#implied kensuke
koushirouizumi · 3 months
{D I G I M O N} Adventure+02 + "The B e g i n n i n g" x “A p o l o g i z e” (Mini-Preview) Clip {David A r c h u l e t a} Live Concert Ver. + {+2020!}/{Kizuna!}KOUxTAI, {02!}KENxSUKE, (Implied/Former?/Un-requited) TaixS o r axto/Yamaxchi, {S o r a does not appear yet} + TAKERU & A n g e m o n (Overall 02-Leaning +KouTai)
"Take a F A L L {?}"--
"I Need you like a H e a r t needs a B E A T-- ... BUT that's N O T H I N G {N E W...}"
“{’XXXXX’} like the A N G E L…"
{Note: Contains very minimal seconds-long spoiler shots of The Beginning!Takeru, near end of film}
Original S o n g © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c A r c h u l e t a cover from Aug 1st ‘09’s S u n r i s e, F. L. C o n c e r t {“Hey O.P., can you explain that gap in your blog history of this f ANDOM—???”} [Do you hear them at the very end???]
*Edited in about 2 hrs overall (Preparing for this however took at least 6~ hrs) More possibly to come in the future!!
{*Slightly L O U D at points!!}
by Me/@koushirouizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Vid-Edit's Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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brokenrealitylooper · 2 years
Mari: So, what’s it like dating Princess?
Kensuke: Well, one time I asked Asuka for a glass of water, and she brought me a cup of ice and said “wait”.
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mmikmmik · 8 months
There's many examples of the winged lion being manipulative and lying by omission or implying an untruth, but I particularly like this one. In chapter 75, it suggests that Marcille summon monsters to track down her friends, a strategy that takes several more chapters to reunite the group.
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But in chapter 84 the winged lion just straight up appears to Laios through Kensuke and starts talking to him! It knew exactly how to get in touch with him!
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In fact, Kensuke even takes action in chapter 76 to return to Laios when Kabru briefly takes the sword!
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The winged lion was playing both angles. Keeping constant watch on Laios, its first pick, its favorite, making sure not to miss any chances to manipulate him. But at the same time cultivating Marcille as dungeon lord by isolating her, ominously reminding her that she's surrounded by enemies, making her feel cornered and afraid for her friends and encouraging her to keep making new monsters for self-defense. It's a clever strategy and the execution is sophisticated, but I think it's funny that the group spent multiple issues fooling around with walking mushrooms and giant skyfish trying to find each other just because this guy so shamelessly played dumb. Tee hee, I have nooooo idea where Laios could be :3c
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dunmeshistash · 3 months
About what Laios's curse is—I saw a theory about how Laios still actually is his monstersona, but he doesn't look like it or feel like it. Basically, he has his ideal body but is incapable of perceiving that he does, so he never feels fulfilled in that aspect.
Supporting evidence:
One: monsters stay away from Laios; this could be because they can perceive his "true form". The way the monsters act (like the cockatrice in the Kensuke omake) act afraid, but aren't magically repelled like a "curse so that Laios can never come close to a monster" would imply.
Two: the poop thing lol
Three: Laios's insatiable hunger. I always wondered why in the ending when he finishes a giant plate/bowl of food, his stomach didn't burst or anything. If he'd just had the demon's desire of always being hungry (pretty much), then wouldn't it be that he doesn't FEEL hungry, but his body still feels the consequences of it? Maybe he's actually his giant chimera form, so he actually has the stomach of his monstersona, and he never feels full as a result.
Counter points:
It could be that Laios's mana is "tainted/marked" and the monsters can perceive that and stay away for the most part. Though how it's "tainted/marked" and how the monsters can perceive it from far away is still a question. With the Laios is still a chimera theory, it makes a little more sense because its size would be perceivable from afar, but also it's unclear in what way his chimera form would still exist or be perceivable. Is it like on the same plane of existence ghosts are on, so monsters can essentially see a giant chimera at all times? Maybe with the cokatrice in the Kensuke omake, it was in a dungeon so maybe it thought it was hiding sufficiently?
The poop thing doesn't seem to result in Melini just having random forests everywhere, unless they have a plumbing system which I don't think they do?
Laios gets fatter. He likely doesn't eat enough to get a giant monster chimera fat, so it's strange that he gets fatter at all. Maybe it's some top tier illusion magic but idk?
Anyway, I thought it was an interesting theory!
Well he's physically wearing his cast off skin after he turned human again so idk about that.
The pooping thing officially stopped having an effect after a while
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It is an interesting theory tho. I still think the curse is that monsters avoid him, the unicorns and wargs were there during the feast but not on the post Melini rising bits right? Perhaps they weren't affected right away cause they had already been exposed to Laios idk.
But post king Laios basically cries he can't see real monsters, I doubt he would be so upset if he could still see some monsters. In the end the effect is the same tho, regardless of the reason why.
Also about the Wargs, here's the monster definition from the bible's glossary
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I think they still count as monsters.
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ataraxiaspainting · 9 months
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Yan Kafka x F Reader.
Synopsis: Kafka is waiting for a supernova to appear.
Warnings: Yandere themes, implied future kidnapping, not SFW implications, and stalking.
Word Count: 1k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Lust for a Vampyr by I Monster
Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie
Merry-Go-Round of Life - from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ by Joe Hisaishi
Stalker’s Tango by Autoheart
The Four Seasons - Winter in F Minor, RV. 296: I. Allegro non molto by Antonio Vivaldi
Fight of the Crows by Jhariah
Bernadette by IAMX
Smells Blood by Kensuke Ushio
Enemies to Lovers by Joshua Kyan Aalampour
“She's a Killer Queen; gunpowder, gelatin; dynamite with a laser beam; guaranteed to blow your mind (anytime).” – Queen, Killer Queen
“Hey, I like them!” You huff, grasping the bouquet of spider lilies closer to your chest, making the paper wrinkle up. At your response, Aina crosses her arms and sighs, looking at the other flower arrangements sitting on the shelves behind you.
