#implied cuz they broke up</3
cute-as-buttons · 2 years
Unfinished Wip
so i started this back in like. july and never ended up finishing. but i do wanna show it, so here it is, spam me w questions about this au i miss it</3
TW: alcohol and blood
20th May 2019
New York, USA
Spring, to Marcy, has always seemed like the seasons were walking a tightrope, trying to strike a perfect balance between the damp, chill wind that kissed your cheeks as it blew past you and the humid, heavy atmosphere, almost enough to be suffocating, but not quite. She knew the scales would tip soon enough, that the humidity would overpower the chill and pass into summer, but for now, she simply enjoyed the weather as she strolled down the street, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. 
A few strides later, she stood in front of a bookstore that had come to be her favourite place in the past few months. 
The Dream House wasn't anything special, in fact, it was quite underwhelming. It was a small bookstore, sequestered in the middle of two other buildings and aside from the hand-painted sign that alluded to the store's existence, it was plain enough that it could go completely unnoticed.
The bell gave a short, shrill ring as she opened the door, smiling, ready to find her way to the counter, trying to sneak up on Anne. She never succeeded, but that didn't mean she couldn't try. But she stopped in her tracks when she noticed that one of the beanbags was occupied today. 
The blonde seated on it - or rather, sinking into it, a book open in her lap - stared at her, eyes narrowed, more in confusion than anything else. Sasha Waybright pursed her lips as she sat up a little straighter. 
"Have I seen you before?" Sasha asked, waving her hand around before muttering,"  déjà vu ." 
Marcy smiled. Just because she got lucky once didn't mean she'd get lucky every time. Besides, she was used to this song and dance, and so was Anne.
"Marcy Wu," she said, bowing a little. She didn't think she imagined the pleasant flush that coloured her cheeks. "At your service."
"Marcy Wu?" Sasha echoed, her eyes snapping to Anne, who was lost in the sea of shelves, placing books on them. "Is this-"
"Yup," Anne nodded, smiling. Marcy couldn't count how many times Anne had introduced Marcy as her girlfriend, partner, but her eyes always lit up the same way. 
Sasha's composure changed as she stood up and walked up to Marcy, stopping mere steps away from her. She looked her up and down and then smiled, not quite sincere, but it was enough for Marcy. 
"Nice to meet you, Marcy," Sasha said and then turned to Anne. "About time."
Anne simply shook her head and continued arranging the books on their shelves. 
"Well, I'll be on my way," Sasha said, turning away fast, book in hand, waving to Anne, before turning to Marcy with a sweet, slightly unnerving smile. 
"Don't be a stranger, Marcy."
Not likely, thought Marcy, knowing that the moment she'd walk out that door, she wouldn't remember Marcy. She remembered when that had been like a sharp pain every time like spikes were digging into her. Now it was a dull ache, the kind you never really got used to but one you just had to live with. 
"Not a library!" Anne called, poking her head out, and snorted as she received a particularly rude middle finger in the air as she flung the door open and left. Anne sighed, though Marcy saw a smile tugging at her lips. 
"One day," Marcy said, crossing over to Anne. "One day, I'll get her to like me." 
"Best of luck," Anne said, doing her best to hold back a grin as she reached for Marcy's hand. Marcy frowned. 
"You're supposed to be on my side," Marcy said, pouting but smiling a second later as Anne laughed. 
"Always am," said Anne, squeezing her hand. 
"So, where are we off to today?" Marcy asked.
Anne grinned. 
Over the years, she'd learnt to read smiles. Some were for the sake of show, vanishing the second they were sure no one could see them. There were the sad smiles that were like weak streams of sunlight breaking through a cloudy day. And then there were the wild grins, the wide smiles, that covered your whole face and reached your eyes, crinkling the skin beneath them. 
Anne's was the third one.
"It's a surprise," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
Marcy couldn't wait to find out what it was.
21st May 1719
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Bad days warrant rainy, cloudy skies. They warrant horrible weather that should reflect the hollowness Marceline feels, that reflects that the world has turned upside down.
But nature does not seem to care for her nor her days, and carries on, the trees murmuring amongst themselves, dancing as the wind snakes through them, almost mischievous. The sky is clear save for a few puffy white clouds and the blazing sun.
It's a perfect day.
It should have been a perfect day.
And on what should have been a perfect day, she runs.
She runs as far as her legs will take her, ignoring that it's not far enough, it'll probably never be because her legs are beginning to tire.
Not yet,  she pleads.  Please, just a little longer.
She's a liar, and her biggest victim is herself.
How many more lies?
When she can't run anymore, when she falls to the ground, she heaves as she rests her forehead against the hard ground, the gravel and soil digging into her skin. There on the ground, she prays.
Prays to whatever god is listening.
"Please," she whispers. "Please, help me."
She doesn't know who listens, but she does know none of them answer.
She doesn't notice the sun dip in the distance. She doesn't notice the clouds turn pink, then orange, then grey as the stars come out, shining above her like tiny little embers of fire.
She doesn't notice when it gets dark.
She just keeps begging.
"My dear," a voice says, and she bites her tongue to keep herself from screaming. "Begging is not a credit to one such as you."
She looked up, trying to get back as she did.
"Whatever you do," Andrias' voice rang in her ears. "Don't pray to the gods who answer after dark."
Darkness swirls around her and, at her shock, makes a sound that sounds an awful lot like laughter. Laughter that glitches and echoes.
"Would you prefer a form you'd recognise better?"
She feels a searing pain in her forehead and shuts her eyes, and a moment later she hears that voice again.
"Is this adequate?"
Through her blurry vision, she registers what she thinks is her... ma?
She's almost certain that it's Olivia, but before she can confirm, the darkness changes again. 
"How about this?"
But Yunan disappears in another gust of wind, and when it settles back down, Marceline's mind is screaming at her, to run, to do anything.
"Ah! I think I like this one."
A woman stands in front of her, and Marceline gapes at her and swallows a metallic taste in her mouth. Did she bite her tongue that hard?
The woman, she...it can't-
But whatever lie Marceline tries to tell herself, it falls flat against the obvious truth in front of her. The woman looks exactly like the woman Marceline has seen in her dreams, the one she draws over and over and over again. 
The woman smiles, slow and sweet, and for a moment, Marceline is lost in it, lost in the dream of what she's longed for for so long. The same curly brown hair, the same warm brown eyes.
"You called on me," the woman says. "Why?" 
Marceline swallows hard. 
"I-I need your help." 
"Help? I'm a god, Marceline Wu, not someone running a charity organization." The woman sneers, ignoring the way Marceline flinches at her name. "I deal in kind, not in "please"s. Everything has a price. And what is it that  you  want?"
"I want to be free," Marceline said, relieved at the easy answer. "Free to learn, free to read, free to explore without any constraints, without anything holding me back." She held up her ring, still tied around her neck." In exchange for this." 
The ring was wooden, carved by her mom, Yunan. It had been a wedding gift to her ma, but when Marceline had been born, her ma had strung it on a chain and placed it around her neck. 
The carvings on it were of flowers she didn't recognise but she was familiar with the carvings on the underside of it. 
Thi gong thia gong lang. 
God loves stupid people. 
She remembered frowning when she'd first read it and asked her parents. Her mom had laughed until she'd gotten a belly ache, but her ma had explained. 
"Never take proverbs at face value," she'd told her. "They never mean what they seem to. And neither does this one. It means that God loves people the same way a mother loves her child."
And now, she held it forward, the last possession she had. She flinched when the woman laughed, her voice reverberating through Marceline's bones.
"I must say, Marceline, I expected more than this dull request and meaningless trinkets. If that is all you want, I say no."
She casts the ring aside and turns to smoke. 
Marceline almost falls forward as she tries to catch at the hem of the woman's dress, her hands catching at nothing but shadows slipping from her.
"Wait," she calls out. "What- what will you have of me to grant me my request?"
The darkness circles back to her, surrounding her.
"What will I have of you?" It hisses, all the sweetness gone, metallic again. "I am the night, I am darkness itself, and I've always dealt in just one currency. What I will have of you is your soul."
"No," Marceline says, standing up. Her legs feel like they're on fire. "You don't want just my soul, do you?"
It's a shot in the dark, but when the darkness shakily transforms back into the woman, she knows she's hit the mark.
"What do you mean?"
Marceline almost smiles.
"I mean that you can't really sustain a physical form for too long, can you? It takes a lot of energy, almost too much and in the end, for hours, maybe even days, you're a wisp of nothing but shadow and smoke. What you want is a body you can use."
Its edges bristle, and now, she does smile and continues.
"And if you grant my wish. You can have my body when I don't want it anymore."
The woman smiles and pulls Marceline close, into a hug, and for a moment she thinks it's a tender gesture until she feels a pain in her back, running the course of her spine. 
"You drive an interesting bargain, Marceline. I accept."
The last thing she feels before she falls deep into unconsciousness is the ground beneath her as she falls.
21st June, 2018
New York, USA
In the dark, as the sky is enveloped with wind and rain, a girl with a broken heart walks down the street, hand bleeding from the bottle that accidentally cut her hand, the make-shift bandage that was a strip torn from her shirt she'd used to wrap it almost soaked. 
Anne can feel the numbness set in, but it does nothing to ease the pain. If anything, it makes it worse.
God, maybe she isn't drunk enough yet. She shouldn't have left, especially when the bartender had taken one look at her and declared that drinks were on him. She should have been suspicious, but she didn't care enough to.
She fumbles with the lock as she reaches her apartment door, shoving it open and slamming it shut as she throws the keys away. 
She enters the bathroom, forcing down the bile she feels rising in her throat. She opens the tap, letting her palm soak through before she realises that she should probably take the cloth off. She does, and a dull, distant part of her brain registers the sting in her palm. She takes a bottle of antiseptic - or maybe it is sanitiser - and applies it to the wound.  
When she glances up, her eyes fall on her reflection, and everything in her seems to recoil at the sight of her own face.
You're not enough. 
That's what everyone has told her her entire life, just in different ways. 
You can do better, sweetie.
We're still proud of you.
(Still...No you're not.)
Not you. 
(Not me?) 
There’s just something missing. 
It’s just … 
(Who you are.)
I just don’t see us ending up together. 
I’m sorry. 
We’re not in the same place. 
We can’t help who we fall in love with. 
(And who we don’t.) 
You deserve better. 
(No, I don't.)
Let’s stay friends. 
I don’t want to lose you. 
It’s not you. 
I’m sorry. 
It's too much. It's just too much, always has been. Ever since she was younger, it's always been too much, and she's been labelled emotional, sensitive, a fool, immature, but she knows none of those words fit. She knows something is wrong, and that's not it.
Anne steps back and digs her hand into the bottle, but the next second she lets out a scream as she hurls the bottle at the mirror. Her reflection fractures as the mirror transforms into a rainfall of tiny glass shards, many of which launch towards her, leaving faint scratches. 
She heaves for a moment before she drops to the floor, water still flowing, as she curls into herself, hiding her face among her knees.
26 and still no direction.
She'd counted and asked herself to take a drink.
Take a drink if you're not the right fit. 
Not the right focus. 
Not the right child. 
Not the right time. 
Not the right job. 
Not the right past. 
Not the right present. 
Not the right future. 
Not the right you.
Not you.
She knows,  damn it.
She knows she's not enough.
"What do you want?"
She doesn't even bother flinching, convinced that she's hallucinating. A woman stands in front of her, smiling at her, like Anne's entire world doesn't feel like it's fracturing right in front of her. 
"What do you want?" she repeats. "In this moment, right now?"
"To be happy," Anne mumbles, more to herself than the woman and doesn't think the woman has heard her, but she smiles.
"Only you can give yourself that," she says. Anger rises in Anne, bubbling over all the misery. She steadies herself up, slightly swaying.
"You asked what I want, not what I can give myself," she growls. "I can't give myself  anything,  because I know I'll never get it." She's shouting now, and she should stop, but she can't, can't stop the flood of words that rush out now that the damn has finally broken. "I don't know what they fucking want from me, I try to be enough, be happy, but it's never enough, and," her voice breaks. "I'm just so tired of falling short. I'm so tired."
She slumps against the wall.
"It hurts."
"Anne," the woman says, stepping a little closer. "Look at me."
Anne almost hisses at her, but she's too tired, so when the woman lifts her chin with her hand, she lets her.
"You're perfect."
And Anne has to laugh at that, despite the soft silky voice.
"You'd think people would be better at lying."
The woman shakes her head.
"Pain can be beautiful-"
"Like hell, it can."
"-and," she says as if Anne hasn't spoken. "It can transform, create."
"I don't want to be in pain," Anne croaks, all the energy drained from her. "I just..."
"You want to be loved."
"Yes," she whispers. 
"I can give you that."
"It's that easy?"
"If you're willing to pay, yes."
"I hate to tell you, but I'm pretty broke right now."
A grin, like it's been slashed open with a knife.
"Not that kind of payment. The one thing every human has, what every hero trades to the devil."
"My-my soul? I don't even believe in-"
"Then you have nothing to lose."
She stands there, staring for a long, long time, maybe it was minutes, maybe hours, maybe even days. She doesn't know.
All she knows is in the end, there is just one thing to say. One, simple word.
20th May, 2019
New York, USA
What Marcy'd always loved most about cities was that they never go quiet. The noise dampened in the night, but it never really went quiet the way it does in the rural areas. If she was being honest with herself, she liked it because it reminded her of home.
She glanced at the time as she nestled herself in blankets. It was too hot for it, but it was comfortable. Really, she was allowed this, at least. 
She reached for Anne's hand as she rested her head, yelping as she drowned in the pillows for a moment. She heard Anne laugh and pull her closer. Marcy smiled and let her eyes wander back to the time.
11:56. 20th May.
Her insides twisted as she felt fear claw at her stomach. The world seemed to fade away, and somewhere far off, she heard the clock fall from her hand.
Somewhere far off, she heard Anne ask, "Hey, Marce, you okay?"
Calm down. They haven't shown their face in 40 years.
They're not going to unless you call on them.
Her hand went to her neck, the wooden ring safely nestled on her clavicle. She was both bitter and grateful for it.
Her head snapped towards Anne, tousled hair and a worried face. Marcy shook her head and pulled Anne in, burying her head in Anne's shoulders.
"What's up, dude?"
The only words Marcy managed to choke out were, "Anniversary tomorrow."
Anne's hands tightened around her, and she rested her chin on Marcy's head. A new panic seized Marcy. They couldn't find out about Anne. 
She couldn't let them take the one good thing she still had, the only good thing.
"We won't-"
"You have to leave," Marcy said, pulling back. Hurt registered on Anne's face before she schooled it back to worry. "I can't- they can't-"
"I know," Anne said, taking Marcy's hands in her own. "But they're a creature of the night, right? We have until then." Marcy opened her mouth to protest but couldn't find the words. "Listen, if you want me to, I won't follow, I'll leave, but just for the day, as long as the sun is up, let me be with you."
Marcy felt herself nod.
Anne smiled and pulled Marcy down onto the bed. She kissed her forehead and muttered.
But she stayed awake the entire night, letting Anne's snores and the noises outside distract her. 
Only when the sun came up did she feel herself drift off.
22nd June, 2018
New York, USA
Anne wakes up, and her first instinct is to wince at the sudden pain in her hand. When she looks at it, there is a clean bandage neatly tied around her palm, and a watch she could've sworn isn't hers. 
She unclips it and studies it. It looks ancient, something her mom might've worn, silver and gold-flecked. Underneath the dial, were two words. 
Live well.
She snorted. 
Sure, why not?
She massages her head and puffs out a breath. God, maybe she shouldn't have drunk that much. And that weird fever dream after...
She leaves the watch on her nightstand and makes her way to the kitchen, but stops when she hears the doorbell ring. 
She frowns, opening it and almost being thrown to the ground as Sprig and Polly hug her. 
"Guys, what-"
"We heard about Sasha," Polly says, squeezing her tight until Anne has to flail her arms to gesture that she does, in fact, need to breathe. 
When they let go, apologising, the weight of what they've said settles in.
"What happened with Sasha." 
She hates how it still makes her stomach turn. She'd known that what they had wasn't right, it wasn't good for both of them, not as they were. What she hadn't known was how much it would hurt being told that. 
Maybe it would've hurt less if Sasha had screamed, and made a scene. But all she'd done was do her best not to cry and tell Anne that they should end things. 
That they are and will always be friends. 
"I still love you, just not. I just can't love you like that." 
It had felt like someone had been squeezing her heart.
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stanlunter · 4 months
Bi erasure in the fandoms
There are many types of biphobia among people, but I wanna talk about the least noticable type of it, which is super common and barely gets called out. "Headcanoning" canon/implied bisexual characters (mostly female, for some reason) as lesbians.
Usually they don't even portay it as a "headcanon", but just state that they are and make everyone believe this. And when they done, people even start call you lesbophobic for calling bi erasure our, bc It's suddenly you're the one who "erase" lesbians. And the funny thing is that a lot of those who state so, haven't even watched these shows and just have "heard" that these characters are "lesbians" and the continue misinformate everyone else. And that's awful and very harmful for bi community
Let's take some examples
1. Asami and Korra
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Both are bisexual women who were in love with the same man and then broke up with him and started dating each other. Prolly the most heavily implied bisexuals ever. But what do people have problems with? Oh, they think that if a bi girl has broken up with a man, it means only that she realized she's lesbian. Not that her ex was a cheater, not that their relationship was toxic. No, they can break up only bc she had a comphet. There are no other options. And if a girl dates another girl, she's also 100% lesbian, bc bi girls are just "straights who wanna invade lgbt", right? Oh, yeah, also Korra is strong and muscle "lesbian stereotype" and Asami is "cold and lady-like" "lesbian stereotype" so yeah, It's absolutely makes them lesbians! — another example of why the stereotypes are actually harmful.
2. Poison Ivy (both in the show and in the comics)
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Absolutely the same thing as with Korra and Asami, but is also a "mean lesbian stereotype" which is basically the strongest stereotype, so yeah. Ivy dated Kite man and was actually attracted to him. She liked kissing me and enjoyed his company. The only thing that made her break up with Kite man is that he wasn't someone she saw her future with. He didn't fit her and she knew who did - Harley, her girlfriend. Even when Ivy knew she was attracted to Harley (bc she litterally cheated with her), she still knew she is attracted to Kite man and even so planned their wedding, but being attracted ≠ being soulmates, unfortunately. People also for some reason think that just bc Ivy hates men, it means she has to be lesbian. Ig they don't know there are bi or even straight girls who hate men. Like febfems (bi girls who refuse to date men for political reasons and their safety) don't exist. Like you can't be attracted to someone you hate.
And after all, Ivy dating Kite Man (and Dan Back) isn't even the main reason she's bisexual. Besides it, she was confirmed to be bisexual multipe times by many different authors. She's canon bi in almost every universe. And the way some new authors are trying to change her sexuality is a clearest bi erasure. And It's also funny, cuz if someone ever dared to turn a canon lesbian character into bisexual, everyone would immidiatly lose it. But when they do the same with bisexuals, It's suddenly being ignored. Wow.
3. Sasha Waybright
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Thankfully the last time I don't see this so often (mb bc the fandom is dying tho), but just when everyone's favourite "mean lesbian" was confirmed to be bisexual, everyone went wild... Yeah, their favourite stereotype was broken. Does it mean they started to understand that stereotypes don't define sexuality and that even mean girls can like men? Ofc not! They obviously started to say that she was confirmed as bi bc: 1. Disney didn't want to let her be lesbian 2. Mate did it only to make the fandom mad
Lmao. They really gonna believe anything but that a character can just be...bisexual. And even so, they keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian. I've even heard people who were saying she had a "comphet" and will realize she's lesbian in the future. That's not even funny, but it does make me laugh
4. Princess Bubblegum
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Oh, I love the way the whole tik tok fandom suddenly started to call Bubblegum "canon lesbian" just bc someone has said so and others have spread it up. Ig I should be thankful, that they at least recognize Marcelin being bisexual, huh?
Anyways, the thing is that Bubblegum, just as much as Marcelin was heavily implied to be bisexual. She litterally had an ex bf and for those who love calling every bi character with ex bfs lesbians with comphet, besides that Bubblegum was also in love with Finn in the episode when she turned 13. She litterally kissed him there and has said she wishes she could stay this way with him. It was directly shown throught the whole show that's the only reason why Finn's feelings are one sided is that Bubblegum is way older than him. And in the episode "Too young" it was directly confirmed. But people are still gonna call her lesbian just...bc? I don't even know why, she doesn't even fit stereotypes that much. Mb they decided to "ruin stereotypes" by it? Or mb they just decided that since6she rejected Finn (a litteral child) it means she can't be attracted to men at all? This logic is even worse. But God only knows what is in their heads
5. Yang Xiao long
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Oh, yeah, this one is usually super objectionable bc she was showing interest in men basically only in v1 and then started dating Blake. And if Blake being bi was so clear that there are basically no people denying it or bc she fits bi stereotypes, who knows, however we should remember that bisexuals don't have to have equal attraction to everyone (like Blake, who had 2 male and 2 female love interests) and they don't have to date all genders to prove their attraction.
But there are many evidences of Yang being attracted to men too.
In the whole Yellow Trailer Yang actively flirts with a man
In ep3v1 she happily gazas on shirtless men and then, when Ruby says "father wouldn't approve it" she answers (I know, I fo) – which already would be enought to confirm her attraction to men
But in the same volume, when the team decorates their room, when Yang hangs a poster with a male band of the artists she's attracted too, it was shown that she liked men as well.
Yeah, I got that both the fandom and Roosters really love to forget everything that was in v1-2, but It's a fact that Yang is bisexual as well as Blake. But wait, she's a "strong lesbian stereotype", right!!! So let's ignore a bi representation, sure!
6. Sunset shimmer
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Here's a girl, who canonically has dated a man and was officially confirmed to be bisexual by the author in Twitter. So why do people keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian? Oh, bc she's SUNSET and has flags of lesbian colors. Like "Sunset" was invented by lesbian flag, yeah. And what's the funniest thing in this perfect argument is that Sunset Shimmer was created even before the sunset lesbian flag designed!
And, yeah, I could take the "she has said that she didn't like Flash so it was a comphet/pretending" thing, but the problem is that it still litterally was confirmed by the author himself that Sunset is bisexual. And in the further show and even movie we can see clear signs of them still having a thing for each other. Like Sunset winks to him and many of their other interactions, but they can be read in a friends way as well ofc, which doesn't make her any less of canon bi!
7. Clawdeen Wolf
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Her situation is exactly like Yang's. Since not so long time ago Clawdeen was confirmed to be lgbt and there was announced a comic about her and Toralei's romantic relationship, everyone started yelling that she's "canon lesbian" now. However it was only confirmed that she's wlw, not lesbian. And wlw includes these little unknown people called bisexuals.
But why do I say she's bi, but not lesbian? Well, bc it was clearly shown in the show and the movies that she's attracted to men. Yeah, she's a bit less obsessed with them than others and doesn't have a bf, however her feelings for many of them were obvious. And it was no where near a comphet. No, she was exactly attracted to them, that's a fact. So for now, she's a heavily implied bi character who had feelings for boys and who is dating a girl, just like Yang. And calling her lesbian is kinda biphobic
8. Kagami Tsurugi
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A canon bisexual character, who's love to both Marinette and Adrian was confirmed in official synopsis for s5 and official show bible. She was shown to have a clearest attraction to Adrian and Felix, 2 men. Even if after she has broken up with Adrian (and no, not bc she realized she was lesbian, but bc he has fucking lied to her face and has broken up her heart) some people got an idea of her being a "lesbian with a comphet", this idea was destroyed again by her new attraction to Felix, another man.
However people are still gonna ignore her canon sexuality and call her a lesbian, by using "comphet" as a justification, or even by turning Felix and Adrian into transwomen, which isn't a justification to erase bi representation either anyways!
It's especially hurting since she's my favourite character I strongly relate to tho
9. Sayaka
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Omg, Madoka Magica is an anime that includes girls who like girls. Almost all of the main characters are implied to be lesbians. But you know who's being headcanoned as a lesbian the most?? That's right! The only girl that likes boys too! What an irony, yeah? Sayaka has a huge romantic tension with Kyoka and has a canon crush on her male childhood friend – Kyosuke. So we can have the only bi rep out of 5 wlw girls. Ofc this rep was taken from us, bc some people wanna headcanon (or even impose it as canon) that the only bisexual girl is a lesbian with a comphet! Sure, yeah. Again, my favourite excuse for bi erasure, nothing's new, lol
10. Utena and Anthy
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Another bisexual couple, who's coded sexuality is always getting erased. Uthena and Anthy love each other and even shared a kiss in one of the endings. The status of their relationship wasn't directly stated in anime, however everyone who has eyes can see their clear romantic and not only tension. Utena's another love interest is Touga, who was her childhood love who she was shown to have super clearest attraction throught the anime, and this attraction has no platonic explanation, so yeah, Utena ia attracted to both men and women and It's canon. The same goes for Anthy: she had strong feelings for Dios. Both characters are bi-coded and comphet was never there. People are just trying to use it as an excuse to bi erasure bc they want all wlw characters to be lesbians, that's all.
So, if someone is gonna say that I'm "denying comphet" or any other shit like that, no, I know it exists and I know a lot of lesbians go throught it and it deserves a representation too, but in such cases the difference between comphet and an actual attraction to men is so clear and you know that.
There are also examples of the characters who had or could have comphet:
Like Apple White, who thought she supposed to like Daring just bc he's "her destiny", but she never liked him (and even in her bio she says that just bc they have to marry, it doesn't mean they're dating) and her actual "true love", who's kiss made Apple wake up was Darling, his sister. And It's an actually good example of comphet bc of the society pressure. Or Yuzu (even tho for some reason some people still think she's bi) who was said to never be in love with anyone untill her step-sister, she even lied to her friends about having boyfriends bc she thought there was smth wrong with her since she isn't attracted to men. Also Velma and etc. Unfortunately there aren't that many examples, but even with these ones the difference between a lesbian with a comphet and a bisexual girl is obvious, so yeah, you just want an excuse to erase bisexuals and turn them into lesbians and it will never be okay
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
Before I Leave You (Pt.55)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Namjoon’s rut hits, and hits hard. Not all of it is pretty. Not all of it is sweet.
Tags:  Free use, Rough Fucking, Size kink, Consensual Somnophilia, Knotting, Breeding kink, lactation kink, Group sex, Copious Dirty talk, Praise, Humiliation kink, dumbification kink, Biting, Blood mention, Blood kink, messy sex, Feral! Namjoon, Creampie, cum kink, cumplay, So much cum it’s honestly gross, Oral (f and m receiving), mommy kink, intercrural sex, briefly implied masochistic! Namjoon, collars, Trans! Tae, dysphoria mention, Jimin indirectly misgenders tae at one point (bad minnie), small amounts of fluff here and there, everyone lives nobody dies,
W/c: 18.7k
A/N: Listen, i don’t want to talk about the word count. I’m so excited to stop writing smut for this series for a little bit after this chapter 😭 don’t be surprised with the last scene bitch slaps you across the face cuz ngl, i’m a little proud of it. 
Previous Chapter - Masterlist
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Namjoon’s rut lasts for 3 nights and 4 days.
It’s quiet like drowning when you stir in the living room nest. A thick blanket of rut hormones sticking and burning in your mouth and nose. The milder smell of slick bright. Jungkook’s and Jin’s. Both. You have no idea when exactly Namjoon's pre-rut broke only that you're in the thick of it now.
You feel oddly cold. A strip of skin around your middle where your shirts pulled up vaguely bereft. Almost like there had been someone wrapped around you in the night. 
You don't know what woke you until you hear it- the fast wet sound of two bodies thumping against one another.
Everyone’s already awake. You watch as Hobi pulls himself up onto unsteady knees, cradling Jungkook’s cheeks in both of his hands. hands that slide to under his arms. 
He needs the support of someone holding him up because Namjoon's fucking him like a ragdoll. Holding both of his arms behind his back, fingers delicately circling his wrists and using them to tug him back and forth on his knot. the omega’s chest arched and bare. Nipples hard in the cold air. 
The fast pace Namjoon fucks him with is at odds with the alpha's usual gentleness. But nothing about Namjoon in a rut is like what you'd expect from your pack alpha:
Namjoon’s mouth is drawn back into a snarl. He pulls back harder Forcing Jungkook to arch his spine and let out these little noises, keens, and whines as Namjoon yanks his half-formed knot in and out of his wet hole. Seemingly uncaring of the omega's comfort or the vaguely distressing noises he's making.
