#in the og the background is white since it's the sky but in this one it's a birdseye view so...
hammerhead-jpg · 9 months
2001, orange tree climbing incident (redraw)
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Og for comparison
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Dumb April 2023 hmrhd didn't think about how it's literally said that David was scolding Asher for climbing on a high up thin branch where in the og the branch is 1. Not that higher up than the one David is on 2. Not thin, the fact that it broke like that is pure bad luck
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emerxshiu · 6 months
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I started this drawing yesterday around afternoon and finished it just a few minutes earlier.
I went with a messier type of drawing instead of more clean like the elfilin one from yesterday, i find it fun doing it like this, mostly cause i dont have to worry about making it perfectly so i dont get as frustrated as normal. Id place this one as my second best digital drawing. im pretty sure i havent posted what i consider my best digital drawing here, tho i do have it in instagram, i might post it here one day, tho these two are way too tied up, i love how this came out, its not exactly like how i imagined it but its really close to it, and also itd say that since i dont tend to play around lighting that much, this was such a joy to draw and i cant help but stare at it a lot, at least until i start hating it because i made quite a lot of errors. i also changed my elfilis gijinka just a tad bit from last time, but its not that big of a difference, mostly.
ofc i had to draw elfilis for forgotten land's anniversary, i tend to deny it in my head but yeah they're my fave of the kirby characters even tho i hate them a bit. I wanted to draw some more doodles, like, elfilis eating cake, kirby car, a bunch of other stuff (not elfilin cuz i already drew him yesterday) but when i tried i couldnt draw anything more, guess this drawing burned me out a lot, huh?
you can definitly tell i spent all the efforts on him cuz if you look a bit closer to the bottom part you'll see its almost barely detailed, but i mean, they're the focus so make sense i guess for me not add that much detail there. um also, maybe because i dunno i had OVER 130 LAYERS jeez no wonder firealpaca was slowing down so much, i need to manage my layers better next time, tho i did do something i keep forgetting, wich is naming them (most of them at least) that was a real life saver
Also, antares (fecto elfilis' spear/cadaceus), as always, was a pain to draw, but this time its probably been draw the most accurate out of every other drawing ive made with it in it, i didnt notice it was like, a little curved when it reached the blade
some close ups since his face is a bit hard to see
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silly :3
fun fact! actually, this is technically a redraw, somewhere around between february and march i started a fecto elfilis drawing for the first anniversary, but i couldnt finish it in time, and i never finished it
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thats...quite the improvement! (i remember being so proud of it)
also his wings are like that cuz i did not want to draw the pattern, its way too hard, i literally copy pasted it, wait, i was talking about the 2024 version but i looked at the 2023 one and i just noticed it also has the pattern copy pasted, i guess some stuff never changes since i still abuse the ctrl+c ctrl+v to this day
Also i ended up making a huge error there, i was planing to add the phantom spears from orbital pulsar (the attack he does first when you battle them at lab discovera) but theres an innacuracy, when they do the attack, they always close their eyes, i had actually sketched him (well i mean both these drawings are basically the first sketch (2023) or second sketch(2024) with some color, shadows and lighting. i didnt do lineart in the 2024 one cuz i wanted to be a bit like the og i made (too bad i sketched that one with black since the og was sketched with white due to me drawing the bg first)) with his eyes closed but them decided to make them open for a reason i cant remember, maybe i thought itd look nicer? idk
ive had the idea of redrawing this for quite some month now so it was kinda already planned
background cuz i think it came out really pretty
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doesnt have the little stars since without elfilis and the structures it looks fucked up. the actual sky in game is more blue, but the clouds have some orange, in the 2023 ver. i made the sky orange, and in the 2024 ver i wanted it more accurate, but i didnt wanna loose the orange sky, so i did a gradient. pretty...
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also here's a screenshot i took when i was like halfway trough it, its barely noticeable but i changed his mouth in the final drawing
I really love katfl, like a buncha whole lot, its basically almost my first mainline kirby game. 100% the demo, finished the game in almost one day, i literally play it monthly, like, every month i put the card in my switch, start it up, get morpho sword, and go shred elfilis in lab discovera. i would probably not even be here on tumblr and the kirby fandom if it werent for it. and i love it so much i genuinly cannot express how much i like it and treasure it with words or anything
Thank you for reading my unnecesarily long rambles lol
I hope i'll post tomorrow and dont forget like usual
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yourlocalqreator · 2 years
Hailey “Rose”Quinn
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Now playing: Starlight by Phuture Noize, Frequenzerz
Name: Hailey Quinn (later named Hailey Riley)
Face Claim: Amanda Seyfried
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Rosie (According to Ghost)
Small Child (According to Captain Price)
Alias(es): Rose, L.T, Rosie
Timeline: Modern Warfare/MW Reboot
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: SAS
Status: Alive
Birth Date: June 27, 1999
Zodiac: Cancer
Occupation: SAS Operative
Affiliation(s): SAS, Taskforce 141, A90( Made Up)
Blood Type- O+
Fun fact: She can Tumble, do gymnastics, and can do martial arts
Skin Tone: White
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Length: Waist Length
Hairstyle: High Long Pigtails. Space Buns. Ponytail
Height: 5,0/152.40 cm
Weight: 90 lbs
Scars/Marks/Burns: she got a burns on her arm when she was young
Tattoos: none
Physical Enhancements: none
Personality Type: ENTP
She is bright, bubbly, and extremely friendly. Also very optimistic and looks like a cinnamon roll
But watch out, this energetic, bubbly, and sweet girl is also one of the deadliest agents on the team. she interprets things more positively than they are, the one exception being when people are explicitly arguing.
She expresses herself very well and not only that, she seems really self-aware regarding emotional stuff and how it affects her, and she is able to articulate those thoughts really well.
Fear(s): Losing her loved ones, and her Team
Likes: Nice People, Victory, Ghost hehe
Dislikes: Mean People, Enemies
Habit(s): Thinking
Flaw(s): Yes
Talent(s): Mf She can fight barehand and weapon wise
Well when she joined they could already tell they were so annoyed with her personality and for her messing up. but as the time came they got used to her on the team
Love Interest(s): Simon “Ghost” Riley, When they meet each other Simon thought who tf let this small child here but then just for like days Simon started to like her energy which made something about Hailey and Simon’s relationship closer and Simon realized he was in love with her
Simon Ghost Riley
John Soap Mctavish
John Price
Other Afflitations
Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin aka @sleepyconfusedpotato
Alyssa M Aka @alypink
Samantha “Scarlet” Wright aka @welldonekhushi
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton aka @revnah1406
Trudy "Jay" Saider @sgtbarnowl
Sky Arkes aka @skylovesducks
Eliza Waylon as @loneghostwolf
Comatose: Her Current enemy, The one who is messing up the timeline, The one who also tortured her back when she was young
Shepherd: The one who tortured her and left her dead in the Mw timeline
 Graves:He betrayed Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, And the Las Vaqueros
Relationship:Simon “Ghost” Riley
The Character’s Abilities
Fighting Style: Krav Maga, Ju Jitsu, Taekwondo, Hapkido
Weapons: Daggers,1911, Kar89K, Bo, M4, M4A1, Caliber 55.6, Knucklers, Combat Knuckle knife, Flashbombs.
Preferred Weapon(s): All her weapons,
Agility: 9/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat:10 /10
Long Range Accuracy: 8/10
Defense:9 /10
Offense: 9/10
People Skills:9 /10
Birthplace: New Hampshire, Canada
Father: Tarrick “Tulip” Quinn
Status: Deceased 
Mother: Santaura Daisy Quinn
Status: Deceased
Love Interest: Simon”Ghost” Riley
Character Background
Trigger Warnings: Torture, Abuse,
Rose is the daughter of Tarrick “Tulip” Quinn, A member of the Military, and Santaura A stay-at-home mom, two people from the same place in Northern Mississippi. They got married and moved to Canada as Santura gave birth to a baby Hailey Quinn. When there was a war a janitor named Michael “Comatose” Bly Van der aided the couple by rescuing their baby out of the hospital before it exploded, leaving their parents dead. Since then, Bly Van Der adopted Tarrick and Santaura's daughter, just to torture and brainwash her, not using numbers like with mason or memories like bell, but colors to mess her up while getting burned by a curling iron.
The mysterious fate of her parents is already gone. Luckily someone saved her, which was a group of armed men who turned out they also torture her more brutally, and left her when she was 6 in the forest. when she was 8 She thought herself amartial arts from when some of Comotose soilders sparr and use a gun for self-defense and she taught herself gymnastics and tumbling so she FLEXIBLE QUEEN.
In Hailey's teen years, she joined A90 because she wanted to forget everything about what happened in her past A90 but when she entered, the training and missions were arduous, More than the M16. And that's where Hailey got her strength in becoming an assassin who relies on speed, stealth, and force to fight her enemies,
As Hailey got older, she started working for the SAS (Special Military Forces) After training to be an assassin in A90.
she accidentally met Captain Price who then let her join task force 141 she was confused and so annoyed, But then as the time came on they got used to her being around, which is a guy named Simon “Ghost” Riley and the ghost getting close.
Because of sleepys OC Jade, I made my oc Hailey TADAAAAAA
I wanted to name her Hailey "XYLOPHONE" Quinn
Multiplayer She is in SpecGru Faction and gonna have concept art on her SpecGru outfit.
MWII When it came to the ghost team Hailey wore her black Assassin outfit from A90 just to look badass.
COD MW2 OG HER DEATH: After witnessing the death of ghost and roach she gets knocked out and tortured to death and left for dead.
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HER A90 OUTFIT yes that's picrew
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yel-it · 4 years
Alright I've finished Fate so here are my thoughts:
•They never should have attached Winx to it, keeping only 5 names and 2 powers the same while changing everyone's personality does not an adaptation make.
•However, they chose to do that so the whitewashing is inexcusable. The actors weren't so amazing and I'm sure they could have found Latine/Asian actors on par with Eliot's and Elisha's acting skills if not better.
•Even if you divorce Fate from OG Winx, it is still a badly written, poorly developed, bigoted, and barely cohesive show and here's why:
1) the dialogue is some of the weirdest nonsensical shit I have ever seen. The writer throws in random buzzwords and pop culture references to try and hide his clear misogyny and homophobia. I'm not sure why they hired a guy who professionally goes by Speed Weed to write the script but it was a mistake.
2) the pacing is bad, really bad. People's personalities change with no explanation or development, plot points are brought up and then dropped (Stella becomes nice all of a sudden and Dane likes Beatrix now when they've had barely any interaction and Bloom's mom becomes nice and caring, Aisha's struggles with her powers and Stella being "broken" by her mom's teaching methods are dropped and now they are totally fine.) and the show drags until you hit episode 4 and then everything happens.
3) the only developed relationship is Silva and Sky's and it is very clear that the writer's favorite is Sky since he's the only likeable character.
4) the girls didn't need to be friends at the beginning but the way they acted was weirdly catty and rude and not how anyone acts when first meeting people. Aisha and Bloom have some weird animosity throughout the entire series and the rest of the girls are... cliquey? Musa and Terra and Stella stick more together and have more interaction. There is no friend group dynamic at all and it's out of the blue when all of a sudden they're all buddy buddy and Bloom is laughing with them at her parent's house.