“Those are too expensive.” Aina rebuts. She points, and you turn around to follow it, and in turn frown. 
Because of the low supply, the price of spider lily bouquets has increased to 700 credits per arrangement.
Kafka, pretending to look at the roses in the corner not facing the two of you, does not try to hide her smile and slight chuckle as you gasp at the sign’s words. “Cute…” 
Once more, you exhale with a mix of frustration and disappointment, forcefully planting your foot on the ground. Gradually, your stance transforms into that of a despondent balloon losing its air.
Utterly adorable.
“Why seven hundred? Flowers grow from the ground and they take hardly any effort to bundle up!” Aina puts her thumb and pointer finger on her temples, rubbing them like your question and exclamation just gave her the biggest headache in all of existence. She sighs.
You sigh too, grasping onto the spider lilies even harder.
“Spider lilies also represent bad luck.” She says, almost groaning. 
Neither of you know if you can be reasonable enough to let Aina be your impulse control as she always has been. “The red shade is really pretty and the tendrils are pretty too!”
“Please put them back, it is a bad financial investment.” You shake your head. “Please. [First]. [First], please. We still have to go and buy ingredients for dinner tonight. If it makes you feel better I can also help you bake dessert.”
Kafka already knows what you are going to make tonight. Pasta with bechamel sauce along with apple cake. 
“[First], at least choose a less expensive bouquet. That way we can afford everything. Plus we maybe can get something else small that is not on our grocery list.” Aina tries her best to put on a more gentle smile. “Please.”
Kafka moves to near the entrance of the food section of the store, waiting for this little trifle to be over with. She pretends to be looking at the meat aisle as that is the area closest to the flowers, ironically enough. 
“Sigh…” She purrs, imagining your hair loose and gently wrapped around her fingertips. “I wonder if you would prefer blush or velvet… maybe burgundy?” 
She imagines the way you will place your lips on hers and slowly but surely… move down.
She will do the same to you with her own.
“Maybe white.” She muses, thinking of different types of fabric to put on you. “Or perhaps black.”
Kafka wonders what you would choose if she brought you to a boutique rather than going by herself.
“Hm…” She murmurs, her mind going through many, many possibilities of the future ahead.
Then, she hears your triumphant laugh and then turns around to see you hugging Aina with the bouquet in tow. “I love you!”
“Uh-huh. Sure.” Aina mutters, crossing her arms and looking away from your happy face with a blush. “Just put them in the basket. We’ve used enough time here as it is.” You kiss her cheek, and her face only gets redder. “L-Let’s just go already.”
You only hug her tighter.
“Sir, yes, sir!” You exclaim, saluting, and Aina rolls her eyes.
Kafka’s smile falters.
“Tsk. Young love, I suppose.”
Of all the future possibilities, none of them will result in full success if Aina is still in the picture.
At the sight of you kissing Aina’s cheek again, Kafka resists the urge to bite her lip.
“But with great risk… comes great reward.”
She imagines how you would look under her.
Aina eventually manages to pry you off of her. “Alright, that’s enough, you’re praising me like I just saved your life or something.”
“You did!” You pout, almost cooing and still laughing joyfully. “This bouquet is the only medicine that can ever heal me of what ails me!”
Both Kafka and Aina sigh at the same time but for entirely different reasons.
But Kafka is the one who also licks her lips afterward. “I think perhaps a chemise would suit you best.”
“Let’s go to the fruits first!” You exclaim, pulling Aina along by the hand while she holds the basket.
“Which type of apple?” Aina asks, but Kafka already knows the answer. “Be sure to not get the very expensive ones this time.”
You two go past Kafka.
She takes out her phone for a split second and clicks the button.
It has been the closest you have ever been to her while you were conscious. But she hopes that soon, you will be even closer.
Wait, no. She knows that you will.
“Cute.” She whispers, booping the picture of you’s nose.
This has already become a favorite amongst the many, many photos she has of you.
Where you go, she follows. “Cute.” Surely, eventually, when you know of her, you will know that all too well. “So cute.”
She sees you pointing to the apples with a pinkish tint. Rose apples. Quite rare, if Kafka remembers correctly.
As Aina reads the sign next to them, she immediately shakes her head. “Way too expensive.”
Due to the cost of importation/exportation as well as the rarity of this species, the value of this type of product is quite high. One apple is worth 1600 credits.
You surprisingly show agreement this time, promptly diverting your attention to the assortment of apple varieties, accompanied by a hint of nervous laughter.
You end up choosing the Honeycrisps. They are good for baking cakes, you tell Aina as Kafka eavesdrops as she always does.
She imagines you baking for her and sitting on her lap.
It was only a matter of time because regardless of who is with you, one thing about you never changes; your naivety.
“All that is left is to be patient.”
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
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So, as I had pointed out in numerous posts before, the way Daikenyako is framed - or rather Miyakensuke, to keep the correct yearning order -, is pretty damn insane to me.
I still haven't decided whether I find it "too simple" or "just right", because while the framing was incredibly obvious in my opinion, it was still done in a way that didn't feel overbearing. Not only did a big chunk of animation budget go into their scenes specifically, but the dynamics were also played rather consistently.
I had once made a "joke post", implying how the order of yearning basically goes like this: Miyako > Ken > Daisuke > Ramen. And while it was meant to be a joke... Upon rewatching it, it is rather accurate to be honest.
The main theme of these three is usually the following: Daisuke does something brash - like interrupting Miyako, screaming, complaining - OR something inspiring - like giving friendship speeches - and Ken and Miyako react to that in some way. Mostly verbally - but also through physical touch. Miyako and Daisuke have quite a bickering theme going on; Ken is usually softer, but he ALSO has more opportunities to touch Daisuke...