Someone must have followed Jungkook’s earlier pleas; a pink and sparkly cock cage bobs below him, angry and red and completely untended.
Jungkook’s crying but you’re not alarmed by it. If anything you understand. It’s so convenient to cry on Namjoon’s knot. It’s practically an emotional pallet cleanser with how new it makes you feel. Namjoon pulls Jungkook back ass to hips, as deep as he can get and still not deep enough.
Hobi holds Jungkook’s face, pulling him close and saying something that makes the omega keen and shake harder. Hobi stays there until he cums. Face tucked close to the other alpha's chest. Namjoon doesn’t respond to another alpha's closeness with any truly territorial behavior but still. 
His lip lifts from teeth that look even sharper in rut. A warning to stay obedient.
The rut is beginning to affect you; you can feel it on your jaw. the alphas and yoongi might not feel it, but you omega’s do. your scent fluffs out calm and soothing, stronger and more heady, beckoning your alpha to you. There’s an ache and burn in your throat. A chirp or a purr building. Electricity in the air and the goosebumps on your arms. all coupled with the warm-wet-want sensitivity between your thighs leads you to believe it’s just the pheromones.
He smells so good, so good you lick your lips and pout, still half asleep.
Your mates’ hands wipe your hair back from your sweaty forehead, his usual good morning touches uncharacteristically shaky. Yoongi’s face is sleepy relaxed and smiling, but there’s tension in his eyes as he wakes you softly.
He'd rather not wake you just as Namjoon needs another knot. Jin's on the other side of the nest, and while it wouldn't be terrible to ask him to go again, Yoongi won't make that decision for you.
It won’t be long now. Jungkook’s already cum and Namjoon’s knot is close to popping. At this stage of the rut, you’ll have maybe 20 minutes before the pack alpha’s knot deflates and he turns his wicked intentions on you.
Yoongi’s hands tighten around your upper arms. He doesn’t know what he’s trying to do, keep you here so that the pack alpha can knot you, or peel you off of the floor of the nest and bring you to him. Both parts of Yoongi are at war. His fingertips tease at the fine baby hairs of your upper arms, clean and silky.
“We tried to let you sleep as long as possible.”
You nuzzle into his throat and sag back against his chest. Content to cuddle while you wait for your turn. You squirm all the while. Yesterday- taking Namjoon’s cock was so intense. Will it feel as good in rut too?
At odds with your mate’s sometimes somber expression Tae shuffles over. a bright pink blotch in the mostly pastel nest. She looks soft and excited, lips glossy from her lip mask. There is a small bit of her skincare routine sitting on the couch, Jimin brought what she deemed ‘her necessities’ earlier. There’s a good batch of the special numbing cream/antiseptic/soother Just in case. 
The cup of water she offers you is flavored with lemon. Sleepy touches and cute kisses, chaste questions about how you dreamed. All the while behind her you can see Jungkook and Namjoon fucking. It’s a little rude to ignore them, right?
Soon you’ll learn that while a rut can be awfully interesting and consuming for the omegas, For the other alphas it can get a bit boring.
Although they're allowed to fuss and care for the rest of you between the waves. There's a lot of waiting to be needed. It's likely they won't need to be fucked for a few more hours or even days. Until Namjoon's rut truly reaches a fevers peak and the omegas need a stretch of uninterrupted sleep.
That's how Namjoon's rut works: bad until it's worse, worse until it’s unbearable, and then the placid fall. Usually accompanied by the pack alphas tears. Ruts are intense not only sexually but emotionally too. When Namjoon gives in it always makes the eventual downfall worse. Rut-drop is different for every alpha.
Most of the time, Namjoon just tries not to act like a monster. Tries not to feel like one either regardless of Jungkook's pleas. Jungkook had nuzzled close soon after Namjoon had knotted Jin and whispered low in his ears, "I want you to fuck me up hyung. Please breed me until i can't think about anything but your knot,"
That's why he growled at Hobi, who had the audacity to insinuate that Namjoon wasn't doing something his packmate begged for.
A loud squeal and growl interrupt your conversation and tae sighs, Stirring her coffee with a clack of porcelain. (Knots popped then). Tae continues her usual morning kisses and scent marks like an alpha in rut isn’t directly behind her. Regardless of your intermittent squirming and darting gaze. Your scent spikes and Namjoon looks up, but he’s still riding the end of his knot.
"Pup," she says, directing your eyes back to her with her hand on your chin. "Eyes on me."
"Sorry Mommy."
There's no need to make Namjoon even more restless. Tae knows what you smell like- like fresh-cut fruit to a fly. As much as the pack alpha probably wishes he was doubly endowed like some monster out of a bad porno, he only has one knot. One omega at a time.
Normally, just Jin and Jungkook would be enough to take the edge off the first wave. But Namjoon has a third omega now. It’s hot and grating to see you on the other side of the nest. His alpha scratches and claw at Namjoon’s chest. Telling him the inferno won’t end, not until every omega in his pack is claimed.
Tae shuffles closer to Yoongi so that he can curl around the both of you, stroke over your stomach, clenching in anticipation. You know that she’s touching you because she’s thinking about how bred you’ll be soon. She missed too much yesterday, and she won’t take her eyes off of you this time. 
Knotting Jungkook is a brief and lucid affair for Namjoon, who does little more than tuck his face into Jungkook’s throat and take big greedy gasps at the omega’s scent gland. Honey sweet omega. Jungkook clenches around his knot, clamping down every few seconds like he’s trying to milk him of his cum. Purring small and cute rumbles that make Namjoon feel like jelly.  
No unpleasantness yet, just a dopy smile of his omega, clumsy finger running through the mess on his stomach. Pressing it into Namjoon's skin, marking him too. 
Namjoon’s knot goes down and the pack descends for some fussing. Jungkook flops down onto the nest right where he was bred because he’s too tired to move any farther. Jimin’s fingers check his hole with a press of gentle fingers. They feel thin in comparison to Namjoon's knot. No redness or irritation yet. Jungkook tolerates a few seconds before he pushes at Jimin's hands, demanding to be wiped up for breakfast.
Interest perks up between your legs, like Namjoon can sense it his nostrils flare and he sets his eyes on you. His cock hasn't gone down at all, He'll be like that, full mast, no flagging until the end of the rut.
He's the only one without any clothes on, everyone else wears at least one item of clothing. Namjoon doesn’t seem to be too upset that you’re in a large shirt. But it’s ever so intimidating to see him shuffle close, big cock heavy looking between his legs.
You squirm. But Tae and Yoongi hold you.
You don’t know where the trickle of fear comes from. Yoongi soothes you by petting the top of your head and keeping you still as Namjoon shuffles closer.
He leans down, nosing over your knee, pupils dark and wide. You squeak when He tugs your hips apart so that the sweet center of you is bare to the open air. A faint wet patch on your panties. His omega, wet for him. So small, so easy to manhandle and lift by the hips to settle onto his knees, out of Yoongi’s lap and into his.
You squeak a little turning when he pulls you flush against him, trying to get into the presenting position that your instincts want you to be in, chest down like nature intended, face buried in the perfect nest you’ve made for this purpose.
Namjoon doesn't like your twisting, holding you still.
You end up sitting on his powerful thighs facing Yoongi and Tae, sipping at her coffee and smiling like you don’t have an alpha in rut nosing at your throat. His big hands slide up and down your sides, touching you everywhere verifying that you’re okay, that you’re safe. Soothing the fear clenching bird-cage tight around his heart.
Namjoon is perilously lost to his rut as he leans to nose at your shoulder, sniffing your mating mark. Mouthing at it and your scent gland, sweet and warm under his lips, plush and nice tasting under his teeth. You turn, trying to move so you can face him but-
But he grabs your wrists, holds both of them, growling out a single word (it’s so hard for Namjoon to speak right now, like speaking through a mouthful of peanut butter).
You freeze, But You’re a good omega. your instincts what you to obey Namjoon, limbs turned to jelly by a single order. Tae hides her smile behind the rim of her coffee cup, and Yoongi shifts in the way that you know he does when he’s turned on but wants to hide as Namjoon sniffs up and down your shoulder until he’s satisfied that you smell soothed, nipping hard enough to leave marks.
Only the thin fabric of your panties separates you from his cock, pressing against the soft fabric, not trying to fuck you yet but still there.
Namjoon doesn’t need you to present for him. An omega as sweet and small as you shouldn't be left to bob and move across the nest. Namjoon can keep you safer this way. In his lap, under his palms, any farther would be too far. 
You try to say something to him but he can’t hear it. Namjoon doesn’t even bother turning you around to face him, sitting back on his heels and pulling you with him. Hands fumbling to push down your panties until they’re around one knee. 
Wet slick gathers at his fingers, dripping onto his stomach mixing with Jungkook’s mark. A delicacy destined to go to waste when Namjoon’s alpha wants. When Namjoon’s alpha howls and scratches at his chest that he needs to breed you or else.
Namjoon pulls you back, a hand under each thigh and your back rest against his chest. he lifts you up just enough to where he can settle you on his cock in one smooth movement. You choke but Namjoon needs. he’s Barely lucid, “Sorry- ’m sorry-” he chants when he makes you let out a first wet sob at the insistent press of his cock against your sensitive hole. halfway in much quicker than before. No waiting this time because you’re so well-prepped.
It's just as intense, if not more, with how immediately Namjoon goes back to mouthing at your shoulder.
You knew what to expect but Namjoon’s cock burns as it fills you, just as thick as last time making you dizzy. Yoongi’s hand darts out alarmed, but you hold it softly where you grab it, tangling your fingers together, and nodding that you’re alright, hiccupping. 
“m’fine just- fucking hell Namjoon-”
Namjoon purrs and Tae leans on her elbow to watch. He holds your thighs apart a little wider so she can see where you meet. You look so small compared to Namjoon’s knot, so small it looks like it shouldn’t fit. Tae’s own cock twitches in interest. The sight of your cunt clenching around nothing when he lifts you up all the way is frankly too erotic.
Tae purs join Namjoon’s, coffee long forgotten.  
Namjoon fucks you just as brutally as he fucked Jungkook, His body trembles as he tries to hold himself back but he can’t. He can’t stop himself from lifting you up and settling you back down again. Nudging a choked moan from your throat every time his cock fills you.
The thickness makes you breathless and has your body instinctively trying to pull off. Too big. He's too big. 
He's not. Namjoon gives you no leverage from this angle. And brings you down on his cock regardless of your sudden panic. Too close, just like last time you're too close too quick. You can do little more than try and keep from letting out embarrassing noises as Namjoon ruts his hips forward. He holds you at his mercy and gives you very little room to move on your own. No chance to pull off as your first orgasm buries you.
Your sudden gush of slick drips down his cock when you cum, wetting the skin of his knot hot, nudging wider now at your hole. The burn is so good. So full. Your skin feels two sized two small over your bones. Yoongi’s lopsided smile has your stomach twisting in embarrassment. 
You sob, Pussy clenching greedy tight around Namjoon’s cock. 
Tae smiles and reclines in the nest to watch, smiling like she knows it's driving you crazy, eyes hovering where you drip and where you and Namjoon meet. She plucks your underwear off your dangling leg. Folding it until you can't see any of the light blue fabric. Holding it hard, knuckles white.
“I love watching Alpha play with you, does his cock feel good in your little hole honey? So good you just had to make a mess for mommy. My sensitive little pup.” She croons.
Namjoon burns hotter in a rut- sweat dripping down your spine, filthy licks of pleasure burning through your stomach as you nod. You’re so slick, so wet already. 
Your body gives and gives. His cock touches every bare inch, wet deep and absolutely mind-numbing. Yoongi pulls himself closer and grabs your joined hands. bringing them to his lips to kiss your palm. "Doing so well for alpha sweetheart, doing so well for us." 
The praise burns and stirs your arousal. Tae leans up to kiss your knee, and the image of them gets all warped as you start to cry. Namjoon's cock is truly the perfect Emotional pallet cleanser.
You hiccup, “Why does he have to be like, so fucking big-” Tae grins, smelling sweet and looking like you want her all over you.
“It’s a plot device, can you imagine if he was normal-sized? That wouldn't be fun at all” Yoongi barks a laugh shifting in the nest. He’s half hard just like Tae but his arousal isn't what's important right now. 
You pant lying your head back on Namjoon's shoulder. You wish Tae would stay away from bookish metaphors when you’re getting the knotting of a lifetime.
"Sure, 'fun' is definitely- fuck- how I'd describe- Alpha please-"  
So close to being fucked dumb, Tae and yoongi just laugh. Tae's hand smooths over your shaking thigh, trembling freely as Namjoon holds them. Soft giggles fade out. Her fingers toy on Namjoon’s powerful thigh as you bob, manicured fingers wandering to where you meet, and his next growl is for her.
This one's a warning. Namjoon will nip at her throat later in punishment if she interferes. His teeth will turn her honey skin all roses too. Purple and pink ones sucked by his mouth. Tae would look so pretty with marks. She looks pretty without them but Namjoon could make her prettier.
He fucks you so deep. You know Namjoon’s rut pheromones are supposed to make you open wider, open more to take his knot, but it feels like he’s fucking directly into the place you’d carry pups. So deep that he can’t not knot there.
It’s probably a good thing that you couldn’t get pregnant outside of a heat right now. Because if Namjoon cum’s this deep there’s no way he wouldn’t knock you up. Your alpha growls like he knows it, hands forcing your hips down like you might try and squirm away.
You're so cute like this, flushed face and sleepy on his knot. His hand's fist on your hips, keeping you impaled as you sob. Salty tears that Namjoon licks away. Such a soft little omega like you is certainly too vulnerable to walk around unclaimed. Namjoon should knock you up so that everyone else knows who you belong to.
The others are a rim of bodies on the edge of the nest, a mixture of asleep and awake and dozing. It’s Impossible for Yoongi not to watch as Namjoon lifts you by your thighs and uses you. Filthy fantasies that he’d never dreamed of when it came to you brought to life. Yoongi knows how good it feels just to lie back and take it. How good it feels to be used sometimes.
Tae's hands grab Yoongi's waist, petting up and down his bulge. Fingers circling a dewy patch not touching under his black boxers. She shushes his protests. Whispering that it's cute that he's so turned on, that seeing his mate get bred so well she'd dumb from it has him hard.
Namjoon's knot is already close to popping. Wet heat hugging him so perfectly. His hand's fist on your hips hard, bruising your thighs without meaning to.
He nips at the scruff of your neck, and you cum again, wet and gentle, dripping faintly onto the nest. Just a little.
Tae shifts closer to you sitting across Yoongi's parted thighs. Namjoon’s kissy licks are sloppy and demanding when Tae guides him in. Distracted. Namjoon just rocks into you. Tae's giving you a breather a moment to catch your breath. To put your hands on her thighs and shake uninhibited.
Alpha, Namjoon’s brain purrs, mine, my pretty alpha.  
She pulls off of his lips and he chases them. Her eyelashes press against her cheeks like soft wisps of a petal. But her lips speak not of Eden’s but of beautiful wicked things that Namjoon's alpha hungers for.
“She'd look so pretty knocked up alpha? Don't you agree? I need to learn alpha; can't you show me?" Namjoon’s cock twitches inside of you. Her hands wander, drifting up your sides to touch your chest.
Tae’s fingers tease at your nipples and you arch into the touch. You’re Sensitive there, that part of your body not bitten or teased. “Don’t you want to make her sweet here too?” It’s dizzying, the idea of you swelling with milk. Pupped from Namjoon’s knot. 
Namjoon seems to think so too because his knot actually does pops. sudden and all too thick for your hole. So big that he can do little but rock up into you, locking you together. The sharp feeling of Namjoon’s teeth grazing the scruff of your neck sends you spiraling as he purrs at the image of you dripping with milk because of him.
It’s so messy, his cum feels so hot and sticky as he fills you. You’re still wet and full from earlier. Namjoon cums so much, so much that you can feel it starting to slip out around the knot almost immediately. Tae seems to realize it, fingers predatory and exploring. Cupping the bulge in your tummy. Licking her lips when she pulls up the hem of your shirt to see your cunt again. Your cute clit twitches and drips just a little more under her gaze. Embarrassed by her brazen looking.
“Doing so well alpha,” she hums, petting your sweaty hair back from your forehead. “Breeding our omega so much I can feel it.” Her fingers meanly dig into the bulge in your tummy and make you gasp. She giggles when she feels the bulge where Namjoon is, twitching as he cums a little more.
It's so hot. Tae's cock is big but not this big, it excites apart of her she doesn't understand quite yet.
You soon learn that those words are like candy to him, that's the other alphas' true job, to egg him on into cumming even when he could keep breeding you for hours. Namjoon's knot is easily triggered by their filthy words. 
“Don’t you want to breed me alpha? you can't until you finish with her.” 
"Your cum is slipping out alpha, you have to keep him knotted so it takes." 
“You can’t breed me until you eat a little Joonie, come on and be a good pup for Jinnie.”
“Breed me please alpha, she’s so tired and I’m so empty.” 
You think you’ll have heard it all by the end of the week.
Tae and Yoongi help guide you into a more relaxed position, Namjoon's lap pressed flush to your ass. From the other side of the nest, Jungkook stirs. Licking his lips and yawning. He looks over at you, hair falling over his face in a sweaty mop. Sleepy satisfied pout tugging at the pack's heartstrings.
“Can someone get us some breakfast?”
2 alphas jump to their feet. Yoongi even shifts, guiltily nursing a hard cock that’s none of your business. Filthy filthy thoughts barely quieted from their symphony to melody. He'll handle it later on his own if Tae doesn’t get to him first, (she will, she’s going to eat him up, but later, after the omega’s are attended to)
 Tae grabs your glass and guides a straw to your lips, prompting you to sip and soothe your hot throat. Nuzzling into the side of your face.
"Did so well for us baby pup, I knew you could handle alpha." Namjoon growls, although it's closer to a purr. agreeing. "He's nothing but a big puppy, can mommy help in any way?"
Your kiss is soft and sloppy, little more than licking into her mouth. Tae's dumb puppy just from a knot. Tae can't wait to see how puppyish you get the farther into Namjoon's rut they go. 
"Can I have some breakfast too?"
Kisses, pressed to your forehead, "Of course you can."
You let out a held breath. And begin to believe that maybe this might not be so bad. Maybe all of Yoongi’s fussing was just that; fussing.
Out of all the things you didn’t anticipate for Namjoon's rut, it's Jin getting violent.
Jin prefers to ride Namjoon; something that’s endlessly grating to the alpha’s ego. His alpha demands Namjoon have his omega belly down in the nest. Legs parted and hole bare for Namjoon to ruin and breed. Territorial of it. 
Their instincts push at each other, one an up well and the other a downdraft. They can’t reasonably both be dominant right now, but instincts are sharp when honed by a rut.
Jin submitting is something the pack omega would never allow. Let alone to Namjoon? 
Get real.
You’re i’ll at ease in the moments when it's Jin's turn. It’s a bit frightening watching both of them, even if you’re too sore to even consider trying to get in between them. Trying to stomach the fruit that Jimin feeds you slices of pineapple as you watch the war. Neauseu brimming and a stomach ache too. 
Although that could just literally be Namjoon’s cum. The alphas were conscientious of it, and put you in the largest shirt imaginable. Pooling over your thighs. But it’s still there- the heaviness. The complete feeling of being breed rull, making you sluggish and prone to cuddling and dozing. Kneading at the nest and fluffing it too. Not unlike the feeling of getting full off of pasta
Not a food-coma, but maybe a cum-coma. 
Jin called them brooding instincts earlier. The ones that tell you to stay put and keep the nest warm for your alpha. the same instincts that prompt the alphas to feed you by hand, their omega’s too precious to lift a finger. 
Namjoon doesn’t feel them, that much is clear from the way he and jin fight. you sniffle and contemplate asking them to stop. 
They pull each other back and forth across the nest, grappling for control. Namjoon would never hurt Jin but his snarls make it seem like he might. Namjoon threatens to nip at jin’s throat, closing, holding on until Jin grabs his jaw and claws at it. Raking his nails down Namjoon's throat leaving red lines. Namjoon tries to press Jin's shoulders down but Jin slaps the alpha clear across the face.
He does that several times. 
You wince, but honestly...Namjoon seems like he likes it a little too much. halfways grinning and halfway bearing his teeth. the bloodlust and actual lust tangling into an intoxicating rush. 
You wince when you watch Jin twist the alpha's wrist back when he tries to press his hand flat against the omega’s tummy. “don’t touch me like I’m some sort of broodmare Namjoon- I mean it.”
Namjoon snarls, pushing up against Seokjin's weight unsuccessfully ousting him. You can’t help but think that if that were you you’d bob across the nest like a paperweight. Only his body weight keeps him solidly seated over Namjoon's knot, teasing it between his wet cheeks. 
Namjoon tries to nibble at the omega’s shoulder, but jin pushes him away by the face. he raises a finger menacingly. “don’t you fucking dare bite me again.” every syllable laced with pure command, and Namjoon holds himself back- just barely.
Namjoon tries to scruff Jin, with his hands and his teeth, but ends up just gnashing his teeth. The omega's body is and not limp and breedable scruffed stupid like Namjoon wants.
You watch, nibbling on fruit, Jimin waiting with the next slice in his hands completely unbothered by it, the rest of the pack too- doesn't pay the display of aggression any mind.
You’re sticky in places that you shouldn’t be sticky, sore in places you wish you weren’t sore. A no-spill mug half full of liquid next to you (an unfortunately necessary precaution that reminds you a little too much of a sippy cup to be completely unshy about it). You'd accidentally knocked Tae's cup earlier. A stain on the edge of the nest sits, red-pink violent messiness.
Jin actually kicks at Namjoon’s thigh, gripping his hair and pulling hard enough to rip it out. Namjoon’s canines look particularly sharp in the evening light.
“Fuck- just fuck- submit” Namjoon grinds out, teeth gnashing menacingly. It takes real effort for him to speak right now and you wince as Jin nearly kicks Namjoon’s cock with his next move. You can’t imagine that would garner a pleasant reaction.
Then again...maybe Namjoon likes that kind of thing a little more than you thought.
None of your packmates seem alarmed at all, even Hobi, who carries various containers of sliced fruit ducking down to offer them to anyone who might want them. Bare-chested with only his tapered track pants hanging low on his hips, nibble marks up and down his chest and arms. It's a sympathetic predicament; a mark or two peaks out from under your collar too. Not just marks from Namjoon, but bite marks or sucked bruises from all of them too. 
Nothing makes the pack want to claim each other like a rut. 
"You all good here?" hobi asks, voice soft and gravely. Jimin nods before you can, a bowl of mango and pineapple between his thighs. Hobi moves on to Jungkook whose making grabby hands at the blueberries. He’s got a bit of dried cum on his cheek and you watch as hobi produces a wet washcloth seemingly out of nowhere to clean it off. 
Your heart clenches longingly. Jimin doesn’t notice your slightly souring scent, too busy holding onto a slippery piece of mango that he presses against your lips.
Hobi’s been staying on the opposite side of the nest from you for most of this. whenever it's your turn to take Namjoon's knot he makes sure to look away, pretend to be sleeping, or makes himself busy. Puts his back to you in the kitchen while he fills up a water jug or rushes downstairs to check on noodle and give him some much needed tlc. 
He’s good at keeping himself busy with the packmates too, helping clean them up, checking Koo's cock cage (not really necessary, but it's fun to watch the omega squirm). He wipes Namjoon's cum out of Jin and Yoongi's hair. Every gross and mildly satisfying task is a decent distraction from your predicament.
Hobi's doing a good job of not making this weird.
A really really good job. 
That's a dirty rotten lie. Hobi is a piss poor liar. Even in the confines of his own head lying to himself never works. 
His sanity is hanging on by a flimsy little thread that is sure to snap if he hears you begging for your alpha again. Or if he sees you belly down, or if you even think about trying to fluff the nest and make it perfect for Namjoon to breed you. If you even glance in his direction. Any of it. 
And Jesus Christ, the sounds you make when he's knotting you. 
Cute little 'ah ah ah's and squeaks when namjoon shoves his cock in all the way, Petting over your stomach and giggling “Can feel alpha knocking me up.” Omega space dumb and knotted stupid and cute and pretty in the way that- 
Hobi’s getting distracted. It’s just the rut pheromones talking. 
He's not above putting his headphone in, but the second he thinks of it, he knows he can't. His alpha howls and claws at his chest as is. Begging Hobi to keep watch and do something awful like hold you while Namjoon fucks you or worse- cuddle you from behind when you sleep. Or do something even more embarrassing like try and kiss your forehead and tell you you’re doing a good job. 
Everything Hobi's instincts want is absolutely ridiculous.
Namjoon and Jin might fight each other during Namjoon’s rut, but Hobi has a harder battle to win. 
He settles for making himself useful; he makes sure there are always enough wipes on hand, makes sure everyone's got a change of clean clothes on the edge of the nest. 
Makes sure the omegas cups are always no less than half-filled with ice water. lemon for jin, passion fruit flavored pre-workout for jungkook...and iced strawberries instead of ice cubes for you because you like when they get a little mushy. 
it's gross really, who the hell like’s thawed frozen fruit? (Hobi’s alpha thinks it’s adorable how you nibble on them, too hard for you to eat directly, a pup teething. Omega’s get orally fixated quite a bit during ruts. all of you do- although with alphas it’s more an urge to bite.)
Hobi's alpha is pacing the confines of his head, watching, waiting for his turn to be let out. A few knot cycles ago Jin noticed how on edge he’d been acting; never staying stationary, pacing the non-proverbial edge of the pack territory. searching for intruders. 
Never one to leave any of his alphas untended- Jin had Jimin retrieve the pack's collars from the other room. Now, Hobi's red collar sits latched at its loosest setting around his throat. It does help settle him, but being settled makes him even less sure of his emotions. 
But Jimin didn't just get Hobi's collar, but yours and Jungkook's too.
And now that fucking bell rings every time Namjoon pushes you up and down the nest and hobi's Knot just doesn't understand that Pavlovian ticks don't just spontaneously arise without copious training.
(Yoongi unlatches the bell when it's time for everyone to sleep with a sorry look in Hobi's direction. Is he being that obvious? Is he making either of you uncomfortable? Tae catches him biting his cheek at one point, and tugs on the loose collar until Hobi unclenches his jaw. "good puppy."
He should do more. Get up and get you and Jungkook something more substantial. Protein shakes? Yes. That’s perfect.
You watch Jin and Namjoon fight. There's a little bit of blood on Jin’s teeth when he snarls back, his own fault after he banged his mouth on Namjoon’s shoulder by lunging at the alpha. The taste of it on their kisses, messy and purely brutal- only does more to excite the two of them.
“You think I’m going to bed over for a knot as pitiful as yours? Fucking joke of an alpha won’t even fuck me proper-”
Namjoon yanks Jin back by his hips, pushing him down. The slick sheets of the nest don’t give the omega much to grab onto even less when Namjoon sheathes his cock inside the omega’s hole in one brutal thrust and None of his usual slow-deep gentleness.
Jin squeaks, more of an undignified yell. But the way his cock weeps against his stomach tells all of you that really, Jin's enjoying it.
Jin rakes his nails down Namjoon's back leaving long red lines as the alpha begins to fuck him, apparently not too tired to fight but willing enough to make the alpha work for it. Namjoon’s hand closes around Jin’s cock, fucking him up from both sides. The omega's pleasure tastes amazing when Namjoon laps at his throat, all milky and orgasam-sweet on his tongue. Jin's pleasure tastes like victory like winning something vital.
Namjoon always has to earn it when it comes to Jin. 
“Say it again- say it,” Namjoon makes to nip at Jin’s throat and the omega weakly swats him away. “Tell me again how this knot that’s splitting you open is pitiful, huh? Can’t even manage it? is something distracting you?”
Jin rightfully chokes on his next words. Surrendering to the waves of rut as Namjoon starts fucking him in earnest.
You and Jungkook share a look, faintly blushing at the dirty talk. sipping at your protein shakes. Yours is strawberry. His chocolate.
(Hobi might have added a little bit of sweetener to yours. you need to keep your strength up a little right? you’re not quite as durable as jin and jungkook. Are you too tired? Should he protect you from your mean and nasty alpha, shouldn't he?
There’s only one mark that you don’t wear and that’s hobi’s, even Jungkook had sucked a small bruise onto the skin of your behind, and it pokes out every now and then when you shift your arms above your head. 
That little fucker even made it the shape of a heart.)  
One second, they’re nipping at each other’s throats and the next Namjoon’s waxing poetic about knocking Jin up with his pups. Jin's equally as teary-eyed, grabbing at Namjoon's face and pulling him closer for a messy kiss.
