#import shipments handling
doralcustomsbrokers · 21 days
Doral Customs Brokers offers expert customs clearance services for all your shipments coming into Miami, FL or any port of entry in the US. We believe that to truly offer valuable customs clearance services to our importers, we must become a valuable, efficient and helpful part of their logistics team. We go beyond to make sure that your shipments are handled with care and accuracy, and in an expedient manner.
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ddejavvu · 7 months
Jake seresin doing that bathroom door thing to a sweet shy reader would be so cute😭😭
that bathroom door thing - i changed it up just a bit for the plot's sake! i hope you still enjoy it <3
Jake's forever grateful that Penny bought the Hard Deck, because it brought about changes that have only ever benefitted him. She's begrudgingly fond of him, so he drinks whenever he wants and pays his tab in grunt muscle when new shipments of booze are delivered and need to be hauled in. He also drives Amelia around to various after school activities, so Penny's rewarded him with his own personal set of keys in case she's waiting for pickup in the bar and can't lock up behind herself.
The bar is cleaner now than it was under previous management, which means more women are willing to set foot inside; something about the earlier gunk and grime drove them away. It's no longer a place for aviators to drink their sorrows away- it's fun, it's full, and it's family, something Jake cherishes more than he'll ever admit.
Those keys feel especially important in his pocket now as he watches you try the handle of the bathroom door, clearly in a rush. Jake's surprised that the bathroom isn't constantly occupied, what with the amount of liquor that gets consumed on a nightly basis, but some people might just be better at regulating themselves than others.
Apparently you're not one of them as you find the door locked, your face contorting into clear displeasure.
You scan the bar for Penny but- Jake realizes with a jolt down his spine, she's not here. She'd stepped out, and he'd been casually monitoring the counter to ensure that no one started touching anything that didn't belong to them.
"Coyote," Jake calls, catching his friend's attention from where he's crouched over the pool table, "Cover for Penny."
Usually the team would be annoyed at being interrupted, but Coyote is just as fond of Penny as Jake is, and he nods once, passing his cue over to Rooster. He takes up a seat opposite Jake, giving the man the chance to stand and make his way over to you.
"Hey there, darlin'," He greets, digging the keys out of his pocket, "You need'a get in there?"
"Uh, yeah, I do," You laugh sheepishly, watching intently as he slides the key into the door, "Oh my god, thank you, I couldn't find the bartender and I thought I was shit outta luck."
"I gotcha, honey," Jake grins, bicep flexing as he pushes open the door for you, "Come get me when you're done so I can lock back up, okay?"
"Alright," You agree, slipping into the bathroom and peeking through the door to call after him, "Thank you again!"
Jake beelines for the bar, reaching around the countertop to grab two bottles of beer. They're stored in an ice bucket, but he prefers them to the tap because they're quicker and easier.
"Hey!" Coyote barks, mad dogging him playfully, "You gonna pay for those, sir?"
"If these help me get that lady's number," Jake rushes back to the tables near the bathroom, sitting at one and setting the other bottle across from him, "I'll give Penny my life savings."
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saphronethaleph · 12 days
Fascist, Thus Inefficient
“As you can see, my young apprentice, your friends have failed,” the Emperor said, triumph in his tone. “Now, witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station!”
Luke looked at him in shock.
“Fire at will, Commander!” the Emperor said.
Fourteen months previously…
“Shipment IL-214-73 arriving,” a petty officer reported.
“Thank goodness,” muttered one of the technicians. “After the delays we’ve been having, we need to get those Khyber crystals into the third main focusing array. It’s been on the critical path for a week.”
He brought up the display, frowning. “All right, I think we can make up a bit of time if we just get them straight to cutting and installation.”
“Don’t we need to run them through the testing process first?” a more junior technician asked. “That’s on the list.”
“I know it’s on the list,” the senior tech replied. “But the list was written when they didn’t expect there’d be rebel attacks hitting our supply lines.”
He waved at the screen. “The testing process means heating each individual crystal up to eighteen hundred, even though we know Khyber can all handle temperatures of up to forty-seven-fifty. The cutting process doesn’t rely on heat tolerance either. Any crystalline flaws will come out in cutting, and we can just junk them. It means cutting takes a bit longer, but by going straight to cutting we can save at several hours on the overall process. And you know how much time we’ve lost already.”
The junior tech looked worried, then shook his head.
“All right,” he replied. “I guess so.”
“You need to learn how things are done in practice,” the senior tech said. “No big deal.”
Eleven months previously...
“I’m quite sure Rothana Heavy Engineering’s XJ-15 hypermatter feed systems will meet your needs better than the alternatives,” the Rothana representative said, as Admiral Jerjerrod examined the datasheet.
He wasn’t so sure. The newer units had better specifications, certainly, but they weren’t proven, and they were also somewhat more expensive.
“I don’t think that’s necessarily the case,” he said, out loud. “While I appreciate Rothana’s position, the Sienar alternative has similar flow rates and more proven applications.”
The Rothana representative nodded, sagely.
“I understand entirely,” he said. “However, I must point out that Rothana has some important additional information to present.”
He held out a credit chip, which Jerjerrod took and inspected.
“Owing to the XJ-15’s protracted development, we are willing to provide our test units at cost,” the representative went on. “That is in addition to having a higher production rate than our competitors and a less committed production output.”
Jerjerrod hesitated, then pocketed the credit chip.
“That all seems in order,” he said. “The XJ-15 it is.”
“Marvellous,” the representative declared.
Nine months previously...
“I’ve examined the records that exist from the first Death Star,” a senior technician said. “The amount of strain that was placed on the flash suppression systems was minimal to nonexistent. Even with the full firing that destroyed Alderaan, surviving records indicate that the flash suppressors had no more than a five percent load placed on them – an amount that can be handled by untreated durasteel.”
The other men and women in the meeting looked at the data on the screen behind their colleague.
“You’re suggesting we forego the duratemp treatment on the flash protection systems?” one of the women asked, cautiously. “I can see the advantages, but the downsides seem significant. I’d even say potentially destructive.”
“It is my position that the cost of including the duratemp treatment is unacceptable,” the tech replied. “It takes time and effort, including supervisory attention which cuts into the available man-hours on the project. We only have so much experienced manpower.”
That drew winces, though none of the humans in the room drew attention to the fact that they were spending a lot of that time in interminable meetings.
“In the following presentation, I’ll discuss my proposal and how it could shave as much as one week off the final completion timetable,” the senior tech continued, flicking to the next screen of his presentation. “This model shows how the flash suppression systems are built around the main weapon…”
Six months previously…
“There simply isn’t an option,” the head of personnel replied. “Our existing system is not providing enough technicians and operators.”
“This was quite sufficient for the first Death Star,” Jerjerrod protested.
“The first Death Star was a project that took decades,” the manager replied, shrugging. “It didn’t come up at first, sir – for that I apologize – but if we are going to redress the problem, we need to act now. There is no alternative.”
Jerjerrod rubbed his temples, thinking about the problem.
The fully functional Death Star was going to need hundreds of thousands of qualified technicians and operators, familiar with the systems of the vast battle station, and so many of the men who knew much about the Death Star at the moment were busy building it.
There hadn’t been many left after the destruction of the first battle station, because most of them had been working on it at the time.
“All right,” he said. “So your proposal is…?”
“We keep the same number of trainers for now, but abbreviate the course,” the manager answered. “Two months – at most. Then we have the new graduates train the next batch for two months, and so on. Exponential growth. At twenty students per instructor and a hundred instructors to start with, we’ll end up with eight hundred thousand in six months.”
That was extremely tempting… they wouldn’t be anything like the equal of what they should be, but they could learn on the job.
“All right,” Jerjerrod said. “Approved – see to it.”
One month previously…
“Next item on the checklist?” Commander Jaskier asked.
“Step one hundred and seven,” Technician Mils replied. “Self test.”
She pressed the self-test button, and the computer system clicked and flickered as it ran through the diagnostics.
Data results and readouts went up on the screen, and Jaskier and all the others in the control station watched the results.
None of them had any comment to make about the numbers. The checklist said to run the self test, so that was what they were doing.
“Step one hundred and eight,” Mils went on. “Sign off on results.”
She did that, as well, and Jaskier nodded.
“Good,” he said. “And I believe we’ve finished that half an hour ahead of schedule! Good work, everyone.”
The firing commands flashed out through the Death Star’s systems, triggering a cascade of further commands, and the whole massive battle station’s main superlaser woke for the first time.
Fifty XJ-15 hypermatter flow regulators controlled the flow of energy from the power core into the power collectors, and the energy being channelled into the system surged rapidly – rising to one hundred and eighteen percent of nominal, above what would have been anticipated, and greater than the one hundred and two percent that the older, more proven Sienar systems would have generated.
Thousands of high powered beams were generated, controlled and focused through an enormous array of Khyber crystals… a small but measurable fraction of which were cheap industrially grown diamonds instead, added to the shipments by subcontractors eager to stretch out their production from the strip-mined planet of Ilum without running so late on their deliveries that financial penalties were imposed.
None of the technicians who were in a position to spot the problem at this stage were actually capable of doing so. Their necessarily abbreviated training had mostly been on what buttons to push, and nobody had the deeper knowledge of the systems to recognize that the system was in an anomalous state.
Then some of the diamonds shattered under the load, allowing the beams free to damage adjacent systems, and in moments the whole of the energy drawn from the hypermatter core was unleashed.
The flash suppression systems were wholly, and fatally, inadequate.
“Watch yourself, Wedge!” Lando called, his head on a swivel, and banked the Falcon around so his ventral turret gunner could clear off one of the TIEs attacking Red Leader. “We’ve got to-”
Then there was a sudden blinding flash, and Lando did a double-take.
The Death Star’s protective shield was instantly, and dramatically, visible – because the entire inside of it was full of plasma and flame, lighting it up as clearly as Ackbar’s briefing had done back before the operation was launched in the first place. Then something blew up on the surface of the forest moon as the plasma followed the funnel of the shield, and the explosive force was no longer contained but began to drift out into space.
“...the kriff?” Lando asked, eventually. “What just happened?”
“Ow,” Darth Vader said, indistinctly, reaching up to feel his helmet, which had been crushed in by an impact with the ceiling.
The Emperor’s throne room seemed to mostly be intact, though there was an Emperor-shaped hole in the window nearest his throne, and Luke had his hands out to either side as he stood on the wall.
“Father, are you all right?” the younger Skywalker asked.
“What happened?” Vader replied. “I remember the Emperor ordering that the Death Star should fire…”
“I don’t know, it exploded just after he said that,” Luke answered. “It turns out that overconfidence was his weakness… do you have any idea where the nearest spaceship is? Keeping the atmosphere in is tiring me out a bit.”
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mollysunder · 1 year
Does Sevika Have What it Takes to Run Zaun?
The power vacuum in Zaun is sure to be a major source of conflict next season. There will be plenty of figures, both known and unknown, that will try to gain control of what's left of Silco's Shimmer empire and thus the center of Zaun's black market. Of all the candidates that could possibly replace Silco, one of the strongest contenders is Silco's right hand, Sevika. Sevika has many of the qualities that make her an excellent candidate to take Silco's place. Sevika is one of few key players that is trusted by the members of Silco's organization, brutally competent at her job, and genuinely believes in Zaun's independence. The real question is, can Sevika handle Silco's mantle?
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Sevika has a lot going for her, but just as much against her, and one of her main problems is that she uses Jinx as a crutch for her shortcomings. When the Firelights destroyed the shipment of Shimmer that was supposed to go out on Progress Day, she laid the blame for the operation's failure squarely on Jinx. It's true that Jinx did injure at least one member of her team in friendly fire and failed to protect the cargo, but everyone else failed too, including Sevika. Not only were all of the crew easily ambushed, none of them had any countermeasures for a known enemy. One guy grabbed a harpoon gun and missed miserably with each shot. Jinx herself wouldn't have gotten involved if Sevika and the crew were better able to work proactively, maybe by investing in a net gun.
