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vamptastic · 9 months ago
maybe im being cynical but those pad commercials of preteen girls running around and playing sports and shit infuriated me when i myself was (admittedly briefly) a preteen girl. when the only narrative you ever seen around smth that is genuinely disabling for you a week out of every month is #girlpower, don't let your anemia and nausea and cramps and vertigo stop you from playing soccer! it gets frustrating. obviously there are many other things to be annoyed about wrt pad commercials and i suppose that form of advertising is partially in response to the idea that periods make women inherently weak and incapable but still. shit was annoying. god forbid we learn any useful medical information.
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moontyger · 1 month ago
Officials inside the CDC and global health specialists outside of the organization are trying to understand the ramifications of this order both for the U.S. and for the world.
"This is unprecedented," says Javier Guzman, the director of global health policy at the Center for Global Development.
CDC collaborates with WHO on a wide range of health efforts, including the ongoing efforts to quash a major mpox outbreak in parts of Africa and an outbreak of Marburg virus, which is Ebola's cousin, in Tanzania. The U.S. has donated more than a million vaccines to these efforts and sent expert teams to support the local response.
Asked to comment on the future of these collaborative efforts, a spokesperson for WHO wrote in an email to NPR, "we are analyzing developments and do not have further information at this time."
"There are a lot of people who are looking forward to further clarification and direction from the incoming administration," said a CDC official, who asked for anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the press. They said they can't remember another presidential transition that included a directive similar to this. "I am not aware of any sort of communication that's gone out to CDC employees like this one." 
A request for comment from CDC's media team was referred to the Health and Human Services media team, which has not responded.
How they've worked together
Among many other collaborations, the two agencies also work together on worldwide efforts to monitor and contain influenza. WHO runs the Global Influenza Surveillance Network. Josh Michaud, the associate director for global health policy at KFF, says that it may be challenging for the U.S. to develop flu vaccines each year tailored to the current strains of the virus that are circulating if scientists don't have access to the samples provided through the WHO system.
"There might be third parties which could create some communication channels and U.S. pharmaceutical companies on the private side could continue to have some kind of contact," he says. "But it definitely throws a wrench a little bit in the works of what had been a system which is really important – not just for global health security, but for U.S. health as well."
"It's absolutely vital that the CDC and WHO are talking to each other about what's happening. So a ban on that? I just can't see what benefit it has, but I see that it has a massive downside," say Dr. Chandy John, director of Indiana University School of Medicine's Ryan White Center for Infectious Diseases and Global Health.
Others agree. "It's very hard for me to see any U.S. national interest that's being advanced here. And quite the contrary, I just think it's making it very hazardous for Americans," says Lawrence Gostin, professor of global health law at Georgetown University and director of WHO's Center on Global Health Law.
For example, he says, WHO is convening an international meeting of experts who will discuss bird flu, among other things. Bird flu has been circulating widely in livestock and wildlife in the U.S. Without CDC representatives at the meeting, he says, CDC will be unable to examine the shared data from other countries where bird flu has been identified and understand how the virus is evolving and spreading across species. Gostin says this new clampdown on communications could hinder the country's ability to prevent humans from being infected as well as to develop medications and vaccines to combat bird flu.
"Not only is it reckless, but I think it's lawless," Gostin adds, explaining that even with the Trump administration's announcements, the U.S. is a party to the International Health Regulations and obliged to follow its guidelines. This is a legally-binding agreement managed by WHO that requires states to monitor health threats and report them to the WHO. However, there is not a strong enforcement mechanism for countries that don't comply.
"We criticize China relentlessly for failing to abide by [IHR] in rapid reporting and communicating of the Wuhan outbreak," says Gostin. "Why we would want to be in the company of China or Russia, that violates these international global health norms, certainly beats me."
In addition to withdrawing from WHO and halting communication between CDC and WHO, Trump has paused almost all foreign aid, including many health programs. Taken all together, KFF's Michaud calls the moment "incredibly precarious." And, he says, "for global health, it could mark a turning point" in how the U.S. contributes to the international effort to tackle diseases.
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path-of-my-childhood · 5 years ago
Taylor Swift Bent the Music Industry to Her Will
By: Lindsay Zoladz for Vulture Date: December 30th 2019
In the 2010s, she became its savviest power player.
n late November 2019, Taylor Swift gave a career-spanning performance at the American Music Awards before accepting the statue for Artist of the Decade. (Swift was perhaps the perfect cross between the award’s two previous recipients, Britney Spears and Garth Brooks.) Clad in a cascading rose-colored cape and holding court among the younger female artists in attendance - 17-year-old Billie Eilish, 22-year-old Camila Cabello, 25-year-old Halsey - Swift had the queenly air of an elder stateswoman. After picking up five additional awards, including Artist of the Year, she became the show’s most decorated artist in history. “This is such a great year in music. The new artists are insane,” she declared in her acceptance speech, with big-sister gravitas. That night, she finally outgrew that “Who, me?” face of perpetual awards-show surprise; she accepted the honors she won like an artist who believed she had worked hard enough to deserve them.
Swift cut an imposing adult figure up there, because somewhere along the line she’d become one. The 2010s have coincided almost exactly with Swift’s 20s, with the subtle image changes and maturations across her last five album cycles coming to look like an Animorphs cover of a savvy and talented young woman gradually growing into her power. And so to reflect on the Decade in Taylor Swift is to assess not just her sonic evolutions but her many industry chess moves: She took Spotify to task in a Wall Street Journal op-ed and got Apple to reverse its policy of not paying artists royalties during a three-month free trial of its music-streaming service. She sued a former radio DJ for allegedly groping her during a photo op and demanded just a symbolic victory of $1, as if to say the money wasn’t the point. Critics wondered whether she was leaning too heavily on her co-writers, so she wrote her entire 2010 album, Speak Now, herself, without any collaborators. In 2018, she severed ties with her longtime label, Big Machine Records, and negotiated a new contract with Universal Music Group that gave her ownership of her masters and assurance that she (and any other artist on the label) would be paid out if UMG ever sold its Spotify shares. Yes, she stoked the flames of her celebrity feuds with Kanye West, Kim Kardashian West, and Katy Perry plenty over the past ten years, but she’s also focused some of her combative energy on tackling systemic problems and fashioning herself into something like the music industry’s most high-profile vigilante. Few artists have made royalty payments and the minutiae of entertainment-law front-page news as often as Swift has.
Within the industry, Swift has always had the reputation of being something of a songwriting savant (in 2007, when “Our Song” was released, then-17-year-old Swift became the youngest person ever to write and perform a No. 1 song on the Billboard Country chart), but she has long desired to be considered an industry power player, too. A 2011 New Yorker profile of Swift circa her blockbuster Speak Now World Tour noted that she initially intended to follow her parents’ footsteps and pursue a career in business, quoting her saying, “I didn’t know what a stockbroker was when I was 8, but I would just tell everybody that’s what I was going to be.” In an even earlier interview, she fondly recalled the times in elementary school when she stayed up late with her mother, practicing for school presentations. “I’m sick of women not being able to say that they have strategic business minds - because male artists are allowed to,” she said this year in an unusually candid Rolling Stone interview. “And I’m so sick and tired of having to pretend like I don’t mastermind my own business.” Of course, she still spent plenty of time sitting at her piano or strumming her guitar, but in that conversation she painted herself as someone who is also “sit[ting] in a conference room several times a week,” coming up with ideas about how best to market her music and her career.
And so over the past decade, Swift’s face has appeared not just on magazine covers and television screens, but on UPS trucks and Amazon packages. Her songs have been featured in Target commercials and NFL spots, to name just two of her many lucrative partnerships. That New Yorker profile also found her to be uncommonly enthused about the fact that her CDs were being sold in Starbucks: “I was so stoked about it, because it’s been one of my goals - I always go into Starbucks, and I wished that they would sell my album.”
“Taylor Swift is something like the Sheryl Sandberg of pop music,” Hazel Cills wrote recently in Jezebel. “She has propelled her career from tiny country artist into pop machine over the past few years with little shame when it comes to corporate collaborators.” Such brazen femme-capitalism will always be a turnoff to some people (“the Sheryl Sandberg of pop music” is even less of a compliment in 2019 than it was when Lean In was first published), but it’s undeniable that it has helped Swift maintain and leverage her status as a commercial juggernaut more consistently than any other pop star over the past ten years.
In the 2010s, with the clockwork certainty of a midterm election, there was a Taylor Swift album every other autumn. (Yes, there was a three-year gap between 1989 and Reputation, but she all but made up for it with the quick timing of August’s Lover.) The kinds of pop superstars considered her peers did not stick to such rigid schedules: Adele released two studio albums this decade, Beyoncé released three, and even Rihanna - who for the first three years of the decade was averaging an album a year - eventually slowed her roll and will have released just four when the 2010s are all said and done. The only A-plus-list musician who saturated the market as steadily as Swift did this decade was Drake.
Still, Drake’s commercial dominance was more of a newfangled phenomenon, capitalizing on the industry’s sudden reliance on streaming and his massive popularity on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Drake might be the artist who rode the streaming wave most successfully this decade, but - with her strategic withholding of her albums from certain platforms until they better compensated artists - Swift was often the one bending it to her will. And she could do that because she didn’t need to rely on it solely: Somehow, against all odds, Taylor Swift still sold records. Like, gazillions of them. When Swift’s 2017 record, Reputation (some critics thought it was a critical misstep, but it certainly wasn’t a commercial one), moved 1.216 million units in its first seven days, Swift became the only artist in history to achieve four different million-selling weeks. And, of course, all four of these weeks came during a decade when traditional album sales were on a precipitous decline. At least for those mere mortals who were not an all-powerful being named Taylor Alison Swift.
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“Female empowerment” has been such an ambient, unquestioned virtue of the pop culture of this decade that we have too often failed to take a step back and ask ourselves what sort of power is being advocated for, and if its attainment should always be a cause for celebration. Is “female empowerment” any different from the hollow, materialistic promises of the late ’90s “girl power”? Is “female power” inherently different or more benevolent than its default male counterpart? Maybe this feels like such a distinctly American hang-up because we have not yet experienced that mythic, oft-imagined figure of the First Female President, and have thus not had to contend with the cold reality that, whoever she is, she will, like all of us, be inevitably flawed, imperfect, and at least occasionally disappointing.
As she’s grown into her own brand of 21st-century American pop feminism - sometimes elegantly, sometimes gawkily - Swift seems to have come to a firm conviction that female power is essentially more virtuous than the male variety. This was a side of herself she celebrated in her AMA performance. Swift opened her medley with a few fiery bars of “The Man,” her own personalized daydream of what gender equality would look like: “I’m so sick of running as fast as I can,” she sings, “wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man.” She wore an oversize white button-down onto which the titles of her old albums were stamped in a correctional-facility font: SPEAK NOW, RED, 1989, REPUTATION. Plenty of the millions of people who scrutinize Swift’s every move interpreted her choice of outfit and song as not-so-subtle jabs at Big Machine’s Scott Borchetta and the manager-to-the-stars Scooter Braun, with whom Swift is still in a messy, uncommonly public battle over the fate of her master recordings. (The only album title missing from her outfit was “LOVER,” which happens to be the only one of which she has full ownership.) She has framed the terms of her battle with Borchetta and Braun in strikingly gendered language: “These are two very rich, very powerful men, using $300 million of other people’s money to purchase, like, the most feminine body of work,” she told Rolling Stone. “And then they’re standing in a wood-panel bar doing a tacky photo shoot, raising a glass of Scotch to themselves.” Though she is herself a very rich, very powerful woman, she reads their message to be unquestionably condescending: Be a good little girl and shut up.
It is true that many record contracts are designed to take advantage of young artists, and that young women and people of color are probably perceived by music executives to be the marks most vulnerable to exploitation. But it is also true that Swift signed a legally binding contract, the kind that a businesswoman like herself would have to respect if it were signed by somebody else. Braun, who has been asking to have these negotiations in private rather than on Twitter, claims to have received death threats from her fans.
Even as she’s grown into one of the most dominant pop-culture figures in the world, Swift sometimes still seems to be clinging to her old underdog identity, to the extent that she can fail to grasp the magnitude of her own power or account for the blind spots of her privilege. “Someday I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me,” she sang on Speak Now’s Grammy-winning 2010 single “Mean,” seemingly oblivious to the fact that, compared to 99.99 percent of the population, she already was. The mid-decade backlash to Swift’s thin-white-celebrity-and-model-studded “girl squad” - none of which was more incisive than Lara Marie Schoenhals’s hilarious parody video - took her by surprise. “I never would have imagined that people would have thought, This is a clique that wouldn’t have accepted me if I wanted to be in it... I thought it was going to be we can still stick together, just like men are allowed to.”
“Female power” is not automatically faultless, and can of course be tainted by all other sorts of biases and assumptions about class, race, and sexual orientation, to name just a few more common pitfalls. Swift’s face-palm-inducing 2015 misunderstanding with Nicki Minaj revealed this, of course, and plenty of people felt that her sudden embrace of the LGBTQ community in the “You Need to Calm Down” was a clumsy overcorrection for her past silence. Maybe she would have gotten where she was quicker if she were a man. But it would take a more complicated, and perhaps less catchy, song to acknowledge she might not have gotten there at all had she not also enjoyed other privileges.
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Art has its own kind of power - sneakier and harder to measure than the economic kind. The reason Taylor Swift has been worth talking about incessantly for an entire decade is that she continues to wield this kind, too. “I don’t think her commercial responsibilities detract from her genuine passion for her craft,” a then-17-year-old Tavi Gevinson wrote in a memorable 2013 essay for The Believer. “Have you ever watched her in interviews when she gets asked about her actual songwriting? She becomes that kid who’s really into the science fair.”
After so much industry drama, much of the lived-in, self-reflective Lover is a simple reminder that Swift was and still is a singular songwriter. Yes, this was the decade of such loud, flashy missteps as “Look What You Made Me Do,” “Welcome to New York,” and “Me!,” but it was also a decade of so many quieter triumphs: the pulsing synesthesia of “Red,” the nervous heart flutter of “Delicate,” the sleek sophistication of “Style,” the concise lyricism of “Mean,” the cathartic fun of “22,” the slow-dance swoon of “Lover.” But like so many of her fans, and even Swift herself, I still find the most enduringly powerful song she’s ever written to be “All Too Well,” the smoldering breakup scrapbook released on her great 2012 album Red. “Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well,” she sings, an innocent enough lyric that, by the end of the song, comes to glint like a switchblade. In a decade of DGAF, ghosting, and performative chill, remembering it all too well might be Swift’s stealthiest superpower. She felt it deeply, can still access that feeling whenever she needs to, and that means she can size you up in a line as concisely cutting as “so casually cruel in the name of being honest.” Forget Jake Gyllenhaal or John Mayer. That’s the sort of observation that would bring Goliath to his knees.
“It is still the case that when listeners hear a female voice, they do not hear a voice that connotes authority,” the historian Mary Beard writes in her manifesto Women & Power, “or rather they have not learned how to hear authority in it.” At least in the realm of pop music, Swift has spent the better part of her decade chipping away at that double standard, and teaching people how to think about cultural power a little bit differently. She sprinkled artful emblems of teen-girl-speak through her smash hits (“Uhhh he calls me and he’s like, ���I still love you,’ and I’m like, ‘This is exhausting, we are never getting back together, like, ever”) and did not abandon her effusive love of kittens and butterflies in order to be taken seriously. As an artist and a businesswoman, she made the power of teen girls - and the women who used to be them - that much more perilous to ignore. Because they’ve been there all along, and they remember all too well.
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easedegree80 · 4 years ago
What Is Kid Inclusive Mediation.
Arbitration Plus
Divorce Bill Ends The Blame Game Which Is Good News For Arbitration.
Details Meetings (miams).
We Supply Legal Suggestions With The Objective Of Settling Work Environment Disagreements.
Household Mediation Solicitors.
For How Long Does A Collective Separation Take?
In some cases the court may ask social employees to supply the court with info concerning a child's well-being or desires as well as feelings secretive law process, if the LA currently has some knowledge of or negotiations with the family. This is an order which is normally made in court disagreements between moms and dads (called personal legislation disputes-- see F.A.Q. What are exclusive regulation process?).
Winston Solicitors are advised Leeds solicitors for conveyancing, family members law consisting of separation, employment law including settlement agreements, wills, counts on as well as probate, accident claims consisting of CICA settlement. Free family mediation Rushden -- The primary step while doing so is to go to a different, confidential MIAM. This is to enable the conciliator to find out about your situation, to evaluate suitability for arbitration and for you to find out about the arbitration process and different means forward. If you wish to continue and also the moderator analyzes your situation as ideal we will after that call your 2nd event to invite them to a separate MIAM. He is a parent of 4 and also has belonged to the Regulation Society Children Panel for over 24 years which means he has the ability to stand for kids in complex court process.
Divorce Costs Finishes The Blame Game Which Is Excellent News For Arbitration.
Mediation can assist settle conflicts on sensible problems, with the support of a qualified expert. It's a volunteer procedure, neither parent can be required to attempt mediation if they don't wish to. It is not counselling or advice-- the focus gets on making an agreement that works as opposed to discussing feelings. The mediator will help you and the various other moms and dad undergo all your issues, think of your alternatives, choose whether they would work well in practice and pertain to an agreement about what's finest.
The focus on mediation is in discovering the middle ground between individuals. " There is fairly a considerable evidence base that shows that women and also youngsters can be endangered as well as, as a matter of fact, harmed in the arbitration process when domestic abuse becomes part of the image". Our moderators are educated to mediate with children and also are DBS checked. Family members Mediation motivates both moms and dads to deal with what they would both like to accomplish which is a less stressful procedure than court.
Information Conferences (miams).
It does show up that some solicitors will certainly motivate their customers to head to mediation before going to court, on the basis that the sheriff/judge will refer them at a later phase if not. So the variety of referrals consequently of the policy is greater than the 6% which come straight from the courts.