5) The climax was a let down with barely any loose ends tied up and I understand that there's going to be a second season but it was just kinda meh. I don't care what happens in the second season because the end is so confusing and not exciting at all.
6) The list of bigotry is long with this one.
- Racism- Black main characters are sidekicks at best with zero personality, overall even the background characters are overwhelmingly white.
-Homophobia- Riven is extremely homophobic and although Beatrix calls him out on it she still hangs out with him. I'm not even sure if Riven is bi because the "flirting" he does with Dane just seems like weird bullying. He actively mocks Dane for being bi and yet Dane still hangs around him. The optics for having your two bi characters be villains is not good though.
-Misogyny- writing girls as catty brats who aren’t nice to each other for no reason and fight over boys is a dumb misogynistic trope. Riven also constantly objectifies women and is never called out. 
-Fatphobia- bringing in a fat person for “body diversity” who is constantly belittled, barely fights back, and has no self-love arc is not as woke as you think it is Fate.
-Ableism- the concept of changelings is well known to be how autistic children were perceived way back when. Bringing this tale back and applying it to the main character, with the narrative of her being a troubled child but not autistic is... troubling? offensive? neglectful? All of the above.
In conclusion, Fate sucks as a show and was a nostalgia baiting cash grab wrapped in bigotry. If you must watch it please pirate it, but honestly it’s not worth your time.
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winxlava · 4 years
Where Fate: the Winx saga fails
As a winx fan of 14 years (in and out), this fate thing is really scandolous. I’ve seen lots of ups and downs the winx fandom. As I’ve watched all of the development that fate had, I've had some thoughts, but I’ve waited until I watched everything.
This is going to be a reaction to all 6 episodes of Fate the Winx saga. This is coming from a fan of the og show so expect lots of comparisons.
If this bothers you, please don't keep reading. A lot of this is only my opinion. If you like it and think its great, that’s good! I’m not here to ruin it.
There is a list of what I liked most near the bottom of this post. Spoilers Ahead!!
Anyway, back to the post.
What made the Winx work
Lets start with the basic idea of Winx. Bloom, a normal girl, finds out that she has magic powers and is from another dimension. Seems like a simple concept? Well, Seasons 1-3 (and 4?) expanded this idea to the max.
Likeable characters galore and lots of fun, fashion, and magic.
For a lot of us that’s what sold the show. 
So lets talk about tone and why its so important 
The idea that teenage girls were exploring a world we could never see or experience. And the darkness that came with it.
Remember when Daphne, bloom’s dead sister, clung to life to help bloom figure her life out? When bloom became evil and nearly killed all of her friends? When Flora drowned to save her sister, only to get enchantix? (Actually all of enchantix was like this). When Musa gave up seeing her dead mom to save the world? When nabu died?
The show was full of these small, intense, dark moments. That’s what made winx special. The light came with dark.
By making the show dark and “eDgy” it takes away the impact of the dark moments. I’ve been saying this since the beginning. 
Point of view and how Stella is affected 
Stella was very misunderstood in the remake and it shows. The thing is, Stella was the first entry point into the magical world in the original show. She carried Bloom and her parents to Alfea. She was the transfer point to a whole world for the audience.
Her spunk and optimism and snark made her a fan favorite, but that’s not what made her character work.
She was Bloom’s first friend, and because of the that, we saw her in a good lens. She was reckless, but a pure heart nonetheless. She was confident, cunning, and powerful. 
It was because we saw the good in her first that made us like her. She was good before she was bad in our eyes.
The remake takes all of that away. She’s just a generic mean rich girl now. To be honest, Stella is accurate, but the way she was introduced put her in a whole new light. In this version, she is annoying and trifling, seemingly taking the place of Diaspro in her liking for sky.
Also she hates her mother? Stella would never! She loved both of her parents dearly and was mad simply because she felt they never loved her as a result of their divorce; they never talked to each other and she felt split between the two of them. (See Stella’s nightmares sequence season 1 :https://youtu.be/wuvyw0OHA6A?t=129). She was lonely and her father, though he loved her, spoiled her with gifts instead of the love she desired. 
You see this side of her when Chimera comes in and tries to take her place in season 3. Her worth is tied to what she has and looks like. Her title as a princess rules her.
Not only that, Stella learns about “commoners” through her friends. She was spoiled and never saw people who couldn’t afford things; it was new and she was a bit rude about it, but can you blame her, she was always put above everything else in her home country.
^^ These are comments of people saying similar things.
Stella also vents to Sky a lot in the remake. She seems like she is chasing him pitifully, something og Stella would never do.
Edit: Check the “liked” section; she has been upgraded to sort of like in episodes 5 and 6.
They did Aisha dirty as well. (Just like Bonnie from Vampire Diaries, why am I surprised?) I would write a lot here, but someone else summarized it well:
Tldr: Aisha was a very lonely princess of Andros. She only had one friend growing up but then they moved away and she was lonely all over again. She copes with her princess duties by being great at sports and even beating some of the men! She stood up to her parents when they wanted her to be arranged married, until she fell in love with Nabu HERSELF. She decided her own future from that point on.
Also, her relevance to the plot has been dwindled to being Bloom's right hand man; the black best friend sterotype! What a let down for one of the PRINCESSES of the original!
She had her own goals, drive, and motivations in the original! She did things for all of her friends; she definitely wasn't only driven by one person!
And she was closer to Musa than Bloom that's for sure!
The fact that bloom transforms before everyone else gives bad vibes, considering that one of the reasons she was insecure about magic was because everyone of her friends was better than her and could transform. Why would she feel insecure when they are all around the same level?
The theme of sisterhood
Ever notice that none of the girls had the same taste in guys?
Bloom liked goody guys like Sky and Andy. Stella liked guys who were fun and flirty like Brandon.
In fact, none of the girls ever fought over a guy, they fought over things that actually mattered like someone being rude or a mission gone wrong.
That's what made them relatable. They weren't petty about guys and they mostly respected each other's relationships.
^^ Look at highlighted comment
Not only that, but the winx represented a positive sisterhood. They stood by each other and respected each other; they never let men come between them and shared their power with each other.
Only the trix, the bad sisterhood, fought over men and power. The trix were foils to the winx and what they stood for! That's what made them some of the best villains in the series!
Instead of that, we get useless relationship drama! 😒
And that brings me to...
Stella/Sky/Bloom & Riven/Dane/Terra
What was the point of Dane? I'm still asking myself that question. He doesn't really do anything except act as relationship fuel for a love triangle.
Don't get me wrong, the representation is needed. But he adds nothing to the real plot at all except that Terra thinks he likes her, and he has a crush on Riven.
In terms of the Stella and Bloom love triangle with Sky, apparently she BLINDED someone because they flirted with sky. What?!? Stella isn't that cruel at all. The show clearly flanderized her to a cruel mean girl so....
Edit: Check the “liked” section; she has been upgraded to sort of like in episodes 5 and 6.
Lets not forget about “diversity”
Male fairies did exist before Fate:
Flora/Terra, Musa, and Whitewashing
Terra and Musa are wonderful! Their actress' do a great job; their personalities are so similar to the original (except for musa's mind abilities and Terra's talkative personality)! Whenever one of them interacts with the other main cast, you feel actual friendship chemistry between them!!
But there is an elephant in the room: the whitewashing. If these characters were the correct race, they wouldn't be in this critical review.
Terra isn't flora, but her character was clearly based on her! Also, she has a cousin named Flora, so Flora is clearly in this universe.
Why change her race and swap her out! The personalities are spot on, which makes it even more disheartening to know that they would rather replace two POC characters with white characters who essentially are the same people and have the same plot importance.
What a shame and low blow that is! Especially since I am a black woman myself!
Sky and Riven
Them being bros make no sense really. Before they were more like enemies who were forced to work together.
Why are they friends?? What's the backstory?
Other than that, sky is pretty spot on. He's the pretty boy with good intentions. Not interesting but not very boring either.
Riven is cringy like I feared. He was also sort of cringe in the og but because of the darker setting in the remake he just feels even more so.
Other Criticisms:
- we gets some pretty cringy dialogue (mostly from riven). Some of the clingy dialogue (not from riven) ironically could have worked in a lighter setting and become "campy".
- The fact that there are no wings for 5 whole episodes, just makes the entire thing feel like Witches or something...
- why does everyone have the dead parent trope??
- no tecna
Things I do like:
- bloom missing her parents and feeling left out
- Musa and Sam before Musa and Riven (hopefully)
- Terra in general
- Terra’s dad and brother
- Musa in general
- Stella funny quips
- the scenery is gorgeous
- Stella's clothes are so fashionable! She has great outfits!
- Sky and Bloom taking during the party and/or being friendly with each other
- the magic cgi looks good 👍
- the rooms of the girls dorms and the castle looks great on the inside
- Aisha's personality
- Farrah Dowling is good as well
- Bloom is pretty spot on
- Stella's mom's powers are awesome
- imagine the genocide plot but with the happy fun show vibe and with the trix. The trix want to get revenge on faragonda for killing their cult, who wanted to revive the ancestral witches or something💥💥💥
- Stella in episodes 5 and 6 is cool
- the inclusion of the witches of aster dell (Beatrix said she was born there = witch)
- the inclusion of musa’s mother’s death
-Her transformation was lackluster to me, but I appreciated the effort to include it.
The pacing was all over the place to me; it felt like some episodes lasted forever and all of them seemed to have the vague theme of : be careful who you trust.
By trying to separate the winx from the og and have them have "their own lives" (which they already had), they ruined the intriguing backstories the characters already had in the og. Some were somewhat kept, but others were kind of left in the dust *cough*Aisha*cough*.
They took away with made them special: the teamwork, love, and friendship that brought them together and made them stronger. *They try it in episodes 5 and 6, but to me it just falls sort of flat.*
That said it isn't completely bad, it's mediocre at best, but it isn't Winx and that's that.
Edit: I know that it’s not supposed to be winx per say, but it has characters from the og and even the “winx” name in the title!
Credits: WCD channel on youtube, rainbow whitewashing jar on tumblr, and Youtube videos by the official winx club youtube channel.
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irandomblogfulb · 4 years
FATE: What happens when you get a bunch of middle aged white guys to adapt a cartoon for girls
Well, I just went through 6 hours of fate and I have a lot of opinions on it. Yeah, this is going to be long (slightly under 3k words) so putting it under read more and obvious spoilers.
PSA before delving right in:
1) Yes, I will be comparing to the original. Any comparisons are not through rose-tinted nostalgia glasses. There are parts here and there that I genuinely think were done better in the cartoon on a writing standpoint.
2) This is purely my opinion and overall negative. Don't like it? Don't read. I'm all up for discussion but I don't want another person crying to me about how I “ruined” their experience of the show.
3) If you like Fate then good for you. This isn’t me bashing people who like it. 
I've spit it up into sub sections just for my own convince.
1. The problem with the 'I'm not like other girls' trope
This pertains to the entire Bloom-Sky-Stella love triangle. I wasn't as pressed about it compared to other winxers (and I loved Stella's and Brandon's relationship on my rewatch). In fact, I was okay with it. But then I sat down and watched the show and there's a lot of underlying problems with the love triangle. Particularly pitting Bloom and Stella against each other for Sky's affection.