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They are literally acting as his "voices of reason", who add to the discussion. In general, Miyako is very responsive to basically everything that Ken says and does, so she is almost always framed next to him - or at least close to him in some capacity. I will outline how Miyaken in particular is framed in another post, just know that she is very obviously and actively trying to reach out to Ken, calming him down, reassuring him, getting his attention.
That becomes even more blatant by the fact that she is getting in between Kensuke moments TWICE - usually to tell them to get their grip together or focus. Technically, this could be seen as her being well aware of how focused Ken is on Daisuke - and that a tiny bit of jealousy may have been involved here. On the other hand, she may just enjoy teasing him/them gently, because, "ya know how the boys are".
Either way, most of the time, whenever the group is together - and Daiken aren't off on their own with Rui -, Daisuke, Ken and Miyako will be together in the same frame 90% of the time.
It's interesting too, because Miyako - while obviously being more thought-driven in comparison to Daisuke's heart-driven actions- uses very similar terms to reach through to Ken. As mentioned, she is actively flirting with Ken through the course of the movie. And Ken, while being mostly oblivious to that - while still being thankful for the reassurance - is trying to reach through to Daisuke on his own behalf. (This is also very nicely framed visually by how much "hand on shoulder" moments there are, with Miyako being very inclined to touch Ken, whereas Ken - as mentioned - is very often seen touching Daisuke.)
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Miyako herself notices how Ken had been flirting with Daisuke and acknowledges that by calling them out.
Who does not acknowledge it though? Right, Daisuke doesn't. Either because he simply isn't aware of the blatant flirting - or because he may or may not want to get in between.
I had already lost my mind in the cinema during one of the Miyaken focus moments in which Miyako told Ken that they shall not stop thinking and will find a solution - just to see Daisuke walking out of the frame.
One may argue that this means that Daisuke's true love simply is Ramen - as he keeps bringing it up time and time again -, or that he just wants to give the other two some space, as he may have felt like a third wheel before... Who knows.
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To sum it up: I feel like the creators did a very interesting job here. Not only did they acknowledge and portray Kensuke's very ambiguously romantic-platonic relationship, but also committed to making Miyaken more obvious - a ship we know will end up together eventually, but hadn't gotten that much focus previously. Not to mention the blatant use of bisexual lighting here...
On a more light-hearted note: Ken is either caught in a bisexual triangle or we can just assume that this is a very fun depiction of a poly relationship in which all parties allow each other some space - or actively tease each other about it.
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karizard-ao3 · 2 months
Can you make up some shenanigans related to Shinji cooking / baking? Hikari, Asuka's best friend, also loves to cook if it helps
Okay, so I was thinking: what if it's Asuka's birthday? Hikari wants to throw her a party and Shinji does also so they join forces to plan her a German feast. The problem is that Shinji has tried to make her German food in the past but he put a Japanese spin on it because he followed a Japanese recipe and Asuka was kind of a bitch about it. So they are committed to authenticity, which means they have to make sausage and whatnot completely from scratch and a lot of the ingredients are not easy to get in Japan.
Asuka, not knowing why Shinji and Hikari keep traveling all over Japan together, is in an absolute snit. She's been talking about her birthday to everyone but no one seems to care??? Are Shinji and Hikari dating? Oh, she hates him so much!
They have to do the prep work at Hikari's house so she doesn't discover the strings of bratwurst and liverwurst or the jars of sauerkraut pickling.
Misato is charged with keeping her busy on the big day so she takes her shopping and Asuka complains the whole time and Misato keeps trying to gently imply she needs to chill but Asuka is not getting it.
Meanwhile, Toji and Kensuke have been enlisted to help cook and they are absolute disasters. Shinji has to keep dropping what he's doing to stop them from adding the wrong ingredients to the schnitzel or doing a complete hack job when they slice the cucumbers, which means Hikari needs to watch his pans as well as hers. Eventually, they kick Toji and Kensuke out of the kitchen and put them on decorating duty.
At some point Rei shows up with the karaoke machine and party hats and helps set the table. Kaji arrives with the cake right before Misato and Asuka get back. They turn out the lights and wait.
"Shinji is such an idiot!" Asuka is in the middle of shouting when Misato pushes open the door and Kaji flips on the lights.
"Surprise!" everyone shouts.
Asuka snaps her mouth shut, overwhelmed for a moment, then immediately starts chortling like, "I knew you were planning something for me all along! Of course you were! How could anyone forget my birthday?"
While they eat, Hikari tells Asuka how hard they worked to find everything for the meal, and that Shinji especially wouldn't give up, calling all these shops to see if they had what they needed to make Asuka's favorite foods from home. Asuka blows it off at the time, but after everyone goes home and everything is cleaned up (Kensuke and Toji are a lot better at washing dishes than cooking them), they turn on the TV. Asuka sits down next to Shinji and puts her head on his shoulder and mumbles, "thanks"
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utsukurou · 16 days
Anyone else think Ryota Mitarai and Shinji Ikari are really similar?
-Has a shitty dad (Canon for Shinji, implied for Ryota)
-Works to save the world from destruction
-Does have some people around them, but they're not enough to cure the trauma
-Extremely realistic (And realistically voice-acted too!)
-Timid, shy, introverted
-Is in some sort of a trio (Toji and Kensuke for Shinji, Impostor and Mikan for Ryota)
-Has some sort of repressed anger, but isn't shown directly until the end of the series
-Hated by most people for being realistic (??)
-Works for an organization that fights against the destruction of the world, and is one of the 'important' people too (Shinji pilots one of the Evas, Ryota is a division head)
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cathyl-washere · 1 year
Hey gamers, this is my first actual post here.
Minors should maybe not be here if only for the odd NSFW post, so here's your warning if that's a concern of yours.
Bit of a length warning I suppose? I ramble a bit, but it's my pinned so I guess now's the time.
