#impatience aint gonna help in that case!
handfulofmuses · 5 months
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when your idiot friends got distracted because they were both so busy outpunning each other and now she does not understand what you are trying to tell her and you try so hard to convey what you mean but she over here like "WHAT ED WHAT IS IT IM DOING FUNNY HAHA"
I do like that Banzai is more calm in his approach. You can see how focused he is on his gestures / where Ed is pointing too.
Another detail I noticed is that when Banzai speaks up...the frantic noises and gestures stop instantly. Ed got calmed just by hearing Banzai's voice and I feel like...that also says a lot about their relationship?
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch:17 I’m Not Going Anywhere
Summary: Katie keeps vigil at Steve’s bedside and in full protective ‘dad’ mode, Tony engages the Stark Industry lawyers when the UN Senate comes calling. But the Winter Soldier has gone back into the shadows, taking one of Steve’s only living ties to his past with him. And no one has a clue where he’s gone.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Violence, bad language words, angst and smut (NSFW) NO UNDER 18s thanks.
A/N: I LOVE LOVE LOVE these edits once more from @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 16
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 “He’s panicking…let me talk to him.” Her voice was soft but full of authority.
Then, a familiar hand closed over the one that he held over the mask on his face and she gently spoke this time directly to him.
“Shhhh…” He felt her other hand gently run over his forehead. “Baby, you’re in an ambulance. Try and stay calm, okay?”
And then his eyes focused, just for a second. The panic that had hit him dissipated as Katie’s face filled his vision and he gripped her hand, not wanting her to leave him.
“I’m not going anywhere…” She assured him. “I promise.”
And he believed her. He felt himself relax and fell back against the bed and his eyes closed again, the last thing he heard and felt was her…
Steve’s hand was still tight around Katie’s when they arrived in the emergency room. She went in with the paramedics who took Steve in charge and, as they escorted Steve into the operating room, the realization that she finally had to let go of him crushed her. The same Doctor who had taken care of Fury and her in the warehouse approached her with a nod, and she was suddenly extremely thankful that the Director had as many fingers in as many pies as he did. It was an overwhelming relief to see a face she knew she could trust.
“Miss. Stark, I need you to leave the room, please. I’ll take care of him from here.” The Doctor put his hand on her shoulder to support his point and dropped his voice. “I promise. Fury’s orders”
Ignoring the urge to argue she let go and took a step back, her eyes still focused on the Steve as he lay on the stretcher.
“Heart’s rate climbing, doctor!” Announced one of the nurses. Katie could still see her soldier’s face disfiguring and the slight raising of his eyebrow and clench of his hand if he were trying to hold on to something. She let out a sob as she realised he was looking for her because she had left him, after promising she wouldn’t, and then the double doors of the operating room closed. Finding herself now alone and completely helpless, her limbs began to clench and she was suddenly very aware she was trembling. Then, it was as if someone had tightened a band around her chest, leaving her panting for air as her vision became more and more obscured by tears of panic.
She caught herself against the nearest wall before feeling her legs give way. She managed to lift them into a bent position, before bringing her arms around them so she could hide her head behind her knees as her throat felt like it had completely closed. She concentrated on Steve’s images floating around her brain, his touch, his kisses, how he held her, made love to her, the feeling of his laughter, his eyes, all their moments together.
We could get married if you want…
His face as he had spoken those words, the look she hadn’t been able to place suddenly registered in her brain. He had been hopeful. She closed her eyes trying to hold on to that memory. Eventually, after what felt like a life-time, she felt her throat begin to open again allowing her to take a deep breath, then the tightness in her chest and lungs eased and finally her brain. The hiss of silence in her ears was replaced by the usual murmur of a hospital and she could once again feel the sensations coming back along her limbs. She loosened her arms around her legs, stretching them out in front of her, and lifted her head to lean against the wall.
She had no idea how long she sat there. Minutes, hours…it all blurred into one as she focussed her attention on the doors he had been taken through. Eventually, her little bubble was invaded by a familiar figure hovering over her before Natasha slid to the floor, legs lying in front of her, her arm wrapping round Katie’s shoulder.
“Any news on how he is?” She asked.
"They’re still treating him, as far as I know.” Katie sighed, her head resting gently against Nat’s.
Natasha nodded briefly in acknowledgment before turning to look at her friend. “And you? How are you holding up?”
Katie looked at her, but didn’t answer as Sam’s familiar voice cut across the corridor.
“Katie! Natasha!” He hastened to join them, letting Katie take in his civilian change of clothes. He was bruised too, but overall, he looked okay. “How is he doing? Any news?”
Natasha took it upon herself to answer Sam. Meanwhile, Katie finally decided to get up from her position against the wall. The sudden movement and the long time spent in an identical position made her stagger a little. Sam hastily raised his hands to catch her.
“I brought you a change of clothes.” Nat spoke gently as she too stood up. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t stay. I’m already being summonsed for questioning, but Hill and I are going to do our best to keep your names out of it, both of you.”
“Frankly Nat, at this moment I couldn’t give a fuck about what my name is dragged into.” Katie snapped, her ton a little harsher than she had intended. She sighed. “Sorry…”
“It’s okay.” Nat shook her head, her green eyes catching Katie’s “Look, call me as soon as there’s news.”
She nodded. “Can you call Tony for me? He’s already tried ringing but I can’t bring myself to try and explain.”
“Sure.” Nat nodded. She pulled Katie into a hug, before she headed off up the corridor.
“Katie.”  Sam spoke gently. “There’s a waiting room down there.”
“No, I’m staying here.”
“You need to get a proper rest. You got shot yourself yesterday, remember?” Sam reasoned, his tone patient/ “Come on, you’re no good to Cap if you aint in top fighting form.”
Katie gave in and let Sam escort her to the waiting room where the two of them sat in silence. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, some three hours after they had arrived, when the SHIELD doctor made an appearance. Katie was half-lying with her head against Sam’s shoulder as he was changing the annoying channels of the hospital TV every ten seconds.
“Miss. Stark?”
Sam turned off the television almost immediately while Katie was already on her feet in impatience.
“Sorry it’s taken so long but there was a few complications.”
“Complications?” Katie frowned “He’s got fucking super serum coursing through his DNA, it’s supposed to help him heal”” “And it did, meaning the wounds had started to close over which caused us a bit of an issue but he’s out of theatre and the surgery was a success.”
“So he’s gonna be okay?” Sam asked and the Doctor nodded.
“He lost a lot of blood but we’ve given him a transfusion and his vitals are stable. He’s gonna be fine.”
Katie let out a sob and covered her face with her hands, relief flooding every cell in her body as Sam wrapped an arm round her.
“We’ve moved him into his own room and it will be a while before he regains consciousness, how long we can’t say.” The doctor continued gently, before looking round and then back to her, his voice lowering “We have an armed guard on his door, Fury’s orders, but you two can stay with him.”
He beckoned for them to follow him through the corridors of the hospital. "He’s doing very well, all things considered.” He said stopping in front of a door. “But, just so you’re aware, he is heavily sedated to ensure he rests as he was quite agitated. Now, it’s just a case of letting him rest whilst the serum work its magic.”
“Thank you.” Katie choked out before she turned to the door and a hand gently touched her arm. She looked up and did a double take as she saw Evans stood there.
“Hey Nova.”
“Evans.” Her voice was a whisper, as he pulled her into a hug. “You…”
“No, I’m not HYDRA, probably the only one in STRIKE who wasn’t.” He swallowed as she stepped back to look at him noticing the shiny bruise adorning his right cheek and the split in his upper lip. “I swear I had no idea. It all started smelling a bit funky when they told us Cap was public enemy number one, and then when I heard his voice on that PA…” He shook his head, sadly. “I’m sorry I didn’t try to find you, help sooner…”
Katie shook her head as the ginger Texan man wiped at his eyes with the heel of his palm.
“None of us knew Paul.” The use of his first name made him look at her, and she was swept back into his arms again.
“How is he?” He asked as she stepped back, nodding to the room.
“I don’t know yet.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep ya.” He smiled and she gently squeezed his arm. “I’ll be right her if ya’ll need anything.”
“I don’t want anyone in here without my say so.” She instructed. Evans jerked his head to show he understood and she gave him a tight smile as she pushed the door open and stepped into the room, Sam following.
The sight in front of her made fresh tears spring into her eyes and she swallowed as she silently took in Steve’s condition. He was lying, asleep, in his bed with whilst IV’s and monitors recorded his vitals. He had stitches in several places on his face, nasty bruises around his left eye and jawline, and a huge swelling along the same eye that was likely to prevent him from seeing properly for a while. Overall, he was a mess.
“I’m fine.” She interrupted Sam quickly in a hoarse voice, slightly tinged with her desire to cry. She took a shaky breath as she could hear Steve’s steady heartbeat reaching her ears. “I just need a minute.”
She slowly made her way to one of the chairs by the bed, settling down without looking away from Steve as she reached up to take one of his hands. It was colder than she could ever remember him being.
“Hey, Soldier.” She breathed in a shaking voice before pressing her lips to his bruised knuckles as she held his large hand in both of hers. For a moment, she thought she felt his hand contract in recognition but when she looked down he showed no signs of being awake. “I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m here, like I promised.”
The next few hours Sam and Katie stayed in the room with him and eventually Katie had to concede she really needed to clean up. She looked around for the bag which Nat had brought her some clothes in and stood up, grabbing it from where it sat by the door.
“I’m need the bathroom.” She looked at Sam and he nodded. “I won’t be long.”
She headed down the corridor and entered the ladies restroom, leaning over the sink. She glanced at the mirror, her eyes were red, face was dirty, hands still full of Steve’s blood and she looked all in all like a right mess. She set about washing her hands, her face and anything else that she could before she stepped into a cubicle and peeled off her lycra leggings and compression top. Dressing in the jeans and black sweater that Nat had packed, she was also touched to the point of more tears to see her friend had packed her some deodorant, a set of face wipes, dry shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and a hairbrush. By the time Katie had finished she looked almost normal.
Katie pinged Nat a message to thank her and fill her in on the news that Steve was going to be okay and one came back almost immediately
Thank God, and you’re welcome. I just spoke to Tony. He’s on his way back from Australia as we speak, he’d already set off after seeing the news. He told me to tell you to call him, ASAP.
So she did.
“Jesus Kiddo!” Her brother exclaimed when he answered, “I’ve been so worried…how are you? How’s Cap?”
“He’s stable. Still out of it but…” Fresh tears sprung into her eyes at hearing her brother’s voice.
“I’ve had Pepper call the hospital, anything you or he needs…anything…” He stressed, gently “and she’s working to keep the press off your back.”
“Thanks. Where abouts are you?”
“Approaching Singapore airspace. I’ll be there as soon as I can, I promise.”
“Love you Kiddo, he’s strong. He’ll be fine.”
“So everyone keeps saying.” She whispered, the sob catching in her throat.
Tony sighed “Look, this is Rogers we’re talking about. He’s as stubborn as you are.”
“I know.”
“I’ll see you soon. Call me if there’s any news, ok?”
But there wasn’t. Katie sent Sam home in the early hours of the morning but her vigil never wavered. Doctors and nurses bustled in throughout the night. Steve’s vitals were improving but he still didn’t wake up. She managed a few hours sleep, on and off, spreading herself across two of the chairs, waking at around five am. She gratefully accepted the offer of a coffee from a nurse who arrived to explain that they were about to move Steve into a bigger, nicer room, courtesy of Pepper’s discussions with the hospital.
It was around 10 am when Sam returned. The new guard who had relieved Evans for a shift stopped him immediately until Katie popped her head out of the door and told him it was okay. After he had frisked Sam he walked in, holding out a bag containing a breakfast sandwich.
“You’re an angel.” Katie smiled as she tore into it, unaware how long it was since she had eaten something.
The two of them ate as they watched the news reports on the TV in the corner of the bright room. They spoke of the Helicarriers, HYDRA’s plot having integrated the governmental organization as well as the impending investigation. Katie watched the footage of her and Sam whizzing around the sky, and listened as they had even rebuffed Steve’s message for more effect. The attack was all the world was talking about and all the news was focused on Steve’s recovery and the repercussions of his actions.
“The identity of the Avenger Supernova has until today remained a mystery but the rumours are beginning to amass than it is none other than Katie Stark…” One of the news readers was saying,“the sister of Iron Man and girlfriend of Captain America…”
Katie didn’t even flinch. It wasn’t like they wouldn’t find out anyway, as soon as those files they had dumped on the internet became common knowledge it was going to blow up, plus, it was pretty obvious now. What was annoying her however, was that it was as if they blamed them, in particular Steve, for doing what was right.
A few hours later just as Sam had left again, Katie heard a commotion outside the doors to the room and she stood up.
“You know me right? Tony Stark, my sister is in there.”
“Sir, I’m under instructions not to…”
“It’s okay, Davies.” Katie stepped out of the room and spoke to the guard. “He’s good.”
Davies sighed “Mr Stark, I’m gonna have to search you then.” He relented.
Tony shrugged and held his arms out, once he’d been patted down he shot Davies a contemptuous look and he entered the room. No sooner had he done that, Katie was in his arms, sobbing, the Doctor who had been checking Steve shot them both a look as he sidled out of the room quickly.
“Shhhhh Kiddo.” Tony gently stroked her hair as she pressed her face into his chest, his familiar aftershave and touch reminding her of all the times he’d soothed her before when she was upset.
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
Tony stepped back to look at her. “Red said you got shot.”
“I did, but I’m okay, see.” Katie shifted her top to show him the patch that was over her wound, which was healing well.
 “Sounds like you’ve been having a bit of fun without me.” Tony sniffed, “It’s okay, I’m not really hurt. Well, maybe just a little. JARVIS is in a whole heap of trouble for not telling me by the way…”
“I told him not to, you were in Australia, Tones.” Katie shook her head gently “Besides, this was all a bit crazy. There wasn’t really time, if we had waited for you to get back it would have been too late…and you could have been in danger and…” She looked over at Steve, his face was still a mess. “Look at him Tony…”
Her brother placed his arm around her and squeezed. “He’s gonna be fine.”
Katie lay her head on Tony’s shoulder as they sat down, his hand gently stroking over her hair, not once trying to get her to leave as he knew she wouldn’t. She’d burst randomly into tears again when she’d told him her car was now buried in the wreck of the Triskelion. It was a lump of metal, not something that mattered, but Tony understood. She was letting everything out, and he simply sat with her and soothed her, informing her that the car was ready for being changed anyway.
 “But I like my car.” She sniffed.
 “Kiddo, it’s almost nine years old. I got you that for your Twenty-First.”
 “And that’s why I like it.”
Tony had to chuckle, that’s what she was like. Sentimental. It was the gesture behind gifts that mattered to her, not the value. He’d brought her up that way to value money, even though they had it in abundance, and he was fiercely proud of the woman she had grown to be. Humble in many ways that he wasn’t.
“You know he asked me to move in with him.” Katie spoke again, breaking the silence after a minute or so. 
“Before marriage?” He teased. “Well, well, well.”
She snorted a laugh “That’s what I said. And then he turned round and told me we could get married if I wanted.”
Tony stiffened slightly before he looked down at her. “And do you want?”
She nodded. “Of course I do. Only I told him to ask me again with a big diamond.” She sniffed again before sobbing. “We both laughed but why did I say that? I don’t need a fucking ring, or-”
“Hey, hey.” Tony gently took her face in both his hands. “You just said it yourself. You both laughed. He won’t have taken it as anything but what it was, a joke. Steve knows you love him. Everyone does. Frankly it’s hard not to, it’s sickening”
She gave a wet laugh and Tony wiped at her cheeks with his thumbs.
“He’s gonna move into mine.” She smiled, as they both settled down again, her head returning to his shoulder. “His place is too small and full of bullet holes and…blood.”
 “Sensible” Tony agreed, pulling her closer.
At one point during the night Pepper called, filling Tony in on the fact that Natasha was to be summonsed to the UN for a hearing and that they wanted Katie there too, her secret identity as an Avenger was well and truly busted.
“Get the lawyers onto it.” Tony replied simply, glancing at Katie who was now asleep, across a makeshift bed consisting of four plastic chairs from around the room, head laying on his lap  As his hand gently smoothed her hair, his need to protect her boiled fiercely within him. “She’s not going anywhere, certainly not yet. Oh, and I need you to get hold of Happy. I have a couple of jobs for him.”
Every single inch of Steve’s body hurt. His mouth felt like sandpaper, his head was full of cotton wool, his eyes hurt as the colours flashed in front of them. He screwed his eyes further shut against the painful light that still assaulted him through his closed eyelids. He took a moment to breathe, steadying himself as soft music flooded his ears. It wasn’t something he had heard before but it was pleasant, soulful, jazz-like. His head stopped spinning and he felt brave enough to crack an eye open. He glanced round the room, puzzled slightly. He was in a hospital. Then he remembered. The Hellicarriers, Bucky, and the last thing he had seen before blacking out, his girl.  He had been cold, and wet, but she had been there.  And she still was, at the side of his bed, head laying against Sam’s shoulder.
 “On your left.” He managed to croak out. Katie’s head jerked up from its resting place and they both glanced over at the bed where Steve was led. He smiled groggily before his head rolled to the side, flush back against the pillow and he closed his eyes once more.
At the sound of his voice,  Katie instantly jumped up and settled on the side of his bed, gently stroking his face.
“Hey.” Her voice cracked. “Welcome back.”
“’M so tired, Sweetheart.” He mumbled as she dropped a kiss to his forehead, his eyes remaining closed as he managed a small smile.
“Then sleep.” She instructed softly, the relief flooding her system that he was with them, albeit not totally, but he was with them. She gently smoothed his hair, and kept that up until she could tell he was back asleep.
 She turned to Sam who gave her a smile. “Lazy bastard.”
A few minutes later a nurse popped her head round the door. Katie smiled and told her about him waking up briefly and she nodded, checking the readings. “That’s a good sign.” she beamed, “His body will be drained, serum or no serum so him resting is part of the natural recovery process. When he comes round fully, come find me and we’ll get the doctor back.”
An hour or so later, the mood in Steve’s room was considerably lighter given his waking up before. Katie, Sam and Evans, who was leaning in the open doorway, were mid a playful discussion as to whether or not Voldemort could take Darth Vader in a fight. (Katie had started this whole thing after calling Evans “Ron Weasley with a rifle” on her way back from the bathroom) and were just about to dive into the whole schematics on Magic vs The Force when a voice spoke from the bed.
“What the hell are you three talking about?” Steve grumbled playfully and Katie’s head jerked up to see his eyes watching her and she was beyond happy to see they were full of their usual warmth, the warmth he had whenever he looked at her.
“Hi!” Katie breathed in relief as she stood up and moved closer to him, settling on the edge of his bed.
“Hey, Doll.” He smiled as she took his hand, her fingers snaking into his. His eyes flickered to Evans, taking in the man’s various bruises and he frowned.
“Got in a bit of a fight with Rollins.” Evans drawled with a nod, and Steve let out the breath he hadn’t realised he had been holding. The man wasn’t HYDRA. “He didn’t take kindly to me threatening to test out the whole ‘cut one head off, two more shall take its place’ theory on him.”
Steve gave a small huff of a laugh before he winced slightly at the movement and Evans nodded to him once more, before allowing the door to shut, returning to his post. Steve’s eyes fell on Sam who raised an eyebrow at him.
“You know, having a building dropped on my head wasn’t part of the job description”
Steve’s smile spread a bit further before he gently lifted his head up off the pillow, looking around before grimacing at the throbbing that filled each bone in his body “How long was I out?”
“Forty-Three hours and Thirty Seven minutes if you don’t count the last hour you’ve been resting.” Katie smiled gently, glancing up at the clock on the wall as she settled on the side of the bed. Ah, yes, Steve’s brain vaguely registered he’d woken up before, made some quip of some sorts.  “Not that I’ve been counting…” She finished and he smiled again, giving her hand a squeeze.
“Have you been here that whole time?”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “Sam’s been here too, a lot. As has Tony. He’s just nipped back to my place to change and make a few calls.”
“Trust me, two days aint that bad considering how you looked when you got here.” Sam added jokingly.
“Sam.” Katie reprimanded gently, looking at him.
“Alright,” He relented standing from his chair and holding his hands up, with a smirk. “I’ll go get that hot nurse, give you guys a minute.”
“Utter dog.” She snorted, the pair of them watching as he left the room and she turned to face Steve, tears in her eyes.
“You scared me.”
“Sorry.” He looked at her, and he was. He hated seeing her upset. There was a moment’s pause before he decided he had to know. “What happened after… did we?”
“SHIELD’s gone, Alexander Pierce is dead. Fury shot him. And as far as HYDRA, everyone major that was involved at the Treskellion is either captured or dead.” she paused, not sure if she should be telling him the full scale of what had gone down. Not whilst he was still recovering.
“What is it?” he frowned and she knew she wouldn’t be able to fob him off.
“Nat dumping the files on the internet means my identity as Nova is probably blown wide open. There goes our quiet life.”
“Nothing about our life is quiet.” he said a soft chuckle rising in his chest.
She grinned “True. Gonna be a lot of other shit to mop up though, The Treskellion was the tip of the iceberg. All the main SHIELD bases fell. America, Canada, Europe.”
Steve nodded along then asked the question he was almost afraid to hear the answer to. “Any news on Bucky?
"He’s gone.” Katie told him sadly. “I’m sorry Steve. I know how much he meant to you. But, I think he remembered you. He pulled you out of the river, told me to get help.” She continued to explain about their short exchange on the river bank and Steve listened, unable to stop the hopeful feeling spreading in his chest. Maybe there was a chance for Bucky after all, they just needed to find him. Katie watched him, and he smiled at her.
“I’m glad you spoke to him.” He nodded, and then a cheeky glint flashed in his eyes “Still think all the girls in Brooklyn were dumbasses for hanging off his arm and not mine?”
She gave a bark of a laugh and leaned down towards his face, rubbing her nose against his “Always.” She whispered, before giving him a soft quick peck on the lips.
Tony arrived back an hour or so later. He was genuinely pleased to see Steve awake and after gently grasping the soldier’s hand between both of his in a friendly, brotherly, gesture he sat down and delivered some interesting news.
“So the Goth Pirate called me.” He said, leaning back in his seat “He sounded amazingly well for a dead guy.”
“Fury called you?” Steve frowned
“Yeah. He’s laying low, you know, on account of being dead, and he wants to hand control of the Avengers over to us, Cap.”
Steve frowned, before he lay his head back on his pillow. He knew the Avengers would be needed again, especially now with SHIELD gone. He turned to Tony who continued.
“I think that’s the right thing to do, for us to take control” The billionaire spoke and Steve nodded.
“I suppose, but there’s something I gotta do first.”
“Yeah, recover.” Sam shot, drawing a faint smile from Steve but Katie knew full well he didn’t mean that. He was intending to go after Bucky.
They spent the rest of the afternoon making idle chit chat with Tony, who was already planning on further renovating the tower to house the Avengers full time in the wake of Fury’s news. Steve, Katie was pleased to see, was enthusiastic about the plans and listened, looking at the various ideas Tony showed him on the tablet. However, now that Steve was awake, the nurses seemed to be a little more reluctant to allow everyone to stay and at about six pm one of them politely suggested that Sam and Tony should be making their way home.
