#impressive jupiter shenanigans
HOW did i wash a sanitary pad omg
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cinlat · 2 years
curious about Sleight of Hand 😊
I blame @kunoichi-ume for this one. Way back when, when she got me hooked on reading "First Contact" romance novels, I wanted to try my hand at it.
So, the short of it is that this human woman, a criminal and master thief/hacker, was in transit to a prison orbiting Jupiter after escaping three max security prisons on earth. Her ship is intercepted along the way by galactic slavers. She escapes from their prison, and the slavers are forced to hire a bounty hunter to track her down or the client they promised her too will not be pleased.
Shenanigans ensue because she "100% KNEW aliens were real and holy crap this is nothing like Star Trek and wtf is that a talking TREE? Does Space Beer exist? What's this button do? Why is everything so colorful? Can you smell everything, or just thing that you put effort into?" and so forth. She thinks space is often and her bounty hunter has no problems finding her, but keeping her is a completely different story.
Honestly, it's just a lot of fun and makes me smile when I'm having a rough day. I've got over 100 pages of this, but here's a tiny peek at one of my favorite scenes.
Scooting into the booth, Vena watched while Bagheera dropped payment into a slotted machine. She assumed it was for the use of a private booth. He tapped out an order on the screen that appeared above them, pausing to narrow his eyes at Vena, before making his selection. 
When Bagheera sat, Vena grinned. “Planning to get me drunk?” 
Bagheera snorted. “I have no idea what half of these drinks would do to you. Simple beer.”
Vena grinned, then laughed. For some reason, the idea that there was regular old beer, all the way out in the middle of space, made her stupidly happy. Vena had started a list of everything she wanted to experience while on this acid trip from hell. Space beer. Check.
Movement pulled Vena’s gaze up, and all thoughts of anything resembling home vanished. She reached out without looking, smacking Bagheera harder than intended. “Are they dancing on the ceiling?” 
Bagheera’s eyes lifted too, his grunted reply less impressed. “Anti-grav dance arena.” Vena didn’t bother to hide her amazement. She wanted to do that, to feel the sensation of flying through the air with a partner that she knew wouldn’t let her fall. Vena almost asked Bagheera if he’d take her up, but one glance told her that her surly companion wasn’t the dancing sort.
Sindar is from a two-toned species. His skin is jet black with threads of silver shimmering through it to help him hide in the shadows. Given the language barrier upon first meeting, Vena called him the first name that came to mind, which happened to be the grumpy panther from The Jungle Book, her favorite as a child. It stuck, and so she rarely uses his real name. It drives him nuts.
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plutoswrath · 3 years
hi luca! whos chart in nct r ur fav?? <3
Hello! x An eXCELlent question, truly, one of my favorite activities became gushing over anything nct related at this point asdfgh. Short disclaimer: No ones birth chart is ‘bad’, in astrology there isn’t such thing as a ‘bad’ birth chart, this is all just my personal preference and has nothing to do with the native of the natal chart, there’s no favoritism playing into this, just plain astrological interest! 
Continue to read under cut, long post ahead!
Taeyong: I think I’ve mentioned before that I really really like his birth chart!! I love the different elements and modalities playing into it, it truly is a very good representation of the chaotic, yet sincere and creative individual he is, just really following the beat of his own drum! Also, he’s such a warm and kind person that just really shows in his chart. I do have to say that I love love love Virgo Mars people, I generally love Virgo placements and people with profound Virgo influence, but Taeyong is really hard working and caring and it truly ties to the expectations he not only has for himself, but also that he feels responsible for other people by nature probably (Mars in Virgo in the 7th, especially in opposition to his Saturn) and his really bright and carefree creative streak really shines through with that Sagittarius MC and Gemini Mercury and Venus!! I also mean this with 100% positivity when I say he’s really quirky, always a little bit ‘out of the box’ compared to other people and still just a really authentic person, no matter how ‘odd’ he might come across and his chart just really shows that: being true and sincere because there’s nothing else he can do than being true to himself! An absolute unit, a cancerian enigma as it is written in the books!! 
Jeno: Finally I get the opportunity to talk about this chart!!! Because oh boy do I have opinions on this!!!! First of all: He is an earth sign with a Sagittarius Moon and I love love love this combination in general, especially with his Venusian sun and a Jupiterian Moon it makes for a person that can create a really nice atmosphere, just really pleasant to be with and probably values the good things in life (that defenitely included the small things!!). Looking at Jenos joyous vibe the combi just seems to make sense, I also love the combination of his Taurus stellium and the Aries Venus and Mercury, the dynamic of fixed earth and cardinal fire usually makes a person that is really determined and ambitious. I know it’s not the same as having an Aries Mars, but nontheless Aries energy can create sparks of creativity that the Taurean nature wants to pursue and can actually pull through, because if there’s one thing Taurus is good at then it’s being persistant about anything they love and put their heart in! 
Yuta: I’ve written quiet a bit about his chart, and to be honest my opinion of his chart changed over time, because of his personality and the way we got to know him. In a way, the more I’ve seen of Yuta, the more intruiged I was by the way his birth chart lives out; his chart seems pretty overwhelming at first glance, but what I do love are his two stelliums of Scorpio and Sagittarius. The dynamic of these two neighboring signs is literally diving deep, feeling even more deeper and then fully letting go of it to look into the future and at life with a hopeful and excited attitude. I think his birth chart also reflect the potential of someone self reflected and restless, always being up for transformation and not stagnating, because self developement is the only thing that make sense: with his the individual might feel like they need to surrender to this energy, and eventually it’s true. I think..he’s just a good reflection of his birth chart, I think there’s no other way for him than making sense of all this energy clusters that are in his chart anyway, but yes! I think he’s just an enigma and I’m here for it!!!
Xiaojun: Okay, I will say one thing I love Leo sun in combination with cancer placements, preferably Moon and Mercury. I just noticed that Leo people with profound Cancer in their chart are so incredibly warm people and they just want nothing more than love, they really just want pure and unfiltered emotion and they gladly give this back in return. I think needless to say this makes for a very sensitive person, and Xiaojun defenitely is that too, but it also makes them give that same amount of empathy back and especially the combination with Virgo Venus creates it a wish for devotion. I will be honest I usually I am always a tat critical when I see Scorpio Mars placed in the chart of a fire sign, but I think with him it just adds to this wholehearted and passionate nature of his, plus I think this makes for a really tough cookie, I think viewing his chart critically the first thing that one would notice is the huge water sign energy, but he also has lots of fixed sign modality playing into it, so I firmly believe he is a real go getter, motivated by his passions and working quietly on it instead of being a bragger (because this might just bite him back in the end). 
Kun: I will be very honest, the first impression of his chart was a ‘........oh no’ for me asdfgh, same with Yutas chart, just because of the huge stellium they both share, for Kun it would be his 5 planets in Capricorn. Stelliums are usually known to be a very tricky thing to have in ones birth chart, most of the time stelliums can symbolize a crossroad of potentials and thus can end in a lot of indecisevness for an individual. I think Kun is just one of the best examples of how far one can push the possibilities of a stellium, especially if we consider his confirmed birth time, thus giving him also a 6th house stellium. I think I’m just really fascinated how 6th house stelliums play out (look at Bang Chans 6th house stellium, that guy does everything and is everyhwere, just like Kun) and if we stick to the rules of astrology, hoh boy does his facial bone structure reflect this huge Caprciorn influence, and now to top it all of with my personal preferences: I have a huge huge soft spots for Taurus Moons and I think I like the combination of his Capricorn sun and Taurus Moon a lot, overall his chart just reflects his determination and ambitious nature, work is done thoroughly and attentively, and let’s not forget that his determination is also a big representation of how much he cares (Taurus Moon in the 10th?? It’s more likely than you think asdfgh). 
