#in my defense i did test myself before coming lol
koishua · 2 years
my immune system after i told them i never get sick: 😨😢🥶🥵🤢🤒🤕😷🤮🙈🙈
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
I've noticed your predator/alien franchise doesn't have anything for xenomorph. Let's change that lol. Could I get something that has a similar storyline like the one that says dark reader on it the one where the reader is obsessed with aliens.. It's made me curious tbh
Xenomorph x Dark. Reader
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Mx. Anonymous, you read my mind! I was wondering when someone would request this! And you don't need to apologize, since it's fanfiction, we're just gonna say eff reality for a moment (even though the whole thing is fictional...but you get it).
Want more from me, my Infinites (I'm trying out a follower name thing lol. I'll probably shuffle through random ass names until one works)? 𝙈𝘼𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
👽Discoveries👽 (Aliens)
Warning(s): Dark Fic (dunno if it came out as dark as I wanted), Non-con details, unprotected, triggering(?), size difference, I don't know where I went with this (this is what happens when I write parts at different times, I guess)
Sometimes experimentation leads to temptation...
"You're crazy, [Last Name]!"
You tapped the end of your pen against your lip in thought before smiling, "Maybe, but crazy gets better results than normal. Ask any of the greatest geniuses, they'll tell you."
You were labeled as the crazy scientist because you suggested cross breeding. Between Xenomorph—or Aliens, the term used for common folk—and humans.
'It's impossible!'
'It's wrong! Don't you have any morals?' they cried.
'You want to talk to me about morals? Ha! Who are the ones who take creatures as they please and experiment to their heart's content, past what's necessary, simply for nosiness and fear of not knowing everything?'
You always shut them up any time they felt a need to comment on you.
"Sometimes the most impossible things can be made possible," you muttered as you scribbled something in your many notebooks dedicated to this theory.
You could admit you were pretty obsessed with Xenomorphs, you found them fascinating. You studied them with a passion.
You wanted one...and the opportunity came when a group of scientists arrived with a captured Xenomorph.
They were studying it to come up with a defense against them, you, among a few other scientists decided to spectate.
And all hell broke loose.
Turns out, someone from the group had gotten infected. You had to figure that out when a man's stomach burst open.
There was panic as the other scientists fell victim, until the newest creature was contained.
The two aliens were to be stored away since the team leading the experiment was now dead, until someone else decided to take it over.
That was your opening.
You took the fully grown one to your private lab, where everything was already set up.
The huge cylinder it was in was a little heavy, but you made it work. You pushed a button that would release an anesthetic-type liquid into the fluid the creature was summered in.
Once it was confirmed to be unconscious, you released it and properly restrained it, tail and all. You loved risks, but not when the result could stop your experimenting from proceeding...you can't test things if you're dead.
"Now...let's get your vitals connected to my database..." you tapped away at your screen until the patches and machinery you'd connected to it did their job, "There you are...and you are a very healthy Xenomorph."
You went through a few experiments of merging DNA samples, but something was missing. You couldn't figure out what it was.
You were disturbed from your deep thoughts by a pathetic escape attempt behind you.
"Oh, you're awake. I should introduce myself," you approached the alien carefully, "I'm your caretaker. And you're all mine for the time being."
It continued to struggle, hissing at you as you calmly took off your lab coat and put on gloves.
"Now, for a physical examination..."
Your hand slowly trailed down the alien's head and jaw, raising a brow as its struggle turned hesitant.
You heard a rumbling sound from its throat, the mouth covering muffling it.
"So...you aren't completely adverse to touch, hm?"
Then you explored its shoulders and arms, you trailed lower to its sides.
"Everything seems to be in order so far...You really are a beautiful specimen..." you sighed in fascination.
You were mesmerized and edging towards getting aroused.
And the alien could smell it, it was reacting.
Visibly reacting.
You smirked, "Oh...well, look at that. I've made the discovery of a lifetime."
So much research had been done, but never have sexual organs been found on an alien. But you supposed it wasn't common for someone to show arousal in their presence.
"Standing at attention just for me...What should I do with you?"
You were absolutely breathless.
But who could blame you, you were stretched to your limits. And there were still quite a few inches of it that didn't fit inside.
There was some defiance at the beginning, but this alien would just be the next being to know you always got what you wanted in the end.
And the hotter you got and the louder you got, ashamed defiance turned into lustful acceptance.
You balanced on your hands best you could, your feet also supporting you, but they were beginning to become less reliant the more they curled.
Its skin felt cool and smooth, a stark contrast to your heat and muscle. It made you shiver in the best ways as you slowly slid up and down.
"I think I might—keep you."
You were becoming more obsessed by the minute, perhaps your rationality was being manipulated by the smell of sex and sweat.
Or maybe because the alien tried and failed to keep itself quiet, sensitive to your every move.
A cute little virgin it was.
All yours to use as you've wanted. You could possibly get a sample once you were done, see if it gave different results.
Everything was in your control, until it wasn't.
The alien decided it'd had enough of your slow pace.
It thrusted up in quick strokes, making your body move so quickly it looked like it was shaking.
With a groan, your nails dug into its arms, then you gasp as it breaks out of its restraints.
For a moment, you think it'll attack, and it does.
It flips you under and bullies itself back into you, forcing in every inch.
A brutal attack that leaves you trying to catch your breath.
With a growl behind its mask, it pummels into you.
With fascination, you feel the bulge it creates and swear you can see it, but you're a little disoriented right now.
Your vision flashes from the pleasure and pain, your body is tingling.
"You—You're my discovery to keep," you grin.
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
haikyuu boys as icks
because my favorite thing is humbling men and fictional men are no exception | aot version & jjk version
does that thing where he "forgets to know your name" so he doesn't look obsessed with you, but in reality he just looks like a douchebag LOL he's comes up to you all nonchalant like "y/n, right?" as if he doesn't follow you on ig and like all of ur pics....and he thinks it makes him look so cool and popular and mysterious and then u look him dead in the eye and ur like "yeah, you're osamu, right?" he's humbled very quickly
when he’s really tired or clingy, he talks in a baby voice :/ sometimes even refers to himself in the third person :/ just typing this rn is making me frown with disappointment. like yeah atsumu may be the more dramatic twin, but thats only bc he’s shameless in public. behind closed doors, osamu is right there w/ him. you find him pouting on the couch after a long day like “osamu wants cuddles >:(” or “can we make dinner together i’m hungwy >:(” big offender of the “sowwy” and “pwease” agenda. arrest him
is the embodiment of that one trend where you tell guys they look like they can’t swim and they get so unnecessarily defensive about it LOL. you say he “gives off a vibe that he can’t swim that well” and hes DISTRAUGHT...immediately whipping out all of his cards to prove you wrong like “obviously i can swim, wtf let’s go find a public pool rn and i’ll show you how good i can swim” also gets you back in such a ruthless way like “okay, but i can. and you look like you don’t know how to read.” feelings end up hurt on both ends :/
whenever you guys go to the store, he holds up the line because he’s like “oh, i have a coupon for that!!! :)” but it's never convenient at all. it could be for the most minuscule or absurd products too, like toilet paper or ballpoint pens, and he’s digging through his wallet once you guys reach the register. like baby AREN’T YOU A PRO ATHLETE???? i think you can afford the extra $1.42 for granola bars. you bring up the idea of him having the coupon ready before he gets in line and he’s like “idk i don't wanna hold it for that long 🥱”
LEAVES HIS BEARD HAIR IN THE SINK AFTER SHAVING. oh my god, i am making myself angry rn. you rinse it out every single time and when you ask him if he knows what happens to all of his little trimmings, he’s just like “idk....i guess they just evaporate or slide down over time” when you literally clean up after him like a maid :I he makes me sick (inspired by that one tiktok of the oblivious husband and knowing wife)
doesnt understand politics so he just labels himself as “non-political” which comes across as him just being douchey :/ it makes him look so ignorant when he first tells you :/ like a man who thinks he’s too good to be socially and politically aware bc it doesn't affect him / when in reality, politics just really isn't his forte academically and he’s never learned the basics of it :/ because he is really smart ok i stand by this!!!! he’s a scholar and a college grad...he just only focuses on his areas of interest. take a gov course baby expand ur horizons
if you ask him those silly hypothetical relationship questions (the ones where you just want him to say something sweet, something that proves he loves you) he is not having it in the slightest. you ask him “would you still love me if i was a worm?” and he’s deadly serious like “no? one, that's not even possible. two, if i’m ever attracted to a worm then i need to be constrained and arrested. three, i think that’s really wrong for you to expect me to seamlessly deal with that big of a transition in our relationship--” and you have to be like OH MY GODDD OKAYYYYY IT WAS A TEST!!!  AND YOU FAILED!!!
millennial core LOLLLLLLL im sorry. he posts a pic of him after he gets his hair cut and captions it “just did a thing! :P” EWWWW my toes are curling rn. he takes his selfies from the highest mom facebook angle and does the signature middle aged white man smirk. if he ever films a video of himself it’s so cringy bc he does the millennial zoom in and talks as if he’s a movie protagonist. attends a single work meeting and claims he’s “adulting 😂” at the ripe age of 27
when he really likes you, he does that thing where he's like "you're just not like other girls/people!!!! you're so different!!!!!!" you do basic human things like don't constantly wear makeup or eat whatever you please and he's like "i love how you can be so real around me, you're so quirky <3" you shave your legs or do your hair and he’s like “baby you don’t have to do all of this for me!!!!” he’s never touched a woman in his life. self unaware king 
swears that period cramps are not that bad and that people who get periods over-exaggerate to make men (or people who don’t get periods in general) feel guilty about not dealing with them. believes with his entire chest that “getting kicked in the balls” is equivalent to the pain of childbirth. one day you jokingly buy one of those period cramp simulator machines and hook him up to it. he's all “i’m gonna be fine babe” and “it probably just feels like a stomach ache”.... he doesnt get past the 3rd setting and is holding back tears when you finally turn it off 
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askauradonprep · 2 years
Uhh, you mentioned in a post a while back - like, 25 march 2021? ish? (lol, not me going through all your posts ever) - that you've accidentally joined cults before, and I wanted to ask about the signs? Since, as far as I'm aware, no one in my family has been in one and I want to know what to avoid/be wary of? Because I DO want to keep myself, my family and my friend safe from anything I can, so any infor/help would be appreciated!
Okay, first of all, never 'not' about going through my posts. I love when people do that! Even aside from the 'happy chemical boost', I like seeing what you guys enjoy when I post. The reason I have fifteen million posts about Huma is because people liked and reblogged those posts and that spurred more head canon creation. Engage with the posts you wanna see on my blog.
Now, for the actual reason you wrote -
I'm gonna start by saying my experience with cults are probably not the kind you're thinking of. One was when I was like...six. My babysitter was telling my mom and posting flyers at school about an art camp that rented a room at her church. Well, surprise, turned out to be a cult that brought us to the auditorium and lit fires and made us sing hymns and come and pray in front of the fire before they brought us back like five minutes before pick up time and gave us 'crafts' like 'dump glitter on a rock so you can tell your parents you did art today'. Well, I was TERRIFIED of fire and so I was extremely quiet when I got home. My mom noticed and my friend told her what happened at camp. She LOST IT. So did our school principal actually - he was going around tearing down flyers himself the next day. My poor babysitter was horrified - this wasn't her actual church putting on the camp, just some group that rented the room and she had no idea what was going to happen. So that was cult number one.
The next one was secular and primarily online but it was still abusive and harmful like, say, Scientology. People still have some lingering health problems from shit the leader made them do. I'm being vague on the details because the leader's still around and is known to trawl online to find mentions of himself or his cults and I'd really rather he not know who I am. I was only there for a month or two before I realized the group wasn't what I thought it was (it presented itself as a fan-space with a lot of the cult stuff happening behind 'closed doors' so to speak. I wasn't privy to a lot of that but I saw the effects on everyone else and it tipped my 'y'all are weird' alarms).
One of my friends is also a cult survivor and this is the test she uses. It was originally based around harmful Alcoholics Anonymous practices, but it's useful for identifying habits in a cult. https://www.orange-papers.mx/orange-cult_q0.html
Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships by Janja Lalich and Madeline Tobias is pretty good too, according to her.
Also - Leah Remini. Look into what she says about Scientology. LOTS of good stuff about escaping scary, no shit, 'people who try to leave disappear sometimes' cults.
Now, MY advice?
Is there a leader of a defined group who is either somehow Specially Capable, whether it's a divine connection, psychic abilities, or just really really profound Super Duper Special insight into people? Are they always always right and they (or their followers) get super defensive if they're questioned or caught out lying? Red flag.
Are you free to leave the group without there being totally unreasonable responses like being treated as a totally horrible person forever or losing your whole community? If not, that too is a red flag.
LOTS AND LOTS of abuse tactics like gaslighting, 'bread crumbs' where they drop little hints and lay groundwork for believing things (like say, talking about believing in the possibility of life on other planets (something lots of reasonable people believe in) and talking a lot about New Age stuff people believe and slowly ramping up 'coincidences' until the target takes the risk of going 'OMG you're an alien'. This is how you get cults believing their leader is a Divine Alien. "Well I'd never believe that" - Well, sure, probably not at first. Give it a couple months getting softened and softened up until YOU take the risk of sounding like a weirdo instead of the leader), emotional abuse, intentionally putting you in dangerous or emotionally heightened situation with no warning so you're easier to control, lots of wearing down self esteem, sabotaging other relationships, isolation, 'us against the world' crap, etc.
BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUES. Sleep deprivation is really common, especially if the leader and others get crabby if you try to get a break and go to bed. Even if they're not though, they might still be trying to keep you awake as much as possible so you're less likely to think through the lies (and there's ALWAYS lies upon lies upon lies - or at least bullshit upon bullshit upon bullshit, in the event the leader really believes their own Kool-Aid.). Again, isolation, absolute obedience, some sort of punishment for failing like physical abuse or isolation, etc. If they can use their worldview or framework to totally reframe your identity on their terms, that's one way they can do it (like if you complain about sleep deprivation and they go 'Oh, don't worry, it's normal for aliens, you'll adjust eventually'. Y'know, because you found them as an alien so you're totally one too, you Cool and Clever so and so. Oh but don't tell anybody else outside the group or you'll end up in a lab somewhere). LOTS AND LOTS of guilt trips and again, gaslighting. This isn't all of the tricks but they're the ones I'm thinking of off the top of my head.
Whataboutism - like, sure, I burned half your stuff when you fell asleep on me, but I didn't hit you so this TOTALLY isn't a cult. Or, hey, I don't make you pray, just ~meditate~ so it's not a cult. Those religious ones, they're the cult.
They always always always need more from you for the group. More money, more time, more devotion, etc. Nothing's ever good enough. Oh, but if the leader gets bored of you and moves onto someone else and pushes you away, it just sucks to suck. Never mind the fact they've trained you to build your life and self worth around them. Again, sucks to suck.
EVERYTHING has to be on the leader's terms. It's the Leader Show, all the fucking time.
If all of this is sounding like 'abuse, but make it religious/otherwise small, enclosed group dynamics', then ding ding ding! We have a winner. You're absolutely right.