The others don’t seem quite as worried about it as you are, taking a few moments to fluff the nest and remove the absolutely ruined blankets while the pack omega and alpha are lost in each other. Readying the nest for bed. One night down, probably one or two more to go.
You get a chance to ask Yoongi about it later when Namjoon’s sleepily mouthing at the nape of Jin’s neck. Yoongi quietly explains the fighting. Curled on his side, elbows brushing your elbows. Willing for you to run your fingers through his hair.
You’ve been doing it a lot recently but maybe it’s just your grooming instincts. You’ve yet to figure out if you have those like Jin. But the gentle tugging against his scalp is nice. Nicer when he tucks his face down and lets you play with all of it. Yoongi’s hair has grown out a little, dark roots and chestnut red ends. falling a little past his shoulders.  
(From the other side of the nest, Hobi watches, feeling oddly touch starved but determined to get some sleep. Jimin falls asleep next to him with his fingers hooked in the loose collar. An anchor against the thoughts that you should be grooming him like that) 
"One of these days they’re going to mate during a cycle” your mate admits,  worry leaking into his every syllable. “They hold off each time but every cycle it gets a little bit harder. Each cycle they get a bit more violent.”
“Oh?” You pull yourself up on unsteady hands. That doesn’t surprise you one bit. The pack omega and pack alpha have always been that. One half of a matching set. Fated.
“Why don’t they just do it then, if they both want it?”
You’d always thought that if they were to mate it would be more ceremonial, With little suits and some sort of fanfare. you and tae hashed it out in your daydreams and made a pinterest board for it ages ago. Most people treat mating’s as smaller more private weddings if they’re going to do it at all. Both of them are the type of people to want to make it matter. You tell Yoongi as such and he agrees.  
“Jin always says his parents wanted him to do it the traditional way, with hanboks and temples and all that.” You both don’t say that this is also how the family likes to structure their mating too. But the subtext is there. Yoongi pets over your arm absentmindedly.
“Jin doesn’t talk about them a lot.” Yoongi knows what you’re asking.
“He’s got pictures somewhere. They’ve been gone for a long time. He has some family still- a few second cousins across the world, but they’ve never met. If you ask him about it, I’m sure he’ll tell you.” You’re the only family I need, he says when you ask and it’s true.
Different cultures handle packs and pups leaving the nest differently. It’s a bit of a history lesson but based on what you know from historical dramas An omega betrothed to an alpha usually qualifies as ownership of that omega. Jin wouldn’t be considered as part of his own household anyway. 
Just like you, once you were married to Geumjae you were automatically a responsibility of Yoongi’s family too. Your own hardly mattered.
You imagine what Namjoon and Jin’s mating might look like in the future if it wasn’t traditional. A nest that Jin would make special, all white blankets wrapped in perfect rings. A nest for Namjoon and Namjoon only. The rest of you waiting on the fringes. Your faces lit by candlelight swaying at the rushes of their scents.
Who would bite who first? Would Namjoon yield or would Jin hand over that responsibility to him? You imagine blood soaking cotton, blood soaking souls. The pack as it should be.
No wonder they fight like they do. If that's what they're both thinking about. What they both want but won't let themselves have yet.
Yoongi nuzzles into the bite marks by your palm, Every inch will be claimed and bitten by the end of the rut.
“Why don’t they just do it already?”
Yoongi shrugs, but the truth is that there isn’t a shortage of answers. It could be because of your relatively recent introduction to the pack or because of Yoongi’s distant absence. Tae’s coming out. All reasons could have been why they thrashed the plans they had in the back of their minds. 
There's always a reason not to let yourself have something you're anticipating. It drags out the hope a little longer.
Maybe they just don’t want anyone to feel lonely right now.
You think of your own mating and those first few months of heightened sensitivity; how every time Yoongi had taken a step away from you it had triggered tears and a touch starved ness so gnawing it was maddening. chewing your senses to the bone with how grateing everything seemed. the lights hummed too bright without his touch, and all scents stank if they weren't his chocolate.
Yoongi isn’t an alpha of course, but even he’d been a little too protective of you the few times you’d dared venture out or switch hotels. Constantly putting himself between you and anyone who came too close.
On the other side of the nest, Namjoon is quite literally protecting Jin from nothing with his body. A letteral blanket draped over his backside. Fallen asleep knotted inside the omega. 
You know Namjoon will be more sensitive to it. You wonder if you’ll be considered other too. Maybe for the first few days until their instincts settle. But it’s a lot to think about especially when you can still feel Namjoon’s cum wet and messy inside of you.
When you shift, a little of it trickles out. Your hand goes between your thighs, physically stopping more of it from leaking out and onto the nest at the last second.  
Yoongi sits up abruptly letting out an alarmed noise "Do you need-” he jumps up quick pants pulling loose a little in his hurry to help you. flashing your mark and a few bruises on his hip.
Namjoon must have gotten mouthy with him earlier, but everyone in the pack is a little bitten. Between waves, he’s content to teeth at you like a puppy would at a toy.
Your nipples rub sensitively against your shirt, Namjoon had loved Tae's suggestion earlier a little too much. You and the other omegas have been bearing the brunt of namjoon’s freshly awakened fixations. Your nipples have gotten puffy and sensitive from all the attention. Jin's small pectorals have bitten rings, purpling already and so does Jungkook and Tae. 
Your mate cleans you up with delicate fingers, long and crooked and more than a little arousing even though they're purely mechanical. Every time you clench you force a little more out. His fingers delicately check you each time, mindful of your sensitive squirming. He huffs, but it's put upon. 
“so messy, my messy pup” he croons, shushing you when you protest, making you lie back. He sets his hand on the lower part of your stomach. "squeeze for me sweetheart- good" You barely resist the urge to cover your eyes as Yoongi wipes you up ever so slowly. 
Folding the cum soaked rag around and tossing it wide, it lands on the wooden floor with a thump. But you guess the whole place was going to need to be deep cleaned anyways.
Kisses go nowhere once he’s finished, curling up together on the edge of the nest until you're too sleepy to continue talking. Sleep comes easy to you until you’re summoned by a heavy hot body settling behind you, lips teasing at the mating mark on your neck and the collar. 
At least Namjoon makes no move to detangle you from Yoongi. That’s a definite plus. Yoongi even helps hold your thigh up so the alpha can breed you properly. You fall back asleep mid-way, so sleepy that you decide Namjoon can have what he wants of you. If you cum that's Namjoon and Yoongi's business, not yours.
It's better than fighting it.
It is an unavoidable reality, that one day you will fuck up with the person you love. Not by malicious intent, but just by virtue of being human.
Having you there during Namjoon’s rut ends up being kind of a blessing. With 3 omegas to cycle through every other hour or so- you have the chance to complete a singular sleep cycle between each time you’re needed.
Jungkook’s the one who jumps up the most, the most eager to be used and tossed and thrown around the nest, happy to be fucked into crying, into squirting. But even he tires eventually. squirming away from Namjoon’s hand loosely bound around his cock cage, lapping at it to taste the omega’s thin spend that leaks from it. Squirming away when the alpha wiggles his way between jungkook’s thighs and asks to see his cumruined hole. 
But if the three of you happen to need a little extra time to doze. The pack alpha finds no shortage of distractions. 
You’re hazy and so so tired when you wake and glimpse just a little of it, but it’s an image that you won’t soon forget.
Hobi’s bare chest dotted with new pink marks and Namjoon nibbling along his throat. Teeth digging into the leather of his collar clearly frustrated with the amount of skin it covers. Jimin and Tae work in tandem sucking around his knot and making out around it. Kissing around it and moving their mouths up and down. alternating between lapping at the head of his cock and sucking kisses onto his half-formed knot.
Yoongi feeds Namjoon slices of tangerine when he bothers to stop nipping at Hobi’s chest. his movements are jerky like he's unsure what he wants more; Hobi’s skin beneath his teeth, to cum, or some fucking food.
Your eyelashes flutter, and sweat drips down Hobi’s chest, purple rounds dotting his skin. And you settle back, going to sleep because to get horny over it is to interrupt them. 
Namjoon’s rut pheromones are designed by biology to make all of you sort of horny. As the first day becomes the second, your other alphas become needier and needier. More affected by the rut stench. You can taste him everywhere, on the back of your teeth, their lips when you kiss them. Rileing all of them up.  
Before you, the alphas where needed between cycles to make it easier, but now namjoon reaches for them less. they don’t take it personally but- they need their alpha too. At times its not only Joonie that you help settle. 
You’re somewhere in between Jimin and Tae by the following morning. Not fucking either of them because you’re far too sensitive for that, but letting them fuck between your thighs keeps them soothed.
You like it. You like being a vehicle for the pleasure you can smell on the edge of their scents, Jimin’s thick vanilla, and the Rosey cinnamon of Tae’s scent so soothing against your rut raw throat. It feels nice just to have them close like this. Tae's back pressed to yours and Jimin nosing at your front.  
 Maybe this is the other side of the scale, tipped the other day when Jimin got you off in the nest. You don't really want to get off right now and you don't think you will, but that doesn't mean they can't take what they need from your tired body, you trust them that much. 
You’re so wet between your thighs, a mess of slick and cum gathers there that your body just can’t keep inside anymore. Too well fucked and tender to clench closed at all. But your packmates don’t mind the mess at all. In fact, they seem to marvel at it.  
Jimin had hooked his fingers in earlier, gentle as he spread you to see,
You’re stretched a little from Namjoon's cock, winking at him as you struggled to clench and keep all his cum inside. Messy and perpetually dripping slick and cum. 
Namjoon has never thought to fuck you in your other hole either; no need to waste the pack alpha's cum where it can't breed you. You probably couldn't take him there without training anyway. But his cum drips down and wets your tight pucker steadily.
Jimin can’t resist the temptation to rub his thumb over it, making you squirm. 
Jimin had asked if maybe one day, you'd thought you’d be able to take two cocks at once.
Jimin's not above admitting that he's got sort of a thing for sloppy seconds. He likes it when the drag goes sticky with squirt or cum or slick. He likes it messy. When he can feel another alpha's cum around his cock.  
The drag is slippery and tight when they’ve got you like this. Jimin’s hands hold your thighs together and keep the drag firm. Little translucent webs of cum stick to his lap when he pulls back and fucks forward, more mess slipping out the more he jostles you.
Namjoon always cums so much when he's in a rut, All alphas do. After knotting you more than half a dozen times your stomach feels tight and trembly. It's worse when his cock pushes you clean of everything, and everything he’s spilled inside previously slides down the length of his knot and pools messy and white.
Just like now, both of their cocks are wet from it. You squirm, trying to pull Jimin's palm away when he presses down on your stomach. thumbs digging into your pubic bone. He soothes you, lips plush and bitten pink and puffy. Fuck, he wants to clean you up. Can’t find a way to ask politely. he needs to get his mouth on your cumfilled hole before this is over, to feel how greedy Namjoon got.
"Wanna feel what mess Alpha's made of you baby, it's our job to keep you clean, let us-"
You do let them, let their hands wander regardless of the mess. You're so soft, the chub in your thighs moving as Jimin and Tae fuck it, hugging their cocks and knots. Jimin understands why Namjoon's nibbled at your softness so much. The urge to have you under his teeth is palpable.  
It’s hard for the other alphas during ruts sometimes, not because any of them feel any particular ownership over the omegas, You don’t know about other packs- but yours isn’t like that.
(At least, you sort of hope Namjoon isn’t going to be like that. It's kinda cute. When you ignore the obvious red flags and all. All the sweetest cakes have added sugar after all. Everything gets a sugarcoat, it’s brutal and sweet to be used by this)
Seeing Namjoon in rut reminds them of what they usually enjoy but can’t have right now. Like a favorite cake made not for your birthday. Sacrifice never felt so sweet, so alluring. Conjuring up images of what Jimin and Tae's ruts might look like. What it would be like to get you between the two of them like this.
If you weren’t so sore already, you might risk it.
Tae’s cock nudges up in between your pussy lips as she fucks into your thighs. Pushing over your sensitive hole and aching little clit. The familiar velvet of Jimin’s cock and knot just below as they fuck between your thighs together. The drag tight and warm.
Tae’s hands are on your chest again. Touching and brushing with abandon and you arch into her touch. Tae has always loved your tits and touched them more than your other alphas. They’re sensitive now from how much Namjoon's bit at them. The cool air soothes where her fingers don't tease. The shirt rucked up to your throat.
The attention makes Jimin pause, huffing warm breaths pressed to your throat. Tae keeps his eye contact as she teases you. It's a challenge and an invitation. Her action's slow like she wants him to join in. Jimin's fingers reach but stutter. Cupping your rib cage but go no further.  
Jimin's seen Namjoon do this too. The pack alpha has spent a good portion of his downtime suckling at your chest between rut waves, falling asleep there even. Parted mouth pressed to your sternum.
The pack omega often reaches to pull your shirt down so that you don’t have to sleep so exposed. Taking pains to think of your comfort and Hobi’s. The pack omega keeps Hobi on a short leash, looping his arms around the alpha's waist and dragging him into a cuddle whenever he’s not being fucked. There’s something about Hobi- Jin’s gentlest pup- that’s particularly soothing when Namjoon goes feral.
Now Jimin eyes your chest nervously, even as Tae prompts him. Is this the kind of fuck that Tae's always wanted, to be kissed and cupped and sucked at, to be touched gently like this?
Hasn't he done this?
Tae's hand run's through Jimin's hair and he's a goner. "Won't you help make her sensitive Minnie? I promise she's as sweet as she looks."
Bitten, you look so bitten and so claimed. So theirs. Jimin's so close, so close to painting your thighs milky, to cumming all over you and making a mess of your hole with namjoon. Tae's cock pressed close feels heavy and warm too. The familiar velvet that brushes against him occasionally intoxicating.
But Jimin is nervous, and he hesitates. You keen at the attention, your nipples standing puffy in the cold air, teased further firm with how Tae's touching you. alternating between the slightest pressure and mean tugs. Pulling sweet little mewls from your mouth at the new stimulation.
Tae fucks up and closer, pushing through your heat, moving their position so that she's below jimin and can trap his cock between her and your slick cunt, lips parting so that Jimin can rut up and through you, nudging at your clit.
Fuck- it feels so good. You mewl and Jimin finds it easier to lick into your mouth as opposed to your chest like Tae’s prompting. This close to cumming, he doesn’t think.
(pleasure makes alpha’s so so so dumb.)
It’s crazy that just one word is what does it. “Take it- take it baby” Jimin rests his forehead on your shoulder. He doesn’t see Tae’s flinch at his next words. Doesn't notice that anything's wrong until it's too late.
“Just like you take all of your boys' cocks. Yours yeah? We’re all yours.”
Tae’s pleasure flags so quickly that her hips stop mid-thrust. Her Cock remains trapped between your thighs. Suddenly aware of it, the faint burn there, the faint wrongness, just a little. Jimin keeps fucking your thighs.
Maybe she’s too sensitive because one moment she wants this and the next moment, she needs to detangle herself from you two. To sit back and rationalize that of course female alpha’s have cocks so her’s shouldn’t feel wrong or different. She knows Jimin didn't mean it that way and yet.
She moves back from you gently, Her cock only semi-hard now. Popping free from your thighs and pressing to your ass. Wet and glossy.
All your boy’s cock’s, boy cock, not girl cock. Because Tae is not a girl in the ways that matter, not a girl without the hormones and bi monthly blood tests and effort, Tae doesn’t get this without effort. If she had a cock sheath like female alphas it would be easier. She could tuck her cock away and forget it even existed. Maybe she could pretend to be a female omega like you and never let anyone touch it at all.  
Being a girl always feels a bit like playing pretend especially when the dysphoria rages with hungry hungry jaws. Begging for Tae’s blood or her heart in it’s mouth. 
It’s crazy how it’s just that that does it. 
Jimin’s face flashes up like he’s realized what he said and how wrong it was. As Tae scrambles away from both of you in the nest, it’s Minnie who moves after her. You flop down onto the blankets suddenly cold. You’re left alone, a pretty heap at the edge.
You let out a chirp of surprise. To your alphas, there is no sound more grating.
The sound makes Namjoon perk up from the other side of the nest, jerking even though his knot is deep in Jin's hole. 
Yoongi pauses. He’s been feeding Jin grapes for the better part of the last half hour. The bowl is mostly empty, with a bit of water at the bottom that spills when Namjoon yanks his cock from Jin’s hole.
You clamp a hand over your mouth but it’s too late. Unhappy packmate, scared packmate. The sound summon's Namjoon like a moth to a flame.
Tae stands on bambi legs. She just needs to get a little bit of air in her lungs, something to make her lungs not feel so tight. Minnie’s not far behind. “Tae I didn’t mean-“ he reaches, arms looking like they’re about to go in for a hug. But She holds up her hands keeping him at arm’s length. Tears wet on her cheeks.
“Minnie. It’s okay, I just- I don’t think I want you to touch me right now, please just- please don’t- just give me a second.”
One of Namjoon’s pretty alpha’s upset would be bad enough, but two is unconscionable. Prompts him to stalk across the nest. Angry pheromones roll off of him in uncontrolled waves.
“Wait Joonie don’t-”
Too late. His fingers dig into the napes of their necks, a rough growl sounding out that says ‘obey’ more than any word. Jimin and Tae fall under Namjoon’s scruff. Tae’s a little less able to keep herself out of Namjoon’s grasp clinging to his arm that goes around her waist, keeping her standing.
“Good pups. Don’t startle omega.” Namjoon's voice is gravel incarnate. His alpha strength works double-time as he holds them up. You let out another alarmed squeak as Namjoon places both of them back at your side. 
See omega, I’ve got pretty alphas for you. They can protect you too. See how much I provide? Is it enough for pups?
Namjoon scruffs them stupid them first with his hands and then with his teeth. Tae's spaghetti strap falls down. And she blinks languidly. 
“Mine, my omega” he growls, lapping messy licks against the nape of Jimin’s neck. Red and inflamed from the scruff. “Not yours. Mine. Be good.”
Jimin and Tae will talk about it later and will agree to leave what happened in the rut just that- words that were spoken in the heat of the moment. That's all, right? just a temporary slip-up, right?
For now, they’re obedient.
These two alphas have not bred you yet, and Namjoon must remedy that immediately. He pulls you to your feet the second they’ve both settled in a heap. It’s the only time that he has you on your feet. The other pups watch on their knees, eye level with your cunt as he fucks you.
Tae keeps her distance from Jimin for the rest of the rut.
That’s not the last time Namjoon acts possessively with you, far from it.
His claim on you is always there. Regardless of Yoongi. Regardless of the mating marks.
It's there as fuck you back on his cock, holding your ankles in his hands keeping you from pushing yourself on his knot. All exposed like this, bare in the nest.
You're just glad that Hobi's is asleep, that he's learned to sleep through the fucking. You find yourself looking over at him all too often. His redhead buried in the covers, his shoulders rising and falling. But each time Namjoon catches your gaze straying he fucks you harder, a little deeper. Pressing into that spot that has you gasping. Knuckles pressed to your lips to keep from making too much noise and waking everyone. Wet cunt grinding out another orgasm on his knot.
Namjoon looks possessed by some demon- mouth running rabid when he’s not knot dumb. The others warned you that the worst parts of Namjoon's rut are at the end, but you expected him to stay less vocal. Having him talk is almost worse. If this isn't the end, you wonder how much worse he's going to get.  
“Gonna knock you up. Gonna fuck you so good and deep that everyone knows you’re mine, gonna make it stick, gonna ruin you for everyone else. Mine. You’re mine."
Sweat drips down his nose, panting heavily, licking at his canines every few breaths like he’s soothing an ache. Eyes crazed, an alpha mad with lust. "I wanna hear you say it pup. Tell everyone how good my knot is. How good it fills you up.  How much you don't want theirs now that you've got mine. You're mine.”
“////Yours” you sob and Namjoon fucks into you, putting both your ankles in one of his hands so that he can cup the bulge in your stomach, the feeling of him knocking you up. He presses you down, folding you in half in a way that will surely hurt later but only makes the pleasure burn now. His other hand goes to your throat, cupping it weekly all to feel your thundering pulse. The scar tissue there rough against his fingers.
“This mark means nothing. You’re mine.” He snarls.
Namjoon pushes you belly down on the nest when his knot pops. Making you cum again. Tongue lapping at the sweat between your shoulders, holding your wrists like you’d ever be able to squirm away, body pinning yours.
Yoongi is not hurt like you might think when he hands you over an icepack to sit on later and swats at Namjoon nosing at the beta’s hip and mouthing over the mark. He’s a little more lucid so close to the source of Yoongi’s scent.  A little less threatened and a little more in love with the idea of you being bound together by the soul.
You think he might be thinking about him and Jin, but you're not sure. Asking him right now would be pointless; he’d probably just use the question as an opportunity to talk about pups.
“You little shit- is the fact that we’re both helping you not enough?” Months ago the comment would have left you on edge, but you’re used to their sometimes-biting banter now.
Namjoon just grumbles and tucks his face under the hem of Yoongi's shirt to hide from the morning sunshine.
You don’t mind being bitten by Namjoon. There’s something sweet about it the first few times he gets a little teethy. Nibbling at your neck, your throat. But eventually, he does start to use his teeth in rather unfortunate ways.
Namjoon eats you out a handful of times over the course of his rut. You never expected your slick to tame your alpha entirely but you’re easily proven wrong. You've kept off from using it to your advantage mostly because you and Jin had feared close to the end you'd need it. Your secret weapon.
The first time, it’s because Jungkook’s close to passing out.
The line between asleep and awake, conscious and not- matters little when it comes to the waves of Namjoon's rut. Whatever Namjoon needs he can take, at whatever time he needs. That’s the way the pack functions. You knew what you where signing up for when you agreed to this.
You all try and sleep in between when you can. You find you often fell asleep immediately after, still knotted to him. Lulled into restfulness by Namjoon’s tongue laving at your throat, soothing the marks almost apologetically. You're usually unaware when he pulls himself free of you, easily transferred into the waiting arms of packmates to help clean you up. Gently manhandling your body like a stringless marionette.
He rarely lingers longer than that, and barely even sleeps himself. There is always Jin or Jungkook beckoning him coyly with open thighs and slick-soaked holes, even the other alphas begging prettily. Or Yoongi who pushes at Namjoon's shoulders in a way that riles him up and makes him need to claim, to put the beta in his place. Namjoon’s instinct to claim and breed pulled in seven different ways.
When you wake next, it's to the sound of soft sobs and choked moans. a faithfulness, and you know you must have been knoted in the last hour, you think you might have dreamed it, but the tell tale ache between your legs says otherwise. you lie on your belly, your omega prompting you to roll onto your back and show everyone your belly. 
but then, why is someone crying?
Your eyelashes flutter, face resting against Tae’s soft stomach, rising softly in sleep (you might have pulled yourself over to comfort her, unable to entirely forget the smell of her sadness) still fussy and upset about what happened earlier.
Jungkook is being pulled back and forth on Namjoon’s half-inflated knot. So big. Too big to be going in and out of Jungkook’s hole like that. It’s Angry red, sensitive skin that flashes as the omega sobs. Someone must have finally taken off his cock cage because his little cock leaks freely, untended, and pink looking. Cumming harder as a result. Too hard and too much.
The waves are coming about every hour or so and even though Jungkook can take it the sound of his wailing is startling. You’re not the only one who thinks so. Something bad must have just happened because when you open your eyes again Namjoon's still growling and Hobi’s holding his hands where he can see them.
Maybe Namjoon’s misaligned rut brain viewed Hobi holding Jungkook up as a challenge. Another alpha trying to take away the hot pressure around Namjoon’s knot. Something Namjoon’s instincts do not allow is a threat of any kind.
Namjoon will bitch Hobi into submission if he feels he needs to. He probably will need to before this rut is over. Namjoon will remind Hobi what a proper alpha’s knot feels like. It’s his job to teach his pups how to fuck and breed. 
Namjoon gnashes his teeth and Hobi does a good job of not looking too scolded. But you see the metaphorical ears pinned to the side of his head. His alpha curling around his tail. Namjoon holds Jungkook's chest curving protectively over Jungkook's back. Lips lifted off his teeth. The omega's eyes wet and glassy, rolling back.
You don't like it. Hobi looks so sad when Namjoon growls at him. You know he won't take it personally. But still.
Jungkook sags forward and sobs. He can feel the alpha all the way in his throat. Small cock leaking steadily and messy onto the nest below him. A pretty picture but a devastating one. You can tell by the way he sobs and hiccups that he really is going to pass out if you don’t do something.
You get up on trembling knees and Hobi tries again. “Joonie, you need to slow down.” his voice is low and honeyed, gentle but Namjoon’s not there- not really. The rut haze all red tinged and feral. Namjoon’s about to snap at him when you interrupt.
“Alpha?” Their heads snap in your direction. 
You've never joined in while Hobi helped but the nest is empty of everyone but Jin, fast asleep. The rest of the pack are talking in the kitchen, over the high walls of the nest, and you know Hobi can't do this alone. He can't do this without you.
“Alpha- I’m all messy,” you say, bringing your fingers in between your legs, gathering the slick and cum there until your fingers are sticky. Webs of it cling to your fingers when you bring your fingers up and show him.
Thank God for the water-resistant blankets below. You don’t miss Hobi’s flush, the way his eyes go to your fingers too. Gulping, eyes dart from you to Namjoon and back again. The sudden shaky breath that careens through him roughly. The sight triggers the sweetening of not only Namjoon's coffee scent but of Hobi's caramel too.
(It's safe to say Namjoon's rut pheromones have you all fucked up)
Namjoon stops dragging Jungkook back on his half-formed knot, letting it rest inside. Namjoon’s gaze trains on your fingers. Pupils dilated and dark, empty pools of instinct that reflect your face and the glimmer of white cum on your fingers. Him, it's him that did that. Bred you messy.
But you turn to Hobi and hold out your hand.
He’s fighting the flush but you know from the quirk of his lips that he realizes you're only doing it to taunt Namjoon. Does sexual intent matter if you're just going through the motions?
You bare your cum soaked fingers to Hobi, trying to be brave, ignoring Namjoon. “Can you help clean me up alpha?”
Namjoon snarls.
He yanks his half-formed knot out of Jungkook who collapses forward. Jolting up to beat Hobi to your fingers (although the other alpha does not actually try to get to you before Namjoon).
You hold them out of the way, struggling not to flinch as he quite literally crouches over you. Teeth snapping in your face as he reaches for them clumsily. Flailing a little.
As if on queue- Jungkook lets out a heartbreaking chirp.
Namjoon freezes. You think you might watch Namjoon’s heart drop into his stomach, caught like a fly in a spider’s web. At war with what he wants. Either your fingers and your slick or Jungkook. He can’t have both.
Jin yawns, rolling onto his belly so that he can reach Namjoon's ankle, tugging at it roused from your squabbling. “Lie back alpha- let both of your omegas have you. You wouldn’t want to disappoint them would you?”
Jungkook gets his breath back, whipping his hair off of his forehead. And he’s just about to fall when Hobi catches him, arms straining, letting out little mumble grumbles that he's alright just tired. Namjoon's glare goes back to Hobi, cautious and unsure. Hobi tips his head to the side, bearing his throat in a display of submission that adequately dulls the edge of Namjoon's instincts.
“Let me help our omegas alpha. You taught me so well, let me help you breed them.”
You swallow.
Our omegas. Breed them.
But It’s just the rut talking, isn’t it?
Being on his back makes Namjoon feel too prone, too vulnerable. But the horny side of his brain wins out over his protective side as Jungkook returns between his legs. At this angle it’s harder for Namjoon to fuck up into Jungkook and therefore easier for the other omega to set a gentler pace. Working the knot slowly inside his hole as opposed to the brutal jackhammering before.
You cringe internally, but Namjoon’s fixated on your hand as he lies back. Made a puppy when offered the reward. You don't think you've seen his dimples for a day or two. The sight of them eases that last little bit of you that's unsure that this will work.
At this point, you think you might just want your Joonie back. You’re willing to do anything to make this rut end as quick as possible.  
If your slick helps that happen, you'll do it. No matter how sensitive you are and how sensitive you might get. They've kept mostly away from your clit until now but you've still cum more in the last 48 hours than you have in your entire life.
There’s a little bit of cum on the edge of your shirt. Someone must have dressed you after the last round and not been careful. It grates against Hobi. You shouldn't be the one to help with this. There are others.
When Hobi looks over for the rest of the pack he finds Tae holding Yoongi by the shoulder, holding him back while she eats strawberries slowly. Jimin glances between them, at you and Namjoon. But Tae just juts her throat at him in a challenge. As if to say, 'You can handle it, can you?' Tae keeps both of them from helping you. 
