#in static and stagnance
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kitcats-1-braincell · 4 months ago
Oh?? What’s this??
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Also Bonnie!! Yay!! Mira is there too, just behind the pov:3
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salty-an-disco · 1 year ago
OK, making this theory its own post cuz I really think I’m onto something–
The Voices are a consequence of The Long Quiet still having pieces of The Shifting Mound within it.
They’re the pinpricks of light within an endless and stagnant void. If Shifty is flickering lights in empty cityscapes that need to be filled to become more, Quiet is dark alleyways that need to be illuminated to become more.
And that’s the Voices’ purposes, we’re collecting pieces of ourselves as we bring Shifty her own pieces, illuminating us both to our natures; Shifty, by seeing what her pieces are through the reflection of stagnancy, and us, by seeing our facets through the reflection of change.
And that’s by design.
Narrator needed us to have a bit of change within us so that not only could we actually act and slay the princess, but so that the world without Shifting Mound wouldn’t be just Nothing. But a consequence of that is the presence of the voices.
We’re the Long Quiet, stagnancy and nothingness, we are static, we can’t really change, just perceive, so we can’t really hold new perspectives within outselves, they need to be broken off — shards of broken glass reflecting back to us the perspectives we can’t hold — and because they also reflect part of Shifty (change), they are able to grow outside of the perspective that first molded them.
That’s also why I think Quiet will never stop breaking off into new voices, that’s simply how they experience the world aka. STP is a plural narrative evidence 237.
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months ago
One of my favorite things about Wukomg in LMK and how they choose to characterize him is simply the fact there's still more ways for him to learn and grow. LMK is an epilogue to Journey to the West in the context of the show. Wukong, as the main character of a book whose entire story was an analogy to enlightenment and growth, SHOULD have been at a point in his character arc where there was nothing else for him to learn and he wouldn't be able to grow anymore than he had. He SHOULD have been static, someone whose words and actions affect others but who is otherwise unaffected by the plot, because his character had already completed its journey long before the events of the show even started.
Wukong in LMK is anything, BUT that. He's a perfect representation that no matter how old you are and how much you've seen, there's still more to learn. There's still way you can grow even more! This is a 13000+ year old legend, a monkey so old nobody knows for certain when he was born, only that he was well over 500 before the events that made him famous, and he's still learning new things and growing as a person.
We LOVE characters who've "finished their journey" to continue to grow and develop long after the narrative says they should!
LMK Wukong hits so hard for so many people because he's not *in* the Journey. The famous quest is Done. But he's still just a person who needs to heal and grow. Even if lifetimes have past.
He's messed up so bad in the past that all he wants is to Fix Things, even for people considered his enemies. I wouldn't be surprised if he would have eventually freed DBK on his own terms once the sentence was up.
Enlightenment should not cause emotional stagnancy. People can have personal epiphanies throughout their lives well after they feel that they're "finished".
A tier character analysis
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einshi · 3 months ago
❛ you've broken me. all i can think about is you. ❜ sherliam
“then don’t think.”
voice lulls the despairing pleas that came in between their pressed mouths, seeking each other’s warmth, hungry for a taste of the other. sherlock’s finger traces a line across the fine curve of william’s cheekbones, down his jawline, committing to memory every little detail. it’s not nearly enough, he thinks.
haunting william’s every thought is the beginning - breaking him is beyond his intentions, but creation doesn’t love stagnancy, nothing is created from the static. for there to be something to change, a body has to be broken beforehand, split into smaller components, rearranged and treasured, and who else is better at dismantling layers upon layers of facade than a detective smitten by the temptation of mystery? shrouded in these lies, william’s become something even sweeter, addictive like no other.