Jungwoo: It’s all because of his Scorpio Moon, I’m outing myself now, Water suns with Water Moons, especially when the Moon is in Scorpio and Pisces, usually have something very magnetic about them, same can be said with Water suns with Water risings. I think the interest and strong liking I build for his chart came along with his personality, another enigma at hands, Jungwoo is a really nuanced person and I really enjoy when he talks honestly about his feelings and other members in interviews, or just talks casually in vlives, because it gives you a good glance of anything beside his really funny and goofy side (which is by the way no form of complaint here, if there’s one thing no one wants to miss it’s Jungwoos shenanigans asdfgk). I don’t know why but teh first time I looked at his chart I just said ‘Huh???’ out loud because I was really suprised by his Moon sign and Venus. He has an Aquarius and Pisces stellium and i think this might overshadow the other placements a lot, especially since his Sun is in a degree of 0 and his Neptune as well (as Neptune rules Pisces it would be good to look at that planet as well lol). Well yeah, i think it only make sense that everyone got so intruiged by Jungwoo over the last time, I kind of feel the same as with Jaehyun with him, all that Aquarius and Pisces makes people have a harder time seeing them ‘clearly’ at times and also probably projecting a lot on them, so yeah. This is my statement asdfghjk
Sungchan: He’s a Virgo sun, what can I say, that already made me happy asdfghj but I do like the Earth Sun and Water Moon combo, it’s also funny that he has a planet occupying every sign from Gemini to Libra, especially since they’re all personal, plus his Mars in Capricorn of course. Since Sungchan is new to nct I still am very hesitant to making any statement but overall I just like to look at the chart, it seems just very balanced and I can’t wait to sotr his placements to various reactions and moments in a year when we have a lot of content at hand! 
Chenle: I know his sun sign could actually vary, but I will hold close to him being a Scorpio, he has an Aquarius stellium as well (seriously 60% of nct has an Aquarius stellium, despite the fact that they already have so many Aquarians in the band asdfghjkl), which squares his Scorpio stellium, and then add the trine to his Saturn and his Jupiter to it. Maybe that’s a very weird reason, but I like the way the chart physically looks (yes that is maybe not really based on any astrological explainations, but it’s just really interesting to look at). I also do know another Scorpio sun with Aquarius Moon in real life, and they do have their similarities, I also see a lot of Aquarius and Scorpio friends and couples in real life, so even though these signs square the other, I think they seem to find common ground or make amends pretty quickly. I think it’s just the mix of energies that clash here that are really intruiging to me!
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the-nysh · 2 years
The translation isn't even out yet, but just the raw is sick!
Quick summary and my first impression of the raws: looks like we got some space + Jupiter's moon (plus portals and table flip) shenanigans, Blast's friends show up to assist, evidence of something alien is seen crashed on the dark side of earth's moon (yikes), Saitama carries Genos' core with him but all HIS CLOTHES ARE DESTROYED (so yes, now Saitama is fighting nude, and this situation feels no different from that one fancomic of him vs god...) And I can't really tell for sure right now (so I'm a little annoyed) but it doesn't feel like either Saitama or Garou have made much progress are any closer to returning to their right state of minds... D: When they're still stuck way out here. We get all this distant (colored) spectacle and wanton destruction while earth (and the people on it) are still in peril, so aaaa.
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youarejesting · 5 years
BTS Reactions: 07 Singing/Rapping/Dancing
[MASTERLIST] Requests open!
Ever your jester.
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Seokjin: Lover - Taylor Swift
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Jin had never heard you sing before not even for his birthday. He knew you were too shy and he thought it was cute. Occasionally he would hear you hum a sweet melody and he would quietly listen loving the sound of your voice. But you were in a particularly good mood, quietly watching you shake your hips while making pancakes. 
Your voice was soft and sweet it was unlike your speaking voice which was a little deeper. The sound had control and you sang with ease forgetting your boyfriend was an international pop star. But it had been a while since you had sang anything, and the song on the radio was too enticing not to sing along to.
‘Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my lover’
Jin leaned on the fridge and closed his eyes. To Jin your voice was like the first bite of a strawberry it was sweet and refreshing. He left his phone on top of the fridge to record the beautiful sound while he stepped out of the room so you weren’t interrupted. It was a sound he saved and listened to whenever he was stressed or on tour.
Yoongi: Earthquake - Labrinth (All stars remix) ft.  Tinie Tempah, Kano, Wretch 32 & Busta Rhymes
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Yoongi was sitting in his office when heard rapping from somewhere in the house, he had heard you sing and even jokingly rap his songs and mimic his rapping style before. But this was serious spit fire. He entered the bedroom and the sound was louder but he soon realized you were in the shower. 
‘I rock all my clothes like a hipster And I rock them shades like a G That girl be definitely coming if she's coming with me I'm like a hundred degrees man I'm even hotter than August’
Yoongi’s smirked he hopped the August comment wasn’t directed at him and his alter ego Agust D. He leaned against the door listening impressed as you didn’t get out of breath you as you rapped the third verse. 
It was when you hit the fourth and final verse he ripped open the door and through the steam he stared at you with wide eyes and his mouth open. You had not only continued rapping you picked up the pace and rapped faster.
‘T-Trust me homie Do not walk up in my shadow Just respect my handle while we bang and make the Earth rattle’
“Marry me” He grinned
Hoseok: Danger - BTS
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You remember the day you had first danced with Hoseok, it was a long day and you were trying to help with the choreography for Danger. Hoseok always refused help even though you were one of the many hired choreographers for the group. So for almost a whole year you just sat and watched and ran errands for the boys.
Hoseok wasn’t stuck up he just preferred making his own original content and no matter how hard you tried to explain he wouldn’t even let non members of back up dancers dance beside him or give him input he was too focused.
He never told you but he really liked you, you were a really cool, street fashion queen and he didn’t like being left alone with you. He wouldn’t look at you and tried not to listen when you spoke because the way you pronounced your Korean words with your cute accent got to him. 
It was like your words were slurred but not in an annoying drunk kind of way more of a sexy drawl that made Hoseok himself feel he was intoxicated by every word.
When all the others left and you two were the only ones left he finally took a break grumbling unhappily. He was taking a drink and sitting down, so you took the chance. You had watched the choreography for weeks and you knew what was missing. While he was changing his shirt and wiping his hair with a dry towel, you played the song on the stereo and got into position.
You danced and were making noises under your breathe as Korean wasn’t your first language you didn’t try to sing. You went about adjusting a few moves and adding to the area’s he was stuck on with ease. You saw his face in the mirror as he watched you dancing and it you were having fun with the chorus you were making a few noises as you went.
You noticed he had started smiling and you grinned and finished, “I’m here to help and sometimes it helps watching someone else dance you choreography to help with ideas. Will you let me help, Hoseok Oppa?”
Namjoon: Expensive Girl - RM
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In the middle of a VLive Namjoon heard something strangely familiar but he couldn’t quite place it, he paused identifying that it was you who was singing. It was smooth, sultry and a little breathy. He smiled at the camera and ran a hand through his hair.