Maybe they’re just talking about what happened earlier. Deciding to just let it be and not talk it through. Occasional slip-ups are expected after all. And any displeasing conversations would surely prompt Namjoon to scruff them both again.
You watch Hobi gulp, and you don’t let yourself look down at his crotch to see if your suspicions are true. Namjoon’s lying back and waiting for you to shuffle over him. You're brought back to the matter at hand by a growl.
Even if they came over, you're not sure they could help.
Namjoon’s been in the throes of the rut for nearly 24 hours. Only 36 left to go. Probably, if your slick doesn't quicken it up.
Ever so slowly you bring your fingers to his lips. Namjoon’s tongue is messy and hungry like your slick is ambrosia and honey. He nibbles at the pads of your fingers, your palm, everywhere until you’re licked clean. Needy growls for more once all trace is gone. His brain goes quiet and less feral for the first time since the rut started. More, he needs more.
You shuffle forward, hiking up the hem of your shirt so that when Namjoon chases your fingers his eyes fix on a more worthy prize.
There's a little bit of his cum, a single milky drop of it, leaking down your thigh.
Jungkook yelps when Namjoon pushes himself further up in the nest, jostled by his sudden movements, but it’s you yelps when Namjoon pulls you down by the hips onto his mouth.
Namjoon’s licks against your cunt are hot and greedy, almost a little teethy. You think you could be forgiven for letting out an undignified squeal as he sucks on your hole with little warning. His tongue touches places you didn’t know it could arching and licking up. You have no time to consider if it's gross or not as he laps at your cum fucked hole. Something about it is primal. Namjoon’s the one who made you mess and the one who cleans you.
His fingers rub lazily over your hole as if to coax more slick out (like you’re not already dripping) lapping up what leaks like a man starved. 
His body goes slack, scent mellowing out from crashing waves of coffee to ebbing ripples of smooth want. Jungkook sighs. Offered a brief reprieve as Namjoon’s hips stop rocking entirely. Jungkook starts up again after a breath, moving his hips in small circles, deep but not quite as fast. Milking namjoon’s knot. 
He can only handle his sensitive prostate being stimulated for so many hours before it starts to go a little unpleasant.
You’re going to have bruises on your hips from how hard he holds you down on his mouth. Forcefully grinding your pussy onto his nose, his face, his tongue. All in an effort to get you closer. To get more of your slick inside. Namjoon can taste the hot heady almost metallic taste of his own cum, the heat of you addictive.
You clench and force a bit more of it out, and his knot pops, near instant, making Jungkook wince as it swells hot and full. Namjoon purrs at the taste of you; he'd be happy staying right here for the rest of his rut. Nuzzling into your pussy and breeding jungkook full.
You can do little more than moan and take it. Leaning forward, balancing your hands on Namjoon’s stomach trying not to rest your full weight on Namjoon's face (the alpha has other ideas and yanks you cleanly back over his face.).
Your hands rest right over Jungkook’s. Holding his shakily. You're face-to-face with him like this as he twitches through Namjoon knotting, the feeling of being steadily pumped full of Namjoon's cum. His face is sweaty and his hair's a little greasy but no less beautiful as his lips part is a quiet moan. Both of you are a mirror image of debauchery. 
The stretch of the knot is slightly painful, but it grounds him. Pain and pleasure have always been one side of the same coin for Jungkook.
He leans forward, cheeks pink and eyelashes fluttering. He cups his own sensitive cock almost as an afterthought. Cumming is painful but he still wants it. Wants to feel the intimacy of cumming when you do. Together. (Jungkook's a bit of a sap like that) His thighs are straining. His abdominal muscles twitching.
Namjoon's biceps flex as he holds you down, and Jungkook watches, whimpering and looking as unsteady as a sapling in a summer storm. You can't even pull an inch off his face, no matter how hard you try.
Luckily, Hobi is there to hold around Jungkook's waist and keep him upright. There's no chance he'd be able to move to a more comfortable position. At least not until Namjoon's knot has gone down or he's done with you. Whichever comes first. Jungkook doubts Joon will stop anytime soon.
You moan loud, Namjoon’s lips mouthing endlessly at your clit, his licks inarticulate and not the usual careful rhythm- too feral, too much slick and saliva. Hobi stiffens as Namjoon moans, low and throaty.
Your cheeks are flushed, lips parted, and panting when you look up at him. Hobi can’t ignore the tingling in his gut, your shirt does little to conceal what’s happening and he can’t help to watch Namjoon lick. Pussy dumb pup lost in the taste of you, tongue laving over the little lump of your clit like he's playing with it.
You're a little chubby down there, Hobi didn't expect it. Your lips are glossy and puffy pink. Does every inch of you have to be cute?
Your cheeks are flushed. Your words almost slurry, sensing Hobi's spiking thickness, the anger- it has to be anger right? What's making him smell so musky and potent. Pushing out the scent of Namjoon a little even. Goey caramel burning in your nose.
“it’s okay- it’s okay Hobi I’m not- it’s okay-“ I’m not going to get any ideas if you get turned on by this, it’s just your body- it’s not consent. I’m not going to think you want me if you get hard. “I’m only going to touch Namjoon- if that’s what you-“ 
Your gasp presses against Jungkook's chest, the omega shifting closer to you. Teeth itching for a bite, for something to hold onto as your peek barrels towards you.
Jungkook's pectoral against your face as namjoon rocks you into a gentle grind.  Hobi’s hand splays protectively along Jungkook’s hip. And you can’t look at him, you can’t look at him or else everything will be fucked.
“Good alpha” Jungkook remembers to praise, oblivious to the uneasy closeness you have with Hobi. His hands are there, just there inches away and you know how they feel, how soothing and rough his touch can be sometimes. They might brush your shirt a little when they grip around Jungkook’s waist. Not your skin but just where the fabric hangs. 
Does it feel warmer when it falls back against your sternum? Or is it just your imagination.
This is the closest to anything sexual you’ve ever gotten but not the most intimate you’ve ever been with Hobi. What is barer and more dangerous? To trust someone or to fuck them? What makes you feel more vulnerable?
He watches as you stiffen up, spine arching, sweat beading at your brow that he finds himself wanting to brush away. You’re moaning, cumming over Namjoon’s mouth.  Dripping on his chest, around his throat.
If this were different, Hobi would get you a cool cloth, clean your face and feed you little bits of cold fruit. Everything, everything is so so hot right now. sweat slips over his brow, yours too.
Jungkook grinds deep on Namjoon’s cock, his knot too inflated to pull out still, also grinding back against Hobi’s hardness. He’s fully hard, not even half hard as he watches. Although Hobi’s arousal is the least important one here.
Your lips part and you jerk. Oversensitive as Namjoon sucks on your clit. Hair falling over your shoulders, a bit of it stuck to your bitten and kissed lips that hobi wishes he could tuck behind your ear.
He does, slowly and carefully, hands shaking all the while.
You start to lean, and Hobi grabs you, holding you and keeping you from falling anymore. But the relief of being touched is only temporary because no sooner has he reached out is he snatching his hands back.
He gets up and out of the nest. Mechanical, his body panicking without noise, without words, without sound. You let out a choked sound that sounds an awful lot like his name.
Blunt cute omega teeth dipping into your scent glad as Jungkook bites you for something to hold onto as he climbs that high peak and crashes down. Cumming seconds before you. Cock spurting clear omegan spend messy all over your stomach and Namjoon’s chest.
Namjoon growls at Hobi’s sudden disappearance, but he quite literally has too much on his hands to do much about it. Even as the sour scent of his packmates itches like something horrible down his spine. Pleasure first. Settling an unsettled pup second.
He's only emboldened by the fresh rush of slick, hands sliding up to hold you open, to press up and suck. Namjoon's long fingers hook over your thighs but his thumbs hold you apart and bare for him 
And then he hooks his thumbs inside your hole and pulls.
You didn’t even know you could squirt like this- hot and greedy over Namjoon’s face. overstimulated pussy spasming.
Namjoon loves it. Slick drunk and completely gone.
The real issue comes when you try to pull off again, "Wait- fuck- please-" Namjoon scent sours, and one pup moving away from him he can handle, two is too much. The growl is loud and feral- not a growl of pleasure. A warning.
On the edge of the room, intent on going downstairs to where noodle is and the scent of you won't be so thick. Hobi glances back, alarmed. Your alpha is having none of it, he turns his face and bites the nearest inch of flesh to keep you still.
He bites hard. 
Pain. Not the good kind that lights down your thigh. You yelp. It sounds different, not pleasure filled or chased with a moan. For how fucked out everyone is the pack descends on the three of you faster than you can blink, quicker than Namjoon can take his teeth out of your thigh and lick the mark to soothe it.
You think he might actually have broken skin for a second.
Hobi instantly reverses direction. Almost tripping over the edge of the nest in his eagerness to get back to you. “Fucking shit Joonie- what the fuck are you fucking doing-“
Yoongi jerks you off of Namjoon quicker than you can tell him that you’re alright. Jin yanks Namjoon up by the scruff of his neck and shakes him a little. Tugging Jungkook with him, wincing at his tender hole still stuck on Namjoon's knot. The alpha sags under the pull of Jin's fingers and his angry scent; acidic and stinky wet puppy.
“Bad alpha! Bad!” Jin scolds, pinching Namjoon’s slick cheeks and hissing, leaning over him. Jimin surges forward to hold Namjoon down.“You know better- you do not get to bite my omega like that” Namjoon’s eyes go cross-eyed trying to keep his eyes on Jin as he leans over and growls, "I think you need a reminder of who you belong to pup.”
Jungkook groans, and you know from the way that he goes still that Namjoon must have just…cum a little bit more. Tae is close, hand soothing on your knee as Yoongi frantically still holds you, dragging you to a clean side of the nest. Away from Namjoon to look at the bite mark.  
“Let me see baby, show us- oh- fucking hell. I’m gonna kill him.”
Namjoon got so close to breaking the skin. There’s not any blood, but it still might scab. You get gentle kisses to it, and a bit of cream to soothe it too, a big band-aid covering your inner thigh, and more than a few apologies on Namjoon’s behalf. 
That’s what makes Jin get Namjoon's collar. The pack alpha isn’t happy about the metallic jingle that follows him. Like a tom cat made kitten-lethal by a bell around his throat. The end of the collar gets hooked around Jin’s wrist and stays there for the remainder of his rut.
His punishment is a brief and brutal affair, one that you experience only in the distance, face tucked into Yoongi's shoulder, Jungkook and Tae curled around you. The sound of Namjoon howling and skin smacking skin behind you until it's not. Jimin and Hobi have to hold him down.
“Namjoon’s going to be so mad at himself.” Jungkook will say to you later, watching the pack alpha snore. “He gets mouthy sure- but never ///that bad.”
You all know what it was that made Namjoon react that way but none of you broach the topic of you and Hobi and your dynamic. When Namjoon’s done being punished Jimin folds him close, scent marking him soft over the top of his head. You nudge your mate and feel a little bit better when Yoongi goes to him too.
Later when Namjoon wakes, the sadness and shame make him lucid.
“I’m sorry-“ he hiccups, fat tears rolling down his cheeks. Crying over the spread of breakfast, lap covered with a blanket to keep him decent. shaking with quiet sobs, “I said- I said I wouldn’t hurt you and I did and now you’re leaving. M' bad alpha."
“There you are Joonie!” you tease, trying to stay positive but failing a little. Your scent is still a little meek, a little muted, and it makes Namjoon want to cry even more.  He knows it's really only his fault for not having his wolf on a better leash. The cool metal around his neck does wonders to calm the fire.
You aren't going anywhere but he keeps crying no matter how many times you say so. Cuddling closer to him, rubbing your cheek stubbornly over his arm. Namjoon reaches for you and then jerks back like he’s afraid of his hands. You ask him to feed you and he does, sniffling every few bites. But Namjoon will feed you for as long as you let him, will do only this if that's all that you allow. It’s a good distraction.
You're no stranger to being treated roughly. Maybe you're a little upset but your trembling sour scent is soothed by the presence of your pack.
Namjoon would never submit to you outside of a rut, but Jin keeps him on a tight mental and physical leash. Soothing him carefully with a hand in his hair when he gets mouthy again and the rut eventually re-peaks. He's gotten Namjoon's muzzle and left it on the rim of the nest. A warning. “If you want to taste her or any of us, it will be through this."
You stay close until Namjoon’s calmed until his tears have w-rn themselves out, and you think you might be on the downside of the rut. The next time he knots you, it’s obediently at Jin’s discretion. Jin hooks his fingers into the chain and pulls Namjoon back and forth. Keeping the pace. gentle enough that you just barely cum from it.
When you look over, Hobi’s turned away from you. But his chest is rising rapidly, he’s not sleeping. Not yet.
Hobi doesn’t try to leave the nest again, and neither do you.
When you wake, it’s to the sound of tense voices.
“-Why didn’t you step in? She needed you. This wouldn’t have happened if you’d just-” Feeling abandoned isn’t something Hobi tolerates well. The idea of you feeling abandoned is even less easy.
Tae just pushes off the edge of the couch, standing, keeping her voice low so that it doesn’t wake the rest of you. You do not turn to see her lean down to cup his cheek. To see the almost apologetic touch.
“I didn’t because I knew it would make you angry.”
Hobi blows air through his teeth, scent souring, resisting the urge to tell Tae to fuck off. Her smile is a little sad and a little knowing. Searching his face for something she finds.
Tae's thumb rubs up and down his cheek.
“I know you’re not angry for yourself, you’re angry for her, aren’t you?” Tae’s fingers rub against Hobi’s scent gland. Part of him wants to pull away from the touch. “Do you know why you feel angry? Do you know the surprise yet? Do you know how much you care for her or are you determined to avoid it until it causes more problems?”
Your eyelashes flutter, and you try and stay awake to hear the rest. Try too- but you’re so so tired.
Don't spoil the surprise.
Part of Hobi wants to snap at Tae and tell her that she has no ground to stand on when it comes to problems, like she and Jimin have barely touched in the last 24 hours, haven’t touched much at all since Jimin slipped up. But he doesn’t. He won’t hurt her that way.
There is a reason why Jimin kills every one of their plant collection, why he’s not allowed near the watering can. He gives them so much water they drown. Sometimes, Hobi is worried he's got the same attitude when it comes to love.  that the whole pack does, That Tae has learned it too.  
Tae continues when it becomes clear that Hobi won’t. “The truth is I think it could be worth it. I think her love is worth it Hobi and I know Your love is worth it too.” Tae’s eyes are full of stars that don’t exist, shooting ones and planets all in alignment. “If It was your rut right now, she’d- ”
Hobi pulls his face out of her hand and turns around. Effectively ending the conversation. Tae sighs and leaves him be.
When you open your eyes, you find Namjoon awake and staring at you. You put a finger to your lips.  
He doesn’t make a single sound, even though you know he heard her words and Hobi’s response. He presses his forehead to yours, nuzzling into your cheek. Fingers closing around the nape of your neck, scruffing you until you sigh and fall back asleep.
Waves of rut aren’t always sexual. Sometimes the waves manifest in a gnawing more important need, a touch-starved franticness to have you all close and safe. And Namjoon's needy hands pull you all on top of him into one big puppy pile.
The mess of the blankets has gotten truly gross and the blankets need to be switched out. The pack didn’t account for quite how much you squirt. Someone made a run to the basement to put some of them through a wash cycle. The feeling of clean sheets is so luxurious it has you all belly up and sleepy. 
God, you can’t wait to feel clean.
the other omegas seem to think so too, all lumped together around namjoon, kissing and licking and grooming each other. Brooding instincts make your bodies warm heavy with the need to stay close, to stay still and let namjoon’s seed take. 
the idea that all three of you might be knocked up makes namjoon pur, watching the three of you share kisses over his prone body, has his cock stirring in interest. but you’re just focoused on licking into each others mouths because honestly- you miss Jungkook and Jin a little. 
Cleaning up the nest and grooming and nesting with each other is going to feel so good once this is over. Jin might even sneak into his and namjoon’s special Little secret supply of courting gifts just to give you and jungkook some fresh joy. 
“Did i do a good job omega, am I being good for alpha?” 
Jin has never purred harder, “of course you are baby, my good pup.”
Namjoon comforting rumbles are the antithesis of his earlier growls. An alpha purr if ever there was one, cautious and hopeful. His waves are coming less quick now, more gentle. A half hour between the spikes instead of just ten or so minutes. 
“Gonna make a nest for pups?” he asks, almost shy, nosing at Jin gently. The omega has pushed away his attempts to feed him 3 times. Namjoon’s ego would be in tatters if it weren’t for you and Jungkook still accepting little mouthfuls. The bowls of fruit never seem to empty, figs and sweet chocolate-covered nuts, fat chunks of apple, and round glossy blueberries that you lick meekly from Namjoon’s fingers.  
“Yes you big puppy, for pups,” Jin says, because he knows it will set Namjoon into that puppy purry grumbly alpha space version of himself that truly is gentle.
During these moments, Namjoon demands that every available inch of his body be covered with his pack. You end up in a pile. Some of you eating, some of you marking each other, others asleep.
It’s almost less liberating than the horny waves, you’re less mobile when he gets clingy. Namjoon sobs at one point herding Jimin back into the nest panicked that he thought to leave it. Wet face tucked against the nape of the alphas neck. “See alpha? I’m safe- nothing happened to me?”
Sometimes Namjoon's dreams are a tangle of different senses and not all good feelings. A smell acrid in his lungs, the sound of screeching like an animal being murdered at night. Sensations that are a tangle of danger, hidden force plotting the pack's demise. The pack's blood on the air, sharp claws dragging over your skin. The rut nightmares are always hazy, always nondescript cries of pleasure and pain shrouded in darkness. 
Only with the pack all around him does his skin stop itching like it's two sizes too small.
It’s better to hold off on sleep, to keep his itchy eyes open so he can verify you’re still all alright. To have each of his packmates under him. Scenting each of you sloppily (and no matter the mess coating him). He cupps the jaws of the alphas to test their teeth. Nuzzling into Tae's hands, Hobi's sternum, and Jimin's shoulders. Setting his head to rest over Yoongi's heart so he can hear the gentle thud thud thud that tells him he's done a fine job really, he only has to wait for the rut to be over now.
Of course he does spend many many minutes Insistently mouthing at the omega's belly buttons. A heavy face plant over Jungkook's, possessive little laps against yours that tickle and make you giggle, and sleepy nuzzles against Jin’s with starry eyes.
(Namjoon likes these moments a lot lot more than the sexual ones.)
The next time the pack let Namjoon taste you they’re a lot more careful not to let him get slick drunk. The next time you wake up to it. 
You're on your tummy, comfortable, and woken from a mid-morning nap. Namjoon's rut will be done by today probably, in the night maybe. Until then he wears the collar and muzzle. The metal wiring and a locking clasp on the back is so complex that Namjoon’s rut clumsy fingers can’t figure it out.
You’re first aware of the rubbing, something metal moving over your cunt making you clench up in interest. And Jin’s voice soothing needy whimpers that come from somewhere. "There you go Jooine, gentle like that. She's slicking up already! Good puppy!" The words are vaguely demeaning, sweet mean in the way that Jin gets sometimes. 
The sound of the chain Jingles, but it feels good, whatever's happening between your legs feels so good you could have probably cum from it and not even woken up.
Collars for puppies, chains for wolves.
Your cheek rests against a warm inner thigh. Cinnamon, and roses. You nuzzle into the scent, soft skin pillowy under your cheek. Slack lips parting in pleasure, eyelashes fluttering looking up.
Trust Tae to look cute during a rut cycle. The nightdress she wears is comfy and dotted with little floral roses, it’s bunched up a little where your hand has fisted in the fabric on her hip. She coos down at you while Namjoon pulls your hips into a gentle rocking. Lying on your side, comfortably reclining, and doing none of the work to get off.
She cups your cheek, waking you up a little. Her smile is a little sharp-edged, arousal making her mean like Jinnie, "Go on baby, look at how good your mate is being for alpha," Hardness nudges at the front of her skirt and it has to be from what’s going on around you. Tae guides you with a hand cupping your jaw, making you look.
Namjoon's upper body turned so that he can get at your cunt but his hips remain firmly pinned to the nest by Jimin sat astride across his thighs. Hobi is side by side with your mate between the pack alphas legs, lips kissed pink and chaffed as your mate sucks around the base of Namjoon’s cock where his knot inflates. The skin there is red and sensitive while Hobi kisses and licks at the head.
Later- later you’ll think about it. The way that they looked, eyes closed, lips parted, and file it away for your own personal spank bank (that’s what the boys might call it) feasting on the pack alphas cock and lapping at it like it’s an ice pop on a warm summer's day.
From this angle- Hobi must be able to see all of you, hips held open so that the muzzle and Namjoon's face can fit in the hollow of your thighs. held open and on display for your pack.  
The fine mesh of the muzzle is warmed from Namjoon’s breath, at least warm enough that it doesn’t make you hiss when he holds you over it, gentler this time.  If you could see the way that Namjoon goes almost cross-eyed trying to look at your cunt, you just might laugh.
But he watches as your fucked entrance clenches, all pink from his own diligent fucking- the silvery whiteness of his cum and your slick that drips. He guides you back and forth across it and every time your clit drags just right, your hole clenches forcing more slick out. The mesh is smooth and pleasant, the drag just right when soaked with slick. Just rough enough to get you off and not rough enough to hurt.
Namjoon keeps his mouth open, hoping for some of the slick to drip down. behind him, Jin holds the collar and grins at you. 
You can barely protest through the humiliation as jin pulls back, and declares he’s going to give you a hole check. 
you try to grip jin’s wrist but his stern expression says he’s not to be ignored. Your clit stays plastered against the mesh and Namjoon doesn’t blink, doesn’t even breath as he watches jin’s long fingers probe and poke and explore the wet depths of your cunt. Searching for any sign that Namjoon’s done too much damage. pulling your pussy apart with both hands so that he can see all of you. pussy lips made puffy from so much fucking, hole cute pink and hot clenching around his fingers, not nearly as tight as you where a few days ago but not inflamed. 
Taking a cock so big so many times in a row can be dangerous for anyone, and while Jin was worried it appears that you really were made for this, taking such a big cock like the perfect slut. Without complaint. Jin could cry he’s so proud as you lay on your shoulders and just take it. 
You only let out a squeak when jin rubs deep, trying to touch that forbidden place that namjoon’s ruined time and time again with his cock and knot. there you’re too sore for more. 
“You fucked her so wide namjoon, all the others are going to have a hard time having her on their own. might need to pair up and knot her two at a time. Spoiled puppy just wanted everything for himself.” 
you protest, babbling that you couldn’t possibly take two cocks right now, but Jin just coos and ignores you. You wish you didn’t find it hot how he talks about you like you’re not there. Like you’re just some object for Namjoon and the pack’s pleasure. A hot flush of want rushes down your spine as jin strokes your insides and you resist the urge to pull off from the sensitivity. It hurts, but it hurts so good as jin fucks four fingers into your cunt, pressing down with the flat of his hand and rubbing. 
You think you’re fine, that you’re just going to hiccup through this orgasm until Jin reaches, looping his arms around your middle. You think he might actually be trying to mount you, pressed all close, his omega cock standing hard and ready, lined up between your thighs. But then he hooks his fingers into the mesh of the muzzle and drags Namjoon back into a grind against your clit. 
You can’t stop the hot gust of wet that drips down and through the bars. Not just your slick, but a bit of Namjoon’s cum too as you clench hard. 
It’s mean- it’s so mean and you can’t do more than sob as you make a mess of the muzzle, it’s gross and it’s humiliating but Tae only coos, brushing away your tears and pinching your cheeks making you look down at your mate and Hobi and jin. 
“Good pup. Pretty baby too full huh, so messy and dumb that she couldn’t keep it in anymore. Don’t worry, if you lose alphas cum he’ll just fuck you full again.”
Namjoon nods jerky, you’d never know his knot had just popped if it wasn’t for your mate’s low curse.
A rope of cum lands across his face, and then Hobi’s. It drips down his slender nose to his lips. And he sags, tired. All of you are near the end of your ropes, near the end of what you can handle.
Namjoon’s words are slurry and inarticulate. “wanna keep her like this all the time, Gonna fuck her so good she ends up pregnant, gonna push it deep. Gonna do it before her mate does.” Hobi clamps down with his hand, holding tight around Namjoon’s knot. Heavy hot ropes of cum hitting his chin, his scent gland as Namjoon groans, stomach twitching, “Want it- want more.“
You look back at Hobi, tongue looking long as he licks his lips clean.
Jin laughs when he feels your stomach clench. Cunt spasming weakly around nothing. You didn't think you still had the energy to cum however gently. A few drops of slick and cum lands on Namjoons held out tongue. Jin’s hands cradle your stomach and guide your shaking thighs off of the muzzle. man handling you until you’re sitting in Tae’s lap. 
She laughs, but says nothing about what just made you cum.
Eventually, the omegas are just too sensitive to continue. You're all too well fucked. Jin’s cock is red and sensitive from Namjoon's mouthing. Jungkook’s hole spanked and swollen. Your entrance is puffy and pink and beyond the point of being able to take anymore. Even the most gentle of touches makes you whine. Too sensitive, much too sensitive for another knot. 
But that doesn’t mean that Namjoon’s rut necessarily ends.
It won't truly cease until all members of the pack are fucked and pleasured by him. Until they smell claimed from the inside out by his knot and cum.
It takes hours of prep for Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, and Tae to take Namjoon’s knot, their bodies just aren’t built for it. It’s easier with Jungkook and Jin's and your slick on their fingers. Traded from your bodies, sometimes collected from around the base of Namjoon’s knot. 
It’s filthy and it definitely makes his rut feel more like a gangbang than anything. but it is incredibly hot to watch Jin open up Yoongi not with his own slick- but yours. to lap at the beta’s hole to savor any that might slip out. Namjoon’s pussy privileges have been recently revoked. 
Your mate makes noises you’d never thought you’d hear him make. Deep full bodied Moans wrenched from his chest and low curses as he takes Namjoon’s cock. Yoongi's a bit lazy, happy to lie back and let Namjoon man handle his body into whatever position he wants, too tired to do anything else. You kiss his pouted lips while he hisses at the stretch of a knot but he still cums when namjoon reaches down to tug at his cock. You like Yoongi like this. Face resting across your thighs while Namjoon fucks him to the point of oversensitivity. albeit gently.
You thought that watching Tae and Jimin get fucked by him would be hot and brutal. For Jimin it definitely is; it's almost nearly as bloody as Jin and Namjoon got earlier. Namjoon ends up with a black eye and jimin with a bruise on his ribs, but it's all good fun and leaves them both grinning and happy.
But with Tae, Namjoon holds her so so gently.
The matter of Jimin's slip-up earlier has been put to bed for now but it’s not entirely forgotten as namjoon lingers over her. He cradles her hips, touching her thighs by pressing his palms flat and dragging ever so slow. like he can't believe Tae's there, that she's his to love and fuck and cherish.
Namjoon bunches up her skirt so that he can watch her cock bob. And noses  at her nipples the same way he nosed at yours. The neckline of her flimsy nightdress pulled down low. When he sucks she keens, cumming wetly between them.
Watching Namjoon fuck Hobi though- that feels like something truly special.
Unlike with the rest of you, he lies firmly across the smaller alpha's back. Thighs pinning him completely so that he can't move at all. Fucking him in the same position the omega's took. Rocking his hips in deep. Licking and lapping and biting with abandon. Hobi’s lips part in pleasure as he groans, comfortable and at ease with a show of such submission. Hands scrabbling but pinned down by the wrist. Namjoon keeps him still and makes him take it.
Namjoon scruffs him the entire time while he fucks him. Hobi goes numb all the way to his toes, his whole body live and alight with pleasure.
His cheeks pink and his long eyelashes flutter as you watch. Knot-long popped and completely forgotten, rubbing uselessly between his stomach and the sheets. no need to use it when the pack alpha has a cock like this, splitting him open. 
Hobi looks up at you when Namjoon knots him, body stretched to the breaking point.
This time, You don’t look away.  
When Namjoon's rut finally breaks it’s in the middle of the night and it’s quiet.
Every single person's chest rises and falls, eight hearts beating in tandem. The tv buzzes faintly and the porch light is still on. Everyone’s dreaming and everyone's safe.
For now.
You’re on top of Namjoon’s chest, palm placed over his heart, Jin’s head is on Jimin’s shoulder, keeping him alive with his presence, heart beating stubbornly even now. Jimin's hand holding Tae's across the covers. Everything’s calmed down from Tae’s meltdown. Close at last.