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Worse still, Sevika claimed she could have handled the situation without Jinx, which is practically a lie. Without Jinx, the Shimmer would have been destroyed much faster, there would have been no one to delay the Firelights or take down 5 of the 8 that were present. But Sevika would rather use the situation to cast more focus on Jinx to undermine her position rather than manage the critical failure in defense that the rest of the team demonstrated under pressure. Silco even pointed this out, the audience was just more inclined to see his opinion as biased.
You can't let Jinx be the excuse for why everything goes wrong, all it does is make everyone zero-in on just Jinx's mistakes rather than take a few steps back to examine why things went wrong. If that actually happened, then someone might actually ask, "How did the did the Firelights know there'd be an important shipment going out on Progress Day?". Or "How did they know which ship they'd be using if they obscure any identifying information on the ship manifests?". And more importantly, "Is there a mole?". Instead, you get a team that drinks and parties after a real shitshow because their direct boss confirms that all their problems are just one person.
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This all bleeds into another main issue of hers. Every time Sevika's in a confrontation, she thinks like an individual rather than a leader. The first time she fights Vi, she let's two of her underlings runaway rather than help her. When Vi comes back for round 2 with the same special hextech that caused so much mayhem at the Shimmer Refinery, Sevika tells the entire crew there to leave so they can go 1-v-1. Everytime something comes up, Sevika chooses not to delegate work or strategize with others around an obstacle, she'd rather take on the responsibility for problems like this by herself.
You could argue that Sevika was the only one capable of fending off Vi, especially with Sevika's new prosthetic's enhancements. But Sevika left no room for support in the background to at least distract Vi or give Sevika cover. If we go way back to the Cannery, Silco has to hold back Sevika from fighting Vi because he thought it was a better idea to use Deckard than do the same thing over again. And he was right! It was better to throw a Shimmer'ed up Deckard at Vi, and reserve Sevika when everyone else lost to Vi. If he hadn't Sevika wouldn't have saved him from the explosion.
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If all this wasn't enough, the way Sevika is portrayed in terms of power, doesn't bode well for her potential as a leader. Plenty have pointed out that smoking is a symbol of power in Zaun, those with even a modicum of power smoke. What isn't always pointed out is how anyone who's interrupted smoking, inevitably loses power.
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The first time it happened was with Vander, Marcus snatched his pipe and extinguished Vander's flame in his drink. The next episode Marcus' deal with Silco sealed the end of Vander's regime. A man on a smoke break at Silco's refinery (probably a manager) is immediately held at gunpoint by an enforcer part of the raid, where everyone caught was likely arrested and lost their jobs. Silco never actually lost his cigar, and so when he was killed, it wasn't politically motivated, it was an accident.
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Curiously, Sevika and the Enforcers from the Progress Day attack actually smoke the same kind of cigarillos. These enforcers happen to be the only Piltovans we see smoke in the series, maybe because they're lower class or former Zaunites themselves. Unlike all the the other times, no one had to directly force them to stop smoking, Jinx made them drop it by simply terrifying them. And Jinx would go on to kill at least a score of enforcers including the Sheriff. Jinx likely threw the chain of command in disarray, doubly so if she killed at least 5 councilmen who the Sheriff would report to.
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It makes for an interesting parallel when Vi first attacks Sevika and knocks out her symbol of power. In that scene Sevika managed to win her card game with Trump cards that heavily resembles Jinx and Viktor, but even when she wins, she still loses her cigarillo. All Vi needed to do was catch Sevika off guard and apply force, the same as the other enforcers (and even the Firelights). Later she'll let Finn light up her cigarillo while he affirms her strengths in Zaun.
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By the finale, we see her after she's been beaten by Vi, Sevika chooses to go to Silco's office to smoke one of Silco's cigars while he'sgone, but she can't light it on her own. While this might foreshadow that she'll try to take Silco's place, Sevika struggles to light the cigar because if you notice in her hand is a lighter with a fancy "F" on it, Sevika's using Finn's lighter. Silco, Vander, and Finn all had their own matches and lighters. To light Silco's cigar, Sevika uses means by which she took from Finn, a man she just killed for an ill planned selfish gambit for power.
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This alone wouldn't look too bad, because as I see it, in Zaun, it's not the act of smoking but the imagery of smoke itself that's associated with power, and you don't need to smoke to have smoke. Look at Jinx and Vi, both command considerable influence on the ongoing developments between the two cities and align with strong figures. Neither of the two smoke, instead they cover themselves in smokelike tattoos, Jinx's tattoos literally resembles the blue smoke of her first succesful bomb. In contrast to their predecessors both manage to embody their power more wholly onto their person in a way that's less vulnerable than the smoking tradition to usurpation. Sevika herself also wears smoke like patterns on her collar, which are less prominent or permanent than Jinx and Vi's tattoos.
Each issue alone is cause for concern in the viability of Sevika's potential leadership role, but altogether they create a solid line of doubt for if she can pull it off. To make it work she needs to shape up Silco's former crew because she can't be the only one pulling any weight. They're all going to face a conflict that will only grow more complex, demanding, and fast changing as time goes on. A situation like that prior to Jinx's rocket would have easily have incapacitated them, now it's all going to happen on a larger scale. Sevika needs to recognize what went right and wrong for Silco, Vander, and Finn.
Tldr: The chance for Sevika to be Zaun's new leader will be an uphill climb for her for sure. Her biggest problems is that she takes the lead rather than utilizing the team, she gets easily caught off guard, and Jinx can put blinders on her perspective. She's kind of like an older more seasoned Vi that never gave up on Zaun's independence warts and all.
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nieded · 16 days
what are Ezira and AJ like on a long road trip? Which car from their garage would they take? What snacks do they bring? Which one gets pulled over for going eighty in a thirty?
aj and ezira did go on a road trip across california when they were first starting out as a couple! though of course, it would have taken a lot of work to import a car to the states, and so they had a rental. if they could have taken one of their cars, they would have settled on the la ferrari, which could handle the switchbacks of the serria nevada.
maybe someday they will take the road trip that newt and ligur talked about from montpellier to cologne.
the actual reality is that they would take the gti, if they had a choice from their own garage. hypercars are notoriously unreliable. they are not meant for road trips. they aren't really meant to be driven, honestly. replacing brakes on a la ferrari (which is a common maintenance item!!!) costs 40k. the SO works next door to an italian repair shop that exclusively does ferraris, lambos, alfas, and fiats. they have had a lamborghini aventador sitting in the shop for months because it requires a new set of special tires, which they only release every couple of years. so it's just waiting for a random shipment that may or may not come in the next year. the lifespan on hypercars for maintenance items like oil changes and brakes are much much shorter than the average car.
also, where would their luggage go? they will definitely need boot space. crowley's a pain to fly with because he always has extra luggage for stuff: skincare, haircare, nail polish, nail polish remover, extra hats that he will not wear, extra shoes that he will also not wear, but he has them just in case they do the beach or a hike. (and still, he wears his boots.) chargers for his electronics and back up batteries just in case. and weed. road trips are excellent when transporting the goods.
but crowley has no opinion on snacks. thankfully, ezira has all the opinions on snacks. healthy choices such as snacking peppers and carrots and seaweed chips to just cake. lots of biscuits. he has a kettle in the back so they can make periodic petrol stops to boil hot water. and should they stop and pick up more ice for the cooler? just in case? and in the end, they only eat half of it because every four hours, he's on google maps researching local restaurants and cafes for nibbles.
and realistically, neither of them will get pulled over for speeding, but if one of them had to, it'd be crowley. ezira hates driving around civilians. it's much safer to be going 190 on a race track. but average joes are unpredictable. get off your phone! use the indicator (to the beemer, i'm looking at you). oops you missed your exit and are now crossing six lanes of interstate... everybody's out here being lance stroll. ezira absolutely hates it, and if you spend 15 minutes on r/idiotsincars, you will too. there's very little ezira sticks his nose up at, but civilians. *shudders*
but they wouldn't drive over the speed limit, not too much. that's for work. crowley will take it slow through the alps so ezira can take pictures of the clear blue lakes and snow-capped mountains. they'll take turns with the bluetooth, donna summer and pink floyd for crowley, abba and death cab for ezira, and they'll talk about the race season and the spots they want to revisit in america and italy and japan. they'll wonder what ceres has destroyed at marnie and lili's and what the nibling is up to. if she's crawling yet because that means she's almost walking and if she's running they can stick her in a go kart.
but the silence would be good too at night, windows down, one of crowley's feet out the window when it's ezira's turn to drive (less people, more deer, but he will take his chances). and they'll stop on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere between two cities and look up and up and up at the sky, stars twinkling above. and crowley will think about how he's crossed finish lines filled with fireworks, stood on the platform in monza once upon a time when the tifosi flooded the track, sat in the cockpits of wheeled rocketships, unbelievable feats of engineering from mankind, and think nothing could compare to the darkest night in the quiet with his beloved.
it's not about going fast. it's about drawing it out, sitting in the cabin with each other and no one else, as if they could sneak one more minute, one more hour together before they're pulled across the globe in opposite directions. they love it. they love the racing and the adrenaline and the fireworks (but not the jet lag and missed calls and wondering if the other is sleeping ok). they love that feeling of peeling their racing gloves off after hours of sweating and swearing, the long drink of water after a long drive. but. but they love each other more.
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sw33tsnow · 5 months
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Mafia!Price x Bartender!GN!Reader (18+)
Summary: With the same age and the dexterity of a bartender, it's hard to find anyone to replace your compatibility with John.
Warning: NOT FOR MINORS, unedited, slow-burn, tension, mentions of violence, mentions of humiliation (towards reader, obv not from John), mentions of blood, non intrusion sex, marking, nipples play, ice kink, dry-humping, etc. Word count: 2k3
Forgive me if this one is quite rush, iluvu.
Another busy night had come to an end, and you were standing behind the bar with your tie loosened, your body swaying slightly to the melodic jazz music still playing from the player. The dim lighting of the pub, combined with its subterranean setting, adds to the gloominess of the surroundings. You wiped the glass then placed it on the shelf behind and took a look around, there were still a few waiters cleaning, so you sighed and threw your black towel over your shoulder. Rubbing your eyes, you believed the night would finish like this after checking the locks and leaving last after those employees, but the familiar ding of the elevator indicated that the road to your bed was much further out of sight, apparently. 
John would come in exhausted, just as he did every night after the pub closed, and have a drink to help ease himself. Tonight was no exception, with his somewhat disheveled brown hair and a bulky coat with the layer of snow lingering on the collar revealed that he had just returned from a business visit. Throwing the pistol on the expensive oak surface and sitting down on the leather-covered barstool, John stroked his hair a few times and grinned up at you, a smile that you found charming because of the crow's feet on the corners of his eyes were visibly displayed.
"Evenin', love" The man began, sounding drained with a rasp in his voice.
"Tired day, I guess?" You asked, your arms resting on the lower counter in front of you compared to his as you leaned ever so little towards him.
"Oh no, pistol 's still cold, bet Marley will be very pleased seeing no stubborn impurities on my shirt t'day" John's butler, Marley, she'd been working in his mansion for over ten years so far. There was a time when you were lucky enough to hear the brunet grumble about how he was scolded by that butler for something related to laundry.
You pursed your lips but weren't able to muffle your small laugh, and that made John chuckled too. Given your similar ages, it is likely that you two get along well because you effortlessly understand one another's thoughts.
"What about you?" The man's brows raised.
Without rushing to respond, you strolled over to retrieve John's preferred bottle of Bourbon and poured it into a glass for him. Pushing the glass forward so that John could take it promptly, you set the wine down next to the brunet, and started engaging in conversation. 
That way, the two of you can sit and chat for hours on end without worrying that the other will get weary of listening to what people might consider idle banter. As the dong struck precisely one-thirty in the morning, the personnel had dwindled, well, time had gone by quickly. To be honest, you had forgotten your fatigue as soon as you saw John enter the pub, and when he spoke with you for an hour, you assumed he felt the same way. Even while it appears that your relationship is obviously unsuitable for your positions. 
