#in the tags on if i want later without annoying anyone
silveredsticks · 6 months
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We were just basically hugging each other - 〽️ insta
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sinofwriting · 5 months
Under His Wing - Jenson Button
Words: 1,177 Summary: Oscar had thought when Mark had taken his sister under his wing that it was a great idea. Turns out it was the worst idea in the world as he stares at a picture of Jenson and his sister kissing. Note(s): Reader is Oscar’s sister. Large age gap between her and Jenson. No part two will be written.
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Masterlist | Support Me! | Part of Sin's 5k & B-Day Celebration
Oscar had four sisters. All younger than him and all equally as annoying and he didn’t have a favorite. It would be unfair really. But if he was to have a favorite sister? It would be Y/N.
They were nearly twins, just ten months apart, but you’d never think so with the way she always tagged along with him everywhere.
When he moved to the UK for his racing career, six months later she joined him. When he moved out of boarding school and into a flat, she joined him. She joined him at races, at pr and press events, she always joined him. And thankfully when Mark became his manager in 2020 he recognized how important she was to him, really how important his family was to him, and as soon as she got her degree she was working with Mark.
Oscar had been beyond grateful, because she loved f1 just as much as he did, she just didn’t have an interest in driving. She did want a career in it and Mark had given her that opportunity without Oscar having to beg whatever team he was a part of to give her a chance or make her an employee of his, which would have not worked for either of them.
He’s beyond grateful for the chance that Mark gave her, for what Mark has done for him, for his career, for taking them both under his wing, but now as he stares at the photo on his phone, he wishes that he never let Mark Webber met his sister.
“Jenson.” She giggles as he presses kisses to her neck. He grins at the sound, nipping at the thin skin and reveling in her gasp. “Yes, sweetheart?” Her temple presses briefly against his as she gently shakes her head. “I want a kiss.” He can hear the pout on her lips, the wide-eyed look she has on her face, as she tries to get what she wants. Not, he thinks, that she really has to try and convince him to give her anything.
“Come here, sweetheart.” He murmurs, turning her so she’s facing him and sure enough, she’s pouting up at him, her bottom lip sticking out beautifully. “You want a kiss?” She nods. Leaning down, he kisses her, taking that bottom lip of hers in between his own. “Is that better?” “Much.” She sighs, making him kiss her again.
Releasing her, he watches as she goes over to her bag and pulls out of her phone. A joke is on the tip of his tongue about kids and their phones these days, but his dominant hand is pulling his own phone out of his pants pocket, wanting to check his messages before seeing if he can convince her to join him in the shower, a light sweat clinging to him from their hike.
His eyebrows furrow at the sheer amount of missed calls and texts he has and he quickly answers the next call.
“Mark, Is everything alright?” “Jenson.” “What’s going on?” He asks, shooting a concerned glance at Y/N, whose looking at her phone, confused. “Are you in California right now?” “Yes.” “Are you with anyone?” His eyebrow raises, “no. Why?” “So, Y/N Piastri, Oscar’s sister and my assistant isn’t with you.” Jenson freezes. “How did you?” The older cuts him off. “You two were spotted on a hike, kissing.” “Fuck.” He drags a hand over his face while the one holding his phone, pulls the device away from him ear and mouth a bit. “Sweetheart, we’ve got a bit of a problem.”
“Does the problem have anything to do with why Oscar has nonstop been calling and texting me?” She asks, moving back over to him and he winces as she watches her let another call from Oscar just ring through. “We got spotted on our hike.” He tells her, as he puts his phone on speaker. “Mark called as well.” He doesn’t mention any of the other names he also saw littering his phone screen, that could wait until after. “How bad is it?” “PR wise?” Jenson’s nose wrinkles, face twisting in disgust at how that’s the first thing Mark says, considers, even though it’s his job in some sort. “Not too bad. There’s a lot of shock, questions. It’s more Oscar I’m worried about.” “He’s not happy.” “Happy?” Mark laughs. “He apparently went ballistic seeing the photos. Lily called me, she was with him when he saw. Last update I had from her, he was trying to get Max to give him his private jet so he could come to California to kill Jenson. Since y’know he found out through twitter that his little sister is doing something with a guy twice her age.” “You introduced us.” Jenson protests. “Yeah, because I thought you’d be good friends. Not,” he pauses unsure of what to call it. “Dating?” She fills in for him. “Yeah, dating.” He sighs. “Did anyone know before this?” “No.” They both answer at the same time. Mark sighs again. “Alright, well it’s time to start talking. You need to call your own manager Jenson, Y/N call Oscar, we can handle our side of the PR after Jenson gets his figured out.” “Got it. Sorry, Mark.” “Don’t worry about it, kid.”
Before Jenson can say anything the call is ended and he’s staring at his phone, bemused. “I think he likes you more than me.” She laughs. “Well, do you blame him?” He quickly shakes his head. “No. Be stupid to not like you.” He dips his head down, wanting a kiss, but she steps away, shaking her head. “No, not happening. You can get a kiss after you talk to your manager and I talk Oscar out of killing you.” Jenson winces, that was not going to be a fun conversation. “I’m alright with a bit of light maiming.” “Jenson.” “Sweetheart,” he chuckles at the serious look on her face. “He’s going to want to kill and hurt me. I’m sure your mum and dad are the same way. I’m sure next time I see Mark I’m going to get a nice elbow to the ribs. It’s just what’s going to happen. I made my piece with that after our fifth date.” She pouts and he can’t help but pull her into a hug. “I don’t want you to get hurt and I don’t want anyone fighting about this.” “I know.” He kisses the top of her head. “And we can hope that it doesn’t happen, that it goes more smoothly than how it feels currently, but we both knew that us being together would rock the boat.” “I think we need a bigger boat.” He snorts. “Maybe. Now let's make our calls, get them done and over with yeah?” “Yeah.” She sighs, pulling away from him before smiling and then she’s pouting up at him again, just like earlier. “Kiss?” He shakes his head, but brushes their lips together for just half a second. “There ya go, sweetheart. Little something to tide you over.”
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@crashingwavesofeuphoria @jointhehunt67 @gothgirlez @namgification @KimmiB13 @racingheartsposts @gemofthenight @peachiicherries @lpab @hiireadstuff @iloveyou300morgan @boiohboii @bibliosaurous @skepvids @elliegrey2803 @tallrock35 @casperlikej
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cherubfae · 8 months
holding hands || hazbin/helluva boss x reader
With Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox, Blitz, Loona, and Striker
tags: fluff, shy!gn!reader, ftm!reader for Angel 💕 crushing/mutual pining, pre-established relationships, blitz's relationship/intimacy issues (but we gonna get that healthy growth we need), striker's is a bit suggestive!
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You weren't sure the barrier of touching Alastor would ever be something that would be crossed and you told yourself that you didn't mind. You chose to revel in the moments of when he sought out affections and physical closeness be it dancing or if he suddenly tugs you in to tell you something. Alastor is not very privy to other people's space and Heaven forbid someone enter his without permission. Quite the contradiction.
Now, if he notices you're purposely not trying to give him any sort of touch or affection, he will get rather annoyed. You, darling, are the only one who he doesn't mind touching him. Has he expressed this? No. Will he? Maybe. Did he expect you to be able to read his mind? Quite possibly.
Alastor hoped to have made a smoother transition rather than just outright grasping your hand. Even he seemed surprised by his own action, static feedback chirping from him. His ears flick and the slightest sliver of a blush creeps from beneath his suit collar.
"I don't mind if it's you, dearest. I... I don't detest your touch as much as the others." Alastor clears his throat, his large hand briefly covers your smaller one. Giving your hand a little squeeze, he stands abruptly and disappears into shadow and darkness.
You'd never seen Alastor embarrassed before. How cute.
He's a pretty affectionate guy, especially once he's comfortable around you! His heart warms as you mindlessly play with your fingers, eyes looking everywhere but at him. The more you feel his stare, the more the blush darkens on your face.
"Take it easy there, sweetling," Lucifer's soft tone eases your senses. Pressing a light kiss to your forehead, he pulls back. He offers his hand, palm upwards, giving you time to back away. His gentle smile deepens when you slip your hand in his, his thumb brushing along your knuckles. Tugging you to his side gently, your shoulders brushing, you continue on the sidewalk towards Hell's finest local café.
While not one for PDA, Husk doesn't mind affection behind closed doors. Preferably out of sight of anyone who may mock and tease him for it.
He didn't however expect you to be sitting on his bed, thumbs lightly pressing into the center of his paw watching his claws go from being exposed and then retracting thanks to your gentle manipulations. He snorts lightly, as silly as you were, he couldn't be mad at your fascination.
"You're lucky you're cute, hun. If you were anyone else I may not be as nice as I am with ya." Husk smirks. Maintaining complete eye contact, you raise his paw to your lips and give it a soft kiss, grinning as Husk jolts with a huffy mrow. "Sneaky brat," he sighs, falling back on his bed with an arm over his eyes.
Angel Dust
You want to hold his hand? Which one, babe? He's got six! :) Angel is understanding of your shy nature, though he hopes you'll be able to be more bold with him in the future. He won't pressure you, of course, but he wants you to know that you can trust him. That he is capable of taking things slow.
"Is this okay?" Angel asks, softly grasping your hand in his gloved one. When you make no move to pull from his touch, a happy wobbly smile wiggles onto his face. He lightly leans his cheek against the top of your head, a brief sign of his affection. He can snuggle you more later, but for now, he wants to enjoy the day with his favorite person.♡
Intimacy of any sorts isn't foreign to him, but he's not used to someone so good, so pure. And he's certainly not used to that innocent attention being directed at him. Any time you touch him, even if you only accidentally brushed past him, it leaves him buzzing. Craving for something more. He wants your sweet smile to be directed at him and him alone. It takes everything in Vox not to scream when you give his hand a small squeeze only to pull back, muttering apologies. Soon, he's reaching for you again, taking your hand in his.
"I didn't say that I hated it." Vox whispered in an uncharacteristically soft way. His eyes flicker up to your face, then back to see where his hand has dwarfed yours. With his free hand falling to your hip, lightly stroking circles there, he pulls you to stand between his legs. Your other arm slides to rest on his shoulder as his clawed hand curls around the back of your knee. Intimate but not forceful. There's no aggression in his movements. Lifting your head towards him, even with Vox sitting down, he's much taller than you. His eyes hold a silent question, one that you answer with that smile he loves so much and a nod, and his lips press to yours with your hands still joined.
Romantic gestures are a big deal for him. Big in the way that he struggles with them, but that he doesn't want it to be something that holds him back. He really doesn't. Familial and platonic he understands, but Blitz is pretty damned confused with the fact that you want to even be near someone like him. He doesn't want to inadvertently hurt you by acting how he does. He doesn't wanna fuck up, but goddammit, he really does want to be near you. He wants to be able to give you everything you could need and more, he just doesn't know how. How to unfuck himself.
"Sl-slow," Blitz's voice betrays him with a crack and he swallows thickly, taking your hand in his. Ever grateful that you're the ones in I.M.P right now. This is different. Intimate. He's shaky, palms sweaty. His brain feels foggy and it's suddenly hotter than normal. He feels dizzy and like the floor may break beneath his feet and swallow him whole. The second you start to withdraw, he's tugging you back to him with a soft, raspy, "No." This is progress. Progress is good.
Facing him now, your other hand slides up to his. Both your palms are pressed together. Blitz keeps his gaze on the floor, unable to help how fidgety he feels, even as he laces your fingers together, and leans his head onto your shoulder. He's not gonna let you pull away. Not yet. Please...
Lighting up a cigarette, Loona leans her back against a wall of some dingy alleyway in the human world. You had chosen to wait with her, both dressed in your human disguises, hoping that any second Blitz and M&M would return with the mission completed. Your sole purpose tonight had been to guard Stolas's grimoire and open the portal when everyone was ready to return home.
Blowing her smoke towards the sky, Loona hummed softly. "At least it's a nice night, huh?" She smiles lightly, grateful her tail was hidden in this form when you leaned against the wall beside her. You looked great; you always did.
A vast blue sky with billions of twinkling stars smiled down on you two. It was a nice change of pace from the hellish red glow of your home. This particular area of Earth was quiet. Peaceful, even. Nodding your head you smile at her, Loona swallows.
Her pinky finger lightly brushed your own, a gentle startled gasp leaving you. But you smile, albeit shyly, your hand taking hers. Not many words were exchanged, none needed to be. Just Loona smoking her cigarette and looking up at the stars.
Ain't you just the cutest little thing? You think he doesn't notice how worked up and shy you get when he's just finished wrangling in some dinner, with his bare, sweaty muscles on display. It's a direct, unvoiced invite for only you and yet you haven't taken him up on anything yet. Why?
"You scared of me, sugar?" Striker drawls, flicking his cigar butt into the dirt and crushing it with the heel of his boot. You look up at him with those big, beautiful doe eyes and adamantly shake your head that you weren't. "Then what is it, darlin'? Spit it out." He smirks, gold tooth glinting.
Cheeks heating, you gnaw on your lower lip. "I'd like to hold your hand." Striker blinks, clearly taken aback. That's it? You're getting so worked up like a nervous virgin begging for a thick cock because you want to... Hold his hand? He stops himself from laughing, he can tell that it's really bothering you. Heaving a sigh, Striker plops down beside you. Pulling you into his lap, his arms slide around your waist and he offers both his hands to you. He hides his reddening face at your back, the sound of his blood rushes in his ears, unable to focus on anything but how soft your hands are. And how well they fit into his. "Jus' do it then, they're yours to touch, ain't they?"
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angelltheninth · 1 month
Hi, I was wondering if you could do The Hazbin Cast x Reader, where they and Reader are having a romantic moment to themselves, and before anything more could happen, suddenly something or someone ruins the moment?
See... I both hate and love this trope. It's funny as hell, but frustrating as hell too.
Pairing: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Adam, Vox, Valentino x Reader
Tags: fluff, kissing, interrupted romantic moment, canon typical violence, blood, suggestive, date night
A/N: I would punch anyone who interrupts me. And I'm not a violent person. So uh... these characters have an effect on me lmao.
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Charlie acts very calm unless either or both of you is in any state of undress. There’s no one more affectionate than her, displaying that in front of others is fine with her, she wants others to know of her love for you. It’s a different thing if it’s in a more intimate setting where she expected to have alone time with you. With a deep breath, some blushing and a groan she would try to get rid of distractions as soon as possible but at the same time. she would apologize to whoever interrupted you for shooing them away.
Vaggie has a blade at hand and it is promptly thrown next to the head of whoever interrupted you. Deep down she is a huge romantic and enjoys being romanced a lot, on the surface she is a badass fighter and she had an image to uphold with many people. There’s a lot of yelling and cursing, probably more than one threat of killing someone before she is back by your side, grumbling and murmuring to herself about forgetting to lock the damn door.
Alastor threatens to tear apart anyone who interrupts you, he puts that out as a warning because of how many times it’s happened in the past and he’s grown tired of being in a middle of a dance or cuddling and someone barging in wanting something. Usually he’s the one who walks in without knocking, now he’s getting to see how it feels. It doesn’t feel good, a full record scratch, even his shadow looks pissed off at even the slightest interruption.
