#impul 300ZX
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Contact: Impul 09 (3439)-1182
Based on the concept of being more "Z-like"
Build your own official car
One way to enjoy it is to look at it.
The Impul 932S is a demo car from the shop of Hoshino Kazuyoshi, the "fastest man in Japan." Its biggest feature is the aero kit known as the Aerodynamic System. The set includes the front bumper (140,000 yen), rear bumper (150,000 yen), side step (120,000 yen), and rear wing (70,000 yen) for 150,000 yen. Among the beautifully curved surfaces, the F40-type rear wing is particularly eye-catching.
Of course, original CP, reinforced brake pads, and suspension kits are also available. The suspension has been modified by Impul, so you can get the documents and get it modified. There are no problems with the aero parts, so you can rest assured. It's not complete, but it's nice to have your own official car.
- ▲The wheels are the same as those developed for the Z. - The mesh type enhances the chic look.
▲The muffler is standard, but the muffler cutter included in the rear bumper kit is stylish.
▲The large rear wing is the biggest feature of the 932S. It gives an overwhelming sense of intimidation to following vehicles.
▼ The original 932S leather-wrapped steering wheel and 300km/h meter will stir your sporty spirit.
▼ The suspension is equipped with an Impul Pro Shock Kit. Structural changes are of course permitted.
▲ Brakes are an essential part of your riding routine.
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Nissan 300ZX Impul 932S (GZ32) 1991
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2019年「生誕50周年」のフェアレディZ、レース復活を後押ししたのはOPT-Z31だった!?(←妄想)【Play Back the OPTION Spin off】
2019年は何の年か知っていますか? それは、1969年生まれの初代フェアレディZ(S30)誕生50周年のお祝いイヤーです! フェアレディZといえば1981年のOPT創刊以降、最高速やゼロヨンなど記録狙いのベース車として、様々なチューナーの手により仕上げられたチューンドZが誌面を飾ってきました。最高速テストド��イバー兼OPTの裏ボス・Dai稲田がZフリークだったこと���あり、OPTのワークスカーとして色々な企画にZは登場していました。 そんな歴代OPT-Zの中、1984〜1985年にかけてDaiのプライベートカーだったZ31を実験台に「Dai-Z、レースに挑戦!」シリーズが誌面を賑やかせていたのは【Play Back the OPTION】でもたっぷり公開していますので、ソレを見ていただくとして・・・(あ、まだ未完です)。 今回お届けする【Play Back the OPTION】は、「OPT300ZXの大先輩たち、輝かしいフェアレディのレース模様をプレイバック! その6【OPTION 1984年11月号より】」の【Spin off】として、「その後のフェアレディZはレースで活躍したのか?」な〜んてのをお届けいたします。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 【S130までは華々しいレース模様】 OPTION 1984年11月号より この記事では、歴代のフェアレディZは国内外のレースで大活躍していた、ということをお伝えしました。が、Z31になると、なぜか日本の(サーキット)レース界での活躍は、ほぼ皆無(全日本ラリー選手権では、神岡政夫選手の300ZXターボ[Z31]がシリーズチャンピオンを獲得しました)。 アメリカではIMSA等でも活躍したZ31なのに、なぜ日本のサーキットにはZが帰ってきてくれないのか・・・? 【オレたちがZをサーキットに復活させる!】 