#in that verse she still cares about humanity like she does in canon
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
not the other anon, but i read your lycaon posts and it kinds of make sense, even if it'd be kind of sad how rhea chooses to abandon humanity because her kid was killed
Oh, thanks, but it's just a headcanon!
Lycaon I is even less relevant than Ferdie in AM lol
As for that "half-nabatean lycaon" verse...
It's a bit more complicated - by abandoning humanity you mean working on the rez sothis plan ? - than that in that AU, because both Rhea and Willy (but he doesn't count since he died) feel guilty for Lycaon's death since, in those AUs, they're convinced he died because he was half-nabatean and it's their fault because they were supposed to have ended the war and killed the people who hunted pointy ears - Fodlan was supposed to be a safe space where Nabateans could abandon hair dye and, well, it's not.
Like, imagine a post FE7 situation, where Eliwood and Ninian and their friends think coexistence is possible and there could be a time, in the future, where humans and dragons could live together, like they do in Arcadia, but not hidden anymore. Roy pops up, but when he is introduced to, idk, the other nobles from the world in some sort of get together, Roy reveals he's not totally human, and gets diced as a result -
I could see Eliwood moving on, with a lot of support from his friends, but needing a lot of time to proceed.
But Rhea? Post WoH Rhea? Who "just" lost her family to the red canyon because, as far as she knows, they had pointy ears, and who loses right now her son for the same reason??
It's keeping with the general trend of her needing a "strong reason" or "another traumatic event" to make her fall to Sothis's return, when, per the Hresvelg Covenant, there was one point where she thought humans could guide the land themselves. And given how canon-wise the end of the War of Heroes, the beginning of the Monastery thus the period where she leaves Adrestia all have the same origin - Lycaon's death, I tried to honeypot around it lol
Just like some people thought FE16 actually deconstructs FE4 with the Holy Blood and weapons being, uh, not holy at all, I thought about FE7's ending. Eliwood marries Ninian and their son will later on become a hero who will save the continent!
Save that, this time, Roy dies in chapter 6 because he is not human and his closest friends and other nobles (in the Lycaon AU it's his own half-siblings and nephews + nobles!) cannot accept his heritage.
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presidenthades · 3 months ago
Finished writing the rough draft of Compromise Ch. 13. 🥳 Here’s the behind-the-scenes commentary for Lavender Ch. 3 to celebrate.
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Usual disclaimer that these thoughts aren’t necessarily canonical to the fic verse until/unless I write them into the actual story.
Aegon: “I don’t like when Aemond beats me up, but if he does then Jace will kiss it better. 🤔.” This man would be writing Hurt/Comfort and whumpfic on AO3 lmao.
Aegon trains a bit more with the sword than in canon. Because he’s been named the heir, he is more willing to go through the motions of being the heir. His heart isn’t really in it until Jace comes along.
This chapter, Aegon has a bit of a breakdown when he realizes Jace isn’t in love with him (yet). To be fair to Jace, it’s only been a few weeks since they married. I also feel like Aegon, while definitely on his way to being in love, is still mostly in the infatuation stage. They’ll get there soon enough! His thoughts about her acting the same with any other husband are kind of true: Jace would be the textbook perfect wife no matter whom she married. But as we know from her POV, she has a lot happening under the surface, and those thoughts/feelings would be very different.
Myranda has made the mistake of confusing Aegon’s favoritism with genuine affection. I kind of feel for her, because life as a prostitution (even an expensive one favored by a prince) in this setting is not great. She’s convinced herself there’s a chance for her to achieve a happily ever after. But she knew about the moon tea meant for Jace, so it’s hard to feel too bad. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Aegon is upset when she says “I love you” because he’d rather hear it from Jace.
Of course Larys isn’t going to heed Aegon’s request to hide the truth about Myranda from Jace. TBH, if Aegon has been upfront about it, Larys wouldn’t have been able to use it as a weakness later. But Aegon is in panic mode.
Myranda is in unrequited love with Aegon, and Aegon is in unrequited (for now) love with Jace. What a mess.
I cackled when I was writing the bit about Aegon detailing Jace’s flaws. He immediately turns around to argue with himself about why they aren’t actually flaws. 😂
I mentioned Jace and Aegon’s marriage contract, and I went into more detail about it in Compromise. I also previously wrote another post about it here.
You know Aegon really cares when he makes sure his wife is eating. 🥺
In the letter to Viserys, Rhaenyra calls Aegon “your son” because she really can’t call him her brother, huh. 💀
There’s a theme in the fic of women first belonging to their father, then to their husband. It’s why Jace seems like a pawn at first. But later Luce takes advantage of the patriarchy to ensure she can stay with her sister.
I was cursing my decision to give Myranda her name when I kept writing about Myranda and Mysaria in quick succession this chapter. 💀
Just as Rhaenyra has a low opinion of him, Aegon has a low enough opinion of her to suspect her of the moon tea plot. Rhaenyra is a more plausible suspect than Daemon anyway.
Can I just say I love the word “whither.” I was disproportionately pleased to have the opportunity to use it in this chapter. 😅
Aegon thinks his wife is a goddess, but he loves her most when she’s just a human loading around in her bathrobe.
Jace isn’t one to bare her heart to just anybody. Her spiel about how much she appreciates Aegon is a very vulnerable moment for her. Luckily it pays off. 🥰
Of course I had to use the infamous “do you love me” quote. 😭 Obviously I recontextualized the question, but it still highlights Aegon’s doubts about his self-worth.
Aegon and Aemond are my favorite sibling dynamic to write, but Helaena is underrated in the annoying sibling role. Honestly makes me wonder what her canon dynamic with Aegon would be like if they weren’t married.
I totally made up the thing about Sunderland spiders. Maybe it’s true in-universe though.
Helaena is getting murky visions of Aliandra Martell. We know that Aegon isn’t interested in Aliandra, but Helaena’s a bit worried for a minute.
I’ve written Helaena as somewhere on the asexual spectrum, and probably demiromantic as well. She also seems pretty sex-repulsed (at least when male parts are involved), hence her aversion to being wooed by a man. Meanwhile, Aegon has almost definitely experimented with other guys before, so he kinda just rolls with it when he figures out Helaena has a thing with Rhaena.
Rhaena has some unresolved trauma around being ditched by Daemon after Laena’s funeral. 🫂 Probably Baela too, but Baela just keeps it pent up inside.
Rhaenys and her love of hennins (while Jace hates them) is one of my favorite niche medieval fashion jokes. 😂 I really do think S1 Rhaenys’s hair was hennin-like lol.
Jace sitting by the roses daydreaming about being at court: she was a big city girl stuck in the countryside. 🥲
“Too warm in here” makes Jace blush because when Alicent said it in Ch. 2, Jace was reminiscing about light bondage with Aegon. 🤭
“Punish me.” New Aegon kink spotted. 🚨
Anyway, done with the fun parts. Small Council scene: Viserys, loving father that he is, halved Aegon’s budget to give him more trouble. Viserys is already thinking about how to remove Aegon as heir, so he can’t have Aegon running around being all successful.
Aegon has the thought that “power belonged to the king” when he wonders if he’ll have any say in his kids’ marriages. This is another theme I wanted to explore in the fic: if the king’s word is law, that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s right. If a king considers only his own wants and expects everyone to just fall in line, he’s not a good king. Or a smart one.
Perks of marrying a Velaryon include Aegon having better grounds to ask Corlys for a loan. After all, the point of marriage is mutual political and economic benefit!
Aegon drawing a better city map shows how he is smart and talented, just maybe not at conventional heir things. 🥲 Jace appreciates it at least.
“Where should we start?” Jace’s question shows that she is starting to really believe she and Aegon are a team/power couple. ✊
Aegon and Laenor share a lot of interests and character traits, so they get along very well. Goldverse Laenor missed out. 😢 Laenor totally approves of Aegon appreciating Jace’s intelligence.
“We were told that you would be a bad husband and worse king.” It was Vizzy saying these things about Aegon. 💀
Aegon taking Jace to the city is their “Whooe New World” from Aladdin moment…plus Aemond and Luce tagging along for a double date lol. I actually had a variation of the Targkids’ secret outing in an early draft of The Golds, but I set it aside when I changed some plot points. I was glad to be able to use it in Lavender instead!
Aegon actually planned the outing really well. It would’ve succeeded if Larys didn’t deliberately sabotage it. I imagine that Larys’s spies heard about Aegon renting a mule-cart and buying the plain wool gowns from a maid, and from there Larys figured things out.
