#in a silly little jacksepticeye mood.
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bumbling-jester · 1 year ago
if they don't get chase out of IRIS i'm breaking in and fighting anti and getting him out MYSELF.
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isnt-that-something · 3 years ago
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I posted 9,630 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#skull: glowstick. powerful prey drive but a laser pointer can sometimes be too small to hold his attention. glowstick big and glow predty o
My Top Posts in 2021
My Prism collection is hereee!~
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~💙🧡💛I LOVE IT!!!💚💜❤~
I adore all the little loving details you put into the packaging and the little bonuses you put in!
I love the little "To Remember" note on Inks palette on his keychain!!! So cute! I can't wait to decide where to put the stickers. Thank you so much and I'm so happy I splurged and bought this for myself for my birthday!
Individual close up pics under the cut to save people feeds.
No no. Thank you!
PS Love the custom stamps!!!
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I can't get over the little note!~
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Duality~ PS I was Pacafrisk alllll the way
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STICKERSSSS~~~ I'm so excited about these!!! Yellow, Pink or Green one is going on my keyboard space as well as halo ink. Maybe the color wheel too. XD
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The whole collection. My heart!~ The details on everything is just so awesome!!! Imma be finding hidden things on the top post for a while.
In short I LOVE IT!!!
99 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 21:38:29 GMT
Pass the happy! 🧡 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
Daaaw! Thank you!
1. Creating and seeing art 2. My friends and family IRL 3. Anime 4. RPing 5. Music
I’m low on asks atm but I’ll tag the last 10 peeps instead! @drakaiyus @annegirl13 @insidiousclouds @smp1123 @pureangleda @saidebanks @autumnvicky @incognitanatura @galaxykrystal123 @raining-somewhere-else
106 notes • Posted 2021-04-10 17:55:17 GMT
I was in a Picrew mood and found this adorable one!
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Anyone else want to be a mermaid?
@unik-world​, @umlexis​, @trashybonecan​, @snowflakeimagines​, @keziha-chan​, @ask-basurtoj15​, @a-skeleton-in-disguise​ and anyone else that wants to!
(PS If you ever want me to not tag you in these please just let me know! :D)
107 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 17:16:06 GMT
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So I was very inspired by @lover-of-skellies post of a Beauty and the Beast Nightmare Crossover . I took some of my interpretations with @novetteus on it. Instead of a golden rose I decided to stick with a golden apple slowly getting consumed by the same goop that cursed the princes form. I have another digital piece that I'm posting separately. :3
You can see it here.
140 notes • Posted 2021-09-12 20:30:27 GMT
Legit holy crap this is AMAZEBALLS! I’ve been watching all kinds of Youtubers get together to play Among Us, including the people in this video. 
The music? MWAH~*
The art? MWAH~*
The fact I can recognize points in said Youtubers gameplays?
Chef’s kisses all the way around, 100 outta 10 way to go you funky little animator you!  JaidenAnimation, Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, CorpseHusband, Markiplier, Toast, Valkyrae, Pokimane, Crankgameplays, Sykkuno
176 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 06:44:20 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
Take two for posting this. XD
Boy it's been a heck of a year. I'm not surprised some of my top posts are chains but I'm super excited and happy to see one of my own art posts there! Goal for next year is to have at least 3!!!
Thanks to everyone for sticking around with my silliness.
Let's hope 2022 is a good year for everyone.
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notreallyuseless · 7 years ago
Who’s left to trust (Part 2)
Previous [x] /// Next [x]
Chase would have never said it aloud. Never in his whole life would he have admitted that seeing this shit-eating grin made him feel at home. He opened his mouth to say something, anything to anchor this moment. To tell himself he did really find him. The reflection only smirked back at him.
“Come on Chase. Did you really think it would be that easy to find him? Try a little harder.”
When he blinked, the messed-up reflection had disappeared. He was relieved to see it was only his mind tricking him. He shouldn’t feel happy to see him. They did not belong together.  It didn’t surprise him, in a way, his mind did tricked him a lot. Creating illusions of what he wanted to see. He could faintly remember the exact number of time he thought he saw his kids running around the house before meeting up with Marvin worrying about him or Henrik telling him his kids weren’t there. They never were. The thing in front of Chase was only him. There was no hero, no magician. He wasn’t a doctor nor was he mute. He was nothing more than a drunk guy, good at nothing but crying and complaining. In frustration against himself, Chase punched the window. But nothing happened. Nothing ever happens. Except pain. And he knew exactly what could relieve his pain.