Now this part of the love triangle I already didn't like. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I dropped the OG Winx after season 5 but the Winx while they did have their conflicts and arguments, never fought over a boy. I really appreciated that from the cartoon so seeing that live action would fall into that trap – I was mildly annoyed at that. Then it hit me. It's Bloom and Stella.
The seemingly ordinary girl vs the pristine princess of Solaria. If the title didn't give it away, you should get the point by now. Others have already called it by now but the "I'm not like other girl's" trope in itself, while seemingly feminist is actually misogynist. Saying the more masculine type of girl is better than the feminine is inherently misogynist. Stella, the prime princess, girly and feminine, is villainized by the love triangle. Sky's and Stella's relationship is toxic and Stella's overt co-dependence and jealousy are already big fat red signs - but Sky's and Bloom's relationship is built on how she's "different". Bloom isn't like Stella, she's "real".
2. Am I supposed to like Riven?
As the title puts it, wtf am I supposed to feel about Riven. Is he supposed to be a good guy? Do I root for him? Is he morally ambiguous? Because holy shit compared to OG!Riven, this guy is diabolical and much much worse! OG!Riven is an asshole and he teams up with the trix but his arc was very simple and easy to understand. He joins the bad guys, distances himself from the good guys, the trix betray his ass, he self-reflects in the dungeon - escapes and redeems himself. Net!Riven is so bad to the point where you can't redeem him and the writers don't even try. Freddie Thorp is good in his role. (however, he definitely doesn't pass for a 17-year-old. He's 26 and it shows) and he actually makes the cringe dialogue work. But he's way too diabolical and downright predatory. The scene where he forces Dane to gulp down his spiked drink - it’s worse seeing it than reading it. That grossed me out more than the gore.
What makes it worse, nobody properly calls him out. Beatrix kinda does on his homophobia – “Homophobic bashing by GIF” - and Sky does chastise him, but they still tolerate him. It is kinda funny in a way Sky has a whole ass arc about how he's enabling Stella's problematic behaviour by still dating her after she blinded her friend but doesn't realize he's doing the same for Riven.
The only person that really puts her foot down with Riven is Terra and nobody takes her seriously about anything she says.
Everyone is very laissez-faire around him and that's not how you respond to your friend being problematic. (Hey, kinda like the other girls sans Aisha are with Bloom!) Everyone surrounding Riven is so disgusting and the notion of him supposedly being a good guy is very hard to buy into. His whole relationship with Dane has a section of it’s own because there’s just a lot to unpack.
3. Stella I am so sorry
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I'm also in the majority hating how they've tarnished Stella. Basically, they turned her into the stereotypical rich bully with mommy issues.
I get that Stella has an abusive mom but that’s no excuse to be a total bitch to her roommates. And no, her roommates shouldn't accept her back with open arms. And she doesn't even redeem herself - the girls just accept her back after her mom pulls her from Alfea.
And this is also another issue with the writing were the characters suddenly just change their opinions on a whim. Suddenly Stella likes the winx, suddenly Terra misses Stella even though having that girl literally gives her anxiety. Suddenly Aisha's on Bloom's side in the end.
This isn't me simping for the cartoon out of nostalgia. I was mostly okay with the idea of Stella and Sky hooking up. But Looking at it from a creative standpoint - looking at the source material, and the many paths you can take this character, the best thing Brian Young and co. can think of for her was turning her into the stereotypical rich bully that we've seen time and time again? No deconstruction no meta take, it's played out exactly how you’d expect it.
Again, this isn't me simping for the show. Purely from a creative standpoint Stella was such a major let down. There's so much to the character and Brian Young took the easiest, saturated path.
4. That one scene with Bloom's parents
You know the one. Mike unhinges Bloom's bedroom doors and Vanessa cusses out and insults her child like a petty teen bully. Forgetting how utterly cringey that scene was, you can't have her mom go batshit insane on her child, then act like she's this loving parent that cares so deeply about her daughter. Screw that! Vanessa deserved those 3rd degree burns! She invaded her daughter's privacy. Bloom didn't even do anything wrong!
I can't buy into this narrative of Vanessa and Mike being loving parents when they do something like that. Seriously who thought that was okay?
5. Pity Parties for everyone.
I already discussed this in Stella’s section but I don’t like the “it’s okay for me be a shitty person because my life sucks :)” narrative Fate tries to pull. They did it with Stella, Bloom, Riven.
What I liked about the first season of Winx Club is Bloom’s arc and her character as a whole. Because while she went through shit, from the Trix, to finding out she was adopted, her existential crisis, not feeling like she belonged, losing the dragon flame, she went through a lot. She didn’t throw a pity party. She didn’t whine, bitch and complain. She allowed herself to feel upset, took it as it is and tried to make lemonade out of lemons. And I respect that.
Net!Bloom is agrevating. She does some dumb, reckless stuff but it’s excused because she’s the protagonist? She let the war criminal out, the school gets taken over by the bad guys because of Bloom. Faragonda fucking dies because she let the war criminal out! The burned ones attacked the school because she let the war criminal out!!! But no, Aisha’s villainized for calling Bloom out because Bloom’s existential crisis is more important then anything else.
Getting to Sky, he isn’t as bad as the others. He doesn’t become a shitty person because of his problems. (Though lowkey flirting with Bloom while he hooks up with Stella is uh not good.) But he does come across incredibly whiny. Because of the cringey dialogue and the unnecessary swearing  I can’t take his speech on opening up to Bloom seriously. I laughed throughout the whole thing and Bloom leaving his unconscious body there was the icing on the cake.
One of the few characters that deserved a pity party is Terra. She’s very much like OG!Bloom in a way. She is bullied by Dane and Riven, has body insecurities, anxiety, nobody listens to her and at most only tolerates her. Despite all the crap that is thrown her way she still reminds humble, kind, and respectful. And she is one of the few characters that deserves more support than what she got out of the season.
5. Bloom, Aisha, Tokenism and their awful relationship
I’m going to be upfront, their relationship sucks. The core of their dynamic is what Aisha can do for Bloom. It’s very one-sided. Bloom only goes to Aisha to help solve her problems, which Aisha gladly does – but when Aisha disagrees with Bloom or says something Bloom doesn’t like, Bloom suddenly goes off and Aisha’s made to be the bad guy. Even though she’s right? And Aisha has her own problems as well, shown to also struggle with her powers. But nope, that’s pushed to the back burner because Bloom needs help.
I am all for creative freedom. I can stomach Stella x actual Sky. I can stomach turning Stella into a rich mean girl. I can stomach the dark academia aesthetic but what Brian Young and co. did to Aisha is just plain racist. Screw the “it’s an adaptation” excuse. Turning this character who had a rich storyline and was a princess into a white girl’s magical negro who fixes all her problems is racist and by definition tokenism. And by whitewashing the other two characters of color, making Aisha the only poc in the group – that’s the worst thing you can do to her.
And frankly we need more black princesses on screen.
6. Dane and the homophobia of the show
Towards the show’s climax it’s revealed Dane is helping Beatrix because she accepts he’s “different”. Not only does this go back to my pity party rant but like bruh,
1)      Beatrix never really did anything for Dane? She hung out and smoked with him a bit, but that’s all. You’re telling me Terra wouldn’t accept Dane? Beatrix never helped him and he never really opened up to her about his struggles.
2)      Nobody else, not even background characters bully or harass Dane for being “different”. It’s only Riven, the guy he’s crushing on. The whole falling in love with the bad boy/abuser trope is bad in a hetero relationship and that still stands for a gay one. And I know damn well if Dane was a woman half of the shit Riven did to Dane wouldn’t slide.
It makes no sense for Dane to side with the bad guys when Riven’s the one bullying him and Beatrix is complacent in the bullying. Oh, and having your second black* character who’s also lgbt+/potentially questioning be a villain? Not good.
I’m all for gay and poly rep, but not like this. If Stella and Sky’s toxic relationship is going to be called out for what it is, why not Dane’s?
*Idk if Theo Graham is light-skinned black or biracial so I’ll just refer to him as black.
7. The plot
It’s very predictable. Personally, wasn’t fond of the ‘twist of a twist of a twist’ style of writing. The story tries to be nuanced and deep but it’s not. Common sense is treated like a big revelation. Not trusting the war criminal you barely know isn’t as big of a take that the writers try to make it out to be.
8.  Everything else
·       Beatrix is fine. No Icy but did like the gothic bookworm aesthetic.
·       Sam is just there to be Musa’s love interest and provide some dumb drama between Musa and Terra. I thought they’d go the Edward/Bella root – Musa’s drawn to Sam because she can’t sense his emotions for some reason. Nope, they just get together for the obligatory make out sessions. Don’t care much for the relationship or the character.
·       Since the powers are all elemental shouldn’t there be classes purely for an elemental? Classes purely for fire fairies, etc?
·       Musa’s powers are confusing. If she has no control over them and they are “always on”, shouldn’t her eyes constantly be glowing purple?  Very wishy washy. Sometimes they overwhelm her and other times she has complete control. Her character is just there for plot stuff.
·       Terra is one of the better characters but can’t enjoy her knowing about the whitewashing. Why can’t we have a plus sized character just exist and not have body issues?
·       Sky doesn’t feel like a prince. Characters treat him like his dad is a war hero and not the King of Eraklyon. There was a point where I thought I misheard and thought his dad was just a war hero and not a king.
·       Why try to justify Rosalind’s war crime if she’s going to be the big bad anyways?
·       The way the characters treat death/act around death is very weird. Musa and Terra see a pile of dead bodies and they’re unreasonable calm. Especially Bloom an “ordinary teenage girl from earth”, reacts very nonchalant when death and war crimes are brought up. Doesn’t help the show tries to push this “they’re kids fighting a war” narrative.
·       Can’t buy into the girls’ friendship. The Aisha/Bloom dynamic is centred on what Aisha can do for Bloom. Bloom only cares about herself and only goes to her friends to help with her problems. Most of Musa’s and Terra’s interaction centre around Sam. Stella didn’t care for the girls until her mom showed up and pulled a 180. The girls were quick to turn on Aisha when she sided with the adults.
·       I have no problem with technology existing but why do they have Instagram, Tiktok and Tumblr? The otherworld is a completely separated from Earth, why do they have the same technology?  
9. Brian Young, what do you mean by mature?
I grew up on the 4kids dub before transitioning to the Nick dub for season 4 and 5 then dropping the cartoon for good. So naturally on my rewatch of the cartoon I decided to go watch the RAI dub since I heard it’s more accurate and 4Kids are infamous for their horrid localisations straying too much to the source material. Upon finishing season 1 and currently watching season 2, a few things took me by surprise. For one, the cartoon is surprisingly dark. The schools are at war with the Trix and their army of Darkness, Sky almost dies in Season 2, Riven almost dies and the Trix thinks he suicided, it’s heavily implied in Season 2 Darkar murdered some of the pixies, the paedophilic undertones of Bloom and Avalon’s relationship, the list goes on.
When the interview with Brian Young came out, he said Fate would be a mature take on the cartoon. And I wondered, what did he meant by mature? Was he going to delve deeper into the darker aspects of the show, or did he mean he was going to have the girls swear and have sex? Watching Fate, I found my answer.