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For subsequent sessions there is a toll of costs reliant upon your economic conditions. A decreased price Arbitration Solution for home, financial and youngster plans to aid dividing pairs. Allow us assist you attain a tranquil as well as more affordable option to expensive and prolonged court setups. 11.46 Assistance for children can also aid to place the kid at the centre of the court case as they can be more aware of the treatment. This would certainly connect in with the recommendation of Power Up/Power Down that kids would like to know what is taking place throughout the court procedure.
We Supply Legal Advice With The Goal Of Solving Work Environment Disagreements.
The arbitrator will certainly speak with you briefly about the procedure to ensure you understand exactly how it functions. They will then contact your partner and also have the exact same conversation with them. Occasionally arbitrators like to do this one-on-one as opposed to on the telephone. Publically funded mediators will likewise evaluate your qualification for monetary support and also clarify fees if you are not eligible. If you make a decision not to mediate, this phase is needed if you wish to litigate, as the court will expect a certification from the moderator prior to you start procedures.
Conciliators are neutral as well as will certainly not take sides, so they can not provide advice to either of you. They will normally recommend that you obtain legal advice along with the mediation procedure as well as will assist you as to when this need to take place. A conciliator is an impartial 3rd party that is qualified by one of the identified arbitration authorities to carry out mediation associating with family problems. The majority of children as well as youths with extra requirements do not need an education, wellness and care demands evaluation or an EHC plan. Pre-school settings, schools and colleges should place assistance in place to make sure kids and also youths with added needs are learning as well as developing along with their peers.
Household Mediation Solicitors.
As an example, in treatment procedures, the LA will certainly be the 'applicant' and also the moms and dads as well as any kind of various other parties will certainly be known as 'participants'. The court can make a personal law order in public law/care proceedings if this is taken into consideration to be in the kid's best interests. However, Neighborhood Authorities can not make an application for Kid Program Orders.
In many cases, we meet each of you independently before starting a meeting together.
In our experience, the large bulk of people are able to get to an agreement.
We do everything we can to make certain that the place is secure, comfortable and the setting non-judgmental.
Nonetheless, if you are incapable to get to an agreement in mediation, you are still able to bargain straight or via your lawyers and inevitably, you can make an application to the courts or using a privately picked mediator.
If a suggested arrangement is reached the mediator will prepare paperwork which sets out the proposed regards to the contract and also provides a clear understanding as well as document of what has actually been agreed in between you.
Mediation may be especially ideal where the events in disagreement hope to maintain, or to renew, their industrial connections.
Not necessarily, yet our experience reveals that arbitration functions best where you establish a discussion as well as have the ability to review the issues straight in a controlled and comfy environment.
Any contract gone over is not binding upon you as it goes through both of you having independent lawful suggestions.
The court may ask an officer of CAFCASS to create a report to aid make decisions concerning where a youngster should live. CAFCASS additionally provide guardians to represent kids in treatment process or complicated private regulation process.
11.45 Any kind of advice would not need legislation and might aid enhance litigants as well as children's experience of the court process. 11.40 We are seeking deem to whether the Scottish Ministers should make such policies to make clear that confidentiality of mediation extends to instances entailing cross border abduction of kids. The regulations would certainly clarify that arbitration in these cases would gain from the very same degree of discretion as mediation in various other kinds of family members instances. 11.14 Relationships Scotland numbers for 2015/16 program that there were 153 court references to their organisation for family members arbitration. This is 6% of the complete number of arbitration referrals to Relationship Scotland bodies.
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There is currently a requirement that any person wanting to go to court must participate in a meeting with a suitably qualified conciliator to find out about mediation as well as various other non-court alternatives. The outcome of arbitration is not binding on either celebration as well as, really usually, it is required for the events to advise their Lawyers to advance their propositions to impact a binding contract.
They will on a regular basis evaluate the support to make sure it's working and also helping your child to advance. While we can not ensure that dividing won't be disturbing, we are here to assist you maintain dignity in divorce and also expect better times, not only on your own but also for your children also. At Marcia Arbitration we have a long as well as positive performance history of supplying youngster inclusive mediation services. Again, family mediation is distinctly with the ability of listening to the individual voices of everybody who has a risk in the process, as well as of locating solutions that fit all entailed as high as feasible. But also for youngsters seeing their parents different can be challenging on a much deeper psychological degree, particularly if the splitting up is not entirely friendly or if there is a disagreement over future living setups. 4PB barrister arbitrators have the ability to moderate with various other free professionals such as family specialist moderators, financial professional conciliators and also solicitor conciliators.
What happens if family mediation fails?
If two parties to a dispute cannot come to a final agreement through mediation, there are several choices: Go to Trial: If the mediation fails then the case can still go to court to be reviewed and decided by a judge. Go Back to web based Winslow mediation : You can go to another mediation process and begin a new mediation.
A 'party' to court process is a single person or lawful entity which either makes an application to the court or is replying to an application. Events to court procedures may be called different names, relying on what sort of process they are included with.
If you are not eligible for Lawful Aid, then appointment costs will use. Our Flying start Mediation package includes a joint analysis as well as a mediation session at ₤ 150 per person.
They can also explain how you can make your contract legitimately binding, if you wish to. Household mediation benefits many people however it is wrong for everyone. It will certainly not be suitable if, as an example, there's been residential abuse or you're fretted about the safety and security of the kids. The moderator will certainly help you recognize if it could be ideal for your scenario. If you've been welcomed to a MIAM, you're anticipated to go - unless you're excluded. If you don't go to, the conciliator can authorize a paper allowing the other parent to get a court order concerning your kid arrangements.
Ian Walker is trained by Resolution to meet kids as part of the arbitration process. The conciliator is required to have added training to be accepted by the Household Arbitration Council to promote these meetings. We also have the ability to describe external mediators or an outside youngster specialist as required. Making setups for shared-parenting when feelings are running high is very challenging. In this scenario when feelings have become resentful, youngsters captured up in the fight can be utilized as pawns or bargaining chips.
How long does custody mediation last?
Mediation sessions typically last two to three hours. The session usually begins with the mediator making introductions and explaining his or her role. He or she will then ask you and your ex to briefly introduce yourselves, present your side of the story, and give a brief explanation of why you are seeking mediation.
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butterwasp8 · 4 years ago
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Possibly you have pets, cats, steeds and even fish, they all need taking care of. What will take place to them if you do not choose and leave guidelines in your will. Call us today regarding composing your will, then you as well as your friends can be prepared. You might have a pal that is prepared to make all these setups however unless you provide the authority to do so, by making them an administrator in your will, they will be not able to deal with your estate. If open site had youngsters from a previous partnership or marriages after that you must make one more will if you intend to guarantee they are provided for after your fatality.
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It might cost you much more, but it'll offer you peace-of-mind that your estate will be appropriately looked after according to your desires. Besides, this will be just one of the primary reasons you will be thinking about making a Will to begin with. With current events pressing the thought of our own mortality higher up our list of priorities however, there's most likely to be a surge in Will creating. Making a Will can be basic, but everyone's demands are various so it is important to get the best advice from the beginning. We will work with you to make certain your Will is ideal for you as well as your circumstances. We advise that you evaluate your Will a minimum of when every five years to ensure that it continues to show your desires.
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At any time you can leave the Simple Questionnaire process to consider responses and then review at an ideal time. There is NO monetary dedication to the Simple Set of questions process.
" The on-line submission is quick and simple and also if you lead an active life this is the perfect means to finish your will. Thank you Kwil I would highly recommend this service". for a pairs Will, you can develop your very own legally binding will online with Kwil today. Takes just half an hour and you pay nothing till you more than happy to print and also sign. The federal government has actually created policies to make sure that in the procedure of probate, the Executors purely follow the directions in the Will and additionally satisfy all estate tax responsibilities, and also various other government duties.
You should examine your Will much more frequently if your scenarios alter, for instance if you have a kid, buy a joint home or obtain separated. You must meticulously consider who you wish to assign as your Executors. Each Executor should be someone that you trust to perform your dreams. It has to identify the person or individuals that ought to get your estate.
These guidelines are stringent as well as take no account of any kind of personal preference as well as needs. They decide which family members will acquire and the percentage share. For more certain information please visit Land Computer system registry website. Between partners and civil companions, you must likely have your residence as 'joint occupants'. ' As such, the survivor acquires your home definitely, and also without Estate tax'. In this situation, there is no demand to 'transform' the possession to tenants-in-common.
If a property/land is possessed as tenants-in-common, upon the death of one of the co-owners their share of the property/land will 'pass through' their Will as well as be acquired by the recipients named in the Will. It is not useful or practical to assign greater than 2 guardians. The visit of one guardian is absolutely great; most individuals only appoint one.
This scenario covers the instance where you have a wife/husband/partner with youngsters that may be young or developed. So it makes logical sense to make your co-parent the single beneficiary. If they die before you, after that the youngsters will inherit, and in instance these die before you, even though this is unlikely, they acquire, replace beneficiaries will inherit. Give all to one "individual" (e.g. spouse/partner), then pass onto my children/child if the "individual" passes away before me, and afterwards pass onto substitute beneficiaries if my spouse/partner and also my kids pass away prior to me.
Appoint Guardians For Small Youngsters.
Executors do not need to accept be named ahead of time as well as can decline to act if they wish to. Usually, however, Administrators are chosen because they have a close relationship/friendship with the person making the Will and are typically going to help and also serve as Executors. Generally, many people indicate in their Will whether they wish to be hidden, cremated or you can state nothing if you are detached. We ensure that if any person dies prior to you then that percentage share is split in fair proportion to the remaining beneficiaries.
Whichever approach you pick you will need to take into consideration exactly how to save your Will to maintain it secure, you can ask a solicitor or your financial institution to save it - this might be totally free or attract a tiny cost. If you opt for writing a Will yourself you can discover a theme online or at a great stationery store. Every member of our friendly as well as understanding Wills, Depends on and also Probate Departmentwill encourage you and aid respond to any kind of concerns you may have about composing a will. You will additionally locate information in our publication "Why make a will? and for information on what happens if you die without a will, see our intestacy flowchart.
Learn Exactly How To Compose A Will, Just How Much It Will Cost And Where You Can Keep It.
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Your Will must assign an Executor or Administrators that will be responsible for managing the administration of your estate. Here are a few of our most often asked questions when it involves Wills as well as writing a Will.
In the UK just grownups can make a Will, with the exemption of members of the armed services who are aged 16 or above. A Will not made under the proper treatments as well as which does not conform to certain legal problems will be declared invalid (all Wills on fatality go to a division of the High Court to be "confirmed"). Solicitor options call for full individual conferences, extensive adhere to up documentation together with prices which can vary from ₤ 100 to ₤ 400 per hr plus VAT. No, you do NOT need a lawyer or to go to a lawyer's firm to draft a Will. However, it is important to be directed over the process of making a Will, as we do at, and also for the record to be built in a sensible and also clear way.
This will mean that the guardians have control over welfare, wellness and also schooling problems similarly that parents have over their own youngsters. We do not 'name' each child but rather refer to after that all as 'children'. This covers any kind of children that are birthed after the Will is signed, as well as it likewise prevents any type of errors if youngsters are improperly called. Upon a divorce (i.e when the Court makes your separation authorities), your Will will still stand, but any type of advantage mosting likely to your ex-spouse is removed by law. If a lawyer, accounting professional or various other professional is designated as an Executor they are qualified to bill for the work they do, so they will additionally get an advantage because sense. If the Administrator of your Will has an interest in your estate you will also wish to see to it every little thing is carried out effectively as well as appropriately. Administrators are the name given to the persons assigned in a Will to manage the estate for the Person who makes the Will.
When this happens, the probate court will select somebody to act as the Administrator, that may not be the individual you wanted. Likewise, in the electronic age, on the internet properties require to be thought about; particularly those that hold either emotional or economic worth, consisting of the similarity PayPal, email addresses and social media accounts. Our blog on protecting your digital legacy will give you some guidelines on exactly how you can make it as simple as possible for enjoyed ones to access your digital properties. Lawyers, however, are controlled experts meaning you can be certain your Will has been properly prepared.
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It's perfectly legal to write your own will, and any number of products exist to help you with this, from software programs to will-writing kits to the packet of forms you can pick up at your local drugstore.
This can be quickly avoided by making a will, so why put your spouse or partner through this? If the home loan is in your name after that your financial institution or structure culture will be not able to discuss this with your spouse or partner; this relates to all home costs. Your companion will not only need to cope with the pain from shedding you, they will likewise have economic concerns to cope with. Besides the evident concerns concerning deciding that you would love to acquire your residential or commercial property, there are several other points to consider when you are thinking of making a will. We recognize that money can be overwhelming, so we have actually assembled useful short articles and also easy-to-follow overviews to help you feel monetarily confident. The worth of financial investments can fall in addition to increase and also you might return less than you invest.
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A Will shields your picked beneficiaries' rate of interests after you have actually passed away but a Lasting Power of Attorney protects your very own passion while you're still to life. Depending upon the sort of LPA you choose, it provides an attorney the authority to either make home & financial or health & welfare decisions in your place if you are incapable to do so. Your Executor needs to be a person you trust fund as well as is qualified since it brings fairly some duty. You may likewise wish to choose a substitute Administrator in case your initial person is unable to act - these can be loved ones, pals and even a lawyer. This tends to be even more of a problem with templated Wills where individuals neglect to name the Executors of their Will.
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We additionally give high quality customer service and support with the whole process. All to make sure you obtain the best paper and also one which you can rely on. You can attempt our service completely free; see what your Will appears like before making a decision to purchase it. There is NO financial commitment to the glossLegal's Simple Questionnaire procedure and it can be abandoned at no cost any time. Anybody who possesses residential or commercial property in their own name such as bank accounts, car, level/ house, furnishings, life insurance, and also death-in-service benefits and so on should have a Will. The Will states that cares for this property if you pass away and who will receive the advantage (see What is a will? and see What happens if I do not have a Will?).
The government will not release a 'certification' Grant of Probate which the Executors/Trustees call for to authorize their appointment and also carry out the instructions in the Will. The answer is that you can call what you such as in your Will, however if you do not really have that asset/property after that it will simply be overlooked. This will likewise cover assets/property which do not 'pass under your Will'. You can make a Will if you are 18 or over and if you have the mental capacity to make a Will. This means that you ought to recognize what making a Will indicates, understand what building you have and will be covered by your Will, and also who must be called in your Will.
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septembersung · 5 years ago
Based on the discourse crossing my dash, it looks to me like what a lot of people are missing the in the censorship argument are three important things: 1) agreed-upon definitions of the words they’re using (censorship, free speech, right) 2) social context and 3) Catholic doctrine.
Let’s take these issues one at a time.
Would censorship work as public policy on a mass scale today in America? No. Should it? You can argue both yes and no, depending on which perspective you’re answering the question from: moral or political.
Here’s one approach to the “yes” answer: It’s about morality, which, and I’m addressing my fellow believers here, we know to objective, not relative or subjective, and knowable by reason even by persons without faith, for the natural law is written on the heart of man. Look at it this way: If you, the reader of this post, presumably a Catholic or at least some kind of religious conservative if you’re reading my blog, think that schools and media should have decency standards to protect the innocent, especially children, or that porn should be illegal, or that the gender ideology should be excluded from classrooms, or that you the parent should have the right to decide what educational materials and media your children consume and when, then you are in favor of a kind of censorship.
Would such bans, say on porn or certain kinds of material in media in the name of public decency, be a kind of censorship that violates the American right to free speech? In the Constitution, “free speech” was written to mean individuals are to be protected from governmental reprisal when they criticize or challenge the government. It was a political protection for political topics for a people whose politics had not become morality debates and who shares a common morality. Similarly, freedom of the press is supposed to mean the press is not a propaganda arm of the government. Nowhere is any individual granted a Constitutionally guaranteed right to fling whatever filth they want on the public. And certainly not when the public cannot agree on what constitutes “filth.” 
All of that remains true and we can see that censorship of any sort, even common sense moral safeguards like a ban on pornography, are not going to fly or be workable in a society like today’s America, which is where we get to the “no” answer. America is secular, which means default atheistic, and, especially today, is radically pluralistic, which means there is exactly nothing that all or even a majority of its citizens hold in common, neither in culture, morals, political ideals, or religion. We recognize that a secular - let’s be absolutely clear what we mean - an atheistic government, particularly a supposedly pluralistic-population-representative one owing its legitimacy to “the people,” does not have the authority or the ability to create and enforce uniform standards of legal morality. Laws that deal with morality, whether it be public decency or murder, are borne out of the social mores and religious convictions of its people, and taken as a unified citizenry, Americans have none. 
But here’s the kicker for us Catholics. We are obligated to believe that Jesus Christ is the true King and rightful master of every soul, whether that soul believes in Him or not, and the rightful supreme ruler of every nation, whether that nation believes in Him or not. We celebrate this every year on the feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the traditional Roman celebration of this feast, the emphasis is on His social kingship. In the Novus Ordo, it’s on His spiritual kingship. The emphases are different but they are both true and both present in each. 
This is where “error has no rights” comes from. Now we’re in the realm of theology and doctrine, not political philosophy. Is there any creature who has the “right” to defy the King of the Universe? Catholic teaching clearly and consistently has always taught: no. We have the ability to do it, because we are rational free beings. If we reject God, He will honor that choice and we will spend eternity without Him, in hell. But we do not have a “right” to do it. “Freedom” in Catholic teaching has always meant freedom for excellence, not “license to do anything you want,” because sin and error are not freedom, but slavery - sin - the “wages” of which is “death,” as St. Paul says. We do not have a “right” to sin. (To address the inevitable objection: Does this mean we ought to force conversions? No. Forced conversions are sinful and illegitimate, as the Church has always taught, and I wrote about elsewhere.)
This truth, about the universality of Christ’s kingship and the duty all souls owe to him, does have an application in political philosophy. What binds on individuals binds especially so on leaders of individuals, including the state. Numerous popes (among other sources) have written extensively on the duty of states to support the genuine and objective best welfare of their people. The popes have again and again decried the “godless state” as an offense against God and a serious problem that will lead societies into terrible trouble and souls into hell - precisely because the godless state is in a state of rebellion against God and against its duties to its people. 
