#in my mind i think hes particular abt how he looks in his off time tho. like his hair seems ehm. coiffed? is that the word?
caracello · 2 years
WHAT I KNOW abt warm walter from his one conversation besides the fact that his name is fucking awesome is that he can offer therapy and his go to petname (while working) is 'honey'. which doesnt realy help me in terms of his actual personality but literally i will take WHATEVER scraps i can get. im pretty deadset on his personality being different bc hes essentially marketing himself as like a Perfect Big Spoon and while He Is a good part of the nonphysical stuff is probably something he workshopped to appeal to the most people. the fact abt his go to petname also doesnt help at all in terms of figuring out personality but it does help Me , in Being Gay
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mooooonnnzz · 2 years
what love will do to you // neteyam gn!x reader
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the stages of getting to know neteyam n falling in love 💚
you and neteyam being awkward teenagers in love
tuk being tuk and gushing abt reader and neteyam
overall very fluffy n cute maybe cringe?? depends on whos reading tbh 
3k words
rushed ending my bad 
READER ALSO HAS CURLY HAIR length is not specfied i think 
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🐚 Your first encounter with the boy was when you noticed your people surrounding a certain area on the reef’s shore. Pushing past them, you stood beside your sister Tsireya, who was busy staring at someone in particular. Curious, you followed her gaze. A small gasp left you, realizing why everyone gathered here. Na’vi from the Omatikaya Clan were standing right in front of you, all huddled up together. You’ve heard of them from your father but you would have never thought you would see multiple of them standing right before you. The first thing you noticed from them was their skin, their skin complexion was much darker than yours. Your attention was brought to their swaying tails. They looked completely different from your tail. They were shorter and thinner and they certainly don’t look like they can be used for swimming. Your gaze was captured by one of the brothers, he seemed to be the eldest brother with how he carried himself with confidence. Chest puffed out and eyes narrowly scanning the crowd, looking for any danger that could be hiding among the crowd. Those very same eyes that were once surveying the area for danger softened upon seeing you. His pupils dilated and his lips slightly parted, his tail slowly swished behind him. He looked like he was put under a trance. Embarrassed and a bit shy from the sudden attention from the boy, you looked down to your feet timidly and began to play with the sand. Blocking out the back and forth conversation of your dad with Jake Sully. 
🐚 You haven’t seen the boy at all since his arrival and to say you weren’t a little sad was a lie. He caught your eye the moment you saw him and the energy he radiated was alluring. Sitting on the shore, you mindlessly drew on the wet sand as your mind raced with thousands of thoughts. You failed to notice that the boy you were daydreaming about was making his way towards you, his tail nervously swaying behind him as he approached you. “Hello?” He stood beside you, tilting his head a bit when you didn’t respond. He called you out again, only this time, your name slipped past his lips. You broke out of the haze you were in and looked for the unfamiliar person who called out your name. You noticed a pair of darker blue feet stationed right next to you, wandering your eyes up their legs, your eyes were reunited with the familiar yellow ones. The edge of his eyes crinkled up as he smiled, he caught your attention. You smiled back awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. “I was told by your sister that you would be here.” He said, sitting down on the sand with you. “Did she also tell you my name?” You ask, fingers nervously fiddling with the necklace that hung around your neck. He nodded and it was silent for a moment. You were internally battling with yourself if this was a comforting silence or an awkward silence, but you knew that this was awkward, real awkward. “Sorry for looking at you weirdly earlier.” He spoke up, startling you. “You don’t need to apologize. I was looking at you as well.” You admit, hands going back to thoughtlessly drawing on the sand. “In a bad way or good way?” His question caught you off-guard but you couldn’t help but smile over him worrying over something like that. “Good way. The moment I saw you,  I felt confidence and authority bleed out from you. That caught my attention.” You tell him, looking over to him to gauge at his reaction. He was stupidly smiling to himself and his eyes looked soft. A comfortable silence fell and you and him enjoyed each other's presence. The moment was cut short when you heard your sister call out to you, before you left you and him properly introduced yourself. You learned that the boy's name was Neteyam. 
🐚 The third time you saw him was when you were with your sister, Tsireya. You and her both were teaching the Sully family the way of the sea. Tsireya was focused on Neteyam’s younger brother, Lo’ak and you were focused on Neteyam. While you were explaining one of the breathing exercises, Neteyam never stopped looking at you. His attention was glued onto you and nothing that happened around him caught his attention like how you caught his. You knew that he was staring at you, looking at you with that same look he had when he first saw you. You felt a bit shy under his gaze, he looked at you with so much curiosity and adoration you didn’t know what to do with yourself. And so came the time for Neteyam to do the breathing exercises himself, you were worried that he was going to fail miserably with how little he was paying attention to your words. But surprisingly enough, he knew how long he needed to suck in air and how slowly he needed to exhale. Although, he was struggling to hold his breath. Scooting a little closer to him, you placed your palm on his stomach. “You need to breathe in from your stomach.” You instructed him. Shakily, he followed what you told him. A little shaky and nervous, but perfect enough to satisfy you. You smiled at him. “You did really well,” You said, removing your hand from his stomach. “Was worried at first, you weren’t paying attention with how much you were staring at me.” You laughed at his bewildered expression. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” He said, his eyes looking down to his lap. “It’s fine. I really didn’t mind. Honest.” You put your hand on his knee to reassure him. He looked at your hand then your face, his ears flickered softly and he smiled at you. 
🐚  The fourth time you saw him was when you and him were underwater. You were showing him everything the reef had to offer. Seeing his eyes blown wide in amazement made you laugh every time. He would get so blown away by the simplest things, it was cute. While swimming he found a sea urchin, he enthusiastically motioned to come closer. You didn’t know what it was until you were by his side, eyes looking at the spiked ball. And before you could pull his curious hands away from the spiky sea urchin, he’s already grabbing it. The urchin pricked his whole finger. He gasped, forgetting that he was underwater and got a lung full of water. He kicked his legs up while swimming up, urchin still attached to his hand. You followed in suit.  Sprouting up from the ocean, he coughed up the water that had entered his lungs. He lifted his hand up from the water and almost screamed, the sea urchin had attached itself to his whole palm. He yelled out your name. “Get it off me!” He said while also trying to pull it off with his other hand. “No, no! Don’t touch it.” You laugh. His hand froze in midair, his stomach swarming with butterflies at the sound of your laugh. “S-So what do I do?” He was helpless, the pain on his palm evergrowing. “Stay there, let me get some palm leaves.” You swam to shore and grabbed a rather large palm leaf. Swimming back to him, you encased the sea urchin with the leaf. “I’m going to pull, okay? This might hurt.” You warn him. “How much?” He squeaked out. “Not too much, I’m hoping.” The loud ‘WHAT’ you received from Neteyam would always be funny to you. Without any warning you yanked out the sea urchin. Much to your surprise, the spikes didn’t break off. Now what was left on his palms were tiny holes. “How are you feeling?” You turned over to Neteyam. His eyes were locked shut and lips were tightly pressed together. “Neteyam?” You called out. One of his eyes pried open and when he noticed the sea urchin was off his palm, he visibly relaxed. “Oh, that wasn’t too bad.” He looked at his palms, cringing at the holes in his hands. That was when you got the idea to mess with him. To kind of mimic the feeling of the sea urchin attaching to his leg, you knocked his leg against one of the corals, lightly scraping his legs. “There’s another urchin on your leg!” You pointed at his leg underwater. “Wait, really?!” He yelled out, forgetting about his hand and looking down at his leg. Patting around there was nothing there. “There’s nothing there?” Your laugh graced his ears once more. He looked over to you and felt his heart warm at the sight. He couldn’t be mad at you when he heard his favorite thing in the world. Your laugh. 
🐚 The fifth time you saw him was when you were walking around the Marui pods, aimlessly walking around. A family could be heard talking loudly from one of the Marui Pods. You weren’t going to investigate until you heard a familiar voice. Neteyam’s voice. Peering in the pods, you saw that he and his family were eating breakfast, chattering and bickering as they ate. You saw how Lo’ak was teasing Neteyam over something. Neteyam ignored whatever Lo’ak was saying and attempted to eat his food peacefully. Lo’ak said something that caught his other siblings' attention, his two sisters who you’ve seen around the reef. The younger sister laughed loudly while the older quietly giggled, saying something to Neteyam that made him come to the point where he had enough. Wordlessly, he put his utensil down and stood up. His siblings called out to him but he ignored them and walked outside where you were at, shamelessly watching the whole ordeal happen. Not having enough time to dive into water and swim away, Neteyam noticed you. He said your name, shocked to see you at his pod. “What are you doing here?” He asked, scurrying you and him away from his siblings' prying eyes. “I was walking around when I heard your family.” You told him. You couldn’t even come up with a lie; it was like he prevented you from doing so. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that we were loud, I didn’t mean to disturb your walk.” He was so quick to take the blame, so quick to apologize for his family that it surprised you. Shaking your head, you said, “Don’t apologize. You and your family are very entertaining to watch.” Neteyam opened his mouth, ready to respond to you but was interrupted by his younger sister’s shrill of what you hoped to be excitement. “Neteyam is talking to them! Look at how close they are to each other!” She pointed at you and Neteyam. Quickly, you and him took multiple steps back away from each other. You didn’t even notice that the two of you were so close until Neteyam’s sister called you out. “Tuk, leave them alone!” Neteyam’s other sister came out of the pod to grab her little sister. Before she left, she gave you a short wave and went back inside. You could hear the family pick up on a conversation, all hushed and quiet. You knew they were talking about you and Neteyam and you couldn’t help but feel a little flustered over it. “I’m sorry about them.” He whispered, walking back to you. “Once again, don’t be sorry. I find it funny.” You whisper back, raising your head a little bit to fully see his face. “Neteyam, why don’t you invite them for dinner?” His younger brother teased from behind. “Lo’ak!” Neteyam was about to dive straight for his brother and yank at his hair but your voice stopped him. “I would love to accompany you and your family for dinner, that is. If you ask me too.” Such a bold thing for you to say but you couldn’t help it, really. Neteyam makes you feel so confident and sure of yourself while simultaneously making you incredibly nervous and second guessing yourself. Neteyam froze for a bit like he was doused with a bucket of ice cold water. But when he came to, he cleared his throat and asked you to join his family for dinner. You couldn’t say no and accepted his invitation. 
🐚 “How long are you going to be at the Sully’s?” Your mother, Ronal asked as she twirled one of your curls around her fingers. “Not long.” You replied briefly, putting on earrings that have blue miniature shells on them. Your mother fluffed up your hair, a drawled out sigh leaving her lips. “Do you really have to go over there?” She places her hands on your shoulders and looks at you through the reflection of the ocean. “Yes, mother.” You can see her disappointed face through the rippling water, the all known face of disapproval. You didn’t say anything afterwards, you knew all too well this would’ve started an argument between you and your mom. She wasn’t very fond of the Sully family, you knew that well enough not to bring them up in conversations much. But the moment you do, she acts like you have ripped her heart open and brought it to her on a silver platter. You breathed in and breathed out, ridding of any negative energy that consumed you. You were going to have fun tonight and not even your mom could ruin your mood. “You may go now. Do not stay for too long.” She decides to announce once again. “I won’t!” You said for what feels like the hundredth time. Standing up, you look at your reflection once more before skipping over to the pods. The large smile on your face never leaving. 