If you take out the gore, swearing, drug and alcohol usage from the live action, the maturity is on par with the RAI dub. The difference is in the presentation. This is what sucks about the mentality surrounding live action remakes. Because the OG!Winx was colourful with glittery transformations , was super girly and overall had a positive upbeat tone (not forgetting 2D animated) - it can’t be taken seriously. You have to strip all that, the colour, the kindness, the femininity in order to be deemed mature.
10. Wrapping up
I went into Fate expecting the worst and honestly, it wasn’t that bad. There were things I liked about it. The show looks pretty, and I did like what they were trying to do with Sky’s arc. The actors did what they could with the material. Freddie Thorp made the cringe dialogue work and Abigail Cowen proves she can carry a show as the lead.
Fate is your generic, YA, dark academia show. It follows all the tropes of the YA genre to a T. If that’s your niche, then you’ll love Fate and I’m not bashing anyone who liked it.
For me, as a creative, it doesn’t capitalise on the strengths of the source material. I’m not asking for Winx Club again, as I’ve reiterated, I’m all for creative freedom. But Brian Young, Iginio Straffi, whoever worked on this – they could’ve created something new, innovative, something that stood out from the hordes of other YA shows. They had good material in their hands! But what I got -  I’ve seen before, and I’ve seen it done better. That’s a major disappointment.
As a winx club fan, don’t bother watching this. It’s a very diluted version of the Winx. In trying to capture the interest of the adult fans who grew up with the franchise – Iginio showed how out of touch he is if he thinks this is what they wanted.
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spamtonsbigshot · 4 years
So I’ve got a possible Vento Aureo AU that i started thinking about a lot last night and i just kinda wanna post it here to have it all in one place.
Gionro - Vampire (for obvious reasons)
Fugo - Werewolf cuz i love him
Abbacchio - Probably a fallen angel, similar to how he was thrown out of the police force he was thrown out of heaven
Bruno - Probably human too, just a man in the cryptid woods who fell in love with an angel
Narancia - im tempted to just say catboy cuz im out of ideas
Mista - Satyr. Hairy.
Trish - cross between demon and human, has some demon features but otherwise can pass human
Diavolo - probably a demon
Background: Pannacotta Fugo
one of fugo’s grandparents (grandma) are definitely a werewolf that married into a wealthy family at some point therefore making Fugo a decendant. the werewolf genes skipped his parents’ generation and of his siblings, only Fugo got the werewolf genes. Fugos grandmother is the og werewolf i bet. Which is why Panni loves her so much and feels he can confide in her cuz he keeps his werewolfness to himself otherwise. idk how it managed to avoid his parents as he was young so lets say the genes kick in around like puberty age or something, as in he cant fully transform till later. so following VA lore he goes to college n shit right? and following phf lore he gets mad at his professor waving away his grandmas recent passing as she was the only one he was close to and goes feral in a literal sense. he calms himself down before anyone can come in and be like “wtf” so when hes found back in human appearance, holding a big school book, thats what people think happened and blamed it on that. After that, Fugo runs away into the woods and later would find Bruno in his cabin in the woods. Bruno’s a social outcast who used to be a fisher but after his dads passing he moved into the more wooded areas and settled there. Became a farmer maybe cuz he has to make money somehow. Because brunos lived in the woods for a few years he's befriended many supernatural creatures that live there in part just to get buy, he even has a sign that says "supernatural friendly" or something. So With fugo having run out into the woods, Bruno finds Fugo while on a walk probably and takes Fugo in after Fugo explains he has nowhere else to go. So Fugo becomes a farmhand basically and Bruno has some werewolf acquaintances explain sorta how being a werewolf works cuz fugo's only werewolf relative he knows of is dead.
Background: Leone Abbacchio
Leone WAS a guardia angel for a man of which goes unnamed. At one point, Leone took a bribe of sorts from a demon. The bribe was to keep the demon business in the area unnoticed by Angels. Later, said same demon and Leone’s human get involved on some way, and it ends up in the death of Leone’s human. Because of Leone’s neglectfulness and possible corruptness, he is cast out from above and thrown down below to earth. Abba probably breaks a tree nearby on impact when being struck down from the literal sky. Bruno goes to investigate and finds abbacchio in what looks like a meteor crash sight of his own making, theres also probably the imprint of angel wings its like a really cinematic shot probably. So bruno takes him back to his cabin and nurses him back to health. Abba was probably someones guardian angel and took a bribe from a demon that eventually got his human killed. Bruno, being all wise with supernatural shit, feels bad for him as Abba has nowhere to go. He teaches Abbacchio how to be a human and function in society that way theyre both earning something. Though, abbacchio is still an angel by blood and being and does not require stuff like food or water and therefore doesnt take up too much valuable supplies.
Background: Narancia and Mista
Narancia probably likes to absentmindedly stroll through the woods and sometimes isnt seen for a few days as he is a cat and can hunt for himself. Nara was probably abandoned and became an ally cat at some point and was bullied for being a catboy, people called him a freak and for him to go eat out of the trash and stuff like that. Fugo found him in an alley when in town, and when he looked at the cat in the dumpster, he saw intelegent purple eyes instead of feral cat eyes and new that this malnourished, injured cat was probably supernatural in some way and took him with him to bruno's cabin, later, nara just kinda becomes a housecat thats also a helpful energetic boy And on one of nara's long day long strolls, he encounters Mista, who is a satyr therefore he's pantsless (furry goat legs) and shirtless (cuz why not) narancia kinda keeps his distance for a while and comes across Mista a few times over the course of maybe a few weeks to a month, but eventually Mista gets into trouble and uses a pan flute to use some epic firest magic to kill off some harmful spirits. After witnessing that, narancia, now catboy and not cat, jumps out of the bush he was watching from to exclaim how "totally sick!" That was. They kinda talk and become friends after a while, narancia becoming less and less afraid to approach him and talk to him. They later become really good bros and nara invites Mista over to play games but since Mista has no clue wtf those are as he's a satyr that lives shirtless in the woods, Narancia teaches him how to play and thats when mista realizes he's catching feelings :) Also as a lil hc of mine im bringing in the possum i draw narancia with called Tutti Frutti Juul Pod (aka Tutti/Tutti Frutti) and theyre Nara’s friend basically and occasionally he brings Tutti home but Tutti remains wild for the most part 👀
Background: Giorno
Giorno grew up in the city with his shitty mom and step dad. No gangster saving this time. Eventually, lets say, Giorno's parents decide they dont wanna deal with him anymore and put him in an orphanage and so giorno just kinda lives a sad life for a while. Eventually, he gets adopted by Jonathan and Erina, (his ov dad still being dio but hes dead because its my au and i said so) so Jonerina adopt Giorno and stuff starts getting a lot better for him. After vampire puberty or whatever, giorno isnt going to be killed by the sun or anything it just kinda stings his skin and he'll get burned bad if he stays exposed to the sun longer than an hour or so. So he starts taking night walks. Eventually, on a night of the full moon while giorno's out on his walks (cuz hes gotta do something it gets boring in the house at night after a while) and giorno comes across fugo like, as he's transforming into a full on wolf. Fugo's kinda embarassed by the fact giorno caught him and upon seeing giorno watch him transform, he sprints away. Giorno thought fugo and his big ol white fur coat were really pretty and doesnt chase after him, but thinks about it. A month later, the next full moon and he sees him again, transforming. Giorno just kinda ponders who this pretty stranger is and this time stays more hidded and approaches him slowly. Fugo growls at him at first, but giorno's opener is "Hello, your fur is very pretty. I'm Giorno, Giorno Giovanna" and fugo gets all flustered at being called "pretty" so he decides to approach him, carefully circlin him and gathering his scent to familiarize himself with it. He decides giorno is not a threat, and decides to shift back to his more human complexion, though his wolf ears and tail are still very present, as well as sharp claws and teeth. Fugo gets all nervous and eventually introduces himself and they kinda continue walking at night. Gionro also explains hes a vampire and prefers to thrive at night. Fugo asks to meet up another night and giorno agrees. They continue like that for a few weeks till fugo eventually gives giorno his number, that way they domt have to just walk and talk at night, and their relationship grows from there.
Its such a long Post omg 💀 but thats what i have!
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natashasbanner · 5 years
Endgame should have been Natasha’s movie. Period. 
And if there was at least one woman on the creative team (screenwriters/directors) I think the narrative of the entire movie would be different. 
*Spoilers ahead*
You have been warned. 
Now I will admit that I am a huge Natasha fan and would like to see her live at any cost but that doesn’t take away from the fact that her death feels empty and purely for shock value alone. Newsflash, if you have to kill off someone to get a reaction out of your audience you need to reassess your script. 
Natasha has never really be given the treatment she deserved. Her character was the second Avenger introduced in the MCU and she’s the first female hero we get to see. She is IMPORTANT. She’s just as much a part of the team as the guys, if not more so because if you all remember correctly, Fury sent her to assess Tony’s ability to fit on the team. They have this rich background to play with and explore but more often than not she’s used as eye candy or Cap’s sidekick. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Russos don’t care about Natasha, or anyone who isn’t Steve for that matter. 
Endgame should have been her time to shine, but of course she gets the ax right before the final showdown. And the writers had the audacity to say that a big funeral would have been a disservice to the character. FUCK YOU!! Yes, she might have started in the shadows, but our girl has come a long way since IM2 and was the only one trying to keep the team together even when everyone else had moved on. 
And you wanna know the worst part, is they’ve been setting her up to take Steve’s place for years. Since the end of Age of Ultron. (Sidenote: Remember when everyone said that was the worst Avengers. Y’all can kiss my ass on that one because Endgame takes that title.) She was his right hand and the voice of reason in Civil War, but no one wanted to listen to her. She wanted to do good and if that meant compromising with the governments of the world, so be it. As long as they were together and kicking ass she was fine. But no. 
If you watch closely in Endgame, she’s not even the focus of her own death scene. When Red Skull appears, she’s shadowed and slightly out of focus, while Clint is crystal clear. God, men are frustrating. If you’re gonna kill her, do it right. But it wasn’t necessary or treated with the respect the character deserved. Which is why everyone is so pissed. 
They could have very easily have centered the movie around her and still have the emotional wrap up they were almost trying too hard to achieve. I watched Endgame for the fifth time tonight and cleaned up the whole plot in my head. 
Here’s how:
The first act remains virtually unchanged. Nat’s still the only one at the compound, doing her best to keep it together and be the leader of what’s left of the team. (What really pisses me off is that once Scott shows up Steve just takes charge again like he hadn’t spent the last five years lying to civilians while she was doing all the work alone. Ridiculous.) 
When it comes time to figure out when and who should go after the stones that’s when shit starts shifting. You’ve gotta be shitting me if you think Nebula didn’t put two and two together or that some of the smartest people in the world in one room couldn’t figure out that maybe there’s an exchange factor for the stone. And she would not keep that info to herself. Yes, she’s new here, but she also spent the last five years helping Nat make sure everything was going smoothly. You expect me to believe she let them go in blind. Horse SHIT!
