#in a perfect word i would’ve made this acc five years ago when i first got into kpop but unfortunately the world is cruel and here we are
nicohischier · 7 months
when do i make a side acc that is purely for me to rb kpop gifs and scream into the void w 0 followers 0 expectations when when when
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peachrogers · 5 years
my summation + overall thoughts of avengers: endgame
including: what i found wrong with endgame and why i am currently refusing to acknowledge that it happened.
okay i wrote this a while ago but after i never actually got around to posting it so here it is. 
first off,, i will once again introduce myself since this account is fairly new. hello, my name is mackenzie, call me mackenzie, or zie or mack or whatever you want. this was originally to be my main acc after i deactivacted all my old tumblrs because i planned to start fresh on tumblr again and after watching endgame for the second time last wednesday, this account became a marvel acc strictly so !! yeah follow me lets be friends !! message me whenever if you wanna talk or cry or anything. 
to put it bluntly,, endgame fucking sucked. 
endgame was meant to tie everything together. endgame was meant to be this great movie to sum everything up and tie it all together and to just make it make sense in other words.
there was so much hype surrounding endgame, so much pressure, so much excitement. 
in my opinion? the joint effort of the writers and the directors managed to ruin it all. they managed to take a movie that was supposed to do so much for the mcu, to tie everything together as a final conclusion to this infinity saga and they blew it all up.
endgame wasn’t a horrible movie, but there were multiple parts that i (and multiple others i know of) did not like and i will be going over it in this post.
it’s not just because of steve’s ending, which i know, i know, i’ve bitching and crying about that for a while on this account. it’s more than just steve’s ending.
this post is a little all over the place but i’ll try to keep my thoughts together the best that i can.
okay here we go !! so i made posts before about this but this is gonna just be a big long post about EVERYTHING and i’ll explain everything and why endgame sucked. 
originally i had decided to go through scene by scene and talk about each scene but i mean, that’s not really the point of this post and frankly, doing that would probably make this post longer than i want it to be. so i will be focusing on the important scenes. the ones i think are most important to point out and talk about.
as i mentioned above the cut, it’s not just about steve. i know my user is peachrogers and steve rogers has always been my fave avenger. but its more than just steve’s ending and i’ll get into that as we get to it.
i used a transcript while writing this just to help me completely recall everything as it actually was since i don’t consider my memory completely reliable so i linked it if anyone else wants to look at it.  
and again, as i mentioned above, i don’t hate everything about endgame. there were parts of endgame i did like and enjoy. tony and nebula playing paper football for example, i thought that scene was very endearing and adorable and carol coming to save them really made me happy. 
but at the same time, there were scenes i did not enjoy. and i will be mainly going depth on those scenes since i kinda wanted to just summarize and explain and captalize on why endgame failed at doing the job it was meant to do in tying together these 22 mcu films released in the past 11 years.
so starting at the beginning of the film, after they find thaos and thor chops off his head and they have a five year time skip, we see steve, in a group therapy session. 
where steve once again brings up the love of his life and how everyone has to move on. which SPOILER ALERT he doesn’t. this scene, when i first watched i was kinda like whatever, but watching it the second time and watching it now(or even thinking on it), it makes me SO SO mad. pretty sure they kept this scene bc one of the directors is in it. this scene also just makes steve contradict himself since he goes on about how important it is for to move on and yet he just doesn’t even follow his own advice in the end and it aggravates me which i will get into later on.
so skipping to after scott comes out of the time machine van and then steve goes to visit natasha. tbh everytime i watch this scene with natasha and steve, it always just breaks my heart because of the whole:
you know, i keep telling everyone they should move on and… grow. some do. but not us.