そんな現状に危機感を抱いたOPTのDai稲田。自ら音頭を取り、HKS、東名自動車、NISMO、ヨコハマタイヤなどを巻き込んで、無謀にも1985年の世界耐久選手権に参戦したのです! その最大の理由は、日本が誇るスーパースポーツカー「フェアレディZ」を日本のレース界に復活させる!ということでした(プラス、チューニングパワーがどこまでレースで戦えるか?の挑戦も含めてね)。 OPTION 1985年7月号より が、専用パーツが何もないZ31でレース仕様を製作するのは、そりゃも〜大変なことで…(※これも涙涙のclicccarバックナンバー参照)。 私なりに調べた結果、Z31の(サーキットでの)レース活動は…1985年のJAF国内競技リザルトの中によれば、「ゲインズ・オプション・300ZX」=OPT・Dai-Zが、3戦中完走1回、リタイア2回の3戦のみの戦績…しか残っていません。Z31の時代には、OPTが必死にサーキットへの復活をアピールしても、願いは叶いませんでした。 【アメリカ人気に押され(?)Z32、JGTCに参戦!】 Z32が登場したのは、1989年7月。このZにより最高速、ゼロヨン���ボンネビル他、チューニング業界は大賑わいになりましたよね(の詳しくはこのコーナーで後々…)。 アメリカでは昔から「Z祭り」なんですよね〜! Photo提供:NISMO フェアレディZ大好きなアメリカでは、Z31に続きレースの世界でも大活躍! IMSAでは1990年からプレジデントのV8を搭載したZ32がアメリカ〜ンな雰囲気満載で、スティーブ・ミレン選手などにより賑やかにレースシーンを飾っていました。 谷田部のバンクではありません。オーバルコースのバンクを走るIMSAのZ32です! Photo提供:Mutsumi KUMAGAI(熊谷 睦) そして我が日本。1994〜1997年まで、S-GTの前身(名称変更前)のJGTC・GT500クラスに、ほとんど中身はBNR34?というIMSA-GTS仕様の「FEDEX 300ZX」が、影山正美選手などによりエントリーしました(※画像無し…スミマセン)。 そう、Z31では叶わなかった「Zを日本のサーキットへ!」の願いは、Z32が叶えてくれたのです! よかったね〜、Daiちゃん! 【ホッチ監督のIMPULもZ33でGT500に参戦!】 Photo提供:NISMO 2002年7月にデビューしたZ33は、翌2003年のJGTC・GT300クラスにシルビアに代わって参戦(V6・VQ35DE)。2004年からBNR34に代わりGT500にエントリーしたのが、ツインターボのZ33(V6・VQ30DETT)です。 しかも、Daiちゃんの大好きなホッチこと星野一義監督率いるTEAM IMPULも参戦したのですから、Daiちゃんにとってよい冥土の土産になったのではないでしょうか(笑)。 星野一義監督(左)/井出有治選手(中)/ブノワ・トレルイエ選手(右)。井出選手はIMPULでのフォーミュラニッポン経験を経て、F-1へとチャレンジしたのです! Photo提供:NISMO 2018富士500マイルレースで再会をしたブノワ・トレルイエ選手(左)と井出有治選手(右)。まさに、戦友! Photo提供:Yuji IDE(井出 有治/Y’s Racing) JGTC・GT500参戦初年度の2004年から翌2005年、TEAM IMPULのドライバーはブノワ・トレルイエ選手と、2006年にF-1へチャレンジした井出有治選手。ちなみに、先日行われたS-GT「2018富士500マイルレース」時、Z33でGT500に参戦していたのと同時期に、同じTEAM IMPULからフォーミュラニッポンへ2カーエントリーしていたブノワ選手&井出選手によるゴールデンコンビの再会シーンがあり、なんだか懐かしく、嬉しかったデス! Z33GT500初年度のシリーズチャンプは、XANAVI NISMO。 Photo提供:NISMO その後、R35・GT-Rに変わるまでの2007年まで、ホッチ監督のカルソニックIMPUL他、XANAVI NISMO、MOTUL AUTECHやエンドレスADVANなどの多くのチームがZ33でS-GT・GT500クラスに参戦し続けたのです(※2005年にJGTCからS-GTに名称変更)! GT300のZ33は2010年まで参戦し、最終年のシリーズチャンプはHASEMIモータースポーツでした。 【D-1にも登場したZ33!!】 そして忘れちゃいけ��い! D-1の世界でもZ33が登場していましたね! 今村陽一選手のマシンです。 2006年はトップシークレット製作の「ORC・Z33(RB26)」でシリーズランキングは15位とチョイ振るわなかったものの、翌2007年には同じくトップシークレット製作の「2号機(VQ35)」で参戦し、シリーズランキングは6位へと浮上! パチパチ!! 今村陽一選手もZでD-1参戦していたのね。陽一選手、ゴメン知らなかった(汗)。 Photo提供:SANPROS 【現行Z34はどうでしょう?】 2008年12月に登場した現行のZ34。コチラはS-GTには参戦していないものの、2003年からZ33が参戦しているスーパー耐久・ST3クラスに、2018年シリーズも岡部自動車より2台のZ34が参戦しています。Z34は本来ST-1クラスだけど重りを載せてST3に…とかいう、ちょっと分かりづらいレギュレーションはまぁ考えないことにして。第4戦オートポリス戦終了時現在、シリーズ5位と7位(ST3クラス)と健闘しています。 Photo提供:NISMO ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ フェアレディZが日本のサーキットに戻ってくるよう、OPT&Dai稲田が願いを込めて参戦した「Z31耐久レース挑戦」。願いは見事に叶い、ZはZ32よりサーキットに帰ってきてくれました! まぁ、S-GT・GT500のZ33は、なんとな〜くR34→R35GT-Rにスイッチする間の……的!?