No, instead of Scott’s “not it”, joke, you have the team have a real talk about the stone. They need it to bring everyone back, but are they willing to lose one of the few they have left for a plan that might not work. Natasha volunteers of course because that’s who she is. She’s put in the work for the last five years, but if her life means bringing back everyone else, she’d do it in a heartbeat. It’s who she is, giving it her all for the greater good. 
But it’s Steve who says it’ll be him. It has to be. The team argues of course, because they can’t lose Captain America, but Steve silences their protests. He always talked about making the sacrifice play and now it’s his turn to step up. He missed his chance at the life he wanted, with Peggy. She’s gone. But everyone else still had a chance at that if they pulled this off. Tony had his family, Nat had the team to lead, etc. He was always the man out of time and it was him who would do this for the team. Nat is the one who goes with him. She still tries to go instead but he won’t have it. They share a heartfelt goodbye and Steve passes the torch so to speak, but she was always the one in charge. And then he goes over the cliff. No gratuitous scene of his brain matter on the rocks. Just his shield in Nat’s hands as the sky goes white. Natasha wakes up with the stone, heartbroken, but determined to see this through. For Steve. 
They rest of the team mourns when Nat returns alone with the shield, but they all agree that Steve would have wanted them to keep moving forward. 
BOOM. The entire theater is in tears. Emotional pay off complete, let’s get to the action. 
They get the stones into the new gauntlet and Bruce still is the one to do the snap and bring everyone back. But it drains the gamma radiation from him leaving him as just Banner once more. (Because me and everyone I’ve talked to irl fucking hates Hulk/Banner and I want that shit reversed). 
Back on track. Clint gets the call from Laura and then Thanos bombs the place. Nat ends up in Steve’s place facing off with Thanos alongside Thor and Tony. She has the shield and is ready for this to be over. Whatever it takes. The fighting is the same and when it comes time to lift the hammer it’s Natasha who does it. The theater still gets that awed silence because literally no one saw that coming. 
But Macenzie, how is Nat worthy, she was an assassin you ask. She was, but ever since Clint brought her in, she’s tried to be better. She’s fought on the good side and been willing to lay down her life to save others. She encompasses what it means to be a hero even if she doesn’t believe so herself. Natasha Romanoff can lift the hammer and we finally get an answer to the question they left hanging in AoU. (I’d really like to see Nat get some lightning armor, but that might be pushing it since it didn’t happen for Cap). 
Boom the plot thickens. And just when you think she can’t take any more, Sam’s voice crackles in her ear. 
“Widow? It’s Sam. Did you miss me?” 
AAAAAND PORTALS!!!! Avengers freaking Assemble around the best Avenger, Natasha and whop some alien ass. And my all female scene is complete it the OG. 
Natasha lives to see Tony die and the audience again gets that emotional character ending. 
The funeral at the end is for both Tony and Steve, they send off a piece of his shield with the arc reactor. AND THE THEATER IS SOBBING!
Nat is the one to take the stones back, because duh and she makes a detour to the moment after Steve decided to give his life for the stone. She tells him they won and that she loves him and they hug. She offers to bring him to the future, but he can’t do that to the current reality. Natasha returns to the future and is seen at the sight of the old compound, looking over blueprints. She’s in charge and the rest of the team rallies around her.
The camera pans to the sky and fades to black. Before the credits role, the music changes to the song they had Peggy and Steve dance to and we see Steve and Peggy finally getting their dance together. 
Credits role. The theater is wrecked. Goodnight. 
But in all seriousness, there are so many better ways to do this movie that actually do the characters justice. 
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All weird asks!! They're so good!
Sorry this is a bit late, babe! I wanted to wait til I had the opportunity to answer all these uninterrupted!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs! tbh I drink tea out of coffee mugs because who actually uses teacups? I mean my grandma has tons and I would use them, but the handles are so tiny and I am v clumsy so it scares me.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars!!! I’m too impatient for lollipops and plus they always get coated in saliva which just...drips down my chin since my mouth is already full.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Bubblegum! I love cotton candy but I can only handle a bit at a time tbh. Also I haven’t had bubblegum in almost two years bc of braces and I miss it so much I can’t wait to have it again.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Okay, so even though I’ve always been homeschooled, when I was in elementary school we did this program with a ton of other homeschoolers where you could take actual classes and stuff. My teachers always said I was quiet and focused and studious, and you could always count on me to be lecturing everyone else on the instructions if they hadn’t been paying attention. (does any of that surprise anyone?)
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? GLASS SODA BOTTLES. nothing beats soda that’s been bottled in glass rather than plastic. You ever had orange cream soda from a glass bottle????? SLAPS ASS MY DUDE.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Pastel/boho/preppy/goth, my dude. I have so many sides to my fashion and aesthetic.
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Tv shows tbh because even though I can binge 4 eps of 45 minutes each per night, they’ll hold my attention a lot more than a movie. It’s weird.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Thunderstorms/petrichor, also natural bogs. PEAT BOG SMELL FUCKING SLAPS.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
None. I liked trampoline time back when we took gymnastics, if that counts. I also liked jump roping and Irish step dancing.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Nothing lmao. I sleep til like noon and then I microwave something for lunch.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
My catchall playlist, Things I Love, my summer playlist, Summer Songs, my Gryffindor playlist, My Queen And Country playlist for writing, and my playlist for The Raven Cycle. (after I post this I’ll edit it and link them)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Keyring, a lanyard would like constantly detract from my outfit if that makes sense???
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour Patch Kids or Swedish Fish.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Between The Grapes Of Wrath, The Great Gatsby, The Handmaid’s Tale, and To Kill A Mockingbird!
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Just fucking sprawled every which way.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My grey converse if it’s comfortable out, my silver flip flops if it’s hot, and my fur-lined black combat boots if it’s cold.
18. ideal weather?
65-70 degrees, partly sunny, breezy, not humid.
19. sleeping position?
I need to sprawl to fall asleep, but once I’m asleep I curl up into a little ball.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Laptop and notebook ONLY IF I’m sure of myself, which isn’t often. But I do write dense, scribbled paragraphs on sermon note pages if something comes to me during church lmao.
21. obsession from childhood?
The American Revolution, weather, astronomy, and mysteries/ghost stories.
22. role model?
Idk tbh? Lately I’m just trying to define and live up to my own standards?
23. strange habits?
Pulling the collar of my shirt up to my mouth and sucking on it. Also being a perfectionist in my writing. I don’t do messy drafts. It’s all perfect by the time I write it, and I edit/spellcheck as I go.
24. favorite crystal?
Amethyst (my birthstone), bismuth, opal, and blue goldstone.
25. first song you remember hearing?
Other than nursery rhymes/kid’s songs, it was Light Up The Sky by The Afters, or California Dreamin’ by The Mamas And The Papas.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Find shade/a cool spot and read with a cold drink.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
ALSO READ. And snuggle with thick socks and a cup of tea and play DS games all day.
28. five songs to describe you?
My five faves atm -
I Am Here // Pink
The Pines // Roses and Revolutions
Soldier, Poet, King // The Oh Hellos
Traveler’s Song // Aviators
Hymn // Kesha
29. best way to bond with you?
Share my interests about politics, history, books, true crime, paranormal, tv shows, and also be kind and understanding when I don’t text for long periods bc I don’t feel up to talking.
30. places that you find sacred?
The woods on the hill behind my house. Dense, deeply green, secluded woods. Hedge mazes. Old and crumbling castles. Anywhere beneath a clear sky and a full moon. Your heart when you’ve come to terms with your fears and made peace with yourself. Anyplace with historical significance. Bookstores on an autumn/winter day. Libraries.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
A kickass plaid, bruh. Also my leather jacket - once I lose enough shoulder weight to fit in it again.
32. top five favorite vines?
Fre shavoc ado, the one where the dog eats the butterfly, the Lin-Manuel Miranda one where he’s brainstorming, “what the FUCK kind of weather is this, and the dad and son with the saxophone and the oven door.
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“oh mood”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
“WOW! It’s NatureStone!”
35. average time you fall asleep?
Right now it’s 4-5 am because I suck.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
I Can Haz Cheezburger, My mom used to look at the website with me when I was like 10.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
They both have pros and cons. :/ Duffel bags are easier to carry but suitcases keep stuff from getting broken better.
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon meringue pie!!! my stepdad made a really good one the other week.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Nothing, since I was homeschooled. Same weird shit that always happens at home. Our safe word for when I got overwhelmed in math was “quokka” and we’d stop and look at cute quokka pictures.
41. last person you texted?
My gf :)
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets because things are not only hard to fit in girls’ pants pockets, but if you put a chapstick/lipstick in there it starts to melt :(
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
Irish Spring soap or the blue Dial bars smells better and cleaner than anything to me.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy. It can take me a bit to get into it, but once I do, I love it. I only do sci-fi if it has rebellion and isn’t heavy on the sci. And superhero movies are great but a lot of the tropes are meh. Fantasy has a lot more versatility if you ask me.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Sweatpants/leggings and a soft, well worn tee.
47. favorite type of cheese?
Parmesan, white cheddar, or Muenster.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“do no harm but take no shit.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
A really poorly edited political ad on tv a couple years ago. There was weird jazz playing, flames in the background of an image of the Capitol Building, and then the top of the dome opened and this guy’s face was inside. It is the single funniest ad I have ever seen and I laughed for 10 minutes so hard I was like an inch away from passing out.
51. current stresses?
Passing my driving test next month, getting a job, figuring out if my math skills are okay enough to take the SAT or an equivalent test.
52. favorite font?
Baskerville or Georgia!
53. what is the current state of your hands?
My fingernails are short bc I picked them while reading earlier, my cuticles suck bc I pick at those two, and my pinky is obliterated and scabbed because of when I accidentally sliced through the nail with a razor while shaving the other day. So, not great, but I’m living.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
That kids can be really annoying but also really cute and hilarious if you can get them to calm down. And also that baby fingernails are surprisingly sharp.
55. favorite fairy tale?
The OG Princess and the Frog where it’s implied the prince and “faithful Henry,’ his carriage driver, fall in love and ride off together at the end. JACOB AND WILHELM GRIMM SAID GAY RIGHTS.
56. favorite tradition?
Every December, my mom and I drive around after dark at night and I play Pokemon and we rate everyone’s Christmas decorations based on tackiness.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
So isolated I was as a preteen/early teenager, my self harm, and the internalized anger over my abusive relationship and PTSD.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Writing, puzzle solving, singing, and calligraphy.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Benvoli-no.” (I recently remembered I used to say that a lot and I need to bring it back)
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Dark, fairy tale anime with a lot of secrets to uncover and some dark woods.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
TV show - “I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself.” - Doctor Who
Movie - “It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love.” - Wonder Woman
Book - “If you never saw the stars, candles were enough.” - The Dream Thieves, by Maggie Stiefvater
62. seven characters you relate to?
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Jack Kline Winchester - Supernatural
Charlie Bradbury - Supernatural
Gansey - The Raven Cycle
Blue Sargent - The Raven Cycle
Hermione Granger - Harry Potter
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Final Song // MO
Call Home // Heathers
I Am Here // Pink
Babylon // 5 Seconds of Summer
Shake It Off // Taylor Swift
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Yes, I have several that remain from self harm, scars all over my left knee from being a clumsy child, and most of all a major scar down the center of my chest from heart surgery when I was a baby.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Rose, lavender, lilac, and dahlia.
