ventureshigh · 3 years
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@ashkatt-blog @evrybodyneedsomelove-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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ventureshigh · 4 years
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#Astrology is #science, and a bigger part of our #energy cycles more than most would acknowledge. Energy influences everything, most of all people. #energyisreal #therevolutionwillbetelevised #americanrevolution #rodneyking #georgefloyd #theplanetsarealigned (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8sb0ehO6V/?igshid=eps4mgq9hw35
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ventureshigh · 4 years
The Coronavirus began to spread closing the first quarter of 2020. While the world waits in quarantine, praying, meditating, and medicating to get through the time; one would believe racism too, could take a break, but hatred never rest. The police poured bullets into peaceful homes; a man was hunted for exercising; another literally had a knee on our neck as the world watched defenseless. The world chant his name, as America burned in rage, unheard and unchanged.
Mental health is on the rise, with antiquated remedies.
Cannabis is being sold publicly, but is still Scheduled 1.
Systematically racial health care still plagues people of color, of all economic statuses.
Our education system has failing us since the 1950's.
The president is a beyond unqualified, putting the country in danger multiple times, as he continues to lead the land of the of 'free' to hell!
Covid19 made 1,000,000's unemployed over night; being home for months without essential needs are the foundation for upset. People now, more than ever are in need, the country has been suffering for generations without proper nor any real change. The death of one man and far too many before him has defined this year, revering histories ugly truths with 20/20 clarity. 154 years, 4 months and 28 days since the abolishment of slavery, will we ever truly be free?
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ventureshigh · 4 years
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#breonnataylorslifematters #georgefloydlifematters #seanreedlifematters #ahmaudarberylifematters #ninapoplifematters #wecantwaitanylonger Every life matters and everyone should be able to live as such. (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvWVe1h9oO/?igshid=2pm3koholj7b
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ventureshigh · 4 years
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#TrueStory while working at #radioone I remember having the make a clothing adjustment just before leaving came back in the house to straighten up and put the whole damn dress on inside out! I was cute that day or so I thought 🤦🏾‍♀️ Or maybe I was feeling myself so hard no one wanted to tell me I looked like I had a late night early morning 🤷🏾‍♀️ Of course the discovery took place while in a conversation with a stranger I realize... What's your #BecauseIGotHigh story? ______________________________________________ #radiodays #highstories #weedhumor #wakeandbake #420daily #highaf #highmornings #longdays #happyhour #behighlike #highfact #weedandwork (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CArEOKLB4Gh/?igshid=v0ewx1vnxxah
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ventureshigh · 5 years
Cum Again?!.
So I remember this episode of 'Friends' the character Rachel had an interview at Ralph Lauren. After fucking up her first opportunity, she returned for a second interview. The hiring manager quickly pointed out to Rachel on himself, motioning towards his lip as if to say you have something 'right here'. Confused by the action she storms out of his office. In a different time and place, called Venture's high life. In the thick of my morning routine, brush teeth/shower: Check. Dressed/Made coffee:Check. And had a bit of breakfast; which I never do, so Double Check for me! I drove my usual route to my bus stop at 12th and Poplar. Had an unusually easy commute, as the 23 bus was on time for once. Arrived to work with 10 minutes to spare and I hung out in the break room. Roaming around the tight space I made another cup of coffee and chopped it up with other arriving staff. Tom, an asshole. Looked at me and motioned to me pointing at his lip. Knowing, Tom's an asshole, continued making my way to my work station.  Sitting at the front desk another co worker motioned to me rubbing their lip. I ignored this sign again. Finally the security guard Mo, looked at me with the same pure bluntness I give out like chewing gum. She says, "Bitch, you got white shit on your chin, what the fuck you been doing this morning?" I quickly touched my chin in several places pulled my fingers away to see a white powder like dust on my tips; without thought I licked my finger. Sweet, as I reminisced of the apple Danish I ate this morning. In blink of a millisecond I realized with a slow exclaimed 'fuck'.... Sounding like a thought I reflected on my morning commute aloud, "shit, you mean I drove the all the way down broad street, got on the fucking bus, walked two got damn blocks and have now been in the motherfucking building for 30 fucking minutes Now with icing from breakfast on my got damn chin, and no one said shit til Now! What The Fuck! The room erupted into laughter as well as I once digested on what I can only say to myself 'welcome to my world'...
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ventureshigh · 6 years
Can't Run & Hide
Where ever you go, there you are.