🐚 The first person to greet you was Neteyam’s younger brother, Lo’ak. You had talked to Lo’ak a few times before now. “You look amazing.” He complimented. “Your curls look nicer too.” He added. You smiled shyly, thanking him for the compliments. “Lo’ak!” The all too familiar yell of his name, who could have possibly yelled out his name? “Looks like he heard me.” He whispered. You rolled your eyes at his childish antics. Lo’ak was yanked back, he screeched about his tail and that was all you heard before Neteyam shoved him inside the pod. Neteyam checked out your face and hair, smiling softly at the stunning sight that was in front of him. “You look…amazing.” He breathlessly said. “I know. Lo’ak told me.” You felt his finger brush against your hand. “I heard.” His fingers interlaced with yours. “I just wanted you to hear it from me.” He squeezed your hand. Your breath was taken away. You bit your lip nervously, eyes looking down at your intertwined hands then back at Neteyam. His head slowly leaned in, his eyes looking at your lips for a split second before looking back at your gorgeous eyes. “They look like they’re about to kiss.” Tuk squealed, breaking the small moment between you and Neteyam. Neteyam huffed out, leaning away from you. “Why don’t we have you meet my mom and dad?” Neteyam led you inside the pod. Instantly, you were met with Jake. Neteyam’s father. “Thank you for having me over.” You said. Jake opened his mouth but abruptly closed it. You turn your head over to Neteyam, mouthing a quick: “What happened?” You look back at his father who was staring intensely at you and Neteyam’s hands. Neteyam let go of your hand quickly, ready to apologize for his behavior but his dad smiled, washing away any remnants of his pissy look. “I’m just messing with you two, go on, sit.”
🐚 Dinner with the Sully’s was more than you could possibly ever imagine. They were so full of energy, their endless bickering was hilarious and they weren’t shy to hide their love for each other. At some points you felt like you were a part of their family. His mom was such a sweetheart as well, she treated you as if you were her own. With your stomach full and cheeks sore from laughing and smiling so much, you decided that was enough for tonight. Bidding everyone a goodbye, you left the family’s pod. Although not alone, a certain older brother was trailing after you. Calling out your name, you turned around and your heart softened at the sight of Neteyam. “Leaving so soon?” He frowned, holding your hand once again, only this time he was holding both. “Yeah.” Your eyes jumped from his captivating eyes you ever so adored to his light pink lips. “Can’t you stay a little longer?” His voice was hushed. “I wish I could.” You couldn’t deny the fact that you and Neteyam's face were drawing near. “Should I really be kissing you when your family could walk right in on us?” Lips were brushing against each other, your breath mixing in with his. “I really don’t care.” His lips pressed against yours. Awkwardly, your lips melded together. You and him obviously have no kissing experience, but that made it all better. You were Neteyam’s first kiss while he was yours. A sense of pride washed over you. You were Neteyam’s first. Neteyam untangled his hands from yours and grabbed onto your waist, pulling you closer. You parted from the kiss, panting heavily. “Stay for a little longer?” He quietly begged, giving you a slight pout. You placed your palms against his chest, pushing him away playfully. The hold he has on your waist has kept you encased in him. “I can’t, Nete.” You affectionately rolled your eyes at his pouty expression. “Can I kiss you once more?” How could you ever say no to that? Faces centimeters apart, an excited yell was heard from behind Neteyam. “They’re kissing!” Tuk cried out, her smile bigger than ever. “They’re kissing!” She repeated. “What, really?!” Lo’ak was in disbelief as he practically flew outside to see if Tuk was lying or not. You and Neteyam were standing at a respectful distance, pretending to be interested in something else. “Aren’t the stars lovely tonight?” Neteyam pointed at the sparkling specs in the sky. “So beautiful.” You commented. “Who’s kissing?” Jake could be heard from within the pod, his head peaking out to check on you and Neteyam. “No one is kissing anyone, sir!” Neteyam quickly responded. “You better not!” He said, slowly inching back in the pod. “Guess you have to go now.” Neteyam sighed out. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” You asked. Neteyam nodded but before you left you kissed his cheek. “Bye, Neteyam!” You scurried off, stupidly smiling to yourself. “No way! Neteyam got a partner before me!” Lo’ak groaned, running his hand down his face. “You owe me!” Kiri exclaimed. “I know.” Lo’ak grumbled.
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hope i did neteyam justice and praying that i didn’t write him too ooc 💀 forgot to mention that i barely proofread anything so apologies if i made any mistakes its real late SIKE TWO DAYS LATER I REVISED AND EDITED SUM FEW PARTS NOW THERE WONT BE ANY ISSUES hopefully
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 10 months
maybe one where there’s angst where Y/n is really close with Rebecca and the team so she spends lots of time at the club and Rebecca is trying really hard to Show y/n that she loves her but y/n is completely oblivious, Rebecca spills to Keeley how much she loves y/n and Keeley tells y/n abt and surprises Rebecca or something.
you can alter things so it makes sense! ☺️
Make Your Wish Come True
Rebecca Welton x Fem!reader
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(not my gif)
WARNING: MINORS DNI, cliffhanger ending?
❝ She’s showed me what love was supposed to be. I find my heart so full of her I can hardly call it my own❞
-Rebecca Welton
“You know, I really don’t think she fancies me. I really just don’t seem her type, Keels” Y/n says, unconvinced of even the slightest possibility. “Oh come on! She totally fancies you!”
Keeley had known y/n since their middle school years. They’d always get into some chaos wherever they’d go, sometimes, (which means all the time) Keeley would be the one always in isolation for taking the pranks a bit too extravagant. One time, Keeley and Y/n egged their neighbors house. But, a certain someone took it a step too far and toilet papered his car and dyed his dog key lime green.
A year ago, Rebecca had met y/n whenever they had run into each other in the hallways of the FC. Of course, since Rebecca is Rebecca she was always quite professional, and with y/n being clumsy and always getting herself, sometimes others, injured with her recklessness.
Y/n was in a rush to get to Keeley on a particular Saturday, hearing heels clicking in the distance, y/n paid no mind, focusing entirely on her phone. “Y/n watch out!” A familiar voice shouted, but, before y/n could turn around her dance smashed into someone, someone tall, and blonde, and beautiful…
“Miss Y/l/n, I’d say to be careful, but we all know you’ll fall again,” Rebecca smiled, chuckling sweetly, making sure y/n didn’t trip and fall on the floor. Y/n freezes up slightly, but still manages to utter a coherent sentence. “Thank you, Becca,” The blonde woman nodded with the same charming smile and let go of y/n before walking off, a faint blush on her cheeks.
The two shorter women watched as Rebecca strutted away with her hips swaying perfectly as she went. “She wants you…”
“Not! I can only keep dreaming.” Y/n sighed dreamily staring at the mistletoe in the heavily decorated hallway. Ribbons and trees lined the tables, and festive lights seemed to burn your eyes.
“Maybe Santa can Make Your Wish Come True!” Keeley exclaimed, grabbing a Santa plushie off of her desk and squeaking it, causing the two to laugh.
Rebecca never thought she would find herself surrounded by the Ted’s little…friendship circle.
“So, uh, boss. What brings you here?” Ted smiles, his hands folder in his laugh. “Well..Uhm, I’m positive you all know y/n, correct?” Rebecca looks around, everyone nodding, listening intently. “I…I feel…strongly toward her,” she had worded it that way for a reason, she was quite unsure about this, the memories of her last relationship with Rupert still haunting her mind. “Strongly, how?” Nate asked, slightly squinting his eyes as if he knew what she was going to continue with, Rebecca sighed, “I like her, I really do” Higgins clapped his hands together, “I knew it!”
“Like or love?” Roy bluntly enjoined, the blonde stood there for a minute to finally admit to herself what she had register for long.
“Love.” She spoke barely above a whisper, Roy smirked, to tease Rebecca further he urged her to be louder, “Huh?”
“I said I love her! Okay?!”
That was they had needed. From that point forward, everybody in AFC Richmond knew about about Rebecca’s little plan. She gave y/n extravagant gifts, showered her in compliments, and flirted every chance she got. Yet, y/n and her infinite wisdom thought that Rebecca was being friendly. In all truth, the blonde was about to just come clean, so, to prepare herself, Rebecca goes on to tell Keeley about just how much she’s willing to go for y/n. Though, she might’ve already known.
At the little firm Keeley had been managing, Rebecca hastily made her way to her best-friend’s office. A state of panic washed over her, she really just didn’t know what to do, she’d never dated a woman so this was all knew to her. “Keeley?” The taller woman called, opening the door, “Becca! What’s this about, y/n? Did you finally snog her?”
Keeley was one to be quite blunt when it came to romantic questions. “No, sadly” Rebecca chuckled joylessly, tossing her bag on Keeley’s office couch. Keeley frowned, hating the look on Rebecca’s face, “Man, is she really that blind?” She joked, chuckling at Rebecca’s little smile, “why don’t you just tell her? She likes you, isn’t it obvious at this point?” Rebecca looked at up at her in disbelief, “you’re joking?” Keeley almost screamed, these two were a bunch of idiots. For a literal month, these two had been pining for each other, they’ve been flirting non-stop and yet they still don’t know if the other likes the other? Jesus Christ, they were going to be the death of her.
Rebecca jumped out of her seat and ran to her car, the snow falling gracefully as the cold hit her cheeks. Buttoning her jacket to keep warm, she dialed a certain someone’s phone number..
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bro-atz · 8 months
that sumin fic was crazy af i’m obsessed w your writing… could we possibly get a university au w music composition major minjae x f!reader?? and w some smut in there too pls thinking a lot abt rapper minjae being good w his tongue akdjjsjsjsj
the theory of music
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in which: there's a rumor about minjae that you want to find out more about.
pair: uni student!minjae/uni student!afab!reader
word count: 3.4k
content: college!au, smut, heavy sexual tension, oral sex, completely consensual!
author's note: you wanna know what's crazy anon? i know someone like this irl HAHAH nd he's truly one of my favorite people (if i ignore the fact that he had a threesome in my living room once but that a story for a diff day) but yes this is something i can def do and just did for you (^з^)-♡♥︎♡ seriously tho im glad you requested this bc i wanted to make a lil series for xikers so this was perf
tag list: @eyeryis @sinnarols apply for the permanent taglist here! university!series: sumin, minjae, junmin, hyunwoo, jinsik
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You weren’t one for parties, especially rooftop parties. You only went to this specific rooftop party because it was your friend’s roommate’s birthday, and she promised you that it was going to be lowkey and fun when it was anything but. Yet, you had a good time— when the company is good, why wouldn’t everything else be good? Some kids were still yakking off the roof while others were getting completely stoned or crossed, but the ones that were still somewhat coherent were cool. There was one person in particular that you were drawn to the most, not because you were attracted to him (although he was very attractive, you’ll give him that), but because the air around him was so calming and he seemed to vibe with literally everyone.