67. good luck charms?
Not really???
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Olives, mushrooms, radishes, cottage cheese, and ranch dressing are all foul.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Martin Luther didn’t actually nail his 95 theses to the church door, he just kind of passed them around, which is a lot less dramatic tbh. Also light-up signs were first used in New York City in 1884.
70. left or right handed?
I’m left-handed!
71. least favorite pattern?
I think zebra stripes, leopard print, and houndstooth are super ugly.
72. worst subject?
Math for sure. Even science would be easier if it didn’t involve so much math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Wendy’s fries and chocolate frosty!!!
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I think a 7, usually. My pain tolerance is pretty high because of a) years of self harm, and b) due to my PTSD my muscles are constantly tense and in pain anyway.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I was 4, and it had been loose but it fell out when I was trying to blow up an inflatable ball.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Fries or roasted potatoes that are charred and crunchy on the bottom. Chips are a close third.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Idk, my grandma’s the one with the green thumb mania lmao. But She keeps a lot of violets and arrowhead plants in the windowsills!
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Never had a school ID, but my temporary license photo is actually pretty good right now!
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
I really like earth tones for myself.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
THEY ARE THE SAME MF THING. Also I call them both, it just depends on what comes out of my mouth haha.
82. pc or console?
PC, I guess, though I don’t really game. I just watch my stepdad game.
83. writing or drawing?
WRITING. I cannot draw to save my life.
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts, talk radio is so annoying.
84. barbie or polly pocket?
Barbie, although I loved both.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology I guess??? Although again, I love both.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Rejection, losing people I love, people secretly hating me. Also drowning, spiders, clowns, and guns.
88. your greatest wish?
To be a semi-successful author and work in a library/museum.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom and my gf.
90. luckiest mistake?
Almost dropping a knife blade first on my foot but it landed between my toes.
91. boxes or bags?
um boxes I guess? I’m really good at fitting things in tetris style.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Ell, Alexander, Ellie, Little Lion, and Nerd.
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr or Spotify. Two apps I couldn’t live without.
96. desktop background?
Tumblr media
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
About a half dozen. Mine, my mom’s, my stepdad’s, my grandparents’ home number, my grandpa’s, and my grandma’s.
98. favorite historical era?
Both the American Revolutionary period and the Victorian Era (esp in Britain)
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luwha · 7 years
My headless oc and universe
a lot of people have been asking and i’ve been too busy with commissions to ahve proper time to explain and repeat to different people the same thing, since yeah i’ll repeat the same thing, so i cut some conversation stuff that i had with @doodlejinx and @og-magnus and some others, and some severe influences by the amazing @starshardfragments and wonderful comic by @videntefernandez!
Remember, it’s a casual conversation i had, it’s literally messy and broke and most are just babbling chat by me, so uh, yeah
also. it’s super long.
with @doodlejinx
i had bad idea for ocworld: magic and stuff is fairly common, yet not THAT common but in 20 classmates at least 3 are witches and one is probably a werewolfthe oc: a regular human with bad touch for magic yet atracts a lot of spirits, not harmful oneshe lost his head. he has no head. but he carries it on a supermarket bag or soemthinghis best friend is a ghoulthey speak ASLhe sleep curling onto his own head
just it, he used to be an pharmacy student but had to quit was hard to work without moving the head that's not on his head anymore
now he's doing arts because he loved it and since he has no main dream he's following it, he's a bit bad but he's doing good with learninghe likes sleepovers with his few friends because he can do his own hair
in the end he got used to it, at first he carried his head with all care but at this point, after a few years, he just puts in supermarket bag
he was extremly vanilla to ever think about that, his mind was full of depression and confusion
then after some years he just gave up and he's like, nice, he can see how he's dressing up and do the dishes and tv at the same timeand since magic is fairly common, no one really stares a lot
there are ghouls around, some visible spirits, full dressed witches going to work, sometimes a 100% transformed werewoman playing clash royaleone day he sleeps and forget his head on the subway
the cats may not present as animals, but mostly do when trying to get dealsand it's a common rule
and almsot a law, no deals must be made other way, if the cat's on streetmaybe Daniel followed the crow? doesn't really matter how he lost his headthere are many cat-like entities, yet there are a lot of cats who are just catscat's are absurdly common, the cities are crowded with them and no one can tell if they're cats or entitiesso they are all respected like entities dog/wolf-like entities, different than expected, ahve their own rules about how they share the spot they protect or make dealsdon't talk a lot, but arent enemiesookamis really hate ghouls
ghouls aren't evil, they are just like people with motor disorder, they can do everything, just not look graceful, they can drive, write, everythingbut their joints is just most stiff and look zobie like but they are finebut can't speak wellyou learn asl on class like you learn english and fae
since there are many entities who cannot speakand yet many can't sign as well, so there's faebut it's only used in rare momentswith fae, you never knwo who listens tonever request or beg in faealways speak clear and never suggest a requestyou don't know who listen
it's common for universitary hourses, to be just the smallest hall ever, with 20~30 doors. and just it. the door only, and the owner is usually a fae creature, who charges nothing for the the stay butthe room is an extra dimension, it'll feed on your magic energy, that everybody have in some extentyou can pay with money if you're bad with energydaniel ahs to use money
it's also not recommended for creating a child-like or dependable one, you're responsable for them until they can care for themselves, if they cannot you must love them until you pass, or thembut you need to present a request and sign so many papers
some universitary teachers make those bodies for the ghost studentsthey're not the good bodies, they're simple and have to be given back, but when the student needs somehting he can use the bodyit's nto common, making those bodies is incredible hardand most of them results in... ghoulsghouls are an umbrella term of those who died and cannot pass yet, those who died while possessing a body, those who were murdered by specific magic, ressurections who were made without permission, homunculi that were created without loveeven deals that involved lifetime, it's a matter of respect never asking a ghoul what the fuckin the 90's the witches where phoibited to fly higher than the cars, for police rules and fairness unless they have special permitbut they still angry that doesn't apply for the angelic ones, who can fly as high as they want
details, plants are REALLY common, they are visible anywhere on the streets, even on the most city-like ones, on the windows, anywherethe sky at night is purple. a very deep purpleand last rule, if a crow rests on yout shoulder, you're not allowed to shoo it awayit gets to stay as much as it wantseven go to your house 
unless you offer them the herbs they require, usually hard to have and most advanced witches have, but most of times they just wanna hangwhen they sits on your shoulder you don't shoo, but once they do you can offer them head, the hand, play with it if it wants, it doesn't have to STAY therethey'll be with you as much as they wantif they have the third eye opened, there's someone trying to sell you a cursed itemand since they gave you this information, you tell them a secretthey're good keepers 
it's a world that our world and the fae somehow got mixedand it's fineand take care with merfolk, they eat humans
they're cool, but like human foodlike having a pig as a pet? you love it and still eat their kind?they'll be friends liek anyone else
but they'll still eat humans somehwre, human meat isn't that hard to findand it's legally obtaineddan ate but he didn't like that much, he said it was too firm and hard to swallow, the ghoul signed that he doesn't have palate anywaythose are stuff you learn in middle schoolnever give a crow a namenever invite a cat to your house, you don't know if it's an catthose stuff
and hospitals are really scary placeslike that comic on tumble, that has some gorelemme try to findhospitals merge with other realms other than fae, the nurses are actually a wAY more respected than the doctorsso does the pharmaceuticsthe reasons to go to one goes from cuts, surgery, hunting spells, curses, mispellings on deals, whatnot
tw gore and body horrortho the hospitals aren't sentient on my worldbut are "haunted" placesthe ones hu haunt there aren't dangerous and most of them are surprisingly helpful
he went to an hospital to check his head issue, the nurse said it was there and he'd be fine, but she couldn't identify if it was a curse, joke or bad deal, he's have to remeber more, and with fairy sparkle he saw that under the head, there was the white invisble image of his body, and his head over the body too, but wasn't able to touch or seeit was weird but harmlessand defnitly not the first case 
with @og-magnus
he's average by description
body, average, not fat neither defined
cute, but average, not enough to be handsome neither ugly, just ok
dick, also average, not too thicc neither thin, neither long or short
tho he's uncut
 i always end up drawing my average chars too pretty
he's the most bi af
tho mixed with fae world gender is merely a concept
not even humans show only 2 genders, who can say about the other fae creatures
humans with afinnity to magic? the withches? the halflings, crossed with the faes?
people couldn't care less
 ssholes about the purity oh the human magic, that they insisted that were different from the faes, like the KKK disgraceful ones
but even those care very little about gender
he likes to present very masculine and is cis, but when it comes to dressing and stuff, neither he or anyone mind at all, he just likes large stuff, he says it comfy ad i agree
 if u look again, all his clothes are meme and large, most of them are old so the tshirt look tigh because it was M but he got fat a bit
so they seems tight
but pajamas
he loves it
give him pajamas and socks and he might cry
 he could but no he's just thicc, not strong
actually he's quite sedentary
make him run 5 minutes and he'll almost have a heart attack, like me
 He sounds like the sweetest boy
 mace an oc for this universe
that is the same of ours with our shitty disgraceful leaders and rising of facism but has fae magic and world mixed
 and at the night the sky is a deep purple instead of a dark blue
 tho the merfolk don't really like the humans at all but some of them go to study on university on the ground
 he can either use an spell/deal/ritual to have legs or look human or wellchairs that are a way better than the ones we have
or even "float" around like the air was water but that would require a very deep connection with magi
but he can rent this spell lol
yes you can rent spells
 like Daniel's house
he lives with a ghoul and is an art student at university
the place is a rented place for universitaries, the room's size is based on the magic you have on you
daniel is a disgrace with magic
he can't do the basic light flicker
he seems to have nothing of magic on him
and the ghoul, Marta, doesn't too because she's a ghoul
so they pay the rent with money so someone makes it, what's normal since not all faes have magic
 Oh ok, you've put a lot of thought into this haven't you?
 you ahve no idea
marta has background
daniel too, the laws, the cats
every cat's color has a bg too
 That's great!
 even the place he sleeps and the interaction with other fae creatures even the fact that spoken languages aren't so commo0n so as much as you learn english you also learn ASL
marta is a ghoul, very 80's zombie, she can't speak since she has little coordination of her tongue
but she can sign
and dan can read just fine
also even in elementary schools there are small classes of understanding, accepting and using small amounts of magic
daniel coulldn't use any at all
he's not the choosen one, it's a known issue, rare, but known
he's not the only one to really have 0 ability with magic
it's like having extremly rare disease
tho having magic power in harry potter like level is really rare
in a crowd of 100 ppl maybe 3 can
it's common, yes
but not natural
those are the withces
 Ok I see, so most people can do basic stuff but either end of the spectrum is quite rare
it's more rare having no magic contact, it's a magic world after all
there's no dishes washing itself, it's less magical than it suggest
but even a regular human can feel when a cat is a cat or an entity
or feel intentions, if they're trained to understand what the aura gives
but dan cannot really feel those
even marta who's dead can
she's not a zombie she's a homunculi, and there's a lot about homuncili that i wont start it's so long
 just know that they're either
- dead, who were wrongfully ressurected - failed or illegal summonings - uncertified and illegal creation of life, which the crator is now bound to make happy and live at it's fullest - dead who'se sold their soul or for any reason didn't pass to other realms - deals. bad deals. oh boy.
caniballism, ressurection and artificial human life are a thing that isn't ilegal but almsot no one can legally perform
 you need so many papers signed and permissions and witnesses
also it's extremly illegal and is punishable by the locking of the soul the creation of artificial life for slavery and servitude
so is the creation of a homunculi that wont be loved, tho they are see as our legacy and your child, they cannot eb created without love
or... they'll b a ghoul.
soul lock impedes you of trancending the realms until the soul you imprisioned or created are finally ready to pass as well
 and trust, the homunculi aint powerful, they're humans like us that were not created by sex or those, or even deceased child who couldn't born die miscarry, whose parents contacted the soul and brough the child back
in those cases, you cannot force a soul
that's why it takes months to be performed and is watched closely
 so is canibalism, which daniel is somehow very into
the fairies and merfolk specially are really needy of human meat, like it was an craving dish
the deceased and suicidal ones leave their body to eb consumed, the burial isn't really a thing
the being part of something bigger is
a meat adquired by murder or cowercion tastes bad and rots too easily, it also goes for animal meat
oh man i build a lot
i'm ranting
 I'm gonna try to fit my Triton into this I'd be interested in knowing more about them.