If you're reading this and going 'oh my god, I think I might be in a cult', first - try not to beat yourself up. You're NEVER too smart/savvy/mean/untrusting/etc. to get snowed. In fact, the more you believe that, the more susceptible you are. Arrogance is absolutely a vulnerability cult leaders use too. Next, try to figure out ways to build up resources to GET OUT. If the cult leader and your other members do not live with you, this is a lot easier. If not, try to look into Leah Remini or others who've escaped cults and see what they did. I specify Leah Remini and other Scientologists because even among cults, Scientology is NOTORIOUSLY hard and dangerous to leave. You basically need a lawyer to do it. They'll have a lot more advice than I will. The general 'leaving an abusive house' tips stand - try to squirrel away money, important documents, anything you can't stand to lose or leave behind because it might not be possible to get it back once you leave. Don't tell anyone ahead of time you're leaving. Try to find a therapist with cult deprogramming experience. I'm sorry, I don't have many specific tips here. Due to the nature of the cults I was in, I never had much difficulty leaving. My friend who left was basically taken home by her mother "just for a few days" and by the time those days were over, she was ready to leave and told the leader she wasn't coming back. She'd already taken most, if not all, her meaningful possessions with her (and the leader was living with people who weren't in the cult so they could always help her get any other personal items back via mail or whatever).
If someone you love is in a cult, try to follow the 'friend in an abusive relationship' playbook. Voice your concerns gently and carefully, don't argue when they push back, and try to be there for them as much as you can. Cult leaders THRIVE on isolating their followers so it's crucial not to let them cut you off from your loved one as much as is possible. Recognize there will be times you're mad at your loved one or burned out, but try to keep present as much as you can. Don't call the police unless it's EXTREME MEASURES time like they're in actual, physical danger. When you're with your loved one, try to provide them as much autonomy and support for their self worth as you can. Ultimately, your loved one will have to realize the cult is a problem on their own. Sometimes the bullshit builds so much you get to the point you just....cannot swallow one more piece of it and the next bit blows it all down. That's when you really need to be there.
Again, I'm not an expert here and I've never had to leave from somewhere imminently physically dangerous, so if you'd like, here are some more resources: https://www.goodreads.com/list/tag/cults. I particularly recommend the cult survivors list.
https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/ - The BITE model is great too. 
And above all remember that not all cults are mystical, and not all of them are religious. A lot of them front like fan pages or multi-level marketing schemes (LOOKING AT *YOU* DOTERRA) so just...keep your eyes open.
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juletheghoul · 3 years
Oblivius Chapter 5
I have so many feelings about these two, Spills & Francis may be two idiot babies but they're my idiot babies and I LOVE them. Lots of yearning in this chapter, and maybe a different side to Claudia.👀
Likes & reblogs are appreciated
Frankie Morales x F!Reader
Pairing: Frankie x F!Reader
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Angst, yearning, 18+ language, mentions of alcohol / being drunk (Please let me know if I forget anything)
Masterlist Series Masterlist Part 4 Part 6 Playlist
Age 18:
His truck was full.
He was driving, you were shotgun - like always - and there were three more friends in the back. The trunk held boogie boards and towels, sunscreen and a cooler full of food and drinks.
You got there early enough that you found a good spot and within half an hour you were completely set up. There were three big beach blankets spread out with two big umbrellas to hide under when the sun got too hot.
“Spills, can you get my back?” He was handing you the sunscreen as he pulled his shirt up.
You were momentarily taken aback, you’d known him for so long, this wasn’t your first beach trip but he looked… good.
You spent a little longer than you should have making sure every inch of the golden skin of his back and shoulders was covered in sunscreen. Making sure to dip your hands just under the band of his swim trunks. When he turned he had a big smile and you had to ignore the way your stomach flipped.
Get a grip, it’s just Francis.
You couldn’t get a grip though, not with the way butterflies swarmed in your stomach whenever you paid attention to him. His hair was growing out a bit, curling slightly at the edges. You’d never thought about him this way and you had to keep reminding yourself to look away.
Later on in the day when you were in the water you played the same games you’d played since you were kids and when you jumped on his back he didn’t push you away; his skin warm from the sun. Instead he let you wrap your legs around him and everything felt right.
“You okay back there?” He laughed as he held onto the back of your knees.
“Peachy.” You smiled as you held on.
**Present Day**
“Hola Mijo, you better go in there and calm her down.” His mom greeted him at the door when he walked in, her eyebrows raised at him.
“Hola mami, what happened?” He kissed her on the cheek like he always did before making his way further into the house. She couldn’t say - just that Claudia was upset. He was walking towards her, but his mind was still back with Spills. He could still smell her hair as he made his way into the den.
It’s the same shampoo, she still uses the same shampoo. Focus Francisco.
Claudia was almost shouting into her cellphone.
“Well I need it here sooner than that. My wedding is in three weeks and I need everything to be perfect - so I don’t give a shit what you have to do to get my dress here in time but you better find a way to do it!” She was looking daggers at him and he let her finish the phone call before he spoke.
“What’s going on babe?” He put his hands on her arms and started trying to calm her but she shrugged out of his grasp.
“What’s wrong Francisco, is that I told you this would be difficult.” She wasn’t yelling but her tone was icy. “How am I supposed to get married without a wedding dress. Would have been fine if we were back home.”
Not this again.
“Claudia, I told you when we got engaged that I wanted to get married here and you agreed. I explained to you very clearly that I’ve been away from my home, my life, my family - my friends for years and I wanted to get married here. Now tell me what the problem is.” He wanted his feelings to be clear. He loved Claudia, he really did. She was sweet and beautiful and she treated him well. She could be a little spoiled though and if he didn’t put his foot down now, he’d never have a choice about anything ever again.
He would not live his life that way.
“Yes I know I agreed, and for the most part I’m okay with it. I know your whole life is here, but it would have been so easy to get married there.” She pouted and it didn’t invoke the feeling it should have. It didn’t spur him to try to please her, it annoyed him.
He momentarily thought about when Spills pouted up at him, it never annoyed him. He pushed the thought away.
“Maybe, but we’re not getting married there. We’re getting married here, now what can we do? Let's look for a solution.” He softened up at her a little bit, after all he wanted her to be happy.
She sighed loudly and put her arms around his neck, her voice got a little higher as she tried to appeal to him.
“Frankie, baby- I just want everything to be perfect.”
That doesn’t work on me.
“Let’s just try to have everything go smoothly. It’ll be our day regardless, right?” He put his hands on her waist to bring her close, trying to get her out of her head.
“How long do we have to stay here Francisco?” She leaned back to look up into his face and he sighed.
“We have to talk about that, after the wedding we’re going back to stay with your family for a little while but then we have to talk about where we’re going to live.” He held her, but she pulled away.
“I don’t want to live here after Francisco. I appreciate that you grew up here and everything and we can visit but I do not want to live here.” She crossed her arms petulantly, and he took a deep breath to steady himself. They’d spoken about this before and she had agreed to give it an honest try, but they’d been in town less than a week and already she was telling him she hated it.
“You can’t know that in three days babe.” He sat on the couch.
When they agreed to get married - he’d been scared of this, he’d been scared that she’d do this. He knew she loved him, and he loved her - as much as he could - but the look on her face when he’d put his foot down about spending this time at home should have told him everything.
She didn’t say anything, she sat with him and reluctantly agreed.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I just miss home. I’ll give it another shot.” She sounded genuine and he wanted to believe that. “How was your night with Spills? Is she feeling better?” She smiled at him, putting her hand on his thigh and he placed his over hers. A silent truce.
“She’s doing much better, we ate dinner and watched a movie.” He held her hand as he spoke and she smiled at him.
“I’m glad to hear that - hopefully she doesn’t get that drunk at the wedding.” She laughed lightly.
He knew she didn’t mean it in a nasty way, but he bristled at her words.
“She was just nervous about meeting all of you, and even if she did it would be fine. Everyone gets drunk at weddings.” He tried not to sound defensive but she raised her eyebrows at him. “I just don’t want you to think that she’s a mess. She’s like a-” He couldn’t say sister, he’s never thought of her as a sister. She was so much more. “She’s just really important to me.”
“I know babe. I didn’t mean it like that, she seems sweet.” She smiled at him. She was still trying to get back in his good graces, taking his defensiveness as residual anger. Thankfully.
“We should plan something for all of us to do together. It could give us more time to bond.” He thought about it momentarily then agreed, he knew exactly what to plan.
There was something playing on the TV, you caught vague flashes - people talking but you weren’t taking anything in. Your sweatshirt smelled like Frankie and all you wanted was to cuddle up to him. He had been so sturdy beside you, so strong and comfortable.
What the fuck is a wedding emergency?
The mature - adult part of your brain said she was a nice person and if Frankie was with her it was for a reason. Obviously he was happy with her or he wouldn’t be marrying her. Frankie had never been the kind of person to settle.
The other part of your brain, the jealous possessive part told you she was a bitch. She was ruining the life you’d planned out with Frankie. If he’d never met her you’d be together now, laughing and planning the rest of your lives together. He’d be in your bed, or you’d be in his.
[Francis]: Hey Spills, we’re planning a get together for the wedding party - day after tomorrow - beach day. I’ll be there to pick you up at 7am.
It was like the universe was testing you. How many memories could he taint with Claudia?
[you]: sounds good, Claudia, you, me and who else in rustbucket?
[Francis]: Just you and I, and don’t call her that. Claudia’s family is coming so she’s going to ride to the beach with them. I’ll grab coffee on the way. =)
[you]: Hope you have a new tape in there, if I have to listen to queen I’ll jump out of the car
[Francis]: lol a ride is a ride Spills, see you then
[Francis]: was really nice hanging out with you today btw, goodnight
[you]: I had a great time with you - like always, thanks again for all the food, goodnight Francis!
It was easy to ignore everything when you were getting work done, you had taken off a few days when you knew Francis would be home and you were taking advantage of it. The day before your beach trip was used to do all those little tasks you tended to put off.
Your laundry was done, the kitchen was clean, even the fridge had gotten a bit of elbow grease. Everything was ready and packed for the trip.
You tried not to think about the ride to the beach with Francis, you tried not to think back to your previous trips to the beach with him. Those memories were so precious and thinking about how your next memory would be with him, and his new in-laws was tearing you up inside.
Please let this go well, please don’t let me make a fool of myself.
You hoped someone was listening.
The anxiety didn’t let you sleep and you watched the clock crawl closer to morning; it seemed pointless to lay there.
Might as well get ready.
He wasn’t nervous, but he wasn’t excited.
He made his way over to her house, stopping to grab coffee on the way. He thought about his conversation with Claudia, about the possibility of leaving this place. He really didn’t want to. He wanted to be close to his mom, he wanted to be close to his friends and his home.
I want to be close to Spills, I want to see her everyday.
He scolded himself, he was going to marry someone else. He kept trying to remind himself, but when he saw her walking towards his car it all went out the window.
God Spills, you’re killing me.
She put her beach bag and a small cooler in the backseat and got into his truck with a big smile, pushing all other thoughts out of his mind. He handed her the coffee he bought and she took it gratefully, brushing against his fingers, even now - she affected him so much.
Snap out of it Francisco, you aren’t a teenager anymore. This is your friend.
“Hazelnut?” She asked as she smelled the steam floating around her pretty face.
“Of course.” He pulled away from her place, making his way towards the highway. It would be an hour or so until they got to the beach.
“Open up.” The buttery bagel half she put into his mouth as he drove tasted better than he remembered.
The drive was over much too soon.
If only it had lasted all day - catching him up on all the gossip he’d missed out on while away. Watching his excitement when he talked about flying, you could have listened to him talk forever.
“Finally!” Cheers rang out when the two of you arrived. The boys had set up a bunch of blankets and umbrellas and you suddenly remembered the state you’d been in the last time they saw you and you felt the blush creeping up.
Benny smiled big when he saw you, tapping the place beside him after you’d all said your hellos. You had no reason to deny him so you sat, setting up all your stuff within the space he made for you.
Blessedly, Claudia hadn’t arrived yet and you cherished this time without her, maybe it was mean - maybe it was selfish but you couldn't help it.
“Hey - Thanks for the other night, for getting me home and making sure I was okay.” Pope set up his stuff on the other side of you.
“No problem, glad to see you feeling better.” He was talking to you but you noticed him give Benny a curious look. Benny ignored it. You watched as Will and Frankie set up a volleyball net, you studied both men and there was no denying that Will was gorgeous; but your eyes were drawn to Frankie. You couldn’t help it, your eyes raked over him greedily.
He was so broad, stronger than he had been in his teen years and his belly had gotten a little softer with age but it suited him. He was gorgeous, he had always been gorgeous. He felt your eyes on him then and he smiled at you, walking over to you with the sunscreen in his hands like he always did. His smile faltered slightly when his gaze landed behind your place in the sand.
“Hey babe, how was the drive?” Claudia and her family had arrived and they were setting up just behind you.
Do you have some sort of alarm? How are you always ruining every single goddamn moment?
“It was hectic! Left a little later than I meant to but we survived.” She was breathless as she came to greet him. You busied yourself with something, anything in your bag to avoid watching them kiss. When you looked back she was squeezing sunscreen onto his back, rubbing the lotion much the same way you used to whenever you’d come to the beach together.
He didn’t meet your eyes when she did it, and you were thankful. You didn’t think you could handle seeing him enjoying her touch so much. Instead you focused on the people around you. You focused on Benny and Will and Pope, trying your best to ingratiate yourself to them. Hopefully erase the memory of you as a belligerent mess.
As the day went on you found that you liked these guys, not just as an extension of Francis - but because they were fun. They made you laugh, they spoke to you like they’d known you your whole life. They almost distracted you enough. You also noticed that Claudia was only here to lounge in the sun. She had absolutely no interest in getting in the water, no matter how many times she was asked by Frankie to join him.
He played it off like it didn’t bother him but you knew it did, and that in turn hurt you but your heart leapt when he turned to you.
“Spills, wanna come in the water with me?” He smiled and held out his hand and you gladly accepted. Following him in like you always had.
“Not much of a swimmer?” You couldn’t help but ask when the two of you were in the water.
“Not really, it’s a shame - the water's perfect today.” He floated, making sure to splash you and you waited until he was perfectly relaxed to splash him back. “God I love it here.” he spoke as he floated closer and closer.
“Me too. I want to live near the ocean one day.” You spoke absentmindedly, trying to feel for little shells or rocks as you walked further and further from the shore. He followed you.
You felt him splashing you from behind and you tackled him. The two of you turned into children in the water and it ended with you wrapped around his back like always. His hands on the back of your knees as you held on. You both watched the shore in silence, everyone too focused on whatever they were doing to notice your closeness and you were thankful for it. It made you hold on tighter, trying to get closer and he wrapped your legs around his tummy.
Maybe it was inappropriate, maybe if Claudia had been watching she would have had some words for him, or you, or both of you - but it didn’t stop you.
“Let’s just stay out here Spills. Let’s stay in the water forever.” He stroked the skin of your shins under the water and it was so hard not to cry right then and there. “Just you and me, living in the water.” He laughed but it came out sad.
“I’m game.” You rested your chin on his shoulder briefly and he bumped your head with his. This one little moment made the whole day worth it, and when he pulled away as you knew he would, your heart broke just a little bit more.
You were both wrong in your assumptions however. The moment you had thought was private, that you thought you’d stolen without anyone knowing had been seen and catalogued by someone on the shore. Pope had seen the whole thing, and he had some words for Francis.
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @sambucky21 @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @tobealostwanderer @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax
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Did you notice that when Louis asks Clem if she's ever had a boyfriend, if she mentions Gabe, Louis will enjoy himself and tease her about it, but if she answers "Nope, never", he looks disappointed? It's funny cause I think many people (myself included) would choose "never" to let Louis know "see? she's single" lol, but it seems that if she answers that, Louis is disappointed because he thinks that might mean she's not interested in a boyfriend? While if you mention Gabe, he's happy cause "Ah so she IS interested in guys, good to know". (just a guess anyway) hahah.
Yes! An interesting one!