When he turned back from the window, he wasn’t on the street anymore. He was in front of a bar. Startled, he looked behind him, expecting to come back to the electronic shop before seeing the dim lit street in front of the bar. He sure was always imagining things but walking through the whole town to get to this specific bar without realizing it was a first. Maybe the event that happened earlier made him lose his mind a little more. Nothing new. He pushed in the door and met with a warm gust of wind. A suffocating one. There weren’t a lot of people in the bar at this hour. Chase was even surprised this bar was open on a Wednesday, when a lot of person had work the day after. Nothing awaits him in the morning anymore.
He usually takes a seat at the counter, so that he can drown himself in alcohol more easily. But today was different. He did want to drink, forget what happened earlier, but he didn’t feel like putting his grim mood on the poor bartender. He walked to the counter, asking for a glass and a whole bottle of whisky. He paid all of it even before the bartender had the time to say a warning and giving him a concerned look. He zoned out while waiting for his drink. The bar was kind of quiet making him feel like at home. When he’s alone and drinking his problem away with the dull sound of voices in rooms next to his. Voices who sounds sometimes like him, but always livelier, better.
“... and then Stacy, my new girlfriend, told me she left her husband because he was a maniac. He once locked her kids in a room because he didn’t want her to leave with them for the week. I understand now why she doesn’t trust others easily.”
Chase’s heart stopped beating. He couldn’t believe it. How did...Furious, he ran and took the guy’s neck in his hands and squeezed. So hard he wished he broke his neck.
“What did Stacy say?”
The other guy, his friend probably, not like Chase cared to know, took a hold of Chase’s jacket and flew him backward. The first one wheezed, trying to catch his breath.
“MY GIRLFRIEND’S NAME IS SAMANTHA, DUDE? What is wrong with you? We were talking about the baseball game I went to see with her? Are you crazy?”
Realization dawned on him. He really was going crazy. The divorce happened months ago. He was supposed to be over that. He told everyone he was over Stacy. The bartender, who came to see what was happening, was even more reluctant to let Chase have a whole bottle of whisky. He snatched the bottle and the glass from the poor guy’s hands and left the counter to go to a table in the corner of the bar. He could still hear their voices.
“Seriously, what was wrong with this guy? He looked insane as hell.” “Well, maybe this Stacy girl should stay away from this freak.” “We should keep an eye on this guy right there. He yelled at a customer. Something must be wrong in his head.”
He couldn’t take it anymore. Everyone was against him. No one wanted to get close to him. He did that to himself. He deserved that. He was alone. He wished he could have spent more time with Jamie, just playing silly cards game. With Schneep, listening to him telling his wild encounter with patients. With Jackie, playfully fight in the yard because the basement was a mess. With Marvin...
“Did you like my magic trick?”
Surprised, Chase looked at the man next to him, expecting to see the magician. He did have the same haircut, the same face and the same voice. But he wasn’t Marvin.
“I’m not in the mood right now, leave me alone.” Whispered Chase while looking down at his half-empty glass of whiskey. He wasn’t in the mood anymore.
“Come on Chase. You looked so happy earlier to see me. No one looked at me like that in a really long time. You know, with all of you keeping me away from the fans.”
Anti took a seat in front of Chase, leaning his chin on his hands. He smiled sweetly at Chase and stared at the other man, pleased to see him alone.
“Get lost I said! I’m better off by myself. No one’s expecting something from me now. It’s better that way.”
“Oh yeah, it’s not like the others are waiting for you to come back to them with good news about me leaving all of you – and Jack – alone.”
Chase only squeezed his glass tighter. Anti really knew everything that was going on about them. A part of Chase wanted to get back on the others good side. Convince Anti to stop trying to tear them apart. Not like they needed Anti to do that. But another part of him, a part he wasn’t proud of, just wanted to give up and let them deal with the problem by themselves. They would have more chance of survival. He came back to reality when he heard Anti’s seat creaked. He was now leaning on his chair and stretching himself. What was he planning?