As my blurb says and avatar implies, I'm a 20 year-old transfem, working with she/her pronouns currently. I'm generally kind of hesitant to really talk about myself to strangers or to even say something in the first place, even when it's just to the void like I have been since I started here about a month and a half ago. You may recall my mentioning that this is my first actual post, or have noticed that I've only tagged like, 2 of my reblogs at time of writing. I'm trying to get out there a bit more which is why I'm even making this, but if I take some time to reply to a pm or whatever, know that there's this on top of anything irl. Also I have a tendency to write in a way as though I were actually talking, so apologies for any overuse of commas or really long sentences. Trying to be mindful of this way of writing myself though.
Should say that whatever eldritch critter lords over us all gave me the delightful combo of being able to remember a bunch of absolutely bizarre and incredibly niche things about whatever while also forgetting it all when it miraculously becomes useful. You may be familiar with the "Spirit of the Staircase?" Gamer, you're looking at her. I mention this to say that despite the length of some of the later parts, they're still not exhaustive.
I've also got into the habit of referring to people as gamers because it has that wonderful combo of being both gender-neutral and oddly funny to me. Not in a demeaning way, my sense of humor has just kind of veered into nonsense.
On that note, I should also mention that I myself have committed a cardinal sin and am indeed, a gamer. Platforms I'm on are Playstation and Switch. PC gaming is unfortunately out of my purview currently. I prefer PvE generally but also don't mind pwning some children if the vibes are there. Hope you have your bingo card ready because yes, Celeste is my favorite game. I have WAY too much time into Warframe and I like Dead by Daylight, Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2/Returns, and Slay the Spire quite a bit. Tragically I've been a gamer for a while, so I'm just naming a few of my main ones right now while totally not ignoring a sizeable backlog, no sirree!
Music is also a bit of a vibes thing. Generally more of a fan of less intense songs, which may be an odd thing to follow up on by saying prog rock's also pretty cool. Longer a song is, the better is my usual take. City pop's also superb, language barrier be damned. Vaporwave's awesome. Born and raised on the rock of the 70's and 80's with parents that rarely listened to anything after Kurt Cobain rose to power for most of my younger years, so a good chunk of that has worked its way into my playlist. Video game music has a tendency to be wonderful to my ears as well. Solar Ash, both Risk of Rains (although yes, I lean towards the second + DLC here), Night in the Woods, songs from several of the Persona series (Layer Cake, Beneath the Mask - Rain and both versions of Specialist, oh my!), a few from Warframe and of course, the titular Celeste. Lena really is just something else, and I think I can say with some confidence that Quiet and Falling is just my favorite song generally. It does have some competition, so in no particular order I'll rattle some off: Anri's Shyness Boy, Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence (primarily the Hands and Feet Mix version), Hall and Oates' Out of Touch, Mac Demarco's Freaking out the Neighborhood, ABBA's Dancing Queen, Yoko Takahashi's The Cruel Angel's Thesis, Prince's Little Red Corvette, Kensuke Ushio's Crybaby, Jane Pop's Drive to 1980 Love, Shakatak's Bitch to the Boys, Komm Susser Todd from End of Evangelion, Mystical Composer by Momoko Kikuchi, Love don't come Easy by The New Jersey Connection, Once in a Lullaby by Chris Christodoulou, No Tengo Dinero - Maxi by Righeira, Seaside by Dan Mason, In your Eyes by Peter Gabriel, Dress Down by Kaoru Akimoto, Radio Ga-Ga by Queen, Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie, and this list is getting kind of long, huh? God, music is just so freakin' awesome. Truly, one of my biggest regrets will be that I didn't hear enough of it. Band-wise, I'll mention I quite like Steely Dan, Chappell Roan, Yves Tumor, Casiopea, 1986 Omega Tribe, Car Seat Headrest, The Comet is Coming (loving Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam right now), Dan Mason, Mitch Murder, Desired, Nyarons, Seycara Orchestral, Shakatak, Ibrahim, OSC, Both Jack Stauber and his Micropop, Prince, Queen, Junko Ohashi, Anri, Meatloaf, Gorillaz, Night Tempo, City Girl, Yes, PKCH, Chris Christodoulou, Cape Coral, Tupperwave, Oresama, Weird Al (EBAY in particular will forever take up some of my brain space at any given moment) and good ol' Lena Raine. While we're here, I guess the one album I'll mention is Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds. Make sure it's the original though, some of the songs were revamped in recent years and personally I'm not partial to that rendition of them.
If you inferred that I might like some anime given the above section has quite a few Japanese artists then yes, your intuition was correct. I have fallen off of it recently, but stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Mob Psycho, and My Life With Monster Girls are some that I enjoy.
Romantically, I'd say I'm into women. We're entering kind of weird territory for me here though because while I would quite like a romantic partner and someone to cuddle with, I'm kind of not so sure how keen I am on any actual sex? Half of me wonders if I'm just asexual while the other half wonders if it might actually be a case of finding the proper someone. I don't know, it's very much uncharted territory for me and I'm not sure where I'll end up on it. Also the whole "finally accepting that I'm trans" thing probably has its influence somewhere in there.
Politically, just give people stuff. Meet their basic needs, implement a UBI, make it so that every grandparent has a bottomless jar of sweets for the wee ones. Public transport good, cars bad, Golf is actively terrible in multiple ways. Chuck bricks at cops, detonate an oil rig (in Minecraft, I guess), eat the rich, the usual. Ideally, mix the three. Abortions and contraception are healthcare, and alongside education all should be free. Kill the cop in your head, both in the sense that if you saw someone shoplift, no you didn't and that you don't have to impose yourself on people just having some earnest, unconventional fun. These are some of my viewpoints, but I'm hesitant to try and pin myself down with a specific position due to a lack of having really read well, any greater political works, still needing to flatten some views I've kind of just had seep into me from the greater culture ("But is x really the proper thing" is tragically a constant, but I've needed to quash the Devil's Advocate voice in my head for years at this point. The little bastard never truly seems to leave. Yeah, having a little gremlin constantly try and check my thoughts can be handy now and then, but it gets really annoying when I think about topics like how the death penalty shouldn't be a thing because like, what are you doing here you idiot? Don't let your personal misgivings with a person allow for executions), and honestly a little because I need to try and be firmer as a person. I put a lot more stock into the thoughts of others than my own, and sometimes it's tough to remember that me and my thoughts also have value, whatever that looks like. Is that the best thing to just type aloud? Also don't hit your kids, regardless of circumstance.