な感じにも見え(R35は2008年より参戦)、GT-Rの陰に隠れてしまっているようにも感じるフェアレディZ。しかし、2018年もスーパー耐久で「レースで戦うZ」の姿が見られるのは嬉しい限り!! これはきっと、多分、「レースで戦うZ」を愛するOPT&Daiちゃんの熱意が伝わってくれたのだ!!! と、信じ込みましょう! そしてフェアレディZ様! 2019年「生誕50周年」おめでとうございます! (Play Back The OPTION by 永光やすの) 【Photo提供感謝】 Mutsumi KUMAGAI(熊谷 睦) Yuji IDE(井出 有治・Y’s Racing) NISMO SUNPROS 【関連記事】 OPT300ZXの大先輩たち、輝かしいフェアレディのレース模様をプレイバック! その6【OPTION 1984年11月号より】 https://clicccar.com/2018/03/13/567277/ あわせて読みたい * 【ノートニスモ+NISMOパーツ装着車】さらなるチューニングをほどこしたVCMと開発中の機械式LSDの効果は大きいです * 【週刊クルマのミライ】現行型デイズの試乗から、日産と三菱が共同開発する軽自動車の未来を考える * 【ノートe-POWER AUTECH試乗】さり気なく大人の個性を主張できる内・外装とピリ辛の走りが光る * 【セレナAUTECH試乗】大人のミドルサイズミニバンはルックスも走りも上々。重心の低い走りを堪能できる * 【日産ニューモビリティコン���プト】電動2人乗りシティコミューターの力強い加速 http://dlvr.it/QgbgTZ
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@nismo_joe7227 -- Pavs was lit tonight 💦💦#NISM🔵💤 #livery #jgtc #calsonic #impul #350z #fairlady #nismo #z33 #avery #vinylwrap #laidnotsprayed #nissan #frontsplitter #splittergang #rays #bridgestone #potenza #jdm #racecar #370z #z34 #z32 #280z #300zx #gtr #skyline #240sx #silvia #nissan #350znismo
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Impul Z31 Fairlady / 300ZX
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Old Impul brochure from mid eighties. Last pic is google translated. Translation of top 2 sections 2nd pic.
The machine always had an invisible enemy. It is an enemy that threatens running from the very core. You can never escape Every machine has bravely challenged this enemy, been repulsed, and new machines have been created each time. That enemy is the air. More precisely, air has two distinct mechanical properties resistance and cooperation. It is no exaggeration to say that the history of machines is the trajectory of the struggle to overcome this thick wall of aerodynamics, resistance
To reduce it make the front projected area smaller. In addition, in order to maintain maneuverability at high speeds, the lift force must be reduced. When these two objectives are met simultaneously, the machine will be able to defeat this great enemy with power and skill for the first time in its life. The impul aerodynamics system actively incorporates the aerodynamics of racing cars. Developed for Skyline, Fairlady Z old and new Silvia, Cedric, and Gloria. Its form foretells a new driving experience
#Impul#Retro#Retro JDM#JDM#S110 Silvia#S12 Silvia#Z31#Z31 Fairlady#Z31 300ZX#R30 Skyline#DR30#DR30 Skyline#430 Cedric#430 Gloria#430 Cedglo#Datsun 280C
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Impul brochure from the mid eighties.