Now consider much of the history of nations, before nations became secular - that is, atheist. Even after the unity of Christendom was broken by the splitting of Protestants from the Church, for some time Europe had culturally cohesive states with a unified moral code. They understood that some things, in morality and in philosophy, are wrong. They are sins, and as sins, are dangerous to the salvation of souls and to the commonweal. Souls and society stand or fall together. This understanding of the importance of protecting the innocent, fulfilling the virtue of religion (giving to God what is His due), and serving the objective best interests of the people, is how you arrive at a conclusion like, “no one has a right to disseminate atheistic literature.” 
The Catholic Church has always upheld censorship as a just power of legitimate authority, particularly for the Church herself (after all, she kept a famous Index of banned books for a very long time,) and in some measure by the secular state as well. Note the distinction between the Church’s use and the state’s use. They are distinct, but historically, have overlapped; sometimes the state is the proper authority to enforce something, and sometimes the Church.
The example of the family is instructive; it’s on a scale we more easily comprehend. If you are a good father or mother, do you allow people you think wrong and dangerous to come into your home and start teaching your children their wrong and dangerous view of the world and terrible habits? Of course not. The younger and more innocent, and therefore the more vulnerable, your children are, the more important this is. My oldest is only just approaching the age of reason, so I say this with vehement personal conviction. Grossly undervaluing the vital necessity of protecting the innocent (of all ages) is a major mistake being made by an awful lot of people, and we can look around our society and see the consequences of that.
Now pay attention, because, even if you’ve followed this far, this is the point where a lot is lost in translation on this topic. Analogies only go so far, obviously, so let’s take it a little further: 
Children grow up. Good parents are actively involved in what their children are learning and are helping them absorb information in a healthy and age-appropriately nuanced way. This includes, at the right time, introducing them to error. I think what most blows me away about the discourse I’ve seen is how people are equating “error has no rights” with “enforce totalitarian groupthink where no one can ever ask questions.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Asking questions, challenging the truth in your own mind, coming to grips with it, is essential for forming mature thinkers and especially mature believers. This was as true in Christendom, in a unified, Catholic society where censorship could be reasonably understood and employed, as it is in our pluralistic, atheistic society. The difference is we no longer have the safeguards of a moral and just society - we have to reinvent the wheel in our own families, and try to create that safe and stable environment in which our children can be formed in virtue and grow in truth and holiness. 
Okay, so much for children and the family as an analogy. But we’re grownups, right, and and society as we’re discussing it is made up of grownups, who are supposed to do this truth-pursuing, virtue-growing, salvation-striving thing for themselves, right, on our own, and we don’t need a nanny-government hanging over our shoulder! Well - wrong and right. From the Church’s point of view, we are all children, and we do need that guidance as grownups. Not from a nanny-state, certainly not in today’s context where there’s no organization less authorized or qualified, but from the Church, our holy Mother. Which is why things like Index of prohibited books existed. To protect the faith and the innocence of ordinary people who do not have the time or the expertise or the sheer stamina to wade through all the absolute garbage and damaging stuff out there to “figure it out” for ourselves. 
Let’s be clear. Such a list didn’t stop people who wanted to from reading those books. To be even clearer, having a unified Catholic culture did not stop people from being unbelievers, from asking questions, from speaking and writing their views and having debates. The famed medieval disputatio was not all (or, ever,) “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin,” nor were debates and wrestling with faith and the big questions of life just for monk-academics. What we’re talking about is a culture that, as a whole, understood and agreed upon the most important foundational truths of the world, and had safeguards in place to preserve society from those forces which would tear it apart. I’m asking you to seriously think about that, as a Christian, who believes that getting souls to heaven is the most important thing there is. Are you really willing to argue that such a view of a healthy society is not a good thing? (I didn’t say “think it’s perfect” or “think it’s without flaws”, but - do you really think it’s not a good thing?)
Remember I am writing to you, my fellow Christians, who, I hope believe with me that salvation is the single most important goal. I didn’t write all this out to be like “yeah man, let’s burn all the Dawkins books and throw all the atheists in jail and get Congress to pass another amendment promising fines for non-Christians.” I just spent the last hour or so of my life writing this out to hopefully help you see that what this discourse is dancing around - with a lot of really unpleasant to watch flying-off-the-handle all around - are some extremely serious and already well-defined issues in Catholic thought, and actual doctrine that’s being run roughshod over. When it comes to the faith and philosophy, just because it shows up as an argument on tumblr doesn’t mean we can afford to indulge a knee-jerk reaction. 
tl;dr: “Censorship” is not a dirty word. It does not mean advocating for thought control and no debate or asking questions about anything ever. It does not mean punishing people who are wrong. It is, instead, a practice defended and adopted the Church when exercised by legitimate authority in the service of the objective truth, the rights of God, and the best interest of souls and society. 
I really would like to believe that most of the Christian community on tumblr is capable of thinking on issues like this with a little bit of caution and nuance. When we talk about issues that touch on everything from dogma to political philosophy to Church-approved ways to help safeguard the salvation of souls, we could all use a little more education on the topics involved (myself included!) - and a little more level-headedness. 
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ts1989fanatic · 5 years ago
Taylor Swift Bent the Music Industry to Her Will
In the 2010s, she became its savviest power player.
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In late November 2019, Taylor Swift gave a career-spanning performance at the American Music Awards before accepting the statue for Artist of the Decade. (Swift was perhaps the perfect cross between the award’s two previous recipients, Britney Spears and Garth Brooks.) Clad in a cascading rose-colored cape and holding court among the younger female artists in attendance — 17-year-old Billie Eilish, 22-year-old Camila Cabello, 25-year-old Halsey — Swift had the queenly air of an elder stateswoman. After picking up five additional awards, including Artist of the Year, she became the show’s most decorated artist in history. “This is such a great year in music. The new artists are insane,” she declared in her acceptance speech, with big-sister gravitas. That night, she finally outgrew that “Who, me?” face of perpetual awards-show surprise; she accepted the honors she won like an artist who believed she had worked hard enough to deserve them.
Swift cut an imposing adult figure up there, because somewhere along the line she’d become one. The 2010s have coincided almost exactly with Swift’s 20s, with the subtle image changes and maturations across her last five album cycles coming to look like an Animorphs cover of a savvy and talented young woman gradually growing into her power. And so to reflect on the Decade in Taylor Swift is to assess not just her sonic evolutions but her many industry chess moves: She took Spotify to task in a Wall Street Journal op-ed and got Apple to reverse its policy of not paying artists royalties during a three-month free trial of its music-streaming service. She sued a former radio DJ for allegedly groping her during a photo op and demanded just a symbolic victory of $1, as if to say the money wasn’t the point. Critics wondered whether she was leaning too heavily on her co-writers, so she wrote her entire 2010 album, Speak Now, herself, without any collaborators. In 2018, she severed ties with her longtime label, Big Machine Records, and negotiated a new contract with Universal Music Group that gave her ownership of her masters and assurance that she (and any other artist on the label) would be paid out if UMG ever sold its Spotify shares. Yes, she stoked the flames of her celebrity feuds with Kanye West, Kim Kardashian West, and Katy Perry plenty over the past ten years, but she’s also focused some of her combative energy on tackling systemic problems and fashioning herself into something like the music industry’s most high-profile vigilante. Few artists have made royalty payments and the minutiae of entertainment-law front-page news as often as Swift has.
Within the industry, Swift has always had the reputation of being something of a songwriting savant (in 2007, when “Our Song” was released, then-17-year-old Swift became the youngest person ever to write and perform a No. 1 song on the Billboard Country chart), but she has long desired to be considered an industry power player, too. A 2011 New Yorker profile of Swift circa her blockbuster Speak Now World Tour noted that she initially intended to follow her parents’ footsteps and pursue a career in business, quoting her saying, “I didn’t know what a stockbroker was when I was 8, but I would just tell everybody that’s what I was going to be.” In an even earlier interview, she fondly recalled the times in elementary school when she stayed up late with her mother, practicing for school presentations. “I’m sick of women not being able to say that they have strategic business minds — because male artists are allowed to,” she said this year in an unusually candid Rolling Stone interview. “And I’m so sick and tired of having to pretend like I don’t mastermind my own business.” Of course, she still spent plenty of time sitting at her piano or strumming her guitar, but in that conversation she painted herself as someone who is also “sit[ting] in a conference room several times a week,” coming up with ideas about how best to market her music and her career.
And so over the past decade, Swift’s face has appeared not just on magazine covers and television screens, but on UPS trucks and Amazon packages. Her songs have been featured in Target commercials and NFL spots, to name just two of her many lucrative partnerships. That New Yorker profile also found her to be uncommonly enthused about the fact that her CDs were being sold in Starbucks: “I was so stoked about it, because it’s been one of my goals — I always go into Starbucks, and I wished that they would sell my album.”
“Taylor Swift is something like the Sheryl Sandberg of pop music,” Hazel Cills wrote recently in Jezebel. “She has propelled her career from tiny country artist into pop machine over the past few years with little shame when it comes to corporate collaborators.” Such brazen femme-capitalism will always be a turnoff to some people (“the Sheryl Sandberg of pop music” is even less of a compliment in 2019 than it was when Lean In was first published), but it’s undeniable that it has helped Swift maintain and leverage her status as a commercial juggernaut more consistently than any other pop star over the past ten years.
In the 2010s, with the clockwork certainty of a midterm election, there was a Taylor Swift album every other autumn. (Yes, there was a three-year gap between 1989 and Reputation, but she all but made up for it with the quick timing of August’s Lover.) The kinds of pop superstars considered her peers did not stick to such rigid schedules: Adele released two studio albums this decade, Beyoncé released three, and even Rihanna — who for the first three years of the decade was averaging an album a year — eventually slowed her roll and will have released just four when the 2010s are all said and done. The only A-plus-list musician who saturated the market as steadily as Swift did this decade was Drake.
Still, Drake’s commercial dominance was more of a newfangled phenomenon, capitalizing on the industry’s sudden reliance on streaming and his massive popularity on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Drake might be the artist who rode the streaming wave most successfully this decade, but — with her strategic withholding of her albums from certain platforms until they better compensated artists — Swift was often the one bending it to her will. And she could do that because she didn’t need to rely on it solely: Somehow, against all odds, Taylor Swift still sold records. Like, gazillions of them. When Swift’s 2017 record, Reputation (some critics thought it was a critical misstep, but it certainly wasn’t a commercial one), moved 1.216 million units in its first seven days, Swift became the only artist in history to achieve four different million-selling weeks. And, of course, all four of these weeks came during a decade when traditional album sales were on a precipitous decline. At least for those mere mortals who were not an all-powerful being named Taylor Alison Swift.
“Female empowerment” has been such an ambient, unquestioned virtue of the pop culture of this decade that we have too often failed to take a step back and ask ourselves what sort of power is being advocated for, and if its attainment should always be a cause for celebration. Is “female empowerment” any different from the hollow, materialistic promises of the late ’90s “girl power”? Is “female power” inherently different or more benevolent than its default male counterpart? Maybe this feels like such a distinctly American hang-up because we have not yet experienced that mythic, oft-imagined figure of the First Female President, and have thus not had to contend with the cold reality that, whoever she is, she will, like all of us, be inevitably flawed, imperfect, and at least occasionally disappointing.
As she’s grown into her own brand of 21st-century American pop feminism — sometimes elegantly, sometimes gawkily — Swift seems to have come to a firm conviction that female power is essentially more virtuous than the male variety. This was a side of herself she celebrated in her AMA performance. Swift opened her medley with a few fiery bars of “The Man,” her own personalized daydream of what gender equality would look like: “I’m so sick of running as fast as I can,” she sings, “wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man.” She wore an oversize white button-down onto which the titles of her old albums were stamped in a correctional-facility font: SPEAK NOW, RED, 1989, REPUTATION. Plenty of the millions of people who scrutinize Swift’s every move interpreted her choice of outfit and song as not-so-subtle jabs at Big Machine’s Scott Borchetta and the manager-to-the-stars Scooter Braun, with whom Swift is still in a messy, uncommonly public battle over the fate of her master recordings. (The only album title missing from her outfit was “LOVER,” which happens to be the only one of which she has full ownership.) She has framed the terms of her battle with Borchetta and Braun in strikingly gendered language: “These are two very rich, very powerful men, using $300 million of other people’s money to purchase, like, the most feminine body of work,” she told Rolling Stone. “And then they’re standing in a wood-panel bar doing a tacky photo shoot, raising a glass of Scotch to themselves.” Though she is herself a very rich, very powerful woman, she reads their message to be unquestionably condescending: Be a good little girl and shut up.
It is true that many record contracts are designed to take advantage of young artists, and that young women and people of color are probably perceived by music executives to be the marks most vulnerable to exploitation. But it is also true that Swift signed a legally binding contract, the kind that a businesswoman like herself would have to respect if it were signed by somebody else. Braun, who has been asking to have these negotiations in private rather than on Twitter, claims to have received death threats from her fans.
Even as she’s grown into one of the most dominant pop-culture figures in the world, Swift sometimes still seems to be clinging to her old underdog identity, to the extent that she can fail to grasp the magnitude of her own power or account for the blind spots of her privilege. “Someday I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me,” she sang on Speak Now’s Grammy-winning 2010 single “Mean,” seemingly oblivious to the fact that, compared to 99.99 percent of the population, she already was. The mid-decade backlash to Swift’s thin-white-celebrity-and-model-studded “girl squad” — none of which was more incisive than Lara Marie Schoenhals’s hilarious parody video — took her by surprise. “I never would have imagined that people would have thought, This is a clique that wouldn’t have accepted me if I wanted to be in it … I thought it was going to be we can still stick together, just like men are allowed to.”
“Female power” is not automatically faultless, and can of course be tainted by all other sorts of biases and assumptions about class, race, and sexual orientation, to name just a few more common pitfalls. Swift’s face-palm-inducing 2015 misunderstanding with Nicki Minaj revealed this, of course, and plenty of people felt that her sudden embrace of the LGBTQ community in the “You Need to Calm Down” was a clumsy overcorrection for her past silence. Maybe she would have gotten where she was quicker if she were a man. But it would take a more complicated, and perhaps less catchy, song to acknowledge she might not have gotten there at all had she not also enjoyed other privileges.
Art has its own kind of power — sneakier and harder to measure than the economic kind. The reason Taylor Swift has been worth talking about incessantly for an entire decade is that she continues to wield this kind, too. “I don’t think her commercial responsibilities detract from her genuine passion for her craft,” a then-17-year-old Tavi Gevinson wrote in a memorable 2013 essay for The Believer. “Have you ever watched her in interviews when she gets asked about her actual songwriting? She becomes that kid who’s really into the science fair.”
After so much industry drama, much of the lived-in, self-reflective Lover is a simple reminder that Swift was and still is a singular songwriter. Yes, this was the decade of such loud, flashy missteps as “Look What You Made Me Do,” “Welcome to New York,” and “Me!,” but it was also a decade of so many quieter triumphs: the pulsing synesthesia of “Red,” the nervous heart flutter of “Delicate,” the sleek sophistication of “Style,” the concise lyricism of “Mean,” the cathartic fun of “22,” the slow-dance swoon of “Lover.” But like so many of her fans, and even Swift herself, I still find the most enduringly powerful song she’s ever written to be “All Too Well,” the smoldering breakup scrapbook released on her great 2012 album Red. “Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well,” she sings, an innocent enough lyric that, by the end of the song, comes to glint like a switchblade. In a decade of DGAF, ghosting, and performative chill, remembering it all too well might be Swift’s stealthiest superpower. She felt it deeply, can still access that feeling whenever she needs to, and that means she can size you up in a line as concisely cutting as “so casually cruel in the name of being honest.” Forget Jake Gyllenhaal or John Mayer. That’s the sort of observation that would bring Goliath to his knees.
“It is still the case that when listeners hear a female voice, they do not hear a voice that connotes authority,” the historian Mary Beard writes in her manifesto Women & Power, “or rather they have not learned how to hear authority in it.” At least in the realm of pop music, Swift has spent the better part of her decade chipping away at that double standard, and teaching people how to think about cultural power a little bit differently. She sprinkled artful emblems of teen-girl-speak through her smash hits (“Uhhh he calls me and he’s like, ‘I still love you,’ and I’m like, ‘This is exhausting, we are never getting back together, like, ever”) and did not abandon her effusive love of kittens and butterflies in order to be taken seriously. As an artist and a businesswoman, she made the power of teen girls — and the women who used to be them — that much more perilous to ignore. Because they’ve been there all along, and they remember all too well.
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inmiddleofnothing · 5 years ago
Lenovo “Express yourself” Valentine’s Day contest T&Cs
AGREEMENT TO TERMS & CONDITIONS: By participating in the” Express yourself” contest, you fully and unconditionally agree to and accept these Terms and Conditions.
THE CONTEST: To participate in the “#Express yourself ” contest, you can do one or more of the following:
·         Participants have to respond to the question asked by Lenovo India Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #ExpressYourself OR #ValentinesDay.
