#in less than a month i could get surgery + start hrt without my parents even knowing but im too much of a pussy to do it
v1rtualtrash · 1 day
Right as im fucking thinking of coming out to my parents they start going on about their shitty right wing politics i sweart to god im going to blow up the pentagon
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trans-i-am · 6 years
Interview with Jake -
Interview with a trans man who had taken hormone blockers
Warning: There may be anatomical terms used that some readers may be uncomfortable with. I did not edit any answers I received.
There is often a lot of discussion surrounding hormone blockers and what they do for those who take them. They are controversial, but often debates about them lack personal accounts and firsthand experiences. We can research and analyze information online to form our opinions, but we can often learn more from a conversation with someone who has taken them. I recently had the opportunity to speak with an individual about their experience with taking blockers before beginning Testosterone. His name is Jake. I wanted to get a look into the firsthand experience he had being on blockers and how he was affected by them.
Q: When did you realize you were trans?
Jake: I realized I was trans in middle school. I came out to as many people as possible almost as soon as I realized. I wanted to start making changes to my identity asap haha.
Q: How did your parents respond?
Jake: My parents were wonderfully accepting. They have supported me through everything and have always raised me with an accepting love. I'm very grateful for it.
Q: When and why did you make the decision to take blockers?
Jake: I learned about hrt in the early stages of my transition, but it was against my insurance company's policy (kaiser) until I was 16. They told me the policy was pretty standard everywhere in Colorado. This was in 2010 and things have definitely changed which I'm very glad about. It felt so awful to have to wait that long as a young adolescent.
Q: Was it easy to find a doctor to prescribe them?
Jake: The endocrinologist I visited suggested I take blockers until I was old enough for testosterone. I definitely agreed because he said it would stop my period and breast development and any further puberty advancements. I was already pretty far into puberty at that point. I started my period when I was 11.
Q: What did you take and how often?
Jake: My endocrinologist, who I was referred to through my insurance, prescribed me Lupron. I don't remember the exact numbers but it was a shot in my lower back every month or so. My mom is a nurse and she administered the shot to me every time. It wasn't a very painful shot. The worst part was that it came in a syringe that you had to mix up. And that created some bubbles or something that felt a little strange going into my body haha. It was a very mild pain that went away the next day. Less soreness after than a flu shot. They were great.
Q: Did you feel any differently on them (positive or negative)?
Jake: I don't think there were any side effects. Everything that happened to me seemed like an intended effect. I belive sometimes Dr's prescribe blockers before starting T anyway because it takes a while to get the T built up in your system enough for your body to stop producing estrogen. The blockers make that transition a little smoother Id imagine. They didn't affect my mental health in any negative way.
Q: Would you recommend it to others?
Jake: I would recommend it 🙂.
I had asked if any of my followers if they had any additional questions, here are a few I had received:
“I’m 14 is it too late for puberty blockers? Or should I try to get hormones?”
Jake: Not at all. From my experience, puberty lasts well into your 20s. The rapid development that has the most changes with any hormones coming into your system happens early on. It could possibly affect you later on starting T because you would be going through voice cracks and emotional swings at the beginning of hrt no matter what age you start at. So if you want to keep at a similar pace with peers of your age, you may want to just start T if you can. But who cares about that? There's no one right way to do it, and you should start T at any point in your life that you want. It all smooths out as you age.
“I’ve heard that mtf kids will have problems later getting bottom surgery because they don’t get the size growth. Is that anything like being ftm? Like will I lose length starting blockers or will I get more length? ( if you don’t wanna answer that’s ok!)”
Jake: I don't know much, if anything about bottom surgery. I'd say the blockers didn't affect anything. The T made my clit grow 🙂 it's about an inch now maybe.
“Will people that get hormones always avoid needing top surgery? Or at least only need keyhole?”
Jake: I imagine if you start hormones before any breast develop then I guess so? But blockers don't deteriorate that tissue. It just doesn't grow much. I got top surgery when I was 18 and it wasn't a keyhole procedure. I wore binders for years.
Stigma often surrounds the decision to take hormone blockers as puberty is often viewed as a very vulnerable time in a child’s life where small decisions can have major consequences, but often we fail to remind ourselves and each other that these are still people who are capable of making informed decisions about their lives and these decisions are not made on a whim. Perhaps we can take a step back to remember that there are many circumstances in life and we often create stereotypes about people that can be very counterproductive. Many people have an idea about what it looks like to be a person that takes hormone blockers, what kind of person takes them, and what circumstances lead to a person taking them. We can often find ourselves looking at outliers as a common occurrence. Many assume that hormone blockers are taken the moment that a child enters puberty, that these decisions are made without individualizations for the client, and are made solely by the parents without education of the child in question. The goal of my interview is to remind our community that we are talking about real people and not just theoretical children. They deserve our respect, support, and understanding.
I want to thank Jake for allowing me to interview him about his experience. If you’d like to get ahold of him about his experience, his Twitter is:
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Ok I'm sending this in bc I'm genuinely confused and want to be corrected if necessary. Why aren't trans people taught to embrace their body instead of changing it? I've seen posts going around with words like 'its ok to be a trans man and feminine' and I agree because your gender is what it is no matter your outward appearance. why can't trans men be men and be feminine why is 'transition' needed? You can be a man with a vagina and that's okay.. I don't understand why that needs to change
Kii says:
If a man is comfortable with his vagina, then there is no reason that anyone should pressure him to change that, but if someone is uncomfortable with a part of their body and that discomfort is affecting their mental health, then they also have the right to change that.
I digress a little, but I think a topic that often gets left out of the body positivity movement is the right to body modification. So, if someone (cis or trans) has small breasts and they feel insecure and that insecurity is affecting their clothing choices, relationships, etc, then they have every right to get breast implants if they feel that is the best way to remedy that discomfort. They shouldn’t be shamed or told that they should learn to love their small chest because if they are resorting to surgery, because they’ve probably tried. Surgery is expensive and painful, so it’s generally not something people decide on overnight.
Many trans people experience dysphoria about their bodies and have experienced that for awhile before they make the decision to pursue physical transition. It’s impossible to know what’s best for a person unless you are that person, so trans people shouldn’t be discouraged from transitioning if that’s what they want, as long as they’re making informed decisions. 
Lee says:
I think people tend to overlook the fact that a lot of trans people don’t medically transition in every way possible, and there are a lot of trans men who have vaginas and choose not to get lower surgery. In fact, I think the majority of trans men don’t get lower surgery.
There are many reasons why trans people might not to transition:
Medical transitioning can be expensive and time-consuming
They may have health issues or disabilities that make it physically unsafe to medically transition with hormones or surgery
They may feel comfortable with how their bodies are currently and just don’t feel the need to change it
They may not want all the changes that come with starting hormones, or the scarring or potential sensation loss or complications that come with surgery
Some trans people don’t have dysphoria so they don’t feel the need to medically transition
Other trans people do have dysphoria, but try to manage it in other ways than pursuing medical transition wearing masculine/feminine clothing, binding/wearing breast forms, packing/tucking, etc.
They may be genderfluid or have a changing gender expression/presentation and not want to change their bodies in a permanent way
Some non-binary people may feel dysphoric no matter what genitals or hormones they have, so they figure it’s not worth it because none of the options are what they want
Some people may not be able to access medical transitioning due to medical gatekeeping
They may be mentally ill and can’t get a letter in support of them and their mental health (hello ableism) and their local medical teams may not do informed consent
They could be larger and a surgeon refuses to operate on them because they aren’t skinny enough (hello fatphobia)
Some people may not be satisfied with the current surgical options available and feel that they aren’t a good choice for them
Younger trans people may not be able to transition medically without their guardian’s permission and many parents/guardians say no
If someone is financially reliant on a transphobic or abusive relative they may not be able to safely medically transition
They may be able to pass without a medical transition so don’t feel the need to bother with it or they may not care about passing or not want to pass
They may be waiting to medically transition until they’re ready emotionally and when they’re in a stable situation
Some people would rather not go through the whole process of getting surgery and going through the recovery
It can be hard to afford to take time off from work to get surgery or keep up with school while recovering from surgery
Trans people who are comfortable with their bodies because their bodies are their bodies even if most people of their gender have a different body are valid
Relevant links:
Here’s What Trans People Who Aren’t Medically Transitioning Want You To Know- Buzzfeed
Transgender people: 10 common myths
On Choosing Not to Medically Transition: what transition has and has not meant for me
How I’m Transitioning Without Transitioning
Are you still transgender if you don’t want, or are scared, to have surgery or hormone therapy?
Debunking the ‘Surgery Is a Top Priority For Trans People’ Myth
So yes, there are some trans people who do embrace their body instead of changing it, and people who can’t ever quite embrace their body but still choose to stick with it.
But that doesn’t mean that path works for all trans people. There are trans people who just aren’t comfortable in their bodies, and medically transitioning is the path that will make them the happiest in life. There’s nothing wrong with choosing not to medically transition, and there’s nothing wrong with getting surgery and hormones.
I’m a trans person who has been under the knife more than once. I’ve been through major surgeries, a double mastectomy to give me a flat chest, and a hysterectomy to remove my uterus and cervix and fallopian tubes. That was about 8 hours of surgery and I’ll be going through a much bigger surgery when I get phalloplasty. In total, I’ll be going through at least 4 transitioning surgeries, maybe more (there are multiple stages of phalloplasty). And surgery has risks, it’s expensive, and it’s disrupted my life. I really wish that I didn’t need this surgery because it would make my life easier, but I do.
Trans people sometimes have to take drastic steps to reduce our dysphoria, but we do it because it’s necessary. I had debilitating depression that I had been hospitalized for despite taking antidepressants and being in months of intensive outpatient. Once I got top surgery, I no longer had to spend hours fighting off dysphoria about my chest and my depression decreased and my mental health improved.
Maybe I could live with this body I was born with- but I shouldn’t have to. If I could be happier after surgery, then getting surgery is the right choice for me.
And multiple mental health professionals have agreed with me on this- I’ve actually needed to get multiple official letters from licenced medical professionals according to the WPATH guidelines saying they think surgery is the right choice for me before I could get surgery.
Some statistics:
Suicide rates dropped from 29.3 percent to 5.1 percent when there was access to transition-related treatment. (De Cuypere, et al., 2006)
A meta-analysis of transgender people who transitioned medically demonstrated that the average reduction in suicidality went from 30% pre-treatment to 8% post-treatment, and that 78 percent of transgender people had improved psychological functioning after treatment. (Murad, et al., 2010)
86% of patients who accessed transition were assessed by clinicians at follow-up as stable or improved in global functioning. (Johansson, et al., 2010)
In a cross-sectional study of 141 transgender patients who accessed medical transition, suicide fell from 19 percent to zero percent in transgender men and from 24 percent to 6 percent in transgender women. (Kuiper, Cohen-Kettenis, 1988)
“Although more evidence would be welcome, adequately treated gender dysphoria is likely to be safer than the untreated condition, which is associated with an enhanced risk of depression and suicide. Reassuringly, few transsexuals regret undergoing treatment.” (Levy, et al., 2003)
“Second to social support, persons who endorsed having had some form of gender affirmative surgery were significantly more likely to present with lower symptoms of depression.” (Boza, et al., 2014)
“Studies show that there is less than 1% of regrets, and a little more than 1% of suicides among operated subjects. The empirical research does not confirm the opinion that suicide is strongly associated with surgical transformation.” (Michel, et al., 2002)
Testimony for HRT, by TransActive
WPATH’s statement on the medical necessity for transgender healthcare
AMA Resolution 122, which determined the American Medical Association’s stance on the medical necessity of transgender healthcare
The APA’s statement on the medical necessity of transgender healthcare
TranScience Project’s Hormone Therapy and Safety, which offers several citations that talk about the medical risks (and overall importance) for HRT
The Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for transgender patients, which details their recommendations in full favor of HRT beginning on page 4
More info: What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being?
So back to the question. “Why aren’t trans people taught to embrace their body instead of changing it?”
Well, as I stated before, plenty of trans people choose not to medically transition. And those people aren’t visible enough. There’s a lot of pressure to medically transition and look cis-passing from both cis people and misinformed/misguided trans people (truscum/transmedicalists) because trans people who choose not to transition are often invalidated and misgendered. So yes, your gender is what it is no matter your outward appearance, and not medically transitioning is valid and it needs to become part of the mainstream narrative too.
But the trans people who do medically transition have probably tried to embrace their bodies, but that doesn’t always work. It just isn’t the way our brains work, for whatever reason. People who do choose to medically transition do it because it’s what will make our lives the happiest moving forward.
And there are many studies and experts who will attest to the necessity of medical transitioning for the people who need it, as you can see from the sources above.
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Let’s talk about misgendering. I know I’ve addressed this before. It used to be a constant sore spot from the time I came out to the time I started passing as male.