‘Girl,  You’re the medicine patch that slowly eases my motion sickness Wherever I go I’ll have it under my ear The time it takes to fall for you takes 3 seconds But  I feel as though you’re the meaning of my eternity’
“Y/N is singing, I know the song from somewhere but I don’t know where its from. Also she is really good. WOW! my girlfriend can sing” he picked up the camera and began walking to the door. He opened it and saw you slowly singing his song in English while gently brushing your hair.
‘Take  it off now girl just take it off I’m a master, baby with your bra Take it off now girl just take it off I can help you slide those-’ 
“BABE no” he screeched and you turned confused looking at his blushing face the tips of his ears were red and he gestured to the camera “Don’t sing that in front of the Army’s”
“Dim the lights down baby, Dim the-”  With eyes locked on his you smirked and continued but you screamed and ran as he chased you through the house. The camera in his hand shakily filming and the audience squealing in the comments.
Jimin:  f**k, I'm Lonely - Lauv ft. Anne-Marie
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You were told to meet the boys in the practice room at 3pm after there meeting, but you assumed the meeting was still going as they weren’t there, you waited ten minutes and was getting kind of bored. You went to the sound system and hit play to see what was in there, it was a song you knew pretty well.
You started to mess around and make up a mock routine, the song soon died out and they still weren’t there. Sighing you turned the song back on and went through the routine again and added some more moves. You were soon up to the seventh repeat and you were getting more confident and a little more adventurous with your moves.
You were singing and dancing, your body seemed to just now how to move. You didn’t hear the door open due to the music and your eyes were locked on the way you moved as you perfected the choreography.
‘Yeah, I still watch the shows you showed me I still drink that wine, But these days it tastes more bitter than sweet, hmm And all my friends are way too drunk to save me from my phone So sorry if I say some things I mean’ 
You were singing loudly, proud of your voice. It was a strong soprano and you held it well while dancing and you let yourself be taken over the music. With a one handed back flip a break dancing move that you learnt as a teen, you stood up and rolled your head with ease singing the chorus while body rolling to the beat.
‘F**k, I'm lonely, I'm lonely, I'm lonely as F**k, come hold me, come hold me, come hold me It's been me myself and why Did you go? Did you go?’
Jimin was watching biting his bottom lip turned on by the dance you were doing, he had never seen his cute little girlfriend do anything provocative. He couldn’t help it and joined in on the last chorus trying out your moves and grinning at your blushing face.
Taehyung: Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra
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You were standing in front of the upright piano, you use to play before your brother died on the way to your recital. Your fingers gently twitching by your side playing invisible keys. It wasn’t your first time at the boys dorm but you were usually distracted by their shenanigans to have time to thinks about the ominous instrument in the corner.
However half of the boys left to dance practice and the others were in their rooms, the living room was empty and Taehyung went to get the food and drinks from the delivery guy at the front doors of the apartment. You sat on the old stool and raised the wooden key cover, hands shaking you were startled by Jin.
“You are allowed to play it, no one else does” He smiled and you jumped and he laughed “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you” 
He ducked off to his room giggling and you got up the courage to strike a key, the sound flooding the house and you let out a breath feeling the sound fill your body. You realized your hands were no longer shaking when you heard a beautiful melody and you couldn’t help singing along.
‘Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like on A-Jupiter and Mars‘
Whoever was playing was good and your body was swaying, Taehyung’s voice joined yours and you opened your eyes smiling only to realize you were the one playing. The music halted with a jarring sound as your hand slipped hitting the wrong keys.
“You sing really pretty baby bear” He smiled and kissed your cheek and placed the food on the coffee table, “You should play more often, I didn’t know you could. And your singing is really pretty... why are you crying?”
Jungkook: Who you? - GDragon
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‘Baby I love you ireoke malhajiman nae maeumeun waenji hanado jochi anha I want you  I need you’ 
You were singing G-Dragon’s song ‘who you?’, while casually walking on the treadmill, you were winding down after your workout and having a blast singing forgetting that your headphones were on and singing as loud as you wanted.
Jungkook stepped into the gym with his Personal Trainer and the small camera crew for his Vlogs and grinned “Ah I didn’t know Y/N Noona was such a great singer, this is the first time i have heard her singing. We both share a love for Kwon Ji-yong Sunbaenim” 
He started working out with his PT watching you singing and walking on the treadmill, he found himself out of breath quite quickly. He was too busy watching you singing happily your voice and body enticing him as you seemed to all but strut on the treadmill.
‘Du du du du du du du Du du du du du du du Du du du du du du du Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh’
“Ah Noona is so distracting” he whined as he got scolded by the PT and he hummed pulling out his phone and calling Namjoon. “Hey do you think you can get Kwon Ji-yong Sunbaenim’s number, I want to ask him out for dinner with Y/N”
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lady-moonbroch · 5 years
Blood Donation: Claire Fraser
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Full Name: Claire Saoirse McCarthy Fraser of Lovat (in short Claire Fraser)
Reason for name: Claire = clear, bright | Saoirse = freedom | McCarthy = her mother’s surname (Irish) | Fraser of Lovat = her father’s surname (Highland Clan)
Nickname: La Dame Blanche (the French equivalent of a witch or spirit, due to her knowledge as an apothecary and the aid she offers)
Family: Irvin Aidan Fraser of Lovat (father) || Catriona McCarthy (mother) || Róisín McCarthy (aunt) || Lachlan (Irvin’s childhood friend and brother-in-arms)
Age: 24 || Sex: Female || Blood Type: 0 || Height: 1,64 cm
Place of Birth: Beauly, Inverness, Highlands of Scotland
Birthday: 22nd of June 1730 (Summer Solstice)
Species/Race: Human \ Hereditary Sorceress
Ethnicity: Scottish \ Irish
Occupation: Healer \ Herbalist - Apothecary
Body Build: Toned and fit, hourglass shaped body, a well-proportioned mix of petit and curvaceous (large bosom, small waist and curvy hips)
Skin colour: Caucasian
Hair style: Usually straight, ending in loose curls. Otherwise braided and styled in half up-dos and embellished with ribbons of varying colours.
Hair colour: Auburn / Ginger (with a pinkish undertone).
Eye colour:  Her right eye is brown and her left eye is green.
Distinguishing Features: Soft dimples apparent when smiling, her heterochromia, light coloured freckles across her face and even less apparent ones on her body, three relatively small scars on her back from lash strikes, a couple of scattered small scars on her arms and legs.
Preferred Clothing: Rarely wears pants, enjoys dresses and skirts, often likes to wear her clan’s tartan, has a matching plaid patterned cloak which she embellishes with the Fraser badge. Her clothes of choice are usually simple, wears fancier clothes only on special occasions.
Accessories: earrings, rings and a couple of bracelets, her clan’s badge, plenty of ribbons and chokers.
Way of speaking: talks with a mix of a slight Irish / Scottish accent and idioms (brogue). She tries to speak as clearly as possible but it intensifies tenfold when she is angry. She speaks English, Gaelic, French and some Italian.
Illness (physical or mental): has mental trauma from the loss of her father and the witch trials that lead to her mother’s execution which manifests in nightmares and gloominess.
Botany and herbalism
Basic knowledge of swordsmanship and archery
Playing the ocarina, the lute and the tambourine
Basic knowledge in painting
Knitting / Sewing
Farming and gardening
Basic knowledge of carpentry
Horse riding
Magic Abilities:
Spell casting
Defensive magic
Elemental manipulation (mild)
Magical Medicine Manipulation | Potion Creation
Telekinesis & Telepathy
Precognition (manifested as dreams, but not often)
Necromancy and dark arts (used in very grave situations and it comes with a great cost)
Claire seems aloof and cold at first.  She's awkward and clammed in her shell but once comfortable she becomes a walking ray of sunshine. She’s very friendly and kind towards her friends. She can become slightly overprotective of them due to her worrying nature and often shows her mischievous side.
