#in my vision of this you can find hints that lead you to hidden side quests too maybe which incentivize you to go through it
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daz4i · 2 months ago
every time hoyo releases a canon silly groupchat interaction i gain 50hp. they mean so much to me
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writingwithfolklore · 1 year ago
Following a Trail of Clues
                Lots of plots have at least some aspect of figuring out a mystery or uncovering some hidden truth. While it may not be a traditional murder mystery, writing a plot that revolves around the gathering of information and uncovering of clues can be written using a lot of the same techniques.
1. You should probably plan it
If you’re strictly a pantser, give it a shot, but I have never been able to pants mysteries like this. I would recommend planning it from the beginning and saving yourself a lot of time and headaches trying to piece it together later.
2. Start with the beginning and end
When planning a mystery, I start with the beginning, and then skip to the point that they uncover the truth or figure it out and work backwards to fill out the middle. What is the last hint they need to uncover the full truth, then, what leads to that hint, rinse and repeat until we get back to that beginning you created.
                For example, say the MC is trying to find their missing friend. The last point would be ‘they find their friend’, so that’s where we begin. Maybe right before that, they’re told the location, to get their location, they’ve kidnapped one of the bad guys who knows it, to get to him, they need to break into the evil lair, to find the lair, they need to spy on the organization, and so on.
3. Diversify the hints
I talk about this a bit in my post about written elements (here), but essentially, you’ll want to diversify how your characters get their hints. It will seem cheap if they find everything they need to know on conveniently spaced notes or journal entries (unless you can really justify that), or it’s all told to them by someone who happens to know it all (such as the ‘wise man’ trope).
                Maybe they find the last clue written down, but the one before was told to them from a key character, and the one before was puzzled out through a riddle, etc. etc. Here are some places to find clues:
Someone else knows something
This could be either an ally or an enemy. Family members, friends they weren’t aware of, a hidden partner, seemingly a stranger who knows more than they’re letting on. If they are an ally, there should be a reason they haven’t come forward yet, or justification for why their testimony is where it is in a story. Maybe they are somewhat accidentally guilty in the mystery, maybe they are afraid to be involved, maybe they aren’t aware anything has happened at all.
If they’re an enemy, maybe your protagonists need to corner them, best them in a battle, talk to them away from their boss, kidnap them, etc. Consider why this person would betray their ‘side’ to provide a clue to the protagonists.
Journal entries, notes, letters, ledgers, or otherwise written down
Physical evidence—footprints, pieces of clothing left behind, an object, photos, drawings
Biological evidence--fingerprints, DNA, hair, etc. If your character already has access to the equipment for this, great! If not, consider how they could find this out.
A prophetic dream or vision (use in cases in which it would make sense for your character to have this, obviously)
A riddle, poem, or song, if you can justify it.
An educated guess (for small jumps)
Timing—if they can figure out a timeline, they may be able to figure out something else
Something is missing or off place. That’s odd, character always leaves their book on the bedside table, so why isn’t it there?
Any other ways to get hints or clues to your characters?
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yuus-sentient-teddy · 3 years ago
This has been in my drafts for months but I finally got time to finish it, so here it is!
(DON'T WORRY I made sure that the story wouldn't have any spoilers for any specific chapters. Also, please check the tags because there is a sweet twist not-so-subtly hinted!)
Yuu Overblotting
Everything hurts.
The Blot is in their blood. It's toxic like the Headmaster said an eternity ago, in his office with their friends. It burns their nerves, but not the nerves that let their lungs compress and expand so they could breathe.
It doesn't take long for everyone to find Yuu.
They're lying on their side, a trail of ink leaking from parted lips and lidded eyes unblinking. Behind them, the ink monster tears away at trees and large rocks.
There is fear that Yuu has died; ink pools around their body and there is a large trail leading to the ink monster, making them look as though they were a murder victim. But looking closely, the group can see their chest faintly rising and falling.
Words fly among the group, strategies and suggestions exchanged and every so often a small jab.
Yuu blinks through blurry eyes, registering livid movement. They focus on someone in the crowd.
They can't hear a thing. White noise has overtaken their hearing, even as he is clearly saying something.
They raise their arm, slowly reaching. Quietly, hoarsely, they call out. "Dad."
The pain catches up to them--a piercing burn much like the time they accidentally touched the hot edges of a cauldron--and they flinch, vision turning white. They end up dropping their arm and moaning in pain.
"They were reaching for us," Grim murmurs, eyes wide. He had been staring at Yuu since he and the others arrived. He couldn't comprehend the state his henchman was in. They aren't supposed to look so dead.
"What did you say?" Ace says, twisting around from his spot conversing with the others.
"Yuu. . . they were reaching for us," Grim repeats, louder. He, Ace, and the rest of the first years exchange tense expressions. There is a pause from everyone else before they continue planning, this time with more vigor.
The person Yuu reached towards, one of the adults that accompanied the students in finding the Ramshackle Prefect, keeps glancing worriedly at Yuu.
Yuu wants to be held by their dad.
Not the one at home. The one here, in Night Raven College.
Here, they didn't need to walk on eggshells. There was no fear when they approached him; he wouldn't suddenly snap at them out of the blue. No silent anger when it felt like he was talking down on them because he NEVER talked down on them. And no feeling of humiliation when he took notice of their interests outside of the classroom.
It was a fatherly love they never knew they could have, never knew could exist for them. It made them feel like those kids from the happy stories they read about awesome, caring dads.
Was it selfish? Maybe it was. But it made them feel less alone in this world, made them feel warm from being genuinely cared about by an adult. No invisible barrier, no deeply hidden resentment, nor fear to strain a relationship. Just a familial relationship they didn't have with their own dad back at their homeworld.
Bursts of ice magic strike at the ink monster, large splotches of ink flying off its body and forming large puddles on the patchy cobblestone ground. The monster roars and throws a punch at a few students near it, but it draws back when a torrent of flames burns its hand.
As the battle rages on, a handful of students gather around the magicless Prefect. Panicked pleas leave the lips of their friends and acquaintances. "Yuu! Yuu, stay with us!"
One of them lightly shakes their shoulder. That only elicits a weak cry of pain, causing him to stop immediately.
"How are they doing?" One of the adults had jogged over after ensuring that the rest of the gathered people would be able to handle the ink monster.
"We're not going to be able to move Yuu away. It'll hurt them."
Yuu returns to consciousness as the pain ebbs away into a dull throb. They crack open an eye and see their dad.
They call to him--but they find that they can't. It's like something is clogging their throat, keeping their words trapped inside yet somehow letting them breathe normally.
They watch his concerned face twist even more out of stress from whatever their friends and classmates are telling him.
He focuses on something to the side and his mouth moves, but still, white noise buzzes around their ears. Their classmates hesitate but stand up anyway and rush to whatever he is looking at.
He then looks down and notices that they are awake. He kneels down beside them. He has a grimace. It seems like he is about to cry.
He says something; somehow, Yuu knows that it is an encouragement and, most importantly, a promise.
The screech the ink monster releases shakes everyone to the bone and takes their breath away. Thankfully, it only lasts for a few seconds, quieting as the monster dissolves into a pond of ink.
Friends regather around Yuu. Seniors and teachers exchange words with each other. "I already called for help. They're on their way!"
"Any idea how close they are?"
The creases in Yuu's brows have eased and their body seems more relaxed; everyone takes it as a good sign that they are safe. A better sign comes when their dad tentatively holds their hand and they don't flinch.
The doctors aren't sure how long Yuu would be in their coma for. Magicless and being exposed to multiple Overblot incidents, then falling into Overblot themself--it was all unheard of. The only thing that could be done now was treat the patient for bodily harm, hope, and wait.
Days turned into weeks. Visitors come and go. The regulars are an NRC staff member stating that he is Yuu's dad and Yuu's closest friends.
It's another sunny afternoon when Yuu's dad visits. He takes his seat next to their bed and squeezes their hand. He hasn't gotten much sleep since Yuu's Overblotting. He's too worried that he'd be awoken in the middle of the night by his phone ringing and a secretary informing him that Yuu has gone into critical condition. At the same time, however, he makes himself think of the best-case scenario, where the secretary informs him that Yuu has woken up.
He visits them as much as he can; although, this time he finds he can't keep his head up.
Just as he starts to doze off, he feels his hand being squeezed back.
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teenwolffan-with-nolife · 4 years ago
Hidden Truths
Word Count: 1,756
Characters: Derek Hale, Reader, OC Character
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader (gender!netural)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse, flashbacks of past-abuse, slight mentions/hints of sexual assault, angst, very small fluff
A/N: i wouldn’t consider this a dark!fic, but it can possibly be triggering to some, so be careful if you choose to reader
A/N 2: 200th fic!!! Thank you all for supporting me and i forgot to say it but thank you so much for 1.8k! You guys literally help me so much i love you all! Requests are open, I’ll try to do as many as I can!
A/N 3: okay so I started this yesterday but wrote the majority of it today, I’ve been up for nearly 24 hours, all mistakes are my own, and I couldn’t come up with a title... hopefully its not complete BS? anyways ily all
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“What the fuck is wrong with you?” the door slammed shut behind him, the two of you entering the house.
You kept your eye contact to the floor, trying to avoid him.
“You embarrassed me in front of my friends,” his jaw was clenched, anger was seething from him, you could feel it from across the room.
“I'm sorry-”
“Sorry can’t go back in time and fix it. I've had just about enough of you,” your jaw clenched, tears slipping down your cheek. Your heart was beating in the back of your head.
You gasped softly, your eyes opening as you jumped up, looking around the room anxiously.
It’s okay, you’re safe
You let out a shaky breath, before looking down at Derek’s sleeping figure. His hands were on your waist, while you laid back down, stroking his cheek gently.
You looked at the clock, seeing it was nearly 8 as you sighed before you shook him gently.
“Good morning,” you whispered.
He kept his eyes close, pulling you in slightly while a small smile grew on your face.
“Derek, it’s almost 8,” you said.
“We don’t have anything important today,” he argued.
“Come on!” you pulled on his arm while he groaned, before sitting up.
“I’m up now,” he raised an eyebrow.
“I can see that,” you smiled.
He scoffed, before pressing his lips against yours.
“Good morning Ms. (Y/L/N),” you rested your forehead against his.
“Oh, stop calling me that,” you sighed.
“So, about 1,000 people can call you that but I can’t?” 
“Not on weekends and definitely not at 7:43 in the morning,” you heard Derek groan again, looking at the clock.
“Okay, you know what? Waking up early, we can start moving your stuff in here, yeah?” you nodded softly before Derek pressed a kiss against your cheek.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” he got out of bed, before reaching for your hand.
“Will you join me in the shower?” he raised an eyebrow.
You nodded your head, before hearing your phone ringing.
“I’ll be there in one minute,” he nodded, walking into the bathroom while you answered your phone.
“Mom? Why are you awake, it’s not even 8,” you yawned slightly, before pushing yourself to your feet.
Her breathing was uneven on the other line as you frowned, tensing slightly.
“Mom?” you repeated.
“How would you react if I said…” 
“Said what, Mom? You're scaring me.”
“What if I told you a certain someone got out of jail,” you felt your heart stop. You knew what she meant, you knew who she was talking about. 
You felt your breath get hitched in your throat before you swallowed.
“Are you there?”
“Y-Yeah… What do you mean got out of jail? How? He’s supposed to be locked up for 3 more years,” you could feel your heart rate increasing in your chest, while you tried to control your emotions.
“Let him out early, on good behavior.”
“That’s bullshit, Mom.”
“Exactly what I said. Promise me you’ll stay safe,” you nodded before remembering she couldn't see you.
“I promise, Mom,” she hung up the call before you felt your chest ache slightly, feeling fear rising in your bones.
You got a restraining order years ago, but you didn’t think he would care. 
Everything was finally good for you, it took nearly 7 years, but you moved on. You had been with Derek for one whole year, there was no one else you’d ever felt like that about.
He never scared you, not even with being a werewolf. He always showed he cared about you, the two of you barely fought with each other.
Memories began rushing to your head as you sighed, running your fingers through your hair.
You closed your eyes, feeling a tear slip down before you wiped it away.
“Hey, you coming?” you heard Derek call.
“Yeah, be right there!” you quickly wiped away your tears, taking a shaky breath.
You can do this, it’s gonna be okay 
“Are you okay?”
You snapped out of your daydream state, clearing your throat before giving a small smile to Derek.
“I’m fine, why?” you asked softly.
“You've been quiet today. Is everything okay at home?” he stroked your hand softly, placing a box on the floor as you turned to face him.
“Yeah, my mom just wanted to check in on us,” you felt guilty for lying to Derek, but you weren't ready for the truth. Not yet.
You knew you needed to talk about it soon, Derek didn't hide things from you, no matter how bad.
“Okay… you know you can tell me anything, right?” you nodded, before pressing a small kiss to his cheek.
“I know. Thank you,” he put his arm on your waist, before pulling you to your couch.
“There’s only a few boxes left. You should sit down for a minute, I’ll grab the last of your stuff,” Derek said.
“Oh, you don't-”
“It’s okay. I want to,” he pressed a small kiss to your lips, before walking away.
A smile appeared on your face, before you felt a sadness take over you. 
You quickly shot your mom a text, asking if anything had happened, or if she knew where your ex was.
You sat on the couch,  finding it nearly impossible to sit still.
It’s okay, I have Derek 
“Hey,” you tensed slightly, the sting of your bruised eye was blocking all your other senses, you couldn't hear him coming in.
You stood up from the bed, clenched your jaw.
“I wanted to apologize,”  you could smell the stench of alcohol reeking from him, he only ever talked like this when he was drunk.
“It’s okay,” you shook your head.
“It’s my fault, really. I didn't tell you what not to talk about, I thought you would've been smarter to piece it together,” you felt a pang in your chest as you remained stiff.
He stumbled over his feet, walking to you before pressing his lips against yours.
You backed away, shaking your head.
“It’s okay,” you said again.
“Come on,” his hand traveled to your waist, pulling you gently to the bed.
“I’m not in the mood right now,” you said softly.
“Shh,” you felt tears rush to your eyes, knowing what he would do. You couldn't say no.
You nodded softly, seeing a smirk on his face before he directed you to the bed.
You walked outside of your apartment building, taking a deep breath as you rubbed the back of your neck.
You paced around, before biting your nail,  feeling your heart racing. You couldn't calm down, you felt sick.
You looked around anxiously, not exactly sure what you were looking for. You didn't know how long he was out for, but there was no way he would know you were in Beacon Hills.
You heard footsteps behind you, instantly tensing up.
“(Y/N/N),” Derek put his hand on your shoulder as you jumped slightly, before turning to face him.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” you saw Derek tense as you shook your head, your vision getting diverted to something else.
You could hear your heart beating in your ears, hearing Derek’s words from afar.
“We don’t have to do this, you don't have to move into the loft,” he said softly.
“What? N-No, that’s not-” you shook your head.
“You’ve been acting differently all day. If you don't want to do this, you know we don’t have to,” Derek put his hands on both sides of your face, wiping away a tear you didn't know you had.
“No, that’s not why. I’m sorry, it’s just-” you paused, seeing a familiar car parked across the street as you let out a shaky breath, putting your hand over your mouth.
“(Y/N/N), hey,” you saw a worried look on Derek’s face, while he looked into your eyes.
“Can we go back to the loft?” your voice broke slightly before Derek nodded softly.
“Yeah, of course. Come on,” he held your hand while leading you into his car before the two of you drove off.
“Here,” Derek wrapped a blanket around you, while you sat on the couch, your eyes bloodshot.
“I’m sorry for all of this,” you whispered.
“You didn't do anything wrong. Just, please talk to me,” you nodded.
Derek stroked your hand softly, you realized you were shaking.
“Derek… a few years ago, I had this… really bad…” you paused, tears rushing to your eyes as you sniffled, before letting out a shaky exhale.
“H-He went to jail, but then he got out,” your voice broke as you saw Derek tense.
“That's why my mom called me this morning, she was telling me. I saw his car when we were at my apartment, a-and I don't know how he found me, or-” you stopped yourself, before Derek wrapped his arms around you tightly.
You felt a sob erupt from your chest as you buried yourself in his arms.
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you before, I’m so sorry I lied to you,” you cried.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, (Y/N). Look,” he wiped your tears, looking into your eyes as you looked back at him.
“You don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. I still love you, no matter what and I’m here with you through this. Do you have a restraining order or anything?” Derek started.
You nodded softly.
“Okay, that’s good. I’m not leaving your sight, I guess we’ll have to get used to spending every second of every day with each other. He is a shitty person, you deserved better and I can't believe you… you deserve the world. We're gonna do this, together. I’m right here for you,” you let out a shaky breath before Derek pressed his lips against your forehead.
“I’m scared,” you cried softly.
“It's gonna be okay, (Y/N/N),” he held you tightly, as you rested your head on his chest.
He continued to caress your arm, keeping you calm.
After waiting a few minutes after you fell asleep, Derek lifted you gently, placing you in the bed before he clenched his jaw, his eyes bloodshot, filled with anger and tears.
The thought of anyone even looking at you the wrong way made him mad, he couldn't imagine what happened. All he knew was that he loved you, and he was there for you.
He put his jacket on, grabbing his keys before exiting the loft. 
For (Y/N)
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• Kassandra x Eivor Varinsdottir x female reader 💋
• Warnings: graphic adult content, erotica, sapphic love.
our sapphic verse, part VII.
When a touch is right, it lingers on your body and slowly sinks beneath the layers of your skin. Forevermore, a reminder that hands can be soft, and loving.
Your mind was a whirlwind of metaphors and unholy desires, yet you were present in the moment, savoring these gorgeous women whilst they savored you. Completely submerged in their ever-flowing passion, you surrendered your body to that wild dance of pleasurable touches.
Moments after you caught Kassandra’s powerful hips between your legs, you heard the forbidden call of a goddess rapidly achieving a powerful orgasm. She, too, found complete satisfaction in your sizzling flower as she gently swayed her elegant pelvis into yours. Those slow, languid movements further seduced you and left your body feeling raw and aching all over.
But oh, what a good pain it was…
Eivor groaned with pure delight as she felt the heat of your heavy exhales against her open folds. The dance of your tongue was so naturally swift and right, she quivered as she felt the pressure of your hungry laps growing stronger. You wouldn’t stop until she’d cry in bliss, until you’d witness her sharp jaw fall and her body melt in abandonment. Behind her, Kassandra hummed with satisfaction as she wrapped her palm around the base of her drengr’s throat, caressing that legendary wolf scar with her thumb. You were too inebriated to keep your eyes open, but you felt them move over you, and with each shift of Kassandra’s hips, you cried softly from the pressure of her vulva still pushing into yours.
What a divine gift it was to drink the Wolf-Kissed’s pleasure off her sweet flower as the sat there suspended in long, torturous moments of erotic bliss. She could’ve reached her long deserved climax, if only you’d let her, but the sound of her feral grunts and moans made you greedy to keep her just like this – quivering, close, and rough with you. You were robbed of the smallest hint of control when she became impatient and held your head still in her large palm. The sudden thrusts of her hips were almost ferocious and you truly feared she’d break you, but she barely hovered over your sweet mouth as she aggressively pushed her pelvis down into your tongue and fingers.
Let it be forever...
You prayed as you submitted to her lead and simply relished in the burning heat of her wet vulva. She climaxed almost immediately after unleashing that abrupt wave of passionate dominance on you. Her strong body arched against Kassandra as her head fell back and she finished with a silent, breathless gasp. Gradually, her vicious grip on your hair loosened, until the tips of her trembling, rugged fingers barely touched the top of your head.
All you could do was simply gaze at her in awe.
The early hours of the morning found you shifting in your dreamless slumber, as if aches consumed your body whole. There was a weight around your waist, holding you pinned to the uneven bed of cushions, and it slowly stirred you from your sleep. In the crimson glow of dawn, you saw the familiar shape of a strong arm resting heavily across your navel. Runes were embedded in that beautiful pallid skin, along the rough edges of firm muscles from wrist to shoulder – Eivor.
You remembered.
As your vision begun to adjust, you joyfully discovered two beautiful warriors sleeping soundly next to you. Tangled in silk and in each other’s arms, holding you close in their little nest of warmth and safety. You wanted nothing more but to burrow in that soft bed of cushions and savor a lazy morning with them. However, you carefully slipped free from those passionate vines and tiptoed to the temple’s marble pool.
The cold water helped to sober you up, yet your legs ached terribly and you felt a pulsing burn around your throat where Eivor marked you. Reluctantly, you touched the painful edges of her love bite, and the purple blossoms on your hips, where Kassandra had gripped you a little too hard. Suddenly, your cheeks begun to burn and you felt a dry knot in your throat - you slept with them. It was no longer a deep, hidden fantasy of yours. You were there, wearing the marks of their passion on your body.
Your heart begun to race and you couldn’t hold back a wide, exhilarated smile. Those aches felt so good, albeit nearly crippling as you sank into the clear waves of that flowery pool. The memories came rushing to you all at once, every touch, every taste, every tremor. You could almost feel Kassandra’s warm hands on your hips again, pinning you, and Eivor’s passionate mouth setting your skin ablaze. They made your heart flutter and you barely managed to keep quiet as you tried to wash that silly grin off your face.