“Him? That’s Minjae,” Junmin, one of the boys you were talking to at the party, told you when you asked. “How do you not know Minjae?”
“I mean… It’s my first time seeing him—”
“Still, he’s infamous at these parties.”
“This is my first time at one of these rooftop parties. Cut me some slack, Junmin.”
“Well, I’d just warn you and say don’t get too close,” Junmin brought his voice down and said ominously.
“Why do you say that?” you matched his decibel, clearly not taking him seriously.
“He’s… A character. Kind of loose. I mean, you see how many girls go swarming to him. It happens all the time, and it happens for a reason”
“Dude, I’m not looking to fuck him. I just want to befriend the guy, is all.”
“That’s what they all say,” Junmin sighed loudly. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Heard loud and clear.”
You wanted to defy Junmin, but he was just so sinister with informing you about Minjae that you dropped the idea of befriending the guy in general. You spent the rest of the party interacting with other people, completely unaware that Minjae’s gaze kept flickering to you every so often.
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You saw Minjae again at Junmin’s rooftop party, but you paid no mind to him. This time, you steered clear of him because he was surrounded by a bunch of girls— girls that definitely were not at the party you were at the other night. You knew after what Junmin said that Minjae was a popular guy, but it didn’t fully register in your head until that moment. Maybe it was his soft, brown hair that spilled over his face and gave his eyes a mysterious charm that made the girls fall for him, or maybe it was his irresistible smile and laugh. Whatever it was, there was just something about him that drew girls to him like a moth to a flame.
You kept to yourself for the most part during Junmin’s party. Junmin was running around the rooftop trying to make sure his friends didn’t fall over the balcony or throw up anywhere that wasn’t a toilet— honestly, seeing him scramble all over the place did not make you jealous in the slightest. If anything, it was entertaining to see him break a sweat and make sure the party didn’t completely fall apart.
While you were observing Junmin, you didn’t realize that Minjae actually approached you and stood right next to you with every intention to flirt with the one girl at the party that wasn’t all over him.
“Hey,” you heard him speak into your ear, startling you completely.
“What the— Oh?” you were fully prepared to fight whoever it was that scared you, but when you saw Minjae’s beautiful face super close to yours, you short-circuited. “H-hello…”
He held his hand out for you to shake.
You nearly said “I know” in response, but you choked back that first instinct. You shook his hand.
There was a beat of silence. Honestly, you didn’t know what to say to him because Junmin truly scared the shit out of you, so the only questions on your mind was just to inquire about his reputation.
“You know, I saw you at the last party and wondered who you were because I’ve never seen you at any of these parties,” Minjae said, trying to continue the conversation.
“Yeah, I’m not really a party person,” you admitted.
“But you’re here at this one?”
“Because Junmin invited me.”
“What about the last one?”
“My friend invited me since it was her roommate’s birthday.”
“Oh, okay that makes sense.”
Minjae nodded and smiled at you, making you feel slightly guilty that your impression of him was so tarnished thanks to your own assumptions. He ended up getting more words out of you and got you comfortable enough to have very candid conversations about everything. He had a very complex view on the world that you resonated with, and it made you want to know more about him. There was definitely a deeper side of him that he was hiding, and you wanted to find it.
You were so engrossed in your conversation with him that you didn’t realize how much time had passed and that most of the party had cleared out until Junmin approached you and Minjae, his hair and clothes completely disheveled.
“I appreciate you both so much, but I’m going to have to ask you both to go the fuck home,” Junmin said with a heavy sigh.
You checked your phone and saw many, many missed calls from your roommate, and you also saw that it was four in the morning.
“Damn, it’s already this late? Sorry, Junmin,” you apologized.
“We’ll leave now,” Minjae added.
We? You looked at Minjae with slight confusion.
“Thanks. Get home safe— And, Y/N, text me when you get home,” Junmin instructed.
“Ow, you don’t want to know if I got home?” Minjae asked feigning hurt.
“You’ll be fine,” Junmin rolled his eyes and pushed Minjae away. “Get out.”
You and Minjae left Junmin’s apartment building, and before you could bid adieu and head home, Minjae asked, “What direction are you headed in?”
“There,” you pointed.
“I’ll walk you home,” Minjae stated.
You eyed Minjae suspiciously, wondering if he had any other intentions by walking you home. Deciphering your look, he held his hands up and said, “No, I just want to make sure you get home safe, too. It’s four in the morning, and you are a woman after all.”
You were still not convinced of his intentions. It was only when he held out his pinky and looked at you with the most sincerest of eyes did you cave and let him walk you home.
During your walk, you both continued to have a deep discussion about the world to the point where you didn’t even realize that you had already gotten back to your dorm. Before you went inside, Minjae stopped you.
“Wait, I have a question for you.”
“What is it?”
“If I invited you to one of my parties, would you come?”
You briefly pondered the thought before nodding. He grinned at you then held out his phone. “I’ll text you the next time I throw one,” he said.
You gave him your number, and with that, you both parted ways.
You seriously wondered why Junmin told you to avoid Minjae in the first place. He didn’t seem so bad.
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You and Minjae became friends since the night you exchanged numbers. Not once did you feel like Minjae was trying to get into your pants or anything—especially because he mostly texted you— making you doubt Junmin’s explanation of the guy more and more. When you asked Junmin, he refused to elaborate on it further, so you had to settle for a shrug and acceptance that Junmin was probably just really wrong about Minjae.
what’re you doing rn?”
You ended up texting Minjae right in the middle of class one fine day. You shouldn’t have been on your phone, but the class was such a drag that you desperately needed the distraction.
studio why
ah okay nah i was just bored is all
you can come to the studio if you want
yeah? you sure?
And immediately, Minjae sent you an address along with a room number— it was one of the buildings on campus, but you had no idea which one it was until you got there. It was the music building on campus, also known as a building you’ve never entered on campus and never thought you would enter because you were not in the music composition major. You were nervous as hell the entire time you were making your way to the studio that Minjae was in until you saw him down the hall, half his body out the door as he looked and waited for you.
You had never seen any sort of music studio before, and were honestly quite surprised to see that your school had such a professional one— well, multiple professional ones since the entire hall you walked down was filled with studios— readily available on campus. It was completely soundproof inside, and it was also dark as hell in there. There were no windows or anything. Just a room, a chair, a computer, a monitor, a bunch of keyboards, and an audio mixer.
“I thought this was a recording studio?” you questioned.
“This is the mixing studio. So if we don’t have to record vocals or instruments and just need digital, we can use this room,” Minjae explained.
“Want to listen?”
Minjae let you have a seat in the singular chair in the room and gave you the headphones. As soon as you were comfortable, he played the song for you. It was upbeat, but also melancholic in a way. You found yourself nodding along to the beat of the song the more you listened, and when the song ended, you were amazed but also confused because that was super short.
“This is really good,” you told the boy as you handed the headphones back.
“Yeah, but it’s still not done. I only played you the intro into the first chorus since that’s all I got right now,” he said with a tiny sigh.
“Still, what you have so far is so good. I can’t wait to hear the whole song now.”
With a small smile, Minjae reclaimed his seat, leaving you standing. You looked around, trying to find a place to sit, but the only place to sit was the singular chair in the room that Minjae was using.
“I’ll head out then, leave you to it,” you told the boy as you reached for the door handle.
“Honestly, you can stay if you’d like,” Minjae said without tearing his eyes away from the screen.
“Won’t it be weird if I’m just sitting on the ground in the corner?”
“What? You can sit in the chair with me.”
You eyed the chair, then looked at Minjae skeptically. “You really think that we’ll both fit in the chair?”
“Yeah, the arms come up. See,” Minjae said as he proceeded to demonstrate— and they did.
You somehow found yourself sitting on one edge of the chair while Minjae sat on the other. You though he would be uncomfortable working like that, but he seemed perfectly fine and completely focused on his work. You tried to keep your eyes on the screen, but for some reason, your eyes kept straying towards the boy.
Minjae was very attractive usually, but he was absolutely breathtaking from the side. His chin was tilted upwards since the monitor was on an elevated desk, so you got the best view of his jawline. He unconsciously licked his lower lip as he clicked on the screen, and he bit his lower lip while he focus, the mere acts send flashes of heat through your body.
He usually looked like a very soft, very cuddly boy, but this version of Minjae you got to see was incredibly sexy— unbelievably and unbearably sexy. He was so immersed in his work that he just oozed charisma, and the way his arms would subtly flex when he moved the mouse around or clicked or typed made you pay more attention to the way he was built— so much attention that you started wondering what he looked like underneath since his arms were pretty muscular.
It was only when he turned his head to look at you did you suddenly snap out of your daydream. You looked right at the monitor thinking you barely avoided Minjae noticing you staring, but he noticed well before he even turned to look at you. In fact, he felt you staring him down, and despite the fact that he was playing the song, he heard you gulp the building pool of saliva in your mouth. Plus, it did not help your case that your face and ears were reddening slowly.
“Y/N,” Minjae said, nearly startling you out of your skin.
“You good?”
“You sure?”
You were going to respond with another yeah, but the words got stuck in the back of your throat when you felt his hand on your thigh, his hand rubbing inwards ever so slowly. Butterflies rampaged through your entire body when you felt his burning touch, the impure thoughts in your head getting dirtier by the second.
“You know, if you wanted, you could just ask.”
“What’re you talking about?” you deflected while trying to reclaim your thigh from him; but, you were unsuccessful, and he ended up moving his hand along your thigh, closer to your crotch. “Okay! Okay, I know, what you mean!”
“I can help you relieve that tension right now if you’d like.”
“Right now? In here?”
Minjae nodded.
“Are you insane?! In here?! What the fuck?!”
“Got a problem with that?”
“A bunch!” your voice nearly shrilled. “Aren’t there cameras? What if someone walks in? And—”
“No one will come in here since you need to have the key card to get in, and there are no cameras in here.”
“Still, but…”
You tried to find more reasons to object to having sex in the studio, but when his hand reached for your face and his fingers held your chin, your mind melted. He brought your face closer to his, and your eyes fluttered close when he brought his lips towards yours, but he stopped, his lips mere millimeters from yours.
“Is it because you don’t want to do this with me, or because you’re just nervous about the location?”
“…The latter.”
“If that’s the case, then don’t worry about it.”
“How a can I not worry about it when that’s all I’ll be thinking about?”
“Then I’ll fuck you so hard that you won’t even be able to think.”
Without a second to lose, Minjae’s lips were on yours. You didn’t think he was going to be so intense with you right off the bat, but when his tongue pushed into your mouth, you were completely taken aback. You leaned into him and held onto his shoulders when you felt his hands move down to your waist. His fingers slipped under your shirt and tiptoed their way up, leaving goosebumps in their wake. When his hands went over your breasts and started massaging over your bra painfully well, your grip on him tightened, and you pushed yourself further into his chest, a slight moan leaving your lips. You for sure thought Minjae was going to laugh at your reaction to his touch, but he was so intently focused on you that he was just eating up every single noise that escaped your soul.