Her eyes are always sharp and keen when it comes to her loved ones, searching for the slightest change in their behaviour. She is a good listener and she will do anything for her friends. She wears her heart on her sleeve and speaks her mind frankly, often without thinking twice about the consequences. She wants people around her to laugh and smile sincerely and her clumsy, silly attics are more often than not a source of amusement for them.
Reading books
Arts: singing, story telling, drawing, dancing
Helping others
Picking herbs and edible mushrooms, roots and berries from the forest
Gardening / Nature / Animals
Children (although she’s a little awkward around them)
Being around people, often in the pub
Whiskey and ale
Mistreatment (especially of the less fortunate)
Prejudiced people 
Bad odour
Being touched by strangers 
Small spaces
Le Comte de Saint Germaine: Comte was the was the first to find Claire as he walked the streets of Paris. After some hesitation she explained everything that had happened and led her here. He immediately took her under his wing, letting her stay in the mansion as if he was his own child and along with Leonardo became her tutor. Each taught her different skills, languages and good manners to fit in the society of Paris, but never allowed her to forget her homeland’s heritage. When she turned 18, Comte sent her to Edinburgh to study botanology and medicine and four years after she returns to the mansion to stay by his side as a way to thank him and repay him for his kindness and love. She adores Thyme and likes to play and give her treats as often as the Count allows it.
Leonardo Da Vinci: Claire met Leonardo the first day Comte brought her to the mansion. He lent her his shoulder and comforted her along with his old friend, became a doting friend and tutor for her that would proudly watch her grow and find her way to happiness again. She won’t admit it aloud, but Leonardo was actually her teenage crush. He, of course, knew it from the beginning and often teasingly offered to pose in nude for her as practice (in hindsight, she regrets not taking that chance). Even after spending many years apart their playful banter hasn’t changed. They still keep each other company, taking strolls while talking in the City of Light. She have tried to clean his room after she tripped on his anatomy books but soon gave up on the idea. She is often found cuddling and napping with Lumiére under the gazebo or in the rocking chair on the porch.
Vincent Van Gogh: She loves this ray of sunshine more than anything (who doesn’t). They often walk together in the forest or in town and brainstorm on ideas and impressions. He encourages her to not misunderstand his brother's words for aversion, but still watches them fondly when they bicker. She absolutely loves his work and admires his skills and takes up his offer to paint together when she has the time. Whenever the Dutch painter lacks inspiration or feels gloomy, she will sing to him or tell him a story to help his imagination stir. She always cares a small pouch full of nuts and berries for Brush, whom she finds absolutely adorable.
Theodorus Van Gogh: From the first time he saw her he was entranced by her unusual appearance and he, admittedly, struck her as quite a bonnie lad...until he opened his mouth to speak. They instantaneously began to bicker thanks to Theo’s acrimonious mannerisms and Claire’s quick temper. Despite this she was curious about his vocation, never having met an art dealer before and what impressed her the most was his passion. She slowly began to see the man behind the rough facade and was drawn into the sweetness he hid beneath his hard exterior, a side she witness in his time with Vincent and King. 
Arthur Conan Doyle: She found him attractive from the very beginning but the writer’s frivolous and indecently provocative ways filled her with dismay. She decided to keep a distance from him but was soon quite intrigued by his work. Both his writing skill and wit caught her interest, but it was also their common homeland that brought them closer and closer as the time passed by. Arthur invites her to the pub quite often, where they usually end up singing Irish and Scottish songs and teasing Theo out of his wits. After a while she begins to call him “Sassenach” as a word of endearment only used for him, betraying her growing fondness for the mystery writer. She enjoys taking long walks with him and Vic and talk about books and cases of mystery for Arthur’s new work.
Napoleon Bonaparte: They became friends rather quickly, thanks to Napoleon’s charisma and charm. She asked Napoleon to train her in combat and swordsmanship in order for her to improve her skills but they often cook together while they talk about history and their everyday shenanigans. She wants to help him enjoy this second chance in life, ease his troubles and insecurities about his life as a demi-vampire. They tease each other relentlessly, often causing a ruckus -much to Sebastian and Isaac’s dismay-. She’s very fond of Jupiter and enjoys to watch his encounters with her familiar, an albino raven named Glinda.
Jeanne D’ Arc: Although it took time for Jean to open up to her, he and Claire became close friends as time passed. They both bear a harsh past on their backs, and that helped to deepen their bond quickly. She was always saddened by his story, but doesn’t allow herself to pity him. She admires and holds great love and respect for him, standing at his side when his demons get the better of him. After much nagging, she convinced the soldier to spar and ride with her and Napoleon more often. She really loves Shelly and the two of them play often with the little cub in the garden.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: “You are too loud” he said, “You are too rude” she replied. That was the very first conversation between Mozart and Claire. She couldn’t believe there could be someone ruder than Theo, but she was wrong. It took plenty of time for them to connect on any level, both avoiding contact at all costs. Music was the bridge that finally brought them together, she enjoys listening to him play the piano, while Mozart enjoys hearing her sing, although he won’t admit it. their common friendship with Jean became another linking factor for them. She enjoys watching him being happy drunk, and will often teases him about it. The musician complains that Claire’s familiar is a bad influence on Schelm as they’re often seen together but she says he acts like an overprotective dad just to anger him further.
Dazai Osamu: It didn’t take too long for Claire to see behind his happy facade.  She became fond of him quickly and finds him endearing and funny but she can’t help to wish she could help him with the sadness that he hides behind his skilfully made-up smiles. She will often join him and Arthur when they tease Isaac or the other residents due to her mischievous nature. She is very interested in his work as an author as well as his culture, which is more than foreign for her and just enjoys talking to him as she silently admires his wit. She finds Bunta absolutely adorable, gives her treats and talks to her often when tends to the garden.
Isaac Newton: Although confused at first, the more she got to know Isaac the more she became fond of him. Poking fun at him with Arthur and Dazai and aggravating him never fails to put a smile on her face, albeit she knows when to stop and leave him be. She likes to listen to him talk about physics (although she cannot fully comprehend them) and joins him to stargaze when the night sky is clear. They often stroll in the city centre with Napoleon and watches them teach children at the alleyway. His clumsy way of showing his feelings make him all the more delightful in her eyes and the way he gets flustered so easily makes her eager to tease him. She finds little Harry adorable keeps an eye on him when he’s free to roam the garden of the mansion.
William Shakespeare: Although she is a huge fan of his work and no matter how much respect he has for the bard she remains highly suspicious of him. She is polite and friendly should he ever visit but she doesn’t have an ounce of trust for him and keeps her distance. Finds his bunny terribly cute, though.
Sebastian: She is quite fond of him, finds his quirks and his deadpan humour hilarious. She really respects his work around the mansion and admires his patience. They share mutual respect for Le Comte as well as the same curiosity and passion for history, thus if she coaxes any information from the residents she will transfer it to him (on her own volition she says). She loves to help him around with the housework and take some weight off his shoulders. Usually calls him “Bash”. She likes Rotte a lot and her knowledge of farm animals has been a huge help for Sebastian, especially when the little “Fräulein” needs trimming.