You sought your scattered papyrus and your dress beneath layers of silk and flowers. And as you put your robes back on, you dared to glance at your two secret lovers. The sun's first rays left a golden outline on their firm, muscular shapes, the deep edges of battle scars, and most of all, the tenderness of their sleeping features. No gods above could compare to their beauty in that moment (or any other), and you found yourself longingly gazing at them in silent admiration.
Before you’d leave, you wanted to share your affections with them once more. Carefully, you drew the back of your dainty fingers along the deep scar on Eivor’s cheek and gifted her a sweet goodbye kiss. Kassandra’s chestnut tresses covered her forehead, and so you pushed them away to kiss her temple. She stirred, but she didn’t wake, thus you quietly turned to make your way down the long flight of stairs leading back to the agora.
“Leaving already?”
You heard a familiar rasp and you quickly turned, slightly alarmed. The deepest pair of blue eyes were affixed on you, hazy with sleep and last night. It was pure torture to gaze directly at her now; Eivor, the one who marked you so passionately and whose name alone made your lady core tingle. But you couldn’t look away, just like last night, and the night before.
“I’ve… work to do.”
The burn in your cheeks must’ve been embarrassingly obvious, yet you made no attempt to hide your emotions. You nervously smoothened the pages of your work as you watched her from the top of the stairs. To your complete astonishment, she stood and leisurely draped a piece of silk over her nude form. The few moments it took for her to close the distance between you felt like forever. Your heart was racing wildly.
She was so irresistibly charming, even when all she did was gaze at you in silence. Her eyes… those would be the end of you. Those bottomless glacier lakes you’d drowned yourself in so many times. A quiet breath left your lips as you felt her warm palm on your cheek. Such a tender touch, you could melt, and yet you stood unmoving, mesmerized by her. Her gaze was soft and serene as she caressed your smooth jaw down to the side of your throat. She lingered on those fresh bruises, touching them softly with the pad of her thumb.
“You haven’t told us your name.”
The Raven cawed quietly. And as your mind wandered around her hushed words, she leaned down to smooch the apple of your cheek. You stirred, as if afraid another touch would set you on fire right there and then. Amused, she let you flee from her embrace.
“Oh… you’ll know my name, soon enough.”
You answered with newfound confidence as you adjusted your papers, unwilling to allow this glorious woman to sweep you off your feet again so easily. She would be the one to fall for your charms next. Of that, you’d make sure.
“I’ll write an epic poem so good, my name will resound all over Greece.”
You smiled.
“And when that happens… find yourself in my art… and then, find me.”
With that, you gave a courtesy bow and hurried down the marble stairs. Taken aback, The Wolf-Kissed's gaze followed your graceful silhouette until you disappeared behind blooming olive trees. When she turned to look at Kassandra, she found her wide awake and equally intrigued.
These women planted the seed of pure sapphic passions within you. You’d water that little sprout with literary knowledge and poetic verse, until an everlasting tree would grow so tall and mighty, no man or god in Greece could cut it down. And you’d make that the most important journey of your life, just to make sure, by all means, that you’d meet again.
- End
Writer's note -
Thank you for your sweet support ❤
Characters belong to: Ubisoft 👑
Story by: me ✍
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mrsgiovanna · 4 years ago
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Buon Compleanno (Don Giorno x Fem! Reader)
It's as the name says... This fic is close to my heart and I really enjoyed writing it for our Golden king's birthday. Mostly fluff, it does contain mentions of alcohol consumption though. I hope you all enjoy. ❤️🎊🎉😘🐞💭
P. S. Let the fluff ensue 💐
Word count: 2.5k
“So Mista... Fugo, are things ready on your end? I’ve got confirmation from North Island that everything is ready for us on their end. We have to stagger our arrivals so that Giorno doesn’t actually see you guys there until the party. All our villas are ready for our arrival and his presents are being safe guarded there until we arrive,” you beamed as you secretly went over the final checklist for Giorno’s birthday get away with the team and Trish.
Your friends had ever so thoughtfully come over to see you and Giorno off… well more so to iron out the last details of your master plan, but your boyfriend didn’t need to know that. Attempting to keep your plans for his birthday hidden from him was a near impossible feat. Trying to get him to take some time off and just live for himself was an even bigger task, but being who you are, you managed to plan everything down to the finest detail.
Trying to get the entire island to yourselves and plan the party of a century for your closest allies was a mammoth task, but it was what you felt Giorno deserved. In the years that he’s spent running Passione, he had always placed his own needs secondary to the needs of the organization, which is why you resolved to give him the best experience imaginable for his 21st birthday.
“Hi Giorno! We were just talking about you,” piped up Trish in a voice loud enough to alert everyone to the young don’s looming presence. Eyes widening for a split second, you manage to compose yourself without him catching on and flashed him a pleasant smile. You were taken aback by how handsome he looked dressed down in an azure linen Armani suit, hair braided loosely and cascading down his shoulder. He took his place at your side, casually circling his arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Morning everyone, what’s this about me?”
“Oh, we’re just discussing what we’re going to be doing when you’re away… you know, cats and mice and the like,” joked Fugo, earning him a worried look from Giorno.
“Gosh, relax my love… come on, we have to go, it’s a pretty long flight,”
“Alright, alright, let’s go bella. Well, I’ll see you all in a few days’ time,” leaving to the collective goodbye wishes of your friends you set off to catch the private jet which would take you to the little piece of heaven in the Seychelles.
Upon landing at the airport, you were just one short helicopter flight away from your destination. Giorno’s demeanor was akin to that of a child on Christmas eve, taking in his beautiful surroundings on the helicopter. Stepping onto the helipad, you were greeted by the wonderful fresh scents of the salty sea air, clear blue seas and white sandy beaches for as far as the eye could see. After the welcome, you were lead to the main villa, given your golf cart and allowed yourselves to get settled in for the rest of the night, choosing to spend a quiet night lounging on the balcony overlooking the ocean.
Giorno couldn’t help but stare at your beautiful form. The way the moonlight bounced off the ocean behind you and illuminated your skin mesmerized him. He had known you ever since he had taken over Passione. You served as a valuable ally when it came to weeding out the members who were still unwilling to adopt his ideals. As the years marched on, he started seeking out your company more and more, until it became apparent that he was at his happiest when he was around you… and once the realization had dawned on him, he wasted no time in making you his. You fell hard, and fast, and it was so easy fall into step with each other’s lives, as if you had been created just for each other.
“Bella, this is incredible, I know I put up a bit of a fight but I’m so glad you did this…” he uttered with a dreamy look on his face.
“I’m glad you think so my love, you’re going to love the day I have planned for us tomorrow… Ah! Actually, later on today," you say, glancing at your watch, "it’s just past midnight! Happy birthday my love! I hope you know how much I love you, and I’m incredibly proud of you and all you have managed to accomplish at such a young age… you’re… you’re pretty amazing you know,” the emotions swirled around in Giorno’s eyes while listening to your heartfelt speech.
“(y/n) … I… you’re… I just love you so much tesoro, you’re everything I could ever want,”
“I love you too Gio… come on, it’s late, let’s get some rest,” you say while leading him to bed.
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You rose early, just as the sun made its glorious appearance over the ocean. As early as you had woken up though, Giorno was already awake, nursing a cup of coffee as he stared pensively at the brilliant blue water.
“Good morning handsome, penny for your thoughts?” you greeted your lover, wrapping your arms lovingly around his shoulders and nuzzling into his soft hair.
“Good morning principessa… I’m just thinking about how much I love you…”
“Oh? Is that so, Mr. Giovanna? Well prepare to love me even more, go get ready, we have lots to do today,” you say, a lovely light, lilt coloring your voice.
“Any hints?”
“Wear something comfortable, something that we can walk around in,”
With that, your day had started with a guided hike through the island. Between Giorno’s life-imbuing ability and your affinity for adventure, you were both mesmerized by the flora and fauna you encountered on the hike. Once that was over you looked forward to coming back to a special couple’s massage which eased your sore muscles and relaxed you both into a dreamlike state. Finally, after your last treatments, you could get ready for your “dinner” at the piazza. Feeling a sense of pride as you put on the last of your accessories, you smiled at your reflection in the mirror while inspecting your stunning outfit, and grew even happier when you saw Giorno walking out in a casual charcoal grey Dior suit which matched your dress, but not his expression unfortunately.
“What’s the matter my love? You look great by the way…”
“Thank you tesoro… you’re quite the vision yourself,” standing behind you, sharing the mirror, he raked his fingers through his uncooperative hair, sighing in annoyance.
“Gio, stop- here, sit down, I’ll help you,” you say as you gently brush out the tangles and scrunch the wave back into his lovely golden hair. You carefully braid the length of his mane but leave his signature triad of ringlets out, admiring how beautifully the shorter sections of his hair framed his face.
“There…” you leaned back to admire your efforts, acknowledging the fact that you had a particularly exquisite model as well.
“Are you sure this is fine my love?” there was a hint of doubt in Giorno’s voice, but you made sure to banish any such thoughts.
“Of course, I love your hair like this,”
“Well, that’s good enough for me. Shall we leave my princess?”
“Yes… but can I drive the golf cart?” you ask, extending your arm to him, gesturing for the keys.
Speeding past the rest of the villas, you just wanted to make sure that everyone was already at the piazza ready to surprise the young don.
“Are you sure we’re at the right place my love? Or should we be at a different entrance, this looks like it’s closed,”
“Yes caro, come on, I’m sure the staff are inside… I’ve picked up on your habit of wanting to dine in solitude,” you explain as you walk towards the entrance hand in hand. Stepping into the restaurant, the lights dipped and instantly got brighter revealing your closest friends jumping out of their hiding spots with a collective, rambunctious yell of “surprise”, startling your unsuspecting boyfriend.
“Happy birthday my love,” you softly say once again, as the lively music started to play in the background.
“You… did all of this? For me?”
“Of course bello mio, well, I did have help though” you gestured behind Giorno, pointing out Mista, Trish and Fugo walking towards you both.
“Oi, happy birthday Giogio, haha, you look like you need a drink, I’ll be right back,” said Fugo as he went to order the first round of drinks for your little group. Between flitting amongst your guests, dancing with your handsome beau, and stealing moments away to be alone him, you almost forgot to give him his gifts, which were safely stored in the wine cellar of the establishment.
“Well, what do you think my love?” Giorno’s eyes widened when he saw the glass-encased, white Fender Stratocaster signed by just about every rock star, most importantly, his favorite guitarist, Jeff Beck.
“I’ve been looking for this for the longest time… how did you find it tesoro?”
“I also know some people… that’s not all, look next to it…” you motioned towards 5 Morocco solander boxes that housed a rare first edition of the complete 10 volumes of Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables.
“I thought that might look quite beautiful in your study… adding something especially meaningful to your collection,”
“I’m speechless (y/n) … you’ve gone to such great lengths…” you hush him with a passionate kiss preventing him from gushing about your efforts as you were determined to make this night about him.
“I’m sure we’ve been gone for too long, lets rejoin our guests my love,” you started to walk towards the staircase exiting the wine cellar, but you were pulled back against Giorno’s broad chest, grasping your face in his hand, he kissed you with so much fervor this time, leaving you flustered and battling to calm your racing heart. Noticing the effect, he managed to have on you, he gently coaxed you back upstairs with a wicked smirk.
“Hey, you’re back, we’ve been looking all over for you two. We have one more person who wants to say hello,” with a soft smile, Trish reaches behind her to pull out coco jumbo, which meant only one thing…
“Signore Polnareff! Even you…”
“You know I’ve always had a soft spot for pretty girls Giorno… Joyeux anniversaire! You’re a brave young man with a good head on your shoulders and integrity in your heart, always hold on to that,”
“Thank you signore Polnareff, it means a lot coming from you, considering…” cutting him off before Giorno could complete his sentence, Polnareff attempted to lighten the mood.
“Non non non, no sad thoughts tonight, get this man a drink someone, you’re all slacking here,” he said looking at you as you mouthed a small thank you in his direction.
“(y/n), you’ve really outdone yourself. Giogio, you’re a lucky man,” said Mista as he brought a special bottle of champagne for you all to raise a toast with. “Alright, while we’re all here in the same place, I just want to say that you’re all important to me…”
“Mista’s drunk guys, prepare yourselves,” Trish says with an eye roll resulting in hushed giggles as the gunslinger tried to (unsuccessfully) arrange his sentimental thoughts.
Unable to stand it any longer, Trish takes over and pays homage to Giorno, as well as the special people who had given everything in order for them to live, enabling them to carry on their will.
As the party raged on, you took a small break in a dim corner of the piazza, and took a moment to marvel at the fruits of your labor. Everybody was having the best time, including Giorno. After being called away by one of his associates, it filled your heart with fluttery sensations watching the man you loved finally able to act his age for once.
“May I sit with you, carina?” startled out of your musings, you find an old friend standing over you.
“Lorenzo, of course, please, have a seat,” you offer emphatically.
“So, how is one half of Passione’s power couple doing?” his question earning a loud giggle from you. You continued to make conversation with Lorenzo, until Trish came to inform you that one of the service providers needed to confirm a few details with you, so you politely excused yourself and followed Trish. You were confused as she lead you to a secluded part of the beach, where you find Giorno standing alone, staring broodingly at the ocean for the second time that day. You realized that she just made an excuse draw you away to check on Giorno, being slightly concerned yourself after seeing the expression on his face.
“Gio? My love, what’s the matter? Did you just need some fresh air?” he turned to faced you with the softest smile.
“You know bella, I’ve loved you so deeply for years now… you always know what I need… even before I do. I never really feel complete anymore unless you’re with me… which is strange because I’ve always been content on my own. And then it hit me, you will always hold a part of me, and I’ll always seek you out because of it… You’ve given me probably the best experience of my life tonight, but, there’s just one more thing I would like from you to make the day perfect…” you felt light-headed when you saw Giorno moving to kneel down on one knee, pulling out a little trinket box, opening it to reveal the most beautiful ring.
“(y/n), would you give me the greatest gift and agree to spend the rest of your life with me as my wife?”
Emotions tugged at your pretty features, as you whispered a breathy affirmation, while nodding excitedly. Exhaling sharply with a stunning smile, Giorno got back to his feet and placed the elegant ring on your finger, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss thereafter. You threw your arms around his neck, and held him tightly, before the realization dawned on you.
“Wait! How long have you been planning this, Gio? Your question was met with his soft, exasperated laugh.
“Oh! For the longest time amore, I’ll admit though, your plans had forced me to adapt my own, but I had some help in achieving all of this… Trish is a lifesaver,” explained your new fiancé with a hint of pride in his voice.
“I love you Gio, but you managed to hijack your own celebration… I don’t know what to do with you!” the mock exasperation dripping from your voice drew a small laugh from Giorno.
“That’s your problem now tesoro, you already agreed to marry me, no take backs,” with that, you both decide to return to the festivities. Intertwining your fingers with his as you slowly walked back, you both stole loving glances at each other, communicating your intense affections for each other through your eyes alone… perhaps it was as he said, you mused… that a part of your soul resided with him also, and so you always sought him out to feel complete too, just as he did with you.
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the-lady-of-stars · 4 years ago
In Another Life
Fives x Jedi ! Reader
Requested by: @marvel-starwars-nerd​ and an anon (I combined your prompts, hope thats okay!)  “I don’t want this to end” and “Whatever you do don’t cry, because if you cry I’ll start crying too”
A/N: Sorry in advance, troopers.
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A traitor to the Republic. That’s what they’d called him. They had said that Fives was conspiring against them, accusing the Kaminoans of planting chips in the clones’ brains to control them.
The chip, which Fives had broken protocol to remove from Tup, was called an ‘inhibitor chip’ by the Kaminoans. Something to keep them from adopting Fett’s strong will and violence. Fives insisted otherwise, leading you to this very moment on the lower levels of Coruscant.
With Anakin and Rex by your side you slowly edged into the darkened warehouse, calling out for Fives as you went. The lightsaber ignited in your hands was merely standard protocol. You knew that Fives would never hurt you, but the Republic branding him as a dangerous individual meant you had to keep up the act. The excuse of Fives being your boyfriend wasn’t exactly something that could be put on the reports.
The deeper you went into the building, the more you could sense him. The force signiature coming off of Fives was something you would normally bask in and draw peace from, but not today. He radiated nothing but fear, anger and mistrust, still not showing himself to you and your companions. The boys all knew about the relationship between you and Fives. He wasn’t quite the most secretive man in the galaxy, and had the tendency to brag.
Anakin, clearly sensing the pure worry and unease radiating from you, sent you a reasurring look, although it never met his eyes.
“Fives,” you called out, trying to pinpoint his location. “It’s okay, we’re not here to hurt you. Just come out, everything will be okay.”
“Thank you, thank you for trusting me,” Fives’ voice echoed through the crate-filled warehouse, making it hard to figure out where it had come from. The three of you span slowly, trying to catch a glimpse of the rogue trooper. His voice was shaky, the notes wavering in his throat. “Have you come without troops?” He insisted, too nervous to keep his fear hidden.
“We have,” Anakin reassured, voice steady so as not to startle Fives.
“Put down your weapons then!” Fives sounded frantic, like a loth cat cornered by hungry varactyls. You felt your heart twist at the notion that your own boyfriend felt the need to defend himself against you, his brother and his friend.
Anakin, casting aside emotion to stick to military protocol, denied Fives’ request, still slightly on edge about his accusations about the Jedi and the chips.
“Please sir, please- I’m unarmed,” Fives pleaded. You turned to find Rex and Anakin both with expressions of sorrow that matched your own.
With a nod, Anakin sheathed his saber, and Rex set his pistols down on a nearby crate. You copied them, attaching your saber to its hilt at your belt.
“What are we here for, Fives?” Anakin pressed, knowing that every moment they wasted was a moment the Coruscant Guard gained on them, and he knew they wouldn’t be as willing to accomodate.
“I need your help,” he called, desperation thick in his words.
Anakin reassured the trooper that he was here to help, telling Fives that he understood he ‘wasn’t well.’ Clearly, this was the wrong thing to say, as Fives suddenly became upset, voice raising.
“I’m not crazy! Please- just hear what I have to say,” he begged, voice growing clearer, allowing you to pinpoint him behind two stacks of crates.
With one last shared look, the three of you drew closer to Fives’ location. Before you could reach him, Fives entrapped you all in a ray shield, then finally emerged once he knew you couldn’t harm him.
Anakin, knowing this wouldn’t do Fives any good once the Coruscant Guard arrived, slammed his fist against the shield in anger. He already knew how low the chances were for his friend, the Kaminoans were fond of reconditioning for even the slightest misbehaviour, but this would only serve to make things ten times worse.
“I just need you to listen to me,” Fives reassured, raising his empty hands to show that he meant no harm. “Please!” he cried out.
“I’m not really sure we have any other choice!” Anakin snapped, worry for Fives turning into anger due to his lack of control in the situation.
Fives’ voice broke, almost whimpering as he yelled “I was framed- because I know the truth! The truth about a plot- a massive deception!”
Fives’ body was shaking, arms restless as he panicked, pacing fearfully, clutching his head and tensing his fists. He looked wildly overwhelmed, almost in pain at how he couldn’t get anyone to believe him.
“There’s a sinister plot,” he shouted, “in the works, against the Jedi! I have proof of it! I can prove- that everything that I know is true beyond a shadow of a doubt!”
“Fives, please-” you tried to speak calmly but you were nearly in tears over seeing your Fives like this, your voice trembling. His eyes raced from side to side, peeled wide in terror, desperation in every breath he took.
Anakin interrupted you, voice stern. “Show me the evidence.”
Fives dug his fingers back into his head, as though he were trying to rip the thoughts out of his brain. Pink marks crowned his head from the way he was scratching into it.
“The evidence- it’s- it’s in here-” Fives pointed aggressively at his brain, fully aware that the Kaminoans had injected him with something to make him lose his memories before he could speak to the Chancellor. His eyes held nothing but devastation, gleaming with unshed tears and pain. “It’s in all of us!” he recalled, desperately trying to explain, “every clone!”
“What is it?” Rex pushed, trying to extract clear words from his brother.
“Organic chips- built into our genetic code,” Fives said, defeat swallowing up his voice. He leaned exhausted to rest on a stack of crates, pressing his arm and forehead against them. “To make us do whatever someone wants.” Fives felt powerless in that moment. The Republic had always made him feel like a pawn, but this was the first time Fives truly understood what his older brothers meant when they spoke about being nothing but property. What difference could one clone make, especially one who had the entire coruscant guard and a Jedi on the hunt for him. “Even kill the Jedi. It’s all in here-” he repeated in a frenzy, poking his head again and again.
Anakin scowled, not believing Fives’ words. You turned to look at Rex, seeing how upset he looked. He ran his hand over his hair in stress, sending you a dejected look when he caught your gaze.