They’ll talk about what happened tomorrow when the pack can pile in at the table and eat their fill and recover.
Or maybe they won’t. Maybe Jimin and Tae will wake up and pretend like nothing’s wrong like nothing changed. They’ll kiss good morning, trying to pretend like there isn’t anything wrong. Something between them that hovers on the edge of every kiss is a little bitter. Every touch that doesn't last as long as it might have before.
Jin will wash each of them one by one, starting with Namjoon and ending with Yoongi. Hot water to ease their muscles. All of their sore-bitten skin made new with bubbles and body wash. Namjoon will apologize for biting you and be lucid this time. Will take care of any marks that the pack wears like happy brands.
Tae's wrapped tight in Yoongi’s embrace his large hand cradling the back of her head like he can keep her dreams inside that way. Jungkook’s belly up, hand resting on his bare stomach, greasy hair a tangle over his head, in need of a shower and water. 
Even Hobi’s breath is quiet and easy, his body relaxing as his pack alphas scent dissipates into its usual mellow coffee. Leaving the rut behind.
It’s just as quiet when they float the body out to sea.
On the shore, a pair of women linger on the edge where the streetlights become shadows.  
Moonbyul and Hyejin watch their two packmates move through the water. Matters don’t always require that the ruling omega and alpha get their hands dirty but this murder did. This task they couldn't trust to anyone else but their inner circle. While It’s not the most pleasant task, both Solar and Wheein had been awfully eager for a chance to leave the nest and prove they could be good.  
“Do you think they’ll get the message?” Hyejin rasps, throat raw feeling from the cold salty air. Wrapped in her dark furs. Mouth just as red and ruby as the lingering blood under Moonbyul fingernails. The towels in her hands are clean. She’s ready with them so that both of their omega’s don’t have to linger in their shivers for long.  
It’s a sweet gesture. If they hadn’t been so good the last few weeks, they might not have earned it.  
Moonbyul doesn’t look at her, eyes on the barely their forms that store the body by the rocks. Out where the water grows deep and crashes hard. Both of them are good swimmers but having them out of the nest always sets her on edge. Hyejin has never known what for. It's not like either of them could ever leave or be stolen away. No one would dare. 
No one would have dared, until Yoongi did. 
Moonbyul been a little bit antsy maybe since the recent loss. That antsiness has only grown as the months have dragged on. Hyejin knows she’s not on edge just because of the body. 
They’re supposed to find it. It’s not their usual clean and crisp hit. But that's the point. 
Moonbyul doesn’t look at Hyejin at all, keeping her eyes on the festering sea. Cold air wiping in her face, the taste of salt and blood on her tongue. 
"Are you worried?"
Moonbyul scoffs, “A good dog comes when called.”
Hyejin cocks her head, ruby lips lifting into something like a smile. Thinking of you, eyes upturned looking at her for approval as you mixed poison into baking material. flour and powdery arsenic, You were always good, obedient and eager to please. 
“It’s not her I’m worried about." 
Moonbyul sets a soothing hand on the nape of her neck. 
“Then we'll give them another incentive.”
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s4toryuu · 9 months
inumaki headcanons — 2
notes: inumaki my beloved… as promised this one is a xreader, slice of life, reader wears dresses and is implied is a ‘girl’, toge goes viral on tiktok so kind of socmed!au
part 1
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so like when you met him you thought he was mysterious at first
and then you were just like ??? he thinks he’s so cool not talking… geh, rude
so you start being cold to him for a while until one day he writes you a post-it asking you to go out to a cafe nearby
confused, you were interested in seeing his face and, like, you had nothing else to do so why not
you were apprehensive at first but you guys ordered the exact same drink and food without knowing and you got along because of it
that day you got really close even though it was mostly through his notes app (he types really fast)
you guys had the same humor (albeit he’s more outward and immature)
he took his mask down to eat and you, like, stopped chewing on your mochi waffle and started staring because you did not expect him to be so good-looking
and he definitely noticed because he started chuckling and he tried to hide it as he took a bite of his waffle
and oh my god his smile
a/n: ok I’m definitely writing this fic comment if you want to be tagged!!
you find out he’s really scared of making you do something you don’t wanna do, like terrified, like it’s his top 3 nightmares
the first couple of times you slept over he taped his mouth shut in case he sleep talked LMFAO
you only found out because you woke up earlier than him and you laughed almost waking him up
you guys getting together was a crazy feat tbh
he’s a gentleman
but he’s a troll first
like you were starting to think he just wanted to dress up fem after stealing your clothes for the 4th time
so you bought him a dress for his birthday
it wasn’t a cheap dress either (you bought it in your size) lol being a jujutsu tech student you couldn’t even spell broke so
one day during training he’s late and as you were about to check on him at his dorm he turns the corner and holy shit no fucking way
he’s wearing the fucking dress
he couldn’t zip it up so the open back was flapping around as he walked towards you with this exact smile :] on his face
it was supposed to be a maxi dress that ended at the calves but since it was in your size it ended at his knee
luckily (not) he was wearing sweatpants
everyone was so confused but gojo didn’t even make any comment he was just like “ok now that toge’s here..!”
you were dying while everyone was just confused whether he was serious in wearing the dress 😭😭😭 yuta was like “oh… you’re gonna wear that for training..?”
toge puts his hands in the pockets, emphasizing it “shake shake!” with a shit eating grin
“where’s your scarf thingy?” “it didn’t match with the dress :(” he typed
and he was deadass cuz he actually trained with it until it got in the way so he just took it off and he trained shirtless
but you weren’t complaining though hehehe
when you first made out you flinched in shock because you felt cursed energy from the marking on his tongue
you got addicted afterward…
I imagine him to have like really nice (?) aegyo sal and really pretty eyes
his love language (giving) is 10000% physical touch and teasing you
he does that “what’s that?” rizz shit and you fall for it every time
he went viral on tiktok for doing the dance to sekai no owari’s habit in his uniform because he did it COMPLETELY nonchalant despite shaking ass like he does it for a living
it was his first public tiktok too and it had 637.2k likes in 5 days
you’re like wtf and he’s just like the algorithms just love me (cuz he’s lwk famous on twt too)
the comments are like “lol how did his scarf not fall down” “oniisan were you forced to do this” “he looks like he would have a pretty face” “show us your face”
and then like yuuji (whos posts somewhat regularly) makes him do the kawaiikute gomen trend a month after toge’s habit tiktok and again he did it hella nonchalant
that one went crazy too it got 721.6k likes in 6 days
“this is the habit guy” “I knew he would have a cute face” “what’s with the weird makeup?” everyone’s just thirsting for him because he’s so nonchalant
you, and everyone who knows him, however, know that it’s a fuckING FACADE
he looks quiet and you’d think he would be cuz he can’t talk normally but he fucking yaps as if people understand him
he makes sure you know his opinion on everything
you’re watching a movie and he’s spitting “okaka! takana ikura ikura ikura!” every nine seconds
I mean he talks with the tone/intonation of what he actually means to say so it’s actually easy to understand him
and it’s only words he can’t say so he screams laughs and emotes like a normal teenage boy
he hates waking up early but you like taking walks in the morning sometimes and he never misses it for you
he loves you sm hehhehehe
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part 3 coming soon! comment or submit an ask if you’d like to be tagged to the waffle cafe date!!
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ckret2 · 1 month
3rd times the charm (writing this i lost what i wrote 2 times already) questions/related for/to goldilocks bill 
1 is mabel adhd and or some neurodivergent cuz of hw/grade thoughts/feeling /comments made/referenced and was this me being delusional/implied and will only be implied in the story/foreshadow something or just 
2 can bill hid his cycle long term and who restocks mables pads cuz if its her what does she think of a huge chunk going missing and if not how long and with mable in ca and melody maybe moving out what would he do what are his thoughts on having to ask for menstrual products like asking would be humiliating on a scale of 1 to 10 who would he ask most to least likely what beliefs/knowledge/feeling do the other characters have on periods 
3 would he have any thoughts/preference on different menstrual products like pads/tampons/cups/other items i don't know or it the theme/art the only difference 
4 sorry if this is gross (S&P would never approve) but would bill if he had period blood at the time gone for round 3 of battle of hygiene used the period blood like his stink and the sink incident as bargaining/negotiations chips for something cuz i hate how messy period blood is in my experience and just experience with so many peoiple being so repulsed by it (would he possibly think its funny like blood haha and the blood clots like slipe)
5 why did he get one so soon like his body is 2 weeks old ( i think i'm bad with time(time is and illusion anyway)) but anxiety, depression, sudden weight loss/gain, being under/over weight, extreme exercise, and poor nutrition are some of the relevant things that can make you miss your period and bills got oodles of poor nutrition depression anxiety and maybe (going on only sooses comment so far) sudden weight loss (for me just eating 2 to 1 meals (1 school lunch the other fast food) a day for a long time meant i didn't get a period for like 6 months) but is it the fact it's so new and axolotl set to easy thats he got one (also i don't mean to be rude i have no knowledge of what you do/dont know about periods and stuff)
6 for the kryptos gang Maybe when the accident happens bill rips holes in the dimension of accident and only they are lucky/unlucky enough to fall and get translated though not knowing it was bill and not in bills view/doesn't know/thinks that killed them? And end up stranded in an extremely unknown place worried about the shit going down in the dimension and latter get rumors it was destroyed and they grieve But that way bill is  alone in the aftermath and people spread no survivors present and these shapes are standed  he meets/collects them that way he can promise them something better would them not knowing erase or amplify the guilt or would them know bill did it make more sense sorry if this is bad i know that i don't articulate myself well disclaimer i have not read the book of bill (im :,( broke rn).i have seen some of the website but would this work with cannon and your story i also don't know how the dimension stuff would go would they up or down a dimension maybe the axolotl translated them cuz reason idk or bill accidently did it when the holes ripped open
god that's a lot of text to lose twice I'm so sorry lmao
1. Yes, I write Mabel as ADHD. I don't know if it will ever be directly stated in the fic, primarily because I doubt she's gonna get a diagnosis; but I'm drawing on the experiences of family, friends, & myself to write her.
2. Mabel thinks "hmmm... I used those a lot faster than I expected... but I've been using these less than a year, maybe I just don't have a good sense of how fast I use them yet."
Bill wouldn't consider asking for them any more or less humiliating than having to ask his captors for food access, shower access, or sunlight access. He has no taboos or shame associated with bleeding out of a hole for most of a week, being ashamed of that is a human cultural thing; but he is consistently humiliated by needing to ask his captors to please let him have the basic resources he needs for his stupid body maintenance.
But remember he just got a room with a fridge and permission from Soos to stick whatever he wants on the household grocery list. He doesn't need to specifically ask his captors for period supplies. He can just... put it on the grocery list. Now it's Soos's problem. Maybe Abuelita's, I feel like she might prefer to do the shopping if it's not too strenuous for her yet.
3. Tampons can kill you so Bill thinks humans are pretty dumb to use them. He doesn't much care beyond that. He's used exactly one product.
4. I can't think of a reason he wouldn't but I'm not interested in exploring weaponized hygiene more than I already have.
5. He's been in his body over five weeks. He got the one period he's had so far almost 4 weeks in, giving him a cycle only slightly longer than average. (Even if he HAD gotten one two weeks in—how do you know his body wasn't just created already halfway through a cycle?) He's had a shit month but he started off in good enough health for it not to immediately matter and the shittiest most physically & mentally grueling part of the month (the eclipse + execution) came after he'd bled.
6. begs a lot of questions—"how" "why them" "where were they" "why didn't Bill find out sooner" "why DID he find out". Doesn't feel airtight enough to me. Plus, I already know EXACTLY how Bill's dimension is destroyed, and random rips in the dimension aren't part of it.
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robby-bobby-tommy · 3 months
There are some of my headcanons about the relationship between the past generation Lan bros and this whole family drama, cuz I have nothing better to do.
Now these might not be fully compliant with canon.
We know almost nothing about Lan Qiren's and Qingheng-Jun's relationship. It is implied that LQR sympathizes with his brother, but that's all.
My headcanon is that when they were young, they were very similar to LXC and LWJ. LQR was very devoted to the rules, so he had a pretty difficult personality and didn't have much friends. QHJ was more easygoing and nice. Yet he was more restrained and calm than LXC. And although he tried to get LQR more of the friends his age, he didn't always succeed. We also have no age gap between them, so I hc that it's 3 years.
Sometimes, when QHJ was 18-19, he met Madam Lan and fell in love at the first time. LQR initially didn't have anything against her. They even met at some point. QHJ was head over heels for her, but she saw him as more of a friend. Her and second master Lan were on good terms and sometimes talked for hours about music cultivation ect. They even considered each other friends.
LQR and QHJ had one teacher. I didn't think much about him, but let's just say he had his secrets. While he was nice to his students and they respected him, he had a beef or mb just somehow mistreated Madame Lan's family. He did something that forever left her family in the shadows. Madame Lan's family was shunned for a long time. Ofc ML hated this teacher's guts. It was never her intention to use QHJ's affection to avenge her family, cuz she wasn't that kind of a person to be so cruel. But when she found out, she started to carefully plan her revenge. The pg Lan Bros actually didn't know about teacher's secrets and had no idea about what was going to happen.
Since MXTX loves stuff going downhill during or after someone's 17th b'day, I imagine this whole drama happened right after LQR'S 17th birthday. A few days later their teacher was killed and ML was gone. QHJ went looking for her immediately, kind of leaving shocked and grieving brother behind. Once his brother was gone for a few days with his presumed friend, the Lan elders went on a search and found QHJ and ML in wedding gowns. As stated form canon, QHJ decided to save his love by marrying her and declaring, that if anyone wants to hurt her, they'll have to go through him. Elders were completely unimpressed, but they couldn't do anything because a) QHJ was already a clan leader at this point; b) the wedding already happened. Before this QHJ had never broken any rule, especially not as serious as this.
Due to the conflict of marrying his teacher's killer, QHJ decides to go into seclusion and lock ML with him. He orders the houses to be built on the neighboring mountain, but before he locked himself in his own room.
At this point LQR had his world turned upside down two times: firstly, his friend killed a teacher, who (in his opinion) did nothing wrong, secondly his brother disappeared and came back married to culprit. And he tried to talk to his brother, but before he could discuss anything, his bro is already secluded in his own room. When he found out that his brother is going to seclusion and doesn't plan on ruling the clan, it broke the camel's back. LQR was also very devoted to the rules and never broke them, but this day, merely a week after his birthday, he went of the rails. He asked to see his brother, loudly knocked on his door, desperately trying to talk with him. Even when the elders started to scold him and get him away from the door, LQR escaped their grip and continued to act "inappropriately" (Being rightfully upset and wanting to get some answers). Sadly, QHJ never let LQR in, despite all of the pleadings, for he believed he doesn't deserve to speak with anyone.
LQR receives his first ever serious punishment and is shamed for his "indecent" Behavior. He gets beaten with those wooden sticks pretty hard and is locked up in a room to rewrite the rules 200 times. At this point, LQR is literally broken. Two of his dearest friends abandoned him with a whole lot of new responsibilities and unanswered questions. His dreams were also shattered. He liked to teach and explore different clans, regions.
LQR never got the chance to speak with QHJ, cuz very soon his bro left to the seclusion with ML. I want to believe in good in this world, so QHJ never forced ML to have children with him, yet they had to produce the heirs. So a year or two after the whole ordeal, LXC is born. At this point LQR is still very young and totally exhausted due to the clan leader duties, and he wasn't really excited to get another brother's problem on him. LQR grew resentful of his brother and ML, he became pretty jaded and closed, disliked troublemakers. Tho, when he first held little LXC in his arms, he was smitten. He vowed to raise him properly and help him live a happy life of a clan leader. When LWJ came to the picture, LQR promised to teach them both to be good people and to never let them become what he and his brother became. To never let LWJ get all of his brothers problems and deal with them with no help. Ofc his methods were far from good and he was sometimes emotionally unavailable, he loved them very much.
This all I've got for now.
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month
top 3 of your biggest kins and why!!
Yayayay someone sent me an ask !!!
Sorry for my lack of response! Will get to it now!
Also I assume you mean fictionkin - sorry if you didn't!
Luz Noceda
Dvdhnfjdjd WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN? I've been so fucking obsessed w her and could relate to her WAYY too much since I started watching. Just... Ugh. So much of it. Being "the weird kid", inconsistent and lackluster grades / performance, being overly obsessed with a specific franchise (though mine come and go and return every few weeks lol), having a mom who really cares about you and wants the best for you and has had similar experiences growing up and being isolated or cast out but accidentally made you feel like you had to conform because that's what she kinda had to do??? idk but still encourages her child's true self and feels super guilty Abt it all yada yada. having little to no friends (I have one! (Speaking of offline) before visiting the demon realm. Fanfic writer (I never have the patience or motivation to finish anything I start though), being impulsive, not knowing whay you wanna be, being into witchcraft, feeling like you're somewhere where you don't belong (the human realm) and would gladly escape into a whole different realm, Bisexual (I'm questioning this though), gender nonconforming, being told that you just have to "apply yourself", insecure, similar clothing style, considers herself a "dummy", poor attention span for things she's uninterested, indecisive, etc etc, THIS SCENE THIS SCENE THIS SCENE
(ps the way camilla hovered her hand above the screen / luz when she saw how sad she was 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
It's just. Everything.. I remember the first time I watched it I was like "Luz is so me in almost every single way. Except she makes a ton of eye contact, I don't rly do that" lmao... I would rewatch s1 and S2 on loop every day for the whole summer, I am NOT exaggerating. I rly love TOH I'm so.glad I got the opportunity to watch it and it means sm to me and I keep rewatching the scene from thanks to them and auhggjt.
"all I ever wanted... Was to be understood!" HEJDJFJDIDJRUJDJEKF DJJFFJNFB FIKF
oh my GOD when I saw this movie for a few days I'd cry sm just bc of how much I related.to him. He chews his shirt. I used to do the same when I was twelve and a bunch of my shirts had holes and still have holes but I stopped and now I just grid my teeth instead lmfao and they hurt ouch. a piece of gum is a lifesaver for.me. He's OBSESSED with dinosaurs - for me it's not dinosaurs specifically but like I've said earlier I tend to get OBSESSED with things way too much to the point everyone knows me for that thing. He's implied to have ZERO FRIENDS before meeting Abby who shares his obsession w dinosaurs (just like me and my one n only friend fr) (why do I keep getting attached to characters who previously had zero friends wtf.) LOVES to talk Abt his interest. Obsessive. Shy. Awful social skills. Takes things too literally sometimes. Calls his dad father sometimes cuz why not ("Thank you, father." after he gave him his phone back "just as promised" (except he broke it in pieces but he.kept his promise so aaron doesn't care lmao.) carries a notebook and pencil w him randomly?. his older sibling and parent argue abt the siblings college choices and you're just forced to watch and the tension is rising and you're feeling anxious and Uhm yeah. SOMETIMES KINDA ROBOTIC IN HIS SPEECH? I've noticed? Blunt. Has a TON of things related to his obsession. (For me I have primarily a tonshit of sonic themed things.) dislikes being alone. Dislikes admitting his feelings. Nerd. Uses obsession as a way to understand, contextualize and communicate with the world and his surroundings. Also chews his fingers. Always wearing sweatpants. Fidgety. Ect etc. Just lile arhghfhfng. HIM.
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Things I don't relate to - wearing shoes in bed. What the actual fuck Aaron. Also he wears socks. I don't do that unless I'm nailed down to the floor until I succumb to their nonsensical rules. Ok they KINDA make sense but I don't like them. I don't care that my shoes or feet will smell afterwards get those fucking socks away from me.
. anyway sorry. There's probably more but yeah I forgot. I actually got the urge to cry when just thinking about him a couple of times. Like wowza dawg he's just like me fr and I mean it. I can really really relate to him and I act a lot like him and I acted even more like him when I was about his age and was obsessed with exclusively sonic for like a year straight. lol
Ok this one's a short one but yeah I can relate to them. They're just minding their own business, in their own piece, picking random things off the ground (or ground itself..), DESPISE eye contact and will get really violent if you make eye contact with them (I am not exaggerating I actually get really angry and uncomfortable with uninitiated eye contact from ppl I'm not comfy with like don't look at me stop looking at me stop looking at me.) makes random sounds sometimes, such as screeches and hisses. Unlike them I DO like water and I LOVE rain HOWEVER I DO NOT LIKE touching smaller amounts of water on surfaces where I don't expect water to be and get really grossed out and uncomfortable from it. Unless they're with their own kin they're just kinda going around, alone, minding their peace unless provoked. Like most mobs - both hostile and peaceful - acknowledge your existence, hostile ones attack you, peaceful ones like horses and sheep and pigs and wolves and cats and whatnot may look at you if you look at it and pay attention to you and some can be befriended, enderman is neither like them, they're minding their own business, they don't initiate contact like, ever, and only engage w the player when having to defend themselves... when feeling threatened EVEN if the player didn't mean to scare them, like idk I'm.noy.really used to strangers having good intentions with me so I get defensive easily .... that is irl, on the internet I definitely don't get ever scared from social interactions ahaha 😎 yeah.
So yeah the only thing I KINDA can't relate to is not liking water - I only dislike water in a very specific context so yeah. And I do make eye contact w family members usually like I've mentioned earlier - I don't know, do endermen make eye contact with each other? I'm not sure, I don't remember. There might be more to them that I relate to but I can't recall anything at the moment
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Everything I've mentioned about these characters in This post - I can relate to. These are just my feelings put imperfectly into words.... but I feel a lot about them and have felt a lot about them for quite some time.
Ducbfjrj there's also a list of characters I relate to (link in intro post) but these were the ones I related to the most
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
i dont usually do tag games but i liked this one, tagged by @alighted-willow
20 questions for writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
4 (technically 5 but i abandoned and privated one of them) on my main account and 9 on my smut account
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
37,751 on my main, around 47,000 on the porn account
3. What fandoms do you write for?
uhhhh dimension 20 (not really but it was my first posted fanfic) and tmnt. i write mainly about one other fandom on my smut account tho.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well i've only got about 5 of them so i'll just put them in order
caracal carousel
show me already
time to think
a modest comparison
it's my turn on the Being Abusive
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
most of the time. i do it to encourage people to comment, because really really like comments. but if i get a comment i SUPER like i put off answering it because i wanna give it the time it deserves. ironically that means i have yet to respond to some of my favorite comments. oops.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
idk i think they're all pretty equally angsty. like a lot of them end with the implication that more abuse is going to happen after the story's been concluded, lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
definitely Show Me Already, it's the only one that doesn't end with someone feeling like garbage or implying some kind of abuse is about to happen. just an alien brain slug excited to make his boyfriend happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i dont think so? I think someone commented something rude once on one of my smut fics but im not great at telling tone so idk.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yup, the fucked up kinky kind that could get me harassed by ppl who's opinions i dont care about but who would prolly be really fucking annoying to deal with
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, that sounds stressful
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
thats like asking what my favorite song is like how da hell should i know they all serve different purposes.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
GOD. on my smut account i have an outline for a 2 chapter fic and i posted the first chapter and never the second one. it haunts me. idk if i WONT do it but it wont get done any time soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i can write ok and people like it :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i dont know enough about writing as an art form to properly assess my weaknesses :(
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
too complex a question for this kind of game. if i were to do it i'd want to get the input of someone who like, actually speaks it or something. but idk. i'd try my best on my own, cuz im unlikely to find someone willing to do that kind of beta reading for me, and though i'd want to compensate them somehow i'm so fuckin broke.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dimension 20 Starstruck Odyssey. i think it was the first fanfic i ever wrote and posted and i have no idea what drove me to it.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
hhhhhhhhhhh this really depends. I have a lot of fun writing about abuse and since that's what basically all of my fics are about in one way or another it's like. idk. i've re-read my smut ones more often than my non-smut ones tho so uh, maybe one of those.
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(This is gonna be long. I am so sorry. I am just very passionate about C!Yuki)
In regards to your last ask, Akuma Academy started out somewhat connected to YHS, taking place somewhat after/before. But it was never explained more than that. Eventually, halfway through that series, CC!Yuki himself stated that was no longer the case. And it seemed to stay that way.
HOWEVER! In his third series, Moncher High School, C!Yuki reveals in a conversation with Maria (the recurring antagonistic force of all Yuki's rps) that YHS did happen, and when Yuki died, she sorta got sent to another timeline.
MARIA: "And he broke your heart, didn't he... That's when I woke up, ya know. I felt it. In your heart.
YUKI: "Maria, that-that time... I had no other choice but to jump. And now I'm back in this world-"
(Moncher Academy #83 "The Truth.")
C!Sam breaking C!Yuki's heart is canonically what woke up Maria in Akuma Academy.
The timeline jumping stuff was established as a demon power before this big reveal, when Yuki's mom, Lilith, was first introduced in Akuma.
But if that small line isn't enough to convince you of the timeline jumping shenanigans being canon, C!Yuki actually fully explains her story to children in the following series, "Day Care Time-Leap", when her demon powers accidently put her in her 6 year old selves body.
YUKI: "...I fell in love with a Bunny Boy, I tried to kill all his friends, then Maria woke up cuz he broke my heart..."
(Day Care Time-Leap #29 "A HAPPY FUTURE!")
Here it's (kinda) revealed that the timeline Yuki went to after YHS is actually her real timeline, and she only went to YHS's timeline after running away from her mom, who took her away from her dad during a fight. This was also when she first killed Maria.
(I say kinda revealed because it was already implied when her parents showed up in the previous rps, but here it's finally confirmed)
Sooo yeah. Think of it this way, Yandere High School is canon to Akuma->Time-Leap, but Akuma->Time-Leap isn't canon to Yandere High School
[[Also in CC!Yuki's latest roleplay DeviDevi Academy, where C!Yuki finally dies and goes to hell, she brings up how she's died before, referencing YHS's ending-
YUKI: "...everytime I would die- ya know, someone has accidents! Sometimes you jump off a roof, sometimes you um..."
(DeviDevi Academy #3 "THIS PLACE IS AWFUL!")
-BUT MAKE OF THAT WHAT YOU WILL! I'm just saying all this cuz I love SirCutieYuki and his roleplays, and I love how it Yandere High School is the catalyst for C!Yukis path to self redemption]]
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l0vemenormally · 11 months
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OH MY GOD my autsim has been triggered ofc ill explain
8:11 is a rpgmaker horror game by dubuk :3 you play as ryker dublin a french priest who gets caught in the rain with their friend Leon and has to take shelter in an abandoned church cuz of the hard rain BUT..... smth bad happens
While theyre exploring the abandoned church Leon is killed by a guy name Dante, and is mangled... kinda bad from it, but anywaud. Ryker finds Leon injured as he is abt to get killed and Leon intrusts his very special Bible to them that only Leon is able to read as anyone else who reads it dies (or is injured in some way, depends on how much they read), and tells ryker not to open the Bible no matter what until Leon tells them to. So Leon dies and ryker finds out that he has ties to a place called Rosso Cadare, specifically the basilica there, a few years later ryker travels to the Rosso Cadare and meets two fellows named Juliek and Accardi (theyre more important later, forget abt them rn), and then heads to the basilica (which is abandoned by now btw) then meeting Vittorino, who is a priest who lives there and is not very happy abt ryker being the the basilica and tells them to get out (vittorino is a bit... off his rocker), ryker then leaves and gets hit by accardi who was drunk driving, ryker can not go the hospital however bc their too broke and have no health-care (due to the fact they don't live rosso cadare) so accardi just takes him home. I'm not gonna explain ALL of the lore in detail bc its a little complicated and there's a bunch of other lore with certain characters SO I'm gonna tell u abt some of the characeters!!!
Accardi is cannonically implied to be a cannibal as he's had dreams where ate his father before and also says he gets "hungry" when looking at a corpse. Him and ryker are cannonical love interests, they go on a little bar date and accardi asked bascially if he can kiss ryker, he sews up rykers mouth for them, ryker also gives him an orange (in rosso oranges represent love and giving an orange to someone is basically saying "I love you" to them), accardi also used to date juliek but they are no longer dating. Accardi also has an interest and surgerical procedures and even performs an illegal surgery on someone (him sewing up rykers mouth as I mentioned), he also likes antique furniture :3
Juliek speaks atleast several(?) Languages fluently I'm pretty sure and used to work as a translator for people in rosso, juliek also has a daughter whose around 7 I think?? And An ex wife named Susan.