Lucifer is in good spirits recently so even something as an interrupted date doesn’t get under his skin, if it was before it would have been a different story. Right now wile a little annoyed he can forgive and forget, after all no one saw anything too scandalous, although some would say that seeing the King of Hell in handcuffs is pretty scandalous by itself. As long as this doesn’t happen again it will be fine, although he knows you will tease him for it later.
Angel Dust obviously doesn’t mind it too much, on the surface at least, he is a porn star so getting watched is part of the job. That’s in the studio at least, at the Hotel he has the privacy he never had before, he likes it a lot actually, it’s almost too good to be true. Maybe he will occasionally flirt with or tease who ever interrupted you but in these four walls he is all yours and he won’t let the mood be spoiled by anyone, including his boss.
Husk groans and pulls your face close to his neck to help you hide your flushed face from the onlooker. How is this so perfectly timed, right when he wanted to take your clothes off and have a bit of fun with you someone just had to walk in. Well they’re really lucky he’s not as powerful as he once was otherwise they would be splattered all over the walls right now and would have to put themselves together while he makes out with you.
Sir Pentious hides his face behind his hat the moment someone enters his bedroom and sees you on top of him. Damn it, he told his Egg Boiz to make sure no one enters his bedroom, which also applies to them, until one of you steps out first, no matter what noises are heard from inside. As soon as you’re done and you think you’re gonna sleep he slithers out and starts working on plans for a new machine to make sure no one interrupts you ever again: a doorbell with a laser.
Adam yells at the person who interrupted the two of you because damn he’s been waiting the whole day to have you all to himself, all moody and pent up. This is his time with you, which means that no one gets to tell him he’s needed elsewhere before he’s done with you. He wraps you up with his wings if he sees you’re getting embaressed but really now, considering everything you do together getting watched shouldn’t be an issue.
Vox flinches when he gets a ping that someone’s crossed in front of his cameras which he set up just so no one catches the two of you in a compromising position. He sighs as he pulls away and covers you with a blanket, hiding your body from anyone’s view but his, which is funny because he has an insight into almost everyone else’s love life. For a demon like that he wants to keep his own affairs fairly private, at least the bedroom kind.
Valentino grins at the person who walks in on the two of you, he has zero shame regardless of your own level of shame he will brag about everything that happens and if someone sees it then even better. Besides he is the Overlord of the the porn industry, you knew things like this could happen when you began your relationship with him. He is so comfortable in fact that he will just keep going, kissing you occasionally to tell you that you’re doing a good job in front of a crowd.
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jeoncasino · 2 months
⋆ †₊ 0.1
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Tired of life and all it had to bring for you, things take a turn when you find out two of your friends start to take a liking to you. With newfound emotions and a whole lot of drama, what happens when they start competing for your love?
Pairings: JJK x fem! reader [x KNJ]
Genre: college au, love triangle, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, slow burn, eventual smut.
Tags: rich! jjk, law student! jjk, dark hair! jjk, sweet! jjk, jealous! jjk, needy! jjk, obsessed! jjk, but also dom! jjk, slightly toxic! jjk, english major! knj, boy bsf! knj, co-worker! knj, husband material! knj, brown hair! knj, sweet! knj, jealous! knj, sad knj:(, pet names, everything’s so complicated and everyone’s in denial, jk's love language is physical touch and acts of service, jk has mommy issues so he's too attached to oc, joonie is so sweet i feel bad for him, gguk will try everything in his power to make oc his, ggukkie lowkey hates joonie lol, this is an actual slow burn yay!
Warnings: mentions of drug use.
⋆ †₊ Series Masterlist
Minors do not interact.
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Smoke surrounds you. For a moment, the noises and lights from the party, once a chaotic blend, seperate distinctly. Each sound creates its own frequency, each beam of light cutting through the haze in sharp lines. Everything around you slows down, the moment captivating you in a trance that would otherwise not been achieved without smoking a certain plant.
Elaine, your best friend, who was sitting to your left, seems to be talking to you. You can't quite grasp what she's saying, but she leaves shortly afterward, leaving you alone in the beautiful backyard of this otherwise dirty frat house. You really were avoiding going inside—the floors were sticky, and it smells funky. Honestly, you didn’t even want to be there. Frat parties aren’t your thing. But Elaine, in apparent need of de-stressing (though later confessing she just wanted to see her latest infatuation, Zia), had dragged you out on a Thursday night. You thought about getting mad and leaving, but she’s your best friend—and every guy here looks like they’d spike her drink—so you stayed. Plus, she bought you a blunt, so it evened out.
As you gazed at the dark-glowing canvas of the night sky, you felt a presence beside you. Skeptically, you glanced to your right, only to find a man staring at you. You jumped.
“Oh my god?” you gasp, eyes wide, hand over your heart.
The guy laughs, clearly amused by your reacton. Trying to figure him out, you took a look at him. He wore a loose white shirt and baggy jeans. Dark hair framed his face. Two rings pierced the right side of his mouth, his right arm covered in tattoos. Honestly, you felt intimidated—frat parties drew all kinds of people, you know? But when you finally met his eyes, the softness of his gaze made him seem far more approachable then you originally thought.
“Will you quit staring?” He teased.
Your cheeks burned. “Oh please, I’m on drugs,” you muttered, looking away, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Oh, I know. Thought I’d join you on your trip.”
Confused, and extremely thirsty, you asked, “Who are you?”
“Seriously?” He replied, somewhat annoyed. “Jeon Jeongguk. We share a class—U.S History with Mrs. Webster,” He paused, anticipating an answer. He met silence. “No?”
You sighed. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m too high to remember anyone from that class.” Thinking it over, you added, “Seriously, though, I don’t think I’ve ever talked to you.”
And that’s because you hadn’t. Jeongguk, though quite popular, found himself completely partner-less tonight. He didn’t like being alone, so when he spotted you, high and alone, he thought he’d try his usual trick with you—pretending he knew you from somewhere. It usually worked.
Not today though. At your response, he was utterly offended. Did you seriously not know who the Jeon Jeongguk was? Even he recognized you—the sharing a class part not being a lie—so it made no sense. Although, he didn’t know your name either, so maybe you did know him, just not his name, and the drugs are clouding him from your memory.
Yeah, he thought, it’s definitely the drugs. “Did you know marijuana causes memory issues?”
You snorted. “Just say you’re offended.”
He shrugged. “What’s got you all alone out here?”
“My horny friend, I guess.” You turn to face him. “You?”
“I was taught to never leave a pretty girl like you alone,”
“Okay, Mr. Charming, please be serious.”
He laughed. “My friends ditched me too.”
“Hm,” You didn’t know what else to say. Usually, you were good at small talk, but you were literally in cloud nine and too thirsty to properly think. “Do you mind getting me some water? I’ve got cotton mouth and don’t want to go inside.”
“It smells wierd doesn’t it?” He scrunched his nose as he replied. You nodded. “I’ll be right back.”
Many chit-chat’s and half a bottle of wine later—Jeongguk found it somewhere in the frat—you both bid goodbye with teary eyes and warm embraces, somehow convinced you’d never see each other again after this party. Both of you not letting go, Elaine and his friends have to literally pry you guys apart, causing everyone to fall comically like dominoes.
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Attempting to open your eyes you rubbed them, immediately closing them as the morning sun assaults your vision. What even happened yesterday? Your head pounded, nausea swirled in your gut. You felt horrible. Trying to go back to sleep, you turned in your bed, feeling the dreaded build-up of saliva once you layed on your side. Uh-oh.
You rushed to your bathroom just in time.
“Elaine?” you half-yelled, wiping your mouth with your hand muffling your voice.
No response. You stumble out of your room and head for the kitchen. There, your find an already-ready best friend cooking god-knows-what.
Looking up at you, she said, “Good morning, Mrs. Jeon,” her tone dripping with mockery.
“What? Mrs. Jeon?” Confused, you try to piece together last night’s events, but it’s no use. Panicking, you exclaimed, “Oh my God, Elaine, what happened yesterday?!”
She looked at you unimpressed. “Oh, nothing much. Just that you and Jeongguk were all over each other yesterday!”
“Jeon who?” You asked.
“Be so serious right now,” She couldn’t believe you. “Y/n, he’s like, super well-known around campus. Rich as hell and a jerk.” She added, “Cheated on Jayla, rejected me when you bet me to hit on him for five dollars.” Elaine huffed with her arms crossed.
Recalling how hilarious that day was, you laughed so hard your headache worsened tenfold. “I might die if I keep laughing,” you stuttered, gripping the kitchen counter for dear life. “Is that why you don’t like him?”
“This isn’t funny! You guys made fools of yourselves last night. I genuinely thought he laced your drink.”
Drink. The word triggers flashes of last night—Jeongguk approaching you, him bringing you water, a bottle of wine somehow appearing in your hands. Blood drained from your face as you remembered how you parted ways—throwing yourself into his arms, him not letting go, literally shedding tears as Elaine dragged you out of the frat’s backyard.
You’ll make sure to never drink again after this.
“Elaine, did I really—”
“Yes, Y/n, you did! Do you know how embarrassing that was? Don’t even get me started on the reputation you just gained yourself.”
“What are you talking about?”
“All his closest friends were there,” she said, serving her plate with freshly cooked eggs. “They thought you guys fucked or something.”
“Did you really?” The question almost offended you.
“Stop! God, no, obviously not,” you shuddered. “Just because we hugged?”
“No, because Jeon fucks everything he touches,” she replies matter-of-factly. “He also got a little possessive, he wouldn’t let go.”
“Of me?”
“Yeah, we all fell to the ground because y’all wouldn’t budge. My biceps are sore, no joke.”
You slumped against the counter, hiding your face in disbelief. “Wait so, now people think I’m easy?”
“Yes. Now let’s just hope the rumor didn’t spread outside the frats,” she said, walking out of the kitchen with her plate full of eggs. “People were watching, you know? I almost left you there with that whore. Anyway, you better get ready—your first class starts in 20.”
You sprint to your room.
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“Thanks for saving me a spot.”
Namjoon lifted his backpack from the seat next to him as you slid into it, placing your own bag on the floor.
“No worries, buns,” he said, noticing your wet hair immediately. “Were you in a rush this morning?”
“Tell me about it,” you muttered, rubbing your temples.
“Did you have a night shift yesterday? I don’t recall scheduling you late this week.”
“No, it’s just that Elaine dragged me to this party and I—” You stopped yourself. Were you really going to expose your half-secret to Joonie out in the open? Nuh-uh. “I’m just so hungover. Let’s talk later. Focus on class.”
Although curious as to what happened last night that got you this flustered, Namjoon chose to not push the subject, both of you focusing now on whatever the professor was droning about.
You liked that he always walked you to class. Obviously if his class was far or if he got busy he wouldn’t, but for the most part he did. You found it chivalrous, a trait that most men nowadays lacked. That’s why you liked Namjoon—he was friendly but polite, not shy to ask about your personal life but never stepping any boundaries. Not to mention his other great qualities, like how intelligent or hard working he is. You both had gotten originally close through Yeyo’s café—he trained and guided you along the harsh path of being a first-time barista—and having worked most shifts together, you became each other’s favorite co-worker, mingling whenever and hanging outside of work at times. At these occasional dates, the both of you learnt you shared similar struggles, like not having anyone support you financially or having complicated relationships with your families. All these things made relating to him easier. He never failed to make you laugh or help you see the good in the bad, and for him you were grateful.
Now you’re here—two months later, at the same university—him walking you to class while you complained about the workload your professor just assigned.
“I mean is he kidding? Not everyone has free time like him. I’ve got work!”
“I think his wife’s divorcing him or something,”
You gasp. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled at your reaction. “You know the professor’s assistant?”
“Oh, the one who wants you?” you teased with a grin, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.
Namjoon elbowed you gently. “Stop it,” he muttered. You laughed at his flustered expression.
“Anyway,” he continued, eager to change the subject, “the other day, I stayed after class to ask her for some extra points, but she got off track and started telling me all sorts of things about him.”
“Like what?” you asked, leaning into him with interest.
“Why do you sound excited?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t act like you don’t indulge in professor drama,” you retorted, crossing your arms.
Namjoon chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”
“I’m not mad,” you shot back, avoiding his gaze.
“Then why won’t you look at me?” he teased.
“Okay, fine! Just tell me what she said, please,” you pouted, grabbing onto his arm, feeling the firmness of his muscles. You knew that whenever you did this, he’d give in—like that one time at the fair when you’d been so thirsty you begged for a water bottle that cost him twenty bucks.
He sighed, giving in as expected. “Well, according to her, his wife wanted a Chanel bag, but the professor wouldn’t buy it for her. Then, she thought he was having an affair, so she looked through his things, but she found out he lied about how much money he’d inherited, so now she’s filing for divorce.”
“Gosh, I almost feel bad for him,” you said, the corners of your mouth lifting. “Almost.”
“Meanie,” Namjoon grinned and squeezed your nose.
“Hey! Stop, you’re—” About to punch him for ruining your makeup, he darted away as fast as he could.
“I’ll kill that motherfucker,” you muttered, opening the door of your next class.
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“And I was like, are you dumb?” Elaine exclaimed through the phone.
After your last class, you decided you’d stop by the nurse’s office to get something that would soothe your headache, when you recieved a call from your best friend. Though spontaneous calls weren’t surprising, what she had just informed you was.
Apparently, she met up earlier with Zia, who had the audacity to ask her if she found it embarrassing to have a friend who had slept with Jeongguk. And obviously, her being the bestest, most protective friend ever, denied the rumors going around the frats in attempt of clearing your name.
As you walked out of the nurse’s office and into the bustling campus, she continued, “And I swear, in that moment, I was about to punch her. I mean, I always knew Zia was a little dense, but this? Ugh, it’s infuriating! I don’t even know why we fucked anymore.” She sighed heavily.
You found a bench under a large oak tree and sat down, needing to process everything. You’d been too busy with classes to think much about the previous night’s events, but now, with the day’s tasks behind you, the anxiety started creeping back in.
“Did you guys actually fuck yesterday?” you asked, leaning back against the bench.
“No, we had literally just fucked at the sorority, when she started asking dumb ass questions,” Elaine huffed. “I think I’m never finding love.”
“Don’t say that, E,” you replied, rubbing your temples. “You’ll figure it out, don’t worry.”
Elaine’s voice softened. “How are you holding up, though? I’m sorry for everything. I can’t help but feel responsible,” she added, and you could practically see her pouting on the other end of the line.
You took a deep breath. “Honestly, I was too busy this morning to even care, but now that I have time to think, I kind of just want to hide from everyone.”
“I’m sorry. I love you, okay? Don’t forget that.”
“I love you more.”
“Well I got to go, I’ll see you back at the apartment.”
Listening to the ring which notified the call was over, you finally had some time to process everything. Trying to find where you went wrong, the most controversial thing that happened all night was the fact that you were hanging out with… Jeongyeo? Or was it Jeongyu? Uh, you’ll make sure to ask Elaine later. Anyways, you saw no harm from having an innocent chat with him. All you did was drink with a rich frat college guy— and basically cry to each other but that was too embarrassing to even think about—so your ever crumbling reputation made no sense. You guys didn’t fuck, most certainly didn’t kiss, and by now the guy should’ve cleared the rumors, so why were they making such a fuss over it?