John's bars used to consistently import alcohol from your supplier. Naturally, there is no need to discuss the quality of your booze, and in exchange, the brunet must handle shipment and a few necessary circulation documents on your behalf. You had one rule: you wouldn't engage in any major illegal activities but your appearance at John's pub was the complete opposite of what you claimed, which startled a lot of your mutual friends. The truth is that it's a covert promise between you and the man since John had to take charge and make all the arrangements in order to secure your safety after many inquiries strayed into your business under the permission of the authority. Initially, you were rather irritated considering the two tall men who were sent to inform you were too stern while the other had an excessively humorous demeanor. However, you complied with their instructions with perfect obedience, knowing it was John who gave them orders.
Being friends for long before, you two grew even closer and everyone in this place took it for granted that the man went to the pub every night to keep you company was a regular occurrence. Additionally, even though John never smokes marijuana, the lingering odour of cigars that permeates your nose whenever John shows up and the scent of your perfume on the brunet's jacket were enough to turn you two into addicts to each other.
“And don't forget ‘bout my friends stopping by tomorrow” Quickly downing the remaining wine, the brunet stood up and reminded you about the appointment the following day. 
You gave a modest smile, nodded, and bided your time until the towering back vanished from your sight. An ugly grimace appeared on your visage, John only informed you about these visits when the guests brought companions, in which case you believed it would either be prostitutes who were getting massive lavished or the sons who were so full of themselves. The success of those negotiations also hinges on how you handle these problematic clients. Anyway, you remind yourself, this wasn't something you had to deal with once or twice, only prayed that things wouldn't get out of hand.
Your head was already pounding with the volume of conversations being turned into screams surrounding you, let alone the sound of digital music seemed to be teasing every nerve of yours. And how wonderful your uniform consisted of a white shirt, black trousers and a gile with a matching tie didn't do anything to assist you feel more comfy in this circumstance.
It turns out that you've landed in the unlucky box because first, the guests you had to greet were a bunch of punks who were already drunk before entering your pub and second, they refused to sit at any of the tables. They chose to line up in front of you with the reason that they want to be served wholeheartedly because the bartender at the previous shop they just visited was very unqualified. You swore that what ever the fuck in front of you was no different from a pornography scene, just lacking a cine-camera and a director. They sang, hugged, kissed and attended to do more repulsive acts than you could possibly list.
"Uhm, sir...you're not allowed to use that here"
The familiar smooth voice prompted you to open your eyes and turn around. A waitress held the tray tightly to her chest, standing behind one punk who was preparing for a puff of his marijuana and poked his shoulder to remind him. However, she was clueless that she had set off a fire anthill.
"Who the fuck are ya to give me orders?" He spoke with an unsober voice, obviously inebriated, and kicked the girl's leg. His accent scratched the back of your brain disgustingly, making you want to punched into his fucking big nose right at the moment.
You hurried over and motioned for the girl to enter the staff changing area, knowing full well that nothing would stop after that warning. Also unintentionally drew the prickly brat's attention to you.
"And who are you to dare to poke your nose into my business?"
Calmly smiled and explained to this dickhead that according to the boss's regulations, all types of stimulants are not allowed because this was an open pub, not underground like others which John owned. But this punk didn't even let you finish your sentences. He yanked you down by your tie and blew the weed's smoke in your face, laughing arrogantly and forcing you not to look away. A hit stench stuck straight to your lungs, hogged your vision and felt like the breath you took demands to be a lot deeper for it to feel enough.
Unable to bear it anymore, you had to turn away only to be stunned by the liquid that had been reduced to room temperature. Dripping from your damp hair, drops of the mesmerizing crimson sparkle of Cabernet Sauvignon spread across your white uniform shirt, revealing your skin beneath the vibrant neon colour lights. 
Inhale deeply. After all, you should be thankful for this grace since your headache is completely gone. Maybe until the conclusion of the evening, your focus wouldn't be compromised. As long as John's negotiation proceeded without a hitch, just went along with this.
Everyone's attention was drawn to your bar by the sound of the crystal glass shattering and the jerk's abrupt scream. Simon stood there, his thick gloved hand now drenched, staring at the dickhead who was laying on the ground clutching his bleeding head and still kept cursing.
"You should've watched where you are, kid" An unmistakably familiar voice which you didn't need a glance to confirm.
With the cigar between his lips, he removed his outer coat, passing it to Gaz, rolling up his sleeves and squatting down.
"Did your father ever tell you to consider your every action?"
John took grip of the jerk's hair and quickly hauled him back up after he had made himself clear. The brunet punched, then slammed his face into the floor. He dragged him, slowly, with each step to the front of your counter and threw him towards it. The torture, no, punishment was merciless. Not even the father willing to intervene, simply standing outside and shook his head in frustration.
As for you, you just stood there, stoically thanking Soap with the towel he offered you and blotting the alcohol from your wet hair as you watched John take out his rage on the newfound meat bag.
It was a good four minutes until the brunet was satisfied. His subordinates swiftly handed him a fresh rag to clean up the blood on his knuckles while he approached the father to end the terms of their discussion. Only to blame his dumbass of a son. 
"Leave us" Was all John said.
Everyone left, Soap went in behind to tell the girl to get off work early.
"You...stay" Pointing at you, he demanded.
When it's just you and John, the brunet gave you his unwavering attention. And you knew without a doubt that you were going to be chastised, so all you did was bow your head and keep wiping your hair without looking up at the man who sat across the bar table from you.
This uncomfortable silence must have offended John, so he grunted, just enough for you to quit and fixed your gazes on him.
"You know it's not necessary, John...." You maintained your calmness.
John groaned and leaned in closer, "There's a limit to everything, and that muppet crossed the line, that's what he deserved."
"And yet behaving so childish,what will they bat around? You, the one and only John Price, beats the hell out of his party's son for a bartender?" You scowled, not willing to back down.
How hilarious it was for John to act like a teenager boy, knowing that it was too ridiculous for him to stand up for you in that situation. Even if he wasn't concerned about his reputation, you were. 
John moved away from the wooden table, tossed the partially burned cigar into a random wine glass, circled the bar and approached you. He placed his hand on your neck, drawing you in but not using too much strength.
Ultimately, your lips crashed together, it's so sudden that you froze on your ground, letting him take control over everything including your body.
"A bartender, you say. 'll fuckin' show everyone what's this bartender meant to me, eh?" He snarled in your ear.
The brunet bent you down, hands roaming all over your entire body while his lips trailed hundreds of hot, wet kisses from your mouth, cheek, down to your jaw, shoulders, and chest. He’s so strong, pinning you down making your back laid flat on the counter, unable to escape from this unbreakable bear trap. 
John was not rushed about this. He took his time, nibbled on every inch of your skin, leaving red and purple bruises from where his mouth swiped through. Like a predator marking his prey. And you were too stunned, couldn’t form a normal sentence to stop him and limps were so numbed that couldn’t hold him back. But you both knew, you’re not against this, you craved for him as much as he craved for you. So he didn’t slow down, only loosened his grip so that you’d be able to touch him for his, no, you pleasure, too. 
“Fuck, John, wait….ah, s-slow down” You let out a breathy moan, nails digged into his back.
But of course he didn’t comply. Only tucked your nipple in and started lapping and twirling with his tongue, the other one was being taken care of by his thick fingers. Setting his leg between yours, rubbing, the brunet put more pressure to his knee and pressed it to the area between your legs. He groaned, sounded not so different from a starved animal.  
And it’s almost so painful that you had to reach your hand to John's crotch and tried to ease him. Your movement was quite messy or clumsy somehow but you both were just way too horny to care. You groped him, squeezing it gently and moving your palm up and down his shaft.
"Bloody fuckin'...." John grunted out in frustration, eyes shut in denial.
Couldn’t hold it anymore, the man flipped you around, pulling your lower body stick to his. The swell of your ass to his hard-as-rock midsection and he kept you there, didn’t start moving yet. Reaching for the ice box on his right, John picked two small cubes out and held them to your aching nipples.
“Fuck, John, please no….I can’t” You almost cried out, feeling like breaking your neck just to look back at him.
And this man only responded you with a fucking mischievous smirk on his face.
Took a good handle on your hips, he began to move, rubbing his solid brother against your ass, between your thighs, filthy but tempting. The only audible noises were his grunts and you half crying half pleading tone. And stopped when you both released and panting heavily. 
Taglist: @shadowlali , @ghostlythots , @brickwall035
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heywriters · 2 years
Storytelling in Any Season
Incorporating the seasons into my stories is enjoyable. Not only are seasons a relatable life experience, but passage of time can be tricky to portray without them. The best part about adding the seasons to a story is that they have strong potential to aid the plot.
Seasonal details that are easy to add to create the scene and affect the plot.
CLOTHING; if I walk this path in winter, I have to wear huge boots that can handle slick mud. If I walk it in summer, the dead grass scratches my bare legs because now I am wearing shorts.
EXTREME TEMPERATURE; whatever we do today it better be indoors and out of this heat wave/blizzard. If the battle/heist/romance/etc. takes place in this weather, there will be consequences!
CHARACTER MOOD; autumn is Character A's favorite time of year! they gain a positive, upbeat attitude as soon as they see signs of autumn. Character B feels dread and becomes easily agitated during autumn. The two of them clash more in autumn than any other season.
EVENTS; holidays aside, some seasons may be busier for one character than another. I had a weekend job during summers and was rarely available. Weddings are most common in spring. Community events that affect traffic, shops, or social atmosphere can occur at any time of year.
TRANSPORTATION; some parts of the world rely on different transport for different seasons. A bicycle when it is temperate, a bus or train when it is miserable. A car for dry weather is replaced with a car outfitted for inclement weather. A regular trip to the grocery store may even need to be cancelled completely. And don't forget air and water travel!
HISTORY/TRAUMA; certain seasons in your story may be marked by pain. This is the season the war took many lives. This is the month unforgettable tragedy occurred. The upcoming season marks the anniversary of a huge mistake we'd all like to forget. Social and personal customs will reflect this memorial.
FOOD; in the modern-day US we are used to most foods being available year-round. This is not the case globally or historically. Seasons can be marked by what foods are or aren't available. This can include meat, produce, and dairy, but it can also extend to dishes and meals.
RESOURCES; like food, weather and climate affect access to many things your characters may need. Washed out roads halt shipments, but heavy rain is good for crops. Intense heat can damage perishable supplies, but dries out firewood fast. Natural disasters halt production while simultaneously increasing demand. Even a weather event in another hemisphere can affect your character's resources.
Whenever you think "How do I portray the changing seasons?" pay attention to the changes you have to make each season. Places you go, your personal habits, the items you carry with you, the events you prepare for, and all of these real-life details affect YOUR "plot" every day. Consider which ones would affect your characters, and use them to both set the scene and move the story along.
✩ This was written in response/addition to @writingquestionsanswered post Incorporating Seasons Into a Story. Please see their post for other important tips!
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+ Visit me on AO3 - Wattpad for my fanfiction, and Pinterest - Unsplash for photo inspiration.
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godihatethiswebsite · 5 months
Desert Oasis
✽ Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x f!reader (The Mummy AU)
Main Masterlist ✽ Ao3
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✽ Part 3 - A chance discovery and a bit of mischief
These little drabbles keep getting longer and longer...
Life had been slower since your parents passed from sickness a few years back. One of your father's business associates now handled company matters, but was kind enough to keep you informed of the goings on regarding shipments to the museum. It felt like there wasn't much to do nowadays after a few unsuccessful seasons in society, spending most of your time either upkeeping the estate left to you or in the company of your cousin who practically lived in the house with you the last few months.
Passing by familiar friendly faces weathered and old from years in service, you weaved through various wooden containers packed full of priceless relics, getting a first look as they were unloaded before any of the public could get their sights on them.
A noise drew your attention from the delicate Nubian bracelet you'd been admiring. There was a slight commotion when one of the smaller crates overturned onto the warehouse floor, a very flustered new hand getting chewed out by a man three times his age as the surrounding workers started gathering everything up. To his luck there was nothing fragile in the container, but you'd seen something small roll under one of the carts and had quickly hiked your skirts up to grab whatever it was.