Vittorino hates rabbits as the basilica in its earlier days was very crowded and people would call them "rabbits" due to how they were packed in. After finding ryker in the basilica for either the second or third time he rips out 3 of their wisdom teeth while laying on their ribs (as to hurt them as ryker was already injured before this), he only pulls out three of rykers wisdom teeth as "3 is a very unlucky number"/quote
gabriel is seen at the beginning of the game but then dies due to reading Leon's bible, je appears later in the game seemingly reborn as before he was a business man and now he is an detective, he has terrible memory problems and gets rykers name wrong about twice i believe, he also only shaves half his face, wears his tie backwards, and wears two watches (by mistake)
BUT YEAH!!! that's a bit abt 8:11, I would recommend u go check it out if ur interested it's such a silly game!!!! :3
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melon-official · 2 years
HI. for ramen water (if. u don't want to do all of these. understandable. i'm most curious about the bold ones)
[Tier 0] 6, 8, 29
[Tier 2] 8, 26
[Tier 3] 10, 11
[Tier 4] 2, 13, 23, 28
[Tier 5] 13, 16, 28
of course im going to do all of these what do u think i am? sane?
6. Living situation; where do they live? How did they end up there?
ramen water shares an apartment near the square with seven roommates. they all found each other through turf war or squid craigslist, and their place has the energy of that one tiktok of the eleven person brownstone house tour (wait, it's actually sixteen. oh my fucking god) and it's like an ecosystem in there. somehow their individual chaos balances each other's out perfectly
8. Favorite weapon class and why? 
chargers, probably! although the heavy splatling is his all-time fave and he's quite fond of the splatana wiper. his favorite "category" of weapon is really anything with a wave breaker; the only reasoning for his choice of weapons is a note in his earlier concepts that says "mains what i main". he's evolved a bit from that, but he's still a player-character guy at his core
29. What’s a situation that would make them cry? Do they cry easily?
this is an interesting one. i don't think ramen water's opposed to crying, but i don't think it comes quite as naturally to him as it would to most of my other characters. he's more the type to simmer, speak his mind, or outright get into a full-blown argument first, and crying is more of an afterthought for serious stuff when he actually manages to sit down and process for awhile
8. Any details about their appearance that they’ve put a lot of thought into?
all of it all the time!! his "standard" appearance/mimic is crafted to suit him and it's something he's done for so long that calling it to mind is second-nature. in that context, he's not keeping specific tabs on it—if he's messing around with smaller features he does have to keep them in mind for awhile or they'll change back. —that being said, mimicking top scars is something he's put long-term thought into + worked through a host of doubts about.
26. Do they care about “being fresh”? Have they ever cared and how did it show?
yeah, lol! but in the same way that he cares about being (his version of) put-together, or being good at turf. i think it's just something that's part of his life so he wants to be decent at it. (he also loves barazushi merch so the freshness rating is like a bonus collectors incentive to him)
10. Something they feel is extraordinary about themself?
rw absolutely revels in his self-created whimsy and his refusal to care about how others see him. he thrives in his own unknowability + while that in and of itself can cause him issues, he's also really comfortable in his own skin + knows what he's capable of!
11. Something other people see in them that they don’t really see?
in general, his persona's so carefully crafted (physically and socially) that there's really not an assumption someone could make about him that he isn't already aware he's implying :/ this isn't really an answer to the question, but i think the closest anyone gets to this kind of thing is isaiah, who can relate deeply to his relationship with the nss and why glory's argument with him tore such a rift in their friendship for awhile. that, and he'll occasionally mimic features of someone he's thinking about without realizing it, cuz his mimic ability is that ingrained in his life/thoughts. (and thats my justification for swapping hairstyles/gear in-game without going thru the whole character creation screen)
2. Have they ever intentionally hurt anyone? How?
that is a GOOD ASS QUESTION and almost for sure the answer is no, he hasn't. i think the closest he comes to this is being a little too defensive over misunderstandings or the time he was playing softball with his roommates and broke a window (one of the roommates was the softball)
13. What kind of morals do they follow and where did they learn them?
ramen water grew up in his moms' very kind and even more matter-of-fact care, which i haven't really put a lot of thought into besides that they're kind of like this and he loves them very much. so he's very dedicated to his passions + goals and lets smaller things slide off his back easily, but when something offends him, BOY is it an offense. on a similar note, one of the reasons he works so much is cuz he's determined to make it on his own and insists on paying his rent + expenses out of pocket, even though he wouldn't have been desperate to escape his living situation. he just wants to be a big kid. he definitely still visits home regularly
23. How do they deal with bad emotions? Do they have any tried-and-true coping mechanisms?
as his mom(s(??)) would say, "While we can use the label negative [...] it’s important to acknowledge that all emotions are completely normal to experience." i'd say he's better-equipped than most his age on handling stress + knowing how well he can navigate different situations... he's solid on terms of accepting his emotions + putting effort toward understanding them. howeverrrr, that doesn't make these situations easier to handle in the moment... he spends a lot of time in his own head trying to unpack that without reaching out for another opinion, working late or even just doing menial tasks instead of sitting down to feel the weight of those emotions. it's a coping mechanism as much as it is an avoidance tactic; if a situation's dire enough he's prone to thinking about it way more than he needs to, ruminating over all sorts of possible explanations and generally not giving himself very much credit at all.
28. Are they a person that gives or takes more? Is it intentional?
in small ways he takes more: there's a perpetual battle over snack stealing in his apartment and he tends to act in his own best interests whenever he gets the chance. on a larger scale, though, he unintentionally tries to do neither; he's not a giver or a taker if he can just stay out of the way
13. How hard is it to get to KNOW them? Are they an open book or does NOBODY really know them?
one HUNDRED percent in FULL seriousness there is not a soul on earth who Really Knows them, ramen water included. his identity and his personality and everything he knows about himself is like a piece of the puzzle, but he's been swapping and layering all kinds of masks for so long that he really doesn't know what he's like without one. maybe under all those layers there's nothing. glory's the one who knows him the best, with isaiah and his moms at a close second. or, at least, he's the most genuine with them. his roommates and his penpal lemon see him w/o a decent amount of filter; his coworkers probably see about the same amount (maybe even less if he's particularly tired or running on autopilot). he defaults to oversharing just enough to keep people from asking questions about him
16. How would they describe themself?
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exactly the way they want people to see them, really. talking about himself to himself is a whole other animal and the answer varies wildly with his emotional state, but he tries not to be mean
28. Has their appearance or character changed over the years? How and why?
metawise? ramen water, like honeydew, is sort of a stand-alone character in this hero mode universe, but the nature of him as an avatar in my game means that he gets all sorts of extra connections and bits that don't quite make sense. there's no canon reason for him to have a penpal or be on a competitive team, etc etc etc, but his persona is funny enough that i keep him around all the time + bits of those experiences leak into his character. i think it's also worth noting here that he and honeydew are distantly related + i made this happen for the sole reason that i make them both run around on my switch
since u read this far i'm also handing u half a fun fact: he does have a real, legal name that's not ramen water. i have made this name known to zero people and im trying to keep it that way for as long as i can so everyone just has to call him ramen water forever
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for-dramas-sake · 2 years
The Starry Love ep 21, 22 thoughts
Haichou having it out with Chaofeng is fantastic. And he's still got that sass!
Yes, distract the alcohol loving Bowser with MORE alcohol. Too many distractions will make him alcohol dependent.
Oh no no no no no no no. The Void Queen isn't stupid and she's figured out something is fishy about Greed. The attack is too sudden to stop and Greed doesn't have Youqin's powers or his smarts or anything of his except his looks.
Too many things are happening at once! I'm freaking out over Yetan being frozen, Qingkui revealing their shared pain secret and now I find Dingyun slightly attracted with that smile and spear?! I can't process it all!
Of course, there's no cure for Yetan's poison unless it involves lots and lots of gold. LOL! Poor Greed, he's worked so hard to get all this wealth. It comes down to: Is Yetan worth it? We know what the answer is: of course.
Yetan's dream was heartbreaking: Not only was she happy with her family, but her father was proud of her. It wasn't real. That's the real pain of the imaginary: it's a hollow reality.
Awww, Greed opened his heart to Yetan! She is totally worth it!
Meanwhile, back at the Void gang, Chaofeng is in self-pity and Haichou tries to cheer him up. It doesn't work.
Ohh, snap! Chaofeng and Yetan finally meet! The lies and the secrets of the heart are starting to unwravel. Not only that, but a new lie has formed and that lie implied "I don't love you". Ouch. Heartbreak for our Void couple!
The sisters broke up, but their tiff was short lived! Yay! Unite the sisterly forced against evil!
As much as I want my Immortal Turtle back, I blush at the sincerity and eagerness of both Bowser and Greed. They are both genuinely in love with Yetan. These two soul shards are incredibly trusting, I hope Yetan doesn't break their hearts.
The newest soul shard is such… a babe! He's so pretty with long flowy hair, pretty sound words and face painting. Get this guy to show some ankle and he'll be attracting all the ladies to the yard!
I bet he's playing her. This seems WAY TOO EASY and Youqin is naturally an awkward turtle. So how does a turtle know how to use pretty poems and lovely gifts to girls? HMMM??
Oh.my.gosh. He's lust! LOL!!! And he's done this seduction trick before?! Where is my awkward turtle gone to? This is a fox, not a turtle.
The use-a-double seduction method! LOL! But don't think too hard about that last scene with Qingheng, cuz…ew.
If you made this far AND you'd like to read my thoughts on the previous episodes, here are the links...
19, 20 / 17,18 / 15,16 / 13,14 / 11, 12 / 9, 10 / 7, 8 / 5, 6 / 3, 4 / 1, 2
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dgcatanisiri · 1 year
With the Georgiou/31 spinoff turned to a movie special (I'm going to follow TrekCulture's lead here and call it a Long Trek), I have been thinking about some ideas for other Long Treks that could be put together. Cuz there's plenty Trek out there to build on for series, Short Treks, and Long Treks, so let's get some exploration of these ideas.
Gonna put this behind a cut though, since I go on and on, especially when I give myself a platform.
First off, and most importantly, I really want to return to the Picard-original cast and give them further features - hearing that Isa Briones thought that fans didn't like her broke my heart, so let's immediately jump into a Soji-Data story that features father and daughter. Not to say that screen Trek should totally rip off the novelverse, but that could also give a genuine return for Moriarty, since his actor was disappointed to not actually be playing Moriarty. Or do some follow up on the synths who left that message that the Zhat Vash were so afraid of and deal with THAT aftermath. But yeah, let's see the father-daughter adventure that Picard Season 3 couldn't afford.
I'd like also to take advantage of Rios being in the early/mid 21st century and actually get a WW3 story - y'know, we have this established major character (possibly characters if Guinan gets to be involved as well) who would be there in this time frame, and, on top of that, this is a story that kinda DEMANDS being told, since Rios stayed for Teresa and Ricardo, so presumably with the intent and desire to protect them when the war broke out.
Then there's the natural Jurati and her Borg Collective to explore, which would be able to also explore what that massive galactic threat was - if, just as a theory to connect it with what else was happening in Picard season two, it was tied to the death of Q, for example, we could also learn about the fates of the Lady Q and Junior.
Elnor, I think, would have a story more appropriate to a Short Trek, not these Long Treks, but only because I feel like it would be reasonable to have him join the cast of the potential "Star Trek Legacy" that people call for. With that in mind, I'd like to see him settle on a career in Starfleet that suits him - specifically, counseling. Cuz sure, the guy is a sword wielding badass and looked to Picard as a mentor figure, so those imply a security or command track, but I'd sooner see him turn his heritage with Absolute Candor be part of how he helps others to heal. That said, there's certainly room to build up a cast of Starfleet cadets who are experiencing the aftermath of the Borg Attack on Frontier Day - how many of them were also assimilated and turned on their teachers and instructors and families? Indeed, that could be part of the catalyst of him taking that career track. Plus we'd be able to get more of Romulan history and culture explored.
Speaking of the Romulans, we really DO need a story that explores the actual events of the supernova that destroyed Romulus - it was a plot MacGuffin in 09 Trek, Picard season one dashed the Hobus star explanation utilized in the original Countdown comic and adopted by Star Trek Online by calling it the destruction of the Romulan star, and the novel Last Best Hope (which, while not being something that screen Trek is bound to, there has been more cross over/through with canon/non-canon material in modern Trek, so it's at least something that might be acknowledged) implied that the supernova was caused by some internal faction of the Romulans. This is a mystery that deserves to be solved - or, more bluntly, a plot mess from a time that didn't expect to HAVE to deal with it that needs to be cleaned up.
On a similar note, SELA. This character needs some kind of actual use and development - for all the fanfare that she got as an introduction, she ended up used as just a generic Romulan antagonist, and she should be further explored. She could be a major character of the Romulan supernova story or of a separate story, say, of rebuilding the Romulan society in the aftermath.
As a bit of 'hold us over until Star Trek Legacy can happen' kind of thing, I'd also like to get a Seven and the Fenris Rangers adventure, develop some of how she ended up with this group. As a bonus, we could get some acknowledgement of other Voyager crew in the mix as well - maybe she ends up running in to Harry Kim (finally promoted). Potentially, if this were to take place between the first two seasons of Picard, we could even get more of Santiago Cabrera as the La Sirena holograms (yes, I just want more Santiago Cabrera in Star Trek). Either way, though, I want to explore the shift in Seven from the end of Voyager to the time of Picard.
On a "just cuz" note, I want to see a pre-Picard Worf and Ro Starfleet Intelligence story, maybe something that further alludes to what Worf had sacrificed, as he said in Imposters. Plus explore more of his growth and development. I mean, I'd certainly not mind a Captain Worf of the Enterprise-E story (see just what was- er, WASN'T his fault about why they couldn't use it), but I feel like the Worf-Ro dynamic is something that it'd be interesting to dig in to (and, yes, I am aware she's among his crew in the Star Trek Defiant comics, but more is good).
This is where I'm going to cut myself off, because I could probably just keep going and have dozens more ideas. But just... I liked Short Treks, I want to see Long Treks be a thing, and I think both ideas give a great deal of room to explore more of the Trek universe.
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mitchywitchythings · 2 years
NASCARRacer! DriftDriver! DragRacer! Reader X Todoroki Shoto
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Summary: A great date night went south when a high speed villain chase occured, being the only person who knows how to drive, you drove your boyfriend to go and stop the villains. But little does your boyfriend know that you’re a NASCAR, drift, and drag racer, but also a broke ass college student. How will he react to that, once he finally finds out about your dirty little secret?
Warnings: Lots Of Aggressive Driving, Shoto Being A Complete Sugar Daddy, Violence, Reader’s A Badass, Implied Smut, Implied NSFW
Pairing: Todoroki Shoto X Fem! Reader
Word count: 5,049 words
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The reason you guys even met is because your best friend was running a support gear agency. The best one in all of Japan in fact!
Who knew that when she asked you for a favor to drop off a package at her agency, you’d run into the famous 3rd year student at U.A. High, Todoroki Shoto!
What started out as a small autograph, turned into a conversation, which led him to asking for your number!
Dude was incredibly nervous about asking for your number, Kaminari had given him a long ass orientation on how to ask for a cute girl’s number~
It was so adorable how he attempted to flirt with you, nervous stutters, red face, and all!
God! He was going to kill Kaminari after this!!
In the end, you still gave him your number, it made him super happy. Felt like he was going to burst!
You were just so pretty, cute, and God forbid he uses this phrase out loud, so fucking HOT!!!!🥵
Like legit, if he would say that phrase out loud you’d probably die or melt on the spot(Not cuz he accidentally activated his quirk from how flustered he was)
But because of how sexy he said that, like seriously it should be illegal, this mf could kill you with looks alone. Please forbid his sexy ass voice from ever speaking!!
Just kidding, in all seriousness he’d probably also die from the embarrassment from saying those. He gon dig up a large hole and hide in it forever- lmaooo
Poor baby boi~ He only wanted to have your affection (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
Okay moving on from that, took him a solid 3 weeks of constant chatting and video chat with you, and running into you in a coffee shop while you were both running errands.
For him to ask you out on a date
He asked tips and advice from all of the girls in his class, and also some boys. Like Midoriya, Iida, Bakugo(Angry Boi threw some peppermint candy canes at him and yelled eat this and just show up), and Hell, even Kaminari.
He only asked Kaminari since he did managed to get your number with his orientation
Ok, so based on all of the research he did on the internet on how to plan a perfect date. (He was really trying his best since this was his first ever date!)
He should take you out to this fancy high end restaurant!
He used his dad’s connections to get him a last minute reservation since the place was already booked months before oof-
He bought you a dress with the help of his sister the night before the date, telling to wear it for your event
The moment you looked at the dress you knew it was expensive as FUCK!
Like shit! Bitch this was designer!! Something you couldn’t afford sadly QwQ
You practically begged him to take it back, he absolutely refused to though, saying that you’ll look beautiful in it
The price tag for the dress was alright, he just wished that it was a bit more expensive(The dress was seriously expensive enough as it was) because he was paying for it with his daddy’s black credit card!!!🤭
Okay, to the date. It went really well!!! Everything was absolutely perfect and the food was delicious since the restaurant had 5 Michelin Stars-
He even asked you to be his girlfriend to which of course you agreed to in less than a heartbeat, duh🙄
I mean how could you resist that handsome, cute, and sexy face of his-
The answer is no one can!!
Well the night was about to come to an end when he was going to hail a taxi to get you both home, which you refused. Saying you could drive the both of you home in your own car.
He already paid for the dress and meal it was the least you could do😭
He finally agreed after some time, asking about how you already had a car when you were still a broke ass student in the same year as him, lol he didn’t word it out like that but you get the picture
P.S. He doesn’t know how to drive, he always had a chauffeur do it for him, damn is he rich qwq, I wish all…
Before you had the chance to explain a lie about how it wasn’t actually your car but your brothers to hide the fact that you were a NASCAR driver, drift driver, and drag racer.
Suddenly a villain attack happened, a high speed car chase which only passed by the two of you before the heroes and police that chased after the villains, their cars suddenly swiveled and crashed:
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“Shit, look I’m really sorry. I need to go help out in the situation.” He let go of your hand and was about to dash off
“Wait! How are you going to catch up with a villain like that?! Come on, we can use my car, I’ll drive you!” He didn’t have time to complain before I grabbed his hand and pulled him.
Running over to the latest model of Toyota’s GR86, in your favorite color, Shoto notices. He was quite stunned, you mentioned the fact that you were having some trouble financially since you were still in college, but he didn’t expect you to have a sports car in your possession.
He wondered silently whether or not this was actually your car or a friend of yours. In his own opinion he was really trying to offend you or judge you, but how could he not at least wonder whether or not that car was actually yours.
As he recalls, you explicitly said you were broke and couldn’t afford to pay half for this dinner date at the super fancy restaurant or for the dress, he of course paid on both of your behalf, but still he was never intending for you to pay for anything.
As he believes it is only customary that he pays because he’s such a gentleman. Mama Rei and Fuyumi-chan taught him well. Going back, he was shocked as you quickly pulled out your keys and opened the car.
Taking the driver's seat, while he took the passenger. Shoto made a mental reminder to get himself a drivers license if he wants to be the kind of man you can rely on to drive you around once you get married. And yes, Shoto was already so sure of his future with you that he was dead set on marrying only you and no one else.
As he entered the car, he noticed how clean it was and how the nice smell of the new car was. The seatbelts were different as well, it wasn’t just your regular one. It was a 4 point seat belt safety harness in fact. It was also a 2 seater just so you know it’s really a sports car.
He wiggled a bit on the extremely comfortable leather seats, trying to get more comfortable. Strapping the seat belt on him also in the process. Staring at your car in shock still, he didn’t notice you put a helmet on top of head until it was already there.
“I forgot to bring my hero suit with me, I usually bring it.” He commented, adjusting the strap on the helmet
“Just kick some ass for me, will you? You don’t mind me driving a bit fast, we’ll catch up with those villains in no time. I promise.” You said sweetly, a helmet already present on your head, while your hands were on the steering wheel, “Oh, and Shoto, don’t take off your helmet or seatbelt, trust me on that.”
Before he could reply anything, you turned the key in the car, making the engine rev up to life. While it was music to your ears, it made Shoto’s a bit uncomfortable. He never did like loud things didn’t he, he was more of the quiet and peaceful guy.
“Hold onto something!” You yelled before stepping on the accelerator
You Immediately drove out from your parking space. You switched from 1st gear to 2nd, and began to overtake any cars that were in your way. Shoto began clutching onto the grab handles for dear life. He had definitely not expected that his little sweet girlfriend was able to drive this hardcore. Shifting from 3rd gear now to 4th gear, Shoto’s eyes closed in fear for a second.
“Shoto, turn on the radio in the back, so we know where they're headed!” He did just that with extreme difficulty since he refused to take off his seatbelt.
You both listened to the radio intently, “Watch out! You might hit someone!” He yelled, eyes immediately widened as people began running from the streets.
“Relax! I never mentioned this on our date, but I’m a racer! I do Nascar, drag, and drift racing! I’m practically a professional!” You countered, “I’m going to take a short cut, I know where they’re heading!”
You quickly pulled on the emergency break and did a donut drift, heading into a small alleyway, which would cut into an uncrowded street, although it was one way. Exiting the narrow alleyway, by this time you were already in 5th gear. Reaching already about 120 km/h, Shoto was now definitely a bit more terrified than usual with his high speed chases.
The drivers were going fast of course like how you were, but you were going faster, and driving you on a one way highway. And you were young as fuck, a year younger than Shoto in fact. He didn’t think you’d have this much experience, but based on the fact at how you easily dodged the other moving vehicles and all other obstacles.
He knew you were the real deal, “Why didn’t you mention that?! Seems important don’t you think?!” He had to yell over all of the noise the car was making.
“You don’t seem to like girls with loud personalities! Figured you like me better and stuff. Doesn’t seem like a turn on, don’t you think?! Besides, I was gonna tell you when I’d invite you to one of my races!” You yelled back
“Of course, I’d still like you! I love you for you! No matter what you do for a hobby!” You began beeping at the people in the way.
“I love you too! And it’s more of a side career, baby!” He blushed at the nickname.
It was like seeing a whole new side of you just popping up. He still recognized you, but there was this fire in your eyes that couldn’t be extinguished when you grabbed the steering wheel. Spinning it around to the left and right, it was like he was stuck in a hypnotic trance that was hard to get out of.
You looked absolutely stunning in the beautiful formal dress you were wearing, completely accentuating all of your pretty and thick curves. Despite the helmet covering your gorgeous hair, the contrast only made you look even hotter than before.
The make up you had on, did perfectly well to bring out your looks. Gosh did you look pretty, Shoto only realizing it now when you were being all badass and all. It turned him on a bit, to tell you the truth. He just couldn’t help it or more like help himself in drinking up your looks and body with his eyes. Oops-
Forget that, you read nothing! Moving on, you began stepping on the pedal to the metal. Driving up to speeds of 160 km/h, you switched to 6th gear again. Things were tethering on dangerous waters, but you couldn’t slow down now unless you were going to drift or find the villains in question.
By now, based on the radio, the villains had already shaken off all of the pro heroes and police off their tail. All except for you, Shoto, and the helicopter flying above the villain's car.
Finally, exciting the one way highway, you spotted the villain's car. They were staring at Shoto intently from the rearview mirror, not liking that. You began to speed up, quickly chasing them with them easily. Eventually, when you caught up with them, Shoto prepared to use his ice, in order to freeze their car.
But it seemed like an unwise decision considering how it could cost an accident with other cars. And how you could also crash into the ice or the back of the frozen car with the speed you guys were going at.
“Can you slow down, so I can freeze them?!” He bumped into the side of the car roughly as you suddenly had to swerve in order to dodge a large debri the villains threw at you with the use of their quirk.
“We slow down, we lose them! What do you want to do then?!“ Ready to follow any of his orders obediently.
“You said you were a drift racer right?!”
“Hell yeah, I am!”
“Then get in front of their car, I wanna be facing them!”
You pressed on the play button on the stereo in front of you, music began to play. It was Tokyo Drift, a perfect song for a high speed chase. You felt like you were in the movie Fast and Furious! Speeding up even more, you overtook the villain's car, still staying in your lane though.
Then pulling on the emergency break like before, you immediately turned the wheel quickly to the left. The spinning of the car followed, making Shoto real dizzy for a hot second. Smoke began coming out from the back of your car.
That was natural though, Shoto thought. Holding onto the handle of the car with 2 hands even tighter than before making his entire hands began to turn white. Without realizing it, he activated both of his quirks, accidentally melting and freezing the handle at the same time.
His heart was beating so fast that it was like in time with the rhythm of the song. That was an exaggeration of course, but still his heart felt like it would jump out from his rib cage at any moment now.
The screeching noises the car made, made Shoto cringe internally while the corner of your mouth piped up, clearly satisfied with it. Your car was now in front of the villain’s car, completely facing it. You pressed the red release button in your seatbelt.
“Keep your seatbelt on!” Shoto yelled as his eyes widened at your actions
You didn’t reply, instead ignoring it completely as you turned your body around to look from over your comfortable expensive looking ass leather seats. Driving without looking back at the front, making sure you wouldn’t hit anything from the back. You trusted and depended on the fact that Shoto would look after you from the front.
“Just stop the villain!”
“You're my first priority!” He retorted back
Grabbing you, pulling you back to your seat. He forced you to wear your seatbelt and keep driving without looking back.
“Sho-“ You screeched before being cut off by the villains who bumped into your car, “Baby! I need you to pull out my back view camera!”
He did just that, with great difficulty might I add. Because the villains in front of you were trying to hit you, with intentions of making you guys crash. But having been in this situation many times before. You wouldn’t say that you couldn’t handle it.
When he pulled it up, you began to concentrate on that only. Completely tuning out everything, leaving it to Shoto to stop the villains. Whilst you desperately try to dodge all moving cars that appeared, let’s just say that a lot of people were pissed at both you and the villains.
As Shoto was about to tell you to get out of the way so he could freeze the car entirely. The villains made a hard left turn, making him curse under his breath in frustration. You couldn’t help but pout at him, he looked so mad, sad, and frustrated. You definitely didn’t like that one bit.
So you pressed the medal to the metal again, and began to chase after the villain. Even the helicopter that was following you from before managed to lose sight of both you and the villain.
Forcing them to wander around aimlessly, before Shoto called up his dad’s agency to inform them about the situation and call in backup. Now there were more heroes and sidekicks in cars going after the villain. You asked Shoto if you guys could now go home since the situation was being handled.
He of course said no, saying the lines that just because the situation was being handled doesn’t mean they should still stop chasing after the villains and what if the villains escapes and such. He just wanted to be a hero and do his job right, you thought.
Your heart completely warmed up and melted at his passion for his soon to be career that was within his reach. Only a little more way to go before he becomes a fully fledged hero. You were so proud of him, admiring him greatly for his heroic heart and actions.
Maybe that’s why you fell so in love with him so quickly. Well whatever it was, you were just so glad to have met your favorite hero in training! All the cameras, interviews, and fight scenes didn’t do him any justice to show how kind and truly beautiful he was, inside and out.
“Shit!” He yelled, cursing as the villains suddenly came out from a narrow alleyway.
Nearly bumping into you guys, had you not dodged in time. Shoto cursed at himself silently again like he had been doing since this high speed chase had started. He didn’t think anything through, because he was so focused on the villains. He had let you get involved in his hero work.
He willingly let you put yourself in danger. God, what was he thinking to allow you, a civilian who holds deep meaning to him, be in danger?! He was beginning to drown in his horrible and disgusting thoughts.
Before he was snapped back to reality with a harsh bump to the side of his head from the hard right turn you took. Screaming curses at the back at your throat as the villains you had dodge countless times before, finally managed to pin you guys.
It was on your side that the car was pinned to the wall, Shoto was face to face with the villain in the passenger seat. You internally cringed at all the screeching noises that were coming out from the situation. Knowing fully well that your car wouldn’t come out unscathed and you’d have to pay another hefty amount for all the repairs it’ll need.
“Damn, I just had the paint job done and it was expensive!” You comically cried out tears to which made Shoto really fucking guilty.
Internally he also burned a mental reminder into his brain, remembering to pay for all of the damages that happened to your car. It wouldn’t be a big deal as you usually made it sound, like that one time he bought you a really expensive necklace.
Though you loved it, you had still asked him to take it back. His baby only deserves the world in his opinion, although he of course can’t get you the entire world. He could get you the things best next to it. Besides all expenses would be paid using Endeavors credit card so you shouldn’t worry about it.