It was all so childish. Yet, despite your attempts to rationalize it, your stomach churned, your hands grew clammy, and your mind raced with anxiety. Every passerby seemed to stare at you with judgmental eyes.
You sighed deeply. This felt like high school all over again. You had to pull yourself together. If these people wanted to make a fuss over nothing and use you as their entertainment, then so be it. You had bigger things to worry about—like paying your bills or pursuing a career. So, with that, you decided to push the drama to the back of your head and refocus on what really mattered, finally finding peace once again in your mind.
And at peace you were.
At least that was the case until you got back home, because as soon as you walked into the apartment, Elaine rushed over, breaking the news to you. “Y/n, you won’t believe this. That miserable old landlord is raising our rent!”
You blinked, trying to process the new discovery. “What? Why?”
“I don’t know,” Elaine threw her hands up in frustration. “I begged him to exclude us from the raise, but he wouldn’t budge. He said it’s either pay up or move out.”
Trying your hardest not to kill him right now, you paused. What were you going to do now?
Trying to keep an optimistic outlook, you replied, “Look, I know it’ll be hard, but we can do this. Let’s just take extra shifts at work and start looking for an affordable place to stay at.”
She wasn’t sure about your proposition. You both worked long hours as is, not to mention how time consuming and disrupting it was for school.
“Y/n, we barely get to sleep some days,” Elaine said so lowly it was almost a whisper. Finding the situation impossible, she added, “I’m dropping out.”
You scoffed, “Are you crazy? You’re not doing that,”
“What else is there to do Y/n?” She frowned.
Lips pursed, you racked your brain trying to come up with a solution. Dropping out was not an option, and if keeping your education meant being homeless, then so be it. You both had a car, so maybe you guys could sleep there until you found a new place. And if you had to shower, you could probably just ask Namjoon if-
“Oh my god! Namjoon!” You yelled as you reached for your phone.
“What? Y/n what are you doing?”
Dialing Namjoon’s number, you replied with a smile on your face, “Pack your stuff, we’re crashing Joonies place.”
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Author: pls this took me long enough to post and im not sure i even like it lmfoaoaoa. nobody told me how hard and time consuming this was. anyways yall if it sucks LMK ! i’ll make sure to burn this post down if it sucks ass. shout out to anyone who finished reading the first chapter of this series ! omm ilysm. i’ll also try to comment the people who wanted to be added to my taglist, hopefully it works. bye !
This is a work of fiction. The scenes, characters and events depicted are purely fictional and not intended to represent real-life procedures or individuals. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Do not use this story as your own.
@jeoncasino 2024 ©
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neoarchipelago · 9 months
So I got to reading some facts about red pandas cuz y'all got me back on the redpanda!reader AU!
They sleep like 2/3 of the day and they sleep with their tails snuggled around their bodies like a blanket.
So like. Hybrid reader gets a lot sleepy during the day. Don't get me wrong, she's extremely efficient when she's awake but she'll often nap, anytime anywhere. On the plane back on the evac. While finishing a report, on the couch after a training and sometimes in the gym behind some training mats.
Random places anytime. When the boys don't know where you are they know you're probably sleeping. But the awful stress they got the first few times as they didn't know where you had decided to fall asleep this time was too much to bear.
"what's this..?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.
"it's a chipped tag." Price said. The man standing around, arms crossed.
"what?" You frowned.
"it'll track you at all times. In case we need to find you." Ghost said.
"you're gps tracking me??" You let out, now feeling slightly annoyed.
"don't get on the table... Calm down" Gaz reassured.
You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
"listen bonnie. We spent 2 hours looking for you last time. You fell asleep in a tank!" Soap argued.
You opened your mouth but Price was faster.
"no. No discussion. Either that or your start sleeping in the dorms. Everytime."
"but... I don't control it... I get sleepy... And then I just nap."
"then I don't want to hear it."
Now you just keep it on you all the time. If it isn't a member of the base notifying Price of your new sleeping spot, they knew where you were.
Now the thing about all these little sleeping episodes. Is that what they started to understand. You needed those power naps. Being in the military didn't let you sleep as much as your hybrid body wanted to. So they often indulge you. You get cranky but mostly overworked. Tiredness eating at you if you go a full day without at least two power naps.
Compared to your kind, it's almost as if you didn't sleep at all!
Now they let you sleep in their arms, against their shoulders. You had been incredibly touched one day, as you were trying to focus through the blurriness of your tired eyes on an incident report, seeing the boys walk in with a blanket.
"You took a nap this afternoon?" Gaz questioned.
"on the couch lass! Nap nap!" Soap chimed.
Another thing is the way you sleep. You had first hid yourself away when you met the boys. Sleeping spots into dark corners or only your dorm. But the first time Gaz found you sleeping on an old office couch, he couldn't stop smiling. How you found this abandoned office was a mystery. But the way you were curled on the cushion, tail in between your legs as you held it like a pillow against you, face on the tip.
He bit his tongue, trying not to let a sound out at how cute he found you. He had left, only texting the team to let them know where you were.
Then it was on a particularly hard mission. The first time you had actually slept near the boys, nothing separating you. The small one room safehouse not giving anyone any privacy.
The boys had noticed your sleepy eyes closing themselves as they tried to chat about what they'd do once they'd be home, evac fishing them up the next morning.
You were eventually lulled to sleep by their deep voice, talking in a low tone. Wrapping yourself up again, tail around your curled body, ear twitching at the lack of their voices as they noticed it. The boys were in awe. Gaz admitted he had already witnessed it before. Soap immediately took a picture, Ghost smacking the back of his head before grunting.
"Send it to me..."
You were standing on a humvee three days later, having found out their phone wallpapers was a picture of you sleeping. Your red face as you scolded them from your high ground, the four men standing arms crossed looking up at you, too amused for your own taste.
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7s3ven · 9 months
PART 1 > PART 2 > PART 3 > PART 4 (last pt)
( masterlist )
IN WHICH… Y/N is chosen for a quest, one of which Luke knows she might not return from. When she returns a three months later, he vows to never let her go again. After all, the son of Hermes and the daughter of Zeus can never stay apart for long.
“I’m in the wind, you’re in the water. Nobody’s son, nobody’s daughter.”
Warnings : gore, violence, really descriptive words of gore (it’s lowkey grossing me out), complicated relationship, doesn’t follow canon plot, just a little bit of swearing
TAG LIST : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @prettylilsimp @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbaby @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @luvvfromme @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife
Three months without Luke. Three terrible, lonely months without him. They were supposed to be on a break but they hadn’t spoken since capture the flag.
Luke stopped talking to Lana and Allen finally stopped annoying Y/N after she accidentally electrocuted him again, but worse. It was safe to say he spent a few weeks with the Apollo kids.
Y/N sat alone at her table, picking at her food. Percy looked as lonely as her. With no siblings to sit beside, they were left in their own company.
Y/N almost jumped when someone sat beside her. Part of her wished it was Luke and she felt disappointed when it was only Mai. “Hey.” She softly said, leaning forward. “You’ve always wanted to go on a quest, right?”
In all her ten years at camp, Y/N had never been on a quest. It’s not like she wasn’t a top candidate because she was. But nobody really wanted an unclaimed demigod on their team, even if she was more than qualified.
“I guess.” Y/N shrugged. Her occupied mind wasn’t really focused on quests right now. Mai’s beautiful brown eyes shined even brighter as she grinned, her eyes crinkling.
“I’m not supposed to tell anyone until Chiron announces it… but I’ve been chosen for quest.” She squealed, kicking her legs.
“And?” Y/N raised an eyebrow as she slowly chewed on her food. Why was Mai telling her that? They weren’t exactly close and they had barely spoken since Y/N’s night in the Aphrodite cabin.
“I want you to know that you,” She lightly poked the tip of Y/N’s nose. “Are coming with me.” Mai giggled as she stood up, rushing off before Y/N could even question it. Y/N whipped her head around, speechless. She could hardly focus on training with Luke haunting her mind. How was she supposed to help with a quest?
She slowly sighed, chewing lightly on her bottom lip. When she felt someone burning holes into her with their gaze, she lifted her head. To no one’s surprise, it was Luke. He quickly looked away, resuming his conversation with Chris as if nothing had happened.
Y/N gripped her fork. Maybe a quest would be good for her. She could get away from Camp and focus on lashing out all her anger on the poor monsters.
After breakfast, Chiron gathered up the camp’s best fighters and possible allies for Mai on her quest. Y/N wasn’t surprised to see Luke and Clarisse lined up beside her.
Y/N shifted around awkwardly, uncomfortable with the idea of standing next to Luke. The air was thick with tension and not just because everyone was eager to get chosen. Y/N’s fidgeting caught Luke’s keen eye but he didn’t say a word, simply turning his gaze to look ahead once more.
“The Oracle has confirmed what we expected.” Chiron uttered, his hands clasped behind his back. “The monsters are attempting to enter the mortal realm, which is bad news for both us and them. Their base of operation lies in New York, which is where you will venture to. Time is of the essence. I have selected the best candidates to join you on your journey.”
“Y/N.” Mai suddenly cut Chiron off.
“Usually, one waits to head at least one name.” Chiron retorted.
“I know all their names. I want Y/N. If there’s anyone who can help me succeed, it’s her. I mean, she’d probably push me down a flight of stairs if it was part of the quest. And I need someone like that.” Mai’s eyes scanned over the rest of the demigods, weighing out all her options in her head. “I also want Clarisse. If we run into a monster and we don’t weapons, I can count on her to slay it with a piece of paper.”
Luke parted his lips to say something but no words came out. For the first time in three months, he talked to Y/N. “Hey.” He jogged towards her, staring down at her with so much emotion in his eyes. “Um, I know we haven’t talked in a while but… stay safe. On your quest, I mean.”
Y/N slowly and stiffly smiled. “Thanks… Luke. I’ll try my best.” She nodded.
“Wait, Y/N.” Luke called out, reaching for her again. “Don’t die. Please.” He grabbed her face, kissing her with so much strength and passion that it felt like her were turning to jelly. “This way… you have to come back because we definitely need to talk about that and our break.”
“Y/N, you coming?” Mai asked, turning around just as Luke pulled away.
“Uh…” Her cheeks flushed red. “Yes. Yeah. I’m coming, Mai!” She looked at Luke and poked his chest. “Stop being confusing and learn to communicate more while I’m gone. See you soon, Luke.” She hurried off, faltering when Mai slung an arm around her shoulder.
Luke didn’t really care about the other demigods being sent off on dangerous quests but if Y/N didn’t return, he swore he would set the world on fire. And he always kept his promises.
Camp was lonely without Y/N, even if all he did was stare longingly at her. “Hey, Lana.” Luke uttered as he leaned against the walls of the Aphrodite cabin, arms crossed over his chest. “How do I… improve my communication?”
“Is this about Y/N?” Lana questioned, tilting her head to the side.
Luke lightly scoffed. “Of course it is. She deserves better but I can’t see her with anyone else so I want to become better.” Luke ran a hand through his hair, clenching his jaw. “I thought that since you’re an Aphrodite kid, you can help me.”
Lana stared at him with a pointed look before she lightly huffed in amusement and nodded. “Okay, first of all… we need to fix your communication problem.”
“I do not have a communication issue.”
“Your relationship with Y/N says otherwise.” Lana raised her eyebrows while Luke sighed. “You see what I mean? So first, communication. Second, words of encouragement. Make her feel special. Validate her. You love her, yes? Then show it. Actions speak louder than words. Once Y/N comes back, you’ll be a whole new person. With my help, duh.”
Lana grinned, pulling Luke into the cabin. “You don’t need a physical makeover. You’re the definition of a pretty boy. What you need is a new mindset. Sure, you and Y/N are in a rough patch with all the arguments.”
Lana slightly scrunched up her nose as she chuckled.
“But if Y/N is this special to you, then changing for her should be no problem. I won’t lie, it’s gonna be hard, Luke. For now, I’m going to make you watch To All the Boys I’ve loved Before, all of the movies, because they have terrible communication. And you’re also gonna watch Say Anything because you need to see the boombox scene.”
“I’ve seen the Lloyd boombox scene, Lana… I’m not holding up a boombox.”
“Not even for Y/N?”
Luke groaned, holding his face in his hands. “Okay. I’ll hold the damn boombox.”
“And play Lana Del Rey?”
“Why Lana Del Rey?”
“Because Y/N loves her. And it’s Lana Del Rey. Who else would you play? Besides, I’m sure Y/N is having a great time and I am in dire need of some toxic love songs here.”
Y/N stared at the hypnotising and flashing lights in front of her. “Let me get this straight,” She muttered, turning to Clarisse and Mai, “We need to get in there…” She pointed at the only entrance, “But the only way to do so is…”
“To walk in. As one of the models.” Mai quickly finished Y/N’s sentence, nodding her head.
Y/N sharply clicked her tongue. “Why not cause a distraction? That seems easier. I mean, we could definitely pull off the model look because we’re all pretty hot but it’s risky.”
“Y/N’s right.” Clarisse piped up. “Lucky for her, I’ve come up with the perfect distraction. Get ready to run in.” The Ares girl cunningly grinned while Y/N and Mai hid beneath a table.
“So, what do you think she’s going to do?” Y/N questioned, peeking out from under the white cloth.
“Maybe pull a fire alarm?”
Y/N shook her head. “That’s not her style.” A loud boom suddenly echoed through the hall. Exploded bits of stone and rubble smashed against the tiled floor, a few bits scratching Y/N’s ankles.
She pressed her lips into a line as she looked at Mai again. “Yeah. That’s more of what I was expecting.”
At this very moment, Y/N hated the number three. It seemed to bring bad luck to her. Three months without Luke and three months on a quest. That was practically six months without his energetic company.
Y/N quietly scoffed to herself. She couldn’t believe that after all this time, Luke still plagued her mind like a disease. Except he wasn’t a disease. Once upon a time, he was Y/N’s light in the darkness.
“What are you doing?” Clarisse asked when she found her best friend curled up in a blanket and rolled up into a small ball.
“Uh… Sleeping?” Y/N came up with a lousy excuse. Clarisse rolled her eyes and lightly kicked Y/N in the side.
“Get up. We’ve got to get to camp before any more monsters find us.”
It had been a difficult mission but Clarisse, Y/N, and Mai had managed to pull it off. Y/N slowly stood up but froze when he heard a loud roar echo through the trees. She and Clarisse exchanged a panicked look.
“Wake Mai up!” Y/N exclaimed, shoving as much as she could into her bag. Clarisse violated shook Mai awake, not giving the groggy girl time to adjust to the light.
The trio sprinted through the woods, trying to stay ahead of whatever was hunting them down. Y/N loudly panted as she reached the top of the hill. Her lungs felt like they were on fire. Unfortunately, neither Clarisse and Mai were blessed with her lighting fast running and the two girls were still lagging behind.
