad thoughts were interrupted when the familiar call of their messenger bird arrived with a letter attached to his talon. guessing that it was meant for her husband, she quickly exited the house and unhooked the letter. Taking a glance at what she thought to be the familiar name etched into the envelope, she realized it was her name on the paper not her husbands. That’s odd. she thinks to herself as she re-enters her home and sits on her bed. 
Anxious in anticipation, Katara tears open the letter and her heart stops when realizes who the letter is from. “Zuko…”
My lovely Katara, 
I cannot begin to express my deepest thanks for your letter you sent to me. Although I must admit, I was surprised to say the least of the contents of your letter-
letter? What letter? I never sent a- 
Quickly skimming the next sentence, her heart dropped to the floor. No way! He couldn't have seen it! There’s no way… Then again… that’s when it hits her. the letter she addressed to him! She left it on her dresser! Aang must have seen it and thought he would be doing her favor by taking sending the mail out! “Fuck!” Taking a deep breath, Katara bravely peeks at the letter and dares to complete it 
My lovely Katara, 
I cannot begin to express my deepest thanks for your letter you sent to me. Although I must admit, I was surprised to say the least of the contents of your letter. No matter, I just wanted to say that I too have found myself thinking of you night after night. And i’d be lying if I said that I don't think of you more often, now that you have expressed you feel some form of attraction towards me as well. 
You have no idea how much I want to crash my lips onto yours and pin you to the floor as I tear off your clothes. You have not the slightest clue to how much I want to lick and bite your neck all the while I bring you to the edge with my fingers alone. I want to kiss down your chest to your center and feast on you till morning. I want to lick, taste and savor your flavor on my tongue until you can no longer hold back your cries of pleasure. I want to see your face as I grind my cock against you slick folds. I want to hear you scream my name as you adjust to my size and beg me to move. I want to bring you so much pleasure that you will forget your name but continue to scream mine. But most of all, I want to kiss you deeply and look into your eyes, as I bring us both to our sweet release and finish inside you. 
Yours truly, 
Katara had to stifle a gasp as she finished reading the last line of the letter. He couldn't really mean all those things. Could he? She thought to herself. Then again, this was Zuko. Zuko, the boy who chased her and her group around the world for months until he realized he was being an asshole. Zuko, the guy who screamed about honor, yet struggled with it himself. Zuko, the man who betrayed her after she offered to heal his scar… 
But he was also,  Zuko, the man who abandoned his life at the palace to a life of rebellion for the sake of human kind. Zuko, the man who crawled on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Zuko, the man who not only helped but accompanied her on her journey to find her mothers killer and let her decide what the fate of that man would be. Zuko, the man who, without a second thought, ran in front of a lightening bolt meant to end her life, without ever asking for anything else in return. 
Shaking her head from these thoughts, she noticed another piece of paper slip from the envelope that read
P.S. I’m not sure if you will ever return these feelings of mine but I thought I would let you know that I don't expect anything in return. Just know, that no matter where we stand, there is always a room in the fire nation available to you. And no matter what you want to talk about, I will always be ready to listen.
Upon reading that note, Katara opened her dresser and looked through the scrolls. and began tearing letter by letter out of the scroll. Maybe it was time she did something for herself…
Two months passed since the first letter Katara received from Zuko arrived in her home, and it was by no means the last. After she tore apart letter by letter, she decided to send him each and every one of the letters she kept to herself, about Aang and his lack of communication, the struggles she had with finding out who she was in this marriage anymore. And in return, he responded to every single one and in order! He talked about his problems with his wife and how he truly felt as though perhaps he was asking for too much to be happy in a relationship rather than tolerated in one. Not only would they talk about their relationships, but fire nation politics as well. But with all the letters they sent. There was one Katara could never bring herself to deliver. But she made sure to keep that with her at all times in case Aang decided to send in this one as well…
Zuko never feels more alive than when he reads a letter from Katara. Her troubles are shockingly similar to his own. They both have unsatisfying marriages, and whatever Mai fails to give him, Katara gives wholeheartedly and most, if not always, more. He often finds himself seeking the advice of Katara as well as what she would do if he were in his position. And every time she blows his mind with how intelligent and thoughtful she is when it comes to any given situation. Be it trade, social issues, or international relations, it baffles him how she is seemingly perfect in every way. But that only makes his admiration for her grow stronger.
After the first month of their correspondence, his workload has been cut in half. And it all because he finally has a partner to help him deal with issues regarding the Fire Nation. Whether Katara knows it or not, she’s really the one running this nation, and she isn’t even here!  He often finds himself asking why she isn't the Fire Lord instead of him. She’s clearly smarter than he is. Not to mention the fantasies he has of her speaking to his people about policy. He knows she would be able to explain things so that all people would understand, without making the people fee that they were being talked down to. 
His fantasies are proven correct when he struggles to write a speech concerning a mining incident that occurred within one of the poorer towns. When expressing the situation to her and asking what he should do, she wastes no time in writing back a speech that he definitely used. The speech is received so well that the council start to wonder what’s causing him to become so eloquent yet personable. He can’t never reveal that it was a waterbender whom he has been secretly falling deeper and deeper in love with, with every letter she sends. However, the day after he receives her speech, he also receives a detailed tax plan that would maximize their input of funds, while also meeting the deals of the reparations the outside nations needed to rebuild after the war. If she’s done her math right, (which she always did.) By the end of next year, they would no longer be in debt, but have a surplus of funds to use at home. He only told her about the money issues last week and she solved it in only a day! The council members have been working on plans for years. And it took this woman a day.
When presenting her proposition to the council, they all look smug, expecting him to make a fool go himself. However, as soon as he finishes the proposition, all jaws are dropped and many of the financiers are scratching their heads, wondering how they didn't come up with it sooner. After the meeting, Zuko dismisses his finance department of their jobs and quickly goes to his chambers to continue writing his letters. Out of curiosity and bewilderment, he asks her how she came up with the solution, and she simply wrote,
My dearest, Zuko,
I find it quite insulting that a problem this small would need that much thought to solve it. Next time give me something more of a challenge to solve. Although I do love these puzzles you send me from time to time. 
Your dearest,
This response shocks him as he comes to the realization that she thinks these troubles he is sending her is all a game. In order to prove just how real it they are, the next letter he sends include newspaper clippings about all the crisis’s she solved. He completes the letter with a job proposition to become his chief adviser. 
A week later she accepts, and with that he sent her a gift of a fire hawk that would be able to receive and return letters three times as fast. 
The second month passes and he finds himself with more free time than he has had in his entire reign. Initially he is happy. But one meeting makes his mood grow sour.
The meeting goes as usual. That is, until Mai walks into the room and is asked to sit down and be present for the next part of their meeting. It is after a brief moment of silence, when the oldest councilmen Lu Ming, states,
“It is evident that you two have yet to produce an heir. Is there any reason for the delay? we understood that times were difficult and proceeded to put the country’s immediate needs ahead of the gradual matters. But seeing as things have calmed down, and suspiciously so, might I add. I believe I speak for all the council when I say, without and heir to the throne, we are put at risk of having to look down the line of royalty, and that leaves… Azula. Needless to say, it would be best if the two of you began the process. Sooner rather than later, and a son would be much preferable than that of a daughter. Your uncle has a special blend of tea to increase the chances of a son. I will ask him to bring it to you when you do plan on reproducing.”
Zuko’s furious, how dare this man ask him to produce a child and son? No less. The Fire Lord is very aware of Lu Ming’s stances on women in power. but he wonders how the council member would react to the fact that all decisions that have been made recently, were in fact made by a woman… A waterbending woman no less. The very thought makes him smirk. But Mai failed to see the humor and and quickly states, 
“Thank you for your concern Councilman Ming, I assure you my husband and I are taking this matter very seriously. However, you can’t force nature. It will happen when it happens.” She states with her signature stoicism.
For once Zuko is relieved to hear her speak. But he knows that it’s only a matter of time before he will need and heir. But when he does imagine a child, he sees a little girl with gold eyes like himself, but dark skin and brown hair like her mother. The very thought of this child, makes him grow defensive and angry with the councilmen for insinuating that his daughter wouldn’t be good enough to lead. If she is anything like her mother, she would be ten times the leader he is today. A hand on his shoulder brings him out of his thoughts. Pale, not dark, he thinks. But the look of his council members makes him realize that his nose is fuming with steam. But one look at the councilman is all it take to see the vision of his daughter and after that, it doesn’t take long for him to a respond. But what he says comes out differently than one might have hoped…
“Councilman Ming!” He slams his fist on the table. “How dare you insult my future daughter? If she is anything like her Mom she will be the strongest and fiercest leader this world has ever known. She will be intelligent, kind, compassionate, and determined in anything she does. She will be just like her mother. She will be just like Kat-” He stops himself. he realizes what he just said, and so do the people around him. He clears his throat. “Meeting adjourned.”
“But, my Lo-” Lu Ming interrupts.
“I said meeting adjourned!” He responds without hesitancy.
Mai looks at him with an expression he doesn’t recognize, it almost looks like sadness. But she has never shown any form of emotion before. What does this mean?
“Mai, I said meeting adjourned didn't I? That goes for you too. So go back to doing whatever pisses you off all the time and leave me out of it!”  Those words make her expression stiffen, but she quickly lets out a sigh, and lower her head.
“I know you were about to say Katara.” She whispers. “All I want to know is how long you’ve loved her.”
This shocks him. He was expecting a snarky comment, anger, hurt, anything, but this. But he owes her an answer. He owes her that much.  
“Almost nine years…” He lets out a sigh of relief. He has been holding that in for years, and he finally gets to say it out loud. 
“Where does this leave us?” She asks.
He sights, “I’m not sure…” He quickly recovers, if I don't say it now, I never will.  “Recently, i’ve been getting letters from her and I… I can't continue being in this marriage knowing that my heart will always belong to her…” He whispers, “Even if she doesn’t want me back.” Mai lets out an annoyed sigh, but smiles.
“I feel the same way.” She too lets out a sigh of relief. And Zuko looks up in shock.
“You do?” He asks with wide eyes. 
“Of course I do Zuko! we haven't been intimate since our wedding night. And I suppose that is my fault. But it has nothing to do with whether or not I want you. It’s just… I’ve always known you loved someone else. But it wasn't until after our consummation, that I realized who, you are in love with.”
“What do you mean?- How did you find out?” He asks frantically.
“Zuko.” She shakes her head and grimaces, “while you were asleep. You said and I quote ‘I love you.’”
“And that’s bad? How is tha-”
“You said, ‘I love you Katara’…”
“Oh…” he lowers his head. “So… What do you want to do?”
Mai getting straight to the point says, “I think it would be best if I left. And I think the best way to end things is by saying that I am in fact barren.”
“Mai… If you do that y-” Mai put her hand up to silence him.
“I’m aware of the risks i’m taking Zuko. But I also know that I don’t even want children to begin with. I was willing to produce an heir. That was, until I realized how much children meant to you, and just how many you desired.” she sighs. “Zuko, it’s clear I can’t be who you want me to be, and it’s probably my fault for not telling you how I feel but… it’s obvious we’re too different for one another to have a healthy relationship, and to have a child neither of us wants, would be unfair to that child…” She takes another breath. “Zuko, you deserve to have a child you want to have, with the person you want to have them with. I’ll pack up my things tonight, and I’ll leave the palace officially at the end of the month.
During the Councilors ball, I will make the announcement myself that I am regrettably unable to produce an heir. The scandal will be huge. That is until I say that I have decided that it is in the best interest of the Fire Nation that I no longer serve as Fire Lady and end my marriage to you.”
Zuko is appalled. Never, has he ever seen Mai to passionate about anything. Not to mention, this plan of her was perfect. It would allow them both to leave a marriage they don’t want, while also leaving his reputation unscathed. And it’s clear that Mai has no desire to have children, so her reputation would not be damaged either… At least in any way that mattered to her. How are women not running the world? they clearly come up with the best solutions. I didn’t even consider how to end things with Mai, let alone how to address the public. Perhaps I’ll write to Katara and ask her prepare something for me…With these thoughts circulating in his head. He makes up his mind and agrees to her plan.
Katara prepares a speech that fits well with Mai’s announcement. Zuko is sure to get Mai’s statement and send it over to Katara. He knows it is necessary to orchestrate the perfect response on his part. Along with how to ease the public’s mind about the stability of the throne.
The day is at hand and Zuko is nervous. Mai for once also looks unhinged, which does little to ease his mind. But something in the corner catches his eye and that’s when he sees Aang in the dancing hall holding something he cant quite make out at this distance. What the hell is he doing here? Katara said he was supposed to be in meetings indefinitely… But he has little time to react before Mai pushes him out in front of the crowd to greet them. Remembering what Katara wrote for the opening ceremony he calmly recites her speech.
“My dearest citizens. I am humbled to have you join us and the rest of our kingdom in our annual Councilor’s ball. It is at this time of the year, that we get to hear what we can do better as a society to make all of your lives easier and the best they can possibly be. I am joined tonight by all existing council members who have assured me that they will listen to anyone they can and that they will report to me everything that they were told. But, alas, tonight is not a night to simply talk about politics. It is also a night to rejoice and celebrate all of the achievements we have made throughout the year. All of which, would not have been possible without our beloved council.”
After an hour of dancing and performances, it’s time for the Fire Lady to make her speech. Most of the time Fire Lady’s would makes a speech about family and the importance of children in society. Knowing what Mai was about to say, made him have to stifle a chuckle at the irony. I mean technically she is going to talk about family and children so… she’s not technically breaking tradition. He thinks to himself.
“Good evening people of the Fire Nation.” Mai starts. After a deep breath and fake frown she continues. “It is with a heavy heart that I speak with you today. For what I will say may shock many. In truth, I am going to speak about children and family. Just not in the ways that it is traditionally done for a Fire lady to do so.” Zuko watches as she forces a tear to fall from her cheek and continues. “I have found out around a month ago that I am unable to have children.” She pauses for dramatic affect and everyone in the audience is a mix of gasps and shocked faces. But the council is most shocked upon hearing this. Another tear falls, and she continues once again. “What I say is true. I am Barren, and I cannot in good conscience continue being your Fire Lady knowing that children mean everything to my husband.” She takes another breath. “When we found out, I insisted I leave. But he begged me to stay and said, that it didn’t matter if we could not have children for all we needed was one another. But… Alas, I came to a decision a week ago, that I must leave, if not for our nation but for our Lord’s happiness in the future. Therefore… I am effectively removing myself from the throne and ending my marriage to our Fire Lord.” 
A collection of gasps and solemn faces filled the crowd. One of them being Aang, who was crying. Zuko couldn’t help but growl. How can he be sad over the ending of my marriage, when he treats his wife like a bedwarmer? How can he be here while his wife wonders whether or not he is good enough to be touched? Its after that thought he realizes what is in the Avatars arms, a child.
Katara sits at home awaiting the next letter from her Lord as she patiently waits to hear about how the announcement of his split with Mai went. She wont lie to herself, her heart soared when she received the letter asking for a detailed speech to follow that of the announcement of he and his wife splitting. But she couldn’t let that distract her from her job. So she looked at the assignment like all the others and did her best to keep her personal feelings out of it.
It is an hour later that she receives a letter. But what’s inside is not what she expects… 
My dearest, Katara,
I usually keep my distance and hold everything inside. But, these past three month have made me feel more alive that I have in years. I can bear it no longer, these months have been torture without you by my side. While the letters help make it feel as if you are here, I awaken to the reality that you are not. If there is anyway I can persuade you to come to me or I come to you, allow me to be gifted this knowledge as my heart aches without your words. The letters no longer come fast enough to fill the void in my soul. If you come only for a night it will be enough to satisfy me for the rest of my days. And know that if you do decide to visit, I expect nothing but your words to soothe the pain within my chest. But, if you wish to keep things as they are, I understand completely. This will be the only time I ask you to be with me. 
Katara’s heart stopped. This couldn’t be what she thought it was. It had to be a mistake… Yet, seeing a letter with such emotion made Katara think twice. For one, he used the word “love” certainly he hadn't meant it in the way she initially thought. If so, that would complicate things. But knowing that he expected “nothing but her words” made her heart clench a little. She knows that she should be grateful, after all she is still married by all counts. But for some reason she feels a sense dread. Not only that, she felt stupid for assuming that he would ever see her in such an improper way. Sure the first letter he sent was written with every implication that she was who he wanted to share a bed with. But the more she thought about it, she remembered that Zuko was polite and probably only wrote her that letter to ease her of embarrassment. That had to be it, after all he hasn't sent a letter like that one since. Not to mention, she was sure once he saw her any improper feelings for her would vanish because once again, she doesn't look like she used to. But, with all these questions in her mind, she made up her mind and left for the Fire Nation the next morning. 
It had been a week since he poured his hear out in that letter to her and still no response. He decides its probably best to be patient. and hope her response would arrive at the latest tomorrow.  
Then again. He starts thinking to himself, was I too forward, maybe she got scared. After all she is married to the Avatar maybe she doesn't feel the same way about me like I thought. I mean, she didn't send another letter like the first one since I responded to that letter in particular. Ugh! How could I be so stu-
All thoughts stopped as he left the counsel room and saw across the hall possibly the most beautiful creature he ever laid his eyes on. The woman was tall almost to his shoulders and that was saying something as Mai never even reached that height and Mai was tall by any standards. But this woman was more than tall, her hips were the perfect width, and as she walked towards him he caught a look at her breasts, large and definitely more a handful, her slender waist only adding the the contrast of her hips to chest ratio. If he had to describe what shape her body be modeled after, he would have to say hourglass. but it was not her body that caught his attention. It was the striking blue eyes that he could pick out from anywhere. It took all of his control not to sprint down the hall and rip her blue dress off. But, with a deep breath he reminds himself, patience.
Arriving to the Fire Nation is the easy part. She reminds herself. The hard part is making herself look presentable as well as making sure she doesn't burn to death from the heat. She decides that she will wear a light blue dress that fits tightly against her frame. Because, while Aang considered it to be improper, she realizes that Aang isn't here to dictate her choices and decides to wear what she never thought she’d have a chance to. The dress is form fitting to say the least, it accents all of her “problem areas”, her breasts bulge out like cantaloupes. The halter top of the dress makes her arms looks far too muscular to be feminine. Her ass looks like a watermelon. And her hips look far to wide to be natural. Not to mention the dress has two slits on the sides that go up mid thigh, so her over muscular legs will definitely be noticeable. Being left alone with little responsibility leaves a lot of time to do other things to release excess energy, such as work out. She’ll stick out like a sore thumb. But, she sighs, at least her sandal strap heels help her to look more feminine. This dress is going to have to do. Any other dress will only leave her burning up. With one final look in the mirror, she ties her hair up in a braided bun and starts her journey towards the palace. 
Upon entering the palace, people all around her begin to stare. It’s no doubt because she looks unnatural and hideous. Every woman around her is perfectly proportionate to their weight and height. She, on the other hand, looks like a lopsided seal. 
She heard the Fire Lord would be in a meeting with his counsel until right about now, so she’s heads towards the meeting room. She knows where it is because of the time she and sokka looked around frantically for Momo high on cactus juice. 
With one final right turn she sees him. He looks as if he was sculpted by the spirits themselves. She’s pleased to see that he’s still a great deal taller than her. She has to guess around 196 cm in height. His hair had grown out and is now about halfway down his shoulders. His  sleeveless tunic hangs tightly to his chest leaving little to the imagination as to what lies beneath it. From this angle she can tell that he must spend a good amount of time training to be that fit. She also feels encouraged to see his arms are not larger than hers by any means. Aang always made her feel self conscious about her arms. stating that too much definition was unappealing for a woman who is supposed to be protected by the Avatar. It was not even like she has bulky arms to begin with! They just look scary because of their definition. But her thoughts stop as she realizes that he is staring straight at her. He has a look in his eyes she’s never seen in anyone before. And she doesn't know what to make of it. 