(there steve goes again just contradicting himself:(()
we both need to get a life. 
you first.
and i remember reblogging a gif set of nat and steve with the same caption and i just :( bc of where they end up in the end and it’s just its really sad. 
seeing tony and pepper with morgan and the fact that tony has finally achieved a level of normalcy where he has his own life with his wife and his child, it’s really nice to see. he definitely deserves it. and i completely understand tony shutting down steve, nat, and scott because he doesn’t want to risk everything especially if it doesn’t work and he ends up losing it. and i totally understood that.
the diner scene where nat, steve, and scott go to talk to bruce about time travel. first off, i just wanna point off how annoying that scene was ?? especially the part with the kids and them not wanting a pic with scott and apparently they only kept that part in bc one of the kids was one of the director’s kids?? there’s just so much wrong with it. 
and now i move on to the great marvel cinematic universe version of time travel. which in itself really hardly makes any sense whatsoever since the directors and the writers both contradict each other on how it works. if you’re going to put time travel in your movie, i really feel like everyone should be on the same page on how it works but i mean, that’s just me. 
it took me a little bit to understand it bc what the fuck. 
the scene where clint,rhodey, bruce, nebula, and scott are discussing how time travel works and rhodey is just naming off all these time movies where time travel works the way that i see it as working(where your past completely changes your future/butterfly effect/chaos theory) and bruce and nebula basically debunk the whole thing and explain it as how changing your past doesn’t change your future and all the whole thing is just bullshit if you ask me. it’s so hard to understand.
okay im not here to argue about time travel. but let me just give some perspective. for me personally, i just see time travel to work like it did in life is strange because it makes more sense. if you change something in the past, that would directly impact your future. if you go in the past and prevent someone from dying, that would not just change the fact that they didn’t die but other factors would be affected too.
and when they brought in the alternate timelines and the “multiverse” it just made things so much more complicated for me.
and i have tried to educate myself more to understand it, i’ve read through multiple posts on the whole time travel thing and i’ve rewatched movies as well to try and understand.
i guess the biggest thing that didn’t sit well with me is just that the directors and writers WHO YOU WOULD ASSUME would bring some clarity and insight on the matter really just brought more confusion and only contradicted each other and i do Not Like it at all. 
but i mean who cares about what we want ? it obviously doesn’t mean shit to them.
moving on.
uh lebowski thor idk at first i really wasn’t into it and i was kinda like wtf but i mean i’ve kinda come to be cool with the change in character. and apparently chris hemsworth was really into it so idk to each their own. 
and just for the record: i think we all know that Noobmaster69 is deadpool
also i fucked loved the america’s ass joke but i’m pretty sure everyone did. 
okay moving on to stony going to the camp lehigh in the 1970s. really i just want to address the scene where steve hides in peggy’s office. you see on her desk that one picture of steve and the picture of her kids and legiT PEGGY WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE OTHER OFFICE HOW DID SHE NOT SEE STEVE WHAT THE FUCK
god idk just thinking about how it was the 1970s and she still thinks about steve who tbh she hardly knew, especially if you compare him to idk daniel sousa ?? and steve saw the picture of her kids and he still was like lol yeah not moving on.
natasha dying okay yeah that was hard to watch. especially since she got nothing for it. tony gets a whole funeral with everyone and yeah ig she got that one moment with the five of them talking about trying to bring her back but that was it and i hate that. natasha deserved more love more attention more recognition way way more than what she got.
okay idk how people heard steve’s avenger assemble when the fucker literally whispered it.
i mean it was really nice seeing everyone coming together and fighting and idk it was just everything to see the final fight against thanos. 
tony dying, like i definitely did cry and it was sad, but in a way it was okay because he did it for them he did it for everyone. 
there was an interview with the writers who said there wasn’t a draft where tony didn’t die and i don’t doubt it because i mean, i think it was needed. i think tony needed to be the one to do it. 
and now we get to my favorite part. you know, the worst part of the movie. where steve just ruins everything. 
in the process of returning the infinity stones, steve decides to create an alternate timeline with “peggy” and live out his life with her in that timeline while actual steve of that timeline is in ice.
okay listen i was cool with the final dance, i think that was definitely needed and it would’ve been a perfect end for steve to do that and return and idk give up captain america. but instead NO THEY HAVE TO DESTROY ALL OF captain america’s character development, all of peggy carter’s character development, RUIN BUCKY AND JUST RUIN EVERYTHING THAT WASNT OKAY I AM STILL JUST SO UPSET BECAUSE FOR STEVE TO JUST THROW EVERYTHING OUT THE WINDOW AND BE WITH PEGGY IN A DIFFERENT TIMELINE ITS NOT SOMETHING STEVE WOULD DO
we all know that is not something steve would do so it just it killed me and the directors hardly even gave an explanation for it and idk its just its such a let down and im just im not okay with it and i won’t be for a while. steve has always been my favorite avenger and for him to go out like this. its so disappointing, steve rogers deserved a better ending than this. 
endgame sucked and its gonna take me a while to accept that endgame actually happened. 