“Let’s just get you some help first then we can review everything,” Anakin spoke, trying to deescalate the situation. “It’ll be okay, Fives, we’ll sort this out.” Anakin said the words as though nothing major were happening, as if everything was fine.
Fives finally reached his limit, feeling shattered at the lack of understanding.
“You don’t believe me!” he howled.
“Fives,” Rex tried to soothe him, brotherly instinct overwhelming him. “We are listening to you. We only want to help.”
“How do I know you’re not tricking me?” Fives asked rapidly. “How do I know it won’t be a trap?”
You couldn’t stand back and listen any more.
“Fives, please, look at me. You know for a fact that not one of us would lay a finger on you. We all care about you Fives, and we want to hear everything you have to say. I mean it. We’ll listen,” you pleaded with him, pressing one hand up against the ray shield.
Fives shakily stumbled forward, lifting a trembling hand to press it against where yours lay on the other side of the shield. He looked deep into your eyes, the look he gave you making you want to sweep him away and hold him for the rest of your life. You wished more than anything that you could take him away from all of this. Why did it have to be your Fives getting caught up in this mess. If only you could take him to some outer-rim planet where you would never be found, and soothe all of his worries with tender kisses and soft spoken words.
“Yeah, Fives?”
“You ever thought about after the war?”
“What about it?”
You lay secure on Fives’ chest in your bed, resting your eyes as he swept patterns into the skin of your back.
“What you’d like life to be like, I mean. Like, I d’uno, a family maybe?”
Maybe you were just tired, but you were sure you could detect a hint of hopefulness in his words.
“A family, huh? Yeah, I s’pose have. Is that something you’d like?”
“Y-yeah,” Fives felt himself flush. Get it together, trooper. “W-with you, I mean. Maybe a kid or two if you want. We could have a little house out on Naboo. It could be in the countryside. We could go swimming in the waterfalls. I’m sure General Skywalker could set us up with a place. Get- get married maybe?” Fives subtly wiped his sweaty palms on the sheets, hoping you wouldn’t notice how nervous the proposition made him.
“I’d like that.”
He let out a sigh.
“I’d like that a lot.”
If you had secretly been awake when Fives had whispered “gn’a make you my wife,” he didn’t need to find out.
Fives gasped, thinking about what would happen if the clones were ordered to take out the Jedi. Even the brief thought of him mindlessly shooting you caused him to jolt back. He began to explain how he thought everything linked back to the Chancellor, how every part of his intuition told him to believe it.
“He’s capable of it, I swear to you, General,” he tried to reason with Anakin, but before he could get another word in the Coruscant Guard leapt out from behind some crates, pointing their blasters at Fives.
Calls of “stand down, trooper” and “get on your knees” rang through the building. You watched in horror as Fives turned his gaze to Rex’s abandoned pistols.
“Fives, no- stop!” you screamed, but it was too late.
He lunged for the pistols, clutching one with a yell of “get away from me!”
Then silence, deafening silence. Your vision turned to slow-motion as Commander Fox fired a shot square into Fives’ chest. You felt a cry escape your throat but never heard it, feeling like you were about to faint.
Fives collapsed, hitting the ground in a position which allowed you to see the large short-range blaster shot staining the pure white duraplast of his armour. Rex beat his hands against the barrier, desperatley trying to break through to hold his brother. The second a member of the Guard shot the shield down you fell to your knees at his side, Rex at your side.
“Fives,” you sobbed, tears flowing freely. You reached over to cup his cheek, bringing his gaze to look at you. Fives was dazed, feeling the life force drain from him as he bled out on the duracrete floor. The blood loss began to make him dizzy, his thoughts no longer focused on the conspiracy, turning to you instead. You were crying. His girl was crying and he wasn’t doing anything about it. He’d always hated seeing you cry.
“Hey, Princess, I’m hom- woah, woah, woah-” Fives froze, startled by the image of you curled up in a ball on the floor leaning against your bed while crying your eyes out. He immediately ran over, sliding to his knees by your side. “Hey, what’s the matter?” he cooed, reaching to pull your hands from your eyes. He felt his heart tighten at the sight of your reddened eyes, the tears clinging to your eyelashes. “Oh, shhh,” he soothed, bringing you into his chest as you sobbed wildly. Fives sat and rocked you gently in his arms until your sobs slowed into hiccups and gasps, murmuring sweet nothings tenderly into your ear.
“Feelin’ better?” he spoke softly, punctuating his question with a kiss to your cheek.
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, leaning into his touch as he wiped away your tears.
“That’s my girl. You’re okay, Princess. I’ve got you. I’ll always take care of you I swear. Now, make a promise for me?”
You hummed in agreement, waiting for him to state his promise.
“I need you to promise me that you won’t cry alone ever again. Next time you need to cry, come find me or send me a quick comm and I swear I’ll be right there to hold you. Promise?”
You smiled lovingly, “promise.”
“Thas’ my girl.”
“H-hey- hey, don’t you go crying on me now, pretty thing. ‘Cos if you cry I’ll start cryin’, you hear me?”
This only made you weep harder, clutching at his shoulder.
“Fives, no, no- don’t do this. Don’t. You’re gonna be okay, you’re gonna be fine. I’m here, Rex is here, we’ve got you,” your voice shook heavily as you barely managed to get the words out between choked sobs.
Fives chuckled after a gasp, shooting a beaming smile in your direction.
“C’mon, you’re a clever girl. You and I both know this is the end of the line for me. I’m not gonna be here too much longer, Princess, but you remember that promise you made me, yeah? When I’m gone, you’re not gonna spend your time cryin’ over me. You’re gonna go find a friend, someone you trust, and cry it out with them so they can look after you. Okay?”
You burst into tears again, unable to respond to him.
“I’ll look after her, vod. I swear it, you have my word. We’ll look after eachother,” Rex choked, tears flowing down his face. He reached over and grasped his brother’s hand tightly, squeezing it in reassurance.
Fives smiled, a look of peace overcoming him at the thought of his girl and his brother looking out for eachother when he wasn’t there to do it himself.
“Thas’ good. Mmm. Good.” Fives blinked, finding the idea of sinking into the darkness more and more tempting every second.
“Fives, no, don’t go. Please- I don’t want this to end. I love you, I love you so much Fives, please don’t leave me!”
Fives mustered up all the energy he had left to grin at you, the cheeky grin that showed off his teeth he’d always give you when he’d make fun of you.
“I love you too, Princess. I always will. I’m sorry I have to go, but I promise I’ll see you again some day. Even in another life, I’ll find you. You’ll always be my girl.”
And with that, Fives slipped away, succumbing to the peace that was sinking into his heart. He’d find you again. In another life.
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wrctings · 4 years ago
just some (slightly angsty) eruri fluff for you all because i miss them 🥰
“And so when I snapped my fingers right beside him, I got his attention. Actually got it! I’ve never had a titan stare at me like this, so intensely,” Hanji’s eyes sparkled, aglow with both irrepressible enthusiasm and the warm reflection from the room’s candle light, her fingers eagerly curled around the handle of a cup. “If only you’d seen it... I think he may have finally recognised me, given all the time we spent together... But we have to wait and see. And there’s also that plant we brought back from the last expedition! It’s growing! We put it in a more humid zone, like where we found it, and it’s actually growing.”
Levi had always known Hanji was a little excessive. Well, really excessive for the most part - especially when she’d get into one of her endless tirades about titans, marvelling over their monstrous abilities and curious shape and reflexes and whatnot... Sometimes, it drove Levi up to the wall to watch their scientist go into raptures over the senseless beasts that had crushed or torn apart so many of their fallen comrades. Though, to be fair, he could hardly blame Hanji - she was with them, after all; among the first ranks during expeditions, flanked by the officers’ side. That titan-loving thing was just a quirk of hers, just like Levi’s own cleaning thing, which he suspected many of their subordinates looked upon as a curious and slightly frightening obsession.
So, more often than not, Levi patiently kept his mouth shut, listening to Hanji’s passionate rants and picking out the useful information only, letting the rest slide into oblivion. But tonight, Levi’s usual self-control act had been getting pushed toward its limit, a disgruntled frown hidden behind his cup of tea. And the reason? Always the same golden-haired bastard.
White sleeves rolled up to the elbows, torso leaning over the wooden table, his blue eyes bright and animated by the same radiant shimmer of curiosity as in Hanji’s gaze, Erwin was hanging onto his friend’s every word.
“So, if some plants can only survive in a special kind of climate, the outside world must be...”
“Full of plants yet unknown to us! And of landscapes we can’t even imagine! And if that plant we brought back can only thrive in a wet kind of environment...”
“...Maybe there’s a large pool of water somewhere further away, beyond the limit we stopped at last time!”
Levi cursed Hanji from the bottom of his heart. Erwin’s entire attention seemed to be focused on the subject, blind to the rest of the room.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, we’re not quite sure of anything yet,” Moblit put his hands up with a sheepish smile, cooling off some of Hanji’s building elation. “First, let’s see how our titan and our plants fare in the upcoming weeks...”
“Our titan and our plants!” Hanji happily cried out, squeezing Moblit’s hand, cheeks burning red from excitement.
“Even if it’s only guesses, the captive titans and those plants can still provide precious information. It takes us one step closer to knowing the truth of the world,” Erwin’s hopeful and determined gaze met Hanji’s, both bound by a mutual fervour.
Levi silently watched them from the side, scowling. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t give a lesser shit about all of this - he wanted to rid the world of titans, to keep tightening until the last monster fell under their blades. Not bustle about captured titans in wonderment or waste time growing plants... In that moment, he resent their joy; joy sprung from the bloody cadavres of their comrades. Was this what they dedicated their heart for? Part of Levi knew perfectly well that, of course, all Hanji and Erwin gushed over was important to some degree. But he couldn’t quite share in their foolishness.
“Well, here’s to another step then,” Moblit raised his glass, smiling fondly when he caught a glimpse of the earnest exhilaration radiating off Hanji’s face. She did more often than not put him through the mill, but that’s also why he liked her, wasn’t it?
The other two officers followed Moblit’s lead, lifting their glasses up into the air, but before clinking them together Erwin shot a lighthearted look at Levi, raising his eyebrows as if asking the Captain to join in. With a muffled sigh, Levi shook his head reluctantly.
“Teacups aren’t meant for your drunken shit.”
He got away with a small movement of the hand, slowly shooting it upward in a way that made it seem he took part in the toast.
Erwin, Hanji, and Moblit drank on cordially, indulging in one of the rare merry celebrations they’d allow themselves to enjoy - the last expedition had been a success after all, with no casualties and only two superficially hurt soldiers! Such victories did truly raise the troops’ morale, so, in addition to the dinner feast everybody got to delight in, Erwin wanted to also congratulate the officers who had been working had on the expedition. Hence the wine. 
Only when the crepuscular haze of the night sky hovered over the barracks did the party begin to retire, tired grins and slightly dizzy heads wishing each other goodnight with remains of gaiety seeping through their lips; such a carefree, congenial time would probably be long to come again, so they had drunk from the brimming glass of furtive bliss until the very last honeyed drop dried out on their tongue. Waving Erwin and Levi goodnight, Hanji - held up by Moblit, bless his soul - stumbled around the corner of the corridor leading to her quarters, relying on the loyal shoulder that would help her get to her room safe and sound and not accidentally crash someplace else and carelessly pass out for the night. 
Much like Moblit, Levi had taken up the habit of bringing Erwin to his room after another day of exhausting work or a festive evening, watching the commander’s ever steady pace out of the corner of his attentive eye and listening to him jabber about whatever occupied his mind on that day, barely responding himself, but always paying silent attention to Erwin’s words. Although he didn’t admit it to his own self at first - he liked it. Liked having Erwin stroll beside him, his deep and slightly fatigued voice untangling the knots in Levi’s own head, keeping everything at bay but an inexplicable wave of... comfort. And, soon enough, the comfort had even turned into something more. 
“Did you enjoy the night, Levi?” Erwin inquired in his usual late-night chattery fashion, fingers already working the top buttons of his white shirt as the commander’s quarters arose in their field of vision.
The only answer he got out of Levi was a grunt, the short Captain pushing the door before them open. It slammed against the wall a little too harshly.
“Something on your mind?” Erwin persevered, trying to read the other man’s crossed features. 
“Alright.” Levi ended up conceding, a resigned sigh escaping the vexed line of his mouth. “Erwin, I can’t seem to give the slightest crap about those shitty plants.”
“Ah, Hanji may convince you they’re—” Erwin started again, smiling at what he thought was just a heedless comment of Levi’s, but the way he was interrupted soon let him guess otherwise.
“No, you don’t understand. I don’t get excited like you brats. I just... Don’t. I can’t bring myself to care about shitty glasses’ experiments. Or even... That stuff you talked about,” Levi waved his hand vaguely, hoping it was allusive enough.
A thoughtful moment’s silence passed, Erwin considering what Levi had just admitted - he began to recall now how retiring Levi had indeed seemed during tonight’s celebration, quietly grumbling by himself and even cutting short on the playful insults he would usually hand out.
“I’m sorry that you didn’t have fun tonight, Levi.”
“Feel sorry for yourself. You’re the one stuck with a killjoy of a brat,” Levi attempted a sarcastic smile, but it came out distorted by a hint of sad resignation. Ever since he and Erwin had... this - whatever it was called - Levi didn’t hold back as much as he used to anymore; something about Erwin’s kind understanding, no matter the slander ghosts clouding the Captain’s mind, put him at ease. So Levi spoke his mind.
Erwin’s reassuring arms twined around Levi’s torso, the commander’s head settling on top of his - the height difference, Levi had to admit, was convenient -, and he planted a long kiss on top of his head; the first real one of the day, after the hasty pecks he had stolen from Levi in between tasks. For Levi, those intimate hours were dreams he’d never wish to wake up from. “Why should I feel sorry, when I can’t believe my luck?”
“I’m not exactly the funniest person you can find, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
“And so what? I, for one thing, think you are funny. Your dark humour may take some getting used to at first, but afterwards, you crack me up, my dear,” Erwin mused, littering Levi’s neck with sloppy kisses. “I love you.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Erwin.”
However, Levi’s heavy heart did feel lighter already; to feel Erwin’s lips on his skin, his warm hands fiddling with Levi’s uniform to help him take it off, his precious words whispered against his ear - for Levi, and Levi only, to hear and treasure and greedily take for himself - soothes the Captain’s unexpected rush of self-depreciation. But seeing how happy Erwin had looked while talking to Hanji and Moblit had left a painful imprint Levi struggled to erase from his memory. What if... what if he’d never make Erwin this happy?
“Levi, I don’t care that you don’t get excited over shitty plants. You and I can care about different things and still care about each other too, yeah?” Levi felt the nuzzle in his neck send shivers down his spine, another one of Erwin’s kisses mending the cracks in his heart one by one. “I know you press my shirts whenever they get too creased. You bring coffee and food to my office when I’m working too much. You take Hanji’s laundry into her room when she forgets it. You help the recruits who fall behind in training...” Erwin kept on talking, going around Levi to face him in the candlelit room, until his nose gently bumped against his, and their lips met in what Levi could only describe as solace. “The list goes on and on. These are all the things you care about. And I love you for it.”
“...It seems your sappy stuff still gets me. You shitty, sentimental brat,” Levi drowned a teary chuckle in Erwin’s chest, clutching the fabric of the commander’s uniform in his fist. Then, he retired in his cat-like fashion, starting to ondo the buttons Erwin had started to work on. “I had no idea you were fucking spying on me the entire time.”
“Your fault.” Erwin followed Levi’s lead, getting rid of his own uniform before he slipped into bed, a tired look softening his features, and loose strands of hair falling out of place upon his forehead.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Levi joined him, huddling beneath the clean and cosy bedsheets, and brushed the hair away from Erwin’s face, savouring its end-of-the-day softness between his fingers.
“It’s your fault for having such a beautiful soul.”
“A beautiful soul?” Levi scoffed gently, pressing his shoulder against Erwin’s. “Never heard anything this stupid before.”
“It’s true. You may not believe me yet, but I’ll keep doing this” Erwin took Levi’s hand in his, kissing his calloused knuckles - “and this” -, then wrist - “and this”, then forearm, “and this, until you do.”
“I’m no sap like you, so it might take a while...,” Levi murmured in return, pressing a kiss into Erwin’s neck. A beautiful soul? Never before had Levi heard such words - and never before had his heart skipped a beat like it did when they struck him.
“It’s okay,” Erwin cuddled up to Levi, not suppressing a deep contented sigh when the other man’s nails gently raked his scalp, playing with his hair. “I won’t quit.”
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maladaptive-ninja-returns · 4 years ago
It’s The Avengers (03x13)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 13: That One Stranger
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: eep sorry
Word Count: last weekend was a blast!! My cousins, my brother’s best friend, all of us gathered and karaoked while drunk. Bro’s bestie even brought dad in for a song and two and broke a few glasses coz he was THAT drunk. Poor dude even apologised for that.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The camera was coloured in darkness when it heard a troubled and tired whine. It took a second or two to come out of someone's backpack- quite possibly Javier's- to record you nearly lying over a rhino-like alien with a dinosaur-like tail. Your eyes looked sad and frustrated, your limbs tired- hanging on either side of the slow creature carrying on its own pace. A scarf was thrown over your head that ended up covering your face, making the camera shift towards the tall figure of Loki walking beside the new transportation service. His figure- with the usual black jeans and equally black shirt- was covered in a cloak that protected him from the harsh rays of the neighbouring star. "They're gone. Stop whining," he ordered without even looking at you. "The only  breathing insane person you need is me."
Lulu, who was sitting over your back now, was enjoying the languid bumpy ride through the desert that was filled with little crowds around the oasis -found around every two kilometres- while his camera recorded Javier sitting on his rhino facing you guys. You pulled the scarf away from your face and pouted, letting your face rest in your palms. "But they are all so cute." A blink later you turned your eyes towards Loki and smirked. "OoooOoooh!-" you deepened your voice- "'The only breathing insane person you need is me'-" and then squirmed out loud- "you naughty-naughty. You teasing me. You naughty-naughty!" Loki turned to face you, his steps so in sync that he was right next to your face the whole time his eyes kept yours captured. "What exactly is it that made my words tease you, darling?" All the playful giggle vanished as soon as it had come. You felt your body straighten at that smirk running wild over his lips while Javier's camera caught the change in the shade of your face.
You: *annoyed* You have to be really careful how you go about joking around with Loki 'cause that son of a bitch can turn anything into something sexual. *looks at the camera* *feels a shiver go down your body*
Loki: It is *stresses* so easy to make Y/N uncomfortable. All I have to do is make her think I am thinking something impermissible and then sit back to watch her fumble. *chuckles* It's one of my many talents. *feels a confidence boost*
"You are so annoying sometimes," you muttered under your breath while scratching an itch on the back of your neck. "Sometimes I forget you get a high out of making people miserable." "Oh, no. The high is solely out of annoying you," Loki pointed out innocently. Grabbing one end of the scarf, you flipped it in the air to smack Loki's back with it. "You do not deserve any of the lava cakes I make in the future!" "Thank the Norns. They kept giving me the worst pains." "You sonova-" Another flick of your scarf was easily caught by the God to pull you towards him. You nearly fell on his chest if not for your hands landing on those pecs first.
You: *mouth opened in an 'o'* *blinks slowly* I think I grabbed his boobies. *purses lips* *thinks for a long moment* *camera pans in* *raises brows* those are some really hard boobies.
"What." Even when you were sitting on the rhino- who came to a standstill on its own at the moment, clearly sensing some heat in the moment- Loki did not have to bend his beck even a smidge to stare right into your soul. "What," you spat back a bit hesitantly, trying your best to fume, taking your hands away from his body to hide them somewhere before they were executed for their crimes. "You are being quite bold these days," he commented while wrapping the scarf around his hand, never letting his gaze falter. "I was always bold-" you shrugged- "especially when it came to anything that had to do with you." Loki chuckled. And licked his lips. The camera caught the one strong inhale you took in. "What did you expect would happen in the long run? That I would go all soft and mushy on you like those fangirls you have on earth? Stand outside your home and shout-" "Loki?" The voice wasn't yours. You could never carry that kind of sultry weight in your throat even if you wanted to. It felt like it had come with the wind. Or maybe an echo? It wasn't until you looked at Javier's camera that you looked behind you and found a woman dressed in red standing within inches of you, giving you a mini heart attack, leading to one great fall. Loki could have broken your fall if he wanted to but from the look in his eyes, he was stuck on the woman he was seeing standing a few feet away from him. Lulu's camera caught this woman perfectly. From every angle, she looked human. Her pale skin was akin to a glass moulded in the shape of a Goddess. Her thin lips were coloured a shade of purple. Her eyes a shade of blue that was darker than usual. They were less of an ocean and more of a pool hidden in the caverns that were bottomless and unexplorable. A red cloak covered her head- except for a few strands of silver hair- and the rest of her body. It was not hard to miss for the cameras recording a couple of things that happened in a little span of time; like the slipping of your scarf from Loki's hands, the rhinos excusing themselves from the scene, the nervous fluffing up of Lulu at the sight of this stranger, the sudden chill in the air in the middle of the desert making the animals- and you- shiver. On top of that, the piercing rays of the nearest star seemed to get dull by the second till the camera realised there were clouds gathering above them out of bloody nowhere.