Zuko promises himself to be patient. But as soon as her eyes leave the ground to look at him. That’s the end of his self control. He sprints down the hall faster than he ever though possible and before she can say a words he scoops her up in his arms and sprints to his chambers. Patience be damned, I have waited too long for this and I don’t plan to wait any longer. 
He opens the door to his chambers and pins her against his door. She yelps in surprise, but he leans into her ear and says,
“How can you walk in wearing something like that, and expect me not to react this way?�� He doesn't give her time to respond because the next moment his lips are on hers. he kisses her frantically and pulls her closer to his body, one hand in her hair, the other on the small of her back. She responds in kind moaning into his mouth as she grinds her hips against him while tugging at his hair. Zuko knows right then, that if he were to die right then, he would surely be happy knowing he died with this goddess in his arms. But it’s over too soon as she breaks the kiss panting.
“Wait!” Katara says trying to catch her breath
“Why?” He almost growls at her. She looks at him surprised but then relaxes her hands on his shoulders and responds meekly.
“Because… I don’t want you to do this just because you think you have to… I don't want to be someone who you feel obligated to bed because of my first letter.” 
  Zuko stares at her mouth hung open. How could she even begin, to think he was doing this out of pity. Did she not know how gorgeous she is? If anyone is getting a pity fuck it would be him. 
That’s when he remembers the letters. How she said that Aang hasn't touched her in over seven months, and how she wanted to know what she was doing wrong. He remembers how she called herself unfuckable because of how she wasn't getting any younger. He breathes out a sigh. How could anyone convince her she was unwanted? With his mind made up, he knows what he has to do.
“Katara, listen to me…” He says in a gentle tone. “You are by far the most gorgeous creature I have ever laid eyes on. Your eyes are like sapphires, plucked by the moon goddess herself.” He leans in towards her neck and whispers, “your neck is long and straight, made fit for a queen” he traces feather light kisses from her jaw to her neck and sucks on her pulse point. That action makes her mewl. In response, he bites hard but quickly licks the spot to erase any pain that may come of it, and her breath catches in her throat. He brushes feather light kisses down to her collarbone right above the beginnings of her breasts. “your breasts are a gift from the spirits themselves. They make me want to bury my face inside them and make a home within them” He gently removes her top of her dress to land gracefully around her waist. she gasps as he swiftly burns off her bindings. He takes a moment to take them in. Her mounds are round and look so soft. Her dusky nipples perking up at the sudden air they are exposed to. He instinctively licks his lips. 
“Zuko?” He looks up and sees her eyes filled with lust. And In one swift motion, he buries his face in between the valley of her breasts. and plants butterfly kisses between them. He pauses to look up at her. Her eyes look at him in confusion. He chuckles before he dives into her left breast and flicks his tongue around her left nipple first. She cries and he feels her arms wrap around his head, holding him firmly in place. 
Taking that as a sign to continue. He then surrounds her dusky nipple with his lips and sucks hard, using his teeth to test out shat she likes. Her response is a loud moan and her arms clamping tighter around his head. Apparently she likes things rough. He think to himself before picking up the pace of his sucking, biting, and movements of his tongue. This elicits a moan that makes him harder than he ever thought possible. She then removes her arms as he mimics the ministrations of his tongue with his fingers on the other breast. He continues his careful attention until he hears,
“Zuko!” She squeals.
That’s it. he picks her up by her buttocks and swing her on the edge of the bed. He is quick to remove all of his clothing, including his loincloth. He them proceeds to tower over her, as he sees her hazed eyes take in the sight of him fully nude. The expression on her face widens as her eyes reach down to his length. Her mouth gapes open at the size of his erection. He gives her a knowing smirk before he leans down and kisses her hard. 
He doesn't give her time to respond as he pries her mouth open with his tongue and tastes the inside of her mouth. He groans. He wants to know how she tastes everywhere. That final thought gives him an idea. An Idea that makes him smirk. He is quick to remove himself from her body, and slides himself to the edge of the bed. In one final swoop, rips her out of the rest of her clothing and burns her under wrappings off. And before she can say anything. He kneels in front of her center. He notices she’s completely shaven. But as he looks down toward her entrance, he holds back a groan. Oh shit! she’s so wet. He places his fingers experimentally near her hole, he hears her gasp, and he groans at how tight she is. He knows she’s self conscious, and probably hasn't ever had anyone do this for her before, so he takes one large lick and almost cums from the taste alone.  He feels her body stiffen and he knows he needs more. He roughly grabs her legs and tosses them over his shoulders and pulls her center as close as he can. Before she can protest, he dives in. He hears her screech and feels her move her hands to the length of his hair. He Growls in response. She has to be the best thing he has ever tasted in his life. She’s so sweet. He knows he being greedy, that he should slow down. But he just can’t. He can feel her legs shaking above him and her screams are like heaven.
“Oh. Fuck!” She screams, “Zuko, don’t you dare fucking stop! If you do i’ll kill you!”
He chuckles and murmurs “I don't think I could stop even if you wanted me too.” And with that she sighs and grabs his hair tighter pulling him closer to her sopping center. 
He starts to frantically lick and suck on whatever he can manage to get his lips on, he finds her clit with his teeth and when he gently sucks on it, her whole body spasms. He looks up at her and sees she is panting uncontrollably and is frantically trying to find some release. He growls against her clit. It’s the most erotic thing he has ever seen in his entire life and almost cums at the sight. Then she looks him in the eyes with a clouded look and it is at that moment he decides to continue to suck on the hard nub she oh so enjoys. 
Her response is immediate, she screams “Zuko! Zuko! Zuko!” 
With one final suck, she cums and he drinks up every lest drop of her essence all the while he pistons his tongue inside her unbelievably tight hole. She releases his hair and continues to spasm as he continues to lick her, more gently this time, knowing she just came and needs time to recover. 
As soon as she comes down from her high. Zuko lifts himself up and offers her a weak smile, before she grabs him and pulls him up and crashes her lips to his for a searing kiss. He’s shocked to find her tongue probing his mouth, and with that slight distraction, Katara flips him over so that she is on top. She doesn’t stop her assault quite yet, as she moves her lips from his to trace featherlight kisses over his scar. “Katara!” he whines, as she continues her path from his scar down to his neck, while her hands find purchase in his hair. Gently, he feels her tug his hair, and causes him to look blankly up to the ceiling. His throat exposed to her completely, her light kisses turn into hard sucks and nips, he’s sure she’s going to leave a mark come tomorrow. He groans, “Ugh. Katara. I need-”
“I know, me too. Just… let me have some fun first.” He growls as she releases his neck and starts a new path from his chest to his pelvis. He thinks he knows where she’s going with this, and his body reacts instantly. 
His cock twitches as soon as her lips kiss his tip, and he can’t help but let a moan slip from his mouth. She doesn't stop there though. Zuko watches closely as Katara continues her teasing with one experimental lick of his slit, he growls and pulls her up by her hair. 
Noting the shock and confused look on her face, he quickly flips them over and positions himself at her dripping entrance. He growls, “shit babe, you’re so fucking wet.” Staring down at her, he can see the start of a blush in her cheeks. He can't wait anymore. But he has to know that this is what she wants. With one look into her beautiful blue eyes. He sees her smile widely at him and nods. That’s all he needs, and pushes himself  inside. 
“Oh! Zuko!” She screams as he feels her arms fling themselves around his neck, one hand gripping his hair. He roars. He can feel her slick folds sucking him in tightly, and he pants, knowing that she’s going to need time to adjust. He reaches the hilt and they let out a collective sigh of relief at the feel of finally becoming one with each other. He leans in and places hungry kisses from her jaw to her pulse and starts pumping himself inside her.
Meeting every thrust, they Keep a steady pace. He sees her head thrashing from side to side. This woman has to have been made for him. Every reaction, every moan, is perfect. But, it takes all his self control not to start pounding into her like he wants to. 
“Zuko!” She moans, “faster!” he doesn't need to be told twice. He starts to pick up the pace, but that only makes his self control falter.
He pauses, knowing if he keeps going he’ll reveal to her what an animal he truly is and he can’t do that to her. Not to his soulmate. She stares at him in confusion and he trails a hind down her face and explains, “Kat… I can’t… If we keep. Ahh.” He feels her star to move against him frantically trying to continue. He growls, “if we keep up this pace. I might lose…” He pants. “Control.” 
“Then do.” She says determinedly. He pauses giving her look of warning. She huffs, “Damn it Zuko if you don't star moving in the next five seconds, I’m gon-”
He doesn't hear the rest because before she can finish the last of his self control snaps and he quickly pulls all the way out of her and she whimpers. But he is quick to reposition her legs over his left shoulder and holds them there like a vice grip. With one quick thrust, he buries himself inside her. He can hear her screams as he starts rutting into her relentlessly. There’s no way he can stop now. She asked for it. And by god is he going to deliver.  
“I told you” *pant* “that. I. Would.” *pant* “Lose. Control!” He says in time with his thrusts. He can see her trying to keep up but her body is shaking and he knows she’s close.
“Zuko! Keep going. Yes! Yes! YES!” She mewls as she finally meets his rhythm.
This woman is going to be the death of him. But he doesn't have enough time to ponder that thought. Because all the sudden, her walls start to contract around him. 
“Zuko! I’m! Im-”
“I know baby, I know.” he continues his relentless pace until he can stand it no longer
“AHH!” She screams. And that proves to be his undoing as the entire world around him turns white.
“Fuck! Katara!” he growls as he thrusts into her, prolonging her orgasm while emptying his seed inside her womb. Overly sensitive from her climax, she shakes violently beneath him. 
As they both come down from their highs, he releases her legs and uses the last bit of strength he possesses to pull out of her and roll them over so she's on top of him and cradles her to his body. After a few minutes of lying together in their afterglow, he lays them both under the covers and drifts off to sleep with his waterbender in his arms.
Katara wakes up and feels something impossibly warm against her back. As she shifts to look at the source of this heat. But cant move as she feels an impossibly strong pair of arms holding her waist to keep her in place. She almost yelps in surprise. Last night wasn’t a dream, she thinks to herself. She sighs at the knowledge that she finally found someone who wanted to touch her. but that feeling of fulfillment is short lived as the reality of the situation hits her. 
She just slept with someone. Someone who wasn't her husband, and she doesn't regret it. At all. feeling the body behind her shifts. she turns over and watches as her partners face opens his eyes. She can see the last traces of sleep leave his face, and in place a smile so big and genuine takes place. She can’t help but smile back.
“Good morning beautiful.” She hears him whisper.  
“Good morning handsome.” She sighs as he pulls her closer to his body. She feels him nuzzle her face under his chin like a purring cat. And she cant help but stifle the giggle that threatens to leave her throat.
“What’s so funny waterbender?” He feigns a pout. 
“Nothing! It’s just… Well…”
“Last night was wonderful. But…” She takes a deep breath. He has to know that he doesn’t owe me anything, she continues, “I understand if this is all you wanted from me. I don’t want to be a bur-”
Before she can finish her sentence. She feels a set of lips crash onto hers and a set of hands pull her closer to the owners body. 
“Don’t ever say you’re a burden again. You hear me?” She nods wistfully still recovering from that impromptu kiss. Her mind reawakens when she hears him let out a long sigh. She watches as he rolls over on his back and she swears she hears him whisper something along the lines of “duck fit?” but doesn't dwell to hard on it. 
“Katara…” He starts, turning over to face her on his side. “I didn't want you to come here because I only wanted your body. I want your mind, heart, and soul as well…” She gasps but holds her tongue because she can tell he isn't finished yet. Watching as he takes another deep breath, he continues. “Katara, I’ve been fighting with myself for years now. Contemplating whether or not to tell you how I feel. And that was because I wasn't sure what those feelings were. But now… I’m certain.” 
Katara, lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding inside and says, “what are you trying to say?”
Looking him dead in the eyes she sees his eyes look away for a second before returning to hers with a new determination. “I’m saying, Katara, that I’m in love with you.” He says in a low voice, and continues. “And that I have been since Ba Sing Se.”
  Her mouth drops to the floor at his statement. There’s no way he could feel this way about her. He’s just saying this to make her feel less path-
“And what I guess I’m asking of you is… That you don't return to your home in the air temples. I want you to stay… Katara I want you to be mine. And I want to be yours, if you’ll have me…”
She stares in shock at his confession and decides that now is the time… Slowly she gets up and heads for the door. Taking one last look as she gets dressed, she leaves a heartbroken Fire Lord in his bed staring longingly at her.
Zuko sighs in defeat. How could he have been so stupid! Of course she wouldn't want him. She wanted to feel wanted, and now that she got what she needed, she can go back to her life with Aang.
He leans back against his pillows and realizes that they still smell like her. He hold her pillow close to him and embraces her scent. He’s about to cry when a knock on his door breaks him out of his trance. Slowly he gets up, wraps a robe around himself and angrily walks to the door. Whoever the hell is on the other side better be coming to me with a life or death situation or so help me Agni. I’m going to kill them. He opens the door violently, but what’s on the other side makes him stop dead in his tracks.
“Katara… Why-”
“I didn’t leave!” She says quickly. “I mean, I guess I did. But only so I could get this…” 
She holds out a letter to give him. He cautiously takes it. “What is this?” he asks. Only to have blush be his response. Carefully he opens it looking her in the eyes as he does. as soon as he has the paper in his hand he reads it and chokes on his words.
My Dearest, Zuko,
For the past two months of our exchange I have grown fonder and fonder of you and I fear that the longer we write to one another, the closer I am to falling completely. I can’t deny that these feelings are most likely a result of previous feelings that I never dared allow to break the surface from when we were young. I know I may be foolish or sound desperate to feel any form of love, but I want you to know that my feeling are true as I say. If love is what I have with Aang, then what I feel for you must go beyond that. For when I think of you, my heart races and my stomach clenches at the very thought of you holding me in your arms. I know you must not feel this way about me, for how could you when you have a beautiful wife whom I am sure you love and adore. Whatever the meaning behind your letters, especially the first one. I wish for you to know, I expect nothing from you, except the promise that you will not judge me for my feelings and continue to be my friend. But if for whatever reason you do feel the same, I will end my marriage with Aang and leave to be with you.
Yours forever, 
Zuko looked up from the letter to her face, his eyes filling with tears, he pulls her to him and hugs her so close to his chest, he fears that if he lets go even just a little bit, she will leave. he hears her quiet cries and pulls back to stroke her cheek.
“I just didn’t think you would ever love me as I loved you.” She sniffs, but continues, “I lied when I said I gave you all of my letters from before, but I…” She sniffs. “I just couldn't find the courage to send this one. Zuko… I love you too. I love you so much I-”
He doesn't give her time to finish her sentence and instead crashes his lips on hers and cups her face. Resting his forehead against hers he says, “I love you Katara. Please, promise me you'll never leave me again.”
She chuckles, “I promise.”
Katara looks out on the balcony as she watches two of her four children practice fire bending with their father. From this angle she can see her first born twins execute their bending forms perfectly as their brown hair flows in the wind. When they come to a stop. Katara watches as their gold eyes meet their fathers expectantly. Zuko feigns a frown and then instantly scoops up his son and daughter in his arms and twirls them around. Katara laughs shaking her head as her twins cry out to their “daddy” to “let us down.”
Katara knows her other two children are practicing their waterbending with their step great-grandfather Pakku. How she wishes it was her training her children. But, she knows, at this stage in her pregnancy it could harm her unborn child. So she acquiesces and invites her step-grandfather to train her third born Kya and youngest born Hakoda. 
Looking out at her husband as he finally lets their children go, she knows she’s been caught staring when she catches his smirk and winks right at her. She blushes but doesn't back down. She finds it amazing that after 7 years of marriage he can still make her blush. 
Looking back on their time together, she remembers after the first few days of their relationship being chaotic. The moments after she promised to stay with him, Katara swiftly wrote a letter to Aang stating that she was sorry but could no longer continue a relationship where she feels so useless and alone. Surprisingly, Aang wasn't mad. In fact, he wrote back coming clean about a drunken one night stand that lead to an unplanned pregnancy. Aang explained that most of his time away was spent with his newborn daughter and that over time it was getting harder and harder to leave her knowing that he was lying to the other woman in his life that he loved. It wasn't until after the next peace summit two weeks later when Aang arrived with Toph who was holding a baby with Airbender marks, that Katara put the pieces together as to who the mother of Aang’s child was. But she was not the only surprised face in the room, as Aang saw Katara being in the Fire Nation was unexpected. That was, until Zuko quickly stepped in and stated that he asked Katara to become his chief advisor (which wasn't technically a lie) to explain her presence at the palace. The summit meeting was awkward to say the least. Most if it consisted of Zuko giving Aang glares that Katara was sure if they had the ability to do so, would kill. The rest consisted of the Fire Lord making off hand comments about how interesting it was the Aang was in the Fire Nation so close after his last visit when he ended things publicly with Mai. Katara was confused about the statements until after the meeting when Zuko explained that he saw Aang in the capital during the councilor’s ball holding a child but though nothing of it and simply forgot to mention it to her. But on the first night after dinner, Aang felt the need to explain that the drunken one night stand was a result of an earth rumble tournament and a heavy amount of gambling and drinking. Katara quickly told him that he was forgiven but would need time to accept the reality of him being a father, and for lying to her all this time. Toph followed suit and sheepishly asked to talk to Katara alone and said how sorry she was that things turned out like this. That she never meant to hurt her, and that, that night was so crazy that she was certain it never even happened until she heard a second heartbeat the following month of that night. It is with those words Katara finally asks the name of the child and Toph responds “Amaya.”   
It is at the end of the peace summit when Aang officially announces his Split from Katara claiming the fault was his and it happened over a year ago in order to keep up appearances with the public. Since air nation wedding customs are less than official. The marriage between Aang and herself is as if it never even happened in public record. Leaving her with a clean slate and fresh start to begin her new life with Zuko.
It’s a month after the peace summit, when Zuko’s royal counsel is told of the position Katara’s held over the past few months and will continue to hold for the foreseeable future. The council is skeptical of her at first… That is until her lover revealed all the letters of their correspondence as well as the speeches and tax plan that saved their country from bankruptcy. Even with the evidence in front of them they feel skeptical about a woman joining their ranks, and an even higher one at that. For a chief advisor is only second to the Fire Lord, and upon realizing the power she has had all this time, and that Zuko trusted her with it, makes her heart swell. 
It is a month after her position is announced, that Katara makes a name for herself among the council and those who initially hated her, end up loving her. Even Lu Ming! Zuko stares at her in awe when she sees him watching her as Lu Ming sheepishly takes her hand and gracefully places a kiss a top her hand. It is six months into her position that the younger of the royal council and royal guard starts asking to court her. And it is a week after the first proposal when Zuko lays his claim on her in the form of a kiss in the middle of a meeting. It is a year into their relationship when Zuko asks Katara to meet with him in courtyard of fire lilies and Turtle-ducks. It is there where he bends down on one knee holding a stone known to the world as “dragon heart” from which the stone is forged from the breath of two dragons with the stone coloring has each side matching the colors of the two dragons scales with the center being a mix of the two. The stone itself is blue on the left and red on the right with a purple center. The stone is carved in gold with the symbols of their two nations dead center with one dragon symmetrically carved on each side of the symbols in their opposite colors of blue and red. And above it all is a moon standing above center over the entire design with the symbols of yin and yang in the center of the moon. The stone is made to be able to hang below the stone of her mothers necklace. and it is when he offers her the stone that he asks her to be his wife and partner for the rest of his life. It is when she gently lifts the stone from his hand and fastens it beneath her mothers stone that she accepts.  