I thought the same thing the first time I played ep1. I was already interested in Louis at that point, and the way he goes about asking her if she's ever had a boyfriend is super cute and awkward and I love it. You can tell he's trying to be kinda casual in asking but then ends up stumbling over his words. Then he gets a little defensive like "hey it happens?? perfectly valid question!" before he tries to play it off with, "You can ask me if I've ever had a girlfriend. I haven't, by the way." reeeeeal smooth, Lou. Great save.
I remember picking the no option like, "Nope, the position is open, accepting applications from cute boys who hit walkers with chair legs real good."
But I didn't expect Clem to respond the way she does, and yeah he comes off a little disappointed. I believe that's more to do with the way Clementine goes about the answer than the actual answer itself, y'know? She's very short about it, just "Never." and when he presses, she just repeats, "Never." so that's kinda telling him that okay, she's not one for that kinda stuff. Noted.
So it makes sense for him to be a little disappointed since by this point, he's... let's say curious about her. Interested, wants to get to know her better. He's bein' friendly, he's flirting, he's testing the waters to see if she can take a joke or if she's a real stick in the mud, all that.
I personally love the option to tell them about Gabe, even if she never name drops him. There was this boy once, perhaps you've heard of him? He's the one with the goofy hat, had a lot of teenage angst? Y'know, the one reddit believes is the worst thing to ever happen to TWDG even though.... uh no? Yeah, that Gabe. Clementine had a crush on that Gabe, it's canon.
I love that she can kinda backpedal when pressed about it, too. "Psshh, no, he was a huge dork!"
And Louis loves this response. First of all, he's right, it's adorable. It shows that even though Clementine comes off as intimidating, she can still get flustered. He gets to tease her, they have a moment, it's cute.
I think it's fun to look at from Clementine standpoint, too. We all play Clementine differently so we're all gonna have different responses to this, and if you play more than once you tend to find the answer that feels more right for you, y'know? I play Clementine less harsh in TFS than some other players. My Clementine has been softened a bit due to AJ being in her life. This hasn't made her weaker or anything, she can still be blunt and brutal when she needs to be. My Clementine is willing to mention Gabe, but gets embarrassed and backpedals.
I've talked to people who pick the "Nope. Never." option when romancing Louis because their Clementine is just more closed-off and reluctant to talk romance after everything she's experienced. Fair enough. And to them, it's more satisfying to be a little harsh with Louis at first- telling him to stop singing, to agree with him when he says she fought well instead of complimenting him back, and to pick this choice... but then go hunting and take care of the walker with him, to make that the point where Clementine sees something in him when he's being real with her, and then going through his romance from there.
And I like that, that's neat little way to change the narrative of their romance.
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itsmaddienotmaddy · 3 years
Okay I was just fucking stressed out of my mind for a full ninety. Idk if I have a lot to say. Let’s SEE.
Alyssa Angel Naeher - maaaaaybe should not have come out on that corner kick. And since she did, unsure why no defender chose to cover the line. They weren’t covering that tall ass Swedish player, so... they were free to. (Not like they would have guaranteed to save it, but there could have been an attempt.) I wouldn’t place the blame of that goal on Alyssa’s shoulder though. Especially because we would have been down by a lot more if not for her incredible saves.
Becky - got the captains armband back too late. She connects better when she’s left-central. It’s been like that most times Tierna slots in. Not much to say beyond that though. Like, she did the defense. As she does.
Tierna - a big test for her. Her clearances were good. She held people wide very well. I didn’t find myself yelling about her a lot, idk if she just wasn’t as involved or what. Either way. Love me some Baby T.
Crystal - held it down defensively. That’s never a surprise. The lack of connection between her Lindsey and Christen, the connection that WAS THRIVING before. Wasn’t there. Like. When Crystal was making the run, she wasn’t getting passes. And then the passes would come and she wasn’t making the run. But nice to see her get some minutes up top too!! Would have liked to see her be able to get some moves going.
Kelley - well Alexi Lalas kept saying how poor she did. She wasn’t balls to the wall amazing but it’s not like she was sucking out there. She was definitely committing too hard, biting at moves she shouldn’t have. The lunges had her a step behind, she needed to play some stand up defense. I’ve said time and time again, her and Lynn do not connect well and the offense on the right was non existent all first half unless Rose decided to carry the ball up the field. Kelley DID have some decent crosses, as per usual. And let’s be real. We all know it was slightly outside the box, but Kelley earned the foul. So, g’bless that little sock puppet peach. Driving the box and getting that penalty saved our score line.
Rosemary - I mean. She was DOING THINGS. Thank goodness. Her speed was on point today. She was running the ball down the field, breaking through lines, and she had that cracker of a shot. It’s a bummer that she came off since she was such a bright spot. But with the physicality of the game, you needed bodies to take up space and bulldoze and that’s exactly what a midfield of JJ, Lindsey, and Sam is good for.
Julie - a lot of defensive work for her this game, a few times there was a lack of communication with her and Kelley, but still pretty solid. Certainly lacking offensively, but got a couple good crosses off, won some good balls out of the air.
Lindsey - her and Aslani duking it out with each other was cute, ex-teammate fun. Certainly had bright spots throughout the game. Had really good spells of controlling the midfield, but her weighted balls and the angles of her passes through were off today. And she wasn’t given the opportunity to win offensive headers in the box. Like hello. Big giant scoring target. Would have been a good plan. Still had some silky moves, switched the side of play as to not overload, was always open for an outlet pass. Would have liked to see a bigger motivation to get a shot off. And to reiterate. Again. Her Christen and Crystal need to get back on their vibes.
Samantha - I don’t know if it would have made a difference if we had her in from the start, but it sure was a relief seeing her come onto the field. I think I was getting food during her one attempt on goal, so missed that. But never fully settled into the game. So that’s no fun. She’s been in spectacular form and I wish we could have utilized her sooner. How? Idk. Maybe a 4 person midfield? Coulda shoulda woulda.
Kristie - what position did she even come in as??? I was so confused. Not enough time to say much. But it really speaks to the US offensive productivity that Kristie got two shots on goal in her minimal time. Would have been rad AF if one of those chances had gone in.
Carli - 300 caps is cool. Credit where credit is due. But I just about lost my mind. Shots to the moon. Falling every time she got touched. Offsides. Heavy, heavy touches and lost possessions. This was not a game to celebrate for her and that’s too bad. Leaving her in that long was rough. AND the one time she should have been selfish and shot the ball, THAT WAS WHEN SHE PASSED. I could not deal.
Lynn - Gosh I want good things for Lynn. But today was not her day. She was lost out there and her decision making on when to turn on the wheels and when to make cuts and crosses, it wasn’t there. She wasn’t stretching the field either. She drifted central and it made an already congested middle, even more crowded. There was definitely a play where she was extremely IN THE WAY and thwarted a potential goal attempt. She did work back defensively and was successful in that. But. Another shot to the moon and not much else to speak on. I don’t know what she she needs to get a spark, but she needs one, bad.
Christen - I hate not being able to gush about Press. I always want her to be phenomenal. But her touches were heavy. Her moves weren’t as sharp. And Sweden was able to anticipate and cut off the angles of her passes. Maybe it was just an off day. Maybe it’s the knock she’s dealing with. But there was no zoom and typical Pressy cuts and it wasn’t fun. And for the last time. Her Lindsey and Crystal need to be on the same page again. Tooooo many miscommunications. You know what she did well though? DEFENSE. So, positive there.
Pinoe - was sooooo fucking happy when she came in. She really does provide a spark and a change of pace and play. There were definitely more opportunities once she came on. She connects well with Lindsey through the midfield so that was nice. AND EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU PINOE FOR BEING A FREAK OF NATURE AND BEING CLUTCH AT PKS.
And Alex - very happy to see the mother of Charles in the game. She’s going to need more minutes to get back to her peak game. She provided a new challenge for the Swedish defense and definitely was more dangerous than Carli, but never truly got all the way into the game. She did get some decent goal opportunities but... oh my god... that one PERFECT cross when literally NO ONE was there?? I screamed. That sucked. That would have been a sick assist.
Is that everyone? I think so. God. Overall, touches were too heavy and connections were off. We are lucky lucky lucky duckies to tie it up with a PK. But like everyone is saying. It’ll be a benefit in the long run to get the kinks out now. Have the shaky, not so good games, NOW. It’s the kick in the pants we need to peak during the Olympics.
Lol. I guess I did have a lot to say. No one should be surprised.
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jinkicake · 4 years
What Are Limits To Ushijima Wakatoshi?
Jealous!Ushijima in which the reader develops a plan with Oikawa to make her soft boyfriend show how rough he actually can be.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
For anon!! I made the reader and Oikawa friends because I wanted to sprinkle in Iwaoi. I apologize, I do, but I can’t handle myself when it comes to Oikawa. I can’t. TT (/ε\*)
semi-smut? not really? LOL
WC- 1,742
“And you really think this is going to work?” Oikawa asks as he flips his beautiful bangs from his face and you maintain your serious expression while sending him a brief nod. The two of you are deep in a very important conversation during lunch. “Ushiwaka is as dense as a rock, he’s not going to pick up on shit.” Your friend continues to complain and you roll your eyes. “Why do you even want to make him jealous?”
“W-well he’s just so gentle and I know there is much more to him, he’s holding back and I want to test his limits.” You stutter out and Oikawa can’t hide the disgust off of his face, you scoff at him. “Do you know how many times you used me to make Iwaizumi jealous, I don’t want to hear it from you Oikawa.” You seethe and narrow your eyes, the boy opposite to you only lifts his hands defensively.
“Fair enough, tonight it’s you and me.” He lends his hand out and you gladly shake it. “For friendship and the chance to make our significant others so jealous that they fuck us into next week!”
“For friendship and sex!” You cheer with him, clinking your iced coffee with his own.
You later find your boyfriend sitting outside the library, reading a psych book, with Tendou sitting on the other side of the table.
“Wakatoshi~” You call out to your boyfriend, placing your hands on his shoulders. “You want to go to this party tonight, it’ll be so much fun!” You ask and smile when he places one of his hands on top of your own. “Tendou you should come too!”
“Getting black-out drunk on a Thursday night? You son of a bitch, I’m in.” The redhead points to you and you laugh at his words.
“Please Wakatoshi, go with us!” You sit down in the chair beside him and watch him carefully, hoping that you hadn’t overstepped.
“I’ll go.” He glances at you before going back to his book and you press a kiss to his cheek.
“I’m so happy, we are going to have so much fun!” You cheer and Tendou can see that the excitement in your eyes is not just because of the party. The redhead sits back in his chair, mentally preparing for the drama that is bound to go down tonight.
- - -
The first thing you do when you enter the house is look for the devil himself.
“Oikawa!” You call as soon as you see him, not noticing the way your boyfriend’s face puckers up at the sight of your friend. “Ushijima do you want to come say hi?”
“I’m good.” The hand wrapped around your waist loosens and he places a kiss on the top of your head before he walks over to Tendou. Your friend sees you quickly and hands you a drink, one that you instantly clink with his.
“Where’s Iwaizumi?” You ask while Oikawa drags you over to a wall, right in the spot where nearly everyone can see.
“Out and about.” He shrugs and rolls his eyes, clearly, you’re not the only one trying to get someone’s attention. “Shall we begin?” Oikawa darts his eyes to where your boyfriend is, mischievously holding eye contact with him, before sending a teasing smile. He makes a big show in turning his attention back to you.
“Okay, how do I make him jealous without being an asshole?” You shout at Oikawa over the music, sipping on your drink while nervously glancing back and forth around the room. “I don’t want it to look like I’m ditching him for you.” You motion towards your friend, swirling your drink around in your cup, Oikawa looks offended.
“You’re dumb (Y/N).” He glares down at you, placing one of his hands on the wall beside your head. “Let me do all the work, just seem mildly interested in what I have to say but not too interested, okay?” His voice is low as he speak into your ear and you stiffen at the close proximity. “Don’t look at him, look at me.” He coos and grips your chin every time you try to look at your boyfriend but you accidentally make eye contact with someone else.
“Oikawa, Iwaizumi looks like he is going to punch my face in.” You whine nervously and try not to look back at the muscular boy, who is gripping his cup too tightly in his hands, across the room.
“Serves him right, you know how long I’ve been waiting for him, he can handle a little jealousy.” He teases and you laugh loudly, tilting your head back, at the stupidity of your friend.
“You two are ridiculous!” You yell and tag another large gulp of your drink, already feeling light-headed from the strong kick.
“You chase Ushijima around for nearly two decades and then come back to me.” He defends and you laugh along, always finding something funny in his words.
Across the room, you don’t notice how Ushijima glares at you, how the need to rip Oikawa off of you becomes so apparent it hurts. He tries to calm himself down, remind himself that Oikawa is a good friend of yours so there is nothing to worry about and there is no reason for him to be jealous. Instead, he slowly drinks from the water bottle he is holding and nods along to whatever Tendou is saying. His eyes still glance at you every once in a while as he tries to put a lid on his simmer jealousy.
“See I fucking told you he is a rock!” Oikawa accuses and motions towards your boyfriend who has not shown an ounce of interest in your stunt. “Either he trusts you a ton or simply is not paying attention, hopefully it’s not the latter because that’s sad-“
“Oikawa.” You glare and hit the top of his head, downing the rest of your drink. “If you don’t want me criticizing Iwaizumi then don’t criticize Ushijima, Iwaizumi is also a rock!” You spit and Oikawa agrees.
“Touché, you’re still a bitch though.” He leans down and places a warm kiss on your cheek, winking as he pulls away. “Wait let me try something,” He teases and brings his hand down to your waist before taking a step closer to you. “Let’s make a bet, who will come knock us away first. Ushijima or Iwaizumi?”
“Ushijima you fucking idiot.” You narrow your eyes at him and Oikawa can only roll his eyes.
“Fuck you for being right.” He sighs and you pat his shoulder comfortingly.
“Your time will come too, Oikawa.”
“Really?” He gasps, full of fake excitement. “After twenty years, really?” His theatrics only cause you to laugh more, the loud noise catching your boyfriend’s attention.
Oikawa is right, you really are dumb. Ushijima has been watching you closely the entire night. He just about loses it when Oikawa presses a kiss to your cheek. Maturely he makes a decision and walks over to you. The first thing he does is wrap a hand around your bicep, breaking you away from Oikawa and pulling you directly into his chest.
“Oikawa.” Ushijima narrows his eyes and Oikawa has to hide how content he is that his plan worked.
“Ushiwaka, finally done playing with yourself in the corner?” He bites before winking down at you, purposely leaning down to whisper something only you can hear. Oikawa makes a statement by holding his gaze with Ushijima for as long as possible before turning into the kitchen.
“Wakatoshi?” You stare at him worryingly and your heart drops when he doesn’t look down at you, he simply drags you out of the house. The cold air causes goosebumps to rise on your skin and you try to ignore how warm Ushijima’s hand feels on you. Your boyfriend brings you all the way to his car, standing in front of you before caging you between himself and the car. He simply stares at you and you continue to look up at him, mildly confused.
“Did you drink a lot?” His first question makes you tilt your head in thought as you try to wonder what he is getting at. You shake your head, even though it was a lie. “I know you did. I didn’t drink because I have practice tomorrow.” The small talk is starting to make you nervous and you nod your head along with his words.
“What's wrong?” You ask, laughing nervously when he glares down at you. He feels so guilty when you wince, Ushijima tries not to look intimidating, the last thing he wants to do is scare you. He lowers his face to yours and captures your lips softly. His mouth moves gently against your own and you continue to wonder how far you’ll have to go to make him snap.
“Oikawa is just your friend?” He asks when he pulls away, you continue to stare at him with an expression he can’t read.
“Of course, he’s just touchy.” You try to laugh it off but one of his hands wraps around your waist and he leans down to press his body into your own.