Confession: green and orange is not my favorite color combo. I think they clash really easily if you aren’t careful about the exact shades. I actually felt bad for Jace, who loves pretty things, having a dragon with that color combo. But I forced myself to think about when green and orange appear together in nature, and then I gave Aegon that romantic little monologue about a forest in autumn. 🍂
I think some extra materials related to the show stated Sunfyre was a cradle egg, but I opted for the book version. If I recall correctly, Sunfyre was already a young dragon when Aegon claimed him on Dragonstone in F&B. In this verse, Sunfyre got tired of waiting for his human and came to Aegon instead. ☀️
Aegon doesn’t go to the Stepstones and burn the Tyroshi’s brothers in this verse, so the Tyroshi causes less trouble in KL, so Gyles never gets kidnapped in the Lavender verse.
The man who yanks down Aegon’s hood was tasked by Larys to draw attention to the royals. All part of the plot to get Aegon in trouble. Larys also preemptively sent the gold cloaks to find them and cause even more chaos.
Viserys is dress up like a king because Larys forewarned him there would be trouble. Larys is also the person Viserys glances at behind Aegon.
Viserys accuses Aegon of dragging Jace to wine-sinks and “dens of ill repute.” This is false, but it doesn’t matter. What the king says, goes. Viserys came into the throne room knowing he was going to send Aegon away. (Aemond is just a bonus.)
See Chapter 4 commentary here.
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theharellan · 3 months ago
Canon Divergences / Interpretation Notes
This is a non-comprehensive of my canon divergent headcanons, divergent worldstate options, and headcanons I would classify as "canon compliant but not explicitly stated so people have come to completely different conclusions than me."
As said, this won't be every headcanon I've ever had or we'd be here hours. Most people I roleplay with don't need to know Solas shaved his head due to sensory issues/grief, that he didn't name his hart but it's now called Elvhen for "fool" just out of habit, etc.
Spoilers for The Veilguard under the cut.
Solas is biromantic/asexual. If you know Solas and Ian (@theshirallen) the former is obvious, the latter is likely unknown.
Solas is agender. He is more likely to out himself to people who speak Elvhen (he doesn't care about pronouns outside of his native tongue), where he'll use any pronouns. Most everyone who knew him in Elvhenan would know this as it is an inherent part of his nature then.
Solas told the truth in Crestwood. No one but Ian knows exactly what was said in Crestwood, although ancient elf agents like Miraen (@ancientimpudence) would know the gist of what happened. Obviously, Solas and Ian never breaking up would be common knowledge (although the fact that it almost happened wouldn't be - even to Solas, honestly). After the reveal of Solas as Fen'Harel, exactly what Ian's nature was (and has been) to Solas may be suspect: was he Solas's agent from the beginning, did he join during Inquisition, etc. Ian also follows Solas through the eluvians, although in verses where the Inquisitor is friendly with them Ian has to make himself an enemy of the state to force Solas's hand.
Dwarves and the beginning. I'm disregarding the idea that the first elves were copying humans, as the game didn't address the idea that the humans being around before the elves being a significant diversion. So unless I'm writing with someone with strong opinions to the contrary, they aren't around until after Solas begins his rebellion. Regardless, Solas was born of burgeoning dwarven wisdom.
Solas and names. After the Titan War, Wisdom is no longer his name, and he cycles through others in a desperate state to find who he is (Fen'samahl, Fen'amelan, etc). He became Pride not out of hubris when the world wasn't exactly as he wanted it, but as an act of rebellion. He rebelled not out of spite for the evanuris declaring themselves divine, but in protest of what they were doing to the people. He named himself as an example of what the elvhen people must do to stand against them: Solas, to stand tall.
Mythal and Solas had an abusive friendship. This post explains well why. I will write with Mythal who have a differing interpretations, but the default is that while Solas still shoulders responsibility for what they did together (and this portrayal note is in no way a means to excuse him) she betrayed him long before he killed her. He also possessed her vallaslin from the period of his physically manifestation to his rebellion.
Solas isn't bringing down the Veil for Mythal. While I think he believes she would agree with him, it is a choice he's making for the people he feels he has failed (living, dead, and metaphysical).
Agents of Fen'Harel are still around. Solas does not conveniently dismiss them right before the plot starts, although given the decentralised nature of them they are not always acting predictably. Those controlled and headed by people closest to him continue to act against the gods, and are available as a faction to Rook's party at the mid-point of the game (the most central figures being Miraen @ancientimpudence and Bruno @ourdawncomes).
The Veil can fall. The default endgame for this blog will be for a Veil-less world. Although, as Solas vowed, it is not his hand that brings it down, but Ian's. In our default verse with Thora Cadash (@ourdawncomes) as the former Inquisitor, offers her own aid through the Titans. Solas, for his part, was nearly talked from the path by Mythal and having a breakdown in the corner. I will eventually do a full write up for this divergence, so I'll leave it here for now, but suffice it to say default canon Solas isn't in fade jail.
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invinciblerodent · 2 months ago
5, 13, and/or 17 for the rook + partner ask game(hi this is dissonant verses) please!!
Aww, hi! ❤️ Thank you for asking dear!
Question list here
I think I'm going to choose Verbena and Davrin-
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5.) Do they have different cultural backgrounds (e.g. a Rook who was raised in Antiva with Harding who was raised in Ferelden)? If so, do they ever share parts of their culture with each other? If they're similar, how do they celebrate their culture together?
I love this question, because I love toying with this divide between them and how they bridge it!
Ver is a human and a Minrathous native, a city girl through and through (I alter the canon backstory slightly and say that she's originally from one of the many heavily Soporati- and Liberati-populated residential districts, but lost her family at around 8-10 years old in a fire, and moved into the thick of the city when the Mercars adopted her)- and not only is she most in her element in the city, it's specifically the nightlife of her part of the city that she's most immersed in. (She was pretty much nocturnal before she met Varric.)
Ever since she started living on her own at ~19, her usual haunt was one of the lower-income areas' entertainment districts that I'm calling "the Redbrick" (or Catsbane to the locals): now at 32, she's a security guard, a bouncer, a boots on the ground type of enforcer (and occasional double agent) the community turns to, and very much an "I know a guy who knows a guy" type of person within that bubble, which made her decently good at her "job" as a Shadow Dragon too.
Contrasting that with someone like Davrin who is of Dalish heritage, someone who doesn't feel very comfortable in the more densely populated areas (a la that banter with Bellara), and has little experience with the "city nightlife" that is most her comfort zone, I really like how they can relate to one another on the fundamentals, but still show each other something entirely new, no matter where they go.
Like, yes, initially she feels as out of place in Arlathan as he does in Minrathous. But people are people everywhere, your average Warden and Minrathous construction worker aren't entirely dissimilar (both have secrets, duties, people to protect), and there is beauty to be found in how backgrounds so disparate could still come together, and make them people who are nevertheless on the exact same wavelength a genuinely surprising amount of times.
I like to imagine that, partly because they're secure in the other's understanding and willingness to just roll with it, they get a kick out of showing each other things they've never seen before. In the same way as he shows her how to care for halla and shares about Dalish philosophies (like the Vir Tanadhal), she can also take him by the hand and show him things like... how to get people what they want so they'll get you what you want, where to get the best street food you've ever had, how to cheat at cards (and who not to bet money against), and, yeah, how formal Imperial military training (courtesy of her adoptive parents) and Warden training line up more than many would think.
It's like that perfect way, where on the surface they don't -or shouldn't- have much in common, but coming together, those differences make them stronger, better, wiser.
And, well, the sky over a Minrathous rooftop is still the same sky as the one over Arlathan forest. (Plus, I really like how that artbook illustration that seems to put them settled into a more remote cottage then kind of creates a little thesis-antithesis-synthesis moment, by placing them post-game into an area that's kind of perfect for them both by not being perfect for either. ❤️)
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13.) What song(s) do you associate with them?
Not very many as of yet, but to continue with the "Ver is a nightlife girlie" theme lol, there is a kind of silly pick that always makes me smile-
I like to imagine that while Neve seems to like Cida Ciconia (with how she hums one of her songs at one point iirc), Ver's favorite lounge singer is a bit more ~dynamic~, someone who sings in seedier bars than the Swan (and in Trade, instead of Old Tevene), to rhythms you can actually dance to.
So I have this little pet thought I like to rotate in my head, that's just... her taking him out to her usual spot at one point, for a date (after getting past the "friends with benefits" beginning, and starting an actual relationship)(he showed her Arlathan and introduced her to Eldrin, she better show him her little slice of the city, and introduce him to her mentor-figure from her youth!), and this sort of thing being the moment when he most feels that the rug's been pulled from under his feet with this woman.
I don't know if I want to consider it "canon" for them that she'd half-guide, half-drag him to the dancefloor, but I do like the idea of maybe using that to toy with how dancing, it's a bit like sparring: the steps of the other may be different, but the goal and underlying rhythm is the same, and there's a lot of fun in just moving their bodies, together. (And, the lyrics are fun and bold, so I can imagine her mouthing them at him "jokingly", partly to just entertain him, and partly because it carries truth, which I like.)