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alexsmitposts · 6 years ago
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Gay Pride Weaponized by CIA in Georgia Who said religion and politics don’t mix? Religion is one of the failsafe of any politician – lie and cheat and abuse people, and if you say that your actions are motivated by religion, everything will be forgiven. Trump was even sent to us to save Israel! Religious groups themselves are happy to indulge the worst kinds of politicians, as long as they feel it will give them a bigger platform to do as they want. How Evangelicals can support a man like Trump, with his track record of doing everything their Bibles tell them not to, is one of the great ironies of the US political system. But they do it because they feel his sort of outsider politics gives them a bigger platform to spread their message from – they are still “voices crying in the wilderness” (John 1:23), but when that wilderness is the White House, they might be heard. All of which makes it so much sadder that the US is so determined to fight religion as a matter of policy. The same Bible-thumpers who claim moral superiority by displaying their faith in public (Matthew 6:5) are not prepared to allow religion to inform the policies of other nations. Whenever faith rears its head to the US and its allies, this has to be a bad thing, to be cut off it its root. We are told that Islam equals terrorism; despite the fact no Quranic scholar accepts that. Judaism equals Zionism, trying to undermine Christianity, while Christianity itself is a negative force trying to undermine secular values, as if there can be any secular values without religious ones to form a blueprint. But it is not hard to see why this position is taken. Both common faith and tolerance of other faiths bind nations and populations together. They form a large part of individual identities and of national culture – the very things which make people believe they have value, and should be respected and listened to, and not blindly fulfil the role a greater power has assigned them. Remember those big parades in Communist countries, where people carried banners of the leaders and demonstrated their military might and the force of their ideology? This was the only way these Godless atheists could try and supplant religion – using all the externals of religion to try and convince the public theirs was the only one—and they had been drugged with these fake religions. The US always claimed it was anti-Communist and wanted to change these countries. Yet it has promoted every attempt to “modernise” former Soviet states, and many others, by cutting the religious values and identity of their people out of their political life. This means of course that people cannot make a free choice, but only one from the range of inadequate options presented to them. The greater gulf between the people and the politicians, the less the people expect their politicians to serve them, not their US paymasters. Freedom for slaves One aspect of “modernisation” we are all very familiar with is the Gay Pride movement. Most, if not all, religions regard both male and female homosexuality as sinful, behaviour not permitted for their adherents (Romans 1:27). Every nation on earth is also built on religious values, and a culture which sprang from these, so this position is part of every culture on some level, irrespective of the tolerance shown to individual gays. Yet for many years there has been a concerted attempt to introduce ever-wider acceptance of homosexuality as a practice and a culture. No one is arguing that homosexuals should be persecuted, or suffer any discrimination in law. But the continual promotion of homosexuality has created a powerful political Gay movement whose influence dwarfs, for example, that of the Women’s Movement or advocates of black and ethnic minority rights. At one time homosexuality was seen as a mental illness. This public service film from the 1950s reflects the official attitudes of that time. But if anyone now used exactly the same words used in the film, they themselves would be told that they are mentally ill for not having the right mindset towards homosexuals. Both of these “clinical judgments” cannot be correct at the same time, but we are told this policy is “science” rather than politics. In a largely secular country, this may not matter. But when you condemn whole cultures for having the contrary view, and deride their people for not being “tolerant”, “modern” or “enlightened” enough, you maintain those people are too ignorant to have a voice, and cannot therefore challenge your own “scientific” reasoning. Georgia in the mind In the light of the above, you might expect that the Republic of Georgia, the CIA dirty tricks capital of Eurasia, to be on the frontline of the struggle between national traditions and someone else’s idea of “modernity”. Indeed it is: Via USAID, NED and other front NGOs, the US has long funded groups that take exception, in the name of Gay Pride, to its religious institutions. The Georgian Orthodox Church has always been a beacon of national identity, even for those who are non-religious or belong to other faiths. The members of Georgia’s minority faiths (largely Islam, Judaism and Armenian non-Chalcedonian Orthodoxy) identify themselves as Georgians within a minority religion, and happily acknowledge that most fellow Georgians are in the majority. In 2010 there was a riot at Tbilisi State University. The students were protesting against a book called “Holy Crap”, apparently written by a fellow student, being launched there. The book was a vile attack on religion, which directly equated prayer with masturbation, amongst other things. It was designed to cause the maximum offence, and the students were not happy with their names being dragged through the mud, as they saw it, through association with the book However the student who wrote it was long gone by the time the book was launched, enjoying a nice holiday in another country, and it was paid for by mysterious benefactors. The book was defended by an organisation called the Liberal Institute, which insisted that Georgians were being harmed by religion, and this book was a necessary means of dragging them into the modern world. Of course no one would ever be allowed to publicly attack an institution of the “modern world”, such as the Liberal Institute, in this obscene way, as many of its enemies found. The Liberal Institute had strong links with Mikheil Saakashvili and his United National Movement regime. This was funded by the US, as protection for allowing the CIA to smuggle arms and drugs through the country, torture opponents and develop biological weapons, to name but a few of its well-documented local crimes. Saakashvili was sometimes seen in church on state occasions, but spent the rest of the time attacking the institution. It was he who first introduced Gay Pride marches to Georgia. These take the form of processions through the central streets, in which gays act like conquering armies, not celebrating their existence but the fact that they have been given political recognition as a cultural group. Most Georgians have long felt uneasy about this, despite being told they will “get used to it”. Not because they are anti-gay, although these events have often been disfigured by violence from their opponents, but because they know what is going on. Gay Pride means attacking the religion and culture which have kept the Georgian people together through the darkest years of foreign domination. It means attacking Georgians for being Georgian, and thinking that is a good thing. If it didn’t, the US would not be interested in promoting it, when there are many other things – such as respecting democratic pluralism and rule of law, and improving the material well-being of the local population – they could be interested in. Laws can’t change everything The Georgian Orthodox Church issued a strongly worded warning against Tbilisi Gay Celebration, calling Tbilisi Pride of June 18-23 “absolutely unacceptable” and a “sodomite sin”, calling on the government “not to allow” it. It remains interesting that Gay Pride groups overseas are well funded by USAID and European countries, when there are apparently so many gays, who do not fund any children, that these events should be self-financing, if not outright money-spinners. People may ask why there is any need for religion. Why organise around something which cannot be proven by “scientific” methods? Well maybe this is because those same “scientific” method are used to justify all the wars and killing which are usually blamed on religion itself. Political calculations dressed up as “superior reasoning” lie behind evil activities, and the more areas in which this can be done, the greater acceptance there is for the practice. Trump now wants religion to be taught in schools. His motivation is pandering to his political base. However he also advocates the decriminalisation of homosexuality in countries where it is illegal. The question of whether homosexuality should be subject to legal penalties is a different one from whether the practice should be promoted and celebrated. During the last UK parliamentary election Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron was believed to have cost his party a lot of votes by refusing to say in interviews whether he, as a Christian, considered homosexuality a sin. Yet he consistently voted for every pro-gay, anti-discrimination measure in parliament because he was a Liberal, and this should have been enough in practical terms. Double Standard But why does Trump want to interfere in the gay-related legislation of other countries? The US still has the death penalty for certain crimes, many other countries do not. The death penalty is a religious tenet, if you believe some interpretations of the Bible Trump is fond of invoking to justify ignoring it. So why isn’t Trump calling for every other country to adopt the death penalty, or Christian national holidays, or monogamy, or any other practice the Bible advocates? Could it be that he knows these measures would not criminalise anyone else’s values, and thus deprive them of a voice at the “sophisticated” tables of power the US always chairs? Some of the people, some of the time The gay community is not served by the US and its allies promoting Gay Pride rallies in the name of human rights—quite the contrary. Gays are being pitted against their fellow countrymen in a fight for control of their countries, a fight most of them have no desire to be part of. Most people in the world are religious, and practice their religion to a greater or lesser extent. When you demand by government dictate that a country embraces values contrary to its dominant religion, you undermine the whole country, condemn its people as backward and thereby say that they and their aspirations are not worth anything. Religion has played in important part in the historical and cultural development of nations and individuals. Whether a member of a particular nation is religious or not, they wouldn’t be what they are today without it—and that is well understood! If nations are going to grow and prosper as sovereign entities they need to rediscover and promote the values of their peoples, whatever those may be. It is no coincidence that when the United Kingdom was at the height of its power in the nineteenth century, the Church of England built ever larger churches which seem incongruous today. The aggressive public promotion of Gay Pride, which always comes with political and financial strings attached, is simply another means of gaining control of resources. Those same US politicians who seek support from the religious right are happy to ignore mainstream religious leaders on this issue, and any other which gets in their way. Apparently prosperity can only flow one way, and that involves excluding as many people as possible from the pipeline by calling them deviant. Saint Anthony the Great told us all this long ago “Who has greater authority, him or Donald Trump?”
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quakerjoe · 6 years ago
Cuppa Joe for Sun., 7 Jan 2019
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I was sitting in my living room with my best mate watching “Parts Unknown” with the late Anthony Bourdain and the episode we were watching was in Welch, West Virginia. Watch it. Seriously, watch it. Listen carefully. You may just get more woke. I know I did. You see, people from regions like this are typified as hicks, hillbillies and rednecks. Well, to be fair, they are. Good ol’ coal country folk bent on guns and Jesus with a deep love of football. It’s never been my cuppa tea, honestly, but having been through places like this, I’ve experienced a couple of things. If I shut up and just listen, these folks, for the most part, are just like anyone anywhere else. They have pride in their homes, their families, their traditions, and they certainly don’t love, more or less, as frequently, or deeply as we do. Their pleasures are simple. Their tastes plain and direct. Their pains every bit as real as yours or mine.
Looking at them strictly through a political scope of late, especially since 2016 where my vision narrowed a bit, I’ve come to remember something; something that’s a bit embarrassing and certainly bears the burden of a dose of shame, now that I’ve watched this episode of “Parts Unknown”. Bourdain visited a coal mine and fired machine guns and ate the local delicacies of the area and talked to the folk, even being so brave as to broach the topic of politics in this once deeply blue, now deeply red and pro-trump part of our nation. “I’d lost my way,” I realized as I did something I haven’t done in a long time. I listened.
Now don’t get me wrong here; I’m not about to defend these poor bastards for voting for trump. Not in a million years. They didn’t do their research or homework and they’re guilty for putting that fuckwit in the White House. However, taking the time to listen to the “why” made me look a little deeper. It made me realize something. These simple folk, not overly educated but hard working, kind-hearted people, despite not being on the short path for a Pulitzer Prize for anything intelligent… might just be the geniuses we need. Sounds crazy? I’ll explain.
One of the big reasons they went trump is because HRC gave them all the impression that she was going to kill the coal industry but didn’t make the case well enough about retraining and repurposing their workforce. She ran a campaign against an industry steeped in their traditions now, generations having worked in the mines. Simply, she was an uppity city gal without a clue and she lost them. The problem here, for those unfamiliar with places like this, is that uppity city folk have ALWAYS found some way to come into their small, quiet towns, fool them into buying or investing in shit they don’t need nor want (which goes all the way back to the Carpetbaggers. Look that up if you don’t know what that is). While it brought them good paying jobs sometimes, like Big Coal did, they’re all too aware that their crops, resources and so forth are bought on the cheap there and sold by middle men for small fortunes in the big cities. They know full well they’re getting screwed, but they also don’t really have the means to exploit the market directly, eliminate the middlemen, and see that small fortune themselves. Generations have experienced making a little money while their efforts went on to make city folk pretty rich.
So why trump? In short, many feel he’s going to bring change and they like him because he “talks like they talk” and says how he feels and what he means. By now I do hope that’s changed a bit. Still, the orange fuckwit did ring a chord with these people, even though he’s a rich twat from NY. They’re confident that trump will bring change, and you know what? I just caught on that they’re right, just not in the way they’re thinking.
We’re at a strange stage of existence where the well educated are flustered at having to deal with the less educated, including that gap in religious beliefs or lack thereof. Both sides now look down their noses at one another and the chasm of contempt is obviously growing bigger and bigger. It’s no secret that we’re all getting more and more poor regardless of our level of education or faith, and because of that, the rich fuckers at the top utilize that ongoing divide to keep us from actually remembering what makes us all alike for fear we, the actual people, may rise up and literally get rid of them one way or another.
I used to think that the GOP only had eyes for corporations and their cash. It’s why I dropped my GOP leanings years and years ago. It’s one thing to want smaller federal government and fiscal responsibility, but when they’re always doing the opposite and the Democrats actually DID what the GOP’s platform was saying it was for, well, actions speak louder than words. However, I think we can all agree to some measure of other, that today’s Dems are acting like moderate GOPers of the 80’s to 90’s. As the Democrats have demonstrated in this new House, diversity is clearly something that keeps them at a respectable level on the Left, but wait… Watch this episode of “Parts Unknown”. It’s on NetFlix. Watch it and then read the rest of this. I’ll wait.
No I won’t. You know it. Still, watch it. It gave me the following epiphany here, and I’d like you to consider it. The people Bourdain talked to about trump, and we’ve heard it before too, and we mostly gaffed it off, but here’s the genius of it all- They’re right in that trump will bring change. He’s so terrible, so fucking stupid, so damaging to the country, that our only hope as a nation is to REMEMBER what makes us all Americans, not bitch about too many of the things that really don’t matter (yeah, I’ll lighten up on the religious folks, even if I think it’s all a load of bollocks) and look at things from a different angle. Here it is. This change NEEDS to happen, but not in the GOP; they’ll never change. No, seriously, they won’t. They’re loving the cash more than country. No, I mean CHANGE needs to come from the Democrats! For too long they've made dumb choices, their politicians are spineless, and their policies framed in ways that seem to look down at most of rural America (what I call #Murica). Democrats need to shut up and listen. They need to HEAR what troubles there are out there and not just wink and nod and say they’ll try to handle it, but to bloody well DO it. They need to be CLEAR what their message is.
Sanders lost a lot of support because he and his staff never actually spent the time to school the people out here on what DEMOCRATIC socialism (actually this term is incorrect if you want to split hairs- what Sanders is shooting for is Social Democracy; something we already have to a degree and it’s being stripped away and replaced with an oligarchy more and more. Also see Plutocracy) is, and the McCarthy-flashbacks kept people hearing “socialist” only and the association we were taught in school to that word relating to tyrannical countries like the USSR, China and so on and it put too many voters off. Still, Sanders creamed trump in loads of polls while HRC was sketchy; a gamble at best. She didn’t connect with the ‘simple folk’ out in the sticks and in blue territory while Sanders did. The Dems need to own their defeat, admit their part in helping trump get elected, and then move on from there. Americans are all for Progressive ideas; they just don’t trust the Dems to either have the spine to try, the balls to fight, or the strength to carry it through. Again, those people in Welch WV are right- trump will bring change, one way or another. Either we’re going to get rid of Corporate Democrats who ignore their constituents and suck corporate dicks for cash (as the GOP is famed for) and actually CHANGE by getting money out of politics and start working for “We the People”, OR they won’t, and change will still happen, only not in the way these rural folk think. It’ll be the collapse and end of the US as we know it, a division so bad that nobody will come and help because we’ve pissed off and alienated out allies and bowed down, on a global scope, to our former enemies like Russia and China and N. Korea.
So, while city mouse and country mouse may both enjoy time with their families, decent wages, decent jobs, good food, clean air and water, good education, healthcare, and the pride of being an American citizen, we need to remember that these are the important things that bind us together, not only with our fellow Americans, but our fellow human beings all across the planet. There are some things that just WON’T go away, and somewhere in here we need to agree to disagree. Abortion. Guns. It’s too late on these issues. We either respect the separation of  church and state and keep abortion legal for the safety and lives of women or we don’t and admit that we’re all up for Sharia Law, #Murican style. As for guns? We’ll never fix this one EVER. Again, watch the show I mentioned earlier. The problem is that we’re so saturated with guns that it won’t matter if there are any gun laws or not. They won’t do a damned thing no matter how much I wish they would. Still, trump will bring change, like they said. The question is, will Democrats make the changes in their party that are needed to literally save the United States and possibly the world, or not change and cement in our history that they ARE the scourge that those on the right think they are?
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queernuck · 7 years ago
Specters of Sex: Terror, Reaction, and #MeToo in Contemporary Discourses of Sexual Bodies
Discussing the #MeToo movement, as well as larger structures of discourse around sexual violence in society, inevitably leads to a discussion of the act of accusation, the blowing of the referee’s whistle that stops play, that creates the Event of accusation out of a field of play, interaction, of both conjunctive and opposing flows of libidinal power, the point at which the accusation is levied. When Kanye West rapped about it on his album ye he talked about Russel Simmons, saying that Simmons got “#metoo’d” before “wondering” about how he would handle the same, if it happened to “me, too.” On an album full of contradictions, of statements whose post-Žižek character leads to a genuine questioning of just what Kanye means to do in his musical work, in his performances, in creating and expanding a platform for himself, the way in which this presents a sort of encapsulation of how many approach the specter of sexual violence in contemporary spaces. 
To concentrate first on men, a large part of the discursive flow surrounding male reaction to #MeToo (both in concept and in named examples) is encompassed by the emergence of a certain common anxiety, that expressed by Kanye: what if I, too, am accused? There have been countless arguments about this, about the means by which the accused is marked as having a certain sort of body that must be understood in a certain fashion, notions floated that #MeToo could kill dating, the film industry, the advancement of women in the workplace, humor, even the very concept of space that is not marked solely as male and a resolute promise to never venture into “female” space, into intersubjectivity with female bodies, a kind of refusal of being-at-woman’s-hand. The immediate response, of course, is the one that prevails, with good reason despite uncomfortable aesthetics. If there is nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear. Stating it in such a way is uncanny, in that it resembles Bush-era surveillance and the extension of evangelical sexual mores into public policy, and thus diffusing into the panoptics of state control. The same response is often used to justify attempts to regulate spaces in the name of stopping trafficking, the dissemination of child pornography, the distribution and consumption of illicit or diverted drugs. An unease at this prospect should be apparent, and moreover should raise the question of why such phrasing would be applied to an ostensibly admirable movement, even one that is largely within liberal sensibilities of action. In an attempt to recognize trauma, victimization, violence, there is often an inadvertent capitulation to the structures of carceral justice, whether in pursuing a response that is sustained through these apparatuses, or in backing away from responding specifically to avoid them.