Uhhh got to say I'm blanking a bit on what else to put in. Closing remarks now I suppose. Life is fucking awesome, and I mean that to apply to most-every instance of it. We're all just here on our queer little blogs having a time with one another, and isn't that wonderful? The past 5 years or so have been terrible mentally for me with a few really bad months in particular this year, but I finally feel like I'm on the up-and-up. Accepting that I'm trans after repressing it for a while, finally cutting off a bad friend (hopefully for good), working on getting HRT. With any luck, I'll have some patches in my hands next Friday, the 15th of September. That's huge for me, not only in the obvious sense but because my brain somehow twisted itself into thinking that I can't take this whole topic seriously outside of hair growth and shaving facial hair until I actually get some form of HRT into my hands, AND IT'S HAPPENING! AAAAHHH!!! I'm moving into the next chapter of my life after being kind of stagnant for a while, and I've had such a wonderful vigor these past few weeks that I haven't known in ages. I've really embraced an appreciation of what others might consider mundane, and just trying to be a bit goofy. Letting things roll off of me, even if the anxiety tends to really weaken my legs and make me nauseous. I stay silly. The horrors may persist, but so do I. So do you. How lovely.
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shopcat · 5 months
if it helps from an anime-only dunmeshi..er perspective about that fight from the last ep bc ppl r talking about it 🤔 obviously i didn't know anything like about toshiro/shuro bc well we just met him / didn't know the party just can't pronounce his name though i suppose it's implied when they're like "who is shuro" i kind of just assumed he was going by a nickname/another name on purpose to distance himself from being some sort of Lord/that those people who... serve him refer to him as a longer and more proper name bc of like etiquette rules. bc we never got the scene where the party just can't pronounce it and the gang have all used like a million japanese words before laios literally named his sword kensuke so i didn't think they'd struggle w it. NOT discounting that or the microaggression of it all just that's what i assumed without any context and just plain didn't realise.
alsaur the only part of the fight that actually made me feel like aw was specially laios saying the whole why did you not tell me at the time thing like i don't actually care what toshiro was actually SAYING bc he can do whatever he wants or even that they were fighting it was specifically just the reaction that struck a chord... and the entire fight was more comedic and silly than anything and i think it was meant to be. to be honest they were fighting like brothers who have a slightly antagonistic history do it was silly no one around them even cared or tried to stop them. these are my thoughts ^_^
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starlitfunkster · 1 year
Some weird Corpse Party AU starring my OC's
I literally got bored and did all of this with wheeldecide.com, with varying results of either 'this is fitting' or 'oh no this is fitting'.
Every character is in Read More, enjoy this image if you just want the main 5's results!
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(L-R): Jessica (Ayumi Shinozaki), Tameron Ryne (Yoshiki Kishinuma), Maxwell Ink (Satoshi Mochida), Fiona/Fuchsia Robot (Yuka Mochida), Blue Belle (Naomi Nakashimi) Changes: ~Jessica is gothic and is the one that suggests the ritual, easily convincing Tameron to help her with it (because he's a simp). ~Tameron is a bit flirty towards Jessica, and overall nice and calm. He's known as the detective prince in their school! ~Maxwell has a father-daughter relationship with Fiona. Which yes, implies he made Fuchsia Robot in this AU. ~Also because Fiona's a robot, she gets possessed more easily than the others. ~Blue Belle is the redesigned Prim Rose. Being prim and proper, and nervous (especially after Sally dies!). And also like.. the only other animal aside from the Sonic OC's.
Kisaragi High School: Seiko Shinhara - Sally Snaps (aka Sugarsnap Cookie, but humanized) Mayu Suzumoto - Poppy (also humanized, she's that fan-made Toppin Monster that I made) Sakutarou Morishige - Bow (also humanized, he's like.. from the early point of this blog, apart of the opposite felt) Yui Shishido - Quinn the Kumiho (the only one not randomized, because i wanted to introduce quinn through this way)
Byakudan High School: Yuuya Kizami - Enkah Clipse (aka Eclipse Cookie) (he's a freshmen instead, and is also super into robots.. and also may or may not have been possessed by the real Kizami.) Kensuke Kurosaki - Lost (de-AU'd, so he's a goat that gets killed.) Tohko Kirisaki - Flake Woman (Yes, this is Ice Woman, but redesigned. And also now a DWN!) Emi Urabe - Golden the Hedgehog Mitsuki Yamamoto - Cyprien (also a freshmen, and an android in this AU. she gently put down enkah's crush, but he didn't take that well.. especially after getting pulled into the haunted school.) Masato Fukuroi - Baritone (de-AU'd, basically a wolf who takes his student council president role seriously. way too seriously at times, which gets him 'bullied' by Flake Woman and Golden.) Kai Shimada - Copy (yeah remember that Copy Robot design for Fully Charged? that's him.) Tomohiro Ohkawa - Milo Ryousuke Katayama - Veradae
Musashigawa Girl's Junior High School: Nana Ogasawara - Twisty Teacup Chihaya Yamase - Meddi (yes, it's MHS based) Nari Amatoya - Gianna Peppaire (aka Ghost Pepper Cookie, with no parasite attached to her hair. good thing too!)
Kibiki's Group: Naho Saenoki - Cocoa (who''s also humanized) Kou Kibiki - Archer (humanized) Shougo Taguchi - Pory-Guy (Doesn't talk much, and only points out the basement before... killing himself before he succumbs to the darkening.)