sherlock’s mind wanders, blue sapphire meeting ruby-tinted eyes. “ well - can’t say it bothers me, having every bit of you, including your thoughts. would love to listen what’s inside that head of yours. is it something you can give me, liam? ”
to purposefully goad him into something harsher feels like a poor call, and still, the gnawing feeling in his chest doesn’t fade away. instead, the pace quickens, his stomach shrinks with something akin to desire, the kind that leaves a man hovering close to the edge, stalked by the abyss. he wants to take the leap, give it all in, to be engulfed by nothing else but the depths of william’s thoughts. a selfish parts wants it to belong only to him. he lets it spill all at once: his mouth returns to its previous position, sucking at william’s lower lip, hands occupied with unfastening william’s belt, then his own.
he takes both their sensitive points in a grip.
it’s quick, insistent. he’s got none of the care and patience that distinguishes william’s gait, the way he crafts his plans; sherlock is aware of the chaos, the force that makes the house of cards crumble. william gasps beneath him, their bodies finding the perfect rhythm between fluid riding and heavy pressure as he pushes william further down into the mattress. the sun’s all set now, leaving only darkness in its absence. the night gives them privacy, bad deeds done in secret but there’s nothing sacrilegious about this. william is the closest thing to heaven sherlock’s ever had, if there was a God at all.
“come on, liam. be good and say my name. you’ve been way too quiet for someone who’s supposedly thinking about nothing else but me. show me. tell me how much you want it.”
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shamemp3 · 1 year ago
i hate the static i hate stagnancy i hate routine i hate hate hate
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raytm-moved · 2 years ago
[  fear  ]  receiver  finds  sender having  a  nightmare // for dottore, diluc deserves to be haunted as a treat
the vestiges of one’s mind could be such a harrowing dichotomy, concepts of reality & delusion coinciding in the most diverting euphony. whether he was corporeal or discarnate was not important, even lacking a human vessel his presence emanates in minatory stagnance. he is severance from the somnolent reverie in ways only danger could. long legs crossed, stygian leather gloves curve beneath his throat, cradling his chin pensively.   “  you seem perturbed. ”  his cadence filters through the density of his consciousness, strident static wading through the mind’s endless flow. “ did you presume yourself secure in an innocuous state of slumber. ” amusement exudes in virulence,  his head canted, irreverence glinting in his eyes  “ how does it feel to continuously be proven incorrect. ”  laughter without annunciation, tapping his fingers in a sedated cadence.  “ now i am considering if i should have expected more from you. ” 
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blandbutfunny · 1 year ago
Writing about Stagnance is Boring and Static
The echoes of the galaxy reside in dimensions parallel White dots on chalkboard blemish rather than illuminate bright The void is sight-blind Memories of fire baths and water hearths braid themselves in a gyre  Rhizomatic the fibres are sprawling decor for the hidden hive. This eternity only invites questions, Forever passes, and the star is born. Solar flares spiral the lines of motion like whispers The river has conquered the captain Life has been stillborn. Even the infinitum of space is captured in four walls. Everlasting expansion can never reach the glass ceiling. What is there to say when voices are carried a stone’s throw  And mountains are microcosms of empty space. The Garden of Eden was blessed with one of every shade  But no tree bore enough fruit to feed them all. History is worthless. Our ancestors are buried in the same Earth we ravage Their decomposed bodies spread amongst the wing beats of birds and the bark of forest pines. Both end up in our dining room. I’ll skip dinner darling, my appetite is insatiable.
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celestialtowerarchives · 1 year ago
Gridlocked and stymied, roadblocked and static, A standstill so bad that we’d have to cuss, They thought the word “traffic,” almost telepathic, And a new god was born, named Trafikus.
The patron of impasse, the deadlocking deity, Wherever there’s blockage, that’s his fault, Hated by all because none owe him fealty, Since the best way to pray is to halt.
Born minutes ago, exploring his power, He said “moving? No thanks” On a whim. Though none noticed, traffic stood still for an hour As if it were nothing to him.
“What else can I stop up?” He hopped up a pole. The cell service flickered and died. He jumped in a router, the queue became full No message accepted inside.