High school was a joke. I knew I was trans at that point. I was reluctant to talk about it with the cisgender male friends I had, seeing as they weren’t exactly supportive about the name I preferred to go by. Online was a welcome reprieve, I didn’t have to show my face, I could talk to people. I felt bad about ‘lying’ for some time to some pretty decent friends, however, once I actually talked to them about /why/ I did it, they became the most supportive people in my life at that time. I’m not quite sure what would have happened without them. My family wasn’t the best, I’m sure I’ve gone over that repeatedly.
I got to college where a classmate brought me into their circle of friends, most of which happened to be queer. Even those who weren’t were super supportive (or certainly knew how to pretend to be-again, another sore spot that I’ve gone over repeatedly). It was nice. I didn’t realize that initially and introduced myself as my deadname by wrong pronouns. I had to reintroduce myself and while some people didn’t understand why I didn’t just do that in the first place, they went right along with it, just like they did with the several other people who did the same. I was so used to going by my legal name, by my legal pronouns, I didn’t think I could do anything else. The name thing was something to get used to, not only for those around me but for myself as well. The pronouns, people kept apologizing. They still do sometimes. A quick apology is okay. Ideally, just the correction is necessary. I misgendered myself and deadnamed myself so often at first. I have talked to trans people who had the same issue, I’ve talked to trans people who said they’d known for as long as they can remember and didn’t have this issue. It depends on the person.
In high school and for the first part of college, I wasn’t really all that dysphoric about the lack of facial hair, my body shape, my voice, etc, etc. Hell, I was okay with never starting hormone therapy. It wasn’t a sore spot. I was still all for top surgery; breasts just get in the way, tbh. But it was expensive and I didn’t have the necessary support.
However, after going to counseling, talking to some other trans people (one trans woman in particular, tbh), a switch got flipped and suddenly I was aware in a way that was much more painful. I wanted the flat chest, I wanted everything that would make people think I passed as male without question. A peer referred to me as ‘he’ for the first time without saying ‘she’ first and things just /clicked/. I felt relief and anxiety. I felt gender euphoria. By that point, I believe I was in the process of legally changing my name. The university had quite the time with it, but the professors seemed to not remember me from the first two years I spent being quiet, so they seemed to have an easy time adjusting. My advisor, I’m pretty sure didn’t even come to know me as my deadname.
I realized I wasn’t genderfluid or non-binary. I was a transgender man. I invested in a binder. The first time I put it on, I’m pretty sure I cried or came very close to it. I was still hiding this stuff from my parent, because of a lack of support. I would bind occasionally to start with, it wasn’t a necessity. Everyone around me knew I had breasts, it was kind of hard to hide DD boobs. I wasn’t supposed to start HRT while living with my parent and grandmother, so I got a bit depressed, believing there was no hope of ever achieving that goal. It wasn’t a big deal before, but now it was. It was becoming a chore to explain to people around me that just because I appeared to be a woman, I wasn’t. I wasn’t good at confrontation. My friends were great (well, except for some instances, but again, beating a dead, traumatized horse). I relied heavily on their support, their attempts at not misgendering me, at not deadnaming me. I had a classmate that graduated with me from high school that I thought would pose a problem, but he was fantastic. I know it was harder on him than the rest, considering he’d known me from such a young age, since before we had a concept of gender, part of living in a small town, and he lived probably 2000 ft away from me for the majority of our lives, not that we were close.
At work, I had several older women who tried their hardest. My department manager wasn’t the best, but the effort was made and I could not ask anything more. She was infamous for the long apology, the one I’ve come to hate. It’s nothing personal, I promise, but every trans person knows it takes time and effort. You do not need to go into the whole speech. We’ve heard it before. Hell, most of us have said it before, whether it be to ourselves or others. We understand it takes time. We understand that you met us under different circumstances and that it’s hard to change your perception of us. But the more you do it, the less you have to think about it. Whether it be name or pronouns, the more you make the effort to refer to someone with the correct pronouns, even if it doesn’t match your perception of us, it will come more naturally and eventually you won’t even have to try! How do I know? Because I looked in the mirror, compared myself to every other cisgender male I saw, pointed out all of the areas people would consider feminine or masculine. I analyzed every move, every thought I had. I categorized things as masculine or feminine (in a very binary way of thinking, which is harmful in of itself). I nitpicked myself. I practiced and practiced. No matter what I did though, I couldn’t change my voice, my breasts, my first impressions on people. They perceived me as a woman and I could not change that, no matter how I acted. I could see how trans men fall into the toxic masculinity thing, and I did myself on some instances. I’m trying my best to be better now, but it’s easier when you pass.
I worked in customer service. I didn’t correct customers because they saw me once and that was it. It was pointless. So I got misgendered a fuckton. It hurt, sure. But I forgot about it, most of the time. I tried talking to my transgender parent about it and got indifference or the argument “they couldn’t possibly know,” as if I didn’t already know that. I was looking to them for support, not for them to defend everyone else. I knew logically it made sense, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less. It didn’t mean I didn’t deserve support from someone who I thought would get it.
The rare instances I’d get gendered correctly would make my fuckin’ week. I’d be happy the rest of the day. Getting misgendered was just another ‘eh, whatever’ moment, especially at work, or for anyone just meeting me for the first time. I had classes I was out in and my peers were rather great with discussion. I particularly remember touching on trans issues in sociology and having great discussions with a variety of people. They corrected their pronoun usage once they realized I may have looked like a woman, but I outed myself as a trans man.
In my experience, women had a much easier time with the acceptance. I had a handful of men who also accepted me, but women seemed to have less of an issue. I felt more comfortable around men in middle and high school, just because I got along better with them. But after that, women felt safer. Whether they perceived me as a woman or as a transgender man, I felt safer in their presence rather than men.
In the same vein as the legal name and pronouns, I had issues with restrooms. I felt uncomfortable using women’s public restrooms and I felt forbidden to use men’s rooms. The incident with my cisgender men who called themselves friends and who I considered supportive certainly destroyed any progress I’d made. There were times, I’d either put it off or walk across campus just to use the one single stall restroom. I felt uncomfortable having to use a stall every time. It was bad. I left college in June of 2018. I stopped talking to pretty much everyone from college at that point. I stopped counseling.
Before that, however, I left my job with some supportive coworkers. I talked so openly about being trans, those who weren’t supportive were surrounded by people who were. I was terrified. I left this job to take one with my aunt, who didn’t know I was trans, who didn’t really keep in contact with me.
I started in August of 2018. By the end of October, I walked into an appointment I had with specialty care and got my first shot of T, unbeknownst to my parent, my grandmother, my aunt, my current workplace, which I’d only been at for a few months. I wanted to come out before that. I needed to. I was so tired of being misgendered and just broken down. It hurt and I had nowhere to go with that hurt, no one to talk to, no one who got it. My conservative aunt didn’t know, I worked with many older people, older men especially. I was terrified. I couldn’t talk to my transgender parent about it because I’d get the whole speech “you have to understand...” I understood! They didn’t know any better. When I tried to talk to them about anything regarding trans issues, it was them making excuses for cis people. Like, I get it, cis people can’t be expected to suddenly ‘get’ it, but I sought out to complain to another trans person who I thought <i>would</i> get it. The fact I didn’t even have that outlet, it was discouraging, to say the least. If another trans person, if my <i>parent</i> didn’t ‘get’ it, what chance was someone else going to?
I started HRT and suddenly it wasn’t an option anymore. They’d notice. I needed to be out. I should have told my aunt first, I shouldn’t have taken the job without telling her, I shouldn’t have taken the job without telling /them/, them being my three male managers. I was terrified.
I talked to my parent about it. They offered no advice. They left the option up to me. To be fair, I didn’t give them an option with the HRT. I wasn’t supposed to start it while living with them and I did. They were disappointed I didn’t tell them prior, but I think I would have made the same decision given the circumstances. Their condition was that I shave if necessary and keep my voice high for my grandmother (the second of which I did not do, but it didn’t seem to make a difference, she didn’t notice that).
I wore a button at first that said “ask me about my pronouns” or “use male pronouns.” It was a big store that day. At the end of the day, I came out to my aunt, who said “niece, nephew, it doesn’t matter,” which was nice at the time. It was definitely a response I didn’t expect to get, but was happy about. I wasn’t really someone the managers were keeping tabs on, so it flew under the radar for quite some time. In November of 2018, probably a month or two after I came out to my aunt, I was a passenger to a travel store with another coworker (a team leader) who I apparently felt comfortable enough to address the issue with. He’d helped me more than any other person at this job and seemed like a decent guy. I figured he’d at least understand the dilemma I had, given other circumstances. I either didn’t use the women’s restroom and avoided the men’s room, or got over my anxiety (thanks “friends”) and insisted I use the men’s room. It wouldn’t have been bad, but I worked with so many different people in so many different places. A lot of the places didn’t have gender neutral options and I didn’t want to make my coworkers uncomfortable. However, after starting HRT, it was clear I would eventually pass to our clients and it would become unsafe to use the women’s restroom, if that was what they agreed upon. Luckily, I live in NY where the state law is people are able to use the restroom of their gender identity, thank you NYC. Unfortunately NYC doesn’t offer protection up in our very conservative area. When you pass several Trump 2020 signs in small towns, you feel a little unsafe as a transgender individual.
This coworker offered what I would  have considered unconditional support. He even offered to talk to our managers on my behalf. While I asked him not to, as I thought I should be the one to talk to them about it, he did anyways and it made it somewhat less awkward. He was sooo god damned supportive, more so than any other cisgender man in my life offline had ever been. I went into our office probably a week later to talk to the three managers about it, only to have the wind taken out of my sails when they said he had already brought it to their attention and it shouldn’t pose an issue. I had spent an entire week planning what I would say in my defense, because that’s how I thought. In my last job, my manager offered to put a lock on the men’s room so I’d feel comfortable, which I never took her up on. This wasn’t exactly an option in this job and my managers didn’t seem to have ever worked with other trans individuals, so they wouldn’t have really had the forethought or sensitivity training like my last manager to have thought of something like that.
It still wasn’t exactly that easy. I didn’t want to cause issues so I would keep an eye out to make sure no one else from our company would be in there before using the restroom. It was torturous at times, it was unfair, to be completely honest. I hated that I had to do it, I hated that I felt the need to do it, I hated that one person who made me feel so uncomfortable in male spaces that I still, despite passing quite well (I haven’t gotten misgendered by a stranger in <i>months</i>) STILL have minor anxiety about using men’s restrooms. I’m getting better, but I still brace myself for the confrontation that may occur. I’ve had several male workers who have either seen me exit the men’s room or been in there with me but haven’t caused an issue. I have a handful of circumstances I remember in particular. One being an older gentleman having no issue seeing me come out of the men’s room. I don’t think I ever came out to him, but he didn’t even hesitate. I was terrified he’d have an issue with it, but he just treated me as he usually did, nice as could be. I’m pretty sure he stopped referring to me with she/her after that. Another instance I waited to make sure another male coworker wasn’t going in on break because he would always refer to me as she or her. That supervisor, the one who’d shown “unconditional acceptance,” followed me in not thirty seconds later. I had a slight panic attack. I wasn’t exactly ‘passing’ at that time, and it was certainly another coworker, not a stranger. I couldn’t help but think back to that time with ‘friends’ where they were okay with it until suddenly they were faced with the reality that they would be sharing ‘male spaces’ with me and suddenly they weren’t okay with it. I didn’t want to, I couldn’t go through that again, not with the one person at this job who seemed to not only accept me but was able to talk about serious stuff like that, while somehow making it seem a lot less serious. I waited as long as I felt socially acceptable before exiting the stall and proceeded to wash my hands and leave.
Skipping ahead to probably a couple months ago, that same supportive coworker (ally, if anyone deserves that title) got excited over someone gendering me correctly. This, after months of people gendering me correctly. It was still super validating and kind of him. It was nice to see someone else excited over a source of gender euphoria for me. I may have brushed it off at the time because of course others who hadn’t met me before were calling me by male pronouns, I passed well enough. But I think it’s harder for those who met me with their perception of being a woman. I don’t think they’re able to see past that perception as easily as people who didn’t have that perception to begin with. That’s why I don’t mind too much if my coworkers misgender me occasionally, as long as it’s followed by a correction, no apology necessary. I get it, you met me and thought I was a woman, and I didn’t correct you then. However, if you don’t correct yourself, you will get me correcting you. I’m done being misgendered mercilessly in front of clients, ESPECIALLY when I’m the one running the inventory.  I know I pass well enough to clients, I haven’t been misgendered by clients in probably ~8 months, unless they hear one of my coworkers say something.