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17.) What is your Rook's favorite thing about their partner? What is the partner's favorite thing about Rook?
The first thing that comes to mind is that I think humor is really important to the both of them, and they are very straightforward, and more physical people than most. His teasing, ribbing sense of humor was one of the first things that grabbed her attention ("Not bad! ..... for a Shadow Dragon."), and immediately this sort of goading of each other on became a foundational element to their friendship first, then eventually their romance.
I think besides that, some of her favorite things about him are his determination, his quickness (and willingness) to reassess a situation, and his adaptability. (I mean, was it on the day they met, that he didn't even hesitate to follow her into defending her city against a dragon?- with the emotional intensity of that whole thing, I wanna say that she kind of imprinted on him like a baby duckling then and there, lol.) She only discovered his dutifulness, his hidden softness, his creativity, and his caring nature later, but, yknow, finding all new things you like about your crush as you get to know them is kind of how it tends to go, lol. (Though she didn't let herself think further about those twinges of feelings until after Weisshaupt.)
And I like to imagine that it was largely the same for him: the introduction to Ver that Davin got was one of a woman who is willing to, blade out, jump to the defense of baby griffons against some ancient monster all of maybe five minutes after learning about their existence, and then drag him into a dragonfight in the heart of the Tevinter Imperium immediately afterwards. She's a whirlwind, always surprising, adventurous, bold and fierce but playful, she keeps him on his toes and off balance, but never in a way that'd be uncomfortable: she's not unkind, unjust, or cruel, and she can take a joke as well as she can give it. (And he kind of learned that all within the first two quests together, so he kinda speedran developing that interest in her too, lol.)
She makes him want to impress her, to push himself harder, and vice versa- and I really like that about their dynamic, how they make each other better just by being present, but also they bring out each other's softness and warmth that maybe (out of necessity) took a backseat before now.
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kindheart525 · 1 year ago
Do you have any really silly mane six headcanons
Twilight Sparkle once smoked weed during her equivalent of college and to this day is terrified that Celestia will find out (Celestia already knows)
Twilight has very little knowledge of memes and her friends frequently have to explain new slang to her before she causes political scandals (“no Twilight ‘kys’ does not mean ‘keep yourself safe’”)
Much like a real horse, Twilight often falls asleep standing up during her late-night stress & study sessions. Spike has had to wake her up and tell her to go to bed numerous times
Twilight was that kid who reminded her teachers there was homework when they forgot. Her classmates didn’t really like her for that
Her love life is very…active lol, including when she’s in a stable and committed relationship (like active within that relationship not as a serial cheater). She loves learning new techniques if you catch my drift
Fluttershy is surprisingly confident when she’s attracted to someone, and when she’s in a committed relationship she has a lot of fun facts about animal mating patterns to share with them for…no particular reason
Unlike Twilight, Flutters is surprisingly well-versed in memes because she’s learned a lot from Discord (and also Treehugger). She doesn’t really understand the humor in all of them but she’s aware of them
(In a universe where FlutterCord is canon) She had to absolutely fight for her life in the Mane 6 meetups when she told her friends she was dating/crushing on him
Daring Do eventually loses popularity, partly because so many of her books involve actual artifact theft and social attitudes have changed, and partly because ponies just moved on to newer book series. Rainbow Dash still remains her biggest die-hard fan even when she looks pathetic doing so
Rainbow Dash acts like a big baby every time Tank hibernates for the rest of her life (he outlives her) but after the first few years it’s kind of silly
This isn’t an idea I came up with but I really like all the jokes about RD writing really bad fanfiction, and it’s a headcanon I subscribe to
(Mostly a joke because I do ship her with mares outside of my next gens) Rainbow Dash is straight but has a lot of mares asking her out because of her mane, and it’s hard to get stallions because they also think she’s gay. She also has a hard time relating to her friends who all like mares
RD doesn’t take good care of her hooves because she flies all the time and forgets to trim them due to not walking very much. Because of this, they look funky and overgrown and her friends kind of clown on her for it
When she’s older, Rainbow Dash wrecks some of her joints trying to do stunts that she did when she was younger (like carrying her “little” sister). She has the worst midlife crisis out of all her friends
When Rarity was a filly, she used to create the most elaborate and dramatic plotlines with her dolls that easily measured up to any soap opera, with betrayals, love triangles, custody battles, the whole works
She enjoys listening to soul-crushingly sad music (like Marina’s discography) during her ice cream-crying sessions, in the process roleplaying a life much more dysfunctional than she has because it helps her cope with her actual problems. Also listens to that music in a good mood if she needs to be inspired for a certain fashion piece
She overstocks her supplies to a sometimes comical extent, like she has 400 refills for her bedazzler machine. How does she have room for all that stuff? A lady never reveals her secrets, darling✨
Applejack loves singing country songs like “Thank God I’m A Country Colt” and “International Harvester” at the top of her lungs, they literally never fail to get her hyped up
(In a human context, ignoring Equestria Girls) it took her awhile to learn that Apple Bloom had TikTok and other social media accounts because she only uses Facebook on her clunky home computer
AJ is incapable of enjoying any kind of sitcom because she’s always poking holes in the plot. Her least favorite storylines are the “caught in a lie” and general miscommunication tropes
She also can’t watch well-written, dramatic tv shows either if any of the characters behave dishonestly (such as Breaking Bad)
Pinkie and Cheese once performed “Amish Paradise” for her parents and sisters (even in universes where they aren’t a couple). Reactions were VERY mixed
Also some of my “how they explain the birds and the bees to their kids” headcanons for my next gens are pretty funny
Fluttershy is really good at explaining the whole life cycle (including reproduction and death) because taking care of so many animals means she’s seen it all. Nothing squicks her out anymore. She explains things matter-of-factly but gently as she guides her little ones through various examples involving her animals.
Twilight would do a good job and be comfortable with it but she would also go overboard, giving a college-level lecture about the full reproductive process when her 10 year old daughter only wanted to know what going into heat meant. Twi’s partner calls Fluttershy in to help for the kid’s sake.
Rarity buys her daughter the pony equivalent of those Care & Keeping of You books (and her son gets the male equivalent of those books). She uses those books to bond with her kids over “becoming a mare/stallion.”
Applejack is very overprotective of Apple Bloom and probably procrastinated on giving her “the talk” only to find out that AB already learned from the other CMC (especially Scoot “left completely unsupervised 24/7” aloo /hj). A similar deal would probably happen with her own kids as well unless her partner is better about it. Even though, years before, Granny Smith was very straight with AJ like “ya wanna know how our new batch of chicks was made?”
Pinkie isn’t uncomfortable with the talk at all, except her explanation gets so convoluted and off topic that her kids go off to ask someone else.
Rainbow Dash says “go ask your father”
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bijoupreciieux · 4 months ago
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edit by beyondtheposter on tw.itter aka x.
dorothy’s “wicked” verse. i’d like to note that for me wicked and the wizard of oz are two completely different canons / separate entities all together. when i’m watching twoz i’m not looking at the wicked witch thinking of elphie or the scarecrow thinking of fiyero. i love both works but they’re separate for me.
🌈 in this au obviously oz is not a dream and dorothy’s companions do not have human counterparts back in kansas.
🌈 i think the silver shoes in the wicked film are gorgeous, but i’m choosing to headcanon that dorothy’s shoes will remain ruby red just a loving nod to her 1939 canon.
🌈 i have not read the mcguire novels but i am reading up on his portrayal of dorothy and i do agree that she would be genuinely and wholeheartedly apologetic to elphaba about nessarose’s death. regardless of everyone telling her that the “wicked witch of the west” is irredeemably evil and despite it not really being her fault at all in the first place —- she’s still going to be apologetic and feel bad, she’s too good natured to not feel bad even if people are telling her it was deserved.
🌈 in mcguires work dorothy is ten when she first lands in oz but since i am using judy i will continue portraying her as being sixteen when she lands in oz that first time.
okay just to be safe under the cut there will be a headcanons that contain spoilers for wicked part 2.
🌈 i like to imagine that her friendships with fiyero ( the scarecrow ), boq ( the tinman ), and brrr ( the lion ) are still genuine and that they do care for her. for example: from what i understand fiyero is tagging along with the goal of finding and reuniting with elphaba but i do like to imagine that even if he isn’t upfront with dorothy about this he does still want to help her get home and is fond of her. maybe seeing her as like a little sister.
🌈 before i go into this next one, i want to be clear i am not trying to push for a ship between dorothy and glinda the age difference would be problematic obviously but i do think dorothy would have a very innocent and sweet little crush on Ari/ana’s glinda. this doesn’t mean dorothy will be flirting with her of course but her inner dialogue / my writing might mention little things here and there that allude to her finding her beautiful and feeling “butterflies in her tummy” etc.