Paired with:  Arthur / Theodorus
_______________ A/N: Obviously Claire is very much inspired from Outlander (I love that series don’t judge me). Her common origins with Arthur were accidental (Doyle’s parents were actually Irish). And lastly there will be a fic about her background soon enough. Thank you for reading my OC extravaganza, lofk u!
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Of Aliens and Alpha Centauri: Space in Good Omens (1/3)
. So just yesterday, in one of the many discussions of Alpha Centauri and the practicality of our two favorite disasters running off together, @theniceandaccurategoodomensblog raised the perfectly valid question: “Why are we assuming there are no aliens?” And I said I had a lot of thoughts on the subject. This meta is the result of those thoughts and questions.
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Broadly, the question of whether or not there would be aliens comes down to “what is the purpose of all that space in the Good Omens universe?” Everything we see is focused on Earth and the creation and destruction thereof, which, when you consider the scale of the whole universe, is really not that Big a story at all.
But the treatment of space is a little different depending on which version you use as your source material. If you try to combine the book and the TV show, you get some contradictions.
So I’m going to tackle each separately, starting with the book below the break, pulling together all my observations and thoughts on What does Good Omens really have to say about space?
I’m not going to do this on a strict schedule, but I have three parts planned and will post them as I find the time to write them!
(Source: I’m a huge sci-fi nut and think way too hard about everything, but I’m not any kind of expert. Other insights and comments are 10000% welcome.)
Good Omens Book
The book has, perhaps, the simplest approach to space: it’s barely mentioned.
For those unfamiliar, there is no mention of Alpha Centauri, or running away, or Crowley helping create stars/nebulae/whatever it is he made. Unless I missed one, all references to space in the book are:
The Earth is a Libra (p.17)
Crowley’s amazing drunken rant about the bird and the spaceship (p.54-57)
Adam and The Them talking about aliens and how aliens are now all about peace and harmony and being some kinda space cops “They all have this bright blue light around ‘em and go around doing good. Sort of g’lactic policemen, going round tellin’ everyone to live in universal harmony and stuff” (p. 156, part of a slightly longer discussion)
Newt meeting aliens who talk about peace and harmony while being some kinda space cops (p. 197-199)
That’s it; Crowley (then Crawly) doesn’t even ask about putting the Tree on the Moon, the line is instead “why not put it on top of a high mountain or a long way off?” (p.10).
Just because it’s simple, however, doesn’t mean we can’t learn a great deal.
Humanity has watched the stars for all of our history; they can be used to navigate, to tell time; the constellations are used to record stories; astrology attempts to make sense of the chaos of everyday life through the motions of heavenly bodies. The motions of the stars and planets has been calculated and recorded for as long as we’ve had enough knowledge of math to do that (so ancient Sumeria and Egypt, and by ancient I mean 4-5 thousand years ago), while less predictable events such as eclipses and comets have been taken as  ill omens or signs of Heavenly disfavor.*
The prevailing model in the West was geocentric (Earth in the center) and contained what we call the “Heavenly Spheres”; Earth was a globe surrounded by clear layered spheres, and across each sphere one of the seven planets moved in its predictable track. (The seven planets were: The sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn - a planet being defined as a “wandering heavenly body that does not follow the fixed course of all the other stars”). Beyond all these was the final sphere, containing all the stars like a painted ceiling, and all moving together, rotating around a point near Polaris, the North Star.
The stars were predictable, but mysterious, unexplainable - but they existed to serve the story of mankind because why else would they exist? 
This mindset carries into Good Omens - at least the book, and probably the Radio Drama as well (I haven’t heard it in ages, but I don’t think it deviated from the major points). The universe is vast and huge and filled with “loads of buggerall” (p. 56) - Aziraphale’s comments confirm that, at the very least, angels and demons are confident that the universe is a vast vacuum (matching our modern ideas of cosmology) and also that it has a physical end somewhere (due to the way space-time curves, this might not necessarily be the case).**
And yet.
All these vast loads of burgerall are slated to be destroyed along with the Earth, aren’t they?
It certainly seems they were created at the same time. We know that there had only been “rather more than seven” days as of the start of the book, and that “rain hadn’t been invented yet” (p. 9). The language suggests not only that Earth is a new thing, but that there isn’t another planet out there that already experienced days and rain. Crowley, at least, believes that God created the whole universe (p. 373) and there seems nothing in the book to contradict this.
As for Armeggedon, it’s referenced as the “final test” and as “testing everything to destruction” and so forth (p. 48). At the final showdown on the airbase, Metatron refers to the great plan of a world lasting six thousand years (p. 352), and again this could refer to Earth only, or it could be the universe as a whole. In fact, as a general rule, the book simply conflates the earth and the universe, as if they were the same thing. And they are. Much like in the more Medieval and Classical worldview outlined above, there could be lots of stars and things out there but they only serve as a backdrop to the real important things going on here on Earth. Everything was created at the same time, and the only reason it might not be destroyed all at once is if the winning side decides they like the view and want to keep it.
The only hint that there might be more to the universe than Heaven, Hell and the little stage for their cold war (Earth) is the appearance of the aliens to Newt.
And yet, what are they described as? One is “stubby and green,” the one that talks to Newt is “a yellow toad dressed in kitchen foil...wearing the kind of mirror-finished sunglasses that Newt had always thought of as Cool Hand Luke shades” and the third is “a pepper pot.”
Two aliens as designed by a child, one clearly doing some vague Space Cop look, and a Dalek. The ship itself “looked like every cartoon of a flying saucer Newt had ever seen” (p. 197). I never ever got the impression these aliens were anything other than figments summoned from Adam’s head, spouting buzzwords he’d seen in New Aquarian (acid rain, albedo, polar ice caps) while acting like cops do in movies. And their message “We give you a message of universal peace and cosmic harmony an’ suchlike” (p. 198) - the “an’” instead of “and” is one of the distinguishing marks of how Adam and The Them talk. This is another one of his stories and games, played out on a much wider scale.***
My primary conclusion here would be that aliens cannot exist in the Book!Omens universe. The universe is the backdrop, Earth is where the real drama plays out. The universe has only existed for 6,000 years, not nearly enough time for other life to have evolved separately. God could have created life on the other worlds, but there is no indication that this ever happened, that there are other playgrounds on which this fight is being acted out - Crowley and Aziraphale never even consider the possibility that they’ll be reassigned elsewhere. It’s Earth, and then eternity in Head Office, no other options.
Book Omens: Other Possibilities?
I do think there is one alternative possible for Book!Omens: if we are willing to throw away the strictly supernatural elements of the book, it could be re-envisioned as a sci-fi story, in which God, angels, and demons are actually super-dimensional aliens who, by Clark’s Third Law, are sufficiently advanced to be indistinguishable from actual angels and demons. I refer to this as the Stargate Interpretation.****
More accurately, God would have to be the super-dimensional being, and would have created the Earth as a place to let the story play out; the angels and demons are then direct creations who buy 100% into the narrative they are given. Everything else can still exist - Lucifer rebels because of the same reasons, takes along all the unsatisfied angels, Heaven and Hell are only concerned with Earth because that’s all they’ve been told to concern themselves with. Their afterlives exist still, but only because humans were created to fit into that system.
Meanwhile, literally anything could be going on in the rest of the universe. There could be alien races thousands of years older than the earth. There could be galactic empires. Who knows? Not people on Earth. Our world was isolated from all that by superdimensional shenanigans.
