galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Things To Do This Week: Get This Tattoo Done.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Nadaya, I Think Our Friend Here Is Unaware Of The Caste System. Perhaps You Should Explain That Before Going On About The Differences Between The Upper And Lower Rungs Of Our Society?
dualscarves started following you
No, not really.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
You Have No Idea How Relieved I Am.
Zach, As I'm Sure You've Seen, Is Nothing Short Of An Amazing Man. How Anyone Can Be That Strong And Kind Is Beyond Me. He's Perfect, In My Eyes, And I've Never Seen Him As Anything Less.
And So, The Fact That He Has Been Dealt Such A Dark, Brutal Hand In Life Pains Me. No One Deserves To Go Through What He Has, And Especially Not Him. 
And I... 
I Just Couldn't Help Him. I Love Him Dearly, But I'm Not Fit To Be His Moirail. Regardless, I Tried My Best To Fill The Position In Some Ways, If Only To Help Him Get By...
But It Wasn't Enough.
And Now Youre Here Elliot And Youre Going To Help Him So Much I Just Know It
And Im Im So Grateful He Found A Troll As Wonderful As You To Hold His Hand And Get Him Through
Zach Is An Amazing Troll And Youre Just As Amazing Elliot
Thank You Thank You So Much 
i dont know what to say
thank you kanaya, honestly. zach has helped me through some bad shit, and the least i can do is help his ass out and give him the best that life can give em
motherfucker is going to be happy and healthy, i can promise you that
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
I Like You Too Elliot. And I Am Glad That Out Of All Of The Trolls In This Universe, Or Any Universe Really, You Are The One To Be Zach's Moirail. You're Good For Him, And If You Don't Mind Me Saying So, I Think He's Good For You. You Are A Good Match, And Will Do Very Well For Each Other.
I'm Happy My Matesprit Is In Your Care.
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galaxyabandoned replied to your post: you know ! l!ve pretty good for a lowblood ! got a…
I’m Very Happy For You Elliot. For The Both Of You, Even.
! th!nk th!s !s the th!rd or fourth t!me !m mak!n !t known that ! really fuck!ng l!ke you
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
I See. I Must Say It's Been Awhile Since I've Last Spoken To A Human. Are Things Going Well On Earth Still?
galaxyabandoned started following you
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Hello I’m A Space Tailor Who Escaped A Space Hitler To Space Marry A Space Case Space Fbi Agent Who Is One Space Best Friends With A Space Cannibal Hick And Two Intent On Space Hate Fucking A Space Pirate. Perhaps You Are Familiar With The Space Pirate?
kanaya (via sosaysmrstewart)
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
It's Really Nothing Special. But Thank You For Saying So.
Troll, But Yes, Close Enough. I Am Assuming You Are One Of Those Human Guys? ;)
galaxyabandoned started following you
That’s an… interesting name.
It’s Murphy.
… Are you one of those goblin guys?
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Hello There. 
My Name Is Kanaya Maryam. What, May I Ask, Is Your Name?
galaxyabandoned started following you
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Yes You Are. 
Congratulations, Love. <3
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’m a big grub now.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Mantrolls Are So Cute When They Grow Up.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Your excitement has you up rather early in the evening on Perigees. You rise immediately and, upon checking the clock, decide against waking Zach just yet. Instead, you shuffle into the bathing block and resign yourself to a long shower, scrubbing off any slime residue and eventually just settle for relaxing in the hot water.
Following that you take an extra long time doing your hair and such, preparing your outfit for the day (your first at least. You'd probably wind up changing later).
Eventually though, you run out of things to do to waste time and make your way out to the protein preparation block. You fiddle with the coffee machine for a few minutes and can only hope you've done enough to get it to start to brew. You figured Zach would enjoy waking to a fresh pot of coffee. 
Finally, you settle onto the couch in the decorated living block, pull out a book and start to read, waiting for your matesprit to show his kawaiidorable face.
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
You Must Have Had Some... Interesting... Companions Then.
Red Moon Rises has just started following you.
“A creature that can only click and growl. Sounds like my old roommate.
Oh dear, those would be some interesting results. Those names would top some of the titles my old partners would have!”
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
It Beats Having A Creature Who Can Do Little More Than Click And Growl Decide A Name For You, If You Ask Me. 
Then Again, Wrigglers Naming Themselves Likely Wouldn't Be Good Either. Could You Imagine The Names A Race As Violent As My Own Could Come Up With. Talk About Gruesome. 
Red Moon Rises has just started following you.
“Well I think Kanaya is a lovely name, while my own is a bit lacking in creativity if I’m honest with myself.
Goes to show why kits shouldn’t name themselves. Oh well~
I’m fine. A little cold, but nothing to complain about. How are you?”
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
That's Quite The Odd Name, Ma'am. Then Again, I Suppose Kanaya Is Just As Odd Of A Name, So I'm In No Place To Judge. 
I Trust You Are Well?
Red Moon Rises has just started following you.
“Hello hello~ Pleasure’s all mine, Kanaya.
Please, call me Ninetails.”
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galaxyabandoned-blog · 12 years
Aw fuck that. Proceed to hide inside and seek your lusus in-laws protection. Fuck yeah Squirkeydad.
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