“You do know I’m paying for this, right?” Tony quipped at her. She shot him a look which made him visibly recoil and he turned to Katie pulling a face as he stood up.
“I’ve gotta get back to New York anyway.” He shrugged, pulling his sister into a hug. “Lawyers to speak to…new suits to build seeing as you blew yours up.”
“You blew it up?” Steve looked at her.
“I needed to send up a signal so everyone could find us.” She shrugged as Tony looked at her reproachfully.
“Yeah, I should be going too. I gotta tidy my place.” Sam groaned. “Someone trashed it.”
“You’re welcome to stay at mine if you want, for as long as you need.”  Katie offered, as Steve let out a sigh and began to mumble an apology which Sam waved away.
“It’s fine man, it won’t take me long to reorganise it all.”
“Speaking of which…” Tony looked at Steve then Katie as he fished in his pockets for something. “I’ve had Happy organise to clear your apartment Cap, now you two are shacking up together. He’s gonna have all your stuff sent Kiddo’s, save you a job. Oh and I figured you might need this.” He tossed Katie a set of keys. She glanced down at them, her eyebrow raised.
“It’s a Q5, rought over from my personal collection.” He looked at her and she smiled at her brother. “Try not to bury this one under a sky-scraper.”
“Thank you.” She whispered, giving him another hug, slipping the keys into her pocket. “I love you, Tone.”
“Obviously, because I’m the best big brother in the world.” He hugged her tight, and Steve nodded to him, thanking him with a look which Tony acknowledged with a sharp incline of his head in the soldier’s direction.
 As the two men left, Steve raised his right arm to bid them goodbye and the pair of them headed off down the corridor, chatting away animatedly. Katie watched them go before turning to Steve, who was yawning like a lion.
“You okay?”
“I just don’t remember the last time I was this tired…or in as much pain”
"Do you want me to get the Nurse, up your pain relief?”
“No.” He yawned again, he hated how it made the room spin.“Think I’m gonna sleep.”
She teased gently. “Again?”
He smiled and looked at her, swallowing. “Will…will you stay?” He asked, tentatively “Until I fall asleep, that is?”
“I’m not leaving you.” She cut him off and dropped a kiss to his forehead as she climbed onto the bed next to him “I’ll be here when you go to sleep, and here when you wake up.”
 “You don’t need to stay all night. You must be exhausted, you should go home and get some sleep.” 
“I’m fine…” She looked at him, before her body betrayed her and she too let out a huge yawn which she tried to stifle. He raised an eyebrow.
“Please honey, you need some rest too.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
 Steve shook his head. She really was obtuse at times.
“Nothing.” He lay his head back on the pillow a grin flashing across his face. “Just remembering what a stubborn, pain in the-“
“If you wanna get out of here any time soon, then I wouldn’t finish that sentence…”
“Miss Stark is that a threat?” Steve looked at her, a smile curling further across his face
“It’s a promise…” She grinned,  leaning over to kiss him gently. “Now go to sleep.”
Steve was discharged from the hospital the next afternoon, the doctors having no reason to keep him any longer since he healed so quickly, though a cheeky nurse did warn that it wouldn’t be wise for him to engage in any strenuous activity, with a pointed look in Katie’s direction who merely rolled her eyes, a small smirk playing on her face.
They arrived back to Katie’s, no theirs, a little after 4 in the afternoon. Steve was dying for a hot shower, and a shave, despite Katie’s protests that she liked the stubble he had sprouted, and whilst he was under the scalding hot waterfall, Katie headed into the kitchen to grab a drink. As she opened the fridge for a bottle of water she wasn’t surprised it was fully stocked including a few bottles of expensive pinot grigio and some beer. There was a note stuck to one of the bottles, in Tony’s handwriting.
Couldn’t have you both coming home to an empty fridge now, could I?
Whatever it is he’s ‘got to do’, I know you’ll follow. So keep safe, stay in touch, and if you need help…you know where to find a good team.
T xxx
She read the note over again and smiled to herself. It was times like this that her brother always came through for her. She fired him a quick text message to thank him before she headed up to the bedroom to see if Steve was hungry.
“Hey love, just wanted to know…” the words died in her mouth at the sight of him, his upper body was flecked with droplets of water from the shower. The knife wound on his shoulder had faded to nothing but a fresh, pink scar and the bruises he sported were all starting to turn yellow now apart from one stubborn one on the right side of his ribcage that was still a mass of purple. But it was the round circle of scar tissue that stood out, on the left side of his lower abdomen, angry and red, where the bullet that had done the most damage had exited that caught her attention. Her mouth went dry and suddenly her eyes were misting over as it hit her exactly how close she had come to losing him. Quite simply, she wasn’t sure she could cope without him now, which scared her as she’d always been fiercely independent.
 “Hey…” he said, swiftly stepping forward, his hands cupping her face as he saw her face crumple “Sweetheart, I’m fine…”
“I know, I know but…” she sniffed. “I almost lost you and I couldn’t bear it if that happened…”
 “Well you didn’t.” He said, gently, “Gonna take more than that to get rid of me.”
His lips brushed hers, the lightest of touches but it set every single nerve end she had into over drive with desire. As her breath hitched she felt him grin against her mouth before he kissed her, slightly harder this time, parting her lips with his tongue. He pulled her close, moving his hands up to the small of her back, pressing her into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, running the fingers of one hand through his hair while the others lingered at the base of his skull, holding him to her. They stayed like that for what felt like forever, the kiss growing in intensity, hunger, until Katie felt him hard against her stomach and her face was raw from the stubble that he hadn’t shaved yet.
 “The doctor said you had to take it easy…” she whispered into the space between them as they each worked to steady our breathing
 “Yeah…” he said, slowly moving her backwards, “But, what do they know?”
“Ermm a lot.” she snorted.
“You need proof that I’m all healed?”
“Depends on what proof you’re talking about…” she grinned as he dropped his hands to her ass, reaching down as if to lift her but she stopped him, hands on his wrists.
“Steve, your ribs…”
“For once in your life will you shut up and just do as you’re told…” He looked down at her. She was about to argue, about to tell him no, but as he looked at her, his eyes alive with desire she knew it was pointless.
“Yes, Captain…” she murmured as his lips crashed onto hers, but he didn’t try and lift her again, instead he backed her up the short few strides, before the back of her knees hit the side of the bed and she dropped back onto it.
“I’ll take it easy…” He whispered as he crawled over the top of her, sliding his hand up her jersey dress and into the waistband of her leggings and knickers, slowly sinking two fingers into her warm, wet depth. She let out a soft moan, open mouth grazing his neck as he felt her clench around him. “Easy,” he repeated before her mouth hungrily claimed his again. He moved his hands to reach down and they parted just long enough so he could pull her dress up over her head. His eyes automatically darted to the bullet wound on her left shoulder, that hadn’t healed half as fast as his, the stitches weren’t due out for another week
“I hate that you got hurt…” he muttered, slipping one bra strap down, then the other, before she arched her back allowing him to reach round and undo the clasp before he discarded it to the floor. His lips travelled across her collar bone and up her neck, drawing a soft groan from her lips as his stubble scraped her skin and once more his fingers claimed her. She writhed with pleasure at his strokes and he groaned gently, his lips working on the spot under her ear. He moved away for a second, to rid himself of the towel and crawled over her so that she was led flat, his hands pulling at the side of her black leggings, removing them along with her panties easily. He positioned himself over her, his tongue dipping into her mouth before he pushed into her, making her shudder slightly. His hands were on either side of her face, caressing her cheek and jaw as he kissed her again, rocking his hips as opposed to thrusting, the contact not breaking for a second. He dropped his head to her neck, his lips gently brushing her ear as he let out a groan, his hips grinding against hers.
It was soft, it was gentle, it was intimate, not rushed and Katie cried out his name loudly when her orgasm took her, her thighs closing around him. He was consumed completely by her, and he followed her over the edge, a loud moan rumbling in his throat. God he loved this woman with every single inch of his body.
“One day,” he mumbled, his lips brushing her ear, “I’m going to ask you properly.”
She understood what he meant. Smiling she looked at him, not a shred of hesitation on her face as her lips met his and she whispered into the kiss, “One day, I’m going to say yes.”
He couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across his face as he kissed her again, noses sliding carefully against one another to avoid aggravating any bruises before he rolled over pulling her to him, her words reverberating around his head.
 I’m going to say yes.
 His hand gently carded through her hair as he felt her relax into him and he dropped a kiss to the top of her head.
 I’m going to say yes.
The flashes of the photographers and the hustle and bustle of the audience were invasive. 4 days had passed since they had taken down SHIELD/Hydra and despite the best attempts of the lawyers that Tony had instructed on both hers and Natasha’s behalf, they had been summonsed to Capitol Hill.
What pissed Katie off the most wasn’t the attention, it was the fact they were being held accountable when they had done the right thing. Natasha felt the same, but the pair of them remained professional and unaffected by the staging of the conference before them. They both moved to the fingerprint reader before returning to their appointed places to answer their questions. Nat’s hair was as usual smoothed and perfectly capped on her shoulders, Katie’s was twisted back in a bun. Katie’s face still bore the bruises she had gotten from Rumlow, which were turning and fading and she probably could have covered them better but she’d chosen not to, simply to make a point.
“Miss Stark, you know Captain Rogers the best out of anyone in this room. Why do you believe he felt the need to take down our intelligence service?”
Katie wanted to laugh; it was such a stupid question to open with. But the serious look on his face told her he was serious.
"Taking down SHIELD was the morally right thing to do. If we hadn’t stopped that launch over twenty million people would be dead.” she said seriously. The congressman eyed her before jotting down something on his notepad.
The questioning continued from there. Not many people in the room were sympathetic to all that they had been through. In fact, Katie would go as far as to suggest that most were trying to find a weak spot or a way for them to trip them up. An hour in and it felt like they were going round in circles. Katie was getting pissed off. Besides her Nat shifted slightly, crossing her arms over her chest, the two women resisting the urge to look at one another.
“Why is there no news from Captain Rogers?” asked one of the men of the congress.
That was when Katie lost it. She turned to the front taking a deep breath as she looked up at the ceiling with annoyance, the eye roll she had been fighting came fully as she glanced back at the moron who had been speaking “I don’t know what else to say.” she spoke, her tone laced with sarcasm. “Maybe the fact he almost died might have something to do with it. That said, I think the new rock in the middle of the Potomac speaks for him in this case.”
"Perhaps he can explain to us how he hopes this country will ensure its national security because you have dismantled our intelligence services.” The Congressman insisted reproachfully.
This time it was Natasha that spoke, her attitude ringing across the room, she was pissed as well.
“What information?” She asked angrily. “HYDRA sold you lies.”
“Lies that you took care to spread.” The Congressman reminded, pointing at her with a knowing look. Natasha narrowed her lips to his allusion but it was Katie that answered, the final threads of her self-control finally snapping.
“Ste- Captain Rogers, sacrificed everything to save the lives of millions of people when he took that airship down into the ice over 70 years ago.” she leant forward “Not to mention the fact that my dad, Howard Stark, the co-founder of SHIELD also worked against Hydra in the war.” she took a breath and looked at Natasha “Agent Romanoff was almost killed by Hydra’s most deadly assassin on a mission 5 years ago. And more to the fact, 2 years ago we fought, side by side as part of the Avengers to keep the world and its people safe. And you’re seriously suggesting now that we would knowingly put those same people in danger?”
“Passionate speech Miss Stark, or should we call you Nova…” he said, making her snort and look away “And perhaps you’re right, maybe you didn’t know…but Agent Romanoff…” he turned to Natasha “It happens that a few in the commission have the feeling that, given your state of service for our country and against it, your place is more in a penitentiary than in a senatorial commission.”
Katie looked at Nat who took a deep breath, clearly collecting her thoughts before answering with confidence. "You’re not gonna put me in jail.” She paused for the dramatic effect before letting a small smirk curl the corner of her pink lips as she glanced at a Katie before looking at the front again “You’re not gonna put any of us in jail.” She arched a mocking eyebrow as she kept eye contact with the congressman. “You know why?”
“Please enlighten us.” He replied snidely.
“Because you need us.” Katie answered for her. “With SHIELD gone, the world needs the Avengers more than ever.”
Natasha smiled gently and continued “Miss Stark is right. Yes, the world is vulnerable. And we’re partly responsible, but we’re also the most qualified to defend it. So you want to throw us in prison? Go ahead” she shrugged “You know where to find us.”
With that she gently touched Katie’s shoulder and she rose gracefully from her seat, Katie following her. The pair of them turned to face the hordes of press, all of them were shoving microphones and cameras into their faces whilst they moved to the doors and pushed their way through the throng of people.
“Move aside please…” Happy was in his element, arm round Katie as he cleared a path to the SUV, where he opened the door to allow them to slide in. He pulled away from the kerb and sped off.
“We’ll head to Miss Romanoff’s first, then I’ll drop you home Kiddo.”
“Happy, what would I do without you?” Katie smiled at him. She turned to Nat who was looking out of the window.
“You ok?”
She shrugged “Could be worse.”
“So, what’s next for you?” she asked.
“Gonna take a bit of time out.” she said vaguely, shrugging “You?”
“Steve wants to track Bucky down.” Katie sighed “Although I’m not so sure it’s a good idea.”
She didn’t reply. They rode in silence until they reached her condo and Katie turned to her.
She looked at Katie, her green eyes locking onto her friend’s.
“Don’t be a stranger. Come over this week, we can get takeout and make fun out of Steve, just like normal.”
She smiled and reached across the seats, giving her a hug. “I’d like that.”
The days following the hearing were peaceful as Steve and Katie mostly lounged at home, unpacking some of his things that Happy had sent over. They binge watched shows, cooked, went for walks and then one night Sam and Natasha dropped in for take-out and a few beers. Sam made sure he congratulated Katie and Natasha on them both basically telling the Government to kiss their asses.
“It was the best thing I’ve seen on TV in years!” he gleefully said, as Steve dropped a kiss to the side of Katie’s head. In contrast, Steve had hated seeing both her and Nat getting grilled. He’d offered to go himself but both girls had insisted they could handle it, and he should keep his head down for the foreseeable. It was the one thing that Katie knew she could do to protect him.
It was as Natasha was leaving that Steve pulled her to one side and asked her if she could get any of her old contacts to dig up any information on Bucky. Katie pretended she wasn’t listening to the conversation, but she heard every word as Natasha tried to warn him that it wasn’t a good idea, but, stubborn as ever, Steve insisted so she nodded, and promised to do what she could.
And now, almost two weeks later, they were stood in a graveyard. Katie supposed there were stranger places to meet up with your dead-not-dead ex-boss…
“Funny, most people need a Medium or a Ouija board to speak to dead people.” Sam quipped as Fury approached them.
“I see dead people…” Katie replied in an almost perfect impression of the Kid from The Sixth Sense, causing Sam to snort and Steve to chastise the pair of them for acting like a pair of school children in a graveyard.
“Sorry Dad.” Katie rolled her eyes and he shot her a disapproving look which she met with an equally sassy one of her own, and Steve looked away before he laughed at her.
"So, you’ve experienced this sort of thing before?” Fury asked, drawing up behind the three.
“You get used to it,” said Steve, looking down at the grave stone with Fury’s name on it, placed over an empty, buried coffin.
Katie slipped her hand into his, gently squeezing it.
“We’ve been data mining Hydra’s files. Looks like a lot of rats didn’t go down with the ship,” said Fury, He was standing by Katie’s side, staring down at his own tombstone, with sunglasses on and a hoodie over his head and he looked up at Steve “I’m headed to Europe tonight. Wanted to ask if you’d come.”
“There’s something I gotta do first,” Steve responded, simply.
“I assume you gotta do it too?” Fury looked at Katie. She shrugged.
“How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your ability,” said Fury, turning his gaze to Sam.
“I’m more of a soldier than a spy,” responded Sam.
“Alright then,” Fury shrugged, shaking Sam’s hand before going over to shake Steve’s. “If anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here.” He said shaking Katie’s hand last as he nodded to the grave.
“You should be honoured.” Natasha’s voice drifted across from behind the three of them, making them turn around to see her walking up to them while Fury himself was already strolling away in the opposite direction. “That’s about as close as he gets to saying ‘thank you’.”
“Not going with him?” Katie asked.
“No,” she sang coming to a stop, keeping her hands behind her back.
“Not staying here,” Steve concluded.
“Nah…” she drew out the reply. “I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one.”
“That could take some time,” Katie raised an eyebrow.
“I’m counting on it.” She smirked, turning to Steve. “That thing you asked for; called in a few favours from Kiev.”
As she removed her hands from behind her back, she revealed a brown folder, which Steve took staring down at it with a contemplative expression.
“Be careful Steve,” she added, repeating her warning and he looked at her, nodding. “You may not want to pull on that thread.”
“Take care of yourself.” Katie said, looking at her, before giving her a quick hug.  “I think I’m going to miss you, just a little bit." 
"Only a little?” Natasha teased right back. “I’ll miss you too.”
She turned to leave and Katie gently reached over to tilt the file down so she could see it, wincing at the photo of Bucky in some kind of cryo-stasis. Steve looked at her, his eyes giving away his sadness and she gently ran her hand up his arm.
“I’m not sure I want you involved in this.” he looked down at her and she rolled her eyes.
“We live together you ass.” She looked at him, sternly “And we’re in this now, the both of us. I’m not going anywhere.”
She felt like she had been saying that a lot recently, and she had. But she wanted him to understand, nothing that happened could and would ever tear them apart.
 As Sam approached Steve closed the folder, but the man had already seen it. He shot a look up to the sky, his eyes locking on Katie’s and she gave him a quick look which was almost sympathetic as she registered Sam’s frustration. It didn’t go unnoticed by Steve either, he knew this could be opening a whole can of worms, or a ‘bucket of vipers’ as Katie had said the other night, but he had to try. He owed it to Bucky.
“You’re going after him aren’t you?” Sam asked.
“You don’t have to come with us.” Steve responded
“I know.” Sam remarked, before a smirk crossed his face. “When do we start?”
**** Chapter 18
**Original Posting**
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tales-unique · 3 years
Needless to say, Dutch is Interested. After the initial shock and suspicion subsides he hounds you with questions, all while marching you over to his tent, motioning two men over with a swift motion. Arthur and Hosea, the same men he had been talking with earlier on. You stand awkwardly between the three, fidgety under their gaze. Hosea seems the most agreeable of them while Arthur is wary of you, if first introductions are to go by, but Dutch doesn't waste another minute with the pleasantries. “Miss DuBois, if you please.”
“Oh,” you clear your throat, eyes flicking between them. You suddenly feel small , but you try to hide it as best you can. “His name is Jebediah Kramer. He’s a gambling man from Saint Denis who, I happen to know, has just come into a large sum of money.” “Just how much money are we talkin’ here? And how do you know about it?” Arthur speaks up, eyeing you suspiciously. He looks intimidating, all broad shoulders and piercing eyes. If it were under different circumstances you might have enjoyed the sight. You give him a tight-lipped smile instead. ”At least a couple thousand, and I know ‘cause the no good, pompous, cheating son-of-a-bitch took it from my brother in a rigged poker game!” The three fall silent. Dutch has his hands on his hips. Hosea crosses his arms with a slow nod. Arthur just watches you with suspicious eyes. “So that’s why you’re more than happy to let us rob him blind!” Arthur breaks the silence, throwing his hands up in the air. “You just need someone to do your dirty work, huh?” He turns to Dutch, a scowl on his face. “I bet it aint even that much money, it’s not worth the risk Dutch! Not with all the heat we already have!” “Easy, Arthur,” Dutch waves his hand dismissively, “any lead is welcome, you know that—” You’re surprised by his support, but none-the-less pleased. “—But I admit, I am curious why you would let us ride away with your brothers wrongfully taken money. Care to enlighten us further?” Now, not so much. “Well, the money wasn’t my brothers to gamble with,” you sigh, fidgeting, “he took it on loan, and was supposed to pay it back, but obviously he couldn't with it all gone. Jebediah, ever the kindhearted rich man,” you sneer, “offered to pay off the debt and give a little more besides for a trade,” your voice tapers off into a murmur at the end, your teeth nipping the inside of your cheek, anger bubbling in your stomach. “Well?” Dutch probes, impatient, “what trade ?” “For my hand in marriage!” You hiss low, stomping on the mound of dirt you hadn’t realized you were shoveling with your foot. “And the damned idiot said yes ! Like I’m some pet o-or a piece of furniture that don’t have feelings or a mind of her own!” Flustered, you take in a deep breath in order to try and calm yourself, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. “So yes , it’s a little bit of dirty work on my behalf, but the way I see it you’re the ones who get the better end of the deal. And you can keep anything else you find too, I don’t care. It ain’t mine after all,” you shrug, cold and distant. It’s a little sobering for the men before you but you don’t care. Jebediah is a rich man who doesn’t give two hoots about anyone or anything but himself; he deserves far worse than this, but at least your brother will have learned a harsh lesson and you won’t have to marry that fool Kramer. He’ll be too busy nursing his ruined ego to focus on you, after all. You hope. “Well,” Dutch drawls, breaking the stalemate, “ain’t that something. What do you say, gentlemen?” He asks Hosea and Arthur, both of whom have stayed quiet after your little outburst. “I doubt Miss DuBois would be so, well, so animated over nothing,” Hosea states, “I say we take a look into this Mr Kramer.” He offers you a small smile and a dip of his head, which you return. “And you, Arthur?” Arthur grumbles, shuffling from one foot to another before he shakes his head. He takes out a cigarette, holding it between his lips before looking you dead in the eyes. “Better not be setting us up like fools, Miss,” he growls, striking a match. Through the smoke he looks like one of those mountain men you’ve read about in your books, all rugged and rough. Now you can see why they sell so well among the ladies in the gentry. Dutch nods, a hand coming to your shoulder in a reassuring pat. “Well then Miss DuBois, I think the matter is settled! Now, all we need is a plan .” Reconnaissance — the first phase of Dutch’s plan. A trip to Saint Denis was in order, he explained, to return the stolen bride-to-be and in the process integrate themselves into the business of Jebediah Kramer directly. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy, you told yourself, but humored Dutch with a smile and a nod anyway. “We should have taken the train! ” You huff, shifting in the saddle to try and get the blood flowing to your legs. You’ve been riding for a while now and while you’re grateful not to be walking all the way to Saint Denis, you would have preferred your own mount instead of sharing one. Especially with a certain ill-tempered cowboy. “Quit your whining, we’ll make camp as soon as we get to open ground,” Arthur grumbles, growling in frustration when he, too, has to readjust to get comfortable. The large stallion he rides, a hulking Ardennes, snorts in complaint at the unruly riders. You shush him gently, smoothing your fingers out along his neck. “Only if you mean it this time,” you counter sourly. Arthur just chuckles, recalling how you fell for the lie twice before you called his bluff. He does mean it this time though and it’s not long before Arthur picks out a suitable spot to set up camp. It’s just enough for two weary travelers on the road. Two small tents, two bedrolls, and a small fire. You sip at a strange concoction that Hosea gave you, made out of American Ginseng, which he said would help boost you up a bit after your ordeal. It tastes funny, but you do feel better. Arthur is smoking, eyes on the rabbit that he’s cooking. You’re curious of him, but he doesn’t seem like the kind of man that enjoys being quizzed and questioned. You decide to do it anyway. “So...” You start, trying to make small talk to fill the deafening silence. Arthur flicks his gaze briefly to you, but it’s soon back on the rabbit. “So?” He repeats when you remain quiet, raising an eyebrow. “So, what’s it like being an outlaw ?” Not the most original question in the world and you know it. You cringe inside and you can see the tension in Arthur's expression. He’s probably been asked that before, plenty of times, by all sorts of people and you feel stupid. He scoffs and shakes his head, distracting himself with the now cooked rabbit. You awkwardly decline his offer for some. You’re too busy hoping a hole would open up and swallow you whole “Sorry,” you murmur sheepishly, “that was, God, that was awful!” Arthur snickers, making you smile. “Well I wasn’t gonna say anything, but now that you mention it,” he teases, the awkward tension leaving your shoulders as you laugh. It didn’t sit right with him, how uptight you were. Especially since he knew it was because of how standoffish he’d been with you in camp. The stress of everything with the law, that mess in Blackwater, and Dutch acting strange was weighing heavily on him but that didn’t give him the right to be mean to you. He could have been civil about it. Hosea always taught him to be, even when disagreeing, not that Dutch ever minded him being more of a brute. And a brute he had been. Until he saw that look in your eye, that is. Like a puppy who was kicked for being a little too excited, a little too much for those around it. With a sigh, he gives you the once over before sitting up straighter. The cooked rabbit meat is stowed away for later, when you’re both on the move again. “You really wanna know what it’s like to be an outlaw?” He asks and you visibly perk up, surprised that he’s answering your question. “Are you really gonna tell me?” You counter, narrowing your eyes. You’re suspicious, but the smile creeping onto your lips betrays your excitement. Arthur finds he quite likes this side to you; maybe you are more suited for this life than he gave you credit for. “Well, it ain’t fun,” he breaths, “I mean, you’re practically living it already. You’ve been kidnapped, starved, hustled into some fools errand by a gang of misfits, and now you’re planning to rob some rich fool blind and get out alive to spend the money!" He chuckles. “All we gotta do is get you in a gun fight and girl you’ll be the real deal,” he adds, smirking. You’re quiet for a moment, studying him, before you break down into laughter as Arthur watches you in amusement, illuminated by the firelight. “You really think so?” You laugh, shaking your head, “I don’t even know how to use a gun!” “Then I’ll teach you,” Arthur says after a moment of contemplation, “you’ll need it if you’re gonna run with us.” The resoluteness of his tone stifles your laughter and you once again look at him with those wide eyes, barely contained excitement brimming within. “You will?” Suspicion radiates from you again but he waves it off dismissively. “Yeah, you’ll need to know just in case things go wrong,” he explains, “but c’mon now, it’s getting late. We should get some sleep while we can.” Stifling a yawn, you nod. Arthur will have you up with the dawn chorus so that you can make good time so you need all the rest you can get. Burrowing down into the blanket on your bedroll you sigh contently, peeking up at the stars as the fire becomes glowing embers. The stillness of the night surrounds you, coaxing you into a restful sleep as twinklings lights above fade to black. Arthur listens as your breathing evens out, steady and constant in your slumber. He stares up at the stars, ruminating on just how it came to be that you were there, with him, about to pull off something daring and downright foolish with the possibility of no pay off. Before he left with you Hosea had told him to have faith in you and your knowledge, but could he really be so quick to trust? Turning onto his side, Arthur watches you with interest. You’re curled up like one of those pretty cats in a basket, soft fur and sweet purrs. Long lashes kissing the tops of rosy cheeks. You’re an honest girl, he’s sure, but the more he watches your peaceful, sleeping face, the more he’s concerned that you’re in over your head, and that just doesn’t sit right with him.