"Is that really you? Loki...son of Odin...and son of Laufey?" "It's Freya," you whispered, internally correcting this stranger who was visibly making you quite uncomfortable. "It has been a while." She completely ignored you if she heard that. Her smile seemed to stretch from one ear to another at the sight of the God- who was evidently the only thing she wanted to see. "Aellae." It was not the name itself that produced the moment but the way it came out to make you turn towards Loki. 
You: *frown at the void* It was almost like he was recalling something he had...lost. Like that one book that you repeatedly read and then it just disappeared one day only for you to find out that you had yourself kept it in an ultimate secret place that you yourself forgot about. So, when you find it you feel guilty for facing it again. *breathless* *camera pans in* *looks at Javier* does this make sense? *blinks at Javier who is signing something* *frowns harder* What do you mean why it's gotten me all worked up? I mean *stutters and points in the distance*  *camera pans in Loki and Aellae standing in the distance looking at each other and not really talking much* W-who knows what's the history there. Like is she a friend or foe? Or a fr-o. *camera pans back on your face* *tsks* of course, this doesn't make sense. None of this does. *looks at the pair and crosses her arms* *fumes at no one in particular*
"I thought I-" "Lost me?" Aellae simply smiled. "You should know better than that. After all, it is me, my love." There was no hesitation in the movement of your eyes when you looked at Loki for an answer to that statement. If it wasn't for the brilliant observation of this talented boy named Javier, one would not have caught the slight movement of his eyes when he wanted to glance at you from his peripheral vision while taking in a lungful. "My love," you stressed that last word to make sure Loki understood the question scratching beneath the sarcasm. There was a slight roll of his eyes followed by him completely closing them for one elongated moment. "I have been waiting for this day," Aellae continued, making a part of you itch for completely ignoring your presence, "when I finally found you again." The tilt of her head and that hollow gaze that tried to be soft gave her an eerie touch. "And to think I was only living on your memories till now." Aellae took a step forward and stopped when she found the God taking the lead with this one. In this situation, the angle mattered a lot. Because from where Lulu stood- right on your shoulder- it looked as if this stranger had taken a step where could she step right where the distance between her and you two was the same.  From where Javier stood, his camera saw Loki step towards Aellae while completely blocking you from the boy's view. But what he did record was Loki bringing forward his hands for her. That hollowness in her eyes suddenly swirled into an ounce of mild ecstasy. when she put her hands in his and felt his thumbs rest on top of the back of her palms. "It has been one long while," he concluded, forcing Javier to walk- with quite the struggle- in the sand to pan in on this confusion fused with this piercing hint of disappointment on your face.
"I'm sorry," you sputtered, "come again?" "Title of your sex tape," he muttered under his breath. "Hm?" Aellae turned in question. "Nothing, my dearest," the God assured her before turning to answer your question. "I said you are on your own now. Look for a cavern at one of the oasis and they will drop you at a shelter. Hopefully." Your head did feel the just of surprise even though the last twenty seconds of their hand-holding had you all ready for a surprise. Words were being a stubborn bitch in your lungs- never escaping your mouth right this moment and all your could do was exhale and mock a burst of laughter at those words. "And then? And then what?" Your heated brain really could not think of anything else. Loki shrugged.
You: *shouting* THAT SON OF A BITCH SHRUGGED!!! *pointing at yourself* AT ME!!!
"I don't know. Look for a rainbow." Without another word, he turned back towards the woman. Just like that. The only sound was that of the wind running through the desert as you, Javier and Lulu watched Loki walk away with this strange creature. It took a minute for the little one figure out, for when he did, he pressed his stomach and stood up on your shoulder, his heart beating faster than it usually did. And when the realisation dawned on him, Lulu jumped to the ground to take a few steps in Loki's direction and yell for him to come back.
'Member the way You used to say I was your meaning? You'd always need me
You just stood there, dried lips parted, eyes shrinking under the gaze of the star, arms dangling with nearly no life in them. For a second there, Javier felt you were about to fall, for Lulu's camera caught the boy come to your side, ready for anything that was bound to happen.
Did you forget What that shit meant? You were my answer You were what mattered
But all you did was stand there with disappearing emotions just like those two disappeared with the last sand dune in front of you. With the last silhouette of Loki gone in sand, you closed your eyes, worrying your companions for that stretched moment. 
Lived at your place Know the way that I taste Yeah, you know things Yeah, you know things
"He knows," you whispered to yourself, your brows furrowing together, your fingers curling into fists.
I met your mom Even got us a dog That ain't nothing, oh
A piercing scream came out of your lungs making the little floof jump five feet into the air to land away from you while Javier's camera recorded his three-second jolts before falling straight down from his hands.
Say you know me Say you know me Say you know me, know Say you know me Say you know me Say you know me
"HE FUCKING KNOWS!!!!" Your voice was at the edge of a massive breakdown, shaking while your eyes blurred themselves in this uncontrollable rage. 
You always will
"That son of a bitch knows how bad it is for me alone in a strange land," you croaked, trying to kick some sand with your boots. Javier signed something from outside the frame to you. "Hey, you're not alone. I'm here too," Lulu's camera caught his words. You looked at him for five seconds. "You lost your socks while sleeping on your first day. You were wearing those bloody socks." Javier- clearly offended but also guilty- mocked a gasp as he took a few steps away from you. The soft strings of guitar added to the air around you looking in the distance where nothing could be seen now. No one. Sand for infinity and a few oases that did not lead to him.
Feet were dragged through the stubborn sand that let won't you walk straight. All the effort that was going into being angry was now running down towards your legs. But that did not stop you from fuming so hard that the camera could catch the difference in your features. 
See, I know What it is, what it is, what it is, babe
But as the camera panned over your face, it seemed more of a sullen sulk and less of that rage you had just shown. 
See, I know What it is, what it is
And were those tears in your eyes that you were trying to blink away? That you were trying to hide from Javier as much as possible?
Let me miss What it is, what it is, what it isn't Let me miss it Let me miss it
Giving up, you walked towards the first oasis in your way, populated generously by desert animals and a few nomads.  The tents seemed somewhat similar to those you found on earth except for the spherical air pockets surrounding them to keep them cool. One of the nomads was kind enough to open the doorway for you and bow down in their own way, making the rainbow stone in his necklace reflect the starlight right into your eyes as you entered the place. "Did some order a seven-spice rainbow with a generous dash of sexy on the side?" The light that has just left your eyes came back with a sweet gasp. "My White Knight!" you nearly choked on your own joy. .
The camera felt itself shake when the rainbow drink was kept on the table. Thanking White, you dragged the sparkly fizzy thing towards you to get a taste. "So-" White furrowed his brows licked his lips in a thought- "you're saying Loki did leave you but he did not leave you." You just nodded, your lips not ready to leave the straw. "Easy," White ordered with a serious face, receiving a pinch from Green and Orange sitting next to him without looking away from you. Both of them seemed to be caught in a sweet trance that was clearly you. And when you finally did leave the straw, the elated sigh of a content throat made both of them close their eyes and smile. "Oh, God! This is so goooood," you exclaimed as no voice came out of you. "Y/N," your White Knight called out to you, "focus." You set the drink down and straighten yourself. "Yes, sir," you whispered. "Not that much of focus," he muttered while clearing his throat, adjusting himself where he sat. Violet rolled his eyes and sighed. "What do you mean when you say he did not leave you?" You looked at Violet and put your hands on the table. "I mean that I don't think he went with that woman....goddess...witch...whatever...on his own. I think he was kinda kidnapped." All the boys- except Orange- shared a look with each other. Orange was just too engrossed in you at this point. "Are you sure he just didn't go on his own?" Green stressed. "He would be one dumb bitch to leave me alone like that," you nearly shouted before going for that unicorn juice again. "There must've been a reason." Orange nodded vigorously in agreement. "Very dumb bitch," he tsked. "Because he knows I will kill him if he did-" you sipped the cold fizz- "and if I didn't, our family definitely will." The camera panned in the emotion of slight disbelief White felt as his eyes remained hollow while that smile was still stuck on his face. It took him a few seconds to bring himself to mutter, "our...family," and scratch an itch on his neck. "So," you burped and excused yourself, "before anyone from my home flies here just to kill him, I am going to rescue him." "Whaaa-at?" Sky mutters from behind the bar counter. "Help you go after some strange and powerful witch that we have absolutely no idea about?" Javier's camera- which Javier had in his hand as he stood right behind Sky- recorded the endless stash of weapons and potions kept behind the bar right there within Sky's reach. The camera especially zoomed in on the one bundle of spears marked 'Witch skewers: Do not wash, Do not touch. Poisonous'. "And that too on such a short notice?" Sky faked a laugh.
Sky: *tired* Of course we know Loki's been kidnapped. White: *casually* Of course, we'll help Y/N. Violet: *stone face* I'm down to hunt some bad girls any day. White: *sighs* I really wish we could leave him with his kidnapper though. *pause* *everyone mumbles in agreement* *silence resumes around the table* Orange: *thinking while looking at the void* but that would make Y/N sad. *nods and pouts around the table* Red: Once we rescue him, let's kidnap Y/N. *hums of agreement around the table*
"Okay-" you place the empty glass on the table and get up to look around the table before looking into Javier's camera, "let's go save a God today."
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office-to-fantasy · 4 years ago
Hi could you do a shu x fem reader about there was a masquerade ball that Karl did for vampires and you have to wear masks and she is forced to go so this ball is also a feast for vampires they bring humans and drink their blood shu told his reader not to go (she already has a dress and a mask) but she still went
[I absolutely can! And I can’t remember where I’ve read a story similar to this but hey, here it is! Hope you enjoy!]
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Shu Sakamaki x Fem!Reader
(Diabolik Lovers Fanfic)
The gown fit your body perfectly, and not just it, but also Shu’s suit. Of course you couldn’t tell since he wasn’t there with you as you stared into the mirror. The mask was beautiful and in many ways you wanted to flaunt it, especially with Shu.
But alas, you couldn’t. Shu had already gone down to the ball, he looked handsome nonetheless, so when he told you you couldn’t go, your mood had dropped. He hadn’t explained other than him telling you not to go.
You were tempted, it was your first event with Shu, where you could finally be shown off as his.
You pursed your lips looking at yourself in the mirror.
Would it be so bad to go?
You could just barely hear the lively music, the faint sound of a piano playing beautifully. It would be your first ball, and you wanted to go so bad.
You grabbed the mask from the table and put it on, walking out the door. You got to the first set of stairs easily, continuing your journey with ease.
A few minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?
“My my, would you get a look of that, Little Bitch decided to join.” Two green eyes met yours, halting your movements. “I thought Shu said you wouldn’t be going?” Laito questioned as he looked you up and down. “You do although look rather dashing in that gown, Little Bitch, you compliment what Shu’s wearing.”
You felt complimented at his statement, but a hint of guilt overtook you. “Yeah, but it’s my first one,” you explained meekly.
Kanato walked up the stairs, stopping next to Laito as he looked at you. “You look like a doll, it’s weird Shu had you hidden away.” Kanato had a small smile, holding his teddy close to him.
“Please don’t tell Shu, I just wanted to get a glance,” you said, nervously fiddling with the fabric of your gown.
Laito smirked. “A lady needs an escort. The real fun is just beginning anyway.” Laito appeared next to you, taking a hold of your arm, wrapping it around his own. He began leading you two down the stairs.
You nervously held onto Laito, you weren’t so sure Shu would be happy about this, much less being with Laito. But as long as you weren’t caught it would do no harm, right?
Laito led you both down the next set of stairs, more grand this time, leading into the grand ballroom. A large window lay above, the moon barely shining through all the bright lights.
Some stared, most occupied with their own lady, dancing and gliding with them across the polished floors. Your grip on Laito’s arm tightened slightly.
“Apologies, Little Bitch, I’ll have to excuse myself.” Laito left, walking to a woman in a beautiful green gown, the smirk on his features not passing by you.
“Laito—!” you whisper called, astonished by his action to leave you alone in the sea of people. You looked around frantically, trying to look for a familiar face, but to only find the one you were sure wouldn’t look happy.
Shu stared at you from across the room, a frown on his features as he assessed where you were.
Exactly where he didn’t want you to be.
A cold hand met yours, lifting it to a man’s lips. The young man kissed your hand, completely catching you off guard. His brown eyes watched you, his nicely done blond hair was swept to a side, his rare combination of eyes and hair perfectly matching his suit.
“My, you are quite the beauty. Did you happen to come alone, m’lady?” he asked kindly, but the undertone in his voice set you off.
“I‘m—” you began.
“With me.” A more gentle yet assertive hand met yours, removing it from the man’s. You looked up to see a stoic Shu, but you knew him better, he was annoyed.
The man looked at Shu, his eyes sharper, more attentive. “I see, I didn’t know.” He looked at you. “Have a good rest of the evening, m’lady,” he said, a hint of mischief in his voice as he walked away.
You slowly looked up to meet Shu’s eyes.
A slight frown was on his face. “I told you not to come, and now you’ve been handled by another man.” Shu lightly rubbed over the spot where the man had kissed your hand. “Just stay close to me now, don’t look at anyone,” Shu spoke to you quietly, loud enough for only you to hear. Shu moved his arm behind you, his hand on your waist as he led you two back to the area you’d first seen him at.
You nodded. “I’m sorry, I really just wanted a glance,” you quietly explained, walking by his side.
“You’re already here, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.” Shu glanced at you. “Especially since you look like that,” he said with a small smirk.
You smiled slightly, knowing he liked the way you looked.
Shu’s smile dropped slightly as he looked around. He immediately took you into his arms, holding you close to his chest. “Don’t move,” he whispered next to your ear.
The words sent a shiver down your spine, his words held so much power, as though they determined your life.
The lights went out, the dim glow of the moon the only thing lighting up the room. Screams echoed throughout, many women and a few men screaming in pain and terror.
You barely glanced around as you saw bodies dropping to the ground, stains of red capturing your vision. Your heartbeat picked up as you watched the lifeless bodies of many surround you. Shu’s breath on your neck made you halt completely.
He’d drank from you multiple times, so why was it now that you felt an awful chill crawl up your spine. You subconsciously took a step back, catching Shu’s attention.
“I told you not to move,” he stated firmly. His fingers lightly grazed your neck, moving the hair from your neck, his breath more clearly felt against your skin.
Panic spread throughout your body as you pushed away from Shu. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you, but the situation blocked all reason from you.
Shu looked at you shocked. He began walking to you.
You jerked back once again.
Why were you doing that? Shu wouldn’t drink you dry as others were doing at that very moment, would he?
Shu frowned slightly. “What? Do you think I’m gonna kill you?” He took another step.
You froze. No, you didn’t, but you were terrified at the moment.
Shu smirked. “Did you think I’d leave you dead and dry like everyone else is doing?” His smile dropped, a hint of hurt flashing past his eyes before returning back to their blank state. Shu appeared in front of you.
No, Shu wouldn’t do that, you knew it. You stayed still, the fear subsiding as you stared into those deep blue eyes that had been loving you for months now. To see him hurt at your reactions easily brought you back to what was important.
Shu hadn’t wanted you to come for the very reason that was happening, and if he wanted to drink you dry he would’ve done so long ago.
Shu held your hips, lowering his mouth to your neck but you stayed still. If Shu suddenly decided that he didn’t want you, you’d more than gladly let yourself die in his hands.
“I’ll show you what I’m capable of.”
You slowly move your hands around Shu’s neck, holding him closely. You rested your cheek against his shoulder, completely trusting him as you should’ve since the very beginning. Your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the man you loved against you.
Only Shu’s breath grazed your neck for a moment before lips pressed against your skin.
You softly smiled. “I love you, Shu.”
Shu let out a soft chuckle against your skin before softly kissing your neck. “I love you too, lewd woman.” His lips met your ear. “That won’t stop me from marking you tonight, let’s see you try and disobey me again.”
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alyxia91 · 4 years ago
A little distance
I have never in my life attempted to write a fanfic, let alone post it. This is just a little feeler to see if this is something I can actually do. I guess a teaser? This is not proof read and Bakugo is (I think) a bit out of character. I apologize in advance if this is terrible. Also I’m bored at work.
In all the days that you’d known him, Bakugo had been an overly proud, egotistical hothead. You’d attempted to keep his head from flying too far above the clouds, but the consistent praise over how amazing his quirk was had blasted him above them too fast for you to react. You’d never admit it, but while his pride annoyed the ever living hell out of you, you were also proud that he had such a strong quirk - it kept those hero dreams of his very much a possibility.
When your own quirk had presented itself, you learned quickly that it likely wouldn’t be well received...your own mother being horrified to learn that you had a “void” quirk - allowing you to absorb negative feelings and change them into tangible objects of your choosing. It was an incredibly powerful quirk, and one that was difficult to control when it first manifested. You’d been taken out of classes until you learned to control it better, being able to pick and choose the negative emotions now rather than all of them coming to you at once. The drawback to this quirk, was that you retained the emotions rather tan expelling them when you created something. Your councilor had likened it to a “dark empathy”, the ability to feel others emotions, but unable to rid yourself of them.
Because of this, you pulled yourself away from Bakugo, the overwhelming anger that radiated off of him being too much for you to handle as a small child, and the fear of losing yourself in the emotion too strong. When the two of you had gotten accepted into the Hero Program at UA, you worried that you might be overwhelmed again - which you were, but not by Bakugo. Everyone in that class seemed to have trauma in their past, something that made them want to be a hero - something to fight for. While you couldn’t help but be inspired by your classmates, and proud to call them your friends, you also felt yourself becoming increasingly more mentally withdrawn as time passed, keeping yourself at arms length to keep your sanity, and keeping your quirk firmly hidden.
It wasn’t until your encounter with the Hero Killer, Stain, that everything became too much. The aura around him immediately smashing through every mental barrier you had, and the all consuming - and ever growing - rage swallowing you whole. You had been completely paralyzed without even doing anything, Stain not needing to use his quirk on you. As soon as you were close enough, his essence clung to you, scrambling your mind and numbing your senses. He felt it, his anger being pulled away - it had been the first time in years he’d felt some semblance of peace, his mind clear and thoughts almost rational. But he had a job to do, and he’d be damned if a child stopped him.
You remembered nothing leading to the end of the fight, but the moment you saw Ida, Midoriya and Todoroki get hurt, everything suddenly came into hyper-focus.  Pulling on ever dark thought you had, you felt the emotions pool into your fingertips, purple and black smoke falling from them as you thought only of the intense anger and fear you felt. Around you, a twisting storm of deep purple fog settled on the ground, skeletal hands and bodies being created and pulling themselves upward from seemingly nowhere. As many as you needed, you told yourself, to protect my friends. Standing behind you, an army of (really rather creepy) purple and black skeletal spirits stood, focus locked on Stain. A ripple of fear shot through his heart to the ends of every limb;  ‘What the hell...what is this?!’ His body screamed at him to run, to get the hell away. Each spirit seemed to carry with them the weight of his past, all the anger, hurt, fear and disappointment that had haunted him his entire life. Quite literally, it felt as though he was facing his demons.
“I will give you one chance” you said, voice eerily calm “ you let my friends go, to stop killing heroes. This isn’t the way to get what you want”
“What do you know about what I want” Stain raged, voice tight with either fear or anger, you couldn’t tell
“I know everything. I’ve felt everything. Your anger, your hatred. You want heroes to be what they used to be - good people with the ability to help. Right?” You’re met with silence, but you notice his muscles tensing, the grip on his swords firming. Instead of answering, he lunged at you, no longer aiming to simply paralyze you. This lunge was to kill.
Throwing your arms forward, your spirits flew past you, swarming him midair and stopping his attack. Black and purple clouded his vision, only the broken faces of the skulls surrounding him keeping him from falling. Screams invaded his ears, visions of his past flying passed him too fast to really grasp. Suddenly the wind was knocked out of him, your face mere inches from his own. When did you get here? When had he landed on the ground? Why were you looking at him like that? Why can’t he freaking MOVE. What the hell was happening. You stood in front of him, ignoring the screams and faces swirling around you two, your hair whipping around you, the feeling the only thing keeping you grounded. You watched as his eyes flew in every direction, desperately trying to find something to look at other than you. Reaching out, you placed your hands on either side of his head, pulling his face and eyes to look directly into yours. You saw the broken pieces of his life hidden behind years of building disappointment and anger in his. In yours, he saw the same thing reflected, but behind that still was undeniable hope. He couldn’t think, he could barely breathe. Suddenly, the cloud surrounding the two of you dissipated, and you threw yourself backwards. Suddenly pain shot through him, a punch landing on the left side of his face, and a strong kick landing directly at his ribcage on his right side; then nothing.
As soon as you got away, you fell to your knees. You’d never used your quirk in that way before; you didn’t even know it was possible. But God, you had been so angry...so scared. You felt your nose bleeding, your body not yet strong enough to handle a release that sudden or powerful. Todoroki was next to you in an instant, asking if you were okay. You couldn’t hear him, only make out the words leaving his lips. Shaking your head, you felt yourself draw in a shaky breath before collapsing.