But going back, besides feeling guilty, he was so feeling really pissed now at the villains, Shoto couldn’t help but indulge himself in freezing their entire car. Yeah it was a bit reckless because the sudden freezing ice that came into contact with the schalding hot engine could explode(Just run with it, I know that’s not how it goes :D)!
But he was so livid, no one treats his girlfriend and future wife like that! She was incredibly sad with the damages her car got, Hell he’ll get her a new car just to see how she smiles!
“Shoto!” Your eyes widened in fear as the villains were stuck in a block of ice, completely frozen over with terrified expressions.
“It’s fine, as long as we act fast they won’t die.” He grumbled underneath his breath.
Pulling out his phone from his pocket, he failed his dad’s number, telling him where exactly they were and that the villain was immobilized. Leaving out the part that he completely froze over, just telling them in a somewhat stiff and monotonous voice to hurry up and up them away.
Because he was taking you home, before all the media and paparazzi could reach the both of you. He really didn’t want you to get involved with the media, he knew that could damage your reputation immensely, despite having helped a lot tonight.
He can’t deny the fact that you had driven so recklessly, and so dangerously. He has his limits too, until how far he can protect you, he was human in that way. But also he didn’t want the media getting a hold of your relationship.
Even if he had told the media that you were a civilian he never met and had only asked for your car, they wouldn’t believe his bullshit. For one, it was quite obvious you had just come out from a date from the similar over the top outfits you guys were wearing.
But not only that, he knew how crazy his fangirls were. He was undeniably popular, and could kill girls with his smile alone as per Mt. Lady, who he knew his girlfriend wasn’t really fond of from all the attempted flirting she does with him.
Of course, he never indulged in her silly antics, nor did he find any interest in it. For one their age gap was huge even if Mt. Lady would never admit it, he knew that she was clearly really older than him despite still being known as a young pro hero.
Steering away from that topic, you guys were now driving home. Or more like you guys were driving back to your dorm, Shoto had never been there before. But he had already been to the college you were enrolled in.
After immense convincing on Shoto’s side, you both agreed that Shoto would stay with you tonight. To protect you, comfort you, etc. and stuff. Good thing you knew your roommate was out partying all night and would return tomorrow afternoon with a major hangover.
Before you guys went to your dorm though, you had to drop by U.A. so that Shoto could get some of his stuff. He called Midoriya and informed him about the situation, leaving out the parts of the night where you were the one driving for him with the high speed chase as he went inside . All that Midoriya knew was that you somehow managed to involve yourself in the situation.
Because of that he was going to spend the night over at your dorm, so he could take care of you and that, that was all there to it. Nothing more and nothing less. Definitely no baby making processes involved. He made sure he emphasized that as he heard Kaminari in the background cheering and rooting for him.
Yelling along the lines he was gonna pop his cherry. He also heard the yells of disapproval from Iida, saying that it wasn’t moral of him to stay at your dorm when you only started dating just tonight(He also let them in that he finally asked you to be his girlfriend and that you agreed quickly, they all cheered at him for that).
He had to ask for their help in sneaking in and out of the dorms undetected. Promising that he’ll explain everything to their homeroom teacher tomorrow when he knows you were safe, sound, and comfortable.
After a lot of convincing and slight begging the whole class agreed to help. Also it wasn’t like their homeroom teacher, Midnight even cared. Actually, they managed to let her in on the whole situation, making sure she wasn’t going to be angry.
Being angry or furious was far from the expression she was making. Instead she was incredibly supportive of the situation, agreeing to let him go protect you for tonight without any punishment whatsoever.
Which made Iida livid, he was actually tempted to go to principal Nezu himself to report Shoto. A fact that you almost cried at and forced Shoto to stay at his dorms instead. Had it not been for Bakugo being the ultimate savior of the day.
Reminding Iida of how it was Shoto who helped him out back in his first year with the hero killer, Stain. Yeah, being the smart ass he is, he managed to discover the secret that Deku and Shoto hid so well.
At least it worked out in the end though, they helped him sneak into the dorms and quickly pack his stuff. Before he left though Kaminari and the boys managed to sneak into Shoto’s pants back pocket a little gift before he left.
I’ll leave it to your imagination what it was, just that the boys were teasing him, saying things like wrap it before you tap it and how consent was always important. Shoto could only chuckle lightly at their comments.
He knew why they were acting that way, it wasn’t everyday that the Todoroki Shoto was staying at a girl’s dorm, not to mention the fact it was his girlfriend’s! You grimaced back at the memory as you drove to your dorm.
Once the car was parked, you groaned and comically cried out tears at what happened to the car. There was evidence all over it of what had happened that night. Shoto promised to you internally that when you woke up, your car would be as good as new, courtesy of Endeavor's black card, of course.
He also knew that endeavor also had a new American Express Platinum Card from all the times he had to go back and forth from Japan to America for all his missions. Shoto would have to try that one out, once he’ll bring you to the states for his planned date next week when both of you are free.
You said you were a racer, right? He knew for a fact that there were lots and lots of racing games there in America. He was hoping he could join you in them, though an extremely dangerous sport.
He saw tonight just how much you loved it, so he wasn’t going to do anything to take that away from you. Instead he’ll help provide the resources and opportunities you need to grow in that field. Need a crew team? He’ll get the best one money can buy.
Practically a sugar daddy to you, you refuse it? Well looks like his baby doesn’t understand him, he wants to do this for you! You don’t need to repay him anything else but with your heart, love, and affection.
You see money as something that can’t be easily thrown away, yet you see your heart as something that’s easily dispensable. How could you not, Shoto was easily one of the most sought out guys in Japan.
It couldn’t make you help but wonder if you and your driving skills were enough to be worthy to stand by his side, of course they were. They were more than enough in fact, Shoto would argue. He’d argue that those sets of skills aren’t easy to achieve.
Plus your beauty and brains that come with it is practically impossible to beat. She didn’t even think his classmate, Yaoyozorou, was even gorgeous compared to you. To him, you were the most prettiest and badass bitch there ever was to live.
And he proves that the moment you guys stepped into your dorms. Hands on each other’s body as what he had promised to himself wouldn’t happened that night, actually happened.
Maybe it was from all the pressure his classmates and friends were putting on him. But no, it wasn’t. He could tell himself it wasn’t. To him, this moment was perfect, nothing could beat the rain and wind that began to pour down and swiss heavily, the cold that came with it.
It made it even more perfect instead as he activated his quirk to make you warmer, bringing you onto the bed, making sure he locked the door behind him. I’m ordered not to be disturbed by anyone else.
In the morning the both of you would not come to regret anything else. Except for the fact you both forgot you had a roommate, the moment she entered the dorm she screamed at the fact that not only did you bring a boy to your guy's dorm.
But that boy was Todoroki Shoto, the high pitched scream she made resembled a squeal of excitement looking back at it now. All you knew that the both of you yelled at her to get out as you pulled on the covers higher to hide the both of your naked bodies.
Making her promise not to tell anyone about what she saw just now, or you’d tattletail her to her parents that she’s been clubbing and drinking for the past year, which she clearly wasn’t supposed and allowed to do.
She agreed of course at the mention of the threat, a large pour present on her face as she closed the door behind her, asking if you guys at least used protection. Making the both of you even more embarrassed and angrier than before which of course she laughed at as you threw a pillow at the door she just exited from.
You both groaned in embarrassment, red blushing cheeks clear as day. As you both grimaced at the situation, glad that at least it was finally over. Smiling to himself, Shoto would internally remember to thank the boys for the little gift they left in his back pocket. For the great night he had wouldn’t have been possible without it.
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sei-hoe · 3 years
manager pt. 5
hello all! as always thank you for your love on this story.  i hope you like this new chapter! leave me a comment, i love reading your thirsty thoughts! also i recently remembered that shiratorizawa is a dorm school lol, so from now on i will write it as such oopsie. also!! i got all official and made a banner for this series, im so official!
Fem Reader X Tendou Satori & Fem Reader x Ushijima Wakatoshi
CW: blowjob, angst, jealous themes, manipulative reader, language, implied sex, spit kink
WC: 2.6k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Clingy. That was the word you would use to describe Tendou as of late.  During school he was walking with you in the hallways, during practice he was standing next to you, after practice he was walking you to your room.  It wasn’t necessarily annoying, just strange.  His change in behavior was sudden and unprompted, at least in your mind.  
You had been the Shiratorizawa volleyball club manager for about a month now and your outlook had changed drastically.  What used to feel awkward was now second nature.  You used to flinch at what now was commonplace.  Being “used” wasn’t what it used to be.  Now it was something you looked forward to at the end of practice and you had actually become...dare you say it...friends with these guys.  Friends with extreme benefits that is.
But still, Tendou was different.  You’d catch him staring at you in a way that was different from the other guys.  You’d catch him staring as Ushijima would carry you out of the gym on his back and straight to the locker room.  He’d have a look that you used to not be able to identify in his eyes, you knew now it was jealousy.  It was the same look that you’d found on Ushijima’s face about a month ago.  
From Tendou’s perspective, it seemed as though Ushijima was hogging you, whisking you away after practice day in and day out.  You would always walk out of the locker room with wet hair and another one of Ushijima’s shirts on.  It was infuriating and just wasn’t fair.  Tendou had barely been able to talk to you recently, hence his rather clingy behavior.  But you were in heaven.  You were in Ushijima’s presence daily and were able to care for him how he deserved.  However, he had made it very clear that you were not his girlfriend as he didn’t have the time for such a commitment.  Another price you were willing to pay.
Another grueling practice ended a little bit later than usual, you noted the dark sky through the windows towards the top of the gym walls.  You were working on a bit of homework when the final whistle was blown signifying the official end of practice.  You stood up and began packing up your bag as the team approached the bench for a meeting.  Tendou was the first to arrive by the bench, coming up behind you for a hug, wrapping his arms around your upper stomach and resting his chin on your head.  His chest felt hot and sweaty against your back, instantly raising your body temperature.  You giggled, knowing exactly which sweaty athlete this was.  You and Tendou had become quite close, despite spending less time with him sexually, at least, during the last month.  It seemed as though you were never really alone anymore and Tendou was always around you.  It was nice, he had become a great friend to you.  The two of you were always flirting back and forth and unlike Ushijima, it seemed as though Tendou really cared about you, both emotionally and physically.  He always made sure you came before him and that you were alright after one of your umm...managerial obligations, whereas Ushijima didn’t care if you came at all.  Long story short, you always enjoyed the time you spent with Tendou.  
A few words were said per the usual by the captain and practice was dismissed.  Tendou, still holding onto you from behind, moved his hand further down to your lower stomach, began rubbing gently, and craned his neck down to whisper in your ear, “ya wanna get outta here?”.  You could hear the smirk behind his words as his hot breath blew against your ear.
“Mhm”, you murmured eagerly, missing your time with Tendou.
“Good”, he hummed in response, “because there’s something I’d like to give ya,” He accentuated his dirty talk by moving his hand even lower, “right here.” To say you had butterflies was an understatement.  It was crazy what a couple of words could reduce you to, but here you were.  
You walked back over to the bench to pick up your bag, but was intercepted by Ushijima who had a proposition.  
“Come back with me to my room”, he offered, stepping close enough to make you crane your neck up.  You looked behind you at Tendou, he was laughing with Semi, unaware that you were about to ruin his night.  It’s not that you didn’t want to fuck Tendou, you did, very much actually.  That’s just how whipped you are for Ushijima.  
“But I already told Tendou that I’d-”, you started.
“Go make up some excuse and then wait for me outside of the locker room.” he interrupted while he started for the gym doors. Ushijima was hardly in the mood to share you tonight, or ever really.  You watched him leave while standing and staring, awkwardly contemplating what to say to Tendou.  You mustered up the courage to walk over to him, smiling and saying goodnight to Semi as you passed him on his way out.  
“Hey, umm, I just remembered that I’ve got a ton of homework that’s due tomorrow and I just think I should probably-”
“What did Ushijima just say to you?” he caught you off guard with his question, although you should have been expecting it.  
“Nothing, I just have a lot of homework.” you quickly replied.
Tendou rolled his eyes, “Come on, we’re closer than that, you don’t have to lie to me.” His hands were placed on his hips in an annoyed fashion.  
You remained silent, thinking of anything you could say to ease the tension.  
“Ok, I’ll say something then.  Are you dating Ushijima or something?”
You shook your head.
“Ok...so then last I checked you were still the team manager, would that be correct?  Meaning you’re not just Ushijima’s to play with? Cuz there are other guys on the team that are stressed out too, if that’s what we’re even calling it anymore.”
You blushed at this choice of words.  “You don’t understand, I-” you started again.
“I think I do understand actually.  And just so you know, he’s never going to give you what you want.  You think you’re the first girl to fall for him?” He scoffed.  “I mean, fuck,” he ran his taped up fingers through his sweat-soaked hair.  “It just gets old, ya know?” Tendou looked so hurt and angry.  He opened his mouth to speak but closed it promptly and turned on his heel to leave.  You reached to grab his arm before he could slip out of your grasp.
“Wait, Tendou...please.” you whispered into his sleeve, despite being the only two left in the vast gymnasium.  “I don’t want things to be like this either.  You,” you paused to collect your thoughts. “You’re my friend and I love all the time that we get to spend together.  I always have the best time with you. But I can’t help liking Ushijima.  So please don’t be mad at me,” you prayed into his arm, still gripping at his sleeve.  
He finally turned around to face you, taking a deep inhale, he looked down into your wide, pleading eyes while exhaling through his nose.  
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that.” he looked away from you.  
“Look at you, how?” You prodded, widening your eyes and moving closer to him.  
“You know exactly how.” he smirked, bringing his hands to rest at your sides, lightly rubbing his thumbs in soothing circular motions.  Beginning at the bottom of his abdomen you begin running your hands up his stomach, to his chest, shoulders, and finally around his neck.  Standing on your tippy toes you pull him down to your level.  
“Can I tell you a secret?” you breathed in his ear.  
“Please,” he replied, his hands making their way down to your ass.  
“You’re the one that I think about. It’s your hands that I imagine are touching me when I’m touching myself. You always make me feel so good, Tendou.”
“Ughh why are you doing this to me?” He whined, tipping his head back.  It was then that you noticed the prominent tent in his pants, poking you in the stomach.  
You’d never seen Tendou so flustered in the short time that you’d known him.  He was usually the one making you flustered, not the other way around.  It was a nice change of pace.   It was also refreshing to know you had a kind of power over him, the kind to make him lose his mind.  
“You sure you can’t bail on him?” He asked, hope gleaming in his red eyes.   It made you pause to think about your options, a wicked idea popped into your head.
“Come wait with me?” you began pulling his arm towards the gym doors.  He looked confused, but followed you anyway.  Maybe you needed to give Ushijima a little push, it’s only a bonus that you get to makeout with Tendou too.
The concrete bricks felt cold against the backs of your legs as Tendou shoved you against the locker room corridor hallway, the entrance to the room just around the corner.   One of his hands cradled the back of your head, protecting it from the hard brick while the other pressed bruises into your waist.  His chapped lips scraped against yours in a heated kiss, tongues fighting for dominance, his eventually winning as you whined into his mouth.  He broke the kiss to stroke his own ego, his hands trailing down your sides to play with the waistband of your shorts.  
“So you really think about my hands touching you when you play with that cute little cunt?”
“Please Tendou”, you moaned in response.  
“I think you’ve had enough attention for today, fucking teasing me for the last fifteen minutes. Hell, the last couple weeks actually.  You fucking rile me up just to go fuck some other dude.  You like being a little slut? Hmm?”  
You were at a loss for words.  As much as his words were turning you on, you knew there was some truth behind them.  He was onto your antics and done with them.  
“You think I don’t know why we’re making out right by the locker rooms?  Are you trying to make Ushijima feel like he’s missing out or something?  Being all cute with me to show him how good of a girlfriend you’d be? Well fuck that shit. Get on your knees slut.”
He removed his hand from your waistband and brought them to your shoulders guiding you down to your knees. You couldn’t even rest on your calves, you had to stand up as tall as you could on your knees to be eye level with the imprint in his shorts.  
“Fuck, it doesn’t take much, does it?” He scoffed as he pulled his shorts down to reveal his hard, heavy cock.
“Aw you didn’t think we’d take it this far, didja?  Better make this quick if you don’t want your boyfriend to catch us!” Tendou tilted his head to the side, a smirk plastered on his face while he caressed the top of your head.  
You opened your mouth to lap up the precum on his tip, swirling your tongue along the soft skin on the head of his cock.  
“Nah, I don’t feel like being teased anymore today.” Tendou spoke as he readjusted his grip on your head, scooting you back until you were trapped between the painted brick wall and his body.  You didn’t have a moment to adjust before his cock was plugging up your throat, making you gag around him.  The pace started brutally, shoving in and out of your mouth.  It was all you could do to keep up, running your tongue against the engorged vein on the underside of his cock.  He never eased up until you tapped his thigh signifying you had enough.  
“Too much?” he condescended.  You looked back up at him with watery eyes, swallowing as many breaths as you could before it all started over again.  
“This would have been much nicer for both of us if you hadn’t ditched me,  I would’ve made you feel so good, baby.”  He paused to take in your appearance, you looked so pretty like this.  Your hair was a mess, eyes watery, lips so fucking swollen, drool dripping down the sides of your mouth, your chest heaving, and he had a great view down your shirt.  Is this what his captain got to see everyday?  The thought filled him with rage.  If he had known he’d come to feel this way about you, he would’ve just asked you out, not asked you to be the manager.  Ushijima wouldn’t have ever noticed you had it not been for him!  Fuck, that’s annoying.
“Ya ready for a little more?”
You smiled at him through bated breaths, nodding your head.  Things hadn’t gone exactly to plan, but you were still having a good time.  You opened your mouth, closed your eyes, and stuck out your tongue, ready for whatever he had to give you.  Tendou bent down into a squat until his mouth hovered just above yours.  You felt something warm and sticky hit your tongue, you opened your eyes only to find a thin line of spit connecting Tendou’s lips with the liquid pooling in your mouth. Did he just spit in your mouth?  Before you could say anything he was back on his feet, cock in his hand, rolling it in the spit laying on your tongue.  He inched his way back into your throat, watching your eyes water with every thrust of his hips.  
“Fuck you’re gonnna make me cum if you keep looking at me like that.” He continued thrusting, your throat convulsing around his cock.  
“You’re gonna leave here with a tummy full of cum, ok sweetie?” His breaths and thrusts were becoming stuttered, he was close.  
“You’re gonna fuck Ushijima with my cum swirling around in your stomach.”  He whimpered, talking himself into an orgasm. With his hips giving one final thrust, you felt the back of your throat flood with cum.  Tendou held his hips flush to your mouth for a few seconds, emptying himself completely into your stomach.  He hissed as he pulled your head off of his now oversensitive cock.  
“Lemme see.” he sighed.   You stuck out your tongue, displaying your empty mouth to him.  
“Mmm good girl.”  He offered you his hand to help you up off of your knees.  He tucked himself back into his pants as the locker room door creaked open.  
“That’s my queue!” Tendou pulled you in for one final kiss, moaning as the taste of his cum hit his tongue.  And with that, he shrugged his backpack onto his shoulders and took off walking down the hallway.  
You walked face first into a warm chest when you rounded the corner leading to the locker room door, looking for Ushijima.  Looks like you had found him.  His hair was still damp from the shower, his body was warm and humid through his clothes.  
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.  
“Yea-” you cleared your throat.  “Yeah!” That’s better.  Your voice was horse and your throat was sore.  
Ushijima noted your appearance.  Your hair was messy and your makeup was smudged.  Your lips were bright red and your chin was glistening.  He took your hand in his to begin the quiet walk to his dorm room.  He heard footsteps in the opposite direction, only to turn around to see Tendou walking away from the two of you, a slight pep in his step and unknownst to Ushijima a smug look on his face.  
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levi-my-beloved · 3 years
Birds of a Feather
Chapter 3
Pairings: Canon!Levi x F!Reader
Content warnings: Violence, implied torture, two pining idiots being two pining idiots, probably ooc Levi cuz oof i suck
Word count: 8.2K
Summary: You were the most notorious criminal in the Underground City. With your organisation of highly skilled professionals, only one man could take you down. He also happened to be Humanity’s Strongest… and your ex.
Previous Chapter
First Chapter
A/N: y’all these chapters are getting real long now… and they only get longer as i keep writing. just wanted to a say a quick and huge thank you for the amazing support i’ve had so far. i honestly didn’t think anyone would read this little story and it’s so heartwarming to see people enjoying it
i love every one of y’all so much 🥺
If your hands were free, you would have shielded your eyes as the blinding sun greeted you. You weren’t quite expecting it to be so bright. You knew the overhead world was nowhere near as dark as it was in the Underground City, you’d seen the rays of light spilling down from the toll gate but never in your life had you expected life to seem so..,
Blinking a few times, you almost had to force yourself to remember your circumstances, gently pulling against your chains. The look of awe on your face was unmistakable.
“Holy shit…” you breathed, eyes now wide as you took in your surroundings. It was warm up here. Really warm. The sun gently beating down on the busy streets. Levi appeared next to you, pushing you forward to continue up the stairs.
“Don’t get used to it, you’ll be in a cell before long,” you were expecting to catch some satisfaction in his tone, but there was nothing other than contempt. You took a breath, managing to resist attempting to kick his shin as you kept climbing the stairs, now fully embraced in the sun’s light. Though it didn’t last as long as you would have liked. Sooner than you deemed necessary, if you were honest, a carriage clattered up in front of you. It was surprisingly lavish considering you were a criminal. Squinting in suspicion, your hesitation only earned a rough push against the back of your head.
“Get in.”
“You never were one for manners were you?” you drawled after stumbling clumsily into the carriage. The plush leather seats squeaking against your own getup, leather on leather disagreeing with each other.
“Not when it comes to people like you, no,” the raven haired man took up a seat opposite you, immediately folding his arms as staring out the small, curtained window. A muscle in your jaw flickered in irritation.
“People like me? You mean people like you? Or have you really forgotten where you came from? Did you lose brain cells as well as your sense of self?” god you just wouldn’t let up, would you? Levi rolled his eyes, successfully masking how much he hated the way you spoke to him. Like nothing ever happened between you. He understood. Of course he did. He knew why you were so upset. Why you were trying so hard to hurt him. He knew you wanted him to hurt the same way you did, but knowing what you were doing wasn’t going to stop the spear you kept repeatedly driving into his heart.
You attempted to shift ever so slightly, just so your hands weren’t painfully crushed against your back. Once again the thought of kicking him crossed your mind, but the situation wasn’t exactly in your favour right now.
It was only a few moments of awkward, deafening silence before you two were joined by both Erwin and Hange, the latter opting to sit next to you, seemingly not worried about whether or not you could still skin her alive even with your wrists bound. Erwin sat a respectable distance from you, despite the size of the carriage. The man barely fit, it was only because of your own size and the size of Levi did you assume you were all able to travel together. That still didn’t stop the man opposite you from throwing you a disgusted look as your knee grazed his. Just to piss him off, you did it again.
“SO! Raven, you’re joining the Scouts?” Hange blurted out, earning her a glare from Levi, a sigh from Erwin and a baffled scoff from you.
“Yeeeaaah… no. That’s not happening.”
“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter,” Erwin chimed in, almost defeatedly.
“Why don’t you just do what you usually do with criminals? Hang me as some sick entertainment for the public.”
“That can be arranged.”
“Levi…” Erwin warned lowly, to which Levi simply clicked his tongue in response.
Shit, that one hurt. He really didn’t care for you anymore, did he?
Once again, if you had your hands free, you would have run them through your hair. Joining the Scouts? That was never really something that ever crossed your mind. It didn’t seem to make sense. Why on earth would they want to draft you in? The question was swiftly pushed from your mind, replaced by another. Something you’d been burning to know ever since you realised the Scouts knew your location.
“Who was it?” you asked quietly, staring at your feet. Levi stiffened, shifting his eyes from the window back to you. Your demeanor struck a chord with him. You looked defeated, shoulders hunched over. “Who betrayed us? I just want to know.”
A heavy silence settled over the trio, none of them wanting to be the one who broke the news. The bond and connection between you and your Nest was strong. Trust ran through your veins, so to have it broken by any one of them was already shattering your very being.
“A woman. Brown hair, blue eyes. Scarlett, I think her name was,” at that moment, everything seemed to stop. Your world froze. It was Scarlett. Your own lover. Your wife. The woman you trusted more than any of them. She had betrayed you. Betrayed all of you. She was the one who put Una’s life in danger. The one who was responsible for the scar across her neck she would carry forever.
The three Scouts looked at each other, each not really knowing how you would react. Not even you knew how you were going to react. You were stuck in limbo. Everything and nothing was going through your mind. You didn’t know how long you’d sat there staring at nothing, simply trying to process this information, but it must have been an uncomfortably long time, if Erwin’s awkward throat clearing was any indication, gently bringing you back from your thought spiral.
“Oh.” was all you could manage, still not able to raise your head. Your eyes started to burn after not blinking for seemingly too long. How could she? How could she betray you? To the Military Police, of all people. You hadn’t cried for a very, very long time, but damn you were close.
Shit this entire ordeal had been difficult, but seeing you so defeated was next level. Levi dug his fingernails into his palm to stop himself from holding you. From comforting you. He still knew you well enough to tell when something was wrong. Very wrong. And although his stomach twisted slightly with the ideas of who this woman was running through his head, it was all he could do to tear his eyes from your hunched shoulders, returning his gaze to the window as the world passed him by.
“Did you know her?”
“Why would I tell you?” you tilt your head, glaring at Hange next to you, your jaw clenched. You may have just felt the last remaining fragment of your heart shatter, but that didn’t mean you would give them any more information than you had to.
“Raven, I give you my word, we will leave The Nest be,” Erwin tried his hand at reassuring you. None of this made any sense. Why were they being nice? Don’t they know how many soldiers you and your people had slaughtered? How much you had stolen from their warehouses?
You raised your eyes, seeing Levi glancing at you cautiously. Silver hues flicking over your defeated form with that same, cemented expression of boredom, before slowly looking back to the window. You spent the rest of the journey in silence, going over all the events that had led to this moment. How you could have possibly let this happen.
You trusted Prongs. You knew he would take care of your family. But Scarlett…
The bony claws of betrayal grasped your throat, gently squeezing until it became difficult to breathe. The walls of the carriage started closing in around you. Helplessness tainting the corners of your mind. You were stranded. Captured and soon to be forced into the military. To face those titans you’d heard so many people talk about.
You’d found the first man to ever hold your heart. You’d lost him, and then you’d found him again. And you could almost feel his hatred for you.
And though you put on a brave face. Though you put on an act to convince him you felt the same…
You couldn’t find it in your fractured heart to return his hatred.
The gentle, rhythmic clopping of hooves came to a slow stop, the door opening outwards to let the four of you out. Hange hopped down the step with seemingly boundless energy, before immediately engaging in conversation with a taller, worried looking man. Erwin stepped down, but once again you refused to move. If you could make their lives as difficult as possible, you would. Pure spite was fueling you now, your only current reason to carry on.
“Oi, move,” it was a blunt command, and one you paid no mind to. Not even raising your head to acknowledge Levi had said anything. “Hey. Did you lose your hearing on the way here? I said move,” a sharp kick to your shin prompted you to tilt your chin just enough to shoot another one of your glares in his direction. He too had to keep up his charade until he could get you alone and finally have a proper conversation.
“Go to hell,” was your only response, heavily debating spitting in his face as his hands once again grasped your arm. You flinched ever so slightly at the contact, something that didn’t go unnoticed, but it appeared Levi didn’t care.
Levi did care. Holy shit did Levi care. What the hell had happened to you to prompt you to flinch in such a way? Who the fuck had laid their hands on you? Who the fuck had hurt you like that? He allowed the rage to course through his veins, before letting it simmer down. He would deal with that later.
You stumbled as you were almost thrown from the carriage, knees colliding with the stone beneath you before you were dragged back to your feet
That fucking hurt. You started to think that maybe you could return his hatred. The next chance you got, you were driving you knee into his fucking gut. But for now, you decided to settle your glare on Erwin as he was talking to a darker haired man who kept glancing in your direction. It’s only now you realised your condition. You were filthy, mud and grime greasing your hair, blood and small cuts littering your face and knuckles, a dark bruise blossoming on the underside of your chin. Levi’s hand still held you firm, preventing you from even attempting to escape. Not that you would. You really couldn’t see the point, other than running into titan territory yourself. You tensed as the tall, haggard looking man approached you, apprehension mixed with disgust clouded his eyes, but it was an expression you refused to flinch away from.
“The Raven?” you couldn’t help raising a brow.
