#in the pages of history
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galaksininsesii · 18 days ago
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ionomycin · 4 months ago
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your last light
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hickeygender · 10 months ago
after literal years i finally got around to downloading a pdf of the wipers times, an unsancitioned satitical british trench magazine circulated among the troops in france from 1916-1918 after the fortuitous discovery of a printing press. i have approximately five million other things i need to read so idk when i'll be able to devote much time to it, and i gotta pick up a proper copy bc it's missing at least salient no 4 vol 2. that said? i'm genuinely laughing at what i've skimmed so far
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saydesole · 19 days ago
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Black Disco Musicians
Happy Black History Is Everyday✊🏿
Donna Summer 1948-2012
Sylvester 1947-1988
Gloria Gaynor Living
Slave band 1975-1996(Band and Disband)
Loleatta Holloway 1946-2011
Hamilton Bohannon 1942-2020
Chic group 1972
Ashford and Ashely (Nick Ashford 1974-2011) Val is still living
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 year ago
It has come to my attention that I haven't drawn sun and moon as chibis yet
I have rectified the situation:
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all is right with the world
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comicaurora · 5 months ago
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diazmaximoff · 5 months ago
This thread I found on Youtube has me rolling on the floor
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fyblackwomenart · 22 days ago
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Nina Simone by Ariana Page
American singer, songwriter, pianist, composer, arranger, and civil rights activist.
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yeoldenews · 9 days ago
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Today marks the 148th birthday of Will - the recipient of most of the letters from my "Rachel & Co." collection (a box of 1000+ absolutely delightful letters from the 1890s that I purchased at a flea market.)
Will shared his birthday with George Washington, which was a considerably more important holiday in the 1890s than it is now, and often (jokingly) complained about this fact.
On his 20th birthday, in 1897, Will received a letter from his friend Nell reassuring him of whose birthday she found more worthy of celebration:
"You ask which I think is more important – your birthday or that of George Washington. Yours, of course. There isn’t a shadow of a doubt in my mind, my good friend. We are going to celebrate George’s birthday here, instead of yours, for the reason, I suppose, that, as you say, the opinion of the common drabble is apt to be wrong and the herd have decided that George’s birthday is the greater event of the two."
The letter was sent with a box of homemade fudge - "Sweets to the Sweet" - Will responded "Sweets from the Sweet" in thanks - and a mysterious gift referred to only as "Mrs. Piper".
"I send along with this letter, a little birthday gift, in the form of “Mrs. Piper”. I hope you will love and cherish her and never use any slang before her, for she is a dear old lady and slang shocks her very muchly."
My best (wild) guess is that "Mrs. Piper" may have been an elf-on-the-shelf style rag doll sent to ensure Will behaved himself at college, but alas I fear her true nature may be lost to history.
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ladybbg · 10 days ago
and now folks, Bulma threatening Vegeta by denying him sex is officially canon
what can I say.. what a great time to be alive
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vintagevisions · 5 days ago
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Bettie Page
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mearchy · 3 months ago
I really love Jaster Mereel, the most “fine then I’ll do it myself” guy of all time. Like, after he killed his corrupt superior UHC style and got exiled for it he could’ve been on that vigilante shit. And he did come back ready for a fight- but not with a battalion, or another assassination. With a fucking entire new system of living and governing contained in a codex he wrote himself, based on ancient laws he wanted to resurrect. By all accounts he wasn’t even in academia or government before that moment, he was a cop. And the best part is he fucking managed to create a majorly consequential schism in Mandalorian society purely on the strength of having actually really good ideas in that big-ass academic magnum opus he spite-wrote. That’s some Protestant reformation shit!!!! I wonder if someone said to him during his sentencing like “you can’t just make up your own laws because you disagree with the ones we have” and he said oh word?? Insane, I love him.
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jars-artcollection · 7 days ago
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youkaigakkou-tl · 10 days ago
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Chapter 122 - Clearing His Name! Acchan's Great Prison Break!
(Also on mangadex)
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my-darling-boy · 2 months ago
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It’s still a work in progress as I get more apps but I did a custom WWI dugout theme because default logos are ugly af
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tiktaalic · 1 year ago
Girls will be like yeah so basically Taylor swift has eradicated all attempts at creativity in favor of seamlessly merging her IDENTITY to PRODUCT and I will give accolades where accolades are due. She has been very successful at this probably the most successful person on earth at this and all it cost her is her soul. And it DID cost a soul. You could make a graph between amount of streams and quality of work and see so clearly the inverse relationship materialize before your eyes. She was not born a hack but embraced the life of a hack when she realized she would be more popular with platitudes and dialing back on oversharing and being less messy. If you replace personhood with producthood you lose your humanity but your album sales go fuuuucking crazy. I can make overtures at understanding this by reminding myself she was crucified for being a person for years and years and she has been very vocal about it doing a heavy number on her psyche. Maybe when that happens to you as a teenager the trade off seems less revolting. Getting rid of something you’re mocked for having anyway and in return you are richer and more famous than anyone has any right to be. But then I scratch my head. And go but surely you see that this is a deal with the devil. Surely with the contract laid out in front of you. You gnaw your lip. You hesitate. You follow the letter of the law but skirt the spirit of it for brief shining moments. And when she’s so publicly had misogynistic vitriol levied at her. So often for so long. IS it misogynistic for your criticisms to boil down to “she’s not likable enough for me”? At what dollar amount does a millionaire going on billionaire become a public object rather than a person? Does the fact that she’s slowly revoked access to herself change this? Is it more or less human to orchestrate your life so that paparazzi only sees you on planned outings where you look impeccable and have a message to send and you are Taylor Swift The Brand after you’ve been scarred by years of being Taylor swift the young woman in the tail end of the aughts and the 2010s ripped to shreds scrutinized for every choice and smile and dress and man? Is there a passable essay in the title Taylor Swift Doesn’t Owe You Authenticity. Maybe! but doesn’t she as an artist work at a job where she’s supposed to produce. Art? It sounds like I’m asking for ballads but I’m really not I’m asking for a song that is good. Im asking for a cruel summer which is irreplicable but surely the minds behind it can produce something more than snow on the fucking beach? Or am I overestimating the continued talent of a woman who is the platonic ideal of a target shopper? Is it misogynistic to believe the platonic ideal of a target shopper can’t create with a soul? How to talk about the fall off of Taylor swift in a woman honoring way?
five minutes later. You can’t spell awesome without ME!
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