But, and this is important, in order to maintain the illusion, angels and demons must be kept as much in ignorance of all this as humans. Might lead you to question the power of the being with the Ineffable Plans if those plans only extend to the edge of the solar system and don’t even go particularly far back in time.
Now, do I think this is the best headcanon for the book? Nope. This is a supernatural story, the threat of Heaven and Hell is so looming and menacing because there’s no other force out there, nowhere to appeal except the “higher authority” that isn’t, apparently, listening, and there’s no option to escape just by relocating to a new world. I think trying to force the Stargate Interpretation on it would diminish the story, and I really don’t think it’s what the authors intended at all.
However, I also think this would make for a very interesting fanfic in the hands of the right writer. Book Aziraphale or Crowley suddenly discovering that the scope of Head Office’s powers is much more limited than they’d thought? Who knows about this - have the Archangels and Lords of Hell been covering this up to keep the lower-level angels and demons from rebelling? Would their “miraculous” powers still operate the same on these alien worlds? Are there other beings out there more powerful? Or going the other direction - are there other worlds also playing out their own little pantomime of Eden and Armageddon? Are they created by the same God, or other members of the same race, and what are the implications either way? Does each world have an Aziraphale and a Crowley, or is the main GO world the first to screw up the Apocalypse so badly they survive it - and what is the implication of that?
There’s a whole lot of scope for interesting AUs out of this, and I’d be rather surprised if no one has written any, seeing as the book came out thirty years ago. (If any are available on AO3, send us links - this sounds a bit niche, but I’d love for fans to be able to find these!) I would consider them AUs though; the default assumption of the book is no aliens and including them is a deviation, just as adding in Hogwarts or Charles Xavier’s school while keeping everything else the same is a deviation.
However, in the TV series, space is certainly more present in the narrative, and the Stargate Interpretation doesn’t work as well. Can we reach any clear conclusions? I’ll attempt to find out in my next meta!
(Too important to footnote: We know that Atlantis vanished (p.372) so most likely Adam’s aliens did as well. There is, still, the possibility that they continued to exist after the end of the world. I think their somewhat shoddy appearance and very cliched dialogue suggest the aliens would, at best, continue to cycle through similar interactions to what we saw with Newt until Adam either “deactivated” or “updated” them. What would they do then? Did he create entire races and homeworlds for them or - as I rather suspect - did he just make the one ship full and then move on to the next?)
-- Footnotes --
*Note: the math for predicting eclipses has also existed for thousands of years, but was more difficult for ancient cultures to confirm because only a fraction of eclipses are visible from a certain spot. Several ancient cultures were eventually able to work out the pattern, notably ones that either ruled over a lot of land or else had good information exchange with their neighbors. Comets took a LOT longer, and indeed as late as the 16th century many believed each comet was unique and traveled linearly through the solar system, never to return. Edmond Halley (working partly from observations by Isaac Newton) was able to demonstrate that comets did in fact orbit the sun, and predicted the return of the comet now named for him in 1758. He also was the first to observe and describe the proper motion of stars, that is, the fact that they don’t actually travel in one large fixed group. 
**Also, I find it delightful that, along with thinking dolphins are fish, Aziraphale says the bird crossing the universe would need a generation starship - which as a sci-fi trope has been somewhat out of fashion since the 1970s, in favor of faster-than-light starships. This alone says volumes about his taste in literature and science.
***The fact that the alien refers to its own message as “one of them pheonomena” (p.198) - a term Shadwell uses - does suggest that Newt’s own imagination is filling in the gaps left by Adam.
****Just gonna go ahead and out myself as a lifelong Stargate fan don’t mind me. That said, Terry Pratchett also explores a world made in this style in his pre-Discworld novel, Strata, which contains a flat world in a sci-fi setting, where everything operates according to a medieval worldview. It is a fascinating read, not least for the inclusion of several elements that would later find a permanent home in the Discworld series. If you can find it, read it.
tagging the commenters who said yesterday they would be interested:
@sarahthecoat​ @ineffableove​ @akawestruck​
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What do you love about Trials of Apollo and why? How'd you get into the series? What do you hope/think will happen in books 4 and 5?
Thanks so much for asking! This got really long so I’m putting it below. I guess it’s also sort of like an about me also in regards to the fandom, for anyone who wants to talk Trials (please do, I’m obsessed)
How did I get into Trials?
I read PJO a long time ago back when it was new, fresh, and super popular, and instantly fell in love with the series (like everyone else) but fell off the boat a bit after the first Heroes book came out (I guess, also like everyone else). It’s not that I didn’t like it, I was busy at the time, and since The Lost Hero had just come out, I lost track of waiting for the next books to come out and somehow just forgot about them as a whole (No I still haven’t read them all (oops). Yes, I’ve been stuck on the “It’s Percy! Oh my gods he has amnesia!” cliffhanger for years now).
It’s been a long time since then, and I thought I’d pretty much made peace with the series. But for some reason I was smacked over the head with nostalgia after someone I know mentioned how fun it would be to play a powered by the apocalypse game in a PJO setting (I’m a pretty huge tabletop rpg nerd). Naturally that thought sent me down a rabbit hole and I decided I was going to literally build a big homebrew system for PJO (which I still am, currently), despite the fact that I hadn’t engaged with the series in years. My memory was far from perfect, and I ended up doing a ton of research-sifting through wikis and even rereading some parts of the books-and while I looked around I noticed there was a new series being written. I read the synopsis and instantly fell in love. I’m a huge fan of the tropes present in trials, and the more I thought about what ridiculous shenanigans were possible from the idea, the more I absolutely could not resist reading them. I came to be entertained and stayed for the heart wrenching character development, but I’m sure we’re all the same.
Which brings me to your first question! What do I love about Trials?
First and foremost I am a real sucker for the whole general concept. Like, taking one of the gods and making them a pathetic mortal teenager?? Making it PJO’s Apollo of all gods??? I don’t think I would have ever said I needed that absolutely horrific and yet genius concept, but here we are. I was also under the impression this was a freakishly fun spinoff series (RIP me), and I mean, it kind of was, for like…half of book one.
And then, oh gods, I realized Rick had made this self important asshole likeable. In fact, even more than that, he had made him a sympathetic and compelling asshole. Where it was completely fine and fun to relish in Apollo’s hilarious punishment in book one, suddenly it wasn’t funny anymore (ok maybe just a little)-it was heartbreaking (Rick you monster, stop making him wet his pants!). But hey, that’s good writing for you.
So basically I really love the concept and, well, I just really love Apollo. The books are executed so good you don’t even realize you are completely rooting for the kid you were laughing at two books ago (because, like YIKES man, that ego!), and gladly die for him (No? Just me?) and the character development is such a subtle and delicate change, but it’s noticeable, really effective, and extremely compelling (and heartbreaking, mostly, in a good way). The comedy is on point (Sometimes it’s hard to tell if Apollo’s taste in pop culture is just bad and cringey or if it’s Rick. The truth is that it’s both and thanks, I hate it) and all of the characters, both new and old, are nostalgic and fun, and there are real reasons you can understand for every action they take and thing they say. The plot doesn’t let you down with twists and turns, but also easy to grasp and follow, and keeps you turning the page even if it’s 3am and you have class at 8. I found that TOA’s books seemed to be more focused, every encounter, no matter how seemingly random, pushes the protagonists in a way that progresses something meaningful, whether it’s the plot or their own development. It’s also really nice to see Rick return to his first person roots, especially when he does it so damn well.
