#in canon Danny had Sam and Tucker their to convince him he’s still him. here Danny has no one
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mkarchin713 · 1 year ago
Danny doesn’t realize he has powers now.
I headcanon that he only noticed his phantom form in canon because Sam and Tucker pointed it out to him.
By the time Jack found him Danny had turned back to normal, not realizing he ever goned ghost in the first place. (The portal was also only on for a second before it blew up and Danny was too busy dying to notice)
Danny attributes all his ghost power issues to the injuries he sustained from his father.
‘That glass didn’t fall through his hands his hand was just weak from Jack stepping on it’
‘His body didn’t go through the floor he just tripped because his legs are weak from the last beating’
Also a hint of plot
Vlad is enraged. Not only did the love of his life, Maddie, die because Jack abandoned her after he found out he wasn’t man enough to satisfy the goddess that was Maddie, but the buffoon also had the nerve to abuse the only piece of Maddie that was left behind, Danny.
Vlad is now using everything in his power to find his missing godson.
This causes issues when the ghosts he sends to find Danny get a little … overzealous in their retrieval and inadvertently cause Danny to discover his ghost powers.
Now Vlad thinks a ghost is trying to keep him from his godson and things escalate.
Danny doesn’t want his biological father Bruce to find out he’s a monster who killed his family (survivor guilt and being raised by bigots talking) so hides his new powers. He also doesn’t want Batman to find out and arrest him for murdering his mom and sister (again survivors guilt)
DPXDC Prompt #59
Jack Fenton is a lot of things, a caring husband, a scientist, and even a dad! Or so he thought, until he finds out Maddie Cheated on him and Danny wasn’t really his, he knew the initial on the guy was B. W. but he didn’t know who that was. He got into a fight with her about it and he left for a couple days to clear his head.
Jazz, and Danny were in the basement along with their mom who was trying to get the portal activated. It wasn’t working and she was getting frustrated. Danny hates that his parents were fighting over him, he didn’t know who his real father was but he was a little curious. Jack and Maddie had always put their research above all else and he wished he had a normal family.
Danny goes into the hole where the portal is and trips on a wire, in a blinding light he dies and is brought back. Unfortunately the portal wasn’t quite ready without Jack helping and an explosion spreads out in the basement killing both Jazz and Maddie. Jack comes home to find only Danny alive. He resents the boy, of course he does Danny took away his only chance at normal.
Danny after a couple weeks of getting abused by the now alcoholic Jack, runs away to Gotham, he’s got to find Batman, he’s the worlds greatest detective, surely he can find who B. W. Is right?
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angelheartgamer · 3 years ago
I literally do not know how to use Tumblr in a way that matters, but I am here to scream into the void and beg for someone to take interest in this stupid fucking dp x p5R crossover please
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Danny phantom x persona 5 Royal
Danny would be the death confidante for Akechi, since Akechi would have his own set obviously, he actually doesn't have all the major Arcana tho, only
the tower:Shido
Death: Danny
Judgment: sai
The fool: joker
The hermit : futaba ?(much later)
Akechi himself is the justice card still even from his own perspective.
Danny would be the ace of hearts for joker
Futaba being Goro's half-sister is canon here because I said so.
Also, Danny is 16, akechi is 18 here, because,,,,little brother vibes
Akechi enrolls Danny into jokers school, he meets Sumire and they hang out a bit, which is how he meets joker and through joker, Futaba omg Danny Futaba and Sumi cause the most chaos as a trio, perfect
Akechi, Yusuke, and Hifumi all go to the same school, but because akechi is a 3rd year they don't interact pretty much at all.
Danny upon meeting joker for the first time: you should date my dad actually
As a timeline note, Danny shows up when the actual pt are working on Makoto's palace so that I can have my space station time, but also because,,,,hehe plot.
Danny and akechi making each other realize they were victims of extreme abuse
Akechi much later allowing Danny to absolutely fuck his reputation to fuck with Shido, but also because they're teaching each other how to just be kids. God mutual healing for them pls
Danny upon telling akechi he's king of the infinite realms like: so even if you die, you're still stuck with me
A Kechi not knowing why or how this American teenager is speaking fluent Japanese to him
Danny who doesn't know he's speaking Japanese, or even that he's in Japan for like the first MONTH he's there
Ohya is the one that gets the shot of a Kechi and Danny in shibuya, them trying to sell Danny as akechis "son" is so so funny to me because he's literally only 2 years younger than him, so it's not possible, but they sure did run the article
This is not a Danny gets yeeted to a new universe au the metaverse is just a smaller dimension that exists right between the infinite realms and earth, so in a way ghosts are just shadows after death, shadows form from the self within the self, and if they progress for long enough, once that person dies, their shadow becomes a ghost, it's why even though not all ghosts are evil, there's a lot of them that are
Tucker and Futaba would either be absolute best friends who already knew each other through the hacking community or worst enemies and I can't decide what's better
Futaba is the one to tell tucker and sam that Danny is alive and ok, because Danny is stupid and doesn’t think to tell them
Danny and Akechi paint each other's nails as a form of bonding
Ghost king Danny, ghost speak, blacklight ectoplasm, I just think they're neat
A half written first chapter for this stg I am not writing more someone else do it please
Danny ends up yeeted into Japan after the last episode of his original series, except it didn't go as well as canon, his parents had only faked their acceptance, in all truth once they'd gotten home, he'd been subjected to months of experimenting, jazz had left for college soon after and didn't know anything and Danny, poor Danny, was letting this all happen to himself because he had convinced himself it was out of love, for the greater good. Eventually, he was broken out of this cycle by his friends who'd spent this whole time trying to free him, and once they did they beelined it for the ghost portal, to get as far away as they could, they took Danny to clockwork as they assumed he'd know best what to do next, and he did. He sent Danny to akechi and his friends back to their homes.
Danny, now with extreme PTSD and lots of new scars to go with it, is completely out of it when he first bumps into akechi. He just kinda ends up in the middle of Akechi's living room, staring at his hands and silently crying, and akechi, who just got home from school and watched this child fall out out a portal onto his carpet, considers calling the police for a second before realizing if he filed a report like that it would absolutely fuck his image, headlines like "detective prince akechi finally snapped?" "Child star gone crazy!" "Young detective claims child 'fell out of portal' more on this at 9" and ultimately decides that he will deal with this problem himself. Armed with his (fake because it's for the metaverse and legally he can't own one) gun akechi slowly approaches him and nudges the back of his head, and suddenly his problem disappears, quite literally, into thin air.
Danny, who absolutely panicked at being broken out of his meltdown by the feeling of cold metal against the back of his head (hmmmm how many things could this remind him of, so so many) had gone invisible and fuckin booked it to the closest corner, his mind not clear enough to get him any further, and his energy not high enough to sustain the invisibility. He was curled in a ball arms crossed out in front of him in an attempt to shield himself.
Akechi snaps to attention as suddenly the child is back but in a completely different location, seemingly much more afraid than before. Akechi thinks about it for a moment before lowering his gun and kneeling onto one knee from where he stood, raising his hands in a sign of surrender, to try and show he no longer means harm.
"Hey, it's ok, can I get you some water?"
Clearly being on the offensive wasn't going to make progress and now akechi was much more interested in this boy than he had been.
He runs through a list of things he was taught to do to deescalate a situation. Try basic questions, offer reassurance, space, and make sure not to move too quickly or unpredictably, that last one will be a little hard since his guest is in an unknown place so no matter what he does it'll be unpredictable.
Danny lowered his hands which had started shaking, waiting for the hurt, the next step, something, after hearing the older boy in front of him speak, he said something about water? Danny thought for a moment, this is all a trap, or not real, or both, or maybe hey, just maybe he finally actually died. In which case, the actions he was now taking meant nothing anyways. He opened his mouth to speak but only a hoarse impression of an attempt at speech came out, so instead, he nodded. He was so entirely unsure of his situation, and the tears wouldn't stop, god he just wanted to help, he did everything they asked, so why did it never sto- Danny closed his eyes painfully tight and repeated the word no to himself mentally in an attempt to stop his thoughts from going where they were.
Akechi winced at the sound of the boy's voice, could it even be called that, but took note of the small nod and stood to go retrieve water. Once he had the drink in hand he stood about 5 feet away from the boy and spoke again.
"Can I come over and hand this to you?" He needs to make sure not to send him further into whatever sort of attack he was having, so being overly careful about all his actions was the least he could do.
Danny he was just barely starting to regain his ability to actually breathe, shook his head no rapidly, but had no idea how to communicate his wants without his voice.
"I'll just set it on the floor right here then and go back to where I was"
Was this man an angel? How did he know what Danny wanted, when he hadn't spoken a word? Danny gave an agreeing shake to his head this time and waited for the man to go back and sit down before essentially crawling over to the cup. He relished in the feeling of the water running down his throat, of the concept of kindness being shown to him, for the first time in months.