“I don’t like the way he touches you.” Finally, finally you feel like you are getting somewhere and you have to hide the excitement off your face. “Doesn’t he know you’re mine.” His arms wrap tighter around you and you nearly choke when he bites your neck roughly.
“Fuck.” You whimper and lean your head further back. “Wakatoshi ruin me, remind me who I belong to.” His hand squeezes your ass harshly and you let out a breathy moan at the sensation. “I-I only asked Oikawa to put on a show because I wanted to see how rough you could get.” You confess and pinch your eyes shut when he nips at your jaw.
“Did you really, (Y/N)?” Ushijima asks, his lips ghosting over your ear and you have to refrain from shuddering in pleasure. “Was I not rough enough with you before? Who knew I was dating such a dirty little thing?” He groans against your lips and you can only stare up at him with hopeful eyes. “You sure baby? Once I start I won’t be able to stop.” You fucking moan at his words.
“Please.” You beg and Ushijima watches you with a grin.
“If you insist.” His lips are back on yours in an instant.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
cake walk bucky barnes x reader
Inspo can be found here, i really liked the idea and kinda ran with it lol
sorry ive been away for a while. ive been in a shit mindset but things around me are changing again and im hoping for the better. im away from home this week and figured id finally finish this, as well as restart the marvel shows on netflix so expect some new daredevil and punisher one shots in the near future 😁
also this is like half edited so if it sucks or i forgot to fix anything sorry
Song: soft by motionless in white
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
Bucky had been super tired lately. He had been having nightmares here and there and though he hadn't had one in a while he was still worried he'd hurt me in his sleep. So he was currently taking a nap in our shared room at the compound. We were only here for a few days to train new recruits and then we would all be back to our own homes. Me and buck, Sam, Clint, even Scott showed up. But then again he was always excited to be part of the team. Now I was in the kitchen like I usually was, stress-baking. But just to be safe, and per his request, I had a camera on buck while he slept to make sure he was still okay and I could rush to our room if he needed me.
So I stood at the island, gathering ingredients and singing softly to myself. not unusual for me to do, it was a good distraction after all and everyone else loved it because it made the place smell great. that and they all loved the many cakes, cookies, muffins, breads, and other baked goods I decided to make. a lovely thought really, one that brought a smile to my face as I began measuring out the dry ingredients. when I turned to look at the monitor though Bucky was gone, making me set the flour back onto the counter. Panic set in immediately. I tapped the screen twice, hitting the tracking cam on his watch and the footage coming up. I sighed deeply as I saw the blurry side video of Bucky murder-stomping his way through the halls. I tapped my own watch quickly.
"attention we have a 'wolf out of containment.' if you see him direct him to the kitchen but do not engage. If you wake him he'll hurt himself."
I said into it, rolling my eyes at the code name, and looking back to the monitor in worry. I heard my voice echo off the walls as he stepped towards the sound. One of the agents was walking down the hall and paused when he saw Bucky, rage behind his eyes as he got closer. Now Bucky was holding him harshly in his metal hand.
"Where is she?"
He said through gritted teeth and i could see both of their faces in the view on my watch.
"Kitchen. Down the hall to the left."
The agent squeaked out. Bucky threw him to the ground quickly before making his way down the hall. I double tapped the monitor again as he turned into the room. There was an intensity and pain strewn across his features as he made his way to me. whatever nightmare this was it had a full hold of him. he had been sleep walking a lot recently but it had never gotten this bad. but he knew what to do, even unconscious. Before he even made it to the table across the room Sam was rushing in behind hi, coming to a screeching halt when he realized what was happening to his best friend.
"I heard the code. Is everything okay?"
He asked and Bucky turned around, throwing a punch his way and him ducking. he made a scared face as he stood back up ready to fight.
"At ease soldier!"
I yelled and Bucky froze, mid motion as he began to throw another. He looked over his shoulder at me, seething, breathing heavy, eyes glazed over.
"Come here."
I said softly. He sent Sam a glare before doing as told, backing his way to the counter where i was standing. he never once stopped looking at Sam, or the other few agents that came rushing in with guns. that definitely didn't help.
"do you need help?"
one of them asked, looking between me and Bucky as he plucked a knife out of the wood block on the counter, holding it in a defensive position as he stood in front of me.
"no, I don't need help. Sam and I can take care of this."
i said matter-of-factly, the agent speaking into their watch and all three of them lowering their guns.
"just leave us be. everything is fine. if i need anything ill call."
they all nodded hesitantly, looking to Sam briefly before leaving. i sighed out when they were finally out of sight, side stepping buck and going back to measuring my sugar and vanilla.
"He sleep walking again?"
Sam asked quietly, stepping very slowly around the table and I nodded, moving to put mix my dry ingredients together. Bucky stood next to me, fist clenched tight around the knife as he watched Sam's every move with vigorous intent. I pulled one of the stools out from under the counter before grabbing a spoon and mixing the wet and dry ingredients together to make the cookie dough.
I offered buck and he sent me a confused looked. I glared at him and he did as told.
"Sam you mind setting a timer on that pad for twelve minutes?"
He nodded and did as told, stepping closer but not close enough for buck to do anything about it. they stared at each other as I molded the dough into balls on a tray.
"has this been happening a lot recently?"
Sam asked and i nodded, pushing the chocolate chips off the ends of my fingers.
"it hasn't been full mission before, and this one is lasting much longer."
i noted, washing my hands in the sink to the right of the counter.
"how do you know what to do?"
i let out a nervous laugh, tucking the tray of cookies into the hot oven behind me.
"in all actuality, I don't. I'm just hoping that the things I've tried before work. "
Bucky looked between me and Sam as I stood back up, drying my hands on the towel and moving to touch his cheek gently. he flinched for a second, staring at me as i tucked his hair behind his ear.
"its okay soldat. you can relax, he's not going to hurt me. he's my friend."
i said very softly, looking over his eyes as he turned back to Sam.
"put the knife down."
i said just above a whisper, moving to stand behind him. i began slowly running my fingers through his hair. he still held the knife tightly as i started to hum along to one of his favorite songs from his childhood. he had shared it with me sometime after we had moved in together. it had been my savior more than once.
"does that work?"
Sam asked and i sent him a look, trying to get Bucky to lean back into my chest. he kept jolting himself back up, fighting the urge to close his eyes. as I got to the end of the song though he had his head completely rested against me, body limp, and knife clattering to the rug beneath us. he had fallen back into a deep sleep, snoring softly as I continued to finger comb his hair.
"yes Samuel, it works."
i said, and then the timer went off. Bucky jolted upright, the stool shaking as i leaned forward and caught him before he fell off. I held his shoulders as he breathed heavily, looking around in deep confusion.
he asked before looking back at me and drawing his brows.
"hey baby, its okay. I'm sorry we woke you."
he turned to me and took my hand.
"y/n, why am I in the kitchen?"
i let out a nervous laugh, letting him go and getting my cookies out of the oven.
"you were sleep walking again."
he groaned, standing up and freezing when he looked down.
"I didn't hurt anyone... did I?"
he said horrified as he picked the knife up. i shook my head frantically, taking it from him and putting it back in the block.
"no! no no no. baby you did not."
i said quickly through one breath, placing my hands on either side of his face. he looked like he was going to cry.
"hey, no, look at me. James. you didn't hurt anybody. I dropped the knife in surprise when you came in here. it had nothing to do with you."
Sam sent me a sad look as i tried to calm Bucky down.
"you're sure?"
he asked pained and i pulled him into a tight hug, cradling his head in my hand and mouthing to Sam to not say anything.
"yes Jamie I am sure. you are perfectly fine. scared the shit out of some agents. but no more."
he took in a shaky breath.
"i scared you."
he repeated just above a whisper and i pulled him away from me, holding his head in my hands and looking between his eyes.
"you just caught me by surprise, nothing we haven't been through before."
he sighed heavily and closed his eyes. i kissed his forehead gently.
"hey, now that you're awake, you want a cookie?"
i asked and he looked up at me, offering a small smile.
"uh, yeah, id love one."
i nodded once before turning and carefully taking one off the tray and placing it on one of the dry paper towels sat on the counter in front of him.
"made especially for my buckaroo."
i said and he laughed lightly before taking a bite. he was none the wiser and Sam sent me a testing look.
i asked, holding one out to him and he took it begrudgingly. i went back to finger combing Bucky's hair as he snatched another. sending me a genuine smile as he chewed. i shared another knowing glance with Sam before he pulled another bar stool out and sat across from us.
"these are pretty good y/n, wish we could share with more of the guys here."
he said and i sent him a look.
"well i guess we'll just have to save them some for later. I'm sure they're all very busy right now with other important things."
i said a little condescendingly and he shook his head.
"so uh, i don't know what's happening but if i sit here any longer there wont be any left for anyone else. what do you say we go for a walk or something?"
Bucky said with a smile and i nodded, smiling back.
"i think that's a great idea. Sam?"
he looked from Bucky to me and to the tray.
"uh you guys go ahead. ill make sure these get to the guys, and that the recipe doesn't make its way into their daily reports."
i took Bucky's hand as he stood and nodded once at Sam in understanding. he was going to make sure no one got word of Bucky's incident, just in case. he was getting better after all.
"thanks Sam, it means a lot. come on buck, lets get some air."
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alj4890 · 4 years
In the TRR book 3 we know Olivia gets stab by Anton during a fight, but what if Riley was the one to get stab while fighting with Anton? After all he was her press secretary and the betrayal ran deep with him!
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A/N Here we go Nonny. I will admit that in book 2, I really liked Justin. His catchphrase was annoying, but so is Penelope’s incessant talk of Poodles, LOL. I enjoyed the twist in book 3 of him being the bad guy, but I did wonder why PB had Riley brushing off his betrayal so easily. Maxwell seemed more tore up than anyone that he was the terrorist. When you think about it, she spent months of the most difficult time in her and Liam’s relationship depending on this man to help her find a way to clear her name and find a way to have her happy ending. I think facing him would be harder than book 3 made it out to be. So...starting from the moment Olivia and Riley escape the dungeon and have let Gladys out of her prison, we will begin with them in the recreated Nevarkis weapons room.
@gkittylove99 @darley1101 @krsnlove @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight
Mysterious Nevarkis Stronghold...
"He will come for his wife," Anton boasted. "And when he does, he will meet his end."
Riley tried to focus but Anton's words kept replaying over and over in her head.
"Which weapon do you want?" Olivia asked as she picked through the different daggers.
When no response was given she looked up to see what was wrong.
Riley was staring blankly at the wall adorned with various battle axes, swords, and war hammers. Her fingers moved over the angry red marks where the rope she had been bound with had rubbed her wrists raw. Her lips parted to answer Olivia, yet no words came out.
Liam. Her heart ached at the thought of losing him. After everything she had done to finally have the chance to be with him...Anton was determined to destroy it all. How could she possibly save anyone? She had little to no training in defense, yet she foolishly believed she could save the man she loved along with herself and her friend.
"Riley?" Olivia snapped in a harsh manner.
It was just what she needed to snap out of the defeated mindset she was falling into.
Riley reached up and removed a sword from the wall. Giving a few practiced swings, she ordered Gladys to draw as many of Anton's minions away as she could.
"Thank you, your majesty." Gladys reached out to squeeze her hand.
Olivia blocked her from touching by sliding in front of Riley. Her emerald eyes burned with hatred as she spoke.
"She might be giving you another chance," Olivia set her blade against the backstabbing servant's cheek, "but if I see one lock of your hair anywhere near Justin or the fight, then I will kill you myself."
Gladys stumbled back and bobbed her head while promising that she wouldn't go anywhere near them. She tripped over her own feet to get as far away from Olivia and her knives as she could.
Riley snorted on a laugh. She couldn't believe that at a time like this, her mind could see any kind of humor. "You need to teach me how to do that."
Olivia smirked at her as she led the way out.
The hallways were silent as the two crept along, sticking to the shadows as much as they could. After seeing that the rooms they came to were empty, Olivia begrudgingly complimented Gladys's ability to clear the way for them.
"Wait a sec." Riley whispered.
She handed Olivia her sword and then bent over to rip a slit in her dress. Testing it out, she ripped it higher until her legs felt free to move. What she wouldn't give to be wearing any other kind of shoe over the open toed high heels she had on.
"You good?" Olivia whispered.
With a nod, Riley took her sword back and continued down the hallway.
Murmurs of differing voices were heard when they approached a corner.
Olivia raised her dagger while Riley positioned beside her with her sword hedged over her shoulder like a baseball bat.
"They must be some--" Drake stopped just a hairsbreadth from being cleaved in two.
"Riley!" Hana pushed past him and Maxwell to hug her and Olivia. "Thank goodness you're both okay!"
"Where's Liam?" Riley stood on tiptoes to see over Drake's shoulders. "Isn't he with you?"
Maxwell rubbed the back of his neck. "He insisted on meeting Justin alone."
"Liam wanted us to find you and Olivia." Drake added.
"What about Bastien and the other guards?" Olivia asked.
The three shared a look.
"They didn't come?!" Riley hissed. "Liam has no one watching his back?"
"Yet." Olivia tilted her head. "He'll have us soon enough.
Riley didn't know where this burst of courage came from, but she had already vaulted over a stairwell and slashed numerous soldiers that tried to help Anton fight Liam. Her heart was racing in time to her husband's every flinch and movement. She knew she should double check on her other friends to make certain they were holding their own, but the moment she heard Liam say, where is my wife, in that deep, dangerous tone...she only knew she had to do whatever was necessary to protect him.
They had not had a chance to speak or even to touch to make certain the other was truly okay before being thrust into the battle that she prayed was truly the final altercation.
She paused off to the side after wrestling with another minion. She brushed the hair out of her flushed face that had escaped her pearl hair clip. Her mind tried to comprehend the utter chaos going on around her.
And then she saw Anton make his move.
There was no time to shout a warning to Liam who was fighting three at once. The dagger’s blade in Anton's hand gleamed in the faint moonlight filtering in the windows as he raised it to stab Cordonia's young king in the back.
Riley kicked her shoes off and rushed to get between them. The muscles in her arms burned from lifting the heavy sword high above her head. Using what energy she had left, she blocked the blade about to pierce her beloved's heart.
Anton's lips twisted in a frustrated snarl as he leveled his cold gaze upon her.
Liam turned around in time to see what Riley had done. Just as he was about to help her, Claude barreled into him, knocking him into a far wall. Drake rushed over to help Liam when two other soldiers answered Anton's second in command's call for assistance.
Anton gritted his teeth at seeing his men defeated by people who spent all their time at fancy dinners and balls. Taking a step back to reassess whether or not this was the time to claim the crown, he decided retreat for the moment was the best option.
"It's over Justin." Riley told him. "Surrender now."
His expression eased into that of his easy going alter ego. "The battle might be, but this will not end until you and Liam are dead."
He sprinted over to the stairwell.
Riley dashed after him, determined to not live the rest of her life in fear.
"Justin!" She shouted.
He turned just in time to barely miss her sword's blade plunging into his back.
Smirking, he faced her. "I see you learned more from me than how to work the press."
She blinked at how calm he was as he lifted his dagger. Memories of time spent with him flittered through her mind. His effort in supporting her, laughing late at night with her and Maxwell over some of the ridiculous events they took part in, comforting her whenever she lost hope that she could one day truly be with Liam.
He had been a friend when she desperately needed one.
Her hands trembled as they tightened on the hilt of her sword.
It wasn't Justin who faced her now. It was the man who had worked with traitors to take the crown. The man who had tried numerous times to kill her and anyone else who got in his way. It was the man who threatened her the very future she had fought so hard to obtain..