“Look, I’m the big bad guy. For what I’m heard so far, the only thing I want more than my knife to love me back is the fan’s full attention. The only way to do this is to kill “Jacksepticeye” or you guys, right? The thing is, if Jacksepticeye dies, it means no channel. No channel means...no video. You can do the math alone, you get where I’m going for. And you guys are no threat to me. I don’t see the point of killing you, or the others. The thing you don’t know, that no one knows is WHY I’m doing all of this. “
“You do this because you want attention. You need it to become stronger.”
“Of course, Chase. Me, the ego with the most attention because I’m literally the bad version of this poor cinnamon roll that is Jack, need MORE attention while you four lived off for so long with only one video, or so, about you. I don’t need attention. Between all of us, you’re the one that needs attention. I could lend you some if you asked.”
Chase stood up, knocking down his glass in the action, and took a hold of Anti’s shirt in his fist. They were inches apart from each other and he was about to hit Anti in the face when he heard angry voices behind him and people pulling Chase away from him. His grip on the shirt grew tighter. He wasn’t going to let him mess with his head. Not again. The only problem was that not only Anti’s face never changed, he still wore the same smirk, still looked at him like he was the crazy one.
“Chase... What would your kids think of you right now?”
It felt like a punch in his gut. He lost all strength, all anger and was left on the floor, empty. Numb. How did he get here? How did he go from being a silly, happy-go lucky father to a deranged alcoholic divorced man? What decision in his life did he make that put him here, right now in this moment. He had no fight left in him. Why should he fight if everything he does brings him in this mess anyway? He felt hands pull him upward, but he felt nothing inside. He was welcome nowhere. He pushed everyone away from him. He felt his body lean on another one and leaving the bar.  He didn’t deserve any help he was getting. To everyone’s eyes, he was the bad guy. He wasn’t better than Anti.
Maybe they did belong together.
Here comes the second part! Things aren’t going better for poor Chase. But it’s far from over.
Tag list: @rand0m-stufff here-be-becquerel @enakane @huffle-dork @chase-brody-protection-squad
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gaypeachoftrash-blog · 7 years ago
Dear Mark and Jack
Hello, anyone that may be looking at this. I highly doubt it’s Markiplier or Jacksepticeye since hardly anyone ever notices me and I would probably have an actual heart attack if they ever commented on any of my stuff, but hi.
Markiplier is and forever will be one of my favorite Youtubers, along with Jacksepticeye.
I love them.
I love Jack and Mark because they don’t care about the money or anything, they just want to help people and make people happy.
They’re not fake and feel like real people, a nice change from a lot of YouTube and the internet in general.
Their videos have helped me through so much and can always manage to put a smile on my face.
Jacksepticeye makes me smile with his silly personality and loud voice, shouting at the top of his lungs like the little energetic bean he is.
He’s helped me gain more confidence and be the loud, crazy person I am today.
I love him.
Markiplier also makes me smile with his randomness and amazing voice. His charity livestreams are amazing and it’s wonderful all of the stuff he’s doing. When he cries is literally makes me cry.
I love him.
I would honestly do anything to meet at least one of these two, amazing people. Anything to just hug them and be able to thank them for everything they’ve done for me.
The constant times I’ve been in a bad mood and made me smile.
Made me cry with them during an emotional game or talk.
Have made my heart feel warm with all of their love for their community.
How they never give up and always continue to make new content every day.
I love them.
@markiplier @therealjacksepticeye
I know you two won’t see this, but I just wanted to get it out there.
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randomfandomimagine · 8 years ago
Lazy (Jack x Reader)
Character: Sean McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye)
Fandom: Jacksepticeye/Youtubers
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader, Fluff
Title: Lazy
  A/N: Ever since I finished watching Jack’s gameplay of The Last Guardian, I’ve been really wanting to write a fluffy imagine of him. Which also explains that the game appears in here because all of it is giving me the feels. Enjoy! <3
Summary: Y/N is feeling extremely lazy, but when her boyfriend Jack calls her from downstairs and asks her to hang out the evening changes. 
“Y/N!” Jack called me from downstairs.
I rolled over in the bed and yawned before answering. I was feeling way too lazy, which I blamed on the almost nap I took. I would have fallen asleep gladly, but I just couldn’t and so I ended up just lying down and feeling the laziest.
He knew I was awake because he checked on me from time to time, and I complained to him that I couldn’t fall asleep.