You whimpered and whined slightly when his lips left yours, a thin string of saliva barely connecting his tongue to yours before being broken the second he brought his lips to your neck and started sucking lightly on your skin. His hands held the bottom of your shirt and pulled it upwards, your bra getting pushed up shortly thereafter. You flung your head back and let out a gasp mixed with a sigh when he started sucking on your nipple, his teeth nibbling slightly as he did so. He pinched and twisted your other nipple, sending shocks down your spine.
Next thing you knew, you were fully naked and sitting all by yourself on the swivel chair, the arm rests down for you to grip. Minjae lifted one of your legs and set it over his shoulder as he pushed the other to the side to fully reveal your soaking wet cunt, your slick glistening with the lights of the monitor. You felt Minjae exhale lightly, making your toes curl with excitement and lust. You face was burning up when you looked down to see Minjae looking up at you with shining eyes and a little smirk on his face. He didn’t have to utter a word for you to know that he was thoroughly entertained by your reaction to his being.
It was when he licked a stripe down your cunt did you fully lose your mind. Yellow and white sparks filled your vision as Minjae took his time with you. His tongue swirled around your clit, and he slipped a delicate finger through your folds. He curled the finger inside you and left it there the more he slurped you up and let his tongue wildly flick against your raw bud. You gripped onto the arm rests for dear life and bit your lower lip painfully hard when you felt the finger slip out and his tongue replace its position.
“Darling, you can be as loud as you want. No one’s gonna hear a fucking thing,” Minjae said softly as looked up at you with devious eyes and a slight smirk, your arousal fluid completely coating his mouth.
You weren’t planning on taking him up on that until he sucked on your clit, the feeling of the suction absolutely driving you up the wall. A sweet, loud moan sounded in the studio, more gasps and moans tumbling out of your mouth when you felt him slip two of his fingers inside you, fingering you slowly but with immense intention. Your hands left the arm rests and moved to his hair, his hair bunching up in your fists as you pushed him closer to your pussy.
“Ah! Mmm— Min-Minjae,” you cried as you tugged at his hair, prompting him to look at you. “More…”
Wordlessly, Minjae delivered. He kept curling his fingers inside you every time he pulled his fingers out, and he fingered you way faster as he slurped obnoxiously, your arousal filling his mouth completely. It was when he left your clit with a sickly sweet kiss did you cum, white filling your vision as you flung your head back and moaned loudly. You squirted right into his mouth, the boy downing everything like it was his last meal. You felt your face get hotter the more lewd noises he made with just his tongue and your pussy.
You thought he would be done, but he was far from over. He barely gave you a second to rest before diving in again, his fingers ruthlessly fingering you and rubbing along your g-spot repetitively, overstimulating you to the max. You were still riding your high when he pushed further, and it felt like you were seeing heaven and hell at the same time when you came for the second time, white filling your vision as you felt your body nearly burst into flames.
“W-wait, Minjae,” you said while breathing heavily, your hands desperately pushing his head away from your cunt. “I just—”
You cut yourself off when you saw his face, your arousal dribbling down his lips and dripping from his chin, his face pink and rosy. You were completely shocked— not once had you cum like that for any boy you had hooked up with in the past, and you definitely did not expect yourself to cum that hard ever in your entire lifetime. So, when you saw that the collar of Minjae’s shirt was also drenched, you wanted the Earth to swallow you whole.
“I guess I have to,” Minjae said as he stood up. He used the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face, giving you the slightest peak at his toned torso. “I’ve got to check out of the studio soon, so we’ll continue this back at my place if that’s alright with you.”
You finally understood what Junmin was hinting at. Minjae was going to be the best sex you ever had, and there was no going back from there.
“Fuck, yes, please.”
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guppybibi · 2 months
hii !! can you do akito (shinonome) with a gf who’s OBSESSED with another group? i just thought of this and found it funny
he’s always like “why don’t we go to your place” and reader is like oh no it’s ok haha!! because it’s kind of embarrassing but there’s so much merch it’s impossible to take down
and one day he convinces you to let him stay over and boom. posters everywhere. cds everywhere. binders full of photocards. a whole shelf of albums just sitting there. don’t forget the dvds and polaroids! bonus points if you forgot to turn off your cd player when you answered the door so it’s blasting said group’s music as well 💀
( ++ doesn’t have to be any group in particular but i’m heavy in my enhypen phase right now, so maybe them? that’d make it even more nerdy but 😭 )
𖦹 pairing: Akito Shinonome x fem!reader
𖦹 content: Confused Akito, fluff, kpop stuff, idk..
𖦹 notes: aaaa i love this idea, tysm! for the group i chose enhypen as well but also stray kids because you can never stan too many groups ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ (i had the biggest stray kids phase lollzz, plus idk much abt enhypen:c sorrie) also wrote half of this at school wowie
-Just..so confused?? He doesn't get the thing about collecting photo cards and the terms fans use so you have to explain it to him.
-Once he gets it though he's just mildly concerned, for your sanity and wallet. He does commend your dedication and loyalty to these groups though (silently hopes you do the same with him.) 
-Occasionally asks you if VBS had merch would you buy some, his reaction would vary on your answer. -
-If you say no he’ll just say ‘uh huh’ and walk away. (pancakes are the solution, TRUST.) + he's just playing around, he isn't mad. 
-If you say yes he’ll just smirk smugly and try to talk everyone into making merch. (he fails)
He’s so confused right now, he just doesn't get what's the big deal about it. The ginger knew you absolutely loved these so called K-POP groups and he didn't mind at all, not a tiny bit. To be fair, he was somewhat an idol as well. A street musician to be exact but that was close enough. 
And today was another added episode to the collection of you not letting him go to your home, what exactly were you hiding from him? He stood before you, in all his glory, a skeptical look on his face. “C'mon doll..is yer room messy or somethin’? I’m sure it can't be that bad, trust me–I’ve seen worse.” He said in an attempt to reassure you, intently watching how your lips pressed into a thin line and your eyes darted across the park you two were at. “L..-look! A bunch of people are doing cool skating tricks!” You exclaim, pointing to a bunch of randos doing flips or whatever. Distracting him was worth the shot, no guarantees it’ll work though. 
He almost facepalms himself when he hears your shitty attempt at diverting his attention elsewhere. “Doll I’m not the smartest but I'm not that dumb..” It was honestly offensive that you thought that would work..You couldn't keep hiding forever, you two wouldn't progress if you didn't allow him to do something so simple as coming into your home. And as he said, he's somewhat of an ‘idol’ as well so he probably wouldn't find it too weird. Yeah, think positive! He won't think you're some kind of koreaboo or anything!
“Right..I guess you could come over to my place. But on one condition..” She starts. “Don't find it weird..?” He chuckles in response, shaking his head. “No promises.” 
And that's how he ended up in this rather strange position, sitting on your cozy bed as the posters on your walls stared down at him. “Wow..this is um..a lot.” His mouth formed a crooked smile, glancing at the shelf filled with albums. Where you got the money for all of this was a mystery to him. “So..who are they?” He asks, flopping back onto your bed, full of a bunch of stuffed animals. Your eyes start to sparkle, this was your time to shine, well rather to rant about your unhealthy obsession with these KPOP groups but let's not talk about that right now. 
After your rather lengthy explanation about every basic thing he needs to know, the expression on his gruff face seems unreadable. Was he angry or somehow jealous about it? Or was he simply just not interested in it? That might've been the case, but not right now at least. “Mmh..alright.” He sounded way too casual about it for comfort if you’re being honest. But if he was held captive and needed to be honest, extra–I know, he found this..mildly concerning addiction of yours quite endearing. It’s not like it would cause problems along the way, unless you spent all of your money on merchandise and went broke but he has enough trust in you not to do that..don’t break that by buying some lightstick that costs more than your kidney. 
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pavo-ocxllus · 1 year
heheheh hihi! i’d like to drop a request for bb geppie.. you can choose any reader for this i really don’t mind. butbutbut i’ve been thinking about him having a crush on a friend or even band partner of serval’s😞 serval teasing him abt it and sets them up
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"you really like that track in particular, hmm?"
GEPARD jumped at the sudden sound of his sister's voice in his ear, clattering a bunch of vases packed full of flowers in front of him. quickly, he straightened them out and placed them in their original positions on the display, but a glare was fixed on his face (of course, not because of the flowers.)
"what did i say about approaching me like that during my break?"
"what did i say about spending a lot of time here without buying anything?"
the younger brother could only retort in a sigh as serval laughed heartily, red coating his cheeks. he wasn't the best with comebacks anyway—looking at the pretty flowers trying to clear his head was a much easier task.
"...it wasn't playing that loud, was it?"
"you would put our concerts to shame, geppie."
the red on his face bloomed further as he yanked out the single ear bud in his ear and stuffed it in his pocket.
"i don't blame you, though... [name]'s got some nice pipes."
gepard started to frantically look around the area in a burst of panic. "don't mention their name so loudly!!"
serval didn't seem to fit into gepard's requirements for 'quiet,' so he started to groan with noises that didn't seem comprehendible to anyone other than her.
"relax, i'll let you shoot your shot with them!"
"i assure you, i'm not 'shooting' any 'shots' anytime soon."
it was then his older sister's turn to sigh.
"fine..." she trailed off while her eyes wandered to stare blankly behind gepard. suddenly, serval perked up. "ah! do me a favor and buy those ball peonies for me? give them to the first person you see."
"...what?! that's ridiculous-!"
"just trust me on this!"
gepard simply grumbled—whatever, at least his older sister would leave him alone for the time being. serval took it as an acceptable answer and left the scene satisfied, beckoning the eversummer florist's shopkeeper over to purchase a small bouquet for him.
once again, he jumped at the sudden voice, immediately recognizing who it was. swiftly, he tried to conceal the flowers behind his armor, hoping his hastiness was left unnoticed.
"i—uhm—" he cut himself by coughing, trying to compose himself. "h-hello there."
the pieces of the confusing puzzle were already getting put together in gepard's mind.
"hello to you, too," you giggled. he never understood how you simultaneously make him feel relaxed and nervewrackingly anxious at the same time. "those flowers are lovely."
you prodded at the arrangement, carefully nestling the petals in between your fingers.
"say... it's not often that people would buy ball peonies, especially for their price. what do you plan on doing with these—?"
"I'D—i mean—i would like to be extend these towards you," the words shot out of his mouth and the next thing he knew, his arm jolted out robotically. "...on the behalf of my sister."
it was just then when he finally realized what serval set him up to do.
to his horror, you simply blinked owlishly. he personally thought that the simplest of gestures were more intolerable than grander ones—it only clouded up one's intentions, only making it more frustrating for gepard to understand what was happening.
"uh, i'm quite flattered, heh," you rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly while embarrassment quelled within him. gepard didn't know what was worse, the fact that he caused this mess for serval or that he was supposed to be the one doing this. "but... i'm not interested in your sister."
of course, he was elated at the news on the inside... but he wasn't going to show that! instead, he decided to focus something else that was itching the back of his mind.
"i deeply, deeply apologize for causing you all this trouble—"
"—no, no! it's fine!" you knew he was about to go through this song and dance that could easily be substituted with two words, so you spared him the trouble by snatching the flowers out of his grasp. forcefully, you pushed your hands into gepard's to take his attention off of his apology.
