#impaired reasoning
glasscribbles · 2 years
Chapter 1, Emma
In which Emma is drunk and having a very nice dream.
Emma was dreaming. She had to be. It was the only thing that made sense.
Only half her attention was on her surroundings. She was walking on some sort of metal grating, wandering through strange corridors lined with glass-faced coffins. She’d get to an intersection, choose a direction, and travel down the next aisle. It was always identical to the one she’d just left, though. Always.
The whole place was silent and dimly lit, terribly still in a way that should’ve had her on edge. If she wasn’t sure she was dreaming, she’d be terrified. If she wasn’t still pleasantly drunk, she’d be nervous. As it was, she was happily neither.
The other half of her attention was focused on remembering the music she’d been dancing to earlier tonight, the way the two men she’d danced with had touched her - respectful and lustful in turn - and moving her feet to those memories without falling over.
If she was dreaming, then she already made it home safe and the worst that lay ahead of her was a hangover. She had the whole day off tomorrow, which meant plenty of time to pamper herself as she suffered penance for the fun she’d had tonight. There was nothing to worry about.
Emma paused. If this was a dream - and it was - and she was aware that it was a dream, then she should be able to control it, right?
A wicked grin curled the edges of her mouth upward and she laughed as she spun in a circle.
Her body was awake and aching for release - a night of dancing always left her like that - but she hadn’t followed anyone home tonight. If this was her dream and she was in control, then she wanted someone who would fuck her senseless. Someone primal and strong and dangerous. Someone who could fuck her until she forgot who she was - until she forgot how to walk. Someone who wanted to keep her, who wanted to own her, in every sense of the word.
She shivered at the thought, her body thrumming with desire, and closed her eyes tight while she concentrated on what she wanted.
She opened her eyes again after a moment and looked around.
When no one appeared in front of her, she frowned. Maybe this sort of thing took time? This was the first dream she’d found herself in control of, after all.
Another song came to mind and she continued down the corridor, shuffling her feet and twirling around, mumbling the words under her breath.
She opened her eyes and let her voice trail off as she slowed to a stop. Now, this... this just might be exactly what she was looking for.
This coffin was different. It was larger, reinforced, and had some sort of warning plastered over the front of it. Inside was a man, a great giant of a man. He had skin the color of warm copper, a head bare except for a layer of black stubble, and a body that looked sculpted. He wore a blindfold, a mouthbit, and his arms and legs looked like they were chained down.
Emma swallowed hard. Her heart was pounding in her throat.
She wanted to say that he was familiar. She had this instinctive feeling that she knew him, that she should know his name, but he wasn’t anyone she had met before.
She stepped closer and leaned on the glass, trying to think. She startled when he moved.
He tilted his head just the slightest bit closer and his nostrils flared. A low rumbling sound came from within his chamber, one that had her whole body buzzing in anticipation.
He knew she was here. Emma couldn’t have said why, but the knowledge warmed her like a shot of liquor.
She started to pull away from the glass, pleased to see him leaning forward as she did.
He wasn’t as pleased, though. The sound coming from him took on a hard edge - like a warning or a reprimand - and she felt her breath leave her in a rush. She pressed herself back up against the glass without a second thought and the rumble softened back into something silky and seductive.
Emma shuddered. Her panties were soaked and her knees felt weak.
She’d never felt like this before, where just seeing a person - just hearing him - would make her so worked up. There was something about him that called to her. She wanted to touch him - needed him to touch her. She wanted his mouth and his hands and his skin against her. She wanted his body on her, pinning her down and fucking her raw. She wanted him to own her, to dominate her.
She ran her tongue across her lower lip and shivered again.
The man in the coffin strained against his chains, muscles flexing and shifting like he’d heard every thought in her head.
Emma bit her lower lip at the sight, but it didn’t quite muffle the moan that left her throat. She had to get him out of there.
She glanced over the thing he was in for a minute. She only saw the one lever. It was in the same place as the coffin opposite him, though, so maybe that was the release?
She looked up at him. He’d gone still, but his face was still turned toward her. If it wasn’t for the blindfold, she’d think he was watching her. “Hang on, okay?” Her voice sounded breathless, even to her own ears.
She waited until he responded - a single, tight nod - then glanced up and down the walkway. Everything looked clear and she couldn’t hear anyone else moving around, so she pulled the lever and took a few steps  back.