🌈 from Dorothy’s wicked wiki page: “Elphaba is physiologically and emotionally crippled by Dorothy's honest pleas for forgiveness for killing her sister. Elphaba then becomes furious since she never received any absolution for her sins. As it became apparent, Elphaba briefly realizes that Dorothy really was an innocent human girl from another world just trying to find her way home again.
Elphaba waves her burning broom in the air and, not paying attention to her surroundings, the hot sparks caught on her black dress and cape, setting her ablaze. Dorothy tries to save Elphaba and put out the fire by tossing a bucket of water at her, but to her horror, the water melts the Witch away, instantly killing her by accident instead of saving her.” **
** of course in the musical elphaba’s death is faked/staged. but i do like the choice to have this confrontation just being dorothy and elphaba.
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sunsdrop · 3 months ago
Flora answers questions about the series! | accepting.
@emptinas asked: ☀️ what's some of your favourite things about rapunzel's personality what weren't touched on in the movie or were expanded on in the series?
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Ahh, okay .. so, I actually have a lot of gripes with how the writers portrayed Rapunzel in the series - to me, she was far too ooc .... and I actually am canon divergent ... however I love the original characters so much that I DOOOO have a verse.
What I do appreciate though, is how 'human' she is. They show that Rapunzel can get annoyed with people, cross boundaries, snap at people, get jealous ... make HUGE mistakes...
like she's not 'perfect' ....
but then, she's still so loving and empathic, warm ... she cares about her friends and family so much. There's a lot of good examples, but one of my favorites is... Rapunzel sacrificing her humanity and sentience for Cass. She does it without a second thought ... and does it abruptly enough that she can't stop her.
THANKFULLY Cass saves her. ..she's so self sacrificing ...
there's a lot of selfless things she does .... which DOES feel canon to me. but there's also a lot of stuff that makes me go ????? PUNZIE WOULD NEVER- ... jeijfiw hahahah.
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bxtonpxss · 7 months ago
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
Neya & Thor are the only two applicable options here when it comes to things outside platonic/familial relationships. Opacho is 5 and Jack is also just a baby, but she's like best frienemies with Faolan. I know when you hear OTP its usually referring to romance but I'm super big on platonic relationships being OTPs!
That being said Neya x chemistry, she's not overly complex but Neya is a kind-hearted and deeply supportive type of character who despite often being in situations where she's in way over her head, is willing to persevere and overcome whatever obstacle that may be, especially when it involves people she cares about! If our characters build a relationship through our writing then I will never say no to it! This also applies to Thor! They have a good relationship built through us writing together and/or chatting about stuff via messages I'll never say no.
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Pretty much anything, except you know the obvious and universal no no's.
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Hoo boy ok. So, Neya, for her era (and the author even states this in the manga) at 16 she's considered an adult. On that alone I'd do 2 years younger and 4 years older cause I'm just trying to think of how it'd be from her time period. Now, this ONLY applies specifically for [main verse || itsuwaribito] when she's in her canon universe or some other feudal-era settings. I understand she's still 16 and other people don't vibe with that, I don't force anything on people (at least not intentionally, if you ever feel like I write something that makes you uncomfortable please tell me!) and romance is never my first or main priority, I like crushes/gradual friends to dating/lovers etc when writing anyway. This also obvi needs to be discussed first cause duh. Also, I'm fine with like 'x character looks 16/17 but is actually 100+ years old' (I’m an Inuyasha girly uwu, so we love a good demon/immortal s/o pairing).
For the verse where she's stuck in the future, [verse || under a rock] she is by modern-day laws legally underage. I'd go for 2 at most maybe 3 years older, 1 year younger. For the sub-main verse set at the end of the series with her running her village [verse || nanushi] she's canonically an adult there so I can deal with 10 years older or whatever and when it comes to the monsters/demons/immortal characters, so long as both parties are consenting adults it's cool!
Thor's a talking rodent. He's adult age and would be considered a young adult by human standards I suppose. So as long as the other creature is adult-aged it wouldn't matter to him. I can't put too much thought into this one, trying to make the math make sense is gonna hurt my brain, but obviously NO child-age creatures.
are you selective when shipping?
Can't really say, like excluding Coschu x Surgechu, which happened gradually through jubilantsparks and I's constant gushing about our chus via DMs I've never really shipped seriously with anyone else before so I can't really give an honest opinion about it *kanye shrug*
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
When they start undressing and getting real handsy, but none of that will ever be happening here so no need to worry!
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
For Thor, specifically in his Lt. Surge Raichu verse (affectionately shortened to Surgechu) I shipped him with jubilantsparks' Fem!Pikachu OC Elysia who had a Cosplay Pikachu verse (affectionately shortened to Coschu). Coschu x Surgechu was fun and I miss them :') Also, Thor and Elysia in general were my favorite platonic OTP that could have easily become romantic cause they loved and cared for each other so much as best friends who could have just as easily become something more if they wanted to </3
NeRiya with Jade's Iriya . We've had many discussions about this enemies-to-friends/maybe more slow burn/redemption arc for Iriya. I cherish it deeply and Iriya deserved better than what he got in canon ; n ;
does one have to ask to ship with you?
Hmm, not really? I have a very chill and go-with-the-flow type of mindset when it comes to building relationships and shipping in general. The more our characters interact, get to know each other and the closer they become the better! If there's ever a certain aspect of their relationship you wanna discuss with me privately or plot, then just shoot me a message!
Also, I never assume anything so if you're invested off the rip in wanting to pursue the ship beyond them being friends then once again just message me. I'm here to have fun and write with folks, so go for it I will most likely never say no lmao. Crushes on Neya or Thor are also 100% ok, even if it's one-sided I have no problems with it, you don't even gotta ask me for that.
how often do you like to ship?
I've only had two (2) actual ships during my entire time here on this site. I have a bad case of anxiety brain when it actually comes to shipping and I never wanna assume or push anyone into doing anything so it's rare I ever approach. I'll just sit and vibe and settle with my time in the friendzone while making up scenarios in my head like the dork I am.
are you multiship?
Ok, after getting some answers on what multishipping is from an RP standpoint, I want to say yes I am. I'd have no issues with having multiple ship partners. Every character interaction is like in their own separate universes so like I can't understand limiting myself as a single ship. This is subject to change but like I said, I barely have any shipping experience.
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
More-or-less! As stated above I don't really ask or approach first for ships soooo if it happens it happens. I'm down for shipping off of chemistry through a gradually built relationship!
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
ooh chile I'm in a bunch of fandoms lol so I'll just go with the fandoms for my muses specifically. For Pkmn it'll always be ShinHika/Paul x Dawn/ Ikarishipping. Pokeani can pry that dynamic from my cold dead hands.
I like all the potential pairings within Utsuho's group, but that'd be too much to list. Gin x Kin, Neya x Uzume, Neya x Hikae, Hikae x Iwashi.
For SK I was a sucker for Hao x Tamao back in the day. It still could've been cute if Takei didn't turn Tamao into Anna 2.0. I find her whole personality shift weird.
finally, how does one ship with you?
Just write with me! I don't care how many asks or threads we end up having. I cannot reiterate how much I adore relationship building in writing. We write enough threads together and our characters grow to like each other or something I'm 100% down to clown! Also, If you don't suffer from perpetual cold feet like me, just shoot me an IM and let's talk about it! Easy peasy, promise I don't bite!
Nabbed from: @gamenu initially, but I've been seeing other moots do it too! Tagging: @sillymuses, @lostusagis, @museguided, @despairforme, + anyone who sees this!
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somereaderinblue · 11 months ago
It's already Day 6 of Trigun Fanfiction Appreciation Week. I don't want any regrets so here goes: I give you a VW mpreg rec list. If this isn't your cup of tea, that's fine. If it is:
what I am trying to cultivate… by Altered-Havoc (Altered_Karma)
100/10, I've lost count on how many times I reread this. Both of them have suffered & after everything, they finally get a soft epilogue. Angst? Who dat? This is 80% comfort to me.
Surprise, Wolfwood! It's A Bouncing Baby Plant! by @attackofthezee, rated T
WW returns from the dead & there's a surprise waiting for him. 3 guesses as to what it is.
Until The End by squishycake, rated E
“Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.” – Richard Siken A bittersweet fic wherein an aging WW makes peace with his mortality but not before Vash two new lives.
Innocent Souls by NaughtyJacks (JackalJamboree), rated T
In a quiet moment, Vash asks WW to bless the two blessings he carries. Vash knows WW is still keeping secrets from him, but he also knows that he's decided to choose Vash & his kids over them. And that only makes him love him more.
o' light, won't you shine (upon souls of youth) by seventhgiver (fifthgiver), rated T
Another bittersweet fic wherein WW still faces his canon death, but Meryl & Milly are there to support Vash through thick & thin. There's angst, but it really does have a happy ending.
dear star and spring bud, my preachers by elemmacil, rated T
Post-canon AU where VW have a child. Does a great job at depicting their awe over the fact that they were allowed to make this dream their reailty.