The monster burst through the thick foliage and Y/N’s heart fearfully skipped a beat. “Is that…” She trailed off in shock, staring at the beast with wide eyes.
“It’s a fucking manticore!” Clarisse shouted, pulling her sword out of its sheath. Everything was still and nobody dared to move as the Manticore growled at the group and circled around them.
“One of us has to distract it.” Clarisse quietly muttered as to not alarm the monster.
“I’ll do it.” Y/N quickly replied, reaching for new spear.
Mai pulled out a dagger, gripping it tightly in her left hand. “It’s my quest, guys. I’ll distract the manticore and you run.”
“No way.” Y/N shook her head, “I can take it.”
“I promised Luke I’d keep you safe.” Clarisse sneered, adjusting her stance. “So it should be me.”
“Now is not the time to talk about Luke and I’s complicated relationship.” Y/N snapped, flinching slightly when the manticore growled again.
“He kissed you, Y/N. I’d say he still has plenty of feelings left for you.” Mai’s eyes carefully followed the manticore’s moves. It seemed to have enough of their bickering and it lunged at the person closest to it. That person was Mai.
She screamed as the manticore attempted to claw at her face. Clarisse slashed through the monster’s wing and it howled in evident pain. Its scorpion tail reached for Y/N but she jumped back before the stinger could pierce her flesh.
“I could use some help!” Mai shouted as the manticore’s sharp fangs sank into her right shoulder. Y/N knocked the monster off Mai and quickly helped the girl up.
“I’d say the cut wing is plenty of distraction. Now I would prefer to run before it stings us all!” Y/N exclaimed. She was lucky enough to dodge it’s stinger the first time but she couldn’t guarantee her success at doing it again.
Clarisse hacked at the manticore’s eyes, almost slitting its face open. “Let’s go!” She screamed, pushing an injured Mai towards camp. Y/N took off after her friends but the manticore made one more desperate lunge for a target.
Its stinger sank into her leg and she screamed in pain. Y/N stumbled, eventually falling and hitting the hard ground.
“Y/N!” Clarisse turned back, sprinting towards the H/C-nette.
The manticore pulled its stinger out with a loud squelch and it’s claws sliced at Y/N’s leg, creating a gash so bloody that Clarisse had to look away in fear she’d throw up at the gruesome sight.
Y/N desperately stretched out her hand to grab something, anything. When her hand brushed against a decently-sized rock, she grabbed it and whacked the manticore.
She scrambled up, pulling out her spear once more and hurling it in the direction of the monster’s heart. The sharp weapon pierced its chest and the monster exploded into golden fragments.
“Shit, shit, shit. We need to get you back to camp.” Clarisse said, panicking as she watched light grey veins stem from the sting. That was never a good sign.
“What’s taking them so long?” Percy asked as he sat beside Luke, holding a plate of food. It had been ages since Mai, Y/N, and Clarisse had left
“A quest takes time.” Annabeth butted in, “And this sounded like a hard one, even for them.”
“I’m sure the three of them can handle it.” Luke said, mainly to reassure himself that Y/N hadn’t died a painful and untimely death. Percy’s eyes flickered to a trio approaching the top of the hill.
“Hey.” He nudged Luke, “Is… Is that them?”
Luke could recognise Y/N’s H/C hair from a mile away. He stood up, accidentally hitting the table. That was Percy’s unspoken answer. Mai and Clarisse had Y/N’s arms slung around their shoulders as she limped forward. But Y/N suddenly tripped and the three of them stumbled, more like rolled, down the hill.
“Oh. Shit.” Luke was the first to react. He ran over to Y/N, who was lying underneath Mai. She groaned under the weight of the other demigod.
“I told you to be careful with your shoulder.” Clarisse grumbled, pulling Mai off Y/N. Luke hurriedly helped her up.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Apart from almost getting my leg torn off and the venom spreading quickly, I’m great.” Y/N awkwardly smiled and winced when she moved her injured limb. “Would you mind helping me to the infirmity?” She asked, but Luke was already one step ahead. He easily picked her up and laid her down on the first free bed he saw.
“What happened?” He asked as he looked at Y/N’s slashed leg.
Y/N was silent for a moment before she shrugged. “Manticore.” She said like it wasn’t a big deal, but it was because half her leg was almost falling off. Luke wanted to puke as he merely stared at it.
“Hey,” He said to a passing Apollo kid, “Do you think you could, I dunno, save her before she dies from manticore venom?”
The Apollo kid looked at Y/N’s leg, his nose scrunching up. “It did a good number on you. Mai got away with only a bite.”
“Yeah, I guess it has something to do with Zeus being my father.” Y/N sighed. “But my leg is really starting to hurt now.”
“The venom hasn’t spread to your torso yet so that’s good news. We may have to knock you unconscious because fixing this wound will take some time… and pain. Probably a lot of pain.” The boy called a few of his siblings over, quickly explaining the situation to them.
Luke stepped back to give them space and he waited until Y/N was unconscious before he left. “She’ll be okay, right?” He asked Genieve, one of the most skilled healers.
“She’s a tough girl, Luke. She’ll be fine.”
Y/N awoke a week later. She groaned as she sat up, stretching her arms and popping her back. She yawned, looking around at her surroundings. Multiple get better cards littered the table next to her and she smiled when she saw Percy’s bad attempt at drawing a whale.
“Oh. You’re awake.” Genieve kindly smiled at Y/N, “I was getting a little scared that you were in a coma.”
Y/N moved her injured leg, surprised to see that nothing was left of the grisly cut except a dark scar.
“We did our best but injuries from monsters don’t fully go away.” Genieve sheepishly piped up.
Y/N knew that. It was the same case with Luke’s scar. She jolted at the thought of Luke. Y/N turned to Genieve, wanting to ask where the boy was. She figured that it was finally time to talk with him.
No arguments, no misunderstandings, no blaming each other for something they couldn’t control.
As if understanding what she wanted, Genieve pointed towards the closed door. “Outside.” Was all she said.
Y/N walked towards the door, slowly pulling it open. A cold gust of air hit her and she shivered. Camp was usually warm all year round, even when it was snowing because the snow couldn’t get past the barrier.
Y/N stepped forward, looking around in shock as she sank into the freezing, knee-height snow. She had always wanted to touch it but Chiron warned her that going outside the barrier, even if it was close to camp, was dangerous.
There was a new sparkle in Y/N’s eye as she crouched down to grab a handful. She heard the lulling sound of music and when she looked up, she burst into laughter at the sight of Luke holding a boombox. He held it up high and with pride, not caring about the questioning looks campers gave him.
“You said you always wanted to see and touch snow… so I brought you some.” Luke uttered, his voice overlapping with the melodic sound of Lana Del Rey.
Tell me I'm your national anthem.
Red, white, blue is in the sky.
Summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes.
“I don’t care what you do, Sparky.” Luke said as he walked until he was standing in front of her. He placed the boombox down. “Break my heart. Break my heart into a thousand pieces and bury them. Do whatever you want… because I love you.”
Y/N cupped his cold face in her hands, lightly sniffing. She cracked a small smile. “You’re the only one for me, Luke. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too, Sparky. From now on, I’ll communicate with you better. I’ll do anything for you. I’d kill for you, I’d set the world on fire for you. Just as long as I can hug and kiss you and call you mine.”
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saikoucorps · 3 months
☆ warnings : none!
☆ tags : gn!reader, fluff, monoma can pull
☆ summary : crush to dating hcs
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Before you guys would start dating he'd copy your quirk just to help you out. Sometimes, he doesn't even explain why he's helping you.
If you're in class 1-A, he never talks bad about you, infact he admires you openly.
The whole class can tell he favorites you..
He's automatically calmer around you, but it doesn't stop him from making snarky remarks at class 1-A
Literally will find a way to cling to you and say something like, "You should be proud you're standing next to me!"
If you're around, he'll automatically try to impress you.
Whether that's by not insulting class 1-A or just using his quirk in a cool way.
Would do crazy stunts and then say "That was too easy."
He would tease you for your interests..
But then secretly learn them later that night.
If you complimented him he wouldn't know what to say, he'd try to play it off then quickly brag to everyone that YOU complimented him.
He's huge on giving compliments.
He will compliment you out loud and EVERYONE will know.
He can be pretty obvious about his crush on you..
But if anyone tried to mention it, he'd deny it and say you weren't "worth" dating him. (You totally are.)
He can be a huge flirt, but usually insults you to mask how obvious it is.
Makes everything a competition.
Especially between you and him
Borderline stalker. Not on purpose.. I think.
He's able to read people very easily, so if you were upset, he'd try to make that day easier for you.. it really isn't noticeable, though. At all.
He absolutely would not confess to you first. You'd have to.
And if you did, he'd say, "I knew you liked me, I'm amazing."
But he'd accept your confession without hesitation.
And when you two start dating, he makes it KNOWN you guys are.
No one is surprised.
The compliments NEVER left.
Neither did the insults.
He has no filter ever, even when he's dating you.
If you're geuinley upset at something he said, he'd try to reassure you that he was only trying to help you improve.
He's still good at reading people. He always knows when you're upset.
Huge compliment fisher, especially for you.
Gives the best advice ever, it can be hard to tell if he's serious though..
The moment you leave the room, he brags about you. If you're in class 1-A, he'd constantly say they're undeserving of you.
Huge gossiper. He's definitely always ease dropping and comes to you with the juiciest details ever.
He always knows what the right thing to say is with you. He also knows when it's the right time to be cocky and tease you.
Always in your personal space..
He'll cling to you, and I mean that.
He'd try to fix your outfit, lay on your shoulder, poke you, use you as a arm rest, or anything stupid.
And he denies everything if you mention it.
Only takes criticism from you (and teaches).. so if you tell him he did something wrong he'd freak out.
But he'd fix it.
If it worked.. he'd think of you more highly (if that was even possible)
But you wouldn't get a huge thanks from him.
He still flirts with you, except he doesn't try to hide it anymore.
Despite all this, he still is a huge gentleman.
I'm talking holding the door for you, moving things out your way, etc.
He treats you like a literal god sometimes.
LOVES to tease you, and annoy you.
100% is the jealous type. He loves what you to have, and wants to keep it purely between you two. So when another guy comes into the picture, teasing or complimenting you, he can't help but feel jealous.
When he's jealous he'll cling onto you more, or become way more insufferable.
When you two are alone, he can act way better.
He's calmer with you, always.
So what he says to you in private is more meaningful.
He definitely becomes way more affectionate to...
His love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation.
He's canonically rich, so I see him spoiling you in gifts and overly fancy stuff.
He never doubts you ever. He only wants what's best for you and your future.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
No Kisses - Demon Brothers
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SUMMARY: After tasting a Solomon's dish, your lips got infected. It's nothing serious, but it's contagious. So you decide not to kiss anyone until your lips heal. How do they react to the wait?
CHARACTERS: Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor)
TAGS: Fluf; GN Reader; Kissing
WORD COUNT: An average of 280 words per character.
COMMENTS: I finally thought of something to write with the Obey Me! characters! Recently I got angular cheilitis. My lips are very dry. Nothing too serious, but that's what gave me the idea to write this.
I hope you enjoy. ;)
P.S.: Here’s the version with the Side Characters: No Kisses - Side Characters
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CONTEXT: You couldn't get rid of tasting Solomon's new dish. He looked so proud and happy about it. And it didn't look as... deadly as the others. It was salty, but not too bad. The problem came later, your lips became drier than usual and small cuts formed on them. He was worried and apologized profusely.
The doctor told you it was nothing serious and gave you an ointment to put on your lips. But what you had was contagious through kissing. So you decide not to kiss anyone until your lips are completely healed.
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Lucifer understands and appreciates your thoughtfulness. He also mentions something about making Solomon pay for it. He hides his sadness at not being able to kiss you for a week or more very well.
Protective as he is, he can be a little annoying as he always reminds you to put on the ointment. He will cook for you. He will make foods that don't require you to open your mouth too much so you don't force the now fragile elasticity of your lips. He'll probably also offer to put the ointment on your lips himself. And he’ll tell you not to worry because he will be very careful not to get infected.
He will still kiss you on the cheek or forehead. And be very sad to remember that he can't kiss your lips too. But of course, he doesn't show that.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. The only time his face will show what he truly feels about the situation. A mixture of sadness for not being able to kiss you and for seeing your beautiful lips dry and cut. And anger at Solomon for doing that to you.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he will move closer and lift your chin to get a better look at your lips. He takes off his glove to run his thumb over your lips and check that they are healthy.
He will smile and not waste any more time to kiss you. Starts off affectionate but quickly escalates to a longing kiss. When your lips part he says: “I missed you. Now we can make up for the lost time.”
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Super Sulky! Mammon can't hide for nothing how upset he is about that situation. He'll constantly bad-mouthing and curse Solomon until your lips heal.
You can still let him kiss your cheeks. But he'll forget about your infected lips and you'll have to be the one to stop him from kissing them. You’ll cover his mouth and see his eyes pouting. He'll sulk, mumble more curses at Solomon and hug you even tighter. Like a child hugging his teddy bear for consolation.
When he sees your face of discomfort while eating, he´ll offer to cook something else for you or cut your food into even smaller pieces. What do you mean it's like he's treating you like a child? He just want to help! Don't think that of him. That wasn't his intention!
If you sleep together, he'll look at your dry, cut lips while you're sleeping and pout. He is sad for you because you are the one with the lips like that and if a kiss from him could transfer all your pain to him, he would kiss you without thinking twice. Why did you taste Solomon's food? You big dummy...
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so: “Really? Are you sure?” and he will laugh happily. “Good! That's great! But no eatin’ Solomon’s food again, ya ear me?” You thank him for taking care of you and he'll blush a little. “Well, ya better be! Do you know how hard it was to resist to kiss you?... Well, no need for that now right? Come here~”
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OH! THE TRAGEDY!!! Why? Why you and not him? If there were lips that should be cursed, it was his, not yours! Not your wonderful ones! ... Levi... chill... It's not like this is permanent. Please calm him down.
He will offer to cook for you. Making sure he cooks and cuts the food so as not to strain your now-fragile lips too much. Don't be surprised if he takes this opportunity to make themed foods. He'll probably even offer to feed you. (I'm remembering one of the first lessons from the original game)
He's always been the type to hesitate to kiss your lips, so this part wasn't so bad for him. But you not being able to kiss even one of his cheeks? He was sure he was being punished. At least you could still hug each other.
If you sleep together, and he's already past the face of being freaked out about that, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. Lips so wonderful and loving, now so dry and cut. It was blasphemy. And worse, it hurts you. You didn't deserve that. If only he could do something. But no, he was useless as usual...
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so: “Are you really sure? Do not rush the healing process.” To show him you're confident your lips are back to normal, you shower him with kisses and thank him for all the caring. His face turns completely red while he says he didn't do anything. You better shut him up with a kiss before he starts saying that he actually thought he was useless.
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Satan is so pissed at Solomon! That bastard! Doing something like this to you. His anger is only tempered by the fact that he knows Solomon would never do this to you on purpose.
He'll read every possible book about anything related to your infection. He wants to gather all the information possible to take the best care of you. He’ll study the components of the ointment the doctor gave you if he has to. Our if he thinks he has to.