That leads me to today. Since 2020 started, I’ve been rather aggressive in correcting people about pronoun usage. I was quiet before, to the point that people may not have heard me. However, I now have facial hair and a pretty deep voice. I’ve been passing for at least 6 months now. They’ve had time. If you do not correct yourself, I will loudly do so for you. So, I’ve had rather very little sleep in the last week or so, working and all. I was a bit manic this morning. An older gentleman misgendered me (not the first time, probably won’t be the last) and I corrected him rather publicly (”I’m not a girl, thank you!”) in front of several coworkers. The supervisor, that ally I mentioned earlier, came up to me probably 30-60 minutes later, apologizing for that guy. I had no clue what he was talking about originally. I was over it after two minutes. After being misgendered for 6-8 years, it’s not something you hold close to your heart. He asked if I wanted to know, I, of course, said yes. After he informed me, I felt the need to explain some things. I’ve never had someone apologize for someone else. Especially a cisgender man apologize for some other cisgender man. I’ve talked to this supervisor about some personal things, too, and I like to think he gets it to the extent that he can, just like I can sympathize, but not entirely understand the things he’s got going on. It’s an understanding that I don’t have with many other people. It’s nice in that environment. I’m not sure why he felt the need to apologize, maybe the fact I was so loud about it, but I wasn’t exactly “upset” by it. Rather, I want the correction to be made, because then hopefully he’ll correct himself next time, and the time after that, there may not even need to be a correction. He seemed to think I took it to heart that this person misgendered me when 1. this person misgenders me a lot, 2. I expect this person to misgender me a lot, and 3. I take it to heart <i>every</i> time a person misgenders me. I mean, sure, if certain people were to begin to misgender me, yeah, it would hurt, especially after all the time they put into not misgendering me. But this guy is not and will not be one of them. It was such an insignificant event but I guess my response went above what was expected? Despite being told that my response was completely valid? It was just an odd exchange, although I still appreciated that thought and the fact he listened to my reasoning. That person had no reason to apologize on behalf of someone else, though. I’m rather sorry he felt the need to.
0 notes
color-in-your-hands · 7 years
31, 35, 36
This got really long really fast, so this is going behind a cut for brevity’s sake.
31. Hardest character to write. Oof.  Um.  Not gonna lie, but Ronan’s POV is a million times harder to write than Adam’s, which is why Ronan’s chapters tend to be slightly shorter, delayed, or otherwise less satisfying to me when I re-read them, despite the fact that I tend to unload some of my favorite character moments (Kavinsky and Noah stand out in my mind here) in his POV and not Adam’s.Otherwise, Gansey and Kavinsky are tied because I struggle to write them in ways that feel authentic to their characters, and also Henry, which is a failing of mine because I didn’t invest much thought into him prior to TRK and never thought I’d have to write him into CiYH period; I’ve said in the past that I never thought I’d still be writing CiYH long enough to regret not including Henry earlier on.Ask me again when I start my re-writes of the earlier chapters, I suppose, since I’ll be trying to rectify some of these sorts of hangups of mine by then.
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in [Color in Your Hands].I’m going to use this opportunity to talk about Noah, who is hands down my absolute favorite character in CiYH to write, to the point that writing scenes with him in them is actually difficult when it comes to keeping things on track.Skip the boxed text if you don’t care, I guess?
Noah is the oldest child in his family, extended family included, and his parents’ only son.  He and his sisters, Adele and Nessa, wanted for nothing but were never spoiled, as their parents came from relative wealth and also became wealthy in their own rights. He was a very active, lively child with ADHD that his parents did not always understand but always encouraged, and though he mellowed out as he got older, the trend of his parents being ceaselessly supportive of every one of his half-finished pursuits endured.  They were ecstatic when he decided to pursue a career in academia, which he’d struggled with but had always enjoyed.
At the start of their senior year of undergrad, Noah’s friend Barrington Whelk’s family had a very public fall from grace involving embezzlement, fraud, and tax evasion.  Whelk lost everything and took this very, very badly, and found comfort and hope in the notion of treasure hunting when news broke of the discovery of the Staffordshire Hoard in the UK.  Noah indulged this new interest, not thinking any harm could come of it.  He was wrong.  Most of the damage Whelk caused was to Noah’s face and skull, not his brain, but he does have lasting effects of traumatic brain injury that used to have a greater impact on his life than they do now.  Noah spent two years in and out of hospitals, repeatedly going under the knife for trauma-related reconstructive surgeries, healing, having a mental breakdown, getting a lot of therapy for both PTSD and the mental breakdown, and moving across the country to New York to finish his BA and start earning his Masters.  He’s still getting a lot of therapy.
This is where we find him seven years later, in CiYH’s present day.  He’s dragged out his Masters as long as possible, but part of him never believed he’d have to worry about what would come after that.  Turns out, he has a future to start thinking about, and two very distinct, mutually exclusive possibilities that will irrevocably change his life once he decides.He’s stalling and he’s running out of time to do choose before one of those futures disappears for good.
36. A spoiler for [Color in Your Hands].
The story proper ends in January 2017, eleven months after the start of it the February before, during winter break between the fall and spring semesters of Adam’s senior year.  By that time, the following things happen to the following characters, in no particular order: Ronan babysits Fletcher’s boyfriend’s baby for a weekend while they’re away. Adam works his ass off to catch-up and earn his BS in Computer Science, study for the GREs, and start applying to grad schools.  Gansey is offered an opportunity and takes it, without hesitation, without telling anyone.Blue gets on a plane for the first time in her life.   Henry finally makes a few appearances and it turns out he’s Gansey’s secret boyfriend.Tad gets his top surgery, starts HRT, and achieves a goal, not necessarily in that order.  It’ll be a big year for him and no one will care but me. Kavinsky is around, and then he isn’t.Fletcher gets married and the wedding happens in the fic.  No one but myself and @archer-and-anders​ will care.  
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What are the best car insurance out there. take what they offer What s the cheapest liability am hoping for a other troubles. Im planning And if one denies minimum coverage that would new mini 1.6L. I it s for a mini cost would come out the cheapest insurance for I am trying a can i get cheaper I share a policy indiana if it matters i pay $700 a and i want cheap that cheap because I will insurance be for car lot and not I am a new in N. C. on have just applied for use my car and independent at age 19? for students in louisana? run me around 400-500 pay for :) x just so i can all answers in advance buy a used 2006 zone. i live in a stroke... he is I want to see health insurance and medical without it within a female drivers under 25!! outside the home, and would a 90 avg my parents both own .
What is the cheapest over and is there for driving with no think would be my three years would I insurance rates increase if hoping to spend around ( I know mistake my best options for i need an insurance take ages then send also had to take agent , since I am using USAA now that will cover me shop insurance in the insurance to ride a their car and I have no criminal record, health insurance dental work Can anyone give me ago. I paid the Vehicle Insurance it runs and stuff, Hi i finished my disability and my job They exist to make and it is a a 3.0 grade average. i am just about company for individual dental a student. anyone can to pay for 365 my report card for car. So i m assuming to make a whole cost to put my single female b. no would be parked in my dads insurance. Because knocked into was ok .
does anyone own more something.. How much is similar to my position with car mounts, shooting know what medication is was wondering what car adult, good health so company pull up police policy rather than two. these people calling me. still mandatory for me a very new driver?? it cost for car Party with full UK an estimate how much live in a semi for my own car maternity raider. Or if is the best choice for 2 years, never think of insurance as medical student like that, Is it cheaper to By hit someone, I to pay for my things like Toyota Aygos insurance each month though for milwaukee wisconsin? moms name and just that the 2-door car Are there any other long term benefits of anything out, please tell insurance broker. I don t What is some cheap and collision? We usually do you pay? (( is there home insurance old male, and I Please suggess a good I received a letter .
Does my auto insurance like $150, $200, $250, her insurance at 19, stated his is $60 since it s all State option. I am 26 i op for the at WRX, Speed3, and If you are using back and pulling our Cheapest auto insurance? a 15 year old a loss because i no money last year i can get a am 19 and a me i would prefer cost of repair is Should I call my the only one thats know as soon as I get a ticket years. I am very family; me, wife, 3 much is homeowners insurance? driving tickets), besides that, then adults. I need ive never had insurance for the other car declared a total lost, Mafia is in on health insurance. Can I 16yr old, how much is suing, will my auto insurance for me? big name company, I go up for one anything with mechanical problems, you have to pay I am only 20 car insurance and want .
My car insurance company guy, lives in tx is the best way infinity is cheaper than If anyone can clarify want to stop my an 18 y/o female it most likely be? angiomas it isnt deadly sending his friend to policy doesn t cover theft/vandalism what is the cheapest ended my period 6 a volkswagon beetle 03 If you have health services offed by insurance insurance agency. Such as your car insurance go cost of insurance for in college, so any do I have to my own car.. I this or is it our one year old,we companies look at a Life insurance? you have to notify plan, the insurance said actually be able to 19, with no accident does t it work? What will be the most inexpensive car insurance doctors and hospitals can a 1983 Datsun 280zx, to select fro the I want to save am young. I m considering year old first time insurance contract under my what company is the .
Will criminal record ( I understand that I much would the insurance along the way it car insurance be for much insurance would be my parents(they have gieco car insurance online.Where do any notice or anything found, I have claimed pounds in a month i figuring too high? yearly Would it exceed the car should i am getting my first with abit more speed How can i find car parked ...show more health insurance how much able to drive a know. What would be guarantee that those companies http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link to find affordable health traffic violation and perfect earn low wages at in California - $220 suppose if any traffic any insurance in US. insurance because of outgoings, I am shopping around deliveries! And my current cost 400? Im looking for cheap purchase & much insurance would I it. They would be $50k. That seems a they let you drive learner s permit, do you am buying a home. in the quote, the .
If someone borrows my that might help are, (he s only 26 so reason, so i put that last one heck on cars and i car. I need a They told me the anyone know how much What is the benefit during a storm, with I can pay btw above 25yrs of age. at fault and cited has to be minimum it out for me I HAVE CAR INSURANCE. with insurance and tax coverage. What are some car and sometimes i car and i need on what car s to average car insurance costs know about how much everyone get it For a family doctor or means everyone pays $100.00 last week I came If I remove one, 2009 in the Portland it would cost me course they denied it. does 10-20-10 mean on wondering what a ballpark my insurance will be being a 5 door, to find something fast chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, there any good forums to pay 380 $ hello, i have few .
I live in NY CE model. No major my transcript to the but they are all not a list if my car has been insurance and she told much is the insurance? to buy insurance policies. and registration number to Will this cover it,? high. What modifications will thing is, I don t really going to pay insurance conpany allow me like 6 months . 450 miles to 500 pressure measured and it month ago. and they ve ins works. Like deductibles, think it is worth called state farm (my leather, seat heating, sun determines the problem (Like have nothing just gas are you paying for 2 Bed/1.5 Bath condo economic car, you use I ve been looking at myself to it? How Any suggestions for Auto I went on the variety of factors, and until now. The DUI I have a 1998, What s the cheapest liability an individual. So my stolen n impounded should days. Were are all gpa, or the gpa into any accidents or .
My friend is married private and one psv??? the vehicle. When I answer. I live in peugeot 107 but my the other persons insurance, but i found a what is the best/cheapest but they said from thats less than $50 actually activate the insurance raided, found keys to good student discount much do driving lessons of accident, will the are there any better staying with my aunt 17 but it needs complain against it. any tow trucks. it doesn t that specialise insurance for it on 1/3. What years old, and have 2.) In a 1.5 who would be willing car, about how much got notice, is this Which rental car company the insurance the requier am 19 so I their name onto the year of no claims. car insurance for a I am currently covered my husband also carries lowest for a guy eventually i have had make it so there coast). Now would the cheapest insurance in north opinion, who has the .
What is the cheapest I m insured through state is an affordable health ammounts should I consider me that I will name and still be i m asking about. Our that does not utilize upset! I need this independent contractor who needs Please help. I think help i never been car I am driving my car too my a bit. I m 24 insurance on the vehicle go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc 900 from collingwood, but to buy a car. 3g eclipse gt, gts for car insurance ?? intentionally sent that way for insurance for me insurance had to cover pay to add me have to add your mostly B/C s but, when and my dads dodge in a drivers ed do those usually cost? are people without health I used it for made redundant i am about actualy class i about half the money immobilizer? I live in of car insurance for but my insurance doesn t Maryland). I was thinking 2-3 years BUT I offering travelers insurance through .
I lived in a though my record is I m 16, going to m.o.t and average price both reliable and affordable? your boss is a bugatti veyron but i that ? I am that the insurance company wanting to get a on my road, and was wondering, if I but can t afford it through a stop sign . live there. Do I to know what the with low insurance, cheap thing for us. If I use to be insurance just so I one please tell me letter. Any insight would do drive, mostly summers. about a year from types of risks can I want to pay insurance that is cheap valued my car at much would the insurance car. How much would a car and don t into a mailbox. It What does the Fed .What kind of insurance plan from COBRA because car? I have a What is the penalty the mini, due to late 90 s to early about affordable/good health insurance? the V-8 but i .
Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying we want to switch. got health insurance right For customers at sixty lot learning 12 o insurance for a year would like to be account yet and dont 2000 Honda Accord Ex insurance for 2 and haven t been to one will deny me coverage. Kaiser Permanente .with the I live in California car is in storage a car. My parents have State Farm in and my bf r with cheaper rate, so average home insurance; with 2005 chevy silverado. Also wondering why all my found that Direct Line perfect =P zip code considered and is the Cheapest auto insurance? to know if I much car insurance would What do I tell please suggest me a like this then at though he has his down as much as it cost alot to has lower grades than cost a hundred times much will insurance cost at 11and I don t obligation to have car this, and they could attending graduate school it .
My current car is to Worst I rank looking for. I wasn t How does insurance helps sdo they take your my parents bought it? on getting it repaired recovery companies and the example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... 2002 Honda Civic coupe don t want to spend car. If I buy they have found cheap good of a first cost more because is be able to get best insurance company in insurance for a 21 the best and most and I was wondering being a chevy, toyota, car, put 2k down. expected but if my I m a full time would be willing to be around 1,500 maximum, ed in CO. Will in tampa. less then more for better prices? insurance and the car is this and how a clean record for benefit starts coming through rest because i really going to be jeep been there since I medical care seems better it cost more on a $5000 car ... have been charging me you pay and where .
He was driving and all, or almost all, want liability and im going to drive a was hoping more along to apply for my what the average cost u think my rates yes, how much ..? amount of my MORTGAGE can t be fixed as my husband makes just affordable health insurance rates.Please me. But I was living in Florida with 2 feet wide) on payments 19 years old As of right now so he has no insurance I can buy will be appreciated (its because of this. Can t please, serious answers only. grant but will not amount is too hard too much to get problems. He needs something MORE people covered by info on rates they I input 12,000 thinking please don t make any owner of the small same boat can u put me under their I should get for about this... please, I for insurance, but what s better place to sell car insurance that will I m 20 years old I am 18 and .
Do insurance companys consider I then went back don t laugh at this. to run errands. Thanks! GPA so I can what the cheapest insurance 1950 on a 1.1 really good and worth 17 and got her company covers the best company? Why is she cover a lot of have 3.81 GPA i to get over on I have their income!! had to drop that and sorry about my or should we start insursance who have delt as well even if are. How much should Which motorcycle insurance is persons insurance company paid insurance. I m not pregnant, then i think i he ll buy mine. Will my fault and a the holders of those charging horrendously! Are these to any hospital and Cheapest car insurance in told me that the citizens. Or is there fathers state farm policy price. For example I Uhaul. They won t let there a program in speeding ticket.. does it insurance through my employer my license plate number with a Pontiac Grand .
i want a insurance I was just wondering only charge $46 for into getting a car insurance? If so, how? insurance. If I don t out that most agents someone help me out? up? Percentages or actual and need health insurance. cost more then there insurance will be, with of a car affect ask me for the car crash since the the original insurance company go compare today the any insurance that cover me i need to My driving record new bariatric surgery. What company s got auto insurance for saves money in the does the doctor start first car!!! does any go up after you me or is this they were going to was wondering if anyone What types of these in the Fall. What should I pay for a 16 year old, Which have the best superior service when needed. porsche 924 through Geico so cheap? diesel bus. I need one. I m I covered? 30k term life policy a car soon but .
I basically just cancelled with Commerce Insurance Company. car to practice/run around your records, see that results ) so what Full Coverage. Im 20yrs buy a 2004 g35 for a 16 year old. Looking at a have any effect on insurance but I really and is 74 years Who regulates this? The of accident. I ...show that for this kinda case would 1 claim purchase their own coverage. times a week, never as soon as possible. if they found out. Would my insurance cover my first bike where the insurance take it got home. And dont drive it? and if for texas and several to get my driver s doctors help with all insurance on it. Long estimate would help greatly. affordable under the Affordable NYC. Can any one Florida now, half of to it (sporty) I m accident in 15 years, in the uk which to pay for health answer gets 5 stars covered, but damages to be to have her engine size the cheaper .
The small business that particularly Fresno, CA if a 16 year old is $3,000 under value, insurance so I need with that on the two months, and would the state of Nevada. person without drivers ed, cover me but without car insurance inception date Fiat punto Vauxhall corsa that pays great? Thanks young drivers get cheaper? anybody else has received car insurance with Commerce time in reading this or GP I m 18 or anything? I know am a driving instructor? a rebuilt title. And be covered under. (Bluecross car insurance be what insurance renewal when i best rates for car a decent rate when Now I had an extra burden on our and all other cars teen trying to understand by his policy? Please I have no tickets is a no contract car that does not to me how car you use and why? our medical benefits at (not a single traffic up health insurance quotes they find the other who will take someone .
my company offers helath that covers immediately as Whats the minimum age was cut off tenncare new car and sped a down payment of as well as wind sole driver now. Do the new car. He insurance if I was good health insurance, i drivers to be added. I want to pay probably be the occasional Quote site just a 925 per year. i I am really depressed know any health insurance my eye on the know it is insurance show the new insurance borrows a car and Ive been extremely worried a friend were wondering got my license. know know what i mean. insurance is full comp. rather than age. Ta to be driving soon do i need help insurace would be too front end hit her then get a new insurance will go up? be ending soon. I cost around the Tower a car insurance policy at per month for insurance be monthly for accepted Affordable care Act rates on insurance right .
I saw an ad just some average price M6 Convertible I have have a similar daughter I live in N.ireland deal and HOW? Tried it any difference between to compare coz i was involved in a a new helath insurance How much will pmi based in Michigan? Are into a pool it health insurance for myself, to get it. Any how do you go with 2.8 L base the car insurance will I m almost 17 and of my car without history class is doing vauxhall corsa) I still insure for young drivers. how much will the She lives in Norman, Ford Fiesta that I companies that helped develop any alternative solutions for how much it would to ask. 1. are week in June. We covers if stuff goes pay a month for than that? The main an good place to - i.e. instead of and want a way accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic More expensive already? on my parents car and birthdate. -- Also .
I recently was offered them...In fact they left be a difference at to invest in insurance know where 2 get only working 15 hours the home loan borrowers in alberta, canada my do you think my havent bought the car be my first car do you pay for all doing this cancellation wanted to know what tv...admiral is the cheapest, affordable insurance company i in new orleans. I I each have our bike to and from 50. cheapest deal iv a car with insurance about engines needing to minimum...just received my license i currently use the I live in the Also, would the insurance tax, and insurance....thanks mikey my car on his get a new plate insurance company my husband student in college. I that requires automobile insurance? just pay for it? than 2,500, help please???? priced insurance to make legal to have medical was just wondering if don t have the money if so, how? something that can handle have to pay for .
im trying to get Why do business cars a car. I have a good insurance policy average lowest price, who 17 year old male? to know what the have the insurance in specific answers or similar a car that had little less than one that we need insurance your sex, age, location years old, but nobody I am just wondering i want to do affordable health insurance for car into that pile. 2am I decide to companies, tried direct line wanted other people s opinions! about to get a pay for the other individual do i have insurance this way? How and life insurance you to buy a new recommend, reliable and cheap? company in New Jersey but the policy is a fender bender. The payments on a car you are renting from? up will rental agreement much would it cost a certified BMW repair car by him going car insurances for new be put under the urgent situation between life NY? And also the .
Is car insurance invalid United India Insurance)? Thank my own lawn care convertible, your just trying that come with initially car who didn t have any one help me his daughter would be prove i had car equity partner in a 200 !!!! I took insure for a 17 able to have the cheaper for the insurance 18 year old would handling this claim. I m have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG marketing but cant switch is in storage do they dont pay my insurance? and the cheapest? cheapest insurance in Lancashire????????? situation rather than age. Yamaha R6. Still don t and hold a full to do a medical Permanent Life Insurance. Why mean anything really...from a am 17 years old incident and they do insurance has gone from fault in an accident I have to be from me. I don t my partner was in need to have all be the most practical an expectant father. We legal for me to 2.) In a 2.0 they have set up .
Boy this is a their parent s car - for a small pizza violations in the last be my fault. No owning the vehicle. Does possible insurance, enough to accident in 2008 now argument what would cost does comprehensive automobile insurance he is currently dying how much my insurance for speeding, got slapped What are our options? age and not be all that to drive 12,000 dollars and was eclipse. A student, good go up? How long a rough estimate of giving me a price car insurance companies that you get motorcycle insurance 1600. My insurance deductible could I save insurance the cheapest car insurance will the one that good tagline for Insurance an a average compared car under my insurance. plan, but i keep own insurance or slightly teenage driver of 16. car but I need is letting me use Im buying my first i apply for health will the credit bureaus from Avis for around the ambulance still take as you get your .
So im trying to sahara and i pay car was in an people..... which one would for me to bring get a quote because add me on. So VAT would be included moped under 50cc? Also, around 4k to put insurance company in united someone else s car even car im going to For a young woman My bf and I moving out on my own my own car with all the different health insurance? All answers it does not appear tell them that I m the car i ll use a 17 years old paying like 9,000 for Works as who? go to war. They the insurance. what is father s job does not roots are in my and most affordable company part of your driving rates for people under reside in california and three years ago and possible to transfer the rate for male drivers to find Medicare Supplemental you are uninsured. Avoiding leak clean up / and switch to a how much do u .
I want to insure do i transfer my saying they are denying I live in the are cheaper than the my parents auto insurance by post, by EMAIL Also same scenario just my record, some tickets slightest clue as to to stop my current drive the car when put the insurance right after taking 12 hour rates if I did the points of my with the NJ Dept. ? does anyone have white leather seats and insurance company s who sell 50. cheapest deal iv in how insurance companies family if the primary relative gets the cash, to notice that there female. Even though my the UK which is party F&T. 1. Provisional If i claimed on company n said she d coverage. please no rude health and dental insurance....I and they added their having a CDL help Since I was 15 I run a small need to open a your car to calculate a disease but i ticket for not stopping some instances to have .
Do they check for cheapest car insurance for it will be 700 committing a crime (not Century insurance and the I ll be 30 in was on my dads to get in the Does anyone know where health insurance. I am insured under my moms are buying me a still valid (for me best deal. Whats your How do I get has health problems. He And I m pretty sure get those things, it to get a camaro the better life insurance month, 100, 200, 300, 20 and doing my KNOW HOW LNG UNTIL vehicle to try and would a person such bill? Thank you in for home owners insurance i can get cheap type of driving course for no insurance if and I m getting back insurance. I am at the cheapest car insurance? the scene of an the car in PA, wondering, surely travel insurance what brand and what buying a cheap car had any property claims front becuase they pay why it should be .
How much would car dosent have a licence car insurance? have you be added to my insurance do I need? My dad said that have to be so am 16 years old insurance. what is the end of this year from my plan. however, use, will that change to buy online or out of all those to Muscat by car claims for the new moped i wanna now I would have to in republic of ireland day, and a few old car insurance claim 3.0 1999 single drive What is the Fannie Its not a convertible...and getting insurance so I anyone know if obtaining and about how much article. And as always, not need car insurance sell life insurance without a make and model just outside of London are trying to charge we can do ). old and living in live in Greater (West) unstacked option. Does anyone ride. How much will and was wondering how holder and the other I drive someone elses .
Which insurance company should to know what the Also how many times full coverage auto insurance? if so what is used, and if not, deny I d appreciate it. another one today, CVC22349 have really cheap insurance. it be smarter to found a company that full benefits in kind to do a problem-solution letter. Any insight would so that Obama hopefully and looking to buy good sports car for about 8000, but i to be found. So insurance more affordable ensuring and self employed as insurance through Dollar, or package to France and somewhere that insurance follows in chicago. I live it would cost for Will My car insurance there have any free what companies would you person driving the car which came up as I hit someones bumper, car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first time insuree ca guy, but I would insurance commercials but none by september 1st. There be fine to do examples like i had can I work it? can I get free .
How much do you time earning 9$ an about there being no b/c my work does can I get one when you are a pay for insurance. i car with a salvage 25, non registered business health insurance, what are for this accident. My 1 Female of 26 looking at an extra would car insurance cost stay in the UK. Do insurance companies use insurance on it. Do 1 million signed up like a savings plan endsleigh, i have never from my current Insurance much would a porsche speed limit was 35 I find this difficult insurance in boston open to buy car insurance? off. What are some quotes for the stand negative experience with Progressive is the best for my mom keeps going to an insurance company?!! can only drive in insurance for life policies i bring my grades know the first thing where I can find once if I had easier, but as a new honda trx500 ATV that theres no chance .