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Impul 932S based on the Z32 300ZX 2by2
Translation of article first pic from RevSpeed issue number 1.
Photos/Tatsuo Sakurai Text/Hitoshi Sezai
Beautifully shape the silhouette of a normal car. This Impul 932S perfectly embodies the important elements of a complete tune. Bring your own Z and order your favorite tune-up kit. That's the system in this case. What kind of running are you interested in?
The concept is "street + α"
As expected, the fastest man in Japan, “Kazuyoshi Hoshino,” produced it. Cool anyway. A body with a full aero kit usually has different tastes, but most people must have the same impression about this Impul 932S. However, you may feel a little resistance to the rear wing, which is on par with the F40, but this is also completely invisible when viewed from directly behind. The style seen from the back is too flashy, and it's frustrating, but as long as you're in the same lane, it'll overlap with the body, so you can rest assured.
In addition to the rear spoiler, there are four body parts: a rear bumper kit, a side step kit, and a front bumper kit. It's good that it hasn't collapsed. The fit is so high that it makes you think it's an original body. I was worried that there would be a lot of unnecessary lines around the front bumper if it was normal, but with this part, all of them have been eliminated and put together neatly. The difference between a complete car and a tuning car is the difference in product characteristics. Just like the manufacturer's off-line model, you should be able to get along with it without worry.
Naturally, the interior is also original, and the leather seats remain normal. The degree of perfection is still high enough, so the pedals, steering, etc. have been changed to Impul originals. Other than that, there is no noticeable difference. A 300km/h full-scale meter has been adopted for the meter, which matches the potential increase, but it is also so neat that it can be mistaken for normal.
The concept of the Impul 932S is “street + α”. Circuit champ, Japan's fastest man's theme is street priority. Rather than blazingly fast on the circuit, it's faster than anything else as a regular foot and as a means of transportation. The image of the car that Hoshino actually wants must be included in the 932S.
Smooth acceleration up to 200km/h, driving normally on normal roads. An engine tuned according to such a specific concept is very rational. The base is VG30DET, and only the computer has been modified. The engine remains normal, the boost is increased to 0.9 to 0.95, and the limiters are cut to bring out the full potential of the VG30DET. This alone increases power by 70ps, and power is 350ps.
has been upgraded. Attraction that users can choose
The engine is completely normal. Even the muffler shouldn't have been touched, but you can definitely feel the power increase. Because the sound is so natural, if you open the throttle as usual, the torque will suddenly appear from slightly over 2500 rpm. Beyond 3000 rpm, it shows acceleration that makes you forget that it is an AT.
It shifts to a sharp dash system. If you continue to step on the throttle, the range from 4000 to 6000 rpm will pass in an instant, and at the same time your back will be pressed against the seat back with intense force. In this rev range, it shows a sharp boost that is comparable to any NA, and the boost-up effect is maximized. An engine with good materials is compressed by a boost of nearly 1 bar and it is a momentum that rushes up. The pick-up is also excellent, and the running on winding roads is truly unbeatable.
Power peaks at just over 6500 rpm, and the power curve is gentle at the top end. However, the good matching with AT could be realized only if there was a sense of torque in the low and medium speed range. It can be said that not being overly constrained by peak power has, on the contrary, improved acceleration performance without sacrificing everyday performance.
The suspension uses original parts for all shock absorbers, coil springs, and stabilizers. Tires are a combination of Impul original wheels and Potenza RE11. 235/45ZR17 front and rear 255/40ZR17 is a very wide setting. The appearance is completely along the line of the wheel arch, and the fit is extremely high. The height of the car has been lowered a lot, so the power is unparalleled.