It took a moment before something in the pod unlatched. There was a hissing sound after that and then the whole glass front swung open.
Emma swallowed, trying to ignore the way her heart was pounding. Nearly every fiber of her being knew that the man in front of her was a predator, a threat, and that she should run. Something deep within her, though, some quiet, firm voice insisted that he wouldn’t hurt her. She shifted, not sure how to process the conflicting instincts.
The man was already moving, though. He twisted his torso - powerful muscles rippling under his skin - and, with a metallic pop, pulled his restraints free from where they’d been bolted down. He made it look so easy, like he was stretching out a stiff muscle. As soon as he was free, he took one step and landed lightly on the grating in front of her.
Emma’s mouth was so dry. He was close enough to touch, now, but she found herself hesitating. She wasn’t afraid of him, just... nervous. This moment felt big, important. Even if it was only a dream, this... whatever this was, she didn’t want to mess it up.
He held still, not yet moving from where he dropped down. He was facing her, but his head was cocked to the side a bit and his nostrils flared again. Did he smell something?
Moving slow, even if he couldn’t see what she was doing, she reached toward him. “Your... your, uh...” She shook her head and licked her lips. “Your gag.”
He leaned forward and down, invading her personal space until he was practically nuzzling her shoulder and neck. She shuddered again and held as still as she could. She had to set her hands down on his upper arms when she started to sway. Just the feel of him being so close... it made her head swim and her breath hitch. She took a few breaths, trying to clear her head, then focused on what she meant to do. Her touch skimmed along his arms, over his shoulders, and up his neck, ending when she reached the horse bit that was wedged in his mouth. It took some work, but with his help, she managed to pull the stupid thing over the crown of his head and out of his mouth. She let the thing fall to the ground with a clang and tried not to whine in disappointment as he stood up straight again.
He brought his hands - wrists still chained together - up to rub at his jaw. Emma stood rooted to the spot, unable to look away. He licked his lips and she felt a soft, wanting sound leave her mouth. The chuckle he answered her with was a dark, wicked thing that curled around her like smoke and made her heart stutter in her chest.
He lifted his hands from his jaw to the blindfold, pulling it off.
"Well, look at you."
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aivilo · 2 months
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another study! if anyone knows who to credit for any of the meme refs lmk
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Non-ADHD and non-autistic disabled people whose only idea of ADHD and autistic people is shaped by media depictions of a nerdy white boy or a quirky goth girl with low support needs: "Yeah ADHD and autism are destigmatized and we should ignore people with ADHD and autism in favor of real disabilities. I am very smart and progressive."
Lateral prejudice towards other disabled people will get us nowhere.
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seithr · 8 months
remembered that my shepard/spacer shep has a still alive mom in the alliance according to ME2/3
also remembered that that character (katrine/caia) always has a sister uninvolved in the family's career military history
remembering she had to mourn her elder sister who just Disappeared for two years, and would have spent even longer knowing shepard isn't alive bc their alliance mom probably can't just tell a civillian doctor,
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varpusvaras · 3 months
I just started to think more about the argument of "they are super soldiers, they can't get fat!" regarding the clones, and...
Having no fat retention would be extremely detrimental for soldiers engineered for war.
The body needs energy. It gets it from food, yes, but how likely it is for all the clones to be able to eat regularly the amount of food they need, while doing extremely physically taxing things on the field? The body needs energy. It needs food. What happens when the body does not get food?
It starts to eat itself.
The clones would be losing muscle and be collapsing from exhaustion all over the battlefields, constantly, if they had no fat retention. They would not stay in their bodybuilder-movie star physique for very long.
The reason anorexia is so dangerous is because the body starts to eat itself. It eats the fat, it eats the muscle, it eats the teeth and the organs, it eats the heart. The body eats itself to keep itself alive for a moment longer, which only ends up with it killing itself in the process.
Clones with no fat retention would be the worst soldiers there are.