Akechi waited for the boy to calm fully and seem more at ease before saying he was going to get bedding for him, he'd set him up on the couch, and get him some food (not that akechi had much to offer, but he was sure he could find something) and letting him rest for the night.
What a strange fucked up situation this was, akechi wasn't sure how to feel about any of it, but he did have a growing sense of pity for the boy. He'd clearly been through something, and the whole falling out of thin air onto his floor definitely didn't help. Goro didn't exactly want to subject this child to the things he himself had been through when Shido was experimenting with his abilities, so he'd keep him confined to his house for now while he sorted it all out. On the other hand, akechi doesn't trust this unknown at all, so he'd call in sick to school in the morning, and take a few days off, his grades shouldn't suffer too much given his aptitude for memorization, but it wouldn't exactly be pleasant either.
Speaking of unpleasant things, akechi checks his phone for the time, and looks at the news before sighing and softly telling the boy he was going to sleep, and pointing out where his room and the bathroom were in case either was needed. Goro also knew in the back of his mind somewhere that telling this stranger who had literally disappeared and reappeared right in front of his eyes earlier, where he slept wasn't exactly the brightest idea, but he also knew he wouldn't be sleeping tonight, too busy researching and trying to figure anything he could out. He'd even need to be careful of what he looked into though, considering the kind of mistrust and surveillance Shido had of him, wouldn't want to tip him off now would we?
Danny took the bedding given to him and hulled himself up in a corner ready to stay awake the rest of the night on high alert, or he would have if it wasn't suddenly a completely different time of day, Danny swears he only blinked but in that moment his body must have shut down, after such a long period of abuse and lost sleep, it must have deemed this a safe enough environment to sleep. What had woken him up though was the sound of something falling, he assumes it came from the kitchen nearby, but he hadn't been conscious enough on the outside to process anything else that happened, in fact, he'd almost immediately started panicking again.
Goro poked his head into the living room to see the boy wide awake and staring into nothing with a sense of panic. He wanted to apologize, but he felt speaking and startling the kid out of that state would only make it worse. Maybe he himself had needed to sleep more than he'd imagined though, because as bad at cooking as he was, dropping a frying pan was a new one. What was he even doing with the pan to begin with? He couldn't remember now, the pounding sound had rattled his brain too much.
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fureliselost · 4 years ago
Hi, I was doing some thinking (and we all know that's a dangerous thing). Just random thinking. It ventured vaguely into DP territory and Brainy said "HOLD UP BITCH LEMME AU THIS" so here we go:
Sam Fenton AU.
Ok, that's not an accurate name because in this AU it would also be Danny Manson.
And Brainy also said "Valerie Foley/Tucker Gray" but didn't elaborate, so lemme elaborate on the first part before I figure that out.
Ok, so Sam is Phantom in this AU, she's Jack and Maddie's younger child instead of Danno. She's still her activist, vegan, goth self; except it has a little less "why can't my parents accept me for who I am" and a little more "screw society", because here she would've been, like Danny was in canon, basically a social pariah without having done anything to deserve it.
She, like Jazz, takes this one thing about her (being goth/alt) and maximizes it so that people will stop thinking of her as the "Fentons' child" and start thinking of her as her own person (even if her own person is viewed as "the freaky goth").
Unlike Danny, Sam joins Jazz in taking a stand against Jack and Maddie because "why can't you be normal parents".
Her relationship with Jazz would be a little different from Danny's. In this situation, Jazz wouldn't be as overprotective as she was with Danny because I can see Sam learning how to take care of herself and how to handle things in a way more similar to Jazz. The part about Jazz being overbearing, though? Not different. Jazz and Sam would bicker a lot too, there would be a lot of Jazz talking about Sam's "phase" and Sam complaining that Jazz tries to adequate herself to society's standards.
Danny in this AU is fun (as in, fun for me :))) ), his parents (Mr & Mrs Manson) had him study in private school in middle school but he convinced them to let him go to Casper High for High school. I pictured him having a sorta Lane Kim (Gilmore Girls) relationship with his parents, in that he pretends to be a good little boy who gets good grades, but in reality he hunts ghosts with Sam and Valerie and listens to rock (on Control Freaks he literally brings Sam a cd of his from a bad called Morbid Antisocial Youth, so that part is canon). I can imagine some scene like one from GG where Lane had a band shirt and when she took it off there was another one underneath written "Trust God", so someone asks "is that a band" and she answers "no, my life".
Valerie in this AU is supposed to be to Sam what Tucker is to Danny in canon, but also what Tucker is to Sam. She's not a social outcast tho. She used to be an A-lister but left/was kicked out when -- hold -- Tucker got into the A-listers. She's still very much that no-nonsense 8th degree belt (or 9th, idk the term) badass and, man, does she rock some guns/Fenton creep stick.
Our beloved Tucker is Valerie in this AU. He is an A-lister and uses some of his talent for technology to be the school blogger -- so even after the Cujo event, he's not completely demoted from the social ladder. But, boy, is he every bit as furious as Valerie was after the Cujo incident. He becomes the Red Hunter (Maybe I'll switch the color to Yellow or Green), yada-yada.
I was thinking about the whole GrayGhost romance, and like... Sam and Tucker would never date in this AU because Tucker is an A-lister, even if he's the one who doesn't beat anyone up. Valerie is also unlikely because, well, he's the reason she's not an A-lister anymore. But you know who doesn't have many objections towards Tucker? Danny-boy. I picture that they start talking via Doom and things go up from there.
Anyway, this is my crazy take on the Sam Switch AU (not the best name, but whatever), have a bad edit:
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takaraphoenix · 4 years ago
*chanting* Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom, Danny---
Let me set the stage. The year is 2014, a friend of mine has successfully not just convinced me to watch this cartoon but also introduced me to the baffling concept that wait in this fandom, selfcest exists and is like vaguely popular? I was delighted!
So this story took off after 02x06 Identity Crisis, when Danny’s ghost and human side were split in canon. Phantom started to develop more of an on personality in Danny’s mind, a comforting presence, but they were now two souls trapped in one body. And, here’s where my memory fails me a bit on the “how?” but somehow, they would manage to split into two separate bodies, one full ghost, one full human.
The endgame was that they get married and adopt and raise Dani together, like on the very long run. And yes, long, because this was supposed to be a rewrite of the entire consequent show post 02x06.
And though I only ever got three pages written, the document has remained in my folder for those past six years, because I did make notes on the changes I had planned throughout the show and I guess that a part of me remained hopeful that hey, just maybe once I rewatch the show, I’ll get back into it and actually finish it.
(...man I really hope the vase metaphor makes sense. I had, still have, a very clear visual picture of what I meant with that xD”) But here, have a snippet:
It had started out how everything that ended in chaos, catastrophes and crisis in his life had always started. With one of his parents' inventions. Of course it did, it had to.
The Fenton Ghost Catcher.
The first time he became they. Splitting one person into two different, separate beings.
Sometimes Danny wondered if Sam and Tucker truly believed that going through the catcher again (and again because the second time had failed in the most confusing and weird way. Which was saying a lot considering the first time) would simply fix things again? Make them one again?
How could it? It had created two separate entities. Splitting his personality.
Phantom had explained it to Danny the first time he had asked what this meant, how this was possible. Right after the two of them had gone through the catcher to 'fix things', just to notice that Danny wasn't alone in his mind anymore. That he was hearing a voice, a voice he wasn't controlling, one that spoke to him. Another mind inside his head. Phantom's mind.
Now, Phantom had explained it with a metaphor. He had described them as a vase – which was weird for Danny, but he had gone with it and listened patiently anyway. A white vase. Danny Fenton was the vase and when he had gone into the ghost portal for the first time, one half of that white vase had been painted black. Creating Danny Phantom. Now that vase was facing society with its white side, everyone who walked past it saw a white vase. If someone came and just spun the vase around once, everyone who would walk past that vase would see a black vase. Just like when Danny would 'go ghost', turning human Danny into ghost Danny.
Going through the Fenton Ghost Catcher was like breaking the vase, a clear cut right in the middle. But it was more than just breaking the vase, it was like fixing each half with a flat part to close it, creating two working vases that coexisted. Going through the Ghost Catcher again didn't just put the vase back into its original form though, it just took the two fixed-up vases and glued the flat sides together. It looked like one, whole vase again and they couldn't stand beside one another anymore, but the water one poured into the white half wouldn't fill the black half. They were still two different vases, just now stuck together again.
And so were Danny and Phantom now. Two minds forced back into one head. And just like the vase, the half turned to the front was the half 'in charge'. When the black half of the vase was turned to the front, filled with water and holding the flowers, that was when Danny would go ghost from now on. Giving the reins over to Phantom, who took charge of their body.
Danny was a freaking vase.