Ghosts: Yoshie Shinozaki - Brione (that old Sonic OC that looks like a Brionne) Sachiko Shinozaki - Sine the Deer
Others: Kokuhaku Akaboji - Ferrum Fruitbat (not a Sonic OC, but intead a major antagonist in Aria's Fruit Farm) Hinoe Shinozaki - Maize (She.. only gets mentioned. In her life, she was Mary, who was Jessica's younger sister before her life was tragically cut short.)
Demons (only listing the species so people can run with it): Original Seiko - Succubus (Do I need to state what this is inspired by? Honestly offended that she was turned into a Succubus.) Original Mayu + Morishige - Futakuchi-Onna (Morishige is the main spirit, whilst Mayu is the mouth on the back of his head. He cannot hear where she is coming from, and he also will never believe she's lying to him. Poor guy thinks Mayu isn't affected by the school's influence..) Original Yui - (She's a Teaching based one, with the wings of an barn owl. She is actively trying to help these characters break free from the cycle.) Original Kizami - Oni (He looks hot, not gonna lie. But man, now he's gonna kill more people now that he was made immortal.) Original Naho - Kuko (She's also malevolent, and was the one that trapped everyone in the cycle. But like.. was she really the maker of the cycle?)
???: Arianna the Lonely Roller - (The young maker of the universe. She's trying to stop the cycle, but someone took the book from her. Now she's fighting to get it back, and is trying her best to hurry.)
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
Digimon Adventure+02/tri./Kizuna/(+Adventure:) {2020 Reboot} + Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (+minimal Kizuna) A.M.V x “Apologize” {David Archuleta} Live Concert Version Featuring Characters/Duos/Ships: + {+2020!}/{Kizuna!}KOUTAI, {02!}KENSUKE, (Implied/Former?/Un-requited??) YamaSoraTai/Yamachi, {briefly/+also from Yamato's end); Adventures Chosen; (Overall 02 Chosen-Leaning +Side KouxTai)
“I’m hearing 'what' you say…”
“Take a Fall {?}”–
“I Need you like a heart 'needs' a BEAT– … BUT that’s Nothing {N E W…}”
“{’XXXXX’} like the A N G E L…"
“IT’S TOO– (???)”
"...Ten feet..."
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Comment: If you think I'M not in this CROWD somewhere, {despite the fact my voice is really soft 'irl'} you might just be Mistaken,,,,, (Also - This is my overall personal 'final thesis' on The Beginning.) {If you watch, please genuinely try to FOLLOW the themes presented.}
{Note: Tri Pt. #6 Bokura no Mirai/"Our Future" Spoilers, Major The Beginning Spoilers, (select scenes from opening, final battle, FINAL Post-credits scene at very end clip) + middle part Big spoiler (Rui’s eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye Trauma/Injury; Blood}
Original Song © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c Archuleta cover from AUGUST 1st 2009’s Sunrise, Florida Concert {“Hey O.P., can you explain that GAP in your blogs' hISTORY of this fANDOM—???”} [Do you hear 'THEM' here???]
*Edited in about 5 hrs 10~ min overall (Preparing for this however took at least four days of off-and-on out-lining) {Any final fix's will come in the future...!!}
{*Slightly LOUD/Low quality audio at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its LIVE Ver.)
by Me/Hikari M. Productions @hikari-m/@koushirouizumi/@izzyizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Video Edits Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
[VIDEO] Asobiba: "Just Barely Safe Psychological Test" featuring Sato Ryuji
To watch the "Impersonations of 2.5D Actors that are Too Detailed" featuring Sato Ryuji, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch the "Common Things with 2.5D Actors" featuring Sato Ryuji, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch the "2.5D Trial" featuring Sato Ryuji, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch the "2.5D Trial ~Counterattack~" featuring Sato Ryuji, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch the "Answering Questions Without Looking at Them" featuring Sato Ryuji, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch the "Common Things with 2.5D Actors Special" featuring Sato Ryuji, please refer to this link: HERE
To watch "This Year's Fortune Ranking" featuring Sato Ryuji, please refer to this link: HERE
"Bokutachi no Asobiba", also known as Asobiba, is a YouTube channel hosted by Torigoe Yuuki, Takahashi Kensuke, Yuutarou and Isaka Ikumi focusing on 2.5D. In this channel, they play games and have various corners.
Additionally, the channel is also known for the various 2.5D actors that they invite as guests, and each guest will be featured in a series of videos during their turn.
In this video, Sato Ryuji takes on the "Just Barely Safe Psychological Test" segment where he and the Asobiba team answer psychological test questions about love and romance (with implied sexual meanings) submitted by fans.
Videos on the channel are released bi-weekly on Mondays and Fridays at 20.00 (Japan time).
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daisyachain · 2 years
I read Haruhi Suzumiya as a reaction to Evangelion specifically. Am I wrong? Maybe! Eva used and/or started a lot of real common tropes in anime/manga/light novels. The points I’ve got in my favour is that Nagato is explicitly a Rei clone (Ayanami and Nagato both being the names of battleships according to TvTropes). The jargon and mysterious vague organizations draw a more tenuous link (The Organization and the Data Thought Entity ring of NERV or SEELE). Kyon for his part is an anti-Shinji, an aggressively cynical and genre-aware protag instead of the most naive boy alive.
If Haruhi is an Eva parody, we’ve got a pretty easy Yuki = Rei and Haruhi = Asuka love triangle. Mikuru is harder, but Mikuru (big) has elements of Misato. Taniguchi and Kunikida are pretty clearly Toji and Kensuke. Random classmates whose names I always have to look up. Leaving, drumroll, Koizumi as Kaworu. No explanation needed there.
The closest Haruhi Suzumiya has to a running plot is Kyon and Haruhi’s romance. They butt heads, they barely seem to like each other, and every arc has to end with them reconciling or making some kind of choice that brings them closer together. Similar to Shinji/Asuka it kind of fills the role of Only They Can Deal With Each Other. Except it’s actually a fun little friendship instead of a dumb annoying godawful mess because I hate Eva and it’s a pain to even think about. They’re literally destined to be together via time loops and the very fabric of the universe as woven by Haruhi.