To return to the examples listed above, the extension of prisons into hospitals, schools, other public meeting-places during the post-9/11 transition into the contemporary space of neoliberal globalization, one finds that the courses of action proposed are not about their stated goals, but rather an embodiment of the unstated, the taboo intent, the Southern Strategy of the law. It is understood that the law does not target those it explicitly targets, at least not primarily. Rather, it instead is an apparatus of deniability, such that acts of colonial violence may be justified with proper legal backing. This is the first point at which #MeToo may be distinguished from such laws and the actions taken through them. There is nothing binding about the accusations levied by victims, there is rarely even a particular call to action. Rather, it is far more akin to a confession of status as a victim, as if the victim had themselves committed the offense. The apparent-speediness with which certain punishments or apparent acts of atonement are completed, the way in which it seems to be a sort of swift justice making itself known, is in fact more likely an indication that the act of coming forward is in fact producing an event out of ongoing flows of interaction. To return to the event of the soccer match and the referee’s whistle, a metaphor proposed by Brian Massumi in discussing different concepts of potentiality within the Virtual, he describes the means by which the whistle entails a collapsing of potential, the point at which an “event” is marked and play ceases. Soccer’s running clock, of course, shows that the stoppage is not quite that, is not a stoppage proper as in other sports, but rather a means by which one may name acts and restructure their relationship to one another, to implement the process described in Deleuzean concepts of expanse and Oedipal trauma, in Heideggerian acts of phenomenological encounter, of calling to mind, acts of memory. There is a presence of the act of violence in the moment of accusation, but that is as realizing the culmination of flows that include the act that the accuser is describing, the violence and trauma they have suffered. At once it is in the moment of accusation that the trauma is realized, but insofar as one describes time in a linear fashion, as a unidirectional flow within consciousness, the realization of numerous potential pasts, spaces of potentiality, repeated and co-witnessed in the present.
The way in which a disingenuous defense regarding wrongful accusation has become such a common one points to a larger anxiety regarding the means by which #MeToo has come to the fore: it is through the realization of trauma as not a failure of the personal, but rather as a continual repetition of the initial violence through different experiences of triggering, retraumatization, a fundamental shift in the potential of one’s subjective experience that the violence at hand is named. Thus, rape and sexual assault, sexual abuse, can become something far greater than their status as singular acts, as whistles which are taken to be similarly obvious, the result of an Other, poor-in-the-world, breaking a clear prohibition. The trouble with this conceptualization of abuse and assault is that it acts to exclude the vast majority of abusive behaviors, the means through which abuse is not only realized but the surrounding structure of enabling, justification, and acceptance that is so deeply embedded within the acts of sexing and gendering the body that they effectively form its most violent realization, are ontologically linked to it. So many of the punishments surrounding the prohibitions of gender, transgressions thereof, and regulating them, ensuring they will not be repeated, are based in sexual violence that it is understood any act of sexual violence will be justified as an ironic mirroring of the violent act, as justified by this or that transgression. But the singular conceptualization, the narrow marking of violence as such, is flawed specifically because it requires creating singular actors, singular acts of trauma, the impossibility of re-victimization.
The fundamental recognition, then, that must be made is the one that is most feared, the one rejected by such criticisms of #MeToo as a specter of unjustified accusations, female flows of libidinal energy unchecked by male measuring thereof, what happens when women are allowed to assert their bodies as such, to make a counterclaim against the sexual striation of their body, the traumatic collapsing of their body into a collection of organs as fetish-objects. That so much of harassment is constituted not by actions that cross the threshold into rape or sexual assault, but rather by the assertion of certain spaces of potential by men who will never realize such potential, men who are asserting that a woman’s body can realize these things even if not with them, even if not in relation to them, becomes clear as the fundamental problem. That these acts are so often understood as simply a “part” of masculine identity, of what makes maleness coherent, the regulatory function against women becomes clear. These acts are part of a larger arrangement of sexual violence that has become part of culture in a fundamental fashion, which is then realized in the fear that without realization, without the whistle of accusation, one has engaged in unacceptable conduct already, is already marked and simply waiting for others to realize it. It is an acceptance of understanding combined with a rejection of responsibility, a kind of acknowledgement that the paradigms of sexual violence are foundational to realizing gendered structures of interaction.
Of course, there are fears that a reversal of this, an accusatory process of targeting that specifically reinforces violence through the accusation of sexual abuse in order to open up a body to a sexualized process of response, will be realized, but it is not terribly difficult to realize that this fear is one unlikely to be visited on many who would vocalize it in opposition to #MeToo. White womanhood is sexually violent in that it constitutes a specific sexualization and gendering of white supremacist ideology, and the means by which accusations of sexual impropriety have been used in order to target black men is undeniable. The disparity at hand is one that is essentially racialized, that is realized not through gender or sex themselves, but rather takes gender and sex and creates them as a sort of structure of intersubjectivity within whiteness. This is an established tactic of white supremacist violence, one that does not even necessitate action by any white woman in particular, that can merely be realized and justified on behalf of the ideal of the white woman, as a protection of the space that white women occupy. It becomes clear that this is not about wrongful accusation, but rather about providing a fantasy from which the libidinal flows of white supremacist violence may pour. 
There are numerous fantasies that are used in order to justify violence that speaks breathlessly of sexuality, and homophobia, transmisogyny, the violence of heteronormative ideology and the codification of homosexuality as a structure of taboo, of a limit upon the homosocial and homoerotic, as a means of prohibition of gay, lesbian, transgender identities and acts of affinity or identification is thus often sexualized, in a fashion that leads to the use of accusations of violent harassment, sexual abuse, or other actions simply based on identity. That this possibility must be considered, that the ideation of the predatory nature of such identities is so deeply ingrained in the language surrounding them that realizing one’s identity almost inevitably means dealing with the question of predators in one’s community, contact with such predators, an acceptance of their presence as undeniable and an attempt to understand exactly how to protect oneself from them is a common experience in LGBT communities. The means through which individuals may be traumatized and still act in an abusive fashion, may slip into abusive relationships, may undergo an Oedipal act of retraumatization and themselves pass on ideology that retains the harmful character of this predatory structure, that retains a predatory notion of acceptability in sexuality, must be dealt with. However, it will not be dealt with by simply accepting that these identities, trans women often targeted with particular vitriol, are themselves predatory and in need of repression, sublimation into nothingness. Instead, a critical examination of sexuality and sexual norms, sexuality as a process of expression and growth and intersubjectivity must be fostered. That there are predatory, violent trans women who indeed are rapists and moreover must be exposed as rapists is not to be allowed to become a justification for transmisogynist violence, especially given that trans women are so often the victims in these situations. By adapting ideological defenses of white womanhood to the structure of sex, by taking white supremacist ideology and resignifying it in a certain radical feminist language, TERFs manage to take an aesthetic of liberation and transfigure it into a political program a few steps away from traditionalist and reactionary ideology, as seen in the friendship between such groups and their convergence on the question of trans women. This is not accidental, it is specifically because of the fascist character of both ideologies at hand. 
Accusation, then, can indeed be used as a tool of violence. A tool of terror, even. But what is to be done in response? How must one live if one understands that shifting perceptions regarding genuine experience of trauma means that one has likely in some way contributed to ideology that reinforces sexual violence at the very least? A process of atonement, reconciliation, of being able to face the Other and reach toward a transcendent expression of commitment must be the primary goal. The ways that sexualized performances of affect, affinity, the processes of realization of sexual desire are tied to so many flows of trauma both located after, before, and within the potential-space of expressing sexuality means that any navigation of sexuality will be fraught. It will, in some way, be overcoded by a language of sexuality that implies certain relationships to white supremacist notions of gendered and racialized appearance, the Oedipal implementation of sexuality as a kind of incestuous act that centers around a conceptual family to-be, a fetishization of the family as a result of sexual encounter, the traumas of doubt and uncertainty and unconscionable change that sexuality realizes, these are the forces at work. Sexuality is complex, and being able to recognize this complexity is all but useless because simply recognizing it does not mean exemption from it.
What, then, of terror? In Lenin 2017, Žižek’s introduction describes one of Robespierre’s final speeches, where the question of revolutionary terror is discussed in detail. Žižek, knowing the answer, poses the question of how Robespierre can deal with the lurking possibility of revolutionary terror turning on him. Rather than offering a defense, Robespierre justifies it by embracing it, by claiming that if it were to turn on him, if he were to be a target of such terror, it would be a justified and fit end. In this way, one should begin to fashion a response to many of the anxieties offered over accusations of sexual misconduct, of processes of correcting violence done through sexual acts of all different magnitudes. Accepting this, accepting the possibility of punishment, the condemnation that results, is, in a sense, the most apt response because it not only recognizes the violence of a given action but takes with utmost seriousness the notion that one can commit such actions without even realizing how they cross the threshold into violence, how violence is repeated without either subject quite realizing. Referring back to intentionally targeting accusations based on race, gender, sexuality, one must of course account for the magnitude and character of accusations when responding. But this is the sort of space that demands a response, and demands one that leaves no room for misinterpretation. Restructuring discourses on sexual assault in order to prevent accusations that turn out to be incorrect, when such accusations are not only rare but largely dictated by circumstances that are vastly different from the ones proposed by those steering such a discourse, must be avoided. Instead, an entirely new concept of sexuality, of exactly what sexuality constitutes, must be the basis for a continuing development of language that can deal with the traumatic and experiences of traumatization. 
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lucalicatteart · 7 years ago
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★ School systems in Nanyevimi  ★
A bit of misc info about school types (magic schools, skill schools, etc.) and how some of them function and just general realm wide education system stuff etc. !! (okay not “a bit”, it actually became quite long so I will put it under a read more lol... bhbbb... why can I not... be.. brief and to the point about, Anything..)
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There are a ridiculous amount of different forms of school given how varied the cultures within the supernatural realm are, some are exclusive to certain areas, some are exclusive to certain species, some are exclusive to teaching only one particular type of skill or magic, some are more broadly specialized, some are formal, some are informal, some have grades, some don’t, etc. etc.   
The four types of schools that I’ll cover here are Magic Schools, General Schools , Specialty Schools, and Global Learning Centers. The most info probably being about Global Learning Centers, since those have the most specifics to cover , whereas the others are much vaguer categories (like they totally depend on area and individual school, are not as uniform or cohesive as GLCs).  
~~~ Magic Schools ~~~
Magic schools are, just like the name, specialized schools catered specifically to different types of magic in the realm. These are the second most common type of school, though they are technically just another form of specialty school, magic is still vaguely common in some parts of Nanyevimi and can be a large part of people’s lives, so I’m grouping them separately mostly due to that and also a few differences in how they’re run compared to most specialty schools.
 These schools are somewhat similar to other specialty schools in that they can vary a lot depending on the area, but they are often more cohesive in organization and style, as there are higher forces regulating most of them. There are councils for just about everything somewhere in the supernatural realm, so of course, certain people oversee the teaching of different forms of magic (for info on different types of magic, who can use them, effects of magic, I have written a post about all the basics of magic, which should be easy to find on here) , particularly for the most common forms of magic. There are usually smaller councils of experts in a magical field spread out pretty evenly across Nanyevimi that may take on the role of regulating (or , at least attempting to regulate) the teaching of magic in a certain area, which may answer to a larger more broad magical council overall.   
This is, at least mostly, due to safety of procedure the the immense dangers that can come with utilizing any form of magic, especially when dealing with young children or otherwise untrained individuals (like, people regularly die at magic schools, even though there are a lot of preventative measures in place it’s still just kind of , A Thing That’s Going To Happen When Training Hundreds Of People In Something That Is Both Deadly And Difficult To Control),, but some also criticize the wide reach of magical councils, with similar complaints as what you may find in certain academic circles, that councils end up gate-keeping, being overly precise about The One Right Method To Do Things and trying to enforce their own Traditional ways, and can sometimes be intentionally abstract and inaccessible to common people in an attempt to guard or hide knowledge. 
Though this also depends a lot on the local council, as there is no Global Magical Council* , so magic councils in one area may be accepting and lenient, while only a short while away they’ll be strict and overbearing with tedious rules.  Regardless of this  variation though, probably like 85% of magic specialty schools are under the influence of some form of magical council who oversees the curriculum and does safety checks and instructs how to teach certain things.  
These smaller local councils will communicate with the larger area wide council, and despite like, a million years of infighting constantly at all times, they’ll still mostly come to some form of agreement of just basic stuff like what order to teach things in and etc. , so magical schools, at least content wise, are generally decently uniform in a particular given area. 
 * (well, there is a global magical council but like with anything in Nanyevimi that tries to be broad reaching and global despite the massive amount of variation, their reach is limited and small isolated communities are just going to do whatever the hell they want lmao. International organizations can be very useful and organized, especially in global cities and places like global learning centers but, in terms of widespread effectiveness you’re just never going to reach everyone, or even half of everyone, considering a majority of the entire realm just minds their own business and has no interest in global policy or communicating with some random ass council from 5,000 miles away that they’ve never heard of in their lives) 
 Schools are usually separated by particular type of magic (like solely elemental magic, solely physical magic, etc.), though there are some Broad magic schools that teach the basics of many different forms of magic, it’s pretty rare and really only occurs in areas with  an extremely high population of advanced magic users (like in large Jhevona cities).   
While most schools just teach straight up whatever knowledge is needed to practice the one particular form of magic and not much else, some schools will mix magic subjects with complementary non-magical subjects, so the main focus is still always magic but with helpful additions (so like an elemental magic school also offering a focus in gardening, or a mind/soul magic school having additional focus in psychology, a physical magic school (healing and health focused physical magic specifically) also having classes on anatomy and non-magical medicine, or just any magic school offering combat or physical training skills on the side, etc.).   
 The common-ness of a type of school is basically the same organization as in the list of most commonly used magics (again, refer back to that general magic info post), as of course,  most commonly used magics = most commonly available magic school. Likewise, there are no OFFICIAL schools for reality and illusion magics, as both formally unrecognized and illegal forms of magic condemned in a majority of areas, especially by magic councils (one of the very very few things they can agree on).  Though a FEW illusion magics “schools” are known to exist (no reality magic schools are known because quite literally maybe only 300 people in all of existence can even use that type of magic). But most of them, due to the nature of what they’re practicing, are fairly shadowy organizations, usually with no formal campus or anything, just maybe a group of students and a few teachers who constantly are on the move, never staying in one place for too long, finding like , obscure caves and stuff to practice and teach magic in where people won’t hear about it and report them, etc. Even then, they’re still rare just due to the fact that hardly anyone possesses the ability to do such powerful magics in the first place, even if it was legal and you founded an illusion school in the most populated city in the realm, your student pool would still be tiny as hell, once most people realize ‘oh yeah, i just 100% legit do not have the inherent energy level necessary to do this type of magic without just dying or something, whoops’   
(side note: so to speak in weirdly simplified ‘not-really-how-it-works-but-accurate-enough-to-explain-my-point’ video game terms like:  If the average magically capable individual has about 300 magic points of energy to use in spells, the average basic magic action (conjuring yourself a sandwich or something) would take like, maybe 20MP , doing a basic illusion magic action (discounting the extremely minor commonly used ‘hiding your presence from others’ skill) would be like 4500 MP, and even the very simplest minuscule reality magic feat would take 26,000 MP. Most people just legitimately, no matter how hard they try, simply do not have the capacity to perform the action, even if they increased their skill and inherent ability, most people can never increase it anywhere near to the point that an action worth 26,000 MP is like, something they can just do casually when they need to like with other magics lol ). 
 Like with most stuff, architecture and uniforms and language spoken and etc. will all be dependent on the area it’s in (Elven native magic schools will use Elven architecture and clothing styles and will be taught in whatever local Elvish language, etc.). Pricing of magic schools will also vary wildly depending on the area, some countries don’t have official monetary systems, some will trade you 5 years of education in exchange for a barrel of foreign fruits you’ve brought, some do have an established monetary system but offer free schooling to everyone, some overprice the fuck out of everything, some will pay YOU to go to school (if you sign a suspicious possibly life binding contract), etc. etc. Food type and whether food is even provided as a part of school depends on the area too.   
Many magic schools have dorms for people to live in while attending, but a few of them don’t for whatever logistical or cultural reasons. Magic schools for adults and magic schools for children are usually separate, or at the very least will be completely different buildings on the same campus where both groups are kept apart nearly all the time. Likewise, skill groups will be separated as well, pretty much all for safety reasons (like if you’re practicing dangerous high level magics you don’t want to be doing that in the same room as a defenseless 6 year old and some newbie elf who couldn’t produce a quick spell to defend himself from the explosion to save his life (literally)). 
~~~ General Schools ~~~
The most common types of school. Basically just, literally any school anywhere could be considered a ‘general’ school. Often the subjects of schools, layout, class sizes, etc. will all entirely depend on the culture of the area. Many places in the supernatural realm don’t have a formal education system, so often this is just local schools in small groups taught by random ‘leaders’ of the community, mostly focusing on whatever skills the particular group finds important, such as farming, specialized magics, history, combat skills, etc. 
 Like for examples, to use five species I’ve established (to show some differences they can have) : 
 — General schools for the Ythrili …
would be in the form of like, extremely loose groups of people getting together to meet someplace to learn a skill from one of the particular experts in that skill. As mentioned in their info, Ythrili often fall into certain roles and to some degree try to keep balanced sets of people in a few particular skills that are most helpful to society (so some will be crafters, some will be food harvesters, some will be artists, etc.),, so usually it would be people in these designated roles teaching those under them who wish to study to be in the same role. Like a wood craftsman holding a small class with 5 Ythrili students early in the morning just out by a grouping of trees in the forest or something, working with them and guiding them on their individual projects they’re crafting for hands-on learning.  They don’t receive grades/scores or qualifications or anything for completing tests of skill, they’re just kind of there to be informally taught and are considered to know the information once they know the information, people in the community will believe them if they say they have a skill  (especially since Ythrili are a pretty small and well connected group, if someone is learning to be a gardener or something, people have probably literally seen them out in the morning doing gardening work or etc.) or the one teaching the skill can vouch for them later. There technically aren’t actually formal school BUILDINGS (they don’t have many buildings in general anyway, usually live more in open wooded spaces),  but since they do have some form of organization to the way they teach others, I’m kind of still counting them as having a ‘school system’ and etc. , even if it’s using a lenient definition.  
— General schools for the Fanyiniri (elves from the country of Fanyin specifically)…..  