“My assets are frozen” “I’m too constipated.” “My valves are all closin” “I’m tired.” As the blockages faded, dispersed, dissipated, None worked, or even got fired.
Why let things progress? It caused him distress, To let earth continue its functions. But with earth at rest, he lost all his zest, His power lied only at junctions.
With nobody moving, there’s no roads to close. In stagnance, there’s nowhere to play. With traffic improving, he reopened flows:  “Screw ‘blocking’. I’ll stick to ‘delay.’”
This new god, Trafikus, learned his new roles. So when you next experience traffic, In freeways, in game lag, intestines, or head colds, Cuss loud, and heartfelt, and graphic.
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kitcats-1-braincell · 4 months ago
Guess what
Chucks my Lost ref sheet at you and runs
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Definitely gonna redo this at some point because something is making me. annoyed about it. And it’s making me very angry!!! Why are they standing like that!!!!!
Edit: fixed it!!!
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acreaturecalledgreed · 2 years ago
Hi its that one anon again, for the Multigender asks, I humbly request uh
4,5,6, 7,8, 19, 24, 28, 29
...is that too many numbers.?
hello nonny you are a-okay i just wanted to respond on my laptop b/c im gonna do a lot of writing now cracks every bone in my trash body lets do it
4) When did you first hear about being multigender?
my memory is very not great and i honestly do not recall any specifics, but id ballpark 2014ish was around the time i was realizing "oh i dont have to slide b/t genders, its okay to be more than one at once"
5) Are there any terms under the multigender umbrella that you identify with? (like bigender, trigender, genderfluid, omnigender, multiflux)
i genuinely like pangender and omnigender very much. again, greedy.
6) Do you identify with any umbrella terms that can encompass being multigender, like "trans" or "nonbinary"?
yes! i personally consider nonbinary to be trans, and i am both. i call myself a nonbinary trans man (which is true) when i want to give ppl a not complicated answer.
7) Are your genders more fluid or more static?
i suppose it'd be accurate to say my genders are static in that they dont really shift from one to another but i also do not like the description of "static", it makes me think of stagnancy, and my gender is not stagnant- it gets added to and expanded rather often, its edges extend and recede like a tide
its like. pointillism. i am a painting and every dot is a part of the image
8) Are your genders more separate or blended together?
waggles my hand both kinda, hard to explain, again its the "pointillism" thing
19) When in a situation forcing you into one gender, what do you do?
so i did answer this one before but ill rehash in a briefer way
on non queer spaces i just deal with it and feel bad but theres no point in pushing it b/c i find most people just dont get it or dont really try to and im Very Tired
in queer spaces people forcing me to be just one of my genders is genuinely heart wrenching and makes me feel deeply unwanted, because they only want this specific part of me and not just. me.
24) Do you do (or have you ever done) anything to express pride, privately or publicly, in your multigender identity?
not really, no. its not that i do not want to. i just have trust problems around people and i struggle to have faith that people will not be shit. and privately, i just dont feel a need to justify it to myself, yaknow? i casually incorporate my identity and queerness into all i touch and create, and i think that counts as pride.
28) Are you open/out about being multigender?
anyone who knows me even a little knows im a gender clusterfuck, and i have long since stopped bothering to pretend im any flavour of cis. if people get weird about it its my intent to challenge them then and there. if you wish to be transphobic you must look me in the eyes and know that i am a person and say it and see how brave you are then.
29) Are you open about some parts of your gender identity, but not others?
the more abstract parts of my gender i tend to really just talk about with other trans ppl but mostly just b/c it can be hard to explain to cis ppl "yeah one of my genders is like, a shark, but longer" whereas if i say the same thing in a trans heavy server ppl are like "oh god samesies"
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variousqueerthings · 2 years ago
helloooo, another new rider on the mash bandwagon here, almost done with season 2, quick question for you and any other mash fans who see this - will there ever come a time that i dont hate frank burns with the fire of a thousand suns, tyfyt
and look, the thing about frank burns is that... no, there will never be a time when he is not the weak-willed bigot who's been given the opportunity to feel special and carry a weapon -- there are times where he'll say something and you'll suddenly go, "oh, I get why you're like this..." in the "cool story bro, still murder" type of way
larry linville really did the most, thank you for your sacrifice in accurately portraying the kind of guy who definitely loved mccarthyism and in modern days would have voted for tr*mp
now margaret on the other hand....