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch17: I'm Not Going Anywhere
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Summary: Katie keeps vigil at Steve’s bedside and in full protective ‘dad’ mode, Tony engages the Stark Industry lawyers when the UN Senate comes calling. But the Winter Soldier has gone back into the shadows, taking one of Steve’s only living ties to his past with him. And no one has a clue where he’s gone...
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings:Violence, bad language words, angst and smut (NSFW) NO UNDER 18s thanks.
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Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist
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 “He’s panicking…let me talk to him.” her voice was soft but full of authority.
Then a familiar hand closed over the one that he held over the mask on his face and she gently spoke to him.
“Shhhh…” her other hand ran over his forehead. “ Baby, you’re in an ambulance. Try and stay calm, ok?”
And then his eyes focused, just for a second. The panic that had hit him dissipated as her face filled his vision and he gripped her hand, not wanting her to leave him.
“I’m not going anywhere…” she said gently, “I promise.”
And he believed her. He felt himself relax and fell back against the bed and his eyes closed again, the last thing he heard and felt was her…
Steve’s hand was still tight around Katie’s when they arrived in the emergency room. She went in with the paramedics taking Steve in charge and as they escorted Steve into the operating room, the realization that she finally had to let go of him crushed her. The same doctor who had taken care of Fury and her in the warehouse approached her with a nod, and she was suddenly extremely thankful that Nick Fury had as many fingers in as many pies as he did. It was an overwhelming relief to see a face she knew she could trust.
"Miss. Stark, I need you to leave the room, please. I'll take care of him from here." He put his hand on her shoulder to support his point and dropped his voice. “I promise. Fury’s orders”
Ignoring the urge to argue she let go and took a step back, her eyes still focused on the body of Steve lying on the stretcher.
"Heart's rate climbing, doctor!" Announced one of the nurses. Katie could still see her soldier’s face disfiguring and the slight raising of his eyebrow and clench of his hand if he were trying to hold on to something. She let out a sob as she realised he was looking for her because she had left him, after promising she wouldn’t, and then the double doors of the operating room closed. Finding herself now alone and completely helpless, her limbs began to clench and she was suddenly very aware she was trembling. Then, it was as if someone had tightened a band around her chest, leaving her panting for air as her vision became more and more obscured by tears of panic. She caught herself against the nearest wall before feeling her legs give way. She managed to lift them into a bent position, before bringing her arms around them so she could hide her head on her lap as her throat felt like it had completely closed. She concentrated on Steve's images floating around her brain, his touch, his kisses, how he held her, made love to her, the feeling of his laughter, his eyes, all their moments together.
We could get married if you want…
His face as he had spoken those words, the look she hadn’t been able to place suddenly registered in her brain. He had been hopeful. She closed her eyes trying to hold on to that memory. Eventually, she felt her throat begin to open again allowing her to take a deep breath, then the tightness in her chest and lungs eased and finally her brain. The hiss of silence in her ears was replaced by the usual murmur of a hospital and she could once again feel the sensations coming back along her limbs. She loosened her arms around her legs and lifted her head to lean against the wall.
She had no idea how long she sat there. Minutes, hours…it all blurred into one as she focussed her attention on the doors he had been taken through. Eventually, her little bubble was invaded by a familiar figure hovering over her before Natasha slid to the floor, legs lying in front of her.
“Any news on how he is?" she asked.
"They're still treating him, as far as I know." Katie said, sighing impatiently and anxiously.
Natasha nodded briefly in acknowledgment before turning to look at her friend. "And you? How are you holding up?"
Katie turned to face her, but didn’t answer as Sam's familiar voice cut across the corridor.
"Katie! Natasha!" Sam hastened to join them, letting Katie take in his civilian change of clothes. He was bruised too, but overall, he looked ok. "How is he doing? Any news?"
Natasha took it upon herself to answer Sam. Meanwhile, Katie finally decided to get up from her position against the wall. The sudden movement and the long time spent in an identical position made her stagger a little. Sam hastily raised his hands to catch her.
“I brought you a change of clothes.” Nat spoke gently as she too stood up. “…but I can’t stay…I’m already being summonsed for questioning, but Hill and I are going to do our best to keep your names out of it, both of you.”
“Frankly Nat, at this moment I couldn’t give a fuck about what my name is dragged into.” Katie said, a little more harshly than she had intended. She sighed “Sorry…”
“It’s ok.” Nat said, her green eyes catching Katie’s “Look, call me as soon as there’s news.”
She nodded “Can you call Tony for me? He’s already tried ringing but I can’t bring myself to try and explain.”
“Sure.” She nodded. In a rare sign of affection she pulled Katie into a hug, before she headed off up the corridor.
“Katie…”  Sam said gently “There’s a waiting room down there...”
She shook her head “No, I’m staying here…”
“Look.” Sam reasoned “You need to get a proper rest. You got shot yourself yesterday, remember? Come on, you’re no good to Steve if you aint in top fighting form.”
Katie gave in and let Sam escort her to the waiting room where the two of them sat in silence. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, some 4 hours after they had arrived when the SHIELD doctor made an appearance. Katie was currently half-lying with her head against Sam's shoulder as Sam was changing the annoying channels of the hospital TV every ten seconds.
"Miss. Stark?”
Sam turned off the television almost immediately while Katie was already on her feet in impatience.
"Sorry it’s taken so long but there was a few complications...”
“Complications?” Katie frowned “He’s got the damned serum coursing through his DNA, it’s supposed to help him heal...” “And it did, meaning the wounds had started to heal over which caused us a bit of an issue but he’s  of theatre and the surgery was a success.”
“So he’s gonna be ok?” Sam asked and the Doctor nodded.
“He lost a lot of blood but he should be fine.”
Katie let out a sob and covered her face with her hands, relief flooding every cell in her body as Sam wrapped an arm round her.
“We’ve moved him into his own room and it will be a while before he regains consciousness, how long we can’t say.” the doctor continued gently, before looking round and then back to her, his voice lowering “We have an armed guard on his door, Fury’s orders, but you two can stay with him.”
He beckoned for them to follow him through the corridors of the hospital. "He's doing very well, all things considered." He said stopping in front of a door.  “He is heavily sedated to ensure he rests as he was quite agitated but now it's just a case of letting the serum work its magic.”
“Thank you…” Katie said to him before she turned to the door and a hand gently touched her arm. She looked up and did a double take as she saw Evans stood there.
“Hey Nova…”
“Evans…” she said, her voice a whisper as he pulled her into a hug. “You…”
“No, I’m not HYDRA, probably the only one in STRIKE who wasn’t.” he said, and she stepped back to look at him noticing the shiny fresh bruise adorning his right cheek and the split in his upper lip. “I swear I had no idea…it all started smelling a bit funky when they told us Cap was public enemy number one, and then when I heard his voice on that PA…I’m sorry I didn’t try to find you, help sooner…”
Katie shook her head as the ginger Texan man wiped at his eyes with the heel of his palm.
“None of us knew Paul.” she said softly, and the use of his first name made him look at her, and she was swept back into his arms again.
“How is he?” he asked as she stepped back, nodding to the room.
“I don’t know yet.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep ya.” he smiled and she gently squeezed his am.
“I don’t want anyone in here without my say so.” she said. Evans jerked his head to show he understood and she gave him a tight smile as she pushed the door open and stepped into the room, Sam following.
The sight in front of her made fresh tears spring into her eyes and she swallowed as she silently took in Steve's condition. He was lying, asleep, in his bed with whilst IV's and monitors recorded his vitals. He had stitches in several places on his face, nasty bruises around his left eye and jawline, and a huge swelling along the same eye that was likely to prevent him from seeing properly for a while. Overall, he was a mess.
"I'm fine." she interrupted Sam quickly in a hoarse voice, slightly tinged with her desire to cry. She took a shaky breath as she could hear Steve's steady heartbeat reaching her ears. "I just need a minute."
She slowly made her way to one of the chairs by the bed, settling down without looking away from Steve as she reached up to take one of his hands. It was colder than she could ever remember him being.
"Hey, Soldier." she breathed in a shaking voice before pressing her lips to his bruised knuckles as she held his large hand in both of hers. For a moment, she thought she felt his hand contract in recognition but when she looked down he showed no signs of being awake. "I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m here, like I promised."
The next few hours Sam and Katie stayed in the room with him and eventually Katie had to concede she really needed to clean up. She looked around for the bag which Nat had brought her some clothes in and stood up, grabbing it from where it sat by the door.
“I’m need the bathroom.” she said to Sam. He nodded “I won’t be long.”
She headed down the corridor and entered the ladies restroom, leaning over the sink. She glanced at the mirror, her eyes were red, face was dirty, hands still full of Steve’s blood and she looked all in all like a right mess. She set about washing her hands, her face and anything else that she could before she stepped into a cubicle and peeled off the SHIELD cat suit she had been wearing under her Nova Suit. Dressing in the jeans and top that Nat had packed, she was also touched to the point of more tears to see she’d packed her some deodorant, a set of face wipes, dry shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and a hairbrush. By the time Katie had finished she looked almost normal.
Katie pinged Nat a message to thank her and fill her in on the news that Steve was going to be ok and one came back almost immediately
Thank God, and you’re welcome. I just spoke to Tony. He’s on his way back from Australia as we speak, he’d already set off after seeing the news. He told me to tell you to call him, ASAP.
So she did.
“Jesus Kiddo!” he exclaimed when he answered, “I’ve been so worried…how are you? How’s Cap?”
“He’s stable…still out of it but...” she said, tears at hearing her brother’s voice trickled down her cheek.
“I’ve had Pepper call the hospital, anything you or he needs…anything…” he said gently “and she’s working to keep the press off your back.”
“Thanks. Where abouts are you?” she asked
“Approaching Singapore airspace. I’ll be there as soon as I can, I promise sweetie .
“’kay…” she said gently
“Love you Kiddo, he’s strong…he’ll be fine.”
“So everyone keeps saying.” she said, the sob catching in her throat.
Tony sighed "Look, this is Rogers we’re talking about. He’s as stubborn as you are."
“I know.”
“Chin up, see you soon. Call me if there’s any news, ok?”
But there wasn’t. Katie sent Sam home in the early hours of the morning but her vigil never wavered. Doctors and nurses bustled in throughout the night. Steve’s vitals were improving but he still didn’t wake up.
It was around 10 am when Sam returned. Steve had been moved into a bigger, nicer room courtesy of Pepper’s discussions with the hospital. The new guard who had relieved Evans for a shift stopped him immediately until Katie popped her head out of the door and told him it was ok. After he had frisked Sam he walked in, holding out a bag containing a sub.
“You’re an angel.” Katie said as she tore into it, unaware how long it was since she had eaten something.
The two of them ate as they watched the news reports on the TV in the corner of the bright room. They spoke of the Helicarriers, HYDRA's plot having integrated the governmental organization as well as the impending investigation. Katie watched the footage of her and Sam whizzing around the sky, and listened as they had even rebuffed Steve's message for more effect. The attack was all the world was talking about and all the news was focused on Steve’s recovery and the repercussions of his actions.
“The identity of the Avenger Supernova has until today remained a mystery but the rumours are beginning to amass than it is none other than Katie Stark…” one of the news readers was saying “the sister of Iron Man and girlfriend of Captain America…”
Katie didn’t even flinch. It wasn’t like they wouldn’t find out anyway, as soon as those files they had dumped on the internet became common knowledge it was going to blow up, plus, it was pretty obvious now anyway. What was annoying her however, was that it was as if they blamed them, in particular Steve, for doing what was right.
4 hours later just as Sam had left again, Katie heard a commotion outside the doors to the room and she stood up.
“You know me right? Tony Stark, my sister is in there…”
“Sir, I’m under instructions not to…”
“It’s ok Davies…” Katie stepped out of the room and spoke to the guard “he’s good…”
Davies sighed “Mr Stark…I’m gonna have to search you then…” he relented.
Tony shrugged and held his arms out, once he’d been patted down he shot Davies a contemptuous look and he entered the room. No sooner had he done that Katie was in his arms, sobbing.
“Shhhhh Kiddo…” Tony gently stroked her hair as she pressed her face into his chest, his familiar aftershave and touch reminding her of all the times he’d soothed her before when she was upset.
“I’m so glad you’re here…”
Tony stepped back to look at her “Nat said you got shot.”
“I did, but I’m ok, see.” she shifted her top to show him the patch that was over her wound, which was healing well.
 “Sounds like you’ve been having a bit of fun without me.” Tony sniffed, “Its ok, I’m not really hurt. Well, maybe just a little. JARVIS  is in a whole heap of trouble for not telling me by the way…”
“I told him not to, you were in Australia, Tones.” Katie said gently “Besides, this was all a bit crazy. There wasn’t really time, if we had waited for you to get back it would have been too late…and you could have been in danger and…” She looked over at Steve, his face was still a mess “look at him Tony…”
Her brother placed his arm around his sister and squeezed. “He’s gonna be fine.”
Katie lay her head on Tony’s shoulders as they sat down, his hand gently stroking over her hair, not once trying to get her to leave as he knew she wouldn’t. She’d burst randomly into tears again when she’d told him her car was now buried in the wreck of the Triskelion. It was a lump of metal, not something that mattered, but Tony understood. She was letting everything out, and he simply sat with her and soothed her, informing her that the car was ready for being changed anyway.
 “But I like my car.” She sniffed.
 “Kiddo, it’s almost 9 years old. I got you that for your 21st.”
 “And that’s why I like it.” she said.
Tony had to chuckle, that’s what she was like. Sentimental. It was the gesture behind gifts that mattered to her, not the value. He’d brought her up that way to value money, even though they had it in abundance, and he was fiercely proud of the woman she had grown to be. Humble in many ways that he wasn’t.
“You know he asked me to move in with him.” Katie spoke again, breaking the silence after a minute or so. 
“Before marriage?” he teased, “Well, well, well.”
She snorted a laugh “That’s what I said. And he turned round and told me we could get married if I wanted.”
Tony stiffened slightly before he looked down at her.
“And do you want?”
She nodded “Of course I do. Only I told him to ask me again with a big diamond.” she sniffed again before sobbing “We both laughed but why did I say that? I don’t need a fucking ring, or-”
“Hey, hey…” Tony gently took her face in both his hands “You just said it yourself. You both laughed. That’s what you two do. You know each other inside out, he won’t have taken it as anything but what it was, a joke...he knows you love him. Everyone does. Frankly it’s hard not to, it’s sickening”
She gave a wet laugh and Tony wiped at her cheeks with his thumbs.
“He’s gonna move into mine.” she said, smiling, as they both settled down again, her head on his shoulder. “His place is too small and full of bullet holes and…blood.”
 “Sensible” he smiled, pulling her closer.
At one point during the night Pepper called, filling them both in on the fact that Natasha was to be summonsed to the UN for a hearing and that they wanted Katie there too, her secret identity as an Avenger was well and truly busted.
“Get the lawyers onto it.” Tony said simply, glancing at Katie who was now asleep, across a makeshift bed consisting of 4 plastic chairs from around the room, head laying on his lap  As his hand gently smoothed her hair, his need to protect her boiled fiercely within him. “She’s not going anywhere…certainly not yet. Oh, and I need you to get hold of Happy. I have a couple of jobs for him…
The next morning Sam arrived back at 9 am, as did Evans. Tony headed off to Katie’s apartment to check no one had been there, and to take the opportunity to get changed, cleaned up and make a few business calls, promising to bring her another change of clothes back when she declined to go with him for fear of missing Steve waking up. She had noticed that morning the bruises were starting to fade from an angry red/purple to a bluey green purple already. The doctors checking his vitals told her that his recovery was progressing rapidly as expected, but still, she wouldn’t be happy until he was conscious. She’d long since turned off the TV, the reports pissing her off so, instead Sam produced a set of speakers and plugged his Iphone in, the pair of them listening to music. Katie felt her eyes going heavy again, due to the lack of sleep, and she apologised to Sam right before she drifted under...
Every single inch of Steve’s body hurt. His mouth felt like sandpaper, his head was full of cotton wool, his eyes hurt as the colours flashed in front of them. He screwed his eyes further shut against the painful light that still assaulted him through his closed eyelids. as he took a moment to breathe, steadying himself as soft music flooded his ears. It wasn’t something he had heard before but it was pleasant, soulful, jazz-like. His head stopped spinning and he felt brave enough to crack an eye open. He glanced round the room, puzzled slightly. He was in a hospital. Then he remembered. The Hellicarriers, Bucky, and the last thing he had seen before blacking out, his girl.  He rememberd being very cold, and wet, but she had been there.  And she still was, at the side of his bed, head laying against Sam’s shoulder.
 "On your left." he managed to croak out. Katie’s head jerked up from its resting place and they both glanced over at the bed where Steve was led. He smiled groggily before his head rolled to the side, flush back against the pillow and he closed his eyes once more.
 Katie jumped up, and settled on the side of his bed, gently stroking his face.
“’M so tired sweetheart…” he managed to mumble as she dropped a kiss to his forehead. He managed a small smile, but his eyes stayed shut.
“Then sleep.” she said softly, the relief flooding her system that he was with them, albeit not totally, but he was with them. She gently smoothed his hair, and kept that up until she could tell he was back asleep.
 She turned to Sam who gave her a smile. “Lazy bastard.”
A few minutes later a nurse popped her head round the door. Katie smiled and told her about him waking up briefly and she nodded, checking the readings. “That’s a good sign.” she beamed, “His body will be drained, serum or no serum so him resting is part of the natural recovery process. When he comes round fully, come find me and we’ll get the doctor back.”
An hour or so later, the mood in Steve’s room was considerably lighter given his waking up before. Katie, Sam and Evans, who was leaning in the open doorway, were mid a playful discussion as to whether or not Voldemort could take Darth Vader in a fight. (Katie had started this whole thing after calling Evans “Ron Weasley with a rifle” on her way back from the bathroom) and were just about to dive into the whole schematics on Magic vs The Force when a voice spoke from the bed.
“What the hell are you 3 talking about?” Steve grumbled playfully and Katie’s head jerked up to see his eyes watching her and she was beyond happy to see they were full of their usual warmth, the warmth he had whenever he looked at her.
"Hey!" Katie breathed in relief as she stood up and moved closer to him, settling on the edge of his bed.
“Hey Doll.” he smiled as she took his hand, her fingers snaking into his. His eyes flickered to Evans, taking in the man’s various bruises and he frowned.
“Got in a bit of a fight with Rollins.” Evans drawled with a nod, and Steve let out the breath he hadn’t realised he had been holding. He wasn’t HYDRA. “He didn’t take kindly to me threatening to test out the whole ‘cut one head off, two more shall take its place’ theory on him.”
Steve gave a small huff of a laugh before he winced slightly at the movement and Evans nodded to him once more, before allowing the door to shut, returning to his post. Steve’s eyes fell on Sam who raised an eyebrow at him.
“You know, having a building dropped on my head wasn’t part of the job description” he said drily.
Steve’s smile spread a bit further before he gently lifted his head up off the pillow, looking around before grimacing at the throbbing that filled each bone in his body "How long was I out?"
"43 hours and 37 minutes if you don’t count the last hour you’ve been resting." Katie said gently, glancing up at the clock on the wall as she settled on the side of the bed. Ah, yes, Steve’s brain vaguely registered he’d woken up before, made some quip of some sorts… “Not that I’ve been counting…” Katie finished and he smiled again, giving her hand a squeeze.