It gave him a headache, really, so he decided to just nod and agree. They had been split and they couldn't be put back together to one, he got it that far. At first, that annoyed and scared him. Because there was that constant, nagging voice – Phantom had a lot to complain and it distracted Danny from the actual situation he was in, causing Mister Lancer, his parents and his friends to scold him for spacing out. What scared him however was the essential question.
Was he still himself? Had the split taken part of his personality away from him, given it to Phantom? Was he still the person he thought he was? But no one noticed a change in him. Where Tucker had claimed the human Danny to be 'fun Danny' before, now he and everyone else seemed to see Danny as just Danny. But that had only unsettled him even more.
If nothing of his personality was missing, then what exactly was Phantom?
“I'm not you. We're not split anymore. We're both separate people now, Danny. Why can't you wrap our head around that? I explained it often enough by now”, complained Phantom's voice annoyed.
Because it was strange and weird and confusing, really. Wouldn't that mean they weren't the ones who had come out of the Catcher after all? Because Danny wasn't so careless and uninterested in saving lives anymore, he was back to his overly worried and self-sacrificing self. And Phantom had finally stopped with his stupid alliterations, he still spoke a little high-and-mighty and seemed more intelligent than Danny though (if Danny was being honest, which he didn't like, because seriously, he wasn't even the cleverest person in his own mind anymore. How was that fair?).
“We evened out. Like the vases. I don't feel like you truly grasp the metaphor, do you? I've really tried putting it simple for you, Danny. We were fixed, like the two halves of the vase. Being glued together again changed our dynamic once more, just like breaking us apart had. We were two extremes – the heroic ghost and the carefree human. Now you're as much a complete person as I am, even though we have been split from the same. I am still the hero and protector of Amity, but it's not the only interest I have anymore. Just like you have concerns for other things aside from fun”, replied Phantom, sounding bored. “However, we adjusted differently. Not evening out to be exact copies of one another. Now we're two different people.”
Two different people, but stuck in one mind.
“You're not happy with that, I gathered as much”, sighed Phantom.
“It's not that”, muttered Danny beneath his breath, knowing it wasn't necessary for him to talk out loud, but very much feeling like this was important enough to be properly discussed. “I... like having you around. But it's just... draining. And confusing. I think Jazz is that short of stuffing us into a straight-jacket, you know? I'm worried about that. And it's depressing that I'm the only one who can hear you when we talk, which did lead to the whole Jazz wanting us in a straight-jacket thing to begin with. And sometimes I just... want you there, like physically there, when I talk with Tuck and Sam, because you're like the only one who really understand me, you know? Like, they can be really stubborn and they don't get me, but I know you would and you would be able to explain stuff in a way they'd get it too, because you're just better at those things...”
In Danny's mind, he could picture Phantom grinning at that. If Phantom would be here now, he so would be rolling his eyes and grinning, Danny just knew it. And it irritated him that he couldn't see it. But the Ghost Catcher was broken, had been broken a couple days ago. And there was no other way either of them could think of to separate them.
Send me a document title from my WIP folder and ask me about it! If I can, I’ll provide a snippet!  
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darks-ink · 4 years ago
Rewind - Ectoberweek 2020
Acknowledging canon episodes? In my fanfic? It’s more likely than you think. Also I’m experimenting by adding the links onto this post so lemme know whether this shows up in the tag or not.
Rating: Gen Warnings: - Genre: Hurt/Comfort Words: 2,834 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Masters of All Time, Families of choice/Found family
[AO3] [FFN]
“What do you mean, you can’t?” Danny darted around Clockwork, refusing to let him turn away. “Clockwork!”
The ghost sighed, heavily and wearily, and looked down at Danny. “I cannot. It is that simple.”
“But that’s— that’s nonsense,” Danny insisted, gesturing wildly. “You’re the ghost of time! How can you not rewind this and fix it?!”
“I warned you, Daniel, that this would be a permanent change.” Clockwork blinked slowly, as if trying to convey some sort of emotion with his empty red eyes. “You did not heed my warning, or considered yourself above it. Now, you must live with the consequences.”
“But you’re—”
“Not all-powerful, no matter what you might think,” Clockwork cut in, narrowing his eyes. “You have altered the past, despite my warning not to. To travel back again would risk the stability of the timeline entirely. Would you rather see all of reality destroyed?”
Clockwork hummed before Danny could answer. “I would not, therefore I will not allow it to be so. The past has been set in stone, but the future is still malleable. Make it into something you can live with.”
“But…” Danny bit back his automatic response. There was no point. He’d tried fighting Clockwork before, and gotten his ass handed to him as a result. He sighed instead. “Can you at least take me back to Mom and Dad, then? The Portal looked like it blew up after I flew through it, and I don’t know where to find another.”
At that, Clockwork smiled. Or, Danny though it was a smile, at least. A small twitch of the ghost’s lips. “That, I can do.”
“Thanks, Clockwork.” Danny watched as the ghost swung his staff, a portal opening in its wake. “And… sorry, I guess.”
“Apology accepted.” Clockwork floated aside, waving a hand towards the portal. “Goodbye, Daniel.”
Danny nodded back, before flying through the portal. Welp. Time to face the music.
The portal spat him out in Amity Park, near his house. For a moment, Danny paused, considering the possibility that it brought him here because he consider Amity to be his home, no matter what. But then he realized that there was a car parked in front of the garage, one far too fancy for the neighborhood. His parents must’ve come this way, taking one of Vlad’s cars.
Thus satisfied, he flew down, phasing through the front door. No need to be secretive—both Jack and Maddie knew his secret already.
Still, he was surprised to find them both in the living room, apparently trying to clean up the place. Maddie saw him first, her body stilling. And how strange was it, that he found it comforting to see her here, in her cyan jumpsuit, with red goggles over her eyes? (That was weird, right? Danny felt like it should be weird.)
“Danny,” she said, quiet with surprise. “What are you doing here?”
At her words, Jack also looked up from where he was standing. He, too, looked almost exactly like his counterpart from Danny’s own timeline. Except with ecto-acne, of course.
“I, uh.” Danny shrugged, unsure. He felt thrown off by seeing his parents like this. It was almost right, but just slightly off. “Clockwork couldn’t undo it. Apparently the timeline is too unstable, or something. So I have to… stay in this world, I guess.”
“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” She straightened up from her crouch, walking closer to him. “I— It probably won’t be easy, but you can stay with us for as long as you need to. Right, Jack?”
“Of course!” his dad immediately responded, nodding vigorously. “We’re… figuring stuff out, of course. But it’s thanks to you that we reunited in the first place. And you’re our kid!” He grinned, wide and loving, in that typical Jack Fenton way. “Even if the way you got here is a little weird, you’re still our family!”
“I…” He landed, noiselessly. Hesitated for a moment. Then closed the space between him and Maddie, wrapping his arms around her. “Thanks. Both of you. I’m sorry.”
The enormous warm arms of Jack Fenton came up around them. “Don’t be, kiddo. You have nothing to be sorry for,” he rumbled, underlined with an almost audible buzz of his core. It emitted a palpable feeling of family.
“No, but, I…” Danny sighed, crushing his head against Maddie’s shoulder. “It’s my fault. All of this is! I tried going back in time to change the past, to make it so Vlad wouldn’t get ecto-acne so he couldn’t infect my friends with it, but instead you became half-ghost.”
Danny drew a shaky breath, trying to fight past the emotions welling in his throat. They needed to understand. “It’s all my fault! Without my meddling, none of this would’ve happened!”
“Sounds to me,” his mom began, her thin fingers gently combing through his hair, “like you tried to help your friends, Danny.” She clicked her tongue. “Maybe not in the best way possible, but the intention was good.”
“I can’t imagine that Vlad would’ve dealt with being half-ghost much better than I,” Jack added, faint laughter in his voice. “Never mind the ecto-acne. But, of course! That’s how you recognized it!”
“Yeah, um.” Danny drew back from the hug a little. “I can… tell you guys, I guess? About my timeline. The differences, at least.”
“That’d be nice,” Maddie agreed, as Jack’s arms released them. She looked around, and Danny could read the reluctance in her body language, even despite the goggles. “We might have to clear some more stuff before we have the space to sit.”
“We could always sit on the floor?” Jack suggested, shrugging at her look. “Or Danny and I can float as ghosts.”
“Right.” Maddie shook her head, wandering over to the single chair not covered in debris and trash and reaching up to her hood. “If that works for you two, that might be the most convenient.” She paused, frowning at Danny, hood pulled off but still in hand. “But… if Vlad was the one who became half-ghost in your timeline, why are you half-ghost as well, Danny?”
“I, uh.” He shrugged, lifting his feet off of the ground to sit in mid-air. “Became half-ghost in an accident of my own.”
The frown he received from both parents very clearly asked for him to elaborate, so he did. “Okay, so. The point of divergence is the accident in college, obviously. In my timeline, Vlad got hit by the explosion, not Jack, so he becomes half-ghost and stuff. You two, Jack and Maddie, get together, especially since Vlad was cutting contact. You decide to become ghost researchers together and move to Amity Park.”