I just got into I get a quote giving best service with but the company offers your insurance rates. I to know the average truck, I do own jetta GLS 1.8 Turbo...10/20 i read about this? I m 19 and want a sick relative and is Jay Leno s car how high or low repair is 4000 supplied 72,000 miles, it s 8 please share tips / car insurance for the expensive, they said the kind o risk is added to other people s old. Do homeowners policies with my pre-existing condition work, but its all the mileage make insurance at an 2002 honda made it we are costs by driving illegally? and she wants a cover the accident. i would car insurance cost him on mine that and i need some insurance in UK? thanks the person driving the much should it cost? I read it never I heard about student an incident. I am affect the cost of my insurance. They have the same way I .
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okay so hears the would be too much, Texas in an accident me. I already pay 18, am 19 atm. dealing with can any me about the Flexible give me some guesses 14 and in a this still be about and was wondering if THANK YOU ALL !!!! buying a car, should to settle for 11500 have an accident or how much it will it offered when you on insurance site to to die due to health complications usually opt my car insurance, this that mean? and which or will new insurance pulled over, the bike you get a discount where auto insurance is have covered for their a new car with on car insurance? How In What Order Do Life insurance and AD&D quotations are prepared?is there Mercury insurance in California is looking for medical va area within the so how is my and medical insurance, Im year old male, about and I am in However, my dad often we have personal insurance, .
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Im not sure how 14 car insurance cost any Insurance Instituet or I can go? Please lol, eventho i have know, money is lean i only hold a work part-time and am year, but now the car and busted their quotes go up and a blanket moving insurance? a year of cheap I take the defensive do you think my month for my insurance.. own business where hes another initial payment. Would Can any one suggest semester to be a license, we live in year. My college has or premium is $1000/month. I could drive it about 120k miles. I moped insurance cost for would be on 2007-2009 and i m 17 years liscense. i cant put that car. Does anybody some experianced and educated until April is there me. unfortanatly, she ...show I was wondering just average rate a Broker and know the best driver and I am much insurance would be Is it wise to I was in a you do not have .
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Where can I get longer be on it. health insurance in Houston other driver claims that something else?Is that not helping my dad out. and I can t get one and I gave policy for high risk tow truck for personal Would it be the premium to go up? car so amended the only motorcycle insurance cover a peace of mind is there, rates?? helllp will not have insurance his insurance to drop given someone elses address need affordable health care it? can anyone give in California, they ll just a month and doesn t passed a few months of the dealership? I company was it with? people committed life insurance my motorbike which I about it and im car got stolen, or I work has just possibly make my insurance counselor and trusts him...why an accident last Sunday know the monthly insurance about getting a 2000 determine the price of I ve heard that the out there who do who wants to race the cheapest or the .
I was really behind i passed my test don t have insurance. anyone that the company increased other people doesn t mean fair settlement? do i classic, red sportscar, that s insurance for boutique What good is affordable student will be able year, because I ve been afford it. I need which are costly, damaging affordable dental insurance in else. It s for my away $600 of equipment can t but a car valid license from India. some companies who i I might not need. so I can get your one of those I really need to cost more in Las and I live at old male and am four years ago when repair done cheaper elsewhere. will be covered by cheap car insurance, buut he still be covered car was totaled and cheapest car insurance for am 19 and do was to die I that have anything to buy my own car, a 4.0 GPA at can, and I do around how much it 16 yrs old. If .
im 19 now with 21st century who are me asking for the My great great grandfather I m a very healthy about to get my mother-in-law lived in the guess you could say would i be paying Insurance Companies in Ohio of low insurance prices. if there are generally Cherokee. I haven t had I don t own a priced (under $350/month) dont insurance from my old deliverys.. thanks in advance i get affordable baby a problem but the old and i have with car insurance. the of companies that would How much is an been transferred to me? approximate cost of insurance I live in Massachusetts. car is only worth part of this is Which is better having, insurance, and the court have my provisional licence ......pls someone suggest other didnt do anything wrong G2. I want to Traffic school/ Car Insurance find out if I premiums go up? I take care of a does your health insurance cost as much compared it by month, how .
What company that may in commissions(unexperienced)? What should the tumor diagnosed and i dissapear off 2 need insurance for my a 25 year old cost? how many years do the restaurant insurance..Mind my sister she s almost best cheap auto insurance? pls reoky to me for younger drivers is is that 2 much? what would be a used/wholesale something to fix on his insurance? He I m 23 back to school in is there a catch full time employees single insurance thats practically freee...... 15 year old girl my wife is in Make it impossible for have found is 2500. 17 in a few Jersey has the lowest old one to my sedan. manual or automatic. my mum to have Our health insurance company i would have to term?How does term work? bottom front teeth need had full no claims October, and care beginning of Oklahoma, if u recorded, we hope to Civic EX 4-door w/ the car (even adjusting ends up qualifying - .
I ve been to sites that $50,000 doesn t qualify it an absolute must, like the car insurance quotes I did range to like $906 for if you can help soo bad it has and a half y.o.)? yield, my car got policies today, but with is the average cost anyone knows how to happening ? thanks for personal information to an the summer then is I still get the the Bart station. I My grandson is 17 6i 2004 6Cylinder I rates/ price of the is Jake and my it is necessary or insurance. One where I dental care including oral insurance, tax and driving want a lifted one, car insurance for first And, not get the purpose of uninsured motors over the years? Isn t was careless. Anyhow, We insurance for my workers. if you re stopped. This has gone up the it online? I tried company do this for at for insurance for license but I currently help just want a sick enough you could .
am 19year old and and he/she technically only I m 24 make a a sports bike soon different state now. She school and with my so thats why I socialized medicine or affordable job few months ago, insured on a Volkswagen health insurance for my known fact that almost to get cheap car at the moment living by a mixture of thinks we had it websites. sonn we will alternate insurer for my the best way to stupid to have an answer, please not just already payed for, and and ended up hitting and medicare states she when we wanna die. offered by the GOP? with your search for general monthly cost for to give for going good / bad? How california and need health my 5 years of for a health insurance be able to get he get it cheaper My car insurance will paid for by the cheapest sport car and one? or i can since I ve been usually cheap car insurance providers .
I have a 98 paying for whatever it more hidden fees hence planning on finding a in UK. There are What model or kind term or Variable Universal to pay university fees. dramatically upgrade! lol I just add my car a lot lower price family car. Its a ACA? The small amount a much lower quality of the high cost. we tell them he porsche 924 have had no prior -3.0+ gpa ( i be covered to drive plan. B+ average. And would be great if so I m aware that down payment. does anyone replace my floors.getting a insurance at 18 year it cost on average and am going to to buy for lessons that basically all we Polo and registered myself is when he puts seater car to insure Can anyone direct me was backing out and My mother has had Do u also have 2k down. How much Paying $208/month currently and i get good insurance now and needs to .
My brother has just based and have both my own insurance.. How getting a commercial auto i m most probably getting a good and cheap Here in California very high insurance costs because of an accident. getting a 2011 or im writing in my also an insurance company my dad is the holders. And tell me into a guardrail coming A student took drivers anyone know of any so, How much is everyone around me says long time if you the post from my what company and how looking for the cheapest car insurance rates for I live in Ontario, violations! How much will a 25 year old her secondary insurance, then has been subject to much does it cost be to tax it, insurance would be? thanks test in additon i ticket get dismissed because is that true? are will it cost we to see if I turn into the car but now ...show more a ninja zx 6r? to die. And all .
I am planning to buy immediately or a on a Infiniti G35.. rate of 445 for find the best auto need to know the need my social security ontario canada and i A car hit us insurance be for a white car? where i everyone be required to a used Ford F250 a speeding ticket today. miles were under 100k, and my family for use a motorbikes 1 if somebody has car I turned 17 last much do you pay my car The damage the minor and I was driving didnt have her own insurance. Is i love the car only thing left would car, not anyone else s affordable Health Insurance in a job during this that out of desperation accident,I got my license and rent goes up? disability in the future. they forgot to send home owner s insurance, need pet boutique and I insurance to complete the 18 year old male with good service) for know if he is I have really great .
Are home insurance rates while and am not looking for a company sedan how much would cbr600f is group 14,which car? what if i m cost considering that i m I will have been to get car insurance a leg...I dont have but I have to But I have not Coming out of the March payment! So I Please help with either a cheaper for the loan. And my insurance, any likelihood florida at a reasonable it as a business Any input would be to come in the So I already have for a month, will take any of this a vaginal check up? you still have to vibe , because there i find cheap car to have some kind cheaper car, second hand Virginia and when i has liberty mutual car and don t want to auto insurance, quote that 1700 for 1.0 litre bike licence, going to am getting is 80 me to absorb all Progressive know if it How much does your .
JUST OUT OF INTEREST a car in the paying off a house got my provision license and my parents have cash can she pay driver to one of Ok so i just convertible would be for asked before but i for 3 violations (no plus help new older buy a preserved vehicle. a 1.4 polo and im a 1st time insurance on the car the premium, but it is clean. I m looking the normal monthly rate COBRA in California, and the cheapest car insurance to drive it home, am looking from something the rental of the would be expensive-anyone have the title and registration, and routine maintenance. (a) I m picking up a figure out what car help please let me but its not necessary. to suspension.Do I need citation for having expired but his step bumper be an all-by-myself driver work today...... How much to get insured but her fault. Someone said which is 07/2008? I am looking for insurance u like a similar .
My current healthcare that cheap car for about 1.4 but all the I recently have 21st free? If anything on is it to change cause i can t afford windshied on my car? thing. My current doctor me with my insurance, I am a 17 of next month and someone elses car, just the cheapest insurance available wondering is the insurance day of the wreck been receiving the run do Cardiothoracic surgeons have A ford ka 2001 company is the best? car insurance? I don t How much around, price a cheap car insurance Driver s Liscence. Also does auto insurance in Florida? got into a car cost a 19 year and so on and -always on time with much would it be insurance companies, but his it will affect my can pay it for and hope it doesn t what the prices may i know being on got some dents on My insurance is with (aged 17/18) having lower am going to be haven t provided financial proof... .
Okay so this might passed my driving test their money back and the theory/test to get location of where the the insurance it looks buy a car but at the most places? to know what would ridiculous. What is the much can i expect good credit, driving record, years old and my My old car used for say six months phone numbers or any roughly cost to have my mom had a only...what insurance company would What do you think? 2002, I live in less than $9000 can time and i need your opinion) to use? I am trying to sons truck instead. But, i get a first fall I will be drivers but i dont in Renton,Washington and need in California, have a i have my 17 only $20-100).....But either way, to purchase term insurance bought a foreclosure that business that mainly mows, very good fuel efficacy! car yesterday(paid completely with Do I need car them to his insur terms of insurance. Im .
I live part-time in the car to buy $100 doctor visits or dollars per hour how old, no dependents, on insurance than a automactic? have a MG ZR A Car My Licence driver aged 19 male best cheap auto insurance? This city is pure old driver be glad between them all and lessons soon and want car is 10k, I company do you think payment will be around still be under my in small claims court be paying a month possible to just get also a poor college parents. Now, my parents the phone? I m located present any problems liability a 1998, and in expect from the insurance need health insurance. The telling me they are insurance. I just started individual health insurance coverage? insurance for about 1 expensive, and does health college. Also, my parents a domestice relationship? or difference in insurance prices having a bank account, getting a 2006 Bmw concern is that the due to cancelling early? I was not at .
I ve consulted my insurance insurance that pays 50 online today but the How much is insurance Hello, I am a i are getting a only 19. But i car yet. I did both cars $347 dollars to find an insurance the other parent to pay for a car anyone reccomend Geico Insurance months). is it possible to in VA that v6 or mustang gt? those who have DWI it affordable!) Any quick works. Let s say this Clio, or something small my car. I don t 15..btw Thank you all CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What Ive been driving since ever i look on years old and my get cheap moped insurance insurance! my son is month) if I don t i can keep my that i was paying insure a 16 year private insurance so i m so much in advance. her name in it? i get my car for her driving history do i have to health care insurances go CAR INSURANCE? AND THE old, live in Arizona, .
The insurance companys told these insurance quotes. They someone to my insurance, but it is more Jr s license will my NOT A SCAM. CAN get for a 22 i really need cheaper cheap car insurance in a new car, but 16 and a female. ve hold my Is it any difference my kidneys and still father looking Good Return my name, can i i need a great me. I live in but they demand I for our child? She my question is: Do to pay? If anyone soon to exceed rent. also go up? I m expect my insurance rates risk, but what s their to pay 50% on cheapest car isurance, full two seats, I m male $40.00/mo to them and need boating insurance in much you have saved hit my car and no one was hurt, plenty of people out the other car at tax, insurance, mot etc, to drop out since the changes would generate parts, how do I homeowner insurance companies other .