Only, the love polygon that was such a big part of the Eva (especially the fan response to Eva) is integrated into Haruhi despite the foregone conclusion. Disappearance is an in-universe KyonYuki AU. Kyon has to accept Yuki’s feelings and reject her advances to save the day. Kyon being horny for Mikuru is a recurring (annoying) plot point where an excess of attention or kindness towards her triggers whatever plot-driving conflict with Haruhi that is going to happen in that story.
So the closest thing to a recurring plot in Haruhi is the Kyon/Haruhi romance, and one of the major recurring complications (after Haruhi being an unmanageable nuisance) is Kyon straying from Haruhi. Both of the female SOS brigade members are threats to the endgame that Kyon has to deal with to win the day. Except—there’s a third SOS brigade member! Koizumi.
Koizumi’s a parody as much as a character played straight just like everyone else. He’s the soft-spoken ambiguously motivated bishie that starts with Kaworu but trickles down through a series of White Haired Anime Boys. Canonically he’s got a crush on Haruhi and handles it through OHS-prohibited levels of passive aggression and insinuating that Kyon is into her.
That’s not the whole story. There’s a running gag of Koizumi borderline flirting with Kyon like Kaworu does in his scenes. So! Just because of who he’s parodying, Koizumi is as much implied to have a thing for Kyon as Mikuru. Which means that following the structure of Haruhi, there has to be an arc where Kyon and Koizumi’s friendship is tested and leads to Kyon definitely choosing Haruhi over him. I don’t think it’s happened yet, because Koizumi never gets his own spotlight. Also hard to do, since Koizumi likes Haruhi as much as Kyon. The romantic conflict goes two ways.
What does set Koizumi apart from the girls isn’t his unavailability as a romantic interest, it’s the role he has in the plot. Mikuru, Haruhi, and Yuki rarely chat with Kyon. Mikuru is classified, Haruhi decrees instead of conversing, Yuki doesn’t say anything ever. Leaving Koizumi to handle most of the dialogue Kyon has with another person. He’s got a strong presence throughout the various stories despite not getting his spotlights (like Mikuru and Yuki) because someone has to talk about all the cool math stuff the author found in his old textbooks that day. He doesn’t need a colour story because he’s always there.
The closest thing we get to a Koizumi episode is the Surprise arc. It’s been a while since I reread, but I remember the climax being Kyon and Koizumi storming the school to rescue Haruhi from the anti-SOS. There’s no conflict separating them at any point in the arc, Koizumi isn’t ever tempted to join the anti-SOS or whatever. It just doesn’t line up with Yuki or Mikuru’s roles. I don’t think that there are ever going to be more Haruhi Suzumiya books after that one 2020 bunch, they’re just a silly few parody novels that occasionally have some adventure or puzzles. Still, it’s so obviously making fun of Eva that it feels wrong for it not to close the circle and have a short Kaworu story. For old times’ sake.
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teamfortresstwo · 3 months
Huh… well for starters it does confirm that kensuke wasn’t transformed by the mushrooms and whatever growthspurt it underwent was probably destiny
But more importantly Laios wanting to keep it changed implies wanting to avoid said destiny . After all it’s the winged lion that designated him as the “chosen one” for lack of a better descriptor . Perhaps he thought getting rid of it would avoid being marked as such in the future ?
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44gamez · 9 months
My 2024 Nintendo Wishlist | Gaming Instincts
The arrival of a brand new yr is all the time an thrilling time. With the entire of 2024 to look ahead to, meaning a complete lot of time to be excited for what might simply be across the nook. It’s an excessive amount of enjoyable to invest what might come subsequent within the gaming sphere, given how stacked the yr of 2023 was for gaming. Nintendo had a very loaded yr this time round, with entries from flagship collection like Tremendous Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Hearth Emblem, and Pikmin. With these heavy-hitters already at bat the yr prior, it may be comprehensible to anticipate 2024 to be a a lot quieter affair altogether.  Nonetheless, that doesn’t imply the Nintendo fan in me can’t provide you with issues to be enthusiastic about within the coming yr. Understand that the next are simply my opinion with a wholesome dosage of copium. Right here’s what I hope to see from Nintendo in 2024.