“What?” I shouted back at him.
“Wanna come down and hang out?” Sean asked me, to which I groaned to myself.
Of course I wanted to hang out with him, it was the best thing to do! But go down? Actually stand up and walk? Ugh.
I didn’t know how to reply, or more likely was too lazy to. So I just remained silent, huddling up in the warm and cozy blankets.
Sean didn’t say anything for a while, probably waiting for my response, but he ended up insisting again.
“I don’t feel like it!”
He definitely caught the childish tone in my voice, because he made a pause before he replied. And I noticed the amusement and chuckle in his voice.
“Don’t make me come up and get ya!”
“Don’t you dare!”
I was always up for goofing around with Jackaboy, but I was so damn comfortable that I didn’t want him to burst in and be his usual bubbly and silly self. A part of me wanted him to, but the other felt lazy even for that.
I shoved my face in the pillow when I heard him racing up the stairs.
“I fucking knew it” I mumbled to myself, just as I heard him swing the door open. Was that boy fast and spry.
“C’mon, Y/Ny-boo!”
I covered my head with the covers, gesture that seemed to deeply crack him up because he started laughing a little.
“Up and at ‘em!” He sang playfully, ripping the covers off me.
“Sean…” I warned him, knowing him too well and knowing what ran through his mind.
“Let’s hang out, you lazy bum!”
“Don’t you dare!”
As I thought, Jack picked me up and casually put me over his shoulder. I just tried to hold onto him by wrapping my arms around his torso as he kept on giggling. The little shit felt mischievous today.
And he just found it all the more amusing when I squeaked as he started moving.
“Sean!” I told him off, seeing as he was walking down the stairs calmly, still carrying me.
“Yes?” He gently asked, as though he wasn’t doing anything wrong.
“Put me down, I can fucking walk!”
“I don’t think so” It was obvious by his voice that he was struggling not to laugh. “I think if I’d put you down you’d just fuckin’ flop onto the ground”
I sighed in resigned exasperation and rested my elbows on his back, waiting until he got bored and put me down.
“You’re hilarious, Jack” I told him mockingly, since I always called him Sean.
“Thank you!” He replied cheerfully, not offended by my bitterness at all.
Then he finally sat me down in the couch and grabbed the PS4 controller.
I just stared at him in fake annoyance, and I knew he could feel my eyes on him. In fact, he turned his head to me and showed me that grin only he could manage. Very wide, bright and angelical but still with a hint of mischief.
“What are you playing, green boy?” I playfully asked him, linking my arm with his and leaning my head on his shoulder.
“The Last Guardian!” Sean excitedly told me, giving an enthusiastic little bounce to go along with his words.
“Again? You did the gameplay for your channel, didn’t you?” I had watched all eight videos of that series, and loved every single one of those.
“I’m beating it again on my own” He nodded, fixing his blue eyes in the screen.
I admired the scenery and the graphics, how much thought they put into details and into Trico’s design. His feathers, the sun falling over him, everything! It was just gorgeous.
Right there, they were in an open area. Jack was trying to figure out where he was supposed to go, calling the creature so it would follow the little boy.
“Turikur!” Sean called, imitating the little boy’s voice, then laughing. “Oh, he’s sneezing”
“This game is awesome” I grinned with approval. “But overall Trico is pet goals”
“It’s so cool!” Jack shouted, grinning and fidgeting like an excited child. “Trico’s the cutest!”
Just then, Trico was rolling around in the water and being a giant puppy and it was so adorable that my hands flew to my cheeks as a result of the cuteness overload.
“Aaaaaw, I want a Trico!” I groaned, trying to get over it. “Can we adopt a Trico, Sean?”
“If we could, we would have by now” He laughed a little, his eyes locked on the screen.
“Way to ruin the mood, muggle” I slightly scooped away from him and nudged him in the side in annoyance.
Sean giggled and jumped, shrinking away from my touch extremely fast. I gasped in awe and stared at him, both dumbfounded and satisfied.
“Are you ticklish?!” I exclaimed as though I made the discovery of the century.
“No?” He averted his blue eyes from me, but then met my glance in defeat. “Fuck!”
“How did I not know you’re ticklish?!” I shouted in outrage, still amazed by my discovery. “How am I finding out just now?!”