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writingforatwistedworld · 2 years ago
Regarding the Thorn Valley's situation. I think you're right. I think it's likely that ThVa's population of fey mages, especially since fey seem one of the more magically powerful species, made the country a superpower in its early days.But that could change,if it hasn't already, since other countries most definitely developed technologies and sciences to supplement what their magic couldn't do. Sufficiently advanced technology could be considered magic after all. The mages probably won't be able to get jobs in other places if there's machines or appliances that do what they can more cheaply. There's also the birth rate of fey. It's likely lower due to their long lives,and if they don't match the less magical and shorter lived species, they will end up outnumbered by them. It doesn't help that it appears that most fey don't like change to the status quo (See Sebek's mom and dad's situation). Maybe due to pride and/or wanting stability(due to being so long lived)that comes from staticity.But staticity will lead to stagnancy. So yeah, Malleus is going to a have a hard time.
Referring to this.
I mean, I don’t want to spoiler but all I can say is Ignihydes chapter. It proved that the world of TWST has progressed so far that technology can beat magic.
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sylver-drawer · 3 years ago
FeliDia/Dialix is such a good ship and I am dying guess who started shipping it seriously only LAST NIGHT—
It’s a pairing that could have had so much potential, the palace dancer and the emperor’s personal knight. Honestly, I’m shocked how almost static the relationships in WMMAP are. While Lily has had contact and at least friendship with her, it’s never focused upon outside of the childhood arc. From then on, Diana’s character seems to only be an idol of almost stagnancy for Claude as if they were the only relationship that mattered.
Which,,, irks me?
Because in theory, Felix should have known Diana. He should have spent just as much time with her as Claude did, because he was always by Claude’s side. If Claude was with her, so was he. And yet, the few times he talks about Diana, it’s so distant as if mentioning a noble who hasn’t gotten any spotlight. With how bright and warm Diana appeared to be, she would have definitely at least tried to become friends with Felix as well—especially when the two of them are, in text, bosom brothers. Whether it be romantic or platonic, FeliDia was such a missed relationship that would have added more depth to Diana, Felix, and Claude.
Any characterization revolving around Diana canonically in WMMAP feels like such a missed opportunity. Felix and Diana could have been such good friends, or potential lovers with high angst. Honestly, any fics of Athy being Felix’s daughter or Felix being at least her father figure instead of Claude always has me excited because it’s always better written and something Athy herself deserves. A father figure who actually takes care of her.
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@flameofprimus replied...
" Who let Unicron get into Warrior Cats ?"
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New moon report for January 21, 2023
 goes exact at around 12:53 PM (PST)
The sun in Aquarius brings our self expression to a place of heightened capability and expanded horizons. Aquarius represents brilliance, the highest intellectual capacity and a certain amount of unpredictability or liberation from stagnancy. With the sun newly in Aquarius we can release our grip on perfectionism and over-thought out ideas; we can let in the seemingly impractical and even controversial schools of thought. This new moon comes with electrifying energy and an extra dose of positive motivation. The traditional ruler of Aquarius (Saturn) is still in its transit through Aqua, and is tightly conjunct Venus. This represents somewhat of an overhaul when it comes to relationships. Venus in Aquarius can show us where in love we are stuck in static and how we need to liven things up. With Venus being conjunct Saturn there’s a bit of a complicated vibe that comes from connection; it’s time to become and understand things more seriously, but with Aquarius there’s still always that element of surprise and unconventional approaches. 