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Where Are You When I Need You? (Part 1) || Jughead Jones x Reader
Show: Riverdale
Request(s): Hey! Can you do an imagine where Jughead and the reader get in a fight over him not spending time with her or something like that? Can there be a lot of angst? Thank you😊😊❤️
Hey! I have a request! I was thinking maybe you can do one where the reader and jughead get in a fight or something and the reader then goes to the like and tries to fall into the ice ( like how cheryl did) and jughead and the group go to save them. I love your acc and thank you!
Warning(s): I have a fear that I made this somewhat triggering... Idk. I don’t want to trigger any of you guys so I’m gonna list this as triggering.
A/N: I thought these two requests would work well together. Now, I don’t necessarily know how I would’ve made their fight escalate to the point of the reader wanting to commit suicide like Cheryl wanted to but I did try to make it so the reader was at a low point. Also, I just got my laptop back which irks me because my schedule’s all thrown off now
Word Count: 1585
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Your POV..
It’s been an hour. A fucking hour since he texted me saying he was on his way. I know he doesn’t live an hour away from my house since he’s been here in twenty minutes before.
“So much for a date,“ I bit the inside of my lip to stop myself from crying as I stared at the now cold food on the table with a half melted candle in the middle. With a sigh, I got up and cleaned everything up before leaving to my room, “Happy one year,“ I said sadly at the picture of us resting on one of my shelves. I got changed and wiped of the small amount of makeup I had on and crawled into the comfort of my bed.
I shouldn’t be surprised, Jughead hasn’t been around much for the past few months. At first, I pushed it off as having something to do with his dad but that never stopped him before.
You’re not good enough, why did you expect him to stay with you when there are better options? Like Betty or Veronica? Even Cheryl, I placed my hands over my ears as I tried to ignore the voice ringing in my head. I tried to remind myself that Jughead chose me when he could have chosen anyone else. But it didn’t seem like enough lately.
~Next Day~
I walked through the halls of Riverdale barely registering the swarm of bodies and faces around me while my feet carried my to my locker.
“Hey, babe,” Jughead’s voice filled my ears but I didn’t respond. I was still upset about him forgetting our anniversary dinner last night, “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“Hey, Jug, I need to talk to you about the nest issue of The Blue and Gold,” with a single kiss on my cheek, Jughead ran off. And a single hot tear ran down my cheek.
For the rest of the day, I didn’t say a word and Jughead didn’t notice. He seemed to be too busy talking to Betty, Veronica, and Archie to notice that I wasn’t okay. I just sat there quietly in the lounge as they all laughed together before I got up and left. They didn’t notice me there so they won’t notice me leaving. And I was right, they didn’t. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out of my pocket to see Jughead’s contact.
“Hey, where’d you go? We’re all about to go to Pop’s.”
“I’m going home. I just want today to be over. Have fun at Pop’s and text me when you get home so I know you got there safely, okay?” I could hear him sigh.
“Okay. I’ll text you later. Love you,” his voice was stiff, almost as if he didn’t believe me.
“Love you too,” I hung up and continued my walk home. I wanted today to be over already but I had three packets of homework I needed to start. And so, when I got home, I did my homework until I had nothing left to do. Which means it’s been about three and a half hours since Jug called me. Either they’re still at Pop’s or he forgot about texting me when he gets home again.
He forgot about you
~Time Lapse~
It’s been five months since he’s been distancing himself from me. If I were to say that I was at least alright, I’d be telling a boldfaced lie. I wasn’t at all okay. These past months have probably been some of the worst for me. It’s been nothing but back and forth arguing between me and the voice ringing in my head. Hasn’t helped that Jughead and I have been fighting more recently.