A dull white ceiling came into view, soft beeping pulling you out of your comfortable nothingness. Blinking, you tried to bring the world into focus, brain still foggy from sleep. Pulling yourself up, you peered around the room. TO your surprise, Bakugo was sleeping in a chair to your left, head resting against the window. To your right, you saw Ida, Midoriya and Todoroki, all sitting up in their hospital beds. “You’re awake” Ida smiled, relief washing over his face “you scared us there” “How long was I out?” “Two days. It took a lot out of you, what you did” Todoroki answered, heterochromatic eyes looking you over “it was amazing to see” he added quietly. “I’ve known you for years, I never knew you could do that” Midoriya mumbled, the smallest hint of sadness in his eyes. “It wasn’t something I tried to hide Deku, I didn’t know my quirk could do that either...”  “What a time to learn something like that. I’m shocked. You seemed like you knew exactly what you were doing” Ida remarked, wonder dancing across his face “I assure you, I didn’t. I honestly don’t remember thinking at any point...it was all insticntual” Ida opened his mouth to respond, but a loud crack stopped him. Turning to your left, you saw Bakugo awake, glaring daggers at you. ‘Well, I’m in trouble’ you thought, eyes widening slightly at the anger, but also the fear rolling off of him. “Do you have ANY idea what could have happened to you?! You went head-to-head with the freaking HERO KILLER and used something you didn’t even know you HAD? Are you STUPID?!” he roared, face turning red and he glared at you “Why does it matter Bakugo? I’m fine, everyone else is fine, right?” “It matters because you could have DIED you idiot!” “You weren’t even there! How do you even know what happened?” “Deku told Kirishima, he told me. I came here.” Simple. “And you came here for me? Why?” he paused. “Can I talk to her alone” The other three nodded, Ida and Todoroki helping Midoriya out.
“Why did you stop talking to me” he asked the moment the door closed “What?” “We were always together. Partners in crime. Then you left, you came back, and avoided me. Why” “Bakugo...” “No. I deserve to know why. You were my best friend. Why” “Bak -” “Why” “I can’t -” “Why” “It’s not that sim-” “Make it simple” “I don’t -” “WHY” he exploded, sparks flying out of the palms of his hands. He trembled, the anger rolling off of him changing to such strong sadness you couldn’t help but feel guilty. “I couldn’t do it” you whispered “What?” “Do you know what why quirk does” you asked, eye raising to meet his. “Not exactly, but I know is affects emotions. I was able to pick up that much at least” “It feed off them. Negative ones specifically. I absorb them, take them as my own, and can manipulate them into tangible things -- I don’t know what limits there are in that though” you paused, waiting for a sign he was following. A simple nod was all you got. “When I do make something from them, the emotions don’t leave me. They stay, and I have to figure out how to deal with them. I was pulled because I couldn’t control WHEN I absorbed those emotions, so any negative emotion that was felt around me, I immediately took in...” You watched as a flicker of realization flashed in his eyes, His body slumped down into the chair, eyes never leaving yours. “You were always so angry... I didn’t know how to deal with it. I couldn’t. Not at that age -” “Why didn’t you tell me” “I didn’t know how to. How do you tell a child to stop being angry? You can’t. You can barely control your anger now Baku” “I could learn to if it meant -” he started to whisper, stopping himself before he revealed too much “If it meant...what?” you pried “Nothing” “No no, I answered your question, you answer mine” “Not a chance. I deserved to know” “And I don’t?” “No. Not after that stunt you pulled” “Bakugo” “Piss off. I’m not telling you shit” “Baku” “No” “Please” “No” he resigned himself, crossing his arms and straightening up in his chair. Signing, you smiled softly. “Stubborn as ever. I’m glad you’re still you” “Well who the hell else would I be?” “People change as they get stronger, you know that. I’m glad that you haven’t changed too much” “Not like you would know...” he mumbled to himself, but you caught it “...it wasn’t easy, you know. Distancing myself from you. My instinct has always been to run to you when anything happens. It was hard to fight that...” “You shouldn’t have. I would have learned how to deal with the anger. I would have helped you” “At that age?” “You were my best friend. I would have tried” “...I’m sorry” “Yeah yeah, sort your shit out you dumbass. And stop running from me. You’re stuck with me now, I’m not letting you do something stupid like that again. You’re gonna learn to control that shit” “How, exactly?” “Dunno, but we’re gonna figure it out” “We?” “Yes ‘we’ you idiot. Like I said, you’re stuck with me. I’m not getting another call that you’ve landed yourself in the hospital. I’m not doing this shit again....it’s too much” he whispered the last part, so soft it barely made it to your ears. "I’ll let you rest, let me know when you’re out of here” Standing up, Bakugo stretched his back, arms raising above his head to extend towards the ceiling. Sighing as he brought them down, he walked towards the door, not sparing you a glance. Half way to the door he paused, turning around suddenly and marching up to you. Bending down, he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, a blush painting its way across his cheeks. “Don’t scare me like that again. I don’t know what I would do if you died” he whispered, standing upright to march out of the room. He didn’t bother to wait for your reaction, too embarrassed to turn back.
If he had, he would have seen the matching blush painted across your face, a beautiful and soft smile gracing your lips. “I care about you too...” you said to yourself. Maybe distancing yourself from him had not been the right call...
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ramblings-of-a-mad-cat · 4 years ago
I really want to read the post where you say "why Ravenclaw is the House that suits MC the most in the main story" but I dont find it
I haven’t ever made a full length post about it, come to think of it. I’ve talked about it in previous Ask responses but admittedly I have quite a few of those. So I suppose now is as good a time as any! 
Ultimately, HPHM’s story is designed so that any House can work for Jacob’s Sibling. Obviously, no one House is “canon” over the others. But in my personal opinion, certain Houses do make more sense for different reasons. Everything can change based on how you characterize MC, but setting aside the dialogue choices, they tend to have a general personality that fills in for most of the scenes. It’s average, a kind of “everyman” type. And certain choices can arguably be considered “canon” when they’re the ones that are free, placed next to choices that are locked behind attributes or friendship checks. That is the general vision of MC that I’ll be analyzing. 
But first, the characters. 
One of the primary reasons that MC fits Ravenclaw the best in the Main Story is because there are several characters who are aligned to MC in their Sorting. They always follow MC to whatever House they go to. Thus it becomes a question of which house suits them the most. Rowan Khanna, I think, speaks for them-self. I could see them in any House but they are a Ravenclaw through and through. I bet the only reason they ever get Sorted anywhere else is because they ask the Hat to let them follow MC. They are absolutely brilliant, with a love of reading and learning new things. They’re eccentric as well, deeply creative and good at coming up with plans. They dream of being a Professor, and they turn to books above all else. Next we have Jacob. Another character who could go anywhere based on interpretation, but he strikes me as a Ravenclaw too. Several of the options you can give when expressing speculation about him suggest that the reason he probably investigated the Vaults in the first place was his thirst for knowledge, his desire to know their secrets. To be specific, his stubborn and obsessive need to know. I feel like Jacob couldn’t let this go until he had learned all of the hidden magic and secrets of the Vaults, until he realized far too late that he was in over his head, mixed up with R and everything. 
Then there is Flitwick. A canon Ravenclaw of course, and one of the four Heads of House. It could be coincidental, but even if it is, Flitwick is easily the most developed of the Heads of House within this game. McGonagall is totally in character, but she’s part of the sideline outside of a small section of Year 2. Sprout contributes absolutely nothing, and Snape is likewise in character, but lacking anything to do until Rakepick shows up. Flitwick prepares MC for the first duel with Merula and gives them counsel. I suppose it’s not that much more than McGonagall teaching them the revealing spell in Year 2, but this felt so much more personal. You have the chance to make a promise to Flitwick, and either keep it or break it. In Year 4, he is I think the only teacher to speak up in Rakepick’s defense, and this leads into even further development of his character. By Year 5, he starts to warn MC not to investigate the Portrait Curse, but stops mid-sentence as he realizes that nothing he can say will stop them. I bring all of this up because Flitwick being such a fleshed out character in this game kind of goes hand in hand pretty well with the idea that he is MC’s Head of House. He is the only Head who shows the slightest bit of remorse when banning MC from Hogsmeade. With him, you really get the sense that he’s being overruled and doesn’t agree with it. That he’s in MC’s corner. And god I love him.  I won’t stray too far into the Quidditch characters, but I will say that Murphy and Orion are two other characters that stick with MC, who I could very much see as Ravenclaws, both in different ways. But still, it’s Jacob and Rowan who are most important in affecting the story.
Which brings me to the story itself. 
Hogwarts Mystery is different from the story of Harry Potter. This is the tale of Jacob and his Sibling. In HP, we know from the beginning who the villain is, that he’s an evil monster. We know what he wants, and that he failed. It gets fleshed out more later but everything you need to know is in that first book. We see him, he clashes with Harry, and loses. The books are a hero’s journey. A story of good versus evil. They do have mystery aspects, each of the books has a mystery told within it’s pages. But the overarching story is not about what’s hidden in the trapdoor, or who opened the chamber of secrets. It’s about Harry and Voldemort’s rivalry, their hero/villain dynamic. Everyone knew going into DH that Harry would defeat him in the end because that’s how these things go. OOTP basically confirmed it but most fans had known for years. 
HPHM is different. 
There are heroic moments, and Merula in particular compares MC to being a “hero.” But nothing they do is heroic in the same way as Harry. They both take active roles in the story but in different ways. Harry is still reactionary. He takes it upon himself to solve the problems, but he still waits until the problems show up. MC plans to open the Vaults even before the Curses show themselves. They arrive at Hogwarts with a goal in mind, finding Jacob. And with Hogwarts Mystery, the overarching story is not a hero’s journey. Because MC is so much more ambiguous than Harry. It might seem redundant to say that this story is a Mystery, but it is. An ongoing investigation, the unraveling of a conspiracy. Learning the truth about just what went down during Jacob’s years at Hogwarts. By HBP, Voldemort was such a familiar presence that we were learning the ins and outs of his childhood, right down to how his parents met. By Year 6, we still have no idea what R really is, or what they want. We don’t even know what it stands for. The black and white of the books, the heroes and the villains...that’s all replaced with shades of gray. Jacob is constantly in the gray. So is Rakepick, at least at first. Don’t get me started on Merula. Ben is another character who is definitely good, but has gone through such a roller coaster about who he is and whether he can be trusted. 
Then there’s the ambiguity of MC them-self. The hints that they don’t share everything with people, are prone to tricking others, and for all we know, might wind up on the Dark Side someday. I’ll admit, this can also lend itself well to MC being a Slytherin, and indeed there are dialogue choices that are locked behind being one. But I still feel as though MC playing detective throughout this entire game, that whole premise lends itself pretty damn well toward a Ravenclaw MC. They’re trying to defeat the bad guys, but their main method of preparing for that fight is not train up an army of students, it is to investigate the Vaults, and investigate R. Even going as far as to work with Wizarding police. Granted, I know Harry poked around a lot too. And MC does form the Circle of Khanna, just like how Harry formed Dumbledore’s Army. Both of them do exhibit both behaviors, but MC specializes in covert investigation more than preparation for combat. Again, at least they do so in the main story. The Circle of Khanna was not meant to be like Dumbledore’s Army, at least not in concept. MC first conceived it as the idea of standing toe to toe with the Cabal by having a secret organization of their own. I know that didn’t really land perfectly in actual practice but that was the whole idea. And if there’s one thing MC has a constant stream of, it’s ideas. Not always the right ones, not always fast enough, but they do have them, and these ideas steer the plot. In the main story and otherwise. 
It’s probably a bit cheap to get meta, but so be it. 
I can’t help but notice how, if we take every other contribution to the Potterverse into account...well then, we’ve got a Gryffindor Protagonist in the form of Harry. We’ve got a Slytherin Protagonist in the form of Albus Severus. And a Hufflepuff over in Fantastic Beasts with Newt Scamander. If MC is a Ravenclaw, then that completes the quartet. But there’s another Quartet out there as well - that of the Original Four. Rowan, Ben, Penny, and Merula. The Year 1 characters and the OG leads of the Hogwarts Mystery story. Notice anything about them? We have a Hufflepuff, a Gryffindor, and a Slytherin...but no Ravenclaw. None that is, unless MC, and therefore Rowan by extension, is a Ravenclaw. MC being Sorted into the House of Eagles completes both of these groups. I dunno, I just find it curious that unless the Player goes to Ravenclaw, the first student character we meet in that House shows up in Year 3. Because Jam City wrote in some amazing characters for Ravenclaw. My love of Tulip Karasu is well documented, but I also think Talbott is pretty damn fascinating. Andre and Badeea rock too! Ravenclaw is also a relatively neutral House. I’ve said before that HPHM ignores the House rivalries, and that’s easiest to incorporate in the House of Eagles, which mostly keeps to itself. It would not be socially strange for a Ravenclaw to have so many friends from different Houses. I’m not saying a Slytherin MC couldn’t befriend Ben, for example, but he’s a Muggle-born Gryffindor and that would be a big deal to everyone else. Again, not saying it couldn’t happen, just that it would turn heads and people within Slytherin might go as far as to treat MC like a traitor. I like this premise, but...would Felix seriously help MC prepare to fight Merula, a fellow Slytherin, on behalf of someone like Ben? There are other trivial problems, like the question of two male Prefects if MC is Gryffindor, etc. 
But that’s just a few thoughts. Again, there’s clearly no “canon” House, and neither of my MCs are even in Ravenclaw. But I think it’s fun to explore the idea as Ravenclaw is a House that, I think, is sorely needing development.
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roemerschanze · 4 years ago
I wrote a thing!
or rather it just fell out of my hand, beginning to end in one sitting... read on AO3 THE FREEDOM OF DECEIT - Qui/Obi Fic
PART I Obi-Wan woke on a hard daybed in what seemed to be the living area of a small starship. Confused.
He blinked, waiting for his vision to properly focus so he could hopefully see a sign of whether this was a republican ship or not.
It must be, why else would he not be restrained and locked up in the brigg ...or dead for that matter…
His muscles hurt. He was exhausted. But uninjured he realised as he rubbed the back of his head. With a groan he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the daybed.
The fight still sat deep in his bones.
It had gone on for what felt like hours and his angry attacks had drained all the energy from him until finally his former Master had made use of his slowing reaction to forceknock him into the wall.
He remembered the breath being pressed from his chest, then nothing.
Had his Master shown mercy for the sake of their joint past?
In fact Qui-Gon had only defended himself, never attacked ...until his first and final blow.
So his ability was still hopelessly inferior to that of his Master who had blocked his every strike withcalm concentration… efficient … graceful … showing no sign of exertion … or emotion … giving the impression of utter tranquillity even when he evaded Obi-Wan’s lightsaber at high speed. His face expressionlessand only his blue eyes always vigilant… He had felt naked under this piercing gaze, as if Qui-Gon knew his every thought, anticipated his every move…
His fists dug into the thin mattress.
It made him so angry! He had felt, no, still felt like a foolish Padawan attacking and attacking even though he never stood a chance!
… completely at his Master’s mercy…
His fist hit the table next to him as he briskly rose.
Enough of these useless thoughts! He was a Jedi! It wouldn’t bother him to lose to Masters Yoda or Windu, so why should it bother him to lose to Qui-Gon?
Obi-Wan took a deep breath to release his anger to the force.
Focus now.
He scanned the room for his lightsaber but it was nowhere in sight. Also no other hint on whose ship this might be.
He started towards one of the doors to go and find his presumed rescuer, who must have found him after Qui-Gon had left, as the door hissed open in front of him. Obi-Wan stopped dead in his tracks.
“You’re awake.”
The tall figure stayed in the passage to the bridge. A concerned look on his usually calm features.
“How do you feel?” He finally asked.
BETRAYED! Obi-Wan wanted to scream ...but he only gritted his teeth and stared at the man he had trusted so deeply for so many years, who hestill continuously and involuntarily called Master in his head.
Ire burned in his guts, seeing the Master he had always admired for his unshakeable integrity just standing there. As if nothing ever happened!! As if he had not betrayed everyone he knew and most of all himself! Infuriating!
Qui-Gon slowly entered and closed the door behind him. Paused.
Obi-Wan still stood there as rigid as a stone. Trying to reign in his wrath.
“You’re mad at me… and you have every reason to be...” Qui-Gon said quietly.
Obi-Wan’s fury cooled as fast as it had come and his stomach dropped. He felt as if a bucket of cold water had been emptied over his head.
Why did his Master suddenly look so weary?
“I missed you, Obi-Wan.”
The man’s voice was low, almost a whisper. No hint of tranquility anymore. Instead he looked slightly nervous, an inner turmoil clearly visible in his eyes and his posture giving the impression of a heavy weight pressing him down.
Obi-Wan had to fight the urge to run to his Master and throw his arms around him to offer comfort.
Never trust a Sith.
Nothing good could come of that.
He steeled himself.
“Why?” he asked, voice firm.
It was not a ‘why did you miss me?’
Qui-Gon understood.
He walked to one of the chairs at the table and sat down. Collapsed, more accurately.
“Sit with me, Obi-Wan. I’ll tell you.” He sounded exhausted.
Warily Obi-Wan went back to the daybed.
Don’t let him fool you, Kenobi, he’s a Sith now. Not the man you knew.
He sat down still staring mistrustfully at the Master who had meant so much to him for so long.
Not your Master! See through this mummery!
“No mummery, Obi-Wan.”
Qui-Gon must have read his mind… but their bond was cut! ...or wasn’t it?
“...not right now at least...”
He tried to read his Master’s face. Could he play this exhaustion? Had he always been such a good liar or had he only learned it as a Sith?
“Dooku is not he Sith we’re looking for. I’m sure you know that. He’s only the apprentice.”
Qui-Gons voice took him back to the present.
“Wha-” He hadn’t known. And what did he mean by ‘we’?
“But YOU’re the apprentice!” He blurted. “There can only be two!”
Qui-Gon smiled at him warmly. Foolish Padawan, it meant.
Obi-Wan clenched his fists again. Yeah, foolish he was, sitting here, listening to what was most probably a blatant lie.
“Eventually there will be only two. But a Sith does not wait until their Master dies of old age to try for power.”
‘…,my Padawan.’ Obi-Wan added in his mind, memory of many such cryptic explanations washing over him.
But the warm smile soon enough vanished from Qui-Gon’s face and gave way for a more serious expression as the tall man pulled back his broad shoulders and straightened in his chair, bracing.
“The council sent me to find the Master.”
The firm statement hit Obi-Wan like a brick. He had expected this lie, yet hearing the words from his Master’s lips knocked all the doubt from him.
“They sent me to join Dooku, to become his apprentice again and to ultimately find his Master and destroy them both.”
Obi-Wan stared at him, his mouth open.
“But Dooku is no fool. After all this time … he still hasn’t brought me anywhere near the identity of the Dark Lord.”
Qui-Gon exhaled, his broad frame collapsing in the chair again, while exhaustion returned to his voice.
“I suspect he keeps me mostly hidden to eventually try and kill the Master with my help. But who knows how long it will be before he sees his chance...”
Silence fell over the both of them, with Obi-Wan unable to decide whether he was hearing truth or lie.
“All the Jedi you killed...” he finally murmured.
“It was part of the assignment, Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon sounded as if he needed to convince himself.
“And I should have killed you, too, indiscriminate...” His voice broke and his gaze fell to his hands in his lap.
He swallowed.
“I was not supposed to tell anyone about the mission, not even you, Obi-Wan. And I was to make it convincing...”
Was that desperation now?
“But when it was you I had to fight… I just couldn’t do it any longer.”
Qui-Gon’s gaze rose to meet his eyes again. A silent plea for forgiveness.
Obi-Wan remained still, fighting to not let any of the feelings he had buried deep inside himself so long ago come to the surface.
“I needed to tell you. ...To make you understand…” his voice trailed off, eyes roaming around, searching for the words he couldn’t seem to find until his gaze came to rest on Obi-Wan again.
“I love you, Obi-Wan.” he said simply.
Obi- Wan jumped up, screaming.
Qui-Gon rose as well, reaching out in a soothing gesture but Obi-Wan quickly stepped out of reach.
“You cant just throw that at me! After all these years! After all the….”
He had yelled but then the anger flowed from him as if a drain had been opened and gave way to the same exhaustion he had seen in Qui-Gon before.
“...the heartbreak your betrayal caused me… “ his voice broke and he had to stifle a sob.
This time he didn’t evade Qui-Gon’s touch as the tall man drew him into his arms and buried his face in the soft red hair.
For a short while he let his Master hold him and leaned his head against the broad shoulder while he tried to restore order to his thoughts and untie the knot in his chest. He reached for the force and let it calm him avoiding the warm presence that was his Master’s body and force signature but instead reaching further into the cool calm of space surrounding the small ship.
Finally he freed himself from Qui-Gon’s embrace and firmly looked the man in the eye.