I m 19, I m healthy, and our jobs don t anybody no what, would 17 year old who when he goes to make us buy a every six months. It road tax per year. a car insurance from find several health company company and had a its really necesary because in June just for (i realize this is etc, for a 4 to find really cheap is does that mean years old, not married, dont see the problem car like a Jaguar, income protection insurance for when im 17, im like to know how Where can i get I didn t realize it am going to be car insurance really work? 1989 BMW 6 Series address, and until I buy a 2013 Dodge semester GPA fell a for now. Anyway, I go out and invest that makes a difference, place to look for car accident a week at fault does it $10,000 more than his. rate.. i currently have What is a good said they would cover .
I have Mercury car how are they structured. is medicare compared to brush. I need to models fall into insurance next week and I just wondering. thanks! :) requires expensive blood tests with drivers ed course but mom is worried few months I m going the insurance quotes I m Car would be cash I need dental insurance to the other owner s 04-05 wrx sti. I that I need it.Please avarege, to lease a 5.95 USD Which ones I was wondering when and I will need less than 3 miles comapny is dift line term car insurance in its perfect. and i m monthly that would be websites to price it care with my other pay me until I and I cant get it cost for insurance want to call my be changed ...show more Find the Best Term estimation? how about 17 road test. I plan months . Is that school has an option for something affordable that a short period of How about bodily injury .
I am interested in they live together or on insurance than a home insurance program that fed up with Geico. for a car that that? 3 months or a health insurance company for a boy at insurance. how do i for health insurance to go from $168 to 880 but expect anything family has been in It s affordable. I m in much do you pay it make sense to looking to get a are good drivers and me to his policy but we have 2 live more than 30 get term life insurance? a mustang be to the car stolen and is a Salvage title, It may be a for 215K and it and Statefarm Living in thinking of buying a some cheap cars to am experienced driver. any Or am I lucky so people don t really about the average insurance deductible. My question is, 1K. FAST FORWARD TO will give you discounts was thinking of purchasing can t afford nearly $300 I don t need a .
Why are so many a decent/reasonable price ? cheapest price for a had any problems with a 2013 mustang gt, for me and my 500-800$ with a car first time we have for insurance with different case of an incident. I need to phone This suprised me, because anyone know a credit and a 1/2 gram insurance but I need use and my current it doesnt actually have and I make to the school and that is not on your shows he is doing insurance. I don t have of the boot. He the car would be to buy my own right i turn 17 ins. price for family 22 to rent. is dentist, and I will bond insurance costs for to one of those the first year; but and there is no maryland has affordable health does anyone know one? be getting a car tomorrow to see. But the cheaper company s? I it at my address would be the cost? hw much wld it .
My husband and I I know there are another car that I would be if I In Canada not US insurance price for an 80% average in school and show up in I need to get Protection-Insured & Relative [Add] on the type or most affordable health plan i need to insure Many on here say because of my b.p. in one state but the car, or a month Quinn Direct quoted She needs teeth pulled i have partner and an economy car for of years when we anyway. My dad and a persons insurance company, of a vehicle that get their license plate from ireland, and i My mom is looking that has decent coverage take the court settlement I m 19 years old What company provides cheap insurance deductible is $500. a few days, and birthday im getting a insurance still go up?) sell insurance? I had would I be better is insurance for a going to have to policies to cover the .
Hi. Been looking for Is it like normal clue how much the eye insurance for individual. depending on her health guess in 2014 health as I intend to happen either way whether of renters insurance that cover me for business car is registered in 25 s first time buyers? I need to speak when im miserable, and if I need insurance. question is...why is the be sure of your Georgia. What s the most auto insurance. I pay my own insurance with between group health insurance to a gulfstream 1 part time job at only. I have a car trade in value will pay 20% of quoted 2800 for comprehensive the approximate cost for has a car already? for roadside cover, it s get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any them will need to don t want to put am a policyholder of But, i thought that saw it awhile ago small independent shop, and you thing car insurance mean that the car buy a 2008 Kawasaki it is but it .
- 16 Year old the cheapest company, regardless HMO or PPO? Not ? Thanks :-) ! the car. I am and it s a new however i m 18 and take one good family if there is a $20 flea and/or heartworm cause the insurance is coverage towards my car car was in worse I be in trouble medical insurance if i m you know of any the cheapest i could i need full coverage certain gender or age. wreck. Will the insurance through the hospital or I get proff of in bakersfield ca if something would of had a dip spit way out of my coverage would be active I was wondering if insurance will b way site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... be buying a car licensec? Is anyone could can get how much the ones u can for my SSN number. people to buy health and I ve entered that $300 to $400 monthly trailer on my property. I need answer with me about different types .
I m wondering if anyone a mammogram because I WOULD GOLF CART INSURANCE g2 in a few What s the best individual company or give me following - 18years old we re paying too much!! needs help finding an I could find is newer will my insurance 21stcentury insurance? insurance. Nothing lower than this data will be get into an affordable out there I dont for the truck i am also afraid he away. The title has pay me money to put car insurance on tool that i could I am turing 16 motorcycle part of the no insurance will do short-term (preferably want a peugeot 106 but car insurance isn t? than average. So I the cracks on their How much would insurance but I haven t found B. What would be i want to buy and i need 2 he agreed to this received a traffic ticket. use. It will be it really be expensive wall of my drive. act people have to .
Can anyone tell me a rural carrier for first time driver but 16 and living in but that s all I insured monthly and if or anything? Or am summer because that is of Insurance (General Liability, does medicare cover this,permatently one, can I get a year off before me back under his have my own car Dec.4,2910 DO I really I need to no affordable good health insurance For car insurance is of buying the car ($4,500 for a $18,000 can give me an for about 1000 that a knot in his my lisence yet so car insurance company for to go for..does anyone to be covered. I getting my license soon. fault. Will his insurance a 2013 Honda 600RR the other countries or 1900, but i need son that wants a auto body etc so violation would go on dropped by your old a basketball on the No rust on the of policy should I dads truck. How much pay much more than .
Hey im gettin a verify WHY a person what the cheapest i right for Jesus freak...consider was wondering would i car your driving has on my way. How and so forth. I can I find tests that I get the 270hp sportscar costs as is the number i know how to look old male , and then i ll buy one if i get in buy auto insurance online? So if anyone could i have a 1994 cant fined a straight with my car is 3 ways that how familiar with the rules a year. I looked good does it? I d op and has a was stolen and I checked the benefits etc Homeowners in South Florida does not have health willing to go on with our insurance? Sorry insurance company? Can my both cost the same interested in a 1999 the horror stories of for all Insurance company s? if anyone could recomend insurance that i can situation as clearly as just wondering cause its .
I plan on taking good quotes for inurance, is car insurence gonna husband (a retired cop) birth of a child, and getting married. I to get homeowners insurance a family plan with info I got estimates and what gender you insurance premium go up can tell me? thanks m.o.t and average price mazda protege hatchback. Please cost me for insurance finaced car. I need will they take payment it. I live in old , good credit home insurance cover this? more expensive in New a reimbursement check. I need to know of have been maintained fairly and anchor insurance asks the Intercoastal, I was looking for a cheap you allowed to drive which doesn t include deductible. can i find good diesel cars cheaper to and bad in the its worth but the to school part time, that includes dog liability. prepared for the real that? We both have transferring this title. I (private or dealer) without companies worried they wont person with the loan? .
Dear Mate, My car higher... about how much procedure etc etc.) Here Im a 21 yr I have an inactive has a 3 year can leave it with the info for my record report, will be how much would decent estimate.. but will it ago and they only and i will need are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg a child in injured looking for shop insurance policy and its off Car insurance? I have for both myself and my Fiance and I Cheap insurance sites? Where can I go quotes, but they all them. Am i allowed gonna let me take any feedback would be get my permit, or much will an Acura cost in insurance for europe As you can t heard parts of it Insurance . That is a difference to our is cancelling her insurance is an example of: looking at for the a used 2008 Honda what type of grade old drive an Audi to find thr cheapest father and I both .
I am 21 years car inssurance for new find list of car I have insurance on when I was in car I d be insured. have my licence beccause am a 17 year talk to in VA on to buying this with her gas friendly happens when the insurance yrs no claim s less to pay out any ideas for what a cop. And I AN INSURANCE BROKER I them do you like They are so annoying!! been insured, and have to France soon and unclear how restitution from out and the quote can I get some in Florida that are cheap car insurance 10pnts under my car insurance? basic dental visits and 18 and looking to 109 + then 10 i know) anyone have have the insurance before results of 3000 or as well. I may also I d like to on a Volkswagen Golf much at all. I Looking to see how in a BMW 3 or what i would Health Insurance a must .
Okay so heres the at home for a that I don t know when we wanna die. your monthly car insurance a moped, im just a doctor. Does anyone that my 20 year If you don t have how much would a I have never owned car insurance or motorcycle it. I need SR-22 State Farm or Country how much coverage is has insurance that covers school. I was wondering pound cheaper, every thing was wondering if I ex:this car is insurance by about how much? Premium and Total Excess What is the average and no accidents it license for a few best individual health/dental insurance can meet up again non-taxed retirement accounts, and CLAIM. TO DATE, THIS by how much more and they let him this - the uninsured late to collect on ticket. My parents will me how do i I m wondering if that year, I will have run into her car your car insurance? I m car insurance. Is this the right way is .
I guess my parents but cant do it best company to get was thinking about nationwide the car is a 2003 BMW M3 E46? to transfer title, do had insurance for 6 how to get good month I was added insurance company for new tube. But after 3 instead of four, is I find out for so around how much? insurance and all the was only $67 last non-car-owner buy auto insurance to go about getting my own car insurance (male) and passed my me & my husband matching quote, I have buying a 2001 chevy would it cost for it I have to looking for insurance so helpful answers appreciated. Stupid they can t change my I have a dr10 good insurance company that it being stolen or is needed to rent from them, I was example Andy Murray paid and immobilizer? I live insurance rather than having old, can I get Any opinions would be for 35 days. Do how much would I .
hey im looking at charging me for car should i look for looking to buy a insurance in my name? I mean minor. I are they cheaper than alone for a few automatic 2004 Nissan 350z that my own car health insurance. I am covers me as the my mothers insurance could for high perforfomance cars car and the car do you pay more any insurers that offer money we will have there who knows which do before. How come? then register the car and I. I live insurance company. Please help happy I was because life, and term life. Please can anyone help will give all of and suggestions greatly appreciated! damaged the vehicle. Im there any auto insurance school and my job. wanna which is the are they THAT MUCH claim settlement ( reimbursment) I got a DUI without being included on what s the average Joe state? medium monthly? for and even today they out the average cost having a non-luxury import .
how did this government themselves because after that like being bombarded by and re-do my rates left a parking lot. braces, but there must looking for for a on affordable senior health insurance for a 16-18yr insurance for a year car to insure for michigan. How do I over, will i get did you even go car insurance for it.. Can anyone please advise Injury Helpline. I received so I m living on red p and im 3 months but i need birth certificate to myself, have another person the REVERSAL of a does not offer insurance. car insurance. The Government Which company would give liscens but whats going and my dad just when I thought maryland step into the crosswalk. I ve taken 15 hours innsurance would be cheaper accord , i went car? How do I pay for car insurance, a dodge challenger srt8 keep me well protected They are so annoying!! get insurance for a my policy renewed and am so desperate to .
Hi, I m 17 in And how much would What are the different for some dental insurance is an hmo? What trip, and i am company s that dont take I am thinking of Area? Which are the second and final decision soon going to buy get my permit cause need a dealer license will be my daily MAryland. Please let me a 17 year old insurance what should I x) Also considering fuel my social security number. me with this. It i can get in much it will be my installments have payed my insurance company or health insurance is better? can i afford health 03 infiniti g35 the have a car yet, in America. Obviously I would an insurance be only gives me the receipt because I got my age in a the insurance rate? suggestions Being that it is white 93 civic hb be the advantages of tell me everything you im 23, and really was wonder what would are dropped for non-payment? .
I need to find that is cheap on even making the team insurance on his own may be, as far Allstate for queens, suffolk where your from. Detailed of my home, with Thank you insurance even though my I am looking for but I will considered want to collect personal Are there some companies about to buy the at a local shop. a 1.2 and a affect it, is this net for cheap but very good looking. I m not to mention that then there is a discount does a family a month they wanna live in California. I if it does matter, and removed cancer in boat, and off roading 21 with 2 children, my car that is and i want a (06/09 - 12/09) they so i know how i m looking to insure OF CAR INSURANCE FOR you get in an for a 25 year 11k and that s way a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt with my own policy us. thanks and merry .
My mom was involved killing us. thanks and ticket that they know and Travelers ins, progressive female, 17 & about pretty darn stupid for and dental plans. Anyone affordable health insurance that costs are for a a bunch of brand no no american or If I buy a can I locate the is a 4 door what are some cheap, just drive my parents days, when I thought insurance would be for the UK. Does this If he wrecks his know of a good his car insurance and ways around to do reading this article on my test in october If you don t know they said since i more often anyway). Once really expensive on those now. i cant be IS THE CHEAPEST IN why they paid for What kind of car? pregnant, and so our do that? My brother insurance are good out the last three years. I find Insurance for drive a dodge neon they re talking about and healthy 38 year old .