However, when it comes to running, it feels a bit oversized in terms of ride comfort and sweet steering feel, but this also becomes visibly thinner as the speed range increases. In other words, it can be said that it is perfect if the theme is only running in the high speed range rather than everyday life, and it demonstrates its power only when it is at full power.
According to Impul's comments, the 16-inch model is close to the concept, but the 17-inch model is a challenge to the possibilities in the sense of pursuing performance. It has already been confirmed that 16 inches is the best in terms of everyday use as the concept. Therefore, arrange the tire size
Since the attractiveness changes greatly depending on the user, it would be good for the user to make a choice. The 932S, which combines many possibilities and charms, is sure to be accepted by millions of users, and it feels like Kazuyoshi Hoshino's proud product.
The difference from normal is the 300km/h full scale speedometer and Impul stering wheel
There are two types of wheels, Impul R1 and Impul R-70I. The photo is R1.
It's nice to know that just replacing the computer will change the way you drive.
A rear wing that greatly enhances the appearance of the Impul 932S.
The aero parts show a very beautiful finish
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Lap time comparison around Tsukuba between a standard Z31 300ZX auto and a lightly tuned (exhaust, wheels and tyres, suspension) Impul 300ZX auto.
Translation of main text below.
IMPUL Fairlady Z 300ZX (AT) It is hard to say that it is fully utilized. Ki's sportiness is not good. I've shown the speed with no power enabled, but with suspensions and braps, it's unlikely that I'll complain about 1 minute 16 seconds 50 while AT. The problem is the suspension. Tsukuba La Powerful car. The 300ZX, which is dissatisfied with the power performance, is mainly strengthened to the extent that the normal is more than sufficient. It's just changed to aluminum 16 and it's added. Regarding the engine, the muffler is self-made. He does not have a finish that clearly identifies the strengths and weaknesses. I think that the Impul 300ZX is the effect of such a normal 5/225 Potenza RE0, but it is getting higher. Most of them start running 20 and the first thing you feel is the rigidity of the whole, and you can attack with confidence. Brake using a caliper also feels good. Matching with is not bad. It also has a hard suspension and potenza feeling with enhanced export keys and stabilizers. Coil sprinkle, but he definitely receives the power in the corner, this is the time due to the suspension. Mark 1 minute 14 seconds 3 which is about 1 second faster. I didn't say it clearly. Even so, the 15% increase in time from normal is about as if you can feel it so fat. 18 Muff is almost the same. The torque acceleration feeling in the medium speed range is just like that of the normal one, so the aim is certain. (Fushiki As expected, in the hands of Nissan Works Hoshino
Translation of pics bottom of page.
The CORDAN main muffler, the so-called Tyco part, is made of aluminum and has a long life. Very quiet at low revs, the exhaust notes from over 3000rpm are really refreshing. Exhaust pipe made of stainless steel. According to the 230ps 3L turbo, the caliber is Nantes 78Φ! In the turbo car, the effect of muffler replacement is much larger than in the non-turbo.The aero parts that I just wore around this IMPUL special rear spoiler rear quarter panel have a round shape, and the downforce is also strong. Put Potenza Porsche size RE91 on Romesh <Group C>. Replacing the rake with an export caliper is also a good example of a light tune KANAPUL YABILE. The cockpit is a RECARO tune. The set price of the ideal seat left and right, the head rest left and right, and the RECARO special steering is 390,000 yen. If you can do it so far, there is nothing to say!
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Impul 932s based on the Z32 300ZX
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Impul 300ZX, S14 and S15.
#Impul#All of the Impul#Z32 300ZX#240SX#200SX#S15 Silvia#Silvia#300ZX#Impul 932S#Impul 314S#Impul 315S#S14 Silvia#Z32#Z32 Fairlady
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Pages from my 94-95 and 2001 All of the Impul catalogues for the Impul 932S which was their upgraded version of the Z32 300ZX as requested by @omgitsalic
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