It’s a week later that the counsel and public hear about the engagement and prepares to arrange the wedding within the next three months. It is one month into planning when her family comes to offer their congratulations when Zuko looks terrified for the first time in his life. It is an hour into the party when Katara finds out why and has a stern talk with her brother and father. It is minutes after her talk when Suki drags Sokka by the ear and gives him and earful before Sokka sheepishly approaches Zuko and apologizes with his tail between his legs. It is one week later when her family returns to their homes until the day of their union. It is two months into the planning when Katara falls to the ground unconscious when Zuko rushes to her side and the court grows worried. 
It is one week before the day they are supposed to be married, and Zuko has not left his fiancé’s bedside when the healers from the North pole along with her Father, Grandmother, new grandfather Pakku, brother, and his wife Suki come over when Zuko begins to panic. It is three days before the scheduled wedding when Pakku rushes to the room by Katara’s side with a smile so wide it threatened to change his facial shape, when he says everything is fine and she’s most likely just feeling ill because her body is adjusting to the change in temperature. It is two days before the wedding when she starts feeling better. It is one day before her wedding when she discovers something that will change both their lives, but decides to keep it hidden until after the ceremony.
It is on the day of their wedding when she promises herself to the man of her dreams, the love of her life, the yin to her yang, her soulmate that she will always be true and love him even after their spirits pass onto the next world when she sees her groom cry for the second time, and it is that night when she see’s him cry the third. For it was on that day when she gave him a gift. And that gift was the news of a child. 
It is two months into their marriage and three months into her pregnancy when Katara starts waking up her husband in the middle of the night with a scowl and demands he bring her the spiciest foods and he does so with a smile on his face. It is the third night of her cravings when the firebender is informed that their kitchen has used up their supply of spices for the next month when Katara storms in and demands that they get her more. It is that night when Zuko walks into their room when he sees Katara crying about how badly she feels about her outburst when Zuko consoles her and promises it will all be okay. It is two weeks after that when Katara starts waling about getting fat when Zuko explains it all for the baby and that he thinks she's especially beautiful, knowing that she is growing their child inside her. It is four months into her pregnancy when she feels her child kick for the first time. It is but seconds later that she screams for her husband to “get down here”, that Zuko rushes through the door and Katara pushes his hand on her stomach when Zuko feels his child kick for the first time and the reality of becoming father dawns on him. It is two weeks after that when Katara’s hormones start to take over when the Fire Lord and Fire Lady barely leave their chambers for the remainder of the second trimester. It is seven months into the pregnancy when an especially happy Fire Lord makes a rare appearance out of his room to barge into a meeting where he announces he loves his wife and leaves with a dopey grin on his face. It is moments after that when Lu Ming laughs and gives the rest of the council a knowing look. It is eight months into her pregnancy when Katara starts angrily waddling around the palace seeing all the dangers that her unborn child could be exposed to. It is seconds after seeing the first hazard that she calls for her husband and demands that the safety of the palace be updated to fit the needs of their child. It is two weeks after Zuko makes the request that his wife’s demands are met. It is on the fortieth week of her pregnancy when Katara feels her first contraction and Zuko passes out.   
The day of their child’s birth is the happiest and scariest of their lives. Luckily Iroh is there and gives her a special tea meant to reduce the pain. It is when she hears her daughter cry for the first time, that she feels her heart grow with a love she never knew could be so strong. It is but two minutes later when she is told to push again, that she realizes her heart is going to grow once again as she welcomes her son into the world. It is when Zuko looks into his children golden eyes and brown hair as he vows to love and cherish his children and never be like his father when he cries for the fifth time. And it is when he holds his wife’s hand as they each hold their little miracles that they name their first borns. Zutara and Iroh II. 
It is when their children turn six months old that Katara finds out that she is pregnant yet again, and it is with absolute certainty that she feels it is going to be a waterbender. It is after their children turn 7 months old when they say their first words. Zutara being “Mama”, and Iroh being “tea”. It is when the twins turn eight months old when they take their first steps and Zutara tries to push iroh out of her space when they decide it is time to give them their own cribs. It is a week after their first steps that Zutara starts crying without her brother by her side, when they decide to keep them in the same crib together. It is one hour after they reunite them when Katara sees Zutara hugging her brother close as they sleep that she feel her heart swell with hope that their next child is a girl. It is on their twins birthday when Sokka and Suki introduce the twins to the magic of sugar, and it is an hour after the discovery when Katara freezes her brother to the castle’s front gate with a sign around his neck stating “he knows what he did.” It is an hour after the “Sugar incident” when Aang and Toph announce they are expecting their second child. 
It is one month after their twins first birthday when she welcomes their third child and second daughter to the world that she feels her heart grow once again. It is when her husband introduces the twins to their new sister that Zutara tries to hug the baby. It is when Zuko and Katara watch as their new child closes her blue eyes and nuzzles her black head of hair into Katara’s arms as she nurses her when they name her Kya.
It is when Kya turns six months old when she says her first word “Daddy” when Zuko smiles for an entire week with pride while Katara slumps in their bed in defeat. It is on the twins second birthday when Aang and Toph introduce their new daughter Terra to the kids when Kya hugs her and kisses her forehead. It is an hour later when the Airbender and his wife drunkenly give the twins their first taste of spicy food when Katara and Zuko glare at the earthbender and her husband for making their children cry. It is on that same day Suki and Sokka announce they are expecting their first child. And it is after that announcement when Uncle Iroh (or grandpa, to the kids) gives them their first taste of spice reliever tea. It is a month after the twins second birthday and The day of Kya’s first when Zuko asks if they can have another child. It is four months after when she accepts. It is three months after the twins third birthday and two months after Kya’s when the next prince is born. It is when when Kya meets her brother that she smiles at the fact he has the same eyes and hair as her when she swears to be his protector. It is when the rest of the kids meet their new sibling when Kya tries to protect him from the twins, because she is worried that Zutara will try to hurt him like she does Iroh. It is two minutes after that when Iroh starts crying and Zutara hits him while telling him to be quiet, when both Kya And Katara reflexively hold the new prince away from the twins and realize Kya’s concerns were right. It is the fifth day when neither of the parents can come up with a name, when her father comes to visit. And it is three hours after he father put their new son to sleep, when they name him Hakoda II.
It is three months after Hakoda’s birth when Azula proves herself to be rehabilitated after being healed with spirit water brought from Pakku from the time Katara was thought to be ill. It is two months after her release when it is revealed that Azula has joined the Kyoshi warriors. It is three weeks after the discovery when the royal family is asked to attend former Princess Azula’s wedding. It is the following week when Azula marries Ty Lee and Kya announces she wants to marry a girl too! It is after that declaration that Zuko and Katara smile at their daughter and say that they love her no matter who she decides to love.  
It is six months after Hakoda’s birth when Zutara screams at Iroh for taking her toy and breathes fire, when they realize she is a firebender. It is one hour after that when Iroh breathes fire back when Katara glares at Zuko and makes him swear the kingdom wont burn to the ground. It is one month after the revelation when Zutara gets angry and water floods her play room when Katara stares at her child and sighs “of course” in defeat. It is an hour after that revelation when she and Zuko have a serious talk and decide to start training their children. It is when Hakoda turns eight months old and Kya turns three when his first word is spoken and that word is “Kya.” It is when Hakoda is ten months old and kya’s third birthday when he takes his first steps and uses those steps to run into Kya’s arms. It is on on Katara and Zuko’s sixth wedding anniversary and the kids are taken on vacation by their uncle Sokka and Aunt Suki along with their cousins, when her husband pounds into her like an animal and they make loud unfiltered love all night long. It is the next day, when the guards outside their doors stare off in the distance with troubled looks on their faces, when both she and her husband flush a furious red. It is that night when they repeat the previous nights activities when they realize they don't care what anyone else thinks. 
It is six months after Kya’s third birthday when she copies a bending move of her sister when it is revealed she is a water bender. It is that same day when Zuko decides it’s time for Zutara and Iroh to start weapons training. It is one hour after they start training, when Katara glares at Zuko with a shredded one of Iroh’s toys in her had when Zuko realizes it was a mistake. It is after the twins turn five when they master their elements and when their parents warn Zutara to stop beating up her bother or else they wont let her visit uncle Sokka anymore. It is shortly after Kya turns four when she masters her element and begins her weapons training. It is on Iroh’s second birthday when he first lets out a flame from a sneeze. It is when Zutara is practicing her bending of both elements in the courtyard when the sages catch her. It is one hour after the discovery when Zuko almost kills the sages for suggesting his daughter be given away for the better of the crown. It is five minutes after Katara hears about the confrontation when she nearly pierces the sages with ice daggers when the sages submit and never make a comment about her first born daughter again. It is on Hakoda’s third birthday, two months after Kya’s fifth and four months after the twins sixth when their mother announces they are going to have another sibling. It is four months after Kya’s fifth birthday when Aang’s Daughter Terra comes to visit along with her siblings when Kya and Terra hold hands for the first time. It is four months in her pregnancy, when she feels her child kick for the first time that she knows it will be a girl. It is a few moment later that she feels four feet kick her that she knows they are twins and they are both girls. 
It is the present where Katara watches as her husband walks up the steps to their room when he kneels down to her swollen stomach and whispers he loves them no matter what they are or what they become. It is but seconds after those words when Katara feels complete and thanks the spirits that she was gifted this man for a husband and partner to always stay by her side.
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salixj · 6 years
For those who don’t understand. Here are a few problems I have with the comics. Note they are not (save the last two points) connected to an Azula redemption arc. Note most aren’t even about Azula, except tangentially.  1. How Zuko attempts to get Azula’s help in finding Ursa. Does the scene where he speaks to her in the hospital come before or after his “how to be a ruler class” when he talks to Aang about his father being in prison, his mother lost, and his sister in a hospital.    a. If before, it is illogical that he wouldn’t say anything to Aang about attempting to get help from her.    b. If after he should, if he had understood the lesson even a little bit, not have approached her as he did. Okay, he shouldn’t have approached her that way period, but especially after a class such as he was given. So which is it? Does he illogically keep information from Aang that he has a solution to the above situation?  Or does he not understand the word dignity? I think it is the later because he also speaks disparagingly about her in front of her, to others, when explaining how he will treat her with dignity. Go figure.  Also, it terms of father in prison, sister in hospital, both of these are easily remedied. He could put his father in some form of house arrest. As far as his sister goes, has he thought of, oh I don’t know, visiting her? Telling her he loves her? Yeah okay.  See, that’s all really about Zuko. Azula is on the side, it is about how Zuko acts and behaves.  2. I can think of reasons why Jun couldn’t find Ursa. That should have been disclosed. The fact that she got a new face doesn’t necessarily mean she would have a new scent So explain it. Her pet died. Her scent ends here in the woods. It is too old. SOMETHING.
3. I can think of a lot of reasons why Zuko, once he learned of the town, could have told Azula, no... you already violated your promise. Back to the hospital. For her sake that would probably have been better. 3. The letter.    a. By simply calling Ozai “love”, Ursa manages to prevent Ikem from becoming shish kabob after he threatens the Firelord, which I imagine under the pen of any author of quality, would have been considered, treason. However, she can’t think of a better way to get Ozai to allow her to write to her parents other than by a letter which throws Zuko under a bus. Yeah, tell the abusive man his wife was either an adulteress, or already pregnant when brought in. Being a cuckold generally does bring a man’s temper down.     b. Even if she wanted to write a letter and trick him via a letter, there were better by a 1000 times letters to write.     c. But wait! He wasn’t a cuckold Ozai twirls his mustache (figuratively) and declares “I knew that! I had you watched!”  So nu, why was he so angry? And if he wanted to keep his letter thieving to himself and the maid, why did he even respond? Why wasn’t his reaction a hearty laugh at his wife’s expense and then toss the letter “in with the others”, and instruct the maid to let her know “letter has been sent.”     d. Why keep the letters? Was Ozai that short of good reading material?    e. Zuko was so close behind her that the door felt hot, yet Azula manages to open up and read all the letters so she find the right one just as he enters.     f.  Azula, really, hiding that letter in your sash and then in your shin guard and no one is going to notice? How stupid is Zuko? Nevermind. 4. Seriously, no one knew Ursa was from H’iria? Seriously? Because he told Ursa say goodbye you will never talk to them again and this caused nationwide forgetting? The parents didn’t mention their hometown to others sitting at the table? The people in H’iria didn’t know why she went? Why her parents went to court for a wedding? What, it was common in that town for the court to take a daughter and then the parents to leave and come back and never speak of where she went or why? SERIOUSLY? Iroh didn’t know? The servants who fetched them didn’t know? So that when Zuko went looking for mommy dearest none of them would have thought to say “Well maybe she returned home?” 5. a.Ikem finds the Mother of all Faces within a few months. So does Ursa. So do Aang and the gaang. The water siblings? decades. It never occurred to them I guess to pick a watering hole and WAIT. That would have been a year at most.     b. Also, why would Ikem return to the village? Imagine walking about trying to pretend to know no one. It is also quite probable that someone at some point would have made some comment about poor Ikem.  There was a much simpler solution to being the recipient of pity. Move somewhere else.   c. Also, really mom of all faces? You can’t imagine that someone who looks beautiful would want to trade in her face? Now I can imagine someone who was deformed, or who had become scarred would want a prettier face, but if someone with a pretty face came to you and wanted a change I’d figure it was because they wanted to hide. And how quickly you believe Ursa’s story. Also how quickly you believe the water siblings.  6. Ursa dear, if you don’t look like yourself you could have found your way into the palace and knocked off Ozai.  Did you really think the servants would kill the new Firelord or the new Firelords nephew? Ozai would be dead. He’d sort of lack in power there. At the very least you could have tried to get in touch with Iroh and gotten his help.
8. Oh btw that tried and true trophish undetectable poison,  you make a poison and give that poison to the man who had threatened to kill your so and tell him “do with it what you want.” Doesn’t sound smart. I’m kind of seeing a pattern here. What was to keep your dear ex from offing daddy then offing son?     And it still wouldn’t make him Firelord.      Also, being an herbalist means you know how to knock off people with an untraceable poison? Did mommy teach you that in between teaching you had to make a salve for rashes and a tincture for toothache? I really want to know how those lessons went down.  9. Ah yes. Ozai. Being in jail must have soften your head. Why would Ursa, who is standing outside your cell, have to grovel?
10. Why wasn’t Zuko killed with that blast? 11. How come Ty Lee can’t chi-block Azula? 12. How did Suki “secure” the palace. (not well) Does it really take a genius to figure out that she needed to look in Kiyi’s room for clues? 13. How did Kiyi hear Zuko through a thick door? How does Zuko hear Kiyi and neither Ursa nor Ikem wake up? And how did Zuko’s presence loosen Ursa’s grip? Was another room all made up and readied for Kiyi? How did Azula know which of those rooms Kiyi was in? (And no, knowing the palace like the back of her hand means she could negotiate it in the dark, not that she would know where Kiyi was sleeping. Same for all the other children. After all their costumes weren’t exactly low profile, and throwing smoke everything is also not very low profile.) 14. Ursa’s talk with Iroh over how he got over the death of his son. Her kids not even gone 24 hours, and there is no sign Kiyi’s death and she’s already planning on how to get over her mourning.  These final two are Azula centered, however they aren’t about how Azula got ripped of her redemption, or how her redemption was too slow. The opposite.
15. Ah yes, here’s a girl who has several psychotic episodes over the course of what? 24 hours? 48 hours? Yet a sojourn alone in the woods cures her. Medical breakthrough! 16. Speaking of that sojourn. She has no money, change of clothes, or even her purse. She’s hallucinating wildly. I’ll forget the lack of blankets and food. She’s smart enough to forage.  And in one or two months time she is able to:    a. get out of the woods.    b. get back to wherever the hospital was.    c. free six women from the hospital.    d. get back to the capital.    e. freak Ukando into helping her.    f. create a hideout complete with 7 or 8 bunk beds (at least), rugs, linens, a table, chairs, I’m guessing places for her friends and herself to sleep as well.    g. develop smoke bending.    h. obtain gas and some method of using that gas to knock kids out but not permanently.    i. figure out a way that that she and her fellow kidnappers don’t knock themselves out.    j. get costumes.  k. and there is a huge difference between the eye patches and the masks. They don’t have peripheral vision in those masks. Try it out yourself with a patch and a made up hard mask that covers the whole face save for a small hole for one eye. Yet they all negotiate just fine thank you. Without even turning their heads. Maybe the stone like masks were actually like one way mirrors, in which case, she scores again!   l. teleportation! via smoke. My fave. She invented teleportation.  m. kidnap 14 or so kids, and get them all to the cemetery. Did they all grown through the secret passageway or did they have to roll the dice? Either way, no one seems to have noticed three strangely dressed people rushing through the streets with a kid in their arms or at least have noticed and connected it to the kidnappings. There is actually so much more but I can’t think of them all right now. Why do I think the comics were poorly written? There you have it. It is not about how slow Azula’s redemption is taking, not at all. It is about poor writing.
47 notes · View notes
tomeandflickcorner · 6 years
Bonus- Star Wars Re-Watch notes
As a follow-up to the Star Wars reviews I’ve been posting for the past few weeks, I decided to post the notes I made during my re-watches for the movies.  The only movie that isn’t included among these notes will be the ones for Solo.  That’s because I wasn’t able to take notes in the thearte.
Hope you enjoy
Phantom Menace notes-
• I wonder if they’ll ever change the logo to 21st Century Fox. • So this all started with the debate on taxation for intergalactic trades?  Why does this remind me of how the revolutionary war started? • Hah.  Female C3PO. • Why is that catchphrase mostly associated with Han when everybody has had a chance saying it? • If they didn’t want them to be recognized as Jedi, why wouldn’t they go in disguise? • RIP, random unnamed people. • Force Power = Holding your breath for an extended period of time? • Hate to break it to you, Amadala, but I don’t think they’re interested in a peaceful negotiations. • Hi, Jar Jar! • Love that line, Qui Gon. • So, they just happen to be carrying underwater breathing apparatuses?   • If it’s that easy to enter the bubble houses, do many fishes accidently end up in there? • Oh, I love the elaborate fauna that exists in this world! • Did he just knock Jar Jar out with the Force? • How did the Queen manage to change clothes so quickly with the invasion going on? • I’m no expert, but I don’t think a contract is legal if it’s signed under duress. • Haha.  I gotta admit, I love that droid’s sass. • Surprised no one got grazed with all the gunfire. • Hi, R2! • That was a lucky shot. • R2 was catty even back then. • Of course everyone was blown up except for R2. • Lesser of two evils, I guess.  Reminds me of that scene from Avatar: The Last Airbender.  When Zuko and Iroh were trying to decide if they should risk getting caught by Azula or venture into the Earth Kindgom where they were considered enemies. • What’s Darth Maul’s story? • So, what’s the relationship between Naboo people and the Gungans?  Do they normally remain segregated? • Why would R2 be going with them? • Has Anakin never seen a young girl before? • So Watto’s species is naturally smarter than Gungans? • Why would Jar Jar think that a good idea?  Do they not have merchants in Gungan City? • Wait.  So….they can’t send transmissions, but they can receive them without an issue? • How can a protocol droid help his mom?  Especially since she’s a slave? • Also, how would Anakin have the time and resources to build one? • Revenge for what? • So you’re saying only Force-sensitive people can participate in Pod Races?  Or are humans usually less agile than other species? • Hang on.  So Watto enters this kid into the Pod Races, but he won’t let him build his own racer? • Great, a Jesus kid. • So, only Padmé cares enough to help free him from the jet engine thing? • How’d he get cut again? • Ah, the Midichlorian thing. • So, has Darth Maul been visiting every planet systematically?   • So, who’s Ani’s friend?  Why would he have come to the race when the other kids didn’t? • So. I’m guessing the main languages of Tattoine are Huttanese and Basic? • Hmm.  Are those flags representing the racers’ native planets? • What a dirty cheater!  He’s that threatened by this one kid, or is doing that to all the other racers? • Who’s the other Hutt with Jabba?   • And now we commence with the boredom. • Wait, was that Willow? • The Tuskin Raiders must be pretty bored to be waiting around to shoot at the racers. • What exactly is the route for this race? • Did he just Force Command that loose bit of pipe? • Well, that backfired on Sebulba. • JAWAS! • The Hutts must be pretty scary, if the threat of going to them is enough to get Watto to relent. • What kind of undershirt is that, anyway?  It looks like it’s made of sticks • Why were they running?  Did they know they were being chased? • Another small hint of who Padmé really is. • Why would she need to remember him?  Was it specifically stated they’d be parting ways? • You’ve known each other for three days.  Why would they care for each other already? • Did Jar Jar just comment on the Queen’s attractiveness? • Another costume change? • I like Mace Windu. There’s just something about him that puts you at ease. • He’s not as awesome as Yoda, though. • Is that Padmé or the decoy? • How old do you have to be to become a Jedi?  Do you have to be a toddler? • Never understood how fear could lead to anger.  Like, what if you’re afraid of leeches?  Or Vermicious Knids?  How would that fear lead to anger? • Awww.  They should have gone with Bali of Alderaan.  He’s a cool guy! • So, is Palpatine a native of Naboo? • Oh, is this where Obi Wan got the whole Point of View thing from? • How many times does this Queen change outfits? • What a twist! • So, the Gungans are basically canon fodder? • Is that the same technology they used to make the bubble city?  What exactly keeps the blaster fire out but lets actual people in? • Is that really the best hiding place Anakin could find? • Yeah, ‘I’ll try to override it,’ he says.  While reaching for the helmet.  He’s totally doing this on purpose. • Who keeps designing these places with walkways over gaping pits?  And not including railings?  Seems like a pretty stupid architectural flaw. • Yeah, but you can still go back to the planet while staying in the cockpit.  Just saying • What’s the purpose of these timed forcefields in this room?  Why were they installed in the first place? • What’s that supposed to do, dude? • Yeah, that’s a death.   • Why do we never see blood in these movies? • And of course the camera focuses on him when that question is asked. • What exactly is that static light ball?