"to be honest, you're really the one who caught my interest..." you flushed, much to gepard's confusion. if anything, he was the one that should be embarrassed (not that he wasn't.) "although... how about we take this more slowly?"
"i-" he sighed, a letting small smile on to his face as the tension in his shoulders disappeared. "that's what i was hoping to hear."
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note: according to the hsr wiki, it's implied that ball peonies are believed to have one's significant other say yes when asking for their hand in marriage!
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𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 <𝟑
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remwrites · 2 years
rem's scarian rec list
i felt like compiling my absolute favourite scarian fics. enjoy.
always check tags before reading!!! there's a big mix of fics here
in no particular order:
Ashes by Raichett
Grian's still soul-linked to Scar, even after their return from Double Life. He's not dealing with it particularly healthily, but after three death games, who would be in the best frame of mind?
(so beside myself with the implications of grian still being bound to scar after double life HO HO BOY... plus scar's agony at unknowingly hurting grian WOOF LOVE IT)
one word from you and i would jump off of this ledge i'm on by wizardlover
Grian and Scar deal with some of the fallout from Last Life.
(HRGERKGRKGERK this fic hurts so good. and the resolution is SO satisfying i've reread it like twenty times. and such fuckin good character voices too the dialogue is SMOOTH)
HCBBS (Hermitcraft Big Ballroom Scene) by romanocheese
Grian holds a ball to celebrate the finishing of the mansion. Scar appears in rather unexpected attire.
(SCAR IN A DRESS SCAR IN A DRESS SCAR IN A DRESS!!!! one of my first brainrot fics. adored showstopping amazing)
Beloved by spilledstardust
Scar has never played this game with the intention to win.
(this gut punch fic omg waaaaa the concept the execution i love)
a hundred kisses (then you start again) by backyardwizard
Grian and Scar spend the night together after finding out they're soulmates.
(this one always makes me feel shrimp emotions. the dialogue. the LOVE. GUUGRHHUH)
i am fed, but still i starve by definitelynotshouting
Another flash of teeth, dyed red in the light spilling through Grian's feathers. "The 'Not A Resistance' Resistance," he says, low and teasing, "would like to cordially invite you to kiss me stupid." 
(HOT HOT HOT super well written the kiss is phenomenal the character voices kill me and i love this fic so much im gonna lay down in the road)
get me with those green eyes, baby by Anonymous
Another "soulmates share more than just pain" smutfic to add to the collective pile - now with preening!
(gurgles incoherently. this one gets me. im such a damn sucker for good dialogue and this one nails it along with the bonus of soulbonds AND preening? im in heaven)
yours were the arms (that the whole world was in) by sparxwrites
He’s even less surprised when Grian returns that evening, looking furtive and ashamed, and guiding a golden-eyed Scar by the hand through the still-rigged front gate.
(sneaks a lil mumscarian in here. listen. i think abt this one often bc of the very in depth character understanding and relationship dynamics. mmmmmm so good)
if you like it... by GoodTimesWithScar
or, the "you got so drunk you asked your husband if he was single" trope, but with added mumbo being 100% done with this nonsense.
(how could i not. this fic is so fluffy and amazing and made me laugh so hard)
my ever after / is holding you by LovesickPrince
someone decides kidnapping King Scar’s beloved servant was a good idea. It really wasn’t.
(i think abt this fic at least once a daily. you've probably read it but if you haven't do yourself a favour and do. these IDIOTS i love them so much they're so well done)
This isn't a Love Story by Sleepless_in_Southlands
Grian is a priest of Fate, willing to sacrifice everything to ensure Scar, destined to be his final victim in the arena, doesn't fall in love with him along the way. Unfortunately for him, Scar seems intent on doing just the opposite.
(i talk abt this fic CONSTANTLY literally so bonkers over it i love it im obsessed it's perfect. i love this dynamic this concept this everything. absolute top tier no joke)
pull me from the earth by Niamh (saturniidaemon)
a midnight meeting, flowers, and the complicated nature of love.
(y'all like pain? bc this is fucking pain. literally just beyond wild over this. tread carefully)
wait the worst is yet to come by glossyblue
Grian bounces on the balls of his feet, delighted. “Okay. Okay, okay, so. You need to know how it works, then, don’t you? Kiss me.”
(just found this recently and it has not left the microwave of my brain. last life scar hurts so bad. everything in this fic hurts so bad. i love it)
the synonym of companion by errorryx
(i love playing with words this fic does it so so so well omg. wonderful)
cheers everyone!!! xox rem
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technovillain · 1 year
Obsessed with your alt Gisu design, you have so much talent! 💙💙💙💙 I was wondering how you came up with each of the interns alt designs. Also hope you make a comic using that Alt design for Gisu one day!
tysm!!!! i'm glad u like them ehehehe ^_^ i can give u some design notes. it will be a long post sooooo I will put it under the cut. always love an excuse to ramble abt design choices.
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Gisu: I do like her dinosaur shirt swag, but i feel like her layering doesn't have a lot of clarity in terms of like. what is going on with the shirts (vest?) and since the dino thing is never relevant to her character, I decided to lean into the electrokinesis theme with the lightning bolt jumper & under-cape pattern. Which is just a headcanon but I always forget it is!! I just like the idea of her being into electrokinesis bc it would make a lot of sense for someone who is paired up with Otto. Changed her bag to be a strap for her board so she doesn't have to carry it around all the time. Asymmetrical bun for some of that PN1 asymmetry flavor. Mismatched shoes bc she seems like the type to think that's cool (also maybe bc i do this and i'm projecting) Missing toof from skating incident + torn jeans. Electrokinesis scars on her hands, bc I like to think that psi-powers can leave physical damage if not used properly.
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Morris: tried to balance out his proportions a little bit because sometime i feel like his head is so big you can't even see his body in screencaps. tried to make his head less round and his eyes too, I kind of like the thing that PN1 did where the heads sort of just fade into necks with less of a cutoff so I did that too. Nasty teenager moustache just felt right + some freckles. I changed his nose scar to face the other way bc I thought it was supposed to be nostrils at first. No notes on his levball-lawnchair wheelchair bc it is everything to me.
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Lizzie: wanted to up the 80s goth influence on her. Imagine her hair as the super-teased puffy fried Siouxsie hair of the 80s goths. Nerfed her amount of patterns just for the sake of there is no way I am ever going to draw all of her details ever bc I don't have that kind of patience. again the graphic liner to lean into the 80s goth style. Also took away her chin/neck priveleges bc I did that to norma first and wanted them to still look similar. denim vest for more 80s influence.
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Adam: (his is the only one i haven't stuck to drawing like this yet bc i like his canon round head) but I made him more square in general bc I feel like he's the most grounded and straight-edged intern. gave him more pattern on his dress (tunic?) and hat bc everybody has more pattern than him. the linked lapel pins and hat dangles are meant to evoke his use of the yo-yo weapon. Unified his color palette more with more green and purple. Strings tied around his fingers, again for more yo-yo imagery but also bc he seems like a workaholic who would be overscheduled and have a lot to remember.
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Norma: this girl knits!!! she was the first character i tried to "PN1-ify" and she just felt like she needed a big old backpack. for her overprepared freshman who thinks she knows everything energy. also symbolizes her putting a ton of weight and expectations on her shoulders when she really doesn't have to (which is kind of a core tenet of the little bit of canon personality she has) orange glasses bc my tinted glasses addiction is quite evident. the yellow pompom on her hat matches Lizzie's, giving them a sibling connection, also saying that she knitted her sister's hat :]
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Sam: the first thing that I thought when I first saw Sam's canon design was that she looked straight out of 2013 with her ugg boots and that particular shirt pattern, which maybe isn't exclusive to the early 2010s but once i thought that it was burnt into my mind. So I tried to make her look more 80s with the short skirt and buckled boots and off the shoulder sweater. the too-long sleeves give her kitty energy (and i put cat hair on them). Gave her whale earrings bc she seems to really like whales in canon. gave her a cleft palate scar because i drew her with that once, plus I kind of see it when she makes the :3 face. revoked her neck priveleges altogether because if compton and dogen don't have them why should she!!!
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iinryer · 6 months
If you could come up with the storylines for each Lone Star character (not Owen) for the next season, what would they be?
OH THIS IS A GOOD ONE… (not owen) made me laugh thank you. this didn’t end up being Quite what you asked but here are my hopes for s5!:
marjan is easy: comphet realization to lesbian arc. I don’t even need them to give her a gf i just want them to Address The Closeted Lesbianism they’ve been handing me over the past four seasons. i want salim to come back (in person or in conversation) for the rule of threes and have it force her to reckon with a lot of assumptions she had about herself. im on my hands and knees about it. I’ve been rewatching with a friend recently and i fucking forgot that they have her say a line about how her favorite place to hide as a kid was the closet. remember those new bts photos where she’s basically wearing the lesbian flag as a headscarf. lone star writers room i am IN YOUR WALLS. also i want to meet her sister. i need someone to call her mouse
nancy my beloved… honestly i just really want a nancy begins episode!! i want to know why she became a paramedic, i want to know about her relationship with her sister and if there’s any particular reason it was a soft spot for her during the DNR episode… I don’t have any particular ideas for specific i just want to know more about her!!! actually I’d love her to have to confront Tim’s death a little more directly. they made that whole thing about Owen which is fucking crazy to me, I’d love for the next time TK gets hurt (lol) for it to be something that dredges that up for her.
grace… miss grace i want to see you angry again. no plot line in mind i just like it when she’s pretending she doesn’t get angry or stubborn, she is such a fascinating character study. i love when she’s a contradiction. she and carlos teaming up was one of my favorite things abt s3, i would be so jazzed to see more things of that flavor.
tommy. hm… I don’t think I have any particular storylines for her in mind but I want more of her and grace and judd together because they are so delightful and lovely and best friends. OH ACTUALLY. I want something with tommy and charlie. this baby that was named in honor of the late love of her life. o don’t know what that story would be but there’s something there for sure…
carlos is the same as nancy tbh, I want a real full carlos begins! I want to meet his sisters! I want to see more of the mess that was growing up gay and feeling out of place and trying to be what your dad would want even though he thinks you’re too soft for it. why did he do it anyways! I also would love to see him and his mom being more involved, partially because obviously they had a horrible loss and trauma and she saw it happen but also because I love andrea:) she’s everything 2 me
judd I have been waiting for them to make you captain since SEASON THREE!! i want owen to retire and i want them to expand on the tension we got for the period he was captain!! i want to see how the dynamic changes and how his past issues come up when he’s in charge For Good. i want to see him get emotional about it and i want him to be captain while wyatt is his probie if they put him back on the firefighter track after his recovery :) bc that would be fun conflict and i think everything they did with owen (traumatically lost whole crew, son on your team) would be 100x better with judd
mateo is also a difficult one for specifics. I feel like they’re relatively fair with him? even with the low screentime all the secondary characters are relegated to. I’d be interested in seeing more fallout about his cousin, and I LOVED what they did with him and captain tatum so anything of that flavor of earnestness from him is always so good. maybe he and tatum will be buddies off the clock :)
tk getting hurt in increasingly absurd ways is always a classic that I look forward to them playing into lol
misc: i want to see more big brother wyatt with charlie getting a little older, i want less owen solo-plotlines, more ghost/memory gwyn i love her, carlos with his curls, the vega twins being involved in something maybe? that would be fun and stressful gjfhdhf
EDIT: OH MY GOD I FORGOT PAUL. I ABANDONED MY BOY. ok paul deserves literally any kind of robust plotline. Paul begins for starters, but also so much of his trans plotlines feel a little fumbled. I want a really earnest well done episode that isn’t necessarily About him being trans, but his transness is a factor and it’s handled in a really genuinely good and relatable way. they OWE HIM AND US THAT!! i also would love to see more of the gay kids being in gay spaces :)
[housesitting & snowed in send enrichment to my enclosure]
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glitterguts13 · 4 months
Throwing in my hat in the ring in hopes to ask for an angst fic abt a preg!Gallagher(after knowing what happens next in 2.2) and knowing he won’t make it/see his child grow up and his s/o take care of their kid when the day comes that his work is done :)… :,)…
We all need therapy after 2.2 huh?