It’s a fresh take on a series I grew up with and it’s just as enchanting now as it was when I was a kid. I do have some gripes with a few things in the series (Listen, I didn’t even read HoO but I loved Jason) but overall it does what it’s set out to do really well, and Rick sure knows what he’s doing (for better or worse).
What are my hopes or predictions for the rest of the series?
Oh boy. Honestly, the overall plot of Trials being “Will Apollo be restored to godhood or not?” is probably the worst plot for my heart, since I don’t even know, ever? We all know it’s going to be a yes, but at the same time…
I didn’t read HoO, though I know the general plot of it, so I can’t really do any elaborate theorycrafting in regards to Camp Jupiter or the roman demigods, but here are my thoughts on the big plot themes:
Promises Kept: Rick’s made it really clear that Apollo didn’t give a flying hoot about promises or oaths before Trials, but it’s quickly evolved into one of the biggest themes in the books. Apollo will keep his promises, maybe even regardless of the cost, and I think we’ll really see that shift in the next two books given the ending lines of book 3. This sort of also bleeds into Apollo considering the weight of life and his own heart, and the whole idea of him trying to change to make amends for his past behavior. I think by the end of this, we really might just have #1 Dad (and God) Apollo (I’m very hopeful).
Choice of Mortality: Heavily foreshadowed in book 2 (looking at you, cal), there’s going to be some crazy stuff in the coming books regarding this. We got a small glimpse of it near the end of book 3 when Apollo was questioning that, if given the option, would he go back to Olympus and abandon his friends in that moment? With circumstances debating, it’s really the heart of the plot and the series and I think we’ll see him questioning Olympus in general. The similarities between Zeus and Nero, and in turn, Apollo and Meg, are made incredibly clear in the series. Apollo would never let Meg return to Nero-it’s his goal to help her to free her from his influence and guide her through her trauma-and yet Apollo is in the same exact situation, the stakes are just, arguably, a lot less black and white. Meg will most definitely not return to Nero and overcome his manipulation, and in turn, I think it will inspire Apollo-making the choice harder than it already is.
There’s no doubt Apollo will ultimately return to Olympus, but that doesn’t made the ride any easier. While there’s no hope of Meg coming to terms with Nero (And I’m not saying there should be (please kill Nero)), Zeus is a problem that isn’t going to go away, and I hope that at the very least, Apollo can overcome his abusive relationship with his own father at the end, and maybe even revolutionize Olympus. It would make a great resolution to the series, and I think that’s what it’s pushing for and heading towards, the complete opposite of what the gods are doing now, and Apollo may just be the one to start it.
Misc predictions and wants:
>Meg and Apollo will HUG (godsdammit, even if I have to force them myself!) And for the love of the gods, can we please get a clear cut reference to their relationship regarding the SUN and PLANTS. LISTEN MAN,
>Someone else is going to die. If they don’t, they will come extremely close, and be saved by Apollo (solidifying his character development regarding the effects of his actions on others) in some intense true self sacrificial way that can’t be debated (i.e., Apollo’s excuses for being able to stabbing himself in the chest). And…the Styx is hungry.
>I have no idea what Annabeth’s up to in MC, but I’m hoping that she will make an appearance (and hopefully along with percy?). I’d also guess that camp jupiter and half-blood will come together again, but that’s just purely hoping (Don’t look at me like that, I have no idea what funk was in HoO).
>I really want more camp half blood life. I really, really, really do. We’re sure as hell not going to get it. But oh, what I wouldn’t do for Apollo’s extended stay at camp, or even just, camp in general for anyone. Please!
>Everyone is going to hate the shit out of Apollo for Jason’s death (arguably, they should be upset at Rick and not my stupid, stupid son…) and oh boy is he going to have a fun time with that. I initially thought that Apollo didn’t react nearly as strong to Jason’s death as he should have (was it just me or did he mourned Crest harder than Jason?? You could argue unreliable narrator, but come on), but oh boy, I think it may be because the worst is yet to come regarding that.
>Probably some shitty forced romance for Apollo. I do not want this. I really do not want this (does ANYONE want this???). But the arguments predicting this are pretty darn hard to refute, sadly. One can only pray.
At the end of the series I really want Apollo to be like “Fuck you guys, I’m the god of demigods now. Fuck you. Especially you Zeus. I’m protecting everyone in this bitch. You can’t stop me.” and proceed to aggressively aid demigods everywhere wearing the camp half-blood shirt. Also if he moved in to camp, I sure as hell would not complain. I also wouldn’t complain if he gave driving lessons to his kids in the sun chariot. Or if he made amends with everyone he’s ever hurt. Or if he kept aspects of Lester’s appearance (like those love handles) because hey, he doesn’t have to be insecure anymore and you know what, it’s cute dammit, abs are so out. Or…well, you get the idea I’m gonna stop myself there.
That was long (LIKE, FOUR FREAKING PAGES LONG) but I hope I answered your questions!
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ask-fazgoo-au · 2 years
Introducing A:
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[ID: A. They/them. 27 (due to Time travel shenanigans). French (with an asterisk over the E to give the impression it's censored). Chica Mask Tormentor. Loves arguing more than anything. Makes out with Jupiter occasionally. /End ID]
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nova-hq · 5 years
See that person in the NOVA jumpsuit? His name is supposedly JAMES SULLIVAN, but everyone around here just calls him INCUBUS. The file says he is TWENTY-SIX years old. They just picked him up from JUPITER, but you didn’t hear that from me. I’ve heard that he is here because HE INTIMIDATED, EXTORTED, AND BLACKMAILED VARIOUS INDIVIDUALS, MURDERED A LEGISLATOR, AND CONSPIRED TO COMMIT FURTHER CRIMES, but that’s probably a rumor. If you look at him closely he kind of resembles JEGOR VENNED, but that could just be my tired eyes playing tricks on me. 
ACCEPTED. Ah, yes. Mr. Sullivan, we have been expecting you. Welcome to NOVA Headquarters, @hephxestxs. You should make yourself comfortable; I hear you’re going to be with us for a while. I’m quite impressed at the amount of trouble you’ve managed to stir up,  and on Jupiter no less. Just don’t try pulling any of the same shenanigans while you’re in here. We’ll be keeping a close eye on you. Anyway, be sure to peruse your {CHECKLIST} when you get settled in. I look forward to seeing you around the facility.