He will also offer to cook for you. He will look for the best recipes to comfort your sore lips. And he'll ask you if it's good and if it doesn't hurt your lips.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. He's more worried about you, about the possible pain you might be feeling, than about the fact that he can't feel your kiss for so long. Of course he's sad about it too, but he knows it's only temporary. Your lips were so good for him, and now they are like this, dry and cut. The anger for Solomon comes back when he thinks about it.
He will still kiss your cheeks and forehead even if you can't reciprocate. But then he'll remember something he read in a book once: a kiss where people don't use their lips, but their nose, and you can do that. But not in front of his brothers!
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he might already know that too. After all, he had been studying about the infection and had some idea of when your lips could be healed. You give him one of those nose kisses, thanking him for taking care of you. “Well, if you want to thank me... you can now thank me in a better way again.”
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Another Desperate One! What a Tragedy! How can Asmo survive without your kisses? He literally puts one hand to his chest and the back of the other to his forehead when he hears your decision not to kiss anyone.
He knows the doctor gave you an ointment, but even so, he looks for any and all products that might also help your lips. And he'll take care of the rest of you too. Paint your nails, comb your hair, give you new clothes to try on. In an attempt to divert your attention from your lips and show how wonderful you are despite that.
Your lips are hurt, it's not just any food that can touch them. So maybe he'll cook for you, or order food that he thinks won't put too much strain on your lips. And he will take the opportunity to order aesthetic foods to photograph and publish on Devilgram.
Since he can still kiss you but you can't reciprocate, he'll kiss you in double. You will feel his arms around you slightly desperate for more than just hugs. And every now and then he will also say out loud how in need of your kisses he feels. Out of all seven, he's probably the one who shows it the most.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your dry, cut lips while you're sleeping. He's so sad. He doesn't blame Solomon for his cooking, or you for tasting it. he himself sometimes gives in to Solomon's requests. So, he just looks at you like a sad puppy.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he's over the moon! He will fill you with kisses until he reaches your lips. If you let him, he will show you how much he missed them.
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Beel is sad and he doesn't hide it. He looks at you like a sad puppy. No food in any of the three worlds can make up for the lack of your lips on his. But now that he thinks about it, does it hurt you when you open your mouth too wide? Oh! That's awful! He needs to take care of you and make you happy while your lips don't heal.
He can try to cook for you, but he'll have to control himself not to eat it or the ingredients before even start cooking. And if he does, he'll feel so bad! And will probably offer you his food. If the food is too big, he’ll cut it for you. With even more control not to eat it because he's already disappointed in himself for having already done it once.
He will still kiss your cheeks and forehead. And if you get excited, you'll forget about your infected lips and try to kiss them. You'll need to be the one stopping him. He will look at you sadly and apologize for forgetting.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. Sad puppy eyes again. Ask the Avatar of Gluttony not to taste the lips of the person he loves the most? He could just walk away from you, out of sight out of mind. But he would never leave you when you need him. So he just needs to hang in there.
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he’s like a trained dog that has been waiting for the owner to give the permission signal to eat his treat. He wants to kiss you so bad, but he'll only shower you with kisses while hugging you if you let him.
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Belphie is the hardest to keep away from your lips. Because he couldn't give less of a crap. He doesn't care if his lips get infected too, he just wants your comfy lips on his. Belphie, NO!
He's too lazy to cook. If it's up to him, he prefers to order food. Or rather: just sleep together. Sleep helps to heal, and while you sleep you don't feel hungry. But if he sees you cooking, he might offer to help you.
He will keep hugging you, cuddle you, sleeping with you, kissing your cheeks, etc. Unlike others who, if they bring their lips closer to yours it's because they forgot about your infection, he will try to kiss you even knowing that. I mean, if he gets infected too, then there would be no need to not kiss each other. You'll need to be the one stopping him, for his own good.
If you sleep together, he'll look at your lips while you're sleeping. Again: he doesn't care how your lips look, he wants to kiss them. If you were assertive when you said you didn't want to infect him, he will respect that. Upset, but will respect that. If you weren't assertive enough, and left room to show that you wouldn't mind if he kissed you, he'll kiss you while you sleep. “If he gets infected too, then there would be no need to not kiss each other.”
When you are sure that your lips are healed and you tell him so, he’ll be like: "Finally! Will you let me kiss you now?"
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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veri-xo · 2 months
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chocolate comforts - james beaufort x reader
wc: 570
summary: you’re on your period and desperately craving chocolate. let’s just say james doesn’t do anything halfway…
pairings: james beaufort x fem!reader on her period
warnings: talk of blood, periods, just that kind of stuff in general, light swearing
tag list: @mp-littlebit @his-littlefox @pockyyasii @kaffeeine @f4iry-bell
@jamcarven @clarissaweasley-10 @benny1989fredd @123letsgobestie @tornqdowarnings
@elysianwayy77 @blairwaldrfsworld (lmk if u don’t wanna be tagged!)
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You woke up in a pool of your own blood. 
What a great way to start the day.
Sighing, you get up and head to the bathroom. You strip, throwing your clothes in the laundry and step under the hot spray. The water is soothing.
Wrapped in a towel, you take a two ibuprofen pills and lots of water. You change into your go to period outfit. An oversized hoodie that belonged to your boyfriend, James, and some sweatpants.
Speaking of James, you were supposed to go to a gala together today. Of fucking course with your luck it ended up on the day that literally all you want to do is sleep and eat and be angry at everything.
Now annoyed, you quickly change the sheets before collapsing onto the sofa, phone in hand. All you need is a snack now…
God it sounded like the most amazing thing in the world. You get up, headed to the kitchen. You scour the pantry. The fridge. Everywhere.
You don’t have any chocolate.
You curse under your breath, mad at yourself and anyone unfortunate enough to cross your mind.
A ringtone plays from your phone. A familiar one. You know who it is before checking. James.
You pick up. “Hey,” you say, trying to sound not-about-to-kill-everyone-on-the-earth.
“Hey dove.” His voice is soft. “And before you say it, we’re not going to the gala. I already know today isn’t going to be good for you.”
You stare at your phone, suddenly emotional. James was the most thoughtful boyfriend ever. “Thank you,” you say quietly. “Sorry.”
You can practically feel the exasperated-ness James is giving off from the other end. “Don’t ever apologize, dove. It’s not something you can control.” His tone is genuine and it makes tears prick at your eyes.
“Is there anything you need?” James asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.
Without missing a beat, you say, “Chocolate.” He laughs.
“Of course, dove. I’ll be over in a bit.”
You hang up the phone and curl up into a ball on the couch, burying yourself under a blanket as you watch an episode of the show you’re watching.
30 minutes later, the doorbell rings. You get up, walking over and opening the door.
You gasp. James stands their, holding five boxes of specialty chocolate. Dangling off his arm is a bag from your favorite bakery. You were already drooling from the smell of your favorite Nutella-filled donuts.
On his other arm you could see a grocery store bag and the lid of an ice cream container peaking out. Several ice cream containers.
“Oh my god James,” you breathe, eyes wide. “What’s all this?”
James give you a grin. “For you, dove. Your chocolate.”
You laugh, letting him in. You take some of the boxes and set them onto the counter. “I would’ve been fine with just a Hershey’s bar or something.”
James sets down the rest of the stuff. “I know. But you deserve far more than just some Hershey’s.”
You smile, leaning in to kiss him softly. After you pull away he holds you in his arms, stroking your hair. “I wish I could take all your pain away,” he mumbles into your hair.
Your heart might just explode. “You already do by just being here.”
He kisses the top of your head, brushing the hair out of your face. “Now why don’t we sample all these?”
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a/n: this entire thing was self indulgent because im on my period and I want to die and I want chocolate 🤭
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theorphicangel · 1 year
gojo satoru with a short s/o headcanons
a/n: this comes after my dire realisation of how short I am compared to gojo 💔🤞
tags: no warnings, fluff,
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- constantly complains about how much he has to bend down to kiss you or whisper to you
- “I swear I’m going to need some compensation for my poor back.”
- “satoru literally no one asked.”
- “yeah it’s all fun and games to you until my spine snaps in half.”
- “satoru don’t be dramatic” “yes m’am”
- he would demand back massages as compensation for all the bending he does for you
- I’m so sorry…but he would do that annoying thing of taking your stuff and keeping it out of arms length from you, making you jump and reach on your tippy toes…he’s a sad sadistic loser
- he would only do it when he wants your attention though or when you’re ignoring him
- “acknowledge my presence first and maybe I’ll give it back. ”
- “satoru please!”
- “please what?”
- “please give it back, I’ll talk to you if you do.”
- “you’re gonna have to try better than that sweetheart.”
- “fine then no cuddles later”
- “okay wait wait— !”
- jokes about your height non-stop which get even worse when he’s with geto, you swear it’s like you’ve locked yourself in a room with dumb 1 and dumb 2
- gets sooooo egotistical when you ask for his help in reaching something
- “oh what was that? does my short princess need help?”
- “shut up.”
- but if it was anyone else mocking you for your height, he’d be ready to shut them down so quickly
- “what was that?” “ I think they seem perfect the way they are.”
- yes he is a romantic ( although he doesn’t see it himself)
- however, you being short does have its advantages, like how you fit perfectly with his body, gojo being obsessed with wrapping your arms around you constantly
- although be ready to get picked up randomly without any warning
- like him dragging you off to bed when you’re overworking yourself or getting too stressed
- would probably end up taking all of the blankets for himself on his side of the bed
- and that’s not because he’s taller than you it’s just because he’s gojo
- although he’d find it hard to spot you in a crowd, has joked beside about getting one of those toddler leashes
- “how would you react if I hypothetically got you one for our anniversary”
- after threats to break up with him that he promises to never ask any hypothetical questions ever again
- maybe you’ll get a piggy back ride (if you make a promise to buy whatever he wants, which works 99% of the time)
- the other 1% of the time he’s happy to give you one anyways
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reblogs are much appreciated!
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
your "Privileged One" fic is so cute!! i can't help but think though, what if the childhood friend is physically affectionate? 🤔 (would they blush, LOL)
"We're sorry for the wait, dear customer. Your order of [Let Me Hug You!] gado-gado is now served. Tuck in and savor every flavor. If there's anything else we can assist you with, please feel free to reach out."
Let Me Hug You!
Character(s): Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, and Malleus
Summary: His childhood friend is physically affectionate person
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!Reader, pure fluff, platonic but can be read as romantic, reader is NOT Yuu, childhood friends, cute relationship between childhood friends, a hint of him having a crush on you if you squint
Note: Yay~ another childhood friends trope to deliver. Thank you for the amazing request, anon. I hope you like this. If there are any typos or grammar errors, please don't hesitate to let me know.
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1. Riddle Rosehearts
The first time you tried to be physically affectionate with Riddle when you both were kids, he was very startled to the point he straight-out jumped away from you like a scared cat. With eyes wide open, it took little Riddle at least a minute to process what had just happened. And when everything finally clicked, a deep blush crept up his cheeks, tinting them a vibrant shade of red. Then, just like a defenseless maiden on the verge of being violated, Riddle screamed loudly while accusing you of being rude.
Although his words sounded harsh, we all know Riddle didn't mean any of it. He just didn't know how to respond because this whole affection thing is quite new to him. Theoretically, he knows what affection is. But practically? He had never experienced it. At least, until you entered his life. It was kind of awkward at first, but over time, Riddle would eventually get used to being on the receiving end of your affection.
After the two of you were successfully accepted into NRC, away from Riddle's mother's strict tutelage, you became even more open with your affection towards Riddle. And although Riddle often scolded you about how you should behave appropriately as a student of NRC, he was secretly pleased by the fact that now he could finally relish himself in your affections without needing to worry about his mother's opinion.
However, no matter how much he liked being showered by your attention, Riddle was still a bit against you being affectionate with him in public. Though, as long as it wasn't too intimate to the point of attracting people's attention, he didn't mind a little act of affection, such as: holding hands, hugging, and a quick kiss on the cheek. If later anyone was stupid enough to mention how red his face was, then Riddle would directly get their head beheaded with zero hesitation.
Among the many gestures of affection you gave him, Riddle liked your temple massage the best. The way your hands move gently on his tight muscles while applying the right pressure never fails to make him relax both his body and mind, releasing the pent-up tension from his body. Enjoying your touch, Riddle sometimes unconsciously falls asleep during the massage session, showing how comfortable he could be with you around him.
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2. Leona Kingscholar
Ever since he was little, Leona never liked the idea of having any form of contact with other people, especially ones that included direct touch. So, whenever you try to be affectionate with him, an annoyed frown will make its way to his forehead as he continuously moves to avoid your hug attack with incredible agility. Only after you're too tired to move would Leona finally stop avoiding you and tell you to stop acting affectionately with him since it greatly disgusts him.
Despite saying that, Leona ultimately caved in and allowed you to do whatever you wanted because his heart had a soft spot for you. He told himself many times that he only tolerated your touchy-feely behavior because you're his childhood friend. However, he later became overly accustomed to it to the point he would find it strange if you didn't come to give him affection annoy him, even if only for a day.
In school, many NRC students often saw you hanging out with Leona. No one knows whether you're sticking to him or he's sticking to you, but one thing's for sure; Leona didn't like being disturbed when he was together with you. Those who dared to approach would surely be treated like an enemy by him. With eyes glaring daggers at them, he silently mouthed the words 'fuck off' as a warning to not take another step forward.
Leona never gave a fuck about other people's opinions of him; thus, he doesn't really mind if you're being affectionate with him in public. And even if he did complain, you don't need to take it seriously since it was probably just him being his usual cranky self. Another possible reason may be because Leona's aware of the numerous pairs of eyes focusing on you two, and he doesn't want you to be the subject of negative gossip. Well, even if there are indeed some bad rumors about you, you don't have to worry since he'll take care of it for you. Such a good friend he is, eh?
It's already common knowledge around the school that Leona often used his childhood friend as his personal pillow, so it's not really a surprise to know that his favorite form of affection is cuddling with you while sleeping. The warmth emanating from your body seeps into Leona's skin, reassuring him that you're still by his side. All the while, your steady heartbeat continues to be a constant reminder of your presence.
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3. Azul Ashengrotto
The moment you first attempted to express your affection towards Azul with a hug during your childhood, he instantly froze in his place; mouth hung agape and his face flushed a deep shade of red. Worriedly, you tried to touch him to bring him back to reality, but he let out a sudden scream and swiftly swam away to hide in his octopus pot.
Azul is not a stranger to affection, all thanks to his mother who likes to pamper him with kisses. Even so, receiving it from someone outside the family was a brand-new experience for him. Initially, he won't stop fidgeting whenever you try to give him affection. But soon enough, he learned to relax and even reciprocate it, albeit awkwardly. Azul may not openly show it, but he loves the affection you give him and he looks forward to it every day.
Upon enrolling at NRC, Azul, with a heavy heart, had to reduce the frequency of being affectionate with you since he had a professional image to maintain, much to both your and his dismay. He had grown accustomed to being showered with your affection, and now he must stop receiving it? Azul bawled his eyes out in his heart.