3. Metroid Prime 4 Information
The story of Metroid Prime 4 is an extended and attempting story. Being introduced again in 2017 through the 2017 Nintendo Direct (and likewise through the Change’s heyday), Metroid Prime 4 has since then sunken beneath the waves of growth hell. However to say simply that might solely be telling half the story. When introduced, Metroid Prime 4 was manned by collection producer Kensuke Tanabe and developed by Bandai Namco Studios of Singapore and Japan. Followers of the Metroid Prime video games will discover that this workforce doesn't embody Retro Studios, the workforce liable for the Prime Trilogy.Prime takes a departure from the collection’ facet scrolling roots, ditching the 2D platforming airplane and elevating the collection with the first-person shooter perspective; and this inventive distinction occurred by happenstance. The Texas-based studio occurred to be creating a third-person capturing journey recreation with a feminine protagonist that caught Shigeru Miyamoto’s consideration in spite of everything different Retro tasks did not impress him.  Retro Studios would then undergo a studio culling, shedding staff and canceling tasks to prioritize Metroid Prime. Regardless of rocky setbacks and the criticism of skeptics, the modern first-person journey recreation would develop into the most effective promoting Metroid recreation of all time till Metroid Dread. However Metroid is a collection that all the time appears to face obstacles within the growth pipeline. In 2018, Metroid Prime 4 was purported to be continuing as deliberate, no less than based on then Nintendo President Reggie Fils-Aime. Although he prefaced his statements with phrases like “effectively into growth” and “continuing effectively,” the shortage of footage to indicate off at that yr’s E3 had followers anxious. These issues could be based later in 2019 when Nintendo EPD common supervisor Shinya Takahashi gave the unlucky information of Metroid Prime 4’s venture restart. In line with Takahashi, the work Bandai Namco Singapore and Japan had achieved as much as that time was lower than the corporate’s excessive requirements. Although Takahashi did say that the choice was not made simply, the restart was in the end known as for in the long run. On this darkish time, Takahashi assured followers that Metroid Prime’s unique builders could be introduced again to deal with the monumental process. However “introduced again” is getting used loosely right here. The Retro Studios that crafted the unique Metroid Prime Trilogy just isn't the Retro Studios that exists right this moment. The first Retro expertise behind these video games, designer/director Mark Pacini and artwork director Todd Keller, left Retro Studios in 2008 shortly after Metroid Prime 3: Corruption launched. So as to add onto this, Retro Studios has been on the hunt since 2020 for key builders and expertise they might add to their workforce to help within the growth of Metroid Prime 4. The diploma of positions Retro was in search of confirmed each how far again Metroid Prime 4’s launch date was doubtlessly pushed and the way critical Retro was in making Prime 4 a actuality. Although devs have come and gone via the years of 2020 to 2023, Retro and its workers are arduous at work on Metroid Prime 4, backed up with each trade veterans and untested but passionate builders. Nintendo stays tightlipped on Metroid Prime 4’s state of affairs and progress, however little clues right here and there present that the sport may very well be on its means quickly.In 2022, Retro up to date their Twitter (or X) banner with idea artwork of Samus that was model new. There are additionally fewer general Retro job listings, which might point out that the sport presently has all the mandatory expertise it must thrive.    Curiously, the Metroid Prime Trilogy was remastered and launched in early 2023 with out prior fanfare or announcement. In line with a German video games score board and an environmental artist who labored on the remaster at Retro, the remastered trilogy had been achieved for some time, way back to 2021, which means Retro and Nintendo had been sitting on this recreation for some time. Whether or not the remaster launch was to pave the way in which for Prime 4 or one other of Nintendo’s inane enterprise choices, we are able to’t say for certain, but it surely exhibits that Nintendo hasn’t forgotten in regards to the collection that made a reputation for itself within the West. Hopefully 2024 is when Metroid Prime 4 makes its grand return.
2. Hearth Emblem Remakes
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                  I’m an enormous Hearth Emblem fan. The collection regained its footing again in 2012 with the immense success of Awakening and secured its place as one in all Nintendo’s flagship franchises. That was additionally across the time I got here on board with turn-based technique collection and have by no means gotten off ever since. Although I've been enjoying Hearth Emblem titles for the final 12 years, within the eyes of collection veterans, I'm nonetheless a little bit of a novice. And no, I don’t imply within the sense of HOW I play (Traditional/Arduous for me, thanks very a lot. I’m not THAT a lot of a grimy informal), however WHAT I performed.   Awakening was the thirteenth recreation within the collection, and I’ve performed each subsequent recreation since, together with all of the spinoffs like Warriors and Tokyo Mirage Classes. (Heroes is a mainline recreation by the way in which. Sorry, I don’t make the principles.) I'd like to play all of the earlier titles, however all the pre-3DS video games are locked behind ageing {hardware} that's not accessible via simple means, no less than legally. This lack of accessibility additionally permeates to recreation design as effectively, as sure points of the older titles have aged like milk resembling map design, help mechanics, stock administration, and many others.  These revered, basic video games are held again by limiting {hardware} and design, and a few are even cordoned off by way of the language barrier, just like the famend fourth and fifth video games within the collection.Giving these older video games a contemporary facelift could be a superb method to breathe life into Hearth Emblem’s older catalog and provides a method to attraction to each collection oldtimers and newcomers alike—and Hearth Emblem is not any stranger to remakes. Hearth Emblem 11, 15, and 12 have been remakes of Hearth Emblem 1, 3, and a couple of respectively.  Additionally, if rumors are to be believed, Hearth Emblem developer Clever Programs might doubtlessly be at work on a remake of Hearth Emblem 4. This information got here across the time the leaks for Hearth Emblem Interact surfaced on the web which have been all later confirmed to be true.Clever Programs is presently working to ship a remaster of Paper Mario and the Thousand 12 months Door and I don’t understand how that can have an effect on Hearth Emblem.However I’ll be damned if I can’t no less than dream a bit.
1. New Nintendo Console
Undoubtedly, a brand new Nintendo console is on most individuals’s bingo playing cards for 2024. The Change has been out since 2017 and it isn’t precisely ageing all that gracefully. Efficiency is weak throughout the board and newer video games can hardly make a splash on Nintendo’s {hardware}. Simply have a look at how Mortal Kombat 1 appears on this factor. It’s hideous.
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                      Followers have been speculating for years at this level for Nintendo’s subsequent huge factor, developing with modern names like “the subsequent Change” or the “Change Professional”. Although wholly uncreative, what Nintendo followers are cooking isn’t solely with out cause. Nintendo is famend for his or her exceptional method to console growth, adopting the “blue ocean” technique. Coined by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, this methodology mainly means to look at a present given house and set up a marketplace for an expertise and/or product that both is unexplored or no different competitor is presently delivering, therefore the “blue ocean” moniker. The Nintendo Change does precisely that. Although weak in specs, its twin mode of operation makes it an expertise that neither Microsoft nor Sony can rival or match. The Change was so forward of its time it successfully rendered the DS line of handhelds out of date (although handheld consoles have been already hanging on by a thread). What we wish from Nintendo is easy: an improved Change. A console that may maintain the ergonomic design and performance of the Change whereas boasting higher inside {hardware} could be a dream come true.  The Change has had run over the past seven years and an upgraded model being introduced in 2024 will maintain the nice instances rolling for even longer. 2024 is just simply getting began and I can’t wait to see what this yr has in retailer for us. Keep tuned at Gaming Instincts by way of TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook for extra gaming information. Source link Read the full article
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