"Which isn't that bad considering how you looked when you got here." Sam added jokingly.
"Sam." Katie reprimanded gently, looking at him.
"Alright," He relented standing from his chair and holding his hands up, with a smirk. "I'll go get that hot nurse, give you guys a minute."
"Utter dog." she said, the pair of them watching as he left the room and she turned to face Steve, tears in her eyes.
“You scared me…” she said, gently.
“Sorry.” He said, looking at her, and he was. He hated seeing her upset. There was a moment’s pause before he decided he had to know. "What happened after… did we?"
"SHIELD’s gone, Alexander Pierce is dead. Fury shot him. And as far as Hydra, everyone major that was involved at the Treskellion is either captured or dead.” she paused, not sure if she should be telling him the full scale of what had gone down. Not whilst he was still recovering.
“What is it?” he frowned and she knew she wouldn’t be able to fob him off.
“Nat dumping the files on the internet means my identity as Nova is probably blown wide open. There goes our quiet life.”
“Nothing about our life is quiet.” he said a soft chuckle rising in his chest.
She grinned “True. Gonna be a lot of other shit to mop up though, The Treskellion was the tip of the iceberg. All the main SHIELD bases fell. America, Canada, Europe.”
Steve nodded along then asked the question he was almost afraid to hear the answer to. “Any news on Bucky?
"He's gone." Katie told him sadly. “I’m sorry Steve."
She looked down at the bedsheets and Steve frowned. What did she have to be sorry for? So he asked her.
“I know how much he meant to you.” she answered. “And I think he remembered you. He pulled you out of the river, told me to get help.” she continued to explain about their short exchange on the river bank and Steve listened, unable to stop the hopeful feeling spreading in his chest. Maybe there was a chance for Bucky after all, they just needed to find him. Katie watched him, and he smiled at her.
“I’m glad you spoke to him.” he said, and then a cheeky glint flashed in his eyes “Still think all the girls in Brooklyn were dumbasses for hanging off his arm and not mine?”
She gave a bark of a laugh and leaned down towards his face, rubbing her nose against his “Always.” she whispered, before giving him a soft quick peck on the lips.
Tony arrived back an hour or so later. He was genuinely pleased to see Steve awake and after gently grasping the soldier’s hand between both of his in a friendly, brotherly, gesture he sat down and delivered some interesting news.
“So Goth Pirate called me.” He said, leaning back in his seat “He sounded amazingly well for a dead guy.”
“Fury called you?” Steve frowned
“Yeah. He’s laying low, you know, on account of being dead and he wants to hand control of the Avengers over to us, Cap.”
Steve frowned, before he lay his head back on his pillow. He knew the Avengers would be needed again, especially now with SHIELD gone. He turned to Tony who nodded.
“I think that’s the right thing to do, for us to take control” The billionaire spoke and Steve nodded.
“I suppose, but there’s something I gotta do first.”
“Yeah, recover.” Sam said, drawing a faint smile from Steve but Katie knew full well he didn’t mean that. He was intending to go after Bucky.
They spent the rest of the afternoon making idle chit chat with Tony, who was already planning on further renovating the tower to house the Avengers full time in the wake of Fury’s news. Steve, Katie was pleased to see, was enthusiastic about the plans and listened, looking at the various ideas Tony showed him on the tablet. However, now that Steve was awake, the nurses seemed to be a little more reluctant to allow everyone to stay and at about 6pm one of them politely suggested that Sam and Tony should be making their way home.
“You do know I’m paying for this, right?” Tony quipped at her. She shot him a look which made him visibly recoil and he turned to Katie pulling a face as he stood up.
“I’ve gotta get back to New York anyway.” He said gently, pulling his sister into a hug “lawyers to speak to…new suits to build seeing as you blew yours up…”
“I needed to send up a signal.” she shrugged as he looked at her reproachfully.
“And I gotta tidy my flat.” Sam groaned “Someone trashed it.”
“You’re welcome to stay at mine if you want, for as long as you need “ Katie said, as Steve let out a sigh and began to mumble an apology which Sam waved away.
“It’s fine man, I was thinking of moving anyway.”
“Speaking of moving…” Tony said, looking at Steve then Katie as he fished in his pockets for something “I’ve had Happy organise to clear your apartment Cap, now you two are shacking up together. He’s gonna have it sent to yours Kiddo, save you a job. Oh and I figured you might need this.” he tossed Katie a set of keys. She glanced down at them, her eyebrow raised.
“Brought over from my personal collection.” he said, looking at her and she smiled at her brother “It’s the Q5. Try not to bury this one under a sky-scraper.”
“Thank you.” she whispered, giving him another hug, slipping the keys into her pocket. “I love you Tone.”
“Obviously, because I’m the best big brother in the world…” he said, hugging her tight, and Steve nodded to him, thanking him with a look which Tony acknowledged with a sharp incline of his head in the soldiers direction.
 As the two men left, Steve raised his right arm to bid them goodbye and the pair of them headed off down the corridor, chatting away animatedly. Katie watched them go before turning to Steve, who was yawning like a lion.
“You ok?” she asked.
“I just don’t remember the last time I was this tired…or in as much pain”
"Do you want me to get the nurse, up your pain relief?"
"No." he yawned again, he hated how it made the room spin "Think I'm gonna sleep."
She teased gently. “Again?”
He smiled and looked at her, he didn’t want her to go. He needed her. “Will…will you stay?” he asked, tentatively “Until I fall asleep, that is?”
“I’m not leaving you.” she said, cutting him off and dropping a kiss to his forehead as she climbed onto the bed next to him “I’ll be here when you go to sleep, and here when you wake up.”
 “You don’t need to stay all night. You must be exhausted, you should go home and get some sleep.” 
“I’m fine…” she said, looking at him, before her body betrayed her and she too let out a huge yawn which she tried to stifle. He raised an eyebrow.
“Please honey, you need some rest too remember?” he looked at her
“No.” she said, simply “I’m not going anywhere.”
 Steve shook his head. She really was obtuse at times.
“Nothing…” he said, laying his head back on the pillow a grin flashing across his face. “Just remembering what a stubborn, pain in the-“
“If you wanna get out of here any time soon, then I wouldn’t finish that sentence…”she said, her eyebrow raised.
“Miss Stark is that a threat?” he looked at her, a smile curling further across his face
“It’s a promise…” she said, leaning over to kiss him gently. “Now go to sleep.”
Steve was discharged from the hospital the next afternoon, the doctors having no reason to keep him any longer since he healed so quickly, though a cheeky nurse did warn that it wouldn't be wise for him to engage in any strenuous activity, with a pointed look in Katie’s direction who merely rolled her eyes, a small smirk playing on her face.
They arrived back to Katie’s, no theirs, a little after 4 in the afternoon. Steve was dying for a hot shower, and a shave, despite Katie’s protests that she liked the stubble he had sprouted, and whilst he was under the scalding hot waterfall, Katie headed into the kitchen to grab a drink. As she opened the fridge for a bottle of water she wasn’t surprised it was fully stocked including a few bottles of expensive pinot grigio and some beer. There was a note stuck to one of the bottles, in Tony’s handwriting.
Couldn’t have you both coming home to an empty fridge now, could I?
Whatever it is he’s ‘got to do’, I know you’ll follow. So keep safe, stay in touch, and if you need help…you know where to find a good team.
T xxx
She read the note over again and smiled to herself. It was times like this that her brother always came through for her. She fired him a quick text message to thank him before she headed up to the bedroom to see if Steve was hungry.
“Hey love, just wanted to know…” the words died in her mouth at the sight of him, his upper body was flecked with droplets of water from the shower. The knife wound on his shoulder had faded to nothing but a fresh, pink scar and the bruises he sported were all starting to turn yellow now apart from one stubborn one on the right side of his ribcage that was still a mass of purple. But it was the round circle of scar tissue that stood out, on the left side of his lower abdomen, angry and red, where the bullet that had done the most damage had exited that caught her attention. Her mouth went dry and suddenly her eyes were misting over as it hit her exactly how close she had come to losing him. Quite simply, she wasn’t sure she could cope without him now, which scared her as she’d always been fiercely independent.
 “Hey…” he said, swiftly stepping forward, his hands cupping her face as he saw her face crumple “Sweetheart, I’m fine…”
“I know, I know but…” she said, sniffing. “I almost lost you and I couldn’t bear it if that happened…”
 “Well you didn’t.” he said, gently, “Gonna take more than that to get rid of me.”
His lips brushed hers, the lightest of touches but it set every single nerve end she had into over drive with desire. As her breath hitched she felt him grin against her mouth before he kissed her, slightly harder this time, parting her lips with his tongue. He pulled her close, moving his hands up to the small of her back, pressing her into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, running the fingers of one hand through his hair while the others lingered at the base of his skull, holding him to her. They stayed like that for what felt like forever, the kiss growing in intensity, hunger, until Katie felt him hard against her stomach and her face was raw from the stubble that he hadn’t shaved yet.
 “The doctor said you had to take it easy…” she whispered into the space between them as they each worked to steady our breathing
 “Yeah…” he said, slowly moving her backwards, "But, what do they know?”
“Ermm a lot.” she snorted.
“You need proof that I'm all healed?"
“Depends on what proof you’re talking about…” she grinned as he dropped his hands to her ass, reaching down as if to lift her but she stopped him, hands on his wrists.
“Steve, your ribs…”
“For once in your life will you shut up and just do as you’re told…” he said, looking down at her. She was about to argue, about to tell him no, but as he looked at her, his eyes alive with desire she knew it was pointless.
“Yes, Captain…” she murmured as his lips crashed onto hers, but he didn’t try and lift her again, instead he backed her up the short few strides, before the back of her knees hit the side of the bed and she dropped back onto it.
"I’ll take it easy…" he whispered as he crawled over the top of her, sliding his hand up her jersey dress and into the waistband of her leggings and knickers, slowly sinking two fingers into her warm, wet depth. She let out a soft moan, open mouth grazing his neck as he felt her clench around him. "Easy," he repeated before her mouth hungrily claimed his again. He moved his hands to reach down and they parted just long enough so he could pull her dress up over her head. His eyes automatically darted to the bullet wound on her left shoulder, that hadn’t healed half as fast as his, the stitches weren’t due out for another week
“I hate that you got hurt…” he muttered, slipping one bra strap down, then the other, before she arched her back allowing him to reach round and undo the clasp before he discarded it to the floor. His lips travelled across her collar bone and up her neck, drawing a soft groan from her lips as his stubble scraped her skin and once more his fingers claimed her. She writhed with pleasure at his strokes and he groaned gently, his lips working on the spot under her ear. He moved away for a second, to rid himself of the towel and crawled over her so that she was led flat, his hands pulling at the side of her black leggings, removing them along with her panties easily. He positioned himself over her, his tongue dipping into her mouth before he pushed into her, making her shudder slightly. His hands were on either side of her face, caressing her cheek and jaw as he kissed her again, rocking his hips as opposed to thrusting, the contact not breaking for a second. He dropped his head to her neck, his lips gently brushing her ear as he let out a groan, his hips grinding against hers.
It was soft, it was gentle, it was intimate, not rushed and she cried out his name loudly when her orgasm took her, her thighs closing around him. He was consumed completely by her, and he followed her over the edge, a loud moan rumbling in his throat. God he loved this woman with every single inch of his body.
“One day…” he mumbled, his lips brushing her ear. “I’m going to ask you properly.”
She understood what he meant. Smiling she looked at him, not a shred of hesitation on her face as her lips met his and she whispered into the kiss, “One day, I’m going to say yes.”
He couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across his face as he kissed her again, noses sliding carefully against one another to avoid aggravating any bruises before he rolled over pulling her to him, her words reverberating around his head.
 I’m going to say yes.
 His hand gently carded through her hair as he felt her relax into him and he dropped a kiss to the top of her head.
 I’m going to say yes.
The flashes of the photographers and the hustle and bustle of the audience were invasive. 4 days had passed since they had taken down SHIELD/Hydra and despite the best attempts of the lawyers that Tony had instructed on both hers and Natasha’s behalf, they had been summonsed to Capitol Hill.
What pissed Katie off the most wasn’t the attention (that she hated) it was the fact they were being held accountable when they had done the right thing. Natasha felt the same, but the pair of them remained professional and unaffected by the staging of the conference before them. They both moved to the fingerprint reader before returning to their appointed places to answer their questions. Nat’s hair was as usual smoothed and perfectly capped on her shoulders, Katie’s was twisted back in a bun. Katie's face still bore the bruises she had gotten from Rumlow, which were turning and fading and she probably could have covered them better but she’d chosen not to, simply to make a point.
“Miss Stark, you know Captain Rogers the best out of anyone in this room. Why do you believe he felt the need to take down our intelligence service?"
Katie wanted to laugh; it was such a stupid question to open with. But the serious look on his face told her he was serious.
"Taking down SHIELD was the morally right thing to do. If we hadn't stopped that launch over twenty million people would be dead." she said seriously. The congressman eyed her before jotting down something on his notepad.
The questioning continued from there. Not many people in the room were sympathetic to all that they had been through. In fact, Katie would go as far as to suggest that most were trying to find a weak spot or a way for them to trip them up. An hour in and it felt like they were going round in circles. Katie was getting pissed off. Besides her Nat shifted slightly, crossing her arms over her chest, the two women resisting the urge to look at one another.
"Why is there no news from Captain Rogers?" asked one of the men of the congress.
That was when Katie lost it. She turned to the front taking a deep breath as she looked up at the ceiling with annoyance, the eye roll she had been fighting came fully as she glanced back at the moron who had been speaking “I don't know what else to say.” she spoke, her tone laced with sarcasm. “Maybe the fact he almost died might have something to do with it. That said, I think the new rock in the middle of the Potomac speaks for him in this case."
"Perhaps he can explain to us how he hopes this country will ensure its national security because you have dismantled our intelligence services." The Congressman insisted reproachfully.
This time it was Natasha that spoke, her attitude ringing across the room, she was pissed as well.
"What information?" She asked angrily. "Hydra sold you lies."
"Lies that you took care to spread." The Congressman reminded, pointing at her with a knowing look. Natasha narrowed her lips to his allusion but it was Katie that answered, the final threads of her self-control finally snapping.
“Ste- Captain Rogers, sacrificed everything to save the lives of millions of people when he took that airship down into the ice over 70 years ago.” she leant forward “Not to mention the fact that my dad, Howard Stark, the co-founder of SHIELD also worked against Hydra in the war.” she took a breath and looked at Natasha “Agent Romanoff was almost killed by Hydra’s most deadly assassin on a mission 5 years ago. And more to the fact, 2 years ago we fought, side by side as part of the Avengers to keep the world and its people safe. And you’re seriously suggesting now that we would knowingly put those same people in danger?”
“Passionate speech Miss Stark, or should we call you Nova…” he said, making her snort and look away “And perhaps you’re right, maybe you didn’t know…but Agent Romanoff…” he turned to Natasha “It happens that a few in the commission have the feeling that, given your state of service for our country and against it, your place is more in a penitentiary than in a senatorial commission."
Katie looked at Nat who took a deep breath, clearly collecting her thoughts before answering with confidence. "You’re not gonna put me in jail." She paused for the dramatic effect before letting a small smirk curl the corner of her pink lips as she glanced at a Katie before looking at the front again "You’re not gonna put any of us in jail." She arched a mocking eyebrow as she kept eye contact with the congressman. "You know why?"
"Please enlighten us." He replied snidely.
"Because you need us." Katie answered for her. “With SHIELD gone, the world needs the Avengers more than ever.”
Natasha smiled gently and continued “Miss Stark is right. Yes, the world is vulnerable. And we're partly responsible, but we're also the most qualified to defend it. So you want to throw us in prison? Go ahead” she shrugged “You know where to find us."
With that she gently touched Katie’s shoulder and she rose gracefully from her seat, Katie following her. The pair of them turned to face the hordes of press, all of them were shoving microphones and cameras into their faces whilst they moved to the doors and pushed their way through the throng of people.
“Move aside please…” Happy was in his element, arm round Katie as he cleared a path to the SUV, where he opened the door to allow them to slide in. He pulled away from the kerb and sped off.
“We’ll head to Miss Romanoff’s first… then I’ll drop you home Kiddo.”
“Happy, what would I do without you?” Katie smiled at him. She turned to Nat who was looking out of the window.
“You ok?”
She shrugged “Could be worse.”
“So, what’s next for you?” she asked.
“Gonna take a bit of time out.” she said vaguely, shrugging “You?”
“Steve wants to track Bucky down.” Katie sighed “Although I’m not so sure it’s a good idea.”
She didn’t reply. They rode in silence until they reached her condo and Katie turned to her.
She looked at Katie, her green eyes locking onto her friend’s.
“Don’t be a stranger. Come over this week, we can get takeout and make fun out of Steve, just like normal.”
She smiled and reached across the seats, giving her a hug. “I’d like that.”
The days following the hearing were peaceful as Steve and Katie mostly lounged at home, unpacking some of his things that Happy had sent over. They binge watched shows, cooked, went for walks and then one night Sam and Natasha dropped in for take-out and a few beers. Sam made sure he congratulated Katie and Natasha on them both basically telling the Government to kiss their asses.
“It was the best thing I’ve seen on TV in years!” he gleefully said, as Steve dropped a kiss to the side of Katie's head. In contrast, Steve had hated seeing both her and Nat getting grilled. He’d offered to go himself but both girls had insisted they could handle it, and he should keep his head down for the foreseeable. It was the one thing that Katie knew she could do to protect him.
It was as Natasha was leaving that Steve pulled her to one side and asked her if she could get any of her old contacts to dig up any information on Bucky. Katie pretended she wasn’t listening to the conversation, but she heard every word as Natasha tried to warn him that it wasn’t a good idea, but, stubborn as ever, Steve insisted so she nodded, and promised to do what she could.
And now, almost 2 weeks later, they were stood in a graveyard. Katie supposed there were stranger places to meet up with your dead-not-dead ex-boss…
“Funny, most people need a Medium or a Ouija board to speak to dead people.” Sam quipped as Fury approached them.
“I see dead people…” Katie replied in an almost perfect impression of the Kid from The Sixth Sense, causing Sam to snort and Steve to chastise the pair of them for acting like a pair of school children in a graveyard.
“Sorry Dad…” Katie rolled her eyes and he shot her a disapproving look which she met with an equally sassy one of her own, and Steve looked away before he laughed at her.
"So, you've experienced this sort of thing before." said Fury, drawing up behind the 3.
"You get used to it," said Steve, looking down at the grave stone with Fury's name on it, placed over an empty, buried coffin.
Katie slipped her hand into his, gently squeezing it.
"We've been data mining Hydra's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship," said Fury, He was standing by Katie’s side, staring down at his own tombstone, with sunglasses on and a hoodie over his head and he looked up at Steve "I'm headed to Europe tonight. Wanted to ask if you'd come."
"There's something I gotta do first," Steve responded, simply.
“I assume you gotta do it too?” Fury looked at Katie. She shrugged.
"How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your ability," said Fury, turning his gaze to Sam.
"I'm more of a soldier than a spy," responded Sam.
"Alright then," he said instead, shaking Sam's hand before going over to shake Steve's. "If anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here." He said shaking Katie’s hand last.
"You should be honoured," said Natasha's voice from behind the three of them, making them turn around to see her walking up to them while Fury himself was already walking away in the opposite direction. "That's about as close as he gets to saying 'thank you'."
"Not going with him?" Katie asked.
"No," she sang coming to a stop, keeping her hands behind her back.
"Not staying here," Steve concluded.
"Nah…" she drew out the reply. "I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one."
"That could take some time," Katie raised an eyebrow.
"I'm counting on it.” She smirked, turning to Steve. “That thing you asked for; called in a few favours from Kiev."
As she removed her hands from behind her back, she revealed a brown folder, which Steve took staring down at it with a contemplative expression.
"Be careful Steve," she added, repeating her warning and he looked at her, nodding. "You may not want to pull on that thread."
"Take care of yourself." Katie said, looking at her, before giving her a quick hug.  "I think I'm going to miss you, just a little bit." 
"Only a little?" Natasha teased right back. "I'll miss you too."
She turned to leave and Katie gently reached over to tilt the file down so she could see it, wincing at the photo of Bucky in some kind of cryo-stasis. Steve looked at her, his eyes giving away his sadness and she gently ran her hand up his arm.
“I’m not sure I want you involved in this.” he looked down at her and she rolled her eyes.
“We live together you ass.” she said sternly “And we’re in this now, the both of us. I’m not going anywhere.”
She felt like she had been saying that a lot recently, and she had. But she wanted him to understand, nothing that happened could and would ever tear them apart.
 As Sam approached Steve closed the folder, but the man had already seen it. He shot a look up to the sky, his eyes locking on Katie’s and she gave him a quick look which was almost sympathetic as she registered Sam’s frustration. It didn’t go unnoticed by Steve either, he knew this could be opening a whole can of worms, or a ‘bucket of vipers’ as Katie had said the other night, but he had to try. He owed it to Bucky.
"You're going after him aren’t you?" Sam asked.
"You don't have to come with us." Steve responded
“I know.” Sam said, before a smirk crossed his face. "When do we start?"
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supernaturaltfwmeme · 5 years
12 Days of Dean Winchester
Dean plans a Christmas you will never forget.
December 13th
A small town just outside Lebanon, Kansas. The night was pitch black; you could barely make out your hand in front of your face. A young boy around 10 was walking back from a Christmas fair he had attended with his friends and had decided to take a shortcut through a farmer's field to make it home in time for his nine o’clock curfew. The wind whistled around him whipping at his coat making him pull it tighter around his body. Suddenly the boy hears a noise kind of like a twig breaking, although it was so dark even the light from his phone torch wasn’t enough to let him see who or what made the noise.
“hello?” the boy called out “is someone there?” he got no response. Getting a weird feeling in his stomach the boy started to pick up the pace until he heard another noise. Rustling coming from the tall grass next to him.  
Deciding not to stick around to see what the noise was this time, the boy decided to run as fast as his little legs would carry him. Glancing back, he caught sight of a familiar scarecrow, except it wasn’t in the middle of the field like it should have been, but rather on the path where he had just been walking. The boy stopped, watching the scarecrow for a minute confused before he watched it turn its head towards the boy and almost seem to smile before slowly starting to move towards the boy.  
Heart pounding in his chest the boy started to run again yelling for help as he went. In the dark and his panic, the boy ran straight into something, dropping his phone as he did so and falling to the ground. He scrambled to find his phone and when he pointed his torch up, he noticed the scarecrow leaning over him before showing its sharp teeth and grabbing him. The boy let out a blood curdling scream and that’s the last anyone would ever see of him...
The Bunker
December 14th
Y/N Singer was waiting impatiently in the bunker for the boy to get back, they said they had a surprise for her and she couldn’t wait to find out what it was. Suddenly she heard the familiar sound of the heavy metal door creaking open and ran to the bottom of the stairs.  
In walked Sam and Dean followed by an oh so familiar red head.
“Charlie?” you squealed, running up to the woman and giving her a hug, before turning to the brothers. “this is the surprise? You bought Charlie here?” you asked excitedly.