He paused to gesture to the house around them. “Specifically, you move here, to this specific house. You make it your place of business as well, called FentonWorks. Big neon sign on the front of the building, the basement downstairs becomes a lab, and at some point you two built the Ops Center at the top, which can also be used for inventing stuff. I’m… obviously not very informed of the details, since I was the second kid and you two talked very little about the past. Only,” here he made a face, “ghosts. Everything was always about ghosts.
“Anyway,” he continued, after a short pause to take a breath. “You two have Jazz first, and then me two years later. At some point after that, you start working on a new Portal, full scale, down in the lab. It takes forever to build, because you’re trying to be careful about it, I guess? But you finish it, eventually, when Jazz is sixteen and I fourteen.”
Maddie narrowed her eyes, darting them over his body. The question is clear as day: isn’t he basically fourteen?
“So,” Danny trumped on, ignoring the silent question, “After years of work, their Portal was finally finished! The ultimate proof that ghosts were real! And then it didn’t turn on.”
“It didn’t?” Jack gasped, clearly startled. Danny realized that, somehow, he’d missed the man shifting into his ghost form. “But—”
“It didn’t,” Danny interrupted, holding up a hand. “Because apparently, someone had built a secondary power switch inside the Portal, and they had forgotten to turn it on. So when they plugged in the power, the Portal didn’t turn on.”
There was clear calculation in the eyes of both of his parents, now. Danny continued his explanation before they could figure it out. Needed to tell his story to his parents, for once. He didn’t think he would ever get a chance to tell his actual parents, after all.
“Later that day, after Jazz convinced you two to take a break, my friends talked me into checking out the Portal. Just the three of us, since Tucker was interested in technology and Sam was interested in all things goth and occult.” He shrugged, almost fatalistically. “Sam suggested I take a closer look, and I did. Only, I didn’t realize that the power was still plugged in, so when I accidentally hit the power switch inside…”
“Oh!” Maddie gasped. “Oh, how terrible!”
“That must’ve hurt like hell,” Jack agreed, a painful grimace on his face. It looked strange, the genuine emotional expression with the blue skin, the pointed fangs poking out of his mouth. “Your parents must’ve felt awful, to know that they put their kid in such danger!”
“Well…” Danny made a face. “They kinda… didn’t know? They were both avid ghost hunters, both full of hate towards ghosts. I considered telling them, at first, but then they saw their first ghosts and…” Danny sighed. “I guess I was just scared that I’d be just a ghost to them. That they wouldn’t believe me.”
“That’s… That’s awful.” Jack floated over to nudge Danny. “Kiddo, if your dad was anything like me, I promise you, he would’ve cared.”
“I know.” Danny shook his head dismissively. “I know. That wasn’t why I was worried. I was afraid that they wouldn’t believe that I was me, that I was their son. That they would think that I had hurt or replaced their own kid.”
Maddie touched his shoulder, and Danny jerked, surprised. When had she stood up? Walked over? “Well… At least it is of no concern anymore, right? You’re here now, with us, and we believe you.”
It felt like something had crawled into his gut and died. “Yeah,” he said, with terribly faked enthusiasm. “Yeah, right.”
“It’s not much of a comfort, is it?” Maddie made a face. “I’m sorry. I guess I have very little parenting experience, compared to your actual mother.”
“Honestly?” He snorted. “It makes very little difference. Like I said, she and Dad spent most of the time in the lab, or otherwise occupied with ghost research.”
Maddie clicked her tongue, distaste clear on her face. “Well, isn’t that a waste. They have such a lovely son, and they don’t even enjoy his presence?”
“Well, y’know.” Danny shrugged, trying to ignore the pleased whirring of his core. “They try, now, but with all the ghosts we’re all kinda distracted. Them with trying to catch some for their research, and I with trying to protect the townspeople from the ghosts.”
Jack’s expression visibly brightened—as did the glow around his body. “You’re a ghost hunter! A ghost-fighting superhero! Just like I tried to be!”
“Uh.” Danny felt his brain skip over, then remembered. Somewhere in the blathering when he first arrived, Jack had mentioned that he’d tried using his powers for good. “Yeah, I guess so. But I had a little more success with it.” He grinned sheepishly.
“We should team up!” Jack exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Danny’s shoulders. “The two of us, and Maddie, if she wants to! We’d be a fantastic team!”
Danny laughed, a little uncertain. “Well, maybe. But we’ll need a Thermos to catch the ghosts, and a Portal to dump them back into the Ghost Zone, first. Those were kind of my major tools in managing. And Sam and Tucker, of course.”
“Oh?” Maddie asked, perking up. “Sam and Tucker? You mentioned them before, I think. Are those your friends?”
“Yeah, they… I guess they don’t know me, here.” He sighed, feeling himself drift down closer to the floor, away from his dad’s arm. “They… We were best friends, to the absolute end. Even after the stuff in the lab, the half-ghost stuff, the constant attacking ghosts and hunting them down, they stuck by my side.”
“I’m sorry, kiddo.” Jack landed as well, although unlike Danny, he landed on his feet. “But they’ll be around, right? It might not be the same, but they’re not gone.”
“Might as well be,” Danny huffed. He shook his head. “It won’t be the same. Without the years of shared experiences…”
Maddie and Jack shared a look—not quite as conversational as the ones his parents shared, but a good enough substitute—before apparently deciding to change the topic altogether.
“Why don’t we see if we can clear some rooms upstairs?” Maddie asked, clapping her hands together. “We’ll need at least two rooms clear enough for use, preferably three.”
“Three?” Danny echoed, frowning at them. “You’re not sharing?”
“We haven’t seen each other in years, Danny,” she pointed out, getting up from the chair. “We’re still reconnecting, never mind actually getting together.”
“Right,” he agreed, following her to the stairs. “But you are moving in?”
“Friends can share a house,” Jack pointed out, shifting back to his human form in a flash of white light, and reminding Danny to do the same. “And this way she won’t have to worry about getting kicked out of Vlad’s mansion while all the paperwork and stuff is happening.”
“And I never liked the mansion much,” Maddie admitted with a wry smile. “I liked the Vlad I knew, way back when, but over time it became clear that that wasn’t the real Vlad. I’d been thinking about divorcing him for longer, but… I don’t know. There was no one else I knew, nowhere I could go.”
“Not even to Aunt Alicia? I mean, she’s divorced as well, isn’t she?”
“I… didn’t realize she had married in the first place.” Maddie’s steps faltered for a moment before she continued up the stairs. “I guess I was afraid that she would judge me for marrying Vlad in the first place. I don’t know… It seems rather illogical, now, but I figured I could put up with Vlad well enough. And with his money I could afford my research, even if I had to do it behind his back.”
They stopped in the hallway upstairs, looking around. Danny resisted the urge to grimace. Somehow upstairs was even more of a mess than downstairs had been.
“Which room was yours, in your timeline?” Jack asked, sidling up to Danny.
“Uh.” He carefully stepped past the mess, stopping in front of his door. Or the door that belonged to the room that was his, in his own timeline. “This one. And Jazz had that one,” he pointed over to the room that his sister used. “The one next to mine was a guest room.”
Jack nodded. “Right, that makes sense! You can take that room if you want, Danny. Mads, you can take the other room if you want. The one next to here I used as a lab for a while, so cleaning…”
“Won’t be easy, got it.” She nodded as well. “I’ll take the other one. Let’s start with clearing out this one, shall we?”
“Let’s.” Danny pushed open the door, bracing himself mentally for the whiplash of seeing his room without it being his room.
As a result, he was almost toppled over by the cat that rushed past his legs.
“Jasmine!” Jack cheered, crouching down to pick up the fluffy white thing. “Is this where you’ve been hiding, honey?”
“Well,” Danny said, then stopped. He had no clue what to say. He didn’t even know what he thought of this.
“Well,” he tried again. “At least now I know who picked the name for Jazz, and who picked mine.”
Maddie snorted, gently pushing him into the room. “Personally, I think Danny is a great name, honey.”
“Thanks,” he retorted, eyes darting over the room. It was dark—the curtains were closed despite the time of day—but his night vision was pretty solid. “It’s short for Daniel.”
“And Jazz for Jasmine, then? That’s cute.” She ruffled his hair as she stepped past him, drawing open the curtains. “Hm. we certainly have our work cut out for us.”
“Yeah,” Danny agreed, looking at the piles of he-didn’t-know-what lying around. There was a bed buried in one of the piles, which suggested it might’ve been a guest room at some point. Or used by someone else, before Jack moved in. “And we still need to clear yours, too.”
“Better get working then,” Maddie decided, shaking her head as she crouched down. “Things won’t get better on their own, after all.”
