#in ep19. it’s cute. didn’t want to bother to figure out how to work it in here tho
leonardalphachurch · 10 months
[This is a rough draft of an alternate take on Epsilon Church and Tex’s conversation in season 9 episode 19/20.]
Church: So, you decided to stay?
Tex: Yeah, guess I did.
Church: How come?
Tex: Just figured I would.
Church: First time for everything, right?
Tex: Laughs. Yeah, guess there is.
They stand in silence for a moment.
Tex: So, what now?
Church: What do you mean, what now? Now, the world ends.
Tex: Does it?
Church: Wh- yes? Have you not been paying attention? You’re the one who decided to stay.
Tex: Yeah, guess I was.
Church: Shakes his head. After all this time, I still don’t get you.
Tex: But you still wanna watch the end of the world with me.
Church: Sighs. Yeah, guess I do.
Church: So, any final words?
Tex: Never been one for speeches. You? I know you love hearing the sound of your own voice.
Church: Laughs. I don’t think there’s enough time left for me to say what I’d wanna say.
A moment of silence.
Church: I don’t think I could ever have enough time.
Tex: Couldn’t you?
Church: What? What does that mean?
Tex: Hey, you remember what you called me? When I asked you who I was?
Church: Uhh… No? What does this have to do with—
Tex: I spent all this time, trying to figure that out. Running through these, recursions, again and again, trying to find...
Church: Wait, you remember?
Tex: Of course I remember. Who do you think I am? You spent all this time, trying to find me. I spent it trying to find… something. Someone.
Church: …Who?
Tex: Your girlfriend. That’s who you said I was. That’s all you said I was.
Church: Oh, come on, Tex, I didn’t mean it like that. That’s not all you are.
Tex: Isn’t it?
Church: Why do you keep doing that?
Tex: This whole thing is just, I run, you chase. I leave, you stay. You wanna know why I stayed this time, Church? Sighs. I’m tired, Church. I’ve been tired a long time.
They stand in silence.
Church: Well, hey, at least the world’s ending, right? Won’t have to be tired for much longer.
Tex: Is it?
Church: Will you stop that? Yes, the world is ending. Look around, Tex!
Another rumble occurs.
Church: This is it! This is the end! Can’t you just, have a nice moment with me?
Tex: As your girlfriend.
Church: That’s not what I said.
Tex: You know, I thought I’d find something important. Something deep, meaningful. Maybe even just a way out, so I could keep looking somewhere else. For a reason, a good reason, for me to exist. For something more than just… this.
Church: Tex, you’re so much more than—
Tex: I know she was. And, hell, I’d bet Tex found more for herself, too. Maybe I could’ve, if I’d been able to look for it. But I never found that exit.
Church: What are you saying, Tex?
Tex: There’s no way out of here for me, Church. And there’s never been anything for me to find. Only for you.
Church: For me to— Tex, I was looking for you, I’ve always been looking for you. And I found you.
Tex: And did you find what I am?
Church: You’re my… You’re Tex.
Tex: I’m a shadow. A ghost. A memory of a memory. I’m everything you couldn’t handle.
Church: Tex…
Tex: But you found me. And now you’ve got a choice.
Church: What?
Tex: You can stay with me, and die with world you made.
Another rumble occurs.
Tex: Or. You can finally fucking handle it.
[and then church has a speech about letting go of tex that I don’t feel like writing right now. i just know it ends with church saying “so, what now?” right before caboose bursts in.]
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