It was Anton who stood before her.
Her friend Justin was no more. His death had come swiftly the moment she discovered his photograph in Olivia's vault.
And soon Anton's would follow.
"Riley, let us end this." He cajoled when he noticed her hesitate. "You don't have it in you to kill anyone." His familiar Justin smile flittered about his lips. "I know you. You are the kind of person who deserves to live a happy life. Not one caught up in political intrigue."
He edged a step closer as his . "It shouldn't have been you that was kidnapped. If you had only given up on Liam and allowed Madeleine to have him." He shook his head in pity while his Svengali like voice washed over her. "I wish you had stayed in New York. You will be the only person I regret ever having to eliminate."
Before Riley could react, he plunged his dagger into her side.
A hot wave of pain hit her when he jerked the knife out. She staggered back in shock. Her sword fell from her numb fingers, clattering as it fell down the stairs.
She could hear a roar thrumming through her ears and realized it was Liam.
He had just witnessed his wife being stabbed.
Justin glanced over his shoulder to taunt the current king.
Unable to focus on anything going on around her except the agony she felt, Riley pressed her hand to her side and felt the warmth of her own blood seeping through her fingers. Her side felt like it was on fire as she sank slowly to the floor. She glanced down the stairs and saw Olivia struggling against a solider to reach her.
With a violent flick of her wrist, her dagger went into the man's throat that had tried to pin her to the wall.
Olivia staggered as she walked, blood trickling down from her nose and bottom lip.
"If you can breathe, you can stand." She mouthed to Riley.
"And if you can stand, you can fight." Riley mouthed back.
Unable to get to her feet easily, Riley crawled over to where Justin stood. His back was to her as he threatened Liam and her friends. He continued to torture her husband by going into vivid detail all the ways he could finish her off.
Looking for anything she could possibly wield as a weapon, she noticed the loose railing and decided to use part of the training Mara had given her. Summoning all her strength into her legs she braced herself against a banister and swept Justin's out from under him.
He teetered, trying to find some balance by grasping onto the railing. The moment he did, Riley rose to her knees and shoved against him, causing his body weight to crack the rotted wood and plummet down to the main floor.
Gasping in pain from the exertion, she fell back once more on the worn carpet and closed her eyes.
"Riley!" Liam rushed the stairs, leaving Drake and Maxwell to deal with Justin.
He fell to his knees. His voice cracked as he whispered denials that he had been too late to save her.
Her eyes fluttered open only to close again as he kissed her. She could feel the exhausted desperation in his touch.
"Where are you hurt?" He asked. "Did he stab you anywhere else?"
"No." She whimpered when he eased her hand away from her wound. "Just there."
He tried to be gentle as he ripped his coat off to press against her side.
Bastien and the rest of the King's Guards burst through the doors.
"Your majesty!" He didn't bother to mask his anger. "You shouldn't have--"
"The queen has been wounded!" Liam interrupted harshly. "She requires immediate medical attention!"
Bastien hurried up to examine her while radioing for an ambulance.
"Hold on, my love." Liam pleaded. "Please. Stay with me."
She weakly grasped his hand. "Is it over? Justin didn't--"
"He's being taken care of." Liam told her. "He won't ever have a chance to harm you again."
"You're safe." Riley gasped when EMT's began to check her. Her voice became faint as blackness ebbed around her vision "I didn't lose you, Liam."
The last thing she remembered before blacking out completely was Liam's concerned face hovering over her.
The Royal Palace...
A few hours later, Riley stirred. She blinked a few times to make the room she was in come into focus. A lamp turned down low glowed on a nightstand. Familiar paintings of past kings and queens hung on the walls. The beyond soft bed she was in brought back memories of a particular ball when Liam had shown her the Royal chambers.
A smile formed at that romantic thought as she sank further under the blankets.
She opened her eyes again and noticed the outline of a man sitting in a chair by the bed.
"Liam?" She turned about, wincing when she felt the tug of stitches along her right side. "What happened?"
He leaned forward and took her hand in his. Pressing a kiss to it, he went through the series of events.
Images flashed through her mind, as the memories of her fight came rushing back.
"No more Sons of the Earth?" She asked.
"The ones who survived have been captured."
Her eyes widened. "Survived? Who died?"
Liam kept her hand clasped between his. "A few that Olivia and I fought...and some that you did."
Riley tried to comprehend that she had killed people. "How...how many?"
"My love, there is no need to dwell--"
"Liam." She gripped his hand. "Did I kill Justin?"
She knew by his hesitation that she had.
"The way he fell," Liam swallowed, "he broke his neck."
Riley pulled her hand away to cover her mouth.
"I beg for your forgiveness." Liam choked out. "If I had been there sooner or had--"
She shook her head while reaching for him. Urging him to lay on the bed with her, she tried to comfort him.
"You don't owe me an apology." She said through her tears. "You came to rescue me." She tried to smile. "Just like every prince does in fairy tales."
He wiped her tears. "I don't want you burdened with what happened." His eyes searched hers. "All I have ever wanted is to give you every good thing in life, not have one overshadowed with fear and guilt."
She swallowed audibly. "I'll be fine. I just...I can't believe I had to kill someone I spent time with. I actually enjoyed his company during your engagement tour." Her nose wrinkled. "The pain in my side though keeps reminding me he deserved being pushed over the banister."
"My only regret is that I didn't get a chance to be the one to end his existence on this earth." Liam's face darkened with his anger. "He dared multiple times to take you from me. He killed my father. Made our people doubt their safety and the crown's ability to defend it. If I couldn't fight him to the death myself, then I should have been the one to sentence him to such."
She cupped his cheek. Knowing he needed to vent after all they had been put through, she listened without interruption. When she felt his tense muscles relax, her mind turned to what they should do now.
"We both need to focus on it finally being over." She pressed a kiss to his lips. "All our plans to be together, to start a family, can be from this moment on. We fought for Cordonia, our friends," her smile peeked out when he kissed her, "we fought for us and for every moment we are lucky enough to share."
"You're right." Liam turned to kiss her palm. "We have a future before us, one of our choosing."
She snuggled closer in his arms, sighing as she felt sleep luring her back into its soothing confines. Just as she began to drift off, an image of Justin came to mind. It wasn't the man she had faced tonight, it was the one who helped protect her from cameras being shoved in her face during that very first meeting. She could see him pushing reporters out of her way, while holding tight to her waist.
It seems appropriate, Riley thought, to have a scar along the very spot Justin had once touched in such a deceptive, gentle manner. Having a personality that tried to only see the good in others, she would need a daily reminder to be more cautious in the future.
Her trust would never be so easily given again.
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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silverlightqueen’s SKZ Scarefest
wizard!Seungmin x human!reader - crack comedy, y/n’s a bit of a spoilt brat and Seungmin is not down for it lol
Word Count: 3k+
Summary - Seungmin is the best wizard in town. Poisoned by a pixie? Battered by a troll? Bitten by a were? Whatever the magical injury, Seungmin can fix it in the bat of an eyelid. So when y/n is cursed by a witch and needs his help, she expects to leave his lair curseless only a few minutes later. But her plan… doesn’t quite go to plan.
Warnings: y/n is a total judgemental bitch lmao and Seungmin wants to teach her a lesson, brief mention of blood and vomit, I think that’s it but please let me know if I missed else!
a/n: and here is the seventh instalment of my SKZ Scarefest! I really hope you guys enjoy this, and thank you @silverlightprincess​ for being the best (she didn’t proofread this either but she’s about to read it after I post it and check for mistakes which I will go back and edit lmao). please be sure to check out the previous parts and keep an eye out for the next parts too x
taglist: @kodzu-ken​ @cloudsgathering​ @silverlightprincess
silverlightqueen navigation
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‘Hi, how can I help?’ the receptionist says, looking up from her computer to give me a friendly smile. ‘Hi, I’ve got an appointment with Dr Kim at 1.30,’ I say, and she blinks at me in surprise before looking at her computer, clicking away. ‘Ah, y/n y/l/n, is it? You booked yesterday?’ ‘Yes, that’s me.’ ‘You’re lucky to get an appointment with Dr Kim so late. And during his lunch break, too! Do you know him?’ she asks, and I hesitate before replying, ‘I used to. We… went to school together.’ ‘Oh, that’s nice! Well, take a seat and I’ll let him know you’re here,’ she says cheerily, and I give her a weak smile before turning to take a seat.
The District 9 Doctors’ Surgery is unlike any Doctors’ Surgery I’ve ever seen before; the reception is relatively normal, with its cold lighting, linoleum flooring and hard backed chairs, but the patients are quite… abnormal. A man is sat two seats away from me, his body covered in hair and long sharp claws protruding from his fingers – I hear him telling the fairy beside him, whose wings are wilted and colourless, that he hasn’t been able to fully turn into his wolf form or his human form for weeks. Opposite them, a vampire sits with a bucket in his lap, vomiting blood into it every few moments, and the centaur stood beside his seat with his tail wrapped in a bloody bandage rubs his back soothingly. I think I’m the only human in here.
Normally, I’d have driven out to the Doctors’ Surgery in the next district – everyone knows that The District 9 Doctors’ Surgery caters specifically to magical injuries – but I somehow don’t think my problem can be solved by a human doctor. When I phoned the surgery yesterday, I asked for the next possible appointment. I was told by the receptionist that that wouldn’t be until mid-November, which never would’ve worked. So I did what I swore I wouldn’t do, and asked the receptionist to ask Dr Kim if he had any availability for y/n y/l/n. The receptionist sounded sceptical, but he put me on hold anyway, and came back to tell me that Dr Kim said he could just about fit me in.
‘Miss y/l/n? Dr Kim is ready to see you in Room 13,’ the receptionist calls out, and I rise from my chair, passing the vomiting vampire with a wince. I head down the clinical corridor, white bar lights flickering overhead, and when I reach Room 13, I take a deep breath and raise my hand to the door. I knock once, twice, and then wait to be told to come in. I hear nothing. I roll my eyes, knocking again a few moments later, and then I hear him call out, ‘Come in!’
I turn the handle, tentatively opening the door and slipping into the room. Whilst the reception may have looked like any old Doctors’ Surgery, Room 13 certainly does not. The walls are black and purple, flickering yellow lamps casting an eerie glow and providing the brightness that the room needs due to having no windows. The floor is an ugly brown and red patterned carpet, the kind you find in a decades old manor house, and wooden shelves and chests of drawers are dotted around the room, covered with various suspicious looking bottles and jars. Old tapestries hang on the walls, and mismatched armchairs and beanbags sit around the rickety table in the middle of the room – I suppose it’s more of a kitchen island type thing than a table – which has a crystal ball, magic wands and various mystical objects sitting atop it. The only things in the room that don’t look otherworldly or ancient are the laptop on the table, and the man stood in front of it, typing away.
He doesn’t look up when I walk in, so I just shut the door behind me, throwing myself down onto the comfiest looking armchair, practically sinking into it. I busy myself with filing my freshly done nails – I love my nail lady, but she can somehow never get them all even – whilst I wait for him to be done. ‘I just cleaned the room and you’re getting nail filings everywhere,’ he says after a few minutes, and I roll my eyes at him. ‘Are you sure you cleaned it? It looks a state,’ I say dryly, and he lets out a little laugh as I pull a flask out of my bag. I get up from my seat and hand him the flask, ignoring his raised eyebrow. ‘Wait, is this-’ ‘Iced americano. The way you like it,’ I say, and he grins, taking it from me with badly hidden excitement. ‘Look at you. Sweetening me up,’ he observes amusedly, and I roll my eyes again. ‘I was making it for myself but now I feel a little sick, so you can have it,’ I lie, and he just gives me a suspicious side-eye before sipping from the flask and letting out a blissful sigh.
‘What are you doing here?’ he asks after a few seconds, and I sigh, dragging one of the higher chairs over to the table and sitting on it, not wanting to be a few feet shorter than him in the armchair. ‘I need your help with something,’ I say, and he looks surprised. ‘Wait, you’re actually here to be treated?’ ‘Um… yes. Why else would I be here?’ I ask confusedly, and he hesitates. ‘Thought you might be here to… see me,’ he says quietly, and I feel a little awkward. ‘I… Seungmin, you have to understand w-’ ‘I understand, y/n, I completely understand, and I don’t blame you. It’s just that I’ve… missed you. And I don’t mean I’ve missed our relationship. I’ve missed you in my life. You don’t even show up to family events anymore, and my mum keeps asking why she hasn’t seen you. I don’t have the heart to tell her what happened,’ he murmurs, my heart twisting with guilt. I’m not quite sure what to say, desperately wracking my brains, but there isn’t anything to say, so we’re both silent.
Seungmin and I grew up living in houses opposite each other. Our parents were best friends, so we were best friends. We remained that way through nursery, all of school, and into our adult lives too. I was quite proud of having a wizard best friend who could solve nearly any problem I ever had. He made sure I never failed any tests, hurt myself, got into trouble, and he fixed anything I ever broke, found everything I ever lost, made sure nothing bad ever happened to me. And then we did the worst thing we could’ve done, and we fell in love with each other. Two years later, I had aged two years, and Seungmin had not – wizards are immortal, and so he stopped aging from the age of 18. 22-year-old me was dating 18-year-old Seungmin. It doesn’t seem like much of an issue, but I started thinking about the future. What about when I turned 30, and Seungmin still hadn’t aged a day into adulthood? When we’d had a child together, and he looked more like the kid’s sibling than the father?
‘Anyway… what’s wrong? Why’d you need my help?’ he asks, and I sigh deeply. ‘Basically… I was at the club with Chaeryeong the other night, and we were in the toilets, and I was putting on lipgloss. This girl next to me asked if she could use it, and I was like, ‘um, no’, because who shares lipgloss with a stranger in a club, and she got angry and started saying, ‘you think you’re so gorgeous, and you think you’re better than me,’ and basically went off on one, so I may have retaliated slightly, and turns out she was a witch, so she put a curse on me,’ I explain all in one breath, and Seungmin raises a sceptical eyebrow. ‘You wanna tell me what really happened?’ he asks, and I blink once, twice, before sighing.
‘She asked to borrow my lipgloss and I was kinda drunk and I may have been a bit of a bitch and told her she needed more than just lipgloss to fix her face,’ I admit ashamedly, and Seungmin’s mouth falls open. ‘y/n!’ ‘What? It’s not like I lied! Her makeup was terrible! It was the completely wrong colour for her skin, she hadn’t blended it, her eyelashes weren’t the right shape for her eyes and she hadn’t glued them on properly so they were hanging off, her eyeshadow clashed with her lipstick, it was all terrible! I wasn’t about to let her put my expensive ass lipgloss on top of that god-awful lipstick. So I tried to give her some girl-to-girl advice, but I was drunk so it came out the wrong way!’ I say defensively, Seungmin shaking his head at me in disbelief.
‘Did you tell her all those things? ‘…I may have, yes.’ ‘You’re such a bitch, y/n. Maybe she did her makeup like that on purpose. Maybe no one’s ever taught her how to do makeup. You didn’t need to come for her like that. God,’ he says, voice laced with shock and disappointment, and I feel like a little kid being told off by their teacher. ‘I apologised when she started crying b-’ ‘You made her cry?’ he demands, voice going up a few octaves, and I pout. ‘I didn’t mean to! I apologised, but she was already angry, so she cursed me,’ I say in a small voice, Seungmin’s unimpressed gaze making me feel quite ashamed. Not that I didn’t already! He’s just making me feel worse.