Are like the complete opposite of the Ythrili, extremely strict and formal and organized. There's a lot of broad societal organization things that would be too much of a side tangent to go into at length here, but their society is divided into strict rankings (with each citizen class being mostly relative to how close you are to the upper class  (Cit 5), but also your ability to bring ‘beauty and perfection’ into the world can affect your cit class level as well). All common children (below Cit 4) are actually raised in school facilities, nobody really has families where it's like birth parents and children, they more go directly from a birth hospital to a place to be raised by the staff of what are essentially like, large nationwide boarding schools. Children attend these facilities from usually birth (though at first it's more like a daycare and they don't start getting taught much until maybe age 4) through usually age 14 or 15, where they will then be assigned work (though you can leave facility earlier than that if someone in Cit 4 or Cit 5 "adopts" you, or if you seem to have special skills that are in high demand owners of businesses can "adopt" you as well to use you for said skills, etc. ).  Children there are kept under very strict schedule and meticulously organized while learning a usually fairly broad curriculum. Though sometimes classes can be individualized later on once children start showing more distinct personality traits and the staff can try to guess what cit level they'd fit into (like if they can tell you seem stringent about laws, intolerant of other students misbehaving, have violent tendencies, and seem to like to impress authority and follow orders and etc., they may kind of assume you'll be assigned to Cit 2 in the future (mostly law enforcement and government workers), so they may put you in extra classes tailored for those skills.  Though most students just get a very general education, usually just stuff like (limited) math, science (only some of it), combat skills (though not magic, despite elves being inherently magic capable species, magic is banned in Fanyin outside of government or corporate use, so this is just physical training), manners and culture, languages, pretty biased accounts of """history""", gardening and food preparation , housekeeping, Cultural Study Of Beauty, reading and writing, lots of exercise and physical fitness classes as well as team sports (to let them relieve stress yet still maintain and foster the whole competitive environment thing) etc. They have a weird thing about wanting to boast the most educated and advanced population possible yet simultaneously having certain areas of study literally illegal or forbidden from most of the population so, the curriculum can be quite extensive with a heavy workload and a lot of information up to a point, but then other classes will randomly be like, entirely busy work with maybe a small vague discussion of what the subject is about but never explaining much further.  There are 10 grades (you go up one grade yearly, from age 4/5 to 14/15) which students are usually separated by for the basic curriculum. Extra skill classes can be more mixed, but still try to keep students within mostly the same grade range. Classes occur daily for about 6 hours a day, sometimes up to 12 hours depending on the extra skill classes you're assigned to take, or if you're being punished.  Every few months there may be a week or so without classes for holidays, or periodic 'Necessity Breaks' (like if over 50% of students start showing suicidal ideation in their bi-weekly personal evaluations, the staff may decide to give everyone a school wide break for a little while), but for the most part you're just in general schooling centers everyday for 15 years since birth.  Later classes will start to prepare you for the outside world, usually around your 6th or 7th year of school, since all children are pretty much raised on these campuses in fairly closed off cities and generally haven't even left the small area once in their lives, so part of preparing them for work is also taking them on more trips to the outside and letting them tour job facilities and etc. and get used to like, what the actual world outside of the boarding school property they were raised in looks like. Like your 10th (last) year of school is usually mostly job and Outside World Education related, there's very little actual school subject related content at that point.  These facility schools are usually extremely competitive, with a high focus on uniformly meeting standards and high achievement (students are often made to wear certain rankings on their uniforms, grades are posted publicly, minor physical punishment (like not beating the complete shint out of someone, but slapping them in the face or kicking them or throwing something at them) is common and allowed, bullying is allowed and even condoned for the most part as it's just seen as “necessary social pressure to encourage proper behavior and standards, which will positively nurture the student’s ability to fit in correctly and learn from their mistakes, through receiving  generous cooperative lessons from their peers”, etc.). Most schools also have pretty much the exact same layout, uniforms, food menu items, color scheme, etc. with little variance by area (though they are often pretty beautiful, intricate bright architecture with hanging plants and gardens everywhere, etc. With the Fanyiniri, the setting and appearance of most places usually seems oddly mismatched to the oppressive, overly controlled, and bland daily life under the surface (like you’d expect, plain uniform undecorated gray buildings or something lol), but it is supposed to be 'A paradise of the elven people' or whatever, so I guess they keep up appearances by slapping colors and plants and (government approved) art on everything), with the apparent reasoning for this being that they’re made so that students can seamlessly be shipped around to other schools if needed and not really feel much culture shock or difficulty getting used to a new layout. Which might actually be at least partially the truth, since they do regularly exercise their right to move citizens around at random without notice, and it may indeed be useful for everything to look the same.
— General schools for a group of Jhevona in southern Nanyevimi….
(I’m just choosing a random group to focus in on for this one, obviously demons as a whole are too broad to really summarize what they all would be like, similar to other larger species like elves, it’s just hard to generalize, and I don’t really have much worked out about smaller groups  and subcultures of demons so I don’t actually have a name or anything for these people but I guess, they’re, maybe on an island, somewhere in the south, just basing off of the very loose bits of info i have so far about jhevona cultures in different areas)).  Would be somewhat of a ‘’typical’’ school setting, usually organized in a series of multiple wooden single classroom buildings all located on a fenced in campus, though it may depend on the exact area (usually when building into hills they separate out buildings, if on flat land it may all be one large building, but overall they’d still use wood mostly and whatever other materials are available in the area (sometimes mud and stone or clay). Each individual building  (or each classroom, in a connected building)  is for one level of school, with all subjects being taught by one teacher usually to a pretty small class size, then them all moving up in grade to the next building as a group, etc. Unlike the Fanyiniri school, this educational system is not very competitive, and is more focused on adding important skills to the community than on competing with other schools or meeting strict qualifications.  School subjects are usually a decent mix of practical skill and academics, depending on what the one room’s teacher is capable of explaining, but usually an average curriculum to cover in a year for a class of middle grade students (like 10 year olds or something) would be: physical training, safe magic use practices, advanced language and writing, principles of self control (very important in the type of magic they do), nature science, biology, math, advanced history, early elements of mechanics (southern demons are known for building things and having pretty advanced technology so like learning how to build small machines or create things of some sort is usually culturally passed down), a bit of foreign language, advanced geography and cultural context info (now that the kids are a bit older, getting into like, politics of local areas, the different groups around them and their cultures, etc.), food preparation/hunting/gathering/etc., and then maybe a few other life skills thrown in like certain crafts and healing magic/health stuff etc.  Magic is of heavy focus of course, as Jhevona are the most inherently magic capable species known and it usually plays a big part in their culture, though the type of magic would depend on the specific group in a certain area within the country (many southern demons are of subspecies that have particular inherent ability for soul magics and elemental magics, but even within a small town it will vary). There are also special side classes offered in some schools by members of the community, particularly things that the main room teacher may not be able to teach, like  computer science or how to do surgery or how to breed animals or etc.    Kids attend from about 7-ish to maybe 18 years old, though again it’s pretty relaxed, especially with most people in the country living in small spread out communities rather than clustering into a few big cities, it’s commonly like that sort of thing where everyone has probably grown up with everyone else, and all the locals will know whatever's going on (so like if most members of the community get together in a communal meeting area and say ‘hey, we should take about a month off of school so the children can help us with the big festival’ everyone just , kind  of goes along and agrees, etc.) so there’s not much of a strict schedule about it. They do require the kids to finish school and there are certain knowledge requirements expected of most everyone in the community to attain (especially in relation to emotional control and regulation of magic use), but since it’s such a locally focused thing, the actual scheduling of when the information is given can be a bit lenient.  The USUAL case though is about 6 days a week children attend school for 3 hours in the morning, then a two hour break, then three hours again  (due to the emphasis of familial importance in a lot of southern Jhevona cultures, food isn’t offered in school, children usually return home in the middle of the school day for a few hours in order to have meals with their family and have a bit of a break and then return back to school ).  They have no official breaks so I guess would go 6 days a week every week of the year if uninterrupted, but again, due to the informality of schools in the area, it’s likely the community members would agree on some sorts of breaks whenever necessary for practical  or cultural reasons (like so children can help with farm work, or for a holiday in the community, or because an illness is going around, etc.).  Once a kid has been declared as having completed necessary schooling and done a few tests of skill (particularly magic and survival focused, but there is an academic testing element as well) to prove they possess what general knowledge and abilities are expected of the average member of their population, they’ll usually seek extra mentoring in something they’re interested in (either by going to a more specialized skill or magic school, traveling to a Global Learning Center, or just meeting someone already in their field of interest and having them teach them privately), or especially in this area where family is super important, they may just settle down to do whatever their family does or work at the family business/skill/trade/etc. that just about every family in the community has.      School is basically always free in areas like this with no real monetary system where most goods are freely shared/equally distributed among the group or things are simply traded for. There aren’t any uniforms. Kids usually sit at group tables rather than individual desks. Sports aren’t school affiliated and are usually something done for fun after school rather than like an actual part of the school day or curriculum. Though every teacher has different skills and it’s one persons job to teach every group of students (usually about 8-10 students in one individual grade (so maybe 10 students per single classroom wooden building), there are guidelines by age group decided by the community or small local government, so like, most kids even in different areas will be taught roughly the same things around the same times, even it it varies a bit by town due to the more casual nature of school and the ability of the community to influence schedule and subject focus and etc.
— General schools for both the beach and cave dwelling group of Verrucalt …
Don’t exist at all (I wanted to include one that has no schools just to show differences), they don’t formally teach each other anything in any sort of organized way. Though children are raised fairly communally in both groups (moreso the beach group than the cave group), and do have a wide variety of people in their lives that help them grow up and learn important skills and etc. , it’s totally dependent on the individual and there’s never like, any sort of gathering of people to learn things or etc. Not even loosely cohesive lesson groups like with the Ythrili. The Verrucalt really just don’t have any form of education at all beyond maybe some random community member taking a kid to fish and teaching them how, but there’s really not any form of ‘Classes’ or anything.
— General schools for the Avirre'thel…………
Would probably be the most “”“"normal”“” (more just in the sense of being recognizable to most of the earth humans reading this) of the four. School in Navyete is pretty individually focused, kids usually start short schooling hours (4 hours or so once or twice a week initially, then gradually increasing until it’s a full 6 days (vampiric time keeping is different in many ways, one of which is them having 10 day weeks, instead of 7)) when around 5 years old.  They attend 4 years (from roughly ages 4 - 9) of this Introductory School, which essentially just teaches the most basic of concepts , mostly centered on:  emotional health, physical health, survival skills, important cultural background knowledge (like what sorts of things are dangerous for their species ('don’t ever ingest or play with unknown blood since we can have severe allergic reactions to a TON of blood types’ 'don’t go near wild animals because they will attack you’ etc.), food preparation, how to read and write, and conflict resolution/managing emotions and interpersonal effectiveness skills ,, usually adding a focus on stuff like history and math and science and languages in the older years, but those are not considered as culturally significant to teach younger children and they usually focus more on building 'Practical Life Skills' type stuff first, more about basic survival and mental health and developing learning skills and etc. in general,  as opposed to focusing in on specific more abstract studies.  At age 9 (after Introductory School) is where it starts to be pretty individualized, each person goes through school at their own pace and can mostly choose their own subjects based on areas of interest, which they’re allowed to change at almost any time. There’s an initial introduction month  before the first year of Real School actually starts, where children can sample all sorts of classes, kind of like a  big career fair or something (except with school subjects).  They basically just spend about 28 days picking and choosing whatever (you have to have 4 classes,  but it doesn’t matter which, one day you could take “writing, woodworking, chemistry, and anatomy” and the next you could take “music, food growing, computer science, and psychology”. The point is just to see what you’re passionate about).  Once that period is over,  children choose their focuses for the year and start their classes. You accumulate points for completing classes (usually broken into 4ths, even if you decide a subject is not for you and you quit ¼th of the way through, you’ll still get some points for the 4th you finished), and basically you just have to have enough total points to graduate to the next level of a given class, and to have enough overall (which is basically just like, points for all mandatory classes and then maybe multiple levels in a few other focuses that interest you.)  Though there is some focus on grades for individual assignments, their scoring system is more lenient (like one super bad grade isn’t going to totally ruin your average) about stuff like, if someone’s doing well overall but one particular chapter just happened to be bad for them, etc. etc. They’re mostly focused on individual competency and understanding of the work overall, regardless of if the person misses a few tests or etc., and usually put higher weight on the hands-on experience tests rather than like, just testing scores (like if you don’t do as well on tests in chemistry but then when they let you sample out working in an actual lab for like 2 weeks you do extremely well, they may overlook the test scores since obviously you’re literally able to do the job in practice even if for whatever reason you have issues putting it onto paper*).  ((*where applicable, obviously some subjects (like medicine and etc.) have to be a bit more strict, but this is the general rule))  School is usually about 5 hours a day 6 days a “week” (10 day periods), with breaks for all different holidays and etc. in between (so there’s no like large continuous break with months of time off, but more like, every month you probably get a few days or more off for all the different events that go on in vampiric culture. Also you get 4 days a week off by default, which would be organized depending on the schedule your particular school follows. Like if A = days you attend school , and B = free days, your week would usually either be organized like ‘A A A A A A B B B B’ , ‘A B A B A B A B A A’  or ‘A A B A A B A A B B’ , either way you get four days off a week, so that can help as well with relaxing despite not actually having any designated stuff like 'summer breaks' necessarily. )  There are a few mandatory classes along the way (sex education, continued conflict resolution and emotional management courses, health & safety, usually some form of self defense or combat focused class, and basic language/science/etc. classes just to make sure that like, everyone can do basic things, like communicate, read, write, resolve conflicts, identify basic health issues common in the population, defend themselves, follow the rules for safe blood feeding, etc.), but a majority of the school system is very individualized to the student’s preference. Which works well for how their society is structured (most people work specialized skill jobs on a small scale (like most stores are just little shops on the street, most things are handmade by craftspeople, most all unnecessary work is automated and most people working are just doing it because they like to, because it’s fun, etc. Most everything is bought just from your local market and etc.), as people generally have jobs solely out of passion rather than than necessity, and if they ever want to change  skills or do something else, school is free so, most people just pick something they really like and specialize in it fairly early on, working at it out of personal interest, changing later if they want. It's not as big of a deal if people hop around from subject to subject, or choose a specialty they end up hating later or etc., since their survival doesn't depend on getting and keeping a steady job in a certain field. And if you are still totally interested in the same exact focus you picked out when you were 10 and stay passionate about it and end up working in that field without ever trying any other skills out or switching careers, then that's fine as well.   They feel it’s mostly not necessary to teach people things they won’t use and just culturally lean towards focusing more on promoting the population having a mix of a lot of practical skills (which is mostly leftover from the thousands of years of war time where it was absolutely necessary to focus on practicality and safety and unity above all else, so more of a focus on survival skills and ability to get along effectively in groups and such) and individual specialized passions, putting more of an emphasis on school being for personal development and bettering one’s life and community, rather than it being more strict and abstract achievement based (especially personal development, since if you’ve read the basic intro post about the Avirre’thel you know their historical focus on reaching perfection through self development just for the sake of doing so  and etc.). Basically they just want you to know how to keep yourself and others safe, how to get along with your community, how to survive out in the world, and how to defend yourself, but other than that, you can choose to focus on whatever skills or ideas you find interesting.  (also, keep in mind they are an immortal species.. so, it's pretty much assumed someone is going to have multiple skill focuses in life. It's rare someone lives 4,000 years and keeps doing the same exact thing with no interest at all in any other topics whatsoever, so they're also more casual because it's like.. you're probably going to end up changing your focus and hobbies and goals like, 40 times over the course of your life anyway, as long as you have a grasp of the basics, who cares how many times you switch what you want to spend your time on or what area you like to study, with every new thing you try out, even if you don't stick with it, you're still adding to your knowledge base and personal development so.. its all cool with the Avirre'thel.. just, do whatever you want dude lol)  If you get full points in a particular area of education,  you can graduate at like 13 years old, while some who work slower or have to repeat classes may graduate at 25.  Neither is shamed and both are socially acceptable. Average age to graduate from schooling is about 16 - 20 depending on which academic subjects or technical skills the person is focusing on (and sometimes people stay in school longer to learn more, like if you had gained a full amount of points taking all levels of biology and chemistry classes, you could still always decide you wanted to stick around another year to take some music classes or something, even if you don’t need them to “graduate”). You can go onto a further school from there (a global learning center, or local specialty schools like medical or law), or you can just be done and use the skills you have (sometimes if your passion is very particular you may only be able to take related interest classes to get your points but then have to move on to a specialty school to get a deeper knowledge of it, like if your particular General School doesn’t teach neuroscience, you may just initially take psychology and biology and etc. then once out of general school go to a specialty school just for that). Schooling is usually mandatory up until completion of enough points, but there are life aids and extensive counselors all throughout schools who can help with any issues or give special help or allow you to take a few years off of school (or make a case for you quitting all together) if you’re in a bad situation, or can help you access free housing and food or etc. and get in a better situation before continuing.  School appearance and etc. usually varies a decent bit depending on the area, though most still fall in line with typical vampiric architecture, with them being large buildings made of carved stone with tile or stone floors and ornate metal detailing. They do serve food daily, despite Avirre’thel not really needing food to survive, since it’s mostly dependent on an individual vampire’s feeding style, they usually allot for all of that by providing optional food daily but also allowing students to sit out and do studies instead or something while others eat. Students often cook for other students (like those in culinary classes and etc. will handle lunch time under the supervision of the adult kitchen staff/chef teachers), so usually the food served at school is similar to that which is eaten most often in the local culture of the area, with specialized popular dishes and local ingredients gathered by the community being used in cooking. Uniforms vary a lot by area, but are usually some sort of gender neutral layered robes, like a lot of more traditional Avirre’thel fashion tends to be (maybe down in southern Navyete they have slightly less layers but especially in like, northern areas where it’s regularly - 30F and stuff, uniforms have to be pretty warm as well lol). Though they don't wear traditional headwear and stuff or use the same patterns as ancient avirre'thel clothing, it is usually the same thing of just.. kind of flowy tailored robes that are warm but also easy to move around in, usually with scarves and gloves included if in colder areas (heating buildings isn't like.. super popular in Navyete? their culture is more just like 'yeah idk we'll just wear 8 layers of clothes inside our own homes, why would we waste energy on heat?'. Though some schools do have electric heating systems and stuff, culturally, it's not considered weird at all to just... sit in school all day with scarves and gloves on in a huge frigid stone building lol. It would be the same way most students live at home so it's just like, they don't care I guess lol. As long as they have warm clothes, they're well used to being in icy freezing environments 24/7.. that's just how it is in Navyete most of the time)
Bhhgbb I know the Avirre'thel is longer than the other ones since obviously I have the most developed about them as my current Focus Species or whatever, but hopefully even with the other ones being less detailed, the five examples can show how different schooling throughout the realm can be. Your general schools and broader school system are really just going to depend a lot on where you are and the local culture of the people and society you’re in.