With this new moon we have a trine to Mars, the planet of stamina, fighting instinct, movement forward and impulsive desires. Having a new moon aspecting the now direct Mars in Gemini is positive in that we can feel self assured and energetic in relation to what we want to bring in next. The moon and sun aligned in Aquarius represent social exuberance as well as deep innovation and invention. We can feel alive, especially with the Moon/Mars trine happening. This is strengthened with the moon forming a sextile with Jupiter, which represents expanding our connection spiritually and intellectually. Jupiter in Aries brings more martian vibes to this formation, bringing in even more excitable energy. With Mars still in Gemini there is mental and communicative stimulation and quick thinking. 
Saturn is always related to tradition, and with the Venus conjunction this theme lies in relationships, pleasures, joy and indulgences. How do we tend to box ourselves in? How can we become a more committed representative of our true self in relationships? Where do we feel things are “boring” and thus can overwrite it and find the light and allure again? During the new moon the moon is in an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. This is a transformative aspect on the subconscious and inner level. Again Capricorn brings us back to traditions, stereotypes and expectations. This new moon represents an overhaul of these things, to a large degree. With all the Mars energy we can potentially expect to push ahead at a more vibrant and motivated rate. Overall this feels like an exciting moon cycle to look forward to! 
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togeqii · 3 years ago
meg !! i saw your tags in response to mine earlier regarding scintilla and had to take some time to conjure some more coherent thoughts!
scintilla like embodies the seasons,,, you can  Feel the heavy lull of summer, its stagnance and hollowness, exemplified by "an empty candy shell, blown glass the shape of midnight makeouts and splotchy wisteria"; it's like the fleeting promise of something more, numbing except for the clinking of the wind chime and static of the cicadas' cries; fading away into "[he] isn't yours. he can't be, not when you have never been his."
and then like the new beginning gradually blooms in the grocery store, "a leftover water droplet plop[ping] onto one of the lettuce heads"; a little small talk and "finger[s] tap[ping] at the basket handle." the remnants of summer are still prying at the edges, on that hot, "early September night," where the buzz of alcohol leads to a fortunate meeting and wanting to "be an otter...tucked to someone's side forever, treasured, never forgotten"; fragmenting, shattering, piecing life back together.
and then there's a soft, incremental ascent into (what i envisioned as) spring later, revitalized, renaissance; late nights and red wine and "i could be by your side"; "it all comes crashing down," whisked away by petrichor and rain, by "spring's first morning breeze." the full circle closure is gentle, as is the tap of "last night's rain on the window"; "inhaling thread-lost morning sun," there is only peace.
it is truly a comfort fic,,, i inevitably return to read it every few months and every time it blows me away. it's impossible to articulate the love i have for scintilla + your detailed worldbuilding, characterization + dialogue; i said i could talk abt it 25/8 and never tire and i stand by that ahahaha (the fact that you chose atsumu n sakusa to foil each other as well?? impeccable choice). okokok i apologize for the length of this ask omg it might as well be an essay! but thank you again and i hope you're having a lovely day/night :)!!
UR SO SWEEEEEEETTT STOP IM GONNA CRY FR 😭😭😭😭 i am like ......eternally grateful that you chose to spend the time writing up these thoughts for scintilla . and not only that but the fact that this ask was just So well thought out and articulated AND U HIT THE PART WHERE I WANTED IT TO EMBODY THE SEASONS SPOT ON !!!! gah im so.....im sooooo....... im so glad the themes of the seasons translated well & you articulated your thoughts So prettily like if i was someone grading an essay i would give you 100% with limitless compliments on the side margins T.T i could read your analyses for scintilla 26/9 if i could NSNALFKSL AND TY FOR NOTICING THE SAKUSA ATSUMU FOILAGE....they are just So different but So similar when it comes down to the core ndjakfkd i really could not picture anyone else taking the places of either of them :") i would never complain about the essays u send huhuhu im literally so emotional....... THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME FR IM SO TOUCHED
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