Sitting back on your heels, you stared at the dark little metal contraption in your hands, educated mind picking apart every hieroglyph as you rose from your spot on the floor and walked back over to one of the unloaders. Scanning the manifest for the crate in question, you found nothing indicating towards the little box's presence even after having one of the others turn their eye to the paperwork to double check you weren't missing something. None of them had seen anything like it before, nor you to be sure.
You decided to take it up to Dr. Price for his insight, mind a little too curious to wait for the other museum curators to get their hands on it first to give you an answer. You hoped he wasn't indisposed with other matters, glad to find him alone in his study peering over the dreary headache inducing paperwork that kept most of his attention during the day.
He allowed you to interrupt his work, rounding his desk to place the item down in front of him with buzzing excitement. At first he stared at it with furrowed brows, turning it this way and that with analytical intrigue, happy for the brief distraction from the mundane. He must have caught something you missed as his eyes flashed, positioning his fingers just so to press down on something, surprising the two of you with the way the device snapped open into an almost star shape at the bottom.
Price's interest suddenly turned to that of indifference once he turned it over, revealing the hollowed out interior that at some point must've housed something you think.
But... there! What is that marking on the inside?
Gently removing the box from his grasp, you angle the interior of it towards the light to inspect the writing you'd glimpsed. Where the markings on the outside seemed to have been purposely stamped in during the initial creation, the symbols within looked to have been added with something sharp after the fact in the ancient Egyptian equivalent of chicken scratch.
It wasn't a word you were overly familiar with - your brain taking a moment to pull from long ago knowledge - but you couldn't help the gasp that followed as you whispered the name, "Hamunaptra."
The scoff that followed from Price had you feeling very much like the little girl the adults had chuckled at when you'd first shown them the book you'd found full of myths and legends, softly chided for believing in such nonsense and corrected on the differences between fact and fiction.
"Got more important things to do than go hunting down ghost stories, love." Price spoke up at you from his spot reclining back in his chair, hands folded casually over his abdomen as he gave you the look usually reserved for long suffering parents.
It didn't matter what you tried to say afterwards to convince him to maybe consider the possibility the tales were even partially based on some element of truth. He dismissed you away with a wave of his hand, brushing off your words before instructing you to take it back down to the warehouse so one of the employees could put it away with all the other knick knacks in storage.
You left his office with your head down from your scolding, a bad taste in your mouth at not being taken seriously even if the rational part of your mind told you what you'd always known: the lost city of the dead was just a myth invented by ancient Arab storytellers to amuse Greek and Roman tourists. This was a topic of interest for the occassional treasure hunter, not scholars.
You quickly deposited it right back where you'd found it before taking your leave of the museum, having had enough excitement for one day and needing some time to cool off from your disappointment.
It was only a few days later when you'd found yourself sitting out on the balcony with your dearest cousin Kyle (freshly back from a months long trip to Tanta and mostly sober), recanting him with the circumstances and conversation surrounding the artifact. Even now it was a subject that seemed to plague your mind, having done your best to try and ignore the way it scratched an itch you hadn't felt in many a year. You wouldn't admit outloud to the various drawings you had in your sketchbook of the item in question shoved beneath your pillowcase.
Kyle listened intently to your ramblings, slouched forward in his wicker chair idly swirling two fingers worth of whiskey in his glass before suddenly speaking up after a moments contemplative silence. "Want to find out if it's real?"
Now it was your turn to scoff, rolling your eyes as you tucked your legs up under yourself in a decidedly rare unladylike fashion. Typical Kyle trying to lure you in with fresh bait to go off and do something deemed irresponsible and imbolic by normal society. You casually reminded him it was just an old wives tale, but he shrugged unbothered as he raised the glass of amber liquid to his lips, one side raised in a slight smirk.
"You just leave that part to me, dolly. I'll get your answer for you."
He'd practically disappeared after that, only coming home late into the evenings well after the staff had gone to bed and leaving early in the mornings before the sun had barely risen. If it wasn't for the pantry being pillaged no one would have ever suspected him of hanging around the estate in the first place. At least it gave him something to think about other than the memories you knew still haunted him. And Kyle had always loved sinking his teeth into a challenge.
It wasn't even a week later that you'd come back from a promenade along the river to discover your cousin lounging in your bed as if he owned the place, hands behind his head staring at you with a Cheshire cat grin that you knew could only spell trouble.
Imagine your surprise when he told you he'd managed to track down info about a man who'd claimed to have seen the fabled city with his own two eyes.
Your first instinct was to call nonsense on the idea. Preposterous. Ridiculous. Absurd. You didn't know how your cousin came to that conclusion, but surely he had been swindled by cheap honeyed words half drunk at a bar. He stood behind you in the mirror as you sat at your vanity, pulling the pin keeping your hat in place to take your hair down, his hands on your shoulders and expression adamant as he held your gaze in the reflection.
You could see the mischievous youth from yesteryear in the sparkle of his eyes, ever ready to take on the world and the challenges brought forth by it. But it was overshadowed by the man he'd become, molded by hard work and dedication to king and country. He rarely spoke of the horrors he'd seen in the British Army, but they were evident in the lines of his face. Kyle had always been a handsome lad who'd chased plenty of skirts in his time, capable of charming the stripes off a zebra if you let him. But you knew he had experience well beyond the comprehension of your comparably simple life.
If he was looking at you with such surety, then you knew better than to keep spouting words of disbelief.
What you did object to however was the part where he was trying to convince you to sneak into the museum and steal back the little metal box 'for insurance purposes'.
"Who said anything about stealin', dolly? We're merely borrowin'." Yeah, right. As if the terminology would matter to the authorities should you happen to get caught.
You cursed his sly mouth and persuasive personality as you found yourself wandering down aisles and aisles of unsorted artifacts, scanning shelves and half empty crates for the item in question. The collection in the storage rooms was large enough that you could spend hours inside and hardly make a dent, but you were keeping your eyes out for the more recent additions towards the front. It had been hardly anything to walk in there past the loading bay crew with a pleasant demure smile on your face as if you belonged there just as much as them.
You'd almost given up in frustration when you spotted it hidden behind an elaborate stone bust of Sekhmet, easily glanced over as if hidden in plain sight. No one was the wiser when you whisked it away into one of your pockets, strolling back out past the men with the same carefree attitude you always carried yourself with. They didn't pay attention to the way your hands shook in the folds of your skirts from barely restrained nerves nor the way you slouched against the nearest building to calm your racing heart. Mark your words, you were going to whip Kyle for this.
Now all there was left to do was to go meet back up with him to hunt down the man he had assured you about. You wondered where you might go about even finding such a person...
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[Edited 5/8/24: changed formatting, title, tags, and numbering system]
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spacemilkies · 2 years
pairing: könig x reader
rqt: [] yes [x] no
wc: 3.4k+
a/n: sat around thinking about what i wanted for this man. and despite my own personal aversion. i thought kids
synopsis: everything important came in stages, and it was worth each one
warnings: nondescript at the beginning and pretty chill through the rest. 
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he doesn’t get to have you like this often. with the sudden resurgence of al-qatala activity, the two of you are tasked more often than you are off duty. It was the first time in a while you had recounted actually using as many weapons that you secured and made inventory on. you could still feel the grime and dust from gunpowder pricking your finger tips as they picked and plucked at your clothing. 
könig was equally as grungy and hasty as he tugged his skin tight thermal over his head, revealing a new constellation of interlocking scars and bruises. it was less of a safehouse and more of a hostel takeover as multiple units congregated to get some much needed shut eye. rest would come days late again, but at least numbers promised some security. 
but the two of you had unresolved matters to attend to after weeks apart. 
words have no sentiment, lost in the harsh pants and the mangle moans wrangled from each of your chests. his mouth is at your neck, lips plump and distracting as his hips snap into yours over and over. 
there is no precarious set up to the familiar dance. you’re wet enough from strangled desire alone, his thumb curling to stretch where accommodation is needed. its rash and unthinking, but yesterday you could have been dead and tomorrow is still not promised. 
right now, all you know is his heat and the taste of him in your mouth as he spills inside. you’re dizzy from your orgasm and unable to grasp anything past the burly man weighing you down. 
nothing ever comes to a definitive conclusion. the simultaneous attacks have been divided and isolated to periodic interruptions of peace. there is no official schedule, but assignments are better distributed and you finally have the opportunity to handle inventory. 
the first time you step into the warehouse, you welcome the musk of steel and wood and get straight to work. too many hands have touched your weapons, you can tell. horangi’s kastov has brunt trauma versus it’s usual scuffs, as if someone had used it to breach a door rather than a body. it would take days to catalogue it all and you were already forty-eight hours into the mess. 
but after weeks on the move, it was a welcomed challenge. 
you’re uncapping a new shipment of polish when the first wave hits you. its an unusual lurch that has you darting away from the table in fear that you might burst all over your work. it takes careful breathing to reign it in, but even that doesn't feel like enough, as just the thought of petroleum would be enough to purge a week's worth of meals. 
it’s a fluke.
maybe stale bread or a bad egg. 
you would just save polishing for another day. 
there were more important things to worry about than an upset stomach.
könig has you by the hips before you roll into the sparse space left onto the couch cushion. he welcomes you into his lap, knees spread to accommodate both you and the bowl of popcorn. the austrian had cornered you during your impromptu meeting with declan about the worsening recoil on his lockwood. as if you were to blame for the bruises he acquired from hip firing the thing. 
könig was a welcomed sight, easily spotted from afar when he wanted to be and easily agreeable to when he offered up late night movies and swiss chocolates. the irishman scoffed but knew when he was on the losing end of a fight. there was nothing secretive about your relationship anymore, but you kept it tight where it was needed so no issues arose.
settled now, you carefully peeled back the wrapping of one as the man surfed through the selection of movies. freeing the sugar soaked cocoa, you brought it to your lips only to pause with a bated breath. 
the incident with the gun oil hadn't been as isolated as you’d expected, nor as frequent as an illness. it was an odd splotching of uncontrolled nausea from the oddest aromas. after a cautious sniff, however, you found that at least your favourites were still welcomed in your body. 
you hadn’t realised your speculation had gained an audience until the chest behind you rumbled with a snort. 
“i’m glad my selection pleases you, prinzessin.”
rolling your eyes, you take an ever bigger bite out of both relief and spite, if he had any intentions of sharing. you chewed thoughtfully, savouring your stomach’s grace and mercy. 
“i knew it would … i just..” you pause, not out of worry but sheer bewilderment of where the symptoms even spawned from. it was possible you had ingested something unagreeable during your tours. the amount of dust, grime and explosive activity sure to shift something after weeks of exposure. 
“—got nauseous earlier is all. of gun oil of all things.”
that had to be the strangest occurrence. the idea of you possibly being allergic to your job almost having comedic value. 
apparently not almost as könig shook with unrestrained humour. 