“Stupid fucking question. No, I'm just an innocent bystander dressed like The Raven for a costume party. I just so happened to think a pair of manacles clasped around my wrists completed the look,” you hissed sarcastically, and you could have sworn you heard something that could resemble a laugh from behind you, but it was so miniscule it was difficult to tell. If only this had been ten years ago.
You watched with satisfaction as a muscle twitched in his jaw, before the man managed to compose himself.
“My name is Niles Dok, Commander of the Military Police soldiers you seem to have so much fun slaughtering,” he introduced himself in a way that made it seem like the last thing he wanted to be doing was introducing himself to you right now.
“So? Do you want a written apology or something? Have to take these chains off me first,” you spat, with the innocent smile of an adder. This seemed to rile the man up more, to the point where he fisted your hair painfully, yanking your head up. His voice lowered to a dangerous murmur.
“Listen you little whore, I don’t know which door to hell you crawled out of, but I have men specially trained to deal with rats like you. They take pleasure in every agonised scream they can rip from your filthy mouth,” you refused to let your panicked, racing heart rule your mind, using every ounce of mental strength to hold his stare, firing back with a nasty glare of your own. And it took all of Levi’s willpower not to launch himself at the MP Commander.
“Go fuck yourself,” the retort came so naturally as you actually spat in his face. It gained you a much more satisfying reaction than you imagined you would get from Levi.
Swiftly removing his hand from your hair, you slumped back, staring up at the man between the now dishevelled strands. Wiping your saliva from his eye. You flinched as the back of his hand came up to strike you. Quicker than you would have expected, Levi was immediately by your side, eyes glinting with murderous intent. But before anything could happen, Niles’ hand was caught by Erwin behind him.
“Now, now Niles. Don’t go harming my soldiers,” his voice was borderline condescending as the MP Commander turned to look back to Erwin with an expression of disbelief.
“You can’t be serious? Erwin, this wasn’t part of the deal. You said—”
“I said we would aid you in capturing her. What happens to her after, is up to us. Think of it as collateral,” he reminded Niles of the deal they had struck before their meeting earlier.
“I didn’t think you would force her to join the Scouts. Are you insane?” It was a question Erwin had heard many times before.
“She’s just another calculated risk,” —he explained, before turning to his Captain— “Levi, take her to where she’ll be staying for the next week,” you had absolutely no idea what the hell was going on, but honestly, you were just glad Erwin stepped in when he did. You didn’t fancy whatever strike was about to land on you, and didn’t want to deal with whatever trauma it would drag up from your less than agreeable past. You didn’t have nearly enough time to unpack Levi’s own movements.
“Tch, why me? Why not Four Eyes?” his eyes slid to the scientist, who seemed to be engaged in an increasingly elaborate conversation with that poor, poor soldier. Even you felt a pang of pity for him.
“Because I’m afraid if I let Hange take her, she’ll end up in her lab rather than the cell,” Erwin sighed tiredly, looking at Levi with almost pleading eyes as the conversation behind him got louder and louder.
“Fine. But you owe me,” he responded, before tugging you away with him. You were almost sorry when you no longer felt the warmth of the sun on your back as he led you inside.
It was a walk full of disgusted glares and crude remarks. Clearly everyone had heard who you were by now, if that wasn’t evident by the snarls of “Bitch” and “Underground rat.” It didn’t really phase you. What these people thought about you was their issue, not yours. Though, you wouldn’t mind beating every single one of them within an inch of their lives given half the chance.
You failed to notice Levi’s ever darkening expression behind you. The glares promising a painful death thrown in every direction. The way a muscle flickered in his jaw at every passing comment. It was only until the hallway was empty did he feel that tension ease a little.
“Down here,” Levi instructed, leading you down a narrow staircase. As if you could go anywhere else.
“Yeah, no shit,” you snapped, earning you a harsh shoved down a few stairs.
“Don’t get smart with me.”
“Why? Afraid you won’t understand me?” that feigned sweetness to your tone was one you had perfected over the years he was gone, and was possibly your favourite form of sarcasm. He clearly didn’t dain your retort worthy of a response, the only sound to be heard being the echoing of your boots against the stone. It reeked of damp and rust, a different stench to the filth of the Underground. Speaking of which…
“You’re disgusting,” a flatly delivered insult was thrown your way as Levi guided you into one of the cells.
“I’m so sorry, I forgot to have a shower before you ambushed us. I’ll be sure to remember next time so I can smell like a fresh forest. I’m sure it would be a more homely smell for you,” you couldn’t help the sarcastic remarks that flew from your mouth. But you fell silent as he began removing your manacles. Instantly a plan formulated in your head. This could be your only chance at escaping. You just had to wait for the right moment.
As soon as the chains were removed from your wrists, you thrust your head backwards, in hope of catching his face. But you were met with nothing but air, and the sounds of quick footsteps behind you.
“You’re even easier to predict now you’re in a cell. Don’t try stupid shit like that,” did he forget how to change the emotion in his voice? He was never the most emotional person you’d met, but he would at least sometimes change his voice from ‘bored’ to ‘slightly irritated’. You were starting to wonder what else he had forgotten during his time here when the iron bar door to your cell was slammed shut, the key clicking in the lock. Now you were certain you couldn’t escape, you took in your living space for the next week. The bare minimum had been provided. A bed with no bed clothes, a rustic sink you weren’t even sure worked, and a broken mirror. Great.
The scraping of a chair behind you piqued your curiosity, turning you head to see Levi had taken a seat in front of your cell door, elbows resting on his knees.
“The fuck are you doing?” you asked, rising from your knees to turn and lean against the wall, arms folded.
“Waiting,” god damn his single word responses. You huff in frustration.
“Waiting for what?”
“I could strangle you with my bare hands and feel absolutely nothing right now.”
“You’d have to escape first.”
“What makes you think I can’t?”
“What makes you think you can?”
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. There didn’t seem to be any way you could escape these walls, you’d already done a quick run down. Threading your hands through your hair in irritation, you cross to sit on the pathetic material they thought was a bed.
“So?” you ask, still no closing to knowing what the hell he wanted. Once again, he didn’t deem your question worthy of a vocal response, opting instead to raise a thin eyebrow. You briefly fantasise about driving one of your long lost daggers into his goddamn eye, before simply brushing it off with a roll of your eyes. “Fine. Stay there and stare at me. It’s your time you're wasting,” you shrugged, flopping back onto the bed, arms thrown out either side of you.
“What have you been up to?” you couldn’t help the bark of sour laughter at the question.
“After all this time, the first thing you ask me is what I’ve been up to?”
“Would you prefer me to ask you something else?”
“What’s on the menu?”
For a moment, it almost felt like no time had passed since you’d last seen each other. It felt like only yesterday did he have you in his arms, curled up in his bed, gently running his hands over your exposed waist, revelling in how soft your skin was against his.
Running a hand through his dark locks to bring himself out of his thoughts, he changed the trajectory of his questioning.
“Who taught you to fight like that?
“Bullshit,” you winced at his response, raising your head slightly to stare at him, wondering who gave him the audacity to doubt you.
“Oh yeah? Not all of us had the advantage of stupidly strong genes, shortstuff,” shit, you hadn’t said that nickname in a long, long time. Clearly he hadn’t heard it for a long time either, judging by the way his eyes widened his body stilled. Neither of you were able to comment on the irony of the name, considering you were just as vertically challenged. Managing to shake yourself from your daze first, you realised that was a lot for both of you. “Sorry,” you murmured, averting your gaze.
“No, it’s… fine,” there was no malice in his voice. No hatred, a surprise that caused you to turn your head back to face him. Levi cleared his throat before continuing. “How’d you get that scar?” the second question caught you off guard, not expecting anything so personal so quickly. Naturally, you responded with something sarcastic.
“Tea party gone wrong,” an irritated sigh echoed off the dank walls, clearly not satisfied with your answer.
“What happened to you, Raven...?” if it wasn’t for the acoustics of the room, you would have missed the comment, but your heart clenched painfully as the third question reached your ears.
“You left, so I moved on,” you didn’t mean to sound so small or vulnerable. You didn’t mean to drag your knees up to your chest and clasp your arms around them. You didn’t mean to turn your head again, avoiding his gaze.
Levi mentally begged you not to look that way. He’d never seen you so insecure. And that itself broke his resolve.
Standing from his chair, Levi crossed the small space to the barred doors, not thinking twice about unlocking it and leaving the key in the lock. His body was almost acting on a it’s own. Years of taking you into his arms and holding you suddenly came back to him and he wanted nothing more than to take you in his arms once again.
But he hesitated.
You both did.
After raising your head to look at him, you watched as he stopped in the centre of your cell. Almost as if he was silently asking for some sort of permission to just do something.
You shifted slightly so you were leaning against the iron bars rather than the stone wall to the back, Levi taking this as the silent permission he needed to take a seat next to you.
Shit, the instinct to throw yourself into his arms was almost overwhelming, but you refrained, not wanting that kernel of hope to smoulder into nothing when he rejected you.
Levi was the first to break the silence.
“Hey,” you responded, looking up to him between the loose, mangled strands of hair now obscuring your face just a bit. Age had been kind to him. His features, now much more defined. He was still the same man you knew back then, but this one was more chiseled. You looked away when his eyes found yours.
“You look like shit.”
“I feel like shit.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
It wasn’t the exchange you were expecting, this quick back and forth, but you wouldn’t say it was unwelcome. A familiar warmth started to spread in your chest.
“How’s the jaw?” you asked, eyes wandering to the now hefty bruise against his pale, soft skin. You remembered when you used to leave marks of similar colour all over his body. His neck, collarbones, abdomen, thighs…
“‘S’fine. How’s the chin?” his own eyes slid back to you, silver irises scanning your face briefly.
“Yeah. Fine,” you let the silence settle for a moment, before breaking it again. “Sorry I kicked you,” Levi grunted in quiet amusement.
“It was a damn good plan. Sorry I knee’d you,” it was only when he heard your gentle chuckle did he realise just how much he’d missed you. Every fibre in his body was begging him to roughly tug you into his body. To cup your face in his hands and seal your lips with a burning kiss. But all that changed when he shifted slightly and you flinched at the sudden movement. He stilled, waiting for you to relax again before he too settled back down.
“You knew her, didn’t you?” it was a rhetorical question. Your reaction after the reveal told him everything. Not only did you know her, but she was somebody close to you.
You stayed silent for a couple moments, not really knowing how to respond to his shift in conversation. You decided to match it.
“Yeah. I did,” you wouldn’t tell him. Not unless he asked. You wouldn’t tell him who she was to you. What she was to you. That still fucking hurt like hell.
“You say that a lot,”
“You’re one to talk,”
You didn’t even try to quell your small laugh, letting it echo off the stone walls. Even Levi couldn’t stop a small chuckle at your amusement, feeling himself completely at ease in your presence.
“Did you really move on?” it was his turn to feel small. His turn to feel a little vulnerable. He couldn’t bear the thought of you just moving on from what the two of you had. Just throwing it all in the past and leaving it there.
“Yes and no.”
“The hell does that mean?”
You sighed, tightening your grip around your knees. You hoped this wouldn’t be as painful for him to hear as it would be for you to say, but you didn’t hold out much hope.
“Yes, I moved on. I’m not the same girl I was. Trust me on that. I’m not the same girl you fell in love with, nor the girl who fell in love with you,” you had to take a breath, suddenly finding the air down here far too thick. “She wouldn’t have survived down there. That girl would have been killed by some pig the moment you left. So... I killed her myself. You already know I’ve been part of The Nest for a while, but I wasn’t really one of them, if you get what I mean. I didn’t stay with them, I didn’t eat with them. Sure, Viper took me in after my—“ you stopped, burying that can of worms before you even opened it. That wasn’t something you wanted to bring up right now. “Viper took me in, taught me a few things, but I stayed with you. I didn’t have to be one of them when I was with you. But when you left… I didn’t exactly have a choice. I couldn’t be so naive anymore. I couldn’t be so hopeful. I had to be realistic, and to be realistic, I had to hurt a lot of people. I had to see a lot of things,” you allowed the weight of your words to settle before you continued. “But that girl. That girl you knew. She never stopped loving you. Up til the moment she drew her last breath and I took over. She loved you. But I moved on,” you fell silent, realising that yes, this had been just as painful for him to hear as it was for you to say.
It was a long while before Levi spoke again, nowhere near as confident as he was.
“That’s who she was to you,” just as he thought seeing you again couldn’t get anymore painful. Just as he thought your words couldn’t get anymore painful. “You loved her?”
“Yes, but not completely. Part of me was still devoted to you. I think that’s why she did what she did. Scarlett was never a spiteful person, but she did hold one hell of a grudge against you. And I suppose, in a way, me,” the silence was so thick you thought you could cut it with one of your blades.
“She’s still there.”
“That girl. She’s still there. You’re still in there.”
“Now look who’s being naïve,”
“You’re trying to tell me this new, supposedly ruthless killer would kick the shit out of some soldiers for hurting a kid. You’re trying to tell me this new cold hearted thief would bring medicine to an elderly woman and her son?”
“You’re telling me this new, heartless little dealer would earn the respect and thanks of thousands of Underground rats? Because to me, that sounds like bullshit… (Y/N),” he wouldn’t accept it. You weren’t gone, he could see it in your actions. You were still there. His (Y/N) was still in there.
Hearing your name in his low, warm tone after all this time sent a jolt through your system. And when he turned to look at you, he could see silver lining your eyes. It took everything in him not to reach up and gently wipe them away.
“I’m not going to stop until you see what I see. I’m not going to let you think you’ve become this heartless, mindless killer just because you had to adapt. Because you had to survive. I’ve finally found you again. Do you know how long I searched for you? How many hours I spent tracing every single path I knew you would take. Asking every filthy mongrel I could find. Most of them said you were dead. Some of them said you were missing and hadn’t been seen in months. Years, even. But until I found a body, or some kind of proof you were dead, I couldn’t accept it,” well this certainly caught you off guard. Levi was never one for long, heartfelt speeches, or verbal communication at all, actually. So this was a little overwhelming. Two tears slipped down your cheeks, sliding through the sudden cracks in your defenses and leaving a trail through the thin layer of grime and dirt.
Levi kept his eyes trained ahead, knowing that if he saw you crying, his restraint would break and he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from holding you. But he knew he couldn’t. From the way you’d reacted to his small movements, he knew suddenly tugging you into him would scare you.
“I’m sorry,” your small voice wrapped around his fragile heart, both settling it and cracking it. He went to extend his hand towards you with the intention of smoothing down your hair, but the way you winced, almost anticipating something much more intense, made him stop. Shit, you really did look like a husk of your former self. He remembered the way your eyes used to glint even in the low lighting of the Underground.
“You should rest,” it was an appealing enough suggestion. Enough to draw a barely concealed yawn from you. Leaning your head against the iron bars behind you, you swore you could have fallen asleep there and then. Comforted by his presence.
You immediately missed his presence as soon as he stood, tempted to reach out for his hand but not wanting to push him away.
As if he felt your confliction, Levi stopped to turn back to you.
“I’ll be back in the morning. Rest, (Y/N),” it wasn’t like you could disobey when your mind and body was so eager to sleep.
“Fuck…” you muttered, running a hand down the side of your face, exhaustion hitting you like a punch to the gut. This wasn’t exactly how you saw your day going today, but you couldn’t exactly say you weren’t thankful. You didn’t know what you were, honestly. So much had happened, you knew you would need time to process everything.
The screech of metal against metal alerted you to the key once again locking you within the cell. Dipping your head, you watched the dark haired man return the keychain to a small nail in the wall.
“Hey…” Levi turned to you as you called out, his expression as soft as it was a few moments ago. “It’s really good to see you again,” a thousand butterflies suddenly exploded in his stomach. How long had he been waiting to hear those words? And suddenly, he found himself unable to reply.
“Tch, go to sleep, Raven,” he reveled in your amused hum as he turned on his heel, leaving you to recover after today.
Levi ran a hand through his hair. Sitting at his desk in his orderly kept office, he could barely focus on the reports in front of him. That haunted look in your eyes had left a significant mark on him. The way you now spoke was so different to the bubbly younger girl he knew.
With a shake of his head, he attempted to divert his attention back to the account of the mission today. You’d taken down a few of his men yourself, he recalled watching your blades find purchase in his makeshift squad. A few others hadn’t returned from where they’d chased your Shadows. Actually, most others didn’t return.
As predicted, it was a bloodbath.
Leaning forward, he reached for his tea, continuing to scan over the document until his eyes settled on your alias, and he couldn’t help but wonder why you hadn’t told anyone your name. It prompted a memory he wasn’t expecting. He’d tried so many times to bury his past. Thinking about it saved him from thinking about his lost friends. But it was unavoidable.
“Hey! ‘Re’ya gonna buy anything? Or you just gonna keep staring?” Levi peaked out from behind the legs of a taller man, peering at the young girl who seemed to be giving his father figure sass. He couldn’t understand it. Didn’t she know who he was? She didn’t look much older than him. Maybe eight? Nine even?
“Listen little missy, I don’t think you wan’ to rush me,” the southern lilt of Kenny’s dangerously low voice didn’t seem to deter the little merchant. Levi’s eyes widened as she folded her arms, her grubby face creasing as she frowned. For someone so young, she certainly had an impressive glare.
“Or what? You gonna kill me? I sell to the whole street, mister. You kill me, they starve,” Wow, she really seemed to have this whole thing going for her. Levi looked up at Kenny, able to just make out the subtle smile under the shadow of his hat.
“What’s your name, little girl?
“Hmph. What’s it to you?” she retorted, stepping closer. It was only then she seemed to notice his presence. Her glare seemed to soften almost instantly, head tilting in sheer curiosity. Her sparkling, (E/C) eyes widened upon seeing him there. He only occupied a fraction of her attention, before it returned to Kenny, that scowl also returning.
“You’ve got guts kid, I’ll give you that. But maybe that’s simply cuz you don’t know who I am,” he mused, picking up one of the loaves of bread you were currently selling. They weren’t fresh. Nothing ever was. But it was the best your family had to offer.
“Kenny the Ripper, right? Yeah, I’ve heard of you. Seen your ugly face in the newspaper when those shits up top toss their trash through the grates. And you better buy that now your filthy hands have been all over it,” Levi couldn’t tell if this girl was brave or stupid. He’d never heard anyone speak to Kenny like that and actually get away with it.
“(Y/N) (L/N)! Watch your language young lady! And what have I told you about mouthing off to customers?!” her face quickly morphed from a glare to something he could only describe as sheepish. An older woman leaning out from the door behind you. Her hair colour was different to yours, but those eyes… they were your eyes.
“But Maaaaa, I was just—“
“No buts. Inside, now,” her voice was stern, but Levi was perceptive from a young age. He could see the softness in her eyes as the girl pouted. Turning back, he watched her send a cheery wave goodbye in his direction, pausing slightly as it wasn’t returned. Her brows furrowed, before she darted inside.
“Quite the brat you got there,” Kenny remarked, handing over a coin in payment for the bread he’d picked up.
“Yeah, sorry about her. Pain in my ass but her heart’s in the right place. I hope,” Levi wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation, too distracted by watching the same girl clamber out the open window and onto the ledge above. Only using her right hand to climb, she paused, as if calculating something before shimmying along the wall, round the corner and out of sight. Before Levi even had time to question what the hell he’d just witnessed, her head popped round the corner, eyes searching for him. He raised his brows in question when she gestured for him, whipping back round the corner. Seeing Kenny still caught up in conversation, he quietly left the two adults, heading for the narrow alleyway she’d just ducked into.
“Hey,” the whisper made him whirl, stopping to see her cautiously step from the shadows near the wall. “You looked hungry, so I stole this from our stocks,” it became apparent as to why she was only using one hand to climb when she presented another, slightly smaller loaf of bread. It wasn’t as stale as the ones on the stall. “We got fresh ingredients yesterday. My father’s a baker but we only sell the stale ones because we wouldn’t be able to keep up with the demand for fresh bread,” she explained quietly, her eyes wide in earnest. If it wasn’t for his ravenous hunger, Levi would have declined the offer. However, the smell was too good to pass up on. Slowly, he reached for it, half expecting her to snatch it back. But her honest expression remained, only retracting her hand after he’d taken a bite. “Don’t talk much, do you? That’s okay, I get a lot of people who are shy.”
Crossing her legs, she lowered herself to the floor, resting her back against the wall to what he could only assume was her house. He followed suit, sitting opposite her in the damp alleyway.
“Your dad’s an asshole, by the way. Very obkonshus,” Levi assumed she was trying to say obnoxious, but didn’t correct her. He almost found it endearing.
“He’s not my dad,” his blunt response had her head whipping back to look at him, almost in disbelief that he had actually spoken. A small blush blossomed across her cheeks at her mistake.
“O-oh. Sorry. I didn’t know,” an awkward silence settled over them, before she spoke up again. “Your not-dad’s an asshole,” Levi glanced at her, noting her cheeky smirk. His own lips twitched in amusement. She wasn’t wrong. Kenny was an asshole.
They stayed there until he’d finished his bread, (Y/N) simply talking about everything and nothing.
“Where’d that little rat scurry away to?” Kenny’s drawl interrupted your little conversation, prompting the both of you to shoot to your feet. The girl shot him a worried look, not knowing how this was going to play out. Levi was never one to offer reassurance, never really needing to, until now. He tried his hand at a reassuring expression, before stepping out the alleyway a little.
“Here, I was just—” he looked back to the narrow street where she just was, only to find she’d completely disappeared. His eyes widened ever so slightly, attempting to peer further down the alley. How had she done that? She was right there. Maybe you’d already started your climb? His eyes travelled up the side of the wall, but found nothing.
“The fuck are you lookin’ at brat? C’mon, we’re leavin’,'' Kenny strode past him, roughly tugging him along. But Levi wasn’t looking where he was going, silver eyes still glued to that alley, waiting for her to emerge. But she never did.
A harsh knock on his door snapped him out of his memory spiral. How long had he been sitting here? Usually he had a good grasp on time but right now it could have been four in the morning or two in the afternoon. Running a hand down the side of his face, he went to sip his tea, grimacing as the now cold liquid graced his tongue. Setting it down almost immediately, he would have forgotten anyone knocked on his door in the first place had they not knocked again.
“Levi? Are you in there?” Erwin. Great.
“The fuck do you want Eyebrows?” Erwin clearly took that as permission to enter. Not that he needed permission.
Levi raised his eyes as his Commander strode in, pushing the door closed behind him.
“I was wondering if you managed to get information out of our little criminal.”
Levi’s jaw flexed.
“Nothing?” Erwin seemed a little surprised and Levi couldn’t for the life of him think why. He didn’t know about your relationship, and it wasn’t like he was well practiced in his social skills.
“Nothing. She’s refusing to say anything other than annoying, sarcastic quips.”
“You two aren’t so different then.”
“Oi,” Erwin chuckled at Levi’s low warning, holding up an apologetic hand.
“Apologies, forgive me. It was just a joke,” Levi rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue as Erwin took a seat on the leather sofa, crossing an ankle over his knee. “I’m surprised. I thought you two may get along. Considering your shared upbringing,” if he wasn’t talking to Levi, anyone else would have thought it was an innocent enough assumption. But over the years, Levi had learned Erwin’s tells, and knew when there was something deeper going on. But still, there was no way he could know about your literal shared past.
“She’s abrasive, rude, cocky and thoroughly unpleasant. Why on earth would we get along?” Levi knew he was lying through his teeth. Whilst yes, you were in fact abrasive, cocky and rude, you were far from unpleasant. He wouldn’t have shared his heart with you if you were.
Erwin pinched the bridge of his nose. Suddenly he looked incredibly tired, like he hadn’t slept in weeks.
“Did you know her? From your time down there. Did you two ever run into each other?” straight to the point, it seemed. Erwin hadn’t missed the Captain’s flash of recognition back when you’d taken your mask off. He hadn’t missed the way he froze to the spot.
But Levi wasn’t about to open up to anyone, especially not the same Commander that had dragged him kicking and screaming into the Scouts.
Truth be told, after that first interaction, Levi had tried his damndest to see you again at every opportunity. He’d never been shown that sort of kindness since his mother died, and he didn’t want your little spark to be snuffed out by the Underground. He didn’t speak to you very often, only silently offering to walk you home at night, warding off any unwanted attention a young woman would draw.
He offered to share his small home with you when you were both around fourteen. It had been two years since Kenny abandoned him, and he noticed you looked directionless, and though it had taken a while for you to open up, he was happy for you to stay with him until you found somewhere else.
He just never expected to fall in love with you, or for you to fall in love with him.
“No. I’ve never seen her before,” Levi lied, keeping his eyes trained on the same document he must have been staring at for the last god knows how long, too lost in his own mind to concentrate.
Erwin wasn’t quite as good at reading Levi, and so accepted that as his truthful answer.
“Very well, I bid you a good night, Captain,” ah. So it was nighttime. Noted.
“Yeah yeah, see you tomorrow,” Levi waved his hand dismissively, once again earning another chuckle from Erwin as the door was pulled shut.
Levi almost instinctively reached for his tea again, only just remembering it was stone cold. He sighed in irritation, rising from his chair. He didn’t think there was enough tea in the world to help him sort through his thoughts. But damn if it didn’t make it easier.
Rolling his now stiff shoulders, he picked up the cold brew and headed to the kitchen. It was going to be a long night.
Sleeping in the Underground City was a luxury. Despite your exhaustion, sleep didn’t come easily. You assumed you must have dozed off for an hour at least before the faint sound of multiple footsteps had you sitting bolt upright, your muscles barking in protest. You were always aware of your surroundings. Always ready, even when you may look like you were resting.
You didn’t quite know what to expect, quickly running through several scenarios and possibilities in your head. One of those possibilities rounded the corner from the stairs. Four MP soldiers now stood outside your cell, one jiggling the keys into the lock. Immediately you stood, not going down without a fight. Though it wasn’t much of one. Before you had even landed a proper blow on any of them, you were harshly kicked to the floor. Your body having not woken up properly yet, you were easy enough to subdue as they clasped your wrists together in front of you with rope. Not what you were expecting but it was more comfortable than behind your back.
You stayed silent as they dragged you further deeper into the complex of jails and cells. You didn’t imagine they would span this far beneath what you assumed was the headquarters, but nonetheless you kept walking until you were faced with a wooden door. The same soldier fiddled with the lock until it swung open and you were kicked inside.
Raising your head, you saw the room wasn’t exactly empty. An array of bats and blunt trauma objects rested against the far side of the wall, but that wasn’t what threw the spear of terror into your heart.
A single, iron hook extended down from the ceiling. It looked like it would be used for bleeding or drying meat, but you could think of several other uses for it. For example, your current situation.
The door locking behind you had your head whirling, eyes darting from the man with the key to the wood that now trapped you inside.
“Ah, Raven. I’m sure our commander forewarned you about this, I don’t really know why you look so surprised,” you shivered at the fake pleasant tone, a stark contrast to the way you were now being tugged to your feet, arms thrown up above you. You realise now why they used rope instead of chains, your wrists being hooked up above you. Your feet now only just grazing the floor, head falling between your shoulders with your loose thin shirt riding up your stomach. You suddenly regretted shedding your leather jacket earlier, wanting to be a little more comfortable as you attempted to sleep.
“We have strict instructions not to permanently damage you, however we have various other methods,” one of your torturers stalked behind you, reaching up to twist the hook so you spun with him, now facing the wall of weaponry. The other three who had accompanied you all leant against the wall to you right, as if waiting for their turn. “I thought I would be kind enough to let you choose which we start with. Since you’d be the one on the receiving end,” the sick fuck. He was really enjoying this wasn’t he?
“At least tell me what you fucking want,” you spat, thrashing slightly in your bonds. The man simply laughed, crossing to the selection.
“Oh, we don’t want information. Just for you to suffer as much pain as we did when you killed our comrades,” ah, so they had personal connections. Understood.
“I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” your crooked, satisfied grin faltered as his expression darkened, crossing the room towards you in a few strides. Roughly grabbing your chin, he forced your head up to meet his gaze as you writhed in his tight grip.
“You know, you were quite the formidable criminal down there. Slaughtering and murdering whoever you pleased. Harming those who had done nothing to you. But look at you now, strung up like a squealing pig. Fuck, if it isn’t satisfying to see,” he threw your head back down before driving his foot into your gut. The impact sent you swinging backwards, saliva flying from your mouth.
Raising your eyes, you shot him a visceral glare as he browsed his collection of weapons as if he was picking out a pastry at a bakery. Opting for the classic wooden bat, you braced yourself for the night to come, knowing it was going to be a long one.
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