 What would you like to know?
Where do they come from/live?
 Mostly seas, very hardly rivers
And depend on where they live
 So there are town all over the world then?
 The entities are like, onis from Japan, headless horses and snakes from Brazil
There are faes that are exclusive from some places
All over
They despise humanity for their pollution on their realms, you know how Japan was closed and not discovered? So we're merfolk, but they were discovered much later, in the 1700s
They are wary of humans and distrust other faes
Speaking generically of course
 They live in another ruling setting and are still very closed
But as hard it is to spot albinos it's hard to find them
But some visit and even live on the surface
they use elemental magic mostly, there are many types, but spiritual and elemental are the most commons
followed bu demoniac and holy, as cliche as it is
the hells aren't open enither the ehavens, tho the concept here is absolutly different than chatolic
it's almost impossivle to spot demons or angels
it's almost like they cannot survive on earth
 more about gender: 90% of the merfolk known are absolutly intersex, they may or may not prefer one of their genitalia or even present none
and the "known" is because the deep abyss is still a mistery, even tho some merfolk helped, still unexplored and no one knows it's cryptids
and now that i'm back on pc
the inspiration for the cats and fae interactions, and why danel wanted to be a nurse, based on another thing
this would be up to you
maybe yes, maybe not
 lemme get the links
this for the cats
many entities do not react or present their will as humans could read, some are triksters
you never know if a cat is an entity or just a cat, they're numerous and are common in cities as pigons
i'ts so common that dealing with them is something your parents teach, it's just like they etaching like to draw a smiley face
most people have a tingle on the spine, even the low magic ones when it comes to those, they cannot be sure if it's a cat or not, but they will get wary
daniel can't even be sure it's a cat at all
now the hospital: (tw gore, blood, mutilations, murtansts whatsoever gore)
the hospitals are more modern on my setting and less 'sentient' but they are still a place that is absolutly mystical
the nurses are hierarquically more important than the doctors, hence they are the ones who deal and welcome all sorts of stuff
from car crashes to bad deals and bizarre magic, it's a place for curses and modern medicine
daniel wanted to be a nurse, but he was forced out of the gradutaion since even he was really interested, a nurse must ahve some contact with magic
and he was shit
so he folowed his second passion, that is arts
but he's broke since he just started artign at 23 years old, and his dreams were into the blender
he works on a bodega
 Aww, and the hospitals are neat
 they are!!
they're super neat and they're like
what's the name of those schools where you live at?
they become your house and your coworkers your family
you don't just work there, but you also live there (in the residence inside the area) and be a part of it
specially the cleaners and service people
they're often the oldest and wiser, since the cleaning of what happens on those places is pure madness
and they're either too young or too old, since a young is getting into and the older endured the madness
spirits and ghosts are a thing, they cannot be easly spotted since they're a flicker between realms, but they go to university and even live in manequins once in a while
the manequins are built for them to be present in the material world
most of the witches can see them
they just can't be part of the object or place for too long, or it becomes cursed
but they're just like us, sharing memes on internet
 just depend on why they still on this realm
the fact they didn't pass is always their secret and only
isn't it absurdly rude to ask a transgender person if they changed their genitalia? it's as rude to ask a ghost why it still here and to ask a ghoul how it turned into a ghoul
it's their and their business only
oh man the universe is so huge i could spend the whole day rambling
 It's sweet that you're so invested tho
 just last detail, all law problems ARE solved with truth spells
it's an artifice of the law to use it since an innocent has nothign to hide
the judges and witnesses are also under it
so even murdering has little incidence, since there's almost no get away, but instead, it's a nasty thing the "accidents" and bad deals
people lost when following cats, people locked and dying inside cursed houses
doors that lead to nowhere, people find their way to crime
and the "truth serum", that can be bough, isn't really a truth spell, but an sort of energetic that makes a person less inclined to lie, till, they can lie
and it's considered a crime using one without conscent
 this world has a lot of fae rules, and most of them consist on deals
a deal makes you agree or not on using your energy, aura, soul or what you feel like calling it
if you're unwilling, there's very little things that will work
since the energy is pure and reflect the feelings
using forced one is almost like trying to eat a man who didn't want to die
the meat will be hard, frim and will spoil easly
you can buy human meat at the supermarket, tho it's really impossoble to find, it's not like milk, you don't find caviar at all supermarkets
it has to be specialized ones
oh, it's more a comment about how this world is cetic and somwewhat too serious
and about daniel, losing head like this is VERY rare, but yet was seen before, tho the reason depends, could be curse, could be heritage of some fae and entities? could be a lot
sometimes it limbs, most common it's organs, like heart specially
some take their own heart by spell to hide somwhere
daniel dunno how it happened to him
he doesn't mind
 happened when he was seventeen
yet he has the feeling it'll never be back to his neck
 Guessing it's hard to reattach stuff?
 yeah, there's somehting they don't know that impedes it, and he could use an improvised stuff to hold it there, but the edges repel, like two magnetes on the same polar
it's meant to not be there anymore
 like, he can rest with the neck parts touching, but if the intent is to keep them connected, somethign wont allow it
he went to hospitals and no one could tell, since daniel himseld had no clue
if he followed a cat, could a an deal he made without really realizing
enemy? an curse?
he doesn't know, just woke up like this
and he's not really seeking to solve, deep inside he knows there's no solving and no explanation will really make him happy
he's ok, it's like a limp. a nuisiance, but you live on
he doesn't mind anymore
 Well then, seems like he's doing alright ^^
 oh, he is! he totally is
it's far past the point where he cared
it just bothered on the first months, explainign it to people who knew he had a head there
but since i'ts a mixed with fae world, it's not liek people stared at him
no one ask at all
it's rare and most of them never saw it
but so is a lot of stuff that happen
the crying image of him is mostly... he is always lost, he doesn't understand a lot, his dream was crushed by his lack of magic, that no one can tell why it happens, neither seem to solve
he's afraid, he doesn't understand a lot of things
he always feel liek he's being left behind, that he doesn't understand a lot of stuff, that he's not as smart as everyone else
he does have depression, a bit anxious
sometimes he just feel too scared
he really wanted to be a nurse
and very little creatures are watched on this world
vampires are one of them
they're SUPER rare, and they drink the blood? yes, but isn't the blood that feeds them
it's the life itself
all vampires have an bracelet that identifies them
since they're one of the unique creatures that manipulate minds without an satruggle, even by accident
their will is powerful
they may manipulate by accident
most of nurses and judges and enforces of law are watches as closely as the vampires
and artists too
all cameras are heavly certified, to be sure they wont hold your soul on the pictures
so many details
they are extremly influential on the life of the individuals they interact
but it's a world of deals and trickster
they have to be watched
therefore, there's a job for ghosts who want to
it's common sense: someone is always watching
and furthermore: never ask anything to the wind
someone also listen
they live pretty much like us, except that nature is everywhere
not like, futuristic
but everyone have plants, the streets are full
you can easly find a witch
their houses often look like jungles
since not only herbs and mixes they cultivate, but the trees and plants are more than just plants
marta, the ghoul, cultivates rare sorts of plants on the very small room they share
she makes her living selling them
extremly rare, some joke she's a ghoul because she sould her soul to lay hands on those
 Oh that I really like
 it's higly requires, since witches use a LOT and those who have their magic touch also use once in a while
anyone can put seeds on pots, but they're not magic because of this, they're weeds
it's how you plant them
and marta has her own secrets, she knows how to plant them and nourish them, she has more than a green finger
she's really good at
 I think my character has got to have something to do with keys
 and fun... she cannot speak, and yet she speaks with the plants, daniel doesn't understand she damn she explaines more than 10 times, detailed
on the subject, key is anything that locks a thing
they can or cannot be material, often are
but yet
it's another job that is respected, they key makers, for any doors
there are whole university graduations on keys
a soul lock requires a key
justice files require keys
 That's what he's in the human world to study then
 he can meet daniel!!!!
same class on design of artefacts: reading, understanding, feeling and categorizing
canibalism is not that common, it's a thing you do like... twice a year if you REALLY into it, and daniel is atrcted to it even eh doesn't know why... it's a nagging feeling he can't shake, a driven will that seems not his
but damn he'd do the joke
everone do the joke
and he's the type of nerd who types LMHO insteaf of LMAO
 laughing my HEAD off
 he's an absolute dofus
he puts his head with the milkshake on the same bag
so he can walk and drink
cute dork
so many head ouns
shirts with head related lines
people who know him, every single time sigh because they KNOW the pun is coming
 dan is extremey curious, he's almost obonoxious of how curious he is
he's extra intrusive and have very little limits
 since he really do not understand a lot
whenever a fae entitiy is around, he finds his way to ask form what is like being an entitie of X stuff and what's your favorite reptile
 they would have an awkward start because oh boi he would be intrusive
easly dismissable, but persistent
DANIEL LOVES COOKING HE'd be so happy to show it
and since he's a good artist even he's a new one, he'd help him with the proportion of paitings and how the oils and saturation worked on dry ambientes, if sygg needs
 he would ask to touch his skin, how is to live underwater, how it feels to be under a spell to live on eart and so many and so many endless questions
 well, dan respect the share of knowledge he's so often deprived due his lack of magic
how sygg stays on eath? how do you imagine it tho?
he floats around? like air is waterw
 there are rulings but they mostly resume on the speed and high you can swim but those won't bother him then!
dan would be mesmerized
 and even he was, dan wouldn't understand anyway, but having the knowledge seems to be enough for him
sad, but enough
he's fine with it
 how attached to hugs and touch dan is, dan really feels alone most of times, like he was detached from people as his head form him
 he hold hands with strangers if they allow
he let them carry his head if they ask
 the fact you can lower his head and only at sygg at his wishes? you corrupted me i blame
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Crusher Joe, Diana Rigg, Black Ops Cold War, Ambrose Bierce
Forthcoming (Cirsova): We’ve just received Schuyler Hernstrom’s foreword for Endless Summer, and we thought it was too good not to share:   Discussing stories is a complicated business.  Buried somewhere underneath layers of criticism, commerce, and identity you might find some deep understanding of Misha’s work. But I worry that careless digging will disturb the landscape. I challenge myself to think about his work with the care and sensitivity that he puts into it.