Fortunately for him, you still continue to give him your affections every day like usual. Although not as often as before, because you also considered the persona he had worked so hard to create, Azul is still happy to have his daily dose of affection. If other people were nearby, Azul's cheeks would be heating up from embarrassment and he lightly reprimanded you to compose yourself. But who will take his words seriously when he makes little to no effort to push you away.
Surprisingly, Azul's favorite form of affection was when you touch his cheek; smoothing it, pinching it gently, or squeezing it. He loved the way your hand felt against his skin—warm and reassuring. It made him feel special, like he was the only one in your world. And to top it off, you always cooed sweet nothings whenever you did it, which could make Azul feel a bit bashful. But… as long as it's you, Azul won't fight back.
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4. Kalim Al Asim
Ever since you were little, you had a unique habit of tackle hugging Kalim every time you two met each other. At first, Kalim was taken by surprise, but then he would quickly reciprocate the hug with an even tighter embrace while bursting into hearty laughter. If it weren't for someone eventually intervening and separating the two of you, there's no doubt that you and Kalim won't end the hug anytime soon.
Being a naturally affectionate person himself, Kalim always welcomed your displays of affection with open arms. In fact, he wholeheartedly encouraged you to express your affection as frequently as you pleased because he's more than ready to receive it with arms open wide.Growing up, the intimacy between the two of you has not diminished even a bit. Instead, it increased to the point that people often misunderstood the relationship between you and Kalim. Kalim himself doesn't find anything unusual about his interactions with you. After all, you and he are best friends, so isn't it natural for you to love each other?
Whenever and wherever, Kalim had no reservations about displaying his affection for you in public. If you happen to pass each other in the hallway and countless eyes are watching, Kalim will still rush to give you a warna hug and a quick peck on the cheek. With a gleam in his eyes, he would then present his cheek to you, hoping you would reciprocate the gesture.
Out of the many affections you have given him, the one Kalim loves the most is your embrace. No matter how often you hug him, Kalim will never get tired of it. Wrapping his two arms around your body, Kalim basks himself in the warmth and comfort of your embrace. For him, there existed no greater place than the sanctuary of your loving arms.
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5. Vil Schoenheit
Besides the rosy hues that grace his cheeks, little Vil doesn't show any excessive reactions whenever you're physically affectionate with him. He simply reprimanded you for startling him and then telling you to let him know in advance so he won't be caught off guard next time. All in all, he doesn't mind if you want to be physically affectionate with him.
When he was younger, Vil adorned himself with only the lightest touch of makeup, so he had no problem with you touching or even kissing his face. If it were anyone else, Vil would surely not grant them such privilege. But because you're his childhood friend, you're the only exception.
As he grew older and began to wear makeup more often, Vil started prohibiting you from casually touching him like before. Hugging and holding hands is still tolerable, but touching or kissing his face is only allowed when he's not wearing makeup. Don't misunderstand; Vil still cherishes all the affection you give him, yet his job as a public figure demands him to appear perfect at all times. But don't worry, he's still your Vil Schoenheit in private.
Being both a model and an actor means that Vil's every move is watched by the media and the public eye. Therefore, he strongly forbids you from being affectionate with him in public. He doesn't care if there are negative rumors that may tarnish his reputation; instead, he's more concerned about your life being disturbed by his fans.
When the day is almost over, Vil usually allows you to play with his hair for a while before he starts his nightly routine. He likes feeling your fingers running through his locks, gently caressing them with utmost care. Vil wants to let you know that he's not that fragile, but at the end of the day, he chooses to remain silent and enjoy the affection you give him with a faint smile.
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6. Idia Shroud
Whenever you try to get physically affectionate with little Idia, there are always four possible reactions he can give: he might let out a loud shriek, reflexively dodge you, become a stuttering mess, or even do all three in succession.
Let's be real; Idia wasn't a big fan of physical contact with other people. But since it's you, someone he holds dear along with Ortho, he's willing to make a little exception. It took him a while to get used to your touch, but now, when you try to be affectionate with him, he will only get slightly startled with a light blush spreading across his cheeks.
During your time at NRC, you can't be all touchy-feely with Idia as often as before because he rarely shows up in person, opting to send his tablet to fulfill his stead. That's why, every time school is over, you head straight to his room and cling to him like a koala. Although a little flustered, Idia doesn't shy away from your touch; he just asks you to move a bit so he can continue playing his game.
Idia strongly dislikes being affectionate in front of many people and being the center of attention. He'd much rather enjoy your company and affection in the privacy of his room. Plus, being stared at by many people while receiving your affection would distract him from fully savoring the moment.
Idia often tells himself that he's not the biggest fan of physical affection and that he's just getting used to you being touchy-feely. But when you lean against his side, resting your head on his shoulder, Idia will unconsciously lean back on you, savoring the warmth of your presence. At that moment, time seems to slow down as he feels the gentle rhythm of your breath and the comforting weight of your head against him. A small, genuine smile forms on his lips, as if your touch has unlocked his hidden vulnerability and he finds solace in your presence.
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7. Malleus Draconia
When you first give little Malleus a physical affection in the form of a hug, he is taken aback for a few seconds before a small smile adorns his slightly blushing face. Without hesitating, Malleus would take your hand into his and ask you to repeat what you just did earlier, eyes sparkling with excitement as he waited for you to hug him again.
Being the crown prince of the Briar Valley, Malleus was both respected and feared, causing others to maintain a cautious distance from him. In the big palace he called home, Malleus always felt lonely all by himself. So when you entered his gloomy life and gave him the affection he had always craved, Malleus couldn't help but become attached to you. As a young fae, he was quite clingy back then, often asking you to hold his hand, hug him, and occasionally requesting a kiss on his cheek.
The NRC students, no matter how frequently they witnessed it, forever found themselves astounded when they caught sight of you randomly giving the legendary Malleus Draconia a surprise hug from behind. What made it even more remarkable was that Malleus himself didn't display any sign of displeasure. On the contrary, a gentle smile graced his lips as he playfully pinched your nose, revealing his enjoyment of your endearing acts. It was evident that he welcomed your playful gestures and had no intention of putting an end to them.
If you choose to shower Malleus with affection in the presence of others, rest assured that he will not harbor any anger or annoyance. Instead, a light chuckle would escape his lips as he let you do as you please. By demonstrating your affection for one another, Malleus believes it lets people know that you and him have a very good relationship that was built on a strong foundation of trust and affection.
It's not wrong to say that Malleus enjoys holding hands with you wherever you both go, but if he had to choose, Malleus prefers it more when you play with his hands. Whether it's comparing the size of your hands, tracing the lines on his palm, or simply interlocking your fingers together. Through these seemingly simple gestures, Malleus discovers an unparalleled sense of happiness. Each touch, each moment of connection, carries a profound significance for him, serving as a testament to the depth of your bond together.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
I'd like to leave a request for moms wandanat and reader (she'd be in high school) if that's okay
They get called during the day and learn that reader got into a pretty big physical fight with another girl from school
They aren't given context and they don't really think about it immediately because of how violent the fight was described to them
They get upset and get into an argument but later at home when wanda tries to talk to her daughter and finally want to understand what happened and what was the reason of this, knowing her daughter as a calm person she learns the reason she got into a fight is because of an homophobic girl in her school who keeps insulting reader and her moms
You can decide on the end, thank you so much for taking request you're saving LIIIVES
Love you!! 💞
Summary: Punch a homophobe.
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: mentions of violence and homophobia
Word count: 1276
a/n: remember to vote which characters you want to the different tropes of the trope challenge!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Wanda and Natasha have lived through their more than fair share of violence, so usually fights, blood, and bruises don’t faze them. Not even when their daughter’s principal called them in to the school because of a fight, those happen every once in a while, mean words get thrown around. However, bow that they’re sitting at the principal’s office with Y/N, a girl from her class and her parents, they’re speechless.
Both Y/N and the girl’s faces have bloody cuts, most likely from nails, and the latter also has a black eye and a busted lip. Y/N clearly got off with less physical pain, she has been trained on self defense by her mothers after all.
The girl is sobbing, yelling at her parents and the principal how she’s scared for her life, while Y/N sits quietly. She hasn’t said a word during the meeting, not like anyone has given her the chance to explain. She keeps her eyes locked on the wall, arms crossed over her chest, she doesn’t want to make any contact with anyone else in the room.
“We want repercussions!” The girl’s mother demands. She is holding a hand on her daughter’s shoulder as she tries to console her. “She almost killed my baby girl. She has to be expelled right this second, or I will be pressing charges against her.”
The principal and Y/N’s moms try to calm the woman down, promising there will be harsh consequences for her actions, but expelling her would be over the line. She has always been a calm girl, which is why Wanda and Natasha are absolutely appalled by her behavior.
After an hour, the adults reach an agreement without pressing charges. The girl will get three days detention for participating in the fight, and Y/N will be suspended for two weeks. They’ll also change her classes, so she won’t be sharing any with the girl. Everyone leaves as satisfied as they can when it comes to a situation like this.
The car ride back home is definitely more than awkward. Natasha is furious, her knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Wanda is just disappointed, she never expected her daughter to be so violent, especially because they taught her to be kind and respectful. Y/N is annoyed. This whole situation wasn’t even her fault.
“What the hell were you thinking, hm?” Natasha finally talks to Y/N. She glances at her through the rear view mirror, but Y/N doesn’t meet her gaze. “You messed that girl up, Y/N.”
She scoffs, staring at the view passing by.
“This is serious!” Natasha slams her palm to the steering wheel, accidentally honking at the car in front of her. The driver flips their middle finger at her, so Natasha honks again, this time on purpose. “Fuck! You could have gotten a criminal record from that, do you understand?”
“Hey,” Wanda snaps her fingers, leaning her head towards the backseats, “answer to your mother when she’s talking to you.”
“Yes, I understand.” The words come out harsh and loud, which makes both of her moms even more agitated. “But if you’d lis-“
“No!” Natasha shouts. Her eyes are wide and brows raised as she thinks what happened for Y/N to go this way. “This isn’t a discussion where you get to dictate anything. You better not expect to leave the house for a year.”
“Jesus christ.” Mumbling, Wanda rubs her forehead.
Y/N slams the back of her head against the car’s seat. It doesn’t dull her anger, the headrest being soft. Tears of frustration are starting to gather in the corner of her eyes. She just wants to be heard. “There is a goo-“ Wanda’s shushing interrupts her. Her mouth is agape while her mind tries to register what just happened. “Mom!”
Her lower lip wobbles. She presses her forehead against the cool window, trying to stop herself from crying until she can lock herself into her room.
When the car stops at their driveway, Y/N is the first one to get out. She slams the car’s door shut and runs inside, straight to her room, ignoring her moms’ yells after her. Locking her bedroom door, Y/N throws her backpack to the ground and slumps down to her bed. The soft pillow dries her oncoming tears, and works as a silencer to her sobs at the same time.
It takes two hours for someone to come knock on her door. Y/N is lying on her bed half asleep, debating whether she should go unlock the door or not, but she doesn’t want to get in any more trouble. She stands up, unlocks the door, and goes back to lay down on her bed without opening it.
The door opens and closes. “Hi, baby.” Wanda’s voice is quiet, almost a whisper. Y/N doesn’t answer or look at her way, so Wanda sits down to the bed, setting her hand on Y/N’s leg. “Could you tell me what happened at school today?”
“I thought you wanted me to be quiet.”
Wanda sighs, rubbing Y/N’s leg in an attempt to comfort her. “We’re sorry for yelling, that’s not what we should’ve done. We were confused because you’re not one to get into fistfights.”
Y/N bites her teeth together. It makes her nauseous. She almost doesn’t want to tell her what happened, thinking it wouldn’t matter anyway. On the other hand, she also doesn’t want to disappoint her moms even more.
“She was saying stuff.” Her voice gets muffled by the pillow, but Wanda can still hear her.
“What kind of stuff?”
“Stuff about you two, and me.” She pauses. Her voice starts wavering as tears begin to pool in her eyes. “Homophobic things, she was saying slurs and stuff.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Wanda’s hand moves up to Y/N’s head, coaxing her to bring her face out of hiding. She rubs her thumbs over her wet cheeks, but she doesn’t wipe away her tears, she lets her cry in peace. “I’m so sorry. How long has she been saying stuff like that?”
Y/N shrugs, “always, but they started getting more frequent when she found out I have had girlfriends too.”
Wanda pulls Y/N into a sitting position so she can properly embrace her. She tubs her back and plays with her hair while she sobs, finally letting everything out. Y/N never wanted to bother her moms with the girl, having been taught it’s better to ignore bullies, but she finally got enough of the girl’s taunting words and had to fight back. She didn’t want to sit back anymore.
“I’m gonna go talk to Nat, and then we’ll go talk to the principal, okay? We won’t let her get away with this kind of behavior.”
Y/N nods, her face pressed against the crook of Wanda’s neck. She’s glad she doesn’t have to deal with it on her own.
“You’ll let us know if anything like this happens again?”
“I will.”
“Good,” Wanda pulls away from the embrace begrudgingly, “lets go to the living room and talk to your mom.” She holds on to Y/N’s hand tightly as they go into the room where, now more calm, Natasha sits.
Once the whole thing is clear to everyone, both Natasha and Wanda agree her actions aren’t punishable, considering the situation she was in. So, they decide to march into the principal’s office tomorrow, and demand for it to be righted. But, until then, they stay on the couch, all piled together, watching sitcoms and comforting Y/N.
671 notes · View notes
jealousy, jealousy || Chan x f!reader
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Summary: You can feel Chan's eyes on you from across the room. If you're honest, you're enjoying the attention a little more than you should. Sure, technically there's nothing about the little 'arrangement' between the two of you that justifies it, but if you're being honest, what you have with him has been about more than sex for quite some time now.
Word count: 5k
Genres: college AU, friends with benefits AU, smut
Warnings & Tags: jealousy, swearing, mentioned slut shaming (not in a sexy way), smut [oral sex (f receiving), fingering, vaginal sex], unprotected sex, reader has commitment issues
series masterlist
A/N: final piece in this series! I hope you've enjoyed the ride with me, even if it took way longer than anticipated~ Thank you for the love and support!
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Ask anyone on campus, and they’ll tell you how wonderful of a person Bang Chan is. Sweet, kind, involved in campus life, somehow juggling being captain of the swim team with being producer-singer-songwriter for the rising group 3RACHA, he’s loved by everyone and their mother — literally, since he’s the ideal son-in-law.
Ask anyone on campus, and they’ll say you’re a bitch.
Well, maybe not a bitch, but the word that comes back about half the time when talking about you is messy.
To be fair, it’s not a reputation you’ve done anything to counter, or something that you’d say isn’t true about you. ‘Homewrecker’, that you disagree with. You don’t keep tabs on people, and if guys happen to have girlfriends when they hook up with you, you don’t think it says anything about you. ‘Slut’ also gets thrown around every now and then. You don’t feel any type of way about it. Yeah, you like to have fun, no shame in that. Part of you is amused by the word, thinks that the second it gets dropped in a conversation, you know to stop giving a fuck about the person using it. The other’s somewhat annoyed by it. No one’s saying that about Seo Changbin, even if there’s a different girl in his bed every other day. No, he’s a lady’s man, a charmer, but you’re a Jezebel, even though— Ah, forget it. You don’t have to justify any of your actions.