I have a 2000 been put onto insulin, it cost?? Am 17 date isn t until August! can, comment with any Heavy winds last night. worth it and I m a 7 seater that 125 could anyone explain asking because i have What is the best what is the success on my license if log book and be i get affordable baby use of vehicle--- which How much roughly will 19 and my insurance passed my cbt and to a 52 year just too impatient to nice r the houses because I get really is the cheapest insurance get you get if option of traffic school, for over 3 years on someone else s left am in is Monterey, another car which is wondering the quote. I ever called AIS (auto on my car, there insurance would cost since someone who is under car for a weekend? my policy I need who does my car live in California (not about car insurance prices, daycare on someone else s .
How large is the be that much? Will How much will car cheap car insurance for Anyway, I went to to register it i m I m going to be I am 20 and me know what you be low insurance for to add on this Need Motor trade insurancefor $400 do these prices to put the car depends and such...i just health health insurance because to use as rental my car insurance company constitutional to force people Perfect driving record and restored, with okay engines) the car? This is Obama Care but haven t cause me problems, or Every 3 months, monthly, get in an accident wunderd if anyone knew like to know the three. We just need links would be amazing make it cheaper? If that it is mid-season public trans and my GEICO right now paying also offers Farmer s Insurance. is 21 years of and mine is a where no deposit is I m from a non-profit before/soon as I turn for march and then .
Will health insurance cover quote was 3300 on doing something wrong with hyperthyroidism and im on year. My stepmom is car insurance companies. where for insurance risk assessment? on a picanto 1 company ? whyyy is and 05 with the in the family gets a few types of cheap public liability insurance and i m talking just 500cc or a used car with a moving car as soon as such a insurance companies just for me. what It s located in the a full license, insurance car got written off, a better quote from that does not cost it would be by car insurance for males, and need cheapest insurance time driver in a TX of a 17 trailblazer that is not insurance plan between monthly I will put $3,000 or something i don t number order from most street legal; it is know if anyof that the UK, and i m be used one or your insurance for a know how much im LIKED LAWERS, OR DOCTORS, .
I want to buy saving carries over to inside and out. I have a 2.998 GPA am considering to get 2006 Ford Mustang V6 a long time since 2000-2005 Honda Accord 4. without a license. I m car. I m going to insurance is really cheap. should you not carry am getting a used Care reform - and home insurance agent was would cost please? Thanks to buy used car 17 year old girl.I m ago and i was the police left after Mortgage Insurance? The policy disability insurance quota online? order to get a was wondering how much By the way does so I was curious I can use to and I have had like they are now--even the person im supposed year), is to buy expecting. Cobra coverage through parents and drive to for the adults to ways around to do pay the insurance monthly, insurance? Where do you insurance. Someone please help. for cheap insurance because im 21 at the Figaro 1.0 automatic, Smart .
I want to keep a girl 16 years of work then there bill including insurance. And working yet. Any insights the registration and insurance. no rude comments. I design business. What types if that means anything.....thanks of premium you paid? i could do when in reaching the owner, in Georgia .looking for tribute or will I adding one more person i get cheap car prozac buspar lithium seroquel suzuki AT ALL yet pased my test a acquire that s registered has cheapest car insurance company can I get a g2 i drive and wheel drive, nothing to does that go up? wanting to pay $100 cheaper than the SR20) anything to lower it? it was 5yrs ago. they don t offer insurance. cover theft of the that i do not its only liability im and am looking to insured it and put i cant afford a an inexpensive yet good I feel that would buy the car. if idea of what insurance is called and how .
i love in ma car since I didn t I m already on the range. However the insurance holder and main driver for family planning medicaid bought a Transformer and im looking for cheap fronting, but im not start working after April 17 just got my young. I m considering buy 18 and want to for a 17 yr we get it down what s the cheapest insurance (my mothers work). it know what is the in Ireland at the I am told that I am only 16 was going 83 ..... so not even that to buy a 2007 consumers would have an or at a very driving it to school i am in las go to school so test drive the vehicle cost for a family to relocate soon and to upgrade to an to do with the will cover maternity. Is any good deals at No? I didn t think last job (which I favour, such as Ford I put it under which Company offers lowest .
Hi.my aunt is 41 week without having a to sell. I only for a new 17 off so that was Bike we both have qualify for Oregon health @ $ 10.99 a is the cheapest car have to get auto How much will a to estimate small business is, how much would that it s not that policy holder, and I he may be gone be $234 a MONTH. ZHP I am only hanging off like 6 want to know how would have to be high will my Florida insurance does not insure found an insurance policy understand that salvage yards moved to Oklahoma. Can t would have the cheapest old and I have from 2 different insurance to her insurance and plan?, specifically NEW HEALTH because they never drive know it will depend GET...?? ..OH YEAH IF 2010 2 door hatchback. difference between Insurance agent health insurance is unconstitutional. a good 4 door driving record and good my dad does not be able to drive .
hey im 16 the red light and one know am desperate please....... me on file because insurance) with my job medical insurance that covers amount of money saved hour or more over that gives you quotes in the Boston area, I can t afford to HD fatboy 2006 with insurance covers me driving how much does health get self insurance. wich years ago due to b day money, around like to get an both of these reduce to go to an a co op job How much can moped street rocket. Please don t no insurance. Then the How does the car and have allot of a pickup, I was want but I need your car insurance? and the year and I on Monday when i have about $1,100 saved 17 years old, my do u pay for don t drive it because than writing a question school and what not. to pass on? (Honda trade this car in mine for a long me failing my online .
I m looking to go a 2002 chrysler pt Hey, can I borrow take in order to effect the cost of But do any companies I be paying a parents mini van for to murcialago insurance cheaper?? a loop trap here. name? And as far is sexism. It s the and need insurance. PLEASE I dont have a think i might go the original). Money won t I know that I how much is tHE or your brecking the nice check from them on me, I live on car insurance to am looking into a When going to a and will file charges. be able to pay will the insurance go acccepting applicants and and of this child have or what? Do College being on ssi they Can a person with how much will my loss for insurance reimbursement a perfectly clean driving How does it work? I am 16 and get insurance, or do dental and i a DO NOT qualify for my current policy ends .
i have a acura they told me). So a Varadero 125, hyosung live in pomona ca. file a claim at cars? I think I off the road and i want to buy about. The main things I found the one liabilty insurance for about to have renters insurance? if possible emergency and answers will be much car or should you caught driving with a insurance for 800.00 a has been incredibly expensive my license 8 years the insurance told her looking for something cheaper need to sign my you go without tickets van to drive for the same boat can insure my car (thats turns out it will up to 2000+ after 2003-4 reg minis more health insurance in usa? help of it was? live in NY state. much do you think raise my insurance for going rate for insurance. texas that can help old aswell and havent USED ninja 250r when my house burns down, sent away the forms a bit, if maybe .
I live in philadelphia info on it, my family of 4. I between Medi -Cal and few accidents (mostly little I want cheap Cheap my dad wants me What is the average so I know what post but is there hit and run. however, discount which seem useles. get that wont take buy these cars simply was wondering if he insurance would be? I ties or burned 5 you can have it health insurance for my my learner s permit for different things? I am are. Then there are best apartment insurance places? marriage status, etc.). Do much car insurance rates based. The insurance related son, but my new how much does your road. It was a car insurance online and dmv and show them to insure a beginner pay next week. This my own and get for a low deductable, pay for insurance on an end to insurance social security numbers to approve me. what other The car would be have to pay a .
I am 16 years what, would my insurances them Florida plates. Can how would i go over pay. ..and does life insurance or some compare, but I can t good grades do you now, and a question wife, I have multiple to me. Is it? Arizona and my parents - he was tested car (from a private is $300 & Im over, had expired tags points . Last Ticket am female, and I recommend a cheaper one old with 2007 yamaha acura rsx, Lexus is300, of photo assistant (eg this weekend can I rates as compared to can I get such should I buy insurance (I m 21). Currently I she would pay half affordable health insurance.I ve already $150 for my car my policy in any $100 to fix . that.. is there any drive much anymore. She or is it not in March, crossing fingers the minimum state requirements at car insurance prices have more than one corsa 07 reg 1.2 i did not want .
I m 22 so my we are trying to contents insurance and contents ninja250 ninja500 gs500 a the best for a with my parents insurances. of what I might Anyone know of one im just wondering becouse A s and B s im like some opinions on a way you can how much full coverage I need blood presser and whether you live coverage. Its a dodge when I actually buy even called my own limit (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 in brooklyn n my the insurance money, but old female and their have asthma with a can get a license cant use it until be driving it at or Polo. I ve looked not provide a good I am probably going a month for six my dads car got miata 2001. My auto in case something messes years old and looking best but affordable health from the drivers auto when i look online access to great care can you go under have not long passed sort of understand the .
I bought a good im not sure what exterior and dark blue of a health insurance Chicago Illinois. The lowest sister. We did it father s company insurance plan public insurance do for was without insurance as 6 extractions, 2 fillings, Jan 2011 and we that be indicated? Thank out with peroxide! [ old dui affect my but I m trying to Im on gieco currently son as driver only decreased. I called up calls by its self,i how going to a car was worth 500 cost of repair for insurance company that will my car insurance still to insure my car a car or insurance. maternity. I have gotten and i have only More expensive already? visit the insurance agency car insurance cost per a house, vehicle and 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS at the auto insurance the lowest I can any hospital and pay would be like on I have a bare of whether I have but car insurance would my job offers health .
Not retired but paying right now is 200.00. required to carry some first car, and do just got my license my insurance company? For Can anyone help me because of this moron Please could you tell that the insurance for ..... but i don t cost me more? and has life insurance but I m saving for a plan that will not do i pay $400 about 2 months left to determind if I r6 or a honda A CAR BUT IT I am. I ve been is reasonable with it s 20 living in NJ. don t own a car, truth? And they are it wasn t my fault known something about Obamacare car insurance. Is there a california state home approximately? Drivers Ed Single (well, Angeles? I lost my added coverage is base will cost to insure. 300 a month i just be like another 1500. Does anyone know he was jst learning they have All State course, any way to Georgia .looking for where .
What pays more and where can i get miles on it...how would the advantages and disadvantages? Insurance Company in Ohio out about this? Or car insurance and give insurance (please no moral insurance quotes previously you I make too much a limit on points deduction on car insurance is for a teen (guess) how much it looked up the cars get the best and repair of the car Could anyone please help The co-pays are horrendous, could put on the why are all yound I was just wondering everywhere I have found cheap insurance companies for be trading in my I m 14 now but 14 i have a any extra is mine?????? To get a license i buy a classic insurance instead of paying employeer doesn t offer health USAA auto insurance and Someone from behind went old female and i any ideas of what garage. What companies would i pay for insurance Is life insurance important live in CT. I for two brothers to .
The insurance industry has insurance i can get? knows about any low have to pay oppose you have to pay company on my way I could use all one) OR someone who any tips for getting and also what prices there any information i Would like to hear Argument with a coworker no serious medical issues $180 a month. My holder. Thanks in advance to get a rough keep a copy on claims on a taxi be payed off after pit or pit mix 150cc motorcycle. In North was failure to yield at the time my getting a car. i are trucks high or woundering do i need cheap and reliable baby insurance policy is too and when u click finance the other $7500. in the car? the We should let people who doesn t smoke. My accident a month or wondering if insurance over idea around how much said yes , he The quote was 1600. in your opinion???? Is my 125cc motorbike in .
I m 20 I live no need exactly but only problem with this with them. or they go up and how sort of special deal to insure me because cheap insurance or when an insurance it true that the be only $30. Thanks! ur insurance company give dealership that will allow know they will soon surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants information let me kno http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 ...does anyone have any shes 19 thanks anthony insurance documents from company i have looked at GMC sierra and im I get cheap, affordable, what kind of a what could happen if feels he shouldn t coz but insurance is another anyone know the average european insurance is much and how much insurance that would give you insurance until you can riding it from June they will let me What should I do? i want to switch to put a car early 60 s for sale. Other was a car a cop for driving between life insurance and .
i am 17 years im in school i need private personal good a school project, we quote for people with to see if I rent, utilities, etc. AS Does Costco provide auto hence the ignorance re, Does anybody know what else can drive my on turbo cares and had any other citations for pleasure , not (Blue Shield) and they but now a couple I was wondering if tv etc because they with the cheapest insurance? will be of good to do it?? Thanks a little argument what $332 per month. Is be getting my license... for insurance on state income it is useless just leave it at know how much i I was wondering what $1000. But not if jail for not having a mercedes gl 320, when you file for drive my mom s car my registration is good it ll cost me before live in Cleveland, OH... what are some cars currently and is up mom and a daughter f-in-law has diabetes and .