Memorial (The Silver Key): Word spread on Facebook last night that Charles Saunders, author of Imaro, has passed away. It is being reported he died in May. Odd that an obituary search turns up empty.  Let’s hope it may be a rumor, but it does not appear that way. Author Milton Davis, who continued in Saunders’ “Sword-and-Soul” tradition, broke the news, and many authors, friends, and peers have chimed in since.
Cinema (Wert Zone): Born in Doncaster, South Yorkshire in 1938, Rigg was raised by her parents in Bikaner, India. Returning to the UK, she trained as an actress and made her stage debut in 1957 and her TV debut two years later. In 1965 she was cast in the first of her three major screen roles on the fourth season of British spy series The Avengers, playing Emma Peel. Peel was an action heroine with a line in witticisms, engaged in a constant battle of comebacks and ambiguous tension with her co-star Patrick Macnee (playing John Steed).
Cinema (Wasteland & Sky): The 1970s are still looked on by movie snobs as the peak of cinema, destroyed by the aforementioned filthy space movie that opened the theaters of the 1980s to juvenile pap. This is of course ignoring that the 1970s were dead, spiritually, and morally, which makes many of those 1970s “classics” more worthless than the juvenile goofy space movie. It actually has a moral point, regardless of what you think of it. 1970s cinema, as a whole, did not.
Games (Bleeding Fool):  The new game Black Ops Cold War takes place during Reagan’s presidency during the height of the cold war with communist Russia. The initial trailer features KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov speaking about the communist’s plan to bring down America from within. If you pay attention, you may recognize some of the moves being used by the left today. The trailer urges you to “know your history or be doomed to repeat it” as it flashes images from the cold war across the screen.
History (DMR Books): This past Friday marked the four hundred and fifty-fifth anniversary of the definitive end to the Great Siege of Malta. On September 11, 1565, the tattered and battered fleet of Suleiman the Magnificent sailed away from the tiny island of Malta, utterly humiliated. The Ottoman Turks had disembarked amid imperial splendor nearly four months earlier. Their soldiers were reckoned in the tens of thousands, outnumbering by a factor of four to one–at minimum–the Knights Hospitaller and the Maltese who fought alongside them.
Fiction (Galactic Journey): The book is titled The Wizard of Lemuria but we don’t meet the wizard until Chapter 4. There are 12 chapters. The first quarter of the novella-length book is spent introducing our hero, Thongor of Valkarth. He is, although a lowly barbarian mercenary, both mighty and honorable. The book opens on the aftermath of a wager on a zamph race. Jeled Malkh—an officer and swordmaster—lost the wager, and attacked Thongor rather than pay up. Thongor quickly overcame him, shrugged off the bet, and offered to drink away their differences.
War Gaming (Jon Mollison): Miniature wargames in general, and historical wargaming in particular, are headed down the same road as every other hobby out there. You’d think those with an interest in history would be better prepared to learn from the history of other hobbies, but it doesn’t look that way. A lot of ink is being spilled and chit is being chattered about how to save the hobby from… well, from something that can’t really be shown or identified.
Comic Books (Screen Rant): Heads are gonna roll – as well as fly, disintegrate, and cave in upon themselves, along with pretty much any other violent act that can be inflicted upon a head – in the latest adaptation of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian. Originally published in Weird Tales and later adapted by Dark Horse Comics, the story of the legendary Destroyer is now published by Ablaze, a publication that has given Conan a sword more caked with blood than ever before thanks in part to their decision to create a truly uncensored version of his exploits.
D&D (Grognardia): I’ve never been much of a fan of Deities & Demigods, though I owned it, of course. Why wouldn’t I? I have always had decidedly completionist tendencies and being an unabashed TSR fanboy, there was no chance I wouldn’t purchase this book as soon as I was able to do so. It’s true I didn’t get much use out of it, but I still proudly displayed it on my bookshelf, right next to the Monster Manual.
Guns (Frontier Partisans): As will most when forced to fight for their way of life, the Apaches of The War Chief utilized any weapon to which they might lay hand. Some of these they fabricated, with especially skilled artisans becoming highly revered by the tribe. The Apaches ranged a broad swathe of the American West and portions of Mexico, and so various materials fell into their hands — materials they converted into bows, arrows, and war clubs, including the famous jawbone club. These weapons and tools, for centuries, they fabricated themselves from indigenous materials.
Edgar Rice Burroughs (Pulpfest): The 2020 Edgar Rice Burroughs Chain of Friendship (ECOF) Gathering will be held Sunday, October 11 through Tuesday, October 13 in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Guest of Honor is acclaimed comic book artist and Hollywood illustrator Daniel Parsons. COVID-19 restrictions dictate this will be a small gathering in two large meeting rooms at the Country Inn & Suites located at 1650 Doris Drive. Fort Atkinson is located just 35 miles from Madison or 65 miles from Milwaukee. It’s 100 miles from Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
Fiction (Old Style Tales): “Some Haunted Houses” is easily one of Bierce’s most entertaining series of tales. I recommend it as the ideal Hallowe’en reading choice – a collection of pithy short stories that exude the gloomy atmosphere and chilling mood that make stories like Jacobs’ “The Monkey’s Paw” or Poe’s “House of Usher” horror classics. Reading one after another, a strange feeling of uneasiness creeps into your imagination as Bierce’s reporterly prose calmly details what sound like the verifiable details of veridical hauntings.
Cinema (Swords & Stitchery): There is a space opera out there that came out back in the day that most of you had never heard of… A bit of background, on the weekends back in the 90s I would get into my car & go down to Wallingford,Ct for a weekend of Anime at a local comic shop. I would spend the weekend with friends & one of the things we saw was this. Crusher Joe was made into an animated film in 1983, and a pair of for-video animated episodes in 1989. The film version won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1983.
Gaming (Future War Stories): There are time when we must ask ourselves when we witness what could have been: how can this not exist? That is how I and many other gamers felt during the recent leak of a Xbox development kit for the Blizzard cancelled StarCraft: GHOST 3rd person action/stealth game for the 6th generation. For many of us, GHOST was going to be first day buy for our OG Xbox consoles…and then there were delay after delay until GHOST was placed on DNR status in 2006 by Blizzard after nearly six years of development that span two studios.
Tolkien (Notion Club Papers): John Garth. The Worlds of JRR Tolkien: the places that inspired Middle-Earth. Frances Lincoln, London: UK, 2020. pp 208. John Garth is one of the best and most important writers on JRR Tolkien. This is his first full-length book since the landmark volume Tolkien and the Great War of 2003; so I knew I would enjoy it. From the title, and the fact that it is a large format, really beautifully-produced, hardback volume; I supposed The Worlds of JRR Tolkien might be dominated by the pictures, maybe even be something like a superior ‘coffee table’ book?
Fiction (Library Blog): This week marks the bicentenary of Sir Walter Scott’s twelfth novel The Abbot, published in Edinburgh on 2 September 1820 and in London two days later. Alone among the Waverley Novels, it was presented not as a stand-alone narrative but as the sequel to an earlier volume, The Monastery, which had appeared just six months earlier. Set in the early years of the Scottish Reformation, The Monastery had sold well but had disappointed many readers and reviewers. Criticism was directed, in particular, at the pivotal role played by the ghostly White Lady,
Cinema (Hollywoodintoto): Reporters have spent days detailing why “Terminator: Dark Fate” became the year’s most embarrassing flop. The movie made just $29 million stateside, and its foreign box office totals are equally weak ($94 million and counting). That’s no way for a franchise reboot to perform. Most observers are writing the saga’s obituary. Those reporters nailed some of the core reasons for its box office woes, from franchise fatigue to recycled story beats. Most missed another crucial factor. The sad decline of Arnold Schwarzenegger, A-list movie star.
Fiction (Adventures Fantastic): So yesterday’s post on Edgar Rice Burroughs and Harold Lamb and the recent post on the canon, coupled with today is the anniversary of the passing of J. R. R. Tolkien and the seventh anniversary of the death of Frederik Pohl, got me to thinking. I referred to Burroughs and Lamb as giants. In the canon post I quoted Newton talking about his achievements being due to his standing on the shoulders of giants. So who exactly are the giants in the field?
Fiction (Tentaculii): There’s a new bibliographic website for prolific British writer Michael Moorcock. The Works Of Michael Moorcock is obviously still a work-in-progress, but the pages for books and shorter fiction appear fairly complete. Moorcock tried his hand with at least one Sherlock Holmes pastiche, but has no overtly Lovecraftian pastiches that I’m aware of. His leftist attacks on many other writers, often described in words such as ‘brusque’ or ‘pungent’, turned out no differently in Lovecraft’s case and with the usual knocks being offered (“astonishingly awful prose” etc).
Fiction (George Kelley): I’ve been a big fan of Hank Davis’s Science Fiction anthologies over the years. Just in time for the Holiday Season, BAEN Books released Space Pioneers, an anthology with just about something for every readers’ taste. In typical Hank Davis fashion, the mix of stories blends Oldies with some newer stories like David Drake’s “Superweapon” (2018). I especially enjoyed Ross Rocklynne’s “Quietus” and Manly Wade Wellman’s “Men Against the Stars.” If you’re in the mood for an entertaining theme anthology, I recommend Space Pioneers. GRADE: A
Fiction (Paperback Warrior): In 2019, Stark House Press generated a commercial and critical hit with the release of The Best of Manhunt, an anthology of stories from the legendary 1950s crime fiction digest. Knowing a good thing when they see it, the reprint publisher has compiled a second volume of blood-on-the-knuckles tales from the popular magazine’s heyday for an August 2020 release.
Writing (Rawle Nyanzi): Recently, I came across an article (archive here) about the evolution of the horror genre in film. While the article is from 2000, and I’m not a horror fan myself, one point stuck with me: how scientific materialism, rather than an understanding of good and evil, became dominant in horror filmmaking, starting with George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. In the materialist worldview, the universe came into being by random chance, and so did the Earth and humanity.
Writing (Kairos): World building is the one element that sets speculative fiction apart from every other category of writing. When designing a secondary world, it’s crucial to establish a foundation of internally consistent principles to help readers suspend their disbelief. Religion in general has been a constant of human existence. Writing a secondary world where there are no and never have been any religions will automatically cause tension between the setting and known history, straining credibility (though it could make for an interesting story hook if handled properly).
Tolkien (Jon Mollison): Listening to the Silmarillion on audiobook, and something occurred to me. The three themes of the Ainur presage the three ages of Middle-Earth.  From the Tolkien Gateway: The Ainur’s flawless Music satisfied even Ilúvatar during this early stage. The Second Theme was “like and yet unlike” the First; it gathered new power and beauty. Soon, however, Melkor’s discord rose up against it, and there was a “war of sound more violent than before”. This time, Melkor’s Theme triumphed over that of the others; many of the Ainur stopped singing entirely out of dismay.
Sensor Sweep: Crusher Joe, Diana Rigg, Black Ops Cold War, Ambrose Bierce published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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