(Some books have mentions of clones being always hungry and having a fast metabolism. They need to have fat retention in order not to burn themselves to the ground instantly)
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I like how one day we all just unanimously agreed Obi-Wan is allergic to everything and Cody carries around epipens in his utility belt and uses them a little too frequently
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king-ludwig-ii · 2 months
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King Ludwig II in his later years, because he was incredibly handsome and that fact never gets enough appreciation 🦢🌙
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zalgoid · 2 days
Little rant I from my insta story I feel the need to add on to-
It pisses me off that a huge chunk of the creepypasta fandom decided that Eyeless Jack, the character whose most distinguishing feature is NOT HAVING EYES, should be able to see. Like I do not care if you think it’s cause he's a demon of whatever. Your human-eating monster will not be less scary if he is disabled. And I posted that on my Instagram story for the sillies and got a few replies just saying “No! No, he can’t be disabled for this, this, this, and that reason.”
Like besties you are proving my point. You’re saying “No EJ can see its canon 😾” under a post about how it pissed me off a most of the fandom refused to let a character be disabled even if it is reasonable. Saying “No he can't be disabled” under that is just proving my point!
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witherroze · 7 months
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hermit s10 glasses / goggles / eye enhancements hcs
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trashpandacraft · 9 months
i really wish that people here on the 'accessibility is so so so important' website would figure out how to use alt text.
i know adding it is an additional barrier to posting, but i'm hard pressed to believe that 95% of people here are unable to ever clear that barrier. it's not that hard to add a brief description of the photo--imo anything is better than nothing, and for many pictures, brief is better than a ten-paragraph description.
i know for a long time tumblr was bad about supporting it, especially for photo posts, but they have pretty robust support since about when automattic took over, and it's a real fucking bummer to me that so few people have adopted it.
if you'd like to see alt text but you're not sure how:
on mobile: if an image has alt text, there's a little button that says alt in the lower left corner of the image. most do not.
on desktop: you can inspect image etc but tbh the modern web makes it a pain. xkit rewritten has a toggle that shows it underneath the image, though, which makes it very easy.
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
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i am visually impaired: can someone tell me what Bruce's mug says? i thought it said "World's Okayist Father" but i realised there wasn't an apostrophe. squinting gives me stronger headaches but i also REALLY want to know.
link to webtoon: "Episode 2, The Last Cookie".
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haunted-xander · 1 year
I see a lot of people saying Wriothesley might be blind and while I think it'd be cool if he was, I'd like to remind you all that the literal first thing we see him do is read
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palms-upturned · 2 years
Tbh as a cane user it’s a little funny to me that Harry gets shot in the leg (and potentially the shoulder) and then has to just. Continue w his Jamrock shuffle. Sounds like a wheelchair situation to me, but damn, nobody had even a spare cane for the guy? Crutches, perhaps? Couldn’t even like go out and get a particularly large stick? He reopens his wound just by taking a nap and having a nightmare, and then if u try and let him catch his breath you’ll just trigger the idle animation where Cuno makes Harry give him a piggy back ride 😩 and then you can’t even do drugs about it or Jean will bully you. How about I shoot YOU in the shoulder and the thigh and see how well YOU do even trying to MOVE without fourteen different substances in you, hm?? Anyway I think there should be a cane in the game with +2 Pain Threshold (pain management) +1 Volition (soldiering on) -2 Hand/Eye Coordination (hands full) and +1 Half Light (improvised weapon)
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fox-guardian · 1 year
does anyone have any tips/advice for writing image descriptions for art tutorials. like text heavy stuff where the images are still Important to describe in detail. how would I go about this.
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hargrove-mayfields · 2 years
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Teacher Steve x Guidance Counselor Billy!
Steve is a substitute teacher in the education program for disabled children. Helping kids who don’t always get the assistance they need has always been his dream, at least ever since he was the one struggling to pass his classes because of the total lack of accommodations for autistic kids like himself in outdated Hawkins classrooms. Lucky for him, his husband by elopement Billy has the same dream, just for slightly different reasons that are more aligned with kids with behavioral issues being helped through their big emotions and talked to like human beings, so the two of them get to work at a school together in their new California town! (Also, if you peep closely at the edits, Steve is blind in one eye, and Billy is using a hearing aid because he’s hard of hearing!)
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bywandandsword · 11 months
I'm listening to the Red Dragon audiobook, and the one thing I take issue with is that the narrator gives every other southerner an accent, but not Will Graham. None of the adaptations give him an accent. The man grew up poor in rural Louisiana and spent the first part of his career in New Orleans! He's gonna have some sort of accent!
He can be brilliant profiler that Hannibal is interested in or in love with and be a southerner with a southern accent, I promise!
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