“i tell you often that you remain cooped up too often. perhaps i will come get you more frequently.”
you think of nights like these, cuddled and warm. and decide that a future of that wouldn’t be so bad.
you’re late.
but not in the way that could get you court martial if you had been under your prior service. its the kind of delay that is behind by nearly two weeks rather than a day or two. 
it's the kind of late that has you in disbelief, disarray and discombobulated in equal stages. 
it's the kind of late that has you rushing off base to the convenience store 6 flicks away in the middle of the night, eyes frantic as you dart down the aisles before snatching four boxes of the same commodity. 
it's the kind of late that has you pacing in your bathroom, grateful that you have the small space to yourself despite wanting it to be filled until you're suffocating. 
it's the kind of late that has you wanting to break protocol as your gaze snaps from the four mirrored sticks of plastic laid neatly on your bathroom counter to your room where your phone lays tossed on your bedspread with your keys. 
it's the kind of late that makes you wonder for the first time, how can you grasp an uncertain future and hold it tight. 
you go to the on-site doctor before könig because it’s protocol and he’s still out on assignment. there was a brief thought to call, but its always dangerous to interrupt zero dark without emergency. 
you’re left sitting in the stiff, cold office when you learn that it hardly be much of a discussion anyway. you weren’t just late, you were well into your first trimester, meaning your only option was what to consider after birth. 
they start with reviewing the percent efficiency of the standard issue implant and how nothing is up to one hundred probability. in the end, you were all adults and took risks daily. this one objectively wouldn't kill, but it was still an endangerment.
they send you home with a supplement prescription and a new note in your file. it would be on your commander’s desk before you crossed the threshold but your fate had been sealed weeks ago. there would be talks about job security, both short term and long term. 
you had a temporary place off the field but that wasn’t always secure and no place for your very new future. 
this was a time where you should be contemplating how you would mitigate the expectation of a civilian while still being rooted in the mindset of a soldier. besides könig, you should be reaching out to family. but instead, you were stuck wondering when.
you are swept into the peak of sweltering sheets and the prickle of humidity. a night of muted passion and tangled legs.you remember the taste, the feel and
he’s back. uniform wrinkled in a way that's only excused post mission. his forehead is crinkled, but only in small lines that means it's the visage of you standing alone in the hallway that has his immediate concern.
he’s back but you haven’t even learned your commission fate from your commander. 
he’s back and you’re suddenly feeling nauseous all over again. 
he’s back, arms curling around you, lips probing for comfort rather than questions. 
he’s back and you never want him to leave again.
you tell him, because how could you not?
and he worries, because why would he not?
the gesture is both comforting and driving you insane. because it’s no longer your problem but a collective predicament that will have two heads to solve. you’re not young but not quite old enough to consider retirement this early. per your commander, you still had one too many years left of good use and it would be a damn shame to waste. 
but you were clearly no longer fit for duty in your temporary state. so unfit that your ailment was a hard kept secret. 
it’s fender who notices first because he’s nosy and has too much time on his hands. 
he points it out first as a jest, then goes comically quiet when you don’t return it with a joking dismissal. instead you stare him down, because quite frankly at this point, you're ready to get over this stage so that you can start focusing on more important matters. 
fender nearly keels running into könig arriving with lunch. there was never the question of who but having both pieces of the same equation in front of him was too much for him to comprehend apparently. 
könig is left to watch the man’s hasty departure while you pick apart a sandwich. 
“i have my deployment preferences scratched for the next three months.”
you wince as you pluck away a condiment. there were small privileges that came for contracting to a pmc. it came with flexibility in some areas and rigid in others. what was determined was you were in a contract and obligations were pre-negotiated. könig had offered to take on the task of filling in where your biology would infringe on some agreements.
contractually, it would help for now but personally he would be missed. 
eventually, you would be deemed too unfit and unsafe for placement on base and advised to move to civilian accommodation until you could return to duty. for you that meant a country length away.
könig was unperturbed when his thumb swiped through stray mustard as it stroked your cheek. it's sharp enough to cut through the distress dragging you down.
“it will be alright. we will make this work.”
eventually you would come to comfort him. 
it became evident in your absence that you were holding each other up. könig was a man of resilience, boasting both body and mind. but in times like these, old worries and anxieties wrested even the most resolved mindsets until they were a phantom of what it was. 
late under the moon, while you sat by the window overlooking the bustling city, könig voiced his uncertainties of an expectant father. 
“we will not be able to both be there. i should be there, childhood was hard.”
könig only spoke of his past in broken spurts of history. he regarded it as his stepping stones but every piece was still a fragile reminder of his foundation. könig used the everyday fears of the job to compartmentalise it all, taking on the more prominent issues to lay rest to the others. 
but now in the quiet of the night on the other side of the world, he had nothing but you and his shadows to keep him warm and sane. you hope your words can embrace him in the thick of it, wrapping him in a blanket of security with no ending thread.
“even in absence, they will feel the love. as i do now.”
it wasn't a direct omission but one of the first vocalisations. for the longest, the two of you thrived on mutual affection; cutting a space in the thralls of war to fit in the tender emotion. it was something that grew both metaphorically and actually into a manifestation of something that had been cultivated for months. 
through the speaker, könig breathes a shuddering breath before the next exhale comes with the strength you know him by. 
“they will know nothing else.”
and you were assured that neither would you. 
you could handle very little from this far away. occasionally they would send requisition forms for review. but without a proper visual of the actual inventory you were nothing more than a second signature. after a while it began to feel more like pity and you delegated the tasks all together. 
you tried to focus more on preparations. the flat you resided in had been purchased prior to your contract. it was a single home, for a sole individual but you made extra space out of your former study. objectively it was way too small, but for now you appreciated the tight corners. 
there was more for you to knock into and less space for you to get lost in. 
it had been nearly two weeks since you’d last heard from könig. he often called when he could and sent texts when he couldn’t. but lately he had been deployed more frequently than usual.
it wasn't meant to be seen as a punishment. not too long ago, you had all been in a similar predicament, but as the odd man out you could help but feel penalised. 
your back aches and your feet are swollen. occasionally your appetite would leave and return with a new address. some days you liked blue and the next you wished you had gone with yellow. 
it wasn't fair, but the second heartbeat thudding beneath your navel reminded you that sacrifices gave you something to rise from the ashes.
and when könig resurfaced there would be something for him to be proud of.
you finally manage to reach könig one week and the following you stumble head first into labour. it's a rush of too many voices and the wrong hands holding yours. you’ve dealt with pain before but the supposed beauty of birth was a thorn with roses. 
you want them to call him, but they want you to pace your breathing. 
you need them to make sure he knows, but they need you to push. 
you see darkness, but you all hear the cry.
you wake to a new type of hurt in your boy thats unlike anything you've experienced. you feel like you're too exhausted to even begin to comprehend the weight of it siting on your bones. blearily, you realise its not an encompassing pressure, but more of a centralised mass settled on your chest. 
when your eyes open, you're welcomed by the most beautiful sight you've ever witnessed. 
she’s so small. 
so so small. the tiniest part of the world that you've ever wanted to protect with your whole being. your finger tips whisper against her skin as rouses to the stimuli.
“i’m so happy to meet you.”
and you couldn't wait for him to meet her too. 
after a third day under observation, they let you take her home. your mother wishes for you both to join her, but she concedes with frequent visits. any fight you had was pushed out of you as you allow her to tidy your home while you feed.
it had been awhile since she’d last asked but now that a face is here, half your and half unrecognisable the inquiries are back.
“i just wonder if it's best for you two to be alone here. it's quite the trip with traffic to get here.”
you're too tired to refute her and too exasperated to concede. könig had only been here once, during a brief overlay between assignments. long enough to warm the bed but too quick to make an impression. it hardly felt like a vacation, more like a rest stop to rejuvenate and gather resources. 
but he knew where it was and that was enough so you would stay. 
it was nearing a month but he would surface soon. 
your mother had her worries but you had baby that was crying, therefore you had bigger ones. 
you wake to a tickle of your nose and the taste of chocolate and gunpowder. it's so familiar yet shockingly foreign. over the course of the last few days, it had only been milk, meat cuts and gatorade. enough so that it throws you out of bed, seeking a defensive stance for the first time in what feels like ages. you feel like a bad mother. it had only been a brief nap, a rest for your eyelids. and now you weren't alone.
“it's alright, liebling. it is only me.”
you should be concerned. someone snuck into your home, slunk through the shadows while your baby slept. motherhood had made you so acutely aware but equally wrung you out. in another case it would have been a disaster. 
but in this reality. 
he was here. 
even in the dark, you can witness the exhausted affection and excitement wrestling on his face. it was enough to assure you that he had seen her, the reaction too great to conceal. frankly, it was a surprise she hadn’t woken from the strange shadow falling over her crib. the change in the wind was enough to make her restless and hungry as of late. 
“she’s beautiful. you did such an amazing job.”
its been a week of trials. days where you would would wake to alarms just to let mouth latch onto your body. long nights where you would chug electrolytes and remind yourself to eat before you passed out. there were times you felt like maybe wasn't enough. 
but in one sentence he assured you that you are the best mother in the world. 
you're so so tired but you want to tell him everything and ask more. 
he knows, but he’s also aware of how worn you both are. his gaze flickers to the monitor situated between your phone and the clock as if he could visualise the stress lines it had been put through already. 
könig does not speak as he eases himself next to you, curling himself around your body as he rests his temple against yours.
“we made a baby,” you can’t hold it back, because it's the first time you've uttered it with him in the same reality. his laugh tickles your ear as he repeats it back to you. 
for the first time, it's the three of you in your tiny apartment. 
and finally you have a taste of a promising future. 
he’s in your too small kitchen, that feels even tighter but in a warm comforting way. you might have slept through an intrusion but the sharp cry of your baby will never fail to rouse you from the deadliest sleep. 
könig roused slower, not use to the odd sounds but coming to complete awareness as he puts together the pieces. he followed you as you rounded to the study-turned-nursery only to slow as you carefully lifted her into your arms. 
at night he’d gotten a glimpse, evidence in the form of certainty that she was really here. but not he glimpsed the actuality of it all. the living, breathing manifestation of the best parts of you. he had been hesitant at first, thumb larger than her round cheek as he stroked the soft skin. 
now he held her close with gaining confidence as he leaned comfortably against the skylit window while you prepared breakfast. you had talked him into discarding his shirt, preaching about skin on skin contact. 
his concerns were cute, worried about ragged scars and hard edges. arguably you’d softened over the last few months, but you promised that your daughter was more robust than that. his curiosity overthrew his anxiousness and everything else melted away the moment her tiny head settled against the crook of his arm. 
his cheeks were still flushed with emotion, visibly nervous but confident enough with is grasp to assure her safety. there would be no force that would be able to separate them, not when he had his eyes on her like that. 
he looks up and catches you watching, eyes big as if he wanted to capture every detail. 
and there are. 
so many intricate little features. 
too many to count and still too many to come. 
but they would arrive.
one by one in stages.  
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magz · 6 months
Palestine summary for March 16 to March 28, 2024. (From "Lets Talk Palestine" broadcast channel). Quote.
March 16, 2024.
Day 162
• 1st aid shipment departing Cyprus arrived in Gaza yesterday carrying 200 tons of food, marking 1st Gaza sea shipment since 2005 + planned 2nd ship coordinated by US, UAE, Spain & Japan; but unclear on distribution of aid across Gaza
• Massacre in central Gaza as Israel destroys home, killing 36 Palestinians, incl. kids & pregnant women
🔻 Senior Hamas & Houthi officials hold rare meeting to discuss coordinated action against an Israeli Rafah ground invasion
• Israeli settlers attack homes in Nablus (West Bank), throwing stones & shooting the air + 20 Palestinians abducted in West Bank, incl. some released in Nov. hostage exchange deal
•⁠ ⁠Palestinian Authority (PA) president Abbas accuses Hamas of causing “return of Israeli occupation of Gaza”, essentially blaming Hamas for the ongoing genocide. Was prompted by Hamas criticism of ‘unilateral’ appointment of new PM of the PA (see our last broadcast)
• 63 Palestinians killed, 112 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
March 17, 2024.
Day 163
🇺🇸⁠ NBC: Biden frustrated over drop in poll numbers in swing states Michigan & Georgia due to his handling of Gaza genocide. Shouting and swearing in a White House meeting, saying he’s doing what is right
•⁠ 19 aid trucks arrive in north Gaza — first convoys to reach the north without incident in 4 months. But aid remains scarce as Israel keeps blocking entry of aid as trucks pile outside Rafah crossing + rate of malnutrition among children under 2 in north doubles in past month
•⁠ 14th Palestinian dies since Oct 7 in Israeli prison following multiple allegations of extreme abusive conditions for Palestinian hostages
🇪🇺⁠ ⁠EU President condemns an Israeli Rafah invasion, joining countless nations to do so like the US & Arab countries
•⁠ Israeli forces abduct 25 Palestinians, incl. a woman with cancer from Gaza & a child in overnight raids in West Bank
•⁠ ⁠92 Palestinians killed, 130 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
(No specific summary for March 18)
March 19, 2024.