You know your reputation leads to you being easily approached by dudes, specifically when you’re at a party on campus. Guys think it means you’re more likely to sleep with them, when the truth is, you’re very picky with a large number of people to chose from, and no reason to go for the bottom of the barrel.
The thing is, though, that you like having fun at parties. Dancing around, laughing with people, maybe a little bit of harmless flirting that doesn’t have to lead anywhere, that’s just part of it for you. The guys who approach you, however, have a tendency to take that as an indication that you want to fuck them. Which leaves you in the uncomfortable position of having to strike a balance between having fun, not leading people on, and not being mean to them if you’re not interested. Except you regularly do have to be mean to them.
Hence the ‘bitch’ reputation.
Tonight’s not any different on that front. You’re having fun with some guy you have no intention of fucking, laughing at his jokes, all without getting too close. It wouldn’t bother you to do that, even without doing anything with him later on, but you don’t want to deal with that much drama tonight.
What’s new — though it’s become increasingly familiar to you lately — is Chan’s attention on you, which you can feel radiating towards you from across the room. You’ve caught him staring three times in the last hour, shooting him a knowing grin when he didn’t look away fast enough, daring him to come over, if it bothered him that much. He hasn’t moved so far. But he’s been glaring for a while.
It's not like he's not busy, too. He’s surrounded by people, several of whom are talking to him. They get his attention every now and then, and he’s pretty good at pretending. He just keeps on coming back to you, like a butterfly drawn to an incandescent lightbulb.
That’s a game you don’t mind playing, but you’re starting to get bored of the conversation you’re having and, well, you’re not trying to upset Chan, even if he’s cute when he’s angry.
“I’m gonna go get some fresh air,” you say, smile turning polite, as you uncross your legs and start to get up. That works, sometimes. People let you go, and take the hint when you don’t come back.
“I’ll come with you,” the guy says, mimicking your movement immediately.
That isn’t rare either. Just means you’ll have to work a little harder to shake him off.
Though the weather’s been warm lately, a reminder that summer is just around the corner, the air outside still feels cold, compared to how hot it was inside. It would be the perfect change of pace, if it wasn’t for the presence still hovering right beside you. You’re figuring the right way of getting rid of him when he puts his sweaty, clammy arms around your shoulders, and you can’t stop yourself from jumping out of his reach, the feeling supremely unpleasant.
Oops. So much for tact.
“Look,” you say as he’s staring at you with surprise, “I’ve had fun, but I think it’s time we go our separate ways.”
Smooth. There was definitely a better way of phrasing this.
At least you didn’t tell him he’d been boring you for the past twenty minutes?
You don’t get much time to feel bad though, because his face contorts in anger — not disappointment, sadness, or even embarrassment, but anger — and then he goes “Are you for real? You’ve been fucking teasing—”
“Hey,” a stern voice comes from behind him. “I think she wants you to leave her alone.”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your fucking business,” he snaps, turning around, and then freezing when he’s met with Chan, who’s folded his arms over his chest in his best impression of a displeased dad. “Chan, I, uh—”
It takes one look from Chan for the guy to vanish without adding another word. No one wants to cross him, all too aware of the fact that he can ruin someone’s life by even implying that he doesn’t like them — ‘cause Chan’s so nice, why wouldn’t he like you? It’s pretty suspicious of you, to be disliked by this one dude, who’s never asked anyone to take his opinion as gospel.
“My knight in shining armor,” you purr, taking one step towards Chan, mostly just so you can enjoy hearing him clear his throat and watch him averting his eyes. You both know you’re his biggest weakness, after all. “You know I was going to be fine, right?”
That brings back the frown on his face.
“He couldn’t take you telling him you weren’t interested. That shouldn’t be your problem to deal with.”
He has a point. You think. Maybe. You can’t tell for sure, because this is just so normal for you. These days, every other interaction with guys goes like this, and you’ve sometimes had to grapple with the uncomfortable question of whether it’s your reputation doing the work for you, or if you are making people think you’re interested. You know what you do when you’re trying to get into someone’s bed, know that you didn’t pull any of it with that guy, but clearly you’re not being perceived that way.
In the end, you shrug.
“I mean, I was having a good time before this. I just wasn’t going to fuck him.”
It’s always fun to see Chan react to how blunt you are. You know for a fact that he’s capable of swearing like sailor — like he does when he’s inside you — but he always seems taken aback by you being this direct.
You get another step closer. Now, you’d just have to push a little to steal a kiss from him, and his plump lips sure are looking awfully tempting.
“Were you bored without me?” you ask, mischief dancing in your eyes.
“I was—” He clears his throat, not quite looking at you. There was a time when this behavior would have annoyed him, which you also found to be fun, but these days are far behind you now. “—busy.”
You hum in amusement, not fooled by the answer whatsoever — and a little insulted he’d even try that excuse when you know he’s been staring, and he knows you know he’s been staring — but there’s still a tiny little bit of concern poking through.
“Aw,” you say, not dropping the teasing, “even at a party you can’t get a break?” And then, leaning even closer, “Want me to help you relieve some of that stress?”
The tip of his ears goes red, but this time he meets your eyes, and you think he’s going to give in, when a voice calls his name.
From behind him, in appears Mido, and you raise an eyebrow at her. One of the top students in her field, she’s also super involved in campus life. Lately, she’s been busy planning a music festival — you think, you haven’t been paying much attention — which has led her to hang around Chan a lot. She’s pretty high-strung and a workaholic in the making, but she’s kinda cute in her determination. She’s also very into Chan, which, really, who isn’t?
But that makes her, uh, not your biggest fan. You suspect that she’s caught on to some of what’s been going between you and Chan, and it’s clear that she’s not super happy about it. You can’t really blame her. You probably wouldn’t want yourself hanging around Chan that much, if you were a friend of his — not even out of jealousy, but out of fear that you’d break his heart.
“I’ve been looking for you,” she says, somewhat out of breath, “I’ve been working on changing the program, like we’ve discussed, and I was hoping you could take a look at what I’ve got done.”
And there goes your sympathy, replaced with annoyance in the span of a minute.
Maybe you’re like Tinkerbell, not enough space within you for more than one emotion at any given time.
You’re speaking before Chan’s gotten the time to opine and get to work again.
“Seriously?” you say. “It’s a Saturday night. It’s— Fuck, it’s almost two a.m. Can’t he get a break?”
You get a surprised look from Chan, while Mido rolls her eyes like she’d expected that reaction from you and came prepared.
“I realize that you don’t understand the concept of responsibilities, but some of us have stuff to do.”
You almost want to laugh.
“The faculty isn’t going to collapse in on itself if Chan takes a night off.”
“It’s work that’s going to accumulate and make it worse on him as it goes on—”
“Then it sounds like you need to learn to delegate more efficiently, because there is no way that he’d have to be working these hours if that was handled better.”
Mido’s turning very red now, opening and closing her mouth as she looks for a retort. You suppose that the jab at her abilities, something she probably values a lot, wasn’t that nice, but also, fuck, you mean this. Unpleasant opinions have a tendency to slip out of you without you having much control over it, but it’s not like you can take them back when you very much thought ever word you said.
“Hey, how about we calm down,” Chan says, putting a hand on your shoulder, and you know that he has a point, but that doesn’t stop you from wanting to snap ‘why should I calm down’ at him. You hold back just enough to get to see him turn around towards Mido with a polite smile. “I’ll look at the schedule first thing tomorrow,” he promises her, and she’s clearly boiling, but she’s more in control of herself than you are, so she doesn’t say anything.
“Sure,” she answers, sounding like she’s stopping herself from screaming. “I’ll email it to you.”
“Thanks,” Chan nods.
He only turns to look at you once she’s left the balcony, marching back inside, no doubt beelining for her friends in order to complain about you.
“Can’t you just play nice?” Chan asks you. He sounds tired rather than pissed.
“I would if you played less nice,” you say. You know that he’s going to have something to retort to that, because he’d probably drop dead if he put himself first for one fucking time in his life, and you don’t want to play into that. So instead, you hook two of your fingers into his belt, pulling him closer to you.
“What do you say we make good use of your hard-earned freedom?”
He swallows, and you know you’ve got him wrapped around your finger, even if it only lasts until morning.
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You’re already entangled with Chan by the time you push him through his door. His back hits the wall, and he lets out a delightful groan into your mouth. He’s kept his hands gentlemanly on your waist, but you know for a fact that the gentleman act never lasts that long when he’s with you. It’s just a matter of getting him to snap, and these past few months have given you all the opportunities you needed to master that skill.
“You sure Changbin isn’t here tonight?” you ask against his lips. “We could give him a show.” Then, with a grin, “Or we could ask him to join.”
And sure enough, that gets to him. His kiss turns more demanding, he bites at your bottom lip, and, fucking finally, he grabs a handful of your ass. You hear yourself letting out an undignified yelp.
“No way,” he growls, giving you another one of his glares, eyes dark and filled with desire.
“Hmmm, I really like you jealous,” you can’t help but tease him, pushing your hips against him where you can feel him, already half hard. You’d bet he gets off on the idea of showing you that you’re his.
But the comment seems to throw him off a little and he ducks his head sheepishly.
“I’m sorry,” he says, the gentleman in him getting back on top when all you want is for him to rail you unceremoniously. “About earlier.”
He hasn’t let go of you, but he looks like he wants to get this off his chest before you can go with the festivities, so you humor him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you listen to him. If your nails graze against the nape of his neck, it sure isn’t in an attempt to get him to focus back on you.
“You were defending me,” you say with a shrug, mostly to give him in an out.
“No, I was, but—” Ugh, he’s not going to take it. “I was jealous. And I know I— I have no right to be.”
Aw. It’s kinda cute, though you wish he’d stop with the self-flagellation.
“It’s all good,” you find yourself whispering, tone soft, genuinely trying to comfort him rather than just wanting to get it over with. “I didn’t mind.”
The kiss that follows is sweet, soft. When his tongue brushes against yours, it sends shivers all the way down your spine. You’ve long known that Chan has that kind of effect on you.
You’re just not quite ready to grapple with that right now.
“I mean, we both know we can fuck whoever we want,” you add with a vague shrug. “Doesn’t mean I like seeing you being around Mido all the time either.”
“Um,” Chan says, “I don’t— I mean I’m not—”
Fuck it. He’s just too cute. The way he blushes, the way his ears turn red… You just cannot resist the urge to push yourself on your toes to bite gently at the lobe, enjoying the way his whole body shakes at the sensation, before pressing a kiss against his temple.
“Right,” you purr. “You’re only fucking me.”
You might take a little too much pleasure when you say it, if you’re being honest. It’s not purely sexual, too, but you’re choosing not to unpack that right now either. Instead, you find Chan’s mouth, press yourself closer to him, let your tongue run over his lips before he eagerly meets it with his. His left hand comes up to tilt your head back, calloused fingers pushing against your jaw. Despite yourself — because the gesture’s too gentle, too intimate — you raise a hand to cover his, entangling your fingers with his.
His following exhale sounds ragged, painful maybe.
Then he’s grabbing strongly at your waist and suddenly you’re the one with your back against the wall, and he’s pushing his thigh between your legs, spreading them open.
“Fuck,” you hiss.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?”
Gosh, you need him to worry a little less and to start taking responsibility for what he’s doing to you.
“Need you inside me,” is your answer. “Now.”
And that asshole has the gall to shoot you a grin, lifting only one corner of his mouth.
“I might as well make this last, right? Since I’m only fucking you.”
You want to pout, but it’s really fucking hard to keep control over your facial features when he flexes his thigh and it takes all of your willpower to resist rolling your hips and starting to ride him. You will not be giving him the satisfaction.
…not just yet anyway.
Since two can play that game, however, you trace your fingers up his muscular thigh, watch his expression shift from amusement to anticipation as you get closer and closer to his hard cock, now clearly outlined through his pants.
“C’mon, Chan,” you plead, something you’re not above doing, as you easily unbutton his jeans, “you know you want it too.”
Your lips ghost over his neck as your hand makes its way past the band of his boxers and wraps around him, with a little satisfaction coming from the fact that he’s not just hard, he’s also already dripping precum. He groans at your touch, and you grin — though, if you were thinking about previous encounters with him right now, you’d know it’s still too early to claim victory. Your grip remains light, your hand movement slow, tantalizing but nowhere near enough to bring him release.
“I really, really,” you press your thumb against the tip of his cock, rubbing it gently, with more intensity, just so he knows what you could do if he just let himself give in, “want you inside me.” This time it’s more of a whine that he lets out, his breath coming out in tense huffs as he rests his head on your shoulder, and you think you’ve got him right where you want him.
But then he lifts his head and meets your eyes, and you immediately know you’re going to have to wait.
“Where would the fun be in that now, love?”
It’s not the pet name that sets your heart in a frenzy. It’s not. It’s his tone, how warm his eyes are, the anticipation of the pleasure that’s to come.
It’s not the pet name.
“Think you keep standing for me?” he asks you, voice low and rumbling. You blink at him.
Then he drops to his knees.
“C’mon, love. When have I ever let you down?”
Ohhh. You think you’re going to really, really enjoy what he’s planning for you.
He takes his sweet time getting on with the program, though. His hands start on your calves, slowly making their way up your legs, and it takes everything for you not to plead with him, again, to get moving. You’re dripping wet for him by now. Your legs are starting to feel weak under you, but it’s too early to give in.
Chan’s large hands reach your thighs, his touch setting your skin on fire with every brush. When he presses a wet kiss against the inside of your thigh, so close to where you actually need him, you let out a whine. You feel him grin against you, but he keeps going, slow and steady, inching closer and closer. He easily lifts your dress up, pushing it up over your stomach so it’s out of the way. By then, you can actually feel his breath against your pussy, and you’re so fucking sensitive in that area right now, you think you’d kill to feel his tongue on you.
But he’s not done yet, no, that would be too easy. He slides your ruined panties down your legs, even when you whine for him to just leave it, it’s fine, and wraps a hand around your ankle to make you step out of them.
Then he kisses the inside of your thigh, again, and your patience runs out. Threading your fingers through his hair, you pull on it, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to remind him of where his attention should be.
That asshole has the nerve to laugh at that.
He gives you what you want right after that, though. He closes his mouth around your clit, and you throw your head back, loud moans spilling from your lips. You’ve never been one to believe in restraint, and if anything, Chan loves how vocal you get. You’re rewarded by the feeling of his warm, wet tongue on you, and all you can do is hold on to him for dear life, your other hand trying to find something to brace yourself on and coming up empty.
“Fuck, Chan,” you whimper.
“If that’s too much for you,” he says, pulling away, “I can always—”
You guide him right back between your legs. And he gets back to work.
If there’s one thing you have to give to him, it’s that he never half-asses anything. His tongue dances sinfully on your skin, his teeth graze against your folds, tantalizing, and you’re reduced to moans, whines, and desperate pleas for more — you have no idea what it is you want, but Chan knows exactly what you need. He’s already got you crying out his name in a broken litany when he pushes two fingers into you. They slide right in, and you gasp for air, briefly falling quiet at the pleasure.