“not quiet.”  Dean answered with a smirk “you know how you used to love big family Christmas’ with us and your dad and you were sad you didn’t get to have them anymore?”  
“well we invited Charlie, Cas and Gabriel to spend Christmas in the bunker with us and have our own family Christmas” Sam explained.
“Sam you didn’t?” “actually Y/N it was all Deans idea” Sam admitted pointing to Dean who looked a little flushed. You ran over to Dean pulling him into a big hug, clearly excited. “I can't believe you organised all this for me.”
Dean hugged you back tight “of course I did. I’d do anything to make you happy Y/N” he admitted, whispering the last part so only you could hear.
“And we bought a tree. If we’re gonna do Christmas were gonna do it right.” Charlie added.
The boys left to go get the tree and ornaments from the car leaving you to catch up with Charlie.  
“I can’t wait for this, Dean has literally planned so much stuff for us to do, he’s put a lot of thought into it yano Y/N” Charlie said raising her eyebrow at you. She was always suggesting something was going on with you and Dean. You wished but no you were just really good friends.
“well Deans always wanted a real Christmas; he’s probably just planned this for everyone.”  
“And here was me thinking denial was just a river in Egypt.” Charlie rolled her eyes.
“Did somebody order an angel for thier tree.” Gabriel yelled, suddenly appearing behind you and Charlie making you jump.
You just turned around punching him in the arm before saying “Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Don’t do that.” Gabriel just laughed.
“Missed you too kiddo.” he replied pulling you into a hug.  
“who wants to decorate a tree?” you heard Dean yell as him and Sam walked into the room carrying a Christmas tree. Cas following behind Carrying a box labelled ‘Decorations’.  The boys placed the tree in the library and Cas placed the box on the table. Something about that box was familiar but you couldn’t quiet put your finger on it.
“Dean how much time did you spend planning all of this?” you asked in disbelief
“this aint the half of it sweetheart” he smirked at you “we’re doing secret Santa too.” he said before walking over to the table and grabbing a bowl that you somehow hadn’t noticed.
“right everybody take a piece of paper, if you get yourself we re-draw. Whoever's name you pick you have to get a Christmas present for but you can’t tell anyone who you got.” Dean explained mainly for the angels in the room.  
You all took turns pulling names from the bowl. Sam went first, looking at his piece of paper and smiling when he realised, he got Charlie. He knew exactly what to get her.
Gabe went next, he pulled Cas. Then Dean went a smirk on his face when he pulled your name, this was going better than he planned. He was getting you a present anyway.
After dean Charlie went pulling Gabriel’s name. Cas went next pulling Sam’s name leaving you to go last leaving you with Dean. For the first time in a long time you were really excited about Christmas.
You all spent the next couple hours decorating the bunker and the tree with the decorations the boys got. You had seen them before but you didn’t know where, you made a mental note to ask Dean about it later.
After you were done you we’re all sat around having a few beers catching up. You weren't even sure you'd all been in the same room at the same time before. Suddenly Sam’s voice cut through the conversation interrupting you all.
“errm guys I hate to break up the festivities but I think I found us a case.”
Part 2
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Playing The Part
Fandom: The Hills Have Eyes Characters: Lizard, others mentioned Relationship: Lizard/reader Request: Hm, maybe following the typical she was kept from one of their wrecks, and being trapped. Maybe she had some sort of skill that provided something to the village, or she was one of the few to have a successful delivery and was kept alive? I'm not sure. Yes, but like full textbook Stockholm Syndrome. He would kill her if she weren't needed and convenient to him, and she starts to cling to his rare moments of tenderness thinking he loves her maybe? A.N: im have some ideas for a part two as well.
 You couldn’t pinpoint the moment that you fell completely into the role you were playing. You couldn’t tell when your feelings went from pretend to real or when you genuinely started to believe that you really wanted this life. That you really wanted him. In that start, it was a game of survival. You played your part well, so well that even you began to believe it. You couldn’t remember much between standing at the gas station talking to the old owner to waking up in a dark room, your ankle tied to the bed.
---------------- flashback ----------------------
You were awaken by a pain in your head. The world around you felt like it was spinning and, for a moment, you thought you were just waking up from a bad night of drinking. But nothing felt the same. The bed was uncomfortable, the smell unpleasant and your skin felt grotty and dirty. Lulling your head to the side, you blinked, trying to focus your eyes. The room you were in was dull, with only the tattered old bed with no bedding on it which your ankles were bound to, a dresser unit and closet in the corner. You had little time to take in your surroundings as you heard heavy footsteps coming from the other side of the door. It swung open to reveal a large man who you later found out was called Pluto, followed by a skinner, smaller man, Lizard. Both were deformed, making you wince a little when you first saw them. Lizard stood at the door, waiting impatiently as Pluto unbound your legs. “C’mon.” Lizard snarled at Pluto, who huffed, pulling you to your feet and pushing you out of the room. You stumbled, barely able to comprehend what had happened as you were roughly guided through the hallway and down some stairs. At the bottom was a young looking girl, Ruby, watching you with wide eyes. Lizard pushed you down the last few steps, making you nearly fall into her. Pluto, protecting her, grabbed your arm and hauled you into the living area, where you met Jupiter. “First things first, we will kill you if you don’t do as we say, so don’t think of runnin’ or trying to fight us.” Jupitar grumbled as he, like the other two, towered over you. Nodding your head, you confirmed that you wouldn’t rebel. “Good. Look, we aint gonna hurt you if you’re useful.” Jupiter sat down on the edge of a chair, watching you carefully. Both Pluto and Lizard stood behind you, in an intimidating fashion. “How, how can I be useful?” you asked, your throat so dry that you had to start again. “Heard you’re good with cars. Got limited transport out here so we gotta keep on top of the cars we have. But the new ones are provin’ harder for us to fix. Plus, some medical knowledge would certainly be handy.” His eyes darted to Pluto, who you had noticed had a nasty infection in his eyes with a lot of puss. You assumed by the way his face and skull looked that he was deformed, but seemed to have a bit more swelling than normal. “How do…” you trailed off as you suddenly remembered the gas station owner. You had spoken to him for a bit and you told him about your medical background as well as your interest in cars. You had laughed with him, making a remark that a body is just a machine and can be fixed most of the time. Somehow, he was part of this. Somehow, he had told them about you and, somehow, that had kept you alive. “The human body is just like a car. It can be fixed if you know what you’re doing.” You nod to yourself, suddenly understanding exactly why you were here. Why you hadn’t been slaughtered. A voice whispered in the back of your mind. ‘play the part’. Keep yourself alive, play the role they want you to for now.
And so you had. You had played your part well. So well that you had somehow managed to fool even yourself. As you fought to earn trust from each of the family, you found a sense of joy when you realized it was working. Pluto and Ruby had been the easiest since you had spent the most time with them at the start. You cleaned up Plutos right eye, ridding the infection and allowing him to see slightly out of it. At first, his size and stature had intimidated you the most, but you quickly realized that he was a gentle giant, only looking out for his family. Ruby followed you wherever you went, with strict orders to report if you escaped. But you ended up watching out for her more often than not. Like when she had stumbled and nearly fell. You had managed to grab her arm, saving her. She thanked you but you waved it off, not knowing Goggle had seen the whole thing and reported back to the family that you had saved Ruby. That certainly helped your status. Lizard, on the other hand, had kept you at arms length when he wasn’t pushing you out the way. He would sneer at you, often leaving a room when you entered. You had seen his anger in full swing and tried to keep out of the way of it, but something else drew you to him. It was almost like a challenge. Like when you find a stray dog that barks and bites at you, but you could see something other than a deranged dog. That was Lizard. At least to you. you started small, with baked goods. Ones which you would give to everyone just to ease him into your new presence within the family. Then you moved on to more direct ways of helping him. When you were dropping off a new radio at Jupiter request, you found Lizard passed out on the sofa. You had slowly managed to remove his gloves from his hands. They were tattered and wore with massive holes in them. Taking them back to yours, you sew the holes shut and washed them, so they were clean. When you took them back, you didn’t both trying to put them back on. You left them on the table as well as pull the blanket over him. Lizard never acknowledged what you had done, nor did he ever. Not when you had mended his trousers or tops, or when you had managed to fix his spikes. But he did allow you to get… closer to him. He would stay in the same room as you, and even listen to your rambling while you were doing something rather than just cutting you off with a cruel “I don’t care”. That didn’t mean he had gone soft. Once, when you had been trying to figure out if a car was working again, you had turned it on and taken it for a drive to test it. And you hit spikes. Once you had managed to stop the car, the door swung open and you were hauled out by your hair. A hand wrapped around your throat and instantly began to cut off your air flow. You clawed at Lizards hand, thrashing as you tried to free yourself. In a moment of desperation, you threw your elbow back, swiftly jabbing him in the face and causing him to stumble back. Lizard, now with a bloody nose, managed to regain his footing. In three long, powerful strides, he walked up to you and slapped you across your face, so hard it caused you to fall to the ground with a cry. “Jupiter asked me to fix it. How else can I tell if its done?! You want Pluto taking it out and it exploding or some shit!” You cried out, adrenaline pumping through your body as you realized exactly what had happened. You placed a hand over your now burning cheek. Daringly, you look up at Lizard who was trying to wipe the blood away from his nose. But he wasn’t coming after you anymore, which meant he knew you weren’t trying to escape. Or, at least, had good enough reason to be in the car. “Tilt your head back.” You mumbled, stumbling to your feet as you rubbed your cheek. You were quite proud in some strange way. You had certainly gotten your own back, even if Lizard had landed the final blow. At least you weren’t bleeding. But you knew you had to make the next move. There was no point keeping any grudge or letting this carry on, especially after how far you had come. Pulling off the cardigan, you approached him like you were approaching a wolf. You kept a close eye on his movements as his attention was fully on yours. Gently, you used the cardigan sleeve to wipe away the blood from around his warped lip. He watched you like a hawk. Suddenly, he grabbed a hold of your wrist, squeezing it so tightly that you winced. “I’ll kill you if you ever try to escape.” Lizard suddenly growled but something felt… off. He had threatened you a thousand times before with real hatred in his voice. But this time, he sounded like he was trying to convince you, or maybe himself. “Im sure you will.” You nod, not daring to doubt him despite the change. “But, if Im not trying to, I’ll argue my case. In any way I can.” You look up at him, right into his piercing blue eyes. The bleeding had stopped, but you used the opportunity to be this close to him physically to speak to him. It felt a lot more intimate and maybe that would drive home what you said. “I might listen.” He partly sneered, but again, it was different. It felt almost as if it were a friendly joke as he let go of your wrist. A smile spread across your features as you laughed a little, but the adrenaline of the situation plus the blazing heat of the dessert plus your empty stomach seemed to have truly taken its effect as your giggles turned to full on laugher as you stepped back. “Yer insane.” Lizard remarked, but a small smile twitched at his lips, as if he found it endearing or something. “Look whos talking.” You giggle as you start to walk towards the car, throwing the bloodied cardigan in the open door. You didn’t see Lizard looking after you, or how his eyes travelled down your body, lingering in certain areas. But something snapped your attention in the distance. “Shit.” You mumbled, backing towards Lizard who followed your line of sight. A car was travelling down the road. “At least you have some bait.” You try to lift your uneasiness at the situation. You never got involved with kills. Never. “Get up tah Goggle. Don’t fuckin’ run. Yah hear me?!” Lizard demanded as he grabbed your arm, shaking you slightly. “Yes.” You nod, your eyes darting to the wrecked car before Lizard let you go, allowing you to run into the hills. Of course, Goggle had alerted everyone and within 3 hours, it was all over. The event did open a new level in terms of your relationship with Lizard. You quickly found that you actually preferred his company out of everyone elses. He had a dark sense of humour which only you seemed to be able to bring out. And you loved that. As you gained more trust in the village and, in turn, gained more responsibilities. Big Brain still hated you, but after some sharp looks from Big Mama (who had taken to you after she saw how much the children, Pluto and Ruby adored you), he became quieter. Of course, he would mumble to himself every time you entered the room, but you started responding as if he were speaking to you in normal conversations. “Breakfast.” He sneered one morning when you had been looking for Big Mamas brush. “Good morning.” You called, chirpily. “Do you want the curtains open?” “Weak, filthy.” His eyes followed you round the room. “How about just the back ones. so you don’t get the sun in your eyes when it hits 11.” You nod to yourself as you briskly walk across the room and pull open the curtain. “Crazy.” He sneered. “I slept well, thank you.” You smile and nod, using the time to pretending that you were having a conversation with anyone who would actually cared. But slowly, over time, you noticed he stopped with the truly nasty names. He started making demands like “open those curtains” or “I want water”. You always fulfilled the requests because, despite his nasty personality, you did feel sorry for him. He was trapped in this little room, unable to do much. “What if we painted this room?” you suddenly asked one morning, looking around at the faded wallpaper. “Don’t care.” He sneered, a little too quickly for you. “Well, how about florescent pink?” You asked, smirking at him, getting an immediate and resounding “NO!”. But he thought about it when you left, and when you returned that evening, he said one word to you. “Blue.” “Im sorry?” You ask, having been in a world of your own. “Blue. Like the sky.” He tried to spit the words at you, to make it sound like he was berating you for not listening to him. But when you looked at him, he couldn’t hold your gaze. “Do you want the ceiling done as well?” you ask, genuinely happy he seemed to be responding well to you. He barley tolerated his own family, so this was a big step. “Yeah.” He wheezed seeming a lot more relaxed from them on. OF course, when you walked up to Jupiter who was standing talking with Lizard and Goggle and asked for blue paint, you got some strange looks. “Why the fuck you want that?” Lizard snapped, obviously in the middle of a heated discussion with his father and brother. “To decorate Big Brains room. He didn’t like florescent pink so blue it is.” You tell them. Goggle cackled at the idea of painting the room pink, and you were honestly scared that he would get his hands on pink paint and do it just to piss Big Brain off. But he didn’t. Within the week, you had done the room. You never got a thanks, but Big Brain showed you he was grateful in other ways. Like not interrupting or snapping at you. Of course, once he was on your side, there was a change. And you started to be included in the killing. First, you joined Goggle as look out. And became fascinated with something you shouldn’t be. Watching Lizard as he killed. There was something so strong and primal about it that made your insides turn. He was violent and you noticed he was worse when you were around. As he was trying to prove something. Goggle told his brother about how your eyes never left him. Somehow, he fell into a pattern of coming up to you after a kill, where his hands are bloody, and touching you. Normally on the cheek and just in passing, leaving blood smeared on your face. What was worse was that you wanted more. You started to crave that touch which you knew would happened. The first few times, you and winced and rushed away to clean it off, but then you started getting to obsessed with Lizard to notice till he had left. He had just killed someone with his bare hands, in the most violent ways, but he was gentle when he touched your cheek. Almost affectionate. The touches started to send shiver through your body as you craved him more than you had ever know possible. Then, Jupiter made an announcement. On the next kill, you were to accompany Ruby down to the wreck. She would normally scout things out, running around and figuring out who had what but not getting her hands dirty. You could do that. It was late, nearly midnight, when Goggle called in a car coming along the road. It was a race to get ready before the others and meeting them at the edge of town. As you all raced to the road, Lizard had grabbed your arm. “Don’t do anythin’ stupid or get in the way.” He hissed in your ear, squeezing your arm a little too tightly, but you nodded anyway. “Good. Aint worth losing your head over ‘em.” As if to emphasize his point, Lizard pulled out the gun, letting the moonlight catch the silver before following Jupiter and Pluto while you were left to Ruby. She showed you the places to hid and sneak between as she gathers her information. “Wait here.” She whispered to you before disappearing into the hills, leaving you behind the bolder. You kept peeking out, keeping an eye on the situation. 5 males, mid 20s and they smelt stoned out of their heads. It should be pretty easy for Lizard and Pluto. Of course, Lizard got to one of the guys quickly, making him cry out of Lizard wrapped the spikes he had gathered back from the road around the mans neck. The friends when into panic and that allowed Pluto to get in and grab one, dragging him over to Lizard who dropped the body of the first. Shots filled the air as Lizard shot two in the leg for attempting to run. So one was dead, the second with Pluto and the third and fourth injured. But the fifth ? You had blinked and he was gone. Stepping out from behind the bolder, you looked around wildly. He had been near you, on the road. Where had he gone? Shit. Then your eyes caught the movement and saw the guy scramble behind the rock on the other side of the road just past the car. That didn’t worry you. What worried you was the knife in his hand. Shit, you had to follow him. That’s what you were there to do, right? You moved towards the road, your only motive to find out where the guy had gone. What if he snuck around the rock? What if he was watching for someone? Ducking behind the car, you didn’t think the other two had noticed you. You should have called out where you were going, but you wanted to please the family. Three more gunshots filled the air as Lizard headshot each of them remaining ones. If you bought home a kill, or at least kept tabs on a victim, that would certainly do you a favour. It would impress them. It would impress Lizard. Then you saw the man run to the next rock, and you panicked. He was making his way around. Taking off in a sprint, you knew if he got into the gap in the hills, it would be hell to find in the low light with only the headlights of the car to work by. No, you had to keep close to him. A hand grabbed you by the hair and hauled you backwards. You let out a screech of pain, your hands flying up to try and free yourself. “Where yah goin’?” Lizards voice hissed in your ear and you felt your blood run cold. No, no, no, this was going to earn trust, not break it. Panting slightly, you could hear the anger in his voice. And he wasn’t one you could reason with easily. “I-I was going to help you.” You stammered, tears starting to prick your eyes. “Liar.” The voice condemned your statement and then you felt a sharp pain in the back of your knees. Lizard kicked your legs, making you collapse to the floor as he let go of your hair.   A click made your heart stop as you look up. Lizard moved in front of you and stood over you, a gun pointed right at your forehead. He had stepped in front of you, blocked your view. You had to think quick. “You’ve only got one bullet left, and I’d suggest saving it for the guy hiding behind that rock.” You tried to keep your voice from shaking, but failed half was through your sentence. The barrel of the gun pressed against your forehead, the metal cold against your heated skin. “Liar.” Lizard snarled, his voice low as he glared down at you. But movement from behind him caught your attention. Glancing past him, you saw the man. Except, instead of running away, he was running toward you with a knife in his hand. Oh god. You realised that it looked like you were a victim, just like his friends. He was going to get Lizard while he was distracted with you. Oh god. You acted quick, so quick that you didn’t get a chance to think. Your instincts kicked and took over your body. With a quick slapped, you managed to knock the gun away from your head and you moved quickly upwards onto your feet. Grabbing the knife from Lizards belt, you used all the force from your quick movement to knock Lizard to the side just as the guy got within a foot of you both. Raising the knife, you brought it down and into the side of his neck. All this took place in the space of seconds as the man starts to splutter. The knife he had was dropped to the ground as he gasped for air. As if to finish the kill, you pulled the knife out of his neck and stumbled back. The full weight of what just happened hit you. You were now a killer. There was no going back. But you had killed to save Lizard. This was all just meant to be a game, an act to try survive. But then why did you feel a genuine concern for him that went beyond just feeling it, but to the point you would kill for him. Your mind raced as you forgot where you were. Until you felt a palm on your cheek. jumping, you saw Lizard standing in front of you, his eyes trained on your face while his hand moved over your right cheek. You felt his thumb brush under your eye, making you think he was just wiping away tears, but as his hand pulled back slightly, you saw blood. Some blood must had splattered on your face during the kill.   Lizard stepped closer, his other hand coming up to grasp at the back of your neck as his front pressed against you. The thumb with the blood lowered to your lips and you felt him gently brush your bottom lip as he silently commanded something of you. Opening your mouth slightly, you allowed him to push his thumb past your lips to meet your tongue. Closing your lips around his thumb, you gently sucked and licked, cleaning it. Lizards eyes never left your own, but his mouth opened slightly and something much more primal stirred in both of you. Pulling his thumb back, he ran his hand in to your hair as he grabbed a handful and crashed his lips onto your own. Rough and dominating, you allowed yourself to completely submit to him in a selfish desire for something completely fucked up and insane. You… wanted him. kissing him back, you pressed against him, raising your hands to his chest as you grabbed fistfuls of his top. A soft snarl left his throat as he pulled away from your lips, simultaneously pulled your hair to tilt your head backwards. Ducking his head, Lizard slowly licked the side of your neck, where more blood must have splattered. Looked up at the stars above, you couldn’t help the coy smile at pulled at your lips. “I don’t mind it when you pull my hair like this.” You said, playfully, like the two of you were in some nightclub or bar, not standing beside a body. A body that had been forgotten about. You felt Lizard smirk against your neck and a soft chuckle left his lip.   You didn’t know what you had gotten yourself in for, but the thrill of the moment silenced any doubts or worries you had.
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neuropathicgypsy · 5 years
I was complaining about his pictures.. I didn't like them... Not that he's not beautiful.. I just didnt like h pictures...
People say alot about "me not being there"
But his pictures... He's not there..
I've told him before...
This I watched a thousand times when he first posted it... I didn't know why or why i heard him say id taught him that on date night on accident or that it had hit me in the head..
It felt like only two of us had been there... But with the sound it made it feel like a bunch... Which made me think may Be it was a busy night or maybe we went with a group
By the time he had posted it, i had known he was in my life... But only for a short time...
So I didn't know what he meant. I thought I should message and ask him...
But I didn't. I wanted to tell myself to try.
But i didn't. I just wanted to keep watching.
At first, my reaction was the same as tonight, what a dork. Like REALLY. What a complete dork. No one think he's any thing but annoying and total dork 2 year old too hyper annoying child.
Then i watch it again. And again. And again.
And i see him. When he walks off camera. That's where he is.
It would have made sense to write him since he only appeared off camera.
But i had only seen him once.
What if he was damaged like me? I already knew i was too damaged for myself...
And so I would mess him up.... Because I always do.. I can't hold a relationship. Like never.
I get too impatient. Too angry. Too Me.
I decided to just be glad i saw him. Maybe it didn't make any difference to him and probably I'd forget in all reality. So then in the end it wouldn't make a difference if I saw him...
Now would it?
And so if I wrote him and I was too damaged then i would ruin it all. I always did. Always too much pressure on someone. Me or them.
I wasn't ready.
And I tell you. It's true. The one day I decided to try. He blocked me.
He really did. I just use another account cause fuck that shit, you're not gonna stand in my way Alex Laughlin with that giant phone in your pocket. Unblock me when you're ready. I'll just stalk you not so silently on social media.
Now we'll see about that date night we had...
Michael Jackson asked us to check on the people we sent home. He said he wanted to join the CIA and they checked and watched but he wanted to see if it were all true. Since we knew who we sent home, we should go. So we all four went.
Saint Luches and Jesse Tony went dressed like homeless beggars to see if they'd catch up with a kidnapper or protector.
And we went on a date night to a local putt-putt mini golf.
Alex was freaking out because it was an hour and a half and we hadn't seen them walk by yet. So he had us in the corner nearest where they were supposed to walk up at. He sat on a bench "not even a page" he checked his beeper.
