#in the mammoth steppe
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mudcrabmassacre · 1 year ago
Bringing back mammoth: ❌️
Bringing back historic keystone species like carolina parakeet, dodo, thylacine, moa, and other driving ecosystem engineers of habitats that are today still suffering their incredibly recent absence: ✅️✅️✅️
We are bringing mammoths back. Yay or nay for cloning and playing god
you can’t ask me about the ethics of this to be honest because at heart I’ll always be the evil scientists in Jurassic Park wanting to play god and bring forth unseen animals.
that said it would be more useful to use this method to restore more recent extinctions such as elephant birds, dodos, or thylacines. I don’t see much benefit to the ecosystem by dropping in giant elephant things when most other species of that era are also extinct. I just think seeing extinct animal is cool.
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mammoth-clangen · 7 months ago
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In which Pounce's panic attack is interrupted by my FAVOURITE LITTLE GUY!!
U will learn more about him in part 2 uvu
Fun fact, I was gonna have Pounce stalking a giant pleistocene Pika but literally cannot find any reference to how big they were.
And then i realised pika are just,,, insanely tiny,,, so i used a marmot instead. I like marmots now, they're so chunky!
I drew Pounce with proper sabers by accident, big cats have milk teeth until they're 1yr old, whoops! Let's say it's uh... an effect... from baring them... being stressed out... yup
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teethands · 1 year ago
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little snapshots of a mod i have been working on for a few days, cenozoicraft, understandably based around adding cenozoic animals to the minecraft world along with neolithic tools. its heavily based around hunting and utilizing animal parts. most of what is here is tamable and rideable with fun little taming mechanics, so dont expect to be able to waltz up to a smilodon. more to come soon
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vickysaurus-art · 2 years ago
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350000 years ago, just beyond the western edge of the icy Schwarzwald, spring has come to the mammoth steppe. A raven flies over a group of steppe mammoths enjoying a cold bath in the Oos river, while a Megaloceros grazes on some choice plants growing on the riverbanks. With the harsh ice age winter in retreat for a few months, a flock of greylag geese migrates north, a buzzard hunts, and a small pack of wolves observe a herd of steppe bison and some roe deer.
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paigeoforacle · 2 years ago
Some dead friends from a weekend trip to the museum.
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a-book-of-creatures · 1 year ago
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Mammuthus trogontherii, the steppe mammoth, by Zdenek Burian.
Another dynamic mammoth piece by Burian, it kind of reminds me of Zallinger’s original idea for the woolly mammoth in The Age of Mammals. Steppe mammoths were huge, and Burian’s art captures a bit of how terrifying it might have been to stare one down.
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mossyherdofgeese · 6 months ago
Oh no steppe warrior, I'm stuck in a cycle of grief and violence that will be the end of us both.
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museaumofnaturalhistory · 1 month ago
The Great Mammoth Hunters | North02
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Mammuthus primigenius, Homo neanderthalensis
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I love this because like 99% of this kind of paleoart is patriarchal Man the Hunter type fantasies but these guys are just like “fuck it we’re outta here”
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godzilla-and-aang-monsters · 7 months ago
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Altura: 300 metros
Longitud: 600 metros
Peso: 200,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Moscú [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Embestida Petrea] Fuego Control [Rayo Incandescente] Energia Control [Luminosidad] Agua Control [Glaciación]
Guarida: Siberia [Tierra: Teratoverso] Tundra Helada del Polo Norte [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Mamut Estepario
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko, Toph
Kaijus y otras bestias: Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: Kasai Rex
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paleoart · 1 year ago
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The king of the siberian forests meets the queens of the siberian steppes.
About 10,000 years ago in the Russian Far East, a tiger walks along the limits of his forested territory beyond which a herd a woolly mammoths marches by.
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road-kill-eater · 1 month ago
I think often of a modern ragnarok where the ghosts of the pleistocene return, and a herd of steppe bison and mammoths and ground sloths and wooly rhinoceros and wild horses and aurochs that reaches past the horizon tramples everything in its path, it topples cities and skyscrapers, bursts dams and drives metal back into the earth, and again the world is as it should be, and there is a chance to try again
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mammoth-clangen · 4 months ago
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Ok so technically Summit won but i have no self control so u get Steppe Prowl as well, bc she has already has a ref from her debut >:3
Ice Fangs have both a given name and a surname, which are passed from mother to daughter and father to son (trans individuals can decide which parent they prefer to take after, or which children are given theirs, ie: Summit took his father's) This will be explained in comic too but it's not a spoiler so i have decided you are allowed to know as part of the teaser cx
Important: No, these two having refs does not mean they will inherently be joining the Kindred! As you can imagine that would cause quite a stir XD
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Enjoy this meme i made months ago while drawing Moon 6 X'D
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boobookittenartblog · 4 months ago
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A herd of Muskox are accompanied by a bull Woolly mammoth somewhere on the Mammoth Steppe.