I've Taken to Calling Him Nico by mak000000, rated G
Short one-shot wherein Vash tells WW that the little boy he assumed to be Lina's baby brother is in fact someone's kid. 3 guesses as to who's the father.
i’d give you the sun (i’d give you the sun) by justotherdays, rated M
Set post-Trimax, full of nothing but tenderness & a much deserved happy ending.
This is not humanity's song, this is ours by O_ToJoy, rated M & T
An AU where Knives's victory is short-live & WW has to pick up the pieces, one of said pieces being Nikolai. He's 16 years too late, but that won't stop him from trying.
Talk About Timing by lucifergooseifer (Lucifergooseifer), rated M
A small detour causes everything to NOT go according to plan. BUT! Nothing (too) bad happens, I swear.
A Black Angel at Your Side by hazeltea (madlovescience), rated E
I would've listed this at the top but then I read it, cried, & slapped it here. I want to devour this but also throw up. On a side note, I like how this fic depicts Livio's still somewhat religious view on Plants & how said view is deeply embedded in NML's culture, which causes conflict with the Earth Federation. There's also a Meryl POV chapter where she justifiably remains wary of Livio/Razlo, which really individualizes her. Also has fanart.
Flower Dew, Deep Waters, Desert Thirst & Use My Heart by cloudbureiku, rated E & M
Aside from smut, there's also tender caring & non-sexual intimacy, all of which are three of many reasons why VW is our bread & butter.
Lavender by @vaporame
Gotta love it when Plant pregnancy involves markings & telepathic bonds. Totally makes breaking the news to your s/o less nerve-wracking. Their other VW works are also recommended.
Modern AUs
To Build a Home by hielhue, rated G
Everyone is alive & happy, and WW narrates how he met Vash, fell in love & started a family.
cause everything else is a substitute for your love by @sascake, rated M
VW have a bad history when it comes to using protection despite one of them ironically owning a sex shop. They're not perfect but they make it work.
little moment verse by justotherdays, rated G & M
VW's journey as parents. In the second fic in the series, the author isn't afraid to write how some parents, no matter how much they love their child, still inevitably struggle. Which is why it's important to have support.
devil on your shoulder (or the angel laying on your tummy) & paint the town red by cloudbureiku, not rated & G
The former guest stars the one & only Kuroneko while the latter shows us why it really isn't advisable for heavily pregnant parents to sit on the floor.
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h-didanart · 2 months ago
Would your Bloodmoons survive the Backrooms
Let’s see
Swap, the demon, she’d attack anything she hears but wouldn’t be able to complete the puzzles, which I think there are? I’m not really well versed in Backrooms lore sadly
Retired has a bunch of weapons and is very vigilant of their surroundings, so I think they’d have a fair chance of survival
Separated I also feel like would survive, Hunter covers for Harvest, Harvest does the puzzles, and so
The YouTubers could survive too, they do parkour and work out, and they have some training due to the stunts theyve pulled when playing their roles, so I’d say they survive
Lone could potentially survive but to be Frank with you I think he’d choose to chill in there
Amnesiac is complicated, first there’s their coordination issues, then there’s their mobility issues, then the fact there’s monsters in there… I guess it comes down to how patient and sneaky they could be while traversing the place and completing the puzzles
Magic has the disadvantage of being human, but they also have the advantage of knowing how to survive with little, so they’d have a hard time but I think they would live too
Fantasy would go up to a monster and smack it in the face, they dying
Ocean, similarly to Magic, is a human, and similar to Fantasy, would fight the monsters head on. They will not make it out of there unfortunately
The Doomed twins kinda cheese the system a bit, Botany isn’t allowed to die until Morpho says he can, which would give him an advantage of not being able to die; Thanatos is a God. They’re living
The Musical Duo is dead, they are ghosts, J would probably chill with the monsters while Harvey tries to get them out of there
The Monster Twins would probably live too, Snow would keep Blood from going straight towards a monster, and they would be able to solve the puzzles together. They would get a bit roughed up tho
Horror is a 50/50, they have the capabilities to escape and avoid the monsters but they also don’t have very good luck. They would survive in the end though, they did canonically at least
Keeper… I think they’d be able to hold their own with sneaking around and monster avoidance, but idk if they’d be able to solve the puzzles without attracting monsters or so. So, uh, idk?
Overlord would not be able to use the Star which would put them at a disadvantage, they would still brute force their way through the floors though, which would lead to getting into fights, so they’d probably die
Rotting would survive, idk what else to tell you, Winter has been training them in the arts of critical thinking and problem solving, combined with their ferocity and stubbornness they would no doubt be able to survive there
The Fate twins could have a chance I guess? They’re like Ocean basically, but there’s two of them and neither is a mortal god so they wouldn’t be as careless as Ocean was
And for Spring it depends on when in the timeline we’re talking about: if it’s season 2, probably not, he’s still training after all, and he’s very much the type to dive headfirst into battles unprepared at that point; if it is post-season 2 and pre-season 3 then he has a fair shot I think, he’d be more careful with attacking and try and pay more attention to the puzzles; if it is Dragons Rising, yeah, he’s living
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malchances · 2 months ago
afterwards, beg, delay, fantasy, location, praise, turn on, // we need to know for science
i love science :)
i’m going to preface with a warning that i do get into lacie’s canon relationship with levi in a few of these answers which. well. you know. tw for incest / grooming - unbalanced relationship weirdness. i think it’s pretty important to consider when analyzing her character and how she fares with intimacy. another fair warning is that i’m gonna have to say “it depends on the partner and verse” maybe 500 times all over because. well. she?
afterwards — what kind(s) of aftercare do they like being given? do they like giving their partner aftercare? do they fall asleep quickly after sex?
receiving end — it depends on the person! i think she might be a bit reticent or unexpecting to receive aftercare at first, in part because it’s something foreign and vulnerable? but with time & the right person i think it’d be good for her shfsjsgg lacie clearly doesn’t have a normal background, and i do think she has some unconscious sexual / relational development issues (or ~peculiarities~) as a result. lacie’s behavior can vary pretty wildly (or at least in intensity) depending on the person, and a lot of it ties back to her background. she doesn’t have real points of reference for what ‘normal’ relationships are like. and then you could also say that she doesn’t really care about normalcy just for the sake of it either. but the reality is that she has limited human contact with others, and the man who raised her is also the only person that she’s been intimate with (that we know of). none of that is normal. in supplemental material where levi voices attraction for her, she (& oswald) reiterate that levi is only playing around and doesn’t actually hold any genuine interest in her, that he’s just being cruel because he’s like that, etc. levi doesn’t seem to think that way, but outside perspectives such as what a characters says to others or what they think to themselves (regardless of accuracy) still matter when it comes to characterization. at the end of the day, glen did ‘love’ lacie and oswald, but love isn’t always pure or good. love can be defined in different ways, and the affection he felt for lacie didn’t make him a good person — it made him a worse one tbh LOL. he loved her in an awful way, and it was never going to change what would happen to her for him. i see how they both have a weird thing where it’s like, they’re both damned & going to die not that far off from each other. but their fates were very different. he raised her to die and her being a woman ended up serving him in the worst way like he sucks so bad shfjdgkdfhfh. i find levi very interestingly written and i like him but he's absolutely morally bankrupt ANYWAY ALL OF THIS TO SAY THAT i don’t think that type of relationship would give someone a good sense of what aftercare is.  but i would love her to learn about it more, grow into feeling genuinely seen, accepted & loved -_-  she gets to run away and play human every now and then, but none of the people she bonds with stay with her. none of them find her again except jack. (+jack also has issues relating to sex and his identity.) and when jack does stay by her side and becomes the very first constant presence in her life besides her family, it causes her to doubt her predicament and realize the fear and loneliness in her heart for the first time. she blames him for it, and she chooses to die with it. and then when jack finds out through oz the world almost explodes lol but anyway one of the guidebooks states how her being accepted for who she was is what got her fucked up and ssfjsfjsgdsg i do feel like lacie is a fake idgafer. like i KNOW who you are… the official french translation has it as “ayant toujours été rejetée par son entourage, lacie a été touchée par le fait que quelqu’un l’accepte comme elle était. à force de passer du temps avec jack, elle s’est sentie peu à peu apaisée par sa présence. (having always been rejected by those around her, lacie was touched by the fact that someone accepted her as she was. by spending time with jack, she gradually felt soothed by his presence.)”  & here’s a snapshot for a rough google translate of the original japanese text for the sake of. idk. Sourcing
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giving — as far as Giving aftercare goes, i think it’d come more naturally. she likes running her fingers through hair. petting. giving physical attention in general. even though she’s a bit touch-adverse with glen (her body language in their scenes is very telling dhfdg), i feel like physical touch is still one of her love languages at the core. it just obviously comes out more when she’s in the mood for it, or when she’s with someone she’s doting on. & Finally. “do they fall asleep quickly or not” i feel like after sex with glen — she’d usually just get up and leave, or lay there & not really do or say anything until she falls asleeps. sometimes it comes quickly, sometimes it doesn’t. i don’t think she’d have some kind of sad puppy vibe, she just doesn’t feel like she’s really there.  with others i think she’d seem more “present” overall. her sleep varies!! (upset lacie vc from the audio drama & light novel: i’m going to BED.) i do think she sleeps a fair amount. but the first nights she’d spend with someone would probably be a bit sleepless from unrest / being Titilated. waking up a lot. in a more established and/or fulfilling relationship i think she could eventually get that kind of post-sex sleepy afterglow where her brain disconnects and she dozes real good ofhsjfskdg it’s what she’d deserve but yknow!!!!
beg — do they like making their partner(s) beg? do they like begging their partner?