We both knew they were in danger and they were gonna get jacked up. We knew. The plan was they were to get kidnapped. Find the kidnappers hide outs and make sure our girl's were at home, had beem delivered by the CIA. Alex didn't want to be kidnapped. He couldn't handle that. So he went with me. We never went out on date night.
"Give me your ball. You're not ruining date night"
"What? Excuse me? Our friends could be dead and you're worried about you, yourself?"
"Neither one are dead. I would know" i stacked two balls and he threw his hands up in the air. God he could be so annoying in public. I never knew. He is sitting there looking so sexy and doesn't even know. Maybe i should tell him! Strike One. Right. Then I'll get in trouble. Besides didn't I already show him with a blow job in the car? But no all he had to do was worry. That was all. Did he compliant my dress? Strike Two. Yes he did. Of course he did. He Always did. But could he tell the difference between one dress and another?
"Can you tell three difference between me and a suit? The different ones I wear?"
I looked up at him. Yeah. Of course I could. This one was blue with jeans in case he had to run. Tomorrow was black which I preferred with black jeans, again. I looked down at the ground but i was still watching him and the street from the corner of my eye. No one was coming. Not good.
He threw his hands up "not again! Not--!" He stood and pulled at his leg "these ones are blue!"
"I know that honey! I just meant--"
"Why are you whiney?"
"Just stuff."
I felt him lean backwards on me, back to back, slide down and end face up between my legs.
"Get on. Hurry before someone sees" I looked down between my legs at him. His bright blue jeans were undone
"But you're not out yet and you don't like me being on top!"
"Look again"
"Oh you're out already?! But some one could see!"
"You better hide it" i looked down the street. "They're not coming you're right they've been kidnapped. Saint Luches was already. Jesse is still waiting. Mark told me and he told me I better take care of you. Come on! Its getting cold! You're gonna freeze my thing off of me!"
"But Mark shouldn't I lay down?"
"Lets do the proper thing and lay your coat down under her. These guys in this van behind her have been watching her and you." Said Mark
"Lead the way babe! This New Orleans thing aint bad at all when you're with someone who knows how to have fun!"
"I can't ... I can't get it up ... I can't do it when some kidnappers are sitting here watching me! Now they know my face!!"
"Well they can get to know my pussy." He was looking up and i could hear a car "what? Its Jesse isn't it? What was he pointing down at?"
"Time? What? Idk!!"
"He said meet me here. He knows what to do this time and he is gonna attack the kidnappers and take the van. Quick baby get up. Someone is coming. Baby! Look at me"
"Im watching Jesse"
"I can't see. Babe. I feel the ground vibrations. You gotta get up. Babe. Honey please. Babe he's coming to you" he had no idea a kidnapper from the van was coming and the on side he had me pinned down in. I could see his shadow. I didn't know if he was using chloroform and how fast he was. He thought i was talking about Jesse in the van. No. I was talking about the people at our feet!! Not our heads.
"Why don't you trust me i can see just fine!" He looked down at me and kissed my lips and saw the shadow i saw. He looked up. There was 7 kidnappers surrounding us. He still hadn't entered me and had his Dick in his hand. But he was over me so they couldn't see. He looked me in the eyes. Slide your knee up. So I did. Carefully and zip. Then he was up in a milisecond, climbing off me, grabbing the club and swinging. What do i do? "Tuck and Roll!!"
I did away from them, the same direction he had went "Go!! Don't run!!"
He meant hide. He was fighting for the club it seemed.. One was watching and 2 were down and 2 were fighting him and one was nearby to jump in.
"You can't catch me!!!!" I ran toward him. Zig
Zag! "Hey!! You wanna piece of me?!?! I got a pretty pussy!!" I smiled and pulled at the hem of my skirt and twisted my hips back and forth.
The guy fighting him for the club.. He was sickest. I saw it in his eyes. He didn't know what a human was anymore. It was so long since he had been one. Surrounded by evil so long that's all he knew and has become.
Dam if he hadn't distracted me just enough... First i felt a light touch on my ankle, "me" "no, that's enough she can only have me dammit" my arm was grabbed roughly. I felt i was in a horror film and i was the one to die. The man sized thing had a death grip on me and blacked out teeth and a look on his eyes that passed psycho. I was scared. I checked Laughlin. He was just watching keeping cool twirling the golf club like a baton. I could hear Luches saying I said help me and Laughlin saying I said run.
"Let GO!" I yanked my arm. I spun around, bent my knees. There was 4. Shit, all eyes on me! Its time! Go! I ran toward the one i expected to grab me But didn't. Past him fast, jog past Laughlin in heels. I know he liked it. I was in heels. Extra special sauce. Slow jog so he could enjoy. Larger outer rim and super fast towards the kick. I slammed myself into the chain link fence. Ducked down a bit and tight squeeze -- heels to the side. Stand in the middle. I completed a full circle. Dodged behind the storage shed. I only had 6 inches. My ass bent the fence so i could sit a bit, taking pressure off my knees because I put my feet in toe facing toe. I was too desperate to think that step. Man I was scared
"Stay in the middle. He will come and get you. Man look at my baby I'm so proud" I heard my real mom. The one that gave birth to me.
"Mom! I'm scared! There's too many! Is he gonna be alright?"
"Mark will help he will be fine."
"Okay I'll just wait then" I looked down at my nails and picked at the cuticles.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. It was grotesque. I flinched.
"Don't you want me?" He asked leaning his head in as far as he could between the fence and shed.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. At least he looked somewhat human. He was probably the Boss. He was the one i expected to grab me. Instead he just stands around while everyone else does the work.
"They're too high to know what they're doing. They'll be alright"
"Mom my heart!"
"Every thing is alright you just need to caaalllm through it" I felt relief
I just need to look at the normal one. That will be okay..
"Are you kidnapped?"
I heard the chain link behind me I looked and he was trying to move in behind the shed. I whimpered.
"Yeah. You are young, too, I expect. I think i know your boyfriend. He work in New York City?"
I gasped "you are kidnapped! What are you doing?!!"
"They made me do it. Said if i didn't they would kill my whole family. So i pretend to be the lookout hoping someone will catch me, them, they pay me good too. Your other friend is in the van"
Alex appeared
"No!!!" I gasped and put my hand in my face as he knocked out the innocent kid "just go get the other--"
"What am I doing?"
"Kill that thing over there"
"What baby? Let's get you out of there" he leaned over to assist
"Oh my God! Watch out!" I saw the shadow loom near him
"Huh? I already hit this one! Just go the other way babe! It'll be alright"
"Oh my God. I hope so!"
"It will just do what you need to" i heard my mom's voice. "He's over here"
"I know" I was so scared to look around the corner and see the eyes of herion on the face of a psycho but I had to, I know Alex was just holding him off. Pretending to fight. I could tell.
"Now run!" My mom said
"Okay!" I was whining "to the van! I know! Right in front of me!" I felt confident. I got past the fence into the lot "oh no! There's two!"
"Just get in! That is what i was trying to tell you!" Mom said
"Okay... I... I... Okay come on door open for me!" It did it smelled like oily car parts "saint Lcuha?"
Okay get in. What? Did he say no? I could smell his cologne. I was in such a panic. My heart was failing me so bad
"Why are you putting your seat belt on for? He wants thou to drive and Don't duck"
Who? Saint Luches? I looked up and saw Alex.
"I'm hoping that other one is empty. I took the keys. Idk why. Now let's find Jesse"
It took 3 weeks to clean up New Orleans. The CIA there went bad. They said they would let people return home but if any one was on the street they were free game. The mini golf was abandoned. Gate ripped off. Cars in the parking lot but no one was there. We got the club and balls our self.
I had to go to the emergency room 4 times because of chronic heart failure.
One time All i could do was bend over and put pressure on my heart but it was too bad. Alex held my hand as he drove. He drove to the hospital, covered in kidnapper blood. Saint Luches had to carry me in. I was already gone.
They said it was heart attacks. Nurses said it was miracles. 3 heart attacks within 10 days. Massive heart failure. Dead for 9 hours one time. About t pronounce me dead but had to wait on a lawyer from NYC. A miracle they said. But I felt like shit.
Only 6 of us against 294 kidnappers, 2/3 were CIA/FBI
No one went to school or work. Only fully loaded adult vans went to stores and not many shelves had food.
The Evil was great in that town. Just East of New Orleans.
Only 294 took down thousands.
Only 6 if us it took to save them all.
We did the same thing every time. 2 homeless/hungry street walkers, sometimes prostituting.
Or 3 if I couldn't go because I was too sick, around my kryptonite heroin and kidnappers.
2 Michael Jackson and T at movie theaters, gas stations, wherever normal went. Sometimes I went with them. Sat in the back seat. Lincoln Continental. Tinted windows. Back seat window slant for privacy. They would lock the doors. I would unlock T's he would use the key or she would open. Sometimes I did both. That's when we knew I was feeling better. I had to unlock 2 doors all day at least 4 days without missing a stop without a reason. Or I had to stay in the car. I got paid. Really sick days I laid down and slept. She would go in through his side door or stay in and sit with me.
9 times I unlocked the door for a kidnapper. I was usually reading a novella. Id see a shadow, think it was her or sometimes Michael. Just unlock it auto matic ally.
The first time I ran screaming from the car when a zombie got in. And collapsed 20 feet away. I felt dumb. I tried to keep my eyes open. To see whose feet i could hear but i was dead.
T telling Michael "2 days after her 3rd massive heart attack and what's she out doing? Exercising. What the doctor say to do? Not that! You not dead yet? We're taking you to the hospital anyway. This will be no fun. Im not taking the fall for that. What was she doing anyway? Unlocking the door for that that thing. I don't blame her I would taken off running screaming too if that thing came near me. What she call them? zombie? Dam things are scary looking. And she opened the door for the scariest. Bet he could smell her sweet pussy like that other one did that scared her so bad. Said he reminded her of her dad that day when she called the police on him but worse. She said she only told me that cause she said I'm a girl and pretty and her mom was giving her a pretty hard time About it and she wondered she should be scared or not, it was pretty dam bad Michael. She had this look in her eyes that i never seen before. She's asleep now. Wuss. Wuss. But it was bad Michael im telling you. That look in her eyes. Shes never had it, it was terror. Complete terror. Wuss. Wake up wuss. She told me to call her that. Might make her angry i don't care about her feelings. Make her wanna fight me. Im her cousin. I could do that. Wuss. Wuss. She's too weak. She can't. She wants to though. She's awake, i told your secret you wanna fight me? She said no. Don't tell them other two boys tho. I already told Jess. She said i could because he's independent like her but the other two seem to rely on her and she don't want them to know. She said Jesse would know what to do and protect them for her. But if they knew how scared she was They would go berserk. But she said they would start fighting how to take care of her. She said it was good you were here tho. You could take leadership over her and they would let you. They want her safe and out of the way the most part thats what she said. Wuss. Get back in your body. I ain't putting up with that shit, she said at the hospital. Theres something happening up a head. She can't see laying down. Van! Kidnappers! She said that is the one the boys are in. She said to follow. Who is in? Oh Jesse and Alex. Saint Luches always goes alone. But Alex won't. Oh he will now? She said he knew something was wrong so he jumped in too. They're trying to figure out what. Or what to do, what is. Oh they don't know what is wrong with her. Get back in Yoir body and sit up. She said no. She's too weak just tell the boys to shove her against the window. You know they won't. They will have a dam heart attack. Sit up! You see this. She's waving her arm at and it goes up 6 inches then thump. She can't do shit. Wuss. She's just a wuss. I'm just unlocking the door for them So they can get in faster. She had a heart attack. She said collapsed she's trying but she has no rhythm. Just rub her hands and legs and feet that's what the doctor said to do. No she's been shaking her head although slightly and nodding. Nodding is clearer but she's only moving near millimeters. Aren't ya? Look! She smiled! She's lethargic. No don't try to move! Just lay there let them help your blood flow to your heart and brain"
Jesse had got in at my head. Alex at my feet. They just slid under my body. When we got Saint Luches, Jesse slid to the middle and bent me up in his lap then laid me down gently into Saint Luches lap.
Of all the people in the car, Saint Luches put his seat belt on.
Boy been thrown in the back of vans with no seats much less belts for weeks!!. Dam boy. I laughed and it killed me..at least I died laughing, i thought. Instead of of terror.
I had to stay over night. Total 9 days in the hospital. For 3 massive coronary and medium to severe heart attack, that wasnt too bad.
Im glad they diagnosed me. My mother said it was a panic attack. I told her I was sure glad she wasn't a nurse! She laughed.
She didn't die laughing, though, she was already dead.
She was right though... She wanted to become a nurse because of my heart condition. It's actually backwards when I was born. Its turned 3/4 of the way backwards now...
Apparently there's extra long tubes so it could turn all the way.
Love is the only cure. My work here isn't done.
Balls to the walls, kids.
So after that... Well the night i got out of the hospital.. My blood pressure dropped from stress, from remembering the last time i had been in the car, so T had to climb over the seat and help the blood flow to my limbs
So after that Alex decided I couldn't ride alone.
So then when i saw a shadow go to the window 2 days after my 4th trip to the hospital after 4 insane heart attacks, and everyone left me in the car alone because there was 7 vans I just unlocked the door
I wasn't really reading. I was trying but really i wss just looking at the book, listening. So when the kidnapper got in, I leaned all the way back in the seat so my head was far as possible. It exposed my chest so if he wanted to perv on my boobs there was nothing I can do. But it was better than being attacked in my spine or head. So i tried to hold the hardcover book to protect me.
I opened my car door to signal a problem.
"Don't move. Stay in the car"
I shut the door. "What is this? I think the seat belt went out" open the door. Slam. "No shit. I really did it this time" open door Slam. "Now the buckle.." Open door Slam. I saw Alex perk on the 3rd. "Now just one more..." Open door. Slam. I heard him. "I'm coming Baby" "got it. Finally" "uhhh sir? I didn't see you in here before. Did you get in the wrong car? Because I don't know yo--"
I realized if he didn't turn around then may be it was better. If I didn't see his face, I had a feeling I wanted to But I didn't know if it was curiosity or instinct. He had a hood up so when he turned his head it wasn't enough.
"Hey... Uhm.. Did you want to get something to eat? One of my friends has lots of money. Did you see her? You're in her seat. You might want to scoot over towards the middle" Alex had came and he had cracked his door open to hear. I knew we needed to find out our situation. And Alex was there. I wouldn't get So scared. If I saw a shadow behind I would just scream and point. This guy wasn't turning around for nothing. He wouldn't see me point out his friends. Of course the shadows were going the wrong direction. But if i could see i could scream, that would make my point clear. I opened up my book to steady my heart. It wzs begining to race and I had to steady it in the beginning. Just think about Alex getting in the car being safe i said to myself.
"Yeah buddy. You may just want to scoot over. Hey did you want to drive or anything? You can the car is already on." Alex climbed in the car. Shut and locked the door and began to mess with his seatbelt
"Where is the girl with the money?"
"Oh they're not coming" Alex looked at me like why did you say that for?
Idk sounded good to me. They were criminals. All criminals wanted money. I was pretty sure he wasn't going anywhere.
"But i took the money. See? I got a hunny" he pulled out a dollar bill from my purse in the floor.
"This is a one!! I need to make me some money!!" He slid over to the driver side
He doesn't even sound human i worried. Alex said he didn't look like he had any eyes.
He put the car in drive
"Alex! No!"
Alex dust busted him anyway, jumped over the seat and put it in park
"He left his clothes?!"
"Yeah. Sit up here with me"
"No I don't want too. Too much strength. Action. Movement. I can't even read. Did you know? Too much strength"
"I had a feeling. But you're smart enough to slam the door to alert me. Put your seat belt on. There you go that's nice. Thank you bunny"
He was driving around the vans looking for our friends. He turned the corner and so many shadows. He parked. They seemed to get bigger.
"Oh no! Alex! Alex!" Then I just literally screamed and covered my head, he reached back and locked my door. Moving slow and still.
"They're just buildings now. You can look"
"Oh no Alex. One just got in the car! He's sitting behind you! Alex! No! Please don't touch me! Alex! Shoot it!"
He tried to climb up the back window. Like the one the day before had when I was just with Michael and T. He laid there mimicking me. And dangling his arm off the back of the back dash. I didn't tell anyone. I didn't know if it was because i had been dead and it was Mark and my brain wasn't working proper cause the blood so i couldn't recognize. T turned around to check on me a lot and Mike checked the review mirror a lot. I knew he was driving but surely he could see if something was dangerous... But his eyes didn't acknowledge. Neither did hers.
"Your mom said i could!" He sounded hurt. In 2020 that attitude pisses me off and i kill things dead immediately, "we were in the morgue! And we were listening!! They said. They said you were scared! And we knew we couldn't kill the Queen! So i didnt turn around! And i was shot! Shot twice!"
Alex looked at me questioningly. "I don't know? If my mom said it's for a reason. I saw him yesterday and didn't tell no one"
"Thats not what i meant and i think i know that. You do, too. You're hiding something from me. Why are you sacred? Why did you let him in the car?" He said as he climbed over the seat. The last question was angry.
"Idk. You're beautiful do you know that? I love you"
"You make me want to fuck you! But I need to know what you're hiding from me, i know you do it sometimes and you haven't said one word about not working and sitting in a car being a door unlocker and you can kill, too"
"I know i can. Its just temporary until i feel better. Your eyes are so beautiful. Lets cuddle"
"Don't make me do this to you. I can't cuddle and you're sick and i know the truth"
"Oh that's okay just put your arm on the back of rhe seat and ill snuggle with you"
"No. I'm being patient with you. Don't look like i just slapped you."
"You did. Not my face but my heart"
"Fine. Lean against me"
"Take your shirt off"
"No I'm not doing that right now, honey"
"Your pants?"
"I would like to say yes but in your condition that's exerting too much pressure on your tonsils"
"What's wrong with T? She hasn't moved since you brought me over here"
"We don't know. Michael is trying to find the answer"
"You just need to shoot her. Here" i reached for the gun on his thigh near his knee
"No!!!!" He snatched it away.
"She won't die! She's not evil"
No way he was like no way
"Babe trust. Look see me. See her? She needs help. She's not like me. She can't move. Whatever hurt her is not her heart. She would have fallen over."
"Let me ask Mike"
"No let me just shoot her"
"You let one alien in the car and you want to kill our friend?!"
"I've let two."
"Oh well! And!" He was losing it.
"She's my cousin!. Trust. I know her. Something that has her is evil. Remember the clothes in the front seat? You shoved them out the door. So her. It must be alien. It must also be evil alien to do that to her. What if there's like a truck to come run her over so they can take her body. Im going to go stand next to her so i can see"
"No baby I'll just ... Ill just try it. But you owe me the truth why you're scared of aliens."
"Did they kill Mike? They killed Mark"
"No he's in a vacant house using the phone takinf9to the alien agency. Are you ready?"
"Yes. Please hurry. Just fire the dam thing already! Ill do it myself!! Ow that's hot"
"I told you I would do it and I did it. Now you owe me the truth"
"i can't im busy"
"You're not doing anything!"
"Im waiting for... She's awake!! Run!! Please hurry!! Hurry!! Let her in!!"
"What's going on!!!!!"
She ran and jumped in. Moments later a big blue worker uhaul type truck plowed into the car.
"The glass didn't shatter this is good. Now we have to kill them. Hurry! No don't get out! Through the window!"
"No one's driving. What if no one is driving? I didn't see anyone-- why is the truck doors opening!!?? No one was anywhere ne--"
I saw them climbing across the hood of the car. To get in. They could just get in. Especially through glass. I started screaming like a toddler. Then yelling "just shoot it!"
"What? Get down!".
Covering my own ears screaming like a toddler, my heart exploding, i sat in the floor board facing the seat. My back against T's seat. Screaming. "Just shoot them! They're every where!! Theres since many!! They're all gonna die!!" I scream like a toddler again.
T is saying over and over to stop screaming.
Alex is losing his mind and fluctuating between adoring and wanting to kill me.
"Just fucking stop it for Jesus sakes!!" He grabs my arm to pull my hand off my ear.
"Are they done? All dead i mean?" I Sat in the seat
"Jesus Christ my babe! Look you screamed so loud you woke the dead, here he comes"
I cover my ears and start screaming again.
"Jesus Christ who woke the kid?".
Alex gets in my face "That's not what i meant!! Okay?!?! Look!! Babe!! Please!! Just look!! Out the window!!"
I grab his hand and cover my eyes and turn to the window
"Jesus Christ. Do you see what she just did!?"
I lift his little finger. Drop it, Thwn his ring but I still can't see so I lift his middle finger and i can see Michael walking towards us
"Really baby?"
"Im not a baby. Im a babe."
"Well you scream like one!" T is excited to see her man "I'm over here!!!!!" She waves to him.
"No don't open the door. Just don't, you don't want her to scream do you?"
"Well how is he supposed to get in?"
"He can get in. He's family. When i scream it feels good"
"Michael is looking at the clothes. She shot me! I'm over here. Her mom told me she would. She said I'm not evil. I'm good and it won't hurt me But protect me."
"Yeah and my mom told me to scream. She said i used to do it when I was little"
"Not to wake the dead"
"Not like we lived next to the cemetery. Besides maybe they think my singing is beautiful and they want to listen more so they come closer and my singing brings them to life because im magical."
T forgot she could move and Michael was sure she was dead. Couldn't figure out how there was skid marks where she was if they had wanted to use her body. Didn't realize she had already moved. Finally she opened her car door and stood. Me yelling did nothing. His jaw dropped. His eyes widened. His head swiveled. He dropped all these papers.a briefcase and ran to the car "oh my honey! I thought you were dead! I was sure of it! I didn't want to go home. Just wait where you died until you returned." He said into her hair all muffled.
"I told you. Love" i say
"Goddamit Youre sexy" she said
"See? All about Love!"
"But how did you get to move? Get to life or whatever did happen?"
"They shot me"
His face went crazy rage "YOU SHOT MY DAM WIFE!?!"
"See?!? I told you! Love!"
"Im gonna fucking kill you!!" He literally threw ber into the door and tried to get to Alex and strangle him
"Or may be not!"
Long story short. She spanked him. He got woke. I went to get the papers he dropped and he abandoned me in the parking lot.
"Yeah what the fuck!" I gathered them up "yeah you're a real stupid ass. Im glad it got hit. I felt pretty bad for you for a minute even though you tried to kill Alex. Now i don't know how i feel. Yeah!! Mad!!!! Leave the abandoned orpahan alone in the parking lot with alien ghosts with a heart condition! 3 massive heart attacks and a really fucking bad one!!! I can have a stroke any minu-- oh my God. I need to calm down im going to die. Im gonna die. Mom i don't know how to breathe I'm gonna choke to death. Mom! Help!! Somebody?!?!" I fell. It was all dramatic and beautiful.
Alex got out of the car that screeched down the street and picked me up "is this what heaven is like?"
"You wish. You've really got some explaining to do"
"This is so romantic! This is so sweet!!" Everything was pink and blue and not the colors they were supposed to be "is the street a river? Is this good?"
Alex walked around to the other side of the car after dropping me off.