~~~ Specialty Schools ~~~
As the name suggests, these are really just, schools that specialize in something particular.
 Many areas in the supernatural realm are organized in smaller isolated communities, so the specialty schools offered in the area will vary a lot, some having none, others having a lot, all subjects usually being different. It’s probably most common for specialty schools to be based around subjects like medicine or building construction, or metal working and etc., usually things that are necessary for the community but not inherently intuitive or easily taught by most people (though there are definitely some small communities where like, everyone is raised knowing how to do healing magic or etc. etc. , generally, skills like that will be treated more as specialty skills).   
In a majority of places in the realm,  people are taught from a very young age how to prepare and harvest and grow food, so specialty schools for stuff like cooking or gardening tend to be some of the rarest, as in most places it’s just common knowledge. In areas where creative talents are highly culturally valued, many specialty schools will be for music, art, writing, pottery making, etc. It’s especially common for general schools to involve Practical Life Skills (like combat, survival, maybe some basic history and language but not much else), but then for there to be many individual specialty schools where people can learn more creative crafts, especially ones that are also important to the community like clothes making and etc. 
 Which is pretty obvious I guess that most of it will just depend on the focus of the people. 
Like for example a group of demons who are of the subspecies that mostly works through dreams and the mind, may have a great deal of specialty schools in the area involving things like psychology and neuroscience and etc. , despite otherwise being fairly lacking in science study opportunities and most every other skill school in the area being more focused on food or primitive medicine or construction. Sometimes due to random cultural reasons people will be very advanced or overly focused in a few specific areas even if they aren’t in others, which is especially the case for more isolated communities. Or like, Navyete having a lot of specialty schools for working with stone and metal, due to like 90% of their architecture style just involving carved stone with metal roofs or detailing,, or them having many many different schools of combat and different physical training styles, due to their history of being at war with magical species (who obviously have the upper hand since.. uh.. . they can like blast energy out of their hands lmao) and a big thing in past society having been that everyone needs to be pretty strong and agile and adept at hand to hand combat to ever stand a chance,,, or also how they don’t have many schools focused on cooking and food, considering that most Avirre’thel don’t have to eat daily to live and have wildly varying feeding schedules, so things like cooking, while to some degree culturally important, really aren’t seen as necessary skills in a population where like 30% of people only feed less than once a month and etc. etc. Basically specialty schools are vague, and the subjects taught are going to depend a lot on the culture and community needs of the area the school is located within.
~~~ Global Learning Centers ~~~
The most broad but also least common type of schools are those classified as Global Learning Centers, which are basically just massive schools that cater to any type of student, and teach a huge variety of basic skills: basic trades and craft skills, basic languages that are the most prominent in the realm, basic forms of magic, etc. etc. The topics at the schools are usually pretty broad reaching, with most schools offering about 170 - 800 total course subjects (not including different levels of the same subject, if you counted the multiple levels of each topic as well then it’d probably be more like 460 - 3,000+).   
 These really only exist in larger Global Cities, which are like, cities in Nanyevimi with a huge variety of people all in one place***** (< I elaborate more on the context of global cities and etc. at the very bottom of this info, but since it’s more of a side tangent about the organization of the world rather than about schools i tried to put it at the very end lol). There are about 45 such schools in existence, usually each enrolling around 8,000 - 26,000 students each. GLCs (global learning centers) are usually still under influence of the local country or government of the lands they’re located in, but they are additionally regulated and managed partially by international councils  and relevant other groups. Especially things like inter-species communication groups and etc., as they generally have to employ a lot of external resources in terms of allotting for the correct housing and food and what language should be spoken in classes, etc. 
Like for example, if you were to host a small group of Vampiric/Avirre'thel students from Navyete at a GLC, you’d need to consider things such as:
their native language is Avirrekava which is a small isolated language unlikely to be spoken on the rest of the campus (so they should be spoken to to decide which language they’d like to be taught in (for example if they knew a second language that was more widely spoken, or if you should provide them an enchanted item that automatically translates words for them in real time or etc.)
temperatures above 70F can make them sick (so you should make sure they’re not required to go into hot areas of the school, ensure that they room with other species who need a cold environment, or provide them enchantments to help with it)
they will need some supply of blood to stay alive (talk to them about their feeding patterns and what the cafeteria would need to import for them)
many wild animals will attack them on sight (either give them an enchantment for this or ensure that their classes take place away from parts of the school that host animals, don’t require them to take classes with animals)
they can not touch certain metals and minerals (give them an enchantment for this or else make sure that none of the things they have to touch to get around (door knobs, etc.) are this sort of material, don’t require them to work with these materials, give them special gloves, etc)
they are an inherently non-magical species (so always have a non-magical way of doing things (for example if the only way to get to the second floor was a personal magic powered elevator, they wouldn’t be able to use it and would need stairs, etc) and don’t put them in any classes that require them to do things magically (or else just have a second optional non-magical form of the classwork, etc)), etc.
So because of stuff like that and the huge variety of things to consider with any species (maybe one person needs sunlight to live, another  person’s flesh will burn off if it sees the sun, so you have to find ways of meeting both needs), there are often different representatives and special councils involved to help advise the school staff about like, blood incompatibilities and cross species diseases, cultural history of certain groups, most particularly health needs and survival needs of different groups, language accessibility, etc. etc. And often outside groups of mages are contracted to make all of the enchantments needed. 
 Usually a school will settle on a baseline way of operating that works for the maximum number of  students possible, and then any adjustments that need to be made can be added by giving the other students enchantments (like say if a vast majority of the population was okay with an average room temperature of about 50F, but then a few students will die if they’re not at a constant 80F and some will be harmed if they’re not around 30F, then the outlier students may be given enchanted rings that regulate their temperature independent of external room temperature or something (free of charge, with free magic recharges) to wear for the full duration of them attending the GLC ). 
 So anyway, overall the schools will be reasonably unique in architecture and layout and etc. and a lot of those sorts of choices are made by those in the local area who own the school (so a place in elven lands may have their traditional elvish architecture, elvish as a main language, etc.), but often many decisions are also influenced by external organizations and advisors, for the sake of everything running smoothly and just due to the massive amount of information you have to take into account when dealing with anything in the realm on a broad scale.  
 (side note: Managing all of this information is especially significant in global areas, like most places in the realm can get away with being inaccessible or etc. because it’s their own place, like you wouldn’t go on a day trip to Navyete, which is  2,000 miles away from your home city, and expect all the signs to be in your own very specific language or etc.****.  Though a good many places in the supernatural realm do have at least some resources for foreigners, there is no uniform globally enforced established requirement for them to do so.  However in all global cities and places where the entire point is being accessible and open to literally everyone and easy for them to get by living and working and etc. in that area, there’s usually  A LOT of thought put into city layout, housing, resources available, etc. etc. and the same goes for GLCs like… you by nature HAVE to provide equal access to things for all of your students, which in most cases you literally wouldn’t be able to do without the aid of external councils and etc. to help guide and educate you and help with planning. Whereas a non GLC, like maybe just an Elven mage’s college or something, would be under no obligation to not just have every class in elvish and provide only elvish food and etc. etc. And of course you can still attend if you can deal with that or use enchantments to make up for any differences or etc.,, and they may also take it upon themselves to offer extra resources or etc. , but they’re not  literally by nature REQUIRED to as is the case with GLCs (just like an average elven city is not held to the same standards of inclusivity as an official Global City). 
 So basically it’s like, any person can for the most part attend any school they want (depending on the school system in the area), but in more homogeneous areas, you’re kind of taking a big bet on whether your experience will be made easier or not (which i don’t mean like, just plain culture shock or language barriers or something...but like literally, extremely serious issues in some cases. Like a vampire trying to attend an elven school that is within a country where it’s just 100% illegal to produce, harvest, or consume any product derived from any part of  a  living animal, and the school does not supply alternatives or other options for foreign students then it’s like? well?? lmao?? you’re just going to rot without access to blood?? maybe you can take a 3 hour trip out of the country borders every once in a while to refill?? maybe you can risk breaking the law ? how do you ever feed?? do you just,,stay sick permanently from lack of blood access?), whereas if you’re attending a GLC you pretty much are guaranteed to be provided whatever you need for it to be an accessible experience for you, so it’s not just up to random chance whether the country the school is in has those policies or not.   
Most of the point of GLCs are for it to be a more secure and reliable option for schooling, especially for species with rarer or more incompatible needs than the average person. You can choose any school, but GLCs are usually ideal for a lot of people since they’re such a safe bet, especially if there’s no schools on the topic you’re interested in within your local area and you’re having to travel outside of your native land  for schooling.  If you’re already isolated away from home alone in a foreign country,  it’s usually safer to go to a place that’s legally by nature required to be accessible and helpful to you, than to just kind of randomly hope that whatever other school you find will be able to do the same.
   ****(though this obviously differs depending on context, in some cases it would be expected of or legally required for a country to make changes to be accessible to others, like in the case of bringing in a lot of outsiders for work reasons, due to destabilization in the area, etc. but here I’m  meaning like, just a single solitary traveler that isn’t there due to broader societal , economic, or cultural reasons in which it would actually be necessary or morally/legally expected for the country in question to provide extra aid to them)   
 (extra side note: Safe areas like GLCs are especially important for groups with negative associations, like how many people mistrust Jhevona and etc. While legally they may be able to attend any school, it'd be much safer for them to just try to attend a GLC where they're guaranteed respect and accommodation, because their experience may be awful if they just went to any random place, where people weren't monitored by international standards and were free to be as biased in grading and treatment as they wanted to. Especially since travel through the realm is already so dangerous, if you end up going to the wrong school, alone, far away from all family and friends, with no supervision or any regulations to look out for you, especially as a member of a commonly disliked group, you may end up just getting killed by the students and staff or something. Random schools that are unaffiliated with broader overseeing councils and standards (like all GLCs are) are under no obligation to accept you, tolerate you, cater to you, treat you equally, or keep you alive. Though I left the vague brutality of the realm out of my earlier explanation, since really that sort of thing is usually common sense, and it's rare for people to walk into an area where they'd be in danger and not know about it first.   
(like for example, the unconditional personal rights laws in Fanyin (and Mippya) technically only apply to those of Cit 5 (which does not include travelers or students), which means like... technically.. stuff like murder, kidnapping, violence, etc. is not.. illegal? Or at least can be, depending on who does it and where (Cit 1 murdering a Cit 3 under any condition would be awful and illegal, Cit 3 murdering a Cit 1 even if in broad daylight right on the street would not be illegal at all, unless it were done in the presence of tourists, in which case it's only illegal because it would make the country look bad and crimes should be done in private to keep the streets beautiful. etc. Most laws are like that, where they're.. ridiculously conditional on a lot of things, like your social status, location, loyalty to the government, etc.), but as a foreign student you're not actually guaranteed ANY sort of protection AT ALL. While the government of the area does their best to keep stuff like this a secret so it doesn't hurt tourism and public reputation, it's common enough knowledge that MOST people wouldn't consider going to school there, just out of basic common sense, since it's like.. "yeah my stay may be 100% fine and I have a great time in school...however there's also technically plenty of conditional situations in which it would be legal for someone to kill me and face no repercussion??? so????? maybe another place??" lol) 
 So it's like, usually, it's just a choice between two reasonably civil school options, but maybe the GLC seems nicer or etc. etc. If you're looking into travel or going to outside schools in general, you'll likely be pretty aware of places to avoid, so it's often not a life or death scenario or anything. People are mostly aware of where they do and don't belong, and what areas would be safe for them and which parts of the realm they're likely to just be killed by the locals in lol. )  
 GLCs are sort of like colleges, but are not restricted to a certain education level, as school systems vary so wildly throughout the realm there’d really be no way to tell (one person’s “middle school” is another person’s “high school”, some people just don’t even have a local school system, curriculums vary, two people may both have graduated top of their local school system but one school system taught primarily how to grow beets and write books and the other mostly focused on abstract philosophy and elemental magic, etc. etc.), so it’s really just “we don’t require any background qualifications to get in at all, just give us your personal info and sign up and then take the entrance exams relevant to the particular few classes you’ve decided to take and then you’re in”.   
(which the entrance exams usually aren’t too extensive, it’s not like you have to know everything about the class you’re taking (unless you’re applying for an upper level class where they’re starting off assuming you already have a certain level of knowledge), a lot of them are more just ethics questions and personal stuff like why you’re interested in taking the class and etc. just to weed out people who may treat the material poorly or don’t actually care about being there (like if there was only one spot left in the class and it was between someone who answered about how this was their life passion and how they had traveled 400 miles on foot just to get here to take this class and then another person who was just like “idk me mum told me i had to sign up for some dumb shit so you know whatever, idk why im here just trying stuff out”, then based on those entrance exam answers it’d go to the first person lol). 
 So because of this as well, there’s no set age, though  you do usually have to be at least “at an age of relevant maturity” to attend, which for humans would be around 24, for elves (who physically age slower) would be around 34, for vampires (who age slightly faster than humans but are just able to stop their physical age at a point bc Immortality Complications) it’s usually around 20, for some very slow maturing species it could be up to age 50, etc. It depends (mostly on when it’s agreed upon that your brain is fairly developed and you’re able to make reasonable decisions, are not affected by lack of experience or mood and personality changes due to growth and hormones and etc.).   
Younger people can attend in special cases, but usually have to be separated and escorted specially and are not allowed to live on campus (not due to lack of trust in the young people, a 10 year old in a class would be treated equally to an elderly person, as long as they understand the material nobody really cares at all. The extra rules for younger students are exclusively due to having to protect them, with them being more vulnerable to harm or predatory behaviors). Which is actually somewhat rare, as most schools in the realm don’t actually have a definite age you have to be to attend, while they will separate students by age or skill level or etc. many schools  are not as strict about this as GLCs are. 
 GLCs usually have most students living on campus, especially since they’re common places for people to travel just to attend school (so like, 90% of students probably don’t already live and work in the local city, likely 80% of them aren’t even from the area the school is set in,  they may have literally just arrived from a 50 day trip solely to come to access the education they’d like). Housing and necessities are provided and specialized to some degree depending on the student (like they’d probably house people together that have similar environmental requirements, compatible sleep rhythms, etc.), as well as food which at least two meals a day are guaranteed  (with more, or larger, meals for species who need to eat more to survive of course. It’s just the ‘three meals a day’ thing really is not a concept in many places in the realm with it varying a lot between people eating once in the morning, once at night, once every few days, multiple small meals throughout the day, four times a day, whatever their culture calls for, etc.etc. So most GLCs as a middle ground for that will just offer like two meals a day officially, but students can get them at any time , you could pick up both your meals at once and eat them at 7 am, or get them early and space the contents out into 5 meals at regular intervals, you could just not have their food at all and cook your own meals, etc. etc. )  which are also specialized to the needs of the students if necessary (importing a small supply of blood for Avirre’thel students, etc.) .   
(they also often feature food courts with little restaurants and communal kitchens and small grocery stores on campus, so people have even more options for buying and cooking their own food without having to go out into the local cities to do so, but at a bare minimum they do at least always provide you with the two meals a day) 
 GLCs just about always have uniforms, but they are pretty loose with how they’re worn and offer a lot of different alterations or modifications and different versions for students with very different anatomy, and even with pretty standard humanoid anatomy they offer a lot of choices (so like instead of ‘bottoms are either pants or a skirt!’ it’d be more like you can choose from: long skirt, overalls jumper dress, shorter skirt, medium skirt, split skirt, shorts, skort, long loose pants, long tight pants, short shorts, knee length shorts, capris, overalls shorts jumper thing, pants with a skirt over it, pants or shorts with like kind of skirt flaps surrounding them in segments, etc. etc. etc.), and will for the most part let students wear it however and modify them (cutting the sleeves off of a shirt, adding cute bows to your outer jacket, choosing never to wear the outer jacket at all, etc.) as long as you’re not changing it to the point it’s unrecognizable (like dying the fabric a different color), since the one of the main points of uniforms is mostly to be able to easily identify and keep track of students on campus. The uniform specifics (color, style, etc.) will usually vary by school.   
There isn’t much structure aside from just, make it to your classes on time, take care of your needs, and follow the rules of conduct. Class length and start time totally depend on what class you’re taking and usually operate on their own independent schedules, the cafeteria is open at all times and people just come get their two meals whenever they want (if they want) and there’s no set time to eat, most places on campus like libraries and etc. are open at all times as well to accommodate different schedules, there’s the occasional area that may have a curfew or time that it closes and students shouldn’t be there, but it’s usually pretty open with the times things occur and etc. There’s no bed times or quiet times officially, aside from the dorms being separated to allot for different schedules (like rooms for people who sleep during the day and wake at night being all the way across campus from those who do things during the day and sleep at night), and just general rules to be considerate.  
 Leaving and entering the campus is reasonably regulated, you have to provide identification and pass through the usual non-magic areas (due to the prevalence in Nanyevimi of stuff like enchantments and shapeshifting, usually public areas where your identity is important to confirm (like workplaces, schools, etc.) will have rooms you have to pass through that are enchanted to override all current magic, so like if you’re shapeshifting to steal someone’s identity, when you pass through the room, your shapeshifting magic will be cancelled out and you’ll be temporarily rendered into a natural state free of all magical modifications where you’re unable to use any form of magic, meaning like… you’re going to go back to yourself and they’ll find out obviously you’re not actually who you were pretending to be lol)), and there’s usually a log kept of the people coming and leaving*. 