Attack of the Clones Notes-
• So, basically, a bunch of planets are declaring themselves independent from the Republic?  Why does this sound like how America declared independence from Britain? • Hi, R2! • Wow!  Spoke too soon, dude! • Ah, so Padmé is still using decoys.  RIP, Decoy Lady. • Hmm.  Is Yoda suspicious of him?  That look he gave Palpatine just now… • So it’s been ten years since Phantom Menace? • Oh, Anakin.  Stop flirting with her. • Um…it might not be a smart idea to have this argument in front of them?  Just a suggestion. • Anakin’s attraction to Padmé seems very creepy to me.  He met her when he was nine.  And they haven’t spoken since then.  That’s not love, that’s obsession. • How’s that for a wake-up call? • Haha.  ‘You’ll be the death of me.’  Nice foreshadowing, movie. • The Death Sticks scene. Classic. • Yeah, Jedi Masters.  I respect you and all.  But it’s probably a bad idea to send the hormonal 19 year old to act as bodyguard to his crush. • Shut up, Anakin.  You could use a healthy dose of humility. • You’re not grown up!  You’re 19 years old! Talk to me in 10 more years. • So, what’s the story behind Obi-Wan’s friendship with this Dax character? • Wait.  If Droids could think?  Is Obi-Wan racist against Droids? • Was that a sex joke? • Well, aren’t we overly confident, Librarian Lady? • Wow.  Seems like everyone is racist against Droids. • Yoda, I love you. • So they really needed a kid to point out that the information about this planet was erased from the archives?  That doesn’t say much for the adults in the Jedi order. • So on Naboo, the Queen is more of a president? Serving a few terms and then stepping down to allow a new ruler step in? • Is this the new Queen of Naboo? • Oh, Anakin.  Shut up.  You’re kinda unlikable. • That’s right, Obi-Wan.  Play along.  Don’t let them know you’re completely in the dark. • Padmé, how can you be seriously charmed by him?  He’s being really creepy. • Ah.  A bounty hunter is here.  And you’re looking for a bounty hunter.  Coincidence? • Suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that these clones look like Stormtroopers? • Are they really swapping first kiss stories? • You’re talking about a dictatorship.   • And Padmé is on the same page as me. • PADMÉ!  THE WARNING BELLS AREN’T GOING OFF IN YOUR HEAD AFTER THAT REMARK?!  HOW TIGHT IS THAT BRAID OF YOURS?  I THINK IT’S CUTTING OFF THE BLOODFLOW TO YOUR BRAIN! • Yep.  There’s the bounty hunter’s armor. • Am I supposed to ship these two?  Cause I really don’t. • So. This order was made ten years ago.  Right after the end of the last movie, perhaps? • You’re telling me that Anakin never was allowed to visit his mother at all in the past 10 years?  I know Jedi mandate means you have to let go of your past, but come on. • Hello again, Watto. • Saturn Planet!  Saturn is my favorite planet. • Baby Boba Fett is a very violent child.  Laughing when he thinks his father just killed a Jedi. • Who finished building C3-PO? • Ah.  Young Owen and Beru.   • Why exactly would Tuskin Raiders abduct a woman?  For what purpose? • Padmé is still changing her wardrobe in every single scene.  Where does she get all her clothes?  Does she have a team of seamstresses following her everywhere and making these things for her? • Cameo of the Jawas. • So these are the Separatists. • Oh, of course she doesn’t die until right after Anakin gets there. • Ooooh.  Darth Vader theme. • Anakin, everything must die someday.  It’s the natural order of things. • Sooo…..no concern over how he just confessed to committing genocide, Padmé? • Who do the other two graves belong to? • So it’s Padmé’s fault Anakin is defying the Jedi Council. • So Count Duku was the Jedi who taught Qui-Gon? • Well, the Jedi didn’t sense Darth Maul before he appeared before them.  So it’s not that impossible that Darth Sidious eluded detection, too.  Just saying. • So, what does Yoda think about Palpatine getting these supreme powers? • At least the décor for this epic battle scene makes sense.  They’re in a robot manufacturing factory. • R2 can fly now?  When did that become a thing? • How do you know R2 is always getting into trouble, 3PO?  You’ve spent next to no amount of time with him outside of Tatooine. • You cut that a little close, R2. • Gotta admit.  First time I saw this movie, I thought this was going to be how Anakin lost his hand. • Wow.  So, we’re about to die.  Now will be the perfect time to admit I’ve been falling in love with your creepy, obsessive personality. • Obi-Wan’s sass is delightful. • Oh, I LOVE the creatures in this world!  And I really want a pet Nexu. • Smart move, Padmé. • Another Force Power- the ability to tame animals.  Awesome. • Mace Windu is awesome. • Ouch!  Yeah, that’ll leave a mark! • 3PO really is pointless. • Perfect timing, Yoda.  You’re the best. • Um… Is Daddy Bounty Hunter’s head still inside his helmet?  Baby Boba Fett is going to have quite the job scrubbing the blood off the interior • Death Star blueprints! • Does Yoda sense something? • You kinda asked for that, Anakin.  Only fools rush in. • Why do they never bleed when they lose a limb? • YEAH!  GO YODA! • So Yoda taught Dooku, who taught Qui-Gon, who taught Obi-Wan. • And Dooku escapes, despite everyone’s best efforts. • Imperial March theme! • Still don’t get why Padme fell for this creep.
Clone Wars notes-
• Ha!  Text crawl! • Oh, no text crawl • What is this?  A documentary announcer? • Jabba the Hutt has a son? • Why is it always Obi-Wan and Anakin?  Oh, right- they’re the main characters. • What was it Mace Windu said about Jedi?  That they were keepers of the peace and not soldiers?  That’s sure changed.  Obi-Wan is a general now. • Wait.  Did Obi-Wan say he got a new Padawan?  I thought you could only have one Padawan at a time.  That’s what they said in Phantom Menace. Isn’t Anakin still Obi-Wan’s Padawan? • Wait, she’s Anakin’s Padawan?  How?  I thought only Jedi Masters could train Padawans.  Since when is Anakin a Jedi Master? • How old is Ahsoka Tano supposed to be?  Anakin is saying she’s too young to be a Padawan.  But he was nine when he started training under Obi-Wan. • Jedi don’t run?  That seems like a dumb rule? • Oh, Obi-Wan.  You’re kinda extra, aren’t you? • How does it feel to deal with such an impulsive, headstrong Padawan, Anakin?  Now you know how Obi-Wan felt. • I just noticed.  Since when does Anakin have a purple lightsaber?  Yeah, his lightsaber broke in Attack of the Clones, but….didn’t he have a blue one in Revenge of the Sith? • And Anakin is still a jerk. • Does Anakin have a grudge against the Hutts?  Considering he lived on Tatooine…. • Wow.  That’s brutal! • Hmm...  I kinda like this background music. • Aw, a Pink Astromech droid with R2?  I ship it! • Too bad you never learned the lesson about humility, Anakin. • Is the protocol Droid Jabba’s utilizing the one we saw being ripped apart in Return of the Jedi? • So who’s this lady? • We still have an hour left?  What more is there to say?  They found the Baby Hutt. • Oh, that’s a diabolical move, Dooku.  Framing the Jedi for the son’s kidnapping. • Does Baby Hutt speak yet?  If so, he’d be able to set the record straight to his father. • Wilhelm Scream! • Why does he call her Snips?  I think I missed the reasoning for that nickname. • Props to this guy.   That was a brave move. • Do they know Mystery Lady? • Captain Rex is pretty cool. • I guess Baby Hutt physiological system isn’t compatible to this planet.  Is that why he’s sick? • Seriously, who is this Vestris person? • Okay, I know the Soldier Droids are the bad guys, but they’re hilarious. • RIP to those guys. • Well, that some getaway. • Wow, she’d make a good babysitter. • Ohhhh.  He was remembering how the Tuskin Raiders killed Shmi, wasn’t he? • Wow.  So you’re claiming that Baby Hutt is dead now? You’re gonna look mighty silly when he shows up alive and well. • Oh, hi, Padmé.  I didn’t think you’d appear in this movie. • Did R2 complain like that the first time he went to Tatooine?  Just saying, he’s been there twice before.  By now, you’d think he’d be used to it. • Wow!  They’re playing a different song? • Hey, who’s this voice actor?  He sounds familiar. • Well, that didn’t accomplish anything. • Oh, don’t get Anakin started on sand, Ahsoka. • Ah, maybe that scene wasn’t so pointless. • Oh.  Uncle Hutt is helping Dooku.  Now it makes sense. • How are you going to get out of this one, Padmé? • Hehe.  I like Baby Hutt. • Ah.  So 3PO now hangs around with Padmé the way R2 hangs around with Anakin.  I find that interesting since 3PO later sticks with their daughter and R2 is closest to the son. • I knew it!  He sent Ahsoka ahead with Baby Hutt. • R2, I think Ahsoka could use a little bit of help. • Oh, I was gonna say.  I didn’t think 3PO would have come here on his own.   • Doesn’t Anakin speak Huttnese?   Why didn’t he react until after the translation? • Kinda ironic.  Anakin helps save Jabba’s son, and Anakin’s daughter will eventually kill Jabba.
Revenge of the Sith notes-
• Huh.  Another kidnapping plot • Kinda like how Obi-Wan has kept R4 as his signature Droid. • Um… you might want to keep it down, Obi-Wan.  R2 is still in enemy territory. • Why is Anakin listening to him?  The fact that he’s ordering the death of someone without a trial isn’t very befitting of someone who claims to be a fan of democracy • Again with the Tusken Raider sounds.   • Why isn’t Palpatine’s attitude making Anakin suspicious? • Wilhelm Scream! • Well, that was a conveniently placed open door in the elevator shaft. • Where did this Grievous guy come from, anyway?  They pretty much introduce him out of nowhere. • I just thought.  Where did R4 go?  Did I miss that? • Oh, I guess she was destroyed during that gunfight.  Shame. • Didn’t Obi-Wan try to discourage Anakin from getting too chummy with the politicians? What changed his mind? • Okay, I don’t ship these two, but I admit.  I can appreciate the situation they’ve found themselves in with this pregnancy • Ugh.  This sappy dialogue.  Gag. • So Padmé is planning to go in ‘vacation’ for a few months? • Wise words from Yoda.  Shame he wasn’t there after Shmi died. • Again, why isn’t Anakin’s attitude about less democracy causing more concern? • Since when does Palpatine need to be represented on the Jedi Council? • Yeah, Anakin isn’t a Jedi Master.  So why was he given a Padawan in the Clone Wars series? • Can we get that story?  The one that shows how Yoda is on good relations with the Wookiees? • It’s treason to spy on the Chancellor? Well, wasn’t he basically asking you to spy on the Jedi Council? • Oh, he’s a good man, is he?  Yeah, he only told you to kill Count Dooku in cold blood and then expected you to leave Obi-Wan to die.  Yeah, he sounds LOVELY. • Oh, NOW you’ve considered the possibility that you misinterpreted the prophecy? • I like how Padmé is also having her doubts.  Because the Republic has become more of a dictatorship than a democracy. • And no one is going to point out how that statement about being unable to let go of their power might apply to this guy?  The one who stayed in office longer than he was supposed to? • That sounds horrible.  Preventing people from dying. • Let me guess.  You were that apprentice, weren’t you? • Ugh.  The Wookiee roars. • Was that a Tarzan yell? • Does Obi-Wan know they’re secretly married? • Dracula alien? • Oh, I want one!  I want the bird lizard! • Nice.  Four lightsabers. • What was up with the camera zoom into the eyes?  Never do that again, movie! • Okay, so Palpatine isn’t even pretending he hasn’t studied the Force anymore. • Oh.  That was….a bit anti-climactic. • Okay, Anakin is doing the right thing here, reporting to Mace Windu. • Can they sense each other?  Is that’s what they’re trying to convey? • Welp, RIP to those guys. • Aw.  I liked Windu.  Booo. • Awww.  Yoda is sensing this. • Really hope Lizard Birdie survived that fall.  He seemed so nice! • Yep.  Yoda is really feeling it now! • Sorry, dude.  Yoda doesn’t go down that easily. • Oh, hi Bail!  Did Padmé send you? • Shame this kid didn’t make it.  He had guts, taking them all on at once. • So Chewbacca was around even back then.  I wonder what a Wookiee’s lifespan is. • Hey, don’t leave out the fact that the Chancellor is a Sith!   • Great line from Padmé. • Yoda’s already checked the security footage, hasn’t he? • I really get the feeling Obi-Wan already knew they married in secret. • Oh, so NOW she’s hearing the things he’s saying. • YEAH!  I love Yoda!  He’s awesome! • Okay, this scene is pretty heartbreaking, I will admit. • So, how far along is Padmé supposed to be?  If Padmé is visibly pregnant, did anyone ever wonder who the father was? • Yeek, Anakin is a stubborn one.  Burned alive and he hasn’t died yet? • Hi, Luke and Leia. • Nice POV shot there. • RIP, Padmé. • Oh, NOW you care about Padmé?  Didn’t seem that way when you were keeping her in a Force Chokehold • Okay, I get why they want to keep the twins hidden, but…. isn’t that kind of obvious, to send Baby Luke to his father’s stepbrother?  Granted they only met once, but…..you’d think that would be an obvious place. • So R2 didn’t get his memory erased.  Meaning he remembers ALL of this! • Awesome how they’re playing everyone’s theme songs over this sequence. • And I love this final shot.  Great way to end it.
Rouge One notes-
• Planet! • A Saturn-like planet! • I can’t remember.  Do they ever explain the significance of that crystal pendant? • Okay, I get that Lyra loves her husband and all, but why would she run out like that?  It seemed like they had this whole escape plan worked out.  Besides, she had a responsibility to be there for her child. • Well, I guess she figured this bloke would be there to step in, but still! • And now Jyn is in jail.  For what, exactly? • Ring of Kafrene.  This trading post place is on an asteroid, from the looks of it.  How do they maintain a breathable atmosphere? • Kyber Crystals? • Well, that was kinda a jerk move. • This planet is called Jedha?  Is the fact that it kinda sounds like Jedi relevant.  Based on that fallen statue, was this the site of a sacred Jedi temple? • I wonder what these other guys’ stories are…? • Okay, so they came here specifically to get Jyn?  How did they know she was there? • Hi, K2S0!   • So this is Yaven 4, right? • Wow, they got a good replacement for Mon Motha.  She looks just like the original actress! • Bail Organa!  Why did they give you the Luke theme just now? • And was that the other Rebel leader?  The one who briefs everyone before the battle of the First Death Star? • Hi, Tarkin.  RIP, Peter Cushing. • Ah, so this is the site of an old Jedi temple? • Okay, but what do you plan to do when you find out that he’s not lying, dude? • Hey, those are the guys from Mos Eisley!  Are they currently on their way to Tatooine?  Considering what happens to this planet in a couple hours…. • So, what’s this guy’s story?   I get he was once a guardian of the Jedi Temple, but….was he Force Sensitive but just didn’t have a Jedi to train him?  Because I’m guessing he sees through the Force. • Where’d she learn to fight like that? • Nice fake out. • Seriously, you can’t tell me this guy isn’t Force Sensitive! • Really wish we learned out how these two guys met. • Haha!  ‘Are you kidding me?  I’m blind!’  I love the humor in this movie. • Okay, I get you were trying to keep her safe.  But it was a jerk move that you went about it that way.  You could have at least been honest about why you were sending her away. • So, according to this movie, the Death Star has a ‘volume’ button of sorts. • I’m guessing these six are the only people who made it out of the area alive? • I wonder.  Did Yoda and Obi-Wan sense this event through the Force? • Ah, can’t do it, can you? • Dude!  That was uncalled for!  He just told you they had nothing to do with it! • How was this guy not initiated into the Jedi order? • This is actually pretty good social commentary on what war does to soldiers, and the dangers of following orders blindly. • Does Vader live on Mustafar now?  You’d think he’d prefer to keep off this planet considering he believes this is where Padmé died. • Okay, I’m a bit confused.  They want to keep the Death Star a secret.  So how was it a good idea to destroy an entire planet roughly a week later? • Well, you’ve done a 180, Jyn.  Just a short time ago, you were content to just live with your head in the sand. • Aw, Bail Organa.  Wanting to contact Obi Wan again.  Shame you had to remain on Alderaan. • Hehe. ‘Are we blind?!’ • Probably a weird thing to comment on, but why do only the Imperials have Mouse Droids?  Why doesn’t the Rebellion have any? • Maybe because you’re a blabbermouth, 3PO?   • Nice that their arc has been completed; her giving him the blaster. • Gotta say, Cassian.  That was pretty stupid, calling him on the comlink at that precise moment.  If he closed the door, don’t you think there might have been a good reason? • Hyperspace Tracking?  Really?  If they had eliminated that file when they did…. • Then again, there’s probably a copy on another planet.  Considering this base will be destroyed in a few minutes….. • RIP, K2-SO.  You were the best. • Same to you, Chirrut.   • That thing was straight out of a video game! • Wow, that IS a cool move! • That’s one chilling image. • Kinda satisfying that this punk can see his death coming. • So, I’m a bit confused.  Was Leia among the ships converging around Scarif?  I thought she was supposed to go fetch Obi-Wan.  Did she just decide to take a detour first?