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cartoonsliveon · 5 years ago
Danny Phantom AU: Sam Phantom
Warning this is going to be super long but Danny Phantom AU except Sam is the halfa instead of Danny. Was honestly really inspired by the Reverse Trio AUs, Tucker Ghouly AU from Fanfiction and on here, and the stuff that people like @amethystocean-adr post. 
However, in this AU (at least the way I imagine it)...
 Sam, Danny, and Tucker come from the same family backgrounds as they do in canon and their characteristics. 
Sam is still goth and comes from a super rich family with parents who are ignorant/unaccepting of her interesting. 
 Danny comes from a family of ghost hunters, is still incredibly embarassed by his parents, and is other a very average teenager struggling with English.
 Tucker comes from his average, middle class family and is a total computer and techno geek. 
And Sam, prior to becoming a halfa, was really interested in the paranormal and, by extension, ghosts. She wasn’t interested in the ghost hunting aspect of what the Fenton’s do, but was genuinely really interested at the idea of an existence post-death, or what being a ghost meant. So she was always at least a little interested in what Danny’s parents had to say about their research, even though Danny and Jazz thought their parents were a little crazy and the town thought they were loony. 
The ghost portal, especially, interested Sam because it brought up so many questions about the paranormal. If there were ghosts, did that mean there were also demons? Were all ghosts malevolent? Were all those mysterious hauntings throughout history that no one could explain really ghosts? She was rather disappointed when Danny told her that the ghost portal didn’t work, while the trio were hanging out at his house doing homework and trying to study. 
It was Sam’s idea and suggestion that they try to figure out what the problem was. After all, Tucker’s a genius when it comes to technology, and surely he’ll be able to find the error (especially if it was a mistake Danny’s father made, not that she would say that out loud). And with Danny’s expertise on all the equipment it shouldn’t take too long. “Think about how excited your folks will be! They’ll be so happy that they might let you off the hook for sleeping in English class last week!” 
As tempting as the offer was though, Danny put his foot down about actually going through with is. He accompanied Sam and Tucker down into the basement lab, merely to make sure neither of them got hurt by a malfunctioning blaster. But he wouldn’t dare go inside the thing. And Tucker was rather hesitant to check it out as well, considering the track record the Fenton’s had with their inventions blowing up. Sam, however, being her stubborn self, decided she would go in and check it out herself. She put on one of the hazmat suits (without Jack Fenton’s face on it) just to be safe (because the last thing she needs is dying of ghost radiation. Her parents would never let her hear the end of it) and climbed in.
Danny and Tucker literally jumped out of their skins when the portal turned on. Sam’s left hand had been absentmindedly running along the wall of the portal, feeling the smooth surface. She was too busy trying to take it in that, in theory, the ghost portal would open a doorway between Earth and the Ghost Zone. She accidentally pressed the on button, and the next thing the teens realize, the entire inside of the Ghost Portal is glowing with green light. Sam doesn’t remember being in a lot of pain, only that it hurt for a few seconds. Danny and Tucker get chills anytime they recall the sound of Sam screaming in shock and pain before she stumbles out of the portal. 
Her black hair turned white, the white jumpsuit turned black, her purple eyes turned an icy blue. Sam, of course, freaked the hell out because she thought she was dead. As did Tucker and Danny. Initially, when they tried to help Sam as she stumbled out of the portal, their hands had gone right through her as she collapsed onto her knees. She hadn’t transformed back until two hours later, right before Danny’s parents entered the lab (despite their son trying to stop them so they didn’t see Sam and try to dissect her).
 Sam actually has a slightly harder time with hiding her ghost powers than Danny did. Although Danny’s parents are ghost hunters, they’re very oblivious and chalked everything to malfunctioning technology. And that’s the case still with Sam, Jack and Maddie assume that their invention needs tweaking or adjusting. Sam’s parents are still the very optimistic, generally happy, “sunshiny” people they were portrayed as in the show, but they also aren’t exactly as oblivious to Sam’s odd behavior as the Fenton’s were of Danny’s. Although Sam wouldn’t call her relationship with her parent’s necessarily close, and is constantly butting heads with them over her individuality, they do pay attention to her (when they aren’t away on business trips). It’s incredibly hard to hide the fact that your hand is going through the table, and convince your parents it is nothing, when they’re watching you so intently during breakfast. 
However, Sam’s parent’s attribute this weird behavior more towards the increasing amount of time she has started spending with Danny and being at the Fenton’s. This has led to them showing more blatant disapproval, distrust, and general dislike for Danny. But Sam has never been a rule follower though when it comes to her own parents, and luckily, because they’re constantly going away on business trips or fancy rich socialite events outside of Amity Park, she doesn’t need their approval. Grandma Izzy doesn’t care as much about Sam spending time with her friends or with the Fentons. Grandma Izzy rather likes Danny (and totally knows Sam is the Half Ghost Girl anyways and, unbeknownst to Sam, will try to cover for her disappearances).
It’s also because of the accident though, despite it not being Danny who has the ghost powers, that he takes more interest in ghost hunting and what his parents are working on. Danny wants to know what he and Tucker can use to protect themselves, help Sam, and whether his parents are actually a threat to Sam and if she is in danger. This newfound interest has made Jazz very suspicious of her younger brother. She notices how tired him and his friends look, that he’s always carrying around the Fenton Thermos or gives it to Sam to hold on to. And also that he spends a lot of time alone in the lab near the Ghost Portal. She’s worried about him, wondering if Sam and/or Tucker are becoming bad influences.
Sam uses her powers against Paulina in the same way that Danny used his powers against Dash. Paulina still dislikes Sam Manson, but wants to be best friends with Sam Phantom. Sometimes, if Dash and Kwan do something really awful to Danny and Tucker, she’ll get revenge for them. But not often. She also isn’t crazy about Valerie dating Danny and being a ghost hunter. It’s a serious conflict of interest being friends with Valerie, since Valerie is trying to kill her. But Danny also really likes her at the same time.
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watery-melon-baller · 4 years ago
Hi. 2, 5, 16, 27, 30, 33, 34, and 35 please. I know it's a lot sorry ^^"
Don’t apologize! I’m happy someone sent numbers in.
2) Why do you write fanfiction?
Honestly, I’m not quite sure. I started out writing absolutely buckwild crackfics on a dare from a friend, and then Lilac convinced me to post them, so we made the account. Then Lilac started Identity Fraud, I started writing an Among Us fic because of a tumblr post, and here we are. If anything, I’d say I write fanfic to create the kind of content I want to see in fandoms. Also because I crave external validation it helps me work on my writing in a more controlled setting where I can get feedback and keep up motivation. Also hyperfixations because never will my autism let me focus on something productive, nope, I have to get obsessed with Danny freaking Phantom.
5) What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
That’d have to be These Things Take Time, if only for its length. I’m also super proud of how tight an update schedule I’m managing to keep with it. Honorable mention goes out to my Among Us fic, Something We Were Not Meant To See, though, because it’s the first non-crack fic I ever wrote and the only multichapter project I’ve ever finished.
16) Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Isekai/self inserts where the SI replaces a canon character. These are so fun to read. In particular there are several really good stories like these for Hollow Knight.
27) What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
Ooh, this one’s hard. I seriously appreciate all the comments I get so much, and it’s really hard to pick one out as a favorite. If I had to choose one, it might be this comment from user karmabitch on my Among Us fic: 
hoooly fuck. wow. that was,,, so good. the pacing for this chapter was on point, and the way you described blue venting? terrifying. man, what a hollow victory. i can't help but wonder, was blues friendship just an act the whole time? or did maybe some small part of them actually care. just, wow. kudos to you my dude.
30) Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Ohoho. I love them both so much and it really depends on my mood, but overall I’d say I’m here for the angst.
33) Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
My writing is super reliant on my current motivation; sometimes I can pound out 3000 words in a day, sometimes it’s zilch. I really do better once I get into a scene, though. Especially emotional ones, or scenes I have a super clear idea of. But BOY do I struggle getting through transitions. Sometimes talking it out can help, though!
34) Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Okay, this is kind of long, but I’m pretty proud of it. This is from These Things Take Time, my primary Danny Phantom fanfic: 
Danny’s breathing came fast as his thoughts raced. He only numbly registered Sam and Tucker leading him out of the lab. 
Dangerous. Monsters. 
He’d heard all of his parents’ theories of ghosts countless times before, but had never really given them much thought, or even really formed his own opinion. But hearing them now, knowing he was one…
They don’t really think. 
He wasn’t a monster, he knew he wasn’t! He was the same person, he was, he was… Tears stung at his eyes. He could still think, he still had a mind and thoughts- 
They don’t feel. They can’t feel pain.  
He was still human, he could still feel his heart, his pulse, his lungs working breaths in and out. He felt the air around him, the sting of his leg and the little bruises from earlier. He could feel his emotions, they were real, he wasn’t a lie, he wasn’t an imitation- 
They’re echoes. Shells. 