(No but seriously if someone is born in the dream realm are they...able to wake up?? Are they just cursed to live there forever? I have a lot of questions that will never be answered so don't look into this too hard)
Moonlight floods the room, basking everything in a soft, white glow. He should have been asleep hours ago, letting the day's tension go, but instead, he's wide awake, thoughts racing.
He should never have let it go this long. He should have shut things down years ago before they got too entangled, too mixed up in this neverending dream.
He looks over, watching his lover sleep peacefully, blissfully unaware of what was going to happen one day. Sooner than later, Gallagher feared, resting a hand over his belly. Hopefully, not before they were born before he could place them into his S/O's loving arms and leave this mortal realm with the peace of mind that they were safe.
If only he'd been strong enough to do the right thing. To push them away before he fell and fell hard. Before he finally relented and agreed to give them the child they so desperately wanted.
A family.
That was all they'd ever wanted to be, and Gallagher knows he'll be what ruins it.
He'd never see their little one grow. He wouldn't be there for their first words, first steps, first day of school. There would be no pictures of him holding their child on the walls, no way to share his stories with them or spoil them rotten with holiday gifts.
His throat tightens, but he pushes down any further emotion.
Under his palm, their child rolls and kicks. Healthy and safe, but for how long? Just another month or two, Gallagher pleads to no one in particular, just give him enough time to give birth.
"Hey...are you ok?" voice heavy with sleep, his S/O reaches out, rubbing along his arm.
"Yeah," Gallagher clears his throat, "Your kid just doesn't want to go to bed is all."
A soft giggle, the mattress shifts under their weight as they snuggle closer to his side, running their hand around the heavy swell of his abdomen.
"It won't be much longer," they whisper, closing their eyes and drifting off to sleep once more.
That's right, Gallagher thinks, I won't have much longer at all.
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avionvadion · 8 months
Hi I just wanted to say that I read the second part of the Lucifer stuff (idk what to call it; a fic? one-shots? simply ideas? idk what to call it, so the general "stuff" it is lol) and I gotta say that this was my favorite part of the whole thing: "Lucifer just took in a deep breath, brought his hands up to squish his cheeks, and let out a screech before running circles around the room. Eleanora squawked, turning to watch the devil king lose his mind. “Why, why, why, whyyyyy!? Why did you tell her you had a surprise for her!?” 
“...So you couldn’t duck out?” 
He skidded to a halt, the floor squeaking against his heels, and he looked to see her grinning goofily at him, pointing at one of the many piles of rubber ducks that were in his room. “Uh-huh. I see what you did there. You think you’re hilarious, don’t’cha?” 
The pun, the mental photo of Lucifer screaming and running like around like a chicken with its head cut off, the callout for using a pun? Priceless. Love it all to death. I also had an idea for you, if you want it? I just had this thought of El, in a moment of both utter self-loathing and sheer bravery, decides to confess to Lucifer using a song. The one in particular I was thinking of? "Door" by I Don't Know How But They Found Me. Idk, I was listening to the song, and I felt it sort of fit them? Or the vibes, at least. Just the mental image of her looking at him and singing the line, "If you just tell me what you think about me, I can collect all my things from the floor" gives me goosebumps and also doe-eyes because I'm imagining Lucifer basically in shock the entire song (it's a relatively short song don't worry abt it) because he's also deep in self-loathing and doesn't understand what she sees in him because he doesn't really see it in himself. I dunno, do with the idea what you will *shrugs*
Either way, I absolutely loved this and can't wait for more, if you decide to write more for Lucifer! :3
“If I’m out of line, just show me the door; I promise you I won’t come here no more. If you just tell me what you think about me, I can collect all my things from the floor. Promise the next time you take my hand… is to show me the door.” I HAD TO LOOK THIS SONG UP AND NOW MY HEART IS IN PIECES. OOF.
IT SUITS THEM SO WELL???? El has already had a couple moments of, “Frick, was this out of line? Am I crossing the line by singing this song??? I’m just a human, he’s the devil, I probably shouldn’t be saying all this stuff but I wanna help him” which can be kinda seen in Luci’s pov whenever she hesitates before singing or resting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
And LUCIFER HAS MADE A SHOW OF TAKING HER HAND. Hell, EL has made a show of it.
I dunno why, but the hand holding is becoming a very prominent thing between them, haha. Like when he sings to her and brings her close to dance, or when she grabs his hand to stop him from anxiously nibbling his fingers to bits and when she was singing to him to calm him down. It’s just turning into a thing.
I feel like the song might actually happen after they’re “unofficially” together??? Because El doesn’t really know what he’s thinking or how he views her. Basically a, “What are we?” Kind of moment where it’s obvious to everyone except themselves that they’re dating/have feelings for each other.
Also!! I have posted the two chapters to Ao3 so it’s technically a fic now, lol.
I’m working on the next chapter right now. We be getting El’s pov now!!! (But it’s still in third person because it started with third person and I must commit to the bit, even though it feels super weird)
Oh gods. I have this image in my head of El, like, kissing the back of Lucifer’s hand (or even just his fingers in this super gentle and sweet way) before whispering the song and trying not to cry because WHAT IF REJECTION!???? And Lucifer is just stunned silent, and when he doesn’t react or say anything she goes to pull away but he snatches her hand back and starts his own song. Whatever that is.
I have a bit of an idea for it.
“I think I love you~? A feeling I thought I couldn’t have again, lost amongst the despair. I think I want you~ in ways I doubt that you know. You helped repair~ a bond that was once nearly broken, and… I don’t think I can let you go. But if this feeling is love, I… just don’t know.”
Buuut that’s all I got so far and it might just change.
Anyways. Yee. :3 El and Luci are chaotic beans.
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inkameswetrust · 12 days
hi benji! what are two songs that remind you of kames and why? :)
but lemme break it down to probably the two most integral songs that i associate with kames!
the first song is definitely parallel by heffron drive. i feel that's a song that could be sung from either james' or kendall's pov and it holds a lot of sentimental value for me being that it's the name of my first ever kames fanfic! there's a specific line that makes me think about the relationships they've pursued in the big time rush series and how bizarre and nonsensical they've been. it seems their relationships with other girls have caused more harm than good but yk plot armor and poor writing paired them with lucy and jo indefinitely. it's the line "do we light up our hearts just to watch them burn?" that line really speaks to me and makes me think that maybe they're not giving up on these girls because they don't want to come to terms with the fact that their feelings are changing. they don't want to be alone, little did they know the person for them was a lot closer than they thought. i don't think any other characters in the show know each other better or care for each other more than kendall and james, so parallel is easily my #1!
the second song is pink by waterparks. i remember when my friend @powerfule got me to listen to it for the first time and i instantly felt a connection. it was giving a "pining for a comphet guy" kinda scenario cuz from a surface level pov i think anyone would assume james was straight due to how effortlessly he charms the pants off of most girls he meets. kendall would especially believe that his feelings are exclusively one-sided based on the line "it's not fun when i find out you're playing for the other team". this song in particular solidifies (at least in my mind) that james is "one of his favorite few" and as such is looked upon in a certain light. this song is a little more angsty in comparison parallel, but i think that's why i like comparing waterparks songs to the kames dynamic. their relationship is not all sunshine and rainbows. there is a stark contrast between how kendall and james express their love. despite his avoidant attachment style, kendall wears his heart on his sleeve. i'm certain he craves commitment and stability despite being afraid of it. james however goes from one fling to the next and doesn't feel the need to plant any roots. he doesn't need constant reassurance or stability except for when it comes to kendall. his direct wants and desires are usually targeted or communicated to kendall as seen in episodes like big time audition or big time tests.
tysm for asking this btw! i really enjoyed breaking this down and it kinda inspired me to write a blog abt my kames playlist so hopefully that's smth i do in the future :)
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actualbird · 8 months
God I agree so hard with you on the afterstories. I get what they were trying to do with them as a sweet ending to take the sting off the main story but it just cheapens the story so much!! I don't feel relief when reading about how they miraculously survived, I just kind of feel frustrated because the afterstory just really doesn't earn that relief at all.
I'd have preferred if they turned the afterstory into an actual additional part of the main story detailing how the boys survived because at least then it'd have a better chance of landing since it's more developed than just "oh yeah don't worry about it I got out fine :)". Or if they really wanted to keep it an afterstory...I don't know, maybe a reunite in the afterlife thing? It's also cliche but at least it doesn't cheapen the story as much by magically undoing the tragedy of the story.
Of course, ideally they'd stick to their guns and just end the story where it's supposed to end without any afterstory. Maybe I could understand the need for a fluffier epilogue for the other AU cards which could catch players not expecting angst off guard since the art doesn't give anything away but for Enduring Light's set of cards? Every single card has the boys looking badly beat up or in a bad situation for Luke, I'd be surprised if anyone pulled for the cards not expecting heavy angst.
I think in the end I just act as if the afterstories are non-canon, and considering during the secret chats some of the boys talk about their card counterparts as if they did die I think that might be what the devs intended too. I do still think the stories told in the AU cards are generally good from what little I've read, I just wish they'd commit that tiny bit more to telling a tragedy when they want to.
irt my thoughts on marius and luke's enduring light cards
wahhh hi hi milkyway anon!! glad im not the only one hehe cuz I AGREE WITH ALL THIS
the thing i most most agree with is if they took the "actual additional part of the main story detailing how the boys survived" approach to the afterstory, i wouldve Loved that. for luke's in particular his recovery seems like suCH AN INTERESTING STORY IN ITSELF HELLO??? he was fished outta the ocean and injured so badly that his recovery took a whole year???? i wanna read that!! i wanna read about him coming to terms with his injuries (and maybe even disability because you dont get out of an Exploding Airplane Crash unscathed. in my mind he had to get a limb amputated (hi chika if youre out there reading this ask you have infected me with the "amputate luke" hc) or at the very least cannot walk for a solid period of time after the accident. oh, and ptsd of course) and how he copes with all this
all in all, my dissatisfaction with the inclusion of the afterstories in this set of cards seems to show a pattern for my dissatisfaction with other tot cards i didnt vibe with: they were all (even partly) caused by tot's dedication to the format of their cards rather than the story within it
why didnt i like ssr looming nightmare? 6 acts were not enough to flesh out mc's side of the story, given that it was her nightmare. alas, 6 acts are all we get for regular ssr cards
why didnt i like ssr orange scent? 3 acts were NOWHERE near enough space for luke to be able to get over his fears and propose to mc. alas, 3 acts is all we get for anniv ssr cards
why didnt i like this bit of ssr sky ashes? because the existence of the afterstory undermines the tragedy's tragedy-ing. alas, afterstories are a staple of big event ssr cards
like.....i get that tot has to be consistent in their format for types of cards but it makes me sad to see when that consistency actively does the card story a disservice. these stories could be homeruns! if they were treated as the priority and not something to shove into a template that must be followed
anyhoo, it's nice to see im not the only one w iffy feelings abt the afterstories. i still liked sky ashes and im going your route about it by mentally editing the afterstory to be a recovery story instead of a fluff fix-all
thanks for the ask!!