“So what did you plan on doing now?” he asked down to business.
Qui-Gon drew a deep breath and took a step back to give him some space.
“I told Dooku you got the better of me and escaped.” He said after collecting himself for a moment. “Your fighter is in the loading bay.” He reached under his robe. “Here’s your lightsaber.”
“...You can leave anytime...”, he added hesitantly as if saying it would make Obi-Wan do it.
Obi-Wan took the lightsaber from Qui-Gon’s extended hand and started towards the door he supposed would lead to the loading bay.
“Good, I’ll better be on my way then before you’re caught in your lie.” He stated coldly. “I wouldn’t want to make your efforts to be in vain.”
Qui-Gon looked shattered as he watched Obi-Wan turn away offering nothing but brutal sarcasm.
“Obi-Wan wait!” He finally called out as the door slid open.
“No!” Obi-Wan said firmly without turning. “meditate it away or whatever it is you do these days. There’s no point in expanding this any further.” His voice never faltered as he dismissed Qui-Gon yet he felt his determination wane as he spoke. He turned around not wanting to be cruel.
His Master stood there stooped like a beaten dog.
“There is no point.” he continued softly. “All we could gain from this before your return to the temple is more heartbreak.”
It hurt him to see his Master defeated like this but it needed to be said. They were both Jedi, they both knew what it took.
“And even after your hopefully safe return...” He tried to swallow the big lump in his throat but to no avail. “There is really no room for attachments like this.”
Speaking the words made him want to throw up. His chest felt tight and his hands were covered in cold sweat. Part of him wished Qui-Gon had never said the words. There was a reason Obi-Wan had never spoken up about his feelings even after the knighting.
Qui-Gon came up to him now a wide warm smile on his face that seemed to say ‘I’m so proud of you, Padawan’. Oh, how he wished they could go back to being Master and Padawan, when being close had been so easy.
He didn’t back away as Qui-Gon slipped an arm around his waist and brushed an errand strand of hair from his face.
“You’re right, Padawan.”
Qui-Gon’s soft rumble gave him goosebumps.
“There really is no room for this in the Temple. But maybe then this right here is our place in space and time. Maybe this assignment, as hard and horrible as it is, finally gives me the liberty to do and say what I wanted to for so long.”
Warmth radiated from Qui-Gon. And warm was the smile on his face though his eyes were glossy wet.
“If this moment is all we’ve got, I want to savour it.” He paused. “All of it. The joy and the pain.”
He cupped his former Padawan’s face with both hands and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
Obi-Wan shut his eyes tightly to keep the tears from falling but it was no use. His fist curled into Qui-Gon’s tunic anger again boiling inside him. Why did his Master have to make him feel all these emotions that would be nothing but painful in the end?
Qui-Gon seemed to read his mind again as he kissed the tears from his face.
“Because every moment is precious with you, my Obi-Wan.”
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xxdearlybeloved · 4 years ago
The Kingmaker, Part 2 - Ragnar x OC
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Summary: The mysterious woman and Ragnar help each other out. This is loosely based on the TV plot. But like. Very loosely. 
The king looked defeated. His heart was broken from betrayal as he begged her in body and voice not to leave him. He was a king, but he was on his knees before her. He moved closer to her, but somehow she seemed even further away, fading until at last she disappeared.
Kari had came into his life like a desert wind, blowing him into greatness and prosperity. He would be nothing without her, he knew it.
And now she was gone. All was lost. He was doomed.
Ragnar told himself he wasn’t jealous as he watched the Earl Geir slide his hand up her thigh and pull her on his lap. Besides, what was he to do? They had no weapons, except for her: Kari, the Kingmaker.
They sat around the Earl’s table, dinner being carried away by the servants. The Earl had been nearly as guarded as the king, but once he saw their treasure he welcomed them in with open arms. In her case, open hands.
“I will protect you Ragnar,” he called. “Under one condition,” he said, sliding his hand further up to her backside and giving it a possessive squeeze. He didn’t have to explain what that condition was. His body language made it clear.
“She doesn’t belong to me,” Ragnar said calmly, but stiffly.
“Oh really?” the Earl said, his look of surprise quickly replaced by a look of expectation.
“I belong to no one but the gods” she said, rising from his lap and floating over to the center of the room. The lights seemed to dim as all the men focused on her. She began in slow circles, entering a trance and letting the invisible music guide her arms to trace patterns in the air.
Her hands flew up and she stopped, her eyes closed, the lights growing ever dimmer as the men waited in silence.
“Greatness beckons these men,” she whispered, slowly letting her arms down. She stayed in silence as a tear dropped from her eye. Her arms dropped and she went to Geir. “An era is ending,” she knelt before him, “and you must write the lyrics for the songs that will sing your name.”
At this she collapsed and Ragnar rose before he felt a calm come over him. He did not know how, but he knew she would be okay. He didn't have to worry. Earl Geir rose, barely registering Ragnar’s movements, and picked her up, saying nothing as he brought her back to his room and did not emerge until the morning.
The sun had barely risen before the horns sounded, waking all of the men in the hall.
“The king has arrived!” A guard yelled as the men trickled out of their homes and the hall one by one to form a crowd in the center.
Ragnar stood hidden behind his men, anxiously looked at the Earl’s private entrance to see which side he would be on. He hoped that some hint would allow him to prepare. Would he hand Ragnar over or fight beside him?
The King arrived first, quieting the crowd. He looked haggard and unsettled as he took a slow look around the village. He could not find the men he was searching for, so he bellowed. “Earl Geir, you have some things that belong to me.”
It seemed an eternity before the Earl emerged. Ragnar could not tell his mood, as Earl Geir appeared peaceful and stern. He was followed closely by the seer.
The King’s look of despair was impossible to hide. His knees grew weak and he gripped his shield for support. “Kari, my love” he whispered, so that only she could hear him.
She passed the Earl and went to him slowly, each second arduous as Ragnar waited to see what she would do. She brought her hands to cup his face, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “I am not yours,” she said, the softness of her voice betraying the devastation of her words. She ran one of her hands through his hair as she continued, “for after today you will no longer be king.”
The king’s rage was immediate and intense. “Why you evil bitch,” he yelled, drawing his sword and knocking her backwards. She did not show fear, which angered him even more as he powerfully brought his arm down to strike her and end this curse that she had placed on his life.
Before the sword could fall from the sky, Ragnar had grabbed a shield from one of the bystanders and stood between the king and the woman.
“You!” The king roared, stepping forward and swinging the sword at Ragnar. His anger made him a fierce opponent, but it also blinded him. Ragnar fought valiantly, but the king was a monster in his rage. His powerful blows sent Ragnar stumbling backwards as he fought them off with only his shield. He swung it to knock the king off balance, but he recovered quickly, sending Ragnar to the ground and winding him.
The king swung his sword again, but Ragnar threw up his shield knocking the sword from his hand. Both men looked, and Ragnar felt blood rushing in his ears as he used his lower body to trip the king who fell with a resounding thud.
Ragnar tried to crawl away towards the weapon, but the king pulled him back, delivering blows with this hands that Ragnar tried to deflect with his shield. The king’s blows had all his anger and rage for this man who tried to take everything from him. At this point, the shield was making things worse as it pushed into his chest and trapped one of his arms.
He tried to push the shield away with his other arm, but the combination of blows splintered the shield. The king roared as he used all his might to end the man that lay before him. He may have taken the love of his life, he may have taken his dream, but he would not take his kingdom. He would not take his life.
Ragnar could not catch his breath. Every blow made it harder to breathe. He wanted to close his eyes as he felt his vision growing blurry, but he dared not. Then he heard her. Her single voice through the shouting and the rushing in his ears. He did not know what she meant until he saw it, right within his reach.
He grabbed the splinter from the shield and drove it into the king’s neck. The king roared, yanking the splinter from his neck, but the damage had been done. He could not stop the blood and he stumbled backwards, bewildered and lost.
He looked around at the men, madness in his eyes. “You will let this man kill me!” he called, coughing blood as he stumbled around.
Ragnar stood slowly, his lungs burning as he captured his breath. “Pick up your sword,” he said calmly, facing the king.
“Earl Geir,” the king said helplessly, falling to his knees. “Kari,” he called, for she had emerged from the crowd to kneel beside him.
She placed the sword in his hand. “Valhalla, calls to you, my king” she said, rising slowly. She looked at Ragnar and nodded as the king called to the guards.
One of the bystanders gave Ragnar a sword as he approached the king for the last time. He said nothing as the king steadied his resolve and looked up towards Odin’s gates. Ragnar drove the sword down his neck, drawing it out in a spray of blood that felt like warm rain drops. He breathed heavily, overwhelmed by the significance of what happened. He looked around to his men, to the others, to see if they would challenge him.
The Earl stepped forward and Ragnar turned to face him. He looked him in the eyes, his expression still unreadable as he observed this Viking man who was to now lead them. “All hail King Ragnar,” he said, taking a knee before the new king.
“All hail your King,” Kari cried, falling to her knees as well. Soon the other men followed, except for some of the King’s men. Instead, they turned and ran to the boats. They did not get far before men rose to follow them, weapons drawn to eliminate the traitors.
For the gods had spoken and Ragnar was now their king.
The Earl provided them with a boat and weapons to go back to Kattegat. Ragnar thanked him, promising to reward him for his loyalty with their treasures from Paris, for she had promised him that he would go. The Earl promised his eternal loyalty and his men should he need them.  
She stood at the sea as the men went around her, watching the waves crash. They were gentle but she felt the fear begin it’s slow death-like grip. She still heard the powerful crash in her ears. Over and over they pounded in her head and she could not drown it out. Her head began to spin. The sound was deafening, and she began screaming. She felt arms close tightly around her, telling her she was okay and that she was safe, but she did not believe him. For she was drowning.
She was in the storm; the boat was being thrown in the air pitching her stomach as it crashed back down. She could not see, she could not think, and she did not know how to get free. His arms felt like restraints and she tore at them, weeping, but he would not let her go. He couldn’t. He needed her too much.
Eventually she calmed, the waves finally dying, and she came to herself to find the sky and the sea reflected in his eyes. “You are okay,” he said, stroking her hair. Her eyes were wet with tears and she nodded as she anchored herself in his voice, his scent. That was just a distant memory. He was before her. He was real.
He stood, helping her as well, as he called to one of his men for some fabric to blindfold her. He went to tie it around her eyes and she stopped him, a firm grip on his wrist.
“How can I trust you?” She asked and he smiled slightly as he gave the only reply that he could.
“You have to.”
Ragnar held her against his chest as he hummed to drown out the sound of the waves. Eventually, she fell asleep in his arms. The men rowed in silence, giving their new king his privacy as they followed the course of the stars.
The feast at Kattegat was like anything she had seen before. The people had a new king who would lead them to riches untold. They would have peace and land of their own so that they would not have to raid to survive. They would prosper and thrive, for the gods had spoken.
It was months before Ragnar saw her again. She would appear throughout the village but would disappear just as quickly. If it wasn’t for his station and the rumors he would believe it had all been a dream.
One night, he awakened to find her in his bed. Her eyes held a profound sadness as she lay before him, naked and shivering. She reached for his face tentatively, her fingers tracing patterns just like they had that first night. He said nothing as he lifted the furs and let her closer to him.
She pressed into him, shaking into his warmth as he held her. He was almost asleep again until he felt her warm lips against his neck. She kissed him slowly, letting her soft lips press into his skin. She took his hand and guided it between her legs, letting his fingers explore the wetness there.
Ragnar could not help himself. He rose over her, sliding her leg over his hip, pausing to feel her soft skin in his hands. Her hands went to stroke him, lining him up with her entrance as she begged with her body for him to enter her.
He could not deny it.
He moaned into her ear, taking her slowly, drawing out each stroke, each second as long as possible. He wanted to remember everything. The feel of her walls clenching against him. Her heel pressing into his low back. Her moans and whimpers as he teased her body. They kissed, slow and deep, inhaling and exhaling as their bodies moved together.
She clung to him, afraid to let her body go for she had never experienced this feeling before. It continued to build and she tensed ever tighter, making it difficult for Ragnar to keep his steady pace. “You can let go,” he said, and she did, releasing beneath him and letting the waves wash over her.
He continued to drive into her, letting her nails scratch down his back and she begged for him. He continued to give himself to her as she clung to him, afraid to let go. When he came, it was more than a release. He felt a shift that almost overpowered him and he collapsed into her, letting exhaustion carry him to sleep.
When he awoke, she was not in his bed. He felt the bed to find it cold and shook his head. He wondered if last night had been a desperate dream. He rose, pulling on his pants and deciding to get some fresh air. As he passed through the hall he found her, wrapped in his furs and sitting before the fire.
He smiled as he went to her, sitting with her in silence. They listened to the wood crack and she took his hand.
“I am very old Ragnar,” she said, turning to face him. “I have seen many lands. I have seen kings rise and fall like the sun, but none like you.” Her voice grew heavy. “I am old Ragnar, but I have not lived. I had not loved,” she took his hand and kissed it.  “I had not been with a man until last night, until you,” she said, looking at him.
He took her in his arms and she pressed against his warm chest. She started weeping. “Have you lost your gift?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“I traded it for another,” she whispered, putting her head on his shoulder and staring into the fire willing it to make her warm.
She kept her promise, spending her days helping with preparations to get him to Paris. She helped get the men and the provisions, securing everything for their expedition. Every night, she came to him and every morning he found her there. He did not know why she chose him, but he loved her even without her gift.
She told him her story as they whispered in the dark, piecing together the ups and downs of near immortality. He felt that he had stolen from her, but she assured him that he didn’t, for he had given her something that she could not repay.
Too soon, the day arrived and Ragnar’s heart was filled with joy. He had his woman, his kingdom, and they were off to Paris to secure his legacy. This time, she did not need a blindfold. She took Ragnar’s hand and sat beside him as he blew the horn to signal the start of their adventure.
But she knew it was the end, for the gods did not lie and they had told her a great king would fall at Paris. As they rowed closer and she took his fingers in hers, she was afraid to look him in the eye.
The battle for Paris is hard and long and she is forced to wait for it at the camp. She calls to the gods but they do not answer and she nearly goes mad with frustration. When she hears the men returning, she runs out to meet them, finding her love wounded.
She follows the men carrying him to her tent, doing all she can to heal him as she cries at his side. “I knew this would happen,” she says as she kneels by the bed, his hand weakly resting on her head.
“My love, there was nothing you could do,” he assured her, “for the gods have allowed it.”
The Vikings continued to attack, but Ragnar refused to recover from his wounds. Kari never left his side.
On his last night, she listened to his breathing slow, fear gripping her heart between each exhale. She pressed her ear against his chest so that she could hear each precious heartbeat. He felt her tears.
“When I die, you have to promise me that you will continue to live,” he said, his voice hoarse.
“Don’t talk like that,” she said, staring at him angrily.
“You wanted to be free,” he said. “You are free, my love.”
Her tears flowed freely as she kissed him, sending prayers to the gods. She hoped that even if they didn’t speak to her, they still listened.
“The king is dead!” she emerged from the tent, weeping, collapsing onto the ground as the guard rushed in behind her. They found her words to be true, as he lay cold in the bed with his sword in his hand.
She knew his plan would work, but grief almost ruined it. It took everything in her to put one foot in front of the other towards the life she had only dreamed of: one with peace, mystery, and the beauty of discovery.
When he walked out of the gates, past the stunned Parisians, Ragnar went back to his tent secretly hoping she would be there. When he asked after her, they confirmed what he already knew.
She was gone.
Fire was always her favorite and she spent a lot of days sitting in front of one. Her favorite was the one three floors above the great hall, where it was quiet from the noise below. The walls were painted with the stories of the great warriors and she found him there, his eyes the perfect blue that she only saw when she closed her eyes.
She heard footsteps behind her and she turned, a large smile lighting her face.
“I knew I would find you here,” he said softly, taking her in his arms as she rose to meet him, wrapping her arms around him. He breathed in her scent, just as beautiful as he remembered it from all those years ago.
“I want to know everything,” she said, her eyes gleaming to be reunited with her love.
“We’ll have plenty of time for talking,” he said, taking her hand and bringing her back to the fire. “For now, I can think of something better to do.”
They both smiled as she sat in his lap, bringing his lips to hers. This time, the fire roared.
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briefololtragedy · 5 years ago
Two halves wanting to be whole
Pairing: Shisui x Sakura
Rating T (to be safe brief mention of a suicide attempt)
Summary: Shisui got his mark when he was 7 years of and was determined to find his other half. Sakura was born with hers and was not going to let a mark define her.
Words: 7809
Also posted on AO3
It was once said that humans didn’t look like they do today. Humans of the old times were said to have 4 arms, 4 legs, and 2 heads. They  were once strong, fearless, powerful beings that even the gods at one point feared. This fear led to them being split in two.  No longer were humans whole, they would venture the world searching for their other half. After the split it was easy to find the other half, a sense of completion washing over the couples once they were united with the other half. However, as time went on it became more challenging. The greed of man led to famine, wars, and death. Instead of looking for a perfect fit many opted to marry for advantage. Those bearing soulmarks dwindled in numbers. It was said that many always felt incomplete, many being  driven to insanity never being able to find their other half.  
Shisui remembers the stories well from when he was a child. His mother would tell him bedtime stories. The stories he loved the most were about soulmates. His clan is a large and powerful clan, one that strikes fear into the hearts of many. Yet he always wished for peace. He felt sorrow for those who ended up marked and never finding their one true person. Even at a young age he knew his life would be dictated by his clan. 
That’s why when he was 7 years old he didn’t understand why a mark appeared on his skin. A searing pain at the base of his skull made him fall to his knees. His younger cousin raced to his side, worry on his face. It was Itachi who first told him about his mark.  It was an intricate mandala design almost resembling a design of a sharingan, in the middle, surrounded by delicate swirls. His soulmate was going to be born within the year. 
At first he didn’t know what to do. He was scared of telling his parents. What would they think? What would his clan do? It was after the death of his mother during the nine tails attack that he told his father. His father sat there staring out the window, the sound of rain cutting through the silence. “The clan comes first, there is no place for love or soulmates. We have a duty to uphold you more than anyone else with your eyes and potential. This world is filled with many battles, don’t set yourself up for heartbreak that turns into insanity. Forget about the mark.” His father’s words would haunt him for years to come, even after his father passed. At times he was able to forget, his focus solely  on his clan and his village. However, over the years there was a piece of him that searched for his other half.
There were many theories as to why the amount of people with soulmarks dwindled over the years. One such theory was that once soulmates meet they would no longer bear the marks. The unlucky few who never found their soulmates over the centuries were cursed to wander missing their other half going mad. 
Beeps could be heard in the background with the occasional ding in between. His throat was on fire and his body felt like he had been trampled by every villager and shinobi. Ever so slowly he tried to open his eyes. When did eyelids become like lead? As he blinked his eyes open the smell hit him. He was in the place no shinobi liked, the hospital. The last time he was in the hospital it was years ago, before his cousin Sasuke graduated from the academy. 
“Uchiha-san it's good to see that you have decided to wake up. I must say Itachi-san gave the staff quite the scare when he dragged you in over his shoulder in a bloody mess.” 
“Can you tone down the color in this room?” Shisui eyesight was being assaulted by pink. His mind was going into overload. He had spent months with his ANBU team traveling in the dead of night, scouring Rain and the villages around it. They were tracking a terrorist organization who was starting to make waves in the different hidden villages. The godaime wanted them nipped in the bud before they got bigger. Before they were able to head home, shit went sideways. 
“Hmm I have no care to change my hair color, but can close your blinds. Since you have woken up you will be transferring to one of the lower acuity rooms. Itachi-san and Sasuke-kun will be able to visit as they please with the move. It also means you will get a different medic Uchiha-san, who will likely have hair that isn’t so assaulting to your delicate eyes.” 
As his vision started to clear he realized who was standing in his room smirking at him. His little cousin’s teammate, apprentice to the Godaime, sweetheart of the village, and owner of a temper you don’t want to ignite. Rumor had it she also would do missions with certain ANBU teams, she had never been assigned to his. Part of his heart started to flutter. His interactions with Sakura Haruno have been limited to sparse. He blamed her unique colorings to his eyes always lingering on her over the years. Her soft petal pink hair and emerald green eyes were a stark contrast to anyone in the village.
“Hn “ When he didn’t know what to say he lowered himself to use his family's go to word. He then heard the medic sigh and roll her eyes. 
“I’ll perform a quick check of your system and then give you some pain medication. We were able to heal the internal damage caused by the poisons and injuries. The main goal will be working with physical therapy to get you back on your feet. This will put you on mission leave for at least a few months as you recover. “ Shisui wasn’t expecting the smell that hit him, he would have expected her to smell like flowers. Instead the smells of mint and vanilla, with hints of antiseptic, tickled his nose. Her chakra almost lulled him back to sleep as she was performing the exam. 
“Everything is looking good. Your chakra pathways are slowly recovering, it was a nasty poison that worked by destroying the pathways. Get some rest and when you are up to it we will start you on some liquids.” Just like that she left the room. He blamed the ordeal for his heart continuing to flutter. He leaned his head back and slowly drifted back to sleep. 
