graviconscientia · 12 years
Advoca is afraid Murphy does not actually like her— like he finds her to be more of a novelty, and when he’s bored with her space goblin shenanigans, he’ll drop her. Ratakk himself is a source of constant fear. She still loves him and wants him to still love her too, but she’s afraid he’s just going to tire of her and not even want to talk to her or look at her or anything. the big fear with York right now is that he’ll be the one to arrest her. She’s pissed at him because he doesn’t give her chances to prove herself, but she doesn’t want him to be right and have to deal with her in the end. She has feelings for him, but she is also afraid that if he ever felt for her, he doesn’t anymore.Zach… Zach is this nagging nuisance because she is still loyal to York and she misses him, but he’s not York and she’s afraid she’ll snap on him and hurt him. 
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Your excitement has you up rather early in the evening on Perigees. You rise immediately and, upon checking the clock, decide against waking Zach just yet. Instead, you shuffle into the bathing block and resign yourself to a long shower, scrubbing off any slime residue and eventually just settle for relaxing in the hot water.
Following that you take an extra long time doing your hair and such, preparing your outfit for the day (your first at least. You'd probably wind up changing later).
Eventually though, you run out of things to do to waste time and make your way out to the protein preparation block. You fiddle with the coffee machine for a few minutes and can only hope you've done enough to get it to start to brew. You figured Zach would enjoy waking to a fresh pot of coffee. 
Finally, you settle onto the couch in the decorated living block, pull out a book and start to read, waiting for your matesprit to show his kawaiidorable face.
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imyouandyouareme started following you
w€lcom€ to th€ lif€ of th€ party!
my nam€'$ k€i$ha fahboh and i am h€r€ to bring $€xy back. what'$ your nam€, hon€ypi€?
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olivecatnip · 12 years
so ignore him and whatever bullcrap he brings up??
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certesgirasol-blog · 12 years
-(o)(That's certainly different, where are you from, if I may ask?)(o)-
-(o)(Oh-- terribly sorry, I'm Bielav Tivvan.)(o)-
no problem.
i’m Zach.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Imagine your OTP separated by thousands of miles because Person A has been sent on a trip or mission. Person B stays up late and talks to them over the phone/Skype/etc., and at the end of the conversation kisses their fingers and touches them to the phone/webcam.
The first thing you noticed about Zach was that he looked tired. It wasn't surprising, seeing as how he had been working himself half to death over the past two weeks, trying desperately to solve his case and come back hive. Every morning, he promised that he was close, and yet each of the following mornings nothing had changed. It hurt you, and not because nothing had changed, either. It hurt you because you knew that every day he was toiling away to no avail. 
Of course, the second thing you noticed was that the exhaustion never stayed for long. The second your face appeared on his husktop, a bright smile lit his face, washing away nearly all of the signs of his exhaustion.
"Hi, sweetness," he whispered. He raised his hand slowly, giving you a small, tired looking wave. 
"Hello, my love," You respond, your yearning heart easing for the time being. 
You spend only a short while talking. Zach would have preferred longer, but you insisted that he get some rest. His job wore on him enough, so you certainly didn't need to add to the problem. He whined and protested of course, and made his best zombie sound, all in a bid for "just another five minutes, grubbY." You nearly relented, but ultimately stayed strong. And, eventually, he gave in. 
"I love you," he murmurs, and for a few seconds the two of you stare longingly at one another, wishing that you could be there with each other. But he insisted that you not visit during cases, and you refused to pester him with your own desires. 
This morning though, desire waged a terrible war upon you, to the point that you almost whisper that you wanted him home. You resist, and instead bring your fingers up to your lips, both to silence yourself and to kiss them. Then, you extend them, pressing them to your lens.
"I love you too," You say in response. And for a split second, before his face disappeared, that grin you loved oh so much spread across his features.
And then, he was gone, and you were once again left with the desire to see him.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
i know it isn't up to me, but i actuallY think a tattoo for that is a great idea. what were You thinking of getting?
I'm Actually Glad You Said Something Because I Was Going To Talk To You About It. I Wouldn't Have Gotten One If You Weren't Fond Of Them. After All, It's Not Like It's My Life's Dream And I Am Absolutely Desperate To Get One. 