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myinnerscarlett · 6 years
Deal or No Deal
That is the question... What about the saying that goes: judge others by the company they keep? Case in point: Robert Kraft aka tRump buddy and owner of the Patriots. Some have described him as a “different” person since the death of his wife; sounds more like a convenient excuse or what was that word the Evangelicals used to let tRump (their anointed one) off the hook: Mulligan? It is after all the month of March. The month of shenanigans. Boys will be boys. Just look at Beer Breath Brett. It’s also known for the Ides of March. Back to brothels...it’s not just any brothel. It’s The Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, Florida, located in one of the richest places in the U.S. The juxtapositions are sickening. Where women were treated like “cattle,” transported in expensive cars against their will to work in places until all hours of the night, without condoms, got no days off and cooked rice on hot plates. Ever hear of human trafficking? Picture how celebs golfed with tRump at his National Golf Club. (Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus should find better golf buddies.) Only thirty minutes away lies the infamous Mar-a-Lago, surrounded by multi-million dollar homes that are tucked behind perfectly manicured lawns complete with valets to transport owners in their Lamborghinis and Rolls-Royces. No doubt to brothels... Meanwhile, Michael Cohen has implicated tRump in at least eleven different felonies. That’s impressive. Of course, it was no breaking news he’s been called by his former lawyer fixer a “conman,” a “racist,” and a “cheat," nor that he revealed not only did he know about the tRump Moscow dealings but he also knew how much could be made in such a real estate deal. It’s never been about adoptions. It’s always been about real estate. As for the comment concerning Don Jr.’s lack of intelligence, once again a no-brainer. He’s “had the worst judgment of anyone in the world.” That is, in the world according to tRump. Families like these (with this much narcissism) often find fault with one another, but they are so swept up in the cover-ups that they seem to alternately play narcissist and enabler as the situation might call for it. Others are strictly typecast in their roles. Talk about style flexing in sales. Back to Jupiter, the earthly one. Not that such a place should exist anywhere on Planet Earth, let alone in the good ol USA. This is the real estate moment that makes it sound like tRump might go the way of Al Capone. At least in part. It’s the question of tax evasion. The question is whether or not tRump deliberately deflated the value of tRump National Golf Club in Jupiter to lower his local property tax bill. Jupiter is after all the fifth planet from the Sun and the biggest in the Solar System. Bigger is better. Crowd size in El Paso was bigger (where he stole Hillary’s slogan); crowd size at the inauguration was bigger than Barack’s (even though the pictures show it was pretty small); followed by the Nobel Peace Prize that should go to me; and I didn’t have to do it, but this a National Emergency. You better bet your life it is, just not the one you think.
The narcissists are running our country now. You need to understand what this means. Read and share this book today!
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alisiatherrien-blog · 7 years
Irish Infant Labels And also Spanish Child Names.
The Gemini indication is the 3rd indication of astrology year in the astrology study. Even with several religious masters from ancient opportunities, like the Buddha, offering their input to have humanity out of the dirt, humans have mainly remained sunk in it. Under these scenarios, arrive the compensatory messages off close to fatality expertises (NDEs) that can easily uplift humanity coming from the unfortunate condition that discovers on its own in. If individuals are actually ready to launch themselves off the nearsighted scenery they store located on their social and spiritual conditioning, the notifications may aid just. That focuses on an outstanding historical system of prophecy that uses thrown the planet as basis from divining by carefully examining its own agreement and purchase based upon an individual's lifestyle, personality and his past, present and also, potential occasions. The historical philosophers, nonetheless, possessed a different perspective on individuality and also temperament. There is actually proof off the tomb art works that the ancient Egyptians at times took along cheetahs they had actually subjugated. Today our experts have hit an aspect where meaning is actually linkeded to several flowers, and policies and also policies in this practice are even more substantial compared to they ever before were actually. . As a matter of fact their electrical power and also specializeds were actually much more in comparison to the best strong item of today's times. If you desire to discover Mandarin foreign language, at that point technique that delicately as well as thoroughly as a bridge to not simply interaction using this sensational tradition, yet learn Mandarin language to experience the historical past and also techniques from their planet as well. What I really ased if regarding this book was its own importance on civils rights and also just how previous and existing regulations aid or even harm civils rights. In early opportunities, Sapphires were thought to be safety against rivalry, or even from poisoning. Nevertheless in Australia where the ancient and the very early division from humankind was present the Aboriginal people do not have any kind of know-how about the never-ceasing twins, the myths discussed by a ton of cultures were stemmed coming from the north when the mankind expanded from Africa almost 75000 years back. Grains continuously serve an important, if sometimes ignored, part in the diet plan from modern male, delivering thread, protein as well as iron while staying abundant, flexible and low-cost. This strategy goes back to at the very least 618-906 A.D. Besides putting the reduce blooms in water at their holy places, the early Chinese showed their affection as well as admiration for blooms in other means at the same time. Card prediction is rooted in the Tarot, and also has been carried out through readers given that historical times. This extremely meaning has today been actually made use of due to the advertising community to disperse information to the masses. To read more on yellow pages online australia (budowanie--zdrowia.pl) look at our web page. The phrase, probably off homing pigeons, implies to removal in the direction of an intended, however it does not make a considerable amount of feeling so you can find why a comparable term, refine", meaning to refine or sharpen, is usually substituted. Now you can find different interpretations of this particular historical style grace patios, swimming pools, rotundas, backyards, decks, as well as verandas throughout the country. The Ace from Diamonds by itself forecasts amount of money or an interaction for the customer. Quran is actually a manual of magics and that is actually one statement that is actually accepted through lots of folks which have read through the Holy Quran as well as aimed to understand it. That is actually one thing that was handed out by Allah Almighty for the betterment from the humanity. I could point out that a lot of guide will definitely sound along with my viewers since our company have actually consistently understood that there is actually more to life than the dress sense from some small famous personality or some unrelated political shenanigans. But this was actually the environment through which Michel de Nostredame grew up. It seems Michel was acknowledged as one of the most intelligent of the team and hence he was the one selected to commit his life to the research of the historical messages from the Kabbalah. That was at times scheduled for nobility and lots of lifestyles believed this possessed a theological importance. And finally, color printers acquired these meanings and also released all of them, leaving them for us in modern times. Making use of a Kritya from old times one can get rid of people in away regions while seated in the home making use of Concept shouting energy. That is actually awfully modern to assume that traits today are very other from the method they resided in old times, particularly in terms of the task from women in business, society, as well as national politics. It is actually because of this that the Secret and esoteric universities created by the old sages went underground and also operated clandestinely. Redford (Akhenaten, LJ 11/1/84) provides a research study of the political, social, and theological partnerships amongst individuals from Egypt, Assyria, and also the Levant in the course of the 3000 years off the Paleolithic time frame to the damage of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. What distinguishes this study is the per spective of an Egyptologist that ap proaches the target from ancient Egypt and also Israel without the typical assumptions and also focus discovered in the researches rising coming from scriptural research studies academics. Theater as we know that today has its own origins in ancient Greece, where tragedy as well as dramatization played to swelling crowds. The 'fairly modern-day' from the early Greek hairdos included 'kinking' - a design in which surges were actually made in the hair, making use of a curling iron. Oenophiles might be without the lexicon to describe it, however an archaeological drug store is positive deposits he discovered on 9,000-year-old pottery bits off the old Chinese community of Jiahu are actually coming from the globe's initial fermented refreshment. German's nonetheless may change common word order, beginning a sentence with various other option from phrases. Baseding on the ancient kabalistic content, the trick from the five metals call excellence is actually that at the particular opportunity from the creation of the band along with these five metals, Jupiter's impact is summoned forth. The origin from pizzas in fact started in old times, and also as stated in the past, was more for feature than exciting. The ancient people made use of points like natural herbs as well as blossoms making top quality colognes. This historical burial ground keeps several of the globe's earliest documentation of canine domestication That likewise exposed the respect these old family pets were actually given up ancient societies. Certainly not simply the skeletal systems and also their various other bodily features from the ancient folks are actually known, yet also the attribute and level of advancement of every one of the crafts that may be protected by funeral. This technique has been in make use of due to the fact that the early times for bad and great functions both. Considering that historical times, universities and also institutions have actually been actually thought about as temples from knowledge. This suggested that the popular practice of giving and also scrounging food items from the dining table has actually been going on because old opportunities. The treatment humans have actually shown their canines even in ancient societies is actually really impressive. These editions contain gigantic textual changes, the suppression as well as substitute from whole entire verses, all in series that turn out to tie in integrally along with a publication phoned the Sefer Yetzirah. This is actually since this demonstrates the advanced esoteric as well as thoughtful thinking of ancient opportunities.
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