Art by agustindiazart
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months ago
There are old gods, gods older than human history. Even the vanir and the titans are young to them. The faeries only talk about them in legend, and the djinn only whisper their names in secret. They are gods so old no human remembers their name, gods of the mammoth steppe and the green Sahara, their last strings upon this earth kept alive by faded paintings on cave walls. They are the gods the nomads prayed to when dodging Saber toothed cats, and the gods that the old shammens evoked when the seas at doggerland. Some of them so old they were prayed to by the Neanderthals and Denisovans.
Their names are forgotten but they stalk the forgotten woods, still existing at the heart of the dreaming, waiting for us. They're so ancient they no longer even look like the gods of humanity, only like strange shapes, and eldritch things. And when they come to humanity now, they come as alien strangers, as things of the night, as things to be feared. These are the elder gods, those first gods that seem so alien to us, long alienated by their subjects, long changing and scheming. Perhaps they still remember us, remember what we once were. Perhaps they miss us.
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thewoollyviking · 1 month ago
Wanted to take a point I made in a reblog chain and make it its own post because I feel it put to words something that’s been bothering me about SU and the Diamonds in particular.
The Diamonds did not actually mourn Rose for those thousands of years after the war. And trying to get us to sympathize with their grief while turning around to denounce Rose felt so incredibly tone deaf.
Let me explain a bit why I feel this way…
So, according to the art books, all four Diamonds are rough around 20,000 years old. To give you an idea how old that is compared to irl history…
There are figures early humans carved from mammoth ivory and spear tips carved from flint that were made when the bottom of the North Sea was still a mammoth steppe in Doggerland.
Subtract the time Rose spent on Earth after the war (give or take a few centuries) and assuming the craptastic treatment she endured under the Diamonds has pretty much been the norm for all that time, and she had been abused for roughly 10-12,000 years.
Rose’s abuse predates agriculture and written language.
I. Do not. Give. A single. Chicken. Fried. Fuck. How sad or sorry the Diamonds think they were after losing Rose.
Oooooh booo fucking hooo Blue sulked in the middle of a human zoo Rose never even wanted in the first place.
Yellow knew Rose wanted to spare Earth and apparently thought the best way to honor her memory was to blow it the fuck up.
And White’s first action seeing “Pink” return was to send a mind controlled version of her original Pearl to greet her as a power move. To remind her what happens when she doesn’t control her power.
They didn’t mourn Rose. They mourned the person they wanted her to be.
I struggle to think of any other example of behavior both in the show or just in fiction altogether that’s this self destructive, self righteous, and self entitled.
This wasn’t morning, this was a 5,750 year long temper tantrum from the three of them.
And that’s made all the more clear once they realized Steven isn’t Rose.
Barely a few years after the end of season five and they seem completely unphased by the revelation that Rose really, truly is gone. And that her passing was not the act of some rogue gem, but their own abusive behavior chasing her away and being haunted by personal demons they inflicted on her.
Nope, their only goal now is getting Steven to take her place and live with them.
“Aww Pink’s gone? Gee that sucks. Welp, time to find a new pink!”
Suddenly now that they don’t have some villain to blame for their misfortune, they’re all too happy to sweep it under the rug.
Fuck dude, some people mourn Healthcare CEOs more than the Diamonds actually mourned Rose.
And yet the Diamonds get that nice fairy tale happy ending where they can be quirky space grandmas who think what they’re doing will ever hope to make up for the suffering they caused.
Meanwhile, Rose’s own loved ones feel like they have to apologize for daring to mention her in a positive light and worry they’re making excuses for her.
The Diamonds have been the instigators who made everything worse without fail. They’re the reason Rose came out as such a broken fucking person and yet we’re asked to pass more judgement on her for not being enough of a perfect fucking princess to solve things Steven’s way?
Rose spent her entire goddamn life clawing her way out of that pit of misery but we’re supposed to scoff at her for getting mud on her dress along the way?
What the fuck was the point in showing that Rose spent that lifetime trying to be better to just end it with “maybe her family would be better off if they just stopped thinking about her altogether.”
I still love this show. But I cannot and will not ever be able to rewatch Future.
The Diamonds are a gaggle of entitled, selfish, miserable, wretched hags. All of the grief they endured was entirely their own damn fault and they only have themselves to blame. They do not deserve a single fucking shred of sympathy. Especially not if the show wanted to end with leaving their most notable victim on such a bitter, hateful note.
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