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well. yes. she definitely has a sadistic streak and finds excitement in a certain kind of cruelty. she likes reactions. positive or negative. be it embarrassment, defensiveness, or even aggression. it’s not always sexual in nature, but it can be. as for begging? mixed answer!! it’d take some work for her to genuinely beg, and not just say something to play along, throw them off, or even ‘beg’ in a way that’s actually more so her making a demand. i think the person would need to be good at what they’re doing to make her feel crazy / stimulated enough. but i also think the thought of being brought to those more intense points is a more private fantasy of hers. so basically my opinion is that she should but it needs to be good (& the right person+right moment) or she’s gonna get evil with it. as she does with most things ngl
delay — do they like having their orgasm delayed/denied? do they like delaying/denying their partner(s)' orgasm?
HEH i think she COULD love to hate being delayed/denied. if you open your eyes and see beyond “fictional woman can only be into femdom 100% of the time and nothing else” i think you can explore a lot of with her dhfjsgsg  embrace versatility and whimsy and mood swings. and also femdom. be unpredictable. etc. i don’t really like restricting her to dominance, which is kind of the only thing i’ve seen with her? besides some overly soft levilacie takes now and then. (which i do have to say that my pretty firm belief is that levi wouldn't even be interested in her if she Wasn't mean to him & challenging but that's for another post) her reaction is definitely going to depend on the person, the dynamic, the vibe of the moment, and how stimulated she is lol she might get frustrated or outright aggressive, take matters into her own hands, decide she doesn’t care anymore if it’s not good enough or if it gives her the ick. she can also be bratty. you’d need to be really good to get her to turn to mush. It would fix her tho. or break her a little bit. i’m an advocate for her being turned to mush when having more intensive intimate experiences though idc.... i think it’d be good/healthy for her to explore vulnerability in a safe environement lol but there’s definitely more to get into there  next. :) she would definitely get a kick out of delaying and denying her partners. she’s a big tease. she likes teasing with touch, pulling away, seeing and feeling all kinds of reactions. it’s exciting, interesting, makes her feel alive & can also be unpredictable when there’s a push-and-pull or rival dynamic in play. 
fantasy — do they have any sexual fantasies they'd like to try out? have they ever gotten to act on a sexual fantasy?
true love and desire 🙂 jk i feel like she’d enjoy wax play tbh. and i mean. the whole cutting people and licking their blood thing is already out there hfaysufsgds. i think she’d enjoy things that feel thrilling and more intense (urgency/risk/roughness), just like i think she’d absolutely benefit from soft and slow with the right person. something more normal if she had the opportunity to experience more things i think she’d want (or need) to feel seen and genuinely desired, wanted, etc.
location — where do they like to have sex the most? would they ever have sex in a 'risky' place (ex. in the office, closet, public bathroom, etc)?
hmmm i’m not sure about a favorite spot. i don’t think she’d really know for herself or have ever thought of it that way. i think she’d be down for multiple locations shfsjfsf however i do think she’d do it in risky places, which, tbh i guess that might be a favorite eventually lmao. it’d definitely be more intensive/stimulating/exhilarating. while more traditional spots like the bedroom & private quarters in general are more intimate. but intimacy can have positive and negative connotations for her. to be determined i guess ??? 😭
praise — do they like being praised? is there anything specific they like being praised for? do they like praising their partner(s)?
:) she likes to praise!! she’ll do it physically and sometimes verbally. probably if she knows her partner might need it (unless theyre levi. he can die)  when it comes to receiving it for maximum efficacy you need to get the right molecule in the right concentration. but i, for one, support it
turn on — what turns them on?
reactions… chemistry… ⚡ i do think she values personality / company and then also physical things. assuming she’s already interested in someone, i think what might turn her on the most would be in the finer details—both in visuals and sensations. like focusing on the grip of a hand, soft and firm presses, the way the body moves. thinking about how something might feel. hands, eyes, necks. i think she’d find beauty in a lot of things. those are maybe less turn-ons and more like, what she’s attracted to i guess but still sfhsgjsg. so i guess chemistry is the biggest one? but i’ll add that i do feel like at the right moment and or with the right person, intensity is what could get her kinda woozy. intensity can be rough just like it can be soft though. i think she wants to be desired in a sincere way (deep down), even if she pushes back against it (or denies it for herself) at times. i think she needs to not be seen as a piece of meat that can be owned, but still as someone that you might eventually come to develop selfish desires about lol. in the end i do think those come down to being truly seen and wanted. on one hand she states that she would’ve pushed jack away if he had made a move on her, or ‘proved’ that all he wanted was to fuck her. on the other, she comes out of that interaction thinking that his lack of initiative means he doesn’t love her after all. i’ve always felt like there’s a good amount to unpack from that interaction that not a lot of people do
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dragonballnewstar · 3 months ago
8, 14, and 15 for best moth gorl 🙏🏾
Muse-related Questions for the Mun
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8. What are your muse's thoughts about humanity in general?
Despite her unique appearance, Ampa is an Earthling! Since she was born and raised on Earth, she has no issues with humanity itself. That said, she is self-conscious about her appearance and how she can make others feel uneasy, so she uses her Image Inducer to change her appearance to that of a regular human. She would do this daily when attending grade school. When in Conton City, she'd be more relaxed with disguising herself, though you may still find her doing so because she likes the feeling of "blending in" and getting lost in the crowd.
14. Is there someone that your muse looks up to? If so, does your muse desire to be like them?
She is distantly related to Android 17, and aspires to be a "savior of the multiverse" like he was during the ToP. She also admires other scientists within the DB-verse and their works: Bulma's gumption and inner strength as well as the resourcefulness of the Capsules (which Ampa will quickly say were designed by Bulma's father) and DB Radar/ships/etc, Dr. Gero's careful programming and AI growth, Dr. Hedo's hero-based AIs with unique engaging personalities (no she doesn't have a crush on them you have no proof), and even Dr. Lychee and his development of the Destron Gas. She is keenly aware of how brilliant experiments can also be twisted for corrupted use, but nonetheless they are still brilliant.
15. Is your muse good at the romantic approach in general? If so, do they usually speak up first?
LOL absolutely not. We've (Fang & Myself) made jokes that Ampa is similar to Hinata from Naruto and will eye the target of her affection from afar but won't really be the one to cross that threshold. She'll make friends and be friendly, go on adventures and help them out. Support their growth and all that, but is terrible at actually saying she likes/loves them. In her canon, her current boyfriend is thankfully SMART and realized it quickly, but still had to be the one to say so. It wasn't until she was confronted did she admit her feelings and apologized for not saying anything sooner.
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edgeray · 10 months ago
Hello Ray! (The anon who sent over the mad scientist! Reader + Arlevie and domestic Arle req here)
I realised that I forgot to put an emoji that you can use to ref to me, apologies (am too used to disappearing into the background irl). Can I be 🍅 anon?
The fluff on your work made me scream. Arle pouting? (Though I imagine it’s only visible to reader and the children from how subtle it would be, she’s not very expressive to begin with) Arle being soft?? Yes please, oh my goodness. She needs a lover, therapy, and proper rest (Have you seen her eyebags? 😭 They were there on young Arle too post Clervie death, she needs sleep)
“Let Mother take care of Father” I AM SOBBING. CRYING. TEARS OF JOY- it’s so soft!!!! She definitely deserves the care and oh boy is reader intending to spoil Arle. Especially with the children around. Loving parents who care for their children and nurture them properly? Sign me up!! Even if said children have to look the other way or pass the eye bleach around from their parents being soft around each other.