"Oh my God!!! Sabrina!! Oh my God! No stop the car! Are you bleeding?! No! You're turning pink! Armageddon wants you back. No don't go we need you to much. Sit baxk. We will pretend we are ina limo"
"Hes not even in the car"
"Then who wss driving? He was in the seat. The world keeps changing too many colors, the people. I need to eat by the way"
"Sabrina what happened to you by the way? Why did you fall? You were all covered in blood out your nose, eyes. Ears, wrists. Then you turned pink like you lived on Armageddon. And the colors you explain are Armageddon but nothing we saw changed but not on you. Not in the air. Nothing."
"They want me back. They want me back. We will have a meeting tonight. I stayed here?"
"Then all will be fine. Lift up your shirt. No him."
"Why do you Keep telling me to do that?"
"To keep rhythm with your heart. My mom told me that's how she kept me alive. That and with screaming. My dad couldn't do it. That's why they always took me to the bar. That's what she said. She said you could do it for me since Mark isn't here. And just about any Earthling or human as long as it's not Jupiter"
I fell asleep. I woke at the hotel restaurant parking lot
"I'm back!!! I went to Armageddon and they said they're a bunch of douche bag bastards and want to take over the Earth and asked what I thought. I said no. They said they believed it was temporary!!"
Michael turned around. He was an alien. Alex was. Everyone was. I laid back in the seat and started screaming and kicking while they tried to eatmy soul.
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blissedoutphil · 6 years
Can You Milk A...?
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“Men can be milked.” - actual Phil here
Hello, long time no fics huh....yeah sorry about that :’) but I’m back for now!! Just in time to see tumblr delete nsfw blogs lmao :-)
Anyway! I wrote half of this right after that video was uploaded, but then I kinda abandoned everything and now I finally completed it! Sorry for taking forever, especially to all u anons who prompted for this fic!! I hope this was worth the wait. But sorry if it aint as good, I’m kinda rusty after my hiatus omg :x
3566 words of top!Dan, bottom!Phil, slight d/s dynamics, bondage, milking, blowjob, overstimulation, multiple orgasms
~or read on ao3!~
“What the fuck was that comment for?”
“Which one?” Phil answered, standing up to turn the camera off.
“You know which one,” Dan folded his arms, eyebrow arched in judgement.
“I mean I wasn’t lying,” Phil shrugged and winked at his boyfriend cheekily, “you should know that.”
Dan frowned, but he couldn’t stop the blush spreading on his cheeks as he got reminded of the last time they got a little kinky. Months ago before the tour started, Phil had made sure to give Dan so many orgasms in a row that he’d be sated for the tour. Dan made it to four before he came dry and passed out. But it was some of the best sex he ever had, and he made sure to bring the toys Phil used on him on tour in case he craved for a good milking again.
Coming out of that recollection, an idea formed in Dan’s mind.
“Let’s test it out to see if it really is the truth then,” he said nonchalantly as he got up and moved closer to Phil.
Phil looked at him inquisitively as he straddled his lap, not objecting to his advancements.
“You wanna be milked again?” Phil asked, smirking as he gripped Dan’s waist tightly.
Dan mouthed at Phil’s neck, lips softly trailing down to Phil’s clavicle. He loved being under Phil’s control, letting Phil take over and decide how much pleasure he’ll get. But today, he was in the mood to switch things up. And he was going to let Phil figure that out himself.
He bit down on Phil’s collarbone and Phil groaned, mumbling something about having to hide the hickey. But Dan couldn’t care less as he sucked on the bruise forming there.
Dan ground his hips, feeling Phil’s cock hardening through their clothes. Phil’s grip on his hips tightened, trying to take control and stop his movements. Dan allowed him for a while, to let Phil think he’s still in charge. He got off of Phil’s lap, beckoning Phil to stand with him.
Dan walked backwards to the bed, pulling Phil along with him. Just before he reached the bed, he quickly turned them around and pushed Phil onto the bed. Phil gasped as he fell on his back, not expecting it at all. Dan placed his hands on either side of Phil’s head, his knees digging into the sheets by Phil’s hips. Phil was effectively trapped under Dan’s body, and he looked up into his boyfriend’s lust blown brown eyes as he realised what was about to happen.
Dan smirked, seeing Phil’s eyes widen as he finally caught up to his plan, “We know I could do it, but let’s try it on you now to see if men can be milked.”
He reconnected their lips and snaked a hand underneath Phil’s shirt. Phil gasped into Dan’s mouth as Dan’s cold fingertips explored his skin, light touches tickling his ribs before landing on his nipples. Phil bucked his hips up involuntarily when Dan tweaked his nipples, tugging and twisting them one after the other until they hardened.
Phil was always impatient when he was bottom. He squirmed under Dan to take his shirt off, and Dan helped him undress. The more impatient and restless Phil got, the more Dan liked to take his time. Dan loved to see Phil wrecked and completely needy before they barely started.
So when Phil began undoing the buttons on his jeans, Dan smacked his fingers away. He pushed Phil back down and slowly palmed him through his jeans, lips lingering on his jaw. Phil huffed, patience already wearing thin. He bucked his hips into Dan’s hand rubbing along his clothed erection. Phil soon became completely hard, uncomfortably constricted by his tight jeans.
“Dan,” he panted impatiently into Dan’s mouth, knowing Dan was going slow on purpose.
Dan ignored Phil, opting to suck on his nipples instead. Phil knew that Dan would use his impatience against him, so he tried his best to settle down and not fidget around. When Dan was satisfied with Phil’s behaviour, he finally helped Phil take his pants off, licking his lips when he saw Phil’s cock spring out of his underwear.
Dan sat up on Phil’s slightly spread thighs. Phil was usually in charge, but he knew how to be a good sub too, albeit needy and impatient at times. He placed his hands above his head, one hand grabbing onto his other wrist tightly to show Dan that he won’t touch himself unless given permission.
Dan smiled at Phil’s obedience as he took in the sight before him. Phil’s cock twitched in anticipation, eyes wide as he gazed at his boyfriend and wondered what his next move was going to be.
Dan wrapped his hand around the base of Phil’s cock and Phil inhaled sharply, willing himself to lay still and not buck up into Dan’s hand. Dan very slowly, too slow in Phil’s opinion, moved his hand up along Phil’s shaft, the steady pressure and grip tight enough to make Phil exhale loudly in pleasure.
When Dan reached Phil’s tip, he let go completely instead of giving a downstroke. He smirked when Phil whined slightly in frustration. He kept up the slow upstrokes, building Phil up to his orgasm excruciatingly slowly.
Phil was already flushed, cheeks slightly pink as he looked down to see his boyfriend teasing him with the slowest handjob ever. He was so tempted to grab his own dick and jerk himself off, but he gripped onto his wrist above his head tighter.
Dan finally started stroking Phil’s cock properly when Phil’s chest started to glisten a little from sweat. Phil moaned gratefully, feeling himself leak his first spurt of precum.
Dan slicked Phil’s cock with his precum as he continued jerking him off. Phil’s cock was red and throbbing already, and Dan mercifully picked up his pace. He watched as Phil bit his lip to muffle his moans. Phil’s thighs were trembling slightly under him, and his knuckles were white as he gripped tightly onto his wrist.
Phil’s moans became more high pitched as Dan continued stroking him, and Dan knew all too well that it meant that Phil was going to come undone soon. He stroked Phil even faster, his other hand moving to fondle Phil’s balls. He thumbed at Phil’s slit every time he reached the cockhead. Phil moaned louder at that, and he looked on at his boyfriend desperately, seeking permission to come.
Dan smirked slightly before he bent down, taking Phil into his mouth fully. Phil let out a string of begs right then, incoherent phrases where all Dan could hear was please and Dan.
Dan sucked on his boyfriend’s cock for a bit before he sat back up. The moment he told Phil he could come, Phil released himself all over Dan’s hand that was still moving along his shaft. Phil moaned gratefully as Dan stroked him through his orgasm. His hand finally loosened his grip on his wrist and he melted into the sheets in his post-orgasm bliss.
But Dan didn’t let him rest for long. Merely a few seconds passed and his hand was back on Phil’s sensitive cock. Phil mewled and tried to get away from Dan but Dan was still sitting on his thighs. He gulped as he saw the smirk on Dan’s face.
Before Phil could prepare himself for what he knew was about to come, Dan had started rubbing his tip. Phil squealed as Dan polished his cockhead, his flat palm rubbing continuous circles on his reddened tip. Phil felt so sensitive and ticklish, and he wriggled around throughout the post-orgasm torture. When Dan squeezed his tip, he couldn’t bear it any longer. He brought his hand down on instinct to swat Dan’s hand away.
Dan tutted disapprovingly, and Phil looked up at him with wide doe eyes, trying to look as innocent as he could.
“You know better than that, don’t you?” Dan patronised, tightening his grip on the base of Phil’s cock but not moving his hand.
“Sorry!! I didn’t mean to, it won’t happen again I promise,” Phil exclaimed, his hands quickly going back above his head.
“It better not, or I would have to tie you up,” Dan warned before starting to stroke Phil again.
“Let’s see if you can beat my high score,” Dan said gleefully as he quickened his pace until Phil was fully hard again.
Phil gulped. He’d love to beat Dan at any game, but he wasn’t sure if he could come more than four times at once. He’d never done it before, and he didn’t think that his stamina was at strong as Dan’s.
Dan left the bed suddenly, and Phil had to restrain himself from whining at the loss of touch. He remained still in his position and peeked over to see Dan rummaging through his suitcase. He wondered what toy Dan actually bothered to bring on tour.
Dan hid the item behind his back when he returned to the bed. He bent down to kiss Phil deeply. Phil whined into the kiss, melting into the bed even more. He’d never get tired of kissing those beautiful plush lips.
Dan broke the kiss to reveal the toy he was hiding. He grinned when Phil blinked in surprise.
“You actually-”
“Yes, yes I actually packed it,” Dan interrupted.
Phil had never used the rubber sleeve that milked four orgasms out of Dan on himself before, but he was now excited to try it out. 
“I’m so gonna beat your high score,” Phil said confidently, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
“Don’t get too excited,” Dan chuckled, “I have control over this thing. And over you.”
Dan’s low voice sent a tingle down Phil’s spine. He spread his legs even more, showing his boyfriend that he was ready for anything he wanted to do to him.
“And just to be sure...” Dan trailed off, taking out a few ties from his suitcase.
He efficiently tied Phil’s ankles to the bed, and then Phil’s wrists to the headboard, leaving Phil feeling more exposed, especially since he was fully naked and Dan was still fully clothed.
Dan traced a finger down Phil’s cock ever so lightly, feeling it pulse beneath his fingertip. He slowly fitted the cocksleeve down, hearing Phil moan in satisfaction. The cocksleeve fit him perfectly, covering him from his base all the way to the tip of his cock. It was nice and tight, and it already felt good. He knew he’d be done for the moment Dan would turn it on.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Dan asked, wiping the bit of sweat off Phil’s forehead.
“Uh-huh,” Phil breathed out and nodded.
Dan turned the toy on with a remote, immediately drawing a moan out of Phil. The rubber sleeve began moving slowly on Phil’s cock, squeezing at just the right pressure.
Dan was still planning on going slow and building Phil up to his orgasm. He giggled at Phil’s reaction. Phil was scrunching his face in pleasure, short breathy moans escaping his lips. If this was how Phil reacted to just the start, he’d never survive and beat Dan’s score. Phil should know what the toy can do since he was the one who controlled it over Dan first.
“Da-n,” Phil spoke brokenly, “f-faster!”
Dan tutted again, shaking his head. “We’re gonna go at my pace, babe.”
Phil groaned in frustration. The pressure on his cock felt good, but the movement was too slow for him to reach orgasm any time soon. His hips involuntarily bucked up, trying to get more friction with the toy.
Just then, Dan pressed a button on the remote. Phil yelped in surprise when he felt vibrations on his tip. The cocksleeve began to vibrate along with its movements up and down Phil’s cock, and even though it was still moving slow, Phil could feel himself getting closer to his orgasm already.
“Yesss,” he drawled out, fists clenching and unclenching above his head.
Dan sat by his side and observed as he turned up the vibrations. Phil was grunting and bucking his hips up, and Dan decided to speed up the milking. The moment he turned up the speed, Phil spilled all over the toy.
Phil moaned, relishing in the feel of the toy milking him through his second orgasm. The high felt way better than the first, with the vibrations making it more intense.
It soon became too much though. Once he was done coming, his cock felt sensitive. It tried to soften but couldn’t as the toy just kept on jerking him off. The friction he craved for not too long ago was now almost unbearable, and he twisted around as much as he could in his bonds, but the toy was not moving off.
“Too much,” Phil panted, even though he knew he wasn’t going to get relief. After all, he’d done the exact same to Dan, so he knew that Dan was just returning the favour.
“Really? You want to give up already? Not gonna try to beat me?” Dan questioned, slowly moving closer to the toy and pretending to come take it off.
If Phil wasn’t tied down he’d punch Dan for knowing exactly how to push his buttons. He was not going to let Dan win this.
“No,” he breathed out, “I’m gonna beat you.”
And so Dan watched in amusement as the toy continued milking Phil ruthlessly. Phil whined and whimpered through the overstimulation, until too much turned into not enough again.
When Phil was fully aroused again, Dan turned up the speed even faster. Phil couldn’t help his string of moans as the toy squeezed around his cock and milked it. The vibrations at the tip started to pulse, and Phil could feel it all the way down to his balls. 
Dan was familiar with how Phil was feeling, he remembered how intense the vibrations felt when it was used on him. He went to cup Phil’s balls to feel the vibrations and Phil instantly bucked his hips up into Dan’s hand, craving for Dan’s touch. Phil was moaning out Dan’s name, the only word filling up his mind.
“Daannnn dandan, Dan kiss me,” Phil said desperately, and how could Dan deny him when he looked and sounded downright adorable when desperate.
Dan kissed him deeply, dominating it as he bit on Phil’s bottom lip and licked into his mouth. He turned the vibrations up as he distracted Phil with his tongue and swallowed all of Phil’s whines and moans.
The third orgasm took longer to reach than the first two. Less cum dribbled out this time, and the high was not as blissful as the previous times. Dan kissed Phil through it. Phil sighed into Dan’s mouth. He was getting tired, but he refused to stop before at least reaching a tie with Dan.
“You alright to go on, baby?” Dan asked softly, hand combing through Phil’s sweaty hair.
“Yeah don’t stop,” Phil said breathlessly.
He was thankful that Dan slowed the toy down, it gave him a bit of a breather. The tingling from the overstimulation was still there, but at least it was not as unbearable as earlier. Still, Phil couldn’t help but instinctively try to close his thighs together to stop the toy. It of course didn’t work; Dan was very good at bondage.
The toy was still squeezing along his shaft on the slowest setting when Dan gave Phil a bit of water which he gratefully gulped down. His skin was damp from sweating so much, the sheets sticking to his back uncomfortably. He watched through half lidded eyes as the toy continued milking him - moving up and down, up and down. He could see his tip appear at the top every time the toy moved down, and it was so red from overuse and the constant stimulation from the vibrations. He breathed in deep, enduring the toy squeezing his oversensitive cock.
“Ready,” Phil confirmed after a while, and Dan wasted no time in increasing the speed of the toy and the vibrations all at once.
Phil groaned loud, overwhelmed by all the sensations. His toes curled as he felt himself slowly grow to full hardness in the cocksleeve again, but it was getting less pleasurable than at the beginning of the scene.
Dan seemed to understand exactly what Phil was feeling and needing. Phil wondered if his boyfriend could read his mind as he watched Dan quickly undress.
“Let’s help distract you from it feeling too much again,” Dan murmured as he climbed back on the bed, thighs bracketing either side of Phil’s head.
He stroked his own dick a couple of times, smiling down at Phil who was already eagerly sticking his tongue out for a taste. He guided himself into Phil’s open mouth, sighing in content when he was engulfed in the warmth of Phil’s mouth.
Phil moaned around Dan’s cock and tried his best to bob his head and suck as much of Dan in as he could from his position. Dan was softly praising him, which encouraged him further.
“Good boy, you’re doing so well,” Dan praised, thrusting his hips slowly into Phil’s mouth.
Dan stroked Phil’s hair lovingly as he watched Phil suck on him. He loved how Phil visibly preened every time he praised him. He never stopped his praises, even while turning the vibrations of the toy up higher. He moaned when Phil hummed around his cock appreciatively.
The faster the cocksleeve moved on Phil’s cock, the faster he worked on Dan’s cock too. He sucked hard, licking at Dan’s tip and tasting the salty precum there. 
Soon, Dan was moving so fast that Phil just laid there and took what was given to him. Dan moaned loud as he fucked Phil’s mouth, going as deep as he could until his balls smacked Phil’s chin with each thrust.
Phil relaxed his jaw and let Dan fuck him, swirling his tongue around his shaft and helping Dan reach his orgasm faster. He looked up into the adoring brown eyes that were staring back down at him. He moaned deep around Dan’s cock, letting the vibrations arouse Dan even more.
He’d missed bottoming for Dan. The look of awe on Dan’s face every time he served him. The sense of accomplishment every time he gave Dan pleasure and every time Dan praised him. Dan was a precious bottom, but he was amazing at being a top too. In that moment, Phil was so devoted to giving his boyfriend pleasure that he almost forgot the presence of the sucking and vibrating sensation on his own throbbing cock.
“Gonna,” Dan warned, and Phil hummed in response, sucking in deep to stimulate Dan’s cock further.
With a loud moan of Phil’s name, Dan came deep in Phil’s mouth. He shivered slightly as he orgasmed, feeling Phil swallow around him. He breathed harshly, and only slipped out of Phil’s mouth when he was done coming.
“That was so good, Phil,” Dan uttered breathlessly. 
He swiped a thumb across Phil’s red bottom lip before bending down to suck it into his mouth. Phil moaned into the kiss, and Dan could taste himself on Phil’s tongue.
“Love you,” Dan whispered when he broke the kiss, but before Phil had time to answer, Dan turned the toy up to its maximum.
Phil all but screamed. The sleeve was moving along his shaft so fast, vibrating and squeezing at an intoxicating pressure. Phil felt heat pool deep in his gut, orgasm rapidly approaching. Dan tweaked at Phil’s nipples, and soon enough Phil was rambling that he was close.
Dan’s hands roamed all over Phil’s moist body as Phil orgasmed for the fourth time. He gently stroked Phil’s chest and tummy, helping him to calm down. Phil came dry this time, groaning through his orgasm.
Phil felt high but so tired at the same time. He thought he was seeing stars, felt like he was floating on a cloud. He hummed gratefully at Dan’s soothing touches, stroking down his arms and his chest, grounding him from floating too far in his mind.
Before Phil could realise what was going on, Dan had already taken off the cocksleeve and untied his wrists and ankles. He looked on sleepily at Dan who was wiping his drying cum off his lower stomach. He hissed slightly even though Dan was careful and gentle when cleaning his crotch, feeling so sensitive. His soft cock was red and spent and he sure did feel overstimulated.
“Didn’t beat you,” Phil pouted, although he knew that they both knew that he could not go on. And he was thankful that Dan knew him so well to stop without him having to ask.
“A tie’s good too,” Dan said and gave Phil a quick peck on the lips.
Dan quickly put away the toys and returned to Phil who was making grabby hands at him. He brought the covers up and slid into the bed next to his boyfriend who immediately snuggled into his side.
“See, men can be milked,” Phil mumbled, yawning halfway through his sentence.
Dan chuckled and squeezed Phil impossibly closer into his chest. Phil sighed happily, feeling warm and safe in Dan’s embrace.
“Yeah yeah you’re right,” Dan planted a kiss on Phil’s head, “now go to sleep.”
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lifeafterten · 6 years
RtN 02: Sept 02 -Sept 12; Get Me the FUCK Outta Here
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I’ve been here for days. Who the fuck stays in the hospital for days?... Fucked up people. And I’m in Fucked-Upville-- Population (points to self) this mother fucker. 
Okay. Okay. I’m turning the drama down.  Honestly though... I’ve been here a fucking while. I have an I.V. tube in each arm, one for fluids, because I’m perpetually dehydrated, the other is for the antibiotics that don’t seem to be working, because I still feel like death. I have to often lay in awkward positions so I don’t tangle myself and make the machines go off. So. Much. Beeping. And I swear to Christ, if they come at you with a little blue bag and claim it’s potassium... RUN--Fucking run, because once they hook your ass up to that shit you’ll feel like they’re injecting fire into your veins and you can’t scream because let’s face it: you’re too damn tired, so you settle for some weird case of facial Tourettes in the form of wincing and hissing. And they turn the drip down enough for the fire to feel like a sting... and you feel that effervescent sting until it’s done. It’s “supposed” to take 30 minutes-- they say. But my pansy ass can’t take the heat so the slowed down version makes it last at least an hour and some change. I pray I’m not stubborn enough today to take the morphine.  Why won’t you take the morphine, Ashley? I’ll fucking tell you why-- I have control issues.  And the morphine feels too fucking good that I need the pain to remind me that I’m still alive and to gauge between dream and reality.
At this point I’m agitated (by pain and impatience). I’ve been stuck by damned needled so many times, because of all the bloodletting I’ve been doing.  These assholes have been taking my life source (no, not coffee, you freak) twice a day. Oh, I’m sorry, they’ve been taking my “blood cultures” twice a day.
Why? They don’t say. They tell me to ask my doctor. My doctor is a pussy.  Soft spoken; pussy footing fucking pussy, who can’t give me a straight answer.
I dismiss my doctor more than a person dismisses alcoholism. Day drinking is not a bad thing. Who cares if it’s barely noon and you’ve been drinking since 9. ... Not speaking from experience-- Anyway!
I dismissed my doctor a lot. I couldn’t help it. I’ve been laying up in this bitch for weeks and you can’t give me some indication of what’s going on; let alone a time frame of when I’ll be able to go home-- on top of a mother fucking reason why I’m being kept in here for so damn long? Yeah. Fuck that shit. Dismissed, mother fucker. I have no fucks to give for useless asshats. Come talk to me when you can tell me what the fuck’s up. 
I’ve been moved to three or four rooms. From the ER bed to Surgery... Then to another room in Surgery... to the Telemetry ward, because my heart rate was too high-- which honestly I’m not surprised... I’ve been on permanent pissed the hell off for quite some time now.  They take my vitals every 30 minutes.  I’ve been counting because I literally have nothing else to do, besides... I only feel that it’s fair that I monitor them while they monitor me. But mostly it’s because I’m bored and there’s nothing on TV.  By now I’ve refused visitors.  I’ve dodged death a couple times.
Homicide via Mio overdose: Backstory: I asked for Mio, because they kept saying I was dehydrated and I thought I needed electrolytes like a muh’fug, so when my friend Kris came by (note she had no idea what Mio was let alone how to use it) and had dumped an entire bottle of Mio (24 servings) into my water jug (16 - 24 oz tops). I take one sip of it and I thought I was gonna die. Chest was on fire. My machines were going crazy, because I was coughing my lungs out and poor Kris is panicked and distraught. Its hard to convey you’re okay if you’re croaking like you’ve been smoking for about 300 years and your vision is obscured by tears. Sidenote: The incident still brings her to tears to this day, she feels so bad. Personally, I think it’s adorable and funny... Now, at the time...? Owie.