A New Hope notes-
• This text crawl is even cooler now that we know the details of Rouge One. • Wait, this text says Leia is heading home.  But wasn’t she going to Tatooine to fetch Obi-Wan?   Though I realize George Lucas hadn’t ironed out the details yet. • Always wondered what the story was with that other Protocol Droid.  The White 3PO. • How were they not hit while crossing the hallway? • Wasn’t R2 just with 3PO?  How’d he manage to distance himself long enough to meet up with Leia? • Hey, they mentioned the mines on Kessel! • What kind of insult was that?  What part of his statement warranted calling him a philosopher? • Pretty ballsy of Leia there, considering her ship just left Scarif. • Oh, shut up, 3PO.  You haven’t even traveled that far. • Eh, forget about him, R2.  You don’t need that whiny prissy pants.  He’s useless. • Jawas!  You know, I kinda wonder what they look like without those cloaks. • Well, that’s a convenient coincidence that they were both picked up by the same Jawas, despite going in different directions. • How does 3PO not know Leia?  Is the restraining bolt altering his memory? • And how would you know that, Beru?  Didn’t you only meet Anakin once in your life? • I never noticed how odd these scene transitions were. • What kind of a noise was that? • What? Since when did Anakin make any mention about wanting his son to have his old lightsaber? • So Palpatine has eliminated the Senate altogether? • Wait, he constructed it?  I thought the credit to that went to Galen and Krennic?  Who’s this clown? • Isn’t the Death Star already operational? • Yeah, so dangerous I won’t even bother going with you to assist you with my considerable powers. • Never quite understood what that orb thing was supposed to do. • I just thought.  Why did Luke not know about the Force until Obi-Wan told him when practically everyone else had a conscious knowledge of it?  Did his uncle purposely keep him in the dark? • So, what was this guy’s problem?  And how did they get off Jedha before it went boom? • Corillia mention.  Kinda cool how that ended up being Han’s home planet. • So the orb was a mind probe? • This scene seems pointless.  Didn’t the Greedo scene cover all of this?  Not to mention how Jabba is too small in comparison to how he looked in Return of the Jedi. • And it’s way too soon for Boba Fett to appear. • Didn’t they already buckle themselves in?  Kinda silly that they unbuckled again to visit the cockpit. • Yeah…. Weren’t they supposed to keep the Death Star from being noticed? • I wonder if Obi-Wan sensed the destruction on Jedha and Scariff, too. • Isn’t the exact same way Chewbacca lost against Tobias? • Luke, you didn’t even hear about the Force until a few hours ago. • What was with that smile, Obi-Wan?  Do you know something? • Heh.  Vader starts gesturing AFTER he’s done talking.  Bad dubbing work? • Interesting how everyone associated that statement with Han when everyone has said it. • Does Chewbacca know Obi-Wan was allies with Yoda?  We did see him and Yoda were pals during the Clone Wars. • I want a mouse droid. • And Vader senses Obi-Wan’s presence. • How does Leia know Obi-Wan goes by Ben now? • Well, him and the Emperor…..  Tarkin knows Palpatine can use the Force, too, right? • And Han just had to through in a loud yell as he jumped, didn’t he? • It’s just his imagination?  Then what made that sound, genius? • I can’t believe that worked!  Maybe it’s because of the whole Droid discrimination? • Huh.  So those guys walking past in the background obviously have no peripheral vision. • Yeesh, Leia.  Weren’t you on the Senate?  I hope you didn’t insult all other non-humanoid species like that. • Wilhelm Scream! • So Luke just happens to have a tether cord on his belt? • Hey, who’s that other Astromech Droid? • This lightsaber battle is kinda boring when you remember their last battle had them surfing down a river of lava. • Does anyone else find it strange how Luke didn’t seem shocked by hearing Obi-Wan’s disembodied voice? • Heh.  Gotta admire Leia’s decorum.  She could have easily been all ‘oh, boo hoo, the guy you met yesterday died.  It’s not as if your entire planet got blown up.’ • Big explosion for a one-man ship. • How on the world did you get all tangled up like that, 3PO? • Hey, don’t act like the Millennium Falcon can’t be tracked, Han.  Enfrys Nest was able to track it, remember? • Didn’t you already know about the weak spot, Leia?  Or are you still having doubts about Galen’s trustworthiness? • That was a pointless atmosphere shot. • Zebra Astromech Droid! • Kinda low-key disappointed we didn’t get a better idea of the friendship between Luke and this Biggs person. • Oh.  Calling the fat guy Porkins.  That was in poor taste. • Should have stayed on target. • Pride comes before a fall, Tarkin. • RIP, Biggs.  We hadly knew thee. • I wonder when Vader starts to suspect that this might be his son….. • I wonder what made Han change his mind.  Did he just decide he couldn’t ignore his conscience?   • Did he just call her Carrie? • I wonder who loaned Luke that outfit, considering he only came here with the clothes on his back. • So why doesn’t Chewbacca get a metal, too? • And the movie tries to create tension by not revealing R2 is okay right away…..
Holiday Special notes-
• Pretty sure this opening text crawl was added in by Star Wars fans and wasn’t part of the original broadcast. • Jumping right into the action with Han and Chewbacca evading Star Destroyers. • This introduction segment makes it look like this is going to be a Star Wars-themed variety show.   Well, if the shoe fits…. • I don’t remember most of these celebrities. • I want to know who decided against including subtitles in the scenes focusing on Chewbacca’s family. • Gotta say, it’s kinda hilarious.  This is supposed to be a holiday.  And they’re not letting the kid enjoy himself.   • Wait.  Do the Wookiees have garbage men on their planet? • Since when do they have cameras in the Star Wars universe that could enable them to have framed photographs? • Hey, the holographic chess board! • And the first pointless segment- Holographic acrobat parade. • And they’re giving the kid more chores.  I thought it was a holiday on the Wookiee planet.  Let the kid enjoy himself! • And Luke makes his cameo. • When did Luke meet these guys, anyway?  And why does he have to do maintenance on his own ship?  Doesn’t the Rebel Alliance have people for that? • Hey, if you’re not going to pay attention to R2’s warnings, you shouldn’t have asked him to keep an eye on the ship. • Well, that’s what you get for not listening to your Droid! • So….off-duty Imperials continue to wear their Imperial attire when they’re off the clock? • The Imperial guy couldn’t see right through that obviously coded message? • And they’re just recycling footage that never made it into the movie. • Okay, so are you going to stop forcing the kid to do chores? • Oh, no.  We’re getting a cooking show now. • I wonder what the rates are for shipping Bantha meat to other planets. • Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip, whip, stir.  WAAAAH! • How many arms does this cooking transgender lady have? • And back to Han and Chewbacca. • Now back to the Wookiees. • Why are you pronouncing Kashyyyk that way, guy? • Oh, it’s that merchant bloke. • Well, maybe they let you through because your ship wasn’t seen joining the attack against the Death Star. • Oh, goody!  He got me something electrical that I have to put together myself!  Exactly what every kid wants! • Oh, dear.  This segment. • They were aware that kids would be watching this, right?  I wonder how many parents went nuts and quickly changed the channel upon hearing what this woman was saying. • Is Grandpa Wookiee doing what I think he’s doing? • And she just starts singing.   Well, I guess it’s better than the….alternative.  They had to keep this Rated G, after all. • Oh, and we got Leia and 3PO. • How does everyone know Chewbacca’s family? • You can understand Chewbacca but not Mala? • Finally, 3PO is being useful!  Too bad he couldn’t act as translator through the rest of the special • Even though I’ve just met you, old man, I trust you! • I notice they never really explain what Life Day is. • FAKE OUT! • Oh.  The Nazi undertones are just seeping through the screen at this point. • And a Jefferson Starship music video. • And this is actually keeping the Imperials’ attention. • Well, then you’re a lousy general, guy.  If you can’t always control your men…. • Wait.  So you’re telling me someone makes animated cartoons about the members of the Rebel Alliance in this world? • Ah, a new planet.  Pannah. • Is that the Purplesaurus Rex? • And Boba Fett • Who puts a sleeping virus on an amulet? And why were they after the amulet in the first place? • What, he can’t even watch his cartoons? • Well, this is convenient, that the Droids can intercept a transmission that’s being made miles away. • No, he’s not Vader’s right-hand man.  He’s a bounty hunter.  So Vader just hired him. • They have stuffed animals of Banthas in this universe?  Wow. • Really?  We get an instruction video now? • So this world has Droids and Androids?  How come this is the only time we see an Android? • Maybe this is why.  Androids keep malfunctioning and breaking down. • Ah, more recycled footage. • Is this really required viewing for all Imperials? • Hi, Bea Arthur. • Does this guy have a volcano in his head? • And he has six fingers. • Oh, this guy.  Under normal circumstances, he’d be a bit of a jerk.  He’s the guy who thinks the waitress/cashier/etc. is flirting with him by simply being friendly, as per her job’s requirements. • Is there really that much Rebel activity on Tatooine for them to impose a curfew on the whole planet? • Bea Arthur sings! • Oh. Volcano Head stayed! • Dang it, Kid!  You can turn that thing off now! • Too late. • And he doesn’t immediately shoot the kid? • Ah, now Chewbacca and Han show up. • Wow, were Mama and Grandpa just standing around when Lumpy was being chased by the Stormtrooer? • Oh, this guy again. • What do you plan to do when they find the body? • What are they doing? • Now they’re in Snuggies? • Where are they? • Oh, no.  It’s an entire Wookiee choir! • Wait, where did all of you guys come from!? • Han, didn’t you just go back to the Falcon? • Do the other Wookiees even know who these guys are? • Tree of Life?  What are you….? • Oh.  Carrie Fisher is singing. • Chewbacca looks dead! • And random footage from A New Hope, reminding us we could have been watching a better movie. • It’s still going? • Okay, Chewbaca.  You and your family enjoy your invisible holiday dinner. • Finally!  The end credits!
Empire Strikes Back notes-
• Yeah, the Yaven 4 base was probably compromised anyway, since Vader survived the battle. • Wait, why is Luke leading them now?  Shouldn’t that be Leia’s job? • Ah, so Vader has figured out who Luke is, then?  Wonder what tipped him off?  Shame we couldn’t see his reaction to that. • Hmm.  I wonder how Luke adjusted to being on this ice planet, considering he spent his entire life on a desert world. • Wow, Tauntan Creature.  You couldn’t have warned him sooner? • I see you, movie, with you keep cutting to Leia so we can see her reaction to Han telling that other guy that he’s leaving. • Hehe.  I wonder what all those other random people were thinking as they passed by.  ‘Oh, boy, are those two at it again?’ • And when it comes to loyalty, Han gets top marks. • Well, that was convenient, that his lightsaber didn’t fall off before they reached the cave. • Didn’t Qui-Gon instruct you?  Well, I guess Yoda technically instructed you, too, as he taught you about Force Ghosts. • Aw, it’s Rouge Two.  *sniff* • So what earned this guy the prestige of being Rouge Two? • Ewwww.  George Lucas did know about the twist involving these two by this point, didn’t he?  If so, double ewwww. • Dang it, Chewbacca!  Why’d you have to alert the Probe Droid to your presence? • What were you going to say, Luke?  It looked like you were getting ready to say something. • So he can Force Choke Hold someone through a transmission.  Wow, that’s actually impressive. • So it’s official now.  R2 predominantly stays with Luke while 3PO is virtually claimed by Leia.  Interesting how the twins claim the droid the parent of the same gender had. • How did the Falcon get this damaged in the first place? • Would have been nice if they were able to tell us what R2 was saying.  Considering Basic uses a different alphabet. • I really do wonder if Han WAS secretly Force Sensitive . • Ah, our first hint of what Vader looks like without the helmet. • Yeah, you pretty much walked into that one, Leia. • Oh, and Tatooine wasn’t a strange place to find a Jedi Master? • So, obviously, Yoda knows who Luke is.   Meaning he’s acting like this to get an idea of his true nature.  But what about R2?  Wouldn’t he be able to recognize Yoda? • Ah, unplanned L3 reference. • What was with that third hologram that fizzled out?  Was the ship he was on that one that got hit? • Oh, was this how he figured it out? • Ah, Luke.  You failed Yoda’s first test. • So….that means Mynocks were living in the Space Worm’s stomach? • Why are you taking the weapons?  Yoda just told you that they weren’t needed. • So, obviously this was supposed to be symbolic of the fact that Luke could easily end up like Vader, but I wonder if it was also meant as deeper foreshadowing of who Vader really was…. • Hi, Boba Fett. • So, why exactly is Vader so interested in the Millennium Falcon? • Why does the Lightspeed feature still no work? • Dude, it was working!!!  Why did you give up? • Seriously, Han is really proving how cleaver he is in this movie! • Ah, Boba Fett anticipated that maneuver. • So, have Han and Lando met since the events of Solo? • Yeah, another.  That you didn’t bother to train at all. • I kinda like how we’re slowly but surely seeing Lando’s growing turmoil.  A nice lead-up to his final turn to good. • I wonder.  Does Vader recognize 3PO? • Hey!  Someone actually installed railings! • Ice Cream Machine!!!! • So, was that a garbage chute? • What exactly is Luke hanging from? An anti-gravity device? • Well, he probably didn’t think you were ready to know, Luke. • Wonder how L3 feels about the Falcon being piloted by Lando again.
Return of the Jedi notes-
• The Empire really loves their Death Stars, don’t they?  You’d think they would have decided to cut their losses. • Why no subtitles? • They really don’t tell 3PO anything, do they? • Oh, now they give us subtitles! • Wow, that scene was kinda dark. • Ugh, what is this song?  What was wrong with the last one?  Hasn’t Lucas heard that less is more? • Didn’t they say they were putting a restraining bolt on 3PO? • Hi, Lando! • So, with all the changes they made, they couldn’t make that effect look better? • How long were they waiting behind that curtain? • Yeah, how long has it been since the last movie?  Luke’s strength in the Force seems to have gotten stronger. • I wonder.  Does Jabba know he’s looking at the son of the Jedi who helped rescue his kidnapped son during the Clone Wars? • I wonder how long Lando was hiding out in this place.  How many sacrifices to the Rancor has he seen? • Aw, I feel bad for the Rancor keeper. • Well, that was an unceremonious way for Boba to go out • Aw, I REALLY hope Max Rebo got off before that barge blew up! • How is his training now complete?  Was he self-training between movies? • RIP, Yoda. • Oh, now he calls him Obi-Wan?  After he repeatedly referred to him as Ben prior to this scene? • So why couldn’t they inform Luke of his sister before?  I know they wanted to keep Leia’s identity a secret, but they could have mentioned a sister and introduced other potential candidates. • And Lando is a full-fledged Rebel, now? • Oh, Hi Mon Mothma!  Where have you been hiding all this time?  We’ve seen you helped found the Rebel Alliance with Bail Organa.  So why are we only seeing her now? • So, what was with Han’s feeling?  It’s not as if anything happens to the Millennium Falcon during the upcoming battle. • So Luke and Vader can sense each other’s presence, now? • This could be a good ride idea.  Endor speeder bike tour! • And enter the Ewoks! • This is even cuter when you realize Wicket is roughly 6-years-old in Ewok years. • Of course you didn’t sense it, Emperor Palpatine.  You underestimate the strength of family bonds. • What kind of animal was that? • Okay, I get the Ewoks have never seen a Droid before, but why do they think 3PO is a deity? • Hehe.  Luke is so amused by this. • So, they plan on eating the guys, but Leia gets the guest of honor treatment?  Odd. • I don’t get it.  They think 3PO is a god, but they don’t listen when he tells them to release Luke, Han and Chewbacca? • Is 3PO giving a full recap of the last two movies? • How does Leia remember Padmé at all, considering she died when she and Luke were only a few minutes old? • Oh, you’ve always known, Leia?  Then why were you kissing him in the last movie? • Well, would Padmé’s name hold meaning to you? • Bet that Ewok is having the time of his life! • Oh, Lando being clever and figuring it out! • Wow.  That’s a lot of Imperials. • Really?  They think it takes six troopers to capture one Droid? • And now that 3PO has served his purpose, he’s back to being useless and annoying • Ah, so Wedge is still around?  Wonder why he didn’t play a bigger role in the movies other than one of the Rebel Pilots. • You’re telling me none of the retreating Imperials paid any mind to Luke dragging Vader along? • So, who repaired R2? • Ah, the new ending. • Okay, I’m totally okay with showing the other planets.  But I do NOT LIKE this new ending music!  Give me the Yub Nub song! • And get that Haden Christianson Anakin off my screen!  Give me the original Sebastian Shaw Force Ghost!
Ewoks: Caravan of Courage notes-
• Oh, wow.  The old logo for Lucasfilm! • And we have a narrator in this movie? • And there’s a troll. • Are those ponies?   The Ewoks have Ponies, now? • With the narrator, this seems more like a nature documentary on Ewoks. • So this is Wicket’s family, then.  He has a father, mother, two older brothers and a baby sibling. • They have goats, too? • Wait, the little girl is back at the ship?  Then why couldn’t the parents find her before? • Haha.  The Ewoks really don’t like male humans, do they? • Strange bonding scene between the girl and Wicket. • She just said she didn’t feel so good, Mace.  I think it’s obvious she isn’t okay. • Ah, Ewok Slapstick. • Wait, so is this the Tree of Life they mentioned in the Holiday Special? • Mace, probably not a good idea to stick your hand into a strange hole in a tree on an unfamiliar planet. • Yep, that’s what you get! • And now we get a ferret?  Why are all these Earth animals on Endor? • And now, Wicket is learning how to speak Basic? • Cindel, I know you’re a kid, but do the Ewoks look as if they have a starcruiser? • What do you mean, they’re just animals, Mace?  This is the Star Wars universe.  You must have seen other Alien species before.  And the Ewoks are clearly sentient. • Was that a werewolf? • Mace, is it really smart to sneak out in the middle of the night?  You know nothing about this moon, or what kind of nocturnal wildlife there is. • And now you’re building a fire?  Wow, you’re dumb! • Finally! A strange Star Wars creature!  Though the effects are laughable, compared to the Rancor. • And now the Ewoks are there? • So Lokrey the Shamin…can use magic?  Magic exists in the Star Wars universe?  Or is what they’re calling magic actually the Force?  Can Ewoks be Force Sensitive? • The Giant Gorax, huh? • And the other Ewoks speak Basic now, too?  How did they learn to speak Basic so well? • Okay, that was a nice moment.  The Mama Ewok knowing her husband and sons are heading off on a journey they might not return from and reacting to it in an understandable way. • So we got Legendary Ewok Warriors, now? • So Deej and the two older brothers just get winged headdresses?   What purpose would those serve? • Why do you think there’re stopping, Mace?  They’re picking up their final band member. • Ah, a female Ewok.   • So….what was this test supposed to do?  The crystal turns into a lizard and then it’s a mouse?  What did that mean? • And what’s the deal with this lake?  How does it trap people below the surface?  A little context would be nice, Narrator? • And we have a legion of Tinkerbells? • HAHA!  I like that one Ewok.  He just looks around at all the mayhem and decides to just go back to sleep. • So the fairy thing feeds on laughter?  Is that what this supposed to convey? • That’s one powerful blaster to obliterate a rock. • Mace doesn’t recognize a spider web? • Okay, you destroyed the web.  But how do you plan on getting back? • Did the spider survive the fall, or is this a different one? • So, two Ewoks weigh the same as a human? • Nice fake-out, movie. • Yeah, that’s right.  You chopped down the spider web bridge. • So the Tinkerbell thing has a point in the movie. • Well, you got over your sorrow quickly, Mace. • Ah.  So you’re all just going to Tarzan swing across the gorge? • Didn’t the rest of the Fairy Family get absorbed into the candle? • Ugh, what a sappy ending line from Mr. Narrator.