Day 165
🇨🇦⁠ Canada to halt all further arms exports to Israel in support of ceasefire and 2-state “solution”, recognizing ICJ ruling. This came after a non-binding parliamentary resolution which called for ending arms sales. But resolution’s language was watered down during amendment, denoting Hamas as a “terror organization” + removing call to sanction Israeli officials
• 93 Palestinians killed, 142 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
• Israel escalates attacks across Gaza with 1 attack on Rafah killing 14 Palestinians + ongoing raid of al-Shifa hospital killed & injured dozens
• Israel issued 100,000 new gun licenses to Israeli’s since Oct 7 out of the 299,354 applications
• Israel massacred aid distribution committee at Kuwaiti roundabout (north Gaza), killing at least 23 people
•⁠ ⁠Israeli settlers, w/ ongoing genocide as a distraction, accelerated building of 18 new illegal roads + 15 outposts (unauthorized settlement illegal under Israeli law) in West Bank since Oct
March 20, 2024.
Day 166
•⁠ 104 Palestinians killed, 162 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
🇺🇸 Reuters:⁠ US Congress & White House reach deal on funding bill that includes blocking UNRWA donations until March 2025, based on Israel’s unverified allegations
🏥 IOF siege on al-Shifa hospital enters 3rd day, as forces surround the complex trapping hundreds inside & block rescue efforts
•⁠ 8 Israeli attacks kill 100+ aid workers in 1 week + IOF massacred 23 aid seekers in north Gaza
🚢 Israel Hayom: Israel plans to buy port in Cyprus amid fears of Haifa port closure from Hezbollah strikes, hindering military & commercial imports
⚓️ ⁠Israel’s Eilat port will fire half its employees due to Red Sea blockade
•⁠ Israeli High Court approves demolition of a Palestinian’s home for carrying out a non-lethal resistance operation in West Bank; marking first authorized home demolition by court for an operation without fatalities — an escalation in Israeli repression
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia pledges $40m to UNRWA
March 21, 2024.
Day 167
• As Arabs celebrate Mother's Day today, we remember that on average 37 mothers are exterminated everyday in Gaza, meanwhile mothers from Gaza make up 28 of the 67 female detainees in Israeli prisons
• 65 Palestinians killed, 92 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
🏥 Israel continues 4th day siege on al-Shifa Hospital, killing 140+ Palestinians & abducted 600 people, incl. medical staff. 13 patients killed as Israel cut off electricity, depriving oxygen, medicine & food
• 18-year-old Ubai Abu Maria abducted by Israeli forces in West Bank for 7th time, impeding treatment for bullet wound requiring surgery
•⁠ Poll finds 71% of Palestinians in Gaza & West Bank support Hamas's Oct 7 resistance operation; compared to poll 3 months ago, support among West Bank residents dropped by 11% but amongst Gazans rose by 14%
• Israel ordered 25 patients receiving care in West Bank to return to Gaza. They're among the 400 patients from Gaza who were left stranded in West Bank after Oct 7
March 22, 2024.
🚨Russia & China veto US UN Security Council ceasefire resolution
The resolution showed a shift: US had vetoed every ceasefire proposal, most recently Algeria’s as the US opposed language of “immediate” ceasefire, preferring “humanitarian pause”. But now the US draft states “the imperative of an immediate and sustained ceasefire”.
The problem? It’d last only 6 weeks, is conditional on release of Israeli hostages, and condemns both Hamas’ op & the Houthi naval blockade. The wording of “determines the imperative” is also weak, implying the importance of a ceasefire, not demanding one.
The result? It wouldn’t obligate Israel to end the genocide + let it continue on the pretext that there’s no “acceptable” hostage deal.
It was vetoed by 🇷🇺 & 🇨🇳 who said it’d let Israel continue attacks & invade Rafah. Algeria also voted against it.
10 states are planning alternative resolution calling for Ramadan ceasefire, including but not conditioned on release of Israeli hostages. US likely to veto.
•⁠ Gaza death toll surpasses 32,000 not including the thousands buried under rubble
‼️ Israel seized 1,977 acres of West Bank land for settlements, the largest land theft since 1993
🇺🇸 Congress passes bill that bans funding to UNRWA until 2025; expected for Senate to pass before midnight deadline
🏥 Israel’s siege on Shifa Hospital enters 5th day as they bomb & demolish buildings with bulldozers; abducting 240+ patients & 10 medical staff from radiology unit. IOF forces ordered trapped patients to surrender despite continuous heavy gunfire
•⁠ 50 Palestinians abducted incl. 4 kids during 60+ Israeli military raids across West Bank in 2 days. Marking March 20 “one of the deadliest nights recorded to date” in 2024 in West Bank w/ 7+ Palestinians killed. Israeli settlers also took over 20+ Palestinian residential structures
•⁠ UN aid mission to north Gaza for 7,500 people was denied by Israel
🇫🇮 Finland to resume UNRWA funding
March 24, 2024.
Day 170
🚨 Israeli forces lay siege to 3 hospitals, surrounding al-Amal Hospital forcing Palestinians to strip naked & leave; currently carpet bombing near Nasser Hospital & sniping anyone moving, while continuing aggressive 7-day seige on al-Shifa
• 84 Palestinians killed, 106 injured in Gaza in past 24 hours
• Israel denied thousands of Christians from West Bank entry to Jerusalem on Psalm Sunday, heightening military checkpoints. Israel’s apartheid system discriminates Palestinians’ freedom of movement, requiring permits for West Bank residents to enter, which is rarely granted. More info on Israeli apartheid: https://rb.gy/vjocrd + checkpoints: https://rb.gy/rabxt6;
• Israel to deny all UNRWA aid convoys to north Gaza, despite 70% of population subject to “catastrophic starvation”
• BDS launches boycott of tech company Intel due to its $25bn investment in new factory in Israel, the “largest investment ever”; on top of Intel’s $50bn+ investments in Israel in past 50 years
March 25, 2024.
For the 1st time the Security Council managed to pass a ceasefire resolution. The US abstained while all 14 others voted yes
The US planned to veto if it didn’t mention the hostages so it “demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a permanent sustainable ceasefire, and also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.”
But it doesn’t condition the ceasefire on a hostage swap the way done by the US draft that got vetoed by 🇷🇺 & 🇨🇳
It doesn’t condemn Hamas explicitly as the US wanted but it “deplores” all attacks against civilians & “all acts of terrorism” noting that it’s illegal to take hostages under int’l law. So it’s indirect condemnation
It expresses deep concern “about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip,” calling for more efforts for more aid & to protect civilians. This is weak language
Better than nothing but not enough as people are slaughtered & raped.
Day 171 — Attacks on 3 hospitals
🚨 Israel escalates attacks on “safe zone” Rafah killing 30+, including women and children amid threats of looming ground invasion
• 107 Palestinians killed, 176 injured in past 24 hours
🏥 22,000 displaced Palestinians face worsening conditions in the European Hospital, one of the last functioning in Gaza, overcrowded with patients awaiting critical care
🏥 Israeli forces lay siege to further hospitals in Khan Younis forcing critically ill patients to evacuate the premises surrounded by complete destruction
🏥 Israeli forces open fire on medical staff forced to evacuate al-Amal Hospital amid continuous attacks on the premise leaving patients in critical condition, deprived of medical supervision
• Netanyahu cancels Israeli delegation trip to US over its abstention in today’s UNSC vote, calling it a departure from their long-standing support of Israel. Biden called the move “disappointing”
• Israeli assaults targeting homes in central Gaza kill 18
(No march 26 summary)
March 27, 2024
Day 172
🚨 Gaza Gov’t Media Office demands end to aerial aid drops after one today killed 6 & caused 12 to drown in north Gaza
• 81 Palestinians killed, 93 injured in the last 24 hours
🇯🇴 100+ protesters arrested & teargassed outside Jordan’s Israeli embassy amid demands to end Jordan’s military & economic ties with Israel
🇧🇪 Brussels City Council passes motion to ban council purchases of products from Israeli settlements in the West Bank on the basis of international law violations
• Israel bombs residential building in Rafah, killing 15+ displaced Palestinians incl. 4 kids. Analysts say the Rafah bombings mark the start of a “silent” invasion
🏥 Ongoing Israeli attacks on Shifa Hospital kill 30+ people incl. a family living in a residential building near the besieged complex
• IOF abducts 30 Palestinians in overnight raids in West Bank cities
🇱🇧 Israeli airstrike in eastern Lebanon kills 2 people, an escalation as the bombing was far from south Lebanon, the usual battleground
March 28, 2024.
Day 173
🇮🇪 Ireland to follow Nicaragua and join South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel
•⁠ ⁠Israeli attacks on residential homes in Rafah kill 25 displaced Palestinians, incl. multiple children
•⁠ ⁠76 Palestinians killed, 102 injured in the last 24 hours
•⁠ ⁠IOF kills 4 in central Gaza, forcefully burying them by bulldozers
🇺🇸 ⁠US state department report claims Israel is complying with international law, as US reviewed Israeli usage of US weapons in order to validate future arms exports
🇱🇧 Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon residencies kill 12 in past 24 hours with many still trapped under the rubble
•⁠ ⁠Two aid seekers remain in critical condition as Israeli snipers target the Kuwait Roundabout aid distribution point
🇺🇸 Poll: 55% of Americans disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza — a 10% increase from November’s poll
•⁠ ⁠Israeli drone attack kills 8 in West Bank; IOF abducts 20 Palestinians in overnight raids
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doralcustomsbrokers · 24 days
Navigating U.S. Import Regulations with a Miami Customs Broker
Importing goods into the United States involves navigating a complex web of regulations, documentation, and compliance requirements. Whether you’re a seasoned importer or new to international trade, partnering with a knowledgeable customs broker in Miami can significantly ease the process and ensure your shipments clear customs without a hitch.
Customs Clearance Services
One of the primary roles of a customs broker is to facilitate customs clearance. This involves preparing and submitting the necessary documents to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and ensuring that your shipment complies with all applicable laws and regulations. A Miami-based customs broker, with expertise in the region’s trade dynamics, can expedite this process, helping your goods move swiftly from port to market.
U.S. Customs Clearance
Navigating U.S. customs clearance can be daunting, especially with the ever-evolving regulations. A customs broker in Miami stays updated on the latest changes in import laws, ensuring your shipment is compliant. They handle everything from tariff classifications and duty calculations to ensuring all required permits and licenses are in place.
Handling Import Shipments
Efficient handling of import shipments is crucial to minimize delays and avoid additional costs. A customs broker manages the logistics of your shipment from the moment it arrives at the port, coordinating with carriers, warehouses, and other stakeholders to ensure a smooth and timely release of your goods.
Consultation on Import Regulations
Understanding import regulations is essential for compliance and cost management. A Miami customs broker provides consultation services to help you navigate the complexities of U.S. import regulations. This includes advising on tariff classifications, duty rates, and other compliance requirements specific to your goods.
FDA Compliance Consulting
If you’re importing goods regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), such as food products, cosmetics, or pharmaceuticals, FDA compliance is critical. A customs broker with expertise in FDA regulations can help ensure that your products meet all necessary standards, avoiding costly delays or rejections at the border.
Importer Security Filing (ISF) and Customs Bond Services
Importer Security Filing (ISF), also known as “10+2,” is a mandatory filing requirement for ocean shipments to the U.S. A customs broker can handle this filing on your behalf, ensuring that it is done correctly and on time. Additionally, they can assist with obtaining the necessary customs bonds, which are required for most import transactions to guarantee the payment of duties and taxes.
Managing In-Bond Shipments
In-bond shipments, which are goods that are transported through the U.S. without being subject to customs duties, require careful management to ensure compliance. A Miami customs broker can manage the in-bond process, ensuring your goods move efficiently to their final destination.
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imposter syndrome hits different when you're constantly feeling like a dumbass for not picking up on social cues and never knowing when to shut your damn mouth
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violettduchess · 1 year
no requests for #10?? a travesty!! can i get #10 with silvio? thanks!
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A/N: Here you go anon!