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pe0ple3ater · 7 months
OK I've had a full hour and a half driving to think about this so I have a whole etoiles/bad/cellbit au to present to you now 🖤 but before I begin: RAHHHHH Cellbit angst my absolute beloved thank you PeopleEater you're so right and based and roier would 100% beg cell to eat him omnomnom
Now without further ado:
This is gonna come in 2 parts and I'm gonna start with Etoiles because goddamn that man is WOOF. Etoiles in clerical clothing BARK he is so fine he would look so good in that sexy little priest outfit.
They probably didn't have anything properly his size because how many priests are absolutely jacked? (mmm thinking abt fit too) So it's a little small. So his shoulders and chest stretch the fabric and his thighs and ass in the slacks are enough to distract many parishioners from the word of the lord. Maybe a few of them even come to confession to talk about it. Whether he knows that they're talking about him who knows
He'd be really good at it too, I mean, that man is so sweet and honorable and bright, he's like the golden boy of the church, everyone's favorite priest for his sermons alone. Of course he gets up to some nasty debauchery behind the scenes. (Im still thinking about that one fooletoiles size kink ask and imagining Foolish meeting him in a back room between services to fuck between his thighs still in his pants and turn the confident, holy man into a begging mess to have Foolish inside him. Etoiles gets upset with him afterward because now he has to change)
Cellbit is the newer, priest. Etoiles knows he has some issues, he just doesn't know what and he doesn't make it his business. What matters is that Cellbit is doing well and working to become a good man. Etoiles thinks he already is, Cellbit just has a hard time believing him. Etoiles is teaching him exorcism
Then one day Cellbit comes to him shaking and on the verge of tears and asks him to come to the confessional. He looks really good like that, but Etoiles is good at ignoring such unholy thoughts...Until Cellbit tells him what happened and he gets to prescribe some...particular acts of penance
Etoiles stays in the confessional for a while after Cellbit leaves. It's late, there weren't even services today, but he's expecting someone. And sure enough, though he can barely see it through the small holes in the booth wall, the door to the next chamber opens. He can't see who or what entered, but the scent of blood and ash follows after it, something Etoiles didn't expect to find so alluring. "Greetings Father."
The voice is sweet, high and thick with amusement. Etoiles isn't in the mood for a demon's play, he's fucking upset. He skips the pleasantries. 
"You turned that poor man into a monster," he hissed. 
"He already was a monster." A pause. "You don't seem to be all that offended, are you father?"
The demon plays tricks, they get in your mind. "You dragged him from the faith!"
"I didn't make him do anything. He did it all on his own."  He could practically hear the smile on the creature's face and it made him sick.
"You know," the demon offered. "I could help you too."
"What are you talking about?"
"I can see the truth in you. You liked hearing what Cellbit did. You've tasted blood before and you want more."
Etoiles froze. The confession felt like it had been ripped from his very mouth, yet he hadn't said a word. 
No. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Etoiles took a deep breath in, letting the demon's temptation roll off his shoulders (even if the idea of watching cellbit tear into someone, covered in viscera was enough to start making him hard).
"You ought to burn for what you've done."
The demon tsked. "You're no fun. What are you gonna do? Exorcise me?" Then in a flash, before Etoiles could respond, the world warped. Suddenly he was no longer alone in his side of the booth, but with a pitch skinned, grinning demon perched on his lap. A very pretty demon, wearing nothing but a wine red dress, archstar criscrossed over its bare chest and skirt slit high up over its hips. "Or are you gonna make me repent like you did with your student?"
The demon's tail swishes behind it, and he looked for all the world like the cat who got the cream. Without thinking, Etoiles grabbed the tail and yanked. 
The demon lets out a high gasp that goes directly to his dick. It hadn't seemed to notice, but one clawed hand had shot out to grip his shoulder. Etoiles barely flinched. Instead, he pries it off with his other hand and dropping the tail, picks the demon up to slam it against the wall. Etoiles rolls his hips into the demon's making him whine. "You don't deserve to repent," he mutters, still grinding, nails digging into the demon's exposed flesh. "But I'll fuck you so hard you'll never go near my student again."
"Wh- Language!" For a moment he has to stop. You've got to be kidding.
He doesn't say anything. Instead, he rolls his eyes and drops Bad to a heap on the floor, grabbing one of his horns and shoving his cock in its mouth before they complain. 
Anyway--this definitely wont be the last time they see each other. Etoiles fucks bad's throat against the wall then makes Bad grind on his thigh until he cums, clawing at his back making the priest hiss with delight. Bad begs Etoiles to choke him and he takes his crucifix to burn into the hollow of Bad's throat like a brand as he does. Etoiles also definitely gets Bad a collar with a chain for him to hold short and tight when he fucks Bad ruthlessly over the altar
Bad definitely has a pussy and a dick in this and Etoiles makes good use of everything. I have a lot of demon Bad fucking thoughts. He/it/they Bad is my everything, also.
I have limited time so the cellbit part will come tomorrow but I might make this properly longer and into a fic we'll see
--Sin Anon
"Etoiles in clerical clothing BARK he is so fine he would look so good in that sexy little priest outfit." I have a Thing for priests so I was SO EXCITED to read this. You did not disappoint AT ALL
"So his shoulders and chest stretch the fabric and his thighs and ass in the slacks are enough to distract many parishioners from the word of the lord. Maybe a few of them even come to confession to talk about it. Whether he knows that they're talking about him who knows" First of all, Etoiles in tight black slacks made me dizzy to think about. Poor guy is constantly dealing with leering, hungry eyes and he doesn't even know.
"..imagining Foolish meeting him in a back room between services to fuck between his thighs still in his pants" HEY HEYUM YEAH. Yes Foolish fucking his thighs, yes please. Making a pretty mess of his clothes and laughing at Etoiles frustrated little whines when he realizes he has to change. hah yeah.
"He looks really good like that" YEAH HE DOES, yes Cellbit with big wet eyes all sniffly and needy ngh..yeah I feel normal about it. I'm normal.
"(even if the idea of watching cellbit tear into someone, covered in viscera was enough to start making him hard)." yeah we're the same btw, Etoiles being a good man of faith and yet no one can deny how pretty Cellbit would look covered in blood!
"..grabbing one of his horns and shoving his cock in its mouth before they complain." YEAH GRAB HIM BY THE HORNS. PLEASE. Bbh having horns that people grab to fuck his mouth is everything to me. It's what he deserves!
"Bad begs Etoiles to choke him and he takes his crucifix to burn into the hollow of Bad's throat like a brand as he does." HOT, a brand from a man of the lord. Etoiles is doing gods work, purifying this demon from the inside out! He can't be blamed for it, it's the only way to get to the demon.
Sin anon..please make this into a full fic and drop it in my inbox I love it very very much. Hell, I'll even edit for you
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writingforfishes · 11 days
worm non-hic-related-ask spam era (because they are nothing if a dorky fanperson at heart who would rather absorb lore than do anything productive irl)
otto n atty are fairly masc presenting
i want to explore that
so i think it's safe to assume that otto, being a cis guy, was raised/socialized as one. and as mentioned it wasn't safe for him to explore the side of him that wasn't heteronormative while he was at home. and when living with mark he didn't seem to behave much differently. did otto ever want to explore femininity (don't correct if that's misspelt i will die) or androgyny? or at least, did that ever cross his mind? benefit of not assigning them to live in a particular region/city/etc, there is the option of them living in a rly queer area and not having to worry abt any weird discrimanatory (discriminatory?) shi in public. if he wanted to behave or present differently, how would that look for him?
similar vein with atty. *pushes up glasses in intersex nerdism* i won't assume that atticus having had top surgery, being on T, and (presumably) possessing a not-dick equates to them having been raised as a girl. like that certainly makes sense but isn't the only way that things can go. if they were tho, they probably already have some experience and opinion of acting/presenting fem, and have obviously explored androgyny & masculinity. do they prefer either of those over fem? would something feel off to them if they wore, like, a dress or something, even if they were still being perceived as and addressed with the correct gender/pronouns? they seem like they would have uh...how do i word this. they have the vibes of being fashionable but not in a trend-following way? like when not asleep or in gremlin-writing-mode, i get the impression they generally wear clothes a step or two above casual/street stuff, but not like a complicated 10+ articles outfit, just a few nice-looking things that they're rly good at putting together and pulling off. they're like a quick-witted, dapper little guy. the gentlethem of all time (in the absence of social anxiety and introvertedness, lol, cuz like same). that whole long fashion bit to say: they seem like they'd be interested in testing fancy outfits in general (emphasis on testing and not always wearing, cuz textile sensitivity is a bitch), and enjoying all forms of clothes makes for a lot more options than trad-masc. idk
this stems from er. the characters i just created for my ~original work hicfics~ both have painted nails and a few different piercings or other jewelries/accessories each. and my brain was like wait a damn minute..would ottocus do anything more than wedding rings? (pls don't say dog tag chains istg) so like what are their individual experiences/thoughts with what society has decided as not-masculinity and if either of them were to experiment with such presentations on their own/with their partner, how would that go?
and if this is like a rly out of left field question u don't gotta deep-dive into it or anythin. idw like pressure u into world-building on the spot ehe...just, uh, if you do already have some form of an answer for this, i would be very interested to hear it :3
sry i just thought of a sillier (hella unhinged) question. feel free to virtually bonk me for this one. so the two of them also don't swear much. idk if that's like an age thing, a you thing, or if they as characters simply prefer not to, but. what do they think abt queer slurs. like the ones they can say. i think if the opportunity arises that atticus deserves to drop one british-cigarette-slang as a treat. ok umm. here u and your bois can have some strawberries or somethin. and i will stop (for today) being cringe now bye
We're gonna do the paragraph-by-paragraph thing again because I can keep track of it better in my brain. |P=paragraph.
|P 1
(after "I want to explore that.")
I honestly think Otto was a marching band nerd or a theatre kid? I might be borrowing too much from the source actor on that. I feel like he was a pretty energized person in his youth (ADHD/-tism?). After being kicked out of the house and in college he probably did express himself in more alternative ways. I hadn't given it that much thought, but I could see him being a neo-90's hippie with a guitar, long hair, and nail polish. Kind of a selfish douche but it's because he was someone who was never allowed to be himself. (And alcohol makes you super douche-y, too.)