Battle for Endor notes-
• And we open on Cindel and Wicket • Hey, the principal from Breakfast Club! • And Wicket speaks fluent Basic now. • They have school in the Star Wars universe? • And we’re jumping right into the action. • She can turn into a crow? • She seems remarkably calm for someone whose mother and brother died. • Kid, your whole family is dead.  I think it’s okay if you cry a little. • So the Ewoks are putting all their hope in Wicket and a 6-year-old?  (I don’t know how old Wicket is in Ewok years, but I’m guessing he’s still a kid, too.) • And people say the Stormtroopers have horrible aim? • Um…. They’re not the least bit concerned by the pile of loose bones? • So you plan on catching the flying creature on a glider? • And they’re completely unharmed after crashing?  At least have Cindel get some scrapes and abrasions. • And what is this guy supposed to be? • Cindel, you’re way too trusting.  For all you know, this guy could be in league with the guys who killed your family. • Yes, this is a great idea.  Go into someone’s house and immediately start snooping around. • Yeah, I get where this guy is coming from, but he’s not the least bit curious as to why this little kid is all alone? • Dude, they’re the ones who made the muffins! • Heh.  He used reverse phycology just now, didn’t he? • Did I miss the part when they introduced that critter as Teek? • Well, we’re finally seeing Cindel experience some psychological scars. • So, I guess these guys don’t get how technology works and think it’s a magical talisman? • You can make a pie out of flowers? • Also, weren’t you going to go looking for where the Ewoks are being held?  But instead, you go flower picking? • Noa, aren’t you the least bit concerned as to why they’re out in the woods without their parents? • Heh.  Nice callback to the last movie. • And I guess Wicket has completely forgotten all about his family, and how they’re all probably being tortured and killed. • Okay, she can’t sing, but she’s only 6, so it’s okay. • And the Witch Lady found them? • Cindel’s the only one who hears the voice calling her name? • Oh.  I hope that wasn’t a chamber pot. • Oh, now they hear the voice! • Again, Cindel is far too trusting.  I know she’s a kid, but still. • Yeah, how do you explain technology to people who only know about magic? • What exactly was in that water?  Alien Piranha? • Are they playing Sabbec? • Cindel!  Don’t you know when to be quiet!? • Well, that was a clever stunt. • Heh.  I see what you did there, movie.  Nice continuity in hearing the guards crying out when he cut the rope. • Noa, I don’t think it’s your place to put Wicket in charge of the Ewoks.  After all, his parents and brothers are probably there. • And the Ewoks now know how to use space cruiser guns? • Though I do like how the design of the gunner seats are similar to that of the Millennium Falcon.  It finally feels like a Star Wars movie. • Ah.  I guess that one is Deej. • Wow.  Sword vs staff. • Though what is that head carving on Noa’s staff supposed to be?   • Welp, that’s the end of that. • Oh, now Cindel is crying.  She didn’t cry when her family were murdered, but she cries when she’s saying goodbye to Wicket? • So Teek lives with the Ewoks now?
The Force Awakens Notes-
• Yeah, that makes sense.  Enough people looked at what the Empire did and said ‘yes, that was a brilliant idea!’ • Nice effect of the ship obscuring the planet there. • And there’s BB-8. • So, are we supposed to recognize this old man? • I almost commented on how this was the first time we saw blood in a Star Wars film, but I guess we kinda saw blood in A New Hope, when Obi Wan chopped off that guy’s arm. • So, what’s the story with this guy?  I get the feeling he was an old friend of the family.  Did he frequently have dinner with them? • I remember instantly liking this guy.  It’s the first time we saw a Stormtrooper, or any member of the Empire, having a reaction to what they were doing.  (Though the original Stormtroopers were all supposed to be clones of Jango Fett.) • So, was there a big battle on Jakku that we never knew about?  Considering there are all these crashed Star Destroyers lying around. • Wow.  That’s a really cool way to make food. • And an AT-AT Walker, too?  What happened on this planet? • How do people understand the beeps and whistles? • Does Poe know who this guy really is? • I see you cleaned the blood off your helmet. • Think I heard a Wilhelm Scream! • So these guys were raised from infancy, I guess?  Since they’ve only ever had numbers and not actual names. • I guess Luke’s name is even known throughout all of the First Order? • Were these the sinking sands that Rey was talking about? • I wonder how long he’s been walking through the desert. • Was there ever a headcount of how many applauded when the Millennium Falcon first appeared? • That was a risky maneuver! • Anger management, dude! • Also, I notice they mentioned the Falcon is a Corellian freighter.  Not many people acknowledge that. • Hehe.  The thumbs up from BB-8 • Hi, Han and Chewbacca!  Long time, no see! • A Raptar?   • Trillian Massacre? • Also, was there ever a book about how Han lost the Falcon? • Okay, cinematically, I get why these things didn’t eat Finn right away, but why didn’t he get eaten immediately like those other guys? • And they reveal who Kylo is in the middle of the film. • I think you impressed Han, Rey. • Heeee!  The holographic chess board! • This looks like a nice planet to live on! • So he knows Finn isn’t really in the Resistance. • What do you mean, she’s an acquired taste?  I loved Maz instantly! • Has nobody told this punk that Grandpa Anakin/Vader changed his mind and turned against the Dark Side? • So, what exactly triggers this vision of Rey’s?  Is it the fact that Finn leaving is making her remember how she ended up on Jakku? • How did Maz find the lightsaber?  Didn’t Luke lose it on Bespin? • They really love their Death Stars, don’t they? • Did Chewbacca ever use that thing before? • I think there was a book explaining the backstory between Finn and this other Stormtrooper. • Personally, I would have had the reveal that Poe survived be a bit more dramatic • So the Force can knock someone out now? • Ah, the Leia theme! • Oh, shut up, 3PO! • How long has it been since they saw each other? • Why were people apparently in an uproar over Leia not hugging Chewbacca?  She just did! • Awww.  I love the relationship between Poe and BB-8. • R2! • Who is this Snoke, anyway? • Bwaaahaahaa!  Kylo’s actual face looks weird.  This is the kind of face you’d think would be filled with acne. • I wonder what Rey’s Midichlorian count would be. • I LOVE THE STORMROOPERS’ REACTION!!!!! They’re like NOPE! • Hey, it’s Admiral Akbar!  And is that Nien Nunb? • Heh.  I kinda like how Han has become a believer in the Force. • Like that callback to A New Hope. • After all these years, they still use the same red alert sound? • When did Rey learn how to speak Wookiee?  Is it just because of her heightened Force Sensitivity? • Okay, I know that one character is Carrie Fisher’s daughter.  I wonder if she’ll play a larger role in Episode 9…. • Nice touch, showing Leia feeling Han’s death through the Force. • How exactly did they get ahead of them? • Interesting touch.  When the two lightsabers touch, it turns purple.  Nice attention to detail. • So now, the old Luke theme is Rey’s theme? • That’s cool, how she’s using the terrain in the fight. • Wait, why is the planet splitting apart again? • Oh, the fuel cells?  Was that because of Chewbacca’s bombs? • So, what exactly triggered R2 to wake up? • Is that someone’s grave?  Whose is it? • Hello, again, Luke!
The Last Jedi notes-
• The first time the Text Crawl is virtually pointless.  Absolutely no time has passed since the last movie. • Heh.  Is Poe just messing with him?  Ah, yes he is. • Haha.  Nice bit of humor with BB-8. • Okay, I get where Poe is coming from, but I think he’s letting his pride get the better of him here. • Yeah, they scored a victory, but at a cost. • Wow, that was an abrupt way to wake up from a coma. • Was nobody in the medical bay to stop Finn from walking around aimlessly? • Hahaha. • And the Porgs. • I just thought.  What did Luke do with his ROTJ lightsaber?  The one with the green blade?   • Oh, is it inside the submerged X-Wing? • Did Luke not sense Han’s death? • Seriously, did no one tell this guy that Vader turned good in the end? • Well, if you didn’t want to be found, then who created the map? • Oh, is that where the blue milk comes from?  These creatures? • That’s a big fish! • Is this the moment when Luke first realized Rey was Force Sensitive? • That’s a fair question, Luke.  Your sister and everyone else deserves an explanation. • Admiral Akbar! • Well, they did foreshadow this in Rouge One.  They had a file dedicated to Hyperspace Tracking in the Imperial database. • Oh, Leia and Kylo are sensing each other’s presence. • Mouse Droid! • Okay, this is an awkward scene, considering Carrie Fisher’s death. • Super Leia! • Haha!  Chewbacca and the Porgs. • This is a nice reunion! • Love the callback! • So they killed Admiral Akbar off-screen? • I don’t like Holdo. • Okay, first time I saw this, I wondered if that bomber who sacrificed herself was Rose’s girlfriend or something.  But they turned out to be sisters. • Hi, Maz. Bye Maz. • So they can communicate through the Force now? • I like the Caretaker Nuns. • Haha!  Luke, you nerd! • So, this island has a similar area to that cave on Dagobah? • Oh, so that’s why he didn’t sense Han’s death, then? • That is a good question. • Oh!  The rain crossed over! • Space horses! • Tragic backstory unlocked. • HAHAHA! • Luke does have a point.  The Jedi Counsel overlooked quite a lot. • Wait, so this guy could open the cell door at any time? • I can’t be the only one who is reminded of Trico when I see these guys. • So you killed your father because he was holding you back?  Is that what I’ve heard? • It’s like being in one of those mirrored elevators. • What is touching fingers supposed to do? • Yeesh. What a tangled web. • YODA! • Nice bit of wisdom from Yoda. • Wow, this movie is giving me whiplash. • Well, if they’d just TOLD HIM THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! • Okay, who even was Snoke? • Well, that was anti-climactic. • Dawww.  I want a crystal fox! • Awww, I love Poe and BB-8’s bond. • Millennium Falcon! • Does Chewbacca keep that Porg? • He just said that, dude! • Well, okay for you, girl.  But now everyone’s gonna die! • Okay, that scene is kinda hard to watch, considering…. • Haha.  That was cool! • Oh, NOW you figure that out! • Oh, they’re both sensing Luke dying? • Didn’t they already meet? • And there are the Jedi texts. • So now what?
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kristallioness · 7 years
Three’s a charm
Summary: Zuko asks for some love advice from his best friend, Aang.
Word count: 4,898
Author's note: You know how it's possible for one person to be your best friend, but you can also be someone else's best friend? Well, that's the kind of position Aang's in - Katara is his best friend (and vice versa), but he's also Zuko's best friend. I based my story on this. I honestly have no idea how I wrote this mess. I just sort of had an idea about Zuko feeling down because of not getting back together with Mai. I needed a reason for him to be sad about it, but I also wanted to write Aang and Katara going penguin sledding after everything that happened in the Southern Water Tribe. Then somehow Hakoda got mixed in that plot because he has to see what a good boyfriend Aang is for Katara (+ father-daughter moments) and he can be a second father figure to Zuko. So there's Kataang being adorable together, Zukaang and Zutara friendship, but the whole thing whirls around the Maiko relationship (without stealing the focus from what happens). It's such a mess, but it's sweet and heartwarming! I love everything in it - how each relationship or friendship is portrayed and how the characters interact. I hope I did justice to them. The events continue from the ending of "North and South: Part Three".
"Aaahhh... What a few days, huh?" Katara wondered as she gazed over the railing of the balcony, down on the streets of the Southern Water Tribe where the citizens were walking along.
"Yeah. It wasn't the way I thought things would go when I came back here," Aang agreed with her, subtly taking a step closer to her as he leaned on the railing in a similar fashion. They were standing on the balcony of the building where all of their friends' and their own temporary apartments were.
"But, I suppose after everything that's happened and even though it still doesn't feel like home.. it's good to be home."
Aang noticed how Katara wore a warm smile. Her diamond blue eyes shined in the afternoon sunlight, filled with nostalgia. He gently laid his hand on hers, giving it a soft squeeze to get her attention. She gazed back at him, just like he'd hoped.
"You know, there's one thing we haven't done yet."
"Remember what the three of us said back at the Jasmine Dragon? Sokka wanted to eat some of your auntie Ashuna's blubbered seal jerky."
"Mhmm.. We both actually got a taste of that. As well as those snow leopard caribou that chased us."
"You wanted to see your dad," Aang continued talking while he wrapped his right arm around Katara's waist to pull her into his embrace. She nudged closer and bumped their heads together, supporting hers against his. She closed her eyes and released another hum of content at the mention of her dad.
"But I wanted to go.." Aang said, moving his lips close to Katara's left ear to whisper.
"..penguin sledding."
She burst out in a giggle fit and slightly squirmed in his hold.
"Oh, Aang! I'd love that!" Katara said ecstatically before she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He could've sworn that she took his breath away.
"Really?" Aang's grey eyes grew wide and he barely recovered from that kiss, feeling just as excited as she was.
"Of course! And I know exactly where we can find a flock of penguins. Come on!" Katara grabbed his hand and they ran back inside their shared room. They headed downstairs, outside of the building and were soon running along the same street they'd been staring at earlier, the sound of joyful laughter following them the entire way to the city gates. However, they didn't know that they were being watched by someone. Someone who envied what the two of them had.
"He-he.. They grow up so fast, don't they?"
"Head Chieftain Hakoda?" Zuko turned around with a jolt, surprised that he'd caught him moping on the railing.
"Please, just call me Hakoda," the warrior chuckled again and patted the Fire Lord's back as he joined him on the other side of the balcony. Hakoda watched how Katara and Aang reached the wall that surrounded the city and ran further towards a hill nearby. There were a few other kids scampering around on top of the hill, trying to catch a penguin they could sled down on. Zuko leaned forward, supporting his chin on the palms of his hands again, and sighed.
"Mind if I keep you company?" Hakoda asked as he rested his arms on the snowy railing, too. The wound on his right side might've been healed completely, but he still felt weak standing up straight for a long time. Zuko nodded and stared into the distance.
In the meantime, Aang had caught his first penguin and sat on its back, ready to sled down the side of the hill. Before he could go, Katara carried a little kid in her arms and placed the little one in front of him so they could ride together. She gave the pair a slight push and the kid released a loud screech as the penguin headed downhill.
"What are you doing here all alone? I noticed you left the feast much earlier than everybody else."
"Oh, I was just.. I was done with my plate and I didn't wanna bother your family.. Besides, that 'bear' of the Earth King's really creeps me out," Zuko visibly shuddered at the thought. He exhaled a puff of flames with his breath of fire, trying to even his breathing to keep himself warm in the freezing climate.
"Don't be silly! From what I've heard from the kids, you're a part of the family. You shouldn't feel like you're not welcome here."
"Really? You think I'm a part of your family?" Zuko stood up a bit straighter, his golden eyes growing wide with surprise. He hadn't even gotten used to having his own royal family reunited back home. He was already being accepted as a member into another one. A family he and his nation had caused so much suffering. He thought he didn't deserve this.
"Of course. I heard what you did to save my daughter's life. She's told me so much about Team Avatar and all the things you've accomplished together. You belong in this family, too," Hakoda assured Zuko, laying a supportive hand on his shoulder.
"Gee.. I don't know what to say.. I'm touched," the Fire Lord shrugged as he found himself lost for words.
"Thank you, Hakoda."
The two world leaders shared a grateful smile and fixed their gazes back towards the hill outside of the city borders. Aang and the little kid, who'd gone penguin sledding with him, had both climbed back to the top to find their next penguin. Katara was already sitting on one and she waited till Aang caught another for his own ride. He guided the bird right next to his girlfriend's, giving them a push at the same time. They screamed with joy while making their way down. Zuko's smile slightly faded away. Hakoda noticed it.
"But that's not the only reason you're here.. right?" he quirked an eyebrow. The Fire Lord took a deep breath and sighed once more. He shook his head.
"I really messed things up back home."
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Hakoda offered, but Zuko merely continued watching how his best friend was having fun with his own girlfriend. Aang lifted Katara on his arms, carrying her as he began jumping back up the hill by giving them a boost with his airbending, which sent them flying high in the air with every leap. Katara's screeches showed that she was enjoying it. Hakoda couldn't help but smile as he waited for an answer in silence.
"It's complicated.." Zuko finally blurted out in a rather sad tone. Hakoda nodded as if he understood what the young man was going through. He did, though. The last year together with Malina had been an emotional roller coaster for him.
"What was her name again? Something with an 'M'?"
The way Zuko pronounced her name, his voice sounded full of yearning and regret. He missed her so much. It reminded Hakoda how Katara had reacted when Aang woke up from his coma. How protective she was of him. How she was determined to go after him when he ran away again. How she'd offered him comfort and support after the invasion plan failed. How she'd hugged him only a few days ago when they reunited after being apart for some time.
The Head Chieftain watched as his daughter went penguin sledding with her boyfriend one more time before deciding to give the Fire Lord some privacy.
"Well, whatever it is that has come between you two, I hope you'll work things out," Hakoda patted Zuko's back, then turned around to leave him alone with his thoughts.
"Thank you, Hakoda.." Zuko said once more, prompting him to stop for a second to smile back at him. After that, Hakoda carefully walked out of the Fire Lord's room, holding onto his right side while going down the staircase. The pain hadn't subsided completely. By the time he made it outside, he felt so tired that he couldn't go any further. His body hadn't replaced the amount of blood he'd lost recently. The chief decided to take a break on the steps leading inside the house, hidden in the shadows provided by the support beams that formed a nice path for walking alongside the building.
Zuko, on the other hand, remained standing on the balcony, watching how Aang and Katara spent time with the other children while penguin sledding for almost half an hour. Soon they returned to the tribe similarly to how they'd left - laughing so loud and showing affection towards each other, which made many passers-by stare at them. They didn't mind at all.
"Ha-ha! But then the penguin jumped out of my way and I fell into a hole! The water was freezing!" Katara snorted and rubbed her arms as she retold a story from her childhood. A story about how she'd wanted to go penguin sledding with her father and failed to catch the penguin she'd chosen by falling into a hole that was cut into the ice.
"Ha-ha, I'm sorry that penguin tricked you!" Aang giggled with her.
"So, my dad came and pulled me out. If I'd known how to waterbend, I would've dried my clothes immediately. It took us ten minutes to get back home and another ten for my mom to change me and wrap me up in blankets! I had the most intense fever for a week!"
"Wait a second, I think you have a fever right now!" Aang played along and placed the palm of his hand against her forehead.
"Guess I'll just have to cool you down!" he declared and pulled her in for a tight hug, spinning the two of them around. Katara giggled with joy as Aang put her down and supported his temple against hers, his hands wrapped around her middle whereas she lowered hers above his chest.
"Feel better?"
She nodded and stared into his shimmering grey eyes for a moment before taking a step back to give him some space. They entwined their hands and continued their slow walk. As Aang marvelled at the tall buildings on either side of the street, his eyes stopped at the one that he and the other guests were using for accommodation. He noticed Zuko looking at them outside on the balcony of his room, which was right next to theirs. Aang smiled and waved to him without Katara noticing. The Fire Lord waved back, but the airbender's attention turned to his girlfriend when she suddenly tugged at his arm.
"Dad!" Katara exclaimed and let go of Aang's hand to run to her father. She'd spotted him sitting on the steps, his figure looked rather weak. Aang hurried after her.
"Hey, kids!" Hakoda forced a smile as he saw his daughter and the Avatar approach him. Katara sat down on her knees in front of him and grabbed his hand.
"Dad, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Katara. A bit light-headed, but fine. Don't worry. My right side just started to ache a little."
"Where?" she took a seat beside him on the steps, quickly waterbending some water around her hands to examine him. Hakoda groaned as he lifted his hand, which he'd pressed against his side to ease the pain.
"Right here, where I was-"
"I know, I know!" Katara stopped him from finishing that sentence and laid her hands on the same spot. She didn't wanna remember that night, she didn't wanna hear him use that word. The memories were too fresh. Her father heaved a sigh of relief when the water began to do its magic.
"How does that feel, dad?"
"Much better.. Thanks, sweetie," Hakoda managed another smile and cupped his daughter's cheek. Katara smiled back, grateful that he was feeling better again. If he'd looked pale a minute ago, then the colour had returned to his face by now. She needed to get the blood circulating around the injured area.
"Is there anything I can get you, Hakoda?" Aang kneeled down in front of him, supporting a hand on the chief's knee. He was just as worried about his girlfriend's father's condition as she was.