Your knees give in under you, and Chan catches you just in time.
“You’re all good, love,” he praises you as he lifts one of your legs. “Just hold on a little longer for me, alright?”
There’s something about him talking to you like that, about the kind warmth of his words, that turns your insides into jelly. So all you do is nod as he helps you hook your leg over his shoulder.
“You okay?” he asks you, still taking the time to check up on you even though he should know by now that he’s the best lay you’ve ever had.
As an answer, you use your heel to push him back into you. Once you’ve got his mouth and his fingers back on you and in you, you let yourself drown into the pleasure. Because, fuck, having Chan’s undivided attention, having him eating you out like a starved man while his fingers curl inside of you, sliding in and out with a slow rhythm — if this isn’t what heaven feels like, you don’t think you want it.
Your legs start to shake as your orgasm approaches. By the time you cum, with a loud, high-pitched cry, Chan’s hand under your ass and the leg you have over his shoulder are really the only things keeping you upright. He doesn’t let you go for one second, allowing you to move your hips to ride the wave of your orgasm, even if it’s just little jerks of your hips, because you have zero control of your body right now.
You’d hate that on any other occasion.
Right now, you don’t mind.
You feel yourself slide to the floor as you slowly regain your brain cells. Chan’s still all around you, his heat, his arms, cradling you while you come back to your senses. He rubs your back, mumbling praises into your ear, and it’s good, it’s so fucking perfect, but you need— you can’t let this go that route, not just yet. He already knows you get a little cheesy towards the end of the night, so that’s fine, but it’s too early to succumb to that.
“Wanna move this to the room, or do you also want to fuck me against the wall?” you ask him, turning your head so you’re facing him.
His nose brushes against yours. It’s funny, after everything he’s just done to you, that this still gets him to blush.
“R—” He clears his throat. “Room. I’ve got— I’ve got condoms in there.”
He gets up and pulls you back up to your feet with ease, which, damn, you know he lifts, but it’s still impressive. You let yourself fall into his arms, enjoying a nice squeeze of his biceps while you get the chance. You need to get him out of his shirt, you remind yourself, and you immediately get to work on the buttons, tracing his skin with every inch you uncover. Goosebumps form under your nails, and a jerk of his hips when you brush over his nipple reminds you that he has yet to be taken care of.
Aw. You just can’t have that now, can you?
“Hm, I’ve been thinking we could try without that,” you say. Your voice comes out light, but you know that it’s not as nonchalant as you’re trying to make it sound. Chan tenses against you. Clearly, he realizes it as well.
“I mean I— I’d love to, but it’s—” His eyes are wide as he searches yours. You wonder if he thinks that was a throwaway line, something you said just to say something. Surely he knows that’s not the case. You’ve always been adamant about protection.
“I’m on the pill, I’m clean, I’ve gotten tested,” you shrug. “Are you clean?”
“Yeah, I am,” he nods, and it’s adorable how eager he is, “just— when— have you—”
It’s so obvious that he’s trying not to hurt your feelings. He should know that these conversations would never do that. That doesn’t stop a pit from forming in your stomach. What you’ll say next will change things. Maybe not tonight, maybe not tomorrow, but it’s been a long time coming. Maybe since the first time Chan gave in to his desires against his better judgment, maybe since the first time your eyes met.
“It’s all good, I haven’t been with anyone else for a couple months,” you say.
Chan freezes. You can only imagine what’s going on through his mind right now, but you— can’t have that. Not right now. So, of course, you have to defuse the situation. You grab his chin, smile seductively at him.
“Why would I when I have the best right here?”
All you know is that after that, you crash through the door to Chan’s room, and he throws you onto his bed while he practically rips off his shirt and pants. You push yourself up on your elbows, but you don’t have the time to take off your heels or your dress before he’s kneeling between your legs, spreading them open. He’s not playing games anymore, there’s no playfulness in his eyes, just hunger — and maybe the tiniest speck of uncertainty.
So you reach for his face to kiss it away, soft and gentle, and for a second, he melts into you. As you move away, you keep your forehead pressed against his, and he exhales a trembling breath.
Neither of you says a word. The moment passes.
A second later, he plunges into you with one harsh movement of the hips and you fall onto your back with a cry, arching against him. Feeling him for the first time without anything between you is… different, for sure, but it’s a good different, fuck, it’s so perfect that you don't think you’ll be able to go back on that. You have no way of knowing what’s going on in his mind, but you do hear him moan once, loud and without restraint, before he falls into your arms as his hips start moving with an animalistic pace. You grab onto him, nails digging into his back — this is going to leave a mark for sure, but you kind of like the idea, so. Now you regret not having taken off your dress, because you’d love to feel him against you. There isn't much space in your brain for those thoughts though, not when the pleasure is so overwhelming.
You’re still all sensitive from your orgasm, and Chan’s fast thrusts into you only heighten the sensations. Soon, warmth is building up into you again, but Chan’s showing no signs of slowing down. His head’s buried in your neck, his hands clutching the sheets on either side of you. When your legs start shaking with a second orgasm, all you can do is let out desperate moans while he keeps fucking into you.
“You feel so fucking good,” he moans again, which is uncharacteristically vocal of him — and fucking hot, by the way. “So good for me.”
“All for you,” you whimper in response. “Just for you.”
You reach for his face, kiss him, tongue messily intertwining with him.
He comes inside of you without a warning, just with a long, low groan, before collapsing on top of you without even pulling out.
“Shit, sorry,” he mumbles after long, blissful seconds. “Did you not want me to—”
“You’re good,” you interrupt him before he can start freaking out. “Just— Think you can carry me to the bathroom?”
“Of course,” he replies. Then, voice lower, barely above a whisper, “Anything for you.”
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You used to have this rule against staying the night after sleeping with a guy. Felt it made them act all territorial, and you liked doing the walk of shame in the middle of the night better than at dawn, if you had to choose. But it’s different with Chan. It’s always been different with him, no matter how hard you try to deny it.
You slip back into the bed after cleaning yourself up, and he wraps himself around you, body slotted together perfectly.
“That my shirt?” he asks as he presses a kiss against your neck.
“And your boxers,” you inform him. “You mind?”
“Nah. It’s kinda hot, that’s all.”
You grin, twisting yourself around so you can get another kiss from him, and he indulges you, not leaving you to wait for even a second. Neither of you adds anything, and you settle yourself comfortably for sleep.
It’s obvious what’s going on between the two of you, what this is all leading up to, even with you not putting words on it just yet.
All in due time, as long as you’re by his side.
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Last part of this, and another one where the couple is one I've had in mind for a while lol. I'd headcanon that in the morning, the reader joins the commity that's organizing the festival and is weirdly good at it bc she actually goes to a lot of festivals (she's mostly doing it to ensure that Chan isn't overworked tho). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the series, if you want to give feedback, reblog or comment, I'd be super grateful, and I'll see you for future works!
Taglist: @lethallyprotected @jisuperboard
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
At First Sight Part 3: He’s What?
Masterlist: Here
CW: Language
Tag List: @ali-r3n @blckburd @comeonatmebruh @sweetmoonlove0214 @heydreamchild @mrsjellymunson @marshmallowgem @sofaritsalrightt @josephquinnsfreckles
A/N: Poor Robin being brought into all this and poor Eddie for not knowing what to do with himself, enjoy the madness and don’t worry you’ll ACTUALLY be in the next part😂💖
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“He’s what?” “In love with her.” “I’m not just in love with her Harrington…it’s…way fucking more than that man…it’s like she’s all I can think about until I get to see her again and…and the idea of her being alone right now instead of being safe with me just kills me I need-” “you need to take a few deep breaths and just relax for a moment Munson.” “So…he’s…in love with her? And you wanna know if I know her? Why didn’t you just ask Dustin to talk to her?” “Because he has a big fucking mouth and will just blab that Eddie’s in love and that’ll freak her out.” “Right Steve because her seeing him all heart eyes and mouth open literally drooling at the idea of her won’t freak her out?…you’ve lost your damn mind.” “Do you know her or not Buckley? I don’t have time for this…it’s already been two days since I saw her and that’s about all I can do before I take things into my own hands and go knock-” “you’re not knocking on anyone’s door! We’ve been over this a hundred times!” “Yes…I know her and…yeah I can reach out and see if she has any idea who the hell you are and if…she’d be interested in you having her phone number.” “You know her? Like you’re friends with her?” “Yes Eddie I’m friends with-” “what’s she like? Does she like flowers? Is she allergic to anything? You think she’ll like my hair? I can cut it if she wants I don’t care oh oh do you think-” “you have got to get him away from me Steve or I’m going to gag him with a bag of Swedish fish.” “Now you see what I’ve been dealing with…I made him stay with me because I didn’t trust that he wouldn’t go over to her house and embarrass himself.” “Nothing to do with telling the love of my life how I feel is embarrassing…grow up.” “What did Dustin say? Did he mention if seeing her will make him…not so…crazy?” “He said if she feels the same they’ll both have like a moment and then their personalities should go back to normal but they’ll just be….disgustingly in love.” “And if she doesn’t feel the same?” “Why would you say that? Do you know something? Did she mention me?” “Calm down Munson.” “Don’t tell me to calm down Harrington! I’m in fucking love and you’re both being assholes about it!” “Jesus let me just talk to her and get this over with just…go walk around the store while I see what I can do.” “But not by the door…I don’t want you getting any ideas about leaving without any supervision.” “Yeah yeah whatever I’ll be in the horror section…oh shit.” “What?” “What if she doesn’t like scary movies? I’m gonna have to watch…romcoms…” “Oh my god you’re so annoying.” “I’m gonna go in the back and text her…” “oh so you’re just gonna leave me alone with him? Nice Buckley real nice.” “Later losers…I’ll either be back with good news or….I won’t be back at all.”
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circle-with-me · 7 months
Sweet Nothing - Nicholas Ruffilo x Reader
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Pairing: Nicholas Ruffilo x reader
Warnings: none. very fluffy :)
Word Count: 1k
Tag list: @deathblacksmoke @concretenoah @malice-ov-mercy @sitkowski @meekahy @cookiesupplier @lacktoesandtoddlerants @sammyjoeee @collective-heartbreak @agravemisstake @catharsis-in-darkness @unicornfairytail @0fth34byss @to-be-written @collapsedglasshouses @itsafullmoon
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You prop your elbow up on the window of your car bringing your hand to your face to massage your temples. Traffic on the highway was backed up, as if your day hadn’t been bad enough, and your tension headache was getting worse. You honk your horn at the person in front of you knowing it wasn’t going to accomplish anything but it let out some steam. The two of you exchange rude gestures and you groan, scrubbing your hands over your face.
All you wanted was your bed and Nick.
The front door closes behind you and you're immediately met with a mouthwatering aroma. All of the stress from work had left your appetite lacking but you couldn’t deny Nick’s cooking. As you step closer to the kitchen, you hear Sinatra softly playing and even softer still, he’s humming.
You stand in the open doorway and observe him. His raven black hair is pulled into a messy bun. Perched on his nose, one of your favorite things about him are his black rimmed glasses. He pushes them on top of his head when the steam of the pasta hits them, causing them to fog up.
Anyone else would be annoyed by such a thing but not Nick. He stands there with a content smile, continuously humming and cooking without a care in the world. You desperately wish you could be as laid back as he is. He’s your safe person. The one thing you know you can rely on. Just being in his presence relaxes every muscle in your body.
Nick turns around, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. He wipes his hands on the kitchen towel draped over his shoulder and moves towards you. Both hands cup your face as he leans in to place a delicate kiss on your lips. He pulls back and smiles fondly, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“Welcome home, my love.”
His face drops when he sees the red splotches on your face from where you’ve been crying. You shake your head, unable to tell him what happened without your voice breaking. He understands immediately, wrapping you in his arms and kissing your head.
Nick lets you melt into his arms and stays there with you, silent and without any need for discussion. You’ll tell him when you’re ready and he has all of the time in the world. He hums “I’ve Got You Under My Skin” softly in your ear. He rocks you gently to the music, and pretty soon you’re swaying together.
The buzzing in your ear from his chest vibrating eases the pressure in your chest. The hand that isn’t clasping yours tightly strokes your back. You let out a sigh of relief and you feel Nick smile as he kisses your temple.
“Why don’t you go take a long hot shower while I finish dinner? We can eat in the living room and watch your favorite movie.”
You murmur an “okay” but don’t move, wanting to enjoy his warmth for a moment longer. Nick delicately reminds you that he’s cooking pasta, mentioning what happened the last time you distracted him from cooking. Suddenly remembering the burnt noodle incident you blush and quickly turn on your heel towards the stairs. Nick chuckles at your hasty exit, snapping you with the towel.
“For what it’s worth!” He yells up the stairs, a smile clear in his tone. “It was totally worth losing the pot over.”
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You return to the kitchen later, clean and significantly less tense thanks to the scalding hot water of the shower. Nick compliments your pajama choice, an oversized band t-shirt and white cotton shorts with cherries on them. The shorts are his favorite because he loves playing with the frilly trim at the bottom, the tips of his fingers lightly brushing against the top of your thighs. Naturally, you wore them all the time so he would do just that.
Nick hands you a plate of food with a smile and a kiss on the forehead. He tells you that everything is set up in the living room and he’ll be in shortly. The plate in your hand nearly falls to the floor when you walk into the living room.
Nearly every pillow and blanket in the house was on the floor in front of the couch forming a makeshift bed for the two of you. A huge tent made out of bed sheets was covering the couch and most of your little pallet area. Gold twinkling lights were strung across the tent. A few lit candles were placed safely on the mantle. It all completely took your breath away.
“What do you think?” Nick whispers in your ear. You jump, nearly dropping your plate again. He wraps an arm around you and kisses your cheek, nuzzling you as he waits for a response.
“It’s wonderful, Nick.” You lean against him. “Thank you.”
Another kiss is planted on your cheek and he moves his hand to your lower back guiding you to your spot for the evening. Nick turns on Labyrinth and you eat your dinner together, singing the songs together and reciting every line. After you finish eating, you sit your plates on the coffee table that had been pushed to the side of the room. Dishes can wait until later. You settle into Nick’s arms, tucking your head underneath his chin.
As the night passes, you end up lying on your back with your head in his lap opening up about your day. Initially your story is all hands and theatrics, going on about a particularly frustrating coworker. When you get too worked up, he carefully takes your hands and places kisses on each knuckle. It was his extraordinary Nicky way of saying “calm down, I’m here.” You take a deep breath and collect yourself, continuing.
The endearing smile on his face as he listens intently almost makes you forget what you’re talking about. You can be your most vulnerable self with him without fear of judgment. His blue eyes have never once regarded you in any way other than tenderness and understanding. As you continue, the tattooed hand making gentle passes through your hair soothes your worry.
Eventually, you drift into silence. It’s comfortable. Relaxing. You hear his breathing change and see that he’s fallen asleep, his head shifted to one side. You’ll wake him up soon enough to lazily drag yourselves to your room for the evening. For now, you’ll lie here and thank whatever deity exists that this man chose you.
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