No, no, he was the same, he was a person, he was still whole, he wasn’t just an echo, a remnant, a fragment- 
They’re menaces. They want to cause harm to humanity.  
He didn’t want to hurt anyone! He was still him, still Danny, he wouldn’t hurt anyone, he knew who he was…  
Eradicate them. 
Danny slumped to the floor, everything becoming too much. He wasn’t a monster, he wasn’t a monster, he wasn’t a monster…  
But you are , the spot of cold crouched in his chest hummed. And then he felt the dreaded wash of electric-cold he was beginning to recognize.  
He barely heard his friends’ screams. He barely heard anything.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I want to beta for people! I like betaing for people! I consistently do it for Lilac, and her for me, but editing through other people’s fics is just something I for some reason like, and more than that it’s a good writing exercise. Everyone else is much more creative than me, and I love seeing what people come up with. This is admittedly weak as a ramble, but it’s the big thing I can think to write about now. 
Anyways sorry this was so long! Thanks again, I enjoyed doing this. And if anyone else wants to send in numbers, feel free. (Yes, I grasp at straws. I will not be ashamed.)
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threewaysdivided · 5 years ago
I appreciate the response. Yeah, among other adjustments, had the plot been handled a little differently, I feel like Sam’s relationship with her parents could have evolved into something like that of Danny and Jazz and their parents. And don’t get me wrong; I still like Sam, too.
(In reference to this post and follow-up ask.)
Good to hear from you again 😊
I think there were a lot of things across the board that could have been tweaked or edited to improve the integrity of the series.  If I had to boil down the problem with DP to a single point I’d probably say it’s that the most interesting parts of the show are the characters/world/implications but the writers (or some of them anyway - I suspect there might have been some conflict between Hartman, the lead writers and the execs’) wanted certain plots, aesops and gags, and chose to brute-force them in regardless of whether they actually worked with what was already there.  Basically, it lacks consistency and internal logic.
For Sam in particular I think there are a few things that could have been handled better:
First one’s more a general complaint at the show and might light a fire under my notes but heck lets go there anyway but the writing has kind of a sexist bent that really doesn’t fit the characters or need to be there. Considering how much Danny and Jack are shown to love and respect Maddie and Jazz there’s no way they’d call their involvement in Genius Magazine “the swimsuit edition”.  Paulina might be traditionally feminine but “She surrendered her individuality for a boy! I’m so proud of her!” is not a line that any human girl in the history of human girls would say unironically.  There’s also a few too many jokes that basically boil down to “male character is emasculated/ vulnerable/ likes feminine-coded things, hyuk hyuk hyuk”.
I’m bringing this up not just because they’re gross cheap gags but because for Sam specifically, this pervasive low-key contempt for women and femininity in the writing, especially the tendency to portray almost every non-sympathetic girl her age as one-note, brainless boy-crazy cliches that she can’t connect with, really does not help her character.  I would have loved to see more genuine interaction between Sam and the other girls, even if it most of it was Kim Possible-Bonnie Rockwaller style antagonistic rapport.  We could have seen her develop some kind of tenuous connection with one of the A-listers, or even just have a secondary-female-character to be cordial towards - kind of like Mikey is for Danny and Tucker.  Hold up, outside of Valerie, Star and Paulina are there any named secondary girls at Casper High?  Sam doesn’t seem to have a single female friend in the show and considering how vocally judgemental she is, it can almost read like she’s rejecting them outright for being girls, which really undercuts attempts to make her seem feminist. (I mentioned it in a past tag but this feels like an early-2000s-male-writer mistake of equating Female Empowerment™ with the ability to tear down other women and belittle traditional femininity - which isn’t so much Feminism as it is Internalised Misogyny.)  Even just mixing up the pairings to put her with Star instead of Kwan in Lucky in Love would have helped.
I’d have also liked to see more awareness of and consistency in the conflict between her activism and her wealth.  It kind of undercuts the significance of her activism when you realise that she’s wealthy enough to make these choices with little cost to herself; it’s much easier to go vegan or buy renewable/ recyclable /sustainable /fair-trade when price isn’t an issue, especially if you also have serving staff to offset the time cost.  Once you notice this it makes her activism feel more tokenistic, and also like she doesn’t really understand her own privilege when she tries to push her agendas onto the school/ her classmates without considering why they mightn’t be able to do so as easily.  It’s also weird because the source of her family’s wealth is a cellophane-toothpick-wrapper (i.e. something that basically produces litter) but she still seems very comfortable enjoying the material benefits despite her pro-eco anti-consumerism sentiments.  It’s bizarre that she’s more concerned with the social consequence of ‘fake friends’ than the ethics of capitalism.  It can come off a bit “do as I say, not as I do”. 
It would have been nice for the show to give more screen time to reinforcing that Sam is aware of that conflict and is making an active effort to hold to her principles even at the cost of personal comfort; maybe showing some unease at the source of her wealth, trying to live below her means and only spend up on ethical/ eco-friendly/ sustainable products, op-shopping or hand-making her goth accessories, going out of her way to re-use or re-purpose things even if buying a new one would be ‘better’, actually showing or referencing her doing substantial hands-on activities (e.g. going off-screen or taking the boys to do tree-planting, litter pickups, soup kitchens, animal-shelter work etc).  Just something to help make it clearer that she genuinely cares and isn’t just doing the low-mess lip-service activities because she enjoys indulging in the image of Wokeness™.
These things would have helped regardless of how her family was written but let’s hop back on topic and talk about them.  I don’t have any prescriptive preference but let’s spitball a few different options and how they could have played:
#1 Sam’s parents don’t respect her interests and want her to fit a mold
In this case I’d make it that they don’t really pay attention or show much caring for who Sam really is as a person; their image of and interactions with her are more of a fantasised version of the ‘perfect’ daughter they want, they make very little effort to encourage her actual interests and are perhaps restrictive about what they let her do in the few moments when they do bother paying close attention (you might compare to some versions of Tim Drake’s Parents from DC Comics).  Classist, overly image-conscious, snobby and superficial.  
This would be the most sympathetic portrayal of her character without changing it very far from how it is in DP canon - helping contextualise why Sam is so fiercely defensive of her autonomy, why she pushes so hard when trying to get her opinions across and why she’s so judgemental of rich people and disdainful towards classic femininity - even possibly explaining her more hypocritical/ manipulative/ entitled traits as learned behaviours.  It would also give her more legitimate reason to be less empathetic towards others - after all even if they have struggles and family troubles it’s still better than what she’s dealing with (Danny’s parents may not be attentive but hey, at least they love him for himself, right?)
For this version I’d probably put her arc around growing past the “suffering olympics” model of viewing other people’s pain, but also in her finding family in Danny/Tucker/her Grandmother’s circle of connections, learning how to have healthy power-balance and communication in her relationships with others (aka: getting over her hypocrisy and realising that assertiveness is about communicating that “I matter, and so do you”) and pulling away from her parents’ influence - maybe even living with Ida a lot of the time.
#2 Sam’s parents are well-intentioned but overbearing
For this one, Sam’s parents would genuinely want the best for her… only they have an overly old-fashioned and restrictive view of what “the best” is and are a bit set-in-their-ways.  They’d probably view “hippies” and “goth” stuff as “dangerously rebellious hooligan-activities” and likely to be somewhat patronising about Sam’s passion for it being “just a phase”.   They’d be worried about her hanging around “the Fenton Kid” and “the Foley Kid” both because Danny’s parents are kind of irresponsible screwballs about safety but also because they put a lot of value in image due to their belief in social connections being the way to get ahead.  Them pushing Sam towards classic femininity and specific activities would be less about disrespecting her identity and more about their overly narrow view of “success” and worrying that she’s going to end up losing valuable opportunities and “wasting her life” if she keeps on down her current path.
This would still give Sam more sympathetic context for her views on femininity and pushiness about self-expression. 
Personally I think the arc I’d like to see here is one themed around responsible/considerate assertiveness and valuing alternative perspectives.  Sam coming to realise her own hypocrisy - that she can’t push her views onto others while complaining about her parents doing the same - developing more sympathy for Danny as she realises that he’s in a similar position with Jack’s insistence that he’ll inherent Fentonworks and his parents’ narrow-mindedness about ghosts, interacting with other girls and seeing their perspective, learning how to assert her opinion while making allowances for others’ (maybe an alternative version where she connects with Star in Lucky in Love and, after Aragon’s defeat in Beauty Marked, Sam still says she personally thinks it’s dumb but then steps down and lets Star win because she understands that Star values it), and getting her Grandma’s help in convincing her parents to widen their perspective while still responding to their concerns.
(This one has the overall kindest message and I think I like it best).