"No, I'm fine. Thank you, Aang," he waved a hand, brushing off the airbender's offer. The boys continued to watch Katara heal him for another minute before he had an idea.
"Actually, there is someone else you could help."
Both Aang and Katara shared a glance.
"Who?" Aang asked as Katara resumed her work.
"What's the matter with him?" Katara wondered out loud, though her voice betrayed that she was worried about him, too.
"Well, he might've seen you two enjoying yourselves and not getting to be a part of that with his own girlfriend."
At that point, Katara started to blush. Aang didn't, he simply frowned.
"Oh.. We didn't know. But, what can I do?"
"Go and talk to him. He didn't want to share a lot with me. Maybe talking to someone his own age will help him get it off his chest. Someone who knows what he's going through a little better than me."
"Katara?" Aang turned his gaze towards hers, wanting to hear her opinion as well.
"Go, Aang. Talk to Zuko. I'll finish up here and join you later."
Aang smiled and stood up, almost ready to head upstairs. Before he walked past Katara, he squatted down next to her and whispered something into her ear.
"Can I kiss your cheek?"
The way he asked it made her giggle, but she nodded and allowed him to give her a soft peck on her right cheek. Hakoda had to stifle his big grin. He'd heard what Aang had whispered.
"Call me if you need anything," Aang added, stroking Katara's back before he stood up again and left her to tend to her father.
"I will, sweetie.. I will," she said, her face flushing, and watched him until his figure disappeared on the next floor. Aang hurried up the stairs to the highest floor and walked over to the door leading inside Zuko's room, guarded by two firebenders. They exchanged polite bows before the guards let the Avatar enter, closing the door behind him. He looked around the room - nothing fancy or any different than what he and Katara had in theirs. Same furniture, Water Tribe inspired decorations on the walls, a soft fur carpet on the floor. Everything a southerner, or northerner, could hope for in a cosy apartment.
Aang stepped behind the edge of the doorway leading to the balcony and peeked at Zuko. He was slumped over the railing, following the everyday movements of the citizens on the street. He'd never looked so downcast before, not since.. Well, Aang figured he'd looked downcast many times before. But this time was different, it was matters of the heart. What was he going to say to him? Was he really the right person to talk to about this? He didn't wanna interfere in that love triangle.
Aang shook his head to clear his thoughts, took a deep breath and sighed before he gathered enough courage to walk over to Zuko.
"Uhh.. Hey there, Zuko!" he gave him an awkward smile and waved his hand a little bit as he stepped beside the firebender.
"Oh! Hey, Aang!" he barely looked at him before turning his gaze back on the streets.
"Soooo.. what'cha doing?" the airbender asked, perhaps a bit too cheerfully, as he leaned on the railing, too.
"Nothing.. just thinking."
Aang pouted that Zuko didn't even look at him, a sad frown forming on his face. This was going to be a fun conversation. He exhaled loudly on purpose, trying to get a reaction from his friend, but failed to do so and started to stare at random people walking along the street. There were a few carts parked on one side, two middle-aged women, one of them plumper than the other, selling some meat. Aang saw Pakku come out of his waterbending school, followed by Siku and Sura, who seemed to be having a lot of fun now that they were more cooperative.
He also remembered that Katara was taking care of her father, probably right under his feet a few floors below. Aang teetered over the edge of the railing for a second to see if he could see them, but they were nowhere in sight. Probably hiding in the shadows, still sitting on those steps. Zuko put them both out of their misery when he ended the excruciatingly long silence.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"With Katara. How do you not break her heart?"
"Oh.." Aang scratched the back of his bald head. He'd prepared some things to say, but he hadn't expected the discussion to turn into this.
"You're still thinking about Mai, aren't you?" he started, trying to make an approach that'd feel more comfortable for him.
"Just answer the question!" Zuko spat out a bit too angrily, for both Aang and himself. Yelling at his best friend was the last thing he wanted to do right now. He'd scared Aang so much that he'd retreated a few feet backwards.
"Sorry.. I'm sorry," Zuko said as he averted his gaze, feeling ashamed. Aang inched closer.
"Umm, it's okay.. And to answer your question, well..." the airbender gulped and paused, slightly tugging at the collar of his yellow robe, like there wasn't enough air for the two of them to breathe up there.
"For starters, I don't lie to her. At least I try to be honest with her about my feelings. And we talk to each other about our problems."
Zuko eyed Aang before he hung his head a bit. That was his first mistake. Even when he was honest with Mai - using her own words - he ripped out her heart, albeit for a good reason. When he felt confused, manipulated by Ozai, he tried to figure it out on his own and thought that he was doing the right thing by protecting Mai when he lied to her. He broke her heart again because he didn't open up to her. Not the best advice he wanted to hear.
"What else?"
"Well.. I think more about how I can make her happy than how not to break her heart. For instance, we just came back from penguin sledding."
"Yeah, I saw you. But what's so special about that?" Zuko raised an eyebrow questioningly.
"That's the first thing we did together on the day we first met."
"So kind of like a first date, huh?"
"Yeah, I suppose you could put it that way," Aang blushed and rubbed his arms, a loving smile forming on his lips at the fond memories. Zuko noticed how his face softened, he tried to hide his envy with another sad frown. When was the last time he'd done something fun or romantic like that together with Mai? Just to see her not so reserved or expressionless? Something that'd make him feel what Aang was feeling right now?
"Okay, I'll ask in a different way.. Do you have this special kind of feeling when you think of how much you love Katara? Like, you two are meant to be together no matter what?"
Aang stood up straight and looked at the clear sky above, leaving Zuko waiting in suspense. Now it was his turn to formulate an answer.
The silence also made Katara nervous. The boys weren't aware that they were talking loud enough for their conversation to be audible all the way down to the street below. Katara and Hakoda remained sitting on the steps side by side and they could hear every word. She'd finished healing her dad a while ago, they were almost ready to head back to her Gran Gran's igloo when they'd overheard Aang beginning to talk to Zuko. Katara was the one who insisted on staying.
She pricked up her ears, waiting for Aang to speak. His voice echoed soon.
"After everything we've been through.. Yes, I do."
Katara felt like her heart skipped a beat. She released a breath she hadn't realized that she'd been holding in the entire time. But Aang went on.
"I feel like.. like I couldn't live without her. Katara's the only one who can take my breath away when we kiss. Thinking about her lets my emotions flow like water. She can drown away my sorrow or calm down my rage. She keeps me grounded when I'm having trouble getting my head out of the clouds. Her passion to fight for what we both believe in fuels my inner fire. She's so strong and caring and beautiful. I just-" he stopped. Katara covered her mouth and waited, on the verge of tears. She heard him groan, but it wasn't an annoyed or angry one. It showed how much he was struggling to find the right words to describe his feelings for her.
"I love Katara so much. She means the world to me," Aang finished in a loving tone. At this point, Katara began to cry. She tried, she really tried to hold back her tears in front of her dad, but what Aang said was too touching. No wonder he remained silent for so long if he came up with such a poetic reply.
Katara squeezed her eyes shut and, just like Aang had described, let her emotions flow like water. Hakoda wrapped an arm around her to pull her in for a hug. She buried her head in the crook of his neck, a few sobs escaping her mouth as she tried to regain her composure.
Hakoda tilted his head, trying to get a better look at his little girl. He was right, she'd grown up so much. He wiped away her tears of happiness by softly grazing her cheeks with his glove. She blinked her diamond blue eyes and sniffed as she stared back at her father. Hakoda didn't say anything because he knew that Katara wanted to listen. He simply gave her a loving smile and held her close as they continued eavesdropping.
Aang supported a hand on Zuko's back. His answer didn't seem to cheer him up one bit.
"And I'm sure that's how you and Mai feel about each other, too."
Zuko raised his head and stared into Aang's grey eyes. The gold in his shined in a familiar way, which reminded Aang of another reason why he loved Katara. She gave him hope. And now, he was giving it to Zuko.
"You sure?"
"After everything you've been through, I'm sure. But because of what happened during these last few months, you have to give her some time. Ukano betraying her family and going to prison for it, almost losing Tom-Tom.. Mai's been hurt more than enough. She needs to get her life back together. And if she feels that Kei Lo can bring her some happiness while she does that, you should respect her wishes."
"Argh!" Zuko growled, running his hands through his hair almost like he wanted to pull some of it out. He managed to pull out a few shorter loose ends from under his Fire Lord headpiece.
"They broke up, Aang!" he exclaimed. Both Aang and Katara gasped. Hearing how frustrated Zuko was becoming, Katara stood up and hastily rubbed at her eyes. It was time for her to throw in her two cents.
"Dad, I'm sorry. I-"
"Go," Hakoda nodded to her and watched how she hurried upstairs. Katara reached the highest floor in less than half a minute, bowed to the guards at the door and ran inside. When she reached the opening leading to the balcony, she remained hidden behind its corner and peeked at what the boys were doing. She wanted to see how Aang would handle the situation without her interfering. If he needed help, she'd join them.
"I'm sorry, Zuko.. I didn't know," Aang dropped his gaze, but this time instead of retreating, he took a step closer and wrapped an arm around Zuko's shoulders. His tensed up body took a more relaxing stance.
"Suki told me a day before my departure. She hadn't taken it well. She doesn't deserve any of this.."
Zuko knew Aang was right. He hated that some of those things that'd happened were partly his fault. He'd understand if Mai needed some time. But he was impatient. He hated to wait. He knew what mistakes he'd made and he was ready to learn from them, to move on. But Mai didn't want to move on. Every time she let someone too close, they ended up breaking her heart. Of all people, she couldn't let Zuko so near her again so soon.
"I know it isn't easy. Believe me, I do. I was in a similar situation with Katara not long before the war ended," Aang attempted to console him.
"What do you mean?"
"Remember when we all went to see the Ember Island Players? There were some parts of the play that really frustrated me, so during the last intermission we ended up talking about our relationship and where we're going. Katara said that she was confused."
Katara's heart sank. She never really asked how he felt after that awful night.
"Hearing her say that really broke my heart. I was afraid that I'd messed up our chances when I kissed her and she ran away."
Hearing Aang confess that to Zuko broke Katara's heart. She clasped her hands together and held them above her chest. She didn't regret that she'd taken the time to come to terms with her feelings. But she regretted putting Aang through that heartache, especially during such a stressful time. When he was supposed to prepare for the most important battle of his life.
"It took me a while to understand why she said that. But I came to understand. And in the end, after the war was over, the waiting paid off. Look at us now.. If you're willing to wait for her, she will come back to you."
"Aang's right you know, Zuko," Katara finally stepped out from behind the doorway to join the two of them, a loving smile on her features. Aang turned around and smiled at the sight of her. He was glad and somewhat relieved that she'd heard what they were talking about.
"Katara!? I didn't.. You were..? What did you hear?" Zuko jolted around. He hadn't expected her to be eavesdropping on their private conversation.
"It's okay, Zuko. I heard everything.. and so did my dad," Katara laid her hand on Zuko's shoulder. The Fire Lord groaned and leaned on the railing again, trying to hide his face from his friends since his cheeks were a bit red now. He was so embarrassed that she'd heard about his love problems, too. Katara tried not to giggle. But when she spoke to him, he respectfully looked into her diamond blue eyes and listened to her.
"Aang told me everything that happened to your family ever since we parted ways. And I'm sorry to hear that. But in the end, everything turned out okay. Now all you've gotta do is give Mai some time. She'll come around. I know she will. She loves you, Zuko."
Zuko looked at both Aang and Katara for a second, finally smiling at them.
"Thanks, guys. For everything."
Zuko turned around and began to leave, heading back inside. He barely took a step before Katara stopped him by waterbending the snow under his feet, forcing him to do a 180-degree spin to face her again. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him tightly, followed suit by Aang. Zuko felt dizzy for a second and didn't realize what'd happened, but he hugged his friends back.
He was surprised when he felt a single tear trickle down the scar on his left cheek. He blinked to get rid of the other ones forming in his right eye and nuzzled his nose into Katara's hair. She felt it and understood that he was crying a little.
"Hey, you know what we should do to make you feel better?" Katara said in a low voice, but loud enough for Aang to hear her, too.
"What?" Zuko wondered.
"I doubt that you've ever gone penguin sledding before. Come on, we'll show you!" Katara grabbed Zuko's hand this time and dragged him after her as she ran inside, followed by a very happy Aang. As the trio reached the ground floor, Katara stopped outside to check on her dad. The chief had been taking it easy and resting on the steps, but stood up as soon as he saw the kids running down the stairs.
"Are you sure you're okay to go home on your own?"
"Don't worry about me. I'm feeling much better now, thanks to you," Hakoda assured his daughter, gently lifting her chin up. She smiled.
"You three go and have fun!"
Katara gave Hakoda a tight hug before joining Zuko and Aang, who watched her say goodbye to her dad. The Head Chieftain began walking the other way, but turned around after taking a couple of steps to see the kids one last time. He chuckled at the sight of his daughter and her boyfriend enthusiastically explaining how penguin sledding worked to the Fire Lord. Three best friends sticking together.
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mazarinrouge · 7 years
LOK: Art-I-ficial
Korra has an artificiality that makes it stale in comparison to ATLA. I could leave it at that, but I won’t because I love to elaborate. There’s a short way to explain this that I came up with: The Last Airbender has a simple plot so they could put more effort into the characters; LOK tried too hard to be ‘deep’ and ‘mature’ with its narrative, and failed to flesh out its characters because of it. I’ll go season by season of each show to explain what I mean. 
I will preface saying Korra definitely spent too much time trying to establish its comparative government/ideological allegory. Each “weekly villain” in Korra had their own philosophy behind them, the kind you learn about in high school. They’re not very far reaching or based on previously shown boundaries or backstories. They feel cheap, and the villains are cheap by extension because their ideas and the reasons for having those ideas and poorly written away. And a lot of the time in each season is spent with Korra getting angry at these already poorly fleshed out villains. It’s part of the reason she seems so brash and arrogant--because the villains are stupid too. In Korra, every single thing seems petty and over-dramatic. But anyway, 
ATLA Season One
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Premise: Aang must defeat the Fire Lord by summer’s end. He needs to master the three remaining elements beginning with waterbending. 
Development: Aang begins to mature and learns to be responsible for all the years he was gone. The gang discovers not everyone who dislikes Fire Nation is a good guy. Already beginning to deviate from a typical black and white narrative; there’s no strict good or bad. Aang and Zuko’s backstories are both revealed in a brilliant episode. Overall great execution explaining bending and the Avatar. 
LOK Season One 
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Premise: Korra must stop an apparently “evil” activist group, which is evil because the leader is evil. She is also going to backstage end all non-bender oppression. And she’s going to go up the ranks in a wrestling filler side-plot. And also there’s a love triangle. 
Development: Korra loses all of her bending, except not airbending, and then she got all her bending back anyway so losing her bending held no importance. She experiences her Lowest Point, which is being sad about not having bending and shedding a single tear. The love triangle did not end. The evil man dies. 
Already you can begin to see the problem here. LOK puts too much effort into having a beefy premise with a lot of intricacies--so much so that it cannot properly touch on all of them. A lot of Korra rides on having some revelating big evil thing lurking in the background. You never get to see it, but you know its there and you know Korra is mad at it. At least when she’s not busy being mad at Asami or at Pro-bending whatever. It’s odd how built up this premise should’ve been but signs of it were hard to trace as well. There’s not a lot of visually shown oppression against non-benders. Scattered bending street gangs are not systemic oppression, Bryke, c’mon. It would’ve been more dramatic and impending if you had Tarrlok arresting innocents much earlier on. But maybe it gets better! Let’s try again: 
ATLA Season Two 
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Premise: Aang has to learn Earthbending now. Can he do it? Can he find a teacher? Hmmm...
Development: Aang learns a whole lot more about controlling the Avatar state. More of Zuko’s backstory is revealed. Aang learns earthbending. Then he dies and comes back to life after we see Katara finally come close to at least accepting Zuko and forgiving him, learning to look past the fact he’s the Fire Prince. She promptly hates him again after his betrayal, but it’s still interesting and emotional. 
LOK Season Two
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Premise: Korra has this uncle and he likes spiritual things, but he turns out to be evil! He is evil because apparently a long time ago there were two flying carpets, and one was good and the other was evil. And the Avatar is the white carpet, and the black one is bad, and her uncle fuses with the black carpet because he is a bad guy! Also Asami has some sort of business side plot? And Korra has to resolve a lot of Water Tribe drama too, even though she is very bad at it. 
Development: I’m trying with this. Korra learns to go into the spirit world, but only if Jinora is around. She defeats the evil man, but only because Jinora helped her. White carpet is murdered? I think? Love triangle continues. 
Again, there is too much happening in the list of things the show writers have to present. The narrative feels cluttered. There is minimal development which only sets Korra back, so it’s more of a regression. The things she accomplishes are only accomplished because of the deus ex Jinora. Hmm. Well maybe season three is better.
ATLA Season Three
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Premise: Aang must find a firebending teacher, learn firebending, and defeat Ozai. 
Development: Azula’s downfall, revealing her inner emotions and then she breaks tf down. Shows Aang’s stress about fighting Ozai, his fear of defeat. Aang finds a way to defeat Ozai without having to kill him. Zuko gets on good terms with everyone in the group. Teaches Aang firebending and then Aang goes and takes Ozai’s bending away. 
LOK Season Three 
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Premise: There are three villains now. One is a combustion man copy pasted, also some arm lady, the other can bend lava or something, but none of those guys matter. They basically have no thoughts or emotions. But their leader, he’s bald and he likes ANARCHY. Because..he’s an airbender?? He likes airbending? So he likes ANARCHY YEA! And also,, also they’re part of the RED LOTUS which is like the White Lotus but ANARCHY!! What will Korra do to defeat them now!?!?
Development: The love triangle stops. Korra...I don’t know..gets PTSD I guess? Kills bad people
And then LOK has an extra season which is comparably better than the other ones, but it still has its own flaws. It continues the trend of having each season be its own ideology thing. It feels bland once you notice it. It makes it seem like the writers were too lazy to have a compelling narrative across several seasons like the other show. It makes Korra feel like a dumb shonen that can’t get its act together. Each season tries to act like Korra is struggling or learning something from these villains, but does she really? 
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Sounds like you're carrying around your former enemies. . . You ever consider maybe you could learn something from them?
I think LOK here is trying to make up for lost time. Because in all the other seasons Korra never reflects on what has happened. It just all comes and goes. She rushes in head on into an overly complex, poorly structured narrative and never gains any insight from what she experiences. Nor do any of the other characters. Not because Korra had a lack of insight, but because the writers forgot to give her any. 
TL;DR:  @LEGENDOFKORRA “You ever consider maybe you could learn something from ATLA?”
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zutaraverse · 7 years
Chapter 9: Badgermole Caught in the Sun
Chapter 9 of Blood, Chi and Full Moons: Find previous chapters here or: Chapter 1 Part 1 | Chapter 1 Part 2 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 Part 1 | Chapter 3 Part 2 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 Part 1 | Chapter 7 Part 2 | Chapter 8
Zuko decided that he rather liked waking up with Katara in his arms. They both slept late but woke up with the first rays of sunlight, stirring against the other's body. Neither spoke for a long while, simply enjoying their skin next to one another, the steady breathing and the comfort of the sheets. The grey dawn was racing towards daytime and they knew their respite wouldn't last, the chinks in the curtains allowing light to fall across their features in the stillness of the room.
As the morning sounds started up around the palace, they both knew they could hide no longer. Zuko sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawned. He looked back at Katara still lying down, the bed sheets pulled down to her hips by his movement. Zuko's breath hitched in his throat at the figure lying beside him. This was nothing like anything he had felt with the other girls he had woken up beside. In fact, he distinctly remembered being somewhat frustrated that there was somebody in his bed.