#quotes # karma #truth
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ventureshigh · 6 years
Love shouldn’t be so hard,
Love for self, Love for peace, Love for love
The endless need for it all
That binds me to that feeling
Holding onto me with open arms
Freedom at my back, but I can’t move
I’m in love alone
Who’s gonna make sure that I don’t fall
I’ve been in love alone
Hoping he’s strong enough to keep me from the crash and burn
All in love alone
Brave enough to embrace the storm
But, I’m still in love alone
#love #poetryturnsong #lovepoetry
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ventureshigh · 6 years
Mix(ss)ed Message
I know he want me, but don't want to show. He wanna give in, not to hurt. Guessing to describe his feelings, hoping I pick up what he lays down.  Shit, he wants and wait; what he wants he can get.
She smells my desire to carve my name in it, carnal and beastly, she wonders for more while her body's wants in reserve. Willing to give it all, flawed in my delivery to give her clarity.
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ventureshigh · 6 years
Disrespect by love
Living the misleading aftershock of what's missing and to gain any lessons obtainable for sheer stability, in an effort to rebuild one's intuitive trust back. Far more simplistic, than its actual trouble/problem of losing what is hard to fathom is complete when I'm undoubtedly fragmented.
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ventureshigh · 6 years
Why I am Single
As a 35 year old woman, I have asked everyone from my Facebook feed, male friends, ex boyfriends, and relatives; and as varied as the answers, most would agree that I'm a great person, that just hasn't found the ‘One’. Leaving me baffled, I interestingly enough referred to old cliches; "The bigger the catch, the harder it is to get caught!" A cool, but none the less frustrating thought. With serious self examination, and a little social media stalking of the couples that I love, allowed me to come to this realization.
All the couple I searched, each partner lived full and exciting lives, most importantly, separately. The realest examples were of those that have lived their life’s accomplishments. For some, our life were made to be so rich, that we must live that part of self discovery before having to share your experiences with another. It's as if you would be cheating yourself out of life before love can come in and as it sometime does, stop everything, especially for the passionate ones. Although this thought doesn't take away from those that found love early in life, or found their stride in their personal life once they met their partner. Personally applying this to my life, I have become obnoxiously aware of how little I have worked on my own personal life!
For example, hobbies. I once had hobbies, outside of work. I was very fortunate to love what I did for a living, so much so I was willing to give my life, which I did for over 10 years. My career was life and my hobby was work, I completely lost sight of myself.
Now in a new career, and phase of life I am realizing that I lost the best part of me, the exciting, enticing, adventurous, passionate side of me; instead I have been trying desperately to replace it with something else, and what's better than love?.
Now imagine, or maybe you don't have to, but a person without a purposeful personal passion, is just that, in a relationship. Sex shouldn't be the only place a person exudes their life's passion. Sounds familiar?. We've all either lived this experience or know of this with someone close to us.
Then there are many other unnatural lengths one will go to, just to avoid what is greatly needed to attract the right person / the one. This belief that someone will complete me, when this act can attract the worst people or situations to you; to push away a really good man and live with regret of what could have been, or welcome hobo with good dick into your home, is the question?... The quest for love has no time frame, but chances are if you haven't fulfilled or are greatly in pursuit of your highest self, you may welcome someone temporary into your life for a lifetime.
I know I am worthy of the love I desire, but more importantly I know that I am worth the exploration of self, without a man; at least for now.
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ventureshigh · 6 years
Sankofa (Learn & Remember From the Past)
Leave the past in the past, trust me, it was better then.
Heartbreak, made me write. I write to keep from destroying. Seems incomplete, but so is my rational. I’ve been called beautiful, but it couldn’t feel any uglier than it does right now.
What you called the realest, but lack to be; inherit disrespect of what was once truth.
Through years and layers, you left less to sex, shallow as the rest, The real has been laid to rest. I guess your ego did it, like he really needed it; I asked for words, but only received examples. Leave the past in the past, trust me, he was better then.
Maybe it’s all me. I paid the toll to return for free, and to leave my freedom. Just in time to learn that freedom ain’t free nor is the love of selfish ones.
Leave the past in the past, trust me he was only good then. Believe me.
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ventureshigh · 9 years
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#Brooklyn Ready to move. #AllINeedIsLike500Million (at Park Slope Brooklyn N,Y,)
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ventureshigh · 9 years
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ventureshigh · 9 years
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The Truest words I never Spoke...
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ventureshigh · 9 years
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ventureshigh · 9 years
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#TomBoyChic #angles #OneVenture for a reason...
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