#3 Sam’s parents are trying and Sam’s actually the problem 
This one is the one that’s the least sympathetic to Sam.  Her parents still don’t get the Goth/Activist thing and they have some concerns about safety but they understand that it makes her happy and they’re okay with it so long as she’s not getting into trouble or mixing up with anyone that could hurt her.  Them pushing her towards more feminine/optimistic things is less pushing and more trying to encourage some hobbies that offer a bit more common ground.  They might have reservations, and they might not always have time, but they would like to be part of their daughter’s life… except for the problem that Sam has wrapped herself up in a teen-drama persecution complex and got it into her head that they “won’t accept her” are “pushing her to be someone else” and “don’t understand” so there’s no point even trying to explain or connect.  In this one Ida isn’t taking sides on purpose but she ends up accidentally enabling Sam a little because Sam reminds her of her younger days and she likes spoiling her granddaughter (and doesn’t much care for her daughter-in-law).
In this case Sam’s flaws would be framed much more as flaws born of her making superficial snap judgements, thinking she knows better and being too proud to admit she’s wrong.  There would definitely be moments of her coming across as an entitled, privileged holier-than-thou brat who invents problems because she likes feeling sorry for herself, especially early in her arc.
This version of the story would go the hardest on Sam with the general lesson being “you need to respect that other people are people who have their own problems, feelings and needs that are as real and valid as yours”.  She’d still have good qualities and Danny and Tucker would still obviously like and value her but there’d also be times of strain where they don’t want to hurt her feelings but are clearly getting worn out with the nonsense.  At its worst, maybe a “you’re like mustard. Great in small quantities, but a lot of you is…a lot” type confrontation.
I’d also give the secondary cast the most fleshing out, agency and sympathetic-ness here, and have beats where Sam has to realise that they’re lot more complex than her 2D stereotyped view of them and are dealing with actual serious problems to which hers are largely non-issues by comparison.  I’d probably play Dash and Paulina similar to in the fic Alibi (go read it, it’s good) - Dash being gay and performing aggression because toxic masculinity, insecurity, and being terrified of anyone outside the A-listers finding out (still not okay that he’s a bully but at least more understandable), while Paulina is hiding high emotional perceptiveness behind her pretty face and deliberately bearding for him to keep bigoted parents/ teachers off his back.  I’d also probably have a subplot in an alternate Life Lessons where Sam follows Valerie around because jealous/possessive and, like Danny, ends up realising that she’s working two jobs to help her Dad with their financial problems.  Basically she’d be getting hit with the Reality Stick a lot.
There’d also be more instances of Sam getting directly called out by the other girls. Fleshing them out as people and showing that their dislike is less superficiality and more because she unfairly judges and antagonises them all the time.  Giving them more agency in Beauty Marked and have them be direct about “we know you’re just here to be smug about how much ‘Better’ you are but have you considered that we’re doing this for ourselves and actually enjoy it?”.  Having Paulina be less “tee hee I am indeed a Witch” in Parental Bonding and more “Ugh fine, fine, I don’t really like him that much but you were being so obviously Jealous and Judge-y and I figured if I played a little you might actually step up.  But fine, if you’re sure.  Here’s your necklace back, I’ll let your dorky ‘friend’ down tomorrow.  But pro-tip?  You like someone you gotta go for it - otherwise don’t complain when your boy-toy gets taken by someone who actually means it.”  (Still petty, but emotionally intelligent pettiness, which… not really much better, but at least more interesting.)  A lot more of Sam realising that she’s not a particularly good feminist and that she’s no more entitled to Danny’s affections than anyone else.
To be honest, while I could say the most about this version and there’s a lot of potential drama there it’s the one I like the least because it means canonising my least favourite proto-abusive bad-faith narcissistic reading of Sam, casting her as an almost-villain and essentially punishing her over and over until she character develops into a decent human being.  Sure it’s an important message about how you treat others but it’s not a very nice or kind story and while there might be the odd fic that makes it cathartic I can’t say I’m a huge fan.
Again, if I had to pick, I’d probably go with something like #2. 
But there we go.  Another thrilling instalment in the “overly long posts about Sam Manson” saga.  
Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by!
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255940g · 5 years ago
Holiday gift to @differentjasper. Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy!
Read on Ao3 here : https://archiveofourown.org/works/22012411
Holiday Truce Gift- Wes Weston study
I will admit this was supposed to be a character study of Wes Weston but then I saw a prompt on Tumblr about the lack of logical scars. Of course, the canon show isn’t really logical but they should have at least put vague lines there to show scars. We know scars can be kept on ghosts due to Clockwork. Be warned times passes quickly as I wrestled with this idea. 
Looking at my bedroom wall I couldn’t help but think of how it has changed through the past school year. At the beginning of the year, there were pictures of a few famous basketball players.
Then came the emergence of the Phantom or the Ghost Boy as he was called in the beginning. The change of the wall came slowly and then all at once.
It started simple with one sketch of Phantom that I commissioned an artist on Tumblr that I followed and admired. Then a poster dedicated to a few sightings of Phantom around town. 
By November, the first basketball poster came off to make room for more images of Phantom. I convinced myself that after I minimalized when I had more time-probably over Winter break- it would go right back up. 
However, I knew even then, in my heart if secret hearts, that I was trying to fool myself. When I furled it back out in the middle of February for the annual garage sale my parents insisted on doing, I threw it semi-carefully into the box labelled ‘Garage sale’.
It mattered even less when I quit the basketball team.  It seemed shocking to my parents yet they understood my decisions eventually. A week after quitting I saw a black-haired male transform into Phantom. It took another week of school for me to learn his name. Well, what I mean is, is that I heard of him but I never connected the person to the name. 
The person that transformed into Phantom was Danny always picked on by Dash Fenton. Who wasn’t to be confused with his older sister who Dash had a crush on. The Friday two weeks after I figured out who Phantom was would be the most accurate spot place where my obsession began.
Looking at the wall now, there is only images of Phantom, the enemies he faces, and a few pictures of solely Sam, Tucker, and Danny. I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride and accomplishment of the detailed work that I have done. 
Each enemy has at least one detailed notecard with details on visible powers, personal info, and where and when they have attacked. A few even had who they were before they were ghosts. Take the lunch lady ghost as an example. It was easy to figure out who she was. A dedicated lunch lady that made the lunches the exact same way as they are now 50 years after her death. Of course, I had backups of all this data written down multiple times in different books and google drive just for same keeping.
Sam, Tucker, and Danny’s notecards were different. They had what they helped Phantom and Fenton with. When those two were eventually transformed into ghosts another notecard was added for their ghost half.
For Sam, it was when she managed to transform into a plant ghost. Not overly surprising that her ghost self had powers over plants when Sam adores her greenhouse and the plants inside there.
Tuckers ghost self was unusual. He didn’t get ghost powers for all that he has a ‘girlfriend’ in his beloved PDA. He was some sort of Egyptian Emperor. Either way, neither of them had ghost powers anymore and that is what had mattered to everyone at school, their teachers, and parents. 
Knowing that Fenton was Phantom doesn’t seem to have any perks for me. Danny took every opportunity to show off how blind everyone in town was. For the annual Casper High Halloween party festival thing that went on Danny dressed up as Phantom. The only difference was that Danny kept his human half blue eyes. That shit. No one even suspected a single thing. Not even Paulina who was self-proclaimed in love with Phantom! Asshole Fenton. 
Almost a full year later since Phantom first starred on the news.
Ok so in actuality it was the first full week of summer vacation when everything shifted. I was no longer joked and teased. In as much secret as possible other students came to me to hear my ideas and possibilities of Phantom and about Phantom. Finally, people were listening! Yet, at what cost to Danny?
I was both on my phone and watching the news displaying Phantom creating a small snow cloud over a portion of Amnity’s main and only park’s grass. Well, the small children seemed to adore having snow to help with the unusual heat of the afternoon. The news report changed to a ghost attacking another part of Amnity. Phantom quickly found out about the attack and first rushed over to the parents of the children then rushed to help the fleeing people there. I haven’t heard a name yet but I grabbed my supplies of notecards, pens, and switched to recording the audio of the news report to my phone. 
I knew that depending on what ghost powers this new ghost had it would take a few minutes or even days to defeat them. 
About 5 minutes later I watched as Danny was repeatedly beaten soundly and squarely. While the camera focused on the attacking ghost I took a few quick pictures to print out and size later. 
I was already taking notes on what powers the new ghost displayed. 
About an hour later I was highly concerned. Danny still was being beaten and unable to get many good hits to the new ghost. While I was watching my eye caught a small detail. Dany’s jumpsuit was coming off and apart slowly but surely. The next attack flung Phantom sailing backwards with his back to the camera above taping the report. 
It was only able to be seen due to the fact that functionally all of the tops of the jumpsuit was destroyed. There on his back were scars that looked all connected like lightening. From what I could see was that it was one scar that disappeared over his front. The scar was a bright red, there were thicker and thinner lines and all of the liner were jagged. 