‘What was the curse she put on you?’ he asks, and I let out an angry noise just at the thought of it. ‘That I’ll age to look quadruple how old I actually am,’ I spit, and his eyebrows furrow in confusion. ‘I’ve never heard that before. She probably just said it to scare you.’ ‘That’s what I thought. Until this happened,’ I say, turning my head away and lifting up my hair to reveal the base of my neck. I hear him suck in a breath, knowing he’s seeing the lock of hair at the back of my head, the one that’s now a powdery grey colour, wiry and ratty amongst the perfectly healthy hair that I put so much effort into looking after.
‘My body’s getting achy and I’ve got all these pains everywhere that I didn’t have a couple days ago. So I think the curse is real, Seungmin,’ I say seriously, and he nods, looking thoughtful. ‘So you want me to lift the curse off you?’ he asks, and I nod, giving him my best wide innocent eyes. ‘Can you do it?’ I ask, and he’s silent for a moment before replying, ‘I can. But I won’t.’ My heart drops, my mouth falling open slightly, and I blink at him a few times before I say, ‘what do you mean, you won’t?’ ‘I won’t lift the curse off you. You were rude and bitchy to that girl and not once have you shown me that you feel guilty about it. Instead, you’re sat here defending yourself and complaining about her like a little brat, so I think this should teach you a lesson,’ he says simply, and I stare at him in shock.
‘You’re joking, right? I demand, anger flaring through me at the way his eyes sparkle with mirth. ‘No, I’m being serious, actually. You judged that girl based on how she looked – I’m sure if she was conventionally pretty, with flawless makeup, you’d have lent her your lipgloss without a second thought, and probably becomes best friends with her too. That girl might have been the nicest person you’d ever come across. But you wouldn’t know, because you were mean to her. Now, the shoe will be on the other foot. You’ve coasted through life getting what you want because you’re pretty, and now that you’ll look all wrinkly and saggy, we’ll see how you like being on the receiving end of people’s judgement,’ he says cheerfully, my mouth falling open more and more as he speaks.
‘Seungmin, I’m sorry for being a bitch. I really am, and I do regret it. But surely that slightly bitchy behaviour doesn’t warrant this. Me looking like an ancient pensioner! I’ve learnt my lesson. Please don’t do this,’ I say desperately, starting to actually worry that he might not lift the curse. ‘Hmm, I don’t know if you have learnt your lesson, y/n. It’s not like I can take your word for it, because if I didn’t know you any better, you’d have gotten away with telling me a twisted version of what really happened. You’re a compulsive liar. So, I apologise, but I won’t be lifting the curse,’ he says seriously, but his lips are quirked up at the corners, making me realise he’s actually amused by this situation.
‘Seungmin, this isn’t a joke! You cannot let this happen to me!’ I shriek, panic making my hands shake, and he raises an eyebrow at me. ‘Shouting won’t make me change my mind,’ he says dryly, the two of us staring at each other, very different emotions in our gazes, and he sighs a few moments later. ‘How about this? When you show a true act of selflessness and generosity without any kind of judgement, the curse will break,’ he says, taking my hands into his as he speaks, and when I register his words, I snatch them away angrily. ‘No! I don’t want any stupid conditions or things I have to do! Just take the fucking curse off me, Min!’ I scream, fury making my voice waver, and he just laughs.
‘You took your hands away too late – it’s done now. This will teach you your lesson,’ he grins, and I want to literally throw myself across the table and teach him a lesson instead. ‘Seungie, please,’ I pout, stooping lower than I ever thought I would, and he hesitates for a moment before shaking his head, crossing his arms over his chest. ‘No, y/n. It’s done. Try not to judge someone based on their appearance for once, and you’ll be rewarded for it,’ he says mildly, and I just stare at him in disbelief for a few moments. ‘Are you doing this because I dumped you?’ I ask, unable to believe he simply wants to teach me a lesson, and he bursts out into laughter. ‘Flattering yourself a little there, aren’t you? No, y/n, that’s not why. Stop trying to find reasons to play this down. There are no other factors for this punishment other than your nasty behaviour.’ ‘Punishment? What are you, my dad? You don’t get to punish me!’ ‘I know you better than your dad does, better than anyone else does, and I know you’re better than this. I’m trying to help you.’ ‘You’ve got a funny way of showing it!’ I exclaim, silence falling between us.
‘If that’s all, y/n-’ ‘If that’s all? If that’s all?’ ‘Yes. If that’s all, you can leave. I only have ten minutes left of my lunch break, and then I’ve got another appointment. So you can go,’ he says with a small grin, effectively dismissing me like a parent sends a child to their room, and I let out an angry huff. ‘I can’t believe this. Some shitty doctor you are,’ I say childishly, bitter about this lesson he’s trying to teach me, and he just rolls his eyes amusedly. ‘My thousands of satisfied patients say otherwise. But that’s okay – you can’t please everyone. Especially not judgemental little brats,’ he grins, and I let out a shrill noise of rage, pushing myself up off the seat and grabbing my bag from the armchair.
‘And I’ll take this!’ I exclaim pettily, snatching the half-empty flask from the table, and he just laughs at me, making me feel even more murderous than I already do. ‘You’ll thank me eventually, y/n,’ he says gently, and I let out another angry huff. ‘I doubt it,’ I hiss, stomping towards the door and, just as I think I can’t be any more immature, I kick the shelves nearest me, watching as it wobbles and falls over to the side before stopping mid-air. ‘Really? How childish of you,’ Seungmin says amusedly, one hand outstretched in the direction of the shelves, his magic holding them up, and I let out an angry scream, sounding a lot like Regina George when she was putting herself in the Burn Book to get back at Cady. Is this really what I’ve become? How embarrassing,
‘I’ll see you at Jackson’s for Halloween,’ he calls out behind me as I reach the door. ‘I wouldn’t count on it,’ I hiss venomously, ‘my brittle bones may have already given way by then. God knows if I’ll even be able to walk, thanks to you!’ ‘No, y/n, you only have yourself to blame for this,’ he says, as he shakes his head with a sad smile. ‘Oh, cut out all the philosophical teaching-moment shit,’ I spit, wrenching open the door. As I do so, one of my nails flies off my finger. Not just the fake nail my technician put on this morning. The entire nail.
I hold back a gag, hearing Seungmin stifling laughter behind me, and I look away from it, feeling quite sick. My eyes meet Seungmin’s, and he must take pity on me when he sees how they’re full of angry and helpless tears, and he waves a hand in my direction. When I look down at my hand again, the nail is back in place, good as new. I look back at him in surprise, and he looks a little embarrassed. ‘No more of your nails will fall out. But I’m not fixing anything else for you. Now go, before your stupid pretty face convinces me to lift the curse,’ he says, and I feel a little hope spark in my chest. ‘Seungie, p-’ ‘Nuh-uh. Get outta here. Now.’ ‘But S-‘ ‘y/n, I will call security!’
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hanmajoerin · 4 years
I’m just gonna say it, y’all, Yashahime isn’t what I expected and there are elements to the series that I would have handled differently but to be honest, if I was at the helm of this all of you guys would be shitting on my version too.
My expectations–my hopes and dreams for the InuYasha cast after the end–it’s all so different from yours. I’ve read your fanfictions, I’ve seen your OC children. I respect them even if they’re not the characters that exist in my head. I respect them even if your ideas of the world after Kagome returns take three different turns than mine. This is exactly why I am urging some of you guys to brew a cup of chamomile tea and wait, at least until we have all 24 episodes of Yashahime at our disposal. I’m not the biggest fan of them, but Sunrise deserves the same respect as all of you do. And before you get all defensive and upset, don’t think for a single second that I have forgotten what InuYasha: A Fedual Fairytale did to the relationships of every InuYasha character. I feel their poor representation of InuYasha and Kagome’s relationship in the very atoms on my fingernails to this day.
Still, I have 193 animated TV episodes and four feature films to point at and criticize. And believe me when I tell you that the amount of college papers I could compose regarding the disservice that was done not just to my favorite couple, but to all of the characters that I’ve spent the past fourteen going on fifteen years of my life growing up alongside is kind of crazy. Yashahime has four episodes. F O U R  E P I S O D E S.
For some crazy reason, Rumiko Takahashi loves the cast and staff that worked on InuYasha: A Feudal Fairytale–they take annual vacations together for Christ’s sake. It sounds like Sunrise has a plan for this sequel and just because the four released episodes include elements that I didn’t anticipate doesn’t make it fair to rule out the possibility of the series’ potential as a whole. Takahashi claimed to like it and that woman is coo-coo banana crazy, but if she believes in it, I have faith too.
But something that I wanted to remind you guys about is the fact that sequels don’t happen in the Rumic World. That’s why Yashahime existing is so fucking insane to me in general. Takahashi wanted to make a new story instead of “InuYasha Two” and as a writer who tends to not be a fan of sequels myself, I know where she’s coming from. I also wanted to remind you that we are not watching “InuYasha Two” either. We have Hanyo no Yashahime. This is a series about the daughters of some characters we love carving a path sprinkled with a little bit of familiar stuff and a little bit of new stuff. The whereabouts of our favorite characters from the past (unless you’re a Sesshomaru fan, we found that guy today LOL) is the series’ greatest mystery. Sunrise is dragging us along without an ounce of remorse as the new generation uncovers it. And it’s painful, but that doesn’t make it fair to disregard the potential of an entire work so early on in its run. If you decide that the story is simply not for you and you’d like jump ship? Totally different. It’s absolutely fine. It’s expected! But if you’re discrediting any kind of potential? No way.  
What’s been confirmed so far is that Moroha has little to no memories of her parents even though she knows who they are. Today we saw her grandmother ask for regards to be sent to her mom. Instead of having an emotional breakdown like we (with our 559 chapter history with Kagome) wanted, Moroha showed the largest amount of discomfort yet. She faltered, she admitted that she didn’t really “know” her mother, and scratched the back of her head uncomfortably. Nonetheless, she agreed to send the regards. This was Moroha acting in-character. Seriously, this quarter-demon is a fucking spitfire like twenty-six hours a day; she may have bared her butt to the family, but she hasn’t shown them any signs of emotional vulnerability. Two different things. 
Speaking of two, I’ll fight anyone who says Towa didn’t deserve that scene with Sota. In Yashahime, Sota raised Towa for a decade. Towa was his first baby. Towa is so much more than just the daughter of Sesshomaru, she is Sota’s daughter. His baby girl. And he sees so much of his big sister in her, especially now that Towa’s departing on an epic journey to gather her twin’s memories like the shards of the Sacred Jewel. It felt nostalgic to Sota. It felt right for him to share this moment with his daughter instead of his tiny gremlin niece who jacked his credit card and came into his life a few days ago 😉. And it was positively monumental that for the first time, Towa called Sota “Papa” instead of “Sota Papa.” It was in-character for the lore of the show. Maybe not our hearts, but in the reality of the show and therein lies the difference. 
Please don’t take this post as a declaration stating that you cannot be upset. Sunrise can’t make us all happy, that’s preposterous! We just need to be fair. It’s been a test for me too, in some ways, but I’m genuinely enjoying Yashahime for what it is. My blog is always going to be here for fun stupid posts, sentiments fics, and anything InuYasha. I want to continue participating in the journey that is Yashahime with my followers which is precisely why I’m encouraging you to watch the series with a calming cup of chamomile tea at your side. I’m encouraging you to remember that the main cast and main supporting cast of this sequel simply do not share the same history that we do with InuYasha and his friends. We need to acknowledge the characters for where they stand–their history with the world we’ve been shown–not where we stand.
I know it’s hard, my dudes, we miss our family. I want their safety and happiness just as much as you. But, I promise you, it’s going to be okay in the end. Kagome already told us so.
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doux-amer · 3 years
My thoughts on today:
So we have both the World Cup and Euro winners out now in Euro 2020 (good riddance as both were boring and I will never accept how both of them won World Cup ‘18 and Euro ‘16) and I'm thriving off the chaos ksdajfdlaksjfkas. Spain–Croatia:
I continue to be exasperated with Alvaro Morata, but good for him that he of all people scored the goal to turn the tide because as much as I think he’s not worth it, he absolutely doesn’t deserve the abuse he’s received from the public
When Riqui Puig joins the senior Spain NT and Ansu Fati is fit again, it's all over for other European NTs!!!!!
Spain is out here breaking records!
Got annoyed at people saying Spain is utter shit after years of going “Yeah, unfortunately, they’re meh and I can’t break up with them” because they’re not. Spain has been playing well since Busquets came back from testing negative for covid lol. The only big weakness they have (other than the lack of talented, consistent strikers) is when they start playing too slowly on the ball in their own half and end up making holes in their defense which is frustrating to watch, but Spain is one of the youngest NTs in the Euros so they need to gain more experience. And tbh considering Spain won both of their last matches with five goals, I think they can squeak by with not having a true reliable striker like Villa or Fernando Torres. Not ideal, but it's still doable. Their defense worries me though. I got so impatient when they kept the ball near the box instead of trying to move forward and were slow in multiple matches. Lucho needs to drill some sense into them. 
Look, they're actually a very promising side. They're just undercooked and understandably so, but they're not bad by any means. They're wobbly this Euros, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what's in store if the team can gel together under Lucho
Please say sike...between this and Sid Lowe saying, “[Busquets] is the only man left from the team that won the 2010 World Cup," I felt ancient 
Unai Simon has been good this tournament, but I wanted to astral project myself off the face of this planet when he made that bizarre beginner’s mistake. Imagine being Pedri and getting an own goal because Unai did that...but alksjdlfjasdlkfas for pure chaos, I loved it (because Spain ended up winning). So many own goals this tournament! So much drama! We’ve truly seen everything, and there’s more to come. I was here for everyone saying they wouldn’t have put it past De Gea and Kepa to make the same mistake and I’m inclined to agree. I never fully trusted De Gea or saw him as the true successor to Iker. :/ But anyway, Unai was one of the players keeping Spain alive and he’s been good so I’m okay with him!
France deserve to go out because Switzerland played well this match and France has been not only mediocre and anemic but possibly one of the most boring sides as well this Euros lmao bye
France had to get knocked out at some point because the idea of France winning another title with Benzema on the squad was too much for me
As everyone pointed out, France has a surplus of excellent players, more than any other NT, but Deschamps is so conservative and doesn't let them be as fun and brilliant as they can be because they can afford not to. I LOATHE that mindset so I'm not sad to see France leave. Replace Deschamps with a manager who can take advantage of a squad that includes Mbappe, Pogba, Kante,  etc.  or not because then I'll suffer an identity crisis because I hate France, but I like a lot of the players on the French NT
Happy for the Swiss getting to the quarterfinals for the first time! Happy for Big Shaq!
The Swiss were really good and fought to the end just like Croatia and I love both NTs showing that kind of spirit. 
Plus as a neutral (jk, a neutral that hates France, but I didn’t expect France to leave before getting to the quarterfinals), I love the chaos and finally, FINALLY, we got to penalties. 
And others:
Patrik Schick needs to get two more goals so Penaldo can't get the Golden Boot (unless someone else overtakes him and Penaldo, which I'm okay with too although Schick hasn’t had one bad goal this tournament!) 
If you want to talk about NTs that actually do suck, there are two examples I can point to that are better choices than Spain: Belgium and the Netherlands. Can you believe FIFA keeps ranking Belgium as #1? In what world????? If you want to talk about bad NTs that shouldn't be bad, Belgium and the Netherlands are on the top of my list. The Netherlands went out yesterday and deservedly so (sorry, Frenkie and Gini). Maybe they'll regroup and come back, but I'm relieved they didn't advance in a way because if they end up going far in a tournament, I want Virgil to be there although that will be bad for me as a Dutch NT hater. Belgium has consistently been overhyped and for what? Take out KDB and Lukaku and it’s a snoozefest. They’ve never actually been good for as long as people kept hyping them up, and I really don’t get why people continue to do so when they’ve never lived up to expectations.