@ikemen-writer you asked for #12 with Silvio so I combined your request with anon's here to get a soft and unsure + gentle, then deeper kiss with the Prince
Silvio x female Reader
WC: 2546
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You’ve been to grand balls before. A ball in the Rhodolite palace is a glittering confection of gold and white, walls dripping with roses, guests dripping with jewels. But here in Benitoite, you are surrounded by smooth marbled floors of gray and white, silver chandeliers holding elegant taper candles, and guests in clothing made of expensive silks, thinner than the heavier satins and velvet of Rhodolite fashion. Your own gown is a diaphanous confection of pale pink shot through with glistening silver.  A bejeweled red rose pin rests above your heart, a gift from King Leon and a sign of your new status as ambassador. Stepping through the double doors of the ballroom, your heart skips a beat as it takes in the sea of people already drinking from crystal flutes, tinkling with laughter and spinning across the dance floor, skirts floating in the air with every twirl. It is an impressive sight. And it is an overwhelming sight. 
Every single doubt you’ve had about coming here, about taking on the responsibility Leon entrusted you with, about your own capability to handle what this job entails suddenly comes crashing down on you. Your lungs freeze within your chest, ambient sounds grow louder and mesh together, the lively language of Benitoite now stabbing your ears. How could you believe a simple woman like you, a bookstore clerk with no diplomatic experience, could take on the responsibility of handling diplomacy. Yes, you managed well with the Rhodolite princes but here, you are a fish out of water, at a disadvantage with the customs, the language, the folk, no matter how many books you’ve read.  When a nobleman comes over, greeting you in the local language, rapid fire and unintelligible, you feel ill. You manage a weak nod of your head before making your way to the edge of the crowd, pressing your back against the white walls, wanting nothing more to press yourself into the cool stone and disappear. 
I’m failing Leon. I’m failing Rhodolite. 
You catch sight of the open double doors that lead out to the gardens and the paths that take you further, down to the docks. With the music throbbing in your head you slink your way through the dazzling crowd until you feel the cool breeze of escape, of freedom.
Just a few minutes, you tell yourself as you step outside. You’ll step away for just a few minutes. Just to gather your bearings.
Your silver slippers take you away from the bright ballroom and the noise and with every step you feel yourself torn. The cool air, the night sky, they ease the tight band that has taken hold of your lungs, allowing you to breathe without feeling constricted. But every step away is a step further from your job, from what you swore to Leon you could do. Strengthen the ties with your allies. Convince the king and queen to sign the new treaty of protection. Convince Prince Silvio to come stay at the palace as a sign of good faith and friendship between your nations. All of these important, if one is to believe the reports coming out of Obsidian, the rumblings of a gathering army and an uptick in weapon shipments.
Before you know it, you’ve passed the gardens and find your feet traveling over wooden boards. You’ve reached the palace docks. The larger royal vessels are all at home in Benitoite’s vast harbor. Here you find only the smaller vessels for the royal family's private use. You stop, taking in the sight of a small, streamlined sailboat on your left, bobbing in the calm, dark water. How would it feel to  just…sail away from it all? Nothing but dark sea below and a sky full of stars above, leaving you floating somewhere in the eternity in between.
“This ain’t the ballroom.”
You gasp, turning at the sound of Silvio’s voice. He’s at the dock’s edge, watching you, hands on his hips, dressed in a suit of navy blue and glittering gold and cloud-white. With a confidence you don’t really have, you square your shoulders and smooth down the front of your gown. What did Clavis once tell you? Confidence is ninety-nine percent illusion and only one percent actual mettle. You can muster up one percent.
“I needed some air.”
“All the way out here?” He walks closer, the gold of his adorning jewelry jangling audibly in the light evening breeze. 
He stops when he is standing in front of you and you turn away from him, not wanting him to guess your other secret, the other reason you are unsure you will be able to fulfill all of Leon’s expectations. Because somewhere along the way of arriving in Benitoite, of meeting the royals and nobles, and spending time with Silvio during city tours and accompanying him to royal engagements, you have fallen head over heels in love. Suddenly and unexpectedly and maybe even unfortunately. But you are drawn to the prince like a moth to a flame. Yes, he is frustrating and temperamental and materialistic and snotty and far too handsome for his own good. But he is also intelligent and funny and honest and thoughtful and you , against all odds and all reason, have fallen hard. 
He can’t know. It would be terrible for so many reasons. So you keep your gaze on the sailboat, breathing in slowly to calm your skittish heart.
You feel his gaze on you, the silence at his unanswered questions curling around both of you until Silvio snaps it, stopping it before it can choke you.
“C’mon.” And then his hand is wrapped around yours and he’s pulling you towards the boat. You stop when the tips of your slippers kiss the edge of the dock, looking at the gap of dark water between it and the boat. Silvio releases your hand and with a graceful leap, lands on the boat’s deck with the agility of a skilled sailor. He disappears a moment, only to return with a wooden board which he slides forward until it is resting on the dock, then places one midnight-colored boot on the end and holds out his hand.
“C’mon. You got this.”
It’s only a few steps but the black water looks ominous, lapping at the sides of the boat like it wants to come aboard too. Silvio makes an impatient motion with his hand, his gaze searching yours in the silvery wash of moonlight.
“I said you got this, woman. Now come here.”
And you do. You lift your skirts and one step after the other make your way across the plank until you feel the secure clasp of his fingers around your wrist. He pulls you towards him and for a moment, you are pressed against his tall body, breathing in the scent of the sea and something else.. something exotic and alluring, salt and spice. 
He releases you as if stung, turning sharply and busying himself with pulling the board back onto the boat. Your wrist is imprinted with the feel of his strong fingers and a part of you aches at the loss of his touch.
He motions for you to follow him as he makes his way to the bow of the ship. 
“Oh…..” It’s more a sigh than a word as you look forward, across the open expanse of sea that the sailboat faces, seemingly ready at any moment to push off from the dock and go bravely forth across that endless stretch of gently rolling water.  The argent moonlight twinkles across the water’s surface, more breathtaking than any jewel in the ballroom. Your fingers wrap around the steel railing as you lean forward, feeling the way the fetters of  insecurity and worry and anxiety snap.
“Knew this would work.” 
Silvio is watching you, arms crossed, a self-satisfied smile on his attractive face. He steps a bit closer, gesturing towards the water. “I never found a problem the sea couldn’t fix.”
Something akin to shame dims the newfound light in your eyes, drops your gaze to the deck.
“I didn’t know it was that obvious…..” Your voice feels small, especially out here.
He shrugs his shoulder. “You left that ballroom…..not quite like a bat outta hell, but definitely like someone who didn’t wanna fucking be there.”
That gets a small, mirthless laugh out of you. “Truer words…..” You sigh now, turning back to the water. “I’ve had a wonderful time here. You and your family have been the most generous hosts but…..I don’t know if I am made for this. Benitoite is our ally but what happens when I have to travel to Jade or another foreign country that isn’t so friendly? I don’t know if I can handle the pressure.”
Silvio joins you now at the railing. You feel the soft material of his jacket against your bare arm and swallow at the contact, telling your heart to rein itself in. It’s only silk. (Silk that’s touching his skin, your heart whispers in reply. Silk that’s warm from his body…..)
He doesn’t speak and you can hear the faint music from the ballroom floating through the air. After a few moments of quieted melody accompanied by the sounds of the gently lapping water, he breaks the silence.
“The way I see it, either way you’re right.”
You glance at him. “How so?”
“You tell yourself, you can’t, then you can’t. You tell yourself you can, then you can.”
“If only it were that simple.”
“It is. And besides,” he says as he shifts his stance, turning to face you. “I ain’t seen anythin’ yet that convinces me you can’t do whatever you damn well want to.”
Something warm and fizzy corkscrews its way through you at his words, your stomach turning in excited, dizzying circles.
“You really think that about me?”
He looks away so quickly his pale hair whips across his forehead and cheeks. 
“Don’t be fucking stupid,” he mutters, suddenly finding the railing incredibly interesting and worth examining. 
You tell yourself you can, then you can….
His words echo through your mind, buoyed by the music and the moonlight and the water and Silvio’s flustered expression. You reach up, touching his shoulder, curling your hand into the soft material of his jacket.
He is forced to look at you and that’s when you rise up onto your toes and, without giving yourself even a second to hesitate, kiss him. It’s a soft press of your lips against his and once you’ve done it, your nerves alight with uncertainty. He isn’t moving. His lips are stiff and unyielding, his hands remain at his sides. Part of you wants to pull away and run, leap off the boat and dash across the docks and back into the sheltered darkness of the gardens, away from what may very well be your biggest misstep ever. 
But there is another part of you, one that is louder, one that fights the desire to run. It’s the one that remembers his raucous laughter at your jokes, the way his gaze lingers on your face when you smile, the feel of his strong hand whenever it takes yours. That part of your heart knows that you are not alone in what you are feeling and it is what guides your hand up to cup his face and move your lips, pressing another soft kiss to his. You kiss him slowly, holding his face delicately in your palm, coaxing him to please, come out from behind that wall he’s hiding himself behind and join you. It feels like an eternity before you feel him respond, his lips becoming pliant against your kisses. His cheek feels warm to the touch and if you could see him, you would notice the sweep of color across it, pink as coral. His hands rise, holding onto your waist, grounding himself. 
He’s kissed people before. Of course he has. But this….this isn’t satisfying some carnal need or urge to indulge. This kiss has strings that are gently tying themselves around his heart. This is emotions and feelings and all those things Silvio keeps locked up, a pirate’s treasure buried deep inside. But you have stumbled your way to his hiding place, your smile the breeze that blows the sand off the treasure chest, your touch the key clicking into place. And now this kiss is lifting the lid, exposing his secrets. He should be terrified. But somehow…..
He shifts, pulling you closer, his hand sliding around to press against your back. You hold onto the nape of his neck, stretching upwards to meet the movement of his mouth. He’s so much gentler than you expected, leaving space amid lingering kisses to appreciate the way your lips fit together, to feel the swell of your lower lip between his. Your breath is sweet and warm against him as you turn your head, trying a different angle. He adjusts expertly, a sailor used to reading the wind and making instinctual calculations of which way to steer.
You break apart only to rest your forehead against his, eyes closed as you revel in the feel of his strong embrace, the faint music from the ballroom drifting along the air, the melody over the thunderous beating of your heart. If you could freeze time and live in this moment, you would. It feels newborn and fragile but oh so beautiful, a protostar bound for the heavens to take its place as a diamond in the sky. The hand on the back of his neck shifts to stroke his silvery hair, marveling that it really does feel as silky as it looks.
He huffs out a breath. Dio, what is happening to him?
He’s not ready for words. Not ready to vocalize what all this means. Instead of answering, he leans down and kisses you again, holding your lips captive with his. You don’t protest. Each passing second has you melting slowly into his arms. He feels your softness, the warmth of your body through your gown, and it ignites something inside of him, a flare rising up into the darkest of skies. His fingers slide down your back, back across your waist and then down to the curve of your hips where he takes hold, pulling you hard against him. You’re not startled, you don’t stiffen in his arms the way he thought you might. Yet again you surprise him, not shy in the face of your own desire but welcoming it. You wrap your arms around his neck and your lips part, opening for him like a moonflower on a silver-bright night. 
The storm that hits him at the taste of your mouth sends his heart reeling. It careens overboard, sinking deeper and deeper with every taste of your lips, every sweep of your tongue against his. The surface grows darker and darker, further and further away, no matter how often he gasps for air. There is no escape. He cannot fight the sea of desire you have unleashed upon him. He lifts you, strong hands gripping you, your arms and legs wrapping around him like the sweetest of chains, cementing his fate . 
His heart is already so entangled, there is no hope of ever being free again.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @tele86 @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart @bubblexly
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gothhabiba · 8 months
Hi Miss Najia! You're quite knowledgeable about Palestine and about workers as a class and solidarity so I'm hoping you can help me here. I work in a floral wholesale warehouse that imports a lot of their product, and we used to get a shipment from Israel but it's been stopped since October. I was hoping we wouldn't buy from an Israeli grower ever again, but I just found out it's starting again this week. I don't know what to do that would be effective getting the company to stop buying from this grower, do you have advice? (we aren't unionized obviously 🙃)
I'm really not an expert on labor actions, I'm disabled and don't per se have a "job."