Though I do imagine it’s reader who starts the bathing together routine and not Arle - she might be conscious of her hands (which reader would absolutely not mind but treasure instead). I was thinking that it took a while before Arle felt comfortable enough to wear anything less than formal attire around reader, and the first time is when reader joins in on Arle working out. If reader were from HotH and saw Arle from young, it might have taken less time to get less formally dressed, but the bathing part is definitely reader initiated. Can totally see this becoming a habit of reader’s to ask if Arle’s ok with it/wants it though! It probably takes longer still for Arle to initiate it, but they definitely have it like in the fic. Just toothrotting fluff and adoration for one another.
Did I tell you I love the way you write Arle and reader? I love your characterisation of them!!! Although Arle is soft here in the way she isn’t really in canon (soft from romance I mean not soft as a character) it isn’t in an ooc manner!
On the Arlevie, my original hc was that reader is a homunculus similar to Albedo, and that they were from Khaenri’ah and were well versed in Khemia (that they then use to make the body that Clervie now is revived in, similar to how Albedo was created). To be honest, I based the Irminsul idea heavily off of the Aranara saying “We shall meet again in Sarva (Irminsul)” so my guess was that that is where the spirits of Teyvatians ultimately congregate when they die.
As for why reader did it, it’s based heavily off Frieren, that reader wants to learn more about humans and thinks that living the life of one would help them understand. And since Arle runs an orphanage as a single parent (effectively), reader revives Clervie to use as a bargaining chip to enter the HotH and live as a human child with both parents. As for the “mad” part of “mad scientist”, I was thinking more mad as in “not caring what the heavenly principles does to them and willing to try anything” than the “clinically insane/batshit crazy” interpretation, though I really do love to see it being explored (I might submit more hcs here, once irl life stops tying me down)
I absolutely love your idea of childhood friends!Arlevie and reader that you mentioned though!!! It gives a lot of meaning to why reader went insane - Clervie being the only person who could hold down and convert two borderline psychopaths would be a very Clervie thing! Though I would assume reader in this case would come under Dottore as an experimental subject (one who just happened to survive his experiments, albeit not being very human anymore) Reader totally seeing the gay before Arlevie even did, and when they come back from getting lobotomized by Dottore to find Clervie dead and Arle going feral they just snap.
This one is a bit long, it’s not a request but just some thoughts, feel free to build on it or stash it elsewhere for later use (idm, it’s always lovely to read, and that goes for anyone else who sees this)
But please rest up Ray! It’s always nice to have you around so do take care of yourself! Stay safe, hydrated, well nourished, and may the pillow be cold and the covers snug!
🍅 anon, hi, nice to meet you!!!! I'm glad you liked the silly little thing I wrote at like 3AM. I agree with you on the fact that reader does start the bathing together routine! The idea of Arlecchino slowly becoming comfortable with you, exposing her cursed body to you after months of insecurity and hesitation... makes me so soggy 🥹. I'm eating this up. I really want to write another piece of just this. Arlecchino deserves more hurt/comfort fics. Guys, she's fucking daddy and hot af but she is also a sad little meow meow, and we should better take advantage of this. 🥺
I'm glad you love the way I characterize Arlecchino and reader!!! I'm such a sucker for soft Arlecchino... of course, I will always love mean arlecchino (if the mafia au oneshot wasn't telling enough).
And ooooh for the arlevie, I love your ideas, especially the Frieren part. Thank you for the clarification on 'mad' for reader. I love your ramblings even though some of the lore flies by my head. 🫶
Thanks for the ask 🍅 anon!
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tewwor · 7 months ago
Kingfisher — HR :), always the best dressed, someone's almost always in her office
Ricochet — janitor, recently shown interest in environmental and surprised everyone by saying he has a bachelors in environmental science, takes care of any abandoned plants at cubicles
Cruor — sales, telecom, does partake in the fraternity vibes, but he's genuinely nice and not toxic, popular with other client facing coworkers when a translator's needed
Crux — CEO & founder, still elusive as ever - no one's really seen him???
Weaver — new hire from a different region, still very confused about the group's dynamic, eats lunch in their car a lot
Jackrabbit — IT lead, thinks helpdesk is fun, everyone thinks she's weird for that, despises setting up new work spaces and conference rooms
Ace — front desk, personality hire, known to mess with other cubicles, always invites everyone to bar hop on Fridays
Shrike — business building security, almost never says anything to anyone walking in or out, hates the mandatory fire drills like everyone else
Iris — environmental, totally doesn't nap at his desk...... has goose figurines everywhere, loves site visits a little too much
Litho — creative whiz, helped their region gain the most traction with trends, usually left alone because he's cranky, hates it when people forget their lunches in the breakroom fridge
Rem — firmwide... something, still just as tired, still chain smokes, somehow bumps into a lot of people after hours looking the complete opposite ( heavily pierced and shows tattoos and generally goth ) and continuously shocks everyone
Vector — marketing ( senior ), great at interviews, one of the og heartthrobs in office, encourages wfh as long as his coworkers do their job, takes his discipline out for dinner whenever they make goal
Goshawk — fired resigned
instead of being an enigmatic group of weird hunters, the marked is a coven of weird ass vampires. they still hunt other supernatural beings, other vampires aren't excluded from this.
the venom of which their bite injects borders more along paralysis and numbing; though the amount can be adjusted.
they still retain semblances of their main verse abilities, but can typically be explained away as a form of magic.
sunlight doesn’t kill or burn them instantly, but it does weaken the marked to the point where they aren’t able to use their powers. they’re also quite light sensitive and often wear sunglasses and hats.
heart destruction / removal, decapitation, fire, dead man’s blood, and exsanguination can all kill the marked almost instantly. silver weakens them, but isn’t enough to kill. garlic doesn’t have an impact on them. they still appear in mirrors / photos. invitation isn’t required.
misc. notes
cruor’s sire is vector, who saved him at the last minute post mma match. they’re dynamic hasn’t changed — more of a mentor / mentee than maker and made. his blood does have a greater influence of healing than the rest, and he still struggles with hemophobia.
crux can be considered as an original/elder/etc. and was directly responsible for vector's creation.
Cruor — lead singer & flutist
Shrike — lead guitar & backing vocalist
Jackrabbit — bass guitar
Ace — drums
Kingfisher — occasional electric pianist, makeup artist
Ricochet — head of security
Iris — social media manager
Litho — merch, marketing, etc. designer
Rem — event coordinator & marketing
Vector — PR
Weaver — usher.. jk jk chauffeur…. drives the party bus..
Crux — record label executive
Goshawk — banned
Canonically, all of the muses within The Marked have died. They were then randomly selected and presented a chance for a second life. Once accepted, they are brought back with a few perks that normal humans don't have, but the catch is that they must hunt curses. They are known as The Marked, and they keep their actual identities a secret from society. The phenomena of the deal dates back beyond a set time. So while most of the muses on this group are of the modern era, the traditions / practice has always been around.
This group was originally located in the states. Upon request by the higher echelon of JJT, they have more or less relocated overseas. All Marked members are to considered as sorcerers.
No one outside of the marked knows them as such. to others, they’re known as 0 ; the beginning to all ends, the end to all beginnings.
0 is an underground syndicate that deals in weapon supply, cage fights, and sorcerers for hire. They’re an odd bunch, certainly, but they always get the job done. Their influences has been spread far and wide to those that know where to look.
The core of 0 are all Marked members, but there are others permitted to join as well. Not a single word is ever said about who or what The Marked are. despite how cohesive and high functioning 0 is, The Marked will always stay loyal to themselves first.
Codenames aren’t used within 0. All Marked members go by their civilian names.
Additional resources / help is often outsourced — this opens a more accessible starting point for other sorcerers and the like. Curse infused / possessed users are welcomed! Just know they’re being watched. Any particularly bad fuck ups and The Marked will take notice and deal with it accordingly.
999 'Kubo Yua' — Security . Imperceptibility CT .
Ace 'Ari Yoonji Im' — Informant / thief . Summoning CT .
Chef 'Yoo Serim' — Cook / alchemist . Sensory deprivation CT .
Curor 'Amine Kovac' — Healer / trainer . Healing blood CT .
Crux 'Josiah McCarthy' — Overseer of both The Marked & 0 / underground fight organizer; black market dealer . Bone manipulation CT .
Evanescence 'Aarav Singh' — No position yet . Power seal CT .
Goshawk 'Iza Burne' — Cleaner . Acidity manipulation CT .
Iris 'Kang Ilseul' — Safe haven keeper & medicinal supplier / Greenhouse nursery worker . Entity bonding CT .
Jackrabbit 'Ines Ortiz' — Techie /  freelance hacker . Body temperature manipulation CT .
Kingfisher 'Shira Kantor' — Cleaner . Matter ingestion CT .
Litho 'Lionel Accardi' — Forger / bookstore owner . Ink manipulation CT .