 (*mostly since a majority of people at the school are foreign students who are there entirely alone with no connections or support system in the nearby areas. They take responsibility for the students, so like if they leave and it’s been 3 days since their last return log and they’ve missed classes and stuff, the GLC has to notify people to look for them and etc. Since in general, the population of GLCs is pretty vulnerable to kidnappers or murderers or etc., considering  they don’t have a family or job or apartment or anything that would notice if they went missing, really the only people who even know about their existence in the area would be the school and maybe their Friends at the school if they have any, thus staff at the GLC have way more provisions in place to secure the safety of students and track their movements, make sure everyone's still alive and nobody has been kidnapped or gotten lost, etc.).   
(side note: GLCs are actually a common area for people to stalk to find targets, especially with stuff like the blood market, or scientists who aim to kidnap and study rare species and etc., foreign kids with no support systems in the area are a good catch, so the GLCs are usually like.. VERY guarded and protective, and new students get introductory classes about the land layout and social climate of the area, suspicious groups and behavior to look out for when traveling etc. etc.)  
While some schools in the realm of course are more focused on making money, looking good on paper with high score statistics above all else, promoting a very specific agenda, or etc. , the point of a good majority of schooling systems in Nanyevimi is just to give people access to learning skills that they’re passionate about in order for them to improve themselves, their community, the local workforce, etc. etc. and to spread important knowledge and trades across the population. Likewise, that is the focus of all GLCs, so they don’t really require any unnecessary classes or hold very strict rules about timing or etc. You graduate essentially whenever you’ve mastered the skills and completed the courses of the particular studies you chose. There are certain levels of qualification you can attain that will have certain requirements (like if you want to be able to legally call yourself an “[insert name of your GLC here] Certified Medical Doctor”, you have to have taken and passed a particular set of classes ), but you can mix and match whatever you want, if you just wanted to stop by and take a single music course and then leave the school with a certificate saying "i passed the level 1 music course at my GLC", that would be fine, or if you wanted to stay on campus for 15 years taking a huge variety of classes to meet 5 different levels of qualification and leave school with 80 certificates declaring all the levels of education you’ve completed, that’s fine too. 
 It’s usually on a course by course basis, with some influence from if you’re attempting to meet one of the higher qualifications or not, but pretty open to customization and you just learning whatever random things you like until you feel that’s enough. Average stay at a GLC is 3-5 years. You can also re-try classes how ever many times you want, whether it takes you a full school year, half of a school year, or 3 full years to master the material of a given course, you’ll still be given your certificate accordingly just whenever you’ve got it down. Though their scoring system is a bit more strict than some schools in the realm (since they try to keep education and requirements fairly uniform across GLCs, one school’s low score isn’t another school’s high score, etc.), it is a little evened out by you getting as much time as you need to learn things.   
 GLCs by nature are required to be free to all students who pass the entrance exams to their classes , though this can be difficult depending on the area. In some cases they have to limit or put a restriction on the number of students that can be attending school at any given time and hold off new students until a certain number have finished or etc. (in the case that the school is still charged for supplies and thus spending money per student but not receiving any, they may have to limit student body to only how much the donations from outside organizations and etc. will cover) , or they may have to limit classes (some areas are fine with the school being free but want to limit what they’re able to teach, like in an area where non-violence is a major concept in their culture, they may allow the school to operate free of charge but require that they do not host any form of combat classes, or that if they do, the classes are paid for separately), or in some cases call in external defense force to protect the school  (in some places where the governments or culture are extremely profit focused, so many people take issue with the concept of something being offered without anyone making money from it that there are regular attempts to like, shut down the school, attacks by the citizens themselves or local law enforcement meant to frighten everyone out of the area, etc. etc. so to protect students and etc. they’ll have to have more extensive guards and etc.   
( Though this is rare since obviously GLCs want to avoid this and try to not host schools in areas where this would even be an issue in the first place, or any other place where they could foresee other  dangers (for example countries like Fanyin, places in the middle of wars, militarized countries where it’s legal for the leaders to basically just do whatever the hell they want and ask people with weapons to enforce it (so they could walk up on the school and kill everyone and it would be perfectly legal and okay aside from like, probably being condemned/possibly starting conflict with the countries around them, but not if they cover it up well), etc. just anything in general where it would be putting the students at too much risk to host a school there), but there are still like, a tiny handful of cases where maybe a school has been in an area thousands of years but the area just now recently is starting to have those sorts of issues, or where like, it’s an extremely good area to host a school due to it being near a major travel hub or something so it’s very convenient and accessible for students but just like, ONE of the local governments is wild as hell but the pros outweigh that con, etc. ) 
 But in general, most GLCs have no issue with this, since like, the broad majority of places in the realm have free schooling anyway (also most GLCs are in global cities so like, those areas are already going to be open to the concept due to the nature of the area as well), or have their monetary system organized in such a way that it’s something that’s easy to set up, or don’t even have an established monetary system so it’s not much of an issue in the first place, and there are plenty of groups who offer funding if it’s necessary, like international councils for the support of learning and education or etc. etc. But yeah, for the most part all GLCs are by nature, free of cost to the student, though there may be a few limitations or the occasional thing that is expected to be paid for depending on the cooperation of the local area, usually certain councils will offer to pay student fees in those situations, or etc.  
 Legally, GLCs kind of operate almost as an incredibly small country within their own campus, though like mentioned, they are still under the laws and control and etc. of the local area and the founder of the school, at the same time they do also have those requirements set on them by the larger councils and external groups who help manage the GLC, so sometimes like in the case of finances the GLC sort of acts as it’s own like, independent group, negotiating terms with local governments on it’s own behalf, or having certain laws and regulations that are applicable on campus but may be different off campus, etc. It’s usually a kind of weird situation, but works out since almost always both parties are in agreement, but again with stuff like money or being caught in the middle of local land disputes or etc, especially schools that have been established in an area for a long time will kind of act as an independent party trying to negotiate with local nations or governments as a separate entity with their own interests and etc. when necessary.   
And that’s basically stuff about schools I guess!!! I have trouble organizing what exactly are important details and probably have added some unnecessary things or left out some important details that I just didn’t think to elaborate on lol but, this is mostly just a very vague run down of how schools and stuff work in the realm, just for reference if I ever end up mentioning them or etc. !  
 ***** Aforementioned side ramble context for the whole global cities thing and how the supernatural realm (Nanyevimi) functions as a whole:
In most areas of the supernatural realm it’s pretty uniform depending on where you are, there may be other groups at certain travelers hubs or other areas, but for the most part, anywhere you are will be primarily inhabited by like 1-3 main cultures or species.  Even though the supernatural realm has a ton of different groups in it, many stay isolated mostly in their homeland or centralized area, as travel can be costly and dangerous, and just plain difficult.   
The way that everything is lined up is like,, in one country everyone is one specific  type of elf and they all mostly speak their own language and they use magical technology and have cell phones and computers and rooftop gardens and they use a silver coin with a star in the middle for their currency , but then you travel just a mere 300 miles away and suddenly EVERYTHING is completely different, it’s a country primarily inhabited by orc-like people who all speak a totally different language and use fire to light their homes, communicate everything by letter and travel on foot, they use dried animal pelts for currency and have no conversion for the currency you’ve brought from the previous land, etc. etc.
Things like language barriers and cultural differences are easily overcome, especially if in a group that can use magic, but sometimes things like people existing literally on a nearly different timescale than your own (thus processing the very nature and importance of events and perception of their entire existence differently than you), or having such vastly different biological needs from you (one can only live in the heat, one in the cold, one must eat metals to live, other is allergic to metal, etc.), the uneven spread of technology, and stuff like magical areas vs. non-magical areas,  can sometimes make it much harder to relate to or trade with others (at least harder than it would be if most people lived generally around the same timespan and had similar physical needs and the technology to effectively communicate across longer distances). 
Which isn’t to say they dislike others, there are not many groups that isolate themselves out of hatred for their neighbors, and most cultures are at least reasonably welcome of travelers or visitors or negotiating with the people near them, but it’s more of just like, they just don’t feel the inherent need to expand themselves or go many other places, generally, especially species with a slower growing population or those in already kind of isolated areas that don’t often have large scale internal conflicts or etc. (since there wouldn’t even be much logical reason for them to travel elsewhere other than out of curiosity, but not the type of urgent necessity like what happens in wars or when there’s not enough resources for a group or etc. ).  
Like for example if you’re a small  2 foot tall squirrel species that lives in trees and has a lifespan of just about 50 years old on average and your highest daily concerns are just making cool huts out of grass and finding enough berries and writing cultural story songs in your language to pass on to your offspring before you die, you’re probably not going to be very concerned with the giant 19 foot tall humanoid water creatures that live a little off the coast of your forest and live for 8,000+ years and spend most of their time building underground monuments to their group of 22 celestial gods and eating fish and that don’t speak any language you think you could even come close to understanding because you literally can’t even produce the same noises with your mouth anatomy. And yeah, they take small pebbles from the shore sometimes, but overall they don’t bother you or interact with you and they’re just so far outside of the scope of any of your most pressing daily concerns and you feel like you couldn’t even comprehend the way they’re living anyway so, you kind of just leave them be? And sure, if they were being killed or needed resources or something (assuming they’d even be able to communicate that to you), you’d help them out since, why not? You have nothing against them. But, for the most part you just don’t think of them, you’re busy with your grass and your songs. Maybe a few members of your squirrel group get curious and go out to attempt to talk to the others occasionally, or create a religion based off of these strange water beings and leave them flowers at the shore from time to time to maybe gain luck from them or something,,  but overall they just seem so abstract to you, never make contact with you, and aren’t causing you any harm so?? you just don’t think about them often.
Like almost in a way there’s SO MUCH variance in so many ways between different groups and species and etc. that it ends up being difficult to establish a more concrete sense of uniformity or unity across the realm. Small areas can group together, and plenty of species can exist alongside each other and etc., but the wide variance in biology and technology and inconsistent travel and communication systems and isolating environmental factors and etc. make societies exist more in little isolated centers and tiny civilization pockets around the world, rather than all being one huge interconnected system where everyone knows about everyone else and trades with everyone else and etc. 
( though there are plenty of global organizations and international councils that try to promote unity and safe travels and will help represent you or give you a translator or etc. if you have to be traveling between a lot of countries,,  trains that run between large areas and etc..  and a handful of  broad sources of global connection on a large scale that are present and available and at least somehow accessible from some areas. and of course, global cities and stuff. But these things aren’t present everywhere, and are not super widespread)
The current state of Nanyevimi is kind of just like, a bunch of little distinct pockets of people (towns,  cities, villages, etc.) within slightly larger distinct pockets of people (countries) all of which likely don’t really have much to do with the pockets of people beside them (with the exception of a few major conflict areas, or major areas of unity where there’s a lot of alliance between groups in the area) and just kind of sit alone doing things in their own ways, with the occasional like, interference of a global council or something asking permission to build an international railway through the area or asking if it’s okay to escort travelers through the lands or etc.  Other than communicating for only the most utterly necessary of trade or resource exchange, most groups don’t go forming political alliances with other groups or trying to integrate others into their culture or take over their lands or etc., they just want to keep to themselves. 
BUT ANYWAY, this is context on why “global cities” are kind of an actual distinct thing, since you would think like, “every city is a global city”, but usually cities are pretty much just the people in the area and not much else. Like for example, most large cities in Navyete still are mainly populated by vampires, since the entire population of Navyete is like over 96% Avirre'thel due to them being an extremely isolated people generally. Even though they’re still large bustling cities with many inhabitants, those inhabitants are mostly all people who speak the same language and are from the same culture.  Then compare that to some of the major coastal cities in Asen, which,  though they are right next door to Navyete, have a massive variance in population and are usually places where you find businesses and schools and groups and species and cultures from legit all over the entire world collected in one place. 
(Asen is a very “global country” overall, despite being originally founded by the Fanyiniri and elves still being the slightly dominant population in the area by most measures (especially if you count rural areas), Asen has operated as an independent country free of the Fanyiniri for like 10,000 years, and it just so happens to be really conveniently located for hubs of global trade and etc).
So, yeah. Something being a 'global area’  (cities, learning centers, travel hubs, etc.)  is actually fairly unique and uncommon in the realm as a whole. Though there are many attempts to unify the realm (like people always suggesting ‘universal languages’ or like, having every living species classified in a registry to keep track of them all, or to have like, established communication networks or councils involving every culture/nation in the world, etc.), these usually, hardly ever work or even get off the ground as an idea (since with most things there’s a lot of criticism of if that should even be a goal in the first place, implications of that, etc. etc. It’s usually some professor brings up an idea and then his colleagues split into  groups of differing opinions on the matter and argue about it for a few years and then eventually drop it) , so , Global Cities and stuff are usually the closest thing to a unified society that exists. Little tiny pockets of the world where, at least on a smaller scale, you can find the extremely rare event of like 90+ unique humanoid species all chilling and trying to get along with each other in one space.
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floridaprelaw-blog · 4 years ago
Employers Versus Employees: Do You Have To Get Vaccinated?
By Kristen Julich, The University of Tampa Class of 2022
April 9, 2021
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Not only has the recent COVID-19 pandemic cut lives short, but it has also limited the experience of those living through the current pandemic. Jobs have been lost and schools have been shut down, these two major effects have been key players in limiting experiences of those living through the pandemic. The question of whether there will be a solution has been looming over not only the United States, but also the world. And it seems that scientists may have come across a solution through emergency use authorization (EUA) of three different COVID- 19 vaccines [1]. Though seemingly a solution, lawmakers, and society in general have now been presented with another question: can we mandate returning students and employees to get vaccinated?
The major argument against mandated vaccines is the claim that individuals cannot be mandated to get vaccinated under a EUA, as opposed to a full license [1]. Despite this argument, employers, especially in the health care system have historically mandated vaccines, and these mandates have been done on solid legal ground [1]. This leaves little room for arguments against the mandates. There are two solid arguments against that of mandating an EUA vaccine: a legal argument and a policy one. The legal aspect of the argument is that there is a law set out in which the Security of Health and Human Services ensures that the law also sets out language so that people know they can refuse or accept the vaccine once it is distributed [1]. This same language also requires informational materials which accompany the vaccine to tell people that it is their choice to receive the relevant vaccine [1]. The policy argument on the other hand, mandates that the standards set forth for the EUA are lower than the standards for full approval, making the vaccines “experimental” [1]. Thus, the policy argument finds that since they are experimental and not much is known about the vaccine or its effects, it would be unfair to mandate a EUA vaccine.
While there have already been a few lawsuits regarding this issue there are also grounds to dismiss these suits. On the legal side, the EUA statute states nothing directed at employers of universities; the statute addresses the actions of federal officials, not private actors regarding the vaccine and its mandates [1]. As of March 18, 2021 employees of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) filed a federal lawsuit demanding that LAUSD stop its COVID- 19 vaccine mandate [2]. This district is the second largest in the United States to force its employees to take the vaccine. Under the suit, LAUSD employees have described this lawsuit as “experimental”, both Pfizer and Moderna use new technologies of mRNA, which no one knows the short, medium, or long- term effects of [2]. It is evident that these employees do not want to be the ones to find out, through their lawsuit. The lawsuit goes on to include the Nuremberg Code in which “free nations have recognized that forced medical experimentation of any kind is both inhumane and unethical” [2]. Essentially LAUSD employees find that mandating the vaccines is causing them to participate in an experiment they want no part of, as they explain that the vaccine mandates are “forcing employees to choose between providing for their families and being the victim of human experimentation” [2]. A similar case has been seen from late February of a county corrections officer in New Mexico. County Manager Fernando Macias issued a directive requiring all first responders in the Dona Ana County of New Mexico to receive the vaccine [3]. Corrections Officer, Isaac Legaretta who works in the Dona Ana Detention Center is now being terminated from his job for refusing the vaccine [3]. His lawyers allege that this mandate has violated Legaretta’s constitutional right to life, liberty, and privacy, however this case regarding that of life, liberty, and privacy is different than many as Legaretta’s employer is a public one, which is limited by the Constitution [3].
Before the COVID- 19 pandemic, the general position of relevant federal agencies was that EUA vaccines are not to be mandated [1]. However, this was simply guidance, it was in no way binding towards that of other actors such as employers and universities. Overall, the federal government took the position of “[w]hether an employer may require, or mandate Covid-19 vaccination is a matter of state or other applicable law.” [1]. Thus, the federal government has never done anything to prevent the mandates. Traditionally, the government has attempted to regulate employers and universities in two ways. It has used regulations to increase safety in the workplace, in other words, the government does not intervene to prevent safety measures, or decrease overall safety [1]. The government also regulates employers and universities to prevent some types of discrimination against those with disabilities or based on religion [1]. Those with disabilities and those who have religious obligations are often a part of the group of people, who cannot get certain vaccines. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has made it clear that employers may exclude employees who refuse to be vaccinated but should not discriminate against those who cannot get vaccinated because of an underlying disability or religious belief [1].
[1] Reiss, Dorit R., et al. “Employers Can Require Workers to Get Authorized Covid-19 Vaccines.” STAT, 2 Apr. 2021, www.statnews.com/2021/04/05/authorization-status-covid-19-vaccine-red-herring-mandating-vaccination/.
[2] “Employees Sue LAUSD for Mandating Experimental Covid-19 Vaccine.” KTVN Channel 2 - Reno Tahoe Sparks News, Weather, Video, Mar. 2021, www.ktvn.com/story/43520501/employees-sue-lausd-for-mandating-experimental-covid-19-vaccine.
[3] Reiss, Dorit Rubinstein. “COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Challenge from a Corrections Officer.” Skeptical Raptor, 19 Mar. 2021, www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/covid-19-vaccine-mandate-challenge-from-a-corrections-officer/.
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