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makeste · 4 years
top 20 favorite quirks
okay, but listen, though! it’s exactly what it says in the title. not best quirks, or most useful quirks, or most creative quirks. not even coolest quirks! I did try to take all of these things into consideration when choosing, but honestly? by far the most important factor was, “I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT.”
anyway but let me backtrack and post the actual ask.
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you’ll note that at no point was I asked to pick twenty of them. I did that all on my own. so here is my list!
20. Solid Air (Tsuburaba)
Tsubaraba Kousei. all-time undefeated grand champion of The Floor Is Lava. or at least he was until Ochako came along. anyway, so this is an extremely nifty quirk with all sorts of utility ranging from defense to helping him get around. it’s super useful for catching bad guys, and apparently the only real limit is his lung capacity. this quirk has so much potential and I love it.
19. Copy (Monoma)
the fact that he can copy his opponents’ powers and use them against them is badass enough, but add in the fact that he can hold up to 3 (or 4??) of them at once -- for as long as ten minutes -- and this quirk starts getting seriously powerful. anyway so one thing you might note as you read on is that although Copy is on my favorite quirks list, AFO is not! and that’s because Monoma’s limits actually make the quirk much more interesting to me, because they force him (and Horikoshi) to get creative. this is a really fun quirk and I would love to see more of Monoma in action. about time we saw him fight some actual villains and not just class 1-A, honestly.
18. Brainwashing (Shinsou)
as with Monoma’s quirk, what really sets this apart from other mind-control superpowers (to me, anyway) is the fact that it has limitations. he can’t just control anyone at random; in order to take them over he has to get them to respond to him somehow. which leads to innovations like the voice-changer, and which as a result has made his battles so genuinely interesting and fun to watch. anyway so I really want Shinsou to hurry up and join 2-A, and for them to just give him his provisional license all “here you go, son” with no testing whatsoever, because we’re past the point of pretending the HPSC is actually responsible these days, and because I really want to see if he can help turn the tides the next time the heroes battle the League.
17. Zero Gravity (Ochako)
I feel like it’s worth noting that I don’t really have any kind of fear of heights or falling or anything like that. and so I can’t really explain why Toga using this quirk on Ms. Curious and her lackeys was hands down one of the most singularly disturbing scenes in the entire manga for me! but it was!! even now I’m wincing just thinking about it. she just lifted them all up and DROPPED THEM and they just FELL and DIED. just like that. holy fucking shit. anyway, so we should all be very grateful that Ochako is super kind and sweet and more inclined towards helping people rather than murdering them. because holy shit. anyways though this quirk is dope.
16. Erasure (Aizawa)
I once said that this quirk was “not very cinematic”, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so wrong about anything in my life. oh, past me. you truly underestimated the dramatic impact of someone with a terrifyingly powerful quirk going in for the kill, only to be all “NANI?!” as they suddenly realize that their powers are no longer working, and the camera pans over to a man with gorgeous floating hair and intense red anime eyes. I owe you an apology, Erasure. you are cinematic AF.
15. Black Hole (Thirteen)
I really wish we got to see Thirteen fight more often. they suffer from the same “too powerful” curse as so many of the other characters and it’s a shame. anyway so Black Hole is cool af and gives me a ton of Miroku/kazaana vibes, which I freaking love. this quirk is lowkey on a Tomura-level of destructive potential, honestly, and yet no one ever talks about it?? Thirteen could literally destroy anything they touched if they wanted to?? imagine if they ever Awakened, you guys. holy shit.
14. Tape (Sero)
this power is so fucking stupid and ridiculous and completely absurd and I LOVE IT. Horikoshi really drew a skinny guy with tape elbows and was all, “so this kid is basically Spider-Man but with tape. I have not put the least bit of logical thought or creative effort into this power beyond that, and I’m not going to, either.” and somehow we all just accepted it. anyway, dubious origins aside, it’s such a versatile ability and Sero has such amazing control over it. it’s offense; it’s defense; he can use it to set traps; he can use it for maneuverability. TAPE ELBOWS CAN DO IT ALL.
13. Outburst (Ms. Joke)
when will it finally be her time. Outburst is one of those powers that sounds super dumb at first, until you really stop and think what the ability to make someone laugh at will could actually DO to people. true uncontrollable belly laughter is a totally incapacitating thing. she’d have people collapsing to the ground and practically seizing up. and good luck using your own quirk to fight back when you’re doubled over struggling to breathe and can’t even see straight because of the tears in your eyes. that’s assuming any of her opponents are even capable of thinking straight long enough to try it. like, this is such a straight up brutal ability and the fact that we have still NEVER SEEN IT is honestly infuriating.
12. Glamour (Camie)
it’s an illusion quirk. of course I have to put it on my list. illusion powers make every battle approximately 100x more entertaining. and what makes this particular power even better is that in any other series, this quirk would have been given to some Tokoyami-esque super serious emo kid. but BnHA went and gave it to Karen from Mean Girls instead. what a fucking power move. goddamn.
11. Black (Kuroiro)
according to BnHA Ultra Analysis, Kuroiro’s Appearing Out of Nowhere skills are rated a 4 out of 6. I still haven’t figured out if this is meant to be a burn on him or not. this kid can ninja in and out of literally any dark object in existence. if it’s nighttime, that means he can basically move wherever he wants to at will. of course he’s skilled at Appearing Out of Nowhere. so tell me then, why is it ONLY a four out of six?? how could he possibly fuck this up?? who was grading him?? DOES HE JUST SUCK. I don’t know, but anyway it’s really funny to me and also I really love this quirk.
10. Transform (Toga)
Toga went and Awakened herself right into the top ten with the reveal that not only can she mimic other people’s appearances, but that while she is transformed, she can actually use their quirks. like excuse me, what?? holy shit??? it is honestly driving me crazy that we’ve only seen this in action once. Transform is basically Plot Twist: The Quirk. I really want to see Toga use it to its full potential and infiltrate U.A. and/or spy on the HPSC and/or murder someone with their loved one’s own quirk. I WANT HER TO GIVE SOMEONE THE MAES HUGHES TREATMENT. I want her to do something so shocking that people ragequit the fucking manga lol. I know I’m always saying the manga isn’t that dark, but this is honestly the one exception where I would freaking love for it to get dark as shit. anyway so yeah. if you want to fuck with people you really couldn’t ask for a better quirk.
9. Creation (Momo)
MACGUYVER: THE QUIRK. an unlimited inventory in the hands of someone brilliant enough to actually utilize it to its full extent. what’s not to love? honestly if it were me with this quirk it would be completely useless. not only would I get hopelessly bored two seconds into trying to memorize an object’s molecular structure or whatever, but even if I DID manage to figure out how to make stuff, I would never know what to do with the stuff, or when to use it. every time a new situation cropped up I would just create a bunch of random objects in a panic. but Momo is so elegant in her problem-solving that she often needs to create only one or two things to come up with the perfect solution for something. basically this is a good quirk that becomes a truly great quirk when placed in the hands of the best possible person in the world to wield it. the quirk is awesome because Momo is awesome, and I fucking adore quirks like that (see: next entry).
8. Permeation (Mirio)
ah, Mirio. the original victim of the “too powerful to be allowed” curse. remember that time he BEAT HALF OF CLASS 1-A IN UNDER SIX SECONDS, you guys.  small wonder Horikoshi couldn’t even make it through one complete villain fight with him before he had to de-quirk the poor kid. anyway, so Mirio makes this quirk look so mind-blowingly awesome that it’s easy to forget what a terrifying and fucked-up power it is in reality. “yeah it makes me blind and deaf and if I’m not careful I’ll fall into the center of the earth or splice myself in two or some shit.” what the actual fuck Mirio. but because he’s worked so hard and because Nighteye trained him so well, he’s mastered the timing to such an insane degree that he could kick Overhaul in the face without harming a single hair on Eri’s body. and honestly, there’s no way I could not love a quirk that gave us a moment like that.
7. Warp Gate (Kurogiri)
unlike SOME OTHER PEOPLE whose names start with Kuro, I would bet you that Kurogiri’s Appearing Out of Nowhere skills are a full six out of six! alas, the top ten of this list is chock full of people whose quirks are so badass that they had to be written out of the story one way or another. with Kuro at large there was technically nothing stopping the villains from just dropping in on U.A. one night to kill All Might, or rekidnap Bakugou, or whatever else they might want to do. and that’s actually a really scary thought though lol so it’s no wonder that Horikoshi was all, “yeah I’ll just have them capture him now.” anyways do you guys remember that one time in chapter 18 when Kuro used Warp Gate to create an endless loop of All Might suplexing Noumu suplexing All Might?? fucking quirks, though. wild.
6. Fiber Master (Best Jeanist)
another badass quirk, another badass quirk-user incapacitated and taken out of the story before their time. Best Jeanist is honestly terrifying. if he wanted to he could immobilize and even strangle and kill pretty much anyone in the world, whenever he fucking felt like it. that alone would be crazy enough, but then add to that that this quirk for all intents and purposes is basically telekinesis. as long as someone is wearing clothing he can move them around however he wants, as we saw in Kamino. basically, everything Hawks can do with Fierce Wings, Jeanist can probably do with his own quirk. AND THAT INCLUDES FLYING, YOU GUYS. the more I think about it the more I think we truly were robbed. I need Jeanist to come back already and fly everyone at Jakku to safety and tie Tomura to a chair with his own cape before proceeding to style his hair.
5. Rewind (Eri)
IT’S MY LIST!! I CAN PUT WHATEVER I WANT, AND IF YOU SAY I CAN’T, I’M TELLING MOM. okay but listen. everyone always rags on this quirk and how stupidly powerful it is, and look, I get it. but isn’t it kind of interesting that everyone is also always speculating over who Eri is eventually going to heal with her quirk? like, fandom is always complaining about how broken it is but at the same time they’re out here hatching all of these wild theories that center around it. and to me that indicates that in truth, this is actually an awesome quirk -- just so long as it’s used right. obviously there have to be some major limitations or else this is just “Fix Everything: The Quirk.” thankfully, Horikoshi did limit it! it’s super dangerous, she has trouble controlling it, and most importantly, it’s ridiculously slow to recharge and so she can only use it once every few months. it’s basically Recovery Girl’s quirk with a bonus slow-replenishing stamina bar that, once charged, allows her to release one ultra-powerful SUPER HEAL special move. and that’s pretty awesome. basically I think this quirk gets too much hate and not enough credit for the additional menu options it adds to the story. it’s interesting and compelling and I can’t wait to see what Horikoshi does with it.
4. Dark Shadow (Tokoyami)
TOKOYAMI WHY IS YOUR QUIRK SENTIENT. Existential Crisis: The Quirk. do quirks have souls?? if you shot Tokoyami with a quirk-be-gone bullet would Dark Shadow fucking die??? if Tomura absorbed Tokoyami’s quirk would Dark Shadow grow out of his back and be all “hey um, who the fuck are you”?? and would Toko’s head turn back into a normal human boy head?? would Dark Shadow look like Tomura instead of a bird shadow?? what even IS Dark Shadow, actually?? obviously it is not just a shadow because shadows can’t punch people or shield people from attacks or pick people up and fly them around. but yet he’s afraid of fire and grows weaker in daylight?? is Tokoyami secretly the strongest character in the entire series?? is there any way I can possibly justify putting this quirk all the way down at #4 instead of #1 where it clearly belongs?? let me answer that question by not answering it and moving on.
3. Explosion (Bakugou)
is the fix in?? is “exploding hands” really a better quirk than a fucking sentient monster man who lives in your belly button and reads your mind and is made of ~darkness energy~ and is your best friend? apparently the answer is yes! to both of those questions. yes the fix is in. I love Kacchan and his quirk is fucking awesome okay. it just never ceases to amaze me how this one single quirk, which really only does one thing, is nonetheless so spectacularly powerful that it allows Bakugou to compete on the same level as the fucking protagonist with all of his godlike super-strength and Main Character Powers and wacky SIXQUIRKS!! shenanigans. in my opinion the coolest thing about Explosion isn’t even its firepower; it’s the way Bakugou’s adapted it to fly around and to boost his speed. I think he legit may be the fastest character in the series right now, or close to it. he’s faster than Iida and Gran Torino and Endeavor. he can keep up with Deku without breaking a sweat. and he knows how to use that speed, thanks to his insane reflexes. add in the fact that this is also without a doubt the most cinematic quirk in the entire series, and I think I’m justified in putting it this high up. and anyway I still put two others up above it so shh.
2. Search (Ragdoll/Tomura)
Hey, What’s That Guy’s Deal: The Quirk. I just really love this one you guys. it’s so fucking useful. Video Game HUD: The Quirk. one hundred people at a time?? locations and weak points?? works even when you’re not looking at the person anymore and have blinked your eyes, unlike CERTAIN OTHER PEOPLE’S weak-ass quirks?? check, check, and check. is it any wonder AFO wanted this? plus it just looks so damn cool. the visual representation of everyone as little stars on a map. Turn On Location: The Quirk. okay look I feel like I’m doing a bad job of explaining why I have this quirk all the way up at number two. it just has this subtle badassness to it, and its introduction after almost two hundred chapters of buildup was just so fucking cool. maybe it’s recency bias?? I don’t even know; all I know is that I love this quirk and want to see more of it in action.
1. Blackwhip (Lariat/Deku)
listen, I was obsessed with this quirk back when it was called “Venom” and was by far the absolute coolest part of the 1990s Spider-Man cartoon series. I’m not just going to suddenly not be obsessed with it just because fandom is mad that Horikoshi gave Deku an additional power beyond just Smashing Stuff. Blackwhip is hands down the coolest quirk, guys. I’m sorry, it just is. it has the coolest name. it had the coolest entrance. it does basically anything you could ever want a quirk to do in battle. it grabs stuff. it Bloops. what more do you want. you’re all just jealous because you wish that you could Bloop too. I know I am. I wish I had a Bloop. anyway so yeah, Blackwhip is the upgrade to Deku’s fighting style that we desperately needed after 200+ chapters of Delaware Smashes and Broken Bones. all his fights are cooler now. he can save more people! he can fight without instantly dying! plus you just gotta love powers that occasionally explode out of control if their user gets all emotional and pissed off about the fact that you insulted his boyfriend. so yeah. Blackwhip at number one! on this list of favorite quirks. not best quirks!! jesus christ. please don’t kill me I have a family.
 so that’s my list! all 3000 words of it. how does this keep happening.
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 years
I’m not asking for a character analysis if you don’t want to do one/have already done a lot, though I wasn’t sure who else to share this information with, so you get to be the one to hear it
If we look through the books (specifically Lodestar-Flashback), it might be noted that Tam isn’t as snarky as we all make him out to be. He isn’t super ‘emo’ either I don’t think? Sure, he tugs on his bangs, but that seems to be a nervous habit he picked up. The hair is.. a lot when he’s first explaining it, but it seems to be something he likes to keep more so as a reminder to his parents (and, in a way, to himself.). I don’t think he keeps it because of the reason he got it.
He’s also pretty... almost timid? In Lodestar and Flashback - and maybe Nightfall - there almost seems to be times when he gets all quiet, like he isn’t sure what to do or say and he’ll tug on his bangs (if I remember correctly). He’s also been getting more and more freaked out by his power (we know that though).
Anyways, he really isn’t the emo/goth/snarky/over sarcastic person the fandom seems to make him out to be. Don’t get me wrong, he definitely is snarky and sarcastic, but not to an extreme I don’t think.
Thank you for allowing me to word-vomit even though you had no idea this was coming.