I then proceeded to mercilessly tickle his sides as he struggled to put the PS4 controller down on the table.
“Y/N, stop!” Sean shouted, trying to hold my hands to keep me from tickling him more.
I had no idea how he managed, but he won me over. He basically started tickling me instead, causing me to squirm around while I painfully laughed out loud.
Maybe Sean was ticklish, but I was much more. And he took advantage of that.
“Who’s tickling who know?” My boyfriend exclaimed in that playful and loud voice of his. “Not so mighty now, are ya?”
“Sean!” I begged him, feeling tears coming out of the corner of my eyes. “Please, I surrender!”
He finally stopped tickling me so I feebly rested on his lap, exhausted and sore all over. I felt sensitive and wary of him, afraid that he’d start tickling me again.
“That’s better” When I turned around slightly to look up at him, there was a mischievous smirk plastered on his lips.
“You little…” I mumbled, still out of breath.
Sean smiled widely, knowing I couldn’t really resist to that genuine, adorable and gorgeous grin.
“There, there…” Jack jokingly said, even if his hands were tenderly caressing my head.
“I would kill you…” I mumbled, closing my eyes like a happy and content kitty. “But I’m too comfortable here”
“I know your weakness, Y/N” Sean giggled mischievously. “Playing with your hair”
“Joke’s on you” It was my time to smirk. “I’mma take a nap now”
“I’ll tickle you!”
“You wouldn’t dare”
Jack raised an eyebrow defiantly, holding up his hands and wriggling his fingers around in a silly menace. I locked eyes with him, trying to contain the laughter, to challenge him as well.
He lightly poked me in the ribs with his index finger, making me squeak and cover my mouth with my hands.
When he did it again, I jolted up into a sitting position and held his hands tightly. Sean just laughed, deeply amused by my behavior.
“Keep playing the damn game, you dork” I held his hands for a moment as I rested my head back on his shoulder, until I was sure that he wouldn’t strike again.
Sean then picked up the controller again and unpaused the game –I had no idea when he had paused it, I was too busy keeping an eye on him or dying from tickling –and stared at me silently.
“You’re adorable”
Sean pecked me in the lips sweetly and gave me a tight hug before getting his attention back on the game. He earned a delighted smile from me and a kiss back on the lips, then another one of the cheek.
For the rest of the evening, we kept doing that. Basically being flirty, cute and playful while playing videogames. Which was awesome.
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justwritingscibbles · 8 years ago
How you  Interact: Them visiting you at Work.
So this is a Mark, Ethan, Jack and Tyler fic where I write what I think they’d do if they were walking past/ came to your work-place. 
I had a friend today visit me at work and it was ridiculous. He was dragged out by security because he was being an ass-hat and not allowing me to work.  Anyway, enjoy! 
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I feel like Jack wouldn’t be very disruptive if he visited you. But he’d try making your day a little brighter by just popping by and saying hello. 
He’d wear a silly outfit, or have some sort of ridiculous hat on just to make you smile.
But on the other hand, if he was in a silly mood, I think he’d try and distract you while being outside the premises. 
Which would include random dancing and making funny faces at you through the window. 
Once, he ran to your workplace just to show you something he bought from a dollar shop. He was so excited that you couldn’t be mad at him for barging in. 
“(Y/N) look, look! Isn’t it cool!”  “How far did you run to show me this?”  Physically sweating and slightly out of breath, “Not very far”
If you in an office he’d defiantly call your workplace and ask to speak with you. At first being professional about it, dragging out the joke until he lets something slip. 
As soon as you realise who it is though, you’d hang up and sigh. But it would bring a little smile to your face. 
Jack would also bring you lunch/dinner/breakfast, depending on what time you started work and/or what time he visited you. 
He’s always friendly with your workmates, and they always wave and point you out for him. Jack doesn’t stay long, because he doesn’t want to drag you away from work to often for too long. But they’ll be occasions when you’ll sneak out with him for an hour. 
No one will notice. 
Your boss is polite with Jack.  But sometimes asks him to leave so you can get back to work. Which Jack apologizes and leaves right away. He doesn’t want you to get in trouble because of him. 
If you forgot something he’d bring it to you. If you walk home or catch a bus, he’d go to your workplace on rainy days and bring you an umbrella. The of you would huddle underneath it, hurrying home as quick as possible. 