Giggles filled his ears as he started to wake up again. He couldn’t make out the conversation that was taking place. As he looked around his room he realized it was different, not as sterile, and Itachi had taken over a beat up side chair. “They are trying to figure out who gets the privilege to help you bathe.” Itachi didn’t look impressed. 
“What’s the difficulty I'm sure the more the merrier.” He couldn’t help but also wiggle his eyebrows. 
“ I know you better than that Shisui, you can drop the act. Father is looking into getting you moved into the compound for rehab. He doesn’t like the idea of you staying here.” Itachi was rubbing the bridge of his nose, the scroll he was reading long forgotten. 
Shisui leaned back again. He hated the confines of the hospital, but being stuck in the compound would be more of a lateral move. His thoughts were interrupted by a chorus of whining outside in the halls. 
“That’s not fair Sakura-sama!” The voices grated on his nerves “This is a professional workplace, we do not treat patients like prizes to be had. Now get back to work before all of you cleaning bedpans for the next month.” Scattering of feet then filled the air. 
“Itachi-san! Visiting your cousin, I see. I hope your injuries aren’t giving you any trouble.” Her voice was like springtime cutting through the air, light and airy. A part of him didn’t like that she was talking to his cousin over him. 
“Sakura-san they are not giving me any problems. The creams that you made and gave to Sasuke for me have helped.” Her smile was mesmerizing. Would she be assisting with his bath? A part of him hoped so, he could feel his heart race and palms start to sweat. 
“Shishui-san Ron will be in shortly to help with your bath. My apologies if the ruckus in the halfway disrupted your rest. Shizune is the one who oversees the rehab side of the hospital and is working with your clan for arrangements of you being moved out of the hospital.” The smile on her face was strained, he doubted they agreed with having him leave the hospital. For some reason he didn’t know what to say to her. As he went to open his mouth they were interrupted by a big burly man coming in with a washcloth and basin. No!
“Hello Uchiha-san I will be assisting with your bath.” Itachi had to hide his laugh behind a cough. 
“Thank you Ron. I'll leave his care in your capable hands.” Just like that Sakura and Itachi left the room, he felt betrayed by the snickers he heard as they exited the door. 
“Shisui please make yourself at home. We have arranged for you to stay in the lower level guest room so you don’t have to worry about the stairs right now.” Mikoto was like a second mother to him. After the death of his mother and then his father she took him in and made sure he was looked after. When he heard that he would be staying in the main house his mouth started to water at the thought of having Mikato-sans home cooking. This whole rehab thing may not be so bad, even if he had to share a roof with two of the prissiest members of his clan, Sasuke and Fugaku. 
Sasuke was 20 years old and consistently acted like he had a stick shoved somewhere unpleasant. He and his team had made jounin at 17. He had his eyes set on ANBU, always trying to follow in his older brother’s footsteps. Shisui remembered when Sasuke got his team assigned to him; he moped for weeks. Naruto was an idiot and Sakura was a useless cry baby with a crush on him -- Sasuke’s words. It was shortly after the first failed chunin exams that Sasuke stopped complaining about his teammates. Part of that may be due to his female teammate punching him in the face and breaking his nose after he insulted her and Naruto, citing them as the reason he wasn’t going to be a chunin. Over the years team 7 grew closer, each of the members growing in more ways than anyone imagined. Naruto and Sakura were frequently seen over the years in the main house, Mikoto taking them under her wing as well. 
Shisui ventured into his temporary room. He was going to have to get used to having so many people in a house with him. At 28 years old it had been over 13 years since he had someone live in the same house as him. 
“Mikoto-san do you need help with anything?” That voice made him stop in his tracks. His heart was pounding. 
“Sakura dear how many times do I have to tell you that guests don’t help.” Shisui had heard the rumors that Mikoto wanted the petal haired woman as a daughter inlaw, but it was likely a far off dream. 
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind helping.” It sounded like she had lost the battle when he heard her soft footsteps and felt her chakra going into the library. A force possessed him as he moved into the library. There she was sitting crossed leg with a book in her hand. 
“Shisui-san how are you feeling?” She didn’t even look up from her book, reminding him of a certain sensei. 
“Better. It's nice being out of the hospital and having real food.” Sakura hummed  in agreement with him. He went to grab a book to pretend to read. He sat down taking in the calming effects of her presence, but it didn’t last long. 
“Teme I’m telling you we need to do something, he’s not good enough.” Just like that her booked snapped shut and she was up. 
“Naruto! Sasuke! You two better not be thinking of interfering with another date that I have.” There was a feeling in his chest he didn’t like. While he didn’t know much about the 20 year old in front of him he had to agree with the blond idiot. 
“Hehe Sakura-chan I didn’t know you were here yet.”  Shisui tuned out the conversation and went to dive into the book he picked up. He had no business getting into whatever team drama was happening. 
It seemed that no matter where he went Shisui got a glimpse of pink in his periphery. This time he had decided to go to a new tea shop with Itachi. There she was sitting at a table with a male that he knew from ANBU. 
The guy had sandy blond hair, brown eyes, and a slight tan to his skin. There was that feeling again. Sakura had an adorable blush covering her cheeks. Her laugh cut through all of the conversations. He wanted to be the one to make her laugh like that. He couldn’t explain why he wanted to rip the guy’s arms off when he went to grab her hands. 
Shisui didn’t know when it happened, but he caught himself multiple times following Sakura. It was becoming his favorite pastime. He would watch her in the market taking delicate care of picking out her food. When he ventured to the hospital for a “check up” he would see her interacting with the staff, her patients, and the children. He liked watching her with the children most.  At times he caught glimpses of the sandy ANBU with her. Rage at times would overcome him when he saw them together. The guy was either holding her hand or had his arm draped around her shoulders as they walked.  
It was one night at dinner that he felt ice fill his veins. Team 7 would be going to Suna, where Sakura would be staying for at least a year to help set up a new training program. 
Sakura looked around her childhood home. Her parents passed when the village was attacked during the chunin exams that went so wrong. She felt like everything around her was suffocating her. Aito was sweet, but no matter how much she tried everything felt off with him. Sakura went to rub the back of her neck, knowing the reason why. 
The stupid mark was the reason for so much in her life. Sakura had not been born in Konoha, she had moved to the village before she could hold her head up. She was born with a smudged mark at the base of her skull. The people who she shared her DNA with had no desire to have a child cursed with a life of insanity, because that’s what was thought of those who had a mark signifying they had a soulmate out in the world. That led her to being adopted by the Haruno’s, a couple who could not have children of their own and wanting to share their love with a child. They were two of the kindest people she had known. 
It was when she was 5 years old her mother sat her down and told her about her mark. Sakura had wanted to chop her hair into a pixie cut, a hairstyle that would reveal the back of her neck. Her parents had come to accept what fate had dealt Sakura at an early age. They were a couple who fate was not kind to, they were subpar shinobi never able to become the elite. Her mother had been injured on a simple mission that left her unable to bare children of her own. 
At the tender age of 5 Sakura didn’t comprehend what the mark meant. Her mother had sat her down telling her there was another person who would be her other half. Sakura romanticized  this for years. However, when she got older her mother explained more to her. Marks signifying a soulmate were rare. Many of those who had the marks never found the other half, the ones who searched fell into insanity. Sakura found herself full of dread, realizing what that meant for her. She would likely never find her other half, the world was too big, and if she looked for them her mind would slowly slip into insanity. 
Her mother cupped her face, tears in her eyes. “This life is full of people being dealt with things outside of their control. You my dear are a beautiful, strong, and smart girl. Do not let this define you. Don’t waste your life thinking of what could be. Live your life for yourself. Only you can make yourself happy and don’t need another person to complete you.” Sakura decided she would not succumb to the insanity. She was going to make her own path. 
When Sakura entered the academy she took her mother’s advice and developed a crush on her classmate Sasuke, like all the other girls. It was a crush that cost her a precious friendship.  Her heart soared when they were placed in the same team. After their first real mission, she realized she was behind her teammates.Her chakra control was better than theirs, but her other skills were lacking. This was enforced more after their first chunin exams. It was also when she realized her crush on Sasuke was not worth it and when she realized she didn’t care romantically for Sasuke. Sitting there watching her teammates defend her and once they were injured she couldn’t do anything. Sakura found herself in the library studying medical ninjutsu. When Naruto brought lady Tsunade into the village, Sakura knew what she had to do.
Sakura found herself being the Sanin’s apprentice. It was during a training session she had felt the pain in her head. She was gasping for air, like the fish below her. The pain was unbearable. Her Shishou rushed to her side, she had to pry Sakura’s hand away from her neck. Her mark was turning red. “ You have a mark, you poor girl.” 
Sakura’s hand clenched into a fist, her tears falling down her face. “What’s happening? Why does it hurt so much?” 
Her shishou rubbed soothing circles on her back. “ Your soulmate is dying. I don’t know how long this will last.” After what felt like an eternity the pain was gone.
 Sakura asked the question she feared the answer to. “ Is it... gone?”  She felt Tsunade brush her hair to the side. 
“No, it appears your soulmate is still alive.” 
“Is it bad I wished it was gone?” Her voice was a whisper. Sakura had to pause for a moment. “ I found out about it at 5 and thought it was romantic, then my mother told me the stories. It once brought me comfort knowing there is someone out there who would accept me for who I am, faults and all. I thought of looking for them, but the words my mother told me stuck in my head. I refuse to feel like I’m incomplete. I live for myself. I have the power to choose who I decide to love and wont let some mark dictate how I feel. My parents choose to love me …” 
In a rare show of affection Tsunade hugged her. “Your mother was a wise woman.” 
It was then Sakura discovered a way to weaken the mark. It stayed imprinted on her skin, but she would never be a victim to its pull ever again, or so she thought. 
No matter how hard Sakura worked something always felt off. Over the last 8 years team 7 has grown into a family. Like her parents it was a family that chose her. She saw the hardships that civilians and shinobi faced as she went through the ranks. Her team didn’t know that over the last two years she would go on selective ANBU missions. It was then she decided to change the medical system. There needed to be a place for mental health in the village. Over the last year she had been working with Ino to build her dream. They were able to mend their friendship after the horror of the chunin exams, it was one of her most precious relationships. 
Sakura looked around her house, thinking of her mission. Gaara was interested in having part of the new program implemented in Suna, him having first hand experience with trauma. She would be in Suna for at least a year, which came as a refreshing thought. This house no longer felt like home. Ino was going to help her while she was away selling the house. Then there was  Aito, who she couldn’t bring herself even close to loving, she was going to break up with him before she left, it was only fair to him. She rubbed the back of her neck again, blaming the mark for another failed relationship. 
Sakura packed a few sealing scrolls with what she would need. Everything else would be sold with the house. She took one last look around before stepping out the door, with the door closing it marked a new door opening in her life. 
Sakura watched as her boys left. Their silhouettes gradually shrinking until they were but a memory. They had arrived in Suna 1 month ago. Sakura was placed in a small apartment near the hospital, it was smaller than her parents house, but it was hers. There were no old memories lingering in the air, instead there was hope for the new. Part of her heart ached. It was a feeling that intensified the more out of Konoha she went. She was able to push it down and place it in a box. It was time to get to work. 
It had been 6 months since Shisui was cleared for duty and 9 months since his stay in the hospital. He was ready to get out of the village. This morning he woke up Itachi for a spar, his muscles enjoyed the strain of the spar. “Lets get some breakfast, my treat Weasel-chan.” Shisui laughed as Itachi glared at him. Itachi may have the reputation as a powerful feared shinobi, but he would always be the same dango loving little boy from their childhood. It was hard to believe his cousin would be proposing to his girlfriend soon. 
“Fine, but you are paying.” Just like that they were off. While Shisui loved his aunt’s cooking, he almost (keyword almost) got tired of it. The shop was not busy yet making it easy for them to find a table. This was the same shop that he saw Sakura and Aito at almost a year ago it seemed. There was no melodic laugh from her this time. When the waitress came to take their order, he found himself basking in her attention.
 Part of him hated his playboy persona he was known by. He rubbed the back of his neck remembering his mark. It was hard going out with the different women of the village, no matter how beautiful they were something was always missing. Shisui also knew that the elders were planning on an arranged marriage for him if he didn’t find someone soon. This wasn’t the life he wanted. He would sacrifice his life for his clan and village, but he wanted to find that special person. He didn’t know what came over him with the obsession of Sakura Haruno following his stay in the hospital. Shisui boiled it down to that smirk on her face and how she didn’t seem to back down. 
Itachi and Shisui settled into an easy conversation. Itachi was worried about how to propose to Izumi. His cousin was an idiot to think the girl wanted something elaborate, Itachi could dress like a hobo with all his teeth falling out and she would say yes. 
Just as they were finishing their tea that a messenger found him, they were needed at the Hokage tower. Shisui bid farewell to the pretty waitress and left with his cousin. 
Lady Tsunade was standing looking out the window of her office when they entered. Genma was also there, the third member of their team. “Finally!” Tsunade turned around and gave them all a hard look. “ I have a very important mission for you three. As you are aware, one of our shinobi is currently in Suna on a diplomatic mission. She is helping them to establish a similar institute that caters to the mental health of the shinobi.  It came to my attention last night that they are in possession of an important and highly coveted item. I am entrusting you three to bring it back to Konoha. You leave this afternoon. Now go!” 
The three men looked at each other confused, but set off nonetheless. “ We will meet at the gates in 4 hours. It should take 2 days if we push to get there. The Hokage didn’t say what the item was, but it must be of importance for her to send us.”  
Sakura wanted to sigh. She thought the council members  of Konoha were old fuddy duddies, but these old geezers took the cake. Every time she proposed a new addition or change to the plan for the mental health wing of  the hospital, they would push back. She could not strangle the council, she could not strangle the council, she could not...maybe Gaara would cover for her...no she wouldn’t. 
It had already been eight months since she came to Suna. Gaara and his siblings allowed for an easy transition. Temari was like a more scary version of Ino, but they easily bonded. Gaara was aloof, but had gotten better since his younger days. Kankuro constantly  kept saying he wanted to repay her for saving his life a few years ago, which always brought a blush to her face. Temari would tease her when she noticed. While Sakura had come to enjoy Suna, she wasn’t sure if she could see herself living there for the rest of her life, but enjoyed it nonetheless. Her heart still yearned for her home. 
“I hear there is a team from Konoha coming within the next couple of days. Do you know anything about this lord Kazakage?” 
Gaara, who was doodling in his journal, suddenly popped his head up. “ We found an import that Lady Tsunade has been looking for over the last couple of years, she must have sent a genin team to retrieve it.” Sakura had to roll her eyes at her shishou’s behavior. Could she not wait 6 more months? 
“I think we are done here. Sakura I will approve your new reports for the expansions.” Gaara all but ran out of the meeting. 
Kankuro stayed behind and helped her pack up her stuff. “You really don’t have to stay here, go home.” 
“Lets get dinner together...as friends of course.” Kankuro had puppy dog eyes that she couldn’t say no to. 
“Fine, as friends. Can we go to that bakery after?” 
They had found a simple barbeque restaurant that was busy due to the night rush. Once both of their stomachs were full, but Sakura still had room for dessert, they ventured down the streets of the village. The nights were Sakura’s type of weather, during the day the heat was stifling, but nights were her favorite. She could lay outside and gaze at the stars forever. 
Sakura soon felt three familiar chakra signatures walking down the streets. “Itachi-san, Shisui-san...Shiranui. What are you three doing here?” Genma faked a hurt look when she said his name. 
“Oh come on blossom, why do you have to say my name like that..” Genma had moved to place his arm around her. 
“You know why. Now remove your arm before I shatter every bone in it.” Quickly Genma moved away from her. 
“Sakura-san we are here on a mission for the Godaime.” Sakura had to groan. “Please tell me she didn’t send you three for the sake! I told her I would bring it back when I return, when they mentioned a team coming in the council meeting I thought it was going to be a genin team.” Her shishou really had a problem. 
Shisui looked at Sakura, no matter where she was her coloring made her stand out from the forests of Konoha to the deserts of Suna. He didn’t realize that the Kazakage’s brother and her were so close. Then there was Genma, who was a bonafide man whore. However, his cousin’s irritation was the most hilarious thing going on. He could sense the annoyance radiating off him. 
“We came here to bring the Hokage sake.” Itachi’s face was blank. They had traveled at their fastest speed to get to Suna for sake! 
“Oh Itachi-san why don’t you guys join us as we head to the local bakery. I will even buy you the first round of dango. Of course in return I want to hear more details about a certain event you are planning. Don’t look at me like that. You told Sasuke who told Naruto who wrote it in one of his letters. God knows your brother and Naruto have no ability to communicate even in writing.” 
Shisui could tell his cousin perked up at the mention of dango. As he walked into the bakery his mouth watered, their last meal was more than 20 hours ago. It was at that time he decided he would consume his weight in baked goods. After getting his dango Itachi left with Kankuro to get their rooms for the next couple of nights. Genma not wanting to be left with Sakura went with them, leaving just Shisui and Sakura. 
“I just realized you guys probably didn’t have much to eat on your way here. Do you want me to show you a takeout place to get something other than sugar?” Sakura couldn’t help but smile as she watched him down another piece of pie. She hadn’t spent much time with the man, but knew he was a genius that rivield Itachi. She also knew he didn't stay with one girl long, again Sakura found herself pushing down an unknown feeling. 
Shisui swallowed the bite of key lime pie. “But I have already had dessert?” Did the premise of protein appeal to him? Yes it did, but he just stuffed his face with sweets. 
“Oh come on. Have you never heard of dessert before dinner? Life is too short to save the best part for last.” Sakura was taking bites of her red velvet cake. Before Shisui knew it she was pulling him up and taking him to get more food. The warmth of her hand in his felt so right. His heart started to flutter. 
“How has your time been here?” He had to get his mind off of these feelings. Just an hour ago he felt himself becoming a horrible monster seeing Sakura and Kankuro together, thinking of them as a couple. 
“It's been busy. The council keeps giving me push back on some of the changes, but Gaara and his siblings have been very supportive.”Jealousy filled him. 
“Suna has been amazing, but it's so great seeing you guys here. I must say I do miss home, you being here is like you brought a piece of Konoha with you. Sorry that you came for a genin level mission.” Sakura was staring at him and he had to control himself from touching her face. Shisui had to agree with the mission being ridiculous. He placed his hands in his pockets, so he wouldn’t grab her. It was then he felt the wrappers on the tips of his fingertips. 
“It may not be a big thing, but here. I swiped these when I was last visiting Aunt Mikoto, you should have them.” Sakura looked at the candy in his hand like it was the most precious treasure. “Are those candies from the shop just outside the Uchiha district? Are you sure?” 
“It’s a small piece from home. Take them. I can get more.” It seemed like a handful of candy was all it took to become close to Sakura. He wanted to activate his Shanigan to remember her smile for the rest of his life. 
“Thank you Shisui-san. This means so much to me. My father always seemed to know when I had a bad day at the academy and would have these waiting for me when I got home.” She looked like she was about to cry and this time he didn’t stop his hand going to her face. As the clear crystals started to pool in her eyes he wiped them away. “My mother always seemed to have a stash of these as well when I was having a bad day.” 
Their moment was interrupted by Genma and Itachi. Shisui and Sakura broke apart before the two came into view. Sakura bid them goodnight. Both of them would have the most peaceful sleep in years that night. 
Sakura didn’t know how she felt as she escorted Itachi, Shisui, and Genma to the gates. Well she knew she would be happy to see Genma go, but the other two she would miss. Itachi had finally settled on a method to propose and would likely be popping the question shortly after he gets back to Konoha. Shisui was a great ally in getting itachi to see reason. 
“I better get an invitation to the wedding, or else.” Sakura whispered to Itachi prior to him leaving with the team. She couldn’t help but give the socially inept genius a hug. She knew she was the only one outside of his mother and Izumi who could get away with it. Izumi and Sakura had become friends when Izumi decided to learn medical ninjustu, they bonded over their long shifts. The letters she had received from the beautiful Uchiha made her jealous at times, her heart aching for what the two had. 
Shisui had to push down that monster again as he saw Sakura and his cousin hug. Itachi looked as stiff as a tree. “Be safe you three and don’t break a single bottle or Shisou will have your head.” The last image he would have of Sakura before departing would be of her dazzling smile and waving goodbye. 
5 months later….
Shisui couldn’t believe his cousin was getting married today. Itachi had stayed the night with him pretending it was part of the bachelor party, but in reality it was so he could freak out without anyone seeing. Shisui never thought he would see his cousin so flustered. He was almost happy he has never felt this way for another person. However, Shisui knew he would give anything to experience all of this. 
They were sitting on Shisui’s back porch drinking sake and eating dango. “This will happen for you one day, just have faith.” Shisui snorted. “When did you become a romantic?” 