Suicide via Mother doth Love too much: I love my mother. I do. I love my entire family. But they like to hover and it was stifling. They’re looking at me with worried eyes when they think I’m asleep and I get it.  It doesn’t look good, kid.  My sister? God love her, she tries to keep the worry and her tears in check because she knows I don’t know how to handle them.  My Dad? Shit, my dad knows what’s up. He knows I’m gonna handle my shit the only way I know how. On my own terms. This is why I’m a daddy’s girl. My brother and sister in law on the other hand? My bother spilled water down the front of my gown (had to change that shit. not fun) and his wife, in her efforts to break my fever, stuffed my fresh new gown with ice packs.. And when I say ice packs, I mean latex gloves filled with ice stuffed in my gown. Stuffed. In. My. Fucking. Gown. That’s it-- I’ve had it! Everyone’s banned.
And it’s also hard to put on a tough front when all I wanna do is cry, but I end up just being angry instead.
The only human interaction I had is when the nurses are taking my blood, or my vitals, or switching my IV bags, or helping me to the bathroom to do bathroom things, or giving me sponge baths because I’m too weak to get out of bed, or shooting morphine into my body to ease my torment; or shoving pills down my fucking throat because nothing is fucking working. I’m still getting fevers out of nowhere.  People are coming in and out every morning to lift my gown up (they do it so much they don’t even ask anymore. A brief thought of charging them crosses my mind, and I allow a small giggle. Because it’s silly, because I’m glad I still had somewhat of a sense of humor.) Still, I think my cooter deserves some ounce of respect. Women’s lib and all that crap. I’ve turned this part of the day into a game (I’m SO fucking bored). I like to spot the face tightening moment when they assess whatever the fuck is going on with my leg (I don’t know. I haven’t seen... I don’t want to see yet). 
It’s fun for me, because they’re medical professionals-- they’re supposed to be used to this kind of thing. But the face tightening? To me that’s a victory. That just means they have to school their expressions to indifference so as to not alarm me. Ah, bed side manner.  They’re so sweet. But I know just by their non-expressions that it looks fucked up. I have to look at the small details; read between the lines of what they’re not telling me.  I’d be in the dark otherwise. What are they not telling me? I know they’re testing for something... But I don’t know what they’re testing for. I stamp down fear, because I don’t have enough data to panic.
My dreams are getting scarier, because of the morphine. No more morphine, I promise myself. Vicodin only.  Yeah, that seems safer. The nurses, I’ve learned, just need someone to listen to them. Since I can’t get a decent night’s sleep because they’re fucking coming in every 15 to 30 minutes all day, every day, all the fucking time... Why the fuck not? I got nowhere else to be. I seem to have opened Pandora’s Box, because it’s 3am and I’m giving life advice to Agnes who has a very rebellious son, whom I point out is 16 years old and he’s going through a phase, it doesn’t mean she’s a bad mother.  Which I reminds me that I need to tell Doris who’s part of the Day crew that Agnes is off on Wednesdays too and that they should hangout together, because I think they would get along. I make a mental note to pass Agnes’ number to Doris later. I really should start charging... This pro bono shit aint working out. 
During my hospital stay I’ve managed the following:
Make only 4 nurse assistants cry
Befriend most if not all the Filipino nurses (they gave me all the apple sauce I wanted)
Make that one stern Indian Night Nurse smile (she gave me yogurt and bananas every time she was on shift)
Counsel only 5 to 6 nurses, mostly 5.. the 6th one kinda got weird. Didn’t take whatever she gave me.
Snob my doctor almost every day. 
Made my main nurse laugh because she thinks I’m a riot. 
Days later it was time for me to go home. I knew this for damned sure.  I saw so many specialists from an infectious disease doctor to a surgeon. I was so fucking bloated from all the fluids they were trying to fill me with that they could barely find veins to stab to get their precious blood cultures from. 
I also decided that with my body like this the Mitchelin tire man was my cousin.
Sidenote: To hell with the Infectious Disease doctor. That heifer made me lay on my side for two fucking days straight. Fat load that shit did for me. With all the extra fluids in my body, it just shifted to one side. All it gave me was a backache and lopsided boobs... and some fucking fluid in my lungs. Fucking devil woman. I got a fucked up leg, I’m the size of a float during the Macy’s Day Parade, and now I got lopsided tits. It’s funny... now. At the time? Not so much. It was September 12.  I had broken out in a rash due to an allergic reaction to one of the antibiotics. (Let’s just add that to the list of whatever the fuck else is wrong with my body, shall we?) My “doctor” (doesn’t deserve the title nor respect. Sorry not sorry) was trying to get me to stay a few more days. I’ve had quite enough. I told him to get the discharge papers ready. I’m leaving. My fevers were gone. My leg wasn’t draining so badly anymore (ew, gross. sorry) I felt fine. Despite me constantly checking my hands so they don’t try to scrape my skin off. Fucking hell I was so itchy. I didn’t need to be in here. That’s when the good doctor decided to divulge that I hurt his feelings and that I was his least favorite patient. (Boo freakity hoo.) But I was a good girl and let him talk, said all the appropriate things. ... He’s still a pussy.  He was glad to be rid of me and the feeling was more than fucking mutual. I did not tell him to get fucked. I did not tell him to suck my dick. I did not flick him off. I did not throw shit at him. I was rather proud of myself. I showed great restraint.  But I did point out that just because he had the “MD” attached to his name, does not mean automatic respect. Respect is earned Dr. Pussy foot.  I signed the paperwork with relish. Jessie came to pick me up and I was whisked off to spend my mandatory (couldn’t argue my way outta that one) bed rest at the Joseph’s.  I’m so tired of laying down. TBC...
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH18
OH WOW LOOK WHOS FINALLY UPDATING! Its been awhile and I need to get the main plot finished before I do anything else with the holiday plot so heres the next chapter. The gang gets take out and bonds a bit over kung pao and entrails. 
Bad cop, Worse cop
“Well while we wait, Leech right? A word please.” the elder clown turned to the vampire. She went to stand and follow him but wobbled on her still busted leg. She would need fresh blood to heal it she had to kill again.
Leatherface helped her to the kitchen and sat her on a chair patting her head with a smile and walking out. Uncle Penny was very quiet it was actually making her quite unnerved. “Alright look this aint easy for me to say-”
“You want me out don't you. What? You worried I'm gonna ruin your little protege or something because he caught a case of the fucking feelings?” she spat claws drawn.
“Will you let me finish? Sheesh you're a little spitfire no wonder the kid likes ya.”
Leech hissed “Fine”
“Junior in there… my nephew…or whatever you want to call it. Look I like that kid a lot alright?” the elder clown began. He seemed to be struggling with this quite a bit “He’s a bit more of a drama queen but he's still a version of me. The kid likes you fangs he likes you a lot. Just be good to him alright?”
“Wait you.. care about him?” Leech instantly dropped her guard.
“Yeah kid, I guess I do.”
“I'm starting to see the relation now, you're both secret softies.” she gave him a devious smirk.
The elder clown grumbled and helped her up. “Don't tell nobody.”
“Chucky does it really matter what we order were just trying to find to information” the female doll reached for her wallet that her husband was going through in search of money to pitch in for their order.
“Look we might as well get some good food outta this Tiff, and I want some of that kung pao.”
“If the doll gets chicken I want noodles” Ash spoke up slamming a $10 on the coffee table
“I'm putting in a request to keep this garlic free.” Leech shouted with a vigorous nod from Dracula.
“C-can I get orange chicken?” Jim poked his head from behind the couch.
“This aint Panda Express Jim they don't got that” Chucky grumbled getting out his own wallet.
“Get the kid sweet and sour pork” Tiff suggested.
“Ask for extra cooOOokiEs!” Penny spoke up jingling his bells as he bounced.
“Ok but do we want rice though?” Freddy called out to the rest of the gang as he repeated their orders
“Don't get it with shrimp I hate their shrimp” Uncle Penny joined in opening his own colorful wallet.
“Leatherface wants egg rolls” the giant excitedly clapped behind Leech and grunted “extra dipping sauce!” she said for him.
“What?! What do you mean you're out of the beef and broccoli what Chinese place runs out of beef and broccoli I'm calling Chin’s at least they have fucking orange chicken!” Freddy hung up the phone and dialed a different number “Hey Ken, its Fred. You got that beef and broccoli yeah?”
“Freddy were supposed to be ordering from the other place so we can find out who has the book.” the gang shouted at him.
“Oh shit. right.”
“Never have I ever…been naked in public.” Chucky stated. The gang were all piled in the kitchen waiting for the unsuspecting delivery person to arrive.
“Oh fuck you.” Leech growled and took a drink along with tiff.
“Wait when did you go naked in public?” Chucky turned to his wife.
“Last girls night got a little uh….it got interesting,,,” Leech trailed off nervously as Penny spit out his drink. (which was just a cup of pure grenadine)
“You did what now?” the younger clown growled.
“Tiff may or may not have killed someone at a spa and then dumped the body at the Quarry” Leech laughed nervously.
“Which led to your brilliant drunk idea to wash the evidence off and hide the body in the lake”
“Look it was nice until that cop showed up! You even said so!”
“Wait you two went on a drunk murder spree and then skinny dipped after?” Chucky looked at both girls in awe.
“Well I had to swim out to the middle to sink the body and there was no way I was going to do that in my nice outfit.” Leech trailed off.
“Shit how come I'm never invited to girls night!?”
“Chucky you're the last person we’d invite to girls night.” Tiff rolled her eyes.
“Am I the first?” Penny turned to Leech excitedly.
“You're the second to last”
“Wait why am I last?”
A knock at the door broke the conversation. The monsters all went eerily silent horrible wicked grins grew on their faces.
“Ash and Jim should go upstairs.” Dracula suggested
“Wait you're not planning what I think you guys are planning are you?” Ash looked at the gang. He was still a good guy despite hanging with villains. Letting them kill some poor delivery kid was a bit over the line for him.
“Go upstairs Ashey” Freddy said clacking his knives on the chair he was in.
“I’m not ok with this”
“Sorry pal, gonna need you to stay out of this one. Bubba help me out here.” Freddy turned to Leatherface who causally walked over to ash and knocked him out cold. Leech snapped her fingers at Jim and pointed at the unconscious man. The poor servant struggled to haul him upstairs. A harder more impatient knock came at the door again. The monsters all vanished out of the room and silence fell upon the old house once more. The delivery girl pushed the door open with an eerie creak. “Um hello? I got a pretty big order here for a mister Kruger?”
The door slammed and locked behind her. She yelped in surprise dropping the bag of food.
“That bitch better not have spilt my chicken” Chucky whispered from the closet.
“Shhh Chucky!” Tiffany hissed.
“Babe I’ve been thinking about that chicken since the phone hung up the craving cant be stopped!”
“I cant remember did you get the white breast meat kind?” Leech whispered from behind them.
“Hell yeah thats the best kind!”
“Nice. I miss Chinese food”
“WILL BOTH OF YOU BE QUIET!” Tiff hissed rather loudly
“Who’s yelling in here? Girl doll, Leech stop chatting!” Penny's head appeared from between the coats
“I wasn't chatting it was Fangs and Chatty Cathy here. Also I have a name clown.” Tiff snarled.
“Yeah don't be mean to my wife Jingles!”
“All of you stop talking! How are you three this incompetent!” the clown hissed
“Hey! I’ve gotten better Pen!” Leech snapped at him, accidentally pulling the coat she was supporting herself with off the hanger and crashing into a broom.
“HELLO?!” the delivery girl called out frantically.
“I needed something to hold onto! Are you're forgetting that my leg is fucked up!?” Leech hissed at Penny
“Ugh just come here lean on me”
“Aww thanks Pen~”
“Hey love birds shut your traps!”
“Watch your mouth doll!”
The door flung open and the girl shrieked. The monsters seemed slightly caught off guard all looking at one another to make a move.
“Oh hey there…uh you didn't see if the chicken survived did you?’
“You're still on about that?”
“i am craving that kung pao fangs.”
“WHAT THE FUCK WHAT ARE YOU AAAAHHHH” the girl screamed as her head was yanked back and a knife covered finger pressed into her throat.
“Wow you guys suck at this” Freddy laughed as the girl thrashed and shrieked.
“I am injured Freddy, also can you shut her up? I cant hear myself think.” Leech covered her sensitive ears.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll have Bubba tie her up”
“P-PLEASE STOP WHAT ARE YOU-“ the giant grabbed the girl around the waist and carried her away.
The delivery girl was blindfolded and strapped to a chair she couldn't see who was in the room with her but she could hear. Bells jingled around her and something growled.
“Mmmm I must say it is nice to get some take out from time” Pennywise laughed sniffing the girl.
The girl screamed and penny’s claws gripped her shirt sharply yanking her forward. “None of that dear, we just want to ask some questions. Then you can scream all you want hehehe.”
“YEAH LIKE WHY IS THERE SHIRMP IN MY RICE?” a raspy shout came from the living room.
“Alright bad cop my turn” Leech stood up to try to move Penny out of the way but doubled over in pain taking her chair to the floor with her. The clown snarled and released the girl going over to tend to his mate who was raking claw marks into the table.
“You're not going anywhere Leech just sit.”
“Pen I want to help.”
“You’re ruining my table with your helping. Sit.”
“But pen-“
“No buts Leech!”
The two monsters began to bicker and Dracula casually walked over to the poor delivery girl undoing her blindfold and gag. “You will have to excuse my associates my dear, they can be quite barbaric in their ways. Now, we have a few questions for you about your place of employment if you answer well things might turn out for the better for you.”
“W-what do you want to know?”
“Pardon me for a moment dear” the elder vampire turned to the arguing pair. “*AHEM* WILL THE BOTH OF YOU EITHER REMOVE YOURSELVES TO A ROOM OR QUIET YOUR SHOUTING?”
The couple stopped immediately.
“……D-did you just tell us to get a room Drac?”
“Do you not think I am capable of making such remarks? I do live with Fred Kruger.”
“This is taking too long” the clown marched over to the girl grabbing her throat with his claws.
“Penny she cant speak because you're literally breaking her windpipe”
“Don't tell me how to intimidate my victims Leechie! Stop back seat scaring.”
“Hey I'm just calling it as I see it Pen”
The clown snarled at the nosferatu his claws making small cuts in the girls neck as he glared at his mate. “Your beloved is right clown she's no use to us dead” the elder vampire stated. Pennywise huffed and released the girl who began coughing and crying. Leech inhaled sharply and pushed herself up using her anger to mask the extreme pain in her leg and gut. She stumbled over to the girl and cupped her face. the elder vampire and clown watched on with interest.
“Girl, listen. We need to know if any of your coworkers meet the description of hair gel and revenge obsessed. Probably someone new in town, carries around a creepy looking book”
“T-theres A-Adam I g-guess… He doesn't seem revenge obsessed he seems rather nice really. Will you let me go now p-please?”
“See Pen? You just gotta get straight to the point and- Wait…wh-what was that name?” Leech’s eyes darkened and her blood ran cold
Bones cracked in the vampires shoulders and she pulled her hands away staring at her blood covered fingers and back at the girl. “Huh….that… thats interesting….”
“Apprentice, isn't that the name of-“ the elder vampire was cut off by Leech’s soft laughter that grew louder and frantic, her voice splitting into something demonic till the nosferatu doubled over and began shrieking.
“HAHAHAHA SEE YOU CANT HELP IT EITHER!” Pennywise shouted to her beaming with victory as his mate gave into a frenzied bloodlust.
“It seems she's been picking up your mannerisms clown” the elder vampire said to him.
“Birds of a feather.” Pennywise chuckled to himself as leech’s limbs stretched and dislocated. The nosferatu’s face changed to the large eared skeletal bat monster and her claws clacked against the kitchen tiles. The creature charged the delivery girl grabbing her face and tilting her head back. She frantically licked the cuts on her victims neck with greed and when the girl screamed Leech roared back at her in her face. The nosferatu bit down into the girls collar and began to shake her head side to side like a shark cutting out a large chunk of flesh. Pennywise grinned and let out an involuntary purr.
“Ah would you look at that! She's come so far. You must be proud of her.” Dracula said to him looking on like a father at his daughter’s graduation.
“Very.” Penny smiled dreamily. The elder vampire patted him on the shoulder and tipped his hat moving to join the rest of the house having dinner on the couch. Ash came downstairs rubbing his head going to the kitchen to fashion an icepack when he saw the murder scene unfolding in the kitchen
“What the hell happened here?”
Leech sniffed the air a chunk of flesh hung from her mouth. She turned to the human and lunged at him screeching, Ash quickly drew his shot gun and took aim. Before anything bad could happen something grabbed the vampire by the ear and sat her down. Whoever it was spoke to her harshly in Romanian and Leech felt weirdly compelled to obey turning back and landing in a squatting position.
“You need to show me how you did that vampire.” Penny turned to Dracula in earnest.
“What was I just doing?” Leech shook herself in a haze.
“You got triggered!” Freddy shouted with a mouth full of noodles. “Some guy named Adam has the book and you freaked out.”
Gasp what a twist. Not really but I’m excited to reveal Adam the vampire to you all and the real reason Leech left him. Also Dracula shouting at night creatures to sit the fuck down in Romanian like he does with the wolf in Bram Stokers Dracula. PS: Don’t break Pennywise’s table.
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askavilasandazazal · 8 years
ship meme; cock blocked, moon of my life, home on the range, cherry bomb, cherry knot, rattle the cattle, 7 minutes in heaven, and u pick one
Cock Blocked
who believes in love at first sight? serina i think, kremei would be neutral and/or indifferent about it
who started liking the other first? kremei for sure
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? kremei but maybe but he's just trying to soften serina up
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? hmmm i think they might switch? or just not really drive at all
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? kremei tbh i think serina would try to put up the tent tho
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? 
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? idk tbh i think they might entertain the idea of trying it if given the chance
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? kremei would try to do his best bc he knows serina works hard but i feel like they'd both like, take it easy bc their lifes aint easy
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? serina ! kremei would hum but may sing a bit??
who teases the other for said singing? both tease but kremei more so
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? kremei
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? both
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? kremei would def try even if serina goes in kicking & screaming
Moon Of My Life
who believes in love at first sight? SONBIS!
who started liking the other first? both!!! but neither know of this
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? sonbis would try lmao he jus wants 2 b nice and treat her right
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? neither, i dont think they'd drive haAHA sonbis is too big to fit in a car nontheless
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? sonbis would try to do both so pugena could just rest. but i think they might avoid going camping bc of anxiety over past experiences
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? they do it together tbh aaaad i think maybe the fishing would turn out to be a bust for both of them? prob brought back up food just in case
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? sonbis would want to try but i think they'd have difficulty bc of their legs
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? sONBIS!!!!! gets pugena all the things (may go overboard tho)
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? def sonbis bc he's just enjoying himself & likes 2 do stuff for others!! i dont think pugena would necessarily sing but would hum along
who teases the other for said singing? neither
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? sonbis first but pugena soon after bc its interesting
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? same thing here
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? sonbis would as long as pugena is comfortable w it
the rest r under read more cuz its fucking long a shit
Hone On The Range
who believes in love at first sight? neither
who started liking the other first? pugena maybe?? or a mutual like
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? neither, would probably go for like a fair thing instead 2 go easy or smth
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? kerata.... if can get in a car that is
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? KERATA or both
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? kerata would hook and pugena catches more fish. kerata would get impatient and yell @ the fish to get on the damn hook
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? pugena, if not neither
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? both ! but nothing 2 big
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? pugena maybe, kerata cant sing lmao
who teases the other for said singing? neither
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? pugena?????
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? pugena would, kerata is just like THIS IS A WASTE OF TIME
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? KERATA
Cherry Bomb
who believes in love at first sight? kimu, traiki would be like 'i dont believe till i see it/experience it'
who started liking the other first? both probably but unknowingly, cause they were busy focusing on other stuff
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? traiki would try to
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? traiki
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? both would work together, or they just wouldnt camp at all for saftey reasons
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? both do it together too but traiki would try to dive in and catch it hands-first AND hook some onto kimu's line to make her feel happy
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? both maybe
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? traiki def would 4 kimu
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? traiki would probably hum and would sing if kimu wanted! 
who teases the other for said singing? neither
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? both tbh
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? botH
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? traiki def if kimu was okay with it
Cherry Knot
who believes in love at first sight? tandis sort of, but in a twisted way, like 'i like you so it must be destined'
who started liking the other first? tandis, that creepy fucker
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? kimu b4 she finds out tandis is utter trash
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? tandis
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? they wouldnt camp, tandis wont allow it
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? 
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? kimu (at the beginning) but tandis is 
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? tandis might try to get a present but it would be some shitty thing cause he doesnt know how to listen and thinsk what HE thinks is best is the best
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? kimu for both at first; after, neither
who teases the other for said singing? tandis
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? kimu at the beginning of their relationship, neither at the end
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? same thing here
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? tandis (forcefully)
Rattle The Cattle
who believes in love at first sight? bessie lmao kerata a little bit too but denys it
who started liking the other first? kerata for sure
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? kerata would try but he doesnt know how 2 be romantic so bessie ends up taking he lead
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? BESSIE kerata would road rage
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? kerata collects wood and bessie sets up the tent
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? kerata would hook and bessie catches the fish. kerata would get impatient and yell
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? bessie but kerata would refuse
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? both
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? bessie
who teases the other for said singing? kerata (jokingly of course)
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? bessie but kerata would deny interest in it (and checks when no1 is around)
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? bessie
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home?  KERATA
7 Minutes In Heaven
who believes in love at first sight? kremei lmao as in love at first sight of bessies rockin bODY
who started liking the other first? kremei for sure
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? i think bessie would be like NAH we aint doin shit like kremei wants- take me out 2 dinner and we'll see what happens after
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? kremei (if either drive in the first place)
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? kremei tent, bessie wood
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? kremei hooks and bessie catches. but kremei would prob be like this stinks LETS GO SKINNY DIPPING INSTEad
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? kremei if not both i think
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? both
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? bESSIE
who teases the other for said singing? kremei cuz he's a lil shit
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? kremei would insist
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? kremei but would be stupid about it like "am i gonna be able to do anal tonight"
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? i think both could carry each other ngl
Do Re Moo
who believes in love at first sight? SERINA but vimeri would be hopefuly abt it
who started liking the other first? serina lmao
who is more likely to suggest a romantic, candle-lit dinner? bOTH
who’s behind the wheel more often during road trips? serina; i dont think vimeri would know how 2 drive
who sets up the tent and who gathers firewood during a camping trip? vimeri all the way. would probably end up helping serina bc how do tents WORK
who hooks bait during a fishing trip? who catches more fish? they do it together and i think vimeri catches a little more than serina
who insists on learning how to ballroom dance? serina haha
who goes all out on the other’s birthday? BOTH but serina more so
who sings louder while cooking? while showering? vimeri while cooking and serina while showering
who teases the other for said singing? serina teases lightly but just cuz she enjoys hearing vimeri singing
who insists on checking their zodiac sign compatibility every so often? serina at first cuz vimeri wasnt rly aware of zodiac stuff OR jus didnt have the time to check it out herself
who drags the other to fortune tellers at fairs? serina
who would carry who over the doorstep of a new home? vimeri tbh
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