You look forward to his visits at work. He lights up the place and makes the rest of your day a little easier. 
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He’s a little shy going into your workplace.
He doesn’t want to intrude or cause a scene.
But like Jack, he’ll bring you little gifts or food to brighten up your day. 
Since you complain a lot about work, we wants to make the days easier for you. 
On your breaks he’ll sit in the lunch-room with you and just talk. It’s nice, and on occasion he’ll bring your favorite treat.
He’ll encourage you throughout the day. Texting you every so often a joke or reminding you that there’s only a few more hours to go till you get home. 
He also leaves little funny voice-mails on your phone. Going from asking you if you needed something at the shops, to loud, tuneless duets with Mark.
You share them with your friend at work. Who laughs and gossips with you about them.
If he passes by your window at work, he’ll wave and smile. Again, he doesn’t want to embarrass you or make a fuss. So he’ll do his thing and leave quickly. 
He’s usually pretty busy himself with all the stuff with his channel and possibly helping Mark with his. So, the two of you understand that it’s exhausting. And at the end of the day he’ll give you a hug and you’ll just lounge around the house. 
On really bad days, he’ll come into the workplace and take you out for your break. 
Whether it be just a walk down the street or a quick bite at a bakery. He doesn’t want you to feel too stressed about whatever is making your day worse. 
Your boss thinks Ethan is a little sweet-heart and adores him greatly. They have little chats, usual small talk about the weather and how they’re fairing. It’s nice to know you don’t have to worry about your boss throwing him out. 
Ethan is an elusive creature at your workplace. He’ll turn up, chat for a bit and walk out. You enjoy his little visits. 
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He’s a little sweetheart. 
Mark makes sure you brought food to work and if you didn’t, don’t be surprised if you find him carrying a plastic bag full of home-made delicious choices to your desk. 
Sometimes you purposely forget your lunch because you want some of his chicken dumplings. 
But when Mark does visit you, expect him to take a while to get to you. 
He talks to everyone! He knows everyone by name. Your boss will literally stop what they’re doing to say hello to Mark.  You don’t really mind, but the smell of that food makes you really hungry. 
Other times, Mark will just duck in and give you a kiss on the cheek and leave without saying a word. 
Once you didn’t even realise he was there. You were working hard, your mind elsewhere, and suddenly there was a pair of lips on your cheek. Before you had even spun around, Mark was halfway across the building and running out the door. 
It became a little game and your boss keeps score of how many times Mark can sneak up on you. 
Mark is winning by two points. 
He got bonus points for tying a balloon to your belt without you noticing. It was rather surprising when you turned and found an inflated rubber ball floating behind you.
Like Jack, Mark doesn’t want to disturb you too much during work. So, his visits are quick but heartfelt. 
However, everything went out the window when he brought Chica to work. 
She ran straight to you but everyone wanted to pat her. You hid Chica under your desk when your Boss strolled over. 
But they were just as taken by the Lab as everyone else.
Also, if Mark catches your eye walking past a window he just happens to be besides, Mark will blow you a kiss and make weird faces at you. 
You just shake your head and walk away. He pouts at you till you give him a smile. 
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Like Ethan, Tyler is an elusive creature at your workplace. His visits are rare but he makes the most out of them. 
He’ll bring you a flower and place it somewhere so you can see it while working. 
Little treats are a must. He brings chocolate or pastry’s. Things that are sweet so you can keep your spirits up. 
He got into the Boss’ good books by bringing a box of goodies from the nearby bakery for everyone to share. 
Tyler is now allowed to waltz into the building whenever he likes. You called him a suck-up and he replied with a wink.
He’ll pick you up from work and drop you off, depending if you have a car or not. Sometimes he’ll do it just so he can see you smile before work, and make up for a bad day on the way home. 
If he spots you through a window he’ll wave and smile. Not wanting to distract you. 
Sometimes he’ll sit at you desk/workplace and just chat. Breaks are always nice when Tyler is there. He’ll chat with everyone in the lunch-room, not wanting to be rude and ignore everyone. 
If you’re working late, Tyler will bring you a coffee and dinner. He doesn’t mind dropping by at night because he wants to make sure everything is ok. 
On stressful days, he’ll drive you to a park after work and the two of you will just lounge on the grass. 
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