(2/2) Oh also! He’s not super great with his power even before the shadowflux. There seems to be multiple scenes throughout the books where he over exerts himself or has to do something (typically with veils and echoes) and by the end of it he’ll be covered in sweat, sometimes shaking, and sometimes having to be literally held by Linh.
Nonsie I am so honored I’ve become the type of person this kinda thing is shared with because I love this. and I have thoughts—
Okay, because this ask was fairly long I’m going to put my own thoughts under a read more so I don’t take up too much of everyone’s dash lol
I think it’s entirely possible that we as a fandom (and I’m including myself in this) have associated characters with certain traits based on their abilities. And that’s fine! There’s nothing wrong with that and it’s a lot of fun! For example, Keefe is an empath and we say he’s very in tune with his emotions. Marella is a pyrokinetic so we say she’s feisty. And we just so happened to have given Tam a set personality to go with him darker ability
When you think of dark and mysterious and protective, you most likely think of a snarky sarcastic character who likes to break rules and do whatever they want. And because Tam gave off enough of those vibes when we first met him (being protective of Linh and not subscribing to typical elvin notions, dressing in black, etc.) we made the association. There’s also a common association with the way he dresses and being emo, which we often like to joke about despite the lack of real...emo-ness?he dresses the part but that’s about it.
He used to be on a situation that required an aggressive kind of demeanor, because it would keep him and the people he loves safe. But now he’s not in that situation anymore and has been given the opportunity to grow as a character. And he has been! He’s quieter and more worried about Linh instead of actively defensive.
And you’re right, the way he’s acting could be described as timid. I think another way to view it is that he’s aware, taking a step back and observing his surroundings instead of constantly trying to present himself as a threat. So he doesn’t speak up as often, and when he does it isn’t as harsh. He’s also come to trust the people around him more, these are his friends now (or at the very least, acquaintances) and he knows them enough that he doesn’t feel threatened by them.
And he absolutely is snarky and sarcastic; he has a kind of subtle dry humor that’s absolutely priceless lol. But he’s basically like all of us, not every word he says is a sarcastic quip. If that was all he said he actually seem kinda mean, but to me he doesn’t seem outright rude.
Okay, I’ll try to wrap this up but your comment on his powers got me thinking about it. Is he actually not as adept with his power or is he just constantly testing limits and trying to do things very few have ever done before, and that makes everything we see a challenge.
When he lifted Prentince’s mental veils he was just fiddling around, he didn’t have a set goal. He went into that blind and had no clue what he was doing (as far as I can remember, I may be wrong about that). He couldn’t have practiced for something he didn’t know he could do. Same with the echoes.
Working with shadowflux is difficult enough that not even his mentor can do it. He can only work off of speculation and whatever notes he got from Umber. Thats...not a lot. And it leaves him fumbling around in the dark haha pun not intended trying to do something he’s never learned properly. And I’m assuming abilities work like exercising. You need to practice to get stronger and then it will become easier, so uh homeboy strugglin lol.
I hope I didn’t derail your ask too much, but if I did just send me another and I can try and stay more on track!! I love Tam a lot, in case you couldn’t tell 🥺
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iluxia · 4 years
Unsolicited writing advice???
A ton of you have commented with such kind and complimentary words about my Naruto fic Hiding in the Leaves and its characterization through the shifting POVs. Thank you all! I’m gratified to hear that you’re enjoying it. Some are asking how I shift perspectives and still manage to keep the characters in line. Actually, a fair number of readers have asked for actual advice, so here we go. This is a lot of writing babble, I hope it makes sense but feel free to drop me an ask if anything is unclear! 
(1) I read a lot. I read all the time. Easily a book a day, maybe two days. And when I do, I practice critical reading—or as they say, reading like an editor, so I can pick at techniques other writers use. Writing is an art you learn largely by example. A lot of what I read influences what and how I write, so when I need to change my tone or voice to fit a different character, I usually read something that matches what I want my prose to sound like, on top of using techniques like changing tenses and playing with vocabulary choices. 
I recently had the chance to flex these writing muscles because I went from writing two very distinct human voices (Tony Stark & Stephen Strange) to writing an alien voice (Loki). It was fucking hard; those in the Marvel fandom might know what I mean. Tony and Stephen are both human, born and raised in America, with specific life experiences that inform their daily decisions and personalities. Loki, on the other hand, is an alien: raised in Asgard, stolen from Jotunheim, well-traveled throughout the Nine Realms, and moreover raised as a prince. Just stop and think about that. When your characters do not have the same experiences that you do, they’re bound to not have the same earthbound concerns that you do. Anthropomorphizing non-human (or even non-living) beings is an age-old practice, but to be faithful to his character, I tried my best to twist my writing voice into a different shape—a shape that more befits the prince of a realm that is somewhat humanoid but very different from what we know on Earth. And in order to do that, I did four things: 
I changed my prose from past to present tense; it sounds more immediate and assertive
I read three books, written in present tense, where the prose mimics what I imagine Loki would sound like in his own head
I made a huge spread of everything about Loki (both canon and my own orginal additions) that would inform his motivations, internal concerns, emotional responses, and decision-making processes
I drowned myself in Loki fanwork
Immersion is key! If you saturate your brain in a specific type of rhetoric or style, that’s what’s likeliest to come out of your productive process at the end. So controlling what you read/watch/listen to will help control your writing style too.
 (2) This further breaks down what I just said in the third bullet point above. Before I start writing from a specific character’s perspective, I’ll take the time to brainstorm and build that character from the ground up. This might take a day or two and includes a staggering amount of detail—just as much detail as mine or your life might comprise. Silly little things like favorite colors and foods, hobbies, dislikes. Oftentimes, if you’re a fic writer, this is easier because canon gives it to you. Those amazing wiki-pages exist to make your life easier in this regard. (Bless.) What canon doesn’t give you is where you can dig in. Go deeper. Pin your character down. Think about more serious considerations like emotional triggers, conscious motivations, subconscious motivations, coping and defense mechanisms. When hurt or under stress, are they the type to lash out or curl in? Are they the type to hold on to a grudge, or do they prefer to forgive and forget? Do they get hurt easily or do they have a thick skin? I imagine the character’s relationships in life, I rank them and network them in my head. Who do they run to when they need advice? Who do they like hanging out with when they’re happy? Who annoys them, who inspires them, who scares them, who do they want to be like? Even if these questions aren’t necessarily things you might discuss in your fic, it helps inform this person you’re writing about, so it helps you keep a clearer and more consistent mental picture of them as you go.
But most critical of all, I sit and imagine myself in their shoes and think of how they perceive themselves. That is a major factor when writing, because that’s what their head-voice will sound like. And if the story is written from their perspective, then that means you, writer, are writing in that head-voice!
Here’s a more HITL-specific example (I’ll try not to spoil too much lol):
How he sees himself:
Ordinary; not very impressive as a shinobi, but not absolutely terrible either – just ordinary
Average looking
A slow, impatient learner
Awkward with people, but polite and with good intentions
Emotionally stable
A good reader and listener
How he actually is from someone else’s POV:
Incredibly skilled for his age and level as a shinobi
Actually quite handsome
An intuitive learner, very tenacious and will keep at a task forever until he gets it just right; perfectionist much
Quiet, polite, notices a lot about how others act
Absolutely does not handle emotions well
Selective listener; sometimes only hears what he wants to hear
He’s surrounded by a clan of perfectionists and overachievers who constantly laud his aniki for being a genius while paying him no attention. Of course he thinks he’s ordinary.
No one ever compliments him for his looks in the clan compound, and what he sees in the mirror looks just like a younger version of everyone around him. Of course he thinks he’s average, even though he actually has looks.
Because he’s largely self-taught (except for when Obaa-sama teaches him), he thinks he’s slow. (Ever learned a new skill or maybe even a new language by yourself? I have. I can tell you that my perception of how much time I spent learning ‘basics’ was skewed.) He also holds himself to a higher than normal standard because that’s what gets him positive attention (or attention at all) within his family. Add the fact that Itachi was there blazing through everything before him, and it’s suddenly easy to understand why Sasuke thinks the worst of himself as a student. But he (and Naruto) are actually fast learners—we see this even in canon—and both of them boast high levels of natural intuition, or as I (the neuroscientist) likes to call it, pattern recognition. Some people are naturally better at this than others; there have been extensive tests done to show it. But we also know intuition can be trained, so the more Sasuke works at something, the better he gets, and the faster he learns the next skill—as long as the learning is patterned. Which is why Orochimaru, who has picked up on this trait, walks them through learning each jutsu in a stepwise manner every time.
Sasuke doesn’t have a lot of social interaction outside of his family. The Uchiha clan in this fic is very segregated from the rest of the village, so if you’re not active as a shinobi, you probably don’t get out of the compound much. Interacting with people probably intimidates Sasuke a lot so he feels awkward about it and reverts back to habits of politeness and silence that he was taught from childhood. That doesn’t mean that he’s not paying attention, however; Sasuke is naturally observant and remembers a lot about how people act (and not so much what they say). I have a theory about this related to the Sharingan but I won’t go into too much here because it would be a straight-up spoiler, sorry. :D
He thinks he’s emotionally stable because he doesn’t remember many incidents of severe emotional upheaval in his life. That’s because he hasn’t had them; apart from the whole thing with Itachi, he’s been fairly sheltered his whole life. But he actually doesn’t handle emotions well—something he’s about to find out soon enough—and for the same reason! He hasn’t been exposed to an extensive range of it.
Because he’s largely self-taught, he has confidence in his reading skills. He also remembers all of Obaa-sama’s stories so he thinks he’s a good listener. Well, he is—to an extent. If he wants to listen, he will. If he doesn’t, he’s just as proficient as Naruto at pigheadedness. (I think it’s an Uchiha trait too lmao.)
That was a lot, right? But you can see that if I’m writing from Sasuke’s POV, I have to keep a different set of pointers than if I’m writing from Naruto’s POV about Sasuke. The way I think of it is like changing lenses or shades depending on the light outside.
A few more techniques/guidelines I use:
Stay consistent with vocabulary. Orochimaru is far more verbose than the rest of them, Shikamaru right behind him, and Naruto uses shorter, simpler words. You can even assign particular words to a character, a word only they would use when referring to something. This applies to how your character addresses other people too, i.e. Orochimaru calls them ‘little ones’; Shikamaru calls his dad ‘oyaji’ in front of his peers but ‘otou-san’ in front of his sensei; Naruto is quick to give people nicknames and most of the time it sticks.
Watch the adjectives; different people describe things differently. Orochimaru uses more nuanced words that can mean different things depending on the situation and mood; Naruto thinks in terms of emotions, a lot of how does this make me feel; Sasuke is very visual and notices a lot of colors.
Use speech habits wisely; how your character talks should reflect their life. Just like accents, speech habits can tell a lot about a person. Sasuke always speaks politely because it’s how he’s supposed to talk at home, otherwise there’d be trouble. Naruto grew up in a poorer district and had no one to really teach him how to talk politely, so he’s very casual. Shikamaru cusses at age eleven because his parents and family are incredibly laissez-faire and honest around him, so he thinks it’s acceptable and normal (and he was never reprimanded for it).
Play with your tenses. Writing in past tense sounds and feels very different from writing in present tense. Depending on your character, one or the other might sound more appropriate. There are some expressions and figures of speech that sound fine when written in past tense but awkward when written in present tense, so that will end up inadvertently changing your prose a bit, which can be useful.
Read your work out loud. Cardinal rule of prose-writing. What looks good on paper doesn’t always sound good when read out loud. If you read it and it doesn’t sound like how your character talks, time for a vibe check. You might need to change a few words and move sentences around, or you might need a complete overhaul… an editor (and I mean an editor, not just a beta-reader) can usually help you out.
 A note about editors vs beta-readers:
There is a cardinal difference! A beta-reader is usually not professionally trained but should be experienced enough to point out things that aren’t right. In fandom, I’ve found that beta-readers mostly focus on a story’s general feel, flow and readability, sometimes character consistency, sometimes they point out typos and mistakes. An editor goes further than that. I’m fortunate to have Tria (aventria) who has edited my work for, gosh, 14 years now, fuck, we’re old! I call her my editor because when she goes through a piece, she will fix everything and make my draft bleed and I love it. (I actually get a little upset when she doesn’t fix anything, even if that means everything was good.) As an editor, she does a vibe check and looks for typos/errors, yes, but she also critiques the prose extensively. She can rearrange phrases or entire paragraphs for better flow. She will cut out entire scenes or make me rewrite them if they’re that bad. Like a copy editor, she looks at stylistic inconsistencies, grammar errors, and iffy word use. She’ll usually suggest or replace the offending word altogether. She has a lot of freedom with the work and can actually kick a piece to the curb if it’s really that shitty. She also questions plot progression, character development, and the relevance of a scene. (She’s made me cut out many, many scenes.) – That all being said, it’s not easy finding an editor, much less a good one. It also has to be someone you trust to have this much power over your work. It’s worth it, however, and my writing has gotten so much better because of the help.
If you’ve read this far, wow, thanks! You’re also probably thinking, “Shit, she takes this too seriously. It’s just a fic.”
I have… gotten into fights in the past before because of this. I feel strongly about the stuff I write. Just because it’s fanfiction doesn’t mean it isn’t a labor of love. I’m a perfectionist by nature, so that’s why I put so much time and effort into what amounts to ‘just a fic.’ And you know what? At the end of the day, writing it gives me satisfaction and happiness, so I will keep pouring into it as much as I can. It’s just a bonus to hear that other people are enjoying it too. (Yes, I’m one of those weirdos who intensely enjoy reading my own work…)
 Aaand the final point:
(3) I double-majored in psychology for undergrad and have by now accumulated thousands of hours of clinical hours spent using the theories and techniques I learned from those classes on real people. I’m also specializing in neuroscience, so a portion of my time is spent in psychiatry. Characterization was actually not one of my writing strengths at first, but I definitely noticed leaps in improvement after my clinical rotation started. People skills are just that: skills which are honed with practice. It’s amazing how much you learn about how people think and what make them tick when you interact with a whole spectrum of examples: from your neurotypical everyday well-adjusted person, to high-functioning neurotics and obsessives, to patients who have suffered complex stroke syndromes, to encephalitic brains burning under septic fevers, to druggies stoned so high they’ve breached the atmosphere, to patients whose brains are growing insidious tumors, to schizophrenics and catatonics and the depressed. My job also allows me the rare opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life. All I need to do if I wanted insight about how life is for soldiers who served in an active warzone, for example, is to hit up Bill at the ICU and ask for stories about Korea and the Gulf and Vietnam. Or if I wanted to know about how to survive the Rwandan genocide, I could sit down with Amida, who survived it as a barely-teenager with her brother and sister in tow while only “losing my innocence and an eye.” Or I could talk to Heather, who is building a life with her husband and two rambunctious children, for a perspective on the daily concerns and delights of a ‘perfectly normal and ordinary’ working mother. (Her words, not mine; Heather is amazing even if she eats the doctor’s lounge out of Tita Annabel’s cookies.) Anyway, you get my point. When I write, I almost always write about people, so it makes sense that a lot of my inspiration comes from people too. A lot of my original characters—and even some that are not—often speak with the voices and inflections of people I know in real life. You probably have people with interesting stories to tell in your life; you just have to work up the courage to ask and take the time to listen. You’d be surprised at what you learn!
A few helpful writing resources: (most of these are classics)
The Elements of Style by Strunk & White
The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman
How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler and Charles van Doren
And more books that helped me get into people’s heads:
Hallucinations by Dr. Oliver Sacks
The Noonday Demon by Andrew Solomon
Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon
The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo
Admirable Evasions by Theodore Dalrymple
I hope you got something out of that. Again, feel free to drop me an ask if you have any questions or want to chat!
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