REM 'Alon Galvez' — Handler / pawn shop owner . Hypnokinesis CT .
Ricochet 'Raayan Iyer' — Trainer / janitor . Absorption Infusion CT .
Shrike 'Choi Siwoo' — Cursed weapons maker . Physical restoration CT .
Tombstone 'Alonzo Cordero' — Tailor . Soul manipulation CT .
Vector 'Han Seojun' — Healer & seeker ( of new agents & retired trainer / Forensic artist . Holy fire CT .
Weaver 'Awan Umar' — Transport / wheelman . Rift Manipulation CT .
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phantomofagoodtime · 1 year ago
New Muse
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Name: Lee Yeon
Species: Nine Tailed Fox Demon
Show: Tale Of The Nine Tailed
FC: Lee Dong Wook
Short Bio - Lee Yeon, a gumiho (nine tailed fox). used to be a powerful mountain god until his mortal love died. He bargained with the higher powers for her recincarnation in return for his service. 600 years later, he is still waiting for her to be reborn and hunts supernatural criminals who threaten the mortal world. Lee Yeon is a hero type, he is privileged, nice and pines over one woman faithfully. He can sometimes have an almost-bratty attitude and sulk over minor inconviences at times.
History is littered with the tales of the nine-tailed fox, a legendary creature who seduces the innocent in order to satisfy their craving for human flesh. Though there are few in this modern age who believe in the ghost stories of the past. Lee Yeon does no eat people, although he can sometimes come across uncaring or heartless this is a mask to keep himself from getting close to people again.
Series Bio: The titular gumiho (nine-tailed fox). Former mountain spirit and guardian of Baekdudaegan, lover of Ah-eum / Ji-ah and half-brother of Lee Rang. He carries out missions from the Afterlife Immigration Office while searching for the reincarnation of Ah-eum. He encountered several look-alike of Ah-eum but none bore the fox bead. He saved Ji-ah when she was young, but she does not have the fox bead, making Yeon believe that she is not the reincarnation of Ah-eum. Later in the series, it is revealed that Ji-ah is indeed reincarnation of Ah-eum. Her fox bead appeared when Lee Yeon saved her from falling from a building.
Weakness - evening primrose that grows above tombs. Harm to those he cares about.
Likes/Loves - Mint Ice Cream. three rubber ducks in his bath. Enjoys a good meal.
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Appearance - smartly dressed, tidy short hair with a redish tint to his brunette locks. Usually accompanied by his trademark red umbrella with an embroided flower on one side.
Multi-ship and Multi-verse - So he can either be with his canon partner or we can write something for our muses together.
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multiandmany · 1 year ago
Jack Spicer (Canon) (AUs listed below)
Fandom: Xiaolin Showdown
Name: Jack Spicer Age: 15 Species: Human Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Pan ace Height: 5'3" (boots make him look taller though) Weight: ??? Abilities: Engineering, Street Smarts, Ice Skating, Extreme Durability, Athleticism
Certified little shit head, screams like a girl when scared. He's an "evil genius" who wants to rule the world and will do just about anything to get there! Steal, lie, trick, become a monkey.
Builds robots of various kinds to get things done, his "Jackbots", hires help and partners up when its good for him. Thinks of himself as a real deal villain and a big bad.
He's super smart but full of himself and often gets himself into trouble because he's over confinement and cocky. Will turn tail and run if he feels he's loosing.
Scared of the dark. Really likes pudding. Does NOT do well in confined spaces. Dyslexic.
His main Wu is the Monkey Staff, which gives him the agility and balance of a money, as well as the behavior and looks of one. He seems to enjoy using it, or really enjoys having a tail. He has been warned by Wuya several times to be careful using it, and has ignored her several times.
He's currently in an attempt to take over the world. You gonna help him? Or hinder him?
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Good Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Good Jack AU has the same skills and height and all as Canon Jack, just for different reasons, like in the show, he's happy and cheerful! He does what he can to help, he's affectionate and while he's still somewhat of a coward, if needed he'll use himself as bait to help his friends!
He still has the monkey staff, this time it was passed to him by his father instead the puzzle box. The puzzle box was instead handed off to Katnappe, who's kittens managed to open it. She then goes from evil villain to evil villain to find someone to get her Wu, until the monkey staff activates and Katnappe and monks end up at Jacks, meeting him.
And Jacks ends up siding with the monks, lending them his support when needed. While his robots aren't evil, they do come in handy with some things, like chores! Even if Master Fung doesn't like that, it is nice to have something for guards instead of chores after the Wu is raided the first time.
Jack and Dojo butt heads over Master Fung and some other things like transport, Jack gets on the other's nerves, and while he's not that good at fights, he does his best and is a surprisingly good cook. Or is that just because he has robotic help...
And while he does have robotic help, most times its used for things he can't do alone, like heaving lifting or helping with watching over the temple when its just him and the monks there. (The more keeping watch the better after all!) Or when things are just too dangerous for Jack, like if there's a fire in the kitchen and Omi can't get there fast enough, one of the robots will put it out while Jack is freaking out.
Jack is working on getting better at being more self reliant but it can be hard when things are sometimes pretty dangerous. And you're sometimes doing things like cooking while half awake after being up for over 35 hours.
He has won a few showdowns surprisingly and keeps the Monkey Staff on hand or on robot, he stays behind at the temple most times as help and to assist there.
His black mark under his eye covers a scar in this verse. In time he learns to not paint it on. Almost constantly has a bandaid cause he scratched himself and got injured. He's still a klutz, but he's not as much of one.
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Picrew Link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1414503 There is an edit I made to the picrew but this is NOT my art. I just edited the eyes to match. He's suppose to have black makeup over his scar, but the picrew didn't allow it so imagination!
Dragon of Metal Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Same as Canon Jack, but he's the dragon of metal. Without the training needed, he isn't very intune with his element aside from when he's working on his robots or feels truly comfortable. Everything's the same about it, still on the Heylin side, but despite Wuya's best efforts, she has yet to convince him that he's the dragon of metal after she figured it out. All that belittling about the robots backfired on her.
Jack-Bot Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Jack isn't really Jack. Its the a robot made to look like Jack and who has taken Jack's place after the real Jack died. He doesn't know he's a robot and continues the plans the real Jack had put into place. No one else knows, but when Wuya finds out, she leaves, leaving Jack confused and on his own for the hunt for the Wu.
You can RP with him before and after Wuya leaves.
Cyborg Jack (AU) (Post Link)
Jack's recklessness from a young age has earned him robotic limbs of his own making and some enchantments that his mother doesn't know about. He's a real jackass at times and tries to get away with a lot more. Instead of being afraid of the dark, its storms, given that he's part machine now. Can and will flip you off he feels like it, but will flee if he thinks you're going to go for his face. Anything but the face!
Not nearly as scared of Wuya and talks back to her, still uneasy about magic stuff and will flee when outmatched with that.
Mythic Showdown AU
Everyone's favorite idiot, I mean, everyone's favorite evil super villain is doing the same as canon, looking for Shen Gong Wu and battling against the dragons for it to become the ruler of the world!
He also looks for other magical artifacts along the way, but when he gets them they always seem to loose power and he's starting to suspect that a certain someone has something to do with that.
He has no scientific proof though and Wuya won't admit it through, so he's stuck going after Shen Gong Wu!
He later finds out that he's a singular human paired up with a ghost of a witch against two dragons, a kitsune, and a minotaur.
Not only does he not have any elemental powers, he's just a human against four myths (five if you count Dojo) in this battle for Shen Gong Wu.
He's wondering how long Wuya knew about this whole myth thing AND DIDN'T TELL HIM.
Jack, nervously laughing: Haha, I'm in danger.
Its Jack! But he's a cat! Not really just a cat boy. People like him use to be a lot more common, but things just... stopped. Things happen and Jack happens to show up the same time that most the Xiaolin Dragons do, seems that things are planned for all of them.
Jack's parents aren't sure what to make of him though... His dad is... less than trilled to say the least and his mother loves him so much and just wants to protect him.
Growing up is hard when you're mostly home schooled and online schooled. It wasn't until Ashley aka Katnappe breaks into your house with attack cats and rips up the security robots you built that you realize that 'Hey! You could have a friend! A real life friend!' and in return for not getting arrested Ashley helps Jack out.
He has glasses cause he's nearsighted but refuses to wear them so he uses his goggles more cause they're cooler! (And prescription!) Still needs his glasses at times, still refuses,runs into things, more so when he had the zoomies!
Yes still dyslexic too.
Wuya does end up at Jacks house he opens the box but after finding this cat boy has no ill intent she's off to find someone else.
Jack's left wondering about magic though. Was he the result of it?
He's good/neutral in this.
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Like the picrew above, same link, only fixed the eye. He's suppose to have black makeup over his scar, but the picrew didn't allow it so imagination!
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