#implied ivankov ofc
crowliphale · 2 months
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Failing upwards, as always
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morningstarofdawnx · 2 months
Reasons why I think Crocodile is highkey queer in a trans way
Hello tumblr, your boy is back to cook once again.. I will list off all the reasons I think Crocodile (One Piece) is very queer (trans specifically) and my reasonings for it (Most of these will be based on my own theories btw, some/most of them arent based on canon)
I know its already a very popular headcanon but I wanted to list off WHY its so popular and even kinda implied!
Starting off strong with the main reasoning everyone tells you when you ask them why they hc it, his secret past with Ivankov. One Piece is no stranger to cooking with their villains' backstories/general past stories (the latter being the case for Croc, don't know if we will ever get his actual backstory) and Crocodile... has not been cooked yet. The only thing we know about him is his secret that only Ivankov knows, and based on how Croc acts with this secret it's safe to assume he would not want it out there... but why exactly???? I have a theory on that
Let's say he's trans, just assume it for a sec. Remember how queer people are treated in the OP universe. Although we can give the universe the benefit of the doubt and say the queerphobia isn't that bad to the point where queer people get killed just for being queer, they are very clearly outcasted. In the Impel Down arc we see this a lot, with everyone calling the New Kama soldiers either "a queer" (in the slur way) or a "pervert" (uncalled for tbh). I dont think the main reason Ivankov made the queer paradise was because they were outcasted, but I think that may be one of the reasons for it.
Now, still assuming Croc is trans, lets take a look at why my previous paragraph matters. If we go by the theory that he went to Iva and used their HRT powers to transition, this could be really bad for him if it came out! Like REALLY bad. There is a chance he could lose a large portion of his reputation and his intimidating aura even!! Besides the queerphobia, sexism is very apparent in the OP universe as well. I feel that if word got out that Croc is trans, people would not only be transphobic but also sexist towards him.
I don't think that Croc would get disheartened by all the negative thoughts people have about him, no. That would be very OOC. I think he wouldn't give two shits! But his reputation DOES matter to him, as a man that thrives to be a very strong and remarkable pirate (and also with his dream wanting to be the king of the pirates ofc).
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2. Continuing from Impel Down arc, lemme ask you all a question.. did you notice how Crocodile very suddenly got his actual clothes back in the middle of the arc? Well I have an explanation for you. According to a question Oda answered himself, the New Kama prisoners steal clothes and they happened to steal his... for some reason. Why could this be exactly?????
Okay some of you may think I'm reaching (there is a lot of reaching in this essay), but I think that they may have done it as a favor to him knowing that they may meet him someday. JUST THINK ABOUT IT! Iva has history with Croc, they wouldnt ignore Crocs clothing I would think! My main theory is that Iva stole it with the thought of giving it back to Croc themself, maybe with the intention of making Croc join them? Whooo knows...
3. Take a look at this image here.
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Now I want you all to think about the villains of OP. I'm not talking about those who are morally grey, like Hancock or Kuma for example. I'm talking about Moria, Doffy, Kaido etc etc. I already mentioned the queerphobia of the universe and how they are outcasted. I think my theory on the villains of one piece not respecting queer ppl as a whole has a chance to be partially correct. Im going to base this entire section on that theory, so feel free to skip if you disagree.
Crocodile as we know, is a horrible dude. Morally Black. No thoughts behind those eyes besides determination, hunger for power and the desperation for victory. I mean look at the dude, he looks damn bored all the time with the only times he shows emotions being when he has fun torturing people! We can safely say that Crocodile is that type of villain.
Now going back to the image, ASSUMING my theory that Crocodile and his past with Iva is based on him being queer, I like to think that he is more "kind" with queer people in general. Him letting a New Kama member do his laces may just be a representation of his power and superiority over the characters, but it could also hint at him specifically asking the New Kama member to do it (which is most likely the case). Why am I mentioning this? Well, as far as I can see, the New Kama member doesn't look scared. Could this be because they trust Croc maybe? Could the New Kama members know about Crocs support through Ivankovs depiction of him (without outing him Id assume)?
Yeah okay... too far of a reach maybe. But HEAR ME OUT ON THIS!!
Going straight from that theory, let me mention the best character in the show...... BONNNNN CLAYYYYYYY!!!!!!
Mr. 2 Themself.. I always thought its really interesting how Bon didnt have a partner while in Baroque Works. For those of you who dont know, the reason for this is because Bon Clay is a very queer individual, and often describes themself as being both genders! Due to this, they specifically went to Crocodile and asked to not have a partner. The partners in Baroque Works are always 1 man and 1 woman, and with Bon being both they didnt want a partner.
CROCODILE LITERALLY HAD NO REASON TO INDULGE IN THIS REQUEST IN ANY WAY??? Why would he, knowing that he will literally LOSE MANPOWER, accept this request at all? There are 2 outcomes to this question. 1, he trusts Bon Clays abilities.. or 2. He respected Bons identity enough to agree to this request. I personally think its the latter because why would he choose less manpower over more?? Even if he trusts Bons abilities, Bon is still vulnerable working alone, and there is no reason for him to not pair them up with anyone besides the identity thing. We constantly see him respect queer characters and even know he has a past with the MAIN QUEER THEMSELF! This is especially weird because he canonically looks down on everyone and thinks everyone is worthless unless theyre useful to him. I don't think any of this is a coincidence........ ONTO THE 3RD REASON!
3. This is Lil CrocTM.
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Now, I have asked many people on this and it is confirmed I AM NOT REACHING! THAT KID IS ANDROGYNOUS AF! Yes you could argue he leans more on the masc side, but nevertheless him looking so androgynous as a kid may mean something... WOW! AN ACTUAL CANON REASON AS TO WHY HE MAY BE TRANS! APPLAUSE APPLAUSE
Those are all the main reasons, some honorable mentions;
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In this scene, he makes that face the second Iva mentions meeting him as a rookie.. hmm... could this be because he was a WOMAN back then?
Iva specifically says the words "revealing his past" and mentions only one weakness. If that secret was him being trans it would make a lot of sense!
2. Its said that one of the main inspirations of Croc design is Captain Hook, the disney villain. If youre a disney fan youd know that Captain Hook is a very blatant homosexual character. Not trans, I know, but still a queer character! I thought itd be worth mentioning.
Yeah ok thats basically all I have. I know there is a high chance his past secret has something to do with his scar and missing hand (a character we know of that made him like this maybe?) but I still really love the idea of him being queer in some way. Trans Croc DOMINATIONNNNNNN
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