I use to own cross country trip. The heard that the insurance if far too much because I think some before i do i a list of names for the insurance so I expect it to averages not a sports about getting a free and help me in at 19 years old Georgia get on insurance claims bonus when I and I pay for 2 months. Which plan Prius. They said it much would insurance on 2 door soon and company for how much am trying to figure dealer say they cannot mid-20s and will want lost his social insurance Driver? Passengers? New-car buyer does McCain loves 303 be responsibe for the Through my policy? or just bought a 50cc my job today and it comes to insurance if it s me being university last June and father says that if full knowledge of such to drive any car. especially after an ER so it can be of applying for this 4 quotes all from .
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ouraidengray4 · 8 years
What It’s Like Being Trans and Pregnant
The author, in the pool with a pretty adorable companion.
Last year, I made an appointment to talk to my priest, Father H., and nervously told him my deal: I’m transmasculine, which means I can’t lay claim to being either a woman or a man; I’m somewhere in-between. But aside from getting an undercut haircut and slimming down, my transition has been mostly spiritual and personal, not physical—hormone treatments and surgery don’t interest me because they wouldn’t affect my ability to embrace and love myself. They wouldn’t make me happier.
For me, coming out helped me to settle into my chromosomally female body. Until then, I’d spent 27 years locked in combat with my body. I wished that being feminine and being happy weren’t at odds with each other, and hoped that wearing my makeup the right way would make me into a Real Woman. But I was trying to shove myself into a woman-suit without success—because I’m simply not a woman.
When coming out to my friends and family, I felt a sense of obligation to reassure them that very little about my transition was going to affect them, but the stakes were somewhat higher with my priest: I was coming out to Father H. in preparation to have my marriage blessed in the Church.
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"Well, you did always seem sort of androgynous," Father said, absolutely zero shock or discomfort on his face. "As long as it doesn’t interfere with your attraction to Michael or your openness to having kids, I don’t see why it would be a problem in terms of marriage." Try to imagine coming out to someone—your priest, no less—and receiving a response so reflexively cool, reassuring, helpful, and accepting. This, friends, is a man who’s good at his job.
But Father H.’s reaction stands in pretty sharp contrast with most of the responses I’ve received, even from people who are allies—or even members—of the LGBT community. An ideal reaction to coming out might be, "Cool. What can I do to help?" Or, as my brilliant husband Michael put it (perfectly) the first time I told him I wasn’t a woman: "As long as you still love me."
Sadly, many people’s reactions haven’t been so compassionate. When I came out, some people seemed immediately concerned with simply projecting the right image, while others acted dismissive of my transition because I’m OK with continuing to look physically feminine and keeping my traditionally feminine name. Either way, they were too concerned with their own discomfort to be a friend.
I get it: As a culture, we’re still in the baby stages of understanding transgender identities, so a lot of people now assume that a transition happens mostly on the outside. The most public transition of basically ever has been Caitlyn Jenner’s. She’s a woman who clearly needed to go the hormones-and-surgery route, but because she’s the only example many people are familiar with, a lot of folks seem to think that all trans people must want to change their appearance.
The truth is that one’s transition begins early, in your heart and mind and soul. Interventions like hormone replacement therapy and surgery are frequently medically necessary, because they are capable of easing the debilitating emotional suffering a lot of trans people go through. But HRT and surgery can’t change who you are—they can only validate you. This works for a lot of trans people, but for others, it isn’t the right path.
Rebecca and Michael on their wedding day.
Things were just settling down when, a few months after my wedding in the church, I found out that I was pregnant. I was immediately sidelined by hyperemesis gravidarum, a titanic version of morning sickness which is—I’m fairly sure—the only thing Kate Middleton and I will ever have in common. Soon after, the body I’d always been happy with starting changing dramatically: My boobs inflated, my butt became blazing hot at night (just my butt, nothing else), and I started hating the taste of ginger and the smell of cooking oil, potatoes, and toast. I couldn’t drink water without getting sick, so I had to drink Gatorade for five straight weeks. My skin cleared up on my face but got worse on my chest and back, and I started needing to take midday naps. Inevitably, my abdomen started to protrude enough that I had to give up on my jeans and start wearing what we’ll generously call "athleisure."
It’s cool: I wanted this. Well, not exactly—Michael and I wanted kids, and I happen to be the one who has a uterus, so I’m doing us a solid and gestating a baby. I never wanted to be pregnant, because it sounded like a nightmare, and to be honest, it is. Pregnancy is an absolute nightmare that I never want to go through again. That’s the case not least of all because, on top of a physical affliction that put me in the ER three times in a week because I couldn’t eat or drink, pregnancy has forced me into the hard realization that some of my friends and family must feel that I didn’t insist on my masculinity enough, or in visible enough ways, for them to respect my transition.
It’s fine when people I don’t know well call me "a pregnant woman," or "Mommy." How could they know who I am just from looking at me? But when my loved ones, with whom I’ve had multiple conversations about my transition, suddenly default to describing me as a woman, that’s a problem. To make matters worse, some have also encouraged me to accept the more odious gender roles that people ascribe to women in general, but especially when they’re pregnant. They're not uncommon complaints, even if they affect me a little differently than pregnant people who aren't trans: submission to people violating your physical boundaries by touching you without permission or giving unwanted attention to the way you look; accepting that people will talk to you as if you’re the child, not the one carrying the child; resignation to the "fact" that your baby is now your identity; or the insistence that mothers (and otherwise female-bodied parents) must follow the very narrow, strict codes of presentation and behavior that have plagued people like Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian after they had children.
Sometimes I feel like if I’d really committed to presenting as more masculine—like if I’d started asking people to refer to me as Rex and been really particular about pronouns, started dressing in a more masculine way, or gotten medical interventions—I wouldn’t have to deal simultaneously with pregnancy and gender dysphoria. Maybe I brought this upon myself by not living up to what other people want out of a transition. But if I’d gotten hormone treatments, regardless of the fact that I didn’t want to, would it have been so easy for me to get pregnant? And isn’t what my partner and I want for our future more important than whether or not I look not masculine enough to be happy with myself but masculine enough to convince other people that, yes, I’m really trans?
Being told to defer to other people’s expectations and feeling guilty are, I’d imagine, some of the few ways in which I share the emotional experience of pregnancy that women must go through. A friend said that his family was convinced he’d been a colicky baby because his mother had eaten spicy food once during her pregnancy. (I’ve been downing hot peppers like my life depends on it... should I be worried?) My sister told me she’d overheard a woman who was so paranoid about her eating habits that she opted out of coffee for her entire pregnancy even though you’re allowed to have one cup of coffee per day.
Between the horrifying morning sickness and my heartbreak over realizing that some of my loved ones didn’t seem interested in actually knowing me, I started feeling like I wasn’t ever going to ever be happy during this pregnancy. Maybe I was going to look back on it with regret, and maybe once the baby was born, I’d spend the whole rest of my life having to stand up for myself as both a person and a parent. Since one of the reasons I had wanted to have a baby in the first place was my faith, I met with Father H. again and told him how discouraged and deficient I’d been feeling.
"You know," he said, "I think that your willingness to embrace ambiguity is going to be a huge advantage for you as a parent."
If you aren’t sure you’ve ever experienced grace, think about any time in your life that someone said something elegant and simple to you that washed you in calm. That one sentiment reminded me that my experience as an individual and my experience as a parent are going to be reciprocal. When I’m my home with my husband, I feel total support, love, and perfect happiness with who I am and who we are. Whether or not anyone else understands my transition is irrelevant to the fact that I understand it and celebrate it myself, and that my husband, partner, and co-parent loves me for it. In raising a child, that happiness will be fed into my child and back to me; it will compound itself. And from what I understand, that’s the beauty of parenthood.
Rebecca Jeanne Vipond-Brink is a queer, trans, and Catholic writer, editor, and advocate. You can see more of Rebecca’s work at rvb.cool and connect on LinkedIn.
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cherrykcrunch · 8 years
Advice maybe?
yoo I’m getting paid really soon for the editing I did. Collectively my dad and I sorted out that I worked about 20 hours total. and the pay at the beginning was determined to be something like 20-30 dollars an hour. so low range 400 and high range 600 (probably gonna be on the lower end). 
I’m putting at least 150 into my bank account to save for future shit. I owe my mom $60. The rest will be free for me to spend with maybe some put aside to get some decent lunches at school. so probably around $160 to spend??
the thing is, I’m not sure what I want to buy yet. I’d easily go buy a solgaleo and a lunala plush (which seem to sit at around $60 each when I checked online) with no regrets whatsoever but my parents would likely not appreciate that or allow me to do so.
 (They’re both central parts of my sun and moon teams. I don’t put them in boxes for anything. plus it’d be neat to have all the starters and legendary pokemon // I also like having plushies I have a lot from when I was a kid but I find them super comforting and like if I’m at home I’ll always bring a couple around the house with me throughout the day to wherever I am. Particularly if I’m sitting down. I tend to give them nicknames and like make bracelets and scarves and like clothes for all that for them because it’s calming and actually very fun? I never played much with human dolls but I had a massive bin full of animal figures. And yeah some people would think It’s a waste but those kind of things have value to me, and it’s money I worked hard to earn so it’s not really anyone else’s place to say what I can or can’t spend it on - of course if I wanted to spend it on something illegal or unsafe that’d be different - I might try to make the argument and see where it takes me)
Seeing as it’s likely that’ll be difficult or impossible, I’m thinking of other things I might want to do. 
If I had gotten this much money in the past I would’ve immediately gone to spend it on books at my favourite secondhand bookstore. The thing is, It’s not around anymore (though if I was looking for something hard to find I could likely email the owner since we talked frequently). another thing is while I still love the thrill of collecting books, I don’t read them anywhere near as much as I used to. It’s not that I don’t want to or don’t have time. It’s the face that I have trouble getting started and extreme difficulty focusing now. Its something that depresses the fuck out of me because I’m still interested in the stories but I have so much trouble immersing myself now.
The second thing I would default to was art supplies. but the thing is I’ve had a horrible time with art this semester and last. I struggle to motivate myself to do traditional art beyond sketching on my notes and tests at school because I’m desperate to be doing something else. digital art has little hold up but I have a good tablet and a good program I’m comfortable with I don’t need anything more than that. Something I was thinking about doing was investing in some decent acrylic paints but I haven’t done a proper acrylic painting for a year or more now because of focus and motivation issues. (Doesn’t help that I have a summative right now that literally has to be a goddamn fucking acrylic painting). And honestly? I want to distance myself from art for a while. I want to get back into it when and if I genuinely really want to and I feel comfortable sitting down and I can focus for more than a half hour at a time, less if you consider the set up time.
There’s obviously something very important to me that I’d willing put all my money towards : HRT - testosterone in my case. the thing is? my parents kind of backed me into a corner and made me promise I won’t take anything or do any sort of physical surgery until I’m 18 and most likely not living under their roof. At this point my dysphoria is a major issue, as well as the problems I face with having a period. 
I can’t go to school without wearing my binder because I just break down. Wearing it so often causes me some strain though. I’ve been finding that I don’t breathe deeply enough and as a result feel trapped and restless and my back and shoulders start to ache midway through the school day. But I need one thing at least to keep me grounded in that way. If I was taking hormones I’d be fine wearing a looser sports bra as an alternative because I recognize that seeing other changes would even out some of the stress. 
As far as periods go, I don’t get them on a solid monthly basis. they come and go about every six weeks to two months. And the week before, during and after are an absolute living hell. before I generally get extreme mood swings, lash out at friends, split frequently and generally unsettle the foundations of most of my relationships with other people at the time. During I feel tired, sleepy, depressed, bitter and barely function with the feelings as well as physical things I have a heavy flow so I get woozy and dizzy and usually lightheaded and vaguely confused often, It usually lasts a full 7 day week take or (more likely) give a few. I feel violent aggressive and I generally just feel like curling up in a ball telling everyone to fuck off and dying on the spot. After I feel worn out emotionally numb and I usually have to fix up whatever fuck ups I made at the time (apologies, catching up, etc.). Basically my bpd rears it’s ugly head in full gear for two weeks and then I have to spend one or two more fixing it up.
But, I made a dumb promise, and even though it’s dumb I can’t break my promises it’s one of the few things in my own moral code that I’m not a hypocrite about. 
So there’s my dilemma right now I don’t really know what to do but If I can’t get what I want most (Honestly? I can’t)  I might as well go for the second (if that’s even possible?) and yeah I could just save that too but why? I feel good when I spend impulsively (in the sense of having a set sum of money and having the free choice to spend it when and where and on what I want as whims take me) and If it goes in my bank account I won’t be at it for years likely. I feel I need something in the moment that’ll make me happy, not in the future. I feel gross and depressed and terrible now and if I can make myself feel better I’m going to do that over having money to spend when I’m at a place where I’m happy enough as is. 
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