Katara yawned too and stretched, rolling over onto her side facing away from him.
"I don't want to get up," she grumbled into the pillow. Zuko chuckled.
"Hmmm. Well we could let the Fire Nation collapse today… I wouldn't mind," he teased, pulling her into a cuddle from behind. She sighed in resignation.
"Fine. I'm up! Wouldn't it be wonderful to be irresponsible for once? To just do what you want all the time instead of trying to fit it in around wars and meetings and families…" Katara sat up and tried to locate her clothes from the night before. Zuko managed to see her scars in the half-light creeping through the curtains. His stomach clenched at the sight and he ground his teeth in anger. Katara didn't notice Zuko's reaction as she scrambled around finding her things. She held up her clothes triumphantly and started pulling them on, clearly upset about the fact.
"Right. I will go back to my room and get washed and dressed. And I guess I will try to get Toph out of bed! Remember, we talk to her over lunch," she reminded him while she smoothed out some of the creases in her clothes. Zuko watched sadly as her body was covered up piece by piece. He held out his hand and beckoned her to him with pleading eyes.
When she stood in front of him, he pulled her into one last kiss, before brushing his lips against her forehead and letting her go. Her fingers lingered on his longer than they should have, but Katara straightened her back, took a deep breath and crept out of the room back to her own.
Toph had not been as stubborn as she used to be about getting up early. Katara suspected it had something to do with her general unfeelingness towards life; it would make no difference if she got up to if she stayed in bed. Katara knew depression. She had known it at various points throughout her life, and she could tell first hand how far gone Toph was. Her mocking comments were forced, her senses dulled, her expression eternally blank. The only feelings she would be experiencing were frustration and indifference - a combination that forms part of a vicious cycle of self-loathing and confusion.
Katara was glad that Zuko had agreed to teach Toph. It would not be immediate, but she hoped giving the girl some sort of a project to concentrate on and making her feel important might reignite some of the essence that was Toph. After all, when she had last lost her path it was the book in Ka' Bei and fire that sent her on her way once more. Zuko had been second guessing his position due to his own boredom and loneliness, and water brought him back to beauty. Perhaps Toph would be able to latch on to both water and fire to pull herself through back to stable rock.
Or at least, Katara hoped.
Lunch came and Zuko entered Toph's chambers where they were due to eat right on time. He was surprised at how diligently he had worked that morning, but he figured that the satisfaction of the previous night coupled with his excitement for the lunch time conversation must have given him enough motivation to finish on time.
"Right, what is this thing you two want to talk to me about?" started Toph, being the first to take a bowl of rice.
"Erm. I don't really know how to start… I guess the back story?" Katara wondered aloud, looking at Zuko for encouragement. He nodded, indicating that she should continue.
"Right. The back story - except I will shorten it, the details aren't important. When I was travelling I learned blood bending. Hama taught me but I was far more powerful than her and ended up teaching myself. I used it for healing - which is actually far more effective than water," Katara paused to sip some tea as Toph raised her eyebrows in appreciation.
"I stumbled across an old Fire Temple on Ka'Bei island in the Fire Nation. I stayed there a long time reading all their old records in search for any mention of blood bending. Eventually I found a copy of a very ancient text belonging to a population that inhabited the world at least during the times of the lion-turtle cities, if not before them. It took a while to translate it, but when I did I found many things about bending in general - as well as blood bending," Katara took a deep breath, feeling an odd sensation prickling over her body, as if she were about to jump off a very high cliff.
"Blood and chi are linked. By controlling blood you can also control chi - or more accurately chi flow. Every type of bending requires a different - eh - route of chi flow… but I can change this so that it encompasses more than one type of bending." Katara paused to let that sink in. Toph was sitting stock still, her rice forgotten in her lap.
"You can't do this with everybody, though. Yue came to us and told us that -"
"Wait," interrupted Toph, holding up her hand, "Yue spoke to you?!" Katara and Zuko glanced at each other.
"Yes, she did. She told us that not everybody can have their chi flow - eh - altered, and those who can, have some connection to her. Since then I've been observing people's chi flows. Many people have sort of pools of chi in key areas connected with their bending style - which means that any redirecting would do nothing. Others though, have chi flowing in equal amounts all throughout the body and you can shift it so to bend more than one element. Zuko and I are two of those people. You are too." She let her words hang in the air, both her and Zuko waiting calmly for any sort of reaction.
Toph drank some tea. She placed her cup back on the table. She then picked it back up and drank some more. She placed it on the table again. She opened her mouth to speak twice before closing it again. Finally she spoke.
"So. Can you both bend fire and water?" she asked.
"Yes," replied Zuko simply.
"Can you bend earth?"
"So, since there is something weird about the three of us, you two want me to teach you to earth bend in exchange for fire and water?" she stated quietly.
"Er… well, yes. There is another thing though, when Yue spoke to us, she said that the world was out of balance and that her children (that would be people like us) would rise to set it in balance again. I don't know what that means exactly, but she was happy I was learning water bending. But why the world should be out of balance now that we have the Avatar I'm not sure," explained Zuko.
Toph pursed her lips in thought.
"Since Aang has returned he has ended the war, but then he disappeared to recreate his Air Nomad culture. He has ignored the other three nations that are all in some sort of internal conflict. Bringing the elements together is distant from everybody's minds - if anything he has separated them more by disappearing with the air nomads. Now that there is no war, not even the earth kingdom and water tribes have a common goal," said Toph to both Katara's and Zuko's surprise. When had the little, rude, master earth bender become so wise? Then again, she had always been the most perceptive of all of them.
"So maybe we are destined to fill in the gaps left by Aang?" reasoned Zuko. Katara rolled her eyes.
"You and your destiny Zuko! Look, I have no doubt now that Yue had something to do with all of this, but there is still so much we do not know. She did say though that people… people like us are drawn to one another and that we would find them among our closest friends," started Katara in her old authoritarian voice.
"And Toph is one of our closest friends and has chi flowing throughout her body… so you could say that it was our destiny after all," teased Zuko with a small smile. He still found it incredible that he could find humour in her teasing. Rewind the clock a few years and when anybody questioned his destiny he would attempt to snap their necks.
Katara huffed in defeat.
"Alright, alright, quit with the flirting, its sickening," interrupted Toph, snapping out of her stupor. "I'm in. I'll teach you and you teach me and we do whatever it is we're destined to do," Katara squealed in delight but was silenced by Toph's hand held up to stop her. "I hope you know, though, that it isn't going to be easy. I'm blind. I can only teach you the way I learned, and I don't think I can learn the way you did easily, if at all. Have you thought about how to get around that?"
"Meditation," said Zuko and Katara simultaneously.
"Really guys!" groaned a still very sleepy Toph when Zuko and Katara kicked her out of bed just before dawn the next morning.
"It is what it is, Toph," chuckled Zuko, leading them down to the gardens and their usual meditation spot. All three sat on the grass, facing east.
"What am I searching for exactly?" asked Toph, resigned to her early rising.
"When I change your chi flow, you will have a heightened connection with the sun. The light won't mean much to you but the heat will - the sun gives heat and life to all living things and you should be able to feel it seeping through as the sun rises. If you want to you can meditate on something familiar to you - the earth or the rocks or the marble of the palace, and try to feel how they change with the sun. It may be difficult but stick with it! Eventually you should feel a… a sort of power pooling in your stomach. But that may not happen yet. Are you ready?" explained Katara, calming herself in preparation of letting somebody else into her secret.
"Lets do it!" cried Toph, punching the air with a mocking enthusiasm.
Katara took Toph's hand and closed her eyes, willing herself to follow Toph's blood ways. She let herself drift along with the flow of chi, appreciating how the orbit was different to her own. When she reached the area around the torso, where the fire bending chi orbit focussed, she pushed gently so that Toph's flow would expand to encompass it too. She sighed in satisfaction. She would wait to do water when Toph started appreciating fire - otherwise it might confuse her.
"Dawn is starting," observed Zuko, making himself comfortable and focussing his breathing. Zuko and Katara lost themselves with practiced ease into the heat waves of the garden, loving how they became more and more enhanced by the rising of the sun.
Toph, however, felt nothing. Contrary to many people's belief about her, she was really very good at meditation. Sure, her brash personality and energetic character may seem opposed to the usually quiet and self-reflective stereotype, but it was only through meditation that she learned earth bending at all. She'd had to follow and focus on the badger moles, she had to learn to feel to the minutest degree everything that happened within the Earth. It hadn't been easy.
But this? This she wasn't getting anywhere with! She bit down her frustration and decided to take Katara's advice and meditate on rocks instead. She focussed a rock right in front of her, by the pond. She felt every vein, every crack than ran through it. She felt the quiet vibrations of the bugs that lived beneath it and a slight pressure from above - a frog maybe? She became the rock.
She decided that she needed to think of the changes that were happening. Of the exact position of the rock, of the pressures coming to the rock from around it. Toph lost track of all space and time apart from the rock. She noticed that it was becoming bigger. Not by very much, hardly anything, but it was growing. That was strange! What could it be? She explored the surface of the rock and felt that it was different to the inside. Not just in texture, but in activity. It was excited? Do rocks get excited?
She realised this must be heat! She moved in and out of the rock again; yes, the inside was cold, it felt solid, smooth, devoid of energy. The outside was different. It was vibrant, alive almost. Instinctively she followed the strange force that brought the rock alive and flowed with it throughout the garden. She realised that there were intense pockets of energy scurrying around, both near and far from the earth. The ones further away must be birds; the others animals. There were other objects that were less hot, but still warmer than rocks. These were very still and strong - she realised trees! Her excitement seemed to grow with time as more and more energy was being poured into her surroundings, more and more life was buzzing.
Then suddenly, when she felt actual, physical, tangible warmth hit her face, an energy seemed to explode within her. Her stomach felt giddy and she felt like recoiling from the sheer power she felt.
Toph opened her sightless eyes and broke her meditation position to curl up slightly and catch her breath. So this is what the sun felt like.
She realised that Katara and Zuko were moving as well.
"You found the sun," stated Zuko. It wasn't a question. Toph wondered what her face betrayed in that moment.
"Its … its pretty strong isn't it?" she asked.
"Yes. It is energy. Katara is still getting used to it," said Zuko, a smile in his voice. Toph imagined him being affectionate to Katara. It was disgusting.
"Well? Are you going to teach me or are we going to sit here like lame turtle-ducks all day?" quipped Toph sharply. They could be gooey if they wanted to be - as long as it was not around her. She discarded her initial plan of being very annoying and not letting them have any time together… she would most definitely be letting them have a lot of time together so they could get it all out of their damned system and be at one another's throats as they should be.
Or maybe I'm just jealous, she thought to herself. Yeah, probably. But that doesn't change the fact that they are making me feel sick!
Both Zuko and Katara expected Toph to be hesitant at best when it came to fire bending, given the fact that she couldn't see the flames and the memory of Zuko burning her feet. However, they once again had underestimated the girl; she was used to handling things she couldn't see. For a while all she did was play with heat - if she was going to learn this, she had to feel the heat flows like she felt the ground vibrations.
"Right, tell me when I make fire," she said finally. Katara was the only one left in the indoor arena - Zuko had had to see to some disgruntled guards.
"Alright, go ahead."
Toph took up the stance they had taught her and focussed her breathing. Up till this point she had pushed about heat, removing it from one side of the room and focusing it on another. Now she wanted to make it hotter until she achieved fire. But you need eyes to judge that!
She went through the punching move Zuko had demonstrated and felt heat moving away from her. She tried again. This time, it was hotter. Again, and hotter still. As she gradually increased the amount of energy she was putting into her punches, she noticed two things. First, like Katara, she found the same giddy, powerful sensation in her stomach that she had felt that morning with the sun. Secondly, she realised that the moment before she was punching, the heat surrounding her would rush to her, through her, and then out in a condensed form from her knuckles.
"Toph! You did it!" squealed Katara, clapping her hands. Toph repeated the same move to get used to the sensation of creating fire. Now that she knew how much power to put into it, she could feel the difference. This was more like an explosion rather than a push.
"Ok, now I understand why fire bending is so dangerous," she muttered, half to herself as she relaxed her stance.
"Because it burns?" asked Katara, regarding the girl in front of her.
"Well, yes. But also because its like an explosion; see if I scatter bits of rock everywhere, I have no control over where each little one goes. Thats kind of the same thing here - the heat of the fire is scattering as well as going where I want it to. So accidents are bound to happen…" she trailed off, thinking of Zuko when he burned her feet at his camp. He was probably just trying to defend himself, sending out a warning shot that a person with full eyesight would see… but of course she was blind. And at the time would not have known what was heading towards her.
She would make sure to talk to him about it later.
The three friends decided to have dinner in the sitting room. This seemed to be one of Toph's favourite places in the palace - she could lounge around on the cushions and there was all the tea anybody could ask for!
Zuko looked distracted though. Katara could see the worry creasing between his eyebrows, crinkling the edge of the scar in an odd way. Whenever she or Toph weren't directly addressing him, his eyes would wonder away and flick back and forth as if he was trying to make a decision. Katara frowned. She would have to ask him about it later.
At this moment they were going through the steps Toph had made in her lesson that day. She explained about the heat being drawn the the person bending.
"So I'm guessing that the highest security prisons in the Fire Nation are really really cold?" she asked. Zuko blinked.
"Yes. Yes they are. You can't bend when you are too cold…"
"Right, because you are drawing heat in and compressing it and shooting it out!" Toph grinned at herself.
"So… its sort of like water in the sense that it is always there," reasoned Katara. Zuko considered this.
"Yes. I guess it is! What I don't understand, though, is how that works with lightening? Uncle taught me how to redirect lightening - and that is like heat and water in the sense that you let it flow in and then out again. But how is it that we create it?" mused Zuko. Katara pursed her lips in thought.
"I don't know. But it has to be something to do with moving heat since it burns… right?" she considered.
"I guess we play around with it tomorrow? But not in the indoor arena," started Zuko.
"You know, Sparky, the floor of your arena is stone," pointed out Toph.
"Well, if you shoot lightening at the metal walls it won't touch us. Lightening likes metal," she stated as if it were obvious. Katara and Zuko looked skeptical. Toph could feel their hesitation and rolled her eyes.
"Look, where I come from we have really really tall buildings, right? So what happens when there is a storm? The lightening hits the tall buildings, and they either crumble of burn or a bit of both. So, in order to protect said tall buildings we stick metal rods on the top that run all the way into the ground. That way the building is not hit, but the metal is. The metal takes it to the ground," explained Toph, in her best condescending voice.
"We could try," concluded Katara.
"So," started Toph again, arousing them from their thoughts on lightening, "will I be water bending tomorrow Sifu Sweetness?"
"No. We wait for the full moon to start your water lessons - which is next week. Tomorrow we earth bend," stated Katara simply. She was pleased nobody argued with her. She also wanted to teach Zuko blood bending under the full moon. He had picked up water as quickly as she had picked up fire - she thought because they had both mastered their own elements and watched one another bending for years. Also, combining the bending styles made the transition very simple. He might not be able to handle blood yet, but they could try.
Katara felt funny after dinner. She was more tired than usual and could feel the dark bags under her eyes eating into her skin. Her hair felt greasy even though she had already washed it that day, and she was unnaturally annoyed at Zuko for not telling her what was bothering him. When she started feeling pain in her lower abdomen, she knew for sure - it was that time of the month. She groaned to herself and found the cloths she used to soak up the blood.
Of course! When she had arrived she had just finished… and then there was a full moon. The full moon always brought her relief from her cycles, and a calm after the storm of a very frustrating week.
She knew that if she didn't get herself some painkilling tea immediately, she would get no sleep at all that night. Having made sure she looked acceptable, she padded down to the kitchens to ask for the right kind of tea. They handed it to her without question, and watched her leave with sympathetic looks.
By the time the tea had brewed, she was already incapable of standing up straight. The cramps had her almost doubled over. She controlled her breathing as Yugoda had taught her to do, and kept one hand over her cramping muscles coated in water to ease the pain. Katara hated this time of the month. She could only relax muscles and heal wounds, redirect blood and move liquids - but she could not eliminate pain. Relaxing the muscles seemed to help somewhat, but never enough. It was as if her own body and her own element were turning against her. And she couldn't do anything about it! Once she had tried to blood bend all the blood out in one go so it would be over quickly, but soon found out that it was not as simple as a sack of blood that needed to come out. She learned from the healing scrolls in the Northern Water Tribe that it is the lining of the womb that is shed - blood is merely a by product. So trying to take out blood only left her weaker than before, and she kept bleeding where the lining was freshly separating itself from her.
She did not understand why she had to go through all of this, nor why some women hardly felt it at all while she was sometimes reduced to a pale, shivering corpse on her first day, and an aching, stroppy wreck the rest of the week.
The tea had started to take effect. She could feel her body's priorities swap from dealing with pain to dealing with tiredness. But she knew, from experience, that if she didn't finish all the tea she would be up in a few hours reduced to the same state. To sleep the whole night she needed the whole teapot.
There was a timid knock at the door, and a hesitant voice calling her name.
"Zuko?" she asked. "Zuko, come in!"
Zuko walked into the room, still looking very unsure about himself. He was in his night trousers, shirtless and shoeless as if he were about to go to bed. He bit his lip as he looked at Katara, and scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"Katara? Have I… have I done something?" Katara was confused. He thought she was mad at him? Well she was irritated, but she was irritated at the world in general, not just Zuko.
"What are you talking about?" Zuko looked away awkwardly again. "Oh for Agni's sake Zuko, spit it out!" she said a little too sharply. Zuko looked slightly frightened.
"Well you usually come and sleep in my bed… and well you didn't turn up so I… have I made you mad? Because if I have I'm sorry and I'm sure I didn't mean it…" he was looking at her with pleading eyes, shifting his weight from one foot to another.
Katara laughed. Oh he is so awkward! She thought. She stopped laughing as the movement triggered another spasm and she forced more tea down.
"No, Zuko. It is the wrong time of the month," she said, still smiling. However Zuko only looked confused. Katara sighed. "I'm riding the red tide, getting acquainted with death, trapped in the bloody torture chamber," she said listing off the most entertaining names for it.
Zuko's eyes widened in realisation, but his shoulders relaxed and he breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Oh! I thought you were angry at me!" he exclaimed, approaching her with a smile. "Are you feeling alright? Can I do something?" he asked worriedly, taking in the darkness under her eyes and her face drawn in pain.
Katara held up her tea cup.
"Painkilling tea. There isn't really much more to do," she explained. He sat down next to her on the bed and kissed her forehead affectionately.
How was Zuko - the Zuko who had knocked her out in the North - how was he so gentle and caring? Katara found herself wondering more and more if this was a side to him that was always present but buried, or if it was something he developed when he was surrounded by people who cared about him. Right now, she didn't care. She was so moved by his affection that she felt tears spring to her eyes.
Somewhere in the back of her mind there was a small panicked voice telling her that she should be scared of such an attachment, that she was better off alone. But she suffocated it and leant on his shoulder, brushing away her tears.
"Katara? What's happening? Are you still in pain?" asked a panicked Zuko, noticing the tears. He forced her to look at him in the face. She shook her head.
"No, I'm just happy!" she croaked, reaching for some more tea.
"Generally speaking, you don't tend to cry when you are happy," started Zuko uncertainly.
"You don't understand. I'm happy you're here and not hiding from me," she explained with a logic that escaped him completely.
"Um. Why would I be hiding from you? You're not making much sense right now," he said, teasing her gently. She shrugged. She didn't care if he understood or not.
"Do - uh - do you want me to stay here tonight? Uncle always told me that it is better if women stay warm when they are bleeding because it hurts less…" Katara looked at him to see if he was in earnest, but she didn't detect any reservedness behind his words - on the contrary, there seemed to be a hope in his eyes.
Katara nodded.
"I'd like that."
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