“Don’t think I haven’t realized what all the missions you have taken over the years to other villages is for or why you go through so many women. You date them yes, but once you realize they aren’t it everything ends. I know you have cared for some of them, could almost picture a life of ease married to them, but at the end of the day you feel...incomplete. She’s out there waiting for you.” Shisui was flabbergasted by his cousin. He was starting to think he was not meant to be happy. He thought that way 7 years ago and nearly ended his life, it was Izumi who patched him up, no one knew besides her and Itachi. It was then that she went to the hospital to learn to heal. 
Pink crossed his mind. He didn’t understand the pull to Sakura Haruno. Was she beautiful? Yes. Could she keep up with him in an intelligent conversation? Yes . Was he absolutely terrified of her? Yes. None of it made sense.
 Shisui downed his glass. “Let’s get you off to bed. Don’t want you looking so ugly that Izumi runs crying tomorrow.” 
Maybe he’d ask her to dance, just maybe. 
“Forehead do not ruin my masterpiece! I have spent hours on your hair and makeup.” Ino had ripped a warm sticky bun out of Sakura’s hand. “Pig I’m hungry. I didn’t get home from my shift at the hospital till 6am and then you wake me at noon to get ready for this wedding, without providing food. That ‘s just cruel. It was a 48 hour shift.” Sakura tried to extract her delicious confection out of Ino’s hand, but the blond had deposited into the garbage. Sakura wept on the inside. 
“There will be plenty of food at the reception. I’m sure the Uchiha clan is going all out on the future head getting married.” Ino was wearing a simple dark purple full length silk gown that had a narrow dip in the front revealing just a wisp of skin down to her navel.
Sakura decided to give herself one more once over. She decided on a forest green long sleeved scoop neck dress that was full length, like Ino’s dress. It was slightly form fitting and flaring out gradually. The back was a show stopper. The dress was mostly backless, her modesty was preserved with delicate black lace that showed just the right amount of her skin. Ino had done her hair in a fancy braid. She wanted to wear it up, but didn’t want to risk her mark being seen. 
“Alright the boys should be here soon.” Ino went to grab her clutch. “What boys?” Sakura hoped she meant Shikamaru and Choji. 
“Did I forget to mention that I arranged dates for the two of us. I couldn’t take waiting for Sai to make the first move, so I asked him to be my date. Then there is that cute chunin who works in the hospital. You know the one I’m talking about, he’s tall, brown hair, baby blue eyes, and those dimples when he smiles. Plus he has a crush on you.” Sakura wanted to bang her head against the wall. Shin was nice, but she wanted to enjoy the day and not worry about some guy. Before she could protest there was a knock on the door. 
“They’re here!” Sakura grabbed her purse, muttering to herself. 
The wedding ceremony was beyond words, there was not a dry eye in the house (even Sasuke and Fugaku looked teary eyed). Mikoto was glowing, but not enough to outshine the bride. Izumi was a vision, no one could take their eyes off of her. Sakura found her eyes lingering on Shisui in his black tux and red shirt. 
Sakura found herself holding Shin’s hand at one part during the ceremony, she blamed her emotions. They both deserved to be happy and what a beautiful picture they made. Shin apparently thought ahead and tissue at the ready for her. She couldn’t help but rest her head on his shoulder. 
Shisui found it hard to concentrate on the ceremony. Sakura looked breathtaking, but then he saw she was with some lower ranking chunin. He almost left his position at Itachi’s side when she rested her head on the guy's shoulder. He couldn’t understand where it was all coming from. Soon Itachi and Izumi were kissing and walking down the aisle together. Shisui was looking forward to as much liquor as he could drink. 
The party was in full swing and Sakura finally got food in her stomach. The dance floor was crowded after Itachi and Izumi had their first dance. Sakura found herself being pulled onto the dance floor by Shin. She soon found herself laughing as he twirled her around, she couldn’t remember the last time she felt this free. The tempo of the music changed to a slower song and soon found herself in Shin’s arms. They swayed back and forth. As she looked into his eyes everything felt off. That suffocating feeling returned to her. 
“I’m feeling a little light headed. I think I need some air, excuse me.” Sakura had to get out of here. “Do you want me to come with?” Shin was ever the gentleman. “No, please stay and enjoy the party.” 
Sakura made her way out into the gardens. The night sky was so clear she could see all the stars, they glistened in the sky like jewels. Mikoto also made sure the gardens were in top shape and found it to be her favorite place on the Uchiha lands. In her haste to get out of that room she realized her hair was a mess. Sakura didn’t think as she undid the rest of the braid and placed it in a bun.  She could feel her head start to clear, then realized she wasn’t alone. 
She looked around the garden and noticed Shisui laying on a bench, sake bottle in hand. “Shisui what are you doing out here?” Shisui looked at her and then got up to leave. 
“Where are you going? Are you alright?” Sakura had never seen him like this. She had gotten back to the village a month ago and found herself bumping into him more frequently. At times they would sneak away to one of the small shops and have tea together, those moments were turning into her favorite memories. When she was around him things just seemed simpler. She had come to enjoy his laugh and humor, this was not him. 
“Am I alright? No I’m not. I haven't been alright since i was 7 years old, ever since then I have tried again and again, but find myself failing. My best friend is married to the love of his life and what am I thinking about? I’m thinking about every time I see you with someone else, I break a little inside. This doesn’t make sense.” Shisui couldn’t take it anymore. All he wanted to do was go to her and push her and her date apart. He wanted to hold her in his arms, he wanted to be the one to twirl her around. Right now he wanted to kiss her senseless. None of this made sense. She was his little cousin's teammate, she should be no one to him, yet here he was. 
Sakura couldn’t breath as she stared into his eyes. “I…” Sakura turned away from Shisui and ran. It was as she turned that Shisui saw the mark. He froze, only to regain his mental facilities after she dashed off. His feet came unglued and he followed. 
“Sakura wait. Come back!” Sakura didn't know what she was doing, All she knew was Shisui was right. She couldn’t explain why her heart broke when she would see him with the different women around the village. It never made sense why she would feel so pulled to him. Sakura was so focused on her thoughts she didn’t see the tree root and started to fall. She never hit the ground. 
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her and soon she was pulled into a muscular chest. He smelled like the earth and rain, she wanted to be consumed by that smell. 
“Wait...please don't run.” His voice was weak, it sounded like he was about to crack. Shisui held her tight, she was finally in his arms. Her head came to his collar bones, the perfect height so he could rest his head on hers. Mint and vanilla filled his senses, soothing him. 
“Do you know how long I have waited for you? Searched for you?” She tried to pull out of his hold, but he wouldn’t let her. “Shisui … I don’t understand.” Sakura found his hand cupping the back of her head, tracing the mark she despised so much. 
“I saw it just now. You never wear your hair up, so others wont see it.” Sakura looked up at him, but he wouldn’t let her speak. “My mark appeared when I was 7 years old. I started to give up hope of ever finding the person who I shared the mark with. You were always right there, so close, but I never found you.”  
If it wasn’t for holding onto Sakura like a lifeline Shisui was sure he would have crumbled to the ground. He was worried that she hadn’t spoken yet. His worries melted away when he felt her bone crushing hug. 
“I was born with mine. My parents...my biological parents didn’t want me because of it. I didn’t know about it till I was 5. I was filled with so much hope that there was someone out there who would love me, flaws and all.” Sakura had to pause, she could feel the tears. “It was when I got older my mother sat me down and told me fate would likely be cruel… I would likely never find the one with a matching mark. I tried so hard to find happiness in what I had, the dates always felt so wrong.” They were looking into each other’s eyes. 
“It never understood why it hurt so badly when I would see you flirt with all those women, even before we got to know each other over the last year. Then when the waitresses at the tea shops would bat their eyelashes at you and bend over extra low for you...the thoughts that I had.” 
They didn’t speak again, well Sakura tried, but found herself distracted. Shisui couldn’t wait any longer and sealed his lips to hers. His soul felt complete for the first time in his life. It was like the heavens opened up and trumpets sounded. 
“Let’s get back to the party.” Just like that Shisui led Sakura back to the reception. He would not let go of her hand the whole way. Itachi and Izumi gave each other knowing looks as the couple swayed together on the dance floor, no one else mattered to them. 
It was then that the two souls found each other. They will never be incomplete again. There were going to be challenges in the life ahead and lifes after this, but they would always have each other. Each a strong force on its own, but together they would be unstoppable. 
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tintinwrites · 5 years ago
what kind of fool am i | Poe Dameron x Reader | Part Two
A/N: NOW YOU CAN ALL LEAVE ME ALONE. Nah I’m kidding I loved the response to this story but I am glad I kept you guys waiting to allow myself to write something I kind of like.
Rating: T
Warning: Naughty words. Mentions of sexual assault. Hints of PTSD. Lots of general dark emotions here, friends.
Word count: 2,888, apparently!!
Summary: You and Poe are safe now, but perhaps not okay. You won’t even talk to each other until Finn decides to step in.
Part One
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GIF credit: I have no idea, but it isn’t mine.
Tags: @the-omni-princess​ @depresseddarth66​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​ @lcandothisallday​
Poe tore a muscle in his right shoulder and broke two of his ribs on that side, but he didn't notice it at all.
He watched you on the bed next to him in the med bay, watched you cling to Finn's side as a med droid tried its hardest to analyze your injuries.
You needed to be heavily sedated and he hated himself for it.
It wasn't only the initials on your hip or the injuries to your face that turned you into a terrified mess; it was what he almost let them do to you that broke you.
Everyone was curious to know what you two had witnessed, asking mostly Poe what happened to you, and Leia snapped at them to leave you both alone.
But there was going to be a debriefing.
Poe knew that he would need to tell everything that happened.
He woke the next morning with pain searing in his shoulder and he didn't think he had the right to be taking medicine when you were scarred — physically and also mentally — but Leia ordered for him to come for the debriefing.
It wasn't possible for him to think let alone talk with his muscle burning.
There was a container of pain-relieving capsules on the end table in his quarters and he spilled half of them in his desperate attempts to open it, muttering kriff and downing two of them.
The pain dulled some and he didn't even dare take off the sling on his arm to change clothes, walking to the command center in the shirt he'd fitfully slept in.
His eyes scanned the room for you, but you were nowhere to be seen.
Finn was there, though. And Rey.
He didn't want to say all this in front of Rey, considering her to still be innocent in some aspects that didn't involve the war.
He considered Finn innocent as well, but he knew enough.
The gentle conversations in the command center hushed the moment he stepped into the room, everyone staring at him in ways he hated.
Rey's gaze was soft, like she could cry at any moment.
Finn's knowing, which was why he was not the first of people Poe was hesitant to debrief in front of.
Leia looked to be rather calm, but her eyes held the pity of a mother in them.
And then Jess— fucking Jess who'd punch his injuries and tell him to walk it off was looking at him with pity.
He wanted to walk the hell out, but he was more courageous than this.
His eyes landed on a toggle switch on one of the consoles as Leia began the meeting, only paying attention when she gently asked him to tell her everything.
In what galaxy was he ever courageous? He was an idiot. That's why he was able to fly any ship, and fight, and sass his enemies, and show off. He was never brave.
"We were laying low on the planet and everything was fine," Did his voice sound as flat to them as it did to him? "Me and Y/N were eating dinner when we noticed some commotion in the village...this group of guys were rounding everyone up and threatening to kill them if they didn't tell them where we were. Their leader saw Y/N and I revealed myself to save her, but...but the guy knew..."
He needed to pause, staring hard at that little toggle switch instead of daring to see the expressions of his friends.
"These really huge guys took me into a house they'd set up camp in and tied me up, and then Ric...the lead guy...he brought Y/N in. He grabbed her face real tight, and, um...he asked her name...said we'd have fun..." His brow was furrowed in his attempts not to tear up.
"He punched me when I said it'd be fun to bash his face, and then he...he knew I was trying to protect her and he cut open her shirt with this dagger. He slapped her when she tried to talk and told her she couldn't speak unless she was spoken to, like she was some— a fucking thing for him to play with or something. Then he started hurting her every time I said something he didn't like and he said...he told her that I want more than friendship with her and that she owed me, and he'd give me something fun to 'tighten my pants'. That's when he used the dagger to carve my—" His voice cracked then, the switch blurring in his vision as he wasn't really staring at it and tears entered his eyes.
“—my initials on one of her hips. And I’m an idiot and I insulted him, and he hit her and she—she was knocked out for a second, but he woke her up to...he asked if I wanted to kiss her and he was going to choke her if I didn’t answer him, and I did want to kiss her and he...he woke her up and he kissed her, then he kissed me.”
He chanced a glance at his friends to discover that tears were steadily streaming down Rey’s cheek, Finn’s gaze was entranced by a non-existent speck on his shoes, Leia’s lips were pulled into a frown, and Jess wouldn’t look at him. “He threatened to make her, uh...pleasure me.” He, a man who’d never really been shy when it came to conversations of a sexual nature, stumbled over the mere idea that you might’ve been forced to do that for him. “Then he asked if I wanted to have sex with her and I said no.”
He paused. Smiled bitterly. “I’ve always been a shit liar, you know? Because I did want to fuck her and he knew, and he and his buddy took her into another room to do it for me. That’s when Finn came.”
A weight lifted off his shoulders at his part of the debriefing being over, switching over to Finn.
The smallest weight there’d ever been; he would’ve sank to his knees were the weight he still carried physically on his shoulders.
“I stayed hidden when they took them and tried my best to get to them, but the rest of the men were...killing all the villagers. By the time I found them, one of the guys was on top of her in a bed and....I shot them both.”
“Thank you, Finn. Y/N will probably be waking up from her sedation soon and I’m sure you might be needed.”
You were sedated then. Too terrified and sedated.
Finn looked at Poe with sympathy, then turned to walk out of the room.
And Poe moved to walk out when everyone else was dismissed, but turned when Leia softly called his name.
He thought she might slap him when he moved to stand in front of her and all she did was look at him with a gentle gaze.
“Don’t blame yourself for what they did, Poe.”
“It is my fault.”
“Did you want them to force her to pleasure you?”
“Did you want them to hurt her?”
“Hell no.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“But you don’t understand.” His voice cracked again, the tears he kept at bay starting to fall from his eyes.
Leia tried to touch his good arm and he yanked away, finding himself unworthy of a caring touch.
“I didn’t stop them! They were doing it to her because of me! He kissed her because I wanted her and they were going to fuck her since I wanted to fuck her.” He emphasized the derogatory word as if it might convince the general that he was truly a depraved person.
“My initials are going to be scarred on her skin for the rest of her life and you know what? I don’t even fucking blame her if she hates me. Let her hate me.”
His breaths were quickening until Leia managed to put her hands on either side of his face, making him look down into her sympathetic eyes.
Part of him wanted to fall into her arms right there.
“I want you to calm down and get cleaned up, alright? You’re frightened and you’re very tired.”
“I— okay.” He mumbled in defeat, if only at the idea that getting cleaned up sounded nice.
He went to the refresher in his quarters and turned the sanisteam on, caring very little that the water was even colder than usual since a warm steam was a comfort that you needed and not him.
Washing his body and hair was completely mechanical this time around as his thoughts were centered on everything else.
Those initials.
Every time he closed his eyes, he could see them etched into your skin.
He could hear your screaming and weeping.
And he could only imagine your tears as you were reminded any time you changed your clothes or washed yourself; the implication that you belonged to Poe Dameron.
He despised himself when his mind floated to what would happen if you had sex, if your partner asked what the letters meant and if you’d tell them.
Your entire life was ruined thanks to his desire for you being discovered.
The two of you and Finn were blacklisted from missions for the time being, and Poe was half-grateful and half-itching to get in his ship and do something other than walk around wondering about you.
You started appearing outside of Finn’s quarters — though still close to his side — a few days later and he wanted to go fly somewhere even more than before.
Leaving the room to keep you from seeing him and remembering all he’d done to you didn’t seem to be enough, and he wanted to be on another planet to save you the trauma of his very existence.
But he was grounded until further notice and all he could do was make his way carefully through the base to be sure you didn’t see each other.
He didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep one night without sneaking out to get food from the dining hall when he knew you wouldn’t be walking around until he jolted awake to a knock on his door.
Confused at first that he’d been sleeping, it took him a moment to realize that there really had been a knock on the door and he rolled onto his feet at the second one, blinking to clear his vision to press the button.
Finn was standing there, looking contemplative and then relieved when his eyes met Poe’s.
“What’s up?”
“Y/N asked for you.”
“Asked for me to do what? Crash into the worst planet nearby? Where the inhabitants will kill me if I don’t die from the impact?”
“Uh...she asked to talk to you?”
Poe shook his head at Finn’s dumbfounded look. “She doesn’t want to talk to me and she doesn’t want to see me. She’s probably talking in her sleep.”
And Finn shoved his hand between the doors to trigger the sensor when Poe tried to shut them in his face. “She asked for you!”
“I’m guessing Leia told you to do this?”
Poe let out a rather undignified yelp as Finn grabbed him by the collar and turned to push him against the wall.
“What the hell, Finn—”
“Look, Poe, I get it, okay? You witnessed some pretty intense shit and I understand that, and I have been doing my best to help Y/N through it, but you’re the only person here who actually understands what they did to her. Do you know what she said to me when she mentioned wanting to talk to you? Why I had to come over here to be the messenger for her?”
“She said you wouldn’t talk to her because you hate her now.”
The fear in Poe’s eyes at his often gentle friend’s outburst slowly faded into something far more painful at the information that you thought he hated you.
He didn’t want you to have to look into his eyes when he’d let everything happen to you, but he couldn’t let you walk around thinking that he hated you.
Finn released him when he muttered a soft and reluctant okay, brushing off his shirt and sling almost as if he was apologizing for losing his temper. “I didn’t hurt your shoulder, right?”
Poe shook his head and watched as Finn left the room to find you.
He sat on the foot of his bed, planning in his head exactly what he could say to you.
I’m sorry I let them carve my— no. I don’t hate you, I hate myself for nearly letting them assaul— no. I shouldn’t have let them touch— no. It’s my fault for being attracted to you like this, I didn’t want them to make you pleasure— no.
There were a lot of words and moments he didn’t want to hurt you with by mentioning them and upon crossing out all of those words and moments, he was left with quite a short and possibly ineffective speech: I’m sorry.
When the door opened and he lifted his head from where it was laying sullenly in his hands, anything either of you might have said died on your lips.
An awkward tension pulled taut between you upon seeing each other for the first time since you’d been out of your mind being checked by a med droid.
You walked to the bed like you wanted to leave instead and sat next to him, and he gripped onto the edges of the mattress to keep from moving away and hurting your feelings.
It was probably only a minute that passed by in tense silence, but Poe would’ve believed you if you told him it was a year.
“Why would I ever hate you?” He finally asked softly, almost too quiet for you to hear.
“—everything that you saw. The initials...the kiss...what they were going to do to me.”
“You mean what I let them do. If anybody should be hating somebody, you should hate me. I didn’t stop them.”
“You were tied up.”
Poe scoffed, looking away.
You tilted your head and furrowed your brow in concern for him, reaching out to touch his hand only to draw back at the last second. “I don’t hate you. I don’t blame you.”
“You should.”
“I already told you.”
“And I disagreed already.”
“That’s because you’re a good person.”
“No, Poe, it’s because you were there with me! You screamed for me! You pleaded for me. You offered to let yourself be hurt for me. They hurt you too...and you sat there and were forced to watch as they tried to do unspeakable things to me. I thought you would hate to be around me with all you’d seen.” You didn’t realize you were crying until you saw a tear fall from Poe’s eye yet wetness on your own face.
“I should’ve protected you.”
“You did your best. I saw you try. And...and Finn has been really sweet to me, but I need you. I have these dreams where they...kill you and…”
Now your hand did slide over his and his grip loosened on the mattress. “All I wanted to do was make sure you were okay, but you left the room whenever you saw me and I was terrified that you couldn’t bear to look at me anymore.”
He looked at you with his eyes teary and sparkling at once. “I could look at you for hours.”
It wasn’t intended to come out as flirtatious and you didn’t take it like that anyway, moving a little closer.
You hesitantly slipped your hand under his to intertwine your fingers.
“I didn’t want to come here. I was too scared you wouldn’t want to talk to me. But Finn...he told me how much he loved me and that he didn’t mind helping me, but that you and I needed each other to heal. And I...I’m not too sure about you, but I haven’t healed one bit. And I would like to try with you. Maybe we could try? Even though I think you should hate me and you blame yourself, we could learn to heal from that.”
“I’d be lying if I said it wouldn’t help to have you around when my thoughts are too much, someone who can understand what I mean when I need to talk about what hurts.”
“And it might be nice to wake up and find you’re perfectly fine.”
“Not perfectly. We’ll try.”
Even though you couldn’t believe Poe was squeezing your hand instead of refusing to touch you.
Even though Poe couldn’t believe you didn’t view him as a monster who didn’t protect you.
You needed each other.
Sulking alone was never going to heal you from what you’d been through together.
As Poe looked down at your trusting gaze, he almost kissed you; but he did not earn such a privilege from someone he failed, and images of the kiss he could still taste flashed through his mind.
But he pressed a light, uncertain kiss on the top of your head, and that was definitely a start.
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