As a start, I would suggest reading up on other situations where workers have refused to handle goods because they came from apartheid states (e.g. the Dunnes Store strikes). You'll need to think about what's similar and what's different about your situation and apply some creativity. Talk to the people you work with and sound out their willingness to A. form a union (check relevant legal protections in your country or state) and B. refuse to handle Israeli goods. Also look into legal defense for unions and for pro-Palestine protestors in your area--these are good numbers to have in your back pocket.
You might also be able to do something from outside the workplace. If you have a local pro-Palestine organisation or BDS branch, they may be able to provide strategy or support. Same with branches of Marxist &c. organisations that have pro-Palestine stances. Getting people to put up flyers, stickers &c. advising customers that the store sells Israeli goods, perhaps alongside other grocery stores and the like in the area, is something you could do without your boss necessarily knowing it was you / you and your coworkers.
Maybe some of my followers will have other tips or leads.
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
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Fever Dreams: Mike x Y/N One Shot Series PRT 04
Tagging: @icarus-star @chainsawgvtsfvck @romanroyapoligist @liquidsmoothdomme @madamemaximoff06 @drazenka @blacksoul-27 @444rockstargf @kappasbbgirl @luzclarita57 @tempt-ress
Y/n is sitting at the desk inside the garage. It was a fairly quiet day and Leff was sitting in the office with his feet on the desk, talking on the phone to someone making new import deals. Sicky came busting through the door so hard, it hit the wall.
"I've fucking had it! I'm done babysitting this kid. He's been complaining nonstop all fucking day and I'm going to kill him." Sicky threw his hands up and Mike came in behind him shaking his head.
"Did you do all the drop offs?" Y/n looked at her watch and Sicky growled.
"No because princess over here has to stop every ten minutes to piss or get cigarettes or jerk off." Sicky looked back at him.
"I had to piss twice and it's not my fault these places are smoke free. This is fucking New York. That's stupid." Mike argued.
"I can't handle it Y/n. You take over or I'm going to skin the kid." Sicky lowered his voice so only Y/n could hear him knowing that threatening Leff's blood loud enough for him to hear would always be a no no. She stood up from the desk and chuckled.
"You remember this the next time I have to do a shipment at the bar." Y/n put a gun in her ankle holster and grabbed her jacket off the hook.
"Come on loverboy." Y/n grabbed the collar of Mike's leather jacket and he gave Sicky the finger.
"Do you care if I smoke in your car?" Mike asked hopeful.
"You can smoke in my car but to answer your question earlier, you can't smoke at client's establishments unless they offer you a smoke. It's disrespectful. These are business partners and when we enter their home turf, they have the advantage. We must show respect to keep business relations on the up and up." Y/n explained as Mike lit his cigarette.
"I fucking hate this job. Honestly, I almost wish Leff would have left me to figure my own shit out. At least that way I wouldn't be stuck being his little bitch delivery boy." He blew smoke out of the cracked window.
"What would you rather be doing?" Y/n asked honestly and Mike looked over at her to see if she was being serious.
"If I tell you, you can't laugh." Mike said making Y/n smile.
"If you say male stripper or rancher, I'm going to laugh." She warned making him chuckle.
"I want to be a musician. Start a band and get the hell out of here. The music scene in New York is dead unless you're a rapper or making a techno pop set in someone's basement rave." Mike explained.
"Musician? Do you play an instrument or are you a singer?" She asked. Mike could see she was genuinely interested in his answers and he tried to hide his blush.
"I play guitar but I definitely would need a singer. I'm not much of a vocalist." Mike took another puff from his cigarette and ashed it out the window.
"Well you could absolutely find a singer in New York but you'll want to go South if you want to get any sort of band off the ground. Everyone knows Texas is where aspiring musicians go." Y/n pulled up to a stop light and looked at him.
"What's your sound? Despite the cowboy look, the leather daddy that accompanies it gives hard rock or grungey alternative." Mike had to laugh out loud.
"Did you just call me a leather daddy?" He asked furrowing his brows.
"Shut up, don't act like you don't love when I give you pet names." She teased from behind the steering wheel. He noticed something he hadn't really noticed before. She had a tattoo on her neck behind her ear. When she smiled wide, he could see a little black rose etched into the skin.
"If only you would take me up on my offer to use them with less clothing and more privacy." Mike flirted making her shake her head at him, putting her hand out to take his cigarette and take a puff. He watched her suck the smoke into her mouth, let it out of her nose and back out again.
Every thing she did turned him on in the weirdest way.
"Get some furniture first and we'll revisit naked hangouts." She teased. Mike took that as a promise and motivation to get a couch.
"How do you know so much about the music scene in Texas?" Mike asked curiously.
"I used to work at a night club. A lot of guys would come through and tell me their life stories and dreams of making it big but what they don't realize is New York is more for performing arts. Classical musicians and acting are on the rise but places like Austin are where all the big music producers pick and choose people to throw together to make an album. Plus the food is superior." Mike kept his eyes on her.
"The night club...were you a-"
"Yes Mike, I used to be a dancer so if you have any stripper jokes, keep in mind that I'm currently behind the wheel and you aren't wearing a seat belt." She glanced over at him.
"I mean we're literally pushing drugs and weapons. I don't think being a stripper is some sort of classless gig. We're clearly doing a lot worse." He shook the duffel bag.
"You aren't wrong." Y/n pulled up to the drop location and put the car in park.
"Besides, Sicky said you own a bar now so that's cool." Mike added making her grin at him.
"You're talking to Sicky about me huh?" She teases and he rolls his eyes.
"Shut up." He finished off his cigarette before getting out of the car and when Y/n handed him the duffel she held onto it.
"Hey, this shit is only as temporary as you want it to be. You want out, you have to find something that will get you out and keep you straight. All Leff needs is reassurance that you'll be able to take care of yourself. That's all he wants." She said sincerely.
"I'll keep that in mind while I'm peddling this cocaine to a biker gang." Mike said making Y/n scrunch her nose.
"Sicky's right, you're being a princess." Y/n teased making Mike take the bag from her and give her a mocking middle finger. She smiled giving him one back and watched his back as he knocked on the door. She moved her gun from her ankle holster to her lap and watched him carefully.
He didn't know it but Y/n was already willing to kill for him if she had to.
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nightmaree-eyess · 1 year
Second in command
Arcane fanfic
Summary: jinx took over silcos crime ring when he died and you are her second in command
Word count: 1238
Tags: au, lesbian jinx, y/n, femme reader,hurt/comfort, imagine, action/adventure, angst, romance, everyone is alive, implied drugs, hallucinations, implied emotional abuse
My days are pretty boring and monotonous for being second in command for the biggest crime ring in Zaun. I wake up, make my tea, go to work, take inventory, and go home. Obviously my days aren't exactly the same but they are similar enough. Today was one of those days.
“Jinx wants to see you.”
Ugh sevika. She thinks she runs this place since she's been with the ring the longest. She thinks she deserves to run this place.
I rolled my eyes at her in response
“Look just because your girlfriend is uppity about me doesn't mean you have too.”
“Just because my head is between her legs, doesn't mean it's up her ass too.”
Sevika grimaces and I groan and walk away from taking inventory. I don't feel like dealing with her bullshit today. Or ever really.
I push the door open with my shoulder to jinx’s office. The doors are heavy and made of rusted iron. The handles are vials of shimmer. The doors creak as I enter.
“Hello y/n”
Jinx turns around to face you in her chair behind the desk.
“Hi baby, what's up?”
“Don't call me that you know I hate pet names. But can you grab my shimmer for me? My eye is fucking killing me.”
Sometimes I feel more like a monkey than her girlfriend. Just another one of her employees but with more sexual benefits.
I grab the shimmer from the table and straddle her to get a better angle. A part of me only uses that as an excuse to get closer to her.I take her chin and angle her head upwards, take the syringe, and inject her eye. Her left eye looks like a nuclear sunset with a void in the middle. She winces in pain for a moment.
“Ah fuck. That never gets easier” jinx groans
You take her face and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and she raises her hand to yours. You step backwards to put the syringe away.
“This wasn't the only reason i called you in here”
I think she wants a sexual favor from me. That's usually how this goes but she keeps talking.
“ I have a job I want you to come along and it's a pretty serious one. I wanted my assistant to come with me. Id send one of the other employees but i feel like theyd fuck this job up. And we have the power they don't.”
Finally I'm starting to feel important. Jinx usually did the negotiating while i kept things running on the inside. But I never really felt like I had the power people claimed I had as jinx’s girlfriend and assistant.
“Sounds good. But what's the job?” i questioned
“We have to go to piltover and talk to jayce talis about importing more shimmer through their harbors. Business is booming right now and we need to make bigger shipments. And I need you there just in case things go wrong.”
“Like a bodyguard? Am I getting a demotion?” i joke
“Ha. ha. Funny. You think I'm some joke? You don't think I can handle myself? You think im gonna fuck up the job like i fuck everything up right?!”
“No, I-Im sorry” i raise my hands in defeat
“Good. Because it sounded like my girlfriend and assistant were doubting my abilities. Remember who's above you y/n. I'll let you know the details later. Now get the fuck out of my office.”
“Hello ladies, glad to be in your presence.” Jayce bows sarcastically
“Yeah whatever, let's just get to business.” jinx groans
I follow them into an empty alley. I thought maybe we’d be in an office or something but maybe the guy doesn't want us knowing where he resides. Jayce starts the convo
“Ok you called a meeting with me and i only have 15 minutes. So get to the point.”
“We want to import more shimmer through the harbors. Business is booming a-”
“No? What do you mean no? This would benefit both of us in the long run and youre fucking delusional not to think so.”
“I already have the council up my ass. I can't import more shimmer without it being suspicious. The answer is no.”
Jinx pulls out her gun and points it at jayce
“We import more shimmer through your harbors or you get a bullet in the skull. Its honestly your choice”
Next thing I know there's a flash of blue illuminating the sky, the boom of a gun, and a warm feeling running down my chest. I slip into the void at peace.
I flutter my eyes open and see a distorted jinx next to me
“You're nothing to me. You're just a dog that I bet on and you're losing.” she laughs maniacally
I try to sit up but I'm paralysed. What the fuck is going on? Before I can process anything I drift away again.
I squint my eyes open. I'm in a sketchy room, on a twin sized mattress on the floor.
“Oh god, baby I'm so glad you're alive!”
You feel jinx’s warm lips against your clammy forehead
“Wha- ow fuck” you clutch your chest
“I'm so sorry baby, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you along I jinxed it like i do everything this is all my fault im sorry”
“What are you talking about?”
“I-i accidentally shot you when jayce let off a bomb. I got startled and I shot you. Jayce died when the bomb went off but I got lucky. You… died when I shot you. I brought you to singed because i knew he could revive you…like he did me and it worked. Now you have to inject yourself with shimmer where you were injured to stay alive. I shouldn't have ever threatened jayce in the first place. This is all my fault.” she sobbed
“This… is a lot to process.” i wince in pain
“I'm so sorry. I've been cold and distant with you and you don't deserve that. Even though I keep you at arms distance, I love you. I didn't realise how much I loved you until I lost you. If I lost you…then I would have no one left. I need you in my life. You make my days brighter, you support me in ways no one else does, and I never want to take you for granted ever again. I want to love you the way you deserve, if you'll let me?”
I try my best to sit up to kiss her but I can't. Jinx fills in the space and kisses me passionately and deeply. Like if she stopped kissing me she'd lose me again. I break the kiss.
“I know. I love you too”
She climbs into bed with me. We are so close that we could almost merge into one. She pushes my sweaty strands of hair out of my face and kisses me softly on my nose and we drift off to a blissful sleep. And even though this is the most pain i've ever been in i'm the happiest i've ever been.
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