He was probably a Philosophy or Religion major (never completed). Super smart but extremely insecure which turned into extreme egoism which was worsened by his drinking to deal with his anxiety and over-activity. I can see him being kind of an asshole and wearing a dress as a lark, but I can also see him wearing something like a broomstick skirt and a t-shirt and sandals. There's a couple of paths I can see him having taken stylistically. I can even see him going into a punk or goth phase at some point, though briefly and pretty quickly snuffed out by his mom.
Ultimately, I think neo 90's hippie dude playing a guitar under a tree in a long skirt with painted fingernails rings truer than all of the other possibilities.
|P 2
Atticus was absolutely raised as a girl. I'm confirming that now. But I like the inclusive thought of intersex individuals. Thank you for including it.
CW: gendered discussion ahead highlighting societal and cultural definitions of masc vs femme (author knows that strict binary gender is created by society and culture and not true to natural expression of gender or non-gender)
And, yes, Atticus is a dapper dude. Being in a relationship with Otto probably brought even more dapper dude-ness out. Otto is a dapper dude, too. You should SEE both of their collections of flat caps, vests, and cardigans! It's like a Newsies fitting room in their closet.
As far as Atticus' thoughts about wearing more feminine things, they didn't begin to welcome back in the possibility of dresses and other femme-coded clothes until they started looking more masc via body and facial hair. It's the contrast visually in the femme and masc social and cultural categories that they wanted to achieve. They love the visual of someone who is hairy and masc presenting in clothes that are seen as feminine in themselves.
They own see-through mesh crop tops (as every queer should, in my opinion, don't at me) and flowy sundresses. But they wear things like that for parties and events. They're more comfortable in gremlin or dapper wear.
|P 3
They do both have wedding rings. I only believe this, because I have no doubt that either Otto knows a metalsmith or was one at some point. I am absolutely certain they have hand-crafted rings that hold some sort of significance from the metal it was crafted.
As far as jewelry, I think Otto probably had earrings (or just one) in his youth/young adulthood. I don't think he wore excessive rings because he used his hands too much for them to feel comfortable. Maybe bracelets or a necklace with some sort of stone on it.
Atticus, a late bloomer in their identity as nonbinary masc, definitely went through the overly abundance ring trend (including a poison ring because, of course!) and all of the 90's jewelry stuff with the chokers and hemp necklaces and yada yada. And if they were anything like me (I mean...) they had their neo 90's hippie phase, too.
We've established that Atticus probably has gauges currently. Otto doesn't really wear much jewelry, though he might have a bracelet or two. He seems like a bracelet guy on the wrist he doesn't wear a watch on.
They do both have watches. They are both very nice watches. They both have more than one watch. It's a clock maker/watch repairer thing.
I haven't really thought of anything specific for their accessory wear, though. This is all just off the top of my head speculation.
As far as thoughts on gender (specifically non-masculinity) and how it would go to experiment with the barriers...hm.
I honestly don't think Otto gave gender expression for himself beyond masculinity much thought before Atty. I mean, yes, he wore skirts and painted his nails and challenged masculinity expectations when he was younger, but I don't think he specifically identified those acts as affront to masculinity but, rather, as an affront to society in general.
I think Otto having Atticus as his partner and meeting other trans people has opened his eyes to gender in a way he never considered. And as a cis man who does not openly present as queer, he probably never had to consider gender. He had some privilege.
There was an article I read decades ago about a cis (this article was written before that term existed) man trying on a dress not as a joke, but as a genuine exploration into wearing clothes assigned to females. He was taken aback by how much emotion he felt when he looked in the mirror and he didn't look pretty. He saw an image that he, and society, defined as ugly and unacceptable. (Please keep the time period in mind for this.)
He actually got emotional. I think he had a friend who was a girl, or his wife, someone socially female to whom he related his shock and emotion. He felt disappointed, even though he didn't identify as female, at how horrible he perceived he looked. He was genuinely upset.
And I believe the female person consoled him and helped him adjust the dress and perhaps fixed his hair, stockings, shoes, makeup, whatever it was that was included in this little social experiment. But the idea of someone not actually realizing how traumatic it is to have to wear a costume of a gender when you are not that gender and not "succeed" and have an emotional reaction to that fact is very intriguing. (In addition, the gendered costume is that of the most criticized and judged gender for not looking a specific way, especially back then.)
I like to think that Otto experienced something similar to this experiment when deciding to explore femme clothing for some sort of queer event and felt these emotions that were so surprising and powerful that he didn't want to leave the house. I like to think that Atticus and Margie and Cindy helped him deal with those emotions and to understand where they came from. I also like to think he started to understand the discomfort of trans people when society tells them what gender is and that they don't fit where they feel most comfortable and might never fit no matter how hard they try. (Which hits me, specifically, the 5'0 nonbinary masc with not enough whiskers to cause any question to people calling me 'she' pretty darn hard. Thus, Atticus would definitely have that reaction as well.)
|P 4
HAHAHA. I thrive and perish in deep-dive answers and on-the-spot world building.
|P 5
They don't swear all that much. I dunno. That might be a generational thing. They swear when they feel it appropriate. Working retail has also beaten punctuational swearing out of me. But I do appreciate (unless it's a specific character trait) dialogue that isn't bogged down with swearing. This can be, and has been, done well in comedies and dramas. But for everyday life I guess they just don't find it necessary? I'm not sure I have a better answer than that except it might be generational.
As far as reclaiming queer slurs, maybe if Atticus was really riled up or feeling incredibly angry or confrontational, they would claim the small twig one. But it would have to be a pretty specific situation of which I don't know what would look like. Neither one of them are from a queer history where the word was used conversationally or affectionately. Atticus missed a lot of queer culture by discovering themselves later in life. They weren't a spunky butch kid. They were an introverted girl-thing who didn't understand why sex was so important and really liked Star Trek. They only became spunky after realizing and becoming who they were, so they haven't had much practice owning that confidence. Though they have much more than me. Another idealized part of Atticus that I've given them in addition to the killer body hair and mustache.
:looks up at tower of text:
Does this do anything?
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loving-n0t-heyting · 19 days
currently reading james shaws book on wittgenstein, or more specifically the rule following segment of the investigations. argues fairly convincingly (tho idk, its easy to be convinced of anything the ~1st time you read a serious entry on a topic, the only other literature i can recall reading in this particular niche is kripkenstein and some stuff of mcdowells i really was not in a position to understand at the time; 0th entry ive read in the literature ofc would be the investigations ipsum; none of this is my specialty) that much of whats going on, especially early on in the rule following block, is W trying to convince the reader and his fictitious interlocutor not to look for reasons we have to carry out a rule in "the ordinary way" in all possible cases when challenged by a perverse interpreter of the rule. he encourages us to conclude, after examining our ordinary ways of thinking/acting with care, that while we sometimes act for reasons, and sometimes we have reasons for those reasons, sometimes we also simply act for no reason at all. our spades eventually turn up empty. (smth like the argument in play here from W is clearly on eg anscombes mind in intention sec. 20)
it is interesting to compare Ws remarks here about spades turning up empty to a) the long and storied topic among philosophers in roughly the tradition of aristotle to take the idea of a "summum bonum" very srsly and ii) the distinction btwn "terminal" and "instrumental" desires. (the former is very very clearly also on anscombes mind but i dont think the latter.) its a key feature of philosophers in the tradition of aristotle to (like W) take chains of reasons or desires or intentions or whatever very srsly, and to take consideration of them to point the existence of reasons/desires/intentions not had for any further r/d/i. the way these arguments tend to go is very different from in W: in W the existence of "arational" reasons of ours seems to be smth he expects us to notice as part of the usual background of everyday life, not a conclusion to a speculative argument. but the summum bonum and the arational reasons share some important features: they terminate chains of nested such rsns, standing in roughly the same relation to rsns lower down in the chain as intermediate ones stand to all those beneath them in turn. thus they are in an important sense of the same (familiar) kind of thing as the "lower" rsns. and while W would ofc disavow that their existence and role in our activity is any kind of philosophical posit or potentially surprising philosophical thesis, he thinks they require a little bit of work to point out, at least to those of us encased in the fly bottle. he cant just allude to them or rattle off some buzzwords and be done with it
this is very much not how the terminal/instrumental distinction gets discussed, is it? when introduced at all (in eg the introductory chapters of textbooks on one kind or another of ratl choice theory), its usually somewhat cursory; the distinction is supposed to be obvious, virtually self explanatory. if either is treated as more opaque or sophisticated and not-immediate, it is the "instrumental" desires rather than the "terminal" ones. (obviously in this corner of the internet mostly its prolly downstream of big yud, who treats everything he discusses this way, but there are other ppl to discuss these topics actually capable of and willing to put forth arguments for their beliefs instead of screaming abt how yr stupid if you disagree with them who nevertheless are pretty cursory with their introduction of the concepts.) now there is ofc an important and very interesting history of arguments (of a sort) for terminal desires (here: utility functions) in the relevant sense that begin rather than end with the "instrumental" desires (here: preference orders), in the tradition starting with von neumann & morgenstern on thru jeffrey and later joyce. this is the tradition of "representation theorems" in decision theory. but even here, one gets the sense that the terminal tail is wagging the instrumental dog; there is a simply astounding quote from jeffrey he makes in the course of "justifying" one of the less intuitive assumptions abt the structure of preference orders required for the theorem to go thru:
The axiom is there because we need it, and it is justified by our antecedent belief in the plausibility of the result we mean to deduce from it.
similar (motivated) reasoning, if not always so explicit, seems in play with savage and von neumann/morgenstern as well
and what is more, terminal desires are NOT treated as fundamentally akin to instrumental desires the way "ultimate" rsns in W/aristotle are treated as akin to "lower" rsns. not mathematically ofc, but also not intuitively. a difference in terminal desires founds a definitive break btwn two agents. to the extent they can reason practically with one another it is of a fundamentally different kind than reasoning among similarly-terminal agents, and change in ones terminal desires is to be explained in similarly fundamentally different terms; often but not inevitably this takes the form of treating any change in "terminal" values as at least arational and at most a shift in ones literal identity as a person. it tends to go along with a hostility to treating terminal desire as any kind of belief (tho this is not strictly a necessity)
i think all of this contributes to why i feel more suspicious of talk about terminal desires than of the summum bonum or reasonless reasons. it simultaneously requires this fundamentally, categorically different kind of attitude we have than other more quotidian ones, and it requires moreover that we accept this distinction basically without argument. not a good combo! it speaks to ones being already in the grip of a picture or grand theory that goes well beyond the humdrum facts of daily reasoning, without any clear idea or memory of what it would be or was like to be motivated to enter the grip from without. ppl managed to talk about reasons for doing stuff long long before ramsey or von neumann or whoever were but a twinkle in their parents eyes
there are more exact arguments to be made against more exact formulations of the distinction ofc but this helps get at the spirit of the thing. and to discourage false assimilations of the distinction to older more traditional ones
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