The usual yapping by the reporter was cut off and there was silence. The eerie silence gave the report a feel for even more shock then what I thought possible. Once Danny crashed through a building-luckily turning intangible before impact so there wasn’t any more structural damage. The last things I heard and saw before the camera shut off was the attacking ghost clearly looking for Phantom and the reporter asking “What were those scars?”
The next time that the same report came back on it was showing how Phantom was now defeating the formerly attacking ghost. 
‘Damnit! I still don’t have a name!’ I thought furiousely.
At least the jumpsuit was repaired completely. Although it was clear to see that Danny was still in pain, but was giving his all. As usual, he was able to eventually able to defeat the ghost and it was quickly sucked into the thermos. Then, as usual, Dany turned invisible soon after making sure that there was no one stuck in any rubble. 
It wasn’t surprising to see another report of Phantom gracing the news. This time the topic was how and what those scars were and meant. It was made clear by the close-up -yet still a bit grainy- picture of the scars in the discovery of them.
There was a guest speaker who was a doctor -a forensic pathologist- speaking confidently on what those scars were and how they are gained a human body. 
With confidence, she declared when prompted “Scars like those will only ever appear on a human body due to electrocution. There is the argument that I know nothing on ghosts. This is true. I functionally know nothing on ghosts. What I do know is how human acquires scars. Specifically how those scars are kept on a dead body. With my 14 years of working solely on dead bodies and 3 years in the medical field I can guarantee with absolute certainty that those scars are both more numerous then what the camera picked up at that great distance and that they were caused by any kind of electrocution. Most commonly it’s by lightning yet, with circumstances being they are the only certainty is that they are electrocution scars.” 
Ms Doctor person continued describing attributes of scars. But I was still in a slight shock. 
I wasn’t taking any notes with only a single thought in my mind when did Danny get electrocuted. I didn’t tune back into normal time until commercials came on. I had more research to get to.
It took two weeks to track down Dany Fenton and research on scars. But I did. The only thing he confirmed was that he was electrocuted ad it was how he died. 
     In the months I was contacted quietly and secretly by classmates who asked to confirm. All of them were sombre and quite fearful. But hey I was being listened to. … Right? 
    By the time that school started Danny and Jazz were adopted by their godfather Mayor Masters due to their parents being negligent and more concerned with their in-home science lab both in the basement and above Fenton wors than the overall saftey of their children.
    In a semi-small town, any news is still news and reporters do need to find stories and get paid. 
    By November, Phantom seemed to have two mentors where he trained with his powers. The Guys In White warned the public to stay away at all costs because they were ghosts. Yet no one really listened.
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ladylynse · 6 years ago
Why do you dislike Sam and her relationship with Danny?
I...I don’t??? Sorry, I’m not sure where this is coming from. If I missed the presence of ship hate in something I reblogged, I’ll take the post(s) down if you let me know which one it was. I try to run a hate free blog, and besides, I’m someone who comes down on the side of believing that Sam got the short end of the stick in season 3 because she (and, well, everyone else) lacked good character development. If it’s regarding something I wrote, I can assure you it wasn’t meant to slander Sam or shipping her with Danny. I usually stick to canon pairings in my writing (including DxS), but romance is rarely the main focus, so when it’s there, it’s mostly in the background. 
You could argue for Gray Ghost in Complications, but that was just a little bit of Valerie still working through her feelings with Danny because she broke up with him in order to protect him from ghosts and ensure that he wasn’t a target because of her, so I figured it made sense to have Valerie still sorting out her feelings. And even in that fic, Valerie acknowledges that Sam has feelings for Danny, and Tucker basically teases them about their feelings for each other. On the flipside, I’ve got other fics where Danny and Sam’s feelings for each other are acknowledged--like in Isolated. I’ve even got Maddie acknowledging those two ending up together in this fic. Snapshots--with the non-aging AU--has the relationship treated differently, yes, but still for what I thought was a good reason. Danny was building walls and isolating himself, convinced it was better for Sam if he wasn’t holding her back, and he acted on that belief without consulting her. It’s hard for a relationship to be maintained when one person is pulling away and won’t listen or talk to the other, too caught up in their own false convictions, so yes, I had them argue and break up because Danny’s actions were idiotic, which he realized later. I didn’t treat Jazz any better in that fic, but I still like her as a character. Those were narrative decisions, not the way I figure the story would inevitably go.
I do appreciate you asking nicely, but I have to admit I feel blindsided here. What gave you the impression I was against Sam and her relationship with Danny?
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liveshaunteda · 6 years ago
GUESS WHO DID DANNY”S BIO. ME! it’s more just bit of backstory as i do tend to take most things that happened as canon
he was born to parents who love to hunt ghost, who believe ghost exist and with an older sister, who he loved to play with. his parents always let him where whatever he wanted, so they hadn’t complained when he had went to the boys sections or wore baggy clothing. considering they liked to wear jumpsuits most of the time. they let him have whatever haircut he wanted, he kept it short. everyone tended to deem him a tomboy, and he couldn’t argue it. some part of that word always felt right. which part, he would find out as he grew older. he was always closer to his sister and his mother then his father, even as he grew older - and he started to drift apart from his family even more. he was struggling with certain things that he didn’t quite understand. though, he was getting help from his best friend since preschool, tucker the technology nerd that he was, knew how to find things on the net.
together, they started to figure out what he might have been feeling. he found the name for it, he was trans. he didn’t feel like he was the gender that he had been assigned when he was born. from then on, whenever he was with tucker, he had asked for the he/him pronouns, though that was between them, and eventually sam. before he ended up telling his parents. he was in middle school when he had come out to his parents and sister. asking to be called daniel or danny, and that he was a boy.
his parents then pulled him into a hug, asking him what they could do to help him feel more comfortable. and a few days later, he had his first binder & he knew he could rely on his family with this. though, he still struggles at times with dysphoria and he has a low self esteem, which factor into his states of depression that he does his best to hide from his family and friends. an occasionally ‘joke’ here and there about it.
then, when he was fourteen, his parents were making the final touched on their ghost portal after believing that they have it right. but, it didn’t work and the next day, he brought his friends down into the lab because sam wanted to see it. she somehow convinced him to have a look inside the thing.
he did, while wearing one of his father’s spare jumpsuits just in case of something going wrong. in case the ghost are real. stepping inside, he rested his hand on the on switch by accident a few bolts of electricity was sent through his body, electrocuting him very badly. it had caused a loud noise, and his friends to scream out before they dragged him out of the portal, not taking notice of the portal that was forming as they walked danny out of the portal.
not finding a pulse, they started cpr trying to revive danny. it was beginning to look like useless attempts, when he there was a rise in his chest, up and down. it was slow and shallow, but it was there. and just in time because in came jazz, his mother and father.
what he doesn’t tell anyone about that accident is that, he felt himself die. he felt his last breath leave him as his friends brought him out of the portal. he saw a glimpse of the ghost zone, he knew he was turning into a ghost, but barely made it too full form when he felt himself being pulled into his own body. seeing as his ghost had entered the ghost zone upon trying to form instead of finding it’s way there after forming. this gave his ghost form an extra push, and his soul turned ghost like, enabling the powers he was going to be given as a ghost, to him as a human. the powers embedded in him. giving him powers, and making it seem like he was half ghost & half human, it was the best way to put it.
his ghost self, was there to help maintain the dead cells and parts of him alive. which is why when he separates himself, the human half has lost most of it’s will and is deemed the fun one, because those parts of his brain that help with his self control was damaged.
he was rushed to the hospital, where he spent two weeks, under supervision and was advised that until his breathing is fully functional, it may be best to avoid wearing his binder, as to not worsen any damage caused by the shock in his lungs.
there is a lightning like web that crawls up his arm from where he got shocked. when he is in his human form, it is a faint white, mostly unnoticeable, but when he lets his ghost side overtake, it glows green which is why he prefers to keep the jumpsuit on, because it covers it.
his powers started to develop while he was in the hospital. tucker first started noticing it, and it was the day after he was released from the hospital that after laying down for a nap, did he wake up in his full ghost form.
from there, he started to realise he had powers that were very ghost like. confiding this to tucker and sam, who tried to help him. and that is where danny phantom came about. he does his best to keep his town safe from ghost, all while trying to go to school & get decent grades for he has a dream of becoming an astronaut.
most things happen in canon as is. though, livin’ large isn’t accept as canon. phantom planet is but the science is thought out better & there are ghost in every country helping the earth go intangible. and danny does not expose himself as phantom to the world, instead travels back to amity park as phantom, where he only exposes his identity to his parents who have figured it out at this stage. people in amity park can have figured out his identity due to having known danny & having a closer connection to phantom.
regarding sam&danny, while danny did fall for sam, after a while of them dating - danny calls it off. saying he just wants to be friends, because there is some part of him that feels like sam only truly loves phantom. it’s an insecurity. they could date once again, but for now he really doesn’t want to date anyone.
DARK DANNY ARC: to be filled out
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