“Mom, I’m going to go for a walk. Don’t wait up for me,” I closed the door and let my feet carry me. After so long, I looked up to see myself walking along the path to Sweetwater Lake. The breeze and the silence was calming. For once in the last five months, I felt at ease. That was until my phone vibrated. (jughead  you)
Hey, where are you? I stopped by your house so we could hang out but your mom said that you had just left on a walk
i’m at sweetwater
Mind if I join you? I stared at my screen, not believing my eyes that Jughead finally wanted to spend time with me.
sure, just meet me at the clearing I closed my phone and continued walking until I reached the very clearing Jughead was going to meet me at. I took off the thin jacket I was wearing and laid it down on the ground so I could sit down without worrying about dirt getting on me. I stared out at the water, remembering all the times I’ve come here. All the times I imagined just slipping into the water and disappearing with the current.
“Hey,” I flinched at the sudden voice, recognizing it as Jughead’s.
“Hi,” my voice sounded so weak and frail that I didn’t recognize it as my own.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah,“ I don’t know if I should regret this but it needs to be done at some point.
“What happened to us? To you, (Y/N)? Everything was perfect between us and then you started pulling away.”
“I started pulling away? Really? Because I very clearly remember you being the one to forget about our dates, to text me when you got home, to talk to me really.”
“Why didn’t you say something then?”
“I did. A couple of times which resulted in a fight like this talk might.”
“(Y/N)-” I turned to face him this time, cutting him off as I spoke.
“Let me ask you a few questions. Why? What made you pull away from me?“
“I was getting caught up in my novel. I almost have it finished but I kept getting new information and needed to write it down before I forgot it,” see you don’t come before anything, “Why are you so quiet?”
“Do you remember when we first started dating? Do you remember the first thing you promised me that night?”
“That I’d be there for you whenever you needed me.”
“Where were you when I needed you? I’ve been falling apart for the past three months of the five you’ve been distancing yourself from me. And you didn’t notice or you just didn’t care to ask. But then again, I shouldn’t be surprised since you also stood me up on our one year anniversary two months ago,” I looked down as a cold laugh drifted from my lips into the cold air. I could feel the contrast of hot and cold while a hot tears started to force themselves from my eyes.
“I thought you’ve been fine. You haven’t really been acting different.”
“Really? Because I’ve been going home and crying myself to sleep because you don’t care anymore. I’ve been coming here every week hoping I can make it through until I get up and go home instead of getting up and letting the current whisk me away,” my voice cracked near the end but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
“(Y/N), I don’t know what to say,” the weight of his hand against my shoulder was clear but I was too numb for it to matter.
“Whatever. Just go hang out with Archie, Betty, and Veronica and ignore me like you have been.”
“Ignoring you? I haven’t been ignoring you,” his voice started to get tense as he pulled his hand from mine.
“Yes you have! I’ve been asking you to text me when you get home and you’ve ignore that request. You haven’t been bothered to even say hi to me. What the hell makes you think that you haven’t been ignoring me? Because you’ve been busy so it doesn’t count as ignoring? That’s not how this works, Jones.”
“You haven’t been any better. You’ve been avoiding me in school so how the hell do you expect me to talk to you? You don’t hang out with us anymore either! I’ve been making sure Betty and Veronica haven’t been feeling like shit because one of their closest friends just starting avoiding all of us and we don’t know why!”
“Betty and Veronica? You’ve been making sure they haven’t been feeling like shit? What about me? Your girlfriend! You haven’t tried to not make me feel like shit these past few months! Where were you when I almost went through with disappearing two weeks ago? Where you when I was having panic attacks every night wondering if you were okay? If you wanted to be with me? If I even mattered? Where are you when I need you, Forsythe?” I stood up and faced him before turning my back and trying to calm down. My voice cracked so many times and my cheeks were hot under the numerous tears that fell.
“How was I supposed to know you needed me that much, (Y/N)? You don’t talk to me anymore,” I let a shaky breath out and turned around as calm as possible before reaching down to grab my jacket.
“I’m your girlfriend, at least I was. You were supposed to be there even if I didn’t need you and once something about me changes, that’s when you’re supposed to notice and really be there. Just like I was for you,” I walked away, leaving him there to process everything. I don’t know what happened between us anymore.
I hope you like it
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