That Said, I Was Considering Getting Something Known As A Luna Moth, But I Think It Would Be A Little Big For Such A Small Area. So, I Might Consider A Skull In The Shape Of the Mother Grub. 
kanaYa please You're making a scene.....
No I Shant. It's Winter.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
>It's the dead of the night, and you're still awake. Of course, for once you have a somewhat decent reason.
You rise from the coon, being careful not to disturb your matesprit, and pad to where you hid the remainder of your Perigees decorations. You then slink back and ever so carefully and quietly, begin to decorated the trees that he called horns. When you're finished, he has tinsel, garland, ornaments and a little battery powered string of lights strung across his branches, with two little stars to top it off. You also added a little piece of mistletoe in for the touch.
Satisfied, you ease back into your coon, snuggle up to him, and drift off to sleep.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
20:02 New Message from [Private Number]! Sent 09:36  heY kanaYa. flight just got in and i'm in perfect shape. read files on the waY over so i'm gonna get a block for the daY to get a little sleep before i go over to the scene. i'm not sure how soon this'll send, service is a little sketchY out here. how are You and dad? i miss You alreadY.
20:02 New Message from [Private Number]! Sent 14:25 heY. on a coffee break right now. this will take a little looking into, but like i said, nothing dangerous. i'm gonna get it figured out asap. if You get cold, there's a linen closet two doors down from mY respite block. get some blankets and curl up with some hot soup and Your game. haha. <3 still not sure about service. hope You get this.
20:03 New Message from [Private Number]! Sent 20:02 these guYs were good, but not good enough. i'll have it figured out and be on mY waY hive in less than 24 hours, just wait. i love You.
You've got your nose in your game when your phone begins to beep. It takes you a good three or four minutes to get the device to shut up, and another three or four to figure out how to pull the message up. When you do, you smile to yourself, before composing a response. 
Hi Sweetheart. I Only Just Got Your Messages. I’m Sorry About The Service There, But I’m Glad Pure Doing Okay. Eminent And I Are Okay As Well. Were Planning On Going Shopping For You Tomorrow. I Was Going To Go ToyS But I Got Distracted. Stupid Game.
I’m Glad You’ll Be Home Soon. I Miss You So Very Much. I Think Eminent Does Too. :) Don’t Work Yourself Too Ha4d Though Grubby. I Want You Home But znNot If zit Meant Exhausting Yourself. Don’t Waste Too Mich Time With Your Coffee Breaks Though. :P
I Love You So Much. And As Silly Qs It Sounds Omg Prloud Of You. You’re Helping People Right Now, And That’s Aol Very N9ble..
I’m Sorry For Any Error Is This Message. I J6st Don’t Understand This Phone Yet.
Be Safe, Kannada
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
>Curl up next to your matesprit all kawaii like.
>Kiss his stubbly chin and jaw a few times
>And just
>Oh so sneakily
>Paint his nails a pretty jade color. 
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
stop making funnY noises i can hear them all the waY in the other block.
>Keep groaning because now you're embarrassed and besides he can't tell you what to do. You are a strong, independent jadeblood who don't need to stop making funny noises.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
You do deserve me (waY more than me actuallY) and You're (coincidentallY) panbogglinglY beautiful.
>Larp your matesprit and groan like a zombie. 
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Right, so, you owe your matesprit a kiss, don't you? You seek him out in your shared hive, and perch yourself on his lap. It's a bit more intimate than you were going for, but hey, you were going to make it work. 
"You mentioned mistletoe?" You ask quietly, and when he responds, you scoot a little closer, wrap your arms around him. Your forehead comes to rest against his own and then, after a few seconds, press your lips against his. 
The kiss carries on for awhile (you don't really care to keep track. But when you finally do part, you give him yet another smile, this one definitely a bit more mischievous. 
"We really do need to invest in real mistletoe." 
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
heY what if i actuallY got some mistletoe hmmm? Y◕‿◠Y✿
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
